Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1890, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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$175,000 $ , Worth of Dry Goods Still to k Sacrificed , Sale Will Continue Until All the Goods Are Sold LB
I ! Whicli lias been decidedly the grandest and most astonishing slaughter sale ever held in the city of Omaha e J H
I And if you haven't ' got the money.Beg . it or Borrow it Hypothecate Something and tnen bring it to.Lt I
I Barrs ' Invest it in Dry Goods During the GREAT SACRIFICE SALE We are Literally Throwing , I
I I Away Thousands of Dollars Daily , and Your Chance is Right Now I
I . , , , , . , , , ,
Hj nuiiijiiLiL n i J mmiiiyi i jui um.l urn i mimi nr'ni'inntiiii ' till i i rnr HriiilrunwiTimniinii i * " ' " -hiujujuli hhuihii mi | JJJJJJJJ
H N. B. We take this opportunity of thanking the people of Omaha and vicinity for their most liberal patronage , and regret exceedingly | : |
having been compelled during the past week to lock our doors on many of our patrons | M
I J § > 2 ' Wbl BjanrDry Goods Company , j 1
B- I 16th. and Douglas Streets , Gmalia I fl
H 5w . H
BB8WjHI | | | | | | l | llMfci | | | | | | ' | | | | .miaWhk ! ilt J BW 'rHfrfaU- ' j
H Or Had Ho a Scottish Eito Beam
H in Hi b F.yo ?
H | !
H An Able Imwycr mid l'romlncnt
H Mason Iluvluws the litliou of the
H Grand MnstorM of Nebraska
H mi ( J Pennsylvania
M A Solicited Opinion
H Mr L. A. Lockwcod , chairman on Juris
| pruaonco of the Masonlo grand ledge of
H Connecticut , wim asked by the grand master
H to invostignto tlio edicts of the grand masters
H ' * of Nebraska and Connecticut and render an
H opinion on the sumo based on Masonic and
H civil law Mr LockwooU Is a Now York
Hj practitioner of considerable note and Js not
H a member of any Scottish rite body , so that
H his views uro those of an impartial observer
H 'Iho following Is his opinion In full :
H J. II Swartwout , esq , Grand Mnstcr of
H Masons of Connecticut M. W. Sir : Your
H request for my vienB upon the subject mat
H ter of un odlcl of the M. W. grnnd master of
1 Nebraska , dated July 20 , • lbSO , and of an
1 edict of the H. W. grand mnstcr of Pennsyl-
H vanla , dated May 1 , lbSJ Is equivalent to a
H command
1 Of course the purpose is not to crltlciso
1 the action of our olliclal brethren , but to
H rouBidur the matter bo far ns the princlplo
1 involved may effect our own Jurisdiction , and
1 our own future action in respocl to it
H Pcrhapi no better declaration could bo
H madu detlnlng more rloarly the status of a
1 graud lodge In respect to ihc iiucstion , tliati
1 is to bo found in the prontnblo and first rose
1 lutlon of the grand lodge of Nebraska , sot
H forth in the edict :
1 Whereas , A grand ledge of Free and Ac-
1 I ccpted Masons is un independent and sov-
1 eloign body , recognizing and havingsupromo
1 Jurisdiction over no ether degrees than these
B of Entered Apprentice , Fellowcraft and
B Master Mason , as illustrated and taught by
BSJ the rituals and secret work udopted by suuii
HBVI grand lodge , thnroforc , bu it
BSJ Hesolvod , ' 1 hut this Grand Ledge expressly -
pressly deelinos to enter upon any discussion
of' the history , use or legitimacy of any
bodies claiming toconfoi' what Is known ns
the Scottish Kite Oegroes , or to bo commit
ted to the recognition of any such body , or
BSJ to the recognition of any body conferring
any degrees , over which this Uraud [ .odgn
has uo control , as being masonic , or us being
a part of ancient craft inasonory , "
After this clear declaration of tlio status of
the Grand Ledge , tbora was milled , fur what
reason it it diftluult to conjecture :
BSJ That wo cordially eudorso the law as
rocognltod una ( iromulgatod by our Grand
1. That two bodies claiming to bo masonic ,
of the samu grade , cannot lawfully exist in
the siimo statu ut the nirnio tlmo
H U. That the 11 rot lawfully constituted au-
H thorlty eslubllshoil In n state , thereby obtains
H excluaivu Juiisdiction In such tcnilor.v , uud
H that uny ether body of thosamogradu or rite ,
H euterlug later within such territory , Is la
B ilsotf unlawful , "
It may bo that the commlttco ou Jurispru
H denco thought , that after they Had clearly
B uud sDceillcally dotlnud the policy of the
jjyjjyj grand lodt'u ut Nebraska , in respect to
H what Is known ai the Scottish run do-
H drees , " uud had refused "to unter upon any
H discussion of the history , use or legitimacy
