Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1890, Page 8, Image 9
ill 8 . THE OMAHA DAILY BEB FEIDAY FEBRUARY 7 , 1890. ' - - ' ' 5 = 3 THE CITY Manncor Hull ol the wntorworks com pany is In Denver on business 1 Wultor H. Wnro 1ms brought suit tn thu county court iigninst A. C. Grillln to recover SOIKI on a note Willlttni Soliwnrlck , tloputy county treasurer , who was injured In the licit line wreck , is on duty again Dotcctlvo Ward prosontcd n stulTcd Chlnoau pliuaiiuit to Uliiof Soavoy , which ho shot while in Oregon a few weeks ngo Charles White , who was convicted of larceny and sentenced to the ponlton- tlnry * wns brouijht to the city by Warden - don UopkliiH yesterday for a new trial Mr Uyron Hcotl has boon confined to the house for two or three days with conRCBtion of the liver His physician , however , docs not consider his condi tion serious , with proper euro The Don Carlos Lumber company filed amended articles of incorporation in the county clerks olllco yesterday , locating their principal places of busi ness at KuiisasjClty and Mountain Vlow , Mo Mo.James James Howe , bond bookkeeper of the Omaha Savings bank , has boon con fined to hid room for moro than a mouth with an abscess in the head , and fours nro ontortuinod that ho may lese the sight of one eye The police court wind up yesterday nftoi noon consisted In James Marshall being lined $15 and costs for lighting , and Jerry Km nan being taxed $10 and costs for assaulting Fanny Hamilton Both were committed The through registered mall pnuch Irom Now Orleans to Omaha will licro- nftor eomo from Kansas City north via the Omaha and Kunsns City railway nostoflleo instead of via the Council iMulTs and Kansas City railway pdst- olllco as formerly 1 The revival services at the First . I Baptist church , under the direction of t Cullis and Sargent and Pastor Lamar , . ' Btill eontlnuo with growing interest I Sunday afternoon Mr Cullis will talk nt Boyd's opera house on the subject , " Belshazzur'rt Feast " t Micavtt Wlllot , one of Nebraska's I oldest rCBiuents , died at , his homo in , ! JMtllitril Wodnosdny it ml was buried I yestqrday Mr Willet \Cus sovonty-two i j y6ura or.age and cuino to Nebraska from f I Washotouou county , Mich , in 1802. Ho ' I loaves a wife and ono child \ \ Fdtir carloads of tin plate have boon f received by Collector Alexander from 1 Swansea , Wales , for the Armour & v Cudnhy , Lee , Clark & Andrcosou and Rector-Wilholmy companies ; and thrco cases of fancy dress goods from Brad ford , ICngland , for the Kilpatriek-Koeh comimny The Clnrk steam heating company i has sold out stock and good will to the 1 United States wind engine and pump company Mr C. C. Clark , the man ager , loaves for Seattle , whore ho will hereafter reside The concern was owned by Mr Clark and the llaxtun company of Kowaunoo , Bl , Dorsoy B. Houek , third lieutenant governor , announces that there will bo a meeting of the momborsof the Penn sylvania bociety at the polices court room this evening at 7 o ' clock All I members nro earnestly requested to bo i present , as business of importance will * will come before the meeting , The county oommibsionors are sur- § pribod at the opposition totheir ap- jjj pointment of Jacob Levy as justice of the peace in South Omaha .Whou Mc- | Kondry resigned Levy applied for the . place , , llloda.iroer } | ) bond , and as there 1 woio tie ' " other applicants ho was ap- Ifi pointed by the commissioners i The Mr Rosenthal mentioned in Wednesdays Bun as being arrested in Council BlulTs , says ho was not Albert , brother of Mr B. Rosenthal , proprietor I of the installment , house on North Six tcontli street It was a case of mistaken identity , as Mr Rosenthal was quietly attending to his dutloa us collector for the house , and was in Omaha at the time j Pcrsonnl • l , rncrnpln j P. J.Allen of Protnontisnt the Murray , j L. 13. Fowler of Sutton is at the Paxton 1 It St Clair of Mcridon Ib a guest at the ! Casey * ' J. B. StauiTor of Grand Islund is at the ' Casey I * F. B. Harrison of Fremont is at tlio Casey H. II Greer of Kearney Is n cuest ot tlio I I IJaxloa ! W. K. Uralnard of Fremont is topplnc at i tbo Casey i Henry Beutert of Hustings is registered at I the CuBoy , William Collins of Wahoo is stopping at tbo Murray I , W. W. Murplo of Norfolk is registered at 1 tbo Murray 5 D. L. Johnson and wlfo of St Paul are B Kuests at the Paxton i Cornelius Morun and wlfo of Lincoln are guests at the Murray I \ B. D. Gould nnd wlfo of Fullerton are stopping at the Paxton Miss Miunlu Hawlcs of Nebraska City is stopping at too Paxton ( H.V. . Niemaii end wlfo of Sehuylor are registered at the Puxton Zucli T , Leftwlch and wife of St Paul are Among the guests at the Paxton McAnmlly'u Obs-qiilcs. The funeral over the romalns of William McAnually , the switchman who met a violent lent death at South Oinuhu , will bo held at .2 p. in today at his lalo home , 1321 South Thirteenth at root * I ton I Estate Listed The following sales were reported at the Krai Estate exchangoyestorduy : By A. P. TuUoy , lot 3. block 8 , Clifton Hill , fSOO fSOO.By C. L. Javnps & Co . lot I , block 3. Cot tage