Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1890, Page 2, Image 2
* ! 2 ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEEJSlVTUKDAY : , FEBRUAJRY * 8. 1890. • ' < ASSEMBLING OF THE MOGULS , M A Playlnp ; Schadulo for lOOO to ba B Adopted Today H MUCH OTHER IMPORTANT WORK HH H Till ! Visitors Tim Western Assoclo H niloti an Top A SimircRtion on tlio | I'mmiiiK of the Schedule M An Unxvlso Move H H The Hchodul n MrPtliiB H 1 ho schcdula meeting of the Wostcrn assa- H elation will convcr.o in the parlors ot the H Millard this morning nt 11 o'clock sharp , ntiil H nsldo from the ndoptlon 'ofn playing schedule M for the season of 1S90 the proceedings nro H Ikoly to bo fraught with much that Is Inter M wtlng to the patrons of the game M 1 ho first arrivals , Dnvo Rowonnd W. L. H Van Horn of too Denver club anil Sam Mor- H ton anil T. II , Iloch of Minneapolis , came In H | last evening Manager Cushmnn of Mil * B wnukoe , Messrs Mulcahoy and Foley of m Sioux City , Secretary Itocho and Presldonl M Thompson of St Paul und Messrs Spcus m and Kratithoff of Kansas City will coma in M this morning This not only Includes the M wholaoftho regular schedule committee , H hut representatives of every club In thoassn- H million , nil of which goes to Indicate the H lively interest that is being tnkon in the su u- H cess and perpetuation of thu game In this pnrt H of the country 'Ilia Western magnates hn\o H I evidently nt Inst awakened to the truth that H they represent onn of the leading hnscbatl H organizations in the country , mid at thls.par- H tlculariy critical juncture no not Intend to H ! neglect the slightest detail that will tend to H furllicr their Interests and impress the pooH - H I pie with the fact that they fully realize tholr H < importance nnu the necessity of prompt and H decislvo action H The bust of Judgment and discrimination B should only bo exercised In the drafting of J tlio schedule , In order that all the clubs re- HHJ i coivo an cquitablo distribution of dates audn H fair share of the plums The drafting of a H schedule for such oxtouslvo oporatious as H will bo called forth by ono of the most prom H inout baseball associations in the country is H no child's ' play , ns all who have over partlci- H V itod in such work will willingly nttost It B is a diflicult matter to nrrange ono H hundred and sixty-three gumes to bo allotted H oqunlly betweou night ambitious cities and H give entire satisfaction , In fact , it is a task H that has never been successfully accoini H pushed , not even witnln the history of thu H National league or American association , lot H nlono any of the minor bodies 'Ihoro is nl- l winsmoroor less kicking from onosourco H ? nnil nnothcr , no matter how thorough nud Hi : impartially the work may have boon done H * Today , lioucvor , the Western association H I magnates have ngrcea to act only after the H J most inaturo dollberallon , and comu ns near H j ns possible to antisf \ inir each club that only H j its best interests nro being BUbscrvod The H | gentlemen having the work In baud nil np- H preciatctthat this is a crisis in bnso ball , and H that the association thev represent stands H pro-Guiiiicntly nlonc as the only organization H I among the ton or n dozen which H | exists over the country that has H i not suffered from the bane H fill influences that have arisen by reason of H the wur between the National and the Pluy- H ers leagues They recognize that extreme H caution is necessary In every step contein- H I plated , and Instead of being in Muted by H reason of their own undisturbed interests , H and the recent development of their Im- | nortancc as a nntionnl base ball factor , it H has fortunately inado thorn morn liberal and H conservative und prone to bo sure they are H I right and then go ahead H 1 It is this delicate status of affairs that In- H duces Iiik Bee to offer a suggestion In reinI H tlon to the adoption of the schedule It will H bo remembered that the tlrst schedule H , | adoptcu last j ear , after being drafted by H j Doth Inexperienced and impartial men , had H'l to bo coinplotelv * revised after the pruliml- H' "j nary srnmes had beetvplayed , as to have at- H'j tempted to carry it out > Y0U a have inovi- H1 tablv led jto the disiupllon of tbo en- < | tiroassociation Tic | Bchcdulo , however , tj as it was rqyiscil , was nT'faiFly good H I ono , imd' give pretty general satisfaction H i' _ _ This same scHeaule , with n few additional H • / " > changes , uindng winch would be the shifting ' of St Joo's dates to Kansas City , would bo 1 s a foaslhlo ono for the coining season Great care was taken last jcar to avoid as many . Mondays as possible , and get in ns many 4 ; Saturday und Sunday dates as possible , and 1 as far us these dates were concerned thn ; t schedule could not have been bettor This , H iirraugcmcnt will again n-quiro ulco work H t < ) ( lny , and it is doubtful whether it can bo > H us satisfactorily effected Hut the Diggcst H Htumbliui : block will ho the allotment of the H liolidujs , and 11 great deal of contention is [ H bound to nvuutuato unless each club gets 1 H just what It uants , which , of course , is not 1 H only impr.icticablo but impossible A way [ H out of this dilemma would be , however , for | the clubs to make an crjunl division of tbo H ; receipts on Decoration day und the Fourth , H-v of July , grand staud . admissions and 1 H.j till None of the clubs could object ] to this , notwithstanding each will I B j endeavor to secure these games for its | j own grounds The remodeling und adoution H I of last years ' schedule is only offered us a j sug cstion , and of course will bo tnkou for H | what it Is worth In • hoostlmatiou of the gen Hl tlemuu in convention It would , however , | | * } most assuredly curtail their labors vary mu- , Hj : torially ' 1 Sotasldo the making of a sohenulo , the H I nou : assembled today should touch other bus | , 'l inoss matters that have been hinted at very j charily , as Ihoy might put their foot in it 1 While it is a patonl fact that this association B , < ( mould 00 made the second party to the nti- H tiounl ugrocmont , this is u most lno | > per | 'l tune time to make such adcinauu Ibnt g time was when the western moguls wore in | conference with the National Icaguo und dis- 1 rupted forces of the American association Hg and not now , after these bodies , after vary [ 1 S ing Htiugglcs , are again upon a solid foundn- 1 tlou , uud in a position to ndboro to their p original compact despite any threats or ac- g inuHUtf from minor bodies Undue H | ) und busty action on this head Hi1 might prccfpltato a wholesale raid H' ' ' u | > on tbo ranks of the Western association l that would require many long davs to 10- t cover from Of course tlio brotnorbood H | would bo overjoyed ut any symptom of dls- | turDuucn bclwoen the strong Western abso- H elation unu the two elder bodlos , uud , once 1) ) * move was made , would do overythinc in Hl [ < its power to augment and aggruvato it 'iho H I time