W\ \ 0 THE QiMAIIA DAILY BEJflt SUNDAY .QEHnrAftV 0 , SIXTEEN PAGES t | OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS oi i icr no u i'kaihj stkiit ; I flh < r < il by fnrrl r In nny part ot the CHy li w ail ton MiN/am Ihl M MOShSi I tMMPsOrriinNo tX NlOllTl 1MTOII.NO a. MINOlt MI-NTIOV N \ V Co Council UltilT * I umber Co coal Thatcher coa ! 114 Mnln itrcot Carbon Coal Co vvholcsalo retnll 10 Pearl Hiu tnken flvo premiums Angelina flour Try n sack Prank Uunn vvn > the onlj Individual before fore luino Aylosvvorth yesterday mornliiR Hovvn * iinelt CfordlsturbliiB the peace Mrmngor Dohnnv yotordny booked "A Midnight Hell • for next season 'A Tin faoldier will bo presented on the lf/th / inst The annual election of oflleors of Uniform Hank Knights of Pythias , will bo held Mon day ovonlm * I cbruary 10 Members nro re qurstcd to bo present Owlni ? to n breach of contract by the Dodge 1 igtit Gu irds the fourth pnrty of linrmony cl nritcr No 2. Order of kastoru Mar , will not tnko place Kcgular communication otExcolsiorlodgo , No Mi A r and A M , Monany oventng , lebruary 10 Vlnitlntr brethren cor liallj Invited Uy order of the W M frcd Nuahbaum was nrrosted jestcrdaj for contempt of court in violating liquor Injunction Ho was unable to glvo bonds nnd was taken to the county lall Thn ministers of the city are to meet Mon day morning at 10 o clock in the study of the I irat Prosbytorinn church All the brethren nro urged to bo present A social will bo hold in the now Fifth Avenue M L church corner of H < , btcontn street , next Thursday ovenlng , to which the lublic is cordially invited A bountiful supper will bo served nnd there will bo a ' corner In valentines " At fat Peters Catholic church on Mend ty occurs the feast of St bcholastica the * foundress of the order of the llonodlctino bisters No school will bo hold General communion of the Argcls' Sodality High mass at 8 30 a m llormam Mongvvasser , o s u Attorneys Houlton and Sims finished ais- nccting the Crow cuso in district court jos tcrdny morning ino potltlon to sot aside the dnfnult obtnlncd bv Uoulton some time ngo was granted Sims motion to have too , temporary injunction made permanent 1ms \ not jot boon acted upon Owlmr to ind spo- sltlon Judo ( Ihornull adjourned court immediately mediatoly after it was convened in the uftor noon until Monday morning i • < At tlin Cnrpot Store I This w olc will bo display od many of the I now spring sty los of carpet They are elo , gnnt call In and sco thorn ! A good girl can secure a good situntion to 1 do genorul housoworlc by calling on Mrs P \ M Poor , 010 UlufEsU rnnclH Murphy Coining ; A meeting of the temperance workers of the citv was held jCBtorday afternoon for the purpose of arranging for the coming of 1 rancis Murphy , the famous tetnuoranco orator It was decided to invite Air Mur ' phv hero for a ton days siege bogmning | robrunry 27 provilod the necessary money to dofrny expenses can bo raised It will I rcquiro about $150 for luht , nnd hall rent , nnd n committee consisting of Mrs Uobocca I 1 isher Mrs L W JulloysundMr O H Malr wjs appointed to solicit subscriptions Iiook Out for Ulitap Wall Paper As soon as the Boston Btoro completes the invcrtory look out for the announcement of thoi > oponine of wall p ipor Council Hluffs > C li Btoamdyo works 1013 BroadwayS o S B Wndsworth & . Co , 07 Pearl street , I loan money for Lombard Inv Co I • , Tlio I to aril of Lducntlnn The school board hold a special mooting I last ovoniug for the purpose of talcing some I action with rcferenco to choosing-a location I for tbo now school bulldlugto bocroctelin I the west end of the city As it was stated I th it certain parties desired to submit propo I sltions in nddltion to these already before I the board It was decided to again posti ono I the a : attor until a week from next Monday I ] niMit r Miss DelliO Hourko was elected substitute I in the plaeo of Miss Katie Morris who is I promoted to the position of regular teacher I The question of te ichors brought on nuito a I discussion between Mr faehontou ( and other I members of the board bceiuso that gentio I man as chairman of the comtnltteo of teaeh- crs had seen lit to employ a teacher who had I not been duly elected by the board Iho I matter rcsulte 1 in qulto a wordy junblo in I which nil of the members indulged in to n I ( renter or less degree After frcoing their I minds the members disposed of u little rou I tine business and adjourned I H To bo sold at popular prices at the Boston H store couucil Bluffs Look out for the in | nouncemi nt some time next week The H stock is very laro ( and includes oveiy grade H The handsomest and cloancbt mnrkot , best H meats and lowest pi ices at J M bcaulan's H The binders H of fine wutohes and Jewelry In the city nnd H the place to buy the best goo Is at the lowest H prices is the ostabllshinout vv Ithuut rivals H the most reliable Hi in of H C H Jaccjii min A , Co H The High f ivu Glut ) H last Thursdny ovenlng the Young * lnr H rlcd 1 oiks Hie.li rive club wis entertained B by Mrs Joseph W Smith it her cosy homo H on bocond ayonuo , asslstod by Miss Clara B Movers Hofreshments were served con B listing of bain sandwiches with brown and 1 white bread chicken salad , oscollopod 1 ousters Saratoga chips corfeo ice cream B and enko lho sandivichos mil eako were B cut to represent hearts dlamonas clubs anil B spades and the cream fiozon to represent ' kings and queens lho guests were Mr AW al > d Mrs I' V Wnssoruian of Omaha Mi m nnd : Irs J 1 lid I , Mr and Mrs W A B Gronoweg Mr and Mrs Haliili Willliuiis B Mr nnd Mrs Ira Hendricks Mr und Mrs B It I raucls and Charles Bcno Iho first H prizes were carried away by Mr Tidd and H Mrs Prnncls , vvhllo W A Gronoweg nnd ' Mrs Hendricks succeeded after a hard fight < tocapturotbo • boobiis" All | resent ox 1 pressed themselves as having had a royal H l.ood time end look forward with irroat un B tlcipatiou to the next nicotine , 1 , Snvo SO per cent on tombstones nnd menu ( incuts UeslL.ii sheet nun prlco lis' free L m Kelloi , J0J roadwa > Council HlutTs H' ' Drs Woodbury have removed their donta i cfllco to 101 Pearl street up stairs H Deslrablo divollings for rent at reduced B i rices t > \ L II bhoafo & . Co , rental uc.onta , , llroaHvai and Main st , up