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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1890)
1M X" NINETEENTH YEAK ' OMAHA EEIDAY lUORNINb , FEBKUA11Y 7 , 1300. NUMBER 228. MUST HAVE THE SPEAKER Iowa Bopub loana Will Compromises on No Other Baals THE DEMOCRATS ARE WEAKENING An Hx-Prcnolicr'H Seniiowlint Novel I lclcns mi llio Subject ol Itctrrnoli- * } - incut nnd I tclorm Non ' Partisan 1'ruyern ConToroiiLO Committor nt Work ' Drs Moinis In . Fob 0-Special [ Tele gram to Pin : Dee ] Conference commlttcos representing botti sides In tlio house huvo bo la at work today trying to end the dead lock 1 do republican inoaiboM of the co n mlttoo Insisted , ns a condition orccodont to all agreement , tlio fact that the republicans must have the speakership , no matter how the other oMccs ire to bo divulod The dom ocruls are resisting the demnnd , and vvnnt to bo considered as li wing a ctuuiLd at it Hut the republicans will not treat on any I j > other basis Itlsbollovcd tonight that the democrats will comedo the speakership eventually , as they are showing many signs of weakening liut they will Insist on being Riven a Inrgo share of the conimlltcos They wunt the commlttcos on legislatlvo districts o they can gorrymnnaor the state after the true domocruto ula 1 But the republicans will ncv cr j leld that 1 boy also want the L committee on the suppression of Intouiper nnco The prohibitionists claim six majority on a vote of the house but some of thorn uro ufraid to lot the democrats lia\o this com mlttca for fear they will fool than out of prohibition in houiu unoxplnluablo wn\ Pending these nefotliitions nothing of In tcrcst is being done in the lecislnturo , 1 hero was n llttlo Ilurrv in the liouso today when onoof the members , an ox-preacher bv the uamoof Urown Introduced a resolution to dispense with the Hcrvlees of a ehupl tin and tiuvo the members of the liouso open the pro ceedlngs of tlio house with prayer Ho niguedithnt tlio state would thus buvo $ - > a prayer But ns there org oxproieliors on both sides of tha house the meinbeis were afraid that if they did their own praiing they would have republican prajors ono duy and deiiioeinlio pravers the next , so they voted down tlio lesolutioti by a tote of 48 teAS AS mm decided to contlnuo the custom of lion ] artisan pravers Dns Moimis , Io lob 0 In the house this morning a resolution providing for members • opening the proceedings with nruvor Instead ot calling on tbo ministers ! B was introduced but fulled to bo udoj ted ) | After tuking two ballots on permanent 4 H / speaker the house ndjourncd until tomorrow H V jiltcmoou llio caucus committee will | , ct to | H \ ywork on a compromise In the meuutlme MBBa _ _ < _ J no Scum r Drs Moist * , la , Tab 0 In the sennte m this afternoon a special committee , cocsist- t lng of Woo'son , lioltcr and Dungnn was B oprolntcd on rulcB Gcbblo prcsontca a pe- H titiou from thu commission appointed to ox- H amino into the matter of uu mdustrial borne H foi uuult blud , and u room was assigned for K ' tbo exhibit of articles manufactured by sucU H > i > * < . . | xnoii9 A memorial from ttio Improved I H block Breeders association was presented j H by 'Vule , unci then the sunato udjournod H A flight ot Way huit J B Four UonaE la Feb 0 [ Special Tolo H pram to 1'iu liitr | Nine test cases liavo H been commenced in tbo 1 obrunry term of H the district cou-t mthlsilty bi owners of H property abutting thu Mason CltyA-Foit H Dodto railway to recover damages from that H company for the approprmtlou of their lands fl for railroad use When the railway was eon M etructed in lbSO the old rlcht , ot wnv ot the B Iowa Si Pacific company was purchased tor a j B dlstanco of fort two miles for $20 000 and > ! track laid on the old Vudo The property jpBBkiw owners claim that the statutes of limitation had 1,0110 against this rifcht of way from the IBBB i. time of the original giant , in lUii , until ( J tiacked la lbbO if the cases are sustained the Muson City & . I ort Dodpo rail load will H lo practically without rkht or way for a dislinco of fortv two miles of line thut is al SBl reudj built and in active oporutlon llio flBI suit is a most important ono Involving ) thousands of dollars and thecoiiRlitutlonullty { of thu statutes of limitation against inll- way right of way , J 1 lie buuromu Court M Des Moines , la , Fob 0 [ Special Toio PH gram to Inu Bca ] llio followlog dccl- bIodb were rendered lu the supreme court M today : j H W L Pcnco vs the Chicago , Rock Island 1 & , Paciflo railway company , appellant , Polk H district , afllrmed B State of Iowa , nppnllant , vs Jacob lieckey , Muscatlno district , aftlimed j Joseph btory vs Chicago , Mllwaiflcoo St , Paul ruilway company , uppellnut , Cllu- ton district , afllrmed _ li A LrkusoavflC W Smith and W C w lirell uppollants , Cerro dordo district , ro PC Vr GeorKQ W. Lee , appellant , vs Agricultural BBrio * . insurauco cooipauv , Hamilton district , nf- V/ flrmod , H Levi W Llndsoy vs Western Mutual Aid J nocictj' nppcllant , l'ollc district , afllrmed J fatuto of Iowa vs Ldivard Ua\ , appellant , lanQ district , afllrmed blcphen li Mlckloy vs V M Tnmllnson ot al , appellants , rehearing , reversed WB llio CrcHiuu liiviiHtlcatlon 1VM Ciiestok , In , Pcb 0 [ Special Iclogram B to Tin : IIeb.1 Iho city couucil today con 1 eluded its investigation of Mayor Patterson's _ books nnd accounts , finding $991 19 of city III nionoy duo from the mayor An exumlnu- pM tion ot the books of the State Savings bank SVM showoU MC > to tbo majors credit , (100 being del ositcd since the opening of thoinv ostlga AV tlon In the Investigation today the mayor denounced Alderman Viekers as a contemptible - tomptiblo old wlitlp J ho alderman ad dressed started for tbo mayor with blood iu bisojo , but a policeman Luppaned to bo in thu wav Iho major iu bis uofenso ex ABB plained some irrceulurltlos us oversights , and as having skipped his mind A resolu llnu was passed Just before adjournnu ut do / mundlng thut the muyor turu ever IJJ1 19 to uVM , v tco treasurer If this is not done legal pro y ccedinks will boiommouced Public inter M est Iu the affair Increases dally , H A Torriulu I nil PVJ WiTcnioo , Iu , Fob 0 [ bpcchl Tcle- H tram to The Hll ] Hy the ghlng awny of H u scaffold on tbo now street stund plpo ibis H uftcmoon two of the workmen , Jack Long J of llumiltnu , Out , and Wilder Harden of J this cltv , were