Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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H Miss Crane of the Park school has
H been railed to Vermont by tlio dangcr-
H ous Illness of n sister
H The docket for tlio February term of
H the court la In the hands of the printers
H and will bo out bohio time this week
H Tlio First National bnnk obtained n
H judgment in tlio county court yostor-
H day ngainst S. K. Folin ot tit for $ J'75.25.
H The two ovcrcontB tlint were nipped
H from a hall rack in the Darker hotel on
H Monday were found in Kothold's pawn
H Bhop , Ton 111 and Hurnoy utreots , yestor-
H day afternoon No nrrcats nero in ado
H U. W. Unkcr , superintendent of Till !
H I > ii { building , ns also of the Commercial
H National bnnk , is not the 11. V. Baker
H who has been Becking pay from the city
H for work dune on the old city hall foun-
H The Cnnndinn-Ainurican club at its
H last meeting initiated foui- now tnem-
B bars , maulng at present n tnomborship
H of seventy Until the now quarters nro
H ready thu club will moot in the hall at
H Fourteenth and Douglne street
B Tlio Thomson-Houston company was
H to have the city lighted by electricity
H an February 11 , but has boon grunt ml
H an o.vtcnsion of time till March 1G. It
H is allowed that eastern workman on-
B Ragoil upon the mauliinory were so
H prostrated with the grip as to bo unable
H to
H The Knox Presbyterians will give a
H couenrt at their church , corner Nine
H tconth and Ohio streets , this
H availing The imfslc will bo
H in charge of Mr B. 11. Young , assisted
H by Mrs Fred Nye , Miss Burthn liayliss
H and Mr Kichard J. Wherry Mme
H Maz/.uctito Young , pianist
H Joseph II Sch in Hz , who is taking up
H collucti6ns for the Dakota sufferers ,
H Btutos that the place whuro ho makes
H his hondqunrtors was stated wrong in
H Mondays Uik : It is at the St Clair
H European hotel on Thirteenth and
H Dodge , just north of the Millard The
H cause ot the distress in Dakota is
H attributed by Mr Schmitz to the
H A young man named Albert Rosen
H thai was arrostcd in this city yesterday
H ns a fugltivo from Iowa justice and
H taken over to the UlulTs , where ho is
H wanted to answer to the charge of on-
H taring tlio house of Charles Moorcs and
H taking therefrom goods lie bad sold
H Moorcs on the installment plan , and
H which ho claimed had not been paid
H for Tlio pricouor waived all ccroinony
H of requisition
H I'crNonnl l'nrnmapli < i.
H F. Faulkner of Schuyler is nt the Cnsoy
H A. J. Motcalf of Kearney is at the Mer-
H W. D. Iiyan of IJciitrlco Is at the Mor-
H J C. White ot Lincoln is stopping at the
| Pnxton
H A. Hobo of Ncligh Is registered at the
H Murray
| E. A. Oakcs of Grand Island is a guest at
H the Cusoy
H J. N. Lomonof Hartington is stopping at
1 tlio Casey
B A. II MarsUnll of Chndron is a idlest at
H tlio Millard
H L > . A. Chapman of Atkinson is registered at
H the Millard
H II II Wheclock of Fullerton is a L'uest at
H the Millard
H 11. .1. Hovnolds ot Norfolk is registered at
H the Merchants
H J. H. Howard of Nebraska City is stopping
H at the Merchants
H \V. II Harrison of Grand , Island is stop
H piac ; at the Paxton
H W. J. Davics and wife of Fremont are
H guests at the Paxtoa
H Mr.U. . Hooker and F. A. Korsmoycr are
H guests at the Murray
H F. S. Houlett and E. UIgncll of Lincoln
H are guests nt the Merchants
H H. D. Huntington ami wife of Gordon are
H among the guests ut the Casey
H Juan lioyle and son and J. VV Holmes of
H Kearney nro registered at the Paxton
H K. Kneutson nnd Daniel Hopkins of Lin- .
B coin are amour the guests at the Millard
| It . Mbor.nv and S. D. Horton of Grand
H Island are uniong the guests at tlio Casey
H Mr C. Soluh , editor of the O'Neill Item ,
H and ueputy collector of internal revenue for
H the surrounding section , is in the city on
B business in connection with his government
| - Mr P. S. Eustis of Chicago , general ] > as-
1 scngor ana ticket agent of the Chicago liur-
B lington & . Qulncy railroad , is la the city
pj Mr Kustis is an old resident of Omaha , and
J was formerly genorul ticket agent of the li
M & M. it U. in Nebraska
H Itoiidintr and Olngley
H It is quite llltoly that Heading and Dingley
| will soon hiivo a bicycle race of six days at
H twelve hours a day for f. .OO a sldo The race
H will bo cither In Omaha or Minneapolis
1 Dingley's backer lives in St Paul
| Superfluous ISniDloyes
H The council couimlttco appointed to ron
H ildurtho question of supcifluous employes
H bus postponed its meeting until this
J afternoon at 2 oclock ' It consists of Messrs
J Olcson Ucchc ) , Lowery , Slirlver and Ost-
M heir _
H District Court ,
H John C. Houni has brought suit against
H Leouidus II Urauloy to recover f 1,500 on a
The What Cheer Coal company of What
Cheer , la , has comtneneod suit against the
J Heatou fc'uol company to recover 515 57 on
BSH Change of life , backache , monthly irrecu-
lnrllies , hut Hashes , are cured by Dr Allies
pj Nervine Free sumplcB at Kuliti & Co , 15th
J and Douglas
H Oinnlin iplioinlze : < l.