Homes addition , MOO AcooiniiKiiliiilntr The pol'co ' reporters have nt last uoen given a taolo by Judge Ilnlnloy in his court room Bach daily Is entitled to a stmt and Court Ofllcer Keysor has asseverated that the llrst lawyer , loafer or policeman ho catches at this table will be iustuntly be headed Slilrivnlk Kp-o flantlnn . At the meeting of the board of publlo works yesterduy the members decided to adopt the now set of specifications proposed last wock concerning iho laying of wooden sldowalks The main new features are the rcquiromoats that all crosswalks that are ia the district unuorcoatrol shall bo laid by the contractor who lays the logular walks Lonk Out , Train mon The management of the Union PnciUoroad has been given distinct orders by Chief Sea voy to cease holdlag their trains longer than ton minutes on the Tenth street crossing It was reported to luoi that ono tram blockaded the crossing for twouty- three tnttuitos In the future the policemen on that beat w'H ' arrest the tralumen who vlolato the ordluauco I The Witness wns Drunk If John Krouso was summoned to the police 1 . court yesterday as a witness When ho upI - I poured la the room ho was so badly under 1 the lnliuoneo of liquor that an ofllcer lu at- ; j tendance took htm down stairs and locked W him up In a cell to sober otT IR At tucked by a Vioious One IE A vicious dog owned by a man pamod H Miller , at Twcnty-sovenlU aud Caldwell If streets , yesterday attacked Katie Swartz- h lander , living on Caldwell street , InUlotlag IB several painful but not serious wounds TKIjIi-TALB WAIjI/J. They are Soon to Abandon nn Ills ttirlo Hite Thnlayg of usefulness of the old Planters house are numbered , and Mr A. J. Potter , who 1ms boon the host of that hostelry for the past three years , is urcparlng to vucato It As soon as the present maze of prelimi naries regarding the apponUetnciit of the block for postofllco purposes Is irene through with , the old building will bo razed to the ground In Its early days the hotel was the only drst-class Inn of which Omaha could boast , nnd though of late It has bcea surpassed In stvle bv Its younger sisters , It has been ono of the best paying hostolrics in the city The original building was oreetod In 1SG.1 or lblX ) and consisted of two stones and a garret This slffileturo is still stntidtng al though obscured by the two three story ad ditions oreetod in front of It The old build ing was lirst occiiplod by Joslah Morrison , who conducted what would In these times bo known as a hoarding house , but In those primiti/edays Itbaru thu proud name of the Omaha house and w.i * considered a iirst cltss hotel Us rates were S3 per day Among Mr Morrison's ilrst guests was the theatrical troupe under the manaccniont of Mr Corrl Joan Clara Wnltcrs was the loading lady of this troupe and many of the old settlers who wore smitten with her charms still remember her A few years luter the three story addition which now constitutes the west portion of the hotel was built and afterward the portion tion on Sixteenth nnd Dodge was croctcd Mr Scth Cole succeeded Mr Morrison as landlord nnd run the thu hotel for four years Mr Page next rented the building from the Folsotns , but conducted the hotel only for a few mouths , wliou he died , Mrs Page , Ills widow , sold out to C. K. Ferris , the son-in-law of Benjamin U. Fol- soin In 1887 Mr AJ Potter bought n half In terest in it and m D.'cotnbar , 1331 bought out Ferris Interest and has conducted It oversmce Ono Knot is worth a column of rhetoric , said nn American statesman It is a fact , es tablished by thu testimony of thousands of people , that Hoods Sarsapnrllla does euro scrofula , salt rheumnnd ether dis- ensos or directions arirlng from impure state or low condition of the blood It also overcomes thiit tired fol ing , crp- atcs a good appetite and give strength to every part of the system T ry it oo.upiiiMBNis io nv.v : > s The Council Mufft Magnate Dressed lip Iiy nn Om ill tn Things are not as calm and peaceful with the Omaha-Council ltlulTs llrldgo and Motor company as a summer nights dream At the last mooting of the directors some things occurred which caused considerable bad blood end Impelled ono or two members to lcavo the Omaha National baak boiling over with rage An effort was made to keep the disagree ment secret , but through John T. Evans of Council BlulTs , It has leaked out and as sumed the Bhaoo of rather serious chargps aguiniit some of the Omaha people , ono of winch is that a dividend has never been de clared Mr Evans Is quoted ns Raving that there "Is a c.ish baluneo of $100,000 on hand , but by reason of Us interest valuu to the bank , which in : 11x09 ni quito a llgnre , certain directors are using it for their own pecuniary henortt and coulu not bo expected to bo iu favor of declaring o di\Idend. " TliU , however , was not , It is learned , the real bono of contention All the directors except Guv Baitou and ono other were iu tavorof declaring a dividend , but subse quently decided that considerable money would have .to bo expended in flxing their ( track cast of the bridge approach so that it might not be damaged by high water , and concluded that whatever surplus they bad should bo iropt for that purpose "Wo .biivo mude some monov , " . .sulci a member ot the company , but ithafebcen in vested right along in Improvements on the tbo property , Mr Evans statement that wo have $100 000 of u balaneo on hand is ab surd It is true wo have a cash fund in the treasury gotten from the sale of bonds , but no such nn nmouat ns that "I'lio truth ia that Mr Evans has always been n disturbing element Ho has repeat edly charged all of us with nearly every crime on the calendar , such us thieves , con spirators aud swindlers ' His present griev ance nrises out of the re-clestion of Stuart us president , and what ho b.ivs with refer once to the surplus , interest and refusal to declare n dividend is unfounded Anyway , " continued the speaker , the whole thing Is a strictly private matter , and I object to airing it in the newspapers Lot Mr Evans talk if ho waats to , Wo all know him and are accustomed to his complaints " Dr Birnoy , practice limited to ca tarrhal diseases of nose and throat Rooms IMS to 250 , Boo building DANGEIt OF DVKICNESS If Etcctrioliy Shounl 1'nll Wo Would bo throe I ays In Darkness It Is expected that on March 15 the Thompson-Houston electric light company will bo able , under-thoir contract with the city , to light the main portion of town by olectrioity This lighting was to have been accomplished on the 14th Inst , but it is claimed It wus rendered Impossiolo by delays - lays sustained by the company The district to bo thus lighted is rather an irrogulur ono , extending in some places as far south as Center , as far north ns Burdotto , and as far west as Twouty-nlnth avenue Suppose the electric machinery should got out of order , the wires bo cut , or because of atmospheric disturbances It should bo Im possible to light that district by electricity whntbavo the city authorities donnto prevent thu town from remaining Iu darkness , " was asked by a citizen Frank Murphy , presldont of the gas com pany , was questioned on the subject "Tuo city has made no arrangement with the gas company to supuly.gas | n the event of the electric light being shut off , and wo do not Intend to keep ono strcot lamp in readiness for nn emergency The supply of gas , of course , will not be shut off becnuso the lamps are conncctod with our mains Wo will , how ever , put a top cap upou every burner , which will both prevent the gas from escap ing and children and others from lighting the gas at random " How long would It take In the event of a serious nccident to the olectrio light plant , to remove those caps and thus save the city from darknossl" "I thinic it would require about three days There are , I bollovo , nearly three hundred lamps In the district which is now to bo lighted by electricity , " Fits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness and hysteria are noon cured by Dr Miles Nervine Free samples ut Kuhn & Co , 15lb and Douglas itnnl Bstnlo Kxohnuge , The members of the real estate exchange huvo gene into the South Omuha annexation scheme in earnest nnd will hold a publlo meeting on Saturday to discuss tboadyisabil ity of the proposition Mayor Cusbing , John M. Thurston , Judge Savage and repre sentatives from South Omaha are expected to address the meeting South Omahaas are especially invited to attend this publlo discus sion of the question , General Test has presented the exchange with some figures on the assessment , valua tion and taxation of the two cities Ho says i Relative to the percentage the assessed nnd real wealth of Omaha , I incline to the belief that the generally accepted llgures are too low , unreasonably so For Instance the assessed valuation last year was $30,73(1,679 , oil which the actual valuation Is at loest SHOOOOOOO A rough estimate of the value of realty nlono on Furtiam and Sixteenth streets along their entire leugth will give Botuolhlng lika * 3o,000,000 at tbo lowest , This is exeluslvo of personalty , and but for two streets Now count the capital invested in the Joublug district , manufactures , rail roads , street railways , railway bridges , bauk deposits and capital , lumber yards , smelting wefts , car shops brickyards , elevators , hotels , dwellings , mer chandise uud other investments , real and personul , all over the city , uud you will doubtless And the actual wealth of Omaha is nearly ooublo the populnr idea of our actual wealth Instead of ono-sovcnlh , the assessed valuation is less than one-tenth of the actual wcnlth of Omaha On this basis wo can reach a ilcllnlto conclusion as to the rnto of taxation In Omaha and South Omnha For lnstanco , here are the figures for the coining > car : Act Assessed Levy Actual lew valuation Mills , value Mills South Oiiiaba.S1.7oOJU ( 27 * ! 