stairs H A burtlaii that was sun rising In Its ' ft planning and execution was uerpotratcd H about 0 JO last ov cuing at tlio Jew elo store H ot A A Hart , No UT Broadway lho | I rnpriotor gees to supper at 0 o'clock , or B • short ! } betoro at which time the lumps In the B store are not lighted As ho bus no clerk | the store is locked up during his absence B \ \ hon ho returned about 0 15 last oveninq | ho found iho front door unlocked , H nd an examlnatioa of the show H cases revealed the fact that 1 burglars had entered the place and taken about forty watches that were on truysneur | the window lho trays had contained bo H tween forty and forty live watches , but the H thiovus bad dropied | threapn lho floor In H their baste nud had uot stopped to pU it them B up ' 1 heir haste was shown by the fact that B several vvutch crystals had been bioben as H tbo watches were hastilv scoo ) > cdout of tbo H trays and also from the fact that a trav of H solid gold chains that lay close ot hand was H tvorloolcod . . . . . H 1 atranoo was cffocled by pushing In the m < oor so that the lock slipped by the socket H The burglary was one of the most danug H aver committed fu the city At that hour Broadway was tlironpcl the street was brilliantly Illuminated by the street lights as well as tioso In adjoining windows In the hurry nnd bustle of the crowd that Is al ways out on Saturday evening the told thloves managed to aet In their work undls covorcd nnd csenped with their plunder Not the slightest clue has been obtained by the poll < -o as to the identity of the crooks , who are evidently professionals They had undoubtedly made themselves f imlliar with the habits of the proprietor , ns the Jewelry would have bean In the safe three hours later 'Ihovaluoof the stolen property Is between $ * 00 and tiOO ns there wcro several valuable gold watches in tbo trays as well ns Boino silver ones 1 hero were less than half a dozen cheap watches in the lot Olll cors of all surrounding cities have been notl licit to bo on the lookout for the booty _ _ _ Hid U nricu I lutfl Mr Warren of St Louis is having some very vnluablo changes made In his Hits on liftliavonuo by cxtenling cich house so that the dining room no l kitchen will bo change 1 from the basement to the floor on n level with the parlor He is also hnv Ing nil the old plumbing removed substituting tborcforo the now method that is being ox tensivclv used in eastern cities in nil modern houses It Is n method that mattes absolutely safe nnd pura nil sewer connection The changes made will cost about $ . ' 000 S M Williamson sells the Standard nnd Domestic sowing machines 100 Main st J G Tipton renl estate , 027 Broadway lho popular wall paper and decorative establishment of P C Miller has been re o | cnod with Mr Miller ns minagcr lho cntiro stock has been purchased by laoob L Jensen , nnd largely Increased by the nddl Hon of all the latest styles and designs by the best manufacturers Thn old establish ment Is ready for business again , a fact the public will note with interest It Moans a Union Depot ' Yes , indeed , It has a most important bearing on the union depot question , " declared clarod Hon George V Wright yesterday afternoon , when bis opinion regarding the Dassago ot the new bridge bill was solicited ' I nm positive thnt It is the key to the whole situation , and I bolicvo that the union depot will bo hudt this summer The only reason why the Mllwiukeo and Hock Island refused to enter into the depot project was simply bocauBO they were unaolo to make satis factory arrangements vv 1th the Union Pacido company to cross thorivoron Iholr bridge This has boon the only thing that prevented all the roads Joining in the union depot scheme It has simply boon a matter of dollars lars and cents with the interested roads The Union Paclllo wanted as much as it could cot , out of tbo Hook IsUnd for the privllcgo of crossing the bridge , and the Kocic Island wanted to got ever as cheaply as possible The latter road consldorod Mr Holcomb s proposition as u little too steep and doctnro 1 they would have a bridge of their own They said the Burlington bad a bridge at Plattsmoutb and the Northwestern and Wabash were nlrcady in Omaha and some thing had to bo done so that they and the Milwaukee could also got across tno river I hey said they would cot ever on the pro posed Wabash Central bridge , but the Union Pacific did not bavennytbing to fear on thit score lho saw that it was impracticable ticablo and told tbo I Jock Island folks that there was no danger of anything IIko that ever happonlng as even If they did get into Omaha that way it would leivothem away over to tlio north silo of the city and would cost thorn more foa rieM of way out to the sojthwost than for a now bridge The Union Pacific had as little fear Jo- ono as the other Iho Rock Island gave up the Nebraska Con tril idea and sol about the now bridge plan in earnest lho bill has now passed both houses of congress und the bridc.0 can be builtWhoror Whoror vv ill be the prooablo looitiont' A third of a milo below the Union Pacific bridge opposite South Omaha that is if the bridge is built but I don t think that it will be lho bill has passed nnd the Hock Island will use that as a club to got satistlrc tory terms from the Union Pacific Tno Hock Island dent want to go to work and put a big sum of money into u bridge when there Is no need of it They want to got over the river and strike South Omaha and got an cxtonsioti of their line to Fair bury to connect with their Denvei line This will bring all their west era business through Council Bluffs The Union Pacific don t want another bridge built , and will glvo a very considci tblo 10 ductton rather than sco ono go up Tor this reason , I don t expect nnothcr bridge built for several years If the roads mnko satis factory nrringoments with the Union Pncillc it is very probable that they would enter into a lease of some kind say fortenyoais II that is done what would bo the need of anew now bridge ! Ihoro wouldn t bo nny ron Is to cross on It , for tboy would bo held bv a lease It costs money to build n bridge ov cr the Missouri river , and tbo roads are not at all nnxlous to tlo un any sucn amount Ibis question of totting ever the river lias been the only one at Issue