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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1890)
" " " M m 0 TREOMAMA DAILY BEE : ( SUONPAY , FEBRUARY 10. 1890. HTHE O rATIA BEG I COUNCIL BLUFFS H ori'itn : . > o. its iT.Antj stiiicict H Ttlltufil tr tsirler In any part of the City H HW 'Ill/fUN MANAGKH H IKMSPIIONKSl H HiPivrfROi iict tin tx B N1CIIT lDITOII Mi 23. H Ml.tblt MKNriO.\ . H K. Y , P. Co . H | Council HHiffs Lumber Co , coal | Thatcher coal , 114 Mnln street H C&rlton Coal Co wholesale , retail , 10 Pearl | Tun V , A. S. irirct nnclcly " .111 plo a hall H nnd ImtKiuet on Tuesday evening nt the O j A. H. H The robbery of A. A. ltnrt's ' Jowclry store H on Snturdny evening is characterized by tlio H police ntid everybody else ns otioof the H meanest on record Mr Hurt linn been B rnnKlng n hnrd struggle nnd can Illy nfford H to sustain the loss , H Hun tawen flvo premiums Angelina flour H Try n sack H A good girl can secure a good situation to H do general housework by culling on Mrs 1 * . H M. I'rjor , < S10 lllult st Hj C. M. stcntndyo works , 1013 Broadway H _ o H | S. H. Wads worth & Co , 207 Pearl street , H loan money lor Lombard Jav Co H I'ctroiihI IarneraDln M A. L , . H. Smith , head bookkeeper in the H Wnbusli ofllcos In this city , was taken sud- M dcnly nnd seriously 111 nt ills residence , 114 H logan street , nt mi eni ly hour Sunday morn H Inc Fi lends thouglithowiisdyliiR and hastily H cnlled n plijMeliin llo was suffering from H violent abdominal cramp and was ( illicitly H reliuvrd , but is still con lined to bis bed H Clnirllo l.ncny and 'vlfo and fnuillv re- H turned \csturd.iy from an extended visit to B KeokuK HHV The handsomest ami cleanest market , best HHb meats and lowest prices at J. M. Scnnlnn's , H lit'iidrrs H of fine watcbos unit Jewelry In the city , ami H the pliuo to buy the host goods ut the lowest H prices is the establishment without rivals , H the most reliable linn of H C. H. JAtqi'EMis & Co H Have SO per cent on tombstones nnd motiu H mentB Ucsicti sheet ana price list frno L > H Kcllcy03 Broadway Council HlutTs H Ilrs Woodbury Imvo rouiovod their dontu B cfllcoto 101 Pearl street , up stairs "Ueslrnhlo dwellings for rent nt reduced rices l > \ li II Slicafa & Co , rental agants , ? Jroadwny and Mnla st , up stairs L L H * * H S. M. Williamson sells the Standard and Hj Domcstiu suwitig machines 100 Main st H A Scn-ntiiiiiiil Dnntli H There goes another unforlunnto , " snid a H habitant of oiio of the dugouts in that part H of Council Uiuffs known as Duck Hollow , H ycstcniay afternoon Ho pointed to an H Omaha undertaker ! ) wagon that was passing H down Upper Harrison street Its only a H | ioor young girl who c.imo over from Omaha Hj yesterday inoriiing and had u baby last night H unci died " H Inquiry nt the local undertakers developed H the fact Hint nt least a sudden death had j occurred in the humolo abode of Charley j Johnson The only information that could H be obtainrd Instnvcnlng was that volunteered H by Unuertakers Lunklcy & Porter , who B stutcd that , thu young girl was n sistor-ln-law B of Johnson , that slio came from Omaha ut 10 | o'clock tnturdny morning , was taken sick in H the evening nnd died during the night They H saw no ovldenco of clilldhlrtb , butweregivon | to understand that death had r uultud , froin H bcnrhdlseaso No physician had been called , H no ccrtiilcato of death given , nnd oven the | youm : girls name wns Unktioivn to ilium H { Sbo was taken toOmnhaycstcrdayaftornoou B j in nn Omaha undertakers wagon H'J J.O.Tipton , real estate , 537 Uroadway H4 * - The popular wall paper and decorative Uj establishment of P. C. Miller has been re- Ht ] opcuud with Mr Miller as mnnnger The [ entire stock lias been purchased by Jacob I. . . B Jensen , and largely Increased by the iiildi- H tiun of all the latest styles and designs by H the best manufacturers The old CBtablisli- H moiit Is ready for business again , a fact the H public will note with interest H The Council Bluffs losuranco companys' ' H evei'iige nnnual inconio slnco organization H [ bas been $120,000.00. Disbursemrnts t slnco organization for losses nnd other ex- 3 peiullturos now exceeds (1,000,000 00. Risks ! written since organization , M2.770.545.00 H ! Every property nvvnor should patronize this l1 tiomo institution , nnd in that wuy encourage H nnd build up our city ; J. li Allen is the city | ngent of this company , and n more honor H | nblc , rolinblo nnd trustworthy man can not B bo found Tno directors of the company uro M { Hon W. R Stipp , E. L. Shugnrt , R M. Qault , | John Uonners , M. C. lirniuerd and J. Q. B j Anderson It Will tionu lis Settled , A director of the motor company stated yesterday that the pass question would in all probability bo settled this week Said bo : The Injunction part of it would liavo been onrScd before Judge Thornell yesterday , but Mr l'dsey , ono of Mr Evans attorneys , was sick nnd could not altond to It 1 think that j it will cotno up next motion day , which n j next Saturday Both parties nro equally j anxious to have the matter disposed of In | some way If Mr Evans position is good , j ho undoubtedly wnuts to bo s-ktislled of It , j nnd if it is not , wo would like to know it and j Imvo the injunction dissolved Mr Evans ! takes the position that the ofllcors of the company Imvo no right to civa nwny his money by issuing passes , and wo hold that ono man who has a minority shnro of Uio stock cannot dictate the ntT.iIrn of a corpora tion , if his stand is good ho could with equal propriety go to work and sell out the company's property , because the business was not being run to suit him In oilier words , his position is that the minority can control the majority It is simply a question for the court to determine whether or not the law will warrant his bollof It wont take very long to argue the case and if the court can decldo it in the sumo length of tlmo as is required to submit It I think yon will bo nulo to annouuen the result in next Sundays jjie , " Go to Dompsny Bros • , for flno confection ery , Boston chips , butter cups , oto , 105 Main , Dr H , S. West , dental surgery , No , 12 Tonrl street , ovorTiiK IIee odlco Full line of homeopathic medicines at Ellis . The Itoss Investment and Trust company , Iowa lump coal , spot cash , 13.50 per ton I Council Bluffs Fuel Co Travelers , Hotel Jameson is llrst-class. The water runs when Hlxby plumbs A Slight Clue Yesterday morning Charles ' Moore , who resides in the northern part of the city , made a find willed furnishes a very slight clue In cbuncetlon with the burglarizing of Harts Jewelry store on Saturday ovonlnff , an ac count of which appeared in yesterdays ' Hue Whllo passing the corner of Thirteenth street and Avcimo 0 be found a ladies gold watch lying on the ground and a llttlu further along a silver ono They were of the lot stolen from Harts store and tbo sup position is that they were dropped by the thieves in tbelr Might Two theories nro advanced : ono that the burglars were mulling for the northern part of the city , where they • • planted tbelr bobt.v , ami the other that they were going to Ouiuhu und were avoiding Broadway uutil the wcsloru part of tbo city could be readied , that they might take a motor nud escape undiscovered across tbo rlvor , Tha police uro worklug on tbo case , but have as yet discovered nothing that tends to estab lish the iuoutlty of the daring burglars Wo want you to list your rental property with us and wo will secure you good , ro „ llublo tenants Hunts collected and special attention given to care or property , K. 11. • bhcafo & Co , Uroadway and Main it , up • \ talrs t A ROW IN THE SCHOOL BOARD Member Schoontgou Exproaftos Much DlB3fttlBnctlon. ( THE MOTOR PASS QUESTION I'rnlinlilllty Thnt tlio Mutter Will llo Srttlfil tlio CtititinR AVcpIc A l > entli In Duck Hollow I'cisounl Mention A Itiipttirr In tlio Fclmnl Tloiril 'flic disagreement among tho'membors of tbo school board at tbo mooting hold Satur day evening bid * fair to develop into uutto n bitter contest nnd has already led to nn open rupture Matters have not gene along as harmoniously ns might bo for the past year , but It wns not known on the outsldo that there was nny pcrious difficulty or that the relations of the members were other than friendly The cause of the outbreak on Sat urday night was as follows : Mr Schocnt- gen chairman of the committco on tcachors , appointed Miss Julia Wnlkcr to IlU the va cancy caused by the resignation of Mtsi Southwell Miss vVnltar had never boon elected as a substitute by the board nnd nt the meeting sovornl of the members picked up the matter Mr Schootitgen explained that the ether member of tbo tcachors' committee , Mr Hunter , was not In the city nnd ho had to make the appoint ment before Monday morning In order that the school need not bo Interrupted Ho saw the superintendent , who told hint that Miss Walker " . 'as n competent tencher , nnd on this account lin appointed her to the place The board thought that Mr Schoentgen was tak ing n llttlu too much power on himself , nnd accordingly sat down on the nppomtiitont On word brought on another , und ( Inullv it developed Into quito u hot debate , with President Stewart and Mr Schoentgen on ono .sldo ami Messrs , Italn , Blnxstm , Hunter and Inwson on the otlmr 1 ho breach widened rapidly nnd will bo manifest in a personal light from this lime on to election , Snld Mr Schoentgen yesterday : "Uio whnlo trouble is the outgrowth of allowltiz politics to enter the educational question , and the consequent attempt to run tbo schools as n political adjunct I am opposed to that , and urn not enough of a democrat to allow such u state of affairs to goon without obJcLting to It If there is any branch which should bo conducted on broad guugoprinciples and entirely frco rrom party inllucnco or dictation , it Is the free public schools It seems that there nro members of the board who do tint think as I do ' 1 hero Is n disposition to throw everything to the Irish Catholics , una supply all vacanclas among the teachers from this class I am not opposed to thoin , but I believe that nn prejudlco should bo shown in their favor Place all on an equality so farns their religion Is concerned , and decldo the merits of the applicants on nnotlior basis Church membership should not constitute an essential qualification , neither should it bo u disqualilicatiou Now , let mo illustrate how matters are being conducted The rules provide th it no teacher shall bo elected without the recommendation of tno teachers committee Disregarding this piecedent , during the absence of both Mr Hunter and invself from the city , Mr Hluxsim thought ho saw his opportunity nnu tried to secure the appointment of Miss Katie Morris nnd Miss Delia O'Kourko as substitutes President Stewart objected , ns it was contrary to the rules , but the other members of the board insisted , nnd the vote resulted three to ono to make the appointment A week ago yesterday I was notilicd by Mr Stcwmt that Miss Southwell had resigned and Mr Hunter being out of the city , I ap pointed Miss Julia Walker to till thu vacancy Superintendent MoNuughton said bo needed another substitute