H of bodies claiming to ronforwhut U known
H as the ScoltUh rtio de rcos , " and had cx-
H pressly refused "to bo committed to tlio
H recognition of uny such body " * • •
H us being masonic , thcin would be no harm in
H complimenting ilia grand master by enders
H ing his Urst uud second gctcralitattou ubovo
H , * . quolod
H They doubtless assumed that these geuor-
H ullzfttlons nould not bo dlvorcad from the
H policy of the grand ledge us declared in the
H C'ommltteo's uroumblo uud ro olutlon , and
H that the Uw u * geoorallzod by the grutid inns
H tcr would bo coustrued as relating solely to
H nnclontcruft masonry , aud bodies having
H Jurlsdictlou over thu same , for they had ex-
H iKisly refused all discussion uud uU ntcoe-
nltlon of what is known us Scottish rite de
grees ai masonic
That this was a mtstnke Is evident from
the fact of the Issue of this edict by the
grand master , in which , after rohear3ing the
resolutions of the grund ledge ho "ofllcially
dcclaros , and makes known , thnt iho only
legitimate and lawfully constituted Masonlo
authority of the Anuont and Accepted Scot
tish rite within the atnto of Nebraska , is that
of the southern Jurisdiction of the United
States , presided over by Brother Albert
Pike ; aud that all others not acknowledging
allegiance to the said southern Jurisdiction
nro unlawful and clandestine "
Is not this n folo do bo ] a suicida
1. The declaration that it will not enter
upon any discussion of the history , use or
legitimacy of nny body claiming to confer
what is known as the Scottish rite dogrcos ,
nor bo committed to the recognition of any
such , or to the recognition of unv bodv con
ferring any decrees over which this grand
ledge has no control , as being a part of an-
ciout craft Masonry , " and tnen tno discus
sion by the grand muster in the edict of this
very subject , of the hlstory.and legitimacy
of these bodies claiming "to confer what is
known ns fceottlsh rite degrees , " and llnnlly
the recognition uud declaration that the
body presided over by Hrother Albert Pike
is the "onlv legitimate and lawfully consti
tuted Masonic authority of the Ancient and
Accepted rite within the state of Nebraska "
After citing the resolution of the grund
ledge ho does consider the history of tlicso
bodies us to which first occupied the tcrrl
toryof Nebraska , and recognizes the southern -
orn Jurisdiction as the lawful Masonic
authority of that rite
And declares the ether body called the
Ccrrie&u rite , and indeed all other bodies ex
cept the southern Jurisdiction , unlawful und
What was his authority to rooognlze either
as Masonic ) This grand lodge refused to
even discuss it , rotused to roeognlzo either
bouy as Masonic , refused to discuss the legit
imacy of cituar
lint as befora stated , criticism of ethers is
not the purpose of this writing , except in bo
fur ns it may servo to illumato the msntnl
fug Into which wo may run if wo penult our
selves to bu drawn away from our lugltimalo
b. arlaes
And the grand muntorof Pcnus lveuls , in
UU odlut , commences :
Whereas , nil bodies in the Masonic Juris
diction uf the Kignt tVorshlpftit Grand
Ledge of Free und Accented Mnsons of
Pennsylvania , nud Masonlo JurUdictlon
thereunto beloiiglnir , nppertuiulug to or con
stituting or donvod from ttio so-calloj Cor
neal ! rite , " luno been authoritatively aseur-
talaod and otliuiallv doc-hired to be clandes
tine , and follows with an edict prohibiting
Us members from becoming members of , or
continuing membership In the bodies of the
Cerneuu rite Hy whom it was so authoritatively
tatively uscorlainod" and "olllcialiy declared
clared" Is not stutod Whether it could base
so ascertained und declared by u grand ledge
will bo considered hereafter
The chief dilllculty in this question lies in
the declaration that a so-called rite , over
which the grand ledge has no control or
jurisdiction , Is clandestine or unlawful
H must ou conceded that if n body , by
whatever name failed , Miould attempt to
confer thu degree of ancient craft Masonry ,
or should dcclaro that It docs confer such
tlnprries thfi uriuifl Indian , hnvlnc inrlHtitptInn
over such degrees , should nt once rightfully
declara such body to to uulawful aud clau >
As for as I am informed , neither of the
opposing bodies confer or claim to coaler the
do'rot u of ancient craft Muiourv , but while
asserting that thu right includes tlteso de
grees , uud that they luvn Ian ful authority
to confer thorn , they assort that they elect
