Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1890, Part II, Page 16, Image 16
I 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEJB : SUNDAY , FEBRUARY 9 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAGES 1 | A. H. MAYNECO , I 231 Maiu Street , Si Lake City , Utah I I AGENTS FOR I WEST DRIVE SUBDIVISION I 1 Only & % blocks from Postoffice I I Lots $350 to $500. H I Also have large list of property in all paits of the city I I COR RESPONDENT ] ? SOLICIT CD T. A. DAVIS J. T. STRINGER Real Estate and Loans 231. SECOND STREET SHOUT , SALT LAKE CITY We have a large list of very choice city and outside properties , besides several hundred acres of fine lands located within a few miles of the city for sale on desirable terms WRITE FOR PARTICULARS in win minium iNwiwiii'iiiiiiiiM'iWiiiii'wiiiiMiiiM'niTTiriammi ' ' i ii i rl I ft SYNDICATE INVESTMENT CO J : aEi.AJLi : estate / Choice City , Acreage & Addition Properties | INVESTMENTS CAREFULLY MADE FOR RON-RESIDENTS. 1 Sole Agents for "Rosedale" | The lending addition , only one and one halt blocks south 1 of Libetty Paik Lots 5250 to $350 until February 20th. I giving \ou 10 dajs after election ' I WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE I I -P.O. Box 1148. 279 South Main StI m 1 HARVEY HARD Y , Manager J , H. HINMAN , Treasurer F. M. BISHOP , Secretary | V I I i'tv ' 2 > yij ± .xiT STRjiiET , s lt oiorsr , ttt ih : . " Mm J _ | | I BUYS and SELLS REAL ESTATE in and adjoining SALT LAKE CITY on Commission mf W $ H 1 Ve liave nancllecl over $2,000,000.00 , woith of pioperty in the past 12 months , a laige poition of which has been for non icsidents The members of the firm ha\e had 10 veais' residence in Wj 9 1 the c'ty ' , and latge experience in handling realty , and arc thoroughly posted on values CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ' 0 1 I AMERICAN I District Telegraph I I COMPANY B _ Bj 1 I S M IU4 I j / H \ ornci nvntit di si imt nat'l hamc , H , 70 South ill till Sttuct ! Messengers Fiinuslisd Day or HIeW BB _ _ ClrculiuH Imitations I ackiigi-s. etc . deliver | | | H eil promptlv Bpicinl attention pall to tlio | | | H - oNcnitltiKot strancoM to the tiliTereit lnstltu | | H ' lions and platts ot lmeroat throughout the city H [ A. W. Gallacher , - Manager B BH Telop iona KO L Pollock E W Wit son POLLOCK & WILSON , LEADING I 1 Real Estate Agents H I IO Hast Second South St , H 1 SALT LAKI' CIT , UTAH B BH I Vo have a hundred ottho choicest lots within | | | | H S nlno blocks of the nostofllce W feet front , and HH S soli them at from tit ) to $ .175 each besides lrnsi | | | H * ness proper ! j , acreage and lots without num- | | H ber Information promplj elvon I Commercial National Bank , M Salt Lake City , Utah I H HTNIIY O HATCHPresident 1 B _ B | GEOUGE M DOWNlYT Vice President B B BI I , JOHN W DONNKLLAN , Cashier g Collections Promptly AttcndGfl To j Funds deposited with our correspondents In B I Now 1 orlc , Chicago and Omaha availublj la I bait I ak.o w Ithout charge for exchange a COItHPSPONDKVCU SOLICIU.D I I THE WALKER HOUSE I , I I MIT LIE CITY B BH Bj This Is the Largest finest and Beit Con ! B BH ducted Hotel bjtwoon Omaha nnd San Iran 8 B BH H Cisco It is ( lr t class in all Us appointments | B BH Headquarter * for tourists , military and com | B B BJ BJ mcrUal mm g H I Rates , $3 to $4 Per Day I H B GEO S. ERB , - PROPRIETOR I j THE METROPOLITAH HOTEL , I I I SALT LAKE CITY B H I This Is the most beautifully locate \ hotel j B BH gj la Salt Lake City Largo Ono and elegantly I B BH B , , furnished rooms Especially adapted to ramiI I B BH lies Table unsurpnaied j H Rates Only $2 Per Day H GEO S ERB , Prop , H WILL ERB , Manager _ _ H ! . . _ . , . luitf . . i. | i , Ml lai lBWUmi I * - * "TT r ' rtbimil ' - i a.'mrnirwi-rnwrTTiMPmrjpi OH JUL ? 