between the companies Now that It will bo so soon set tied there will bo nothing In the wayoftto union depot projtct llieso roads must have new depot fuel ities i'ho Hock Island isn t any better off than the otnors and they will bo as willing to unite in n union denot as inv of ( hem My Men is that tbo union depots In this city and in Omaha will go up together gethor Tl 1 o snmo architects will do iho work , and they will imuco one Job of It They nro outlookiut , over the ( round in Omaha today , and I am posittvu that matters will bo so arranged that the sltua tlon on this Bide wilt cause no delay I toll you that the union depot project for the Bluffs never lookt d so favorable as it does today and the passage ot this bill In con gress has done mora to hasten the matter thnn anything else that could have been sugc.cstod ' 1 lien the recent action of the council In rcsclndini , its action vv Itli reference to re mitting tlio tuxes of the Union Pucillo and giving it a permanent right of way on Umon avenue was altogether uncalled fori' It will simply sot vo to antagonize them nnd make Just so much more work for us Wo are bound to have these things in time nnd everything that is done to antagonize the roads will inatco It that much hardoi lliero has bean nltocothor too much of this spirit all along G re it concessions have been ma to to the various companies but it is these little things th it u > , gravati > and annoy them Ihoy nro clubbed nnd pounded and thou the council steps up nud says , boo here wove been clubbing you right along and if you don t want Boino moro of it you had better bull 1 us a union depot Mow , the toudeiicy of such treatment Is to auta o nize the roads and when wo have a favor to ask It takes n treut deal moro work to ( , ct it Otcoursotho roads would not throw away any money in ( .ottlng oven for such treatment , but there nro lots of little things thntiomoup every day vvhoro they cun either help a town or injui o it without male ing much difference to them , nud then is when tlicso pottv annoy mecs coma up nnd the account is balanced But then wo ure golne to have the union depot Just the s imo \ou dent wunttp forget that " The Council Bluffs Inmiranco company ' average annual Income since organization has been fUOOOuon Disbursements since organization fur losses and other ex peudliurcs now exceeds tl 000 000 00 Risks written siueo organization tU 770 515 00 1-verj property owner should patronize this homo institution and in that way encourage and build up out city J B Allen is the city ncent of this compiuy and a moro honor able rellublo and trustworthy man can not bo found Hie directors of the company are Hon VV V Sapp L L. bhufe.art , V M Gault , John Iteuneis M C Brainerd and J Q Anderson Go to Dempsev Bros for fine confection ery , Boston chips buttercupsetc , 105Main I iijoinliiu tlio City The Uiilcac.0 , Burlington A , Qumcy rail road eouipaiiythrouth its attornov s Wright , Baldwin > l llildauo , ai plied for a writ of In junction yesterday mornliic , restraining the city from continuing In the work of raising to rude the ap ) roaches to the Indian creek bridge on t ourtcontli street at the corner of rihhth uveuue lho work was ordered done by tlio city council , and the street commis sioner was instructed to see that the work was done at oneo lu order to do the work it was necessary to coyer up the tracks of the railroad oompany , nnd to this the objec tion was raited llio company claimed that the city gave it the jr de when the tracks were laid , and that the whole trouble was cause 1 by n mistake on the part of the city engineer who hnl the brlte.OB0t Just the wtdthof the main Mrdors nbovo gride They allege tint this Is the sole ciusc of the no- ccsait' for tilling up the approaches to the brllgi , nn l object to having their traeKS covered up to rectify n mlstako on the part of a city ofllclal fhoy further allege thnt the graua In thnt of the city is not oven and that the grade of the even numbered streets Is rot the same as on these of odd numbers It was found necessary to Interrupt the hearing of n case to have the Injunction gr intcd and on the showing mndo ludgo Thornoll ordcrod the issunnca or the doslicd writ writ.Dr Dr 11 S West , dental surgery , No 13 Pearl street , ovorlur Bi r oflleo rullllnoof homeopathic medicines at Lllls The Hess Investment nn 1 Trust company The acknowlclgod loadlnp photocrnphor in Council Bluffs Is fachmidt , 20 Main street AMiy N lit To the Editor of Tur Ben -Whv is It that the city heaps horses for the city mar shal and the chief ot police ! Can nny ono recall over seeing the chief of pnltco using n horse in discharge of his duty ! Are not the marshals fees increased with his business ! fudging from tbo nmount ho draws annually ho is hardly a subject for public chnrity Why is it that ono of our best flremon Is de tailed to drlvo and enro for the horse of the chief of the flro department ! There is already nn assistant chief of the do ) artmont for VThosa appointment I find no authority in the ordinances of the city By what au thority did lho chief of the lire dot artment remove the small hooks * nnd all but two firemen and the electrician from the Hescuo house to the new bouse nt Twcntioth nnd Broadway ! Why is it that there was only ono man on duty last Trldav afternoon nt the Hescuo house Is not this homo In the heart of the city and of moro Importance than any station the city has ! Surely the councils should sco that part of the largo ex penditure upon the flro department Is used to protect property Imuh eu Iowa lump coal spot cash (3 SO l or ton Council Bluffs 1 ucl Co Travelers , Hotel Jameson is first-class The water runs when Bixbj plumbs I'erHonnl ' I'urngrmiln OfUcor Bcswick is laid up with inuuenza Cat tain W A Hayes has bcon notified of an incrcaso in pension Mrs L A Cnspar is visiting idatives and friends at Lincoln and W avorly Neb General Agent A S Stevens of Hock Island loav os tomorrow morning to Join his family in Los Angeles , Cal Ho will not return turn until April Wo want you to list your rental property with us and wo will secure you good reliable liable tenants Rents collected and special attention given to care of property 12 II Shcafo & Co , Broadway and Main st , up stairs m The Manl attan sporting houdq'rs418 