1 MB i The Omaha Sunday Bee - | m I'
! . li.l..u „ „ _ .WM wg _ _ „ ! - -i. . . . .ii B ? Manroi fiia iLj.w M aiui i > iHUUBaiiivj iiu UH uy w. MiMii.MM Hi
602,504. 506 , 508 , 510 S , 13th St Cor Howard ' 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , 510 S. 12th St Cor Howard
"We must make room for new spring1 goods , and will offer tomorrow and during the week , greater bargains than can he found elsewhere
Come Early Dent Wait Money Made by Attending this Remarkable Sale
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ' " "
n i inn n-n-nnn Mil I'T" T ITf I ll in TIM
m Airra air
I I toi All ( ho Ileal ( Juality
la " 11 if ! Light Colored
X-l aU
- ' .
Sella atgjo
• * A IJA All the licit quulily
IB I D 1 A 81 AH Now Goods
* *
• • * + JUV .
Hcgulnr prleo 7c.
Sill AI1 U' ' ° , ( " , • • " "BO Ull" " }
111 Hi Newest sPrin Calicos ,
I1JJ prtli up to 10c.
II T / In ami Sltoit Lcujcdis
hfli _ \ _ _ ? iMcacM CottonPlaimel
go at il'Sc ' this sslo
Un Yerj Fine Wide
IIIP / Shaker Flannel
jB f II Ucgulnr Inequality ,
_ L U \ ) This sale 7c.
/ ITUP / ] Wool Flannel
* ill I /.IlThat uehmo ueon selllnga *
• * ' ' ' • * • * - * " ' ' afe
_ ' - Tlhls g ISc
ft 4OP The Hesl quality
Jfl I 1 KO llllc Woo , 1'xtl"n W , ( , °
ill am . shaker flannel
Woith43c ; this sals 23c
Just Received , Go in This Sale
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r
MOO UE ASH > ii : >
Blue Jersfey Cloth
Sailor mss ,
( Ujci : jut >
Tor Ihitifo Suit
All Misses Snilsksi/es S , 10 , 12 , 14 , and
lu yoiirs
J. L. BRAIXTBEIS & SPNS , - - . 502 , fiGAeOfi Corner Howard
1 What Our Lily Is Doing hi Msrrlo
1 England
BQN Notnblo Kvcnts Tor Next Week Move *
M X. ineiils ot llio J'roiulnent Base
B boll Players Tlio Approach
B ii > K. Wheel Conturn
B fjlly In Knglrmil
K Ami Inn , Stocki-out , Jan SO To the
B Sporting lidltor ot Tim lJir : I hare noticed
B la several Omaha papers accounts of what
B Our Lily Is doing uDroad and thinking it
B might provo interesting to some o ( the read
B era of Tug 11ii : : , I will endeavor to glvo a deB -
B ecrlptlon of England and an account of our
B doings in a foreign clitno
B Owing to a delay on the Rock Island rall-
B , rend I missed connection with steamer Gor-
B tnanicon nhich thoEck combination sailed
m from Now York , August S3. 1 stopped in
H New York until August 31 and then sallod
B for Liverpool on the Umurla via Cunard
B line , landing in that city after a good voyage ,
B In which I proved myself a good sailor ,
H ' - September 7 , Jus six days and nine
K _ hours from the tlmo wo lifted
K l • nnehor Stopping in Liverpool ever night , I
B then Joined the coinbinnllon at Long Laton ,
B our training quarters , and luimcdlatoly went
B Into active training
B No ono with any eye to the beautiful can
B fall to ndmlro Lnglnnd , with its nicturesquo
B old buildings , beautiful parks and green
B fields The roaus are pnved with stone , In
IB fact store or brick bcoius to bo ttio order of
B the day , anu during my travels so far , from
m rioith to south and cast to west through Eng
M land , I Imvo the first tlmo to sco a frnma
H building or a plank sidewalk , The houses
H are built in raws , from two to three stones
m • high und nro called cottages , but wo would
B call them flats or blocks , lho rontlscol-
B lectod wcokly mid nveragos from i shillings
H C pence to 0 shillings
H Hallwjy travel cannot compare with ours
H for onso and comfort , their cars nro small
H and divided into thrco compartments llrst ,
B second ana third with the cntranco at the
B ldo The tickets are tukon up at the end of
H the Journey Stations are close together ,
H aud in traveling a distance of tlfty miles you
H would change cars on au average every third
H station *
H Taking them as a mass the English are
H "T pleasant , hospitable , hnrdworklng people , ro-
H celvlng very poor compensation for tlioir
H labor , Weekly wages are as follows : La >
BB borers , from 16 to to 2i shillings ; tradesman ,