precipitated to the bottom , a dlstai co of eighty Jlvo feet Longs ueck wus brokeu and ho expired in a few minutes J llardon's cscipo from instant death was miraculous He is terribly bruised and several - oral of bis ribs uro broken , but ho will prob- 4H ably recover H Toll from n J ruin H MesCiTiNK , la , Fob 0 [ Special Telegram - gram to lim Hfk.J A man named Mukel H son , vvhllo Uruulc , fell from a train at 'A est J Liberty last ulglit , Uoth logs wore cut off j nnd ho died at J o clock this morning , • MB < - ' " A llnuno Miirtlcr Trial < VMki Doom * , In , Fob 0 ( Special rolegram to B . Tub Uee I In the district oourt today tbo HBBf " * trial of a prominent joung grocer , Thomas M P. Hogors , on tbo charge of tnuuslaughter , VVJ was bfLun 'Nourlj a year ago Hogers had KVJ on altercation with a young man namoJ l'ul Hug , uud , It is charged , struck him ou the i " bead with bis fist Fulling died some mentis after from a githuring in the ear nnd later Hogers wai inllctcd for the killing The court room is crowded wilh citizens , ns Uogcrs Is very popular hlio Wntitctl uCliniiso Davtmout , la , Fob 0 [ Special Telegram - gram ta J ml Hrr j John Henttlo and Mrs II LnFounlaln were arrostel in n sleeper on the Chicago , Kock Island t Pntlllcrnitway here this morning bv a detective They loft KunsisClty last evening with tickets for , Ont , nnd resorted to no nrtltlco to ovndo capture The worn in toll her story freclv , saying thnt her husband did not treat her so well ns Hcattic and nftcr five Veirs of married llfo shu vvuntcd a ehuuge Sbo is rather above the medium stvlo nnu Is very pretty In face and form ftio injured husb inu is expeete 1 tonight 1 vo ehll Iron were left in Ivans is Cltv Ucaltlo occupies a cell and Mrs La Fountain Is In the house of dotcntion 1 xtniiHlvo lcc Drain MA of Cm , la Feb 0 [ Spoilal Tolo grim to inu ill e 1 Lxtonslvo ice deals have boon mnuo hero during ttio past two dajs A bt , Louis llnu will start a largo packing establishment at Clear Lake and w ill jo to vv irk nt once Tdo Hurllngton , Ctdni ltnplds & Nortnem railway has pur chased the ice on the dam at Kock Full * /llio enterprise will furnish work foi sov oral hundred men ami tenuis \ Cdit itTloltir Jillml DciiUQUE , In , Feb 0 [ Spcalnl telegram to 1 HE Htc J William Aloxifder arrested on a charge of attempting to soil counterfeit money in Uuchannn county , was examined before United States Commissioner Hobbs and held in $1 U00 bonds for trial , in default of which ha was placed In juil Two ether parties nrrrstcd wl li him were diseh need Ho offered to s H $ J j00 of bojus money for * I00 Din Aniicxnuo ilxts Won Des Moinls la , Fob C [ Special folo gram to 11 Ull 1 An informal vote on the question of nnnexition wus taken in North Dos Moines this nftcmoon and the annexationists won l > i a vote of more than two to ono This is tlio most popular suburb of Dm Moines nnd is tbo ono where the most opposition to annexation was ospectod I or Vinlntln.1 tlio Itcvpiiuc li ivv ' Keoiuk , In , Fob 0-Special [ lol"grtm to Tur Bef J George Sedgwick of 1 red crick la , was examined before Com missioner Leech today on the chaise of vie lating the Iiitornal revenue laws Ho was bound ever to the { rand Jury the Hrlclc mill Xilo atal.or ? Des Moines In Fob 0 Iho Iowa Brick und Pile \ \ orkers' association closed its state convention tonight J M Holing of Sfnn wood was elected presldontand b Chaml"ers of Dcs Moiucs secretary II KlUULU VHKVPIjOSIOV Throe Hundred Men IiunriHoiirU mid I'iiltbl ) n Hundred llvesljost London , Lob C Au rxplosion occurred ted i > In a colliery at Abcrsychan in Mon mouthshlro Ihrco hundred miners were imprisoned nnd for several hours no commu nicallon coula bo had with them An open ing was finally effected and at noon 200 of tbom were rescued A number of those taken out were severely Injured Hescuing parties are still searching for these remain ing It is feared that it will bo impossible rescue tbo minors who are still imprisoned CJp to 4 o'clock tbls aftornoou forty ( load bodies hnd boon taken from the mine Fiftj minors are still Imprisoned It is not known whether dead or olive rhoowuurs of the colliery estimate 120 persons have lost thoii lives by the explosion Iho cause of the explosion wns the tlood ing of tno pit adjacent to that lu which the explosion occurred thus forcing tlicLUs into the pit where work was in progress and whore it was ijnitod The explosion had tremendous force being heard a milo uway I ho first party of rescuers orcanlzed on doavored to | enutrato the pit tli rough the old workings rhoj got fnr enough to bo oblo to see gioups of dead but they com 1 not reach them and ivero compotlo 1 to retreat by suffocating volumes of smoi e Upon the llrst anpeir- aneo of diminution in thu volume ofsmoko tbo rescuers went down the mnln shaft 1 hey roscuea u laro ( number of miners yet nlivo , but all were badly burned , and they brought out sixty dcau bodies nearly nil so mutilated that lecognitlon of their identity was Impossible iho latest estlmato of the dead Is 150 IjiGKIPPF An I.mlnent Scientists Keport on tlio lltussinn Liiidonitc Chicago , Fob 0 [ Spoclal Telegram to Tnr Bee ] Dr Uauch of the Illinois state boaid of boalth a scientist whoso reputation is national , has Just submitted to the gov ernor nn exhaustive report on the subject of tbo Hussiar oildemlo Ho says that the so called Influenza was first recognized in Boston on Decombcr 17 , roaehlng Chicago abojt December 3 and has extended from the Atlantic to the Pnclflo and as far south as Mexico and Central America , practically spreading over Lumpo and a largo portion of North America within ninety davs extending - tending ever a great area und with greater rapidity tluir any epldomlo of which there is record He expresses the belief that a care ful study of thu history of the disease will discover some communication mcideut to its spread Carnfullj prepared tables of the , temperature and ralnf ill show tbo lnlluonco of metooroIoMcal conditions upon tbo death rate 1 rom the week ending December 28 to the week ending I ebruarv 1 , 1 203 deaths in Chicago may bo attributed to this malady Of those , 005 were under llvo years of ago u number much greater proportionately than n any ether cltj A cl03o cstimuto of tlio moilalitj iu the northern states from the disease of Influenza so far is jtv en as 10 00J deaths ' FATAL TIGHT 1OUUIICH. . A l'arsnn'M IteiunrLs I oad to the