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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1890)
G j THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 3JJJIDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1890. j THE OMAIIA BEE COUNCIL BLUJFFS OFFICII NO ; 11 ! I'KAKIj STItliHT rilluud by tBitler In nny part of the rtty U.W.mTON AlAN/dEll TEl.El'llONESi I iMNrpMHHiENo 13. Nuiiitiiutoh No , gl MINUIl MENTION N. Y. 1Co. . Council Muffs Lumber Co , conL 3hafchcr coal , 111 Main street C'nrbon Coal Co wholesale rotnll.lOTVarl llns.tnken . tlvo premiums Angelina Hour Try n sack Chautnuqun trustees meeting this morn ln ( ! at l ) o'clock at board of trade rooms J , L. Sullivan , A. Johnson , M. J. tlolo , I'clcr Jones nml U. Kecnan were required to deposit each twonty-llvo hard slinoloons for thn prlvllceo of running n saloon , nliasa dis orderly house , In n prohibition stito ilobn Ohcron was hauled In yesterday and booked for disorderly conduct Hobort Notson and Fuln Nelson , both of Onmlni , were nmrrioJ yesterday by Justice Burnett , 1 A marrlnpo llconso was Issued yestcrdny to John W. Cain of Omuhn and Genoa Cow loy of Now York The burgjnry case npalnst Albert Rosen thal , who is uccused of replovinlnj ? goods without duo process of luw , will bo heard by Justice Harnett at 10 o'clock this morning A plat of "Judd's Court , " n subdivision of lot P , section 311 , was filed for record yostor- ( l day with the county recorder William E. Altchlson has tendered Ms res ignation as first llcutonant of the Dodpo lAirhl Guards , and It Is now in the hands of the colonel of the Fifth reglmenl ' All citizens interested In the welfare of , Council HlutT * nro requested to attend the nicotine of the real estoto exchange today from 11 to 12. Iluslnoss of importinco C. 13. Judd , president Hojrulur uiuctini ? Fidelity council , No 1.10 , 11 A , this evening at 8 oclock All lnotn- bora nro earnestly requested to bo present The sixth annual hall of the Brotherhood of Locomotive KnKiuoora , divlalon No ISO , will bo held on Thursday ovontnff , Fobiuary 1 SO , nt Washington hall in Omthn A special ' train for the accommodation of these wno may attend from this city will leave Omaha nt about ' o'clock on the morning of the 81st. 81st.Tho The lecturoof Colonel L. VV Tullcys , which was to hnvo been Riven at the Young Men's Christian association rooms , was postponed until next Thursday evening on ' , account of the special Clmutauquu mooting Harry Green will hnvo n hearinu boforc w .Tudpo Aylcsworth on a charge of disturbing ; the ponce " , The Maenercher society will give a mnsqucrado ball next Tuesday evening at Masonii ! leniplo Arrangements nro in pro l * i gross to make the uvont a most enjoyable 1 ' one ' { The various temperance organizations and Ministerial ussociution nro requested to meet nt4J0 : ! tomorrow ufternoon , in the Young Men's Christian association rooms in the Merriam block , to m ' uko arrangements for the opening of a s rlus of gospel temperance inn-tings. Everyone interested in temper ' nuco und morality should bu present at this r ' lueetlnir Uy order of the committee ' It Is frequently asked , When will the sell ol hoard unfurl Hags from the public , schools off the Bluffs ! " None of the mem In rs hnvo yet taken it upon themsplves to answer the question , nnd the indications uro that it will be some time before they follow the example set : heui by the school board of Tort Dodge An accident to ono of Whlto's transfer wngons delayed motor travel yesterday morning nearly an hour An unequal ooli tes- between stool rails and wood spokes J was the cause , p 1 hj Y. will hold a mooting this ovcninirlin j room I'M , Merriam blocu , at 7:30. : All uiem- U\ bors ro 10 luestod to be present und visitors & • invited g The Dnncbo society will give an entertnin- | mcntt.t Hujhes hall Sunday evening , Feb rjary ( I. An nmateur company from Omaha i wi 1 plnv "A Now Years Hovlew , " which { ' they hava cave in Omaha with * great suc- I cess A rich treat is in store for all who at Ki tend , nnd everybody Is invited | il The Ancient Order of Uiborninns will pj give their annual ball at Masonic temple , JM Tuesday e von lug , February 18. Ej The now hose wagon which is now on ex- | B hlbition hero receives the highest praise JU from llrcuien It In designed to tuko tno Jjj place oT the henvy and cumbersome reel It tl is built by the Truclt and Hose Carriugo 8 ! company of Grand Kapids , Mich , and is in jf.j charge of the company's agent , H. E.J3if- Jt-j fenborger The t\agon weighs lb50 pounds E | nnd will carry 1.200 feet of hose It is 8 strongly built of the best mutcriul nnd costs I about half as much us u reel The lire chiefs II of Lincoln and Sioux City will ha hero today 11 to examine its workings f i There was a largo attendance at yestor- gi dny'B session of the real estatu exchange , • 5 I but little business wns transacted Mr Si Ken dull of Omaha , who has offered to give t. flMU ) to the homo for the friendless , pro S vided the city gives as much moro , was | present , nnd the oxchaugo devoted consldcr- | j nhle time to that proposition It was thought li that the city ougnt to do as well as an out tj shier and the commlttoo uppolntod to solicit EJ Biibcrij ( tlons will cot to work today with io- pi doubled ouorgy It is thought that by to ll ! morrow night the necessary $ l,5J0 will be P pledged I The Unity guild socinblo will bo hold this | evening at the residoncoof Mrs , George f Hudio , No 827 South First street All cor- I dinlly