und I appointed Miss Lilllun Hart , both ginduates of our high school , and having passed an excellent ex amination At the mooting Saturday night both of them were thrown out und MIssoa Morris and O'Hourke elected in their placjs These latter ladles are both grad a.itcs of the sisters school and never attended the public high school Neither the superintendent nor myself know anything pf their qualiticntlonsor over heard of them before Granting that they are well qualitied to tench why should the change bo made in their favor ? It simply shows very plainly the disposition that has been for soma lima manifest to discriminate in favor of the Irish Catholics This is unjust and un-American , and I protest against it most vehemently I am an American und in favor of American institutions , but I will not stoop to some of the potty intrigues indulged in by some who claim to Imvo moro Americanism in thoin than I have 'lhu present situation is the result of political intrigue There has bcon a big chtiugo slnco Mr Hunter came out as n candldato for Judge of the superior court Before that tlmo ho heartily opposed the solcclion of so many Catholic teachers nnd stormed nbcut It much moro than I ever did All this is now changed , and bo is working as bard on tlio other side ns any of them Messrs Lawson and Haln are both very anxious , for some reason to me unknown , to bo reelected to their present positions as members of the bjard These three aspiring candidates and Mr Ulnxsim nro working hand in hand , nnd is it hard to toll the rea son ! Mr Hunter stated at tbo tncctini ; that ho would oppose paying Miss Walker a cent for her weeks woi k , nnd I tqld them thcro thnt If this board refused to allow the bill another board would consider it , and if Unit board refused I would pay it myself I toll you that the condition of affairs as conducted by this clique is getting to bo most alarming 1 will not bo a parry to It , und I will not consent to remain n member of the board and bo compelled to suffer tlio odium that must result from their actions I am not a candidate for ofllco and would not again qualify If elected to ono 1 bavo at heart only the best Interests of the city , but 1 have yet two years to serve as member of the school board , yet I stale most positively that if the two outgoing members of the board are ro-olccted I will resign Immedi ately after election , und Mr Stewart assured me Saturday evening that ho would do the same It is a question for the citizens to deter mine The ro-elcctlon of these members will moan that tbelr policy Is approved , and ours , of course , disaproved If , therefore , our policy docs not moot with the approbation of the citizens it is far better that others should take our places Matters Imvo come to such a pass that this stand Is necessary in Justlco to ourselves I am perfectly willing to let the publio decldo the case , and by that decision I will abide " Thu Manhattan sporting houdq'rssVlS 13-wny. Full line of imported und domestic cigars Kelley & Youtikerman Tlio I'nwcr nf tlin Holy Spirit The Nov , Q.V. . Crofts addressed an un usually largo congregation in the Con gregational church at tbo mornlug hour It the third and ' ' yestordav , was concluding sermon of a sonos the pastor lias dolivoi ed upon the subject of the Holy Spirit Ills text was Iuko Ul ; • ) ' . , And behold I send the promise of my Father upon you ; but tary yo In tbo city of Jerusalem , uutil yo bo endued with power from on high " The speaker rapidly sketched tbo situa tion of the apostles at the time the words of Christ were spoken Our Lord had loft a great work for his disciples to do , but they were not fully prepared to do that work , They were to wait for the outpourings of the spirit The promise is contained In Joel HiSS-JO , and Acts II : 10-31 ; And It shall como to pass In the last days , salth God , I will pour out my spirit upon all llcsh ; and ) our sons and your daughters shall prophesy , aud your young moa shall see visions , and your old men shall dream dreams ; and on my servants and on my houjoaiaideus 1 will pour out in these days my spirit and they shall prophesy And it shall como to pass that whosoeyor shall call upon the nsmo of the Lord shall ua saved " The church needs tbo same divine power today to overcome worldllness ; to load It to greater consecration ; to convince tbo world of sin , righteousness and Judgmout , aud to give cfllcaoy to tbo means used lor the salva tion of the world All great movements In the history of the church have been begotten by tno Holy Spirit , Not only may Pentecost , with Its thousands of conversions , beAppcatcd tons protf , but evidence Is also furnished by the rapid recessions to the church during the whole of the llrst two centuries It Is cer tain thnt ministers of the Lord , lnvmcti , de voted ami fearless women and oven sinves then united In bringing the gospel to the different circles of society , nnd that com tncrco likewise wns n powerful agency In carrying it to the rcmotost pans of the Roman empire It is equally ovluont that the Holy Spirit attended the truth diffused in this manner with converting Influence , nnd that ns inpully ns the truth was dissemi nated It is mnlnly by the lnnguago em ployed by the early apologists and contro versialists that wo nro Informed con cerning the wonderful growth of the church and her rapid advance on the world The triumphs of Christianity In so short n Period ran onl.V bo accounted for on the assumption that the Christian host wns constantly bolng swelled by the nddltlon of large numbers In succeeding nges similar outpourings