Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    " " " ' ' 1" "
Mo ndvortleomonlB will bo tnkon tor
thoao columns after 12:30 p. m.
Terms Onsh In ndvonco
Advertlsmenls under tlili tnd 10 cents pet
line for thn llrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and II w per line per month
No advertisements taken for less limn 2.1 cents
for first Insertion Seven words will becountod
lo the line , they must nin consecutively anil
must be paid In ADVANCE All advertise
ments moat be hnnded In before 12'.I0 o flock p.
m. . and under no circumstances will they be
trken or dlieontlntted by telephone
1 artle * advertising In these columns and hav
ing their Answers addressed In cure of The Her
• will please ask torn cheric to enable tbcm to pet
their lottcra , as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check All answers to ad-
votlamcnts should bo enclosed In envelopes
All advertlsmonts In these columns are pub
lished In both morning and oveblng editions of
TllR lit R the circulation of which aggregates
moro than 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad-
lortlsorsthebcnclll , not only of the rlty circu
lation of Tnr Ilrr , but also of Council lllulls
Lincoln and othercltles and towns throughout
this section of the country ,
Advertising for thc o columns will be takes
on the above rondltlon . at the following busi
ness houses who are authorl7ed ngonts torliii :
llti special notices , and will quote the same
rates ns can be had at the main olllce
TOilN W. _ _ Pharmacist , b South Tenth
* J Htrcot
HASH A EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers 113
South loth htrcot
it7lUHN8WOinil. Pharmiicist , 21fi Cum
. lug Street *
' -\\T 3. HUGHES , rimnnaclst , C24 North 16th
TT titroot
EO W. PAHH , Pharmacist 1718 Leaven
wonh Street
IJUGllnS' I'HAltMAOV , 2303 I'arnam Street
POSI riON wanted by a llrst clnBS black
smith ! must te small town nnd country
work Address C. T. Held , 1824 N. 24th st ,
Omahn 514-llt
rpOMEHUIANTTailors-A llrst-class cutter
X. of long experience and wtll known In the
trade and in Omaha Is now open for all engage
ment Address Uu7. lleo Omaha , Neb 687-ilH
lly young man of good address
SITUATION preferred Address U 04 , Ilee
- for men Parties
WANrno-Sltuntlons of any kind , from a
bookkeeper to a laborer , will be promptly sup
idled fro of charco by applying to M rs lircga ,
llli E. 15th. nsajuj
3 YEARS experleneo Lady stenographer and
typewriter , competent to do general oillco
work , desires a situation Ilrst class city ref
erence U5J , ilea oillco W'0-iJ )
SITUATION wanted by competent stenogra
pher and typewrlUr Address UM , Rae
65. lit
avantci ) aiAiii : iiim .
WANTED Two good draughtsmen at once
Henry Voss , over Adams Ex Oillco
633 lot
WE want Co agents nnd solicitors Apply
to or address with stamp I , L. Fiy , (14 N.
15th. 042-11 *
Wantod-lpi household articles $ .1 00.
Wo will Bend you llvo nrticles for 110. the
rest when ordered Address 3 is Host bthstrect ,
J. W. 1'crklns & Co , Knnsns City , Mo BSWS'
WANTED Salesman who Is visiting tiu re
tail dry goods trade In Nebraska , Colorado
and other western states to carry our samples
of Imported rtichlngs , notions and kid glo\us
Address with refei elites to B. Klein , 221 l'lfth
nve , Chicago III COO J
WANTKI ) Amantomanago our business
In his home county Must inv est til Valuu
given for lnestment salary $ > per month
Address lock box 8j2. Das Moines , la 61 Mr )
ANTED Intelligent oillco boy , age lltnlH ,
one experienced m copy press work Sal
ary f8 per week , state where last cmplojed
Address U Ki , care Dally Hee 585 9t
ADYEHUS1NO solicitors ; special nuwspnpor
work Must be experienced Address for
l three da ) s. N 5' ' ' , llee 617-0 *
WANTED Agents for Denver StatoLottery
TT Tickets ( Sic Addles * A. C. Ross „ Co ,
j Deny or , Cole i 608-aprHt
ANTJ5D The best traveling salesman
41.600 will hire Address Wholesale J2j
1 Dearborn st Chicago , 1 Ik B25-0t
I . TA/ANTED Traveling salesmen that $1,500
TI per year will hire to soil Wobater s diction
ary wholesale to the trade Address with
stamp W. J. Cranoy _ Co , 333 Dearborn st ,
Chicago , III 670 1 *
GENTS Wanted The St Louis alsh washer
washes the dishes of the largest family In
three minutes Price 51UU. I'rederlcfctown Man
, Co , Iicderlcktown , Mo Ml 0 *
aVrANrKD Salcsmenl > n alarj r oiniiils
3 M slontohnndloiho New Patent Chemical
1 Jnkl rusuig Pencil ho greatest soiling nov
tlty over produrod Hi vses ink thoroughly In
, two seconds : no ubr.islou of paper 2odtoCoo
i # tier cent protlt One agents sains amounted to
i < WIn ) six days ; another $3 * in two hours Wo
want one energotio general agent forcacli state
and territory Sample llv mall a > cts Tor
terms nnd full particulars address the Monroe
i KrnscrMfg On , La Crosse Wis 51M1 *
! . " \\7 AN'I HD An experienced llv eryman uc-
t quainted with the city to solicit boarders ,
1 itooin fill ) I'uxton block , * zm
1 \U ] ANTED Agents In nil sections of country
( . ± it to sell our famous and tallor-mado cloth
ing ; punts from 81 up ; suits andovoicouts from
[ flA tip : salary or commli-slon. Iluntoi Mfg
Co , Ltli and Sycamoru avc , Cincinnati , O.
I 4116 S1 *
1 \STANTKD Wo want to htro an energetic
| ii person In ovi ry locality to dlatnbutoad-
I vertlslng matter and attend to our local lnter-
j oats A straight silary of (1DU per duy and ex-
1 ponocs will bo paid Address Inclosing 'c
stamp , for particulars Universal Supply Co ,
Lhltago , Ilf No postals answered 493 Ot
T\TANTBI > At once , a ilrst class blank book
1 forwarder , ( lood wages and sttady em
ployment Apply at State Journal oillco , Liu-
coin , Neb < 7 jo
\Y7ANTKI-aalesmen , three , to snll iirv
" goods In packages , amounts ot % fi , one
years time , to furmcrs In country None buc
men of two j ears experience soiling In coun
try wanted iSono but good salesman need
apolj ; to to 'uper month and expenses Call
today unit Sunday at \ \ lndsor hotel , or w rite to
Macedonia , la F. SI Jones COO 0'
XKi ANTED IlooVxeeper , single man Ono
ii who has had experience as dry goods or
clothing salesman Call ut lndsor Hotel today
and Sunday f\o old man need apply , r. jf
Jones 499 8
"W/'ANrKD A jioMtlon s houseKecper by &
11 middle aged lady Address U tO llee
4N10 *
WANTKD-A competent stenographer who
it thoroughly understands the work neces
sary In ft lumber oillco ; we ntrer a permanent
and an excellent position to the right man Ad
dress at once stating salary expected , ago , to
gether with roferencn and when j on could re
port for duty to tht > llellatiLo Lumber Camps *
uy , lumber manufacturers , Ileaumout Texas
UB A. 487 1J
WANT KI JflOmnn for Utah , near Colllnaton
f * . and Mllford , 2 to lito per day , or jci > lwr
month and board , Hlley i Kidkir , cor.lllh
and 1 urnam fits bit )
lXfANlKH Salesmen at ITS per mouth salary
T T and expenseh to soil n line ot sllv er-plated
ware , watches , etc , by sample onlv ; horse and
team furnished free Write at once for full par
ticulars and Bamplo cose ot goods free Stand
art ! Silverware Cm , lloston Mass i.
TyANTKD 400 rockmen teinnstursundKrad-
• i ers for Utah und Nevada ; cheup rates
Alorigin's labor agency 11J ) 1 amara st
TICEN to travel for the I'onthlll nurseries of
1UCanada. Wo paj 5J to | IOu ) month und
expenses to ugents to sell our Canadian grown
stock . Add Stone & . \ \ eillngton , Madison , Wis
_ L21 _ _
AVANTK . . lKatAIil TwAv7
VITANTKU ( Jlrl for liouseworL Villi St
TT Mary's aTe 6. 't 10
\\TANTKD-A first girt for family ot six Oua
T T who is gooa cook nurt laundress Apply
8418 Bevvard st , R.A
WAN'IKI > Cook for Wjomlug , IOs Sglrls
TT Onicora family fB ; 2 waitresses in city , 1
for South Omalm ; chambermaid , luundresbes ,
I nurse girls , lulpers , > oung girls to assist In
housework : lotn of new places in and out of
city everyday ; monthly nurse with teferenres ,
girl for family o(2. (1 ; girls for the country ;
uo girl need be Idle In Omaha Mrs llrrga ,
811)1 ) H. Utli WM10T
" \\TANTKI- A competent girl for general
IT liouseworkt good .wagm , . e. cor.iS and
BM' , '
_ _ ? i.
