Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1890, Image 1

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    | P i > r :
R ( \l I II I I I I II I I I I I.I I I I II ( I I I _ I I I I . ' . " ' J. . . . . _ . Ml
' Democrats Considering the Latest
RopubMcan Proposition
i A Itrnitlon ARilnat Prohibition and
| | Jltsl > Tnrlltn Des Moines btnrcli
KnclorloH Bought by tlio
, . / " " IrUBt Miscellaneous
Try In ( j to Compromise
Dr Moines In , Fob 9-Spoclal [ Tele
gram to TnE Bee 1 The Uomocratlo caucus
will consllor tomorrow morning the latest ,
proposition for ondlng the deadlock submit
ted by the republicans The general talk
tonight Is that the democrats will not accept
it , but many democrats nio In favor of no
ccptlng some terms and It Is probable tint ,
this proposition may bo mocllUoit to suit
them otherwise the situation remains un
. Prohibition nnd the rnrlfT * tlio Prln-
HKtjr clpnt Cnusos
r * DebMoinis la , Fob 9 - fSpcclnlto Tin
Bri ! ) The dcidlockln the lower house is
j still on , though there aio signs of a speedy
• tormmatlon When the returns came in last
' fall the republicans were astonished not only
' bv the olcctlnn ot a democratic governor , but
Btlll uioro when thov learned that onlv fifty
republicans hnd been returned to the lower
house , with an equal number of the opposl
> . tlon Twenty counties in the state turned n
complete political somersault seine of them
overcoming colossal majorities and took poj
sition in the demucratlo columns Cor the firm
time Below will bo found the causes for
this romnrkablo political upheaval as vioweu
by the successful candidates thcinsohes
McDormldof Adair Yes , m/ county two
years ol.0 gave Harrison iO' m ijoritv , but
Inst year wo reduced it to J73 on the stnto
ticket nnd I ran ahead of mj ticket and car
ricd the countj bv sixteen votes lhero
wcro only two issues talked of prohibition
und the tariff I am a Btrong untl prohl
bitloniat and I gained many opublican votes
for this reason I lien , the tarilt Is turning
Bomo , and I had qtlto a number of compll-
montary votes from personal friends
Mitchell of IJonton Harrison's mnionty
in Denton was 123 but Holes got5U mi
Jority nnd 1 nbout the same Wo j oung
democrats workca hard and fought our bat
tie on the tariff Issuq and on prohibition
Wo got the balance of the Gorman vote this
year and lots of others who see prohibition
is a farce
Smith of Boone My county Is naturally
republican bv sevtn or eight hundrcl und
there uro several causes that produi od the
• laud Blldo and brought mo hero Among
thorn a f ictlouul p irty , personal friend
ship antl monopoly and prohibition I voted
J for the prohibitory amendment , but nm di
$ a gustcd with the walkings of the prohibitory
law , and am now i ° ady to adopt a well
/ recu'at'd ' high license statute and knock
Hb out prohibition Wo hwc had enough of it
F ajiinn5berlaln of Buchanan If prohibition
ssssr is ho issue the renublicans want , wo wol
f 6omo It Why , In my own town of In < e-
pendenco over ono hundred republicans who
voted for Hnrrison supported mo on this ono
qflcstlon lhev are sick nnd tired of trying
to enforce the law , and want it repealed
Potter of Cherokee My county has also
been republican , and republicans elected mo
Tariff cut quite a lluuro and u good many
turned o\oron nccountof prohibition lam
hot a defender of saloons , I is ant \uu to un
derstand , but my people all know I favor license ns the btst inoaas of suppress *
Ing intnmporanco "A good many want the
pharmacy law amended
Arnold of Dccntur-Our countj is prett\
close Harrison only carried it by 250 with
sev oral union labor votes which went to mo
I never patrnnizo saloons and prohibition
Would bo a food thins , If It was enforced I
rccolvod some votes on the tariff and some
On account of prohibition and some for per
sonnl reasons My majority was only
nbout 30 •
\qdlo of rovr-ttc I hellevoin high license ,
of course Tlio Gormnns up our way have
nil gene back on prohibition and the ropub
. llcan party JhontliQ rndical pronlbltionlsts
k ranaticKetof their own and drew awav
| HHL Bomoiotes from my opponent and helped
> : mo that much
Lund of Kossuth The votora In my
county are getting their eves opened 1 hero
wort Just two Issues prohibition ana the
tariff Hoth cut qulto n figure My county
tnvo Hunisun A2 > mujoiltv , but it will go
democratic right along if things don t
Gltcholl of Linn Prohibition was the
main cause of the landslide In Linn Why ,
dent J ou know , Harrison carried the
county by nearlv a thousand majority , and
wo gave Bolso ( Job ard elected everything
There was nehangef of almost GOO in Codur
Itnplds nlono nnd S00 In Marion Wo are
going to perform our sworn outv nnd try
our b < st to repeal prohibition , but if wo fail
1 uity the republicans two voars from now
There wont bo any daadlocKs then lho
democrats will bo so thick In both houses
they wont know wlioro to put us In my
own little town of Walker there was u
change of forty votes , all on account of pro
Uao of Monona who wns elected by ono
otc Well , I am no saloon bummoi , but I
honestly th nk Inch license is the best-policy
lhr • - ' . to regulate the whisky business lholkht
WT on Allison gniiicd mo votes nnd the low pneo
ot produi o hnd something to do with It My
' . peoDlo know my views und I nude the can
vuss on my past record I am independent In
some things but 1 am ngninst the republi
cans on Allison , hl h tut iff nnd piohlbltlon ,
und they fouglit mu hurd , I toll you
Sin th of \ \ upollo You mn\ say that pro
hlbltion turned Wupollo county ever to ua
It is the homo of the republican candldato
for gov ernor , and they run a union labor
ticket which polled some 400 votes , hut still
WO changed Harrison's majority of lbU to IH5
majority for Holes , und I mi along with m\
ticket Prohibition is a farce in Ottumwn ,
w here I live , and the people are tired of it
und want u cbauco W u may not hih
i license this session , but lookout two j ears
from now when tlio returns como In and see
where vvq nro
Morrison of Iowa Wo have lots of Ger
mans In lama and prohibition has brought
them over to us solid and no inUtiko When
j on take uwny n muii's cjass of beer j on uro
upt to htarfrouihim Yes the tariff chaugou
a few but not near so many as prohibition
