Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1890, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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B No 7 Moire Ribbons , i2 c , for 5j c.
No 9 Moire Ribbons , 15c ; for 7 J c.
I No 12 Moire Ribbons , I7j c , for n c.
No 16 Moire Ribbons , 22Jc , for 1c. .
II III I I II I II II IIIIIIHIIIlini ' 11 ! ! Ill ! IIIII ! I M.III.IM 11 II 1 1II I I 1 1 1 II III 111 II m ihmiimii HIIIW III III IWTTTniTIII ! IHlim pi I . ! Ill HUM III llll IMWl IIWIII llll I I " 'JJ tOJtWJIlMm JUMBH.M WIJU.MII I Ul t lVIJJimagBriMWBMLW.iUJJBUB.a UULUI.JlLJL J L .MII IWIWWHUM ! ! * Ill IMI On IIIW 1 11 " ' IW ilHIWll | H
All tlie Bargains offered are from 25 to 75 per cent less than regular prices We call special attention to Silks , which are the lowest pricesj M
we have ever niade , but we have decided to close these lots out , and we expect these prices will do it , j l |
abbbx in ! ! ITH1H-HB.H..1 _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ww _ - _ . . _ _ i ii _ tt _ n anrr Til 1 : ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ ? T To mane room for Now Spring Goods wo linvo derided to CI090 out soma lots of very desir
nblo poods at prices w b'ch will discount any other Bilk sale In the city Tlio rarest bargains
L uro tlio follow lug
5 40 picoos colored Satin Uhadumcs on 1 Morvclllcux that hav o boon sold by us for St 50 $17 ,
.it _ . li 00 , $2 3. . will bo sold tend ij for 75o
K i 10 pieces black nil bilk 1 acrd fatrlpod Velvets that have boon sold by ui foi | 2 ' 0 mill
flB " * WT * 3 , r ° wl" L0 clc lr01 out ° " Monduy for 7r c.
JH \ 80 Pieces Colored Wnttrod Silks , that bni o boon sold by us for t2 \ , > , 1 i0 $1 75 , S3 01 $2 25
jjBS will be lot out on Moiul ly for ? c
XS , Also a lot of Tai cy Velvets , that hare boon sold by us for $3 00 will bo sncrlflcod on Moti
W daut $1 50 per yard
fift- ' 10ploccscolored trench Palllo which have boon sold bv us at $1 00S1 2i > will bo run out on
Si . Monday at " 5c
* Sk I Also a lot of dam coloro 1 Plushes will bo sold nt DOc
I 1" pieces very line China bilks to bo sold on Moudny nt V > c
iy 10 pieces Black bntlti Mcrvollloux a great barpnln ntl 75 will go on Monday at $ t 07'tf
m 1 pieces China Crops , sold nt { 1.2j , ou Mondav SI
I On Monday morning wo will offer n line of Children s Head Hula Suits of nil wool mat
lorinl lined throughout ut &l „ > * J 40 fj 05 W00 , nud $3 > worth * j r0 to 5 < 5 00
Children s all wool Jerst-VB _ oo Ladies tailor ma lo Jerseys , SI
. XVo have Ju9t received our llrst involco of now imported Spline \ \ raps , which wo will hnvo
-n&p- rends for inspection on Motidiv Morning $
j ,
* j Boatqiiallty Germantown wool alloolors nt 14c n skein to clo9o
/ Palry/ophyr ut 12 } c skein Ualanoo of split and Binglo Zephyr still on sale at 2'aonn
A y ounce
B-j ' ; Complete stock \lllnnco Spanish Saxony German Knitting 'i lrns at popular prices
H H ( w In order to close out our largo stockof Zephyrs wo will place tlicra on sale at 3' c un ounce
HT- ' ' " ' | | A < r I alrvcpbjrnt 12' ou skein to clnso *
_ jR Large linu of Arnsuuo Chcuillo , Hope , Etching , Embroldory and I tiling bilks in all colors
T r btamplng a Bpcclalt\
WJw . . . . .
! % H i i MMBWa ' " ' " i I'Trr ' * - * .iiw.n ii i * !