invited The ro'ular nicotine will be , held this nftomoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs Harris , South First street I Judge Aylosworth has decided the Hoe croft common carrlor case against the city ' 1 ho suit was a test case brought to deter mine the validity of the city councils com mon carrier ordinance The former ordi nance , which was probably Intended topluco u tax on cnrrlors at so much per vehicle , fulled to do this and really taxed only the busiucss , so that a proprietor of twenty hackB would pay only the single tax Under this it number of licenses were paid for a | term ending next July Then the city un- dcrtoott a reform undflxod up un ordinance to tax vohlclcs used in the carrying business The decision holds that this ordlnancu can not bo enforced nor license fees collected under it until the licenses issued previously have brca revoked and the licenses rofuuded Sevcrul parties huvo been wailing for this decision in order to bring suit also for li- icuscs paid under the now ordlnatico if the decision should be In Hoccrofl's favor , and tbey will probably commence now The Trinity Guild sociable will bo held Friday evening , February 7. at thoresldunco of Mrs George liudlo , 'J37 V irst etroet All ore cordiully invited The regular meeting will bo held the same afternoou at 3 o'clock with Mrs Hnrris , First street , m b'avo 60 per cent on tombstones and menu ments Design sheet and prlco list frie L. Kelley , 203 Broadway Council Bluffs Dre Woodbury liavo removed their douta oflico to 101 Pearl street , nip stairs I'rrsomil Iurngrnpln II A. Wlckham returned homo yesterday tnorning from u business trip to Dcnvor ; W. E. Altchlson and wife returned Wednesday evening from a western weeding trip and will make tliolr homo with the brides parents , 015 Willow avenue N , M , Fubo.v and J. N , Ualdwln are In Des Moines ou legal buslnesi F , E. Haydcn of Fond du Lac , Wis , , ts the guest of F. L. Hayden editor of the Glebe The Council Bluffs Insurance companys' nvcrago annual Income slnco organization has been fKO,000.00. Disbursements slnco organization for losses and other ex penditures now execods (1,000,000.00. Hlsks written slnco organization , 112,770,5-15.00 Every property owner should patronize this homo institution , and la that way encourngo and build up our city , J , 11. Allen Is the city ogcut of this company , and a moro honor utile , reliable aud trustworthy man can not bo found The directors of the company are Hon W. P. Sapp , E. U Shugart , P , M. Qault , John Kenuers , M. C. liruinerd and J , Q. Anderson m Tlio Lcinler * of fine wutches nud Jewelry In the city , and the pluco to buy the best goods at the lowest prices is the establishment without rivals , the uiott reliable tltui of 0. H , JicQVeuiNCo \ IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS A Five Cent Faro Dapondaut on Another Inloratato BrltlRO WILL GRADE THE CANNING HILL Prnlilliltlon Atlnrnors Clnsli In 1)Ik- trlct Court Tlio Cliniitnuqunns Klntcd ( Her Promising liidlcntloiis , Tim Nrcil at n Nickel Knro "McShano's brldgo bill Is our only hope , " dcclnrcd a lending real cstato man yester day while dlscusslngtho action of the motor compnny nt the annual meeting hold Tues day nfternoon They didn't oven consider the question nf n llve-conl faro , to say noth ing of acting on It , A petition was presented asking that u reduced faro bo granted pupils of the public schools , anil It wns very stiongly backed , The company decided that nil children under twelve years of ngo could ho carried nt hull the prevailing rates This was ostensibly grantinc It but It virtually puvo the whole thing n. black ojo , form Just this reasoni You sec , the half faro Was desired for chil dren over that it Is principally need ed for these who attend the high school , Children under that ngo attend the ward school ) nnd liavo only a short dlstanco to go , but pupils from all parts of the city attend the high school nnd It is to these tint the reduction would bo of ho no lit It would bo especially desirable in stormy weather , but tno action of the comtnny has ltlllod any such plan If they had granted this con cession It would huvo been money in their pockets , as the cars huvo to run anway , and it would moati Just so much oxtr.i travel Hut thou , this notion was what might lnvo been expected The company has everything its own wny , nnd will not lot up In any respect unless It Is compelled to do so There is not the sllghlost show for an other company to get iv right of way ever the Union Pacific bridge , and , ns 1 said before fore , the only rollof is lor McShano's bill to go through Thnro Is no question but that a reduced rate would pay both parties the company and the publlc-aud a new com pany would find it a paving Investment if they could only get across the river If that could only bo Bocurod , there uro dozens of capitalists who would Jump at the chance If this company would only establish n5-cant faro thev couldn't begin to handle the busi ness with their present oqulpmont They would liavo to just double , their rolllngstock nnd it would keep a flvo minutoservice busy It would bo the making of the Bluffs , and I dent ' see why the cltlznns do not get to gether und take some concerted action ubout the mutter A meetinc wns held sevorul weeks ago with this object in view , and the chairman was instructed to appoint a com mlttoo to act in conjunction with the council ' in oxpresslng to the motor company the sen timent of the business men of the city , but the committee