B way Pull line of imported and lomestic clears Kelley & \ounkerman A STORY OF CIVILIZATION A Beautiful Yoiiiik Girl Starved lu Dcnth in Wicked Goilinm A plain ptuo bo * in a small ante room at the moiguo hnsatttactod much nttontion dining the past low days , rind many oppressions oi synipithy were hoirdfor the stril'lnglj be lutiful piil whoso silent foim was within , says the Now YoiIt Would 'lho body was th it of h medium sized , divinely foimed jomif ; Rill of eighteen voais , who wis known as Ldith M Cook It whs clad in a linen shroud , and the rich , soft , wavy brown tiosbes foimodtho bottinp to u faro that In death vv is ono of sui p issing loveliness That chilu , " said Keeper Whlto jostordiij , "is the loveliest body that has ever boon biought to tlio raorguo I could not boat to nut hoi atnoncr the common hoid , so I placed hoi bv liei- self " Ldith vvaB an oi phan flftoon joars old when she came to this country with her cousin and his wife , who woio proing to Montana , and who heartlessly aban doned hei 1 ho little orphan secured u position us nurscrj governess in a family in Philadelphia Hoi beauty led to hoi dischtu e aftoi t lutusal to llston to tlio pioposilsof the mastei of the huusohoUl She canio to Now \oilc and bociimo a waitiosb in a Nassau stieet lestautant at $3 a week and bo ird She hired a small room up tounfoi which she p lid $ J a week As this , with hoi car duo , consumed moro than her salniy , little b little she was forced to p ut with hoi cloth ing Ono cold day she cimetoworlc clad in a thin dress nnd with no sacque Starvation oi dishouoi staled nor in the fuco vvhon two maiden ladies made the little I nglish glil houselccopei in the apartments which they o cuplod at 2j ( ! Madison avenue She had found a haven , but too late She was talcon ill with the grip last luosday and was removed to iiollevuo hospitnl Puoutnoma sot in and she died at the hospital lhuisdaj The body wasiomovcd to the morgue A hoiuso nnd two carrligosestoiday af toi noon loft the moiguo and wont to Lvoigioon cemotoiy Tlioio all that w is moi tal of tlio biavo pure little gill was hidden by the gi ave - Tlio W or d'u Most Powerful Tribunal The highest court of the United States , w ho3o centennial commomora- tiou is at hand , hold a unique place in our foim of government and ono not found in any othoi govotnniontnl sys tem , writes Lnton S Diono in the 1 ob- luaiy rorum It vvlolds a power gt outer than is ovoicisid by any other judicial tribunal in the woi Id In no countiy of Luiopo oi the oust has any court au- thoiity to in iko or uinnulco the supreme law of the land , to limit the proiogn- tivos of the sovoiolghu , to eontiol the powois nt the logislatuio , to shnpo the form of the government The functions ate exercised by the supreme couitof the United Stutas It holds a power aboyo that of tlio chief mngistiatoof the nation , supeiiorto that of congicss , highur than that of any tito , and equaled only by thnt which made or can amend the consti tution It can onlnigo or limit the proiogatlvos of the president or the powora of congress It can change the lolatlons between tlio etuto and tlio na tion It can extend oi lostriot either the central power or btito sovoiolguty In short , it can make or unmake the constitutional law ot the country It can iutroduco tadlcal changes into our foim of govurmnont Not only can the gupromo court wield these vast powora , it has long done so und may long con tinue to do so Hskliuns Kill Old People Like the Indians , the Eskimos often hill the old Of to n the old are tired of llfo nud hog to bo dispatched If food is scarce they aio turned out to stnrvo , ubother they like It or not The buporlluous women aio also disposed ot In this way ISaibiirimn shows itself in their tieatmOut of the dead The body of a favorite wife oi child is sometimes nrotoctod through the wlntor and do- coutly bin led in the spring , but as u gotioml mlo coipsos tire drugged n short distance fiom the village and abandoned to the dogs 'Iho savages have no idea of the mnr- ilage relation , Women are treated as chattels The number of wives a man may have is regulated not by his pos sessions , ns among our Mormons , but by his ability to niaaugo vvomon Ono In fers from thU that polygamy is not cur ried on to any gicat extent " LAYMEN ON JJ1E CLASSICS Latin ni A Giook Not Nocossmy to the BuelnosB Mtin A VARIETY OF OPINIONS While fioino IllfTdr ns to the Cmrso , All Agree rimt n Good I ducn- tlon la Ho [ ] | l > o Com nir-nricifijlitc , I.tc 1 ho GIaknIcn In last Sunday's.Hi i woio published the lows of lending oduintots in this city legaiding the advantages to bo dotIveil bv incn of business fiom a Knowlcdjo ot the clissico The follow ing aio the opinions of btisiuoss nnd professional gontlomcn on the sumo subject llormnn Kountxa , picsidont of the Piist National bank 1 think n collegi ate cducitlou a good thing foi a young man It is a good thing for him to have , ns ItounbTos him to cope success fully with mon ho mcots in business who nro educated in colleges ot uni versities Isot that It makes htm n bottoi business man , stilctly HpoaMng , but It helps him socially A business man needs good sound sense , but It ho Is well oduc ited ho fools mote at homo when ho mcots his business associates In a social viaj I loft school vvhon I wn8 nlno years old , nnd have vvoikcd ovorslneo I novel had a college edu cation , oi oven a high school education , nnd 1 often feel the need of It In eei- taln ways It glvos a man bottct com mand of hingungo and enables him to b\pross himself mme intelligently I have often boon nt places whoio I have heard mon sn\ things vvhon I know they woio stiting what was not tiuo , but I did not fool tibia to o\pi oss my self in a way to bo understood lei that reason I think a young mm is bettor off in some respects if ho has a good classical education , although It is not nbsolutolj necessary to success in busi ness Colloi-c-Ilrod I allures " 3 P Moiso dry goods Not by con aldoiablo Wh it a. man needs in busi ness is common horse sense nnd all the education In the world wont give it to him Some of the henv lost failures wo have had have been thoao of collcge- biedmen A man hud better put in his time loni ning some business nnd ho will then bo in a position to do home thlng