Our lunuiuv snlo of Lmons litis bcon mi siicccsi p\c liofoi j
In Orauliu's historv hus linens boon soil so clicin Wo ilnil that wo mo now loft
with un enormous qimntilj of notniimits in Unciitf , Mualitw iirul blicoliugd In
order to ckun mi stocU wo pinto t cm on snk Momlnv nioiiiiii r nt mlces th it will
Eomo close thum out Ihn is nchnnco ion oiinnot utToid to miss
While Goods ' White Goods
llio opening dm of Tnlconot n Wlnto Goods tins ulwujs boon cugcilj looked
forbyoxotv ludj in Omnlin Mondiiv murniii' wo nlnci them on out couutots ,
mill tliobi ) who wish to sco soincthiii } ; in uovoltics will Imd them in gieitt vuiioly
and ntui v low pi Ices
Call em h mill hccurc a dress pnttoi n wlnlo tin i . .m . tment is totnploto
M ill orders foi suniplm c irofull > li'lo ' 1
Tust put in stock i full line of Unliunihiuil Shit < • in which we oiler o\ccllont
\ iluo
Our roe Shirts ure well mntlo mil of the \cij best qualltj of niiilerml Til
supoi lei to inj wo hnvo o oi sold foi the inonuj
Wo cull jour spati il ittcntion to the eclobi itod lI ulcon bhiit v Inch wo
soil at Tocuntt $1 01) ) , mid consular it the host vtiluo osci otruied
To icduco oui stock of I liuinol Shu ts in o id and funci colors wo will olloi
them for tlio next few du\s nt grcX Xloducod \ pi ices
A few odds nnd ends of Moo s Uiiderwe u to bo closed out nt ( Jo c ich
Special Cut in Hosiery
Ucnvynll wool Hose , fonnciH sold it7)C now T0c * •
Tine Trench Merino Hose fonncilv sold it 60c now 10c
I nncj Hitritiert Mcuno Hose formci1 > aolil ut 10c now " -
btuped ind Pluin llalbngL'm Hose , formerly sold lit 2jc now 121c
I idles1 nil vool Blnck Hosc > , fnst coloi ' int u piii , " > pairTor 50e
I iidh ' 1 anev bti iped Uosq JJjc well uoi th 60e
Lndics' Tast Blnck Hose 0c , well worth 50c
| f I MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT fU O CAI lOAWPP I Express and Postage Paid on all Mail
ll 1 ATT TION § i = „ ' _ _ . . " . .V . j ° . . . . . . A . - . . 9 gLagk ? ? ' * - . I
' l Initial MovoraontB Towai da the Ro-
' alizatlon of Tonnyson's Dream
* • Cortiilnatliijr 1 oieon "A hlcti Will HI nil
Ii tlio Nntloua XoKLthor In I'oaeo
Jl ftiut Good \ \ 111 mill l'ut mi
H . Lmlto1ar
I conomlc Intcrnntionnlism
UullMmdV ifjIhD
Tlio Chuutiiuquan for iohrunrv I co-
nomic lntoriiiitioiiiilism is ono aspect
of a broader sociul liitoiiiiitloiiul-
ibin , nnd social intornationalium is but
ono plinso of social solidarity
Social Bolhluritj menus the oneness ol
boclul interests , it moans that the body
cannot tbiivo wlulo members of the
body Bugnr Social solidarity ineuiis
on the ono hand , ' the dependence of
mnn upon man , nnd ou the othei it
3iiouns ttiatinnu can thrhoonly through
association with his fellowmen boeiul
feolidnrlty is u fnct which is u lotrieul
deduction fiom human brotherhood
Hnwth rue writes so mo wonderful
• words in his "Rlaiblo Faun , " which io-
fcij , • veul a clour porcopt'on ol sociul solidur-
W J ity on its moral sldo "Whllo there is
* s a biorIo guilty person in the unhorse , "
bijs Hilda to tlio guiltj Miriam , each
innocent ono must feel his Innoeeuco
tortured bv that guilt "
Social Internationalism is an expres
sion which mns bo omulojod to denote
the interrelations of moil of vnri-
* ous nations and in its bro'tdest
Bouso the dependence of nation
upon nation it is soon in in-
tornntlonul tu\ol and in the in
creasing number of mnrriujjos between
pcoplo of dlJToicnt nationulitlos boclul
bonds nro o < toiiditifr and the highest
social clielcB mo to a conslderabio extent -
tent purolj cosmopolitan , 'lliocuilea-
tuto of thiscoriiiioiKilltaiiium is scon in
sllhouth who affect foioinn fushions
nnd ulnujs in their eNtrcmio innnlfcHta-
tlons Ouo of the put est nnd most
pleasing fonturos of eoolnl intoruatlon-
ullsm is seen iirseioneo which is strictly
cosmopolitan Science moves foiwuid
o\oul > In nil lnnds and can scmcolj bo
cafd to lc iow national boundaiios
_ - 1 vorj great scholai is familiar with
/ the woilc of all otliors in his own
poeiult } allovoi the world and in oioij
goodunneisltj llbruiy bcicntillo period
icals in all chiil/od languages are
found Any ono who attempts to do
Fclcntlllu work without Icuowlodpo of
two or thico forolgn languages is ltibot-