0,000,000 4 73 Omaha 30JO,079 41 207,300,790 4.1X5 To promptly and permanently euro rheu matism or neuralgia use Salvation Oil Price S3 cents SNOWS AND FLOODS They Are Camlnti Annoyances to Mountain llond-i. Vlco President Hnlcomb has recclvod a lnrgo number of telegrams from Portland , Ore , some of which were sent lust Monday , but owing to the demoralized condition of wires lu the regions were dolnyed Communication has , however , been estab lished nnd late advices inform the head of the Union Pacific system that there is no diminution In the great floods at Portland As yet the company has not suffered much from water The snow blockades have been cleared awav so that a passenger train , the Ilrst slnco Inst 'I hursday or Friday , loft Portland for Green Illvor today A wrecking train aud the snow plows got through yestordav The snow is melting so fast that no more trouble from slides L fe.irod , nnd unless high water should wash out the trucK the Shnrt Line will eontlnuo to do tegular business Mr Holcomb says there Is no dungcr of the Union Pacific bridge at Port land unless the wagon strertiiro four blocks It should go nnt and tlott down ngslnst the piers with stiniclout foroo to cuiry them awav Hut the wagon bridge is made of iron and the current would have to bo very strong to lloat It that far 'Iho passenger department of thoTrnns- Mlssotirl freight and passenger association has been called to meet at thu Millard hotel iu this city next 1'uesday. So fnr'uscan bo learned , thoru Is nothing but routine busi ness likely to come up for consideration un less It bo the scalping rate on second-class Salt Lake tickets worked bv ono ro id sous tn make u reduction of Sii 50 in the Chicago Denver rate General Passenger Agent Lomax has Is sued an ofllctal ciicular announcing the uu pointment of F. B. Sample as assistant general passenger agent of thu Union Pa- oitlc at Denver Whcu the Colorado division wus consolidated with the Fart Worth & Texns road \lr. Seuiplo found himself nut of a Job by roisnn of the abolishment of his oflico as passenger agent Next Sundnv the Milwaukee road will put n now time table Into effect for its fast vesti bule train botweeu Chicagj anj Oaiaha It will then leave Chicago ntl ) p. ni uud arrive in Omaha at O.iO the novt uiorniug Hy this change the running time is shortened thirty minutes J. II Highland , froleht agent of the Mltwautieu road , was in Onmb.iyesterday interviewing General Agent Nash aud look ing over the condition or affairs in which his corporation is moro or less Interested . ! . ll Frawlev , city passenger agent of the Union Pacini : at Kansas City , is iu town con sulting Passongur Agent Lomax Oliver Face , for a lung time chief cleric in the II & M. ftoight oltlco , Uenvor , has boon appointed contracting agent for the same road ut that place , succeeding Frank P. Adams , who takes C. S. iswam's place as local freight agent Dnn'r ' K\p rtim-nt with thiTlironr mill lungs Use only the old brand Uakci's Pure Cod Liver Oil or Uaker's Emulsion All druggists , h inn llns Flown Charles W. Finn , a well Known character about town , lias snudenlyldisanpoarod leav ing seveial creditors iu the luren Ho was at ono time , a grading and excava ting contractor utid for u few seasons was successful For the last two years , ho has been mora or less of a loufer spending the greater portion of his time ni beer bulls and with warj-bummitig poli- tcians Prior to the convention last fall Finn as pired to the nomination for county commis sioner on the democratic ticket without suc cess cess.His wife is a hard working woman and supports the family by conducting u board iug house on North Seventeenth street She does not expect her lord to ro' urn , Tin Only One • • The Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Railway is the only line running solid vostibulod , ejoctrio lighted and steam heated trains between Chicugo , Coun cil Blutfsaud Omaha The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines if oatontud and cannot bo used by any other railway company It is the great improvement of the ago Try it and be convinced Slcopii/g curs leave the Union Pncilio depot , Omaha , atli p. m. dally , arriving at Chic.ico at 9:30 : a. in , Passengers tnking this train are not compollotl to got out of thojjars at Council Blulls and wait for the train to bo cleaned Got tickets nnd sinoping car berths at Union ticket otllco , 1601 Farnam st vF A. Nasu Gen Agt J. E. PnufaTON , Pass Atrt Kndenvorrd m Ool'riiKl. . The case of KirkendaP , Jones & , Co against Shorey & Co , has been decided by the supreme premo court in favor of the plaintiffs Kir- kciidull , Jones & Co sold the defendants , who were merchants nt Norfolic , JS57 worth of goods The defendants then transferred their business to their wives nnd resisted payment The supreme court held that the transfer was virtually nn assignment , and that the disposition of the goods was fop the purpose of defrauding creditors The Idliol Cuncn After holding back his decision ton days , Police Judge HelsIoyyestPrduy handed down ad opinion iu the cases of the stnto vs Vuudarvoort , t..o ktato vs Wilcox nnd the Btato vs E. Kosowater Defendants tn the three cases were bound over to the district court , Tlie Great Hook Island Jtouta , Tn changing time on Sunday , Nov 17 , the Chicago , Rock Island & Pucillo Ry have considered every point of In terest to the Omaha traveling puolic , If you nro going to Dos Moines , Chicago or any point east , our , solid voatlbuio limited train 1b just what you want