Dentil or Two Sinn CuAittoTTE , N C , Fob 0 iSpecial Telegram gram to Tub Hee J During sort ices in a 1 Virginia country church , about thlrtv miles 1 from Sparta , N C , last faundaj , Ilev Joseph M Strooko , during the course of bis remarks , soldi ' There is a man In this con grcgatlon who Is so moan and unfaithful to 1 his vvlfo that It is a wonder God docs not l rain Uro and brimstone upon his head nnd I consuuio bun " The preaehor pointed bis flngor to Thomas 1 Coleman , who occuplod n seat near the pul pit aud as he did so thut individual Jumped I to his feet to inciuiro if the parson meant to 1 bo personal in his remarks No sooner was , Coleman on his foot than half a dozen dea cons were up demaudlug that ho sit I dow n Lverything was In an uproar and an , attempt was made to eject Coleman Cow man resisted aud seUint , a stick of wood I Wing neur thu stove ho begun to wield it I hard una fast knocking four mon to the j floor and fatally wounding Joremlah For guson Ono man wrenched the club fiooi 1 Coleman and dealt him a deadly blow across the head Ho then walked out of the , church and has not been seen since I he riot lasted some time and was participated I in by many of tuo congregation who used ' clubs as weapons Coleman nnd t crguion 1 wore killed und thrco ethers sovortiy In " jured JTlio I ire Reonrcl New Yohu , Fob 0 riro in the matting factory of Joscp U tide X Co , in Brooklyn , last night , did about I15J 000 damage , loss covered by insurance YtiLhEsuiuiir Pa , Fob 0 The flro in the Pettebone shaft , by which four men , wore ueilously burned yesterday , Is spread ing , and the shaft has been sealed up TliESOinilWESrERNDELUCE ' OroRon nnd Washington Visltod by Unprcocdsntcd Floods PORTLAND PARTLY UNDERWATER The Principal Uuslnesi btrr-et it Hi - I114 Itlvcr nnd Nnvliinl'on In Hunts llcndcred Dniicerous Uu- iiiniRnDIo Itnliis Cnntrd Iit • • novv nnd Itnln routUMi , Ore , Feb 0 The Wllla mctto river nt this city is higher lhaii It has been since the great flood of 1S01 llio rho wn * caused by the unusually henvj rains and the melt ing snow lu the mountains lu this city nil the merchants along the water ft out and for two streets back from the river have bccn\bniolltU to suspend business nnd move their stocks to higher places Iho water robe so rapidly tint mnnv ot them were unnblo to move their goods out and in consequence houvj dumnges will bo the re suit Iho only means ot travel 011 liont street the principal wholesale street , is by bouts Throughout the Will imotto vullev henvy losses are reported Man ) bridges have boon washed uwav and a larco nmount ot grain stored in warehouses along the river rulnod Iho wagon brldgo neross the Willu motto river atbalom was swept nwav Mon duv night The structure wis about onu thousind feet long It cost in the neigh borhood of 7 > U0) ) J < o less than 10 000.000-5iw logs h ivo been Bwept dowu the Wllluinutto an 1 Columbia rivers iu the last few divs Largo ( junutltlQA of sawed lumber nnd 11 number of s wv mills on the river hnv o also been c irrie I uvvnj 1 ho ltu ition on the bouthcrn Pa cillc between here and California remains virtually unchanged All com mumcation south und east of hero h is been rut oil for live davs and no trains nro arriving over the southern Paelllj or thu Union Pacific It W im | ossiblo to tlosel\ estimate the damage ut present , hut It will probiblj reach ssiJOOOO The rain has eeised throughout the Wilhimctto vallej but the river nt this point is still 011 the ilso Koports from the south statu that tt 0 rivoi has been fulling since noon lhu water is rushing through Front nnd First streets rnpidlv una this makes navigation bv means of Loats dangerous M mj of the sidovv alks uro float ing and several nceiients have oc currcd Dj pedestiians falll lg through holes In the sldov alks Die On gouiau and the holograph wore compelled to tnt vo their business olllces further back from the rivei this evening thcie being at prcs nt sovcril feet of w iter ou the llrst floor The editor ! d 100ms which uro on tno secot d ilooi nro reached by boats Great anxlutv is felt for the two bridges which span tlio nvnr at this point Iho Morrison street bndgo is llablo to bo swept iwnj nnd In taso thli bndgo is enr no 1 down stream against the steel bridge of the Union Puclllc the lnttci is almost certa'n ' to go J ho Associated press reporter in order to llio nis dispatches is compelled to wade through water thrco feet deep A dispatch from McMiunvlUa , Ore , states that the town of Wheatland has been almost swept awaj much stock drowned uud u larco amount of grain destroyed llid Latest I'artloul ir * Poiitlami Ore , lob 0 Tbo water od pnrontlv is at n stand still this afternoon but is still up to the waist in front of the 1'i.clfic postal teleg-aph oflico Iho water reached its highest point , t.vcnty eight feet and four incnes , al 0 o'clock this morning Since then It has fallen four inches in the channel This is the highest water in the history of the city llio water falls slovvlv in the streets nnd is not perceptibly lower but is running through the streets with a less rapid current aud is frco from hcavv driftwood in iho cnanncl 1 he bridges uro bolloved to bo safe and there is no evidence of any serious damage to buildings llio only loss in tbo business district will bo from the piescncE of water on thu ground floors of buildings which will be trifling Hcports from points on Willumetto river inuicato that the river is falling very rapidly 1 he detailed report of the dnmugo will bo slow to como in on ae count of iho intorruptiou to telegraph com munifation The most serious loss will bo the destruction of bridges which seem to huvo been swept away everywhere The largest towns in the vtlloy are well above high water and only small and unimportant buildings huvo been carried away I He interruption to trnvol still continues but the Oregon Itallroad & , Navigation company has established steamer service to Cascade locks , above which the trains are running Between Cuscado locks and here there is a succession of laud slides cntlrolv obliterating the track in some places lbo bouthcrn P icillo sent out a train on tbo branch line west of there , but it got no further than McMlnnviUe fifty miles from hero No trains have been sent out on the mainline Iho Northum Pacific Is running to luconia and is carrying tbo mails It is expected the railroad blockade to Cascade locks will continue soma