H Secretary Crary of the Heal Estate ex-
H change hus compiled a little book entitled
H Truths about Omaha , " which bristles with
BVH Infnrmiition concerning the city's growth ,
J prosperity aad lluuaciul condition The Btu
S tUtlcs are given showing tlio real estate
transactions , building penults , bnnk clear
J nnces , business , wliolcsulo nnd retail , South
Omaha packing showing , and a variety of
ot ether subjects of inturust to those owning
property Hi Omaha or contcmplutiug the pur-
eliaso of It The pamphlet will bo Ulstrib-
utod by the real estate men to their corro-
J ipoudonts abroad
HVs | Poizonl's ( Complexion Powder is unlvor-
ppp sally known and everywhere esteemed as the
ppp only powder that will improve the complex ;
ppl ion , cradicuto tan , freckles , aad all skin ills
B Tlio House of llopp ,
M The House of opo , the new onterprlso
ppB which with a nuuibor ot ether features will I
ppH includa the Peoples churchiius thus far re
B colvod the following subscriptions :
ppB Ulshoi ) John P , Newman f 50
ppj Adolpli Meyer , , 5U
ppl James K. Vundcrcook , 50 j
ppj Julia E Vundcrconk SO j
ppj Jotm A. Glllespio , 50
ppj Zoo M. Pirby . , , , , < > 5 I
j David Cole , 25
ppj D. W. Huynes , , j
ppj Goafge lienuott 25
ppj Frank Johnson . . , , , . . . . . . . , . . , . - , , . 25
PPJ August rjclmofer . . . . . . . , , , 5 |
PPl Evelyn Grimth , 10 j
pp | O. It Gilbert 10
pp | iluwley McMun . . , 5
ppj MattioGoss , 1 i
ppj William Winuim , 1
pp | Sidney i'ay no [
ppj David Thompson ( work ) 15
PPl Cuurlos Holland ( work ) 15
M a. w.o , . . , , . . , . . . 10 )
M ToUl , fUS -
pp ] Pledges for subscription may bo addressed
to thu ltev , Charles VV Suvldge
H Mrs AVIuslow'a Soothing Syrup for .
B cliiklron teething rests the child and
m soniforts the luotner ao a bottto
The Union I'nclilo ntul Its Coiitrm-
lilatml Kxttflniltiirrn
The Union Paclllo will expend nearly a
million of dollars this jcar ia now shops ,
but not ono cent ot that sum wilt be ex
pended In Oinnha Most ot it will go to I I
Denver , though Cheyenne comes in fo I '
quite a largo share When on ofllclnl who '
has ' mora or less to do with the direction and j
control of such matters was asked for an
explanation of the object his corporation has
in | Investing so heavily clsowhero when the
main i shops hero demnnd onlnrgcmcnt , said :
"To my knowledge , the plant at Denver
was ] planned six or seven years ago by S. II
11. Clark , whou ho was general manager of
the road Two or three times wo have com
menced to build at Choycnnc , but , fromsomo
cause , have never succeeded In gottlag very
much i done I heliovo , however , that once
the 1 foundations of two or three stnno build
ings I were laid , So for as Omaha Is con
cerned 1 cant secwherclu she has any cnuso
for complaint However , when an onlnrgo-
ment ot the shopi hero Is actually required ,
1 am Biitlsllcd It will bo made Years ago
plans i were prepared nnd adopted with that
Idea I In vlow Shortly before T. J. Potter
died ho discussed this matter nnd t
believe expressed himself as being
favorable to the construction ot largo addlj
tlons j to thu shops hero Suppose the comi
Suiy i docs expend considerable money at
enver nnd Chnyonnc , nearly ns much will
bo j invested here In tba union depot ns at
both 1 these places The estimated cost of
Denver shops as reported at fSUO.UOO Is
about , $600,000 too much The ground was
purchased whoa wo Urst tallied ot building
there "
It Is lenrred from peed sources tbat the
Union Paclllo has secured a route from Van
couver , Washington Territory , to Taconm ,
and i will occupy It this year It lies along
the I enst sldo of the Columbia river ana
passes I through a section of rich productlva
country not touched by the Northern Pa-
ciile The Cowlitz river will bo crossed at
Toledo and the Norttiero Paclllo line at a
point i near Wlnlock From there the Union
Paclllo proposes to strlko across cotritry ,
touch Claiiuato , continuo northward and ro-
cross the Northern Paclflo at Contralto It
will not touch Fcnlns , but cut off seven or
eight miles there by taking nn air line to
Yelm nnd then running sldo by side with the
Northern Pacific into Tncoma
Track and train me" on the Union Pacific
are urging John Wilson , nt present assistant
to Mr Cushing , for superintendent of mo-
tivu power , though there are some doubts
about his being able to sccuro the position
That ho is fully qualilied to (111 ( it ovcryono
admits , but Mr Aduins seems to bo of the
opinion thut ho should have a man of nation
al reputation and n cammittco has boon ap
pointed to sccuro ono for him It is urged
that Mr Wilson's service of twenty jcars
with the rend , his thorouch knowledge of