Leave Omaha at 1.25 p. m arr 'ivo in Dos MoinoB 'Ji0 : : p. m. uud Chicago 8:30 : a. m. , dining car for supper leaving Council BlulTs end forbreaKfastboforo reaching Chicago This train is also equlppod with the finest sleepers and chair cars made by tno Pullman Co , , which leave from the U. P. depot , Omahaovory day nt 4:25 : p. m. , making close connections at Chicugo with all trains for eastern points In addition to this magnitioont train wo have two other daily trains to Chicago , leaving Omaha ut ! ) :15 : a. in ntidfilG ; p. in , For information as to routes , rates , time , etc , call ut tiokot olllco , 1305 B'arnam street ; telephone 782. S. S. Stkvens General Western Agent Announcements The Kimball Opera Comlquo and Burles que company , headed by tbo peerless Cor- lnno , will appear at the Bovd in the new operatic burlesque of "Aicadia" on Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday nt next week A grand souvenir niatineo will be given Wed nesday , Sol Smith Ilussell will ba at tbo Boyd on the two last evenings of next week In his new play "A Poor Uolatlon " Seats for the Jofforson-Florcnco engage ment at the Grand go ou sale nt 0 o'clock this morning No person will bo permitted to purchase more than ten reserved seats Numbers to those staudlng ia line will bo given out ut B oclock Till . OLD MAS IS UOltiKUL ; Mr Iltirrtm UoMHrnt of Ultimately Wlnnlup His Case Grandpa Uurruvns "ho has now como to be known by nearly every ono in this soc tlon , is condncd indhe county jail under sentence - i tenco by Judge Dundy for contempt of court The old gentlomnn Is not at all dis couraged , however and feels confident that the ultimata result , will bo entirely satis , factory Ho is sentenced to confinement for ninety days , but hisiattorney will start for • Washington withlojn day or two and en deavor to secure writ of habeas corpus from the United States supreme court , wherobv lJicy hone to secure u decision to the effect that Judge Dundy had not compc- teut Jurisdiction , thus securlug the posses sion of the child until such tlmo as Miller may bring suit In thu district court ' 1 ho httlo girl is ut present with her grandmother nt some point In Iowa and will remain absent until a decision has been nrrlvod atiu the matter FLBD MtUJl PAItrNlS Hut Tliev Worn Fin ill ) Caught in Colnrnda On the Burlington llyor from Denver that passed through Omana Wednesday evening were four pnssencors , three men and ono woman , about whom clung an interesting story Twoof the men were Michigan ofllcers Deputy United States Marshal Abies and SherliT Blair uf Ionia county , while the other limn and the • vonian were their prisoners About ono year ago Frank Allen , cashier of a bank ut Portland , Mich , and his pretty cousin , Uertrudo Wliitacre , inn away to gether and went west , lhev forged drafts to the amount nf W,3.VJ. Joined each oilier nt Windsor , Canada , from there wont to Denver , aud llnally located nn a ranch near Walsonberg , Col , where the ofllcers found and arrested them lost ' 1 ues- dnv Tnry had been living as husband and wlfo , look n high position In social ns well ns church circles , butncKiiowledgod after being captured that they wore not married The most dehento constitution etui sufoly use Dr .1. II McLcnn Vl'iir Wino Lung Balm It is a sure remedy for coughs , loss of voice , aud all throat and lung troubles District Conn Thu injunction case against the citj to re strain It lrom granting permission to the street railway compiny to cross the corner of Hnuscoin park was niguod before Judge Clnrkson yesterday morning in eh nuburs The Judge look the case under ndvlsement Thu Douglas County bank has commenced two suits against George L. uud Hello 11 , Dunhuri to recover $1,000 on two notes se cured bv innrteago on lot D , bloc't 4 , of Pat rick's addition , J ho Douglas County bank has brought suit against David W. Hill , ot nt , to recover ? . " . ( ) ( ) on a into secured by mortgairo The Alliance lrust company lias com menced suit against Marl i C Beecher , ot al to recover on a unto for * 5,0)0 ) secured by mortgage on lots 3 and 4 , biock 103. Mrs Junnotto M. Lucas seouioJ a writ of replevin for n harea and cirri igo aliened to bo unlawfully seuad by Constublo Dorsey U. Houek The Nebraska Savings bank has brought mlt agujnst Columbus C. Cary , ot al , to re cover on a note lmvs : , ' ) l ) . Abraham Kosenburg lias sued C. II Fester and wlfo for Sl.T tor 1 ibor perloriued A Itnunt i i lions > . This boJy of oqt3 has bosn lilnnol to a tenement I * often bus a haunted apart ment the stomach , hcare.l by theoldrloli sprite , dyspepsia , digestion lllos aud lefusos to return What can break the spoil , what can raise the ban laid upon the unhapiv or gans ! Wo answer uunesititlngly , Hoitet- ter's Stotiue' * Hitters und , wo are war ranted lu the response by the recorJc I teslt tnonv ol liiynuilsfcnvorin a period of over a third of a centuny A conrsnnf the Bit ters , begun1 in anyfitngaof th alUieion , and pfrslstentlv followed , \vlir < orniiu < ito m euro positive , lidt partial , The Hitters restores tone to the opigastrio nerve , renews and purlllas the juicjs exuding