days uud that between tween here und bun Fr incisco for weeks as the track and road have been ontiiely do sttoyed for a considerable distance fhomcagro ndviccs from Ashland state that the bouthorn 1'ucllln railroad brldgo across the Umpqua river has been washed out und thut in Cow Creek canjon the rail road truck has been v irtuully wiped out Muny Btnallcr railroad bildecs between hero nnd Ashland are washed away and the com puny does not attempt to send out trains On the west side of the WllUmetto river trulns are running ns far a * McMlnnvilto Iho Union Pacific is blockndod bv heavy slides between this city und Dallas , and no trains 111 a expected to bo running for sov eial days The Northern Pacluc Is still running At Salem Blxtv houses bavo boon svvopt nwav und many persons driven from their homes , though , bo far us known , no lives have been lost Along the river bottoms considerable live stock was drowned and largo quantities of grain and hay destroyed Uemiirnllzuil Joleuruph lines Chicago , Teb 0 Advlcos via the Western Uniotrtolcgragh company from the far northwest indicuto Llttlo Improvement in the telegraphic situation there After tbo wires bad been broken down by the snow slides on tbo regular route to Portland , the company managed to got a wire through to Tucoma over the Cuscado division of the Northern Pacific railroad and tbenco down to Portland Ibis held up only a short tune and reports this morning are to the effect that a ho ivy windstorm on the Cascade divison blew down many large plno trees , broaklngtlo wires aud disorganizing the s ivico lbo flood in tha Wllluuiotto river at Portlaud also carried away the cable ot the company , which was laid across It , making the break in connection still more serious 1 ho general manager of the Northern Pa cific railroad telegraphs to the Assoc lated press from lucomn , Wash , stntmg that the report thut the Northern Paclllu is in trouble is absolutely untrue Iho road , including all its branches , is open and all trains are moving bnovv Hlorni in Kansas Kansas Cur , Mo , Fob 0 Au Associated piess dispatch front Oakloy , Kan , says a heavy snow storm is la progress throughout the entire western portion of the state bo far travel has not been dolavcd Still in a Muddle Auunt , N. Y , Feb 0. rho vote by whii'h the worlds fair bill was lost yestor duy was today , by unanimous consent , re considered In the senate and passed When the assembly worlds ' fair bill was received iu tbo assamblv from the sonata as amendo ) , a motion was earrlol to uon concur In the senate umoadments and a con ference committee was appointed HiinilMVN ON'rilfc ' , 8T.AM ) llio Scnntnr Totlll s IloTdro tlio Ital- 1 itt Box ttmnniftjot \ \ isntNOTOV , Fcd 0 TI16 hiujo committee too on the ballot box * forgery this morning called bontitor John bhermnri us the first witness Ha wns shown LxhlbU ' A" nnd dcrlarcd that ho had nev ot signed It He saw { It first when tt was jont to him in November vomber b ) HnUtcul Iho signature wn a copy of his rubier frmltlngstampand J not an Imitation of his slgi uluro Witness never heard or know of the ballot box con tract ! and never hoar 1 At the Campbell bill before Governor IdrnkorB Music hall Bueceh 1 , Bellumj Storor , a lawyer of Cinelunntl , was then put on the stand • His tostlmonj wns-unlinportnnt nnd when ho ] stepped down Fditor Itnlstead of the Cincinnati Commercial Gizetto took the stsnd , Mr Hnlstcad was examine 1 nt great j length Ho returned from abroad In August Ho talked over campaign mnttors with 1 oral er nnd thov discu'sol what should j bo put Into the campaign ncnlnst Cnmpoll Ono mutter wus his ( Cninnhell's ) vote for special cars foi1 coloicd pcoplo ( Jim crow ! cars ) Another wis the biewoo trust lhu governor sold ho had In formation of Cimpballs connection with the Hnll Wood ballot box , that there was a contract which bo expected to get which would bo nn Important fenturo of thu cum pnign 1 hat \ \ oed had promised to furnish It witness didn't ' know On Sotuoinbcr 14 on the train at bprlnilcld Governor Forvker told Halstead ho had the p mer that it hud como right out of John McLean's safe Foraker said the piper had shocked him It was moru than ho wanted , th it there were names on It witness would not print und that ho ( Foraker ) could do nothing with It HoBbowoltho piper to witness lhu bill nppeurod to be mtin latory that TO 000 patent ballot boxes should bo purchased at5 each Witness did not sea nn ) room for questioning tlio genuineness ot the papsi Ho told tornkor It was necessirj vo use the nnpT or a part of it , nnd thut ho felt so qxisporated at the idea that Shermin Buttorworth nnd Me Kmley were jolng la with John McLean in sucti n m ittcr that he fclttcinpicd to explode it under them It w is something nn ro than pollcj almost n public dut ) but Campbell was the enl ) ono before the people as 11 can dldnto fm public offlco and thercforo It might bo prot or to use onlj his name An other reason for cutting off nil thu names but Cimpbolls wns that Sunset Cox whoso 1111110 w 11s among the forgeries hnd Just died and witness felt contldent of the genuine ness of his signature Halstead s theorj of the Torgcrv is that it was never intended or" expected to hurt any bodv llio motlvo origin ill was Wood s extreme anxiety to get tbo suioko inspector ship It was preposterous to suppose thnt Governor I orakor thought there w is an ) thing fraudulent about it flicro was a cloud of witnesses ahd the lawyer who uiew uo the cortract Witness wondered now that thej did not come down nnd donj it the day after publication Undoubtedly Wood put benntor bherman s name on it to muko it impossible for ifo'ukcr to U90 the paper After publications wns staggorei 1 to see Senator Sherman's declaration mat ttio paper was a lie but ho assumed that bhermun was oxtrcmetyjUnlikely to have signed the paper Knowing what it was lliirtv jcurs ago Sherman loot tlio apeak erslnp bv signing in that ! way the com pendium of the helper book " Mr Halstead placed at/lbo / disposal of the committee his private Jotters to Governor Forolcer and said some Of ! thorn were con cluslvo ovideuco that both himself nnd Fornker were convinced ofjtho soundness of the paper , , Mr Cogsvj ell asked vjhy y'tness did not vcrlfv the character qf Thu ' Tiupor bv Snei man und liutterwortbi Ho replied that Bpt torworth was not in tfo.c < Ktntrj or had 5ds $ returned Sherman avas in Washington Ho recalled the