of the Spirit were attended with the same effect What was the reformation but the glorious revival of religion ! It was then the Spirit convmcod men ot sin , right eousness nnd of Judgniont , Thcro were stormy controversies tor truth nnd right , but these did not stand in the way of conviction of sin and conversion to God , A largo part of the tlmo of the reformers wns taken up in clvlng counsel to the Inquiring and the tempted , Thn questions which were publicly dubatod often received their Importnucofrom the connection which they had w Ith personal Interests of souls in distress nbout thu wny of salvation This state of things reigned throughout whole countries Almost the entire continent ot Europe wns shaken So It has over been In all periods and every land The spirit ot God has moved over the dark chaos of mails sinfulness , nnd by the use of proper ugoncioa has devel oped a higher nnd better stito of life , 'llioro have been many remarkable religious nwakcnlngs in our own land , and even In our own day That of lS i "bogon with A pouring out from on high of thu spirit nnd grnco of supplication amid ouo of 'thu great est commercial ularins which our country over experienced Although calamities ot this kind usually nroduco a hardening effect , yet It pleased God nt that tlmo by the plow share of his judgmunt to furrow the ground for the precious seed of salvation , nnd to make distresses touching worldly cstato to nwnken dcslro for durable rlchos , and to call forth spiritual yearnings and thlrstings nflor the fountains of living waters Slnco then the revivals under the leadership of Moody nud other eminent evangelists in this coun try nud in Europe have boon reuiaricabla in power and extent From this wo learn that Gnu Is willing now to pour His spirit upon the church Ho Is doing this lie stands pledged to do this Wc need the spirit of Gods loyo to strengthen , unite and make us effectual BLACK IS NOT FOR EV.SRY ONE A Illnck Silk ninlccfl n Dark Wnninn Look ( tilion i. It scorns to bo an nccoptod fact that everybody can wenr blnulc , snvs the Now York Sun There was udvor any thlnp moro positively untrue Bluck silk makes a dark woman look bilious , nnd black satin plvos iipruou tin go that would scorn to combine envy with bile Black wool dulls her skin und takes all the lnstro out of her eyes , and the only black slio can wour with absolutely Rood effect is black velvet Black cash moro is the materiel of nil others that will add to or take from the figure as the wisdom of the artist di rects ; made with porfeet simplicity it will bring out every curve of 1ho perfect liguro ; eluhorutoly draped it will conceal every anglo of the bad one Black satin makes a stout body look as if she could oaBily gain a good income by posing as the fat woman in a museum ; but black velvet , perfectly fitted and slightly draped , is softening In its effect , nnd whiloit gives rather a majestic appearance , docs not increase the size The old idea used to bo that a blonde should always wear blue , and never yel low In reality , un'oss ' it bo a dark blue , a blonde bliouid never choose it , while the wonderful pale blues dedi cated to heaven and the babies should bo pivon over to the bruuottes , whose warmth of coloring permit comparison with the chilly blue What woman looks host under the sunshine ? A blonde Therefore ho very color of the sun itself , yellow , should bo chosen by her for evening wear , while the warm browns that glow as if they had golden hearts , and the greens that permit fur trimmings should bo selected for street wear The Great HooK Inland Itoutf * . Tn changing time ot Sunday , Nov 17 , the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacillc lty have constdoroa every point of in terest to the Omaha traveling public If you nro going to Dos Moines , Chicago or any point east , our solid vestibule limited train is just what you want Leave Omaha at 4.25 p. ra arrive in Dos Moines 9:30 : n. m. and Ohienco 8:30 : a. m. . dining car for supper leaving Council Bluffs nnd for breakfast before reaching Chicago This tr.titi is also equipped with the finest sleepers and chair cars rondo by tno Pullman Co . which leave from the U. P. depot , Omahaovory day nt 4:2-5 : p. m. , making close connections at Chicago with all trains for eastern points In addition to this magnificent train wo have tire ether dally trains to Chicago , leaving Omaha at 1):15 ) : a. m. and 6:15 : , p. m. For information as to routes , rates , time , otc , call at ticket oftlco , 1305 Parnam street ; telephone 782. S. S. Stkvkns * Goneraj Western Agent 'Iho Divorce Cap The motto of the widow with an in teresting child is : Train up a child in tlio way ho should go and he will catch a second father for himself " If you see u woman loading a child along the Btrout and-you want to know if slio is a widow , look at the child , says the San Francisco Chronicle Widows weeds do not seem to be fashionublo any moro I think there ought to bo some kind of a divorce cap A man Joes not need ono Ho always looks single But if some inventive milliner will think up a design for a hat that will permit you to understand whether a woman is a spinster , inarriod or divorced , slio will save inon a great deal of trouble The mosttrying thing for a man to liud out about a woman lie has fallen in love with is a husband Ho can stand almost anything else and still bono But the pretty woman with the child always dresses the child up in a way to attract attention It ItolH Up ill tlio House No situation is so serious that a little jouo cannot bo vvorkod in by some wng or ether , says the