from the oatlular tissue that nut upon tlu fond dlgostlvely , expels bile from the ate nseli and the bioid , and promote ? a regular hanitof Inly Ma laria , kidney ci nplalnt , nervousness , rlieit mutism and neuralgia give wav to this medi cine Snllo'iine A il lor Dnlcntnni Mr J. H. Schmitz is in tno citv soliciting aid for the Dakota sufferers Ho displays the following telegram , which was received by Mayor Cushlng : To the Mayor of Omaha Wo have no au thority io authorize anv person to solicit aid , but J , 11. Scmnitz is reliable and the persons ho leprLseuts are needy O. A. Cmssi.v , County Judge Miner County B. Smith County Auditor Maynr Cushing has endorsed thin telegram by writing the following on the face or it : ' 1 bis teieLigraui received at tills ollleo to day If U. Ct'Miixn , Mayor Mr Schmitz is railing on business men and others aud is receiving substantial encour agement Mai'i'inm , Ijijonss Licenses were issuol to the following parties by Judge Shields jestorduy ; Name and Uesuloace Ace I Albert II Kayser , Omaha * „ " ' > 1 Noltm M. Pntchard , Omuha 31 i Frank Pratt , South Omuha : t ( ) - I Clara Lawless , South Ouiaha 30 J John F. Nelson , Omaha 3" I Annie .Inoabson , Omaha 31 I John Sash , South Omaha 32 1 Eva Martin , South Omuha HI The peoples remoJy for the euro of Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Hoarseness , llron- niiilis Croup , Inllurwi , Whooping Cough , Incipient Consumption , Is Dr Bulls ' Cougli Syrup , the old reliable Piles 3i cents , Di-fi-muHii i the Poor Meat Inspector ilickstoin lodged a com , plaint In the police court charging F. K Hambelc with selling loaves of bread that woighcd only thirteen and one-linlf ounces The city ordinance requires that each loaf shall weigh sixteen ounces Thlriy-ono loaves wore soked und will bo turned over to Poor Commissioner Muhonov Ilambok's store is ut Twenty-eighth and Walnut streets Rheumatism , BEING duo Ito the presence of urio acid in the blood , is most effectually cured by the nso of Ayers Sursnpn- rHIa IJo gurootiii get Ayers uud no other , and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the Hjstem Wo thaUuuge attention to this testimony : "Abctit two enrs ago , after suffering for nearly two years fiom ilieuiuatlo goutbeing ublo to walkonly with great discomfort , mull having tried various remedies , including mineral waters , without relief , I jaw by an advortiao ment in r. Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint , aflor long Buffering , by tnking Ayers Sart > npoxiUa 1 tliuu decided to make a trial of this medicine , and took il regularly for eight months , ami am pleased to state that it has effected a complete cue I have since had no la tum of the disease " JIra , It Irving Dodge , 110 West 135th St , New York " One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism , being con fined to my house six mouths I came out ot the sickness icry much debili tated , with no appetite , and my syBtein disordered in oytry wrv I commenced using Ayers Sarsaparllla ami began to improve at once , gaining in strength and soon reco\erlng my usual health I cannot say too much lu praise of this well-known medicine " Mrs L. A. Stark , Nashua , NH Ayers ' Sarsaparilla , rneriiiru cr Dr J , O. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Meie > Price $1 ; six bottles , % l. Worth J telle THAT TERRIBLE GRIPPE , " Whit It Itenlly Is Kxplninml hy Ono of the IIimi Informed Men In America Tlio president of ono of Ilia Ics.llnp Now Yort mcit Mil cotlejK's.ln conrerJAtlon nltli the writer the oilier eVcnlnu , nhl • ' • 'l.nirlp | > r , the llu Mnn Influents , Hint hnsrans- e < l so mueli talk , Is n moro scvpre antlitlvn than i > c < pin nsilnllr tl Ink U rl c inrMerknislj'ntiiliin.cnrs | to hmc its orlnln In tlio atmosphere The Inu tlmo tlint It visited Amerten was In IHO , nnd It CMiiothen tow , from A ln , The tinrao 'Innucntn' eomes from tlio mtveftlim Hint tlio innlmly wns duo to tlio Influences ot tliolienvenlr IkhIIos , liut moro modem sclemo hnsdl (0Tcreil Hint lllsiluu to the elmnites n Iherleitrlentcimillllons IVhntover lnnr to tlio cnii'u , It IsastroniKiiiiKi'stlnn of tlio Mood vessels nml iiHiroiismcmbrnno , principally la the howl mil tliront , unitmillilntt but MroiiKMlnmUnt * will tliecK this ronitcMkm nml keep tliu b'onil ' nrtlvely rlreu * Intlnit , tur Hits purpose 1 know nt iiotlilnu l.pikr . tlinn pure \hl.kvtiinl t hellovo Diillj n I'nro Mnlt lu tie tlio tiestnnil | nire t lilski > known totlic world rormcrlr tills ttnhtenin wns sill In preeedo nn epldtmilo of tlio p.nirno nml tlio person who wus shout tn ho taken with tlio liiiter.lm I ns a prellinln- nrjr , n tltorsurnlnit Now It preee les n worse i > p | . denilo limn the ptnuup , nnuielr , the terrllilo pneu nmiln Its lirjjlimlnn is slight but lis cmlluu Is olio n tcnllile I'alns lu tlio llintn Imrji , ( tiest nml hemWm Me throat nml luck of appetite ! < niiisiiseharjro ) | | it tin nose the e nro sunn- sir tlm symptoms uf th s drjnd illsens , , t pun the sPirlilest npioi nh of nnjr of th o symptoms , n iierviiu ropllnu or ln ltinleru nrt slnuhlho linil to a pmo wlilske ) Mined Is th only eerlnln menus or tircnklnit up this ip'denilc lieloru It secures n liukl upon the ) tem or ilnek II when It lmsieiiniosniiit Onro linnld he taken however lu secure , only Hint vWikh Is pure , as IhennlUonliuvo niiineil.'Oitsliily I" , DR8. BETT8 & BETTS 3408 Faiiv 11 Stiieet , Umiia , Nku ( Opposite Paxton Hotel ) Offlc * hours , yn m. , to 8 p. m. Sunday . 