for himself As a rule , when n man gels a college education , ho gets the Idea that ho doesn't have to ' hustle tle" and the result is , ho is a falluro Of course there aio o\eoptions to the rule , hut I tiitnl It will hold good in a majority of cases GooigoE Birkor president Banit of Commerce A classic U education is un doubtedly a line training for the mind , expanding und developing It to the fullest c ipaclty but o\porionco r ithei tends to show that thdso best qualihed foi judging attach great impoitanco to it tnd have decided that the time spoilt in acquiring it is indeed well employed I am inclined tothjnk , howovcrthat the suno energy npphed to obtaining a pro hclency in mathematics and phvsicil science would , in the end have a bottoi olTcct , I think in these bustling times , in the taco foi fortune , the giealci de velopment of piactlcal and phvsicil science is the best , and there is an in clination to give the o 'ld ' classical educa tion the go by The lange in this supoilutivo branch of study is getting to bo so hi oad that a man stands a poor show of over becoming proficient in it I decidedly piofer the modern educa tion , and would ndviso all young men to sacrifice the classic foi the common , piactical educition The most promi nent of our bbsiness men have had no classical education They nio men who have cocn compelled to battle with ad veislty , und compelled toacqiuro habits of gieat economy and accumulation Those wore enforced punclples Che classical student may have excelled In the professions and stvtosmanshlp , but very few of thoin sooniod to have dis tiliguishcd themselves in the business or commercial world Success alw ijs betokens a. man of strong application and such a man is not naturally fitted foi the study of tlio classics The In terest in such matters in these hurly burly times does not exist Dr L A Merriam It is a law in sociology as tiue ns any law in any other ddpartmont of natuie , that the mythical oxn'anntions , crude ideas and eriors of the ancients lingoi in the minds of.tho mafases long nftor the truth has heen show n In the natural course of intellectual giowth , thinking mon began to doubt the wisdom of spending valuable years In the study of nnciunt lnngungos and mythological legends that hud little practical value in this scientific igo lifty and moio years ago the only intellectual training that was woi til much was alone to bo obtained by studying the ancient lan guages and was the only culture worthy of the loeognitioii of a unlvoi t > itj But wo live In the present , not in the past , nud a half century has wholly cnangod the relations of human knowledge This has boon found to bo a univei&o of law In every particular Kogurd the chungo with favor oi disfavor , as you please , the fact lomains that the natural sciences have become the chief fuctoi of our modern en ili/ution , thnt they are clearing away the cob webs of ignorance and the mythological super stitions of by gnno ages , and that they have glvon ilso to now professions which , more nnd moro are ovorv yoai opening occupations to our oauuited mon The profession of thooloctriclan , ot the mining engineer , and of the chemist and many others , which have grown up during the lifetime of many liv " 1c irnod" the now ing are just ns as older piotcssions and are coming to bo locogni/od as such by every unlvors- lty 'Iho piofosslon ot medtcino which was formerly ruW by author ity oi traditions has como to test on a puiolv scientific basis Tlio same is ti uo In the , y ni ious vocations ot tlio grent majority of Jnll civilized people - plo Why tliHii sdo.iid yenis in tlio study nf Giook andLi tin as u mouns of discipline , when tjbpro is a bottoi dis cipline in the study of modern science nnd n dlsclpllno tbut broadens n mans views of until ro and of life , and prepares him hotter foi the uctual duties that muj devolve opori.hlin Lead the glow ing mind to study jiaturo and the uni formity of law as i taught by modern science and it wil ( give hotter dlscl pllno , greater Intellectual power , a hap pier life , purer thought and grcntei success in whutovOr occupation mny bo followed than to fill the mind with the fables and ray ths of a Greek and Latin ago The fixed nnd ononcous Ideas of by-gononges nro hard to down ? but science htiB como to Btay Mux Meyer I doom a thorough edu cation , classical and otherwise , of very great advautugo to a bueincBB mnn Of course-tho business man can and docs got along without it , but that It would not materially bonoflt and assist him in a hundred and nno ways It would bo ildioulous to dispute The moro a man knows , I think , the better qualified ho is for business , and oven Latin and Gicok nro of inostlmablo worth to t TH1 BlSTOOAli II Wo wnnt our customers to bo fully srvtlsflod , nnd wo gunrnntoo thnt thov wlU bo If they use our splomlld Poorlo83 * M SortOonl in nut nnd lump Every poraon who has used It will kIvo testimony to Its aood qunlltloa Wo hnvo ' M now Ohio conl suporloi to nnd ohoapor thnn Wyoming foi prate uao The cinnllty of Hj of our Hard Oonl ianot oxcollodby tuiy on the mnrkot If you want good Hnrd Woodchoap call on us RomomJt m boi the plnco > , * . SAPP & KNOTTS , Fuel Merchants , No 33 Main Street / | mfm cnirvlng on a mnuimotu business , for instance , that would at times bring him in contact with the moichints anddcnluis ot foioigu nations And then , what an ndviintiigo it Is to him In social llfo , nnd ocinl life gees with a suiecssful buslnc s llfo In this country As I said befoio , business mon can and do got along successfully without this finished ciUici'tion , but with it thoii success would bo not onlycnsior.bin fulloi and bi older and moio eomploto \cs , I think a ilnsslcal cducitlou would bo a good thing foi nny business limn to have V G Gannon I nm decidedly of the opinion thnt n good I nglish education is all a business man should have lo bo sure , a thoiough educition could , in no wuj , detract fiom his piospecttvo business success , but It is not net cssaty Many of our most successful and wealthy business men nro men whoso educa tional advantages in giowth were of the most mo igio description , when such a study ns tlio classics was undreamed of A good practical knowledge of arith metic , gi iinmnr , spdiling nnd geogra phy