Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    | T 2 " O I AH A
H The Schedule of Gnmoa Adopted
H Without n Dissenting Voloo
H | Tlio Must Successful Mooting In the
1 , History of the Organization
H | A Profitable Season
H Predicted
B A. Ilr-gulnr Ijnvn Innst
B The Wcstorn Automation schedule com
H nirltoc completed their labors lastovonmg
B nftcrttio most harmonious nnd satisfactory
PH session within the history of the organtta
U tied No dissension whatever nroso out of
H the ailSptlon of the playing schedule for the
H eomrog season ; nnd the original shoot , after
PB but few slight modifications , wan uniuil-
HH raously agreed upon , and n vigorous Inter
PB chsngo of congratulations was In ordof
H among the delegates
fl ThoJlrst business In onlor today was the
fl hearing of reports from the various coin
H inltttos , that of the committee ou balls ,
B v recommending tliousoof the Spalding ball
H during the season of 1690 bolngndoptod All
H other reports , which are of no moment to
Bj the punUc , were Ukowlso as satisfactorily
BB disposed of ,
BB On motion it was decided that each team
BB In the association must wear a wlitto uui-
BB form , shirt and pants , upon the homo
BB Rrounds.gthe color of cap , belt and stock
BB logs being left to the plcusuro of the indl-
BBj vidual managers The contract for unl-
BH forms wus awarded to Sam G. Morton of
BB ] Minneapolis
BH After the disposal of this and much other
BH Important business the schedule ngrocd upon
BH uy the committee was submitted to the in-
BH spoctiou of the dalcgatcs , the different clubs
BH boiiiR rcprcsuutcd ns follows : Omaha , J , S.
BH McCoriniek , prcsldont of the association and
HH lid O. Brandt , the local clubs secretary ;
HH St Paul , Mike J. Kocho , sccrotary of the
BB ] association , and A. N. Thompson , vice pros
BBj idout of the Apostles blub ; Minneapolis ,
BB ] Sam Morton nnd Henry Hoch ; Mtlwaukco ,
BH ] Manager Charles Cushman ; Sioux City , It
BH B , Mulcahy ; Des Moines , K. E. Jowott ;
HH ] Bonvor , Dave Howe and W. B Van Horn ;
HH Kansas City , Dave Howe , proxy
HH 'ltio schedule was thoroughly dissected ,
HH the result being its hearty unanimous adop-
HH Hon At n hasty gtanco the document looks
HH lute a good one The northern clubs open
HH ' ing with each ether , dt Paul nt Des Moines
HH April 17 , IS nnd 10 , and MIHvnukOo at Min >
HH ncapolis on the same dates Omaha lit
HH Denver May 17 , 10 nnd 20 , and Sioux City at
HJ Kansas City , Omaha then goes to Kansas
HH City for thrco games on April Si , l and 21 ,
HH after which she returns homo for tbo In-
HH ougurnl eatnes with Sioux City April 20 , 27
HH and 20. Denver follows uo\t May 0,7 and
HH * > ' • Kansas City 0 , 10 nnd 11 , after which the
H | home club gees north for u two weeks trip ,
HH returning here with St Paul Mav ! JJ , III und
HHJ Juno 1. After this tomes Uttoen straight
H | pauios in the rosy month of June on the
BBl homo grounds , including four Sundays and
BB1 our baiurdnys Altogether Omaha gets
I fourteen Sunday games by regular schedule ,
HBl und tliteu mora by reason of open
BBl dates two with Minneapolis and ono
BBf with Dss Moines , givinc : the
homo team in reality soventcon Sunday
games , which is u big thing 1 lom a fitinncinl
H tt nulpjiul On July 4 tbo homoclub goes to
H ] Kansas L.UV for two ramus , returning hero
HHj ior n game with the Cowboys on Sunday ,
HJ , luX | ( ' , after which she leaves on her second
HHj ' I10' ' tliern trip May UO , Decoration Day , St
HHj 1 > aul l'lajs hero As it will bo soon , every
HHJ i tiling considered , Omaha has her full share
HH | I ot good dates The Bouson closes with the
BBl 1 northern cities in the south , St Paul wlud-
BB1 jj log up here on Septombar 27,2 $ and 29.
BBl f 'M'u mQeUng closud iq a bhuopf , glory and
BBl l | champagne , oud for an hour room 10'attno
BBl I Millard was the scene of much general
BBl1' hilarity and good will All the dologsUcs
BBf " * " * uxpresscd thcmsolvos as perfectly sntlsllcd
HHJ with their allotment of dates , and with ono
HHj nrcord , all pioclulmcd that the coming sea
H B "on wns bound to bo a great ono President
HH Dick.McCoruilck , or Uncle Dick , " ns the
HH ' delegates insisted on calling him , opened
HH the festivities with n bumper and neat llttla
Hj > npoculi , congratulating the gentlemen ns-
H H 1 nemblcd upon the hearty and unanimous
HHj i wav In u hfch thov had accomplished their
H | onerous labors.aud bespoakiuguntircredentcd
H h sucross for tlio coming season Manager
HJ Cushmun of Milwaukee retpondad with a
HJ toast to Uuclo Oleic ; Mulcahy of Sioux Citv
HJ to the pennant winners , the Corn Uuskers ,
HJ uu ! Henry Hock to tbo tlncst ball organiza-
HJ ton ' in the world Short speeches wore also
HJ | in ado by Messrs Thomson of St Paul , Sam
H ] 1 Morton of Minneapolis , Dave Howe and Van
Hj I Horn of Denver and Mlko Kocho , the associ-
Hj ntlon's off dent and courteous secretary , who ,
Hj I'V ' the way , Is also tno sporting editor of the
Hj • " , l 1 > a"1 Pioneer Press , nnd the meeting did
Hj i ° ° t disperse until it was tlmo for the dole
I k gales tu leave for the various trains that
who to bear them Home , The complota
I fcclit'dule is appended :
' With Sioux City April 20 , 27 , 29 ; Juno
27 , 2S , 2' ' ) ; August 20 , 21. 23.
. Denver May 0 , 7 , 8 ; Juno 20 , 21 , 22 ;
' ! AngOst 2C , 27 , 3 $ .
Kansas City Mav 9. 10 , 11 ; Juno 7 , 8 ,
July II ; August 29,110 , ill
Milwaukee Juno 7 , 8 , 10 : August 2 , 3 , 5 ;
Sept , 10 , 17 , 18.
St Paul Mav ! )0 ) , 31 and Juno I ; July 2t ,
2il , 27 ; Sept 27 , 23 , 30.
Minneapolis June ; ) , • ) , li : July 29,30,31 ;
Kept 23,31 , 23
Des Molnos June 12 , 14 , IS ; August 7 , 9 ,
10 ; Scit.Ji0,2l | , 2A
With Dcnvor April 17 , 10. 20 ; Juno 30.
July 1 , 2 ; August 10 , 17 , 18.
Kansas City April 33 , 2J , 21 ; July 4 , 4 , ! > ;
August 12 , 1,1,14. , . .
Sioux City May 1 , 3 , 4 ; Juno 23 , 24 , 35 ;
August 2J , 24 , 25.
Milwaukee May 22 , 2. ! , 24 : Juno 19 , 20,22 ;
Sept U. 13 , 14.
bt-lMul May 25 , 27 , 23 ; July 10 , 17 , 18 ;
Sept 1 , 2. 3 ; Minneapolis 1U. 17 , 20 ; July 8 ,
1) ) , 10t Sept 4 , 5 , 0. •
Des Moines May 13 , 14 , 15 ; July 11 , 12,11 ;
fcopt 8 , 9 , 10.