was never appointed , and that was ttio end of it The spasm worked off and the 10 cent fare still holds good If the real estate exuhango wants to do something that will help tha Bluffs more than anything else that can possibly bo done , hero IS a chance lor it to spreul itself Ii the object enn be accomplished it will bo the biggest thing for the city that was ever brought about The directors of the motor company will listen to icnsnn , and if the matter is only presented in its proper llcht mid with the proper backing I bcllove it would go through , but if this is not done wo may as well sit down and wait for another bridge " C. IS stoamdyo works , 1013 Broadway S. 1J. Wadsworth & Co , 207 Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard Inv Co Doslruhlo duelling ! for rent at reduced prices by E. II Siicafo & Co , rental agents , Broadway and Main si , up stairs t > J. G. Tipton , real osiate , 527 Broadway After 'ujiinctinns In the , district court yesterday Overton obtained an injunction against O. D. Allen , wbo has been running a saloon on Upper Uroadwav Georco P , Boulton trlod to wont the sarao rncket on Ettcr & Pierce , formerly landlords of the Ogdcn house , but was un successful , ns both ddfondants had loft the state Ho then wanted an Injunction against the building As neither of Ih ; owners were in court , and notice had only been served on Etter & Pierce , who are not now connected with it , the move would not slick , und Boul ton added ono moro to the list of his ridicu lous failures ia prosecuting liquor cases Attorney Boulton hud another disappoint ment In the case against the road house on Lovvor Broadway , known ns the Central house He trlod to get an injunction against it several months ago Ho secured a writ of abatement on September 2 , but did not place it in the sheriffs hands until January ill , at wlucfl time the lundloid had boon dcad'throo months The owner of the property has just taken possession on a writ of attachment , und Boulton wandered in at the eleventh hour nnd wanted to got thjbir llxturos They had been removed , and lie had to con tent himself with maligning the sheriff for his neglect to lock up tlio place on a writ he had never seen It is generally noticed that things are not comlug Boultou's wav just at present , but ho keeps pegging away with a pertinacity worthy of a better cause Dr II S. West , dontnl surgery , No 12 Pearl street , over The Bub oflloe Fultllncof homeopathic medicines at Ellis . The Hess Investment and Trust company _ - Tlio ChniiiaiKiiia Circles An Interesting mooting of the Chautauqua circles was hold lust evening at the Baptist church , Presiding Elder W. T. Smith of the Council Bluffs conference of the Methodist church prosldlng A very valuable paper was read by Prof L. W. lloss on ' Woman la Law " Dr [ helps was down ou the programme for a paper but was absent on account of sickness In connection with the programme of the evening a report wns made by the different committees that liavo boon at work this weolc to raise the necossnry funds to olaco tno Chautauqua assembly on a firm financial basis Two thousand dollars was the amount required The committco from the board of trade , the churches and the different socio * ties connected with the churches have boon hurd at work thn past two days , aud from the reports so far made there 1b an aggre gate nf about 1,300 pledged It still needs about $700 to moot'tho re quired amount The sum raised is the re sult of small pledges Ibo country is already responding to the needs of this enterprise A lady came sixteen miles to nttond this meeting und to Bay that she will secure > tha last I1P0 , Hardin township Is entitled to great credit for the dovUion It is giving to Chautauqua , and with such support the cause cannot fall This morning the trustees meet to de termine the future and to decide upon a pro gramme It Is hoped that our citizens will not bositato as to their duty Mauu up the amount like true inon and push the under taking to full and complete success The acknowledged leadine photographer in Council Bluffs is Schmidt , 220Main street m Iowa lump coal , spot cash 13.50 per ton Council Bluffs Fuel Co Go to Douipaoy Bros , for fine coufectiou- ery , Boston chips , buttercupsetc , 105Main , . > A DnniSf-rous Tower Mayor Kobror has notified the eiectrlo light company that the tower ut the coraor of Fifth uvcnuo and Tncnty.flrst street is In a dangerous condition Too company main tains that the city is responsible for It , This Is ouo of the now towers that was erected last month , and is located on property that lias not been raised to grade , The tower was ordered Bet at the permanent grade This leaves the guy pasts almost wholly out of the ground , and lu the recent winds the tower and posts have rocked considerably T lip company insists that all would bo M stable as could bo desired If the necessary grading was done , nnd hold that this Is the work of the city Unless the matter is attended - tended to atonco , there Is every reason to fear that the tower will turablo over In n strong wind Iho otnployosof the electric llsht company refuse to climb the tower to carbon the lights on windy days , fearing that the structure will collapse As the tower Is 150 foot high , and Is located on a street where there Is considerable travel , Its present condition is a constant menace to llto nnd property The guy posts have been temporarily braced , but the support thus af forded Is not what It should bo , The matter should bo attended to without delay