Is the educational foundation for a successful business , and thoteniobut few hoys and young mon todaj who are not able lo gut this JT P Ktrkcndnll I osteoma business education much moio highly than I do a classical oi collegiate education , which I will admit , hovvovoi , Is uot a bad thing to have The vvoistoung employes wo got mo the college grad uates the boy who begins with the broom soldoms falls to distance him In the ndvancoment of business capability But education , a complete classical edu cation , compined with n piactical ono , would be better thnn either alone W J Bioatch A classical oducution is not noeoss iry foi business It quail lies ono for gi enter enjoyment In llfo , and , if nttainahlo , is v very desirable artlclo to possess In some br inches of buslucs a college education would beef of much ndv mtago but ordinarily a common school ediuntion mswors every purpose Mon succeed in business by close npplle ition iudusti v and careful ness about Binnll things and uot through any knowledge of nucioiit history A eomploto educ ition how ever , is a grand thing , and It Is a pity that moio of us c tti't got it William I Klcrstoad of Dewov & Stone lam of the opinion that a chis steal oi even a collcguuo education is cntitcly unuccessiiy for the success of a business m in A common school cdu cation , howovoi is an incalculable help T jst so a man is nblo to liguro profit and loss nud interest ho stands a good chance of succeeding in business In inj opinion nine tenths , of the sterling business mon of this countiy novcr wont thiough a hlghci giadc than that in the common countiy schools A thoiough collegi ito education is more advantageous to the profession il man , tholawyei , doctoi , jouinihsts nichi tect and so on Again , I do not believe that education is conducive to h ippi ncss , because the lattei condition only conies with contontinont and success As to a eomploto clnssicnl edu cation , thcio is no such thing Wo go back to ancient history n-d familiarize ourselves with what the historian tells us Beyond that wo cannot go Pho moro erudite a man is , the mocc imbitious ho is to know moro Ho is incessantly stnv ing to climb higher , and outrenching into the limit less bounds of mystery for there is a certain limit to all tlio sciences Cos mogiaphy , tuo fundumuntnl seienco winch ombi ices astiouomy , geology and gcogr iphy bus been mastered , but ton cert tin point Iho most lenined savants have gotten so far with the as sist nice of wondeiful modern appll incos of research but they can proceed no further As a consequence they aio dissatisfied and discontented alwnvs yenning und sti u/gling to got ocyoiid these piosctibcd bounds , this possible limit of hum in knowledge litis is what the highest oidei of educition does foi m m Of course , such a mau is an orn uncut in the so clal cuclcs , and never fails to command the respect the admiration and I might ov on say ov oi once of the o infouoi to him in educational ittiun- monts , but not in intellectual endow ments No , I do not doom a classic il education nccossiiy to the success of a business mnu All of the gieatin vontors wcro men of modointo educa tion Thomas A rdibon wnsanuws boy , and aftci ward a tologiaph opoi- atoi Hisgicat inventions mo all the fruit of close obsoivntion exponment and oxpoiloneo , ono loauing to the other througn his long line of wonderful aclilovomonts bo it was with no uly till the gr it inventors who have given the vvoild so ninny useful , lnbor and time saving ( lev ices A D Moioo 1 do not think a cl iss ical education would be of any m itoi ial ndvautigo to n business mau If n young mau lias a good high school education cation that is all ho needs in business Of course , In this wost"rn countiy , a lcnoivlcdgo of the Gurmaii language is a good thing , hut n knov lodge of Latin nnd Giock is of no especial bonoflt Howovoi an ignoiaut man seldom makes n good business man Ho may , in some instances , be successful and male lots of inonev , but there como many critical times in his dealing with the business vvoild when educition ulono can save him from great financial dlaastor if not entire fniluro But to uveit this uo collegiate education is nocossaiy Whnt is taught in out com mun schools nnswais every purpose Hugh G Claik In eortiiin lines of business , I think a classical oduc ition would bo very advantiiguous to a man In fact , it would bo much of an nssist- anco and a bonoflt in all blanches of business An education glvos mon a command ot language which they could got in no other way 01 fiom no ether source 1 ducation mukos good con voroitionnllsts , and good conversation alists oxpoiionco loss tioublu in their busbies transactions than mon who can not talk or express themselves Some of our mon who have but little education tire business successes , but that does not prove that tney would not bo greater successes if they were oduiatoil I do not moan to say by any means that n collegiate education is nocessniy to suc cess but under any and all eiicum- staucos it is an undoubted help I would advise every young man to improve - provo his opportunities to store his mind with knowledge , the moio the bet tor It will never offer any obstruction to his progress in business nud will bo a solace and u help In moro ways than can be onuuioratod While a cliuslcal edu cation is not necessary to business , it is a mngniflcoht thing to have Mnniir.ioiurlni ; liocui GoftYe The gonlus that led to the manufac ture of wooden nutmegs has broken looeo again In Now York This time Hour , water and some unknown iugiedl- ont like muoilago take the place of wood , and , instead of nutmegs , coffee genuine - ino Itto , Java , Mocha , or any desired Wholesale and Itclntl Dealers in H FURNITURE I IjirROst StocVnnl lowest 11 Ices Donler' enl for Ovtnlojn < ? H > < n aofl ai)7 Uroiuluny , anil aoi.20 I'leiic M. , CountII ttlnlN , In binnd is manufactured The manufacture - facturo ot this stuff has bcon going on successfully for some time nt Philadel phia and Troiiton , N J Some of the wholesale grocois down town have a quantity of these mnnufnctuiod coltco beans In slzo , shnpo nnd color , they nio n close imitation ot the benn im ported from Rio , which Is so popular in the oustoin pirt of the United States The secret of Us manufneturo