Kansas City April 20 , 27 , 29 , Juno 27 , 23 ,
80 , August 111 , 20 , 21.
Oiuuhu April 17 , 19 , 20 , Juno 30 , July 1 , 3 ,
August 10 , 17 , IS
Sioux Cltv- April 2J 23 , 21 , July 4 , 5 , 0 ,
August 12 , 13 , 14.
Milwaukee Juno 3 , 4 , 5 , July 29 , 30 , 31 ,
SeptemberIM.'fil , 25. '
St Paul Jnuo 13 , 14 , 15 , August 2 , 0 , G ,
September 20 , 21 , 22.
Minnonpolls Juno 7 , 8 , 10 , August T , 9 , 10 ,
September 10,17 , 18.
Deb Moines .10.31 , Juno 1 , July 31 , 2337 ,
SepWtuboj 37)2 , V'O. .
II i-A , ' fBNviitAimiAi , ) ,
Kansas City May 1 , 3 , 4 , Juno 21 , 25 , 28 ,
August 2.1 , 24 , 2S
Ouuiha May B , 7 , 8 , Juuo 20 , 31. 33 , Aug
uit 311 , Sr3 ; * ' "
August 29. 3d , 31/
Mllwiiukoo-May 13 , 14 , 15 , July 10 , 17 , IS ,
Sept 5. 0 , 7i • .
St Paul-May ' 17 , 18 , 20 , July 8 , 9 , 10 ,
Sept 8 , 'JJ , 10c-
Mluaoaiiolls ilay 2 , 2.1 , 21 , July 11 , 12 ,
14. Sept U , "li/l3
.l > s.aioliUSn-May20 ) , 27 , 23 , July , 19 , 21 , '
Denver May 1 , 3 , 4 , Juno 21 , 25 , 20 , Aug
23 24-35 , *
biuahii April Hi , 23 , 34 , July 4. 4 , 5 , Aug
12. U 14.
Sioux City-April 17.19 , 20 , Juno 30 , July
1 , 2 , Aug Ill , 17. 18 ,
Mlltoinikei > May 80 , 31 , Juno 1 , July 31 , 20 ,
37 , Sept 27 ( 28 , 29.
fat Paul June 7 , 8,10 , Aug 7 , 9 , 10 , Sept
ibj7 , 'is , : , .
Minneapolis Juno 13 , 14 , 15 , Aug , 2 , 3 , 5 ,
Sept 20. 31 , 22.
i Dos MoiiH'u Juuo 3 , 4 , 0 , July 2) , 30 , 31 ,
SoDt " " SS 21 , 35.
KANSAS CITr AllltOlI ) .
WitU Douver April 20 , 37 , 29 , Juno 37 , 28 ,
C9. AugvUV20,31.
Omaha May V , 10 , 11 , Juuo 17 , 18 , July 0.
Aug 29 , 30. 31 , .
Sioux Citv May 0 , 7 , 8 , Juno SO , 31 , 32 ,
August 30 , 27 , 83.
Milwaukee May 17 , 19 , 30 , July 8 , 0 , 10 ,
SoptcmborS , 0 , 10. *
St Paul-May 1,1 , 14 ( 15 , July 11 , 12 , 13 ,
September 11 , 13. 14.
Minnonpolls MaySfl , 27 , S3 , July 19 , 31 , 22 ,
Sopiombor 1 , 3 , ! l.
Dos Moincs-Mjiy E2 , 33 , 21 , July 10 , t7 , 13 ,
September 4 , n , 0.
sioux crtr AriioMd
11 Juno 17 19 1" " ) .
Denvor-Mnv % 10 , , , ,
August 3'i ' , . ' 10 , HI
Kansas City May 0 , 7 , 3 , Juno 20 , 31 , 22 ,
August 26 , 27. 2i
Omahn-May 1 , ! J , 4 , Juno 33,2 , 35 , August
23 , 24 , 25.
Mllwaukoo-Julv 13 , 14 , 15 , August 7 , 9 , 10 ,
Sentombor 19 , 20 , 21.
St Paul-Juno 3 , 4 , 5 , July 39 , 30 , 31 , Soi > -
tombcrSl , 25 , 20.
Minneapolis-May 13 , 14 , Juno 1 , July 31 ,
20. 37 , September 27 , 23. 29.
Des Moines Juno7 , 3 , 10 , Augusts , 3 , 5 ,
Scptombor 14 , 10 , 17.
sioux citvniioAt .
Donvor-Anrll 32 , 23 , 31 , July 4 , S , 0 ,
August 12 , 13. 14 ,
Kansas City April 17. 19 , 29 , Juno 30 ,
July 1 , 2r August 10 , 17. IS
Omabn-Anrll 30,27 , 39 , Juno 27 , 23 , 39 ,
August SO , 21 , 3-3.
Mllvvaukeo-Muy 25 , 27 , 23. July 11 , 12 , 13 ,
Soptembcr 2 , 3 , 4.
St Pnul May 33 , 23 , 31 , July 19 , 30 , 2" ) ,
September G , 0 , 7.
Minneapolis Mny 39 , 80 , 31 , July 10 , 17 , 18 ,
Septembers 0. 10.
Des Molnos May 10 , 17 , 20 , July S , 0 , 10 ,
Soptcmbor U , 12 , la
Denver May 13 , 14 , 15 , July 10 , 17 , 18 ,
September 5 , 0 , 7. .
Kansas Citv Muy 17 , 13 , 20 , July 8 , 9 , 10 ,
September 8 , 9 , 10.
Omaha-May 22 , 23 , 21 , July 19 , 30 , 23 ,
Scptombor 11. 13 , 14.
bioux City May 2" , 27 , 23 , Julv 11 , 12 13 ,
Sentomber2 , 3 , 4.
St Paul April 39 , 30 , May 1 , Juno 24 , 25 ,
30 , August 20 , 37 , 23.
Minneapolis April 20,22 , 23 , July 5 , 0 , 7 ,
Augusts ! . 39,31.
Des Molnos April2" , 20 , 27 , Juno 33 , 29 ,
July 1 | August 2j , 21 , 24.
JH1/WAUKE15 Altnoll ) . '
Denver Juno 8 , 4 , C , July 29 , 30 , 31 , Sop
tcmbor 3d , 24 , 25.
Konsns City Mav 30 , 31 , Juno 1 , July 24 ,
28. 27 , September 37 , 23 , 29.
Omaha Juno 7 , 8 , 10 , August 2 , 3 , 5 , Sep
tember 10 , 17 , 18.
Sioux City July 12.14,15 , August 7 , 9 , 10 ,
Scptombor 19. 20 , 21.
St Paul-May 8,10 , 11 , July 2 , 3 , 4. Aug
ust 19. 20 , 21.
Minneapolis April 17 , 18 , It , Juno 20. 31 ,
20 , July 4 p. m. , August 10 , 18.
Des Moines May 3 , 5 , 0 , Juno 17 , 18 , 19 ,
August 13,13,14. . .
Denver May 17 , 18 , 30 , July 8 , 9 , 10 , Sep
tember 8 , P , 10.
Kansas City May 13 , 14 , 15 , July 11 , 13,13 ,
Scptombor 11 13 , 14.
Omaha May 25t 37 , 33 , July 10 , 17 , 1 ° , Scp
tombor 1 , 3 , 3.
Sioux City May 22 , 2.3 , 31 , July 19 , 30 , 32 ,
Soptembcr 5 , 0 , T. '
Milwaukee May 8 , 10 , llr July3 , 3,4 a. in .