saying that 3 ou could gat n member of congress to slgfi p petition to get himself hanged It was not pleasant to put n flngor on a sore spot like thnt , it was not his particular part to go scratching at it Just then Iho publication was forced bv cir cumstances bovond his control , so ho did not consult the signers Ho admitted that they • could not driw out Campbell ns they tried to do 'iho fnct is'said ' he , ' bo turned out a moro difficult person than wo thought " Turner Then if the governor had sue ceedoa in getting Cnmpbell Into a corner you woul 1 stand ut the bead of tbo cannon and I touch It off I Halstead No sir , I did not Intend to stnnd at the head of the cannon but I got , there ( great laughter ) Continuing , Hnl stead said there w is supposed to bo some , feeling between bonator bhormun and Governor ornor Foraker growing out of events at the 1 Chicago convention Ohio contained moro 1 than bor shuro distinguished men , nnd there was necc'sscrily friction ! where they were so crowded rho delicate relations existing between Sherman and 1 borikor maoo it highly inexpedient to nllow a paper to get out through Foraker s ngenev that reflected on tbo senator It would have been fatal to the part ) . Witness had not relied lied on Woods word regarding the paper but was guided by the Internal evidence of the paper a document ffor beyond Woods ability to produce He bnliovcd from the beginning that Foraker hud been fooled as bo himself was Witness never contemplated plated uny ilvnlry for afecnaturshlp between hlnibulf , McKinley and Butterworth Ha had known of great calamities befalling pub lie men aud believed if these men bad signed that paper they should bo struck down Ad journcd LL1T THE STATE Montana's Democratic Sonntora Fly from 1 ho Berccitlit-nt Arms Helena , Mont , Feb ( 6 After the nd Journmcntof the senate yesterday tbo eight domocrutla senators , incensed nt the ruling 01 Lioutonnat Governor Rlckards In count ing thorn present , took trains iu different directions They suid they were going nov - v end tbo state line to got out of the re ich of the sergeant nt arms Their continued absence senco will block all legislation An Important Amcndmnnt Washinqtov , Fob 0 The uouso com mittee on rules this'morning amauded tbo code to correspond to tha action of the re publican caucus jestordsV afternoon Ono of tbo umondmonts which was overlooked In the abstract sent out lait nlclit Is of Import ance , as it striken out of j tlio now code the authority conferred updocommittees report ing general appropriation hills to pro sesent new legislation upon appro priation bills It 1b learned that tins action wus directed by the republi can caucus yestorduy pnlv after a hitter tignt , in which Cannoarand McKinley were overcome by the opposihpn under the lead of Pason As ainenddditho rule Is in the exact shape of the corresponding rule in the preceding house ' . NoinitintfuiiB Washinqtov , Feb 0 Tbo president today sent the following nominations to the senate Paris Kllbourno to bo surveyor of customs at San Francisco , Alauson W. Board , col lector of customs for tbe district .of Boston and Charlestovvn , Mass ' Postmasters Iowa Omar II Brooks Lailo ; Orovo , William II Hirdiull tvowhampton Supervisors of customs , Illinois Hmil Schmidt , bevonth district , Nurmuu II Mbss , I ightUyllstrltl Iowa John W , Itowlqj , F rst district [ Tim Plot/frl reived Soma , Tob 0.It Is now proved that Major Pamtza bad all things prepared for surrounding the palace * during tbo ball bat urday , and tbe plot was to kill Prluco t crdl- naud ut that tlmo Vienna , Feb 0. ICalopkoff , a merchant of Uustchuk and lormarly 0 Russian otneer , was arrested for complicity la the Panltra conspiracy Ho is believed to bo the agent through whom the Kussian legation in Bucharest acted with tbe conspirators m Halniiiannea Kerliinnly III Hav ana , Fob tX Governor General Sala inuuaca is seriously ill THE SENATES ' DISCOVERY ) That August Body B003 Flitws In the Intoratato Law SOLICITUDE FOR RAILROADS Xho Wlicolq nl ctnto 1 tun n ; Again ns Usual In Washington Hnll- wny Mnlt Sr-ralco U\- nininatlino Washington Huium' IiikOmahv Hrr , 1 G13 FotiiTrrNTit bTUEUT V Wasuimjtoy DC leb 0 1 There was a geol ncil of tnllc nround the capltol todnv about thu resolution introduced vestcrdav bv bcnnloi Puldock inquiring into tha oporntlon of the long nnd short haul clause In the lntorstnto coaimareo law with nvlow to npcnllng it unless It can bo so modillcd as to permit rallro 11 companies to make reductions in the rates for long dis tances Llie statement of Governor lhuor thnt the formers of Nubriska nro burning corn bi cause the rallrou 1 companies will not glvo reasonable rates fbr shipping it ou 11c count of the long distnnco clause in the In toratato commoico luw , nnd that coil Is verv high for the same ru ison , let a flood of new light upon congress Hverj western man be irs testimony to the fact thut the long and short haul clause In the law brings lowc- rutes to no one , while it 01 crates in mere ts ing the rates to cv crybodj There is not 11 public inau in Washington that joureorro 8D011 lent could Hnd today who did not con tend thut there is but ono feature in the law which is tojho advantage ol * hn people at huge That is the provision unlnst ills criminntlou flicro Is u general uprising of sontiiront against the Interstate conmcrco luw with the exception of the nntl discrlml nation clause Iho nnr ounccn cut of Gov- ornot Ili3)er has dlieetcd 1 tteutlon to the fact th it all the rail road comianles have incrcuscd the long distance rates for the purpose of keep lag up to a paving poln „ short huul or locil truffle Lbo provision in the law rorjuirmg the local rates to not exceed the proportion of the long dlstinco tarilf acts agulnst a ro diction of cither the long or short haul t triff because 0110 must bo reduced proportionately tionately when tlio othei goes down SemtorFrv of Mamo said to lav tint if there should be a fuithor nso in the long huul rates of the great trunk lines for the purpose of maintaining profitable short haul rntes or nnj thing clso our export tralo would Lo rulne I and that the traflle rates from the far west vvero ulroady so higb th it the ex port trade und \r the lntorstnto commerce law was being badly crippled Senator Cullom wlio Is the nuthor of the princq al features in the tutotstuto com mereo law says ho thinks the Paddock reso lutlon will bring about