/3.HII. ww-tort for general housework , small
1 mfauilly flrit-class wages to compeledt girl
I Apply after 0 tx in to 2125 Dodge street
_ _ tf to *
I "VTUItsKS anct othersl ntereited In nursing are
I X\ respectfully luiiKd t attend free lecture
I on medics ! sud suruioul nursing D ) Dr J/ju -
I dkli , Wlthnell block , Jlu S. litu st Wednesday ,
I Vsd 12. Lctura coinmeaces J o'clock sharp
a & l Hi
GIUIj for general housework , 29 2 Dodge
W7-9 *
W ANTKD-derman girl , must be good cook
Ti Inquire at KUhorn valley house , n e cor
lltn am ! Dodge 471 11 *
WANTiD-OlrTfo : lionsework , W9 5 l th
> > 472-llW
\\rANTniT 2cook . prlvato family , II week ;
ti wet nurse , good wagast chambermntd ,
13B0 week ; 4 vraltressoas for the west : 2 girls ,
Iretnont faro pnldt laundress , 17 week ! second
girl , Ci.mi ; nut so girl : bookkeeper , liu ; girl for
llapld City , family of 2. M , faro paid ; lots or
nice places st V. bites olllce , 110 N. IGtli st
WANThll 10 salesladies , 3 salesmen at
TT Stonohills 691 9
TW1SII to employ a few ladle , on salary , to
take charge of my business nt their homos
Light ; very rnscinatlng and healthful ; wages
flu txrvteet * . Heferenco given Oood pav roc
part time Address with stamp , Mrs Marlon
Walker LouUvllle , Ky
WANTED Two girls , ono for general lions * .
11 work and one nurse girl Call 23.27 Cali
fornia st 350
\\r ANTED I ady agents ( or my new "No\-
> > tlty Waist * n hlld's waist , skirt , panties ,
hose and diaper supporter combined Ihe cut
est little garment ever made Agents miiko
( I50dallv , Alio Mcintosh wnlir-pruof Hag
lan3 , French Peasants , " Mother Mnbbards
Alpaca outside , rubber inside full line ladies
and children's furnishing goods St amp for
catalogue , 11. II Campbell , 4sI ltandolpli st ,
Chicago bSi 20 *
"WrANTED l.ndy ngonts ; can tnaKo from SI
it toflpcrdav mre Cull at 1012 Harney st
Call this week only 5 > W
\\T ANTED-All looking for work or help to
ii callntCE Kelth's'employment oillco , JlH'i
8 l. 'th st Satisfaction guaranteed 225 mU
YTiflCdSMXlClNll llTbiTTmrkeTblkT lntlt and
-L'lrarntiin , 3rd lloor Miss M. Scanlan
fg 10 *
to do dressmaking In fam
Elites solicited Miss sturdy , G19 S. tSlth st
1X13 t3J
roit hkntiiouhis
IilOIt IlENT Housoot 10 rooms , hot and cold
water , gas , bath loom snd all cotiv enlences
70S N 19th st , close to both cable and motor
Apply on promises ; Ml-UJ
IjiOIl HEM n-room house , city and cistern
water , 110. to small fnnillv ; reference re-
uulred ; cor , 15th nnd Pacific sts ; It U Copson
W7 1U
9 room house 19th and Oraco . MS 00
0 room Vt double house , N. 10th st . 1H Ho
12 Hats on 16th and Chicago M5.00 to 41.00
Stive room cottages , Churtes st . . . 15.00
7-room house In Monmouth Park . . . 8 00
0-1 oem house , Kith nnd Hamilton 1100
2 llvo room bouses S IStli st 20.00
v-room Si double house , i'arnam st Ml on
10-room house , near 21st and Harney , . , WW )
Star Land A. Loan Co , , 10J'JLi 1'ariiam st
( TO-I1
HOUSE torrent nnd furniture forsole.priv ate
residence , largo yard , good barn , llnest loca
tion In the city , lloiibo inoxcellint repair , has
modern conveniences onlyO blocks from I' . O ,
rent modcrato l.legantly furuLshod through
out A great bargain Price 11,100 ; one half
cash Address U 08 , lleo olllce 61)0-1 tS
TilOH UKNT March 10 , residences In W. J , Paul
-U < block No 2,25th and Harney All modern
Improvements , attractive , good location and
cheap Not basement dining rooms Seothetn ,
Paul , 1C0U tarnam > 092-0
171011 HUNT March 1. elegant b.lck residence
X'olght rooms , every modern convenience ,
uloasunt neighborhood , lor rent , etc , apply
to Gee N. Hicks , N. Y. Life bldg 5X5 u
rPO KENT 1 lno 7-room house on Hurt street
JL between iJ-ld audJIth , Central Investment
Co , ltoom 25 , Ho ird of Trade bldg 01-0
Oil RENT 11.13 N 17th st 9 rooms , modem
improvement . , cheap to it clit party A. P.
'lukev , N.J.Ji.bulld'g ; f0,1 u
IriOH KENT The choice llat In the Her block ,
- cor loth and Jackson sts , nil newlv papered
and has all conveniences Call at 1112 llirnoy
IJIOH HEM Now 8-room house 22d and Call
-L fornlasts , all conveniences , $ .i ( . A. CWhko-
loy room 505 N. V. Life bldg U7
8-UOOM Hat with steam neat , irth st near
Jones Thos IMlnll .JllPaxton block o J
IjlOIl IIBNT An 8-room detached house , fur
. nace , batli , etc , 20th and Leavenworth , no
David Jamleson , Heebldg 770
TI1WO brick houses w ith modern Improv cments
JL 27th and Jnckbon sts Inquire of IJr , Cotl-
man , 211 S. 15th st , over Conrad's drug store
aw nj
TEN ltoom brick llat All modern conven
iences , located near p. O. , looms full and .W
day boarders , rent 855 per month , furniture
fOOO , ? 100 cash balance 13. ) per month ; also onefj
room bilck Hatrented to roomers only , furni
ture J750 , tlOOcnsh , bal monthly ; 9 room house
frame , first class near high school , rent $35 , fur
niture $1.10 , ) , ono half cash ; 0 room brick Hat on
Capitol av o , near loth , rent St5 per month , fur
niture 1.150 , 1100 civsh , halanro 825 per month
CoOperative Laud and Lot Co 20S N. 10th st ,
ONLY $16foranlcu convenient 0 room cot
tage 11. I. Wlllltuns S. E. cor Uth and Ar
bor sts CU9
POH HLNl-One lloor , 108 S. Wth st.l
l . ' -fl1 *
ITOlt KBNT-l'lst No 4 , in Linton block , 13tli
- and Mason sts on the 2d lloor , Btoam heat
nlrobtjJohu Hamlin , 917 , In the block6B
TTIOH KENT New sev en room cottage , a few
JL minutes walk from loth and 1'anir.m , city
watcrwlth sewer connections , on motor line
O P. Davis company 404
rpiIE lower story of house No 207 S. 24th st ,
J5 rooms nnd closet , air beat , mantel nnd
grate , gas hot nnd cold and cistern w ater b ith
loom.good cellai.nlce sodded yardat $ * . " > month
TjitTit HLN'Iioom house stable , well , els-
JL' tern , full lot , till Woolworth nve , J rooms at
008 N. Uth st 4WD *
O012 Capitol ave 7 rooms ; west half 2111 Dav-
-Jenportst , , J looms 618 Capitol ave
4.17-12 *
I'Oll KIST ItOOiMS runxisiiKii
IilOUH newly furnislied lu suit
' suitable for four gentlemen , with llrst class
board , llefercnces required 112a rarnam st
MS 11
TVTICRIiV furnished rooms for renttt reason
X > able prices , 11)11 ) Douglas O'Jl 9t
IilUHNISHED rooms , 71J S. 101b st ,
J 5.11 15
" | " > OOMS Hoard If desired at reasonable rates
J-VSloderu conveniences 6W so , 17th ut.nbO9
nbO-9 *
OOM-Slngle , 2100 Douglas
FOll RENT A south room with largo closet ,
suitable for 1 or gentlemou 1818 Webster
SOW ) *
EOOM and board for gentleman 1011 Douglas
501)14 ) *
fpwo nice front rooms nnd other rooms ,
JL modern conv ouleuces , 1821 1 arnsm at (
11IIIST Class rooms with board , In brick bl'k ,
1 located at No 1707 Dodge st' 619 10
TjlOlt HUNT front parlor with sleeping room
-I- nicely furnlshod on Jirst Hoer , within 4
blocks from courthouse Inquire 215 8. 15th st
6J1-10J ;
TToH HENT l'urnlshed room , steam heat
C bath and gas 5111 S 10th st , 1st Hoer
402 UJ
DKSIHAllLEsunny rooms with board lnprl-
v to fumlly ; hundsomely sltuaad In mod
crn residence 21 JO Harney CtXMW
" \T ICE i oem , modern conv enlences , 1719 Dav-
I-N enport , 4'vlmOI '
EUHNISHKI ) front parlor nnd board for two
gentlemen ; all conveniences ; 1712 Capitol
sve 415 Ot
IjIHIINISHED Hooms-Kor rent at 409 N 10th
J Paul block , ( lentlemeu preferred 4UWJ
niUUNlSHED looms f , 3j12 Harnay
Jl tno io )
NICULV furulehed roomsroferenco exchaug
en 1817 Capitol uve 201 lit
BOAHD and rooms , M.W , 10 , JI2. ltlKChlcago
IilUUNIBHED rooms and board , lb ! Chicago ,
_ J 310-lfct
I foil HENT Suite ot front rooms , modern
conveniences , vilth or without board 114
per mouth 2218 Leavenworth st , aua
T. CLA1U European hotel , cor 13th and
Hedge Special rates by week or month ,
"VIICULY furnlshsd rooms for gentlemen ouly ,
XN 1701) Dodge HJ
ITUlIt HENT l'urnlshed rooms , also front and
back parlor 1CU0 Duugltts 1M
LAltOE front room , with or without board ;
also.smaller roomprl\ao fumtlyil&iiDodge
. J4J
ITlUltNISHEI ) room and board ; all conveul
JL1 ernes , 1UI0Capitol avenue U00
J foil HH.ST l'urnlshed rooms on first tloor |
• stestu heat , 21J s. Twenty-fourth st 81J
siisri'iiiiAyi'ous avanta
\\T ANTEE-TcTftdopt a baby glrl - Addrcw
> > irsi , llee olllce 4M 01
avam ii-to : kim : .