will come , and that shortly , too , when H I the Western association will bo relieved H from the puymont of any tribute to tbe two H [ nnjor bodies and tbo western peoplu should H I blue-their titno _ B I Tlio Umuba club , at the conclusfSu 'of the H work of tno convention today , will give the H visiting magnates , together with u ropro- H j sontulho from each ot tlio city papers , a H J aumptuuus banquet at the Millard U Still Hold thu lirouiiils H j After u full consideration of all of the H I offers of locations tbut have been inado , the H I basa ball managers have dooldod to retain H their present grounds nt least another year H ' A spur will probably bo run from the H 'i'wouty-rourtli street motor line to the \ H 1 grounds , thus giving the patrons of the , H games liipreased transportation facilities , H A Itnt Hilling Contest H A rat killing was announced to take place H , ut UIO South Tenth street last night , but the H j fast dogs fulled to appear , A couple of coin H anon every day dogs were put into tbe pit 1 ami killed a few rats in a very lulsuroly muu- H I noc.Uiiis completed the evenings ' enter H aiijmcnt and tbo surviving rats wore stored H nwa.v to await the pleasure of Iho champlou | | rut M' lefi H ' ' " At tlio CollsiMim H I O'hb Hr.uiblers defeated tbo S , P , Morse M II club at ) > ole at tbo Coliseum last night In H I the first ( lining tbo Morse team scored ono H I goal , Id tbe second some lovely skirmishing H j was done by both sides , but the Ilamblcrs H 3 iWpro tbe victors and scored six goals Tbo H J last lunlug was very exciting M Au iiicrcstlug ( feature of tbe programme n was ' a half mile ruea between William Mears , B a sprinter , and J. F , Stein on skates It was HE a handicap for | 1U u side , and was finished M in 1 uilnuto and SO seconds , Stein being the i iHEj victor Ho guvo Meuri ono lap in tbe race i iHH and then beat hiui easily , 111HI , Tonight tbo Continentals and Ramblers j Kl \vill play polo fur 8100 u side Hl | lllreoKir Koruuaoii Itadly Wouiiiloil HB San ITH ticisco , Fob T , President Fulda Jl Of the Cfcllfornln Athletic club , John Fergu son , director , nnd frank Ronfroo were obitP a tlngtoecthcr In a saloon this evening whoa the latter plckod up n shotgun standing near The gun was accidentally ulschnrgod nnd thn full load cntcrod Ferguson's pine some few shots scoimnglv going through t'crguson's ' bodv and Into Fuidn's face 'Iho wounds ot the Inttcr nro slight Ferguson mny die A. Prlr.o Klctit lntorriit tci ( HitooTov , Mass , Feb 7. fSpoclal ToloR nrara to Tiir Ueb ] The Urocton Athletic club , chartered under tbo lnws of the state of Massachusetts , gnvo n sparring exhibition nt Murray hall tonight About one hundred mctnbors [ ' were present , The first sotto , be tween Hob Oroon of Boston and an unknown , was in progress when a torr'llo ' crash was heard nt tbo windows dews nnd doors nnd Marshal Hammond nnd a posse of officers made tholr nppoar- mice A grand rush by the spectators was nrndp to got out Several Jumped through the window * , going down two stories to the ground , causing spralnod ankles and bruised heads Bob Oroon and John T. Oriflln were placed under nrrost but nero subsequently balled out 'Iho unknown inado bis escape , Jjj The names of flftoon persons prcsont were taken nnd nil will nppoar in court for aiding nnd abetting n prize fight The Dlxnn-tfoUnrthr Plalit Boston , Mass , Fob T. The fight at the Union Athlotlo club , SnutU End , bo- tween George Dixon , the colored bantam , and Cat McCarthy , concerning which there has | boon so much speculation , came oft tonight - night . nnd proved to bo a most stubborn con test . The matter was kept very secret to prog vent nollco iutcrference The fight , although . nominally for points and medals was in reality for blood , " a light to settle the bantam , championship 1 hero was a largo nttondanco of sports from . nil over tbo east nnd a great deal of money . was wngored upon the result The fight wns declared a draw at the end of the seventh rouud , Mltolioll ItuntH Since GiAsnow , Feb 7. Mitchell beat Maea In the boxing match for 53,000. Mace was badly ' punished The match was fougbt In four rounds of two ' mlnutqs each Mace did well but lacked tlio ' nlmblonoss of IiIb opponent Ho DroKO the little linger of his left hntid in the llrst round Both lilt very bard , though no blood was drawn , , 1 McAullffo nnil Carroll to Fleht Sav FitAhcisco , Cal , Fob 7.--Jack McAut Hffo 1 of Now Voflt , champion light wolght of the world , and Jimmy Carroll of Boston , have signed articles for a fight at the Cali fornia i iitulotle club March JO for the championship - pionship | title , a purse of $3,000 , and a side botof5,000. i Sliicl Outfielder llonry . Baltimore , Fob 7. Manager Barnes of the Baltimore club signed Outfleldor Henry who played last year with the Springfield , III \ , club - 1 , WOJIBN PAIIAIjYZB WUIBICV A. Ilnnil of the former Proceed to Annihilate till ) IjTttrr Kansas CiTr , Mo Fob 7. ( Special Telegram to Tnn Bcc.l Lathrop , Clinton county , is wild with excitement tonight ever a i crusade by the loading ladles of the pines against , the saloons there this afternoon , The women mot In the town hall nt 3 o'clock , and < after passing ringing resolutions do * nounclng i the two saloons of tbo town , which is I operating u loctl outlon , adjourned , Instead - stead , ot going homo they tnarchod to the saloon of Thomas Wurd , dressed in their sllKs nnd Batias , where they found the doors burred in anticipation of their coming They I immediately broke in , und , overpowering the attendants , proccuded to smash everything in 1 sight After destroying all of the llxtuics , bottles and windows , tbo women turned all the liquor into the street They then told Wurd to leave town Ho , would not dolt , and they marchodto , his"warohouso , where they emptied ovorV barrel of whiskv and bear The saloon of A. J' Carroll was given exactly thu same treatment and throe sus- peeteu drug stores -weio warned of' the con scqUPpcos of liquor selling There is Intense excitement tonight , and , from tnc number of threats made , f-oUble is feared ' * - L1INCOL1N TIIIO IjIAII A. Ncltrnskn lix-Conviot B0I13 Up with the Story of His IjITc BosroN , Mass , Feb 7. fSpoclal Tele gram to Tjik Beb ] Charles Walsh , alias James Walsh , alias Cbarlos Lincoln , nlias C. L. Clark , alias Jutncs O'Neil , was arrested - rested icstordy whllo _ begging as an injured fireman Ho cot tweivn tickets from Cap tnln Hoff for the flromon's ball Bo was sentenced to six the house of cor- rcotion on uncharge of tlio larceny of the 1 goods melitioncd , but dtber complaints will 1 bo biougttt , Wnlslfbas a most remarkable , record Although not forty years of ago , ho , was sentenced to inoro than ten years in the 1 Illinois state prison , and was pardoned I in 1833. The same joar bo was ur- rested in Springfield , O. , for house breaking nnd sentenced to four years , but cscapod Ho J was taken in chiugd soon after for house , breakinir , but was turned ever