Jewell' of iiincshlok I bclicva Harrison
did got/over the hundred majority a year
ngo Inst ( al ] , but our county is full of
liohomiana nnd Isorwogians aqd they dent
UKu hrohibitibu Of course I hustled
around some , nnd my frieuds worked for
• T me , but the ri publicans never hao elected a
tprablbltionlit yet to tlio legislature lho
Bcnator was bcuteu in his own counts on
that \erj issue
Ulurko of Woodburj Sioux City wants to
boom and dent Ilka to bo hiiniperoii bvtiro
, lilljijKpo , 'lho republicans up our < \uy
are awful sick Dent \ou tlilnU tlioy muit
bo wnon they gl\o 000 majority forllnirisou ,
onojear nud the next roll up oer a thou
sand for Holes Our eountv is naturally ro
ipublliuu , but prohtbltion will keep It in the
dcinncralio column constantly ineroaslug
najoritics uutil the law Is repealed
Hint of Pljmouth Mv couuty used to ho
rcp ibicaubv | ngfod tnujorltj.butourpedplo
couldn't taud prohibition , llioj llrstelected
Curtis , an uuti-prohlbitlon republican , but
lie foltuwfulloutsomo among the republl
cans down here Then I was elected Willi
out auy trouble and ran squarol ) ou the issue
of prohibition Our majorities hnvo been
crawlmg up over slnco Wo kavo Clovi land
ob5 oi er Harrison , but last > car our county
wont wild aud lidos majority run up to ever
V a thousand Jf the republicans stand by pro
.x hlbitiou again this session and coucrcss falls
p to modify tbo tariff our majority will grow
F s still larger , and that is not all ' 1 no whole
B J- northwestern port of the state la coming in
line with us on these questions and two
1 ears from now wo will have both the house
and the souato by Kood working majorities
' 1 heso uieuibcrs , as will bo scon , all como
from scctlors where , for some reason or
other , the domocratla gilns In the la t olec
tlon were vorj hoav > . Tlio republicans in
the lcgislaturo will undoubtedly dUigrco
with tlicso snngulno democrats nnd decline
to stampede to the democratic view of things
as given ubove life
AN AUaUltl ) AsamiTtOV
Tlio Dcrancrillc Claim or Political
iVnonnilanov In limn
De3 Moives la , Peb 9 [ Spcciil to 1'IB
I3i n | The democrats hnvobcen claiming nil
tlio whllo that thij ! were ontlttod to the speak
ership on the ground that tlioj were now the
dominant party of the state The ofllcliil
returns Bbovv that Insteal of being o\cnl\
balanced in the house with the republicans
they nro not entitle 1 , oa their ow n showing ,
to thirteen of the mombcrs who sit on their
side Ihu Democrats hnvo claimed ever
slnco the election that the \oto for Governor -
ornor Boles reproionted thol'atrongth in
the state rhoy claim thnt tlioj made their
light on the prohibition issue as roprcsontod
bv biui , and paU nu attention to the legislature
turo lho returns dhow tint the following
thirteen districts now represented by oppo
sition members of the house lho soparalelj
nnd collectively more \otos for Mr Hutchl
son than for Mr llo'cs \ \ innesliloir
Decatur , rijotto , Buolnnan Poivoihlok
Plojd , Kossuth Adair , Osceola and
Lion Chciokco , Monona Adams und Boone
Osceola nnd Lyon constitute ono district
naeh of thuo titer counties named is a dis
trict bj itsulf According to the doniOPi ats'
own method of reckoning , thow nro republl
can dlstilets , for every ono ot them give n
majority for Mr Hutchison On the republican
publican side of the house , but ono county is
found that gave n nujority for Mr Uoles Marion ounty , which gave him Just
twonu-llvo nujority , nlthough It elected ti
republlcin representative Deluding this
ono member from tbo ropublicm side , loives
it with fortj nluo dlstrictH that uru ropubli
cm ou the test vote for tovoiuor Ihen
aiding to it tlio thlitoon republlem districts
now represented by persons not republicans
thcio is loft n total of sixty two republl
can districts nnd only thliti eight dome
ci itio districts An I jot the do nocrnts
claim that they nro ntillo 1 to the sp ikor
Ibis showing has couvincoa the republicans
that they c in never Justify theimoli os if they
surroudoi the spojkcrshlp ivhoi there uro
sixtj two republican districts In the stuto
aud only tlnrtj oicht democratic
Some of the lUQiubors of the legislature
nro already bogi ining to talk about the time
for final ndjournmont although no business
has vet boon transacted The aioraco lonth (
of n lcgislatho sosslon m this stnto has boon
seventy das In ono instauco it exceeded
ono hundred dais and in one instmco it wa
onlv forty three d iys But on the avenge
it lcoapt in the v Icinity of s"ventv days lho
usual time for aljournment until the last
few j oars has boon the latter part of March
homo think th it the dea Hock will ncces
sarily prolong the session so much the
longer , but the deadlock did not h ivo tlfat
effect m 1S74 for the session tint jcar
lusted onlj Bixti seven days It is qulto
hltcl\ tint if tor the legislituro does organize
the members will fool the importance of
wasting no time and will rush business
through ho ns to adjourn about the usual
time Pour weeks have passed in idleness
If the members be in business right away
they can do the , tittles that ueods to be dona
in n hurry
as OTiirits see mu
Judge Macomboi of Ida Grove 1 as been
onjoj ing nn oxpcricnro which do s not como
to most people till after thov are dead Ho
has been finding out what people thought ot
him supposing ho w is dead A foiv days
ao ho was v or3 sick with the inlluonza The
report was sent to the now3papors that ho
was dead , aud it was so unnouncad by the
Associated press Then Ills wife began to
receive letters and telegrams of condolence
from all parts of tbo Btato ana many oxpros
slons ot respect nnd compliments for the late
Jurist were made public lho amusing
feature of it wis , however , that four can
didates startol post husto after the supuosod
vacant Judgsklp and within twenty-four
hours had cither nppoarcd bsforo the governor
ornor m person or by proxy requesting to
bo appointel ns successor to the Judge
Ihon ctitno the news that he was not de id
and it overtook some of them here In Des
Moines as they were Juat in the act of apply
ing foi his pluco Ihey aio now a very
crestfallen sot of candidates and they dent
want to hear iny nlluslons to dead men's
Bho-s The Mace nbor f iniily is now recelv
ing daily a sack full of letters of congi itula