not to exercise that authority , hut to com
nionco thu conferring of their decrees ujwn
these only who hive received the dogrtos
nf undent waft Masonry in u symbolic
Now , it needs no argument to show that a
bodv is not Maiouie , ut least so far as the
grand loagtt is concerned , because It confers
degrees only uiiba Masons
That is simply a < iuallticaUou of a candi
Indeed , ho far us the grand ledge Is con
cerned , there is nothing Masonlo uxoept
what pertains to the first threodogreos of
Masonry It cau kuow nothing beyond
these , Jt cannot , therefore , reoogulza any
thing as Masoulo except what relates Id
these degrees
It is a bouy of Free and Accepted Masons "
It Is not a body uf the Auolent aud Accepted
Scottish rile It cau no more bare Masouic
knowledge of the numerous softrot soclotlos
which la great variety surround its on every
By what authority can a grnnd ledge do-
olaro n body which it does not recognize as
Masonic , and which does not mtrudo upon
the degrees of undent craft Masonry or its
Jurisdiction , unlawful or clandestine !
Let us see : unlawful Is contrary to law erin
in violation of law But what law is meant !
Is it the law of the grand ledge or the law
of these bodiesl Wo do not kuow of these
bodies except by hearsay , and if wo did
know them what Is that law to usl Arc wo
bound to rccognizo or obey it ? Surely not
It can have no Jurisdiction over us
Does suoh law npply to anclont craft ma
sonry ? Uv no moans It can bo enacted nnd
applie 'd only by the body itself nnd enforced
only upon the subjects of Its Jurisdiction
Do our laws bind the mouibcra of these
bodies ? Cortnlnly not as such members And
if the members of our body nrq also mom
bora of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
rite , our laws operating In respect to all
questions nffcctlng the symbolic degrees
bind thoni , because they nro within our Jur
isdiction , being members of our body und ao
subject to our laws
So then , when wo assort that anything is
Masonically unlawful , wo must moan that it
is contrary to or in violntlon of Masonlo lnw
And Masonio law , as this term is thus used
by us , means the law governing our institu
tion.And so with respect to the term clandes
tine U moans as used in Freemasonry
without luwful nuthoritv " But what
authority Is hoio meant ?
Can it moan any ether authority than the
grand lodge , which has supreme jurisdiction
over the bubject innttcr ?
Could we say that ono of two belles was
clandestine , within the moaning of this well
known term used by Masons , because It has
no nutnority for its existence , from a body
othnr ihan our own body , when neither of
the bodies nro within our laws or subjoci to
our Jurisdiction ?
What right Have wo to prohibit n member
of our ledge from Joining uny secret aoclcty ,
the prlnciplos of which , and the practice of
which , nro not in violation of the precepts of
anclont craft masonry ,
Should the only logltlmato and lawfully
constituted Masonic authority of the An
cient and Accepted Iiite , presided ever by
Hrothor Albert Pike , " utioinpt to upply the
law to thut rite , or oven our own law , and
dcclaro n grund ledge , or u ledge , or oven
the humblest member of symbolic Masonry
clandestine , would It bo recognized us law
ful by any bodv or number of symbolic
Masonry us uf tiny foroo or validity what
That every body Is to ba Judged or
acqulttel or condemned , according to Its
own laws Is axiomatic
A crinu committed in Nebraska is to ba
judged uud punlshod , if at all , according to
the luw of Nebraska
A crime committed in PontiBylvauia Is to
bo Judged and punished , If at all , by the law
of Pennsylvania It may happen that the
act unlawful in ono state would not bo law
ful lu iho other And the putilshment In ono
Btatu might bo different from thut of the
When , therefore , bodies or persons are do-
olaiod unlawful or clandestine by the grand
ledge , it means unlawful because of violation
of thu laws of the grand lodge , and clandestine
tine , becnuso without authority of the grand
loci CO
But the grand ledge nolthorhas nor makes
any law to govoru any person ether than Its
own subjects
If It should legislate or adjudicate for
ether bodies It could not enforce obodlence
If the Cernciiu rite Is clandestine or un
lawful , with respect to the grana ledge , It
must bo because it is without authority of
the grand longo , or that its action is in viola
tioo of Its law ,
Has the giand ledge uuy law which thut
rite called Curneuu has Violated ?