August H > r 20 , 21.
Minneapolis April 20 , 27 , May 4 , Juno 17 ,
19 , 29 , August 22 , 23 , 24.
Dos Molnas A'prll-20 , 22 , 3.1 , July 4 p. m ,
5 , 0 , August 29 , 30..31.
sr nur , ahuoiu
Denver Juno 12. 14 , 15 , August 2 , 3 , D ,
September 20 , 31. 22
Kansas City Juno 7 , B. 10 , August 7 , 9 , 10 ,
Scptombor 10 , 17 , 18.
Omaha Mny 30 , 31 , ' : Juno 1 , July 24 , 20 , 27 ,
Soptembcr 37 , 23 , 30.
Sioux City Juno 3 , 4 , 5 , July 29 , 30 , 31 , Sep
tember 31 , 25 , 20.
Milwaukee April 2 , 30 , May 1 , Juno 31 ,
23 , 20 , August 20 , 37 , 33.
Minneapolis May 3. 5 , 0 , Juno 23 , 30 , July
1 , August 13 , 13. 14. -
Des Moinoi April 17 , IS , 19.Juno 20 , 21 ,
23 , August 15,10 , 18.
Denver MaY . " ) , 2J , 21 , July 11 , 13 , 14 , Sop
tcmbor 11 | 13 , 13. .
Kaiisras City May 20 , 27 , 23 , July 19 , 21 , 22 ,
Scptombpr1i2 , 3. . , : :
Omahnr-Muy 10 , 17,20Julv 8 , 9 , 10 , Sep
tombeit4 , 6 , 0. * / , . _ .
Slnux.City Mav 30.-30.-3l , . July 10 , 17 , 13 ,
Scptombor 8 , fl 10.
Milvvaukeo April 17 , 13,19 , Juno 20,21 , 23 ,
July 4 p " . 'Ti , ' August 10 , IS
St Panl May 3 , 5,0 , JUno 23 , 30 , Juiy'l ;
August 12 , i3 14 ' * ' ' •
Dcs"Moinos Aprll 20 , 30 , Muy 1 , July 3 , 3 ,
4 , a. m , August 20 , 27 , 23.
Denvorr-Juno 7 , 8. 10 , A.ugu.st7,9 , 10 , Sop
tembor-10 , 17. 18.
Kansas Citv Juno 12,14. lo , August 2 , 3 ,
IS , Soptembcr 20 , 31 , 23.
Omahu Fuiio 3 , 4 , 5 , July 2D , 30 , 31 , September -
tombor 2.1 , 24 , 25.
Sioux City May 13 , 14 , Juno 1 , July 24 , 20 ,
27 , SoptcinDer 27 , 23 , 22. :
Milwaukee April 80 , 2-2 , - 21 , July 5 , 6 , 7 ,
August 29 , 30 , 31 .
St Paul April 20,27 , May 4 , Juno 17 , 19 ,
25. August 22 , 2-J , 24 ' • • "
Des Moines May 8 , 0-10 , Juno , 24 , 25 , 20 ,
August 19 , 2J. 31.
With Dqnyer Mny 21) ) , 27. 23 , July 19 , 21 ,
22 , Septpmbor 1 , 2. 3.
Kansas Cuy Slay 2223,31 , July 10 , 17 , 18 ,
September 4 , 5 , 0.
Omaha Mav 13. 14 , 13 , . July 11 , 12 , 15 ,
Scntomber S. P. .10.
bloux City Muy • 1017 ; 20 , July 8 , 9 , 10 ,
Scptombor 11 , 12 , 13.
Milwuukeo Muy 3 , 5 , 0 , Juno 17. IS , 19 ,
, Aucust 12 , 13. 14.
- St Paul April 17,18 , : 19 , Juno 21 , 22 , 21 ,
August 15,10 , J8 ,
Minneapolis faay 8 , 9. 10. Juno 24 , 25 , 20 ,
August 19 , 20 , 21 ,
lies MOINES AlUOAI > .
With Denver May 80,31 , Juno 1 , July 21.
20 , 27 , Soptembcr 27.23 < 29.
Kansas City June 3 , 1 , 5 , July 29 , 30 , 31.
Soptombcr Si , 24 , 25.
Omaha Juno 12 , .14 , 15 , August 7 , 9 , 10 ,
September 20 , 31 , 22 ,
Sioux Citv June 7 , 8 , 10 , August 3 , 3 , 5.
September 14 , i0 , IT <
Milwaukee April 25 , 20 , 27 , Juno 23 , 29 ,
Julv 1. August 23 , 2.J , 21.
St Paul April 20 , 23. 33 , a m. , July 4 , 5 , 0 ,
August 29 , TW 31.
Minneapolis April 39 , 30 , May 1 , am ,
July 3 , 3 , 4 , August 20 , ' 27 , 23.
Sixaiay fjyolu Chnso
The Bix-dayrfour-hours a-day bioyclo race
begins nt the Coliseum this ovonlng at 0:30 :
oclock There are seven entrlos and on in
teresting strurglo is anticipated
A. Nniiolitl M. to University ,
WASiusfuTaWFob o.-u-Tha Post will an
nounce tomorrow that the Methodist church
Intends to found a national unlvoislty In this
city and tl at arrangements are making for
the purcliaso of u ninety acre tract of land
on the .Tonriallnown road , near Oakviow ,
the Cleveland * ' country homo , as a site for
the university , Hisbnp Hurst , who Is at the
bond of the movement , has paid an option of
81,000 oa the property , which will bo sold for
Arrived Willi tlioborvia'a Passengers
New Youit , Feb 9 , ISpeclal Telegram to
Tub llcu.l The steamer Dan la , from Ham
burg , arrived hero today with the passen
gers of hoc sister ship , the Servia , which oa
January 32 last broke her shaft and had to
put back to Quoenstown after making Ave
days of her voyage The Danlu passed
through a largo Hold of Ipe In latitude 40. 23 ,
longitude 40 , $3 , and sighted at least llfly
< m , .