\V ANTED To rent by Juno 1 to l\ n small
TT cottage with Bll modern eonvenlonres
Must be convenient to bualnoss Will make
time lease with party who will build house to
suit Address , stating particulars , U IK Ilea wire want " suit ot rooms
and board In rellned private family , no
other boarders , good locations will furnish ,
Address UC8 , llee B48-01
roit mxT : sToitns and ornens
F " - OlUtTlNT I Irst econd or thlnftloor of the
new 3 tory building now being built between -
twoen N Y. Llfo and Morse building on Far *
nam St 1) ) . C. Patterson BIS N. Y , Lite 603
FOH ItENT-Dosk room ltoom 2 , llsrker
block ( t'1-9 *
T/ioirilKNT Stern with good light banomont ,
X1 NcTOISItlth st * 50. Considering tb busi
ness location it Is tno lowest rent in the city ,
Apply at store Ocorgo Clangor 553
JilOH HUNT A largo light basement corner
10th and Jones st .sulinblo for barber shop ,
merchant tailoring , boot and shoe shop , plum ti
er s oillco nnd many other kinds of business
Apply ststora No 70J S ldtli st , Ocorgo Clou-
ser 6V1
STORES on l'.th nnd Chicago 150 ; 1 store
Uroom on Vt est I'arnam st , f.M ; 1 storeroom
on West I ariuim St , 110. Star Land and Loan
Co , 1000W 1 arnam st , 5 > S-11
DESK room for real ostnto agent or nttorney
Moat doalrablo corner In city Wheeler _
W heeler , DouglaB and 11th sts 419
FOR RENT A butcher shop co11th and
Chicago sts Inquire at Jia S 12th st
lisp 10J
JfOR RENT-Nlco store building with llat
- above corner Vista nud Cuming st Just
outslao city limits , good location for grocery ,
meat market , utc , $35. Hicks , N , Y , Llfo bldg
. ; t77P
[ jlOH HENT-Elegant banking room llrst Hoer
JNow York Lite bldg Including boat , elec
tric light and Janitor sc rvlco \ \ HI put In bank
ing fixtures If desired For terms , otc „ sco ( lee
N. Hicks , ngont 377 I )
I70R HENT-Hnlf store , 131(1 ( JJouclis st
_ • 11(1 (
STORES at 707. 700. 711 8 10th , _ ! G0 oach.large
show wlndows.stcam beat furnlshod lhos
1' . Hall 31U' .iTton bllt H7
IJIOR HUNT ,1-storr brick building , 1110 Doug
• lusst , sultnblo for wholesale orvwirohouso
purposes Also brick store 107 a 13th st lu-
iiulro of Clias KaufmanvlJU2 Douglas st 120
IJlUlt RENT Uoslrabio store und Hats cheap ,
KllkenneyiVHray , Continental block
S50 F 21
EOOM 80x43 Willi power , nt Model Steam
Laundry , 1110 and 1112 Dodge 8. f-iJ
FOR HUNT or sale , 3-story brick building _
basement , Cilxl 12 , formerly occupied by D M.
8teel & Co , cor llth _ Harnoy , Inqulronftor
lob lstot D M . Steele iCe , cor,12th& Jones
SWt\J3 *
_ _
STORE for rent , 014 S 10tU st Inqutro 1523
J acksori ; 574
TOTOR HENT The undersigned being the
X owner of ot the following vacant stores anj
dwellings , will rent the same at special loir
rates to tacuro deslrablo tenants for tno win
ter :
Two now brick stores , 24th and Oraco , each
20x00 , with celars
Three now brick 7 room Hats , 24th and Oraco ,
with mantels , bath rooms and modern con
veniences ,
Six new brick 11-roam bouses , with every
modern conv enlence for rent at loss tnan hal f
rates , 20th nnd Hurdetto
One new brick 10-room house with every con
venience , 2 th and Marcy
Ono store building and largo cellar , 18th and
VUrt , with meat market tools and llxtures ,
very cheap
Six small bouses nti.S and 13 per month each
For particulars call at oUlce , room 1 , Darker
clock , C T. Tuj lor
"lilOR REN I Ilio 4 story brick building , whh
Jl' or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Fiibllrdilng Co , 010 1 arnnm st Ihe build
ing has a lire proof cement basement , complete
steam-beating llxtures , water on nil thelloors ,
gis , etc A pply at the oHlce ot The lleo 'J15
I71011 RENT-Stoie. 1111 Farnam St , 20x128
feet , J Htorlcs and rellar Nathan Shelton ,
1014 1 arnam st Hfi
' ' ' '
3 UNFURNISHED rooms torrent , 034 S 17th
hot Juc onaud Leavenworth , 421 lit
5 unfurnished chambers roi housekeeping
for man and wife , no chlldreu 310 N. 17th ,
345 10J
-TITIOR RENT 4-room suite , unfurnished , sult-
Jc able for housekeeping , gas w ator , etc , to
famllv without children ; northwest corner 17th
and W ebstcr sts 149
IfOR SALE A carriage , or to trade for bug
gy 2t01 Cuming st 431-11 *
KNOW Thjsolf-On rccolpt of 10 cents In
postage stumpc will send jou a welt prepared -
pared ptmpblet book written by Oeorge II
1'liroiil , M. D „ troutlngoncutaneous , venereal
and private diseisesof men and women Re
member this valuable boon for onlj 10 cents In
postage stamps Address Malady Mfg CoI
Qtiln-y , lit G80-U +
FAMILY washing done at 1107 North 21st ;
will also go out to do washing Mrs J ,
Rasmussen , 511 lit
AS SUSAN and he meandered , gazing at the
moon , n sickening sound smote on their
ears'twas ; a piano out ot tune Tuning ti ;
satisfaction or 110 pay Gee llioomlleld , ill N ,
17th st 501 r
WANTlsD Ladtos during their confinement ;
bpst care glvon Dr Mrs Kuntzo.Kfl S 17th
• > , 810f22)
SPECIAL to the Public 1 want everybody to
know that raysneclUn romsdlea are not a
fraud I am here to stay and can furnish the
with the best city reference ioe M ,
rubllc Olllce-1618 Clark sc , 17th and Sherman
av e. motor line 854-F24
( _ "PLCAL " ! to Invalids Come nll > ou who are
kJslck you who ure allllcted with piles , you
who are suffering with female disorders , und
hive spent a fortune to get well , and are still
dragging around , ft ellng too sick to work and
not sick enough to go to bed , como to me 1
have established a ' homo for Invalids who
can be curedata reasonable price My reme
dies are Just what I claim them to be as thous
ands are readi to testify Heat ot city refer
uncos given For terms cull on or address Miss
/oe M. Firby , proprietoi and manager , ofllce