U has no luw but the government of an-
cleut craft masonery , Its law , as to prior
right by reason of prior occupancy , which
is ono of the forms of the legal maxim , qui
prior est tempore est Jura , " appertains to its
own government Another Bocioty could
not adupt another rule It neither claims
nor has ether Jurisdiction And if it has no
ether Jurisdiction Its laws , if passed , would
bo ultra vlros and of no effect
I assutnb that It Is not proved that this
Cornoau rite represents itself as conferring
the ilrst threa degrees It it does , It should
bo declared clandestine for that causa , and
not for souio other causa
Jurisdiction to bear and determine the
. * . , _
i.r.m - ini-iri. un *
controversy , between these pnrtlos , belongs
not to anclont craft masonry No grand
ledge , on princlplo could have Jurisdiction
over It , except by tno consent and request of
both the contending parties ,
Would It bo wise to bxorclso suoh Jurisdic
tion nnd act as such arbitrator ? I think not
If wo did , wo would go beyond the functlon-
of a grand lodge , ami wo would bo subjected
to appeals from other secret societies to set
tle differences botwecn thorn
Wo have our energies fully occupied In
norforming our own duties , and as our pride
is that wo are broad enough to enable nil
men to moot upon the common level of the
brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of
God , wo cannot afford , nor have wo the
power or right to do anything whereby a .
brother ' cuiltv of no moral tropltudo , ana '
performing all nls duttos ns a good Mason ,
and a good citizen , shall excluded from
this guaranteed brotherhood , simply because
some ether society declares that ho belongs
to a schism of that body , and is clandestine
Wo uro obllgatod to obey the law of
anclont craft masonry and no other lnw
whatever There is no law of ancient craft
masonry declaring the status of any but
these who muko up and constitute ancient
craft masonry
No good purpose can be subserved by such
action of a grand ledge , and the fable of the
monkey und the cat anent the roasted chest
nuts , should bo a homely but timely warning
to us to avoid n similar result
Most worshipful sir , permit mo to add ,
that I have uovcr boon n member of anybody
claiming to confer what is known ns the
Scottisb rite degrees , " but I have great respect -
spect Tor , and bieh ndmlration of many of
my brotnrcn of the symbolio degrees , who
are representatives of that rite I am en
tirely satisfied with Ancient York Masonry
They nro separate , distinct nnd Independent
organizations , and I can see no reason why
our grard ledge should , nor , mdeod , how it
can modulo with either party to dissensions
arising in the independent Scottish rite , erin
in any ether society than our own
May it not ba that soma of our official
brethren bavo the Scottish rite beam in their
oyol May not zeal for that rite bias tbolr Judg
ment or obscure their perceptions ?