iV l'eoullap i-onsloi ) Case
Goiiuon , Ou Va9. \ . An assistant United
States attorney b hero Investigating a fraud
ulent ponaioircaso Somotlmougo a pension
was granted to hunoy Smith because she
was the widow of a fcbldfor Not along ago 1
the district attorney was juformed that she i
was not the widow of the soldlor in question
\iut had been divorced fiom blra many years ,
before bis death Mrs Smith , wheu ijuos- '
llonod , denied being divorced , but when con
fronted with the decree of divorce she said
horhuslmud wasu worthless fellow ; that
alto coutultod lawyers and tbo via some way
enabled her to administer iter property as a
single woman Sue , thought it might bo pos
sible they bad obtained a diyoroa without
her knowledge As a prc-of of not being di '
vorced she say * she Jived with him 1
and treated him inevury way as her husband
This case is propaplv-without a parallel iu
the records of peuslou cases , " The question [
is whether the government will bo able to ,
protecuto Its case and obtain toe money
which bus already been paid out , if the i
woman's story'is found credible
Mnt Hlnk3tlor Trloa to Extormtnato
the Boatrlo3 Polloa Porco <
A. Nortli _ J'lntto Clilnnuinii Hrutilly
Assnultcd by a Sivoiic ThIihukc'S
Contrltititlon to tlio Dnkotii
Huff ! re rJ
Wcnl Giuinlntr 1'or lolloompri
llEATmre , Neb , fob 0. [ Spoclal Telegram -
gram to Tun ller ] About 13 o'clock Inst
night Mat llinkstlcr loaded himself with
whisky and started out gunning for police
ofllcors Ho wont up to the city Jixtl and
called out Ofllcor Ooorgo Smith , nnd ns soon
ns that odlcer put In nn nppoaranco
Hlnkstlor ononcd ( lro on htm with n 3J >
ralloro revolver , The second shot took
oltctl In the onlcor's arm , but in the moan *
while the officer closed In on the murderous
wretch , and floored him OOlccr Wilson
came to the rcscuo at once , nnd the would-Do
murderer was disarmed and lodged In ] al )
Offlcor Smith Is not seriously hurt
A ltrtitnl Amnult
NoiiTK Pi.atte , Neb , Tob 0. ISpecInl
to The DebI Vcstorday nftornooa a
young Swede named Swansen committed a
brutal nnd unprovoked sssault on a little
Chinosi boy about flftcon years old The lad
usked Swansen for Homo money owing for
washlnu The cowardly Swede , nlthough
weighing moro thnn twlco ns much ns the
bov , picked up n ploco of 3x1 scantling nnd
struck him full in the face with it , mashing
his nose perfectly flat nnd fracturlug tbo
Jaw The bov was tulcon homo and his
wounds dressed The Swede was arrested
and taken borore Justice Cook His lawyers
secured a change of vouuo nnd the case will
bo tried Monday before Justice llatvlcy
Per tlio Dakotu Surfornrs
Tauuoe , Neb , , Feb 9. [ Special to Tns
Bee ] The people ot Talmago and vicin
ity todoy sent a carload of corn , wheat and
clothes to the Hon II II Sheets , Esmond ,
S. D. , to bo distributed among tbo Dakota
sufforcrs Delta , live miles from here , also
sent a car yesterday Wo will fiond.another
carload as soon as u car can be secured The
farmers around hero have given freely
l'"or Helllnc Lilquor t Drunkards
LniMi'rr , Neb , Fqb 9 , [ Special to TnE
Use ] D. Delalr , asalooiikoejior , has been
arrested on complaint of , " 31J * Palmer , ox-
city marshal , for Bulling liquor to habitual
drunkards Tbo trial is now in progress ut
ltonds for n NeW Itnad
Keahnev , Neb , Febi 8. [ Special to Tun
BbE ] A special election will take place
here on the 13th Inst , to vote bonds for
the Konrnoy & Black Hills rafrooil | The
amount asked by the compnny'ls 875,000 , for
which the company agrcos to build a line up
Wood river from hero to Callaway , n distunco
of sovcnty-tlvo miles At ilrst the opposition
was strong on the grounds that the amount
wus too great for the length of tlio line prom
ised The charter calls for a line to tlio
northwest part of the state , crossing the
counties ot Dawson , Cnstnr , Logan , Sheri
dan , Daw cb nnd Sioux , terminating at the
northwest boundary of the stnto It is the
Intention of the company ultimately roach
the Black Hills The great barrier in the
way of securing bonds froni ' the city has
boon practically removed bytho Kearney &
Black Hills company , ngroeing'to take 5. > 0,000
stock in the Konrnoy , Hutchinson & Gulf , a
road proposed from hero south , via Minden ,
Superior , Hutchinson , and , terminating at
Galveston , Tex , ,
TIip Holtzmau Inquest
Kearney , NobV , reb 9. [ Special to Tni1
Bce.J1 The * inquest over the uoHy ' of Gns
Holtzmnn , wlio was kilted "on 'Thlirsdny
night by a train on ho Union Pacific , was In
session nil day yesterday nnd "tb Cjury ad
journed law Inst night lyilliout arriving at a
verdict Carlson , the mn , nrhp , vy s. with ,
him on the handcar ami saved his'-own llfo
by leaping from the car , testified that Holtz-
man bad not drunk much'liquor whllo ho
was with him Thursduy niglit , < .Tho-last
two hours before starting for - homo they
were separated The evidence showed that
a man from this city spent some time with
Holtzmnn and it is evident thej\ were drink
ing together This last companion has dis
appeared , and the jury will no rotter n ver
dict until ho can bo found to gjyo testimony
It will bo nltomptcd to put the blame on the
saloonkcopor who sold Holtzmnn' liquor after
ho was intoxicated The sequel to the sud
affair Is that a wife and seven small chil
dren are loft in dcstltuto circumstances
Notes from Norfolk
Norfolk , Neb , Feb 4. [ Spoclal to The
Bee ] Perry S. Ileuth's ' | statement , in
yesterdays Bee that Senator Mandorson's
bill for a public building to bo erected in this
city at n cost of (200,000 had been favorably
repotted upon by tbo secretary , ol the
treasury , has cnusea everybody to look
pleasant In Norfolk today , and In considera
tion of several other enterprises now In a
fair way of materializing , among which
may bo mentioned a packing house enough
money being nlroady subscribed by citlzons
to ensure u S50,000 plant the prospects now
ore very fnvorablo for a lively summer in
Ii J. Iicno took possession of the Tillon-
bury holol Saturday , nnd tno housa will
hereafter bo Known as the Hotel-Hono ,
The deputy sheriff of this county is at
present busily engaged in collecting several
dollars a picuo from some fifty odd of Nor
folks citlzoas who during the year of 18S9 ,
whllo the season was ripe , were , proudto , bo
known as members of the Norfolk Base Ball
association The deputy is so nuthonzod to
collect from the fact thnt'a judgmtat'wns '
recently obtained In the district court ngnlnst
said association and in favor of Charles
Wako and Fred Campbell tor-salaries long
past due and unpaid
The city council have ut last accepted tbo
water works system and Norfolk now has us
line a sjstem as any city of equal slzo in'tho
state •
Banner County New .