24TH OF THIS YEAR Si Lake Ciij " Will Celebrate [ Jcc , 43d AN eSlEY Noxci sniLO the nriival of the cntlt- est ploticcid in 1SJ7 hag thcto bnon such acthitdisphnod in all mini no i * of nn- pro\omont8 , and positive ussuiincc o horfututo ( jioatne33 so apptiont as at the pie = onttimo Tholumioof Utin , and ospcuinllv that of the liistomil "Citj of Silt L ike , " is thuco o\ei foio- toltl , in hot hiving ranched thofoitj- third milo stone m a slate of and iiohtinl freedom , which bodes ovoiwholunng success to hoi future prosiionty Her coniniorcial advan- taijes alone ( rjoitipr a thous mil milts in land ) will nitui illy contilbutc to hot fututo wclfuo to thooxtontof thconoi- mous output tf stocU , minei il otcsund bullion now being shipped fiom the torutori i"d countu tributnr\ her market to the enstorn Packlntr houses Ueduction woilts , factories , etc Stilt Lake City is pto-cmiuonth llttod by dis- t tanccs to bo the wholes ilo , totuil and jobbinsr hendqu irtoraof the entno inter mountain tori itoi j , and will in loss than two joais'tlmo contiol this pirtirular feature of comracrco cntiroli Whllo taimBB MBBIMIII mail WIBiTY . . r , > wnr MlWWM rrayw i nw fc r M | M nr rw , m I MnnflfTTTTI I ! ! ! Ill lllil IMHI Mil deseret University , of Utah the i ail way facihtios at piOaont aio liraitod to the tuvnscontinontal lines oa t i id west , the Utah Con till , noith and sou"ih , Utah and Noviila to the noi the3t , and the Douvor < & Uio Giando to eistwaia via Djuvor "Xetanumbei of pto- I jected lines , both to the cist and west , are alioily an asurod fact and bound to matoriallo within loss than two yoais' time Tor mipy yoais the ln'ninjj and • ether industries have boon soraowhat rotiidod baoauspf o\ce.&ivo ( hat/e3 on merchandise , machinery , etc With addition il lailnay facilities this will bo I ovoicomo by competition , and the bullion outDut will , grow to such pcopoUions that the demand on minting1 facilities of the Uuitod States will belaigol > in- , creased * , " The total output of bullion foitho\eai 18S0 was $2,200,000 TholatcM Lom- piled Btatoinont of ores , bullion and matter shipped by the oxpiess compinios , is % as follows Copper , In lbs 3,8S0,810 Uniollned Load , In lbs • 1j,5 ( > 7,1u7 07 Sil\orinbars 3,190,038 Sihor bars , bullion and 010 4,082,217 , Oz Gold , bars 2 HJ0 Oz Gold , bullion and ores 14,93.2 Salt Lake City ib well piovided with factories of dlftoiout kinds , yet gioatly in need of more . She h is three fine Roller Mills , with total capacity of ovoi OJbmols 3i d ly She has a number of foundries and Machine Shops She has a fine Boot nnd Shoo Fictory , employing over 230 men She has a largo Paper factory , turning out an excellent quality of boo'c , j | news , manilla , rug and straw wrippmg papai The co3t of this f ictoi'i $50,000 She has a largo Woolen Mill , which co3t $30,033 , omplov lug ovoi 103 hinds , in which ever .100,003 pounds was used in 183J , the pioduut of which 111 la toaly inniKut nt homo and abioad i She also has Gl iss Works , omplojing upwards of 100 mon when running full lorco , manufactui ing bottles , phials , demijohns , fruit jnrs , otc Salt is also m ido in lingo quantities by ovoillowlng shallow basins adjacent to Great Salt Like Over 150,000 tons per annum are pioducod in this way by I evaporation , und vet the industry is not half repiopiosentod There aio numerous ether fictorlos oontoraplatod , and many of thorn much neodnd , ospoclally a pressed briolc factory , iron woiks , cio imorv , loir.i cotta works , canning fnUory ; also a wagon and ngricultuial linploiuont fnctoiy would v he a most prolltnblo investment Unlike the Mlddlo States Utah's agricultural rosouroos are limited , but her resources in ether dlrootions mo pinctlcilly inoxhaustlblo and unllmitsd The great coal deposits within her bordeis ylold up an abundance of the \oij ( most of coal , similar to that of W. > oming Ohnrcoil can bo made in untold quantities from pinjoti plnos and mahog.anj , with which the mountains are ludon , and supply the domnnd foi that uiticlo for all local pui poses and even moio I Salt Lake Cltj is now in the throes of complete transfot mation flguiatholy j speaking for joais her industries have boon haudicappod in vnilous waja I Progioss made difficult ; publio imnrovomonts few , ana her losourcos allowed to I remain undeveloped , principally for the want of capital and paitinlly for the LPII . ! il r 'mm iiin i m mimvmmwr TTmtrttMWnimam-rinTTKVvririmiii\Bxujaajcninmi \ mnirmmmin3 \ w um i < \nntof utilnimitj of action on-tho pait of her citizens But now her