30 a. m % c pm SpcclfttletB in Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Dt * CR s9. CiVConsultatlon nt oClec or by ir.nll free Mc < tl- dries Pont by nmll or Cipro's , eecurcly ( incked , free from obscnatlon Guarantees to euro quickly , af - ] y nnd pcramnuntly NERVOUS DEBILITY rKJWSSiBi * ionn 1'tivBlcat decny , nriMiu from Indiscretion , ex * fpcsor Indulgence , iiroluclnu Hlooiilfsna s drpon- ds ncy , plinp'cs ' ) tii the faee.uversion tcn iety , easily dls ou raced , Inck ot rontldeneo dull iiutlt tor ftudy orbuMnos , and rtnds life n hurdpii bitltMy , pcrtnan cntly nnd privately cured Consult I > rs UfitU A , Hulls , HUSVanifciu Street , Omaha Neb Blooi and Skin Dten ? ssWrRATiU results completely oradlciitol ultliont th aid of mercury Scrofula eryslpfis ' fever nore * . Dlotcho * . ulcers.pAlniiu the head and tones syphilitic sure ilirout , raoutli and tnncue cattrrU , etc , permanently cured vrhere others Inve fal cd Kidney Urinary sunMm qiipnt burnlnxorblooiy urlno hUU colored or with milky sediment on etnn IHr weak bick ponorr hii'n , Kloitcystltlitetc l'romptly und safely cured charxes reasonnhlD STBICTUBS ! ' PnSrtTu ' re ? : moral cnmpleto without cutting , caustic ordllluUon Cures cTTcctcd at home t y patient without n moments pain or annoyance To Tcuni Men and Middle-Aied Men AQITPP fTTDP 'lho nw'ul elTects at farly oUHfj liUnfj Vice , uhlcli brlnKs oriranto wenkupds > Btniyiio ; both mind nml bodjr , with ntl tsdreadeil Ills , pi'ruiuncntlr curoJ IlDtJ RrT1 ? ! ! A'Wross these * \1k > hnvo lrn- UUO DulliJ pnlred thorcselves hy Improper IliiliilKences nnd nml so'ltiiry batilts , wlilctl ruin both body nu 1 mind , unllttliw tbeir rorlnislncss , tttudr or mnrrl mo MAituiEii MEN or Ihoso enterlnir on that happv lue , uwure of plirslrlnl debility , qulcxly nsalsted GUI SUCCESS labn cd upon facts , flnt practical oxporlenco * o * • ond-e\erycase Ia e pelally studied , thus startln/ arlylit , Uilrl-mnllclnesnro | rcpired In our own la batmy exactly to salt eacti mae thus nlTtittfi ; cure wilhout inj lry EKrhcm1 it cunts po taxo for celebrated works o. ntronlc , nervous it ml did.cntodHouKo * . 'ihuusan d ci red Cr "A friendly letter or Chil may enveyou fi tnrt * ufTorincnndliame , and add Koluun jears to lid tSfSo tetters an ivpred unless accompanied by 4 cents In flauius Address orc.ill on fiMi . KKTTS A KCTTTS , H 13 Fai 11 • .m Hreot Oniilm Neb " - CALIFORNIA Tin : land or DISCOVERIES v rorichitr ; . 5f6 Moj . * J 4 k. Tlie O NLY- , iptu lMr4 | Vjpj. . GUARANTEED fl IS By iii.lU. . . _ Vs P W cuKe ror\ .swa ciwUic.jfffl'j ; ATARRH waiCIliiEJCDiC nnvnirr/ / SANTA : ABIE : AND : CATR : : CURE For Snle by Goodman Drug Co , Dr.J.EMcGREW The W'vM Known toi'iiillsl . , r y y _ _ _ Inunsurpniiollii J f " i ' / Sl IIU * . nbnolulelr I m. vJ Mil Hired , hend for rKL0V Uil , " ! ok ' , "l',8 , V' * I * A lunloDlii'nutM'n C BiS'S'1 ' eSs.mnneiitly , 'J real mtnt by coru P r NTT WBMfc c' ( > \ suarA'i'io.inii : : . Office SE Cor , lUUi & Jackson Sts Omaha , Neb I lrifiniinil IllKii.r Knic A victim IV1UIEEIUUU ot souUiful Imprudenrs , , rauplnir Imimlur Hreny , Kir ou Hitlllty , U * % rln8tilelliir ( lu r/rljiio 'iir ' iic dy has dlvovirrd flmplo moans of fclf ttire , wlilcll bo lit trnd ( c.Wdl . IlKU U. Ida frlluw uirtriit Addlku , J.U , IIIX1U , f.O , Vui anv.Mnw korWClt/ . I FINAL CLOSING SALEI j To ivind up our Retail Jewelry Department * All Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Silver / ware , Clocks , etc , remaining unsold at this date , / must go for what they will bring , Wc olfcr , until store is rented , Every Article at a , Bargain Look at our Cheap Windows Auction - \ tion prices Nowhere No use quoting figures No reasonable offer refused on Art Goods , Bric-a- brac , etc Price , em and take ' cm " Our extreme I low prices on Optical Goods , still prevail Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses , $3 and upward Fine Steel Spectacles , 75c up , worth double ( Eyes tested ' and fit guaranteed N. B. An extra force of salesmen has been engaged , > this all be waited 1 v- for Special Sale , so can on I promptly I I Siore for Rent , Fixtures for Sale I MAX MEYER & BRO , I JESiE 1 CQR' 16FHAH0FAMi.iSs ' - - - - . l l Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 So 13th St HH O ICodiii lor IalicnH lluouptloii ICnoins : it > nmlIO , Oitialiitcb 'V ( \ ATT AT W "HITcrlnB from Norrons Jlohlllly , lost Manhood , Knlllnu Momorr Kihnmtlna -1 yJ . VJjlJ ilLI l > Drnlns , T rrlblo ln > nnn llend nd line * Aclio nnd nil ttia onvrti lendinu to „ rnrlr drcyr nnd ferlinpn Con . > uniitlnii or Insnnltr , tronte 1 sclciitlllonlly , \ > r now iiipIIiihIs Comultntlon frm tnlnrrh Itliumiinlisiii , I'ol.onous I lnclmrKc- , milky urlno , pnlnful shoIIIiiiu quickly ri-lloTod nnlrnJIcnllr ' riiml Iliustrnir'dliookli 8ccr t Krror , • Iccnta send for Quosllnn i.lslnn nnr I liroolo DKenio ii i l liM Y 1AT 'I'lli'y IlinieionilTniHM Host fnillltli'sntipsrstus nml rcmotllci for sucossful ' l/l'l w/J\iil 111 I'jO trcntnuntor , ry forniof dlsinsorniillrln * Mcillral or Snrulcnl Irostmrnt , * * ninknn iii'cliilty of llrnoos , . 