inu under a seiious if not iusupoiablo
dtsudwintngo Ono of tlio llrst condi
tions imposed oil candidates for the do-
jreo of uoetoi of philosophy in the in-
btitution with whicli the writer is con
nected , Is the ability to road 1 tench
mid German nt sight
I couomlo iuternatloiinllsm is Rocial
intcriintioiuilisin on its business side ,
whan wo tuUu the word business in its
broadest signification It moansIntoi-
iiiitloiiiillsin in all these respects which
we muy call ocouoinlo
Let us llrst consider the voluntaiy
xnoiementsof these whom wo cull busl-
JM y Hess men , then dwell for a short tlmo
' jfcfou internationalism In the world of
TPJwlabor , and Unullj puss on to a brief ox-
S Jaminatlot ) of ceouomlo internationalism
ks it proceeds fiom governments
A quotution of tame length will best
present to the reader the international
churactor of business It is taken from
a dallj nouspupor of M irch , 18SJ and
is as follows The collapse of the cop
per syndleuto md the losses of the
Comptolrd'Lscompto * following close
upon thcloss of hundreds of millions in
the P mama canal must nITect the
1 ronch people bcnouslv by restiieting
eonlideneo and impairing thoii ability
to buv of the worlds products 1 uropo
and South America It is thought , will
b s affected more or less nnd the tide of
prosperity which has now extended all
around the globe it is fcarod , maj bo
cheeked Whothoi the Uuitod Stntos
will bo touched remnins to bo scon
lioston has lost heavily b > tno syndicates
cate's failure and our copper mines will
for some time to eomo cense , ptob-
abl > , to produce the usual output of
copper Those interests niocor-para-
IHolysmnll and of thomschos could
not disturb Amoi lean industry to any
great extent The whole world , how
ever , is now so closolv connected in
matters of money nnd business that wo
cannot expect to ha\o as plain sailing ,
in view of o\onts in Paiis , as wo hud
three mouths ago lho situation is
aloarly such ns to an est the attention
of the Drudont "
Every modern crisis in business Is in
ternational and that to a continually In
creasing extent There was a time
when ono part of the countri might bo
comparatively mosporous winlo ether
parts were in dcop distress Ono hun
dred yonrs ago pcoplo starved in ono
provinoo of Prance on account of fum-
( no whllo the lint oats in nnothci prov
ince were unusually abundant Now nil
of that has con&cd In the civilised
world Disustoi and proapoiity both
extend gradually oi oi all modoin na
tions llko a great wave Sometimes
ono of oui ten ibly devastating crises
has originated in ouo land sometimes
in another , but sooner or later the
whole civilized world is included in its
dread but irrislstlblo progress If you
nro dolnc buslnoss in Now "ioik City ,
the failure of bankers in Vienna whom
you never saw , with whom \ou novel
had any direct business connection ,
wboso nnmos oven uro perhaps un
known to you , may bauktupt you and
swoop away the siunps ol alifo time
Events which occurred during our
Into civil war serve us a good illustra
tion Manchester anil northern 1 ng-
land drew the raw material for their
cotton faotorios from our south Mho
war cut off this supply und produced a
cotton fumlno Tills caused dire dis
tress appioai hing starvation on tlio pint
of thousands upon thousands of English
worklngmon who hud novel soeu oui
country and had never taken the
slightest part , dliectly oi indiieetlv , in
American dissonslona , many of tboin
not understanding the nature of these
dissonslons "V'ottho suffering wuatheiis
all the sumol But this is not all The
cessation of the American supplv stim
ulated production in India und thus
produced import mt results on thoothoi
side of the globe
Active nnd progressiva business raon
watoh carefully the inovomouts of foreign -
oign business , and ovorv tlmo one
ciossos the ocean ono encounters repre
sentatives of large business concerns
travollng from land to land to guard and
luHunoo their international interests
Raw matorlal or hulJ-inntiufaoturea nr-
ticlos are bought in ono land manufac
tured in a second , and sold in a third
Prices nro international and moved by
international foi cos , fall and rUe to
gether in regions 6,000 miles apait Wo
begin to hear of world trusts , oi com