people inc moro liberal in their \iows , and united in thou ofloits Capital Is loll ing in , public iinpiovoiiioiits being m- nuguintcd with great nipulitj Itinii- facttiring industiios pushing foiwud backing houses in contemplation Anew now gov oi tjinont building , a now citj hall , now com I house , union depot , two now hotels , now Boird of Ti ido build ing , twenty now business blocKs , and nt least 1200 now duelling houses unil cot t igcs uio to bo con = tiuctcd this\cir , in fact , aio now being built and tuc thciofoio ioiit'eliissmod Itissifo to pi edict an investment of nt least llvo million dollais m new buildings and othoi improvements in Silt LikoCitj tilonc dm ing this season to saj notniug of wh it will bo ncooniphshcd in subui- b in ontoi prises thioughojt the Toui- toi v The city has an cic i of 511Z acres moio than hnlf of which is built up , though olfen theio are but ono or two houses on a lot A good manj pcoplo sustain themselves mninlv bj the pie duce of these lots Almost ovoij icsl- flence has its niden , its fruit oi fall ido trees ot both and these with the tioes lining the stiec's fairlv embowot the citv , so th it in the lonf > soi-ontho 6ight is an niiccasing soui co of pie isuio and the fact a perpetu il comfoi t Nc\t to its climuto its tieos are the most valuable possession of the town It has taken foiti vcais to giow them , but the } aio woith twontj tunes the co = t. * i TUB WARM SPRINGS ( Sulphur ) , nre le 9 thnn two miles bj I , the street cais fiom the nnnclpilhotols j the Hot Springs , ( nlso sulphur ) , fem miles out , are renched bjinillnton i minutes The waters of these spungs , B cspocnllv of the lattoi , .u o iillogod to bo B more efficacious in scrofulous , rheumatic , paialjticnnd other diseisos , than these | of the famous Ai knns i Hot Springs , and the flow in such volume as to m iko a R 1 ike covering two bquaio miles Apphcints for treatment at the Hot Spungs | nic often turned awaj from lack of accommodations The waters of the Warm B Springs can bo taken conveniently from the city hotels The Hot Sptings , if | their virtues weio well and widely known , might toquuo u hotel \ ith a thousand looms to accommodate the visitois , ' ' TUB BATHING STATIONS On the south and ensf shoics of Gioat Salt Lake are about twenty miles fiom the citj b\ rail Bathrtlg in Gro it Salt Like began in 1877 , nnd grew in fuor voiy slowly foi several yeais Then the railroads , seeing a souuo of revenue in itun dor took to mike the bathineresoits attractive , and succeeded so well that in 1888 not less than 200,000 poisons took these warm tonio Iloiting baths between mid-Juno and mid-Soplomboi Trosh watoi has boon prosured an J dlstiibjtcd , fahndo tieos started , booths and houses of refreshment built , and covoiod piers and dancing pivlhons on piles ovoi the water and on the shore , where bands me alwnjs playing during the season The bath houses have been made almost luxurious - i urious Nothing is lucking but toomy hotels and moio bithing stations In the | long sunny days of summei the water is almost lukewarm , nndadlpnftoi busI inoss hours is lestful and invigorating It sustains one without effort , all ho has | to do to swim ib to make the motions Without doubt Great Silt Lake is ono of the finest watonng places In the world The do&iro of the Mormon pcoplo to live as much as possible within thomsolvcs has led them to pay unusual attention to manufactui ing fiom tholi first settle I ment of the toriltoiy A voiy piinstnking estimate made in 1887 by the Com mlttoo on Manufactures of the Chamber of Commeroo plncos the nggiegnto value of the rpnnufacturod pioOucts of the teriltory , [ cxcluslvo of ? J,012,000 value of buttei and chcoso , flour and meal , snlt , timber and lumber ] , at $0,072,100 , , the | amount of capital invested at $5,009,300 , opoi itives omplojod 4003 While B uuablo to cortifj to the absolute accuiaoy of these figures , wo bollovo that the | census of 1890 will substantially confiim thorn There aio about 85 Morning mills | in the territory , 70 saw mills , 20 planing mills , 12 foundiius , 8 woolen mills Tnoio I aio carding mills , lath and shingle mills , ere sunplois , coucontiatlng and