tlon from those who iirst sent condolences
' 1 ho little narrow gaug i railroad known as
the Keokuk & Northwestern is still the sub
ject of controversy It litis been offered for
sale several times , but would not comtnnnl
i price that was regarded as at all fair It
seems now that Judge Love rejected the last
bid made for the road when the receiver
General Gilchrist , tried to bay it In doing
so ho made some rcmatks that hnvo boon
construed as moaning that hn would order
the iiDandonmentof the rodd und the taking
up of the track Ho disclaims any such in
tcntion , however and has made a public
statoinent us to what ho did moan 'lho
Judge savs that nftor two bids had been
madn for the road which were not of ns
much \aluo as the road would bring it Bold
for old lion ho intimated that some pur
chaser micht take the ro id and sell it
piece monl for old iron or anything cl o Ho
did this hosavs , to stimulate local parties
interested in the oporatiou of the roud to
take hold of it and keep It from bolng
abandoned bj some suvh plan of piichuso
Ihcjudcos oxplunution possibly explains
buf it loivestho situation about whoie it
was which is that unless some ono puts mono > Into the road to keep it going
it will bo sold for old lion , and the Keokuk
& Northwestern railroad will do no moro
lho situ ition in which this reid is pi iced is
very much llko that or the Clorinda V St
Louis roil which is also in the hauls of a
reecivor und not making uallj oxronse3
Iowihas ovoi eight thousand miles of nil
road but it looks us if n few of the miles
had been built before they were needed
Ml SOIirS OF l'llLlCtll.HS
The legislature is no respaotor of persons
In the matter of devotions ItMnv ites clcrgj-
mon of nil crcols nud colors ind sexes to
nruy for it it has had for chuplam mon
proacheis , women preachers negro
preachers and nn Indian preacher J ho
latter , who ofticiatcd u few days uco , is n
full uloolod DUgor-Itidlan His nnmo is
Peter O Matthews Ho has had qulto a
career During the rebellion ho served In
the Umou army as a inombcr of the Portlotti
Iowa Infantry After the war ho was nn
In Hun scout foi the regului iirmv und wont
through several tnoniorablo camp iltrns out
on the plains Ihen ho became converted
and not , in to work forun euucition Ho
went through an ( owa ( allege became n
minister , and for s voral voars has boon u
toucher In Indian schools Ho lived for many
years in Marlon county , nnd coming hero on
n visit the other duy ho visited the loglslaturo
nnd wis Invited to pray for the statesmen
Proin a Digger Indian In California to chup
lnln ot the lowi legislituro la quite a luico
step oven in these rapid times
tiii.v inn T.imi r HLiiecTtov *
A combinot flffoit la being made bv the
Unseed oil manufacturers of lowi to prevent
any chaugoin the tiriff on llax seed The
desire for frco llax seed comes from eastern
manufaciujors who mu import It from India
utlesicott limn they cm get It from the
west , and if the duty were taken off the
western mills would have to close bomo
idea of lho extant of the linseed oil busluoss
In low i can bo obtained from the ligures
which the m uiufacturcrs have leccntly
made publlo LUhtcou i oara ago there was
not un oil mill In the ata'o , now there are
eight , representing an Investment of ever
fJtXKO0J ) They furnish employment and
support to sovernl hundred families , nnd
thov furnish a nurkot for 8 5W.000 bushels
of llax seed annually , The . ( lax seed com
mands a bettor prjco than wheat on nn
avorugo , and Isu vcr > profitable crop for
the furmor Before the oil nulls wcro started
there were but a few thousand bushels of
llax Boed raised lu this state Now the yield
amounts to several million busnels The
Unseed oil manufacturers will request the
Iowa members of congress to stand by this
grow log lndustrj and help the farmers as
well ns the manufacturers by keeping It In n
prosperous condition In Iown
A Mm el Point
Dps Moines In Peb 0 fSpeclal Tolo-
gratu to Tim Unci lho attorney general
has decided to begin suit ngainst several
railroads to dotermtno n novel point under
the Iowa ratlron I law It is to find out
wholher or not lho riitlro ids can bo com
tolled to answer nn } questions which the
governor m ly think of public interest Last
full ho requested the commissions to 11 ml
out soycrnl things which the rallro ids had
not been nccustomed to report Ho wanted
thorn to tell lho salaries they paid to their
general olllcers , the iiumbat ot nttomoys
they omploved and what they were pill ,
the names and nostolllcn nddresses of nil
tlio stockholders , the number ot mllcago
boous they issued etc Most of the roads
flatly refused to give the information , Inti
mating th it It vvus none of the governors
business Ho has now Instructed the attor
ney general to bring suit to cotnpol them to
nnswor , and the pipTs have boon prepared
and suit " will lie begun ngilust the Kock
Island , the Burlington , Cedar Haplds &
Nortlmrn and the Mluneapol's & St Louis
at once
Gobble it in ti stnrcli Ti int
DrsIoinl3 , In , Pob 9 ibpocial Tele
gram to Tin lit ! | lho twohtarch factorlos
nt this place have boon sold to a svndieuto
that has bought with ono exception all the
slarch factories in the country The Gllbort
st trch woiks , the larger of the two , Is sold
for $ )00 000 lho Sleeper starch works sells
for SI Jo 000 It is mulct-stood that the pur
chasers are backed by Uugli9h capital and
the factories will nil be controlled hi the
trust It is probable that ono nnd po sibly
both of the factories hero will bo closed
lho Gllbort fnctory h is done n business of
$ , > 0J 000 niitiu illy and emulojs over ono Imn
drod h inns It has boon owned horotofiro
chlolly by HulTilo oirtios IhoSUepei fuc
tori isu now Institution controlled by Des
Moines pcoplo nud employs llfty hands
I ell Umli r the \VIipi 1h
Crnvit Un ids , la Feb 0 [ Special
Telegram to Tub Bcr J Jatnos otonnor ,
aged twontj , of Otis 11 , while attempting
to board a train at Beverly tad ij fell under
the wboola und received injuries which will
piovo fatal Ho w is brought to this city
and taken to fat Luke's hospit il , whore
everything possible is being douo for him
Ho cannot surviio
Broom I nctory Bui'iio I. ,
Des Moivcs , la , Pob 0 [ Special Tolo-
grnm to iiic BckH10D03 Moines broom