binations of capitalists extending their
operations over the globe , and control
* liank of discount , one of the departmeati
of the llank of Franco , at Paris , the ether
two beluga bank of deposit and a haukef
ing a coitim bianeh of industiy foi
tnoir own profit
Wo inn draw two t onilusions from
what has been slid the one is thut of
all madmen theio is 10 one m id as
the individualist who would lnvo oi h
man stand nlouo in the business woild
the so ( and conclusion iHtliiil in the long
lun ono nation gains us auuthei proi
pois md 111 ewibc in the long tun must
putlcipito in the losses of nnothoi un
tion lho ipparont tomoriuy ) inos
pority c lusod by foreign wars is goner
illy moio thin countei b ilanced bv'a
subsequent loictioii iind it is at any
tlmo in considerable uui t illusot \
Still more interesting is the interna
tional character of the labor movement
md the conscious recognition of inter '
national fiatornity on tno part of labor
londois , mid to a glowing oxlent ou the
patt of the masses Very emly In its
histoty the labor movement began to
show international tendencies Loin
lorism * which in ono of its phases was
cosmopolitan in character Manifestly
the Improvements in the moans of com
munici tlou and transportation , the
ahiof factor In all modoin economic in
tornutionuhsm has been most potent in
the Hold of labor lho great historical
event nml the writei thinks ho is
guilty of no oxaggcrition in thussp alc-
intr of it which give clen expression
to the idea of lutein itioualibui of labor
and Hist made it a mattct of universal
discussion , so th it it soon began to be
come a leal force in the consi lousness
of the common in in wis the founding
of the International Workwoman's as
soclatiou in London Soptumbei lfcOl
Ainanir the insolutions adopted tin'si
words may bo found 'lho economic
omancip ition of the lnborlng
classes is the great cud to which
ovoiy political movement must bo sub
ordlnutod an a simple nuxlllai > , all ex
ertions wbluh up to this time , have
boon diiocted towmd the attainment of
his end , have failed on nccount of the
want of bolidmitv between the various
branches of laboi in every land , and by
tens m of tlio nbsoiico of a bond of bioth-
orly unity between tlio- laboring clashes
of dllToieut countries lho oinancina
tion of laboi is nolthor a. loc il or n na
tional , but a sooiul problem which om-
hincosall countilcs In which modern
society oxlbts and whoso solution depends -
ponds upon the puietieul and thcoroti
el co opeiatlon of the most lidvnnccd
lnnds '
Ibis Intoruntlonnl Worklngmon's an
Eoclution wits the pioduct of the brain
of Carl Murv uud piopagatcd socialism
of a levolutionaiy and sometimes also
of a v lolont ty p ? It separated into two
parts uud ono of these be < nine the An
archist International which finally
gained a foothold In this country und
did immense damage to the cause ot
labor Nevertheless theio was u true
thought In its Internationalism and it
brought into the woild bomothing
wliicn , so 'ar as can bo soon , will never
loivo it
Socialism may bo said to bo an Inter
national movement Quito generally
socialism hns gone bo far in its cosmo
politanism us to reject the just claims of
nationality and to sneer at patriotism
as tv weakness oi woiso than a weakness
Patilotiem has often been dcscilbcd as
• A communistic syttem so called from
Cbarlos Fourier ( Wa-1837) ) of Hesancon ,
t ranee According to his scbomo all the
world was to bo cantoned into groups called
phalansteries , consisting each ot 400 famlhos
who were to tire in a common edifice , fur
nlshed with workshops , studios , and all sorts
of amusement Thosoveral groups were to
bo associated under a unitary government
Only one lunifuapovi to be spoken , the
( rains were to belong to a common purse ,
talent and industry were to be rewarded ;
and no one was to be allowed to remain hv
d bloat
in invention of kiiigsund rulots thodo I
8i.n ot which is to juHieo ( the miubo3 (
to cut ono anithei's thro its for the
gieilor gloi v of their sjvet > ig is 1 lie ,
progress of eo3inop iliti inisiu m social
ism cm well bo ti iced in CiOiminv
reidinand I isaillc the llrst leider of
Geiiniu soci il domoency , v is i mtion
alistatid ipttnot but if tor his do ith
the follownts of M irx oxti emo interna
tionallsts , graduilly gained in niilu
cure and finally s'-curod complete con
jtfol of the o irtv 1 his flint is at le ist u
[ partial cxplun ition of the opposition of ,
IthcCioimaii govoiiimenl to bocinl de I
roocrucv Socialism as buch is not
the movement which Hismiuck is fight
ing , but it is a paity of anti nntionulis
tic republicans , not the soi inlisin co
nuch as the cosmopolitian demociney is
leg irdod-as the cnomv
lntoi nation il congresses of socialists
hold fiom time to time reveal still this
phnso of economic internationalism
A'l socialistic punodicals also disclose
this s line char ictoiistic Coiiespon-
dcuco fiom every modern hind is pnu
ted and ovorv bocialist flnds a biothci
m every othei sooinlist whciovet lie
m u live
I lie latest , development of socialism
is an American product and is culled
nationalism 1 dwaid Bdlamvs liool
looUing Backward , gave tLo liupulso
winch led to the foi niation of the Hist
nationalist club in Boston in Deeoinboi
1839 No Boei ilism of a highoi ch u ic
tor oi suppoitod by battel men than
n itionalism haH ovoi nppoitcd , and
when a poroon loilccts on thostindin „ '
und attainment of ruuny of its mo3t iu-
lluoutinl loideis ho may w itch Its pro
gtess with complacency oven if uu iblo
to accept all Its doctrines lho deslg
nation , nationalism is no'oworthy It
was no doubt chosen m nut to avoid the
odium which attaches to the word so
cialism It mav , however , also bo taken
to mo in w hut It Is curtain that many , if
not all , the nationalists believe ,
namolv , that pi ogi ess must bo alon „ ' na
tion i1 lines und that the nation has Its
part to ulav in the development of man
kind Nationalism tiny bo icgnrdod as
a justifiable niotost a „ ilnst an unpatri
otic cosmopolitism
But socialism is only ono phasoof the
labor movement and every ph iso of it Is
intuniationul English trades unions
ourly began to establish branches in
othei countries to which Liiglishmon
omlgratod , and twp important Lnglish
laboi oigmilzntionp , imtncly , the amal
gamated soolotv of Jjygiuoors nnd the
amalgamated bociqtj pf carponleis ind
joiners , huvo brntilhus in oui country
and , clsowhoro Tlila movement was ,
how over , an unconscious , luthoi than a
conscious , interim'iloiiiillBin The
Amoriciu Kntlonill lallorunion , which
was a powerful bed j E nno twenty -voirs
ago , although , as ho jiumo implies dis
tinctly a national pi'gani'/ution with na
tional aims , recognized the interna
tional character of the laboi movement
in its nttituao towurd'tho Intornntiounl
worklngmon's association , for it sent a
delegate , Cumorori ) > y nanio to ono of its
congresses lhis fiction of the National
lnbor union did not moan , that 't ac
cepted socialism , but , as pointed out , a
recognition of the internationalism of
lubor Interests The Nnionul labor
union strove to bilng about interna
tional cooperation foi common ends
lho order of Knights of Labor was
founded twenty yens ago on Thanks
giving day in 1S00 , and was a puioly
Amoiicun oigantzatlon , but gradually
* o find it extending its flold of opera
tion and founding local Bociotlos In
Gioat Britain , Bolurium and Australia
English trades unions , the most con
servative of labor organizations , have
at last fairly begun to take part in the
international movements of labor
National mootlngs of labor organUa-
Tor Mondnv we shall plnco on silo a complete line of Chenille Curtiins at H
jiriccs that will oiiublc ovoi v customer to bua solid Ohonlllo Cuttaln nt $15 60 a B
] iaii H
See out show window fnt Btylcsnml pi lees H
Wo nro picpared to fui ulsh Window Shades it the shortest notice nnd lowest H
j prices |
Ladies ' P/Suslin / Underwear , r I
On Moudav wo will plnco on silo some spot ignius In Ladies Muslin |
Underwear , puces lunging from Joe to $ - _ o I 9A uly and select lho best H
bugiiiis |
All Ladies und ChiUhen s U ideiwcit to bo sold at ne illy cost price H
Corsets , " Corsets I
" * . ! 00 nnd n _ i toisets for 50c Bl ick Corsets foi $100 $2 60 ind * 3 00 ' Ti H
Coisutsli j A beautiful new Coi sot foi 7bc ' i |
A 1 irgo line of ruibioide ies in all widths md sty'cs ' at exceedingly low pi icor I j H
i Ginghams | I
i lust lecoived a nc v md complex line of bcoteh and Domestic Ginghams n H
I which will go ou silo Mondu M H
o will put on Special Sale Mondav a beautiful lini of PI uds and Stripes 1 H
! vvhfch me woi th Oic per yard to open the sea on und make a loadoib')0 per yaid H
Wo aio mulfing extremely low prices on odu Dress Lengths Seowhutthoy are M H
I Ruchings
J Wo hnvo just received a complete line Of ruebmgs and show some nlco styles R HJ H
j Also received u line ss Van Dv ko fcollnrs and cuffs ] bet * | r H
cionshive foi gomo time boon Hold in
Lnglmd but it is only recently th it
1 u'lish tiades unions h ivo begun to
p u ticipite in the intcination il moot
nigs of labor or , ; uu itions which lnvo
sevoial tunes been held in Puropo dur
ing the t ) ist dec ulo
Iwo interesting lllasti itions of the
liitoin itionalism of labor miv bo men
tioned In luly ISIIj iopicsi nt itivos oi
six nations mot at I'lttsbui Pa to
form tlio Univeisil Pedoi ition ot Gliss
vvoikoi * riiuu pprposo was Btitcd
thus ' To extend thou fedei ition to
all hqetions of the plebe until its uu m-
boiship shail cmbrico ovc y mm en
g iged In our trades '
The scconu illustration is furnished
bv the 1 oiidon dock lahoior s stilke of
1S89 On the one hand IlulfUin work
uigm n lofused to tike the ol ice of the
htilkets , on the othei of CIS 000 con
tributeu to their iclief I 1 OOJ came
from Australia A romirl iblo article
on this subject aiipearod m the Pall
Mall ( j uotto of Loudon It wis mti-
tlod lho lmpet ml Side of the Dockers'
Strike ' and stated that the sti ilco h id
done moic "to stiongthon the British
empire thin any othot incident of ic-
cent times Tlio pnnclplo of social
solidailty was made clear to hundiods
of thousands of wi ikuigmcn
rim Honrv Gejrgo moveniont was
Amciicin in origin but Honiv Gonigo
extends nls pctsonnl agitation to Great
Bi Italn , Canada and Austr ilia , nnd his
idhoionts tile it up In Gei many und
olsowhoio His cxtteino free tiulo
doctiino is ono feature of his cosmupoll-
All this shows how nbuiird these mo ,
perhaps rithor how ignormt tho3o mo ,
who talk about the laboi movement us
essentially foreign It is intornntionnl
and ono phase ol it ejii lugs up in ono
land and another In another land , and
AmciicilHs toitainly couti Ibutod her
full shine to It
Less snaco has been loft for Uio dls
ouosion of govoinmoutnl inteinattonal-
iom than could ho dcsiiud The post
ollleo will first occur to the l oador Wo
now have a world postal union the be
ginning of a world onuiiio with its seater
or capital at Boino , SwiUorltind Still
oldoi than this union , Is the Interna
tional lolograph union , which as the
wrltoi has olsowhyro pointed out , is
piovenled from being a world union by
the fact that the United States has no
public tologiaphlu son ii o
Intel national rallw iv treaties are an
other phase of governmental Intorna-
tionidisui well known In Europe In
tel iintionil logulatlou of trade murks
and pitonts , nnd whore it exists inter
national cop/right may bo mentioned
as features of economic administration
World fairs arou foatuioof internation
alism nnd oeginning some forty vonrs
ago , they alroadj have become a power
In international development In many
ways iiiiluonclug undpiomoting ospo-
olully the lntoi nationalism of the labor
The establishment of intornatlona
weights aud measures is a noteworthy
triumph of intotiiationillsm , although
Its ttiuniph is still lncomp'oto The
mctriosystom gonoinllvused in western
Europe outsldo of I ngland and , if the
writer is not mlatal on , it hns a lognl
standing in all clvllizod countnos and
is used evorvwhoro for sclontillc pur-
roses Its mora extended use in this
country is much to bo desired and it is
to bo hoped that our railwuys may see
their way to its adoption
A universal monov has been proposed
but not vet established Two interna
tional monetary unions , however , already -
ready exist , nutnoly , the Latin Mone
tary union , embracing Prance , Switzer
land , Italy , Grosoo nnd ether countries ,
aud the Scandinavian Monetary union ,
era bracing Norway , Sweden , and Don *
No 5 All Silk Gios Grain , woilh 15c , will be sold fpi 9c. 1 H
No 7. Woith 30c , will be sold foi 11 ic I H
No 9 , Woith aaicxxill - be sold for 15c. 8 H
No 12. Woith 30c , xxill be sold for 19c. | H
No 16 Worth 35cx ill be sold for 25c. | | |
No 22 Worth 40c , will be sold for 30c. I |
m irk In the former frincs and centimes -
imos riiculato in the latter kronoi and
oci e
f liiinnal liws have thoii ecoiiomio
sidi md international cxtuditiou
ti cities foi the suppi"3siou of crime
in iv be mentioned in tins connection
lhe Lnglish fioo tindo movement is
one ph iso of lutein itionalism and 7oil
voiuu-01 customs unions mo inothor
plia'-e Wo heir now a gicat deal of
commciclal union with C muda nnd of a
P in-Aniouc in 7ollvoroin /ollveroin ,
ot commoieiul union ulthnugh it begins
with intornationnllsni is likely to toi-
lniuato In uu extension of nationulism
lho Goininnollvoroin was the fore
ruuiioi of the Goimun unity of the empire -
piro ind cominoiciul union , and Is
( il civ to lead to politic il union sooner
or 1 Uor
Swit/oiland , somoyoaisago , proposed
to the ether eiviti/cd nations ol the
cirth the nstnbllshmont of un mtoma-
tion il factory cede , including common
logulntions for the nmcliotution of the
condition of the woiking classes Thee
o "eial communicntlon mot with com
pu itivcly little favoi on the part of
othei govern incuts and it wis probably
lecoivud with ns little sympithy on the
put of oui covornmont us unywhoro
Moio lecently the pionosal has been renewed -
newed md it seems to have elicited
moro appioval Whatever may bo the
outcouio of the projected lntoi national
factoiy legislation , wo have in these
pioposals themselves slgnlficuit facts
A pialsewoi thy ngitation for the es
tablishment of poipetual peace has
long been conducted , but 111 this urticle ,
in the opinion of the writer , have boon
sketched the germination forces which
will bind the nations together in peace
and good will and will put an end to
* A f ratio is equal to aoout 20 cants and a
lirono to about .7 cents Centimes nod oero
correspond to the fractional parts of tbeso
coins us tlio cent corresponds to lho dollar In
our uionoy
Di Birnoy , practice limltod to ca
tarrhal disousos of nose und throat
Rooms 218 to 250 Bee building
Sl > GUIiAKirlLS
A SaiiRatuck , Mich , liousoltoeper dlscov
orod lho other day that a fowl stia was dross
Inj , was supplloa with two hearts and two
livers , all perfectly formed
A 1 otriliod npnla has been discovered in
Maine lho ilndor has preserved it ns a cu
nositv If It had boon in Now Jersey It
would have boon worked Into hard cider
XVhilo sinking a well at bis now sawmill
near boymour , Ind , Jesse Cox came aeioss
some larRo chestnut trees thirty five fcot
below the surface la a perfect state of pres
A trapper at Lebanon , Conn , found ro
ccotly a strange animal In ouo of his traps
It had the fcot and tall ot a skunk but
quoorlv onouch not a single balr on all the
rest of Its body
A four-your old 100 of XX ilhain II Wood ,
of center b piaro Montgomery county , who
swallowed a carpet tack iu March lbbS
couched it up ofowdavsago His throat
ailedconlatually la the iutervul ,
Mrs Lydla Lcntz vvho was a well known
and much respected resident of Ilnmlin , this
county , died lust night fiom the effects of a
bite of a cat , says a Lebanon , Pa , dispatch ,
bho suffered terribly previous to her death
A potrltlod tree was found recently In a
coal mine at Osuaoruck Germany 'J he
trunk is almost lour feet through and the
roots cover a surface ot about fifteen feet
square lho tree has been sot up in aspocial
room la the Berlin school of mines
A novel flower has been found at the Isth
mus of Tetmantopco 'I Ills Moral chameleon
has a faculty of changing its colors during
the day In the marnmir It is white when
the sun Is at Its zenith It Is red and at night
it Is blue lhe red white and blue llowor
grows on a tree about the size of a guava tree
and only at noon does it give out any per
A ooincidonce tbat Is very remarkable 1 *
rep irtcd from Boston A toitnstor who had H
bconhuitbv aeir running into his wa ou |
biought suit for d 1111 i cs aialnst the rail |
way con 1 any lho < asu rainc up u few days |
ace and the jury doci lea to visit the uccna | H
of tha collision 1 steep hill J licv cm H
barkea in a car bolonpliif , to the defendant H
and had ] ii9t reached the lull when the car H
r in into a furniture vviuon , brcukiui , two of H
the windows und shaklnir up the jurvmen | H
lho teamster nceivc I u verdict for $1100 H
Tlio home of XX illlam Comet of this place H
burned down at midnUbt on I hursday , and H
the vvlfo 0 id child who wore alone m the H
house vvorosivedbi the hishlIIv of their H
doj , savs 1 Now Hot I N 1 dlsp itch Mrs H
Comer was uwakod by her little dmr scratch H
ing uuon hi r door and alio drove it away but H
it soon rovppearcd whlnirp ; pltcously Jho H
ladv opoucd the door for 11 , when it acted so H
stranf.ol ) , first running to her child an I thee H
the door that alio followed It until 'alio H
found that her ahouso was bclui ; rapidly la H
burned She mnnaRCd to escipo with her B H
child and also saved the dog , but llttlo cloth H
Ing or other effects | H
Whllo John Webster with several coin H
panlons were Uflhiug through the ice in the H
Iowa river they speared a line pike Cut H
ting it open they were much suinrlBcd to H
fin 1 a fut pockotbooic containing ? 5r in olu H
SIH in silver FT 111 bank notes 10 00D In M
bonds and a cortillcato of deposit on a bank H
of Johnstown Pa foi i > A slip of paper H
was ulso found bcnrlng tba statement that H
the book nud contents belonged to John J H
Jones of Johnstown who was supposed to 1
have perished in the tornblo Hood Jhoro 1
ir no doubt that the fish bad made Its wuv H
to the Iowa river by traversing the famous H
Conemnub ( river to tha Alleghany , thou to M
the Ohio , thou to the Mississippi and then up M
the Iowa river M
Berlin has 183 common schools , with .1,011 , H
class rooms and 170 000 seholars M
The location of n normal school has neon M
secured at Abingden 111 , by the raising of . M
a bonus An old college building will bo H
used aud the school will open next fall H
Prof Waldo b Pratt has been iustallod as H
professor of ecclesiastical musla and by mnol H
ogv at the Hartford tbcologicul sommary , a ' H
now professorship having been cieatod H
rho now Christian association building of H
the Johns Hopkins university , tba money H
for the o cction of which wns glien by ICu H
I.ono Levering was dodlcatod und dollverod H
to tlio trustees ot the university January 10 H
Prof Iloppiu'a lectures in tlio Yale art H
school this year will bo upon Pronch land H
scaoo painting , Arabian nrcbltcetuie la the H
east and Spain Byzantine art from Gonstau H
tine to Justinian , and a crltl mo of a Urook H
statue H
lho frumbull Prime collection of pottery B
and porcelain tbo valuublOfit ( of Prof XV H
C Prune to Princeton colloiru as a memorial H
of his vvlfo , Mrs Murv lrumbull Prime , has H
boon rucoivou uud placed in the new musoutn H
of ancient art H
lho suggestion that Yale a now gymna H
slum bo called Uichnrd a gymnasium in H
honor of Prof Rlehards , to whom most of H
I the creait for collecting the money for the H
building is duo Is nicotine with universal H
favor among tlio students M
President Bliot points out that Harvard |
college is the only institution of leurnlug M
fr > ni which a professor has ever been taken M
for president of lho United Slates John M
Quincv Adams having held the chair ot M
rhetorlo and oratory there M
Mis Walker late of Kingston Ont , has |
been api olntcd matron of an Lnglish school M
at Cocanda , Madras presllcnev , India la M
placoof Mrs I olsoin , nuntof Mrs Orover H
Cleveland who , after nine years service , M
icturiis to the United States on a visit M
Now Jersey has a school fund of ( t 000 000 |
and doesu t know what to do with it Itcun't M
bo used for anything but the pubho schools H
and not very much ot it Is nltowod to 1,0 H
there only a part of the annual Income being M
available , so Jealously has the state constltu- H
tion guarded iu sacrodnuss Meanlimo it is M
piling up every year aud the commissioners H
are at their wits end to find an luvestmort M
for It , lho original Idea was to huvo a fund H
largo enough to entirely support the publio H
schools throughout the state but that it Is
said , would take (70 000 000 , und , bosldo , it is
generally bellovod that it Is hotter for the
school system to have tbo local schools di
reelly provided for by local taxes People
take more interest in something they have toc
v y.