ib un known to the regular coffee dealers The cost oi the manufnctuio of this bogus coffee is ( ibout tinoo oi foui eouts a pound , inboi bolng the greatest item of expense NAPOLEON V { > . WEBSTER How nn Iowa DnlMitlng Society Canio to nn Untimely Ltid The bonollts which may bo donvod from well conducted debuting clubs nro uiiuiy They are nursoriosof eloquence natlunal kindorgaitons of litoiaturo and it is to bo regretted when discoid bicakbout in ono of them In a local Iowa nowspipor wo find a graphic and upparontly truthful account of somoie- contoccm toucos in the Johnson's Tord Lyceum and Lltorniy sociotysays the Now \orlc Iribuno Toi some time the eocioty prosporcd , wo nro told , and de cided that Washington was a gieater mm than Columbus , that the ox was moro useful to mankind than the horse , that the enfranchising of the negro was vviso , and that the spots on the sun had no liilluonea on torrostiial affairs It had also passed a resolution donnnding tariff revision and another commend ing the republican tnoveraont in Brazil All of theSe weighty matteis woio dis posed of by the Johnson's 1 ord Lyceum and Lltorniy soeloty , only to go to pieces on this appiiontly harmless question Resolved , Hint Napoleon vva = a greater man than Duuol Web stcrTho The loading spoakcr foi the nniima- tivo was Mr Bon Weeks of Ripley City Mi Weeks began by making i pertinent ltiqunv into what constituted true gieitness Ho concluded that it lathci In nets than in vvoids This was the diffcicnco between Napoleon and Webster Napoleon did something , kWebstoi s fame ro tcd only on woids Who , the speaker asked could forgot Napoleons famous motto "Honi soit qui mill y ponso , " which might bo fioely tianslited , "If jou mo foing to do anything , do it" Tlio spcatci would not cast any lolloction on Daniel Wobstoi s great diction uy fai from it But ho iskcd his he iters to look nt Napoleon on his famous l otic it fiom Moscow aftoi having burned the city , iitst taking the piecaution to spike tlio enemy's iiio engines 1 von in defc it Napoleon was gi oat as witness him on the Hold of Wnterloo wnon , beaten hick by overwhelming numbois ho cried , Mv kingdom foi a hoi so lav on , McDullI" Mi Wcoks took his sent amid hcaity applause When quiet h id bcon lestored Mr Peter Anelcison of Johnson's lord , the lc idmg nog itivo speaker ioso to loply Mi Audeibon said that ho felt gicat ttopidation in following so eloquent and learned n spcakor , lest the conti ast bo tvveonlus iblo opponents biilliintcf foit and Ins own fcebio i mi iucs should betoogieat foi the critical audience which no siw bofoio him , , Howovcrju would do his boat lirst ho must ic- sent the insinuations that Daniel Web star did little or nothing but wnto his gicat dietioiuuy Who stood on top of Bunket Hill monument und dolivcted the great spoeoh whet cm ho uieu these woids Glvo mo libeity or gi\o mo death ( ' , lho dietioiuuy was moioly i side issue , compiled in Iiib houis of lccieation itlanytown Nor must wo foi got his famous spoiling book with the woids nirangod aceoiding to sound mil the gr iphic Btoi ios of the inilkm lid w ho longed foi the gi eon silk „ own , and the lavvyi r whoso ox was-goiod Could Isa- polconhavo done any of these things ' Mt Audoison tliouglit not I Ind Daniel vVobstor simply written the uiiabiidgod dictionaiy , or been a slutesin in only , the spiakoi would ndmit Nipnlcm's supouor gieatuoss , but under lho circumstances ho could not , Mi Audoison had heaid it slid that Dinicl Webstoi was thoieal inventor of tlio cotton jin Tins howcvoi ho did not believe lho fame of Duuol Webstoi did not need to bo bolstered up by false claims Ho may have , ivon some hints lo the eolo- biated liivcntoi of tlio cotton cm , but the fame foi tliisgio itlaboi suing machine chino which had done so much for Amoiicau Industiy must foidvei rest on the brow where it belonged on the blow of 1 dgiu Allan Pee Mi Andoi sou took his scat amid appiauso These two spc ikois wcio followed by othois , who mainly echoed the scuti- moits of the loadois till it c imo ton pale young man ibout olghteon joins old named Burke , who hud just to- tui tied from school at Dos Moines Ho was on the Napoleon Bide , and began by saying that ho had econ much amused by the speaker who hadpioeodcd him IIo then tlucvva fiioliiand into the enmp bv declaring that tl oy woio all mis taken that there were two Wobstois , Dmiol and No ill , the foimei being the statesman and the lattei the lexicographer , and this being the case , by the admission ot tlio ether sldo itself , Napoleon must bo decided the greater mini Ho was just starting to say th it ho would lest his ea o with the intelligent judges when Mi I'otoi Anderson could contain himself no longci and toso up and soi/od tl o young man by the collar At this young Buiko's fathoi lonped ( or Mi I'otoi Auuorson , Mr Bon Weeks jumped In , half the lights were extinguished unci a gouoral ongagomout followed It lubtod foi twenty minutes , and though no ono was seriouly hurt It hopelessly brolto up the debuting club Half the people at Johnson's Tord will not speak tn the ether half , und it is thought that the fooling lovolonod over the matter will not subside so that the lyceum can bo rcorguui/od before auotliei wintoi at least If the Tribune may presume to offer ndvico to the people of Johnson's 1 ord , it would bo to foi got the past and got together and again oignnUa the club No matter whether the young man was right or not on with the debate Noitlior Napoleon noi tlio Wobsters ( if thoio were two of thorn ) would have nl- lowed suci a thing us this to break up so valuable ti society The IIond-Lluo Writoi and lho I'oot As for newspaper headings in gen eral , they are constructed und should bo constiuctod with a view to indicating the salient features ot tbo news which is printed beneath thorn says the Mil H waukio Wisconsin Auolhei luipoi tuut mattei that must ho obsotvod in thuir H consttnotion is artistic typography In H this ago , when so much nttontion is paid „ -u _ H to aesthetics , n paper with Innitlst'o ' \ "I B hciul-lincs is nn eyesore Wliotlur H the head li'ios aio conspicuous oi inconspicuous - H conspicuous the laws ot ptoportlon must H govoin the cholco of the typo in vv hie It M they are sot , the iolatiVo length