1G24 Clark st „ Sherman avenue motor line ,
Omaha , Neb , 424
AUCTION sales every Puesday.Thuraday and
Saturday morning at 1111 Douglas street
Omaha Auction & Storage Co 152
EO F. QELLEN11ECK. teacher of the banjo ,
Room 213 , Dougtas block , or llee Olllce
HE COLE , reliable tire Insurance ,
. 150
IF you have the prevailing trouble La Grippe
or lulluouza , which leads to bronchitis , pneu
monia and consumption , consult at ones Dr J
IV liter smith , physician und surgeon lata ot
New York city Olllcnroom 10 , liushman blk , ,
corner IGtli and Douglas 555 F 12
rx E. COLE , notary public and convejancer
- employment olllce furnish
nish llrst-class male or female help on short
notice No feechuigod employees 310 N. lGth ,
1)70 fJ7
IF you want your houses rented , list with Ex-
elusive lleuul Agency , Farrotto , 18th and
Dodge , 228ml *
HOUSES in all purts of the city wanted ; have
parties waiting to hire Owners please caller
or address , D V , sholes Co , room 213 , First
Nalonal Dank i44J 12
LIST 3 our houses nnd farms for rent with
Johnson „ Weberg.310 ti 15th street WW
HE , COLE , reutal agent ; olllce open even
.Inga ; 150
TTtOR RENT Houses nnd stores Property
JL' cared for , taxes paid Midland ( luaruuteu
* Trust Co , 1U14 Famamet Abstracts ) 151
IF you wish to rent a house or store see ILK ,
Cole , Continental blockoillco ; open evenings
DR GIIQUX My famous remedies for female
diseases , tumor , catarrh , cancer , pile , kid
uey , sure cure Consultation frce02 ; N lost ,
M4 1IJ
J J , IV llklnhou , room 818 Paxtou block ;
• 151
IF MRS CHA8. JORDAN , formetly'Agnes
Kane , or her friends will send her address to
II . ' , Omahn llee , she will hear something to
her advantage 578-11 ?
LADIES and gentlemen can rent masquerade
suits at try ; rj letu st 111 f2si
SPECIAL-Io Invalid * . fl.OOUforanycaseof
pile * , ur any case ot temalo weakness , which
my bpeclBo Remedy will not rure bafe and
sure and pleasant II 00 for one months treat
ment , sent to any address on receipt of pries ,
Address ! Us'/oe M. Ir Irby.general agent for N a-
braiks & lows Olllce loin Clark at.Omah , Vob
CltlltoromsT parlors , Wlthnell block , nth I
and Harney 652-fl2t j
IF you navetho preVnlllng trouble , la grippe ,
r intluoii'a , w hlfh leids to bdnciiltla , pneu
monia and consumption , consult Dr J , Walter
8mlthPhyslcUn ana irceoulate ofNew ; 1 ork
cltr Olllce room lC ( ' Dm hum n blk cor 16th
and Douglas st , * f.V.fll
LOST Hracelet Liberal row ard If returned
toCL hrlckscm 312 North 10th st 048-llt
' " '
LOST 8trayed ( lr s tofen-Ono lay horse ,
whlto face , branded on left shoulder , had n
btldle and saddle ou , Return to John Mc-
Creary , 3124 N. 21th st and receive reward
EIS-lP *
LOST Reward of'r ' , for return of ring lost In
opera house salon closet 114 S. 10th st
? _ _ _ _ _
STRAYED or stblerf-A half grown New
foundlnnd pup Wears a chain collar and
ansvvors to the name of Hoodoo A reward
will oe paid tor bis return to 322 N , 13th st
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IfOUND-On Jun 20 n bay liorsiTwltirhalf
- * sot of double harness , whlto spot on fore
head , whlto hind foot , ( livnercati have same
by pujlng expeusoj Inquire engineer , R.
Stevens , planing mill , 28thnnd Davenport
5'itl 9 ?
rilllE clonnest and best storage Inthocltj nt
JL low rates at 1114 Douglas street Omshs
Auction A , Storage CO U0
aMtAOKAOE Rtorage at lowest rntes W , M.
. llushmnu 1311 1 eavonvvorth 157
R. OHOUX \ \ \ \ \ toll 5 our full ilfc.past , present -
ont nnd future , and magnctlo healer ; 402 N ,
ICth st , rooms 1 andg 014-11J
MME Do San magnetic physician nnd mind
reader , has the power of any two mediums
vou ov er mot , ' 1 ells It the 0110 you love Is true
or false ( Uvea jou advice ou divorce.contested
wills , business speculation , etc Parlors HUN
11th st , 441-1H
ADA 1113 IILANCH , the greatest mind
reader and counsellor , has sulto ot
parlorsat 322 N icthsreot , southwest corner
Chicago nud 10th streets This lady has
a remarkable gift ot second sight , tells
past and future correctly ; business conlhlen-
tlnl 1111 only remain a snort tlmo 347
ST N A NNIEV irA IEN clalrv oyant , mod
icol nnd business medium Female diseases
a specialty 119 N. Htli si , rooms2 and 3. 158
MRS DR lONSDALK-Womon's illnoaso a
spoclalty , Wilhnoll blockcor 15th & Harney
N _ fIJt
IF you bavo tnoprovalllngtrouble , la grlppo ,
or influenza , which laods in bronchitis , pueu
moms and consumption , consult nt once Dr .1.
Walter Smith , plijslcian and surgeon , lute ot
Now York city Olllce , room 10 , Ilushmnn blk ,
cor ICth and Douglas st , Gf > 1f 12
IfORTl'NlC Teller Mrs Leuorman ran bo ,
J consulted on all alTalrsof llfo Satisfaction
guaranteed No J10 N. 15th St C82 f 18 *
WANTED To purchase a sound draft horse
Address T 57 , lleo 051-U *
WaNI ED A steam brick machlno or plant ;
must bo in good working order nud cheap
for cash ; w ant it to ship away Statu vv here It
can be seen and make und price ; also capacity
Address 1 * 01 , this olllce 577-lut
WA TlsD A mud tempering wheel 2d
hand , for brick jard ; address W. Wise ,
Hamburg , In 4781.t
WANTED to Huy .OO ) good < -hort time pa-
per II II , Ileuderson , 40J l'axton blk 417
WANTED buy small safe Inquire 2022
Cuming st : il8 0J
rl\MNTHD 1'uriiltnro , ' caipets , household
TT goods , for cash , Wells'Auction * storage
Co J17 S. 1 ith st i ' 100
WAN3 ED Oood commercial paoor Ne
braska Mortgage LOan Co , 519 l'axton blk ,
< 182
GASH for nil kinds Of household geode at 1114
Douglas street Omaha Auction „ Storage Co
t 168
WANTED A stock of drugs Part cash A
trade Her Slfrpgmuu , Neb 127
_ VATKD At Ilrady Island , Neb , a news
it paper and a roller mill Address O. D.