BB E3 to 80 shillings : clerks , „ to HO shillings ;
m servants , 13 to tO per unuum Living ox-
m penscs are about the same as in America ,
B Lugland Is a country behind us iu every
M thing I liavo met the best riders , both ama >
m tcur and professional , of the day , and
m they are truly line riders , as wall
H taoy may be , tor they bavo tbo
B finest outdoor tracks la the world to train on ,
M The accommodation for indoor racing Is very
B poor , und I buvo not tried to maka a showing
H indoor on account of the tracks being too
H small to nllow mo to ride at snood with
1 safety I have beou very successful lu my
1 outdoor racing , having won nearly every
B race I entered with our combluation , and
m sgalnst men , professionals , in which I won n
B v tlirco-mllo handicap nt Kottingham against
M Lee aud Allnrd and a oue-milo handicap ,
m best two in three , at Derby , agaluit Lee ,
B llobb aud the combination , I bavo made
m j , some good records from a quarter of a mile
_ In 43 seconds to ten miles In U':30. : The girls
V * sro riding in Bpleadld form Stanley seams
5v ather the host on the small tracks , but Is
m „ • _ orowded to the utmost by Mile , Armalndo ,
M who is riding lu her ola time form aud
M crowds the riders wheu she goes to the
M lead I have non numerous sobriquets
M sououg"which the most common are l'lucky
. nil Dress l'nllcrii Coutnlnliit ? 10 ynnls of I
English Gashmere ,
V Itli bIiIo hand nml buttnns to nintcli , >
roit ruLt ostnss pattkkx
Full Dies ratlcrn of llnest
EngEisli Henrietta ,
All New Spi iny Similes ,
roit nx „ uiss pattekx
full Dress P.itteniof All Wool
imported Suitings ,
Plain nml eolovcil , tilth ldo Imml nml
liultons to match ,
rore ruLij i > jess > pavtekx
Block , JJonavan and Howell , occasionally I
hear ttio familiar cry of "Go ou Oiauha , lap
'cm I" ana X never full when that request
reaches mo'xo respond and go to the front
Having cancelled my engagement with the
combination I am dally undergoing acouiso
of training , consjiitlng of walking , wrostllng ,
dumb bell exorcises , duo swinging and
wheel ridinc , to condition mo for a 100
sweepstake race to bo run at Paris March 1
against three French ladies , managed by
Mons beborbeo of Paris I am training at
Ash Inn training grounds under the special
direction of the old tlmo champion sprinter
and trainer , Ed Moulton of Minneapolis ,
who Is also handling Jim Collins in his
races In England I am also negotiating
with Loudon parties for a race at a later
date in that city I am in excellent condi
tion and , barring accident , am confident
on my return to America some tlmo In May ,
I shall bo the holder of the French and Eng
lish championship medals and stiall then be
prepared to mutch myself against uny woman
in America for a bonaflde stake of from 100
to 200.
The Typographical union Is strongly rep
resented throughout England
Influenza is the prevailing cpldemlo hero
us it is in other foreign countries , but does
not seem ot such a dangerous form Yours
very truly , Lu.lib Williams
Tlio Four IInml Gamn with Partners
Now HhvIiik a Great ltun
Numerous Inquiries have reached TnE
I3eis about tbo game of cards called high
flvo , " which had Its origin in Nebraska , and
at tbo Hampton house , Holdredgo The fol
lowing rules , prepared by ono who has been
there , ara vouched for as correct :
1. Number of Cards Use full pack of
cards without the Joker
2. Valuoof Curds in Counting There nro
fourteen points to be counted in each deal
viz , ace , jack , ten spot and deuce of trump
count ono each ; the llvo spot of trump and
the other five spot of the saino color ( which
becomes trump ) count ilvo each The deuce
oounts to tbo side playing it ; all thootheis
count to tbo side taking them
a. Vuluo of Cards in Taking Tricks The
vnluo of the cards in taking tricks Is iu the
following order , beginning with the high
est viz : Ace , king , queen , jack , ten spot ,
nine-spot , oiglit-spot , seven-Spot six-spot ,
flvo-spot , four-spot , thieo-spot , two-spot.