of the H huecessivo lines , and other dotnlls con H tiibuting to the general effect It is as H difllcull an intulloctunl font to wiitoit H good hondlino as to wiito a good line ot M pootty 'lho main line of each style of H iioading must contain only ti coitiiu M number ot letters , and must call ntteti- M turn to the most salient fentuto of the H artlclo from n news stindpoint lho H words that natutally suggest thornH solves fiist may bo too long , or , H what is just as bad , too short The _ - K headline wliter must hnvo a futile , . M B fancy nnd an unlimited vociibuhuv B Compirod with the poet ho is at a tremendous - B mondous disadvnntngo us to the time at H his disposal lho poet can , if ho H plonsos , hold his pence nine years " M The vvritor of nowsp iporheadingsmusf ) H potform his work nt raihoad speed , vvhllo the priutois no howling foi i opy Olentiing lho leotli . H Dentists are dally committing the I on or ot not instructing their patients M in regard to the piopei molliods of S cleansing their mouths blushing , picking , rinsing with vvnim water attor meals and nt night bofoio going to bed , fl sayb Medical Classics Oui obsorvitions H must sjiow that people who do these H things faithfully , h uo littloor no dent H istry to do It is astonishing wliatig * noianco exists among people of all H classes ana conditions as to whatcle m- H linoss of the mouth means Ihoy will toll vou frankly that they douotbiush H thoii mouths as well ns they ought to , R foiIthoy did not know they were going H to bo oxnuunod , and when you looked , B you re illy thought so and the H second thought was prob ibly not for n month C loanlv habits are pint of an individuals ciiuiatiou nnd can bo Bfl foi mod onlv in childhood Too much H cato cannot bo bestowed on the subject HH foi the little ones Inch individual must ' -oo it thoroughly done hnvo it done foi him and oxj ouciieo having it HI well i ubbed in vvlthu biush Not much H dcntifiico of nuy kind is needed small V B quill toothpicks no host , narrow ships . of iiibbei dam foi spices the quill will S. Bj . . not clean Water used ficquuutly foi JM H rinsing with a motion of tuo tongue on LVal ill the bin faces of the teeth mil ums , IH lingual , pil ilal labial and liucciil So H much foi picvcntivo dontistiy , which HJ should be oui Inchest , aim = = = a M SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNOIL BLUFFS B FORSUEANJ R.NT H AIIAHG UN Complete ) roll mill nn 1 sawJaWfl mill for Mile c i icltj of roller mill forty a afl barrels dully W 111 sell furin in connectl ni with HH | mill If desire 1 ( oo 1 ruisom ( or sulllniU j l m nilrles In reiranl to sal 1 proi oily bent t ) tno j B following n Hi ess will leccho prompt uttoti M tlon L 11 Itecl Heels la j H A ( 1 N1S wanted lncvorv city md towu in H Amerlen Uimiu rrom * ll ) 10 fl ) l cr H we k VdlressDr VI tiicU\Lo Council H llluirs la _ H UMM1 ItOV H Iowa lanl to oxthuiimi for H atoek of gr curie boots aua h1hhor t H horsLS nn 1 ciittto Adlrtab 1 1 bi encer , H linn lolph In M WAN11 II V ho isnkiepor to to out on . a B Bl farm A 1 Ircss J V I IIIIul cHRL Lw VV NILI ) Asoolboj t r olllo work Ad- Js K > T dress kIv iti [ . { , lesllonco an 1 v\ifu. f Ja H I ) i ltee olllco c , mull 111 ill * . j B TTIOItSAII' My roslilouca fi.3 Willow av l B X1 ( nno on Hontlisldo of II lyllss i irt II itol j H by stcnii ll nti I by tie trlcltr au I com llulni ; f M nil mi leru Inn r iicmcnts 1 ot 1W bv Jll I et M Also villi DOll oi oxchni ro for linurov , 1 city H proi nrtv my fnrm iff u ncrua tun lmlrmaht H ot council llluirs N VI 1 ii- . y Co incll III ilfs H IIIAV I severnl houses in 1 lota to trilefotf j | Council lllullH ( r Onmli i mill iprov 11 ron B Jty C II Jull UJ ) llroi ivriy C ) it ell III ilia _ CO ! NCII III l'I ts J ro | orty forsalo nt ( rent H birttlni J ho follow Inc i u mu lilt inosS J beautiful 1 onieh In the city will be foI 1 at Lrcnt bargains on lnonthly i ayments orltiiia H lhroenow8 roomhoiioj nil I Incoln nituio VJ tv j bloika fu m tltctrie in ) tor 1 lie SBVJ J wo new lioon li i ca fen blocks from fawfll cl Uric ranter lit f in Noitli sue itli sticot iawAl One lien n-ro tin hn iso fun 1 lock from eleo * trie motor lln on NorMi Soienlh street M 11 rte new S nn I t ) room ho ise-i < nu bl clc irom electric motor line c niior Avenue A nnd B li olftli street llesllustho ibn\ollm\o ho ises and lots la HVl all i irts of the city J H Oao now ' l om I ouao on Mill st * BBJ C II Judl ilj ) llroadivay Council lllutfg f- 'v-r : M f710HIOMorXI3 | ( you tan buy a nice new * _ _ - AVJ JL } cleinatockof harlwart xtovennd tlnshof ) w { BBJ Inonuot tbubttst lu atlnu In westirn I wi > If you want u hnrlwaro 1 lihluesi woull lo pie ised to refer y ou to icllallo pnrtl Hint : LiDWiilIal out our business \ try satisf let tf rtasons for Hellint , I' will 1 ly y 11 to lniestN L.ntethlB Allrts II li Ilea olllco Council ill Ufa H / 1ASII for second hail I furniture Rtoven nnd M KjcmiwtH A I Mandal au Jlroadway H l HAlTtSTATi'-IloiKtit and Hill anl ex ' HIV -IV clmimo 1 Bpnelal attontlon glvon to exam * B Inatlou of tltloi VV U James Nn IU Heal 1st H Ti OH fi AI K or Kent Oardon land with houjss , H l1 by J It Itice IU Main at Council lllulh H TTlOIt SAII-WilW test on Glen nio It V aH J tllcer U Ma ii _ _ _ _ _ TTlOIt UllN'J The buuiuosi Iiouho lately occu BVal 1 ? pled by 8 1 JIcAtoe Apply nt WI 1 Iftll H avenue - • _ "NJ' ' ' ' lmI roreil roil estate to tra lo for linlm VH X > prove i O nulla or I ouacll lllutfs property VBl ( li , Jull Con llroalway I H I _ J ITTDjiu\isr7\ ' l U HiionviiT | IT s V ko Pre ) CIU8 It IUnnan Cashier M CITIZENS ' STATE BANK , orcouNcu murra H Paid up Capital ? ino,000.00 Surplus j 35,000.00 Liability to Doposltora 330,000 00 M DiiifCTOiiu-I A Miller 1' O (1 lesson 1' I * B Rhueart 1' I' Hart J I ) Idundsm Cbus II Iluuuan Transact tenor il bun tint , business H I arrest ca ) Hal and a irplus ot nuy bank In H flortUwei ) > tera Iowa , Interest on time deposits H F , M , EtllS &W ' I ARCHITECTS I ANDIlUlCDlNaSUI'l 1IIN11 NDI'NiS H IloonislWun III" lieu Hull lln * Ouiuliu Neb , it lltoonis.ll und.ip Merrlam Illock Ouunci 4H lllullsiow Correspondence Solicited bellXIerlinghof , I ARCHITECTS XJ AND bUri.iUNTl.NDICNl.S { * l noom 2 , O ] era house Block , Uouucll llluffs , M Iowa Vfl