factory , a small but growing institution
was burned this morning Ono or two ad
jiccnl buildings were also destroyed , loss
from SJ.0OL to S3 000
Ho Glv * s flln Vicvvh IlccnrdiiiK tlio
Blair Lilucatlotint Bill
Cmoiao Pcb 9 fSpacml Telegram to
Thf Bee ] bonator Washburn was in the
citj today for a few houre on his way homo
from Washington to Minneapolis In con
versation with a ropirtor ho discussed varl
ous proposed pieces of legislation Asked
what the souato will do with the Ulalr bill
bo said ' Weil , if they are llko 1 am , it
wont pass Tlio principle Is bad It glvos
nation il funds to the stutoi to bo spent under
dor stuto control , that Is a bad principle it
croatcs a possible corruption fund , and
it is chiefly for the benefit of a
section , that Is bad ibo south
is amply ublo to take care of its own cuuca
tlon , and it ougb to bo loft to do it" lho
senator did not think there would , bo nnj
issue rnado of Speaker Hoed recent ruling
in the house The 0110 uufortuaato thing
about his action , " said ho ' is that it cimo
un on au uloction case Unthinking Deoplo
nro apt to think it is a purely partisan raeas
uro lho hotter plan would have been to lot
the llLht , come up on a lcnort from the com
mittca on ruloj but it is all right as It is
lorn Heed has boon entirely couslstont
Every ono who has been familiar
with legislation in Washington knows that
the old house rules vvcio practically the
worst possible rules to work under Under
them at an > time two or thrco men could and
did stop legislation Hjod has advocated a
change n these rules for years while in the
house , ou the platform as well as in his mag
aztno articles , and public opinion will sus
tain him lho llrst business of congress
when the rules are settled will be to present
a tariff bill It is pretty well Understood
that tlio house will frame a bill on the sunato
tu ill bill of lust session It will be passed
by both the house and the senate without
much deviation from the lines laid down In
the original senate Dill "
bomo of the Business Laid Out for
the Wcolc
Washington , Pob 9 The now code of
rules will be the chief subject of interest to
coma before the house this week it Is the
Intention of the commltteo on rules to call it
up ns early as possible and ask the house to
limit the debate that final action on the sub
Ject may bo reached within two or three
dnjs Whllo many features of the rules are
obnoxious to the democrats it is not probable
th it opposition will bo manifested othcrwiso
tlitin \ > i speeches aud ndverso votes nn
them , provided the minority uro afforded
what they regaid us reasonable time for dis
lho committee on elections may report the
ronu stod election case of Atkinson va Pen
dlutou and nction upon tliut case will consume -
sumo the remainder of the week
There tiro-indications that the Blair 0 luca
tlon bill in the senate will run through the
wcolc and perhaps for a longer period before
a vote is taken
lho bill to provide a territorial government
for Oklahoma will probably bo dtsposod of
In the morning hours , and nny odd ends of
time thorelu remaining will bo devoted to
iniscollnncous unobjected" busluoss on the
In executive session the senate , It Is expected -
pectod , will consider the nomination of Mor-
Lau to bo commissioner of Indian affairs ,
Doruhostor to bo superintendent of Indian
schools and Wurmouth to bo collector of cus
toms at Now Orleans , all of whloh nro sub
jects of controversy
, Stonnislilp Arrivals
At Now York The Umbrla , from Liver
pool , the Dania , from Himburg , La Bra
laguo , from Havro , the Pennsylvania , from
At London Slghtod The City of Chicago ,
from Vew York , Lu Champagne , from Now
York for Ilavro , the Ilhaotia , from Now
Yoik for Hamburg
riit ) WoiiiberPnreoiHt
Tor Omaha 1and vicinity Pair weather
Par Nobraskn Pair , southerly winds , becoming
coming variable , colder Tuosdav night
1 or Iowa Puir , warmer , southerly winds
Tor South Dakota Local rains or snows ,
southerly winds , colder luosday morning
bnlniuiinon'rt Puuoral
Havana , Tob 9 The funeral of General
balamanca , lata captain geuoral of Cuba ,
took piico today with splendid teicmomes
lho route fjotn the palaoo to the cemetery
vvus lined with troops and duo'military
honors wore paid to the deceased
Orleans liinu ol'Defonso ,
Pahis , Peb 9 Counsel for the duo do Or
leans will argue that the now rocrulting law
abrogates tlio clause in the oxpul ioir law
forbiddiug Prench princes to enter lho iirmy
and that the dun has not therefore rendered
himself liable to the penalty
An Ooenii btettinnr Wrecked
London , Fob 9 The steamer bpjrldlon
Yuglluno , from Constantinople , was vvrocked
near Palmoutu Kigbt persons were saved
The captain was drowned and thirteen
others nro missing
The Assault on the Mormon Strong
hold to Bo Made Today
All the Minute Details Ltmkcil After
I'or Bringing Ontji * I till Vote
Tbo Turning jlMInt In
Utah's History
A Pcrti ot Organisation
Salt Lakh Citt , Utah , Peb 9 JSnccinl
Tologrnm to Tub Bbh J Tlio Walker house
In this city la tonight n surging mass of
humanity , occnslonod by the fact thit the
proprietor , Major Georgt > b Erb , lias for the
past twenty vunrs been a most porsistcut
yet consistent nntngonUt ot the Mormon
methods of church and municipal govern
ment " 1 ho Walker housb is the hendq inrtors
for the libornl central commltteo , of winch
Judge O W Povvors Is chairman , and to
whom Is duo the credit of ono ot the most
thorough and complota political eairpnign
organizations ever known In the Unltod
States lho city and voters under Judge
Powers management Is Jlv idod Into wards ,
precincts , blocks , etc , With captains to each
Besides , the liberal voters nro diviilod Into
blocks of ton with n captain , oto , to boo
that every ono of the ton votes nro east It
I3 to the credit of the central committees
th at every saloon In tbd'Uty has boon closed
today nnd will not bo openol until the polls
close tomorrow evening vvhllo pre it excitement
citomont proctitis , yetovcrybody nppoirs do
tcrmlnol to see a fair and peace iblo election
Mnrtnnnism Don nt tl
Salt Lam , Utah , Tob 9 rSpoctal
to Ian Hi f J The chaotic condition of
Salt Ltiko City cannot bo imagined The
turning point In the history of Utah Is not
being made withoutupsottlng a great church