chlo- | iodising mills , roasting nnd Binolting furnncos , piper mills , clothing , boot and fahoo , hat , glove , hosleiy , silk , biooni , brush , s ish , door , blind , ciackor and v moI gin factories , iron , glass , soip , furnlturo , chomlcals and coonoiago woiks , netter B ios , tannciios , boilei woiks , and many othot klndB of business classillod as inanu1 factuiing in the Census lotuins , | A mvi ksii irn industiiy All these industiios ngiicultuio , horticultuio cnttlo and sheep husbandry , B mining , iiianufacturlng have grown up naturally together The losult is a | woll-nroiioi tioncd industrial s\stom , complex and divorslliod as the wants of man , I nnd cannula of indefinite elaboration and expansion It is nil , too , the pioduct of I the soilnnitof the labor of the people Iusteid of lucoivlng assist inco fiom with I out , the Tonitory has been subjected to u constant drain fiom without fifteen | mi lion dollais have boon paid in divldonds by two silver mlnoa , mainly owned B abioad Our assosod valuation in 18SS10,379,909) ( ) , na3an mcioiiso of .10 per cent H upon the valuation of the pi ov ious yo ir | There are no debts on acoount of railroad consliuction the Tonltory owes | $150,000 only , lncui led for publio institutions | I ) A KIIIIIV , OSC-VllUltU'lllCI i n * A U H SIIILKK GROSIIBLL or CO I , , talEtt , \ I UNDER - THE • POSTOFFICE i SALT LAKE CITY Sole Agents for Muscitine Place ' Tin leadliig subdivision In the citv fotsJIO , to Jitll oicli Slro 3KIJ ) cnl 40x1 > o , bi Inp ; I lnrt rthan any othoi lo s n > w nil the nunktj ' BJ Tins subdlMsloti Is but llvo ml utoj wallcirom I j BJ the depots , mid but 15 minutes drlro from the " -tiH postonice | < BH BUY NOW ! j DON'T WAIT ! } M Maps anl plats turnisli'd on application \ | BJ Let Us Hear Fiom You Quirk1 i V _ _ _ - i an ANfirri , j , tLuiis i V V AHGELL & PERKES , jJ Real Estate Iuvestments I Ilc llenccs llnUdlna Tots Iliislnoss Proper U H ties nnd I arm I amis , lwaity itirs rtslilouco a 1 lubait Lake Cltj M IBBBBBBi * S BH COItltESPOVnEVOK solicipld i H P. 0. Box 1213 , - Salt Lake City , Utali j JH A 3 VAltNFl II J MVT1IILWS I B BH VARNEY & MATTHEWS , . Real Estate Agents 11 239 H3in Street , Opp Walker Hiusc . 1 V SALTLMvI Uir 1 H Make a Specialty of Investments H J H Tor NonResidents Jitf H Haylnp ; civ en special attention to Intldo prop I Jn BB B/ ertles woare thoroughly pnpirad with choho Vff' d BB burcnlUH In ouslnus piopnltloa that Insure u h JBBBBB linndsume prolltto thopuichuscr H j | | H . . . . BH coititi iiosm.Nci : .soi.icni i ) BJ C. L. HAMAMAN , I REAL ESTATE I I H COHItI'SI'OMl NCE SOI-ICITFI ) Rolinulo information given to Inquincs I l H 9 W. Second South St , I 9 SALT LAKE CITY , - UTAH | B WEBB & PMiMER , " fjl Heai Estats and . i m Bnvesfmceil Agency 9 CliolcoCltv and Subiulnn I'ropertj rortulo j H at prices and Urins to suit buj ors H | | B COnill'Sl'ONDI'NCK boncuiD I M Wli n visiting Salt Lake City , | B call nt our office 9 H n mi i iiiwiiMiwi iiiiiibi.iiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiim ! J HH I ' 2Q1 MAIN STREET , SALT LAKE CITY I I LINCOLN PAEK-The Leading East Side Addition Lots , $ 17 5 to $400. f.l West Side Addition Lots $75 to I H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BEUNA , VISTA _ j-i-- The , ' _ _ ! ! Leading 11II H-U-nrnTfT TT " " - ' " " _ _ - - _ _ # . _ _ iii-iiiiM-lrgri rFrr _ _ _ " - " - _ _ i > . . $150 - . . . i . . i . , , f yw - | H I The Salt Lake Abstract , Title , Guaranty & Trust Co I I (3Toael3r ( ' SCa.x-ve-y , _ Te _ _ &D Co , ) 2S5 SO"CT-T - _ _ _ _ _ S _ T5eT. : : : I I CAPITAL $100,000. Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah Territory 1 I Makes Correct Abstracts of Title Showing all Errors a % i 1 Tirios to Real Estate and MotgaKes , Thoroughly Examined and Insure ? Rents Sate Deposit 5s 'fflI rlffiSS. ( . [ d t cS1 . * * WILLIAM j. HARVEY , Vice President and Manager Mf and does Escrow . , , . , Boxes Receiver , etc , etc an and Executes Business Trusts Acts o as every Executor kmd Admmlstrator Guardian Assignee loiINVVNEFPf • IVeasurer and AssUtant V8T Manager COMPANY EDWARD IN UTAH W. CENTER TEBBI-OBT. , Secretary and Absliact Officer , \ I 1