Matthew son , 022
FOR SALE Ono good work team , harness
and wagon ( nearly new , tor 1200 One good
single driver harness and'top ' buggy for $110 ,
must bo sold To reliable party time will be
given Apply to George J. Sternsdorir , Rooms
317-31) * , First National bank building , telephone
484. 581-18
SALE First-class2-cbalr harbor shop
FOR good business , 10J3 Hroadwaj , Council
Ultitla 008 ltj
ITHJNlTL'llE forSale Now of n 5 room cot
. tage at a sacrifice : half cash , lalanco In five
moths time , and cottage for lent near Hans
com Park Furnltuia $ U" Cottage rents for
if 12.50pel month , Addiess UUI , Hoe 0 3-9 *
, Tj10R SALE Nearly new typewriter and cabl-
JLnet Apply Room 2 , Uarker block 502 9 *
IjlOlt SALE 200 largo packing cases at 25 cts
. each Omaha Rubber Company 047-9
A GOOD bargain Harbor outllt for sale
cheap Address U 65 , De < . 5C8-15 *
Jiioit SALE In Hyde park Ono Hne 8 yoar-old
. dark iron gray colt , weighs lu50 lbs nnd Is
10 hands high ; will make n good stylish driv Ing
horse Address Goorga Chlchestor , Omaha
"IjlORSALE rixtures , the llxtures formerly
JL1 used by the branch of tno Hank of Com
merce at 518 N 10th st for sale cheap 503 lot
J7IOR SALE Complete set ot bank fixtures
: nuartei savvea oak counters , bronzed steel
railing , Dlobold burglar proof safe , with Yaln
time lock , all tno very latest in style and Im
provements 1 rank llarnard , 318 8 15th. ,111
SALE-Carload line milk cows at Mill
IjlOlt V rluge barn , iiM Cumlug E. 8. Jester
520 10 *
I710R SALE A quantity of building stoHo ;
• Apply to the supoi lntendeut of lleo building
TYLIS1I buggy horse It 13 , Hoard Trade
JJIURNITURE auction every Wednesday und
: Saturday JI7 South 13th , Wells J75
TilOR SALE or trale Span horses foi lot or
JD mutes 1723 S. 9th st 35010J
TilOR SALE or TrudSfl.000 worth ot furnl-
X' ture , carpets , Ac 407 Shueley block 510 It
FOR SALE A 35-horsu power rorterengine
In good condition , weight 5,100 pounds cj Un
der llxlrt ; for particulars apply to The Hoe of
llce 798
; _
SALE-Dontlst outtlt all In good shape
? Cash or time 618 Paxton block 1)13
J710H SALE or trade One Hat top desk
- oue eight-foot standing desk , one lease of
section ot school lands , 48. ) acres of Improved
western land and six sections of U , P. railroad
land II II , Henderson 400 l'axton block 554
FOR SALE Sleighs I Bletghsl
Omaha's lurgest variety
IV T. Seaman ,
131133-35 N , 18th at 578113
IF you bavo the prevailing trouble La ( Irlppa
or lnlluenza , which laails to bronchitis , pneu
monia and consumption , consult at once Dr J.
Walter Smith , phj slcidli and Nurgoon , late of
New York City OfllcofTpOln 10 , liushman blk ,
corner 16th and louglo ) , t , . , 555 f 12
SALE Some trbocf watches and din
? mends cheap It V. MtbAan , rooms 4 , With ,
nell blk J * > ; M8
It SALB-A Ml I'furnished first-class
3 boarding Iiouse , ggu Farjiam St 358
fiTou SALE-On .MonllnV and Tuesday Feb
JL' pith and 11th , at prr&it * Jsale , the furniture
ot an eight room I1011W composed of purlor
bedroom , hall and dining room furmturo and
stoves At 2118 IturduHe st luke iOtli st ,
cable or Saunders ut , lnbMri Call after U.JO s.
111 , Monday , . . 454-10
.wf a t
carriage tearaaraiddisingle drivers and
FINE milch cows fo t < afc at W. 11. Millard s
Hillside Btock farm Horsts wintered st reasonable
enable rates T.J , FleminglugrCalhouuNeb
sq I 43Q.Fet.21
" IlirTliESEY shorthand chooL 24 Harkcr
W blk ; the cheapest in city ; day and ev eulng
classes , l-fc'-fiM
IJLMOVED-Staudara bhortliand school re-
Jtmoved to large und elegant rooms lu the
New York ] .ifelnsuraur building , to accom
modate our classes New students enrolled
every duy Ins demand upon us for com
petent stenographers Is constantly Increas
ing Stenographers furnlshod business men
Students placed In good positions as soon as
competent to till them Call and see us In our
nevv quarters Fruuk Ii , Dell , manager 159
HORTHAND and typewriting taught at
Omalm Commercial rollege , corner lOtti and
Dqdgust8. Instruction freoIn grammer pell-
lug , writing and letter writing Pitman and
Graham systems ) plenty of tuwwriters for
retittcopiliiB done ; circulani , Ronrtwiugh llros
291m cb2
_ _
OKCON1) inortgago loans , It , 13 , Hoard TradZ
P , 623
J" II1EHAI. real estate loans made by IV M ,
-1 Harris , Room 20 , Frcnzer blockOpp P. O.
WI'OuNO Mortgage loans In small smotintal
Urst mortgage city loans at low rates ; short
time loans on collateral
Cash on band to buy nods nnd morlg nges.O
539 Room 13 , Hoard Trade
GILTpdeo aseurltles wnntod
lly I'liiin , Mortgage .V Trust Company
Gee WP toates
• , Hepresentatlvo ,
1 Hoard Trails , 235f28
BUILDING Loans-0'i 10 7 percentno ; ad
dltlonal chatgos for commissions or attorneys
ney's fees , w , It Melkle , I lrst Nat bank bldg
BUI LD1NO lonns D vTsholcs CoTTlO I lrst
_ National bank building ltll
KEVSlONE.Mortgago Co Loans ot HO to
ll.OOtl ; get our rntcs before borrowing nnd
snvo money ; losu on horses , furniture ornny
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old nnd low est
rutes ( nil H 208 , Bheely blk , 15th & Howard sts
, 178
SECOND mortgage lonns It , 13 , Hoard Trade
CHOICE City lioatis atlowest rates , Wo need
loans of tl (100 to 150,000 , to 1111 special orders
Central Loan A. Trust Co , 1205 I'arnam st
, J12M 'rf
MONEY to Loan Hv II F , Masters , In nny
amount from 110 to S10.0U0 , and foi any time
from 0110 to six months
1 inako loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans horses , mules , wagons , louses , eto , In any
amount at the low cat possible rates without rs-
moval ot property or publicity
My loans are so arranged that jou can mnko
n payment at any time and reduce J our Inter
est pro rata Ion pay Interest only for the tlmo
you keep the mono v. If > ou owe a balance on
jour property I will take It up and carry It for
you ,
Money nlways on hand No delay No pub
licity Lowest rates II F. Masteis , room 4 ,
\ \ lthnoll block , 15th nnd Harney sts 185
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable Oil } Loan Co ,
11B 81 tell Bfc , opposite Millard hotel 100
SEE Sholes , room 210 First National bank , be
fore making your loans 101 "
CHATTEL ljans nt lovvost rntes ; business
conlldcntial , J , II Lmlngor , 1117 1 arnam st ,
SjHCOND mortgage loans 1L 13 , HoardTrado ,
IDLanD Guarantee & . Trust Co N. Y , Llfo
blng , complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examined , perfected _ guaranteed
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules
houvohold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
nt low e t rates The first organized loan otneo
In the city Makes loans trom thlrtj to tluco
hunnioil und slxtj-tlvo dajs , which can bo paid
In part or whole ut any tlmo , thus louer'ng the
principal and Interest Call and sns us whe-i
you want mono } ' . Wo can assist you promptlv
and to jour advantngo without removal of
or publicity Money always ou hand ,
Rroperty lu making loans , c. F. Hoed & Co ,
; n" 8 , 13th st ovci Hlugham Sons 109
6 PER CENT residence loans J3.000 to $10,001)
llnlldiug loans at special rates
The Mead Inv ei-tmont Co llee building 171
WANTED 1 lrst class lnsldo loans Lowest
rates Call and boo us Mutual lnvost-
ment Co , IfjOt Farnam 173
TT E. COLL , loan agent Open evenings
I" OANS at lowest rotosj cash alwav son hand :
J notes bought ; money advanced on anv
available security The Peoples I'mauclul Ex
change , room 57 , Harker block 175
MONEY tolonn on any security
ror short tlmo ut low
lutes Lowest rates
on personal iproperty
The Henderson Mortgage * lnv estment company
* room 400 , l'axton block 170
MONEY to loan O. K Davis Co . real estate
and loan agents , 1505 1 arnum St 177
IilJHST mortgage loans at lowratos and node
! lay D. V , Sholes Co , 210 1 lrst Nutlonul bunk
_ , J
MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos ,
liorsos and wagons HavvKovo Investment
Co , room M , Douglas blk , , 10th and Dodge sts
MONEY to loan ; cash on rielnj , . !
V\ . Squire , 1319 Farnam at . First National
bauk building lb < )
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought McCague Investment Co 115
MONEY 3a ; M or 90 days on furniture ,
pianos , horses , houses , eta J. J. Wilkinson ,
618 Paxton blk 120
and real estate loans Lowest
rates F. L. Cox , 302 N. Y. Llfo Uldg
$6(1,000 ( of private money to loan on Improve
lusldo property ; cash on bund Central In ;
veslmout Co , Room 25 , Cnambor of Commerce
MONEY tojoan In largo sums Central In
vestment Co , Room 25 , Chamber of Com
merco 621)
TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings ,
ASUEHN Mouej Philadelphia mortgage 4.