government and spilling out saints and sin
ncrs nllko And when tbo upheaval occurs
there will bo great ilssures In the now foun
datlon Unit will have to bo bridged over by
laws ol reconstruction similar to those thut
were passed for the south ( it the end of the
civ il w ir * t '
With a grand Jury jnflcltnent hanging
over the head ot the present tnavor , Tranels
Armstrong , for misappropriation of the city
roveuues and a like noose around the nock
of the sheriff , with the Mormon church
proportvincludliigstree railway franchises ,
in the hands of a reoolvor , to bo wound up
under the law passed Vy the federal con
gress , nnd with u Mormon legislature and a
Gcntifo govornoi holding an absolute vote ,
and the county 0dices ( filled with Mormons
loyal to their church the condition of the
governments of Utah , slate , county nud mu-
mcipalhavo a hard road , to travel before nd-
lustlng thcmsclvoa to the now order of
things t
Die determination of the opposing forces
beggars description and to such a high ten
sion are the feelings ot the contestants
drawn that should a riot break out it vv ill bo
furious and destructive , ,
In lbSl prior to the passage of the Cd
munds-lucKer law ; , the Mormons polled
19 OOj votes in the torrlloty to BJ.210 Gontllo
votes , wbilo Salt Lane ' ' City was carried bv
such majority as the Mu'rraous cared to call
Since the passage of the Edmunds Tucker
bill there have been flvo elections held In this
city , which resulted us follows
Mor Gen
mon tlio
August 1887 . . . . , 1,8 > 4 927
Pebruary 1883 . . l,73t > 910
August 18S3 1 t > 00 1,090
Novoinbei 18bS . . . . 1 M > 633
August , lbS9 > 2 015 2 OjO
The last election for loglslaturo , was car
rlod by the Gentiles ( liberals ) by forty ono
majority This was a great surprise , as It
vvus not anticipated Scarcely was the re
suit published until both parties were put on
their metal and their lines swollou by every
known Bpeclcs of political multiplication
until the registration books show nn mcroaso
I of moro thnn two thousind voters since the
Aucust electloti lho August election was
but a sKlrmish compared with the desperate
D Utle that has b en golngon for live months
I he fury of the closing days is something
unpnrallolod In the conduct of political cam
paigns 1 ho liberals can turn out a proces
sioo of 7,0JO torchbcircrs and lire oft such a
display of Uro works us would make an east
o-ti city ashamed by way of comp irison
lhero i a great army of loval , patriotic
citizens , who at last seoia wuy to vote out of
once ) the men w ho trailed the national colo-s
in the dust and hung the stars und stripes
at h lit must on the Fourth of July to show
their contempt for a government that would
not protect a lot of rebellious traitors und
maku the beautiful Salt Lake valley u
haicm I
lho city and county onlces are hold in the
fuvoicd families of the favored church going
from father to sou untjl the mind of man
runneth not to the contcaiy These creatures
of the church help tpomsolves to the city
revenues us If they wore collected in the
titbo yaid and not paid dut of the pockets of
Gcntifo and Mormon allko
I'lio Mormon , on the ? , otbor hand claims
credit foi all that Utaliijs , but the nnti Mor
mon retorts to this that Utah is us the Al
mighty made it execptjhoso Mormon bonds
In uono of the publlefspceches hovel hoard
discussed the question whether "u man with
wile is an angel and the man with two wives
a devil " The ono typlo uppoi most is the
making of Silt Lake uij American city The
Mormon points with jprldo to the present
order of things , whllo tlio liberal seas nothing
but mud , mules aud Cbinc3c carls and a
Plata where the Moors ot Spain would dlo ot
If ono can take the stories that are floating
about , aveu with all the grams of salt that
are in the great luke , ho cannot but believe
that the earth Is being harrowed and tbo sky
scrnpod for illegal voters ,
The ipprovod methods of attaining the de
sired result of swelling the registration that
have proven most productive nru railroading
ing" und ' ! ' Mormons
sewering , JTno are
credited with importing 1,000 , moro or less ,
of lho riff raff and keeppjg them in the sewers
at day ut the publiu expense , and harboring
them at night six deep w.Hie adobe houses
with but a single blankotbotvvoon their bare
bacus aud tbo floor
Among the Botilleld gang of desperadoes
was ono u unen , who gatnoa some notoriety
by mistaking on 3 McGintyfor a Cronin sus
peot O Brlen came hero In his Sunday
clothes and in place of railing through the
pavement and having a ton ot coal dumped
on his ' Sunuuy best fell into tbo heart of a
young lady so deeply that morally
spoaklug , ho could not mrvo tumbled much
lower without becoming a Mormon Ibis
fall of the married young man was placed
before the bishops anddtavas decided thut
this species ot detective work wns inimical
to the best mterostsof polygamy , und to s ive
the young lady , the churub aud the coming
election O'Brien was bounced O'Hrlon had
also reported certain intorvio vs and insluo
information to bis chief , ami the ghtmng
rapidity with which the young detective un
boiled the secrets of the liberals excited n
suspicion as to the ( .eaulnonoss and a belief
that he was carrying 011 n double flirtation
with his chief and the fair young lady in-
steud of attending ta business
In pluco of going to Chicago O'Brien went
straight into the bosom of the liberal tamp
and unfolded all he knew , and , if wo are to
credit a Latter Day balut , backed by the
statement of a detective , O linen uc.nln un
bosomed much uiore than ho kuow , Tbo
barom scarem dotcrtlvo business has sot
both parties to rights und there is a disposl
tlon uow shown to nay some heed to the
forms of holding elections prevailing in civi
lized communities
The heart ot tbo people Is loyal and n more
patriotic army than the liberal foieea caunot
bo found east or west of the Uocky moun
tains Whnto er crooKudness may bo going
on belougs to the few , nnd the many are In
totnl Ignorance of their dovlcci Tno Moi
mons , ns wall of the Gentiles demand a fair ,
pcntenblo election , and what has be on done
out of the honest way will bo repaired as
much as posaiblo
1o prevent nn outbreak on election day
both parties hnvo ngrcod thnt there shall bo
nn equal number of United Stntos deputies