The handsomest nnd cleanest market , best meats and lowest prices at J. M. Scanlans ' Full line of Imported and domestic cigars Kelley & Younkerman - . Travelers , Hotel Jameson is first-class. The water runs when Hlxby plumbs Tlio CnnnliiLt Street Oriulr Mnvor Hohror , AldormunEvorett | , Weaver and Knenher and City Engineer Stimson , County Commissioner Graham and Manager Hnrknoss of the Chautauqun assembly took a trip in the patrol wagon yesterday nfter noon for the purpose of looking over tno ground east of the city with u vlow to arriv ing at some conclusion with reference to the proposed expenditure of money In cutting down the roads through the bluffs , 'iho Canning street hill was the principal point of lntorcst , ns this ia thn direct route to the grounds of the Chuutauqua assembly , nnd it Is desired to got this orudo reduced us early In the season ns oossiblo After riding ovi < r tlio street nud surveying the adjoining properly , the engineer was in structed to mnko surveys of the different routes , to see which would give the best grade for the least money The ongmeor will make his report ut the next meeting of the council Wo wnnt jou to list your rentul property with us mid wo will seciiro you good , re liable tenants Hcnts collected and soccial attention given to care of property E. II Shcafo & Co , Broadway and Main St , up stairs The Manhattan sporting hcadq'rsltS B-wny. Itnmlwhilci il til n Horn lotl Chief Walters lust ovonln ? turned in a false alarm from box -18 , corner of Broad way and Twenty-third street , for the pur pose of testing tlio work of the company at tlio new ho30 house on Lower Broadway The big boll nnd tlio other tire house * wore cut out , and the tlromen ut No 2 alone re sponded They made the run of three blocks in ns good time us could bo expected with a pair of badly crippled horses This is a farm team that was lccently purchased by the II- nanco commlttoo , and us soon us they were shod came out lame The repeated ef forts of the horse sheer have not improved matters , and after yesterdays ' shooing were oven worse than ever Tlio indications are that the $450 expanded for thotoum will only result in the purchase of a llttlo experience f or the finance committee CAMERON'S RICH DAUGHTERS Tiny Are Worih Lot * or Money nncl Arc Guotl ltiiHlnrss Women Next to Miss McMilltin Miss Mary and Mitjs Kuelniol Cameron uro the l.olrossoa of tlio aonutorinl circle ill Wiishintjton People will not see much of Miss Mary , as she keeps house for her urotlinr in llurrisburg , but the younger ono has already set the worlil by the oars , she Ib bo pretty and cultured Thee girls inherit from three sources Their tnothor , a. Miss MoCor- miclc , daughter of ono of the wealthiest citizens of Hnrris- bui'ir , who left caoh of them $1:00,000. : At the death of their grandfather , Simon Cameron , they each received double thatand of course they will share with Senator Don Uam- oron's four other children in his largo estate They are fine business woinon With tlio money inherited from their mot .ior they built handsome houses in Washington and take care of the rent als with the ability of trlod business men They are both charitable , but have the Cameron Scotch shrewdness and will never do anything sensational or rash with their fortunes MibS Quay , daughter of the Pennsylvania senator , is not as rich as the Miss Camcrons , but she will one day have a tidy sum of a quarter of a million Tlie Cause of BnIInsi According to tlfo New York Medlcul Record Dr Saymonuo claims to have bacillus.ealled him bacillus isolated a . by lus crlnivorax , " which is the cause of alopecia It is , he says found only on the sculp of man , ether hirsute parts of the body and also the fur of animals bolng free from it The bacilli invade the hair-follicles and nuiko the hairs very brittle so that they breakolT to the skin Then the roots themselves are attacked If the micobos can be de stroyed early In the aisoasotho vitality of the hulra may bo preserved , but after the follicles are invaded and all their structures injured , tlio baldness is in curable The following is Dr Say monno's remedy to nrovont baldness : Ton parts of crude cod-llvor oil , ton parts of the oxprcssed jutco of onions , and five parts of mucilngo or the yolk of an egg , nro thoroughly shaken to gether and the mixture applied to the scalp , and well rubbed in , once a week This , ho assorts , will certainly bring back tlio hair if the roots nro not already destroyed The Record adds Unit the application of the remedy must bo very distressing to the patients friends und nolghbors Iiilly'a AmaznnH Whipped Km Some of the students from Lafuyotto coilegu had an exciting time lust night with the timazoiiB of Lilly Clays Coloss- nl Galoty company , which appeared tea a "atiigo" audience in the opera house , suys an Easton , Pa , dispatch The students were conspicuous for their front seats and guying during the per formance , and later for an episode resulting from their too familiar atten tions to the women in the troupe After the show the students , to tlio number of a score , hastened to the stngo exit , und awaited the coming ol the girls The Lotharios rungod about the beauties , " and with many blandish ments escorted thorn to thodopot , where a private car awaited thorn When the car was reached the students attempted to outer , but the girls said that the rules forbade The manager was strict , they said , and the boys must stay out ; but tlio students were not so easily dis- suadod Tlio girls called the