Washington Post , The roll is cnllod alphabetically After sovornl roll calls in the house on Thurs day Clmrloy Hayes , the Associated press reporter , vvent to the reading clerk and told him that on every call ho had loft out a natno As the democrats were on the lookout for any inncuracics or omissions upon which they could dis pute the record , the reading clerk wns muuh excited Iluyos ilnully agreed to point out tlio error , Taking a roll ho mndo a mark b twoen the names of Cutcheon and Dargan Cant ' you think of the natno that ought to bo theroV" buid Charley , In folgned ustouishniont "No , " snid the reading clerk , plead ingly , toll mo who it is " McGinty Ho'a nt the bottom of the Os " An Absolute Cure 1 he ORIGINAL AUIKTINB OINTMENT is only put up in laraa two-ounea tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for ull sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands and all sltla erup tions Will positively cure all kinds of piles Ask for tbo ORIGINAL AHIETINK OINT MENT Sold by Goodman Drug company at 'U cents per box by uiall 30 cents " THE WORLDi'OF WOMANKIND W I < 1 How to Prosorxro Sllmnosa nud Con tour of Figure in . .i aa SHADES FOp , NEXT SEASON Ai _ I'rliuc I'm pie nud the Dnlilln Colors Will I'rpVsfll1 Worm U'ltul un l-'ntr Hhnulilern How to Kcondnilz , > In Dress , Kiss Her niul Tell Her So lronuniVUfliMtlHr You've n neat little wife nt home , John , As sweet asou wish to sec , Ai faithful and gcntlo-hcnrtcd , As fond as wlfo can bo ; A genuine homo loving woman , Mot caring for fuss or show ; Sho's dearer to you than life John Then kiss her nnd tell her so Your dinners are promptly survod , John , As likewise jour breakfast nnd ton ; Your wnrdrobo Is always in order , With buttons where buttons should bo llor hoiiBO is n cozy homo iie t , John , A heaven of rest below ; You think sho's a ruro llttlo trcasuro Then kiss her and toll her so She's ' a good wife nnd true to you , John , Lot fortune bo foul or fair : Of whatever comes to you , John , Slio cheerfully bears her share You believe sho's ' u brave , true helper , And perhaps far moro tlinn you know , Twill ' lighten her end of the loud , John Just kiss her aud tell her so There's a crossroad somewhere In lifoJohn' Whcro n hnnd on n guiding Btono Will signal ono over the river , " And the other must co on alone Should she reach the last mlle-stono first , John , Twill ' bo comlort nmid your woo To know that while loving her hero , John , \ou kissed her nnd told her so How to I'ICSI-I'VI' Ilia I'MglU'C Women who wish to prcsorvo the sllmness and contour of their figure must begin by learning to stand well , says Dross That is explained to mean the throwing forward and upward of the chest , the llattonitig of the back , with the shoulder blades hold in tholr proper places , and the doflnite curving in the small of the back , thus throwing the whole weight of the body upon the hips No ether women hold themselves so well ns the aristocratic English women Much of their beauty lies in their proud enrriago , the delicate erectness of their llgurcs and the line poise of their heads Tlio same nristocratlc carriage is within roach of any American girl who takes the pains to have it ; it is only the question of a few years of eternal vigil ance , never relaxing her watchfulness over herself ; and , sitting or standing , always preserving her erectness and pose , the result being that at the end of that tiroo it lias become second nnturo to her , and slio never afterward loses it This , in tv great pieasuro preserves the liguro , becausq H keeps the muscles firm and well strung , and prevents the sinking down of Iho liesh around the waist and hips , so common in women over thirty , nndnvhich is perfectly easy to escape Another thing to avoid is a bad hubit of going : up stairs , which most women do bent forward w tli the chest contracted , which , , as well as an indo lent , slouchy mnntior of walking , is in jurious to thu heart and lungs Three Klnils , of Dlnrrlcd Women They were discussing a certain clover aiidwoU-kno\v , mayriod womjij , who is prominent ulikecfor her business nnd social - ' cial SUCC0SS2S , says the Now York Even ing Sun ' How does she write her name ? " nskbd a bright-faced listener from an other state Lot mo see , " mused ono of the group "I believe she always writes Mary W. Smith " Then she isn't advanced and she still loves her husband , " said the first What do you tncnn'r" ' half a dozen women demanded at once ' • lust this , " was the answer The married woman of today is of three classes the woman who puts her nus- band and his interests llrst , the woman who considers her individuality and interests torests of equal importance with her husbands , nud the woman who consid ers that her interests should dominate his The first woman considers the natno of her husbands family alone amply honornblo and digniilod and writes her nntnc as your friend does The second adds her husbands name to her own family name and writes Mary White Smith ' The third writes the family names with a hyphen between them and wishes to bo known ns Mary Whito-Smith. ' The first woman is conservative - sorvativo , the second , progressive ; the third , advanced , ' " Next Scason'H Slinilos All dress goods nud millinery trim ming thus fur imported show that prune purple and the dahlia colors are the prevailing shades next season Tno beautiful coquolicot rods are giving place to yellow scarlet shudos , the oxuet color of a gurdon tomato , and nonce cal led tomato red , says the Now York Tribune The vegetable kingdom is ngain honored in the , now dahlia color , a rich blackish purple cnllod aubergine or egg plant purple ; bishops purple is a somewhat lighter shade of the same reddish tone of color , and the several shades of these colors end in the palest lavodor tint Now monturesnnd flower clusters for spring show nil this range of Bhade , be ginning with the dark eggplant purple , and using the moro delicate tints only throw out the dehor colors , so that the the effect of the clusters is dark nnd subdued Blue purplosor prune shudos are represented by a dark color called Hortonso , and bovornl moro delicate violet colors pdo ( greens uro again in troduced undor.tho natno of Danube col ors , and the re a\'ti ' a moderate number of yellowish hue or meudow greens Pure clear blu6und ( steely shades of blue , old rose and clear rose pinks are othorlcolors of [ Wo season Ashen gray shades are in spocinl demand , and differ llttlo from the sandy gray of Inst year -n Hlnok Unilorwenr In Fashion Black Ib at prcfout the popular color for undorwenrcand flguros largely in nil bridal outfit 6uo of which recently contained not u'sjuglo article of whlto or bright lingerie , says the Now York Sun , Blade lac'e'S.irulpuro nnd Uhutitllly decorate theur , flijo tuckings und dainty needlework uro displayed whenever possible , and thq laces nro fulled on tiny ribbons of the sumo sombre liuo It hus boon quito u severe struggle to introduce the color for garmonU com ing in contact with tbo tlosh , but it has biiou accomplished , and thn most con ventional and rellned women woarblnek chomiscsy and gowns , corsets , otc , . as they have long worn black hose , with a very dazzling , Fronchy and sonsutionnl effect when their sable Irillings uro drawn up about fliowy , plump , dimpled and doliciuus specimens of woman hood A * still later fashion 1b that of matching the color of the gown , whether for street or house wear , in every garment worn bonenth it , from the stockings to the petticoats Woven Wind There is a suggestion of un inclina tion to modify the dccolloto in evening dresses , not only in the dinner and ro- Oncrnt Agents f % mH \ - fl ' $ Ol fflla i t 1 CM f3V f" " L • ' I fnrruUUneor ; ' /B\M / \ < H * ff ] ffl SS ' \ ] P | M li ] J ' ' S | llfiPLEMEHTS 55 = 5 = : 7-55 = s = ? rfHBBte3gA Farm Wagons , _ _ _ . . .Ja jr ° TSS , _ J / I Qniinrr Warrnn ' /ffi Missouri rivia jv _ Z3 M * I ML ML * HaR 8"B"B B&/M s5- vu L lili ) uoi avw • 8Mtt > ? " - -T' , „ ; BBBBBBamailiOT i& js mfSXrvF < { AijciiIh Minted In Jffi" " - MMUJ : ' / Jj * TO * , y Ctu'rcsHoiitleiico M ' 5" " Zif 'jMst 'S ' - ' " THE WAY TO GET TO THE LARGEST IMPLEMENT HOUSE IN THE WORLD coptlon gowns mndo with V or surplice throats und sleeves meeting the short glove , but there are shown full dross toilets for young ladies with the same characteristics , says the Now York Times The cobweb muslins meriting tlio term long ago applied to Indian fabrics , woven wind are partly ro- sponslblo for this happy tendency These muslinsaro so transparent and so oxquiaitoly tinted that fair shoulders and arms veiled by them becomes yet fairer The insertion of a sleeve in the low necked ball dress tends in tlio same di rection , the moro that these sleeves nro made to copy in effect the high shoul ders of the street toilets The sleeve is in 11 llutcd puff , looking , on a rounded und snowy arm like the capital on a marble pillar ; in rosette form the full ness of the lower edge plaited In a bunch under an urmnmont upon tlio top of thu arm ; in Grcok drnporv , whoso graceful fall over the shoufdor nnd upper arm perhaps prepared the wuy for the more decided sleeve , and of festoons teens of fringe when fringe is used upon the dress Kponomy In Drrss Although woman ' s dress never ap peared moro expensive than now , yet it never afforded such possibilities for economy says the New York Times Its combinations of material and color , its wonderful sleeves , its mllnito variety and endless oddity of draporics , glvo such scope to the ingenuity of tlio econ omist as tills her heart with joy ' und her purse with saved pennies grown into dollars The fichus the zouavo , and figaro , and toreador jackets , , tlio bolted matinees , nnd comfortable house blouses are not reckoned least among the aids to economy , while the Helm , of gold braid , of lace , of lisso , and ull airy fairy textures , is one of the prettiest ndditions to athoatro or reception , und after to an evening toilet It has its 1 ether uses also The gold flohu , for in stance , may convert a sill ; with imper fect or torn bodice into the most ele gant of theatre dresses , while the llttlo jaekots and the mntineo waists work wonders with old skirts A Unicjito Klornta Costume A Florida lady has hit upon n design for a dress which is certainly original if not tasteful The Tampa News terms it a rattlesnake dress , " und describes it as follows : "It is of the oillel shndo , a rich shade of brown , line and beauti ful in toxluro It is a tailor-raado gown , strictly on the severe English style ; a perfectly plain skirt with u panel about seven inches wide of the tanned skin of the rattlosnnko The skin is a beautiful specimen of its kind A polonaise , nlso severely plain , closed at the side with straps of snnkoskin and buckles A vest , V shape , of the skin and collar and cult of the same With it will bo worn a holmot-shnpod hat trimmed with material to match the dross , but the visor will bo covered with snukeskin The shoos , the uppers made of material the same as the dress , and lipped witli snakeskin complete the unique costume It will bo won derfully pretty nnd effective " PADDY AND HIS PIPE Its Mme mil Or Ink to lllm and It Comforts His Bowl The most painstaking process I have seen in Ireland is the filling und ignit ing of an Irishman's pipe , says a writer in the New York Sun Among the poorer classes the pipe is almost in variably made of clay It is so short that when fixed between his teeth the bowl touches the end of the nose Sometimes the owner of his pipe carries a little tin cup like the top of an oint ment bo& , which ho places in his vest pocket , independent of the pipe This he places over the mouth of the pipe when it is lit On the train going from Cork to Youghul I watched an old man getting ready for a smoke Ho first took from his pocket about two inches of black plug tobacco culled twist It looked strong Then from his trousers pocket he fished a knife with a bludo four inches long Ho bognn paring off the tobacco in thin slices from the plug until there was 11 llttlo mound of it ' in his hand By crushing his palms together ho ground the tobacco into small plecos All this consumed ten miuutos Apparently the to bacco was ndt flno enough to suit him , for ho began picking the largur pieces upurt with his thumb and forefinger After the dose hnd been prepared to his satisfaction ho poured it into the bowl of the pine by making a funnel of his right hand Ho then placed the stem between his tooth and sat looking at the bowl cross-eyed for fully flvo minutes anticipating the pleasures ho would enjoy when the pipe was lit Ho opened the way to a conversation when anticipation had bcon exhausted by saving : Have yo ever a match , sir ? " "I gave him ono Then came the most interesting part of the perform ance Ho placed the match carefully between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand , so that only 11 quarter of an inch of wood projected In the ether hand ho grasped the pipe With a quick downward stroke ho struck the end of the match sovorul smart sliding blows and ignited it With a dollbj oration which was tantalizing ho hold the match until it was half consumed nnd then sucked the fliuno into the nipo As the tobacco bognn to glow a stream of smoke as black as that from a steamships fun nel , poured out into the car and a look of beatific coutont settled upon the old mans fuco This look was the outward oxprossiou of un icwurd satisfaction such as could not have bcon drawn by the smoker from a good cignr , and which found vocal expression from a nimbus of smoke : Ah sir ! Its mate and dhrink tome , sir , It comforts mo bowl 1" Samples of Dr Miles Itoatorattvo Norvlno at ICulin li Co 'i , 15th aud Uouglai , cures beadaoha , nervousness , slocplcisnets iiou- ralgia.iUs , etc . ett - r . razs if iiiim i mr _ - in i fi * -i mi GAS FOR COOKING AND HEATING The idcnl fuel is gas It gives the grentost degree of boat , is uhvaysundo control and is absolutely without dust aim there can bo no accidents from its its a Scientific investigations Imvo shown that food cooked by it retains 'JO per con moro of its nutritive properties than if cooked in the old way You never ate a good steak unless you have tried ono cooked by gas The Council BUilIs Gas nnd Electric Light company huvo made it desirable in point of economy to use gaa for cooking und boating It will pay you to investigate this Their now gag , hcutors and cookers nro the greatest success os modern times They combine ' H KVLKV .MIt.VICI.i : CtUAIMTY CtUAIMTY.ncoxo.nv ncoxo.nv , iiiaiimss : : fou vsk , AiisoMJTii SAt'irrv , okiutjust iii.vti\ < ; capacity , A'O LOST IICAT RLCCTIUC IjUJHT riXTUHKS or AIX KJXI > S. CALL A.M ) i\a.iiim : ; . " No210 Main St MERRIAM BLOCK , No , 211 Peail St COIJVCIL ISMH'F.S , ' lOWA HEADQUARTERS FOR CALIFORNIA ORANGES DUQUETTE & CO , ; wiioi.csai.i : Fruits and Commission , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la oTaTbeebe&oompaSx Wholesnlo and Retail Dealers in XIMMITTJJiM Largest Stock and Lowest 1'rlcos. Dealer ) , send for Catalogue , Xm , 205-207 Hromlwuy , iiihI 201-21)0 I'lcrcu SI , Council HI tills , In THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT Itnbcrt ltiicliminn Snyi "it Gives CJcnliu .No r-iH-e'al ' Irlvllrce I should say myself , from the llttlo I have observed , that the nverage man is in 110 respect superior intellectually to the average woman , while the names of Mary Somerville , of George Sand , of Mrs Browning and of many others are sulllciont to establish that women of genius are tall and strong enough to stand bosldo in on of genius nownnd for ever Hut senilis so-cttllod Is to mo a very unknown quantity , writes Robert Buchnnan in the Loudon Telegraph I deny that it has any privileges what ever , or that it can make any laws for itself outbido the laws of love and sym pathy by which the highest und lowest live Sofarasthis very question of mar riage is concerned , our 111011 nnd nomen of genius have often got into serious trouble not , I thinkbecause they have erred in their interpretation of its sanc tions , but bucnuso they have generally , in the face of publicopinionoverlooked the contract and searched everywhere for the sacrament Nothing proves so completely tlio necessity of science of human sentiment , as opposed to the still lingering dogmas of nonhuman spirituality , us the conduct of mon like Shelloy'and women like Georges Sand Twontyfold intellectual power would not save them from condemnation Unless - loss genius is n synonym for goodness , it is a sham and a phantomund goodness the soul of human sentiment , believes that no intellectual power whatever cau justify the shameless profanation of nny one human function , the cruel rending asunder of any ouo human tie