an investigation ro suiting in the repeal of the long and short h ml clause of the law Ho cannot see how the law can bo amended so as to permit a reduction of the long haul rates without nullifying the short haul clause The ono , bo s.i ) b must bo muiutainc 1 in order to keep the ether , und the only remedv ho can BUggest at tills tittio Is an entire repeal of the long and short haul clause TUB 0II1ND AGAIN f Business at the whlto house and at thq department of stale , which has been prac tically at a standstill for Several days because cause of the fatalities in the families of the administration was resumed this morning and is poing' on ns usual Mr Ulaiiio did not go to the department but ho bow several of the foreign ministers at tan house nnd w is nt work there from breakfast till dinner tlmo with his assistants and pnvato secretaries trying to catch up with bis work , which nas been so seriously interrupted for the last t vo weeks Ho goes into his duties with his accustomed zeal and seems to have laid his grief aside Not bo with beerctarv Tracy Iho latter has been lying quietly in ono of the front rooms of the White house since tbo funeral jesterdnj only talking with bis son who is hU con stant companion and the only real comforter he finds Ha nas nnl ) left it to take a short drive with the president this uftornoon Mrs Wllmordlng is still prostrated so that she can reeciv o no visitors and her brother w is permitted to remain in her room but a moment this mnri iug which was the first tlmo ho has boon able to sue her since tbo awful calamity Iter arm Is broken und her ankle sprained iho little girl is getting hotter rnpkilj MAIL SrilV ICE EXAMIVATIONS General Superintendent Boll announces that examinations of applicants for positions in the railway mail servlco will bo bold by the United St ttos clyil bcrvlco commission at the following places oh the dates named Nebraska Omaha , Friday , April 23 , * and Tuesday , November IS Iowa Des Moines lUcsduy , April 29 nnd Tridoy , November South Dakota Yankton , 1 uesduy , April 22 , Aberdeen , Friday , November 14 Idaho Boise Tuesday , Juno 10 Wjomlng Cheyenne , Fndaj Jmio )3- ) HLCOMMEN-DEI ) FOIl Al 1 OINTMENT Tbo Nebraska delegation in congress has recommended the appointment of the fnl lowing to take tbo mortgage indebtedness in tbo X bird d strict of Nebriska for the eleventh censjs William II Putney of Oak da'o ' Arthur W S mires of Broken Bow Honri W Mntthoivsof Atkinson William C Brett of St Paul , Augustus Wlelgockl of Cbadion The rccomraunlution Is cquiva lent to appointment Itcprosontutivo Council will bo entitled to two of three appointments for his district aud Mr Laws will likely have the sino number for the Second district , but they have not yet recomuu uaed any appointments For the information of these who desire to apply for work us enumerators it may well bo stuted that tbo addresses of tne district supervisors for tbo census work , and to whom all applications for positions as enumerators should bo dl rccted are lor tbo lhlrd cougicssional district , B F btouffei , Fremont , Neb for the Scuoud district , W b Handull Fuir bur ) . for the First district , Thomas Cook , Lincoln MISCEII ANEOCS Hon W. II M Pussey of Council Bluffs and W. N Haskell of Oskaloosa arc at the Lbbett Representative Harris of Iowa has re ported from the committee oa accounts a bill which gives each representative end lele gate the right to appoint u clerk to bo paid at the rate ot f 100 a month John Beck , Company C Twelfth Infantry , now in coniinoment at I ort Omaha , win bo discharged I rom tbe servlco of the United btates , to date November 7 , 1887 J 11 W'lswoll was toaay appointed post master at Palmer , Devils Lake county , bouth Dakota vice G W bhuffer , removed Ben Hovnulds of Wymorc , Neb , is here Following uro the delegates to the Na tional Guard association in session here Nebraska Goncral John C Bonncll , treas urer , General A V Cole adjutant general , Colonel O II Phillips 1 rut ro0iuiout , Lieu tenant Colonel C J Hills , Second regiment , Major J. C Watson General F Flick of Omaha u * o bo the superintendent of mortgage indebtedness for Nebraska iu the taking of the eleventh consuii The flro marshal today subailtted to Chief Parrish his report on the lira at becrenry Tracy's house , It Is his opinion that the lire originated from tbo explosion of a coal oil la np in ono of the bay windows Iho seualo committee on commerce today unanimously voted to report udycrsch Mo Mlllan's bill authorizing tha construction bf abridge ncrois the river at Detroit benator Kragun made an argument In favor of a scheme to spend $0 000 UOO in mail ing a deep water harbor at Galveston A subfcowinilteo was appointed to draft a bill and report to the full committee lowu Gcuoral Bvron A Beorou , adjutant general , Captain W. L Alexander , United States ArmJ - uionol Goo Green , First regt montLieutenant Colonel W M Wilson , lifth regiment , Major I M Morey , Sixth regl ment , Captain II C bponcer , \ Third rogi- niunt , Lieutenant W. G Dawes , adjutant First rcglmont Pniitu b Hlath COMJHLbSH U lMtOLiiiH\CJ.S : I In Now I'o r Itules Ordered Pi lull d mil Kcumtinlttuil Washinoton , Fob 0 In the house today nftcr the usual tactics of ttio democrats the Journal of jesterdnj was upprovcl Mr Cannon of Illinois ro | ortcd the now code ofulcs nnd It was ordered printed nnd recommitted Iho scnuto direct tax bill was tail before the house and referred to ttio committee on Judiciary llio comtultlco on Invalid pensions this afternoon reported hick the senntc disability poislon bill with n substitute tnnking the rntoof tot U disability $ ? Jpormonth and p r till illsibllltv S)0 per month lhu bill was amondo 1 uu 1 passed llio bill for the relief of the survivors of the b imoan disaster also p issod Mr larsnov of Missouri offered n resolu tlon reciting that it is charged that mniij hundred InilHIdu lis li wo entered Oklahoma in violation nf the net of congress nnd tha proclamation of the prosldont nnd directing the s | o ikur to appoint n sch et committee to lnvcslignta the muter Hefonod llio following bills were introduced nnd reforro1 Bv Mr Willlnms of lllliinls-Dlrcetiug the scctctuy of the tteisurv to pureh iso at tlio mtirket price s-I.OOO 00J worth ot silor bulW ion per month uud have it coined ns fast as purchased into standnrl silver doll us B ) Mr Hiius of Iowa lor the erection of n miblIo hiiildliie' at Muse