to the Nobraskn state pnson On tbe way to , prison bo Jumuod from the train nnd I was shot In the leg After two years in the , state prison ho t escaped His next nppeur- uncc was in Boston , where ho served six months for assaulting a reporter March 14 , ISS'J , bo was taken in Lawrence and again [ turned ever to the Xobrasku state authorities for horse Btealing ' ' . • TI1I5 FKOOO'S DASIAGIi It is Very iSxtenslvr * nnd Cannot a ' Vet Ho KHtlinntcd Asm.ANi ) , Ore , Feb , 7. The cxtont of dauiago by tbe late rains to the Oregon & California railroad between here and Hose burg , 150 miles north of hero , cannot bo ostl- ranted even • approximately , but Is very heavy Tbo railroad fiom Grants Pass to > Roscburg is reported ono continuation of slides nnd the streams nil over southern Orceon'aro reported very high , PoktIiaSD , Ore , Fub , 7. No corroctosti- mate of the damage can be obtained until 1 tbo river rpoodes witblu its bunks Both brldgesacross , tbo nvor , which were tbreat- onea for two days past , have stood the pressure and uro * now thought to be out of " * daugorf . Thee ; > l Market Oostox , Feb 7 , fSpsclal Telegram to Tub UikJ There has been n moderate demand for wool > The sales of thu week ( xvoro only 1,709,000 , pounds of all kinds , Michigan fleeces wore inquired for , but were sold only at some concessions , considerable goiugto manufacturers at 'Jti&jD fc whllo ( too was thu extreme price tor the best wools rIn Ohio fleeces there bavo boon sales of X at aifefSSi ) and XX aud above t 3J@3lo , but tbo ' market was nulot and the sales were in favor of buyers Combing aud delaino selections have boon qufet , but in small stock and firm at previous prices In unwashed combing there has been nothing ot consequence doing Territory wools have been in fair demand I , but prices have bean weak , with the prlnel- npal sales on u scoured basis of 055To for line and M@.Vio for line medium , in Call uforniu and Texas wools there have been only rsmall sales Georgia sold at Uf o , Ohio and jviicbigan unwashed ut VJtiZJa nnd unmor- cbantublo nt .t" 'ig35cj lJulled wools have peon dull nud weak , vtlMi supers soiling slowly at Ui@ J5o und extra at JJrflMo ( For eign wools have been quiet , with sales of Australian to urrivoon private terms J- Arroitliif 'Uoiiioerutlo Honntors IUIkna Mont , Fob 7 , Under tbe reso- lutlon adopted by tbo senate yesterday pro viding for tbo bringing in and lining of > truant members , Lieutenant Governor , Rtckard yesterday tolograpbnd all ever the state to Intercom the democratic sonutors , who bad fled from Helena News received tonight from Miles City says that Senator lieckor was arrosled there and would J0 brought back here tomorrow , ' fatul Accident on a Cruiser London - eb , 7. While the engineers of tbo lriti ! b crmsar Baracomls were testing bur boilora off Mar ute today , bor cylinder uexploded , killing two Jnqo aad injuring ten DUNS ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK The Pr33snt Dualnoj1 ? Situation a Very Porploxlnff Ono REPORTS LESS ENCOURAGING , A Fooling or ConII Icn co ISxnrosscd Hncariling tlio future Iron UnnilRtnkaMtr Wcnkor X Decline In Grnin Thn Sltuntinn of lrndc Nnw Yonit , Fob 7. ( Spoclal Telegram to Tiir Bee ] H , G. Uunn & Co 's ' weekly ro- vlow ot trada sajsi It rarely bappons that the situation in buslnoss _ is ns pcrploxlng ns it now appears Tbo general tenor of reports is loss oncour1 nging Yet in every quarter there Is soon strong confldenco in the future of business , nnd such nclion as appears U gouoratly believed - lieved to bo temporary The monotnry pros poet lias clearly Improved Whllo the bank rnto In Hngland bns not boon rodueed , tba gains of $1,810,000 by the Hank of England jj nnd W00,000 by the Bank of Franco in gold rcservo ' lesson the cbanco of a disturbing1 decline - cline from that side Domestic markets are gonornlly growing oasicr , with n moderato or fair demand Collections also nro an average or fair nt nearly nil points nnd dofl- nitoly . Improved at several ; good at Chicago In dry goods nud boots nnd shoes , inoro satis factory at St Louis , mentioned ns slow In fowcr lines at Philadelphia , but still below expectations at Milwaukee Money accumu lates horn notwithstanding the treasury has taken In $1,000,000 during tbo week inoro 1 than it has paid out At almost nil Interior cities the unseason able weather still retards many kinds of trade , though Philadelphia reports more ac tivity In dry goods , in lumber and in ether building materials , Chicago n largo increase ever last v ar in grain nnd provisions , but a decrease < of 80 per cent in wheat receipts owing to the snow blockade , smaller sales ot dry goods and about equal sales of boots and shoos Cleveland reports n larger trade on the whole than n year ago but at St Louis trade Is slightly restricted , at Kansas City only nn average , nt St , Paul and Minneapolis somewhat improved , but at most ether points only fair for the season The larger branches of industry do not for thB moment bIiow ontlrely oncournglng re sults Iron Is unmistakably waakor ut Pitts- bur it nnd bore , and whllo the Bteadlnoss at Philadelphia j is considered hopeful , buslnoss in bar iron is there pronounced extremely dull , " in plates very dull " In structural iron i now buslnoss comes very slow In nails there is not much doing , nt , present , nnd 111 steel rails only two or throe moderato sales are reported Tbe decline in England from 05s 7d to 5 Is 9d for Scotch pig has some influence bore , > Wheat has declined ifc , corn } c and outs ? bc , with moderate trading Oil has risen So and hog products are a shade strouger , but sales of sugar by Sprockets i agout below tbo trust prices are noted ut Boston aud the price hero has dropped } ( c for raw and refined Coffee is steady and the minor metals all lower ) abroad und weaker hero A llttlo depression has appeared in the stock market , which is hold very stubbornly , tbo J nv-ornge of prices botng sctroolv iio lower ' than n week ngo , The reported earn ings of the railroad compmios nro heavy , averaging for January a gain of 12 per cent over last voar , when rates , were much demoralized The foreign trade ' of tbo country seems to shrink a llttlo , ns is natural nfter tbo enormous movement of { lust year , and exports and New ; York both show some decline In comparison with n year ago , as usual , Including no Bpo cio ' , but merchandise only - - Tbo business failures number 321. as com pared I with a total of 291 last week Fortho corresponding ' weak . . last , yeur , .tuo figures ' were ' U03. 