IlAnmsntmo , Neb , Fob 8 jSpoclal to
The BiiK ] Advance purtles of the Sioux
City & Pacific were in the county last week
Bonds have been voted tu aid of this road ut
Broken Bow , and HnrrUburg is on an air
Una from the Bow to Ogden , which Is tbo
roads ' course Harrisburg has a natural
rock bed und everything looks favorable-for
gottlng the road
The back bono of winter is completely
broken here , and Hundreds of farmers are
plowing in the Holds , Wheat sowing will
commence in a week or two The prospects
for a good crop In this part of the country
were never hotter An immense amount of
snow fell this winter and has thoioughly
soaked the ground livery ono looks forward
to a splendid year
There is but little free government land
loft hero , but numbers of claims can bo , pur
chased in the county at reasouabla prices
Auy information concerning Banner county
will bo gladly furnished by tba board of
trade here , •
A creat many people here Join with your
Logan county correspondent iu donouhclng
the now land district scheme If the now
districts are created us now proposed , lain
dreds of people will have Increased dlMoulry
iu getting to the laud oflico , while ouly Hoi
ons will ba tbsnollted , and tnoso not to any
grout extent At any ruto It would bader
cidudlv uujust to Include any portion pf
Banner county In the alliance district ) Vo
speak only for ourtclves
Harrisburg is one of the crowing town * ot
western Nebraska Building operation *
have contluuod right through the winter und
there will bo a largo and healthy growth
during the summer . •
flinrgoa wiih Pej-Jury , , , „ ,
Kansas Citv , Fob 9. Jbiuos A. Fuller ,
secretary of the Topeka Insurance company ,
was arrested at Topeka today , charged with
Injury ,
„ „
Par i nts tjovunjhplr filvrs AUoniptltisr
in NTwyrriioIr Olllrtron
Kivostov , Nl V ' Feb 9. Four children
of Jacsb it btabcrtivorc skating on the laito
at BliwewiUorthT * afternoon when tbo lco
gave ( way nnd thii llttlo ones were precipi
tated j Into the water Tholr shouts wore
hoard by the pnfohts , who lived nonr By
the 1 tlmo the parents reached the lake the
children had disappeared beneath the lco
The mother , fratqMo with the thoutrht of the
children's pcrlL rushed upon the 1 , which
broke ) , and slid , su k below the surface
Slater ! then ntuhnntod to reach Ills wife ,
nnd j ho too wasllrowucd , the cntlro family
thus jI perishing Tbnlght hundreds of people
plo I tire Boardiln for the bodies
Srvnn Ilojs Ijoso Tholr Lives
New Oui.kaks , in Feb 9. A sad acci
dent , orcurrod this afternoon In Cirroltton
Bight ; boys , socuroatwo pinnaces and started
out i to tnko a rldo on the river Their course
led 1 them between two empty coal barges nt
the ' bond of Octavia strcot There
was a strong current running
nt ' the time , and dcspito nil efforts the
yawls were hurled by the current against
the barges , cnusing both boats to upset , and
Bovun of the eight unforlunnto youths were
thrown Into the river nnd drovvnod Wilton
Boby , ngod seven , the only ooupnnt who
csenpod , saved himself by catching on ono
of { the overturned boots , None oi the bodlos
buvo been recovered
The I'opo Mourning
Home , Feb 9. The i > opo Is well , but In
coiisoqucnco ' of tno dfanth of his brother ,
Cardinal Poccl , his holiness will seclude
himself for a few days The body of the
cardinal is lying In state
Moro Hnliun UnrdiunlH
Komi- , Feb 0. Six Italian cardinals will
bo created < in Mnrch in view of the minority
of the Itatinn cnrdinalato ns compared with
the number of foreign cnrdinnls The pope
has decided against the holding of the next
conclave outside of Homo
Ornnil Puclllo Snlo
Chicago , Fob 0. The story of the sale of
the Grand Pacific liotol was , - to
night In a measure John B. Drake , one ot
the proprietors of the hotel , says ho has nn
absolute lease for flvo years moro , nnd no
natter what sale has boon made ho will con
tinue to operate the hotel at least that length
of time
Itnudnll's Comlltlon
Washington , FobO Itoprosontntlvo Han
dall has bocn again confined to his bed for
several days , but Is now resting moro com
fortably than during most of the past week
Another Kimslmi Lonn
St Pbteusiiuko , Feb 9. The Imperial
decrecjust promblgatcd , authorizes the issue
of a further redemption loan of 90,000,000
roubles at 1 per cent
Report ol'ctie .Ktcoulivc Conmiittoc
The Holler Work
It is with pTfnsuro" that Fprosont my re
port to the oxecuyyy committee of the Omaha
mission mw
I have madoi' 120 visits , nearly all in the
southern nnd wtfstcfcjn rlortlons or the city It
has not been my lia\iit \ to call at oyery house
entering only fq ich ns from general appear
ances would place the inmates iu the class
that the mission * trying to help Doubtless
there nro many irtpcrs in that vicinity that
have boon passedjtjy
• This 120 ramiliiiHiMpreaent about 370 chil
dren 100 ot which attend some ono of the
church Sundny-school
In these vlsitsflSfii been seen the most ab
ject poverty In'some Instances tno poverty
is dressed in a measure of neatness , but in
most cases it ulnTpjV robs you of sympathy ,
as it stares at vouVhccauso of Its very tilth
If I were to pasa'ljudgment faomtfuppear-
I would shy thntitBt least
pncOs , oiw-hnlf of
thosi families are inreca of churltv , but
when qucstionod in this direction but few
have confessed need 1 , howovoram par
suaded that'if these visits were inaao by u
lady inissloilary the calls for charity would
bo many nioro " -
The industrial school , which meets every
Saturdoy morning at 10 o'clock , nnd which
is under the verv judicious supervision of
Mrs Hopkins , is doing splendidly This
school , which numbers about two hundred
cirls , is divided into daises , each cIubs hav
ing a teacher Thus a largo corps Of chris
tian ladies are teaching to these poor girls a
very useful art The Cfllldrun uro encour
aged cot only by kind words from their
teachers , but also by the gifts of garments
wnith they here make
Much praise is dun Dr T. S Lolsonring
for his faithfulness to nnd the eftlclent
management of the Mission Sunday
school The teachers nlso nro a
noble band and hro doim ? splen
did work By their fnlflifulnoss nnd kind
ness they are gathering the affections of
tnolr scholars and by continued patience may
have high hope of winning some to a better
During the months , of November end December -
comber only ono preaching service per week
wus hold , that boiing a Sunday evening ser
vice , but during the month of January there
have been added Sunday morning nnd Thurs
day evening services
After looking over the flold as carefully as
as 1 could in so short a tlmo and gathering
up the work of tbo past , nnd measuring tbo
probable necessities ot the future , I incline
very strongly to the opinion that if this mis
sion is over to realiza the purpose of its
inauguration , it must bo placed upon a dif
ferent basis I believe tbo time has como
when tbo coed people of Omaha should uriso
and build n mission house nnd girls noma"
of such dimensions as' that in it might bo
accommodated nil missionary and chaiitablo
work * of the city W. A. SliE
During the month ot January aid has bocn
given to llfty families 'J heso have received
flour , potatoes , meat nnd groceries , also
clothing over una under garments In the
past two or thrco weeks twenty-six pairs of
now shoes and twelve pairs of rubbers have
been distributed Far the sick delicaclos
have been furnished , together with milk ,
For tno families homes nnd all that was
required to supply their most pressing need
in furniture , olc , was secured , In n few
oases where the parties , were well known ,
small amounts of money have been given
To all who have In onv way aided us lu
our work 'we return our sincere thanks
Wo need food and clothing sultaoio to ail
sexes and ngos ; much ot the destitution is
caused by sickness and deaths , and some , of
it because of scarcity of work Any contri
butions whether of clothing or provisions
may bo sent to the-Mission house on Tenth
street , on Saiunliymjornlng , or at any other
tlmo may bq lofUotjllS north Tenth street ,
next door to the nUsilon ,
' " ' Mils ' J. B. Jakpise '
> ' " ! , < -
avir . .
