Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1890, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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H Wo Are Still on the War Path
H Hoar Us Whoop
H Make Sqtnn of Price * Quoted Todnjl
1 lhoso Goods nt Such l > rlccn Will
H Proclaim Us ns tlio House
H I lint linn no Competition
H Rend our advertisements nnd com *
H pare oQr prices Wo like to luivo you
B nhop Mondny there will bo many sur-
H orisus for vou tit the Hoston Store
H Double fold Unit Wool Ilcnrlottas 7c , .
H worth 25c.
H iiO Inch English enshmoro , nil shades ,
m 15c , worth 35c.
H Nowlinc Ilrillinntlncs , epring shades ,
H llc ! , worth -15c.
Hj All our CO-lnch imported broadcloth ,
H 75c ; our neighbors call thoui grout bar
H gains at SI
B All wool 40-inch Ilonriottns , Into
H HJ shades , nt 55c. worth 85c.
H 50-lnch black Henriettas , 20c , nctunlly
H worth 65c.
H Our ontlro line of fancy Pnrls silits ,
H Tile per yard , worth up to $3.50.
H Silk plushes , 80c , nil shades , worth up
H to 75c.
H Short length of bust standard prints
H nt 3o , worth 8c.
H Standard shirting prints 4c. worth Oc
H Atnoricnn indigo prints 4c per yard
H Wide German blue prints Sc per yard ,
H worth 15c.
H Lai-go nattorn comfort cnlinos lc per
H yard All perfect
H Short longlh grey cotton flannels Sc ,
H regular 15c qualitv
H Good bleached muslin , not the host ,
H Sc nor ynrd
H Fine soft finished muslin , well known
H brand , 5c per yard
H Fine unbleached shooting lie , worth
H 8-1 Lockwood shooting 15c.
H 0-1 Lock wood shooting 10c.
H 10-4 Lockwood shoctlng 21c.
M All our 25c nil silk ribbons go at 5c
H per ynrd
m Alt our 15c , 10c and 5c ribbons goat
H ! ! c per yard Monday
H Wo have decided to soil every yard of
H our ribbons previous to receiving 10,000
H cartoons of ribbon from a New York
H auction
H Hand made fine and heavy goods go
H at 2c , lie and 5c per ynrd , really worth
H three times what we ask
H At 5c nnd 8c high grade , wide hand
H in ado laces , really worth 25c.
H Maehiuo made Torchon lace , 12 yards
H All our $1.50 kid gloves go nt 33c
H Monday
H Finest imported mousnultairo , Dor by
H kids , and Foster ' s best Usual price
H $2.50 , Boston Store price $1.11.
U Heavily boned corsets 17o , worth 50o.
H $1 S. C. corsets go at 30c.
H S. C. French double steel corsets at
M 40c , worth $1.
H Dr Barnes coiled wire corsets 59c ,
H worth $1.15. ,
H Mndnmo Warrens dress form corsets
H 08c , worth $1.75.
H Ourontiro stock of bustles nt lc each
U Corset covers8c , 17c , 30c.
H Drawers with cinbroldorcd edges ,
m cluster of tucks , 10c , 40c , 75c.
H Walking underskirts witti horn tucks ,
H lace , embroidered , good muslin , 25c ,
H 43c.
H Night dresses with torchon lace and
H insertion , clusters of tucks , lace edge ,
H etc , at 47c. 72c nnd 00c.
H 114 S. ICth st
H On Ilia Chicago ft Northwestern
M The Chicago & Northwestern has
H ndded another fast eastern train to its
H already oxtouslvo train service
M Making in all four daily trains between
H Omaha nnd Chicago R. R. Ritchiq ,
B city oMco , 1401 Far nam street
j ,
H Hoston Store Kxtra tor Monday
Hj All our 25c silk ribbons , 5c.
M All our 5c , 10c and 15o ribbons , 3c.
H Omaha Steve RopalrWorks , 810 N.
H JUtli St , Tel 060. Kooairs for Monitor ,
j Van , Pacillo , Mnggio , Lilly and Paris
1 IIuiil'os , Charter Oak , Garland , Ponin-
M suln , AcoruBismarkRivorsldoRadiant
B Homo , & 12,000othorcook stovesranges
M & heating stoveshot water attachments
M lioston Store ICxtrn Tor Mondny
M All our 25c silk ribbons , 5c.
M All our 5c , 10c and 15o ribbons , 3o.
H iiaVDKN imus
H Clntliini-t OlothlncI
M Such low prlcos were never exhibited
B as wo show ill this department
M Men's $25 suits $15.
H Men's 20 suits $14.03.
H Men's $11 suits $9.05.
H Men's $10.50 suits $5.
H Mon's 95 suits $3,50.
H Men's $ > pants $3.50.
H Mon's $3 pants $2.
H • Men's $2.50 pants $1.55.
H Men's $1 overalls 55c.
H For Monday
H Boys Knee pants 16c up
H Children"s suits 75c to $10.