itino la 13v Mr Stonu To plaeo bin ier twine made from sis il grass or m null i ou the free list Bv Mr Djrsoy Authorizing tbo Issue of SJIM000O00 llfty vou 2 per cent United btates bon Is to bo used oxcluslvulv for the purioso of sccuiing the circulation of uu tlonal b inking associations * Mr Hnes from the commlttcoonneeounts ropoitcd u bill providing clerks for monitors and dulegites Printed mi t recommitted Mr Perkins reported from the eomniittco on Indian alTiirs uud the house p isscd after nslioit discussion the bill uxtuulitig two voars tbo tlmo within which the KnnsaHUitv .1 Pacific railroad company ma ) constiuet its line through tbo Iudl m terrltor ) Adjourned Senate Washington , Feb 0 In the senate today the hill authorizing the constiuctiou of a bridge across the Detroit rWt r at Datrolt wisroportel b ick adversely from the com mlttco on commerce On motion of Mr Allison the senate bill to nmend and alter the a t of August 0 , lSiH authorising the construction of a railroad vv igon ind fool passenger bi ido across the Mississippi river at Burlington la , wis t ikeu from thu cilond ir and pissed It extends tends for two car from the passage of this act the tlmo for beginning tin I flnishin „ the bridge and makes other chungc3 In the origi ml hill Mr H trris moved that when the senate uljourned today L ba until Mondav Agreed to 1 ho sen lto then took up the bill to prov I lo temporary govci niiient for Oklahoma an 1 the clerk continued the roadlig of the bill , which hud been begun vestcrdav At 2 o clod the Oklahoma bill went ever and Mr Blair took thu floor to contlnuo his speech on the educational hill Mr Bl ilr however yielded to Mr Spoonor on whoso motion tbe house Joint resolution anpionrl uting ? 75 000 for the rcllof of certain Clilp pciTB"Jndiaus nt La Point agency , Wisoon * Bin , was taken up and passed llio educational bin was then taken up and Mr Blair ru3Jmcd his space I In its ad vocacy After speaking for two hours Mr Biair yielded the floor , lntoading to coiicludo his speech Monday The conference report on the sennto Joint resolution for the removal nf obstructions to navigation In the Missouri river was presented sontod nnd ncrocd to llio house amcrd ment reducing tlio amount trom (2,0 000 to $ " 5000 and inserting a provision foi S7 > 000 for improvements at the mouth ot tbo Co lumbla river was ndopted After an executive session the Benato ad JournaJ 1HC PATHS AGUNST Hlil A Talented Mil l Dim H'foro Ijsurii- Ina ol ills Good I ort line WititrsnAitiiE Pa , Fob C fSpjclal Tolo grain to Tnu Bee ] Asad ircidont of the Nottingham mtno explosion at Plymouth laat Saturday has como to light iu connection with the death of Paul S Scholtz one of thu i victims Ho wus a highly educated Gorman mechanical engineer , but reduced hy misfor tune to tbe necessity ot working as a la borer He recently entered into a compcti tivo conte.t In tbe engineering department at Washington V C , for plans of a government mont light house twenty Iho ether archi tccts submitted designs His plaus were ex ecuted during his idle hours and after nionlbB , of study were accepted by tbo government u few weeks ngo Iho government officials , also addressed him a letter at bhonnudoah Pa , offering him a position at f 1-0 par month , to superintend the construction of the build Ing bo designed lbo letter was miscarried I and ; necessity compelled blm to como to , Plymouth where ha procured work , only to , lose his life bv the acaidont before learning of his good fortuuo lbo deceased was a wldovvor and has a young sou living with , rclatlvos In Freoburg Germany , American Milnplnu Loaijao . Washington , Feb 0 There was a good attendance at the mooting of thu American Shipping league this morning The report ot tha committee on resolutions was adopted The Furqulinr b 11 to piomote American ship jilng by government aid was endorsed Ad ditional resolutions urge congress to tnako immediate provision for sonboard and luke defenses , hall with gratification tbo acts of congress for rebuilding tbo American navy , recommend adoquaie provision foi the im provement of the harbors aud rivers of tbo whole country concurrently with the restor ation and development of our ocean com marco so that all sections anu states ot the republic shall participate Iho United btates mails ougnt to bo can led in American ships under our own Hag as soon as pruotlcablo consistently with the certainty and celerity of the service , and the government should paj n Just compensation for this service ro gurdless of the price at which other nations are willing to provide similar service It < v. nails Iilhel Suit Buffalo , N V , Feb 0 I'lioovidonce In the libel suit of Rev Ur Ball for $25,000 damages against the Now York Hvoning Post , crowing out of the presidential cum palgn of 1SSI , was closed today and counsel begun the summing up Ball had uttackod Cleveland s personal character publicly , and the I veiling Post paid its respects to Ball for having done so John G Mllburn , for thu defeusu , said it was to bo regretted that the old feelings of IbSI wore to be raked ever by this minister in his greed for money The action was brought for defamation of character to got money , when it appeared the plaintiff liae" not suffered at all in either character * purse * What aa opportunity foi a minis to bo gracious and say that as the camp < was passed bo would lot the matter ( ' But no ho must dlag It Into court undfpG up things pilnful to manv A w"1 ' snould not preach the gospel ono dai5 ? w * " week and pluy the pari of tbo deterf - other six " ' . ' ttornoy Mooet for thq prosocutr- * > - hls speech this afternoon m Tlio WontlierFnicutMinirn For Onaha nnd vicinity , tM ; " * „ ct ' ) For Nebraska Colder . i , nc < • < winds , fair weather JTK Fpr Iowa , Fair , warmer < " ' " • colder Saturday morning , varl , , tor bouth Dakota , Fair ex/'u / In eastern portion by I'SU'iinU ' north westerly wind * . Hull * A WORTHLESS CONCESSION , The Itoruls Mttko ft Ton Per Con6 Cut in Com UrttoD ANXIETY FOR THE FARMER , Omgcrl ) Fcnr Thnt This Iinnjj Htnnt- Ing Gnsli In lolls Mill bo Ills tiRtrotiH to ihc Grnnu < r. Ii ! > n < Tlinn tlntdlinnf Cittcioo , lob 0 ibpeehl lolc-rvm to The Bi i ] llio Nobrnska hoird of inns portntton has won nnd the Nebraska roads ngninst their hotter Judgment will rcluco the corn rates 10 not ceut 1 his action w as taken enl ) after tw o d y s of conference nnd Is owing ontirolv