Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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nfLx'Tlion the Youn Wretch Fled With
* Her Cash Box
I \
8 lhc Unl | iin Nmitlnle of * fllR Cliarlo7
{ nml Mnottitso Nanoo Ijovoit an
f AnnroliMt I'iKir Unplil
1 Hnn Amuck
I.ltfln Itiiinnncrn
, Archibald Cum tilings is wnntcd In
| iliicltoiisavW At about , the hour when
! l'ostollleo Caslilor Lounsbcrry was at-
J tomptlnp to usphV-xiuta himsolt in his
line raMldani'to on Main street , Cum
mliiKH was quietly departing from the
fiishionublo boltnlint ? house of Mrs
' vr .Tohti Piiton , 153 State street , with a
tin Ikls contuhiltii1,101) ) , says a Now
Yorlt dispatch to the Globo-Doinoorut.
Miss LouIho Moore owned the iiox and
coitonU Sholsuslstnr of tho'lato
IIqIciiii 1' . Fair , and has tin Inootiio of
$111,000 u your , which she Invests in
woftlorn Rcuiirilios usfast us It coinos in ,
c.xucptiiiK the comparatively small sum
whti'ii alio expends to maintain and
ulotho herself Mhi Moore Is very
douf unci oxcooulnj ly oxcontrlc ,
hut youiifj Cuinmin s , to the surprise -
priso of everybody munajod to
KOtinlo her uood Ki' uusHo came
Htt jT from the west and represented himself
* " ui the son of a l'rosbyterittn minister
Ho , however , attoiidod the l lrst M. . 13.
church , and ho was vorv punctual in
i his devotion s. At the Paten boarditifj
f house ho road his bible morning , noon
and night Miss iUooro , on this nc-
' count , took it great Interest in him , and
ho In return read the bible and roli-
- ijlous newspapers to ' nor , sang psalms
. tmd hymns for her , and was accounted
j an oxcoeillngly correct young man IIo
also hocamo very frlondly with Mrs
Kiucaid , Mrs Pulon's widowed daughter -
\ tor , with whom ho was often scon on
the street and at church Doing fre
quently In Miss Moore's company ,
Uummlngs had ample opportunity to
know where she ltopt her cash , and ,
| being an early riser , frequently taking
1 long walks before the breakfast bell
rang , had no dilllculty in step
ping out with the old lady's tin box ,
which he had roinoved from her room
on the previous evening IIo left town
by the Susquehanna railroad to Pator-
6on , but the olllcer intrusted with the
warrant for his arrest came back with
out his prisoner Mrs Fair , Mrs
Mooro'a sister , lost $10,000 m u mining
stocK transaction a few years ugo , and
it is feared that the western invest
ments of Miss Moore are dubious She
bald she could not bolicvo Cummings
meant to rob her , as ho was so pious
Only two weeks ago ho asked her if she
had any Idea of getting married , She
J Is about slxty-livo , Cumnilngs nbout
C , > wonty-four. There wore in the tin
j box , us a part of the $4,400 , two Ghesa-
• peiko' : & Ohio coupon bonds , Nos 4,7113
bx ! * and 5,011 , for $1,000 each
A gentleman from Chicago was wait
in the Fort Way no station in Allogtiany
last evening , says the Pittsburg Dis
patch , to board the limited for the city
which expects to got the worlds fair
His numois L. A. Karsomannnd he had
slopped in Alleghany to visit friondsou
his way homo from Philadelphia , where
ho had attended a wedding around
which a halo of romance had cast its in
teresting charm
A fascinating young lady from Phila
delphia , named Joannctto Hill , wii3
spending the summer just passed at
Charlotte , N. Y. , on Lake Ontario , and
before she hud boon there many weeks
• Bho became an udept at handling a sail ,
and frequently wont out on the lake for
exercise and recreation
There was a young man from Cincin
nati summering at the same place ,
who was known as .1. C. Cum
mings , who also enjoyed himself
on the lake during the after
Mfc noons IIo was of a very retiring ills
H VK position , and although a young man of
' excellent qualities ho made few
Ono afternoon toward the hitter part
• of August Miss Hill wont down to the
beach and started out for a sail Mr * .
Cummings was of the sumo mind , and
i abmt the sumo time started out on the
lake a few hundred foot behind the
boat in which Miss Hill was sailing
They had not gone fur before a squall
was soon coming up the lake , and in a
few moments the wind had struck her
boat Hoforo she was able to right it
the sails and ropes had become tan
gled Cummings saw the predicament
she wlis in and instantly , stcorcd his
boat toward hors with the hops of as
sisting her , but just as ho was about to
run up alongside of the ono in which
she was standing the skiff veered
around and lie struck itamiaship Miss
Hill was knocked into the lake Cum
mings gallantly jumped to her rescue
and the boats Moated away from them
" * Ho grasped her around the waist jind
6truck out for the shore
' • " • * . „ , Ho had not gone far before Miss Hill
informed her preserver that she could
swim This was a surprising statoinont ,
but Cummings told her to place her
hands on his shoulders and ho would
try to roach the beach The water was
very shallow opposite thut part of the
beach towards which they wore drift
ing , and when they reached the socoud
bar they wore able to stand on the sand
and rest n fowmoinouts
In the meantime durknoss had spread
its fuco ever the wators.but the electric
lights on the shore illuminated the
crowds which were promenading nlong
the fitters edge
Mr Cummings and Miss Hill sturtod
. touatd the shore again and soon
ronched the flrst pier Rising again
they madb the last trip , and before a
week had passed Cupid had clasped
their hands and the two hearts hud
vowed to beat as ono
' Plots for stories have not all boon
used , as some people assort , " remnrkod
r \V. A. Jennings of Wyoming in the
• Colonnade to a Philadelphia Press man
"A friend of mine , " ho continued ,
who lives out In the cattio country of
the Dig Horn basin was a witness in
1885 to one of tht , most remarkable
weddings of which I have ever heard
At that time a fpw settlers had gathered
in nud formed the nucleus of what is
now a prosperous farming region , but
the sway of the cowboy was un
disputed The drst woddlng In
that section on Owl crook wus
that of Hlg Charley and Mootutso
Nance , a native sagebrush hello , The
brice mil groom came Bovonty-llve
miles on horsobaok to the squires , and
in i vimlly the same fashion AVhon
wit lm i lew miles of the squires home
the ittOijthut ofttciul , surrounded by
hull a dj on cowboys , Then the bride
got icstlve and nervous , declaring that
> she wouldn't ' marry any man on enrth
r JJut the judge , the cowboys , and the
groom were equal to the occasion At
v. a short distance stood a corral
J'Take her ever to the corral , boys ,
and put her i , said his honor
she made a wild break for the hills , hut
her days of freedom wnro ever She wns
quickly run down nnd amid it volley of
fomlnfno sagebrush eloquence the de
lighted boys started on a _ lope for the
corral Punching this , Nanco leaped
from her bronk nnd started like n
scared door for some adjacent brush ;
hut it wac no go However , she fought
vigorously and his honor ordorcd ,
Hobble her , boys ' The hoys were in
ecstasies A pair of rawhldo hobbles
were stripped from a cayuso's nock , and
tholr twist adjusted about the sturdy
ankles of the struggling brldo She
wnstakon into the corral and his honor ;
mounting the fence , bade the groom
take his place by her side and catch on
to her band Thi * done , his honor as
sumed the look of dignified importance
called for by the occasion and said :
" 'Ulg Charllo and Metutso Nanco
you como inter this corral single I
now prono.inco you a couple Ulg
Charllo , unhobblo your wlfo '
Hut this Big Charllo found it dlllt-
cult to do , and it wns not until ono of
the cowboys hud gently cast his lariat
over the notvly made wlfo that the hus
band was able to turn the lady loose
Then the justlco called his boys to
gether , and saying , Como on , boys : wo
hain't got no business hero now , led
them away Ono of the boys looked
bank and the happy couple were busy
unpacking their camping outfit , and
the honeymoon had evidently botrun ' '
Socialists In Now York havu boon informed -
formed thut tholr confrere , Uruno
Huinsdorf , until recently a typosottorin
the employment of the Now YorKer
Zoltung , lias boon banished from the
city of Loipslg , where ho wont on a
visit to his wife's parents
Lclnslg is under military ruto and all
the socialists and anarchists making
their homo in that city are under pollco
survolllanco , says the Now York Her
ald Hoinsdorf's record as an anarch
istic agitator hud preceded him and the
Gorman authorities took immediate
stops to get rid of him , although his
voyage had not boon undertaken for
propaganda purposes , lleinsdorf lived
witli his wife in Stockton street , Brook
lyn , and the latter some three weeks
ago attempted suicide by drowning
She is a nutivo of Loipslg , where she is
sild to iiavo excellent lamiiy connec
tions , and the anarchist took her abroad
to place her under the care of her par
en ts
The story of Rolnsdorf's marrlagn is
not without romance When a con
demned anarchist and a fugitive from
justice in Germany a few years ago the
woman who afterwards hocamo his wife
under the laws of the state of Now York
took a deep interest In him She was
at that time an unsophisticated young
girl living with her parents She re
garded Holnsdorf as a hero , and finally
cast aside the warnings of relatives and
friends and followed the man of her
choice to u foraign land , with poverty
and privation Her dream of happi
ness wus short The shallowness of her
husbands political pretenses soon became -
came apparent , and she brooded ever
her fate until her mind became shat