The lowest trump card outranks the highest
lay cards , and the llvo-spot of tuinm suit
outranks tbo other llvo-spot of the eamo
color *
4. Cards ot No Value The lay cards era
of novaluoj therefore it is bettor to have
small lay cards than largo ones ; they ara
only played In order to change the lead or
to glvn the partner a chauco to trump with a
live spot , or when the player has no trump
( Bee rieo 13) ) .
5. Dealing Ladles cut for deal In first
game ( low deals ; ace lowest in cutting ) , at-
tor which doul in rotation to loft After
llrst game tbo first deal is accorded to the
lady who last comes t the table Deal
nine cards to each player , three at a tlmo
0. Naming Trump The trump is named
by the highest bidder , the player at the loft
of the dcalor bidding first ( see Note 1) ) and
the others bidding lu tboir turn If they wish
to raise the bid Tbo suit bid upon must not
bo named by unvono until it Is distinctly un
derstood who bids highest ; then the highest
Didder names the trump Each player has
but one bid , which opportunity he forfeits if
ha passes
7. Number of Trumps There nro fourteen
trumps iu the paok , counting the second llvo-
spot of the sumo color
8. Discarding and Drawing After the
nine cards uplcco have boon dealt and the
trump Is named each player discards from
his hund , faces upward , all except trump
cards , and calls upon the dealer for a suffici
ent number froai the dec It to make up a
baud of six cards , which are dealt tn order ,
If the deck runs out before all are supplied ,
make up the dollsloney from those discarded ,
if any player has mora than six trumps hn
must discard the extra number , retaining
but six If a pluyor discards a trump card
by mistake , any player diico\erlng It may
pick It up aud odd it to his hand , discarding
another in Its place , llut If trumps have
boon discarded because of an overflowing
baud the } canuot be thus captured , but must
Tall Dress Pattern of All Wool Trendi
Silk Finish Henrietta ,
All New Spring Slinilc * ,
lull Dress Pattern of
Silk finished , nil ncn spring shades aud
lilueKsj nlth buttons to match ,
Imported Combluation Effects ,
Willi side hand and b ittons to match ,
romimt puivsi © o to 912.
remain discarded If a counting trump n
discarded by mislalio and not discovered
until the cards are all played It oounts to the
side naming the trump
I ) . Koboing the Deck After tbo discard
ing and drawing explained in the preceding
Bection , if any cards remain in the deck the
dealer has the privilege of examining thorn
andoxchunging any cards in his hand for
anv trumps which ho tnny find
10. Loading All being now ready to play
and each player having six cards , tbo highest
bidder and namer ot tbo trump leails ( fjp e
11. Setting Hack The Bldo naming thn
trump must make as mauy points as they
have bid or bo set b.ick thut number ; even
If they have no polats on their t > core they
are still sot back the full number and put "in
the hole "
13. Counting The side naming the trump
count us muny points us they make , pro
vided they make us mauy or moio thau their
bid Tha other side always count all they
13. Following Suit Wlion trump is led
jou must follow suit If you have it If you
have no trump you may as well throw up
your hand , unless your adversaries fallod to
notlco that you nro out of trumps , In which
case It Is better to hold out until they do
notlco it When a lay card is led follow suit
if you have It unless you prefer to trump
14. Trumplnsr You always have the
prlvilogoof trumping ( See Note a. )
15 Game Twonty-ouo points constitute a
game at the head table ( tieo Note 4. )
10. Playing Out a Hand At the head
table they should always Hnish a hand
which is commenced before cither side Is
twenty-ono. Then the side having most
points , if twonty-ono or more , wins the game
and taps the boll
17. All Games Stop At the tap of the
boll the games stop at all tables and the side
having most points , counting nil points made
up to that moment , wins the game und
moves up to the next table In case of a tie
score ladles cut and low wlus Each game
begins as well as ends at tbo signal of the
boll ,
18 , Changing Purtnors Chnngo partners
each game and ut every table , iucludlng the
first The winning couple ot oaoli table
move up to tbo next higher table , except In
the case of the head table where the win