How the Two'YrnmBtluies Work To-
notlior In Miiiflinl Ailvnutnirc
"It bents all holvflllo ] | tneso pawn brokers
around town her&leiiow ' | nbout the goods
they buy , " remarlto 'A'Du ectlvo Sovngo last
evening Yesterday I stood across the
strcot from a ccr aiu awn shop and saw a
follow whom I , kuojijr to bo a tblof take i
BOtno plunder jft(0t nd dispose of It
to tbo 'unclq , ' , [ , \up come out and slide '
nwny I noticed blmnly what some of the
nrtlclos were , and , lifter the fellow was out
of sight I went over and asked the individual
to whom I saw ( ho stud given to whether
any such goods had been left there The
old-timo , brass-tinted smile came into
bis face , and replied , 'Oh no , Mr
Savage ; no , . no > No such articles
have been brought into my place for a week
or more ' It was n fair specimen of the kind
of men wo have to deal with every day in
trying to tecovor stolen , goods "
How do you bring thorn to tlinel" was
Well , wo have some private little thumb
screws that we turn oa thorn when it is
specially necessary ' *
i . . < _ _ . ,
l'\ir ' Brnni Kair ,
Use Hos fords Acid Phosphate ,
Dr W. H. Fisher , La Sueur , Minn , says ;
"I find It very serviceable In nervous debility ,
sexual weakness , brain fag , excessive usa of
tobacco , as a drink In fevers , , and la some
Urinary troubles It is a ? rand good remedy
In all cases where I huvuiised It"
A Uvoly Chaao After u Dlsturbor
of the Pence
A Tou li Citizen HucccccU In
Creating n Snnll sized Panto
Ainoiiir thu Doni/oiis of
the Shuns
lln it ns Brought to n Unit
Joe Pcrkol thought to oscnpo Ofllcor
Fallen on N strcot lastnlgnt about 8 o'clock ,
but wns brought to n sudden halt when ho
hcai'd the report ot the oMccr's revolver
fired at him to bring him to a standstill
Pcrkol assaulted a couple of men In front
of Foloy's snloon , striking both of thom in
the face , it is supposed , with brass
knuckles Ho ttionstirtftd on n run up the
mlddlo of N street At Twenty-sixth street
Oftlcor Fnllon called on Win to halt Hu
only run the harder Fallen gnvo chnso ,
nnd 11 red two shots in the air to scare him
Porkol turned intoTwonty-Bfth strc6t nnd
when In the middle ot the block was cap
tured by Chief Maloney nnd Captain
Sexton , Arhnrgo of disturbing the pouco
wns proforrcd npnlnst him
Court Mnclu CIiv'h ' lmion "
The inombcrs of Court Mnglo City , No
103 , Order of Foresters , have completed ar
rangements for tholr dnnco , which will occur
in Uowloy's hnll oa the uight of Fobrnnry
17. Besldos the coiumittoo on nrrnngomonts
already published , the following commlttoos
will nssist lu making the nlTutr n pleasant
ono :
llocepllon H. A. Hnrdon , J. P. Maloney
Stephen Harrington , B. A. Fincrty and
William Broiiunti
Floor James Donahue , Jnmos Fleming ,
Henry Lichtncr , Joseph Moloy , Bernard
Flood and Joromiuh Monroe
Sllclcriilani ; Huns Amuck
A cltben of South Omaha who carries
nbout with him the melodious name of
Sllckoiilang tnndo things hum for a whllo last
night at tbo house of Ul-famo called the Now
York cigar store Just to amuse hlniBolf
ho chased the soiled inmates of the house
around the rooms with a hugo butchorknifo
Ho was captured by on ofllcor and a chnrgo
of disturbing the peace entered against him
Compelled a Postnonrmont
The orgauizationof the South Omaha hand
ball nnd athletic club , which was to hnvo oc
curred nt Councilman Burkes ' place yester
day , wns pbstponed for ono week This wns
rendered necessary by the arrival of n now
buby glr tOjChoor the alderman's household
'Clt $ N < Sto < , nnd Ierionuli
ThQSWlH Sixtconth street motor line did
a land oflico bu lness yostordny All Omahti
seemed to huvo chosen the tine Sabbuth day
usu'llttlngonoon ' which to visit the packing
Joe Reynolds , a vagraut and John Cuv-
nnnugh , a plain drunk , were registered at
the police station yesterday
The funeral of the baby child of Mr nnd
Mrs James Dougherty occurred yesterday
ltellfrloiis Prncticcq Innuciiratca By ,
k the Apostles nt Jorusiljm
In its own quiet way the congregation of
All Saints Episcopal church has boon going
along , without attracting much attcntiou
tbioilgh the public prints , and listening
every Sunday to profound teachings of
Bible doctrine from its minister , the llov
Louis Zahner , who is always interesting und
well liked Ho is docply in earnest in his
work nnd , is rapidly building up ono ot the
strongest sociotlos in tlio city A very line
choir , composed , with two exceptions , of
men and bo\3 , under the leadership of Mr ,
Ponucl , ! , make the music at this church u
very onjoynblo feature of the services
Yesterday the rector took for his text tlio
seventeenth verse , chapter eight , of the book
otApostlos Iticadsi
Then Ihey laid their hands on thom and
they received the Holy Ghost "
These words , " began the speaker , "do-
senbo tlio rlto ofcoullrinatioui as practiced
In the ape toliu church They toll us how
the llrst cdnvorts to the Christian religion
wore admitted to the prlvilegoj of Christian
fellowship A11" communion "
'Io3thcso great tcnots , confirmation and
communion , Mr banner dovotcd his dis
course . In substance ho said that the first
comes 'tO us authorized and enjoined by apes
toliu oknmplo rind by the strongest iiilluence
wo b'elldvu in the authority or Christ him
self , Tno aitustles wore under the strong
and xpeclal Inlluenco of the Holy Spirit , and
what they did was done either by tbo direct
Inspiratlop.df the spirit of God or by the au
thority of wlia\ Christ taught thom to do dur
ing the great forty days uftor the rosurecton
At that time the apostles were inaugurat
ing a movement destined to run its course
along'With the world a work that would
never ( bo finished while the world stood
Every act of theirs was significant ; every
word prompted and ratified by the spirit of
QoiL , .Ho tb.on related the story of St Peter
and St John ut Samaria , the preachings of
Philip there , ana asserted that the inlluenco
of their visit there wus that of u divine call
This , was ilia special thing these two
apostles wore sunt to do "
When the people of Samaria wore much
rejoiced at Philips preaching oud bollaved
the things ho told them conccrnini ; the
kingdom of God and the name of Jesus ,
they wore baptised When the apostles at
Jerusalam , tboieforc , hoard of this they snut
Peter and John to pruy that tbo Saumri-
ans might receive the Holy Ghost
This servlco had to bo performed by tbo of bands , and only the apostles
were oirtpowored with divine authority to do
it The custom then practiced , according to
Hey X.ullnor , Is still observed He , as rector
tor of All Saints parish , occupies the same
position that Phillip did , nnd can baptize ,
but thp right of confirmation belongs only to
thu bishops , who hold the same relationship
now tliat the apostles of old did
By pruver and the laying on of hands
Peter and John bestowed upon tbo converts
ut Samaria the gifts and blessings of the
holy spirit The same right of confirmation
it practiced in the church todoy It is an
apostolic institution , nnd cannot bo neg
lected without sin and Injury to the soul
By these outward manifestations in the
ilrst ugea of tint church God set his soul on
this Bucrod right , and the upostlos , being
taught of God , exercised their ministry us
the proper moans for the convovanco of their
inward gift , called in holy scripture tbo gift
of the Holy CI lies t. Thus God commended
this practlco to the permanent use of all fu
ture goaopitions ana made it obligatory on
Christians to receive and maintain It
Uev VSahnor distinguishes the aiiostolio ns
belug the purest und beat ago of Christian
ity Immediately nftor the uge it was the
custom aud has bcon over uluco for the bishop
to go forth nnd make a tour in order to lay
his hands and to invoke the Holy spirit on
these who , la smaller towns , have been bap-
Used by the prosbj tors und deacons ,
Baptism has boon enlisted under Christ's
banner to light u gooj light In the worlds '
conflicts and trials , and it gives a hope for
tlio future ; an assurance of Gods favor and
condness towards us which wo catiuot bo
thoroughly conscious of without It Only
tho.pibTiop Is privileged to bestow that fur
thOf and crowning blessing of the church ,
admission to the feast of Christ's blessing
and blood 'I hl # custom of taking sacrament
\yas also dwell upon by the speaker at some
length , the tuuor of his argument being
• 'WtioBoeaihetli ' my tlctli aqd drinkoth my