tered , and in a lltof melancholy attomp -
ted her own life The doctors said the
only way to save her was to restore her
to her rarcntsand former surroundings
Roinsdorf at lnstagroed to this , and his
recent banishment from Lioiiizlg and
enforced separation from his wlfo will
probably bavo the result of aiding his
wlfo'6 recovery
Roinsdorf is a brother of the Reins
dorf who wasboheaded in Germany for
his complicity in the plan to blow up
the Nicdcrwald monument
A most remarkable courtship hasjust
ended with the marriage of Frank
Whitman , a young man of Nuplos , On
tario county , and Miss Myrtio Lyon of
the same place , suysa Cununduiuua dis
patch to the Now York Sun Whitman
and Miss Lyon had boon betrothed for
some time , but their marriage had boon
strenuously opposed by Whitman's pa
rents , who had ether and more ambi
tious designs for their sons alliance
Young Whitman became of ago a
short time ago , and he then determined
to end the ngony at once Tloarrauged
to marry Miss Lyon last Thursday
night , but while on the way to the par
sons house with his Intended by . his
side , ho wus surprised by some men ,
who suddenly emerged from the thicket
at the roadside and stepped his horse
They took Whitman from the carriage ,
transferred him to one of their own and
drove rapidly to auothor town , while
the girl was taken homo Each was
urged to give the ether up and was as
sured that their efforts to marry would
prove futile , because Whitman's family
would Jeavo no titono unturned to prevent -
vent It They both vowed , however ,
that they would remain true , and it was
not long before they hadanother scheme
on foot to outwit their enemies
They arranged to moot at a ministers
house , and they reached there in safety
Without delay they joined hands and
Btood up to be made husband and wife ,
but just ns the doimnlo wus about to
begin the coromouy an ollicor burst into
the room and arrested young Whitman
"on a warrant faworn out by his mother
The warrant wus issued on a trivial
charge trumped up for the occasion , but
the young man was com polled to go and
leave his disappointed betrothed in
tours Ho was balled promptly by
friends next morning , and arranged to
; to u party that night with a young
fo who wn a mutual friend of the
levers , while a young man started with
Miss Lyon On the road somewhere an
oxchnngo of partners took place , nnd
Whitman and Miss Lyon are supposed
to have repaired immediately to a min
lstor's residence At any rnto , they
havoirt shown up since , nnd the natural
inference iB that they have at last suc
ceeded in circumventing their enemies
A Caracas , N. Y , , lnttor says : "Ths
appointment by President Paul of General -
oral Alojandre Ybarra to be commander
of the local forces illustrates the fickle
ness of Venezuelan politics , and also re
calls a hit of romance worthy of the
days of chivalry When Judge Russell
of Massachusetts was the United States
diplomatic agent here , Guzman Blanco
was in the zenith of his power and
melded the people to his will with a
hand of iron He was absolute dictator
with powers as great as those of Pompoy
or Ctesar When this modern Jove
frowned , dread lilled the air When ho
spoke , all hooded well his words ,
Ybarra was a general in the army at
the tlmo a gallant man , and a gentle
man The bounty nud gruco of Judge
Russoll's daughter captlvatod his warm
hut warlike heart , and the proud Ven
ezuelan was led captive by a light
hoortod Amorlcan girl , with no care or
trouble to vex her But care and trouble
came all too soon Ybarra and Mies
Russell were engaged , but the contom-
plntod union did not plcnso Guzman
And then ono of Judge Russoll's reports
was published and the contents so
augorod the dictator that ho or-
duied Ybarra to break the
engagement This Ybarra ref -
f used to do , and ho was ottered the al
ternatives of expatriation or wealth
and honors in Caracas Overcome with
indignant rage Ybarra broke his sword
across his knee , and hurried from the
of the man now bo hateful to
lis eyes By the act ho chose banish
ment from his native laud , and , indeed ,
ho wus fortunate to escape with his life ,
as Guzman wus so wroth that ho would
probably have caused the assassination
of Ybarra , for Guzmun did not hesitate
at such trifles an u mans lifo However ,
by the intervention of Ybnrr.Vs roln-
tlvcs , some of whom wore connected by
marringo witliGucmun , he was allowed
to leave the country with his bride
The young couple had n hard tlmo of
it , and the proud Venezuelan was com
pelled to lecture , and ho also prepared
a handbook of the English and Span
ish lnngungcs
Two months ago Ybarra rotiirncd to
Caracas , and soon after ills arrival the
many statues of the Illustrious Amor
lcan , ' as Guzman delighted to call him
self were torn down by proconcortcd
nrrangoment , nnd Guzman deprived of
his position as envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of Franco
And now Ybarra is appointed to an
important position by President Rojas
Paul , who wns placed In the executtvo
chair by Guzman himself , nnd who now
recalls Guzmnn from his post It is
whispered that Ybarra is soon to bo
tnado secretary of war ft Mean while
Guzman is in Italy and many pcoplo in
Caracas would give n good round sum to
know what the grizzled warrior con
templates next During his dictator
ship ho succeeded in acquiring a vast
amount of property , and ho is qulto
well able , if ho chooses , to lit out a ves
sel and return to his native land In
that case a bloody revolution would bo
inaugurated An amusing phase of
such a contingency would bo the alarm
ing hnsto with which mnny of the antl-
Guzmanitcs would lloo to the mountains