ns of Mormon pnllco posted nbout the polls
thus giving fair play und protection to boJ.h
HtntrmciitH Prom Both Hiilos
Sut LiKr Cm , Utah , Pob 9 lo an As
soclutcd press correspondent tonight Mr
Kichaids , chairman of tbo pojplo s ( Mor
mon ) patty , made tv lengthy statement Ho
rev lowed tha charges which had boon made
that the liberals have had complcto control
ot the registration aud hnvo without w arrant
or reason thrown out many peoples pnrtv
votes Also that the liberals ran n special
car down to the Colon lo line a couple of
weeks ago and registered n vvholo colony of
railroad laborers who never saw Salt Lake
In 11 general talk on the situation ho nsserlcd
that the Ltluiunda and inciter nets hml
been used foi politic il purposes
Ho ussortcd furtuor that the idea thnt the
Mormon church and the peoples patty uro
ono Is erroneous
Governor Arthur Ihomtis ono ot the liberal
oral loaders , said the reports that the elec
tlon tomorrow may procipitito serious trou
bio Is ridiculous 111 his mind Ho thinks the
Gentiles will carry tt 0 city by 1 000 The
question which dominates in tlio election is
the same ns In every other tint the atti
tude of the majority of the pcoplo toward
the government under which they live should
bo proper lho G"ntllo demand that the
laws shall bo obeyed nud when the courts
of last resort pass upon questions there sh ill
no longer b" controv orsy
Chairman Powers of the liberal party do
ulcs In tote the charges of fraud by the
Mormons nnd makes counter charges sn\
Ing they brought in 1-00 men whom they
put to work on public works und intcndel to
vote The llborcls nn these men down nnd
had them stricken out lho law under
which the registrars have ucto I was atlopto 1
by n lofeialattiro unanimously Mormon nnd
against 11 Genlilo p-otost Now that the
Mormons find the olllcers under it appolnle 1
by the Gentiles thov cry out against this
child of their own creation
I liirtncial TraiiRtiftinu 1 of the C01111-
trv for tlio Past \V t ok
Boston , Pob -bpeclnl | Telegram to Tim
Brl I lho following tiblo , compiled from
spcciil dispatehos from the un-agors 01
thooloaring housoa lu the citiosnamod shows
tlio grass exchanges for the last week
with tlio rates percent , increase or decrease
as compared with the similar amounts for
the corresponding week in lbfel
NevTYork" JTl 14 ! 1 S Tl
IlOston , 1SW81"9 " 1
1 Ml idelpnia -1 " 14.41 - 7
rmcaeo r-1 . ( KM ] 0 8
hi Louis 2 • p * 1(1 ( 11 1) )
llaltlmore lneSJltll .18
IvowOrleans lSJJl m 7
Pittsburg 14 0J1 (10 ( 19
wn frroiicUco H 00 671 IS
Cincinnati 12 W OoO I ) 0
I oulsi Ilia 10 m 710 la 2
Kansas Uty P .J ] l&i 2 3
Milwaukee . 0 100 000 10 8
Vrpildenco f. wiki h „
Omahai J-(4-44,7a2 18-7
Detroit r > kW07U 11 a
Olev eland 4 ( tl a 1 31 0
Denvei 4 JI2 On 117
8t Paul 11"1 ) -j 8
Mlnneapills J8"0 10 gi 9
Memphis iw > 81l 8 7
Indianipolis 2 U * JS TJI
Columbus t - 7 I ( i 11 2
Duluth 2 lis 1-4 1 i
dulieston . 18.7 " 01 37 7
Klchinond isnt.1) 1)3
Hartford S . " "I 0 1
Peoria 1 Uts MB 0 8
BtJosopn ] fin012 r , tt
Snrlnptleld 1.H77D 11 (1 (
New Haven 1 413 110 10
Washington ] 611116 ri I
Portland Me 1 _ I9 "S3 2a 0
VV orcester 10 0 IM 81
Norfolk 811 J0i ) 11 1
iwilmlngton 3 ( itiK ) is
Wichl 11 -1 0 < _ 0 0
Sioux ' Ity " ( < • 17 01 (1 (
Syracuse 770Mi 7 "
( ran 1 Itunids 6 1530 5 0
J ow ell 'Omul 2j 8
I os angtles fl > I JO 3
lies Mol ies riiiS71 18 t
New Iledforl 483 U > 41 4
I < "XlnKtoii hy 417'i3 84 u
Topeka . " cr | M ) 10 4
Montreal 7'II531 U J
• lluiralo 4 SI 410
• I'ortlrnd Ore 1 111 8" !
• lllrmlntham 1181212
• Boattlo 101 8.11
Total II lS.18o,8 | i 2
Outsldo Now 1 ork 4.0" .iJlJI 0 0
Jl'Artly approximated
• Not include 1 in totals No cl arlnghou33 at
thUtlmc last year
Tlioy Are Impatiently Awaiting tlio
ProHitli nt's Pi oLlniiiAtion
CitAitiicitt un , S D , Pob 9 r&tnclil
lolegrnm to Iiib Bee I All has been qulat
hero today among the boomers nnd settlers
who are awaiting presidential permission to
go upon the bloux resoryatlon und select
cluims , but it can bo plainly seen that all are
much exc ted and anxious to enter the prom
ised land when It is thrown open lho
boomers who made the unsuccessful attempt
to locate upon .ho reservation a few nights
ago nro r ithcr Impatient out will bo prevented
vented from repeating the attempt
Lata last evening Indian Agent Andorsnn
was told that about llfty boomers bad erossod
the reservation muny miles north of heio ,
and that they had at once loft for the in
terior whern they are selecting land and
erecting dwellings Ho notified his Indian
police und told thorn to run every settler off
the reservation und confiscate their lumber ,
etc , in case they refused to remove It from
the land l'iio police nro now aftei the
boomers , but nothing as yet has boon hoard
from thorn
Bcsidos the immense crowd of boomers
now gathered bore , thare nro said to ba hun
dreds congregating at a point below , directly
opposlto the mouth of \ \ hito river , where
they will crois when the proclamation open
ing the laud is issued lomorrow promises
to bo nu exciting duy In ibis vioimtv , as the
boomers fully expect the proclamation to bo
Issued during the day 1 ho weather is warm
and very favorable for the great rush
Mnrtlorea Ills Son
WiNNirro , Fob 9 A special from Malmi
says Yesterday d iring the absence of
John Morton , aged fifty two , his father , aired
seventy five , abused Mrs Morton , his
daughter in law , aged fifty four When the
son returned ho remonstrated with his
father , whereupon the old man took down a
guu nnd shot and instantly killed his son
Ho then turned the gun on Mrs Morton nuu
shot hot in the abdomen bliu aled within
nn hour rlhooldmin | does not deny the
crime nnd says bo did it intentionally ,
Xn Sees ion nil Mglil
Helena , Mont , Fob 9 The republican
house und senate were In session till S 30
this morning , and passed eight appropriation
bills Becker , the democratic senator who
wus brought in by the sheriff lust nIt.lit ,
took no part in the proceedings , but was
counted present by the lieutenant governor ,
tuus making a quorum m
Th Death Iteconl
Santa Hauuatu , Cala , Peb 9 Henry H
Willlati s , of the well known firm of shipping
merchants Diamond & Co , San Pranclsco ,
died hero last night , aged seventy
New Oiileanb , Teb 9 Colonel Isaac W.