ning couple remain and the losing couple
move down to foot table '
10. Prizes Four prizes may bo given , as
follows ; To lady having most games , to
lady having mo9t polats , to gentlemen having
mo t games and to gentlemen having most
points In case two persons hava a tie score
the contestants cau each choose a partner
and play another game to aocldo it In case
four persons nro tied tuny draw cuts for
partners nnd play another game to deoldo ,
Note 1 After arranging your cards you
calculate how many points you can probably
make with jour best suit , with the aid of
our partner , nna'tbo ohanoo you both have
of drawing more cards of that suit , and you
bid accordingly , soaring In mind section 11 ,
Holding an ace with one or two cards to baok
it would justify a bid ot six aud it the back
ing cards are high you might bid seven or
eight or mnro Holding live-spots iu your
hund is not particularly desirable to name
trump on , If you bold high cards and name
tbo trump it is better that your partuor hold
the flvo spots Never bid unnecessarily
high ; got the making of trumps as cheap as
possible If jou have n poor hand and bus
pect that your adversary Is anxious to name
the trump it Is sometimes well to bid more
than your hand justifies so as to lead your
adversary to ralso the bid and thus lake
greater risks
Note 2 The flrnt lead Is usually the ace of
trumps ( but this , of course , depends upon
the band ) , and la the partners turn to play
ho should play a llvo-spot if he has one , aud
thus save it to their side
Note 3 If a lay card Is led the proper
play for the third hand is to trump higher
ban flvo spot , to prevent the fourth hand
from trumping with a llvo-spot. Hut if ilia
Avo-spots have boon played , or tbo third
hand holds thorn or knows the fourth hand
does not hold ono , his trump need not thus
bo wasted
Noto4 If you are only playing asocial
evening game and not progressively , tbe
game is HI
liitoioitine to Amaleura
llorotoforo a prize woo la a blcyclo dull
contest did tfbt provontia man from oompet- |
ing In nnovico rjed , but ut a recent meeting 1
of the racing board the rule was made to
read : "A novice race is open only to these
who , up to the date , have never won a
prize " This rule is important to all club
men having won prlzis In their club races , as
It prevents them from competing in novice
races At the same tlmo it Is decidedly
wrong Club races or matrh races should
never bo taken into nccount in novlco races
of any kind
llio CoiitinkiicnU Cliullcngo *
The Continental polo team has been re
organized It la now composed of tbo fol
lowing players : Chumberlain , first rush ;
Kennedy , second ! Patteo center ; Smith ,
halfback , and Jean , goal tend They uro
out with n challenge to any polo team In tbe
state foi 0 single or series of games for a
purse or gold modal for the championship of
NcDiaska AU communications should bo
addressed to S. 13 Patteo , the secretary
A \ \ | ae Law
The North Dakota -logulatura his passed
a law setting the duto for commencing the
shooting of prafrlo chickens at October 15
the same date as In Minnesota This pre
vents Minnesota sportsmen from hdvinp the
best of the shooting in their own state and
then going over into Dakota at the com
mencement of the season ( here , us was for
merly the case
The "Wfiool Cliune
The following are the entries for the
twenty-four hour blcyclo race which
takes place at the Coliseum the present wool :
for the championship of America : Dlngloy ,
Minneapolis ; Ashlnger , Oklahoma ; ICnupp ,
Portland ; Gorwing , Denver : Stull Omaha ;
Heading , Fort Omaha ; Keir , Minneapolis ;
Wnidion , Omaha ; Hubbard , Fort Omuha ;
Kcnnody , Salt Lake Princes dark aorso
'Jlio Coliseum Programme
The Coliseum directors intend to brick up
the outsldo of the Coliseum vary soon and
put tbo building iu shupa for ttio full exposi
"It is the Intention ot our now board of
directors to hold one of the finest expositions
ever hold in this part of the country , " said
Manager Prince to a 13 ek man The build
ing will bo bricked up right away end n
largo fountain will ba placed in the center ,
Tno inside will bo painted and finished in
first-class style , and a laigo ventilator will
be placed nt the top The liiuin ontianro
will bo tlnlnhed in suitublo Btylo , making the
building 0110 of the handsomest structures in
the city
"We want the marchants and manufactur
ers to commence getting their oxhlblts 'oady
for the fall exposition , ns It is the intention
to have the next exhibit ono of the finest
ever soon in the country
' " The directors fiava been considering the
advisability of holding a fat stock show
after the fall exposition The farmers and
brooders have given uscrcat encouragement
within the past thrcq months and the direc
tors have concluded 10 hold a fat stock show
this tall The building will bo nut In proper
Bbapo for this exhibition immediately after
the CI090 of tbo fall uxposltton , "
Tim AMilctia Club Sloe ting
Secretary W , E , Maynor , of the Gate
City Attilotlo club , has called a special meet
ing for Monday ( tomorrow ) evening at the
club rooms and all the members are urgently
requested to bo present ns much that is Im
portant wilt bo presented for consideration ,
Flashss From tlin I ) annnrl ,
W , II , Lucas Is to manage tbo Dubuque
club ,
Baseball oa skates Is all the rage at Chi
Lowe of the llostons Is wintering In Mil
Ralph Johnson has been nnnaglug a Da-
troit walking instoh
Kansas City aad Omaba wilt have a hot
time of l\ this year ,
Des Molnos is laying her plans for Sunday
ball tbo couiiug season ,
They do say that Jack Crooks declares ho
200 pairs Women's Kid nnd ( lout Shoes ,
not a single pair north less than $2.00 ;
ninKo jour choice for
220 pairs fine Dougola Shops , nil sizes
and widths , north 14.00 11 pair , nil
warranted ,
2(10 ( pairs llncst Preach Kid , hand turned
Shoes , iu ic * fitini 2 to i cmlj , nar-
united nmth sfli.00 11 pair ,
A great hljr bargain In Emliroideied and
Alligitor Slippers for Ladies and Mrn ,
n ortli up to & 1,75 a pair ,
| _ _ ? ( $ &h
made four homo runs iu o game where the
score stood 2 to 1.
Tbo Cleveland * and Cincinnati will both
play in Omaha in April
Milwaukee will probably give ultchor
Hardie Henderson a trial
Catcher George Moolic tikes pirt in pub
lic sparring exhibitions in Boston
Only eight raoro weeks and the fans will
bo wending their way toward the ball park
In Taylor Shafer , Into of Toledo , a good
second baseman is available for any club , ho
being footloose
President Speas is confldont that Jack
Pickett will provo the best captain that any
Kansas City club over had
Albert , of the Milwaukee team , was
called homo last weak to attend the funeral
of bis mother at Heading , Pa
KanBas City's young pitcher , Frank Pears ,
is already at work practicing dally Ho ex
pects to do star wontjiext season |
Jack O'Connor caught moro games last
year than any other Association catcher ,
eighty-four games being his quota
Western players nil siy that In Ducky
Hemp the Pittsburg league team has bemired -
mired a corking good center fleldor
With Veach nnd Browning in the same
city , things will bo prottv lively In Cleveland
should they both break out together
Lou Stockwoll , who caught Duryea in St
Paul during 1SS7 , bus signed a Cleveland
League contract Ho will play in ono of the
Sporting Times : Omaha has gathered
together a big team The ether members
of the Western association had hotter keep
nn eye on this ncgrogatlon from the very
UlgJimDuryoi is being roasted by the
Cincinnati press to the queens taste They
say ho Is only ouco n week pitcher , but an
every day lusher Jimmy has "jlnod" the
The Milwaultco club next season will not
soil beer at it games on any day of the year
except Sundays Ladies will bo admitted
free , except Saturdays und Sundays
Omaha now has a chance to secure Rcddy
Mack , ono of the greatest second basemen In
the country , and thov should looao no time
in closing the deal Ho is the only disengaged
inun lu the profession who could come
nuywboro near filling CrookB' shoos
U. S. Ilohror , manager of the Hastings
Heds for three years , now of the firm of
Cramer & Ilohror , looks favorable to the
formation ot a base ball league In Nebraska ;
ho thinks that a team could bo run at com
paratively email expense
Ex-Manager Watlcins , of last years Kan
sas City club , says that ho Is doaa to the
baseball world forever , ns far as managing
is concerned Ho has shaken oft managerial
cares and worries forever , and will never
assume thorn agiln as long as the coal and
feed business Is us good as at present
Kansas City is not presumptuous at all
Her managers say they can sell her host
playois and still win the pennant of the
Western association They do not realize
the fact that they would have had to norlt
hard to get secoud or third place with tnolr
full Amoricao association team , Sporting
Manager Hawa lias about completed his
dates for Hot Springs una the 'loxas circuit
Ho expects to play two gnmos with each of
the Texts teams , which will glvo them an
opportunity to measure their strength with
a representative Western association team ,
aud it is supposed they will try vary hard to
do Douver up Howe , Curtis und Whlto
signed contracts last week
riannigan , the first baseman who last sea
son played with Louisville , has been secured
by lJcs Moines Flannlgan Is a good man
all round , aad is an exceptionally hard
hlttor Ho will recolvo FuBselbach's hard
shots from third Speaking ot Fussclbach
the Dos Moines payers sty ho Is a bettor
man than Alvord , Ho is a brilliant fielder ,
and covers an immense amount ot territory
He will no doubt provo tbo star third base ,
man ot the Western association la a horn
All of the Minneapolis team for 1800 have
been signed , with the exception of Duke ,
Dugdalo and Mitchell , Mlnuoban having
signed a contract a few days ago at a hand
some Increase of salary It will make the
cranks dauco with joy to lca.ru that little
500 pairs i.odtes' fine Doiignla Ploxlble
Shoes , nil solid , guaranteed north
$2.51) ) ,
Heal hand turned Preach Kid opera and
common sciibd Shoes , worth $ l-50j
ltochestcr niuUe ,
One big lot eleffant Sllpp" 'S nana one ,
splendid for house near , reullj north
$2.00 a pair ,
300 pairs fine Dougola Shoe , n01th up
to SpM.OO ,
Danny Mlnnohnn will bo with Minneapolis
ncain this season , Danny Is a creat favorlto
with the Flour City cranks , and well ho
might be , as ho is ono of the best all-uround
players in the Western association as well as
ono of the most gentlemanly
Jake Beckley has written a letter to the
Pittsburg league club in which ho supports
the Southern-trip idea und states that
whether the team goes south or not ho will
go there Decltlcy adds that ho Is practicing
ovcrv day and that the base ball authorities
of Quincy and other western cities think that
La lloquo Is ono of the best intleldors among
nil the young players in the country La
lloquo is the tblrd baseman signed by the
Pittsburff club Beckley is lu excellent con
dition nnd Is ot the opinion that ho will pluy
gooa ball
The Sioux City club has been completed
by the signing of Henry Soibol , the pltchor
who was disabled last jcar The club as
now made up for 1600 is ns follows : Pitch
ers , BurdicR , Seibol and Devlin ; catchers ,
Crotty , Crossloy and Murphy ; first base ,
Powell ; second base , Brosnan ; third base ,
Knppoil ; * shortstop , Stevens ; outfielders ,
Glenn , Genius nnd Cline Manager Powell ,
who is in the east , will bo nskod to explain
why ho has signed some of his especial
friends for six and a half months and others
only for the regular season of five and a half
months , causing thereby on extra expense of
$1,700 , and ulso several other llttlo mutters
that to the managers do not seem to bo exactly -
actly straight
Manager Cushmnn says that Mtlw.aukco Is
going to win the pennant The Hrowors
have five pitchers Flanacnn , Thorson and
Clausen , in addition to the old favoiltcs ,
Davies and Griffith For catchers there are
Jantzon , Krieg nnd Westlake Mornssey
will guard llrst base , Shoch scond , Iko third ,
Alberts shortstop , and n good man will bo
secured for loft if Krieg will not play It
This is the strongest nggrocation Milwaukee
has over had on the ball Held and under nblo
manacemont the Milwaukee * ought to make
a good showing Manager Uushman will ar
rive in Milwuukoo February 15. Ho will
this year issue the official store card and
score book , as well as attend to the fence
advertisements This ' will keep him busy
until April 1 , wlion his men report for duty
Iho admission tickets to Athletic park the
coming souson will ba 25 cents and f > 0 cents
for the craud svand The pavllllon will bo
done away with and tbo scats made over
Into ono grand stand ,
TlioKcon l'olioomun ,
Atlanta Constitution : The best story
about a pollcoinan that I've hoard latelv
Is ono on a now man Hint hud only
BQt'vod a few weeks , " remarked one of
the sergeants
"Ho was noted for his speed tn run
ning , and was a muscular cu&s , so that