blood hath etoruul llfo aud I will raise him
up at the last day "
Is anything too much to prove our loyalty
and love and gratitude to the Master ! Is
bis service hard when be calls us to do for
his sake what , If we knew but our own in
terest , wo-suould do for our own sake I Bat
many people refuse to concede that religion
is the true cause of happiness in this
world and the next They have an.idea that
rpllgtoji is a'a enemy to men's pleasures , that
\vouil ( deprlvo them ot social enjoyment
doom ibein to an ubiurd aud perpetual
melancholy , and make of this eroat world
nothing but a vast monastery That may be
the Puritan idea , but it is not tbo Christian
God uerer created unv fucultv nl'hor of the
soul or body , without preparing for
It a suitable object for its grntlll
cntlon , nnd there Is nothing In
Gods revelation to tench man thnt religion
l Intended to conlrndlct the nature which
He has given him
It would bo the greitost unit most Irra-
tlonnl tyranny In the world to tantnllzo men
and to proscribe every form of onuyiuont ] in
the midst of nil the opportunities ot enjoy
merit To make man lit lo recelvo pleasure
and then to Interdict It with n touch not
nnd a taste not , " Is to keep him under the
perpetual torment of unsatisfied doslro , nnd
ns It is contrnry to the natural happiness of
the creature , so is It contrary also to the
wisdom and soodnoss of the Great Creator
1 would therefore make It an nrgu
mont In favor of religion thnt It
Interferes not with anv rntlonnl
ptoasurc ; that it bids no individual to quit
the onjoj mont or any ono thing that his reason
son can provo to him ought to bo enjoyed
loi'giou { ' Intrenohos upon none of our privi
leges , invades none of our pleasures
The discourse was listened to with grent
deal of interest by the congregation
Although doctrinal as well ns theological ,
the llov Zihnor Is always a pleasing talker
nnd enjoys much popularity among his people
Dnnco nt tlio Port
Last Saturday a most cnjoynblo dance was
held nt the Fort Omnhn hop room Among
these present were Dr nnd Mrs tlartsuff ,
Major B. Butler , Cnplalu Jninus Ullo , Dr
and Airs , llalllday Lieutenant mid Mrs ,
Webster , Mrs Davidson , Mrs Turner , Lieu
tenant Cbrlssman , Miss Waring und Miss
HartsufT , Mlssos M. Porslus of Omaha ,
M , Hartsuff , M. Turner , A. Mills H. Naro ,
O Whonton , M. Knllor A. Keller ana M ,
Powell Messrs F. Naro , II Butler , W.
Mills , C. Hnllidny B. Butler , W. Tumor ,
J. Ulio , M. Halllduy , T. Butler mid F. Bow
Ihcj Clint Dlnglcy'H Ijosd
When Frank Dlngley , the bicyclist from
Minneapolis who is hero to enter the six day
race this week , arose yesterday morning ho
found that his f 130 wheel had boon stolen
from a shed in the roar of where bo Is stay
ing , SOU Spruce street Lntci In the day a
cable cur switchman nnmod Boll found the
much prized ; picco of property oa Twentieth
MillIoiik of Dollar ! Tlint Hnvo Never
Horn Ui-deoincil ,
Say , are these any peed " inquired
a. timidlookingyounir inun of Door
iscopof llrtily nt the sub-troasury tlio
other day , as ho exposed to view a half
do/oii pieces of nifrjrcd , iljrty paper ,
says the Now York ( Jotninciciul Adver
tiser A close inspection revealed that
they wore fractional paper currency or
"shinplastcrs , " slloh as played so im
portant a pur ( ai , t cli'cululhig medium
before the resumption otpccio : pay
ment The vounpt man was directed to
the sniull eliniitro room , \SJioro II C.
Ilaff took the soiled and cruWblod hits
in his hamU smoothed thom out with
the hustv touch of an export , singled
out ono of the pieces nnd turned around
to a bit of wood , that loohedlSko asinall
butchers block , nnd struck od it the se
lected tilcco or paper a w hack with u
steel instrument Then turning to the
joung itmn , ho lenliod :
These lives arc food , lint that ono is
counterfeit "
As ho spoke , he handed hack the spur
ious nolo , paper , und across the face wns
the word counterfoil , ' " cut clean and
clear The steel instrument with which
ho had struck the paper was a sharp
stencil die that cut the tell-tti'c ' word so
clearly that it could never be educed ,
and the voriost fool could see that it
was worthless
"Do you want these rcdcemedV" con
tinued Mr IlalT , as he pointed lo the
llvo grimy slips on the murblo counter
Yes , sir , -if jou please , " st immorod
the youth , as he eyed with surprise and
four the mutilated piece returned to
him Mr IIuiT put two bright bilver
dollars and a bill or quarter ou the
counter , which the boy picked up in a.
hurry as though uo ' .vns alraid they
would ho taken back agniu
"Dojougot much of thai , old frac
tional curronoy now ? " wns naked of Mr
Halt as the boy wont out
No " ho replied , "wo get very little
now , not moro than $2,501) ) a year The
amount coming in ( or redemption is
growing less nnd less oiery year It
used to como in hero by the bushel
kotful But for many yours now it has
only como in hi driblets , Wo seldom
get as much at a time 113 this young
man just brought in " j
Then it Iuib nio t altheoii redeemed ,
has it ? "
"No , iiideod.and what is more , a very
largo amount will never be redeemed .
There is now outshipding of the old
fractional piiiior currency something
like $15,00l,000. ) And of this it is esti
mated that not more than &J(100OOU ( to
$0,000,000 will over como In now "
But where is the rest , and why will
it not como iu for redemptioiii1"
"A great , deal of it has Donn worn out
by the wear and tear o ( tvvonty odd
years of u-mgo. Any quantity of it has
bcon burned up in the many ( ires that
have occurred silica the time it was is
sued , and in Humorous other wins it
has boon lost and destroyed Then
hora are other pajplo wio | hold all
they can got to use in sending small
amounts by mail , tinulng it very handy
for that purpose Then , too , the old
currency is now so scarce that people
keep the occasional pieces thnt como to
hand as curiosities or pocket plecos A
great many coin collectors have crisp ,
unworn specimens of it in thojr collec
tions One woaltby gentleman in tlio
city I know carries in his pgeketbook ,
wrapped up with the greatest care , four
clear uHght specimens a Oi ti U ) , a 10
and a 5-cent-plouo , Ho.snjs , It was the
first money lie ever oarnqiiIt waa
paid to liim in these identical pieces ,
brand new from the prqss , njijl ho has
preserved thorn over sln ' co ( or luck I
do not believe you couldbuy .thoin from
him for $1,000 ouch Ifo calls thom ills
reserve capital , mid if ho over loses the
million or moYo ho is now rfiptitod to bo
worth ho will have his 00 cents reserve
o fall hncic on "
v A good deal of the fractional currency
that comes into the sub-treasury for ro <
.demptioii turns out to he counterfeit ,
nnd the moment it comes into the
hands of the money clmngora in that
institution , no mutter who hands It in ,
it 1b hurried to the block and branded
with tlio stoiicil-outtlng die They ask
no permission , but just go and do ii
The same rule | s followed , too , in the
rotunda where the bills of larger de
nomination como tn Somotlmes men
got very angry when tholr bad bills are
handed back to thom mutilated in such
a maimor that they cannot bo used ,
A few days ago the South Ferry com
pany sent up to'tho ' sub-troaaury a hun
dlo of the fractional currency , repre
senting about $100 , It had boon discov ;
ored back cf a partition in the old ferry
house , where it had oitlior been stewed
away or misplaced , und was found when
the old building vfm torn down to make
room for the now structure Mr Hall
shufllod through the pllo , and not only
pronounced it all counterfeit , but dis >
covarod that some ot it had boon brought
so the sub-troasury at ioast > twenty yoara
ago , us the marks of the old stamps used
as long ago as that to mark counterfeit
paper monoi % wns tlll plainly visible ou
thom Kuoh piece wus mibjoct to the
cutting process , und will probably not
bo presented again for rcuomptlon
All the fractional paper curronoy that
is redeemed at the sub-troasury is sent
to the treasury ut Wushltigtou where it
is nlucod in the crematory and burned
up , aud all thnt is loft is asodimoiilof
slug , u > single pound of wliloh may rep
resent 9100,000 ; the balance lloats oil us
bidoUo and gas '
Be Sure 1
If you have made up > qur mind to buy " _ M
Hoods .tusapirilh do not bo Induced lo ( afco <
nj otlirr A lloslon liuly , wIkVio Sample Is K
\urthy Imitation , tells her expcrlouro bclum iJ K
" In ono store whcio I went to buy Hoods < ?