Patton , a prominent citizen who has held
many oftlces of honor aud trust , Includiug
the city trcnsuroshlp id the mayorship ,
die ! this nftcrnoon of vioxy
St Pi Trusnimti , l\b Count Vilonlcff ,
formorlv minister of th' torior , Is dead
I ONHON , Peb 0 lho ilottli Is announce I
of Henry Bcntlck Boyle , fifth carl of Shan
non , from itifluoiiz 1
rlir King Ciriuvitl VtnKus n Novel
Pntrr Into Nioe
tf'i ) l/rliiJit 1W by dills ( , t /ifinift ! ]
hui Pob 9 1 Now York llerild Ciblo
Special to 1 nn BhP 1 Ihuro wits but ono
cry In Nleo tonight , nul It vv is 'Ciirnivnll
Carnival la couilngl" nnd como ho did but
not the carnival of old Ibis year King
Cartilvtil would line nothing to do with
( Stcmi or even later moms of locomotion ,
bo instead nf nrriv lug ns ho often h is done
ntGaro ho c 11110 strolling quloth along the
Promonndo dea Angolals On ills feetl Oh ,
dear , no , 11 Inter Invention still 1 trloyclo
It wns 3 o'clock when his majesty , who is to
rula the rovcls foi days to
como , appeared , eighteen feet In
hcighth dtcssod In 11 rose nnd yellow
Jacket , with knee brcoches , stripe I hose ,
painted shoes and hatted with a Jockeys
cip His golden tricycle whcols were nlno
feet high and his suite wns us elegant ns his
mijcstv himself Ihcrolwcro the muiilcli il
llrcmun bauds without number , torch bow
ers und n vvholo party of puiiehinollos on
horsebiek whoso duty soomo I to bo to keep
the redllght boys up to theli work nud tno
torch bearers in their plieos lhrougbout
thu u'holo route tlio ( moments wcro
ernmmed , and never perhaps line vis
ltors to Nice witnessed so brilliant u
sccno Laughing , cheering , shouts
nnd music mingle 1 ciuated n true
pandemonium Nice had gene mid once
nLoIti , llroworks How in all directions ,
every bilcouv wa3 llllod with sightseers nnd
standing uti lor the slioltor of d irk trcos the
sltht was ono long to bo remembered It
wns a pantomimic tritiaforuiallon scene in
real life
lho procession , amidst dancing and music
wended Its w iv ulong the boulevards to the
Plaeo Gurabaldi where for a minuio the
king stopped to pay his respects to the gen
eialdu division und gouvnrnuur It then
went straifcht to the Cislno where lho Iroys
of the town were , with n troniendously
llowcry speech too flowery , indeed , to
bo taken down in shorthand handed
to King Cnrnivfil XVIII , who afterwards
was conducted to his throne , where , \\ith his
back to the sun , ho will bo monarch of all ho
suriovs and the condoner of all deeus , good
or evil , that nny happen duilng his rolgn of
a little ton days , when like Guy 1 avvkes of
old , ho will sudor the extreme penalty ot the
Nice is full und still the visitors come
Among tbo litest an mils nro the Baron and
Barrono Doaanz Comte nnd Comtosso Iiess
lor , Comtosso Do Sembcrg Comto and Com
tcsso Do Nouville Comtessodo Yisiiil Comto
Tlbotti the painter Gorvax , Baton do Wolffo
aud who knows vvuo
A GllllfV Plll/L llGHTIiR
Sick vItli La Grippe , Andy Boivcn
I ilIHb Three llotirfl
Nrw OnicvNg , Peb 9-Andy Hovvon , a
locil light weight , foughtCharlio Johnson
of Minneapolis with skin gloves at Abita
Springs todav
lhero bus been bad blood between the
men slnco the recent 1J0 ven-McHnlo
fight Bowen told his managers a fight with
Johnson must be made rcgirdlcss of money ,
so the stakes was fixed at S100 a Bide and the
guto receipts
Uowcn was taiten sick last Weducs
day with la cilppo and his backnrs
warned to forfeit the stake , but ho would
not permit It All last night ho Buffered
with fever and came into the ring this morn
Ing looking badly and weighing 131 pounds
Johnson was u head tailor had 11 longer
reach and was in the pluk of condition Ho
owned up to 137 pounds , but upucared
Only nbout two hundred pcoplo were pros
out It proved a great llkht lnstiug tnreo
hours and twelve minutes mid would have
been going on yet , but for the arrivul of the
In the hrst round Bowen rushed Johnson
nnd knocked him down three times punish
ing him severely around the body , Bowcti
was not hurt but exhausted himself so that
he was not > tiong enough thereafter to do
'Ivor the finishing touch After the first
lound bo contlnuod to force the lighting but
his plucky leads mot with clinches and upper
cuts from JohiiBOu In the sixth round
Bowen cut his eye ui'aiust a stake in a clinch
and had his lip cut in the next round After
th it ho waited for Johnson to lead , and as
the latter could not bo conxol or aousel
into doing it the fight lasted forty
three rounds Bowen dlsobevod his
seconds nnd rushed his man ut Intervals tot
ting in some find body and jaw blows and
reoeivlug upper cuts in return Bowon's
facn was terribly swollou und he bled freely ,
and lohuson'B chcsi sides and back were cut
and bruised
lo the last few rounds Johnson led several
times but Bowen rushed him in return nnd
did terrible punishment considering his con
dition Johnson's upper cut3 served him in
lood Bleu ' , iiUiomh ! his returns did not
PI11130 Bowen When tinin timoenmo the
en 1 of the light was us fur oil us ov or , and
the men wcro told to como
forwnrd lo shako hnnds Bowen objocicd
but finally yielded and that ended his first
drawn fitlit Johnson Is said to be re illy a
well known northwestern lightwolght al
though some dccluto thut ho is Jimmy
Collins of St Louis , who Is wanted in con
uectlon with a recent fatal fi > , ht there
lbs not gate receipts wcro divided bo
twoan the men , whllo Bowcn's manager
gave him the f 1H ( ) stakes
IJowcn smashed two knuckles of his right
hand on Johnson's head dtirinc the fight A
party of roughs gavoconsldorublo trouble at
0110 time but were finally ejected by the
sheriff , who witnessed the affair us u spec
tutor and peace ollicer
Spreading Ilnlls In Ono Case nnd an
Open Switch In tliu Other
IlAiiuisiioiia , Pa , Peb 9 This morning
nt Marsh's run , near this city , two freight
trains were bolng sidctruckod to allow the
Pacific express to pass , The brakeman of
the llrst section of the frolght left the
switch open , supposing the second section
would coma in on tbo suino track , but it
took another switch Before the brakeman
could remedy his mistake thu express
rounded tlio curve and dushod Into the
freight lho truck bus been blocked nil
nay Fireman Umerton was the only 0110
killed , I ugiucer Stcrmor und Lnglncer
Voglo were senoualy hurt but will probubly
reoovor , Iwo express messengers weio
badly Injured Several others were
scr itched nnd bruised
ItoANOkP , Vn , Fob 9 The westbound
pnsscngur tram on the Norfolk & Western
vvus wrecked by spreading raili near Bristol
tel , 'I enn to lay Lxpross Messenger Iforr
was killed and Mull Agent Hock futully in
Baggage Master Adams was badly hutt
Conductor Barnes and two passengers were
slightly injured , The others escaped with a
shaking up
A Job lor I irtoen Hundred Mon
ItosEiiuito , Ore , Peb 9 It Is cstlmatod
by the Southern Pacific oulclala hero that It
will take I 500 mou ono month to repair.tho
railroad track damaged by the Hood between
hero and Ashland , a distance of about ono
hundred und forty miles Six tulles of tracu
vycro carried out
DlssntlBflocl W th n Civil Sorvloa
Trnoj Will Unnialn in tlio V ill tit ft
XI10 Case ol tlio Mini ntm ( Iniui-
nniH A Monument tel isli-
liigtoii'M Mot tier
Washington Bintttu < Tine Oiutu Bar , 1
513 PotlltTKENTII SritEXT >
Washington D O Fob 9 |