May they not have spent bo may dollghtful
days in tbo pleasant land of the Hpbraimltos ,
that they have acquired tnelr languageand
cannot i'frame to pronounce aright " the law
of anclont craft Masonry in tbolr mother
tonguol Fraternally yours ,
L. A. LonuwooD
A Startling ; Movn in Ohio
There arrived Id this city yostordoy a
number of prominent Masons from different
parts of the state who are opposed to the po
sition assumed by the grand ledge of Ohio
on the Scottish rite light , Bays tbo Colum
bus , O , , Dispatch of the Dtli Inst They came
upon an Important mission , which was no
less than the formulating of a plan aud mak
ing arrangements fir establishing separata
lodges , which will , 'It ' is stated , lead to tbo
instituting of a sopaifato grand ledge , Tbo
mooting was held last ovonlng , but it is impossible -
possible to learn just'wfiat ' stops wore taken
toward the accomplishment of tbo objout
ubove described , osi all these who
are supposed to j know anything
about the mqy/jmsmt are exceed
ingly close mouthed The meeting
was not held In tbo'Scqitish rite cathedral ,
as that building codld not bo secured , but It
was hold lu the ledge room of Buckeye en-
campmeut in the Oddfellows' temple
This movemontj as will bo upparont to
these familiar with Maspnry , may bo of far
reaching conscquongo to , the order It is said
to bo independent of bqtli the northern Juris
diction and Uorneai\dly3lou3 \ | of Scottish rite
Masonry , whoso members uro said to bo in
no way connected with it This , at least , is
the conclusion upon the best information ob
tainable at this time Local Masons who
wcro approached for Information admitted
that they had hoard rumors of such a move
moat , but declared one und nil that they bad
no information of last nights gnth nng
Davelopmonts will no doubt bo anxiously
awaited , and Masons in this and ether 6tntcs
will watch tbo progress of the movement
with dcop interest
11. A.
At tbo regular mooting of Pioneer council
Wednesday ovonlng , tbo public mooting to
held in March was discussed and the fol
lowing committee of arrangements appointed
to co operate with like commlttoo from
Union nciflq , and otlior councils : T. G.
Mngrano , S P. Morse nnd Hov Dr Dough
erty , The public meeting will bo nttendod by
doloentos from nil the councils in the state ,
as well as the ofllcers of the supreme coun
cil George Kcr , deputy supreme regent for
Nebraska , was present and gave the council
an account of the public meeting hold in
Chicago recently , und also a financial state
ment or the order for 18S9.
k. or i\
Supreme Representative John Morrison of
Lincoln , or Undo John as ho is familiarly
called , was in the city early this week
Supreme Representative Shropshiro was
In the city during the week attending to the
packing and shipping of his household ef
fects Ho started for , Montana Thursday
evening Under the law of the Buprcme
ledge Mr Shropshire's removal from this
state creates a vacancy in the ofilco of su
preme representative , which the grand chnn-
collor shall 1111 by the appointment of a suc
cessor It will , therefore , bo necessary for
Grand Chancellor Macforland to appoint
some ono to servo out the term of Mr
Shropshiro , which does not expire until the
year 1892 , B. E. French , formerly grand
keeper of records and seals for a number of
years , has been mentioned as the prob
able successor of Mr Shropshire Mr
French filed the ofilco of grend ltcoper of
record and seals , and in the most
excellent manner , Ho is ono of
the best posted men in tlto state
all the intricate points of Pythian law.und is
eminently qualified to succcod Mr Shrop
shire , who is considered ono of the brightest
members of tbo supreme lodge
At its last session the grand Ledge passed
several now laws According to Pythian
law these laws should have bson
submitted to the supreme ohancellor for
approval bctoro they became operative This
has not been done and therefore the laws are
not in force Among other changes the
grand ledge provided that withdrawal cards
should bo furnished the lodges free of
charcro instead of charging 50 cents npleco
for thorn as has been the custom This law
was not submitted to the supreme chancellor
and Is , therefore , not in force Notwith-
wltbstanding this fact the grand lceopor of
records and seal has been furnishing with
drawal cards to the various lodges free of
charge instead of charging CO cents for thorn
under the law ns it stands Ho thereby luya
bimsolf llablo for the dellclenoy which will
appear in bis accounts by reason of this
broach of law
Oriole ledge gnvo a very pleasant party tea
a few friends and members Friday night
The nttondnnco was just largo enough to
inaiio the affair a most onjoynblo ono and no
effort was spared by the members to increase
the pleasure of tbolr guests
The inspection of the various divisions
will commence tomorrow night and continuo
every night during the week
Ji O. K.
The Knights of the Golden Euclo will give
a St Valentino ball and banquet nt their
hall , 1U and 110 North Fifteenth street , on
the evening of February 11.
A. O. U. XV
. Arrangements have been made for all
ledges of the A. O. U , W. of Omaha , South
Omaha and Council Bluffs to attend sorvlcc
is a body nt Trinity cathedral , Sunday even
ing , February 10.
By agreement the various lodges will as-
soinblu at the lodge room of No 18 , Barker
block , corner Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets ,
at 0:45 : o'clock , sharp , on the ovonlng named ,
and proceed lu a body to tbo church
1. O. O , R
Twin Brothers encempmont of Council
Bluffs visited HeiDsrlan encampment , No 2 ,
Thursday night Grand I'alrlaroh I. P.
Gage of Fremont was also present , and every
very pleasant fraternal visit was enjoyed
An OiunhniiN Interesting Ilcritnco
Kiom Old Jim-v.