1 , - < t . < > ' < if 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ADV12U3li obj M 3 T , • < North Dakotas Lottery Iienninc Dis cussed In WAPhlncion ' ' Wasuinotov , Fob 7. The news -of tbo 1 passage ] by one branch of the North dakotn legislature of a bill chartering and-legalizing ; a lottery bos attracted much attention in 1 ofllclal ( circles in vlow especially bf iho' telo- grapblc | advices that the action lo "in boualf of a branch ot the Louisiana Lottery company , 1 against ' winch the postofflco and department ' of justice has been waging a contest for many yours At the white house it is inti mated tuat reports have reached 'thri''prcsl- dent tbut several persons ivbo have been no- pointed to oWce or were candidates ( or up- polntmonts were promotingthls'JloKislution , ' and it was udded that should tbls provo to bo the case iv Is' likely to ' provo fatal to tbom , Further ronjarks ; were to the effect that it was not bolleved possible J that tbe now state would adopt n measure that would put so Indelible a stain upon its 1 ' ' ' reputation „ Postmaster General Wannmaker said : "As postmaster ccnoral I cannot bo inter j viewed upon the subject except to express j regret that the mails or any machinery of the government should bo used to any extent in any part of tbo country for the furtherance ot lottery schemes , but as a ' citlzbn J uih frou to say that it is cause ' for great alarm when a now stuto proposes to spread this evil over new country and to extend a species of gambling that ruins young nnd deludes tbo Ignorant for the enrichment ot a tew unscrupulous stocknoldors If this kind of legislation is to bo 11 success congress must bo invoked to onnct laws to suppress this iniquitous busl- ness everywhere " ' • < - • "I was astonisbod boy end mOaSdri , " said Attorney General Miller this uftornoon "I had hoped und believed the day for char tering lotteries had gene by That tbo Louisiana State lottery , for _ Instance , Is a public evil , I ttiinktsgenornUvponcedod.und I as llttlo expected the legislature of North Dakotn to sanction n lottery as that the legislature of Massachusetts would legalize polygamy " < Nebraska nnil inwa Pensions Washington , Fob 7 , | Sp6cial"Tologram toTiiEHEE | Pensions have boon issued as ' ' follows : Nebraska Origin til'lnvalid John T. Metlin , Wakollold ; August -Scbriodor , Harold ; Robert Wynn , Colton ; * James D. ' Smith , Republican City , increase Daniel Benson , Scotia ; George R. Marsh , Genoa ; Thomas I , Phelps , ( Jlvssos ; CtiarlesA , Os- born , Hontrlco ; Daniel Guskoll , Hyftrsyllle ; Stephen Jpnes , Wopd , Rlvor ; , > Franli A. j Whltlumore , Long Plane ; George W. Pal mer , Freeman Iowa pensions : Original invalid James C. Hawkins , Cincinnati ; LawnenB , Carlton ' , Albla ; Richard Franco , Wools took : Proctor D. Scolleld , West Union ; Sanforcl M. Uo- ling , Fuirnotd Iccroasu Geonro „ ( Jrnbill I , Slam ; David 1C , Fiusloy , Dutqvia ; James D. ) Kvans , Searsborn ; Antonio M. Purker , An- umosa ; Mlcbuol F. Baldwin , Harlan ; Jumos Kroucb , Allorton ; John M. Thomas , Kooksouqua ; Henry Deppey , Wap- ' polo ; Jesse Hamilton , Now Boston ; Newion M. Brown , Mus-atiuo ; Ed- win Chamberlain , Panama ; Edinond Barrett , Da vies City ; John B. Irons , Toledo ; Isaac K. Cuddis , Bonaparte ; John Myor , Now IHampton ; George Kobe , Keokuk ; George W. Miller , Griftlnsville ; William Goff , Dal- las ; Peter Y. Laut , Newton ; John J. ( Cling 1cnsmlth , Nevenvillo fnavvj ; John Mclvln , Clinton , Original widows , ot ? , Mlunrs of Norman Chesley , 'VolgaCity ; Lucy A. Good rwin , former widow of Norman CboMoy i Volga City Illll Is AllxiOIIR . . Auuxr , N. Y. , Fob 7 , qovernor Hill this afternoon sent a special message to tbe > legislature urging it to pass the worlds fair bill at once and without amendment Ho culled attention to the fact tbut the delay Is 1 seriously endangering tbe chances of Now York before congress , Amunt , N , Y „ Feb 7. The worlds fair conference committee has failed to agree and , adjourned until Monday evunlug FrAiiou OarAvau Massacred Pauis , Feb 7 , A dispatch to J.a France : from its correspondent at Obook states that So malls , Instigated by tbo English , attacked a French caravan euroute to < Uarrur- and massacred all persons belonging to it " ririY.iniustf coSonuss 0 ) u .0 111 House Wcsiiin-otWv.Fob. ( 7.In the homo the sennto ' bill wj jhSsscil nuthorlrlng tbo con struction ojn { , , | > ridge across tbo Missouri river , betweenDouglas or Sarpy connttos In Ncbrnsk 1 nmKtWtnwnttamlo county , In As tbo Jou BnVclorlt hna been busy pre paring jt j the now'codo of rules for publication , the t Journal of'iyestordav's ' proceedings wns not 1 ready for .prc'sentntlon ' to the house but would 1 bo later , tboroforo the usual contest over the approval of the Journal did not lake place • A bill IncrnasYHg the ponston ot General Durjca to $100 pjsr month wns passed Pending ucttbri'bn the bill npproprlatlng $2.\HHI | for a motiument to General Knox nt Tbomaston , Mo , the house adjourned until Monday KOKAKKH ANGLJltnn An Allnslnii to tlio Ctitcngo Conven tion Flprcoly Hcsontod WAsmsaxoN rob.7. Tbo house commlttoo on 1 ballot box forgery resumed Its investiga tion 1 this morning by calling James 10 , Nonl , who was chairman ot the state domocratlo executive < committee in tbo campaign of 18S0. Ho aid that nfter Governor Foraner's ' music 1 hall spcoch and the publication of tbo 1 forged paper , bo bad called on Campbell and they 1 had resolved not to make n spociflo de nial until they had rccolvod absolute proof of 1 the falsity of the paper They cnllod upon T. O. Cntnpbcll wno denied any knowl edge of tlio original contract and advised that a reward be offered for Wood John It , McLean of the Cincinnati En quirer wns next called Ho never know Wood or spoke to him in Washington Ho never had any political , social or llnnticiul relations with John Sherman or any ether persons named In the rorged papers Ho never , be fore today , saw the forged papers , never employed Walter Wollmnn , nnu never , whllo at Saratoga , received a telegram trom Well , man asking for n paper in his snfo Uo wns never Interested in n ballot box bill Ho hod seen the Luoo letter , but had nothing to do with it T. C. Campbell was tbo next tritness Ho , told of the introduction of Woods ' ballot box In Cincinnati , the organization of a company In lb37 , the passage of tbo Now Jersey bill , eta Witness nppllod to Representative Grosvenor and the tatter made the point that a democrat should bo selected to intro duce the bill in the house Wltuoss then ap plied to Representative Campbell , who intro duced tbo bill Ho denied the assertions of Hnddon & Wood and said ho never had a list of the signatures of congressmen made by himself or bv anjono else Witness nt llrBt supposed Governor Forakcr was behind - hind tbo whole matter , but had now como to tbo conclusion that Hnddon was the prime mover Ho added that bo didn't think For aner knew that oed [ committed a forgery , but thought him remiss in not finding it out Representative Buttorworth denied , broad ly his knowing anything about the contract or tbo forgot ! paper before its publication In the course of his remarks be said ho wished to make answer to n question asked bv Turner ns to whether there was any friction between himself and Governor Fornkor lie did not want it to be understood that thov were on terms of aftettiottuto ondounnnnt during the campaign Thoy'bad ci iticised each other nnd were not -such-affectionate terms as to bo in constant communication As to the Chicago convention that was a matter between - twoon SenatorsBhorman and Governor Fornkor . of-1 j This evidently angered Fornkor , who ex claimed : "So far as tbo Chicago convention is concerned I am prepared to moet what anybody may say with the aid of a tew let ters I have I'dotnot ' propose to bo aspersed hero or anywhere else about Chicago I have hoard all I want to hour of It , bore and in Ohio By tbo best men in tbo republican party , who attended the Chicago convention I c nrofuto any nsporatons uuy man caniinake.iaud I bavo hoard , this thing for the last timv < tthoutresentlng it I owe no abology to anybody except myself In-thnt I have not inorjo wcjivcly delendod myself , against sucn insinuations , " , „ j , : ' < 'llio chainaajrostorili re1 marking that ho ho pod Chicago would not bo mentioned except in'jconnectlonwith the worlds fair „ I j x ' t * j Mexico , Compile ; ) . ' ' ' . WAsityjoTox ! ! Fob 7 Seoretary Rusk ro- contlv made an urgent remonstrance through Secretary Blalno ' ngalast the imposition by tbo Moxlcan government of irksome quar- antino regulations on American bogs To- dav a telegram was received.from United StatesMinister I.yan,8tatinir { that the gov ernment ot Mexico will issue orders dlscou- tlnuing tbo obnoxious rules Secretary Rusk was much gratlflod at the removal of this restriction ( and regards it as being possibly the forerunner of a more liberal policy in rogurd to Atnei lean moat products 011 the part of other foreign countries , a cnango which ho thinks would bo facilitated should ooneress confer upon , tum full power in the matter ot meat inspection . Saw limid Oilloes WasiiikotosTob. . 7. The locations of tbo two laud offices to bo established for the territory recently acquired from tno Sioux Indians has boon decided upon The ofllco of the northern district will bo Pierre and of the southern district Chamberlain The lands lying south of the 43d parallel will bo annexed to the O'Neill , Neb , land distrlot It is undoritood to be the present intention of the president to isiuo the proclamation opening the acquired territory next Monday Tlio Minority ltoporr WlsniN-QTOH , Fob 7. Carllslo will sub tnlt his minority report on the now code of rules to tbo hobso tbls afternoon The ro- port is not so voluminous as Carlisle expected pectod to make it Tbo action of the repub lican caucus on the rule governing lcgista- tion on appropriation bills and on some of the ether rules rollvea Carllslo ot much of the work of preparing his report Ho does not go into details liowen-Diicliuiwiii Contest WuiiiN'OTov , Fob 7. The house cotnmit- tee on elections this , morning hoard argu- uignts in tbo Bowen-Bucliauan contest from tbo Ninth Virginia district NO OAUisis FPU AOIION „ _ _ lie v. Ball Loses'His Cano AfT'ilnst ' the , Post Buffalo , N. ' Y , Fob 7. Judge Danlols > charged the Jury this morning in the suit of Rev Dr Bull against ftho New York Even ing Post The judge read tbo articles upon 1 which the nctldris were based , Jlall , be ) said , had a right liynVcsllgnta the character ofClevolan f.biWw fl' to do bo , and it was for thu Jury to duCormlho whether such au investigation warWlntod the Post In saying > or Insinuating thtlt * ' hq was a gutter snipe , If Bull libeled dWo lahd , that was no justlll- cation for the . libel the nlatutllf , sup posing it bad dpp .so , Further , If the aril olea wore actuated tv malice and intnudod to injure tlio piain nr ho Jury would bo Justi- fled in tlndinc a , Vjfj-dict for the plaintiff and j ono that would joja punishment und an ox- ample Attenti P vas called to the fact that t when a mun con/os.put / , with u public obargo he becomes to n.gqjt'aln extent a publtp char actor and open $0lrlticiam. Tbo jury re- tired , but Boon murncd with a verdict ot "no cause ot afijjn , " thus defeating Rev Mr Ball . .jgdo'm lllrcnl Nnjuiyillzsiioii ( Papers St Louis , Foti 7 , ' J dmuiid Noonan , late 1clerk of tlio city court of Alton , Ills ; Fred crick Valbracbt , late deputy sheriff , and J. P. Thornton , late deputy clerk of the Banio ) court , were arrested at Alton last night by a United States deputy marshal , they having been indicted by tbo Unltod States grand jury at Spripgflold for issuing illegal nut urdllzution papers Fur y-T\vo liidloliiienfa Ilttiiitsaod , New Yoiik , Fobj Recorder Smytho has handed down a decisiQU dismissing twenty iudiotments agabiit Thomas D. Kerr and twenty-two against J , A. Richmond for . bilboryln connection with tbe granting of tbe Broadway railway franchise by tbo board of aldermen in ISSl , _ Paid thu 1'onnliy. Jacksonville , Ah , Feb 7 , Sam Dill I ( colored ) was hnnged to day for the murder of Joseph Smith ( colored ) . " ZIOX'S ' TEMPLE TREMBLING The Suprorno Courts Shot MnkoB the Itottou Structure Book ALL THE SAINTS CAST DOWN Gcntllos Itrjoioo nnd Itonow with Vluor the Cixinpnlun to Drlvo PolyKnmy from tlio Capital City of Utnli Lurid Tltn- In Salt Iiako Salt Lakr CiTr , Utah , Feb 5 , JSpcctal Correspondence of Tun Bnn.J The Mor mons have nbout concluded that Jordan Is a bnrd road to travel nnd that the strip of land on this aide of tbo sphere , wide ns It Is , Is uncomfortably narrow for 11 man to get along with moro wives thari ono , Tbo women worshipers have boon worsted nt every point nnd have been jostled so soforoiy with every tilt in the courts that they uro beginning to look Inwnrdly with n soarchlng glnnco to sao if tbcro Is not somotblng wrong In their makeup that w orks to tholr misfortune The doclsion In the Idaho test enso knocked the tar out ot polygamy nnd sot the temple Zion rocking on Its rotten foundation , aud the very tenets of Mormonistn nro timidly feeling for a way out of the un-Amorlcan inesbos into which they have boon tralnod There is great rojolelng nt Salt Lake and cspocinlly among tbo old settlers who know a thing or two nbout the intoloreuco and sul len fanaticism ot this Boct that cannot bo understood In a day by the tenderfeet WnonJ first set foot In the city I was mclinod to lend n charitable oar to tholr lamon tat ions nt this sad juncture ot tholr history , but the moro I loam of tholr tyrnny of the past the less 1 crave to pity tbom The men who have known them longest dosplso thomjmost ; it goes tough with them to learn that the last resort"i the rrcatcst tribunal on earth , tins found tbom unfit nnd unaunlilled to perform the functions of an American citizen nnd that all members of Zlons church , in the saintly precincts , of Idaho nro disfranchised Many of them would not feel the wound moro keenly if you were to cut them with a chisoi While tbo mormons are cast down the con tiles are cprrcspondiugiy mndo glad , und tbo blare of drum , tbo screech of IIfo and the hi larious hip I hip I hurrah I and n tigcrl fol lowed by the bizz of rockctt ) the fuzz of many colored candles thnt in the rcu glare of burn ing powder make Rome howl Is enough to riot the senses and Bet on flro tbo fervor of enthusiasm The pro cessions of tbo liberal clubs bavo been pro digious , nfnny of tbom presenting a flno appearance , especially the Flambeau club Tho'go you-ploaso parade was n great rally for the hosts of reform , and came as nenr painting the town red ns could bo done without using pots of load nnd brushes The grand roundup this week Includes a parndcevory nhthtof nil forces , to end with a turn out "Of the liberal voters The call reads : All must bo in line " The mon who wilt'wadein'thoslx ' Inches of mud thnt cov ers the streets , night nfter night , are deadly in 0most nnd moan business It is no funny snap for them , but the flnnlity of forty yoar3 of bitter battle for freedom There is not a moro loyal nnd patriotic body ot men in the United States than the gentiles of this territory The United States flag is to them tbe dearest emblem on eurtb , and they march unaor its stripes and Bturs With a stamina of devotion that is un known to nny except those who have fol lowed It Into the thick of battle The fedornl government came to their rescue at times when tholr lives were not their own , nnd has backed them up with loglslnt'on that will secure forthom victory , aud on February 10 next , emancipation from thu Mormon hier archy J'ho Mormons nro still making a great 1 squeal ever the registrars purging the list and lopping off names and oxcrcislng the functions of a full-fledged returning board prior to the election It Is true that tbo bill gives extraordinary powers to the registrars , but , odious as it is , it never was exercised for a bettor purpose Judge Powers , tbo splendid chairman of the liberal party , in sists that his campaign has boon a clean one and vigorously denies any knowledge of n special train being sent over tbo Uonver & Rio Grande to register voters friendly to the liberal cause That a train was sent is estab lished by ovldenco fnrnished by Bonficld and his gang of dctcclivoB , and many uflldnvits are being published in tbe Mormon organs containing dnmnglnir testimony It is proba ble that thn registering train was tbo work of some ovor-ze.rtous liberal who was willing to stretch a point to gain votes This wus a mlstako and is tbo only serious thing proven against the liberals The liberals assert that they have plenty of votes with out 'rcsortinit" to any unfair moans , and to vorlfythis they cite the fact thnt they carried tha'olectlon lust August by 41 major ity , the gentiles polling 2.0S0 to 2.tM' > for the Mormons At that time tbo liberals esti mated that 01-J gcutllos friendly to tbom did not vote , while the Mormons claimed to have voted 05 to 07 dot cent of their full strength * It was these facts that gave the liberals somucb confldenco in their ability to carry tlio city and enabled thorn to raise $ i , < , UO0 for campaign purposes I called nt the Mormon headquarters and the first man I mot was the sheriff I asked him , Who will carry the oloctlonl" when ho replied , Judge Zuno ( who decided tbo registrars could caucol uny nainos from tbo list they saw fit ) has nlrcady settled that , " Aud in a very sarcastic vein ho added : "I would not bo surprised it the votes were nlrcady counted and the certificates of elec tion made out " The excitement ever tbo election docs not prevent tbo real estate agents fiom doing a tat land ollleo business , as the sales for Jan uary aggregate SJ,445,000. John M. Young , ttlo candidnto for mar shal ! . Is the pot ot tbo town aud , being a iicphow of Brigbam Young und of a manly mould , will command a largo following from tbo Mormon young man who nspiro to bo somebody The gentiles have got things their own way for once nt the metropolis of Mormondom and the act that led up to it more than any ether was the ono passed March 3 , 18S7 , abolishing female suffrage , which Mormon authority characterized ns the most cruel nnd sweeping provision of tbo law " The'Mormon legislature , to in crease their vote , in 1 70 enfranchised women and just two years later passed a law depriving them of their power , and there wus Opt a woman ' in the territory among them that protested against tbo outrage The Kdinunds-Tuoker act ro- versed this by disenfranchising them and giving buck their dower Brigbam Young forbade mining , nnd prior to the uppuaranca of General Connors , who 1 cunio In here from California with nn army und planted it down for business , it wus worth a mans lifo to bo cought prospecting I in'these hills The minors uro now doing ; what tbo Mormon loader forsuw they would i do if allowed to develop the mlucs outvoting - ing tbo saints If you add to the disfranchisement of the women and the development of tbo mines , tbe boomers ana speculators , you have the , three causes that have made It possible for the gentile to outvote the Mormon under tbe shadow ot the great temple of thoLatter ! Day Saints Much bad blood is cropping out There muy bo serious trouble bore election day , as tbo Mormons will never let go of tbe city government if they can In uuy way prevent t it This would bo the last straw lor them Some years ngo the Mormons erected a k theater hero Brigbam Youug said when it I was first thrown open to the public that no Gentile should over profane it with Ills pros encc One of tbo apostles who made tbo ? pruycrat its dedication called upon the Lord to strike dead any Gentile who uttomptod to cater tbo house The business ot the Salt t Lake was conducted on singular principles The Mormons hud no moaoy , but got Into thu theater by barter and trade A fixed value was made on turnips , carrots , cabbarcs and other garden truck Tbeso vegetables were taken to tbo theater and paid in for admis- tlon Then they wont to the tithing house , where Mormons took tbom and settled with the theater people In money Presently tbo Gentiles came along and tbey had money The Mormons rather reluctantly admitted j them to tba bouso , but tbey nad to flock by tbdmsolvcs into tbo pit 'i onigbt the liberal [ party Is holding a mass meeting in Brigbam Young's opera house , tbo first time u Gentile iiolitloai gutbealpg bus met within its walls The prlucipul speaker Is John M. Young.son of Brigbam Young's brother , and tbo liberal 1 candidate for the tnarsnalslilp of Salt Like The chagrin ot the Mormons ls not to bo wondered at A Gentile mooting In Brig ham Young's onern house nnil one of Ting * barns nephews n candidate for mnishal on tbo Gentile tlckot It is enough to make Hncliam Young raise from the dead A Hnturnnlla of Itod Fire Su/rLiKK , Utah , Fob 7. fSpoclal Telegram gram toTiiEBRc.J Tbollbornl grand round up nnd parade tonight was a Jubilant sue * cess Seven thousand torches were In line There wns tbo wildest enthusiasm , nud nil thu business bouses were illuminated Tlio strcots were embossed with lnntorns , The saturnalia of rod flro distances Dante's Inferno " Spoclal trams from Provo nnd Ogden broucht thousands ot visitors to the city The Mormons threaten the arrest of all liberal voters , A bulletin , however , has been put up which announces thnt mun worth $1,000,000 would go on the boud of any man arrested The Piukcrtons nie expected to * night , IIUADY FOK TIlliTuUSU Boomers Prepared to 3Iovc oil the Hlniix ItcHorvniion , Pi 1:1111 e , S. D „ Fob 7. ( Spoclal Telegram to Tun Itcif.l Tbo wires brought woid today - day that tbo presidential proclamation open ing tbo Sioux reservation would be signed today , and boomers nro rapidly organizing to go ncross at the llrst word rocolvod from Washington confirming the report All that keeps tbom back nt present is pi inclpully the fact tbut troops are stationed across tbo rlvor with orders to eject every man who crosses over at the point of a bavonot if ueccssnry , nud 11 military pntrol Is now out for miles up nnd down tbo rlvor , on the west bnnk , watching to see that 11011a got over nnd back into the reservation People nt Fort Picrro bavo orders not to leave the mile sqanro , o\copt to cross over to tins city , an d they have to secure 11 permit tor their return lrom the ofllcor of the dny there , which keeps them from goluc onto the reservation lands The strictest watch Is kept by the troops , under tlio command of Colonel ' las sin , who has orders from army hoadqunrtors similar to.thoso given the troops who con trolled Oklahoma prior to tbo rush tbut en sued upon tbo opining ot tbut land Acaln , the boomers bore uro fcOJiowhat doubtful if the picsiileut'8 proclamation will open the land now or set a date in tbo future for the opening , In which latter case attempted settlement would bo ubcIcss If it was known for a surety that the proclamation opens ttio land nt once there would ho n. milttvl jiMnmnt hnrrt tnrinv to got ncross and on thu best birds , but tbo suspense Kooos men who huvu gathered 111 doubt nnd prevents nuy concentrated or vig orous movement to occupy tbo country The famous South Picrro boomers to the number of fifty nro collected together and will make for the ground Jimt nbova Fort Pierre upon tbo first word that tbo coast is clear to es tablish their town site 'J hoysiiru organized uud every propagation is mndo to pull across the rlvor before any others AnoUior day will develop some excitement , moro or less , nccordlng to thojnows that Is received The ProTiTj7i7ion Btll Picunr , S. D. , Fob 7. ISpecial Telegram to Tim Bup.l A hurd fight was mndo In tbo bouso today over the fltinl passigeof tbo pro hibition bill , but victory finally perched on the banner of tbo prohibitionists The oppo sition lllllbustercd all day , calling for ayes and "noes" on ovoiv motion uad amendment , sacking to dillydally , out the inenBure finally went through with moro than a two-thirds vote , which insured tlio omergoncv cluuso bolnir accepted While the prohibition folks feel Jubilant , they regret the fact that the two most important provisions of the bill have bojn stricken out , viz : Hoquirlng physicians to state tbo nature of the complaint the liquor Is required for in making out tbo pro scriptions , und giving authorities the right to search pnvnto dwellings for liquors , They claim that thosu two features would bavo practically pub an ostopp ll on every loophole bv which the law could have been evaded , but still congratulate themselves that it is tbo" strongest ono thut bus oyer been devised The bouso und ijbnatu will now huvo to appoint conference committees to acrco on tbo date the law becomes op erative , the senate date bolng Mny 1 , while that of the house is April 1 , and the belief is entertained that the sunato will insist 011 Its date uud the house will huvu to glvo up Practically no ether business bus been 11c- coinpllsbed during the last three days during the debate In the legislatu'o over the pro hibition bill A I < tii c It port PiEnitE , S. D. , Fob 7. fSuocial Tolcirram to Tiir llgii ] A8onsatlonwascau3jditnong the state officials today by the Bismarck special recently sent out that South Dakota bad defaulted in the payment of January in terest on the agricultural cello o bonds , Treasurer Smith claiming that they bad not been proscnled to him for payment , i'bu re port was false , as the funds Wore ready for tbom when presented ' Today coupons were received from tbo holders uud liquidated The report was probibly caused by tbo fact that the holders hud not sint them to Pierre for pit meut but to 1'orritor'al Treasurer Bniloy , at Bismarclt , who bus gouo out ot office , Dakota territory being no more , und tbey were sent there by mistake A Stampede For the Kcsorvatlon CiiuimmLAiK , S. D. , Fat ) . 7. | .Spoclal Telegram to This Bbb.1 A repurt gained circulation here late this nftoruoon thnt the president bad issued his proclamation de claring the Sioux lands open for settlement In a short time u wild siampado for the wast side of tbo Missouri river took place nnd many loads of lumber , were ready to leave ut u moments notice Jiidiuu Agent Anderson was in the city when tbe stanipudo commenced nnd warned the intending eei- tlera to remain here , but no attention was paid to what bo said He thou sent orders to his Indian police und lifter an hour they succcoded in clearing the reservation of nil intruders , the settlers being escorted to this city by the police Police Patrolling the Itesorvntlou CiiAMiiKULAtv , S. D „ Tob 7. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bki\ I Indian police uro patrolling the border of tbo Sioux reserva tion to prevent settlers from.golng upon the land until the presidents proclamation Is is sued 9 An Absolute Curl * . ThoORIGINAUABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up In larae two-Ouneo tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for nil sores , burns , wounds , cbuppod hands nnd nil skin erup tions Will i > osltlvoly cure nil Kinds of piles Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT Sold by Goodman Drug company at " 5 cents per box by mall SO cents m A Lnuor l'lnnuolal Alliance Bostov , Mass , Fob 7. A morning paper stutod , apparently on tbo authority of tbo loaders of the inovomout , that there is to bo organized In this country previous to tbo eight hour movement of Mny I , 1890 , u gl- gautio labor financial alliance witblu tbo ranks of tbo American Fodoratlon of Labor It is proposed to accumulate a Joint stock fund of at least $200,000 before May ! i0 , to be placed at the disposal of any trade whoso craftsmen may bo on a strike or locked out The organization of this alliance is said to ba already under way , ulthougb the matter lias been kept us secret as possible Went Out 011 nail Ciiicaoo , Fob 7 , A supersedeas * tonight was granted to ox-Edltor James J , West of tbo Chicago Times , sentenced a few days ago to live yours for fraudulently ovor-issu- Ing stock of the Times company Justloo Magrudor , la granting the supersedeas , mads an order admitting West to ball in tbo sum of $10,000 pending the bearing on affidavit for a writ of error * The Death Record UnuAHA , O. , Fob 7. Joshua Saxton , the oldest editor in Ohio , died this morning , Ho was ua uncle of Congressman McKlnloy , Mauhid , Feb 7. The duke of Montezuma , deieondnd from tbs emperor of Mexico of that same , is dead , ItuslnrsH Troubles Puiladeli'IIU , Fab 7 , John W. Priest ley's ' carpet mill closed today on Judgments aggregating $21,00V. The assets are placed at $75,0iW. r Dyspepsia vj Makes the lives of many people miserable , . , * • causing distress nttcr eating , sour stomach , A sick headache , lirartburn , tots ot appetite , jgk a faint , "allgone"feeling , bid taste , coated jf , , tongue , nnd Irregularity ot / ' 1 DIStrOSS iiioboirch Dyspepsiadoe / After not Rct wc" of , tsclf' " ! _ . . , requires careful nttenttftn Eating and a remedy llko Hoods j Samparllln , which nets gently , 5 ctcftlclciitly i j It tones the stomach , regulates the dlges- U lion , creates n good npSick * petite , banishes headache , „ . and refreshes the nilnil nOatiaCllO "I Imo been irouhUd with dvspepsla I bad but Utile appetite , mid what I did cat ii.ri. distressed me , or did mo rioart mil0 f,00ll > Attcr oalnB | j Utirn would have a faint or tired , j all gene feeling , ns though I bad tint eaten * 1 nn > thing My trouble was aggravated by ' j 111) businesspainting Last cnur spring I took Hoods Bar r Bare. . , sr saparllla , which did mo nn Stomach > \ I Immense amount ot good It gave mo an appetite , nud my food relished and satisfied the craving I had prcvlou ly experienced " Gnoiuirc A. TAnn , W.atcrtown , Mass * . Hoods Sarsaparilla ; Sold by nil dniSBhtn 91 i six for g3. l'rcpiroil ontj i ' lijO.l 1IOOP& CO , Apothecaries , Lou ell , M i I 100 Doses Ono Dollar AMUHKMn.NTsi Once mnro in the Romuigly endless sue cession of sensons''Fiinclioii , ' * with Mngglo ( Mitchell , and nil that that Implies , is with us For all thnt , old ns Is the ploco , nnil , . , familiar ns 19 almost every theatergoer with -ydsjfjM It , the play yet possesses n charm excelled by * ( that of no ether piece which bassoon the light during the pastdecudo And yet "Fauclion" wus ola when some ot the moro recent and now forgotten successes were placed before - ! fore the people ' Possessing intrinsic merits as it does , tbo piny , however , had never attained Its great success bad It not boon for the geulus of thu y llttlo lady whoso name bus been so indlssolu-rV bly connected w 1th the tltlo role That * - \ genius seems still to dominate , to inspire , al most to idenlizo bor delineation of tbo load , iue character , in last nights nudienco there j were people who bad Boon tbo star on the stairo nearly forty years neo To them Miss Mitchell's "Fnnchon" seemed us fresh , pure , Intense nud consistent as it did when it llrst appealed to tholr appre ciation so many voirs ngo The chanictor- imtion is nn boirloom , the memory of which is the possession of every man and woman who has over been n patron of tbo theater nnd who appreciates the morality and ster ling worth which Miss Mitchell endeavors to exemplify in all her plays Miss Mitchell's comumy Is nn excellent ono , It comprises Mr Charles Abbott , who for tears bus been bur loading support ; Mr McClannin , who was the original Fathci B.ubaiu , and who still pi ijs tbe part us It bns never boon played by uny ether p irty ; George W. Deyo , a young man of sterling merit , whoso Father Caillurd , in both make up and work , is stamped with the original ity and effect worthy of .1 capable artist , with .1 number of other excellent pcoploi TO DISCUSS a.\m.vahov. I lie Uonl Kstatu Dealers Invitation ' to South Om ilin M The mombcrs of the real estate cxchancuVx H are tnakiug preparations for a big time at 4 i H the mooting today ut 11 o'clock at "winchB time the question of annexing South Omaha H will bo discussed Vice President Upton of the exchange , wont to South Omuhii to invite vito the representative business mun 01 that city to bo present nt the meeting If there 1 is any oppositiou to tbo movement among South Omaluns the exchange wunts the objections stated tint thov mav be met by a showing of iho udvniit.iges to bo gamed by tbo union of the 1 two cities A number of Omnbu c'tl/cns ' , who have given tlio matter Home consideration , will uddress the meeting There , were no now listings at ycstoiday's gathering Sales were reported : By A. P. Tukoy , lot 21 , bloclt I J , Clifton billBy By Morris Morrison , undivided half inter est of flftpcti acres in 100 acres adjoining Spring valley , fflOH ) By A. P. ruke\ , lot ! il ! block 9. Clifton J bill , $3,000. lot S , blocit P. Clifton hill , $ l,33' ! ' ) . j By Morris Morrison , eight acres adjoining , Brown paik , South Oiiiub 1 , 810,000 j it p. u. 1.Lits. JB $ 21 OtiKilitt LmlxT io.o-M ; | Its Fourth ' Annual liaixiner , Thofiurth unuual banquetglvon Inctnighb tectlvo Order of Ellis , was u grunu success , bv Omahii lodpo No 39 , BonevolenJ Pro About fifty members sat down to the banquet quot board , enjoyed 11 very nice spread of coed things , nnd listonotl to several interest ing toast speeches Those were made by Brothers R. O. McClure , who aavo a brlof history of the organization of No IJ'J ; E. M. Burllett , 011 Cardinal Virtues ; F. R Mor rits.'y on " The Mother nnd Children of • 33' " ; E. C. Snvacr on Relations of the Drnmutic Profession to the Older ; W O. I Gregory to The Pr03S , " nnil H. H. Moicor to "ibe Ladies " Brother II W. Hyde presided - sided ns the toastmastcr After tba sot speeches short , interesting titles wore inndu by I. W. Miner , George W. Shields , Francis Dana , Past Exulted Ruler A. B. Davenport , E. W , Hamilton uud others Among those present in addition to those already men Honed were : Thomas I' . Bovd , D , W. Huynes , D. W. Van Cott , E E. Wliltmoro , Harry Reed , M. II Couistock , Sidney . m buiitb , Past Exalted Kulor O. C. Hulott , " / I Robert Hunter , M. A. Upton , Charles Collins , Alt Molnbortr , Frame Bulcb , Dr . . Jm Worloy und many others Mw , WIuhIow'b Soothing Syrup for children teething rests tlio child mitt comforts the mother , liJc 11 bottto Kt'Diintiir in El • cnloit ) . "If tlio ofllco of city electrician Is urentod by the council , " said 11 city ofllclal , why not bavo Captain Coulter , superintendent of tlio flro nilil police alarm perform the duties of that ofllco also At present ho Is practically city electrician as funis tbo flro uud police alarms , tbe electrical npp iratus of the city Is coucornod Ho could readily perform tlio duties of thnt ofllco und if be is competent , to fill his prcsont position hu surely is qualified to satisfactorily perform the duties of the Sroposed ono as they both require the same nowlodgo and experience with electricity With a slight Increase in salary , Captain Coulter would doubtless bo willing to assutnu the increasoa responsibility This would be nn economical measure uud equip the city with a necessary oQlcial at alight cost " mm POWDER Absolutely Pure * \ , fills powdt-r never varies A marvel of p irllr I strength and wuolatouiauoi * . iioiveqonoinlca , * K. thuu tlio ordinary kinds , ami cannot be sold br loinpetlllou Mlili tno multitude or lurr till short welgut uluui or Dhoapuuta powders , Weld iwtrAilst 0" * } * VllUYAl4 * * ' " ' 'OWBlt Co ,