Women \ \ lie Dent Cnro for Opint * > n. Nobody " said a man whoso Ions residence in Now York entitles him to the distinction of being u deep and old observer , * 'is so utterly indifferent to public opinion ns a fashionable woman She really does not care n rap ono wny or the ether what the world thinks of her as long ns she has a chance to exor cise her pet hobbles I suppose three of the most tremendous crusades that have eve tukon place against woman kind were , in the first place , the move inent against wearing corsets ; then the agitation about the cruelty of women using the dead bodies of beautiful bong birds as ornaments for tlio.r hats ; and thirdly , the cruelly and injustice of big hats in thontorj Yet today the woman go gloriously forth I need to the limit , with their hats covered with thocorpses of beautiful birdB , and wearing hats that would shame the mainsail of a down-oust schooner Man is of no ac count whatever when ho throws himself against a woman's notion of fashion " SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BL.UFF3. FOR SALE ANO RiNT , Complete roller mill and Baw- AHAltOAIN mill for i > ale Capacity of roller mill , forty barrels dally Will sell faun In connection with mill It desired Good leusom for selllntt All inquiries In regard to said nrouerty sent to tno following address will receive prompt atten tion : O. I ) . Heel , Heals , la , UNlMl'ltOVKD Iowa land to exchange for stock ot groceries , boots ana shoes , or horses and cattle Address T , 1 * . Spencer , Haiidolpli , la WANTED A Inusekeeper to go out on , farm Address T. A , i'llllng , WANTKD A good boy for olllce wort Ad- drena giving age , residence and wages , I ) , t ) , IIee olllce , Council lllults * COUNCIL BLUFFS property for sale at great bargains Tlio following , among the most beautiful home * In ths cllr will be fold at great bargains , on monthly pa/menls , or terms to suit : Three new d-room houses an Lincoln nvouue two blocks from elect nn motor hue Two new 4-roum hnubes four blocks from olectrlo motor Hue rn NorUl Heventh street One new A-room house four blocci from eleo- trlo motor Hue on North Beventh street , Tliree new & ami B room houses one block from electric motor lluo corner Avenue A and waif Hi street , . , . . Ilealdes tlio above I hare houses and lots in nil parts of the city • Ono new 5-room house on Mill st C II.Juad.fliKSllruadwuy , Council Uiuffs _ _ . . . . . . . . ' ijzi& IJIOKSAhB My restdBiice fn3 Willow nv-\ > . enue , on houtli side of lljiyllss park Heated X by steam , HgntoJ by electricity and containing \ nil modern hnnrovemunts " Lot 100 by1) ) feet I l Also will fell or exchange for Improved city H propnrty , my farm otfiTO acres , ten miles cast V H of Council Illuirs NM Iusey Council Hliurs H IIIAVi : Kovernl houses and lots to trade for H Council HlulTs or Omalia unimproved prop 1 Jty C. I ) . Imlrt HM Hroudwuy , Council IMulH FOIt KOMor * I.W0 you can buy a nice , new M clean stock of liardirarc , Move nnd tlnshop I H lnonoof tbo best locations In western Iowa M If you want n hardnnro business would ba H pleased to refer 3-011 to reliable parties tliat H know ull about our buslniM Very sotiafactorr M reasons for selling It will pay you to lnvestf- M gate this AUdrtiss II 0 , llee olllce , Council M IHitTB i B for secondhand furniture , stoves and J | CASH , A. J. Mundol , IHo llroadnay jj H F.AL KSTATR-tlougnt and sol 1 ant x- j H changed Special attention given to exam If H lnatlon of titles W. C. James , Nn toiearlst B Qarden land with houses , H * by J. lt.Hlce HKMaltnt , Council muffs H FOH SALK 90x1V ) rest on Glen ave It ? < | Olllcer , U Main st M POltilKNT The busmen house lately occu- j | pled by 8. T. McAteo Apply at 5)71'lftU ) , H avenue S M NEW Improved rail estate tu traue for untm ' JB HH provea Omulia or Council Illulfs property . > v B C. II Judd.OOtl Uroadway > H J. A. Co . . Murphy Manufacturing . 1st Avcnuo nnd 21st Street M SASH DOORS A8D BLINDS | Hand and Scroll Sawing Ilo-Suwlng and H Planing Hawing of allKlniR l'orcn llrackots H Kindling wood it-M per load delivered Clean B sawdust by the barrel lijc All work to b I H first-class. Telephone ' i\ H Your jpatronugo Solloltod " H S. E. MAXON , jfl Arcliite.t and Superintendnl ; 1 Room 2B1 , Merriam Block , - B COUNCIL , BLUFFS , - IOWA , fl 1 uos Orricxn W. II M , I'useX - - fl OFFICER & PUSEY , 1 BANKERS I Corner Main and Uroauway , | COUNOIIi IinUFKH , IOWA 4 Dealers In foreign and domestic oxchang * H collections made and Interest paid on time if ' H posits M mtvvt : Ac jurvivoM > 9 Fashionable Confectioners I 'iho very latest novelties for bnuquats an H private parties Choice fruits , ban tons , clioco iatei , buttercups , and old f'wluor.ed molasses H candy a spot laity Orders for parties and mall orders promptly filled , ! K"J liuudnay , council H , J. V. 15DUUNDSOK , 15. L. BllUllAUT , , fl Iris . Vice l'res , . Ciiab It Hannam , Cashier \M \ CITIZENS'STATE ' BANK , % I orcouNCir uiuvrs T PnldupCapltnl $150,000.00 ' Surplus 35,000,00 Liability to Doposltora..333,000.00 DmeCTOUS I. A. Miller , 1' . O. ( lleason , B , fi filiugart , i : . i : . Hart , J. I ) . l'.dundson , Cbas II llannan Transact general banking buslnesa Largest capital aud surplus ot any bank la Northwestern Iowa , Interest on time deposits F. M , ELLIS & CO , l I ARCHITECTS I ANIIIUILlINQ8UPiitlNTiNDHNTrf. ; : HooiusllOaad tli lieu Hulldlng Omana Nib , M nnd H001118 .11 undliw Merriam Hloclt Caunclr H Ilhillsiow t Correspondence UolUlted H . BELL & BERLINGHOF , " 4 J ARCHITECTSNJ Iloou S , Opera House Hloclt , Council lluffa , * 'Wsf I Iowa j M