porters and the two burly dnrldos trlod to beat oil the invaders , but tlio students were too nimble Finally the girls who had man aged to got inside appeared urmod with umbrolius , cuncs and brooms and they attacked the students in such a vigor ous way that they retreated in short order , voting that their numos were mud " Mlnco Men . It is always considered a great task to prepare this , boiling and chopping the meat taking time und strength I have often had inout ground nt the shop for a beef loaf , says a contributor to the Housekeeper Then I added seasoning , n beatou egg , rolled in Hour and baked it I reasoned this prepared moat would do as well for mlnco moat ; bo , now , when "wo or our nolghbors , " desire - sire to , wo got about four pounds ground nt the shop , with upliUofsuot This will boar about twice us much upplo and tliroo pounds us much raisins Add to this u pint of boiled cider , a cup of molasses sugar , suit and snlco to taste and water enough to cook it altogether till the apple 1b soft This can all bo ' done in ono morning or evening , OF INTERESItTi ) THii : FARMER I. I L The Great Advpntaso of Owning Your Otvn Land FREE HOMES ; ; , IN NEBRASKA " pi Vnluo of Improved Ilrceds AVonicn ns Aurlculttirlsfs How to Keep Apples Sugttj1 Ilcot Culture The Culture ofOAti A Word to Itpntrrs DAVr.Ni'oitT , Neb , fob 3. To tlio Kditor of Tun linn : I would llko to oc cupy a small space in your paper in order to stnto some plain facts to the renters of Nebraska and Iotva Whj rent land from othow when by going a llttlo farther west you can se cure homes of your own ? I wont to Grant county , Nebraska , and got 1G0 acres for a homestead , nnd 100 acres for a timber claim On Juno 10,18S8,1 had thirty-four acres hrokon and on that any I dropped potatoes in the furrows nnd covered them by the sod from the next furrow fulliin ; upon them I raised potatoes which weighed three pounds nnd the rest of the crop averaged 0110 pound each I raised boots on the samn ground a largo number of which weighed llftecn pounds I also planted some cabbage seed and raised a number of cabbages which weighed twnlvo pounds I planted corn on the sod but the eattlo destroyed it 1 am sure that early corn will bo a success lu that country It is a line grass country I saw the finest sheep there that I oversaw saw in any country My land lays in Grant county , ten inllo- * from Hy.innis , the county seat , and I ussuro every ouo wanting land that they could not go tea a bettor country Now , this is no ad vertising scheme for my benellt , but a plain statement of facts intoudod for those who want homos of their own Very respectfully , I ) . IIaiimon Vnluo of Improved Breeds The pvosont low price of beef bIiows us the vnluo of improved breeds While scrubs soils for less than it costs to raise them , the high grades pay well The recent market reports give some good practical examples , bavs the Western Agriculturalist Mr T. W. Harvey , Turlington , Neb , recently sold ninety live high grade short horn augus and west highland cattle at S. .2 ( ) , to go to London alive They averaged 1080. Breeders at Greencastlo , Ind , re cently shipped thirty-llvo car loads of high grade shorthorus to go to England They averaged lliOU pounds and sold at home for $4 to $ l.l5 ! per hundred , real izing about 950,000. R. li Wright , Mt Leonard , Mo , sold two car loads of grade shorthorns at $5 , at homo , they topped the market at Chicago at $5.70 , This is the last lot of 1C0 head with which Mr Wright lias three times topped the market Such eattlo it pavs tq raise It Campbell , Independence , la , shipped - pod three car loads fifty-four head of high grade Ilolstoin steers to Chicago cage , whore they s ld for $4.05. The lot brought $ J,82i ! ( oyer $70 per head These high trradesj nre always in de mand at top prices ) , aiid pay well Far mers should4look wollfnowto their breeding nad grade Up-to fuli-bloodod sires as fast as possible Early * matur ity , quipk growth , jtpod slzo and su perior quality are the requirements of the raarkots Women nn l'nriners < . Farmers who find the business profit able ewe much of their success to the good management of their wives , says the Indianapolis News It is conceded by ull that a farmer without 11 wife who is a good homo mnnuger cannot expect to niako money As a general thing farmers wives are us skilful managers as their husbands , and share almost equally wjth thoni the burdens nud privations of farm life A woman who nas boon reared in the country finds pleasure and health in overseeing the dairy , the gat don , and the poultry yard , as well as looking after her household duties Whore a farmer has such a wife lie can devote hisontiro time to his genorul farm work , and ut the end of the year the profits will be well nigh doubled There are in Iidianaa great many women who farm extensively nnd are us skilled in the business as any of the men These women have made money out of the business , and would not ixivo it up for any ether calling Marlon county hns quito n number of women who hnvo given farming much thought and nro equipped to muko the business a success Many of those Indies are members of the county agricultural so cieties , and their views nro always given ns much weight ns these oxptossod by the male members Miss Ida Richardson , who was brought up on a farm south of the city , believes that successful nnd oujovablo fanning depends largely upon the homo manage ment by the wife She would have the wife bo a helpmate to the husband in all tilings ; not