Trust Co want mortgages from direct bor
rowers ; mnko suv Ing and call on Gee W , 1 * .
Coates , 7 Hotrd of Trade 051
ansTKAcrs or tith .
COMPLETE of chattel mortgage nb-
A struct books , cheap 1502 Farnum St , room 2
IK )
mj.sixKss ciianoi sI
IjlORSALE Cigar and boot storo422 b 11th
bt cheap ; low rent 010 10
0"NE cigar store : price , $400 , on time Ono
restaurant ; price , 4760 , rent reasonable And
other Imslnons chances Co Operative Land X
Lot Co , 205 N. 10th st , 519 10
line hardware business within
ItlmllosofOmiha Owner In bail health
Worecommond this Must be cash deal Omabu
Hardware Co 504 14
WANTED A man of energy who has $300 to
it invest to take charge of an olllce' Address -
dress U 52 llee ofllce , 500 10J
OR SALE Finest saloon In 3d or ltli larg !
est city In Nebraska , 'lnls is a rare chance ,
Only good parties need apply Address U 60
llee 671) lor
WANTED lly an active business mau with
moderate capital , n partnership In a pac
ing business Is n good salesman und account
ant Addteta U71. Hee olllce COH-llt
Achancotbatwlllpay a prolit of $3 900 per
5 ear upon a fl.ftnoinv estment and no risks
No young man out of business ought to let this
snap pass J. H. Carse , bheely block 133 12
NEWSPAPER chauco-The Jally Ueu >
A crat Is the only democratic daily lu Omaha ,
It Is the olliclal organ ot Douglua county , llus
been by convention resolutions indorsed as the
purty organ Its stockholders nro the most
prominent and wealthiest democrats In Ne
braska , Apractical uewspapor man who will
buy a small Interest and look utter a tpeclal
department for thocompsny's interest will do
well to address Democrat Pub Co.OmahaNeb
PARTIES wishing to sell bankrupt stocks
general merchandise for cash , write F. M ,
Penney , Wood River , Neb 912-F20J
FOR BALE Hrlckyard G i miles from Orand
Island Neb on 11 , _ . M , It 11. : has side
track , brick machine , pallets , spring trucks ,
barrows , kiln sheds , bain , Una brick residency
and 40 acres gooa clay , ull In good running or
der and one of the best locations In the state
This Is a line opportunity for a good live man
with soma push In him ; on easy terms or will
sell H Interest References exchanged Ad
dress with stump , O. 1 * . Henderson , 015 W , 2d
St , ( Iiund Island , Neb 479 13'
DRUG stock and store ; established 12 years ;
boat locution Owner has moved ou farm
and will take standard bred horses
Hotel and furnishing , 1 block from depot In
goodlowii town ; clour fork-rooenes. llutehlu-
bon , a. Wead , 1521 Douglas , 'ielephous ' 1523 , 11K1
FOR SALE Ono ot the best paying drug
stores In the state None but those meau-
Ing business need address 11 00 , llee 530 9 *
FOR SALE-Hotel furnished In Chadron ,
Neb , sltuatod ou Main street ; Scaali ; bal ,
to suit purchaser Address M. E. Sunguorthy ,
MEAT market far sslo ; snap : little money
required ; party going to leave city Address -
dress 1154. lieu ollloet 515-ltt
rh4(00 ( buys an old established business In Chicago -
_ > cage , consisting ot plant , patent trade
murkacto , for the manufacture * nt a celebrated
stock food.ubure preventive ot hog cholera
HundmU/of / testimonials from farmers , store
keepers , whole < ule and retail druggists Rea
son forselllng , sickness I will take f-J.000 rash
and retain ' of the stock and take agency for 2
or • ! southern states orl'aclllo slope A thor
ough luyestigatlon solicited First class bust ,
uosb aud bark references given Address
Worlds rulr " case Fibber i. Holg , 150 11 ash
ington st , Chicago , III 672-0 *
IJIOR SALE Hook and stationery buslneis in
Jul Denver , Colorado Established 4 jears ;
stock will Invoice I8.U00 ; average ) early profits
oval expenses $2./ht ) outside bunlueas cause of
• filing Population of Denver 140.00J : fastest
graving city In America ! write for particulars
Addrou Ilex JO'Jj , Denv er , Lolo 283 3
BANK T hare 141,000 to MOOOQ wlilth T wish
to moln organizing a new bank or In pur
chasing the entire or controlling Interest In an
established bank , or will Join an established
band wishing to Increase its capital , Address
U. TO care Omaha Her Omaha , N eb 671 U *
TllO JOU Printers As w dcslrs to devote
JL more tlmo to papers , the dally , Weekly and
Sunday Democrat , and ss we have n line Job
nud book department , four presses , etc , with a
ueraocratio patronage , wo drslro to rent our
lobbing Interest , on a per rent by thd month
Propositions will be received for ten da > s. Ad
dress Dotnocrat pub , Co , Omaha , Nob.430mt
$750 will buy a good confeetlonery and rlgnr
business , soda fountain , lco cream parlor :
rent 135. IB N. ICth sU 385 UT-
Fl IT Y cents on'tho dollar In ensh vv 111 buy s
nice clean stocs : of dry goods Address for
5 days "A , " 2108 Cuming street , Omaha Neb
J .111-12
_ _ _
AGOOD clianco for a general merchandise
store , twelve miles from nny other store
nnd In a we'l ' settled farming community , ad
dress 1,1 , V. Rhodes , Mandcrson , Valley co
rou rei7A3iir
_ _ _
lilORTsXCri.lNGE-A numtior ot good unln-
Jcntnberod farms in Kansas and Nobrnskn
for storks of goods nnd good stock , will pay part
cash if sulDcli'iit Inducement Is oircred Money
on hand and titles to land perfect Correspond
elico sollcltod H. A. ltj dell , 970 Nortn 24th st
C4Q ms ;
FOR SALE oroxchango-Farm lands for cor
ner lots Inside , W 111 nssumo and pav cash
Make oilers 1J Paul , KtOO l'nrnnin 51129
W a " ni ED-l.ot ' l lnsliloTotboU line for lunTs
11 otc Will paysomocasliandassuiuB Make
olfers W. .1. Paul , li/)0 1 nriiom 592-9
JjlOUH I EEN-rooin hotel In a good town in
Nobrnskn , furnished complete , with 3 lots ,
nil cleat , nnd $1,000 ensh , toliado for men linn
dlso ; also , a5-room house In Omaha with somu
encumbrance , to trade lor stock ot mdsa , nnd
put in some cash ; stocs of 1 clothing nnd J vv
olry in city.w ill luvoico about fl,50M , to exchange
for house aud 1 lot In city Cooperative I and
and Lot co , 205 N. ICth st , 619 10
rpTj\'CTiXNGE- : Chicago lots , " aiTclcur ,
J-for good tarm ; gtvo Uoscrlptiouand price
Hoxdtuoip 111. asi lot
house , city viator , full lot , on Mllltaiy nvo ,
Walnut 11111 , $33jo : smallcaslipaynicntor clear
list New8room house , city water , bath , otc ,
Chicago st near Lowoave , $3,600 : $ fuu cash or
clear lot : bal $25 n month 1) . C Patterson , 517
N. Y. Llfo 2812
HUB nil ) Any desirable profjerty for
it cholio lnsldo clear lots No propertv will
boar investigation belter than this 417 sneoly
blocx M810.
AVANTIlll To trade cknrlot for team of
11 horses II E.Cole , Room fl Continental
Hlock 512 10
FOREXCIIANC.E-Good lot , clear , near
motor line , tor a good second hnnilplatio ;
also new house and lot , Heilfoidplaco.for clear
land Van Hcureu , a IV cor Douglas and Htli
100 IIU potatoes tof n good milk cow Ad
dress O. C Sclivvorln , 10th nud Corby sis
423-11 ]
FOR EXCHANGE-Some llrst-olass property
In ithe prosperous city oflllalr Neb , for
land in eastern Nebrnska or Iown Will pay
the dltrcrenre in cash Apply to the owner
C. McMencmy , Continental block , Omaha
A CLE AH lot In Windsor place for a stock of
groceries Address T H.1 llee tt-f2S5
EXCIIANOE-Cholce clearOmnhn
EOR prop
erty , not un outside addition , within 15
minutes ride of the postotllce anil 11 minutes
ride of South Omntm to uxchango for mer-
clmdlso This propoityhas | a great future
J. II Case Sheely block 610 14
Oil EXCHANGE I luiva $13,031 wurtiTof
real estnte fmin nnd city j ropeitj , uud
some cn h roi merchandise Address P. 0. box
0 , Mound Vulloy , Labetto Co , Kansas JdS-lCi-
IF YOF huve anvthlng to oxehan'gu call on or
nddress 11. E Cole H o. Continental block
Olllce open evenings 174
FOR EXCHAN7lEf3.0DO worth minor } stock
at wholesale prlcos for laud lu southern
Nebrnska J. II Curse Sheely block 10 1J
FOR EXCHANGE A few choice clear lnsldo
lots for horses , 407 Shcol } block 51113
JL RICE , real estate , Hee building !