II , B. Iroy , esq , of this city , rotuinod last
week from Chester county Pcnsylvaatu ,
where ho has been visiting amid old homo
scenes , Ho brought back some very iutor-
eating old record6 and a Hint lock rlflo that
I bjs grandfather carried la tbo war of 1813 ,
The souvenirs of yo olden tirao were presen
ted to him by his father John iroy , who is a
rctlrod iron mcrchnnt , residing at Cupola ,
Chester countv , Pa
The dooumonts consist of fine parchment
indorturos , records or transfers of land in
Chester county , under dates of 1734 ,
1789 , ior ) . 1801 and 1S39. 'lhey
nro fromi ono to ] two Rand a
half fcot in size , nnd for the most part have
been tlngod by time to the color of autumn
leaves The parchment is probably iho
heaviest over used for such purposes , it
scorning that little more than the wool itself
hnd been taken from the sboopskin in order
to make it ready for use The writing ,
which was done with a quill pen , Is so ex
quisite and true us to appear at llrst glnnco
to bu Btoel uuaraved It is Intel sporsod with
line German script work
The descriptions given of land are revel
arid amusing Bora Is ono , taken from thn
document which bears date of 17111 : "Bcgin-
ing at a black tree at a corner formerly of
Thomas Greens land and extending tiienco
by vacant land west southwest 132 porches
to n hickory tree , thence formerly by John
Pierces land west 03 perches to a
black oak and south SO perches to a
hickory tree and southwest 34 poaches to
n post and south 37 peaches to an ash tree ,
thence by the aforesaid Thomas Greens '
land cast , northeast porches to a black
onk and north by west 74 perches to the
place of boglnnlng , containing 103 ucrcs nud
the allowance of six acres for roads and high
ways "
The seals attached to these rare old ex
panses of parchment are grout , rudely made
stars of the same matorlat It
will donbtloss provo a bit of
new and interesting information
to many persons , that the now legal term ,
Indenture , " had Its origin in the old custom
of writing the original and the copy of such
records as these just quoted from , on ono
picco of parchment nnd tbon separating
thorn by nn irregular cutting
In after tlmo no copy woula bo hold by the
courts as original or genuine unless the
edges or Indentures lit precisely these of tbo
document on Ole with the recorder of such
Some marry for tbo sake of a good com
panion and novur discover tholr mistake
This is lucky
It is bettor to have a comely helpmeet of
some use than a brilliant ono simply of
"Bomo pumpkins "
Dent marry a man simply for his reputa
tion It is likely to bo n second bund affair ,
borrowed from his ancestors
Many women bavo married men for their
flno exterior Hut thnt Is all there is to an
ancient egg worth inontiouliig
Murriugo is a lottery full of chances
That's ' what gives it llavor All llko to
chunco It , because everybody thinks to win
u prlzo
A man and woman are trarorsing Dela
ware county , Ohio , getting married by every
preacher they coinu acrosn , Iho faKe they
work Is to give the minister a $ M-ulll and
receive S10 or $15 good money in change
The Doctor Why have I never married ?
Why should 11 Cat and dog Ufa ut boat
The Ad mlrul Not in my case The Doctor
O pihaw now , everybody knows como ,
then , how do you manage It ? The Admiral
All cat
, ' 1 ho tlrod wife was struggling aloug , over
burdened with parcels John , " sbo wojrlly
and ucrubliigly said , when wo were Binglo
you didn't ' allow mo to carry bundles , "l'ltat
was because you hadn't so many of them , "
was his unfeeling reply
Many a mun who married for money has
not roallzod a dividend upon tlio investment ;
and many women who bavo done the outno
thing have loft word for tbolr posterity that ,
although a fair transaction ou the face of it ,
yet it is Just us liable to ba a put-up Job
Wlfo-I think 1 shall ndvortlso for my
missing purse Husband As it was proba
bly stulon , ynu will not get it back unless von
say that no questions will bo inked Wife
What I Not ask unv questions ? Wbv , what
do you take mo for ! Do you think I'm a
dummy |
Tno now Mrs Brlmloy ( as Ilia carriage
loaves the house ) Wliad yo' sottln * on do
Uo' fer , Cluudiol Mr , Brlmloy I aoan'ob-
Jeo' t' iV ole custom ob llingln' ' shoes ut d' '
brldo , but I soon dat lowdown Brlggs coon
n-pryln' som'pn offa' he's mules foot Joss
fore wo stabted ,