a slave to work , but a woman who takes an interest in the af fairs of the farm and manages the homo so us to increase the husbands profits She thinks the country homo is , or should bo the ideal one Keeping ; Apples There are just a few things to remem ber in order to keep apples They should bo sorted closely and thoattompt only bo made tqrtkoop the best , says Farm and Fireside , t They should bo packed in tight Jwtrrols and headed up , " and should be stored where the toinporaturo will Ve1 its nonr a2 = Fahr enheit us practicable I have gener ally found it best lev head tlio bnrrol up nftor sorting the opplos , and thou to pile the barrels up on the northerly side of some buildilig'or in tlio shade of trees , protcctod frauijraln until there was much danger of ithulr freezing out • Bldo By this time1 tlio collar will bo sufllciontly cool to ullow ot suio storaga in it There should bo a thermometer in the collar , and'grbnt care should betaken taken not to allow it to got too warm Ventilation should'bo done nt night in warm weather and'tjUo ' ventilators kept closed during the < luy I generally open the barrols-Trfjforo storing for a long time and sort'thom ' ever again if necessary Of course , anplos may bo kept in many ether ways , but this way I have followed successfully and found it as inoxpenslvo ns any satisfactory inothod If stored in bins they should bo made small in slzo Sugar llcot Culture California papers nro prophesying that the raising of beets for sugar will in a short time hocomo ono of the im- Sortant industries of the state , says the fobraska Farmer During the last few years fanners have been planting beets for the sugar refineries , and in most cases huvo found it quite profitable A number are going into the business on u largo scale Ono gentleman has en tered into n contract with Mr Sprockles O this end , and is ubout to plant 4,000 cres to sugar beets en the Rancbo Ohiuo , in San Bernardino county Mr , .11 nil fast rcr * I . l z\- , , , " ' * * - : - . v i .j ti . ' - ji a , n , IMPLEMENTS - sj : r iP " ! " ! J A Farmwapns , . * JrTp Q\ & * * sGp - > \ / flfinrr IfVarrnn . ' Aw Missouri/ma si • > § [ T . OmUiy Hamuli < ttt auurasga a I jA % BUGGIES , " ' % CARRIAGES , ' w ! WT A tin tbi 0 - * b a a hbb i info P -v 'r- BW/ Agents Wanted lu Jff ' JjJJLisUU 1 3 % ! ! ' " ta * JgL-JR Ktorj Tow . . y/ST. J -3 WJ28&r. , . = * 2U , y , . . I , , , „ * tAXi , ' „ % ; " ' . f & Sgg , . . , . , . .SollcltCtllL : "S 'K % - „ , „ , . , , aw/I THE WAY TO GET TO THE LARGEST IMPLEMENT HOUSE IN THE WORLD Sprockles has contracted with the Southern Pacific railroad people to transport the crop north to his refin ery It is calculated that the land will clear $ S0U an aero in refined sugnr , o r 9i : , 'J0l)00 ( ( ) ou the crop This crop 011 the Rancho Chino will bo a profitable 0110 to three parties , the ' producer , the railroad company and the refiner A Impeding len When feeding growing chicks they should have all they can oat , while the hens should only bo fed moderately , so ns to compel thorn to scratch nnd c xor- ciso , and thus keep in hotter laying condition As it is sometimes neces sary , however , says the Farm and Fire side , to keep the hens and young stock together , some plan must bo devised to prevent tlio lions from eating the food intended for the chicks This may bo accomplished by havlmg a coop about two feet wide and four feet long , made of lath , closed on the top with lath , albo , with openings largo enough to admit the chicks , but too Small to allow the lions to enter Under this coop the food may bo placed and tlio chicks enn then eat as often ns they wish , but the hens must work I'lin't Feed Too Much Corn Corn is hooting food It is too con centrated for moRt kinds of stock , and even for hogs H often creates a fever ish state of the system that requires a good deal of water to cool down A hog that is kept feverish from overloaded stomach will not fatten , sa\s the Ne braska Parmer It bhould have water with the chill taken oir it with a little fine middlings This will distend the stomach and prevent constipation It will nlso furnish the albuminoid food necessary to make lean meat , in which corn is dolicient If fattening hogs nro given drink warm , and thus mixed with wheat middlings , they will drink much moro heartily than they will of cold water alone , nnd be loss likely to got oil their feed Knistnc On is Taking the average yield of oats and counting the cost of growing and of get ting them ready for market , there is very little if any margin for profit writes a correspondent of the Kansas Fanner Yet they should in a majority of cases bo made a part of the spring crops , for tsvo roasous ono is to make up a good rotation , and the ether is to feed out My experience is that it does not pay the average farmer to raise oats 10 soil , but they can bo made prollt- able to feed ; and oats , clover , wheat , grass and corn make up an adimrablo rotation for the western farmer But the oats grown should be used for feed ing the stock nn the farm The earlier the oats can bo sown in the spring after the season opens , the bettor they will withstand cold and wet in the spring much better than they will the heat and drouth in July The quantity of seed should bo guagod by the fertility of the soil , but it is always best to use plenty of seed It is quite an item to get the seed scattcrod as evenly as pobsiblo over the surface The broadcast sood-sowors will do this bettor and faster than it can bo done by hand The spring-tooth or