1 runes , I lub l oi't , Curvntiiro , nt Splno , I'lli' , , Tumors , Onn-or. iironchltla Inhslntlun Ck-olrlcltv , l' , Liilloiuy . , Ktdnoy , Blnddor , Ear , kln and lllood nnd all aritlcnl ' , > or tl'inft llocki mi ! question tilnnl-s frro lllSJls1 ASli' * CVVrnAT1AT \ A SlKCIAITV Iloox , nrcutnrs nnd Qu stlon llrt on Nory , \ . JJini-i/lOl jOJV \ > yjiJl Uil > ousnesn Constlrnllou , NojrnUIn , U > iieorrlncn , t'nln tn ths i\f . Hnrk , I'rutniisuB I'torl , 1'lkM , Kciinlo Uonkncjs , Uj-spepJlu , SUn I'lniploiand all DIojI Dlions s , . . - J BjpIi'H" , tiuL-nfuln. Unit Uluuil , Blctn , Urinary Disoftuus nail Gloct Curat ! Tor lilfe For Sale by M. II Uliss , Omaha , Nebraska B BUILDERS ' FIE BRONZE GOODS 1 Of Every Design and Finish m HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St W < „ . I B ETCHINGS , JS flj | j | 0L $ & K KSS C3"EMEUSON , V engravings , ja gLpa m m p mTm rmT ksthallet& uavi3 ARTIST SUPPLIES Wgm M M Sts EgiB' ffl5TKIMBALL , I H MOULDINGS , • J ® Mra BlSaiB PZe PIANOS & ORGANS rfHf frames , jm m m * % ? * m& ? m wm 5tsuekt music S & m 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha Nebraska S Tliis Obstreporons Infant MS I - * \ Positively refuses any longer to wear baby dresses Kilts iare what he longs for and must have MOTHERS of like minded children would do well to make the desired change at this time In our large line or Kilt Suits Which we are selling at Greatly Hoiked Prices , Wo are sure you will find something to your liking ONE SPECIAL BARGAIN Is our line or Jersey Kill Suits , Formerly sold at $7 , $8 , and $0 , nov * soiling nt * • v NERVOUS IinniMTY Youiih and mid / . \iilt ikhI mm , niinriiu ! from j-iiuuiw ur . L\ J > uvTUi : tMMii > uAi > i ii Curuiiusraii . h , Sdctd | iiiullilKiiltcljiomaliilKHMIlwr ML yi UcnUr < fur lioino nnr , inrur tiuixi lliHj I'ltOK , II X' , IUM.V.K , , VliiiT Losk li i } . Uilrult , SI led SYPHILIS I Ctn ha cured In 0 to no iluys by tlis p H Magic Remedy I For palo onlr I > y Uio Conk IlcmodyCn , of Omaha B Niliriuku vVrltu lout fur lliu nam us auliiddrcas or H ptttiiiitH who have Icon cnrtxl mul from whom wo B _ _ hivvo penulsakm to roftT HvphllU Is ti ilisoisu that _ BL ImartlTTHyu butllel thosklll of tliummit omliU'titihy l- J H chins , unil uriiil tli.iiiinc.jvcrjr . of thu Conk ll 'iiH'irr * r7 Mp/ ( its ' * M ACUU ItKMKUV , " not ono In fifty bvur havlnil H thotlUeaso but been turutl Wo K'x ruutoo to card i H/ " any cm > o that can bo prolucc < l , Thoia wuu haraJ - - - B taken mercury , potash , hh H. ueu alloniHior othef- J-- H atlvcttlscct ruint'ilk'i , with only U-ianofttry benuflta H can now t > u nt > rmmiunlly cured by the use or tlio H "M AdlOilKMKDl' * of lho Cook Uainr < ! yfu , Omuha , H Neb 'fewuro ' of Inmiltutloim It is absolutely liu- H posslblo for fornny othur person orcomiiau ) toliava H mir lorraulaor any ruiniMly ttkultln tiileciun 1 results H > 1 ho l ouk lU'iiuHly O ) . Un % been truatlm : putiunu for H rour years and linruulwajri clvcn perfoa natlsfuct * m * Ion They nro llnanclnlly respotiMblo , huvhu aiapl * M ( Inl of overf MtM > J , niiikhiK thiHrKunriuiUMihOHl wo B , hollclt tlio most obMtlnnto caiuthoio * wh'i have / tried every known romutly and lost all hope of rucor * M\ \ cry , Corrt'snoml with us au < l let ii | > ut yuti In peas H' cknIoii of cWtlencotliat convtncts thu ino t fkoptltal f l * Mark wjint what wo Riiy : In thu end you miht ui M uur * MIAU1U HKMiilVH : before you can bo purnun < B entty cured It Is the most hurolo blooil purltler over B known Writ for jmriliumrj All lelton Lunndou- f H PAllTinM He uro you are fitting the Cook K UMUIlUn ltemoily Co'h .Ma lc Itemody M None others uru conulno TArllos dalinln * to bo f l aveiitsfor us are Impostors and frauds , hull partlo- i H ulnrsfreo AUdroasull communications to H The Cook Remedy Go , I 509 South 12th Street I State Lineal 'J'oilns ) , ' ( nv , llcirasl , Dublin nnd Llvornool B l'ltDM NKW VOItIC nVHUVTIIUlfJUAV ) Cnblu | a uoU | luKairordlnv tolocitluno < lll J H room , lCiiiiri-lon 01oCJJ , B Bj ttccrnao to nnd Iruui Kuroio | nt Ixiwoit lliifji | H "Statu of California , " building | S AfSTl.S' 1UM-WI.N & Cu , Ucn'l Atfonta , H WUroadrruir , Now York H lol Ituudolpb St , Chicago lUmiv li Muoiaa , Tiiob UcCanne , fH At'onti at Oinuti * , _ ff , "V CHICHESTCB'S CNaLISH ftS mpENNYnOYAL PILLS Oj ? ) RCO CROSS DIAMOND OH HD b u J HafV ! " < v.1 l .ri rlUbl . I dlc * ll H f f l r nul ! forl > l m Kr dloredm uul ( BB | JA > U.i.T..Il llbtl . lllU-ii , T k u olhjn Ei H.tJ IcOII'llor irUuUr ul "iUlltf f | IBBf If ljillM , ' , l.l.ll.rlir < luruiii ll..1ai'gr - BBf t ( Jlil < hut.rtli oCtt . II JlK.u , l'klla..l IJ PiDEALERSsi f1 c' ' , "i < iit' , , J ' . l . ne , " . ot fioot n < l tu" " . niittiutacturH IprJea ot CMcairo I [ xou III , and Koo 1m tao B \Vl tlioiili ] unto HJI N. WAISON re fi §