529 8J
FOR KXCIIANGE-Cholco lnsldo rental
property slightly oncnnibered for encum
bered lots Inside nelt line Here's 11 chance to
unload J. II Oaise , Sheely block 133 12
IillllST mortgages clear lands and Omaha
- houaos and lots to e'eebango for brick nud
other building material Star Land i. Loan Co
, ' 8d
Foil sai/i : ieatj istati „
T > OOM ! t2 N. - ! ' . LIFII W liave good Iowa
XV fauns for merchandise $ ! 0OJi > merchan
dise : 83.W0 drugs ; books , stationery und no
tions , $8,000 : all for good Omaha improved
property not too heavily Incumbered and some
cash Mortgage paper to exenange for llvo
stock , horses or cattle List your property
with us , 573 U
OR SALE Improved farms within from Tl
to ,10 miles of omaha on 10 yours tlmo
Apply to the owner , C. McMcnomy room 2U.
Continental block ; elevator entrance west side
SALE lOncrofarm near Calhoun , now
J leased out , $1,000. Hoggs a. Hill 550-12
TilOR SALE 040 acre cliolco iarm lu Wayne
JL' co , $20 per ucre Hoggo \ Hill 650-l.j
TTIOR SALE 270 acre farm in U00110 co low u ,
JL' $ J0 pur ncro Hoggs \ Hill 6 > 0-13
TilOR SALE 100 excellent lotH lu Omaha View ;
JL1 easy terms and low prices to those wanting
them for homes , Hoggs 4,11111. 55013
LEASE-480 acres cholrost of hay land
. near Fremont , $1 per aero Hoggs & Hill ,
1103 I-ur nam st ko-12
IJIOR SALE or to Rent A large fruit farm , np-
: pies and small fruit In vailuty Or will hire
u llrst classman towoikandmanngothesamo
AildrjssorcullonL A. Williams , Glcnwood ,
Iowa • 638-lUt
HERIDAN PLACE-Lots $ C00 each , $10 cash
und $10 a month , 1 per cent Interest , 'iheso
lots mo only two miles fiom court house , on
Loavenvvoith street , and three blocks from
street cars Lewis S. Reed _ Co , room 1J ,
Hoard of Trade 549 II
3j1olt SALE Six clmlc7rresrder7co " lots7tvvo of
- thorn corners , 21th uud Dodge sts Bpiclul
prices tor few days Hoggs A. Hill 650-13
TilOR SALE-Lot suitable for livery stable ,
J3 uoth near Farnam , $2,000. Hoggs .Ic Hill
I'/'OR SALE Fine farms , Kearney Co , , leased
. out at good rental A bargain Hoggs V
Hill 1 0-13
- 100 acres In Cedar
? Co , flOOJ Hoggs A Hill 50Q12
TTOR SALE Elegant farm near Ulair ; $3,300
Jkl foi ISO acre 4. Hoggs & Hill 650-12
KEXCHANGE farms for city property
and city property ior farms Come In and
see our bargains Johnson _ Woberg 310 8.
lOtn street , toVJ
TX7E HAVE the best lots for the money for
TT bule in Amos Place : bargains lu lots in
Omaha View and Collier Place Johnson &
Weberg , J1P 8,15th street CO-VJ
5ACUES located near gwedUh hospital.North
Omaha , ou Ames ave , ; price , $ u.uoo , iicash ,
balance to suit Also acre property in South
Omahn , west of stock yards Co-Operatlve
Land .V Lot Co , sole agents , 205 N. lfitu at
I 619 10
FOR 8ALE-Or'frado-AOOO worth ot clear
Inside lots , favorably located for an unusual
advance ; will take any kind of deslrablo mer-
char.dlacor choice Improved farms 407 Sheely
block 617 17
HALE Or trade lUty farms In Yuma
. county , Colorado For particulars address
A. II F.ldredge , Yuma , Colorado , 611 IOC
bargain 11. e. cor 23d and Cass bts ,
SPECIAL ( $7 too A posltlvo bargain J ,
t ill ' . I' ' " " , building , Bole agent 62S-10J
TilOR BALIS or trade for Omaha property , 210
JL' arris of good laud partly under cultivation ,
near Grand Island , enquire cat Ac rrltsihei ,
108 N Hrh at , 6111117 *
OR SALE A fowl ) , & M , Ptti k lots at nston-
lshlugly low llrures ; man must have mono } ;
If } ou need anything ot the kind , now Is your
time 407 Shueley block 615 U
SPECIAL Harguln A 1 ery elegant cast front
property , No fc-1) Georgia avenue with a
line 0-rooia modern residence with every con
venience , Including gas llxtures , sewer con
nections , handsomely decorated , and lu fact a
gem ot a home ; owner going to leave 1)10 ) city
This property must bo sold by Maich IbI ; foi
price aud terms see me It > on Jjive any In
tention of buying and want a nlco plat \ this
will suit you , D.v.Sholes Co ,2111st Natlbank
• l _
TilOR-SALI" S00 will buy lot 60x120 lu Omaha
J- View , ono block from motor line , nicely on
grade , Iiots in this addition are worth f 1 0U0 ,
and the above price la open for a short tlmo
ony 0.11. Tzschuck , care Omaha Hee 101
r _ 6,3)0 buys a house completed 168J at a cost ot
tp tl.hUO , and full lot iiearllauscom Park
f ( too a nir farm , plenty ot fruit , 2 houses , 10
miles from Omaha J' . O.
$1,100 , corner Windsor Place
$1,250 , south fiont Walnut jllll
M.250 , full lot facing Hunscom Park
Hutchinson & Wead , 1K4 Dojiglas , tel 1129.
rou SAiii"niAti kstatk * |
TjpOU bALK IlV D. V. SHOI.KS A COMPAN v7 ' * '
ISO by 1JJ with 7-room new hott e , sU con en"V \
Icncfcs , In Council llluffs on motor line hear v j
Fnlrmoiint Park , fine piece ot ground with 1J
shade , I7.U00. Will trade this clear and put In M
cash and nssnmo Incumbrance besides , for a _
good piece of Omaha property paying good < _
revenue Submit offers . . * P
IIS.0011 miys line O-rootn house , elegant barn , jr
lOOby 110 feet ot ground In Htmebaiigh Placn , /
an elegant homo /
$2,8 ( .i , $ , ifincash , buys good Broom cottage /
and barn with two full lots on a corner In 11 o. '
Cormlck s second addition , big bargain , balance
Hi xi buys good 7-room house , full lot IVal- i
nut Hill , 2 blocks from Mercer motor vj
$1,500 bii > s another oue In the same vicinity If
with all modern conveniences \
11Oiio bits choice of two good 8-room houses
with modern conveniences I tan scorn I'laco
$1,600 buys full lot and good house lu same
$ .1,000 buys 4-room hottso anil lot 00 b ) IV ) on
21th street , motor Hue Squth Omaha , lake
clchroulslde lot for equltv
$ l.nou bii ) s full lot and i-room cottage , North
$1,160 buys a good house nnd full lot , 31st and
Gregg stieets , easy terms , bargain , 'lhlslsbnt
11 partial list of houses nnd lots for < nlo bv mo
1 ncant lots In nit parts of the city , some cli > lc
bargains , see mo before purchasing
, $ l2 6CK.osTltonCassst. ) , opp now Neb Cent , "S-w
depot , bet 1 ltli and 15th sts 10J par cent in "I '
this .
$2ti.txxi. block 07. South Omaha ; 5 full lot host '
trackage in South Omaha
Want good clear farm for equity ,
RftHLtiOxIMnndlst tienr Popploton , Cheap ,
est lot in Hanscotn Place ,
$1,500,50r 150. 7-iootn bouse , east front , nil
conv , on toth near Popploton av 0 Very choice
Call and see us beroro purchasing , Mo give
purchasers benefit ot our know ledge of aaluss
1) . V. Sllot.lsCo .