Tbo most affectionate people bofora mar
rlugo soulom hold out lu the same propur
tlon after the knot Is tlod It Is better H
philosophpy to comuionco only as you would H
live afterward From the matrimonial mar H
kot the saints of both sexes were cultod out H
long ngo Dent expect to marry ono You ' H
must guess nt some things and tnko chances a H
for the future on this basis ] H
A woman named Shaw is the plaintiff lu a | |
queer Buit in Now York Btato She was a H
widow and offered $14,009 , for a husband A M
young mun accepted the offer and got the |
money Now Mrs Shaw scams to liuvo ro H
pentod of her bargain , for she began an action - |
tion against Mr Shaw in the supreme court 1 H
in Westchestor county asking for an account 1 B
ingot the estate and a judgment against the { M
pioperty , claiming that her husband was 1 M
only a _ _ Hk > j H
James Gilbert , recently a giant of Bar f Z. 'siiifl
num's circus , and now employed as n private * > i il
watchman at Scranton , Pa , will bo married H
on February 15 to a young Hyde Park ' i H
woman nntnod Williams , who several months B
ago was prominent among tlio Salvation
army workers The giant , who towers 4 H
nearly eight feet high , says bis brldo is llttlo k H
inoro than four and a hair foot high , and > H
that his love romance , which started from H
the moment the couple first saw each ether M
seven weeks ngo , was somewhat hampered H
by the young womun's mother , who forbade H
his coming to tbo house But this wus H
smoothed over llnnlly , and her consent was |
given to the match Tbo wedding march is H
to bo played by n steam trombone , which has |
boon secured for the occasion H
Dan Collier ib nlnylng the part of Old H
Sport in "A Rag Baby " H
John Wild will probably bo a member of H
Edward Hnrrigan's ' company next season H
"Tlio Prlnco and the Pauper has made |
ono of the greatest successes known lu Now a H
York In years jt B
Miss Funny Davenport bas commenced • ' - * - H
oxtonslvo preparations for an otaboruto pro H
ductlou of "rhoodora" next souson , r * - < _ B
Manngor Augustus Piton has purchased H
forty-six acres of land on lake Sitncoo lu |
Can aha and will make it his summer rnsl- t H
donco M
Sidney Rosenfold is making arrungomonts H
to produce his now comedy-drama , The j H
Stooping Stone , " in Now York in the near H
future H
Robert Mantoll is rehearsing Hamlet and H
expects to make his debut as the H
melancholy Dane before the close of the H
season H
Max O'Roll has wrltton an nrtlclo entitled H
The Modern English Stage Through M
French Spectacles , " for tbo uoxt issue of H
the Dramatlo Mirror H
Miss Pauline Hull telegraphs an Indignant H
denial of the published statements that she M
is to bu married to a Mr McClollund or auy ' H
other man , H
Joseph Arthur of Still Alarm fame , has |
Just finished writing a now piny , ontltled , , H
"A Long Lauo " It will soon have a Now j |
York production T M
Marie Prescott and Mr D. R. MoLoau
make tholr first appearance in Now York
as Joint stars February 10 ut the Windsor
theater , • _
, * - -
Rumor has it that Manager Palmar has \ r
secured Guorgio Drew Burrymoru und Vic
toria Voltes to play luuding roles m "My
Aunt Jack ou the road next season
Thomas W. ICcenu makes his ilrst appearance -
anco in Now York this season Fubruary 17
at tlio Fourteenth Street theater , where uo
will bo scon in Richard HI " and several of
the plays of his repertory
An actor in the Clalr-Pnttco company
somewhat startled a Boone ( la ) nudionco
bv diving from tlio stage to the bottom of
the big bass fiddle , lie hud been gaziuir too
long into the prohibited wlno cup , The com
puny has disbanded
MnnigerT , Henry French will organlzo a
special company to Bend to California in
April , where it will pluyu four weeks en-
Cugoinout lu bun Fruucisco , producing
" Muster and Man , " "My Jack , " and posi-
bly "Lltto Lord Fuuntloroy " MrFroi cli
wilt accompany the organization bimsolf und
I personally direct its management
J Miss Rose Coghlan is playing her anuual
engagement in Cincinnati , where shu Is pop > . . V
uUf un 1 usunlly draws largo audience * . On > jjl <
l obruary 10 ilia mpular actress will bo sisoa tWin \
in Louisvlllo and ou February Si begins a S V
Boasou of two weeks at the Fourteenth kt 'tet • " *
tneater in New York , where she will appo.r
In Jocelyn , " Forgot Mo Not and Pen , .
WotUaytoo "