to the pctsistcncoof the board of trans ] ort \tion 'lne following resolution was passe 1 uuani mousl ) by nil lines Interosto 1 Wbcieas A careful oonsl loratloa of the situation shows that the market prlco ot corn has boon seriously dcpiessud bv the deliveries of the p tat few months from tbo largo crop of lSs much of which Is still to como forward ind that any stlimil illou of tho'movomont would probibly result In a further depression of the prlco iu 1 Whereas , Iho duty of the roals to thu public along their lines voild requlru them to oppose any measure the tendenev of which will ho to further depress tbo market prlco of corn , and , Where is , A reduction of the rates Is now requested upon n falling marl ot uu I in the presence of a v Isiblo suppl ) luigclv lu execs of immediate demands which lcqucst the rends bollcvo to bo hi opposition to the true Intoicsts of pro Inters but under circum stances vhlcli relieve the eirrlers from ro spouslbility for results aud which lead thorn to ucec ) t the situ Uion in the hope th it the nrrungcmi nt ma ) to some oxlcut benefit the farmers of Nebriski ltcsnlvcd Ih u the Nebraska ro ids will unite in u rcduetli n of the tariff rates on corn from points in Nebi iska to Chicago of 10 per cunt fro n the present figures suojuct to n minimum of J.I cunts and n maximum of -j cents per bundled witli thu established differentials at othoi | olutsiu idjustlugthu tariffs rutus to bo midu even cents an 1 h lit cunts the new tariffs lo become operutlvu Iehru irv 15 • • iho effect of thu airrcoaiaat U to loava the rates from O n ih i and other pi ices having thu same bisls uifluugol Points In the western pirt of the statu saeiiro the roduc tiou What Governor ihivoi uskod for wis iiructleally u liorirontil reduction for tbo whole 81 Uo llio rallro il offtcl lis elul n they * could tint do this without disrupting the tarilf rales cast ot the Missouri river The llullet is Im onsi qui litInt Lincoin Neb , leb 0 [ Speclil iolo gram to Iiie Beu | When lufoimod of the result of the confeienco between the stuto board of transpoilutinu and the railway malingers ut thu meeting lu Chicago Just closed which contemplates a reduction of 10 per eont only on freight shipments of corn , Governor lhjvcr said 'I do not want to criticiso tbo action ot tbo board < ft transportation In compromising on n 10 per cent reduction , but of course they did tbo best they could , y6t it will af ford very llttlo relief to our state , uud I know it will not satisfy the pcoplo I asked for a reduction of ut least 5 cents and that was little enough and tbo ro ids should have griutcd it leu per cent Is not enough At best it can be but a llttlo over u cent a buBhc1 and what is that to thu f irmorei It is not worth the effort wo have expended Few furmors will have moro than a thousand bushels to soil and they willhardl ) roallzo that the ) have had uny benefits I sav again thut the rouls should have uono honor by out people " Attorney General Locscsaid ' Under the present circumstances the reduction Bhould huvo been at lpast 10cents on the hlimited pounds A less reduction will not benefit tlio people ot the state to an ) pcrceptlblo ex tent Prior to the passage of the intoratato commerce law ttio actual cash received b , tlio railroad companies was 14 and II ) cents per 1U0 and there Is no good reasou why the roads should not haul corn ut the sumo ratts today , lhls was their prlco for several years , und the roads made mono ) and the only reason that tha rate was increased when the law look effect was to guard agulnst any danger by the enforcement of the now luw In the present condition of the corn crop It seems to mo that the roads ought to restore to the people a small portion so unjustly taken from them Com should bo shipped to Chicago for tha next sixty days at a rate not to exceed U cants per hundred I would bo ashamed to comeback back to the pcoplo of Nebraska and face an outraged constituency with llio reduction agreed upon 10 per cent per hundred This is only 2 cents par hundred , or a f ruction ovora penny a bushel " J Burrows , ox prosldont of the National Farmers alliance , aud editor of tbe Farmers Alliance , a news | uper published in this city , said "A 10 per ceut reduction will afford no relief to the fanners of this stuto It should at least bavo boon 10 and ought to huvo been 1 > cents as aa emergency rate My proposition is thut the board sti ill fix a local rule on al ) kinds ot grain and stuck und then appeal to the interstate commerce com mission for Justleo on a through rate Wo uro now paying 2 coots per hundred moro ou corn to Chleico , Oil miles , than from Chicago to Now York , 1,000 miles J. tie loads by this combination arc continuous lines to the Boa , board and tms discrimination is palpable uud outrageous " No Cabal hnya Cnhln CmcAOo Fob 0 President Cable of the Rock Island was quostiouod in regard to the story in the morning papers which declared that the stock of that road was being do urossed by order of its ofucorti so as to lot the projectors of the elevated railroad , which is to bo used for the suburban passenger trnulu of thu Uock Island , got into the city at low ilgurcs Ho said It wus not true as ulloged th it tbo officers ot the roud were engage I in such manipulation and It was ul o untrue that au elovatnd rrv ubovo Its tracks was in contemplation U > I iih' OF Thl i I line CuiCAaoJuahnQbP0elal | | | , lelegram to The Bi r fflllnflUnBBtJg0 ct paul roads have tur , Itouto from Of'0" ' "ow t0 fustor passoni Illuffsf'18119 Cltv line has reduce . . . , - . , .Irteun and ono halt hnni-r * fl * , fcf t- , followed suit 'loduy tlio 0 0tlC0 t " t uegin- TBAIN3 DULY . , . . ? . | r AND COUJvOuOi't ' " thlrteon hour 'nlrnirn ANl ° 'iu0 Other lines K * , ' " " > luo bt * * 1 ii i hi it rnol , JHInuenr „ , aii lrai „ | „ twelve Eock Islnnd , FieeliorUp attach passenger Clinton , Jlubmiue , < ulttHy 00 * • • trttIa Elgin , Had I ion , , Dclilt , Winona , ilvniH Ana all otutr Important point , dlaun , from Liver buutboitt For Uirough tickets csJI on the ) r rnim ilreegtu llsrker Ulcek.dland , from Ant t jilmsn Klsepsrs sad the Hi .ilvorpool > worlilnru runon thb mainline Ino banle from fat wsuky * ruul lisliw , udY' n l j ( omptnr Adriatic , from 1C 1111IBK a nml Msnsssr A V H OAIUBNTBH Usntrsl I "om Haiti Ticket Auont V owe uuArronD auUu > io , 5J. . C10.uK , QesirtJ BabtilBl ua < al > ate made Many Jmltuto None Lqufc t