H Boys long pants 50c up
H No high clothing store prlcos with us
H Everything gees cheap
H Send in your mall orders
M Good Clothing ! Cheap Priccsl
H Cheapest line of wall paper
H Dry Goods nnd Clothing
H Coal Best qualities , lowest prices ,
H Coutaut & Squires , 1303 Furimm st
H "Monro Jb Co , " Ciisli Orooors ,
H Are licadqunrtorB for the choicest tens
H nnd cull oos in the market Try tliom ,
m bavo mouoy and bo happy
M A I'rotl ) ' ( iooiI fnriu ,
H Wnshlnirton Post : While passing a
H farm in Virginia the llguru of an elderly
H man whoso nttlro was uoticeablo for
H the utter ubsouco of any decorntivo of-
H forts , was to bo soon loaning ngninst
H the fonuo
H How uro you gottin' ' along down
H horeV"
H "Jos' ' ' ' "
gottin' long ; no moh
H Good farmV"
H "Cibi you rni6o anything on it ? "
H Considerable 1 jes raised J7o on it ;
H fohlh mortgngo , too "
H Now OilouiiH ana ifoiurn
H Ono faro for the round trip to Now
H Orleans and return viu the Missouri
H Pnclllo railway Tickets on sale Fob
H runry 8 , 0 and 10 , food to return until [
H the 28th. Ticitot olUco N. E. corner
H 13th and Farnaui Depot 15th and I
H Webster bts
The Boston Store Makes a
That Has Never Boon Bqunllod
l.aoo Samples or IjaillcV IJcndctl
Sprins Wrnpinml Jnekcts IloiiKht
of the U. S. CiistoniHmigo Tur
One-Tenth Tliclr Vnluc
Last weoit the Boston Store made a
Tory fortunnto purchasoof 1,300 samples
of beaded wraps and line spring jackets
from the United States customs house
In Now York city It lias been custom
ary , from tlmo immemorial , to Boll in
certain mouths of the year such goods
on which duties have not boon paid as
may have accumulated during the
meantime The goods nro arrniigod inlets
lots and catalogued and sold at auction
at so much per lot This purohaso
proved to bo the most fortunnto ono
The Boston Stores Now York
buyer over mndo , as when the
goods arrived hero and were
opened up they were found to bo sam
ples of the newest styles of beaded
spring wraps and line jcrsoy and cloth
jnckots It is impossible to give a doll
nito description of these wraps and
jnckots as there are no two alike You
will have to see thorn to approclato
their worth It may seem ruthor early
to purchnso a spring wrap or jnckot ,
but ns wo bought them nt about ono
tenth their real value wo will
sell thorn accordingly By purchasing
ono of these gnrmonts you will bo sure
to got the latest style , as they were
originally sent to Now York so that
the importers traveling mon could soil
them this coming sonson By selecting
one of these gnrmonts now you will
save from $3 to $10 as you will see by a
few of the prlcos which wo crivo
You will bo able to buy
an elegant beaded wrap for $1.31 that
if bought in the ordinary way would
co3t you all of $3.50. For $1.OS wo will
soil you a beaded wrap that cannot bo
duplicated for less than $3. For $2.41
wc will offer you a beaded wrap that
you will not bo able to buy elsewhere
for less than $ G. At $3.60 will sell you
a beaded wrap that wo guaran too worth
$7.50. At $1.50 wo will sell you a
beaded wrap that Is positively worth $10.
We will selL you an elegant all wool
cloth jacket tor $1.08 that Is fully worth
$1. For $2.75 wo will soil you a flno
tailor raado jersey jacket that can not
bo duplicated for loss than $0. For $4
wo will soil you an Imported jacket that
would bo cheap nt $12.50. For $7.50 wo
will show you some of the finest jackets
over imported
Any of these garments can be secured
by making a small deposit on them
now nud wo will lay thorn asldo for you
until you want thorn Although there
are 1,300 wraps and jnckots in this lot
wo would advise you to come tomorrow
if you expect to get ono of them
114 S. 16th St
- ONliV $20.50.
To Nun Orlcaifs anil lCcturn vtn the
Wnbnsli 1 < 1 ne
On February 8 , 9 and 10 the Wabash
will sell round trip tickets at the above
rate to everybody who desires to take a
trip south The National Gorman
Saongorfest takes place February
12 to 15 inclusive Grand Mnrdi Gras
Carnival on the 18th. Excursion train ,
with reclining chair and Pullman buf
fet sleeping cars , will leave Omaha at
4:15 : prn on above dates For tickets ,
sleeping car uccommodatlouB and fur
ther information call on or write
G. N. CliAYTON ,
1502 Farnam st , Omaha , Neb
IloUon Store ICxtra for Monday
All our 25c silk ribbons , 5c.
All our 5c , lOe and 15c ribbons , 3c.
Cnliroi-nlii Kxcnrmnns
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California and Pnclllo const
points leave Clncngo every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo route Ticket rate from Chicago
$47.60 , from Kansas City $35 , sleeping
car rate from Chicago $4 per double
berth , from JCaiiBas City $3 per double
berth Every thing furnishca oxeopt
meals These excursions are person
allyconductcdbyoxporioucod oxeursion
maungcrs who necompany parties to
destination For oxeursion folder con
taining full particulars nnd map folder
nnd time table of the Santa Fo route
and reserving of sleeping enr berths ,
address S. M. Osgood , gonornl ngont ,
E. L. Palmer , traveling ngont , A. T. &
S. F. railroad , 1303 Farnnin street ,
Omaha , Nobrnsku
Iliu-il-IVooil Floors
There are very few persons , " said a
hard wnro denier to I ho Now York Tri
bune , who understand how to take care
of wood lloors I hear complaints con
tinunlly thnthnrd-wood lloors crack und
break oil in silvers , und thus soon become -
como rough , Such lloors hnvo boon
wnshed up or scrubbed with strong
alkali soaps or washing fluids , which
will ruin a lloorbf oak in a short time
A hnrd-woad iloor should bo swept up
nnd polished at least once a week with
nn iron backed polishing brush By this
process in a short time the floor will
have attained a ooautiful glassy surface ,
from which any dust cna bo easily ro-
niovod witli a miir broom or ono of the
pretty Jnpnncso brooms with bamboo
handles "
( Vuotion , Urouoi-iu.s , auction
Firol Fire ! Fire !
317 So 13th , Tuesday , 10 n. in
Thoontiro stock of Nowmtin Bros' . ,
10th and Centro streets damaged by lire
will bo sold nt auction , $5,000 , worth of
stuplo groceries Boarding house and
restaurant keepers Bhould attend this
snlo R. Wki.LS , Auctioneer
Ilo-min Store Speclnl
. Largo valontiues lo per dozen
Col ion Drowses
Ladies muking up cotton dresses for
the coming sonson nro ndvlsod by the i
Now York Trlbuno that all now models i
for these dresses tire severely plain
Embroideries nro rich , but sparingly
used The nll-ovor cmbroidorlos for
merly used for frouts and yoke huvo ,
almost disappeared from the merchants i
counters An excellent model for a ,
gingham dross for a slight iiguro is a
round baby-waist , with a full sleeve ,
hold together by n group of three or ,
four line tucks about three inches loug
pluced in the center of the sleeve near
the elbow The full , roundskirt la tlion
loft without drapery , with a deep hora
at the foot nnd tucks , or with an era
broidered front brondth , when the neck
nud sloovcs of the cor ago nro finished [
with bands of embroidery or a Vandyke i
collar and cuffs
A Grand Glcnnlne Up Snlo on Mon
Everything in ladies and gouts
furnishing goods to bo sold at cut
Gents super stout half hose , regular
mndo and extra hcavy , only lee per pr ,
reduced from 25c. Gents white linen
hemstitched lmndkarchiofs , 12jc , re
duced from 25c. All our gents 25o sus
penders reduced to 12Jc. All our 60c
silk embroldcrlod suspenders reduced
to 25c. Gents linen collars , Anchor
brand , all styles , only 10c ench Gouts
linen cuITs only 15c , worth 25c. Mon's
blwa cheviot shirts only 35c and 4oo ,
worth G5c and 75c. Children's fast black
cotton hosa , every pair wnrrnntod , only
10c per pr , worth 23c.
Boys heavy cotton school hose only
8c per pair , worth 20c.
100 dozen Indies fancy cotton hose ,
clegnnt designs , worth 50c and 75c , our
price on Monday only 23c per pnlr
On Monday wo will slaughter ever
$3,000 worth of corsets Remember wo
uro headquarters on this line of goods
Attend this corset snlo All our
Madam Warrens corsets go at 05c. All
our $1 and $1.2-3 French woven corsets
reduced to-55c. A beautiful easy cut
away hip corset only 75c , reduced from
On Monday wo will close out our on
tlro stock of' yarns
Gormnntowu zephyrs only 5o per
Shetland and fairy floss 5c per skein
Angora Wool 9c per ball
The balance of our zephyrs at 13c per
1 case of ladies white merino vests
nnd pants only 35c each , worth COc '
1 case of ladics's jersey ribbed vests
only 9c oneh , worth 23c.
All our Indies cashnioro gloves reduced
ducod less than cost
Wo nro now showing a beautiful line
of wall paper in now designs at our
usual low prices
Great bargains In table linens , nap
kins and bed spreads Turkey rod
damask 10c , worth 30c. Turkey red
damask 47c per yard , warranted not to
fade , would bo clioap at 00c. Itcd bordered -
dored damask reduced to 25c per yard
Cream damnsk 45c , worth 00c. 72-inch
cream damask GOc per yard , reduced
from 00c. i napkins $1 per doz , worth
$1.35. I satin damask napkins $1.25 ,
worth $1.75. German red bordered nap
kins 76o per doz Huek toweling for
Mondny only 21c per yard 18-inch
linen crnsli 6c per yard , worth
8c. Bloachcd Turkish bath towels ,
lnrgo size 10c , worth 16c. Unbleached
Turkish towels 15c , 10c and 25c. Large
crochet spronds 49o , 63c. 75c nnd 88c.
Special for Monday only , 11-4 Marseilles
spreads $1 each , worth $1.75. Chocked
white goods So , 8c , 10c , 12ie and 15c
per yard . Dross ginghams 5c , 6Jc , 7-Jc
and 81c. Gcrmnn blue prints 8Jc ,
worth 125c. Stnndard prints 5c per
yard Rod twilled flannel 14jc per
yard , worth 25c. Groy twilled Unnnol
8c per yard , worth 15c. Flannel skirt
patterns 80c each , worth $1.2-5. 10-4
white blankets 75c per pair 12-4 grey
blankets $2.35 , reduced from $3.50. Wo
sell muslins and shootings cheaper than
any house in Omaha Wall paper is on
the third Iloor
Dry Goods and Carpets , 10th st
Unston Store Kxtrn Tor Monday
Alt our 25c silk ribbons , 6c.
All our 5c , 10c and 15c ribbons , 3c.
Supper at Kountzo Memorial Church ,
Thursday evening , Feb 13 , from 0 to 8
p. m.
A. P. Tukoy , Life building Homes in
Clifton Hill for men 'of limited income
lioston Store Hpcolnl
Largo valentines leper dozen
Hon Kills B. Solinuuol'A Celebrated
Prescription for Consumption
The celebrated proscription of rock
and rye , or white rock candy and rye
whisky , seems to have originated with
Hon Ellis B. Schnabol , a member of
congress from Pennsylvania , and was
Urst published in the Now York Sun
sovornl years ago Mr Schnubol
claimed that he himself had been in
the last stages of consumption and had
been cured by this rotneay It is mndo
as follows : Take five pounds of pure
white rock candy nnd dissolve it in a
gallon of old rye whisky the
older the bettor The whisky
must bo distilled in the old fashioned
way , with a copper worm Always got
the pure white rock candy The clear
white rook is pure ervstalizcd sugar ,
and saccharine matter , you know , is
the most nourishing of all substances
Put your five pounds of white roolc
candy into u gallon of whisky and sot it
on your table Lot it remain there un
til the candy dissolves A week muy
go by before It is absorbed by the
whisky Whenever you pass the 'dcraii
John stop nnd give it a good shaking ,
nud have your wife and dnughtor or
the sorvantsdo the same In this way
it will sooner dissolve , and you will find
yourself the owner of a cordial soothing
and delightful , as far superior to cod
liver oil as maraschino to catnip tea
Mr Schnubol's theory of the patho
logy of consumption , says the American
Analyst , is peculiar and not worth ontur-
ing into It will sullico to say that ho
claims that the condition of the lungs
is similar to that of chronic ulceration
and that the rock and rye converts it
into an acute Inflammation , when the
alcohol by'oxydlzlng and thesaccharino
matter by building up ttio tissues will
produce a cure Bo that as It may
cases are oitoJ where this course ol
treatment has stopped the cough , built
up the system , and the patient has
rnpldly gained flesh and become well
The directions for taking the
mixture are : Take a sherry
wluo glassful on going to bed On
wnking in the morning tnko two-thirds
ns much on nn empty stomach , Curry
a flask in your pocket und take a spoon
ful a half dozen times a day whenever
you think of it Your object should bo
to keep your stomach continuously em
ployed in , talcing up rich und nourish
ing matter The cordial will check
cold night sweats , nnd the patient will
secure iong and refreshing sleep All
lung fever will disappear You will
fool uq raoro pain in your chest ; may
llnally become so enraptured with the
elixir that you will And it dllllcult to
drop it when its use is no longer
necessary for the preservation of
your health Now as to your diet wfillo
feeding on this elixir Vou must avoid
nil vinegurs , plcklos , sour wines , mult
drinks and suit provisions of nil kinds ,
Touch fresh pork under no clrcum-
stances Acids nnd fresh pork promote
ulceration , and iucrenso the very dif
ficulty you are trying to euro , No coffee -
fee should ho used , for it fevers the
blood and neutralizes the ngonoy of the
succhnriuo matter Drink black tea
Eat roast boot rare , broiled steaks , mut-
toil chops well done , toasted broad , and
nil kinds of vogetubles , Ono of the
best nrticlos of food is a rum omelotto ,
mndo exclusively of the yolks of ogee
There is no nourishment in the white
of eggs , The object is to enrich the
blood , The blood is the gront agent to
build up weak und dilapidated constitu
tions , and it must bo furnished with the
necessary materials to reconstruct to em ,
This treatment nnd diet enriches it
so that it is bouud to wiu iu the end
MM MlMl in llllilf * uinii " - - - - - - rmiiiM
n.VEnUN imos
ljettlntHltiWn tlio Illoes
15 pounds granulated sugar $1.00 ; 10
pounds extra O-Htignr , $1.00 ; very best
country butter in rolls , 10c , 12Jc , 15c ;
Tory good creamery butter 17c ; Tory
best crenmory'butter ' , 10c ; flour 60o per
60 pound sack ; good flour 05c ; snow
llako $1.00 ; suuorlatlvo flour $1.35 ; Tory
best Minneapolis sUporlntlvo llour$1.60.
If you need Hour knend the host , nnd
when you knead Davis No 10 you need
nothing better Prunes 5c ; evaporated
raspberries 23c- ; pitted plums 15c ; evap
orated , apples 10c ; evaporated black
berries 7ic ; evaporated Salt Lnko
poaches 10c ; currnnts 7c ; good rolled
oats 3c ; Tory best kiln drlod rolled oats
6c ; Aunt Jomimtt's pan enko flour 5c ;
3 pound pall rollnod lard 10c ; star
lard 3 pound pall , 25c ; Imported
brick cheese 12jc ; 30 pound
pail best jolly 95c ; Snpollo , 7ic ; borax
soap , 8 bars , 23c ; 1-gal. can pure tnnplo
syrup 03c ; good maple syrup , per gal ,
75c ; 2 } gnls host honey drips , 05o per
pnll ; buckwhent flour , 3c : quart bottle
blueing,5c ; mustnrd sardines,0cpnrcan ;
oil sardines 6c ; crnckors , 0c ; Ctuifornliv
3-lb can nprieots , 17jc ; California 3-lb
enn peaches , 191c ; Cnlifornin3-lb can
plums , 17Jc. These nro the best , fruit
packed by the hand of man , and if you
will try thoin you will bo coiiTlnced that
you ought not to pay 40o and 60c for
goods not ns good
Last week wo suppliodovor200families
with wringers WO hnvo a few moro
loft and will sell the remnlndor at the
sarao price , $1.95. Remember they are
warranted to bo all white car spring
rubber and vulcanized to the shaft
Just rocniTod , a now lot of these copper
bottom wash hollars at 69c , and ton ,
kettles at 23c. A 0-foot stop ladder
for 69c , and two lnrgo dippers
for 5c , colTeo nnd tea pots , 10c ;
clothes pins , lo per dozen Wo hnTo
secured for this wcok something
that bents ovorythlng A sot of nlcklo
plated sad irons , 3 irons , stand and
wooden hnndlo all for $1 50. These
same irons are sold In plain for $2.76 ,
and In nlcklo for $3.50. Six flint glass
tumblers for 18c ; towel racks 10c ; 1
set of good knives and forks for 25c ; 1
oil can 5c ; Hour and cake safes 05c , and
a genuina all copper boiler for $2.60 ,
worth $1.75 ; all2pioeo imported deco
rated dinner sot and tea sot for $8.03 ,
worth three times as much Wo havoi
a Scrub brush mudo of palmetto fibre ,
warranted to outlast nny ether three
bru3hos mndo , for this week 15c each
Wc received an invoice today of a lot of
bankrupt spoons , ever 600 gross in
the lot of table , tea and desert spoons
all standard goods , in solid nicklo , sil
ver , silTor plated , in fact ever 15 differ
ent kinds at 5c per sot , 10c per sot , 10c
per set , 25c per sot , 85c per sot , 55c per
sot , 70o per sot , $1.00 per sot nnd
$1.10 per sot If you nro in nocd of any
spoons , improve this opportunity , as it
isachancoof a lifo time Fine meat
pounder 5a , a salt and popper shaker
5c , 5 packages of tacks 5c , and 100 feet
of wire clothesline 49c.
Headquarters on wall paper
Dry Goods nnd Groceries
Renton Store ICxtra lor Monday
All our 25o silk ribbons , 5c.
All our 5c , 10c aud 15c ribbons , 8c.
Attniitlnn , ImdicR
Wo will show on Monday several
hundred of the latest anil ohoicest
styles in French sateens
Hkysian & Dmciius ,
1618-20 Fnrnam street
Boston Store Special
Largo valentines lc per dozen
S. .1. Chambers , Vetcrlnnrj Surgeon
Removed down town office to infirm
ary , 1(301 ( Sherman.avo , Tel 358.
Mr Ilojovclt on the Principle or the
Civil Service Imw
Theodore Rosovolt , in the Fobrunry
Century , says ; The cheap vnrioty of
demagogue tnkes great delight in call
ing the merit system Chinese , ' appar
ently because ono of its adjuncts is the
competitive examination , while in
China thoir-has long existed a clumsy
and overgrown system of such examin
ations As well might ho inveigh
ugainst our alphabet because the
Chinese have long had a cumbersome
alphabet of their own , or against the
use of guupowdor because it was first
used in China , or dcelino to carry a
Winchester rifle because jingals have
long boon known In the east Again ,
ho mils at the system us English , ' and
ns tending to produce un 'olllco-holding
aristcrncy ' Of course ho does not believe -
liovo these arguments ; ho cant nnd re
tain his sanity While England was
a purely aristocratic community the '
spoils system flourished there far moro
rankly than ever it did here ; and
it is only since England has began to
take giant strides towards democracy
that she has introduced the merit sys
tem , which the founders of our own re
public regarded as the only ono worthy
of a free and high-inindod nation A
system which opens the public service
to all men , ot whatever rank in lifo ,
who provo thomsolvcs most worthy lo
enter it , and which retains thorn in
olllcoonly so long as they servo the
publio with honesty , ollleioncy and
courtesy , is in its vorv essence demo
cratic ; whereas , on the contrary , the
spalls system which still obtains in
most European kingdoms , and reaches
its fullest development uudor the des
potic government of Russia is ossou-
tially undemocratic , in that It tronts the
public service not as the property of the
whole people , to bo administered solely
in their iutorest , but as a bribery ohost
for the bonollt of a few powerful in
dividuals , or groups of individuals , who
use it purely in the spirit of personal or
political favoritism "
Tim Soliorlni : Machine
There is some talk bore about reviv
ing the sobering machlno , " says a
Doylostown , Pa , dispatch to the Noiy
York Time Forty years ago it wns
a familiar niece of mechanism Simple
in conatructlondurubla in use , it served
its purpose well and olToctlvoly In
these days a drunken mnn wns a rare
eight A few citizens of this pluco remember
member it well Jack Reynolds wns
ono of the men who manned the ma
chlno nud ho recollects when it did yoo-
mnn service But the persons who fall
victims to it nro too modest to recall its
purifying effects
It was devised because it was noocs-
sary , and it consssted of the running
gonr of an ordinary wagon with the
hind wliools taken off and n box fas
tened to the axle Sobriety was the
wutchword of the half dozen men who
run it Whenever a drunken man or
womau wns soon on the street the ma
chine wns brought out The victim
was placed on the broad of his back in
the box Thoii' ' the command was gl von
and the occupant wns run out of town
It was Buldom that a man got the scc-
und dose of the "soborlng muchino "
The trumps goon got to dread the ride
of a mlle or so , and they nqvor returned
nster the first experience The wife
heater fared the same , und its inlluonco
hud a salutary olTcot on this class of pee
ple The old inhabitants suy that the
"sobonng machine of ucnrly a half
century ugo was much moro offootivo
than the throats and violence of the
White Cups of the prosentduy
Sucoossor to S. P. Morse & Co , Ra-
tall Dry Goods '
AITtor Today Under the Style of the
Morse liry Goods Co , With
a Pntd In Capital ol
S' roooooo ,
This capital Is to bo exclusively used
in our retail business Wo shall in
future retail nil goods at as near the
wholesale price ns possible Bargains
only will bo found on our counters , and
with the employment of an actual cash
' capital of so largo a sum as $250,000 wo
shall be in a position to iniko purchases
In such quantities for spot cash that wo
will save the profit usually paid by the
retailer who buys on time from jobbers
Our cash discounts will bo sufficient
profit to yield a satisfactory income on
our capital Wo shall begin another
clearing out sale in every depart
ment in our store preparatory for
the important move to the magnificent
new building now being erected for our
use Wo are rcsolrod that nouo but
new goods will bo shown at our opening ,
Nothing will bo moved and wo expect
to clningo our quarters about April 1.
Wo have some special values for next
wcok In our windows see them
3 white llunnol bargains , 18c , 25c and
35c , worth double ; also ton cases best
Special corset bargain
1. , C , BEST $3.60 CORSETS , ALL
New China silks , now surahs , now
armurcs , now faille Francaiso , now
goods in every department at
Union 1'nolilo Itondmaqtcr
T. H. DoLaua , the popular and well
known roadmastorof the Union Pacific
railroad at Cheyenne , Wyo , has been
under Dr Blrnoy's electrical treatment
for catarrh Ho says ho has not been
able to breathe through ono side of his
nose for the past twenty years , and n
greater part of the time but very llttlo
through the other , thcroby causing
him a great deal of anuoyanco and suf
fering Mr DoLann , nftcr ono weeks
treatment with Dr Birnoy , returned
homo entirely cured , no says of the
many treatments ho has tried the
electrical as applied by Dr Hirnoy is
the thing , there being no pain or
hemorrhngo and as a cure , is infallible
Dr Birney is located in Tim Bi-i3
Before Buying
A piano examlno the now scale Kim
ball piano A. Hospo , 1513 Douglas
Supper at Kountze Memorial Church
Thursday evening , Fob 13 , from G to 8
p. m.
Boston Store Extrn for Monday
All our 25c silk ribbons , 5c.
All our 5c , 10c and 15c ribbons , 3c.
His I'rnyorl'or Temperance
Seated next to Major Mitchell in the
Bates house dining room yo3torday was
a man eighty years old , us lively as a
man of fifty , says the Indianapolis
News no had been relating the story
of a wild spree he had once had , toll
ing how his horse had thrown him and
ho imaginou an elephant was about to
stop on him The next day was my
birthday , " said the old man , and my
wife had invited anumbor of our friends
to como help us celebrate the event and
hero I was drunk as a lord When I
got into the house I saw that my wife
for the first time since I had known her ,
looked just as if her heart was ready to
break I felt ashamed of myself I sat
down in a chair and begau to think
what an ornery cuss I was I pulled oil
my coat , kicked off my shoos and
dropped to my kees beside a bed I
never prayed before in my life and I
shall never forgot that prayer It was
short and to the point I said right
there beside the bed :
" 'O Lord , help mo to quit drinking ,
for d d if 1 ean stop '
That prayer was hoard I got up
the next morning without the least de
sire to drink I didn't hnvo a head
ache and when the folks cumo to the
house they were as much surprised to
Und mo sober as I was to bo that way
myself That wnsolovon yenrs ago ana
I have never tnsted liquor since "
Boston Store Kxtrn for Monday
All our 23c silk rlbbbns , 5c.
All our 5c , 10c nnd 15c ribbons , 3c.
Ono Whom All Should I'atronlzn nnd
Thereby ISueournKo Mnniifuotiirinir
Ono of the homo Industries that merits
the patronrigo of Omaha and NubrusUn
people is the AV A , Page Soap com
pany At the annual mooting hold ro-
CQiitly the capital stock wns increased ,
nnd it was decided to add a sal soda and
glycerine plant to their nlroady largo
soap plant Over $80,000 worth of soap
was sold by thorn in 1889 , their business
having doubled over the year previous
The concern keep four traveling mon
on the road , aud their Hard water
tollot" and Union laundry soaps nocd
no rccommondnlion to these who have
used thorn These who have not should
try the Page soups
Boston Store ICxtra Tor Monday
All our 25o silk ribbons , 6c.
All our 5o , 10c and 15u ribbons , So ,
The Great Hoot Island lloutn
Tn changing time on Sunday , Nov
17 , the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
Ry have considered every point of in
terest to the Omaha traveling public
If you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago
or any point enst , our solid vostlbulo
limited train is iust' what you want
Leave Omaha at 4.25p. m , arrlvo in Des
Moines 0:30 : p. m. and Chicago 8:30 : a. m , .
dining car for supper leaving Counoll
Bluffs nnd for broaufnst before ronohing
Chicago , This train Is also equipped
with the fiuost sleepers aud chair cars
made by too Pullman Co , which leave
from the U. P. depot , Omuhaovory day
at 4:25 : p. in , , making close connections
at Chicago with all trains for eastern
points In addition to this magnitlcont
train wo have two ether daily trains to
Chicago , leaving Omaha ut 0:15 : a. in
and 615 ; p. in Fur Information as to
routes , rates , time , etc , call at ticket
office , 1805 Farnam street ; telephone
782 , S. S. STUVU.VS ,
General Western Agent
Dr Birnoy , prnctico limited to en-
tarrhal diseases of nose and throat
Rooms 248 to 2-50 , Bee building
Boston Ktoro ICxu-a for Monday
All our 25o bilk ribbons , 5c.
All our 5e , 10c nnd 10c ribbons , 3o.
Prices ftir Mondny
100 pieces host dross style ginglinms
worth 12Je yard , on snlo Monday , 81o
yard 1 enso Indigo blue figured prints ,
6o ynrd Now line outing flannels and
Scotch ginghams nt lee ynrd , worth
25c. Do you need any table tlamnsltB ?
Wo nro ollorlug Renfrew stnndard tur
key rod tnblo damasks nt 45o yard ,
never sold before for loss that 75o yard ,
Here is another ono : 60 pieces turkey
rod unmasks , warranted fnst colors at
25c yard , only J price Great
snlo Mondny and all next
week ot bleached table damnsk
at 50c , 05c , 73c , SSo and$1.00. They are
all great values Boys'knee pants are
still down Wc own a car load and will
let thorn out at the lowest prices ever
hoard of in Omaha Monday boys1 wool
enshmoro pants nt 60o a pair ; a good
phnts at l3o a pair , cotton mix 300
dozen Tory largo Turkish towels in
plain nnd fancy borders nt 25o each ,
nsk to see them Big line ot gouts
winter underwear , closing thoni out at
75o each , formerly sold ut SI.25 up to
$2.00. Our Indies1 fast black hose at
10c , 15c aud 18o are the greatest values
ever olTorod In hosiery Great sale
Monday of ladles muslin underwent .
100 dozen Indies muslin undorwenr con
sisting of night gowns , chemisT ) , draw
ers , skirts and corset covers Monday
choice of this lot 9Se each , worth $1.50.
On ' another tnblo you will find
an elegant lot at 50o ouch , cheap
at85o Children's tucked muslin draw
ers , all sizes , 15o per pair Ladles
tucked drawers , only 18o a pair 50
dozen ladles chemise , only lHo each
Ladles corset covers , 15c. Wo have a
few plush sacqucs loft which wo will
dloso out at half price : $50 plush
sacqucs , now $25 ; $40 plush saequos ,
now $20 ; $30 plush sackos , now $15.
Infants and children's clonks at nny
priee Wo nro' Boiling line corsets at
manufacturers prlcos 1,000 dozen
ladles and childron's handkerchiefs at
5c , 8Jc and 10c that are indeed great
bargains Como in Monday Spocinl
prices in every department
Boqton Store Hpoi.lal. .
Largo valentines lo per dozen
o ,
Tlico4itliy. |
The Theosophical society moots every
Suuduyat4 p. m. ut room 203 Shcely
Wednesday and Saturday cvonings
the room is open for the public
C. B. Moore , VCo. . , cash grocers , sell
their best Superlative flour ut $1.40 a
sack The finest potatoes in the market
kot at 50c a bus The best crcamory
butter , 27c. Fresh eggs at 15o dozen
Supper at Kountzo Memorial Church ,
Thursday evening , Fob 13 , from 0 to 8
p. m.
O. It , Moore X ; Co
The leading nnd ouly first class cash
grocers in the city
Our constant aim is to supply the con
sumer with the purest nud best brands
of goods the markets of the world will
afford Bought for cash and sold for
cash only , thereby enabling us to sell
the best goods for the lowest nosslblo
price and to save our customers 10 lo 15
per cent on the same goods bought on
credit Call and sco our prices and try
our goods , all of which nro guaranteed
us represented nud promptly dollvored
Attention , Imdiei
Wo will show on Monday several
hundred of the intest and choicest
styles in French sateens
HKYjrAN & Disiciiks ,
1618-20 Farnam street
Boston Store Kxtra for Monday
All our 25c silk ribbons , 5e.
All our 5c , 10c and 16c rlbbonB , 3c.
The Only One
j The Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
vostibulod , oloctrio lighted nnd steam
heated trains between Chicago , Coun
cil Bluffs nnd Omnha
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman sleeping cars run on these
lines if patented and cannot bo used by
any ether ruilwny company It is the
great improvement of the ago TryJt
and be convinced
Sleeping cars leave the Union Paelfio
depot , Omaha , atO p. m. dally , arriving
at Chicacro at 9:30 : a. in , Pnssongors
taking this train are not corapellod to
got out of the cars at Council Bluffs and
wait for the train to bo cleaned Got
tickets nnd sloopingcarberths at Union
ticket office , 1501 Farnam st
F. A. NASH , Gen Agt
J. E. PitKsroK , Pass Agt
The annual masquerade of the Union
Pacific Band will bo glvon Fob 14 , 1890 ,
nt the Exposition Annex Louis Loodor
tupr , unagl231 N. 18th St
Boston Sloro Hproinl
Large valontiues lc per dozen
T M. Gaynoro , Mnsk Ball , Tuesdny
evening , Feb 11,1515 Dodge st Good
Great Tjitck
Now York Sun : "Ivasln great luck "
How vos doty" "Vy , I find $500 yester
day belonging to dot miser Marx , und
von I gif it buck to him dis morning he
nofor chnrgo mo no interest for do use
of dot monish for twonty-four hours "
Marx vas getting shildlsh "
Comedy Company ,
Mas John Uitr.w , Vioi.a Amen ,
CiEO.l'mUIKItlONASHK , Hun W. Dkniiam ,
John II UooitwiN ,
In Sheridan's Comedy lu 3 Acts ,
The PLrveils
Bcule of l'rlces-fidc , tluo 11.81. * . ' . < 0. Pftle of
beats opens Friday , Tub 7th , V a. ) ,
haVdkn iiuos , jI
Spcolnl Price * on Spring Drfid f y
fl ootid v _
Double fold-Preach CabloTwlllh lilo , - > > J
good vnluo at 20c. l l
Double width broken pliiitl dross Ihtn * _ M
net to close , I5o worth 2c. . * > "
30 in wide cashnioro 22Jc , sold every / • i
where nt 35c. , /
Colored Mohair Brllllnullne S <
cheap at10c , this is a line heavy fabrro ,1
for spring wear > i
38 iu extra _ heavy Houriottii 28o , j |
forinor price 45c. } *
Fancy striped Dross Finn nol for sprlnjf ' , y
suiting 20c , u bargain , formerly sold at
60c.40inch wide ITonriottrt , fine finish ,
Hoc 37Je and 30c , worth up to 05c.
Wide heavy dross llnuuol , all wool , iu ,
colors , 40o per yard , worth 75c.
52-in wide broadcloth , sponged anil
shrunk , closing price 75c , worth up to >
$1.35. - *
Iu fancy novelties for spring rostuinofl (
our stock is unusually lnrgo , comprising < . .
all the now nud popular makes at prices * S " "J
found onlv at our countora i
Dent fail to visit our black goods
counter , where you will saTO money
Double width black enshmoro from
15o , 22c , 25o , 2So , worth 25o to 60c. /
• 10-inch wide line llulsh Henrietta 45a
n ynrd , good value at 05c.
All wool silk linish Henrietta iSe,60d ,
5"o , 00c , 05c. These nro extra Tiiluo ,
worth 00c to S5c. •
In the finer grades of black goods wc
will show special Tnluo for this week
Dry Goods and Carpets
Tlio Ni xt Mnrultij ; . J H
ll'inMiujtcm loft l * ) < f l H
Next morning n his easy chair B
All bent witli woo ho sat ,
Bo sighed , nud smoothed his rufiled hnlr , I
Where did 1 got UiIb hatl" ;
Wo wnut $200,000 worth of choice ' 1
lnortgago loans on property in Omaha I
nnd Council Bluffs during February I
309 S. 13th Street , Omahu..V * g I
Ho Called Prlimm Aprlllts - ' - ' * (
Washington Post : When I was do- j
puty sheriff of Umpah county , Indiana , " ' I
said Mr J. M. Brown of the postollico '
department , the elork of the court I
was un ignorant old buzzfur.z , who was M
the butt of many a practical joke Ono
year the court was in session on April
1 , At the noon intermission the judge I
tipped a wiuk at the bar , and gravely
said :
" 'I see no reason why this caao i H
shouldn't bo taken up at once if the '
witnesses nro ready Mr Clerk , call fl
in the Primus Aprilis ' H
Whereupon the clerk rose pomp H
ously nnd stalked out into the corridor , H
hollowing like the bull of Bnshan : 'PriH
mus Aprilis ! Primus Aprilusl Primus S
Aprilis ! Oh , yozl oh , yozl Primus fl
Aprilis ! ' "
Where Gonitis Didn't Work H
Philadelphia Inquirer : Ho was just H
a plain tramp , unadulterated with soap , H
and ho carried over his shoulder 4 H
wooden snow shovel several sizes too T | t
big for him Ho pulled the boll iiv a M
businesslike wnyand when she oponNljt H
the door ho said : 5 ? H
Are you a Christian ? " H
"Ye-cs" ( in surprise ) . |
And do you believe that honest , H
earnest ouduavor should bo rewarded - t
warded ? " H
"Yo-os. " M
Heretofore I've had a largo and M
lucrative practice in my profession , but M
this year the elements nro agninst mo M
1 know thoro'a no snow on the promises ' H
but its going to rain this afternoon and H
rain hard Now , Ill comeback and H
shovel the rain off your sidewalk for H
25 coats if you'll give me 25 cents advance - H
vance money Is it u go ? " , H
Yes , its a go " she snid , as she H
slammed the door in his face ' H
And they say that genius aud tact H
win every time , " ho sighed , as ho H
shutllcd down the stood H
Monday.Tucbday , Wednesday , i-'eb. 10 , 11 and HtJ9fl |
iSlKctal Souvenir Mat lute Wtdntiday ) 3 |
Opera Gomique and Burlesque Go
Headed by tlio Charming nnd Peerless H
frj f CORI3STNE \ | je I
In tHu Now Operatic llurlesciuo , t
| ArtiBt3 | frlRSiiPaa lAHiLtsl H
ItOKiilar prlce3. Mntlaeu Mo Boats will bo H
put en sale Suturday H
TucHduy Evcniii ; ; , Icli IS 1 j | |
Messrs Henry IS Abbey and Mnurlco ( iinil befl / - H
lospoctfullyto nnnouiico the llrst • - , - " ' t H
appearance of ttio ' H
EUGEN D'ALBERT , Piano , "
Assisted by JIMK ItHUTIIA MA11X. Ilimlste t M
lormlui , ' tlui Kreatost combination of lnstru H
nientiulHtH over lu thin country H
1'rlres-t.MK ) . 4I..VJ und II , ( lallery Wc Scats M
will be put on Hale .Mondny , Kelt 17. > H
Sleluwuy l'lauc * used at these couccrts l H
. )
Thursday , Friday , Sa'unlay , lVh.ll ) , 11,15 M
( Saturday Matinee ) i M
Sol Smith Russell I
In IJdward IS Kldder'H Vtry SiiccesBful Com M
Produced with Mr Hus-jell's Own Ueautlful |
and Complete M
scii.vr.nv Ac NTA < a : hiti : i.\ s
Same as used during his recent Biucessful eg ; M
KUKDinvnt ut Daly's Tneator In New Vork TH
ltciiuluriirlcea Beau will be put on aalo Ytoiinutanf 1 H
. / S Also Tuosduy und Wodnosduy and Weduosduy * |
A. /v f T - Malinoo , Fobrunry 11th und 12th. M
C7 a * . Madison Square <
P < J ( C FT'XijP V In the Famous Success by It 1IADDKN f' '
v *
f * CIIAMUIUlS , 1
Produced with all tlio original appointments ns played ut the Madison S < junr H
Theater , Now Yorli , for lOU nights S
_ j |