2111 lrst National llatic
IJIOR SALE ltoom Is cominr'
: HonJ l' .SmltlUlermon Konntzo ,
Heed , Hanscom nnd moat every
body else with foresight , say we
are going to have u boom , and It
you want to make money , dent
vvnlt till prices go to the top ,
but buy now
I bavo a nlco 4 room cottage , w 1th city water , * " _ _ l
No WBN.aith st.thUrna } tuit you Price , * * & < * _ _
$ lon ) ; easy terms
or s _
11 } ou prefer a v acant lot la
May Held at < 250toS.U }
Iucttopark , M0J to $350
l'lerco's sub f Xtor ) : > 0
Washington Hill KJlOtoJlOO >
Mt Douglas tlJOtollV )
Lincolnjilace $750tol,00O
Popploton park , . . . $1,100 to $1,600
or m some other addition
If you want to llvo on mouev-bag avenue , ,
( lithst ) lean sell jou the most sightly lot ror t
$ > ' ) nor root , orlo-aluyouon laruam aud3jth J
st for $07.50 per foot 1
If ltls acres ymiaro nftergot them In '
Puttorson Park for $100
llonllcld for , em
spring Valley for 410
MuyUuldfor hoj
Hut I expect you are like everybody otso : you
want property jou can live ort of 1J per cojt
pajlngpropertj ,
I hnvolt
ou 8.13th st for $300 per foot ,
within 1 blocks of N V. Life for $3.10 , and can
take some good resldonco property in part pay
Will lease j ou
a lot for 10 years for tl per cent of Its value
Plenty to select from ,
Conv oynnclng
deedn , mortgnges leases , contracts , mechan
ics liens , co-partnership articles , etc , correctly
drawn at the lowest rates
1) . C. Potterson , 618 N. Y. Life Member Itoal
Lstato Exchange
HERE are a few baigalns that It may bo '
woith jour whllo to consider :
A 11 room dwelling house on Cumlug st , wltli-
lnlblnckof motor and paved btieet ; well ,
cistern , stable , otc , Prleo away down
A 7 room house on Orchard street , Orchard
Hill A line homo aud It will ho bold cheap ,
1 ots In ' . \ indhoi Tcriaco w 1)1 ) be sold at 0110-
half prlco of surrouudlnii proporl- .
Lots In Junction lliw Terrace 7hl
Is ono of the moat promising suburbs W
of Omaha and will make Investors us \
much money aR auy proportv on the market tov. .
duy If you wish to lnv est In a $300 or $100 lot s\v _ _ _
let 1110 show vou this propertj ! _ _ _
A i.0 room hotel in n llv o Iowa town To the ' * _ _
right part ) will give 11 bargain that can not bo • _ _ |
resisted iSsi
A blacksmith Hhop and tools A great , big ' _
bargain in this V
58 new sewing machines ot standard make for
sale below manufacturois price , or will exchange -
change for a good clear lot lnsldo Kelt Line
Oninna resldonco propirt ) for an lown farm fl
An Ion a hotel for an low 11 farm _ _
Choice Omaha lots tor horses und buggies {
Ono of the best lots In Colorado for other _ _
propertj' .
I'qultj-iu n Mount Pleasauc lot for oflke fur _ _
ntturo _
100 farms In Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado and _ H
South Dikota SJ
Elegant Council lllutTs houses near business
center , to exchange tor encumbered lnslilu _
Omaha lota _
Choice clear lots within three miles of Omaha _
P. O und ' & mlle ot South Omaha Owner Is II
vvlUlug to exchange a limited number of thoia
for otliei deslrablo property
Wanted An energetic joung man tocanrass _
for a new device Will prov on read ) scllor _
Good real estate nnd cisb to exchange for ]
furnished Hat Must bo lu good locution tor |
re renting ,
M S. ltnrtlott
Uoom 407 ih'C'ly lllk
LINCOLN Place and Carthage lots , price
M.00U , H > i0ilown , balance $16 monthly 7 _
W I , helbv II 11 , Hoard Trade 523 M
" \ArAUGH _ Wosteilieldrealestato , S.Omaha , itJiH
SPECIAL Hargaln 5 loom house nndlot40r
127 feet , w ater In kitchen , located on Chorlos
st 4 blocks from Saunders st motor Hue , rash
prlco $2 , )00 ) , small payment down , balance very
easy , Inquire of owner , E. G. Merrill 41th and
SevvardstWalnntHlll 11)1 IJt
WILL soil the very deslrablo residence of
Robert Easson , esq ,011 Howard st , West
Omana , near 37th St " 1 his property comprises
a well built house of 11 rooms and attic that
will glvu.lmore looms ltneoded llrst lloor Is
finished in oak nnd second lu Georgia hard
pins Cellar and laundry , furnace and furnuco
room complete , sewer , gits und city water con
nections all made Ham torn horses and ample
carrlago room and room for coachmun Lot
has lid tt frontage by 170 deptn to a 20 foot
prlvatenllsy Premises front south on street
with established grade and nro in the best resi
dence location In the rlty ot Omaha Satisfac
tory reasons Mvon for selling
Ames , Polo Agent ,
1507 Iriiam8k
BARGAIN Nice resdeuce lot In Hsiucoiii
Place , $2,510. Hicks , llrbt lloor N. Y l.fle
bullnlng .1)1 )
SPECIAL Hargaln Fine , new 9 room , 2-atory
house , porch on front , side und back , city _
water , cellar under entire house , burn 20x20.12 , > • • - - *
ft post , only 4 blocits from motor , ono block
from Wulnut Hill school Prleo 83,000 , will _ , _ . .
trade for lots , lunulro ot owner , _ . G. Merrill , , _ - ' •
41th nun Seward sts Walnut Hill 19113'
LEAVENWORTH street lots , prlco $1,100 , $50
dow n , balance $15 monthly , W , L , Bolby R. '
13. Hoard Trade 623
A. lluaineas
Residence ,
Vacant and
Suburban properties In the market
are for sslo by the old reliable M. A. Upton
Co , 10th and 1 urnoim 181
TilOR SaLE Very cheap no trades , furm of
X ! 643.70 acres see 5,12. N 6IV , Hamilton couu-
tyNeb ; 2miles from Marquette , small house ,
Btublu 3J0 acres ot pasture fenced , llv lug water ,
price ouly 110 per ucre , $5,437.00. ono-thlrd 1889 •
crop Included Terms $2,200 cash , balance 0 per
cent Interest , 1' . K. Atkins , owner , railroad
building , Denver , Cole 187
QPEOIAIi Hargaln Now 2-Btory 8-room nouje ,
kJporclum'J sides , cellar under entire bouse ,
city water , bam 20xSJ , 12 ft posts , 4 blocks
from motor , located on Walnut Hill : prloe , <
$3,500 ; small payment down Inquire of owner ,
EG Merrill , 41th nnd Seward sts Walnut Hill
191 It *
Hargaln-Full lot 60x150 in Baker
SPECIAL grade , near Military road , prlco
$110 , cash $ liu\ balance easy Inquire of owner
E. G. Merrill , 44th andbewardsts Waluut Hill _
191 i.T r
T 00Iv over tills list :
A fine lit tl • home , 8 rooms , water , gas , bath ,
sewer connections , mantel , not u mlle from P.
O , ou ear 11 no , paved street ; cast front Very
easv terms and a bargain ,
2 line east fronts , Plalnvlew , $1,100 each ; $ .100
cash on each ,
160-foot lot , Spalding street , near motor.aoutu
fiont , paved street und paving all puld for ,
Double frout In Ktlhy I'laco , 11,000.
Fast front lot , Miiyne Place , Just otf Leaven
worth , 2S.
60 feet , 11th St , near Nicholas , $100 per foot '
6-room cottage Miami st . Just oil 21th , ouly
11.300 ; IIUI cash , balance monthly
1 ull lot , Davenport tt , near Yutes' , $1,600 ; a
derided bargain
Can sell cottages in almost any add , on easy
monthly payments 01 build on your ou u plans .
to suit
114 feet by 130. only two blocks from the
stockyards , 8room house , rlty water ; ( room for
7 more houso3 ; ) a splendid paying Investment
for some one ; only $3,100 ; one-third cash ; bal
ance 7 per cent
F. ] _ Darllng,43 Barker Hlk ; telephone 710.
826 \
FIVE room cottages , 11,500 each , tlOScaiti fl
. down , balance $15 per mouth Uhos F. IlilL j -
311 paxton block 1 „ | ]
J ISTyoiir property with II _ Cols '
, v. . . . . > . . , - ,