the i mechanical department and skill as an
cmriucer Justly entitle him to promotion
C. B. Phelps , who was private secretary
to T. J. Potter for several years , enmo with
him to the Union Pacific and Is well known
in Omaha , has been appointed chlot clerk to
General Manager Paul Morton of the Cole
mdo and Wyoming coal company After
Mr Potters deatli Mr Phelps look a posi
tion under Mr Morton In the general freight
ollico of the Chicago , Hurnngton & ; Quincy
road ot Chicago
General Manager Dickinson and General
Passenger Agent Lomax returned yestcrdoy
from Chicago , where they completed ar
rangements with the Northwestern for u
now time table , to bo put into effect about
The mountain divisions are now suffering
great inconveniences and trouble , as well as
the annoying consenuencos of delays from
snow-slides which bury the tracks The Or
egon short line Is so badly blocked that trains
have been tied everywhere aud may not get
out for several days Tlicso slides
has also created havoc with the tolepraph
wires along that line The company , how
ever Is working big forces of men with
snow plows and doing all it can to bring re
lief as quickly as possible
The Union Pacific is ongrtgad in a hot war
with the Northern Paclllo road on business
destined to.Pugot Sound The latter corpor
ation is determined to prevent tlio former
from handling either passengers or traflio by
ticketing and billing them to that faraway
port over its own line to Portland and the
Northern Pacillc from there
A friend induced mo to try Salvation Oil
for my rhoumutio foot I used it and my
rhaumatism is entirely gone Jonx Andek-
sk.n , Haltimoro Md
Positive and unsolicited testimony from
every section confirms every claim made for
the wonderful efllcacy of Dr Hulls ' Cough
Syrup Price 25 cents
A l l a for Koonomv
Omum , Fob 4. To the Editor of The
Uee : As your able advocacy of reduction of
taxes and of lopping off of ornamental chair
holders in the various departments of-tho
city government has taduced the council to
appoint a committee of investigation , would
it not bo well for that body to look into the
duties of the sewer and plumbing Inspectors
and endeavor to remedy the conflict of
authority between these two ofllcos nnd the
almost continual annoyances that plumbers
and drain lnyorn arc subject to ?
To illustrate : A plumber applies at the
city engineers ofllco for a permit to make
connection with a public sewer , and , by pay
ing ono dollar , receives a permit Then ,
when ho ia ready to lay his sewer pipe , ho
must apply to the superintendent of plumb
ing for an inspector to sco the sewer laid If ,
us is often the case , the plumber or drain
layer falls to form a X " or Junction plpo at
• the point in the sewer , us shown by the plur
In the ciiy engineers ofllco , the insocctof
train the ofllco of the superintendent to
plumbing 1b powerless to direct him what to
Hack must go the plumber to the city on-
gincoi's ullco ( and obtain a special permit to
open the street at some other point , in nopos
of llndlng a Y , or , perhaps , to correct a
measurement givop blm nt the city ongln-
eor's ofllco : or , if permission is given to put
in n Y lit the point lirst opened , then ibis
woilc must bo done under the supervision of
the city sewer Inspector Hence wo hnvo
the suoctaclo of two Inspectors , ono under
tha direction of the Jity onglneer the ether
under the direction of thu plumbing inspec
tor , to see a few foot of four-inch plpo laid ,
and the poor plumber must suffer the cost of
all delays , mlstakos and confllctlon
of authority Then , at the lirst of each
month , the superintendent of plumbing pre
sents a report to the council showing the
number of openings made in thostrocts and
the amount of raonoy collected for permits
endeavoring to show the ofllco self-sustain
ing , wheji , actually , there never was a per
mit issued from that ofllco , nor one dollar
taken la for permits issued , all this being
done in the city engineers ' ofllco , while the
otllcer to whom all this work properly belongs -
longs remains silent
Now , as the city sewer inspector is ap
pointed by the mayor , nod confirmed by the
council for the porformunco of a certain
duty , and has charge of all constructed
Bowers and is placed under heavy bonds for :
the faithful performance of Ills duty , whv
should it not bo his duty to attend to and
supervise all sewer constructions independent -
ent of the city engineer or superintendent of
Plumbing | The inspector of sewers is nn '
honest , competent and extremely particular
man and employs only competent mea If r
this change was made , there would bo moro '
careful work done ou our streets and loss i
typewriters in our public ofllces and 