for a change of air ' But I hardly
think that such an event will occur
Guzman Is now too old , his health too
precarious to venturoupon the seas Uko
another Nnpoloon returning from Elba
No doubt ho would like to revenge him
self , but while the spirit may bo willing
the llesh must bo too wonlc "
The lifo of a still handsome woman ,
Susan Konncdy , alias Hamilton , came
to nn end lute on Friday night , in her
ill-kept rooms on the llrst iloor of the
Hat house at 312 West Forty-ninth
street , says a Now York dispatch to the
St Louis Globc-Domocrat. She died
from hemorrhage before Bridget Kelly ,
her aged ser.\aut , could summon a phy
sician The case was reported to the
coroners ollicn yesterday Investiga
tion showed that the woman , who in an
old lottcr written to her by an admirer
in Pittsburg , wus alluded to as the
beautiful hello of Allegheny City , " died
alone , with but 0 cents in her house
She must have boon very handsome In
her younger days , She was a brunette ,
and her features nro still regular and
line Her hair was heavy and black
The old woman who acted ns her maid
of all work said that she was forty-nino
yours old , a native of Pittsburg , Pa.and
had lived for many yours in Now York ,
under the various names of Kennedy ,
Hamilton , Freligh , Winston and Mont
gomery The woman's family moved in
respectable but humble nircles In Pitts
burg , and she has a brother still living
there Her remarkable beauty led to
her downfall Among her few olTects
were letters showing that her father
died in 1888 , and that a contest wns be
ing made ever His will , her brother dis
puting her right to certain property
The old servant said that a print
doulor from Now Jersey had latterly
been supporting her mistress Ho knew
thut she hud been Buffering lrom
hemorrhage , and late on Friday night
he called at the house When ho wns
informed that she was dead he turned
away impatiently , without even look
ing at the body , and left the house ,
although the servant called after him
thut there was not money enough in
the house to give the woman a d cent
burial An undertaker has taken
charge of the body , and will hold it
for some days in the hope thut friends
will come forward to bury it If they
dent it will bo interred in potters
Flora Mays was to have boon mar
ried at her fathers residence nonr
Randolph , Ala.t4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon , to William Morriweat.hor , a
rich farmer , says a Birmingham ( Ala )
• dispatch to the Now York Sun Merrl-
weather is forty-live and a widower
Miss Mays is nineteen The match was
urrunged by the girls parents , much
ngainst her will She was in love
with a young man named Gooreo
Morriweather had arrived at the
Mays residence , and the guests were
all assembled in the parlor awaiting
the aopenranco of the brldo , when
Church arrived Miss Mays saw him
coming , and in her bridal dross ran to
the gate to moot him The young
lovers leaped into Morriweathor's ear
riaao , which was standing at the gate ,
drove to Centrovillo and were married
They were hotly pursued , but Morri-
woathor'a horses were the fnstest in
that section , and the young levers
were man nnd wife half au hour before
the pursuing party arrived at Centro
Uncertainty may attend business ventures
and enterprises ; but it never attends ibe
prompt administration of Dr Bulls Cougn
Syrup Price 'J5 cents
"My Bore ran In the night , and my soul
rufused to bo comforted " Poor fellow I of
course It did Pity bo couldn'tgct Salvation
Oil Only 25 cts "
In die Art or Making Pianos ns Wolf
ns In Watches
In ono thing besides railroads , nnd
grain it can bo safely claimed , without
thouppoaranco ot spread-eagleismthat
America leads the world It is in the
art of piano making , says the Chicago
Herald This is a fact that no sane per
son , uruitloctod by locnl prejudices
would attempt to deny In the details
of workmanship , and in improvements
alfoeting tone , quality , durability and
artistic dovolopomcnt , America has
progressed , while England , FrancoGor-
uinuy and Italy have remained almost
where they were llfty years ago This
is a curious , fact , for these countries are
supposed bo to preeminently musicul
further advanced in this art than
America , which , it is claimed , is still
struggling with the rudlmonts ; and it
scoiiis natuarl thut manufacturers
in the four countries first named
should bo the ones to oring so
important a musical instrument as
the piano to its highest point nt devel
opment Englishmen , Frenchmen , Ger
mans und Italians will often enough
show talent when transplanted to this
country , and here , stimulated by our
kecnor business spirit , they have been
largely instrumental in giving the
American piuuo its present exalted po
sition At homo they would probably
have been stilled by the popular preju
dice , which is strongly opposed to in
terfering with methods which have
been in vogue for years Wore it not
for this apathy abroad to peroolve the
advantages of now und advnncod ideas ,
nnd wore it not for the chcupnoss of the
labor employed and the materials used
in foreign factories , which enables the
makers to greatly undersoil American
pianos , this country would long * ago
have run the foreign piano out of its
own Held ,
It took the Swiss a long tlmo to recognize -
nizo the wonderful superiority iu point
of exactness audahenpnessof the Amer
ican watch work done by machinery ,
and it was only when they were threat
ened with a total loss of the onorraous
watch trade , which they had virtually
controlled for many years , that they
gave up their todloua hand work ana
substituted machinery
Pears Is the bett and purett soaperer-made.
They to Baltic ! " < r n Trot > t > i' After I ho
Mnnnnr of Mcii *
In order to keep paeo Vfith the pro
gressive spirit of the liiuus , the two
higher classes ot the women's medical
coUego hare Indulged In aregulnr : college -
logo light ii.j
The dispute nroso Thursdnv ever the
ownership ot a beautiful green cushion
which a dignilled senior captured from
a loss dtgnilicd junior and intended to
use for bur own speclnl comfort , says a
Philadelphia dispatch totho ; New York
Herald At 3 o'clock on . ' uiht eventful
day this young lndy entered the louturo
room carrying on her shoulder the
cushion Arriving tit her place she
throw it upon the bench , and , sitting
upon It , snld to her companions , "Oh ,
myl but that Is comfortable
A. few minutes lutor the inombors of
the junior class assembled in their do *
partmont and the possessor of the cush
ion missed her comfortable seat She
informed her classmates of what had
hapuonod and with ono voice they snld ,
"Wo will have that cushion "
The owner ot the cushion , foltowod
by her comrades , walked up to the
sonlor and demanded her property On
receiving a negative answer to her re
quest the plucky junior grabbed the
cushion and pulloil it from under the
senior In nn instant there was a rogu ;
lar tuc of wnr
The members of each class came to the
assistance of their comrades Each
division held on to the cushion , pulling
and wrestling , und finally they came to
blows The room was one animated
mob of young and comely women strug
gling for supremacy and possession of
the coveted trophy
When the janitor entered , whether
intentionally or not ho engaged in the
Btrifo and soon became thoroughly
mixed up in the fight It wns hard to
toll which faction was the strongest
The wildest oxcltomont pro vailed when
the profussor , accompanied by some
gentlemen entered the loeturo room
The professor shouted for order , but
without avail He then took a hand In
the light nnd captured ttio cushion ,
which ho here otr in triumph to his
dosif As soon as ho could make him
self honrd the lecturer ndmiuistorcd n
short reproof to the angry maidens and
flnnlly succcodod in restoring order
Tired and tattered , the young lndios
then proceeded to their usual places ,
leaving on the lloor severallocksof hair
and other evidences of the battle
When quiet had been completely re
stored the owner of the much-covotod
cushion quietly stepped down to the
desk of the professor and returned to
her place with the prize which she , not
ilgurnlivoly but literally , sat upoft
InfVrnal Ingenuity
could pcarcely devise moro excruciating tor
tures than those of which you sco the evil
dences In the faoo of a rheumatic or
gic sufferer The ngonics ' are the cense
q ' uenco of not cbeckinK a rheumatic or nou-
rulKlc attack at the outset Ilostottcr's
Stomach LMttors have boon found by skil
ful medical practitioners to possess not only
remedial , but defensive oflleacy , where tnoso
diseases exists , or a tendency to them is ex
hibited , Surely this puissant but safe bo
tanic medicine , bearing , ) too , such high
specific sanction , is belter than the poisons
often employed , but more uosafo , not only In
continuunce , but in isolated doses The
blood is depurated thoroughly from the
rheumatic virus , and the nOrvos , slightly lm-
purged upon , saved from ultimata and dire
ful throes by this benign.saying medicine ,
which likewise exhibits marked cillcacy for
malaria , kidney complaints dyspepsia , con
stipation und liver complaint
How Statu Ituiiivnys Iny
Victoria is an Australian colony with
the size and populatfom of Kansas in
1880 , or an area of 87,000 square miles
and a population of 1,000,000.
But instead of letting corporations
build the railroads and giving land
away to get thorn to do this , Victoria
has kept its land and built its own rail
roads , says the Philadelphia Press
The result is that this thriving little
community of about 1,000,000 souls , or
the population of Philadelphia , had last
your an Income of $41,000,000 , and of this
Bum $10,600,00 wnj In the shape of
profits on the state railroads Seven
pears ago thoincomo from the railroads
was only $0,000,000 ; in 1880-8 it was
$12,265,000 , and for the year just closed
it bus gene up to nearly double the in
come of seven years ago , and as no ono
can build roads but the state , and the
state U an enterprising builder and a
good manager the prollts on the rail
roads will in time pay ull the expenses
of the government In addition , Vic
toria owns not only the postodlee , us the
people do here , but all the express busi
ness and all the telegraph business , and
the profit on those for this wise , thrifty
little state last year was $2,110,000.
Victoria has a heavy debt of $105-
595,000 , but as all but $5,500,000 was in
curred for railroads and waterworks ,
which pay a heavy profit , taxpayers
feel tolerably happy over it , and the re
maining fraction wont into school
buildings , which pay a profit in their
way , too As all the horse car lines
are owned by the pcoplo also , the cities
In Victoria got moro and moro prollt
from thorn the bigger they got , and
the taxpayer again lluds that It pays to
own these moans of communication ,
oven if ho hns to run in debt for
The natural result is that the surplus
laBtyear was $4,400,000 , the revenue
outrunning ostlmatos by this amount
California , the Liand of Discoveries
Why will you lay awalto all night , cough
Ing , when that most vlTcctivo and agreeable
California remedy , Santa Able , will rIve you
Immcdlato relief } SANTA ABIE is the
only guaranteed euro for consumption ,
asthma aad all bronchial complaints Hold
only In largo bottles , at II , Three for 13.50.
The Goodman Drue Co will uo nloased to
aupnly you , aud guarantee relief when used
hover falls to rollovo catarrh or cola in the
head Six months treatment , II By mail
tl 10. j !
Pour SleopleusYears
Afi Athens , Gn , special says : Four
years without stooping a wink That
sounds preposterous , but it is exaclly
the case of an old nogr # now living in
Athens , Charley Harden iB his name ,
and the snows of ugo bavo ' sottlcd down
upon him In slnvoyy times ho be
longed to John Whlto.who lived atthat
tlmo in this county ( Jhnrloy was soon
on the streets yosturOny talking to several -
eral of his friends niid' iolllng thorn of
his curious condition 4' 'J'
For four years , " said ho , "I have not
slept a wink I hoilr- continually a
buzzing Bound , and it seems as If several
persons were talking tome nil the time
At night I lie in mybdd with my eyes
wldo open , and if I drfMo 'ep povor close
them , aud always heir the tulking It
is an awful thing to bo talked to for four
years , and through the long nights to
have to listen to this nonsense "
Charley has tried doctors for his
Bleoplcssnoss and bus found no remedy ,
nnd has given up all hope of ever Bleep
ing again Ho , as a matter of necessity ,
Bleeps , but his eyes never close , aud till
his mental faculties remain ever awake
Ills case is a curious ono
In I'ralNB nrsuiulilc
It is , perhaps , on no sliiglo point tha
the Anglo-Suxnn and the Mongolia
stand so distinctly at antipodes as o"
their views of suicide , says the Jfort'1 '
China Gazette The ono looks at it wit1
horror , the other with complacency
Chinese books extol the taking of one'8
lifo from true patriotism , as when the
covornor ot Kinngsu porlshod by his
own hai.d nt the capture ot the city
by the Talplngs , and from senti
ment , ns when tin the death ot
nn unseen lever n damsel follows be
hind on the long pilgrimage The most
frequent motlvo is revenge ; Taoism
tenches practically that spirit msij- light
with spirit As every squnro has its
opium shop the remedy Is nonr at hand ,
when a wlfo is chastised by her llcgo ,
for instance Monte Carlo is not a cir
cumstatico toSoochow , There are no
statistics , but from coneral observation
It iimy safely bo put down that , com
pared with England and America.whoso
papers wo road , the proportion ot sui
cides is 100 to ono , or perhaps much
greater than this With tholr many
good traits of charnotor , this fcaturo ot
Chinese society is frightful , and all foreign
oign rosldents might use tholr Inllu-
enco to produce a healthier sentiment
Keep your blood puroand you will not
have rhounnttsin Hoods Snrsuparilln
puriflos the blood , and tones the whole
Bavngo Flirht Ilatwron n Ilnttlcsnnko
nml n Ccntlpcili- .
Ugh ! What Is It ? Take it awayl' '
The trightoncd speaker was ono of several -
oral employes ot Pierce & Co , engaged
in handling hurdwaro in the basement
ot the lirm's establishment on Broad
way , saysnn Oakland Special to the San
Francisco Exumlnor Ho had almost
placed his hand upon the object that
iiad startled him
' 'Looic outl It'sacontlpodo , nndabig
one , too , " cried ono of his companions
"It must have got into ono of the pack
ages from bananas or ether goods
shipped at a southern port while the
hardware was on board the vessel on Its
way from the east "
This was ample warning to prevent
cureless meddling with the centipede ,
but the hardware men determined to
capture him , aud after a little olTort the
many-logged curio was scooped up on a
shovel nnd curried upstnlrs But oven
then they did not know what to do with
their nrlzo
Iu the drug store adjoining was a
monster ratllesnako , kept as a curiosity
in a box in the show window
Lets put him in with thorattlorand
start u Zoo , " said ono of the group , and
the suggestion wus received with ap
proval The ccntlpodo was carried in
und dumped into the box with the rat
tlesnake An omnious rattle and quiv
ering of the body of the snnko showed
that bo resented the intrusion , and the
centipede , apparently realizing his dan
ger , made frantic otforts to escape by
crawling around the edges of the box
The rattler glared with fury upon the
venomous crawler , and attempted sev
eral times to cell nnd strike the in
truder ; but the space ot the box was too
limited , and , utter sovcrnl vain ell ort3 ,
which all the time ware accompanied
by an angry rattling , the snnko , gliding
forward w'th ' darting tongue , gradually
closed up on his enemy , and the centi
pede was soon writhing in its last ago
nies.But it was not vanquished without re
taliation The many Iocs ot the ccntl
podo had boon dointr their deadly work
and wl.en the snake moved away from
his victim he himself bognn lb show
signs of distress Ho tossed about from
ono side ot his box to the ether , rolled
ever , celled nnd uncoiled his scaly
length and in every way except by cries
betrayed his agony to the group of in
terested spectators
In about an hour the body of the
snake bocran to swell rapidly His
struggles became gradually weaker and
in two hours from the tlmo the tight
commenced his snakeship rolled over
and died
The poison of the centipede had done
its fatal work The body of the snnko
was swollen to twice its natural size
The rattlesnake and the centipede lay
dead together In the box , and thus
ended this strange duel to the death
Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for
children teething , softens the gums
and allays all pain 25 cents a bottle
The Unpleasant I'rpdioanient of In-
linliliiinlN of < lup in
Tokio journals report that the vol
cano Shiranesan , which rises from the
shores ot Lake Chuzonji , near Nikko ,
broke out in eruption early on Decem
ber 5. It was observed by the local
people on the evening of the 4th that
the water of the streams which have
their sources near the mountain was
much discolored and gave forth an
unpleasant sinoll About ; mid
night the sound of thunder peals
was hoard tb a distance ot seven
miles from the volcano , the noises con
tinuing during the whole night The
watchman at the hot springs at the
foot ot the mountain was so alarmed by
the phenomenon that ho Hod to the
noarosf hamlet , where ho reported that
the springs were throwing up jots ot
muddy water to a hoighth of several
foot Twenty-four hours afterwards
the country folks became aware that
the mountain , wns in active eruption ,
throwing out ilro and ashes , the latter
ot which spread over the country to a
conBidorablo extent , reaching as far as
Imaichl The eruption took uluco from
the orator formed in Juno , 1872 , when
the Volcano became active for a tlmo ,
Shiranesan wns in eruption in Juno ,
1872. The height is nbout 8,500 feet
The orator is irroguhir , and contains
noprossions ( illod with water At the
dorth end there is a pond of a remarkable
blo green color
At Kumamoto , the scouoof the recent
disastrous oarthqunuo , while u well
digger was excavating for water at a
depth of about elghteon fathoms , the
haso foil through and ho was only saved
from a descent , how far it is not known ,
by a rope which connected him with
the top of the pit Examination has
shown that a very largo cavity , depth
and width unknown , oxtsts , and this
wns probnbly caused by a recent earth
quake The people of Kumamoto are
veritably living on a crust
About midnight on December 0 the
inhabitants of Mlvasakl-ken were
nlartnod by rumbling noises proceeding
from the son and mountain in the direc
tion of the southwest Inqu'rlos '
elicited the fact that the rumbling was
caused by uu eruption of Mount Kirislii-
mn No damage was caused by the fire ,
etc , emitted from the mountain
Pozzonl's ( Complexion Powder Is univer
sally known and everywhere esteemed as the
only powder that will Improve the complex
ion , eradicaio tan , freckles , and all skin dis
* * Cat Kater * in Vrnio \
The cows of Nonlco pass thotr lives in
dark stables and nro almost the only
an 1 nulls in the town Bays a letter from
voulco It Is true that both dogs aud
cats are to bo fouud if you know whereto
to look for them These latter are
sometimes to be seen peering through
the gratings ot the ( lump , collar-like
groundrfloor rooms in the narrow lanes ,
where they look as if they are suffering
Imprisonment under the inquisition , so
dejected uu air they have ,
The cat is much iu favor with the
lower classes here for more purposes
than one , as wo learned from a Vene
tian frioud IIo said that in the winter -
tor ho finds it difficult to keep a cat
about his place , for it is euro to bo
stolen by his poorir neighbors to eke '
out tholr stock of food
And no wonder , " ho nridid . "tor J
can assure that if kopl in snow for two
or three day * nftcr being killed , cat ,
limitos a very palatable dish " |
The dogs are almost exclusively to bo
found on the great Intcon-sallcd boats
thut bring cargoes of wood from the ;
Alps to Cadoro und charcoal from Istria
and Dalmatrla These dogs nro taken ;
on shore so rarolv that , should ono bo I
Been running through the streets of
Venice , it would be thought mud , and
treated accordingly
Stllon' Nervonnl : ( Liver Ilfln
An Important discovery They net on the
liver , stomach nud bowels through the
nerves A now principle They speedily
euro bllllousness , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles nnd constipation , Spiendld for men ,
women nnd children Smallest , inlldost ,
surest SO doses for S.1 cents Samples free
at Kuhn & Co 's , lStli and Douglas
A ( Jcj-sor in Iceland Mntlc to Spout
l > V Ariltloinl Menu * .
The fnmoUB Strokr geyser wns not the
largest of the Iceland geysers , but was
a curious and amusing one , ns it could
bo made to eject water by nrtlllcial
means This was done by filling up Its
mouth with 8odsuntil there was no hole
left by which the stonm could cscnpo ,
when it vomited the whole mass with a
gigantic spout
On the occasion of our correspon
dents visit , says au ICnghsh paper , the
emetic had to bo repeated ( our times ,
and at last two hours elapsed before
these olfects were rewarded The
party had nearly dlspalred of the erup
tion ever taking place , when there was
a sudden start among the guides , who
were standing by the edge ot the orator ,
and sbriok from them , "Ho conical
Thou a huge column of boiling water
ascended straight In the air to a holght
of seventy feet , the spray being ojoctcd
to a considerably distance The erup
tion was accompanied by a rumbling
nolso aud a hissing sound as the shafts
of water ascended
The visitors stood and watched the
olfect a few foot distant from this boil
ing column , fooling the rumbling under
tholr feet , and hb the wind blow the
steam hack it foil iu condensed drops ,
like rain ; but wonderful to relate , al
though so lately boiling , it was now
quitu cold
This great fountnlu display continued
for a quarter of an hour Then , grad
ually subsiding , the column of wntorgot
smaller aud smaller , until nothing but
steam issued from its mouth If , wns
fully un hour before it quite subsided
Rheumatism ,
BEING duo to the presence ot urlo
acid in the blood , is must effectually
cured by the use of Ayers Saisapa-
rllla Be sure you got Ayers and uo
other , nnd take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system Wo challenge attention to this
testimony :
About two years ago nftcr suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout , being able to walk only with great
discomfort , nnd having tried vaiious
remedies , Including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw by nn advertise
ment In a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com
plaint , ufter long suffering , by taking
Ayer'e Sarsaparllla I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for eight months , and nm
pleased to state that it has effected a
complete cure I have since had no return
turn of the discaso " Mrs K , Irving
Dodge , 110 West 125th st , Now York
Ono year ago I was taken 111 with
inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to my house six months I came
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no appetite , anil my system
disordered In every wnv I commenced
using Ayers Sarsaparllla nnd begnn to
improve at once , gaining in strength
and soon recovering my usnnl health
I cannot s y too much in praise of this
well-known medicine " Mrs L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. II
Ayers ' Sarsaparilla ,
* °
vnErAnup bt
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
trice $1 ; slx 'toUlci , | 5. Worth $5 bottle
Basement First National Bank ,
: ior South litlli Street Oinalia
Boots and Shoos
Successors to ll od , Jones A Co
Wholesale Manufacturers ofBootsS Shoes
Agent ) for tlniion Ilubber Bhoe Co . 1103. Il9l anil 1103
llarney Street , Otuaba , Nebraska
lapr Beer Brewers
1M1 Worth Klghfsmtu Street , Qmane , Nebraska ,
Manufacturer * ofGalyanlzeuto Cornice
Window-caps and tnetallle ikjrllBbts Jobs Bpaneter ,
proprietor IU ) and lljHouth iota street ,
Btoam Fitting , Pump TEto
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , water , railway and mlnlnit supplies , etc ,
taj.KBand Ittl Farnam street , Omaba
Steam and Water Supplies ,
LlaMldar wlnl mllll , S18 and 920 Jones et.Om ° lba
O , K. lloss , AcUnK Manager ,
Engines , Boilers anil General Macninery ,
fheul-lron work , steam pumps , saw mills , 1213-lSie
IrtjsTennorth street , Omabu
Iron Works
Wrought and Cast iron Building Work
Hngluei , trass work , general fouudrr , macuine and
blacksmith work , omce and works U. 1' . Itr
and Hib street , Oinaba
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire signs ,
etc la North 1Mb street , Oinaba
Manf'rs ' of Fire aud Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults , Jail work Iron shulUtr * and lira escapes
O. Andtaen.prop r. Cor 1IIU aad Jaisson Ms
aaah Doora , Eto
m , a. Disanow * co .
Wholesale roanufaoturert it
Sa'h , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch ulOcc , ita aad Hard streets Oaiaba , Hob
or South Omaha Limited
Agricultural Implomonte
Agricult'l ' Implements , Wagons , CarriagC3
llUB le < . eto Wholesslo , Omaha Nebiaska
iiouNE , MtutuiixA yrolY Anb co
Mannrarturcrs ami Jobber * In
Wagons , Baggies , Rikcj , Plows , Eta
Cor.Pth and l'nctltc streets , Omaha ,
Artlata' WntorTnla
-d. UOSPE , Jr ,
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs
1113 Douglas street Omaha , Nebraska
OoolB nnd Shooa
Joohers of Boots and Shoe : ,
101 , IKn , 1105 Douglas street , Omaha Mamitaclorr ,
Bummer street , lloslnn
' - I
Mines and Shippers ( f Hard and Soft Coa's
r i 1 Irst Natlr.nal llnnlc llnl'.Mn ' , Qninlm , ? . • ' ' .
Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal
aw Boulh 13th etreeU Omaha , Nebraska ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke
til South 13th street , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Commlaslon end Stor KO
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties llutu > r. eggs , rbeeso itnultrr , team .
111J llowaid street , Omaha , Neb
, s
Clgar3. _
Wholesale Cigars
tOJKorth CtU StrootOmsha , Neb Hello HOT
Pry Cooda ontl Motions
M. E. SMITH ACO. . ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods aud Notions
1102and 1IM Douglas , cor , llth street , Omaha , Neb ,
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Good ? , Notions
Qents'Furnishing ( loots , Corner llth and Uarnoy
streets Omaha , Nubrnska
I = 3
Furnlluro- _ _ „ _ _
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
remain street Omaha , Nebraska
Omaha , Nebraska
' !
Crocorlos , . , .
„ „ n
Wholesale Grocers
Utb and I avenwcrtli streets , Omaha Nebraska
wj miuATcn ,
Jcayy Hardware , Iron and Steel
Springs , wagnr stock , hnrnware , lumber , eto 1301
Ull llorncj structOnulm
Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics Tools and Buffalo Rentes 1105 Douglat
street , Omaha , Nib
Lumber , Etc
Wholesale Lumber , Etc
Imported and American Tortlaml Cement State
agent tor Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement
and Ouli or White Ilnie
Dealer in Hardwocd Lumber
Woo6 CftrpaU nnd nam net Mooring Otb and l > Juglu
• treeu , Oaialia , Nebraska
AU Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
Utb street and Union I'aclQc traok , Omaha
. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash
Doors , tto Yards Corner 7th and Douglas QtAot
Corner 10th and I > ouglas
LamliBr , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc
Cornet ttb and Dous/las / streets , rfmaba
c. nTdietz "
Dealer in All Kidqs of Lumber ,
IStb and California streets , Omaha , Nebraska
Mljllnqry qncf Notions
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
S03,110 and 212 South llth street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
1121 Harney street , Onialia
Wholesale Reflned and Lubricating Oils
Axle Qreaao , etc Omaha A. II Dlsbop , Manager
t ' , :
Paper . - . .t.- - .
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Crr7 a nice stock of printing , wrapplnff and wrltlna
paper Special attention given to card paper
r , i
Safes Mo
General Agents for
Halls ' Safes
PI ami 323 South 10th Bt . Omaha
Toya , Eto
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goofy
House Furnishing Hoods Children's Carriages 1201
frarnam street , Omaha Neb
" • TlUt -
Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Ry '
Tim Best Itouto from Omaha and Council
IllufTn to
and council aiMvaa
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Bt 1'nul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Bock Itlaud , Freeport , Hockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesyllle ,
Ilclolt , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all otbir Important points Kast , Northeast and
Uoutu > ist
Tor through tickets call on the iltket ageat at 160 ]
farnam street , In Ilarker llloek , or at Uulua l'ucine
1'nllman Weepers and the Hiiest Dining Cars In tha
vorldare run on the mainline of tbu Chicago , ittl *
waukee X Bt Paul ltatlw y. and erorj attention II
paid to passengers by courUoua employes ol tht
1UMII.I.BH. fleneral Manager _
1. V. TUCltKH , Asil.Lnl Ueneral Manager
A. V , 11. CAitrKNTKlt , Ueneral i'assenger and
Ticket Agent
UKO u. liKArrOUU Aislltsat ( ienaral 1'asssacsl
od Ticket Agent
T.J.CUAUa.isnsrilBnf ( ! rlulenlsat
msiUKKsor womhv
OCuce , tlKCur 13lu aal Douglas Su , Onl U N