Rirsnp 'iilll'V the clcik tried to Imltire mo buy F I
thelrovMilustcidot Hoods ; liotoldtnclhrtr's / M
would hst longer ; that I might take lion ten / fl
To Get I
days trhl , that It I did not like It I nr-rd not
piy an ) Ihiiig etc Hut he roulilaiot preiall H
on mo to rhaiigc I told him I had taken H
Hoods Sirsipirllh , know Mint It wm , was H
satined with Itiml did not wanLa'i ) ' otlirr H
When I began taking Hoods S irsanarllli
1 uas feeling iral miserable It It djspquh , H
mid so weak llitt nt times I coiilil hatflly H
Hoods I
stand I looked like a person In roiisump H
tlon Hoods S irsaparllla did 1110 f ( > luuoJi H
good that 1 wonder at mjsclt somellincs • v U
and my friends frrmicullyspcaUot It * ' Mas ' . fl
Htu A. ( lot r , 01 Terrace Bticet idstoii H
Sarsapanlta I
KoliUiy allilniRglits SU lx for fa Vrrparcil oulr
bjrC.MUHIA ) COAiatlieearliMLuiicltila | s. fl
IOO Doses Ono Dollar I
Clilldron Lonrn to Sirini nnd Inko to
Water Lilln Vouni ; Diiokh
The floating population of Hong
Kong , as it ib called , numbers some
sixty thoiHiind souls , They are a busy -ri fll
and cnoigotlc comiu unity , as dihtiuc t T B
from tlio Chliioso on shore as though
they belonged loa dilTeront race , suys
a writer iu the Now York Herald " I M
never could understand how they man M
ngod to exist They seem to bo a sort I
of mutual nid association , each supply I
ing the wants and needs of thu other 1
They maintain some llttliS trade among I
the sliipping in the harbor , though , for & I
all I could boo , the majority of thom hud * \
no business whatever 1
It would be hard to fancy several
coucratloiib of Htiropeuiis passing their
lives within the con lines of a sm ,
boat , scarcely seventeen foot long ,
fathers , mothers , children ami grand
parents living together like iinimalb iu
a cage , never lea\ing their home , jot
soomingh as happy as a listless exist
ence nnd no responsibility could make
Of course some arc busy , very busy ,
and paddle about all day long , drying
their various uitros , with yells at ouco
discordant and unbeatable to oars not
accustomed to their sound The others
seem to llsh and by whatever means
they alwavs appear to have Ii well
stocked larder of such simple viands as
they are accustomed to
To describe a sanpau , ono has only to
imagine si long , clumsily constructed
boat , with a thatched roof ever the
center and divided into three compart
ments They ate piopollod somewhat
after the fashion of the Venetian gen
dola The children occupy ono end , i
the old folks the other , while the coni \
ter is detoted to cooking purposes X-
Our first experience as we attained "
s m
into Hong Kontr harbor was with a * |
largo Chinese junk The wind was " 1
blowing nt a lively rate and the junk , H
with gioat sails of matting snroad ,
tried to crobb our hews A collision I
seemed inevitable Wo were going nt I
a very slow rate of speed and the cap J
tain , • swearing a blue streak at the / ' * M
Chinamen , signaled to stop her
It was a close shave , and the China
man ut the rudder frrinuod a ' s , ha „ m
witnessed the linger of tlio captain H
Tlio gnu of the Celestial changed I
to a look , of diomay n niomcnt later ,
however , as his hat , a curious and largo
] iroportloned atlair , blew oil his head I
into the water There was n moment JM
of indecision , and then ueglecting the jH
rudder the man dove overboard alter H
his hat Wu were a mile from shore , H
and 1 naturally cxpectod the other H
Chlnamati iu the junk to bring it about w
and rcbcue thoTnau iu the water
But they didnt Ono of thom took I
up the btooring gear and the ninu over M
board was bcarcolj given a thought B
Dent jou think we ought to rescue jg M
hiiu' i" ' I nsUod the c.itaii ] ) | . J SB
What , himV" ho replied "Notr fl
much , lies all right ; they swim like H
sen otters , those follows " H
And so it soonied , for the man on recovering - M
covering his hat struck out for the near M
est point of shore as unconcernedly as M
it lie was nioioly starting for a walk M
Wo were soon among the saupans.iind H
a greater oiiportuuily for thu study ol m
human nature could not neil bo innigiii- H
iucd I saw one youngster beat uely two II
jeiii-H old thrown into the water ono H
morning , and iiiHlead of being fright
euod the child boeinod to enjoy it The H
morning ablution for every nieuibor of jH
the family , it might ho mentioned , eon H
bisted of a plunge oter the side and a H
scramble back into the boat They were
then drosiod for the day tholr clothes H
soon drying in the sun S
On ono occasion , donning a bathing
suit , I swam over to a largo Haiipmi H
some ouo hundred vards or bo distant
from the ship and invited myself on .
hoard I was hospititably received aud . - -
as well ns signs could convoy th'd invi- '
tut ion , was pressed to stay to diaper -
This consistud of a largo bull of what - - *
looked like pot chceso t6 bo ( washed
down with iulsowarm and brackish
water I tasted some of tlioM sttiff It
wiis enough for mo , nnd't slgnfllod tiut |
having just dined I was not hungry , ,
As I left the boat bynsimply flji'Jng
overboard , I was accompanied back t ,
the ship by a boy and iVlglrl' . thp Ano' '
about fourteen yeura pld , \\\t \ > thcr1"
twelve , nnd whllo I had iihv 'tiys pr led
mvsolf ou my swimming I milst , cqrjfosj
thesp two Chinese youngst6rij swumTil !
around mo with ease , ,
I visited thfs " family nuito frd .qliotUl
after tiiis , and wo all bcca ' nio' firm ' t
friends , and when I loft the ppril gave
my bathing suit , a. finally ntTalr , of , blue .
and rod , to the young ludv , ' Miss Ah
Hey which , I am satlBlhid Hho'-"uftc/r- ' '
ward were on state occuslons , to llio
lastlngonvy of her lady frionils dud thot
admiration ot her suitors ' J'
t 0&i& Hi lb' ' " " T
Absolutely Pure * , "V
Ihlj powdiir never varies A marvd > f < > urU FU |
straugth ami wholttnomsuou llortjocjnoiiilci * H
thun Uiu ordliury kind * , and cauuot bfsoldlir ; \
i iupetlUoii wltli tne multitude of low tiit "
slioii wulght alum or nUoai'liHtu uon lursi Suit ,