1 ho victory of the pinto printers In their
light ngninst the ititiolucllon of steam
presses Into the buroiu ot aneraviug nnd
printing lust summer has nulo thorn very
sanguine nud they line now un lurtukon
another cruaido which Booms liltcly to result
in n general strlko nnd perhaps the touipor
nry suspension of business in th it institu
tion lho administration is pi leal lu a
position whore It must either recognize the
color line in the government scrvieaor offonl
the printers union An octroon named
Frances Flood , from Buffalo , who is
deseiihed ns n vorv pretty ind toutool girl
of twenty or twotitv one yoirs who was
formerly n school teacher , panel the best
ox imlnntlon before the civ 11 surv ice eomniia-
Blon nnd was certified to the superintendent
of the buteiu ot eu > .rivlngnnd printing with
two other girls to fill vie moles among the
Pluto printers assistants lholr duties uro
10 lift the sheets of bond nnd built nota
p ipor to and from the printing picssis mid
they stand till diy bosilo the priuturi For
this servlco they receive S41 dollars ti inoi th
No colored irlll W113 ever before tissig led to
this work nllhoufh there nro sovoril among
the countesses , " as thu woinott who cjunt
the shoots uro called lho printoi to whom
she was assigned , a man nnmed lohiisou ,
refused to her nnd was dismissed
fro n the bureau by bum linteudent Meredith - <
dith with the npprovul of bccrotiiry Win
dom bho was then assigned lo uno'her
printer nnmol 1 ovy , whonlso diclinod to ro
coiva her nud immediately tcndeied his
resignation on the ground thnt ho would network
work with a uici.or" His resignation was
not accepted but ho was llkowis 1 dls nissed
Hint left no other vacancv , but the irl is
still on the rolls and will ba assigned to duly
whenever n vuenncy occurs
Yesterday the executive commltteo of the
printers union called upon Superintendent
Meredith and bceretni \ \ \ indoiu nu 1 m ido a
roimtil demand for tlio priviloco of selecting
their own helpers which was donled for ob
vious reasons 'I his hi inch of the bcrvico
is under tlio eh II son Ice commission and v 1
cnnelcs hnvo lo bo tilled uccordlni , to the
lnw like ull other positions In the executive
dcpirtnieut lhey did not raise the quos
tioti of color but simply insisted upon
choosing thth own assist mts end wcro
willing to select them from nnv number of
cundldates certified by the commission lho
secretary declined to yield and the printois'
upion held 11 meeting last at which the
executive comtniltco wns instructed to draft
a foiunl molest und ( .ive 11 power to take
such nction ns in their discretion was proper
In tha cube The department dceliiK d to
accede to their demands The pnhtors will
not say what this action it ill be , but It is
well understood that if the seerotary of the
treasury dccllnos , as ho must do , 11 strike
will bo ordered '
Montana's four claimants to the two seats
In the United Stntos sonnto are expected
hero tomorrow lho senuto committee on
privileges and elections uro to lu to up lho
contest now and dispose of it No ejection
will likely bo rccoini < ! od nud Binco no ono
has ever filled these offices thefilturoof
the Mont inn legislature to elect will not
create v ac metes nnd so the democrutlo
kovuruor cinnot appoint inv ono to lho
places This vv 111 lot tbo question to ov or to
another legislituro
Secrctaiy lrncy went out for 11 drive with
the president und his son this afternoon and
nftcrwurd spent tin hour with his daughter ,
Mrs Wilmerdluir , who is still corllned 10
the resident 0 of Lieutenant Mason by her
broken arm and sprained nnklo It is proba
bio that the oecrctary will take a trip down
the rlvor on the Disuitrh if the we illu 1 con
tiuues line , butjic Insists upon L.olng to the
dtpirtment for ' a duv or two llrs in order to
dispose of some important matters that 1110
there pending Ills immedi tto plans there
fore are indefinite , but it is decided thnt ho
will remain in the cablnol and hehasclready
Liven orders to hnvo lho ruins of his houto
removed us soon as the undoiwn ors ( , lv o
the ncccssnry permission Ilia houBO wi a
insured for only $ X > 0U0 which will barely
cover his furniture , ornaments pictures ,
library etc , that were destroyed Hie total
pecuniary loss will umount to about ? b. ) 000
The row that has been coine on in FroJ-
cricksburg , Va ever the ownership aid
control of the grave of the mother of Wash
ington has rcsultol in the organization of an
association of ladies to purchase the piopcrty
nnd oreet u suitable monument lho widow
of Chief Justice Walto Is the president ard
Mrs Lwn.m 1 rumbull his been named us
lho vice president foi Illinois
liTnniu w's ncNiAl
Senator Potticrow of Svith Dtikota , who
arrive 1 last night from n busluoss trip to his
home , aula to your correspondent this even
ing tli it plenty of seed foi thu spring plant
ing would bu procured from Chltnuu ami
clsuwhcro throuch tlio cflorts of thu legisla
tive committee , of wliiin Govirnoi Moilettt )
i9 chairman ' It Is uufortunato " said he ,
' for the people nnd tlm country that these
cxugt-eralcd reports were ever started nbout
alleund suffering in No'th nnd South
1) ikota It is true that there w is a short
crop in some local tloi hut season , but there
Is now and has houu uo Buffering fur either
food or fuel Our fu-mera In u very few
cjuutics will need assistance 111 the way ot n
loan of wheat nnd oats , of which they can
get an abundance from eraiti dealers in
Chicago , St Paul and Minneapolis , but they
will need nothing further lho reports , '
greatly exaggerate 1 and sent out by un
principled persons who sluinU wanted to
collect inonov , clothing aud provisions to bo
appropriated for their own use , huvo cioatod
the I iipresslon in some sections ot tlio east
that there uro starving or fiuczing people la
the Dakotas , which is untrue It will do
our country harm with these who will not
tuko the trouble to.ustertuui the filth A
mistalto was mndo by lho Ucialuturo
not authorizing the Issuu icu of county bonds
to raise money lor thu purpose ojf advancing
seed whout to tlio furmors who nocd it Wo
uro thoroughly nblo to help our elves Pvcry
new prairie stuto has found Itsulf boiihi time
in the beginning of its cur < er called upon 10
do such thiucs \ \ o li ivo a very briejit fu
ture before us tills season lhero will bo an
immense iimnlLrntiou , on account ot the
opening of lho nloux reservation and tbo
general dovolopmout ot lho state 1 ho stuto
ot South Dakota is rich in overythlng The
need of somu scud wheal in u few counties
and ono shoi t crop in thoin will not hurt pro *
eeptioly Wo hear litllo said about tto mat
ter ono way or another ut homo "
Mra Senator Moody of bouth Dakota will
give her last formal reception tomorrow
from J until 5 bho will bo usslstod by Mm
Butcher , Mrs Livingstone , Mrs John L.
Wilson und Miss Hampton
Grout ustonisiuont Is being expressed ever
thu countcnanco bolng given thu proposition
to loutto the Louisiana lottery In North Da
kota Man In congress say the stuto will
disgrace Itself If It accepts the scheme Lf-
fnrls are bolng made hero to stop thu sale of
tickets In tbo District of Columbia
I'Kituv b JIeatu
A I tiiiiiiiiM Pal ice Bullied ,
Paius , Peb 9 The former palace of
Mamuerlto of Nuvarro on the Kuo do Seiua
burned today Loss , JIOOOOO