ho delighted the superior olllcurs wlion
on parade
Ono night a negro broke into a
house on lila boat , and the alarm was
ruibed Ho ran toward the scene nnd
arrived soon enough to feoa the robber
Instead ot shooting at him ho blow his
gong mid Bet out after the fleeing negro
on a dead run ,
They had it for several hundred
yards , und ho bojjun to gain 011 the
negro , who was Elaukoning his spocd ,
Suddenly ttio inn 11 on the next boat ,
who had run to'lns assistance , nnd who
wits following na fust as ho could , saw
his comrade sit down Running to
where ho was , lie oxcluiincd :
"What's the mnttor , nro you hurt ? "
"No hugh litigh I'vo just hugh
hugh stopped to hugh hugh pull
off my shoes " ho nnaworod , gasping for
broathas ho joikod his bliooa off
What on earth do you want your
shoes off for ? "
Why hugh hugh you see the fel
low hugh hugh might turn on mo
and I dent want him hugh hugh
to have no advantage on mo lies
hugh burofootedl"
lln Knew tlin Fact
Boston Transcript ; A Email boy had
a > I I4i ® o
S I mm n 5S
o liW I -
oot > i > t Ki.v : or
Mme Warrens ' Corsets ,
© _ lt UVriltK hTOCK itV
75c , $1.00 and $1,25
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a dog that was rough , ns most smnl
boys'dogs are , and n young girl who
lived next door had a kitten Ono day
the small boy eamo nonchalantly Into
the girls presence , and nftcr Homo de
sultory conversation ho said :
You know ijjv dog Uarca and vour
cat DnrllngV"
Yes "
Well , my dog had n piece of moat
and ho thought your cut was going to
take it away from him "
Thought ! " exclaimed the wibo llttlo
girl What makes you say thut the dog
thought ? . You know dogs dent think ,
they instinct " '
Well , " said the boy , "I dent caret
whether ho thought it or whether ho
nhtincted It , but anyhow ho killed your ,
cat "
_ _ _
The nisliop'w Wit Hnveil IIint
A story showing the shrewdness and
ready wit of the Scotchman is told of a
well known Scotch bishop who was eon
tent to miss his lifo in single blessed
ness Whlto ho hold a certain see ho
was , of courbo , n subject of considerable
interest to the unmarried ladies of tha
neighborhood Ono day ho received a
visit from ono of thom who had reached
the ago of desperation Her manner
was solemn , though somewhat om-
barrasscd The good bishop spoke vt 1th
his usual kindness and oncourngod her
to bo cominunicattvo By and by ho
drew from her that she had had a very
htrnngo dream , or rnthor , as she
thought , a revelation from heaven
On further questioning she confessed
that It had boon Inllmatod to her that
she was to bo united in inarringo to the
bishop Ono may imagine what a start
this gave to the quiet scholar , who hud
long before inarrlod his books and
nevorthoughtotuny otherbrido , Ho recovered -
covered , however , and addressing her
very gently said thut doubtless these m-
timntious were not to bo dosplsoii At
yet , howovcr , the designs of heaven
weio but imperfectly osplainod , as they
had boon revealed to only ono of the
parties Ho would wait to see if any
similar communication should bo made
to himsolfAatid when it happened ha
would bo sure to lot jior know
A AVnstn of ISnoruy
Chicago Trlbuno ; A certain young
Chicago lawyer it is just as well not to
glvo his name was trying a case in a
justlco'tj court a few years ago Ho waa
deeply interested in the case and most
nnxious to win it , so ho put iu n good
deal of time looking un Uoclslons bearing -
ing on the point , and when ho made his
snocch cltod case after case Ho made
the stiongost spoooh ho know how to
make , and the justice hstoncd to it all
Wlion the young lawyer had finished ,
the justice leaned buck iu his chair and
appeared to bo considering the matter
"Wo ought to win this , " said the lawyer
yor to hiH client , but I'm a littla
aftald "
You needn't bo , " replied the client
calmly You neudn't have worked so
hard , olthor I saw him this morning
Ho wanted llfty.but finally took twenty
ilvo "
The justice , by the way , is not on tha
bench now
Horrid Grammar r
Washington Post : Mamma , " paid
Mamio do I'orquo , who founded tha
Chinese otnplro ? " Why , Mainlol"
oxcluimod Mrs do Porquo , "I'm posi
tively shocked ut you " Why
" Such horrid "
mamma , grammar ,
"P dent see unything wrong with that
fontonco " "I'm ashamed to have to
toll you , but you Bhould have 6iuci Who
discovered tlio Chinese empire : " "