the disc tools to put in the oat crop , and the work can bo done very rapidly , nnd in the spring this is quito an item Another good plan is to sow the seed broaUcast , either by hand or with a broadcast seeder , and then work Into the soil with a cultivator , spring-tooth or disc harrow , and then harrowing down thoroughly If the land does not harrow down readily into a good tilth , in a majority of eases it will pay to roll , and often this will bo quito an advan- -tngo in harvesting and saving the crop It is not necessary to stir the soil deep for oats , neither is it necessary to cover dcop ; but I have always found that it paid to take considerable pains to har row well after sowing the seed , so as tenet not only cover well , but nlso to level down the soil.I By having the seed on hand nnd the tools in a good condition , the work of sowing enn be pushed along very rap idly Taking all things into considera tion , less work is required to put in the oats than almost any ether crop , and • they nro a crop that occupy the ground only u short time , and If properly man aged make a good food , nnd can bo fed so that there is but little if any waste On an average soil , two bushels of seed is about the right quantity , decreasing or increasing according tn the fertility HOUSEHOLD Ijcarn to Ho Housekeepers Begin with your own possessionsgirls Reform your uopor bureau drawer ; relieve - liovo your closet pegs of their accumu lation of gurmonts out of use a month or two ago Institute a clour and care ful order in the midst ol which you can daily raovo , aud learn to kcop it so that it will bo a part of your toilut to dioss your room and itsnrrangomouts while you dress yourselfleaving tlio draperies you take off as lightly and urtisticly liungorns delicately folded and placed , as the skirts you loop carefully to wear , or the ribbon aud lace you put with u soft neatness nbout your throat , says n writer in St Nicholas Cherish your instincts of taste nnd fltnt-ss in every little thincr vou have about vou This will not muko you fussy , " it is the ether thing that does that , and not knowing , except by fidgety oxoitomont , what is harmony and the intanglblo grace of rolution Take upon yourself grndually , for the the sake of getting them in hand in llko inannor , if for no otnor need , and all the cares that belong to your own small territory at homo Have your little washcloths and your sponges for bits of clotuiing : your furniture brush und your leather duster , and your light little broom , and your whisk iind pan ; your bottle of swcot oil und spirits of turpoutlno and piece of llannol to per serve tlio polish , or restore the gloss where dark wood grows dim or gets spotted Find out , by following your surely growing boobo of thoroughness undniconoss , the best undreadiost ways of keeping all fresh about you Invent your own processes ; they will como to you When you make yourself wholly HEADQUARTERS FOR CALIFORNIA ORANGES DUQUETTE & CO , wiioimsai..i : : Fruits and Commission , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Ia * Ofis Fen mm\m \ iatino : The ideal fuel is gas It gives the greatest degree of boat , is alwavsuntlo control and isub olutoly without dust nnti there uan bo no aocldonU from it 1 two Scientific investigations have shown that food cooked by it retains 120 nor eon more ot its nutritive properties than if cooked lu lha old way You novel ute a ! & i f good steak unless you have tried 0110 eookod by gas The Coa ' tietl BlulTs Gas and - * - JUectric Light company have miulu il desirable in point of economy to use gas - for cooking nnd heating It will pay vou to investigate this Their now gas heaters and cookers are the greatest success os motlo.11 times They combine kvkiii isiisaui..i : : < iuaiiBv ECONOMV , KtUOIXSS TOK UsC , AliStU.U'rn SAFETl' , GKIMTESr IIKVTJ.VC ; CAPACITY , NO LOST HEAT JBLECTltlC LKiBIT FIXTlfltKS OF AIX K\i)5. CALL il.MI EXAMiyi : . No 210 Main St MERRIAM BLOCK Ho , 211 Pearl St COUNCIL KLUFIS , IOWA . , mistress of what you can learn and do in your own appartmciits , so that it is easier and moro natural for you to iio it than to lot it alone , then you have learned to keep n whole house so far as its cleanly ordering is concerned Cm Inr for Furniture With care furniture may bo kept looking nice for years , but without this care it soon becomes dingy and shabby A thorough cloaiisiag , once a month , ut least , should bo given to upholstered furniture that is in everyday use , says an exchange Articles covered with plush or any goods with a pile may bo brushed with a bristle brush , but for hair cloth a light switch works best , wiping off the surface afterward with a damp cloth Wipe the woodwork with a damp cloth , and if there are any dents in it , it is said that the applica tion of several thicknesses of wet blot ting paper hold in place until dry by a warm ilutiron will remove the dents , unless a very deep one , when several applications may bo necessary When the woodwork is dry , rub with warm linseed oil and polibh with chamois skin White spots may bo removed by alcohol simply pressed on the spot by a cloth that is not linty , and not rubbed , rubbing will take off the varnish A llannol cloth moistened with kerosene s good to rub the furniture with , nud the disagreeable odor of the oil soon disappears Lillics on Iilnon Our linen all comes from Europe , but the importers hero are in the habit of sending theirown designs to the manu facturers abroad , says the Now York Press Pond lillios and Hilios of tlio valley are among the newest patterns For largo clotliB there is usually a largo center design ; the rest may bo in largo figures or small to suit the Individual tnstos of the buyer There Is no par ticular fashion lollowod in this respect There nro sometimes two borders to both cloths and napkins ono is what is called the table border , and the ether the hnngiiig border Iluclcnunck Towels Kmbroidored towels find a plnco in the linen closet of today , butatheir position on the towel rack is question able , for they are there merely to bo looked at , says the New York Press The hucKuback towel is the only ono fit for use and there is eatisfnetiun in the fact that it is always hotter every time it is washed until the time comes when it is worn iuto shreds Towels should bo ono yard and a quarter long SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLOFF3. FOR SALE AMO R-NT. rpo TltADK Lots for horsed ami cuttle F. JBwan. . Kmt Ilurmunyst . i. 'ouncll llluira AllAlta AIN CompFeto roller mill ana saw mill for pale Capacity ot roller mill , forty barrels dally Will soil faim In connection with mill K deslrud ( iooilieasoni for Belling All inquiries in regard to said ptouerty aem to tne followInK address will receive prompt atteu- tlom 0. U. Heel Heels Ia WANTKD A few young ladles und gentle men to iiuullty for puylni ; volitions Ad dress J , H. Si Co , lleaolllce , Council lllutrs , In N1M PltO V El ) ' J ova iand " t o x ehu ngof or slock of groceries , boots ami uhocH , or horses and cuttle , Address 'J' , ] ' , tjpencer , Jtnndolph , la I HO It SA-Mt-My residence , UJ Willow av- cnue on south side of lUyllis part Heated by steam , llKiito 1 by electricity aud containing ull modern improvements I-ot lW ( by SOU rest Also will sell or exchange for Improved city property , my farm of ft'o acres , ten mileH east of Council llluirs N. M. 1'iney. Council lllulfs IIIAVi : acvenil houses und lots to trade for Council llluirs or Umaha unimproved prop Jty c. II Judd 0M llroadwuy Council luutld COUNCIIi nhUr'1'8 property for sale ut great bargains The follow liijr , among the most beautiful homes lu the city , will be cold at great bargains , on monthly payments , or terms to suit : Three new 8-room hojses on Lincoln avenue two blocks from electric motor Jiiio Two new 4-room houses four blocks from electric motor line nn North rtmenth street One new K-roonihouse four hlocki from elec tric motor Una ou North tieveuth street Three new & and o-room houses one blnclc rrom eiectrlo motor line corner Avenue A and 'iwelftli street Ilesldes the above I have houses and lots In all parts of the city One no iv 5-room house on Mill st C. II J udd , 6M llroadway , Council Illuffe TltADl'lOO acres of clear Kansas laud , partly lmproiedt will trade for a tl.UK ) stock of dry goods uud groceries , or will trade 83 acres for liUjstoilc of urocerles Address tU3 Avenue C. Council lllutfi la IiKltl,0OJorfl.0UJ you can buy a nice , new clean stocKof hardware , stove and tlnshop la one ot the bjst loatlons in western Iowa If you want u hardware business would bu pleusd to refer you to tellable parties that know all about our business Very satisfactory reasons for selling It will pay you to lnvostf gate this , Aadrois II < ) , Dee office , Council lilllfs WAN'l'KD-Compotont plrl , family of two , [ highest wages paid Mrs J. r Kimball HIT Mi ave M CASH for secondhand furniture Moves and H carpets , A. .1. Manuel , JJi HroadMay 9 REAL KSTATH lloiiirnt aod neil a-it ex- W chausoi Special attention Klvoa to exam inatlou ut tltlei W. O. Jauias N" luioarlsr 9 3jiOIt SALE or Kent Ourden land with houses , * I 1 by J. It Itico lOIMalnst , Cojucll UlttlTs v M IjlOK SAl < i : OJilVt rest ouOlon nvo It P | - Ollicer , I' ' Main si - I H FOlt HUNT The btHinosi house lately occu- | pied by S , T. McAteo Apply At air l'ifth B uenue. . jM NI' .W improved re il estate to tra t ) for untm 9 proven Omaliaor Council llluJs propjrty m < „ ' . 11. Judd em Uroadway * No 27 Main St , Over Jnc ' que- f | min's Jewelry Store H Electric Truss ] ; , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wauioo IMS C. It .IIU I > , TI1H Ji A. . Murphy Manufacturing Co ! 1st Avenue and Slat Street SASH DOORS Al KURDS . Hand nnd ticrnll Sawlnj Ite-Sauliii ; nud Planing SswinitotullKliuli loren Brackets _ Kludllafc wood t ! . r > 0 per load delivered Clean * * "J sawdust hy the barrel Die All work to be Urst-class. Telephone SJI Your Patronage Solloltod " ' 4a * " SELL & BEUGHOF , ARCHITECTS ; ANO SUlEItlNTKNI > KNlS Room 2 , Opera House lllock , Council lSluffn , Iowa 'I iios OvricEiu w , II II l'USKV OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS Corner Main and Broadway , COUNCIL IUjUKKH , lOtVA Dealers In fnrchpi and domottlo nxchauga Collections made and Interest paid on time de posits J. II EUUUNDSON , E. Ii BlIUI ! HIT T" Irs vice I'rt * . Cius It IUmhan , Cashier CITIZENS STATE BANK , or council iiLurrs Paid ud Capital Surplus 39,000.00 Liability to Doposltors..333,000.00 niiircToui I. A. Miller , V. O. Cllexsou , E. I * Bhugart , H. E. Hart , J , I > . Kdundson , Chas It Ilannan , Transact general bunking business Largest capital and ant plus of any bank la Northwestern Iowa Interest on time deposits F. M , ELLIS & . , ARCHITECTS ANIHUIMHNuSUPElllNTiNDUNTd : Ilooms I'M and til I tee llulldlnf Omaha Neb , nnd Booms ! ! ) nnd ill Merriam Block Oounct lllutrsjoiv . Correspondence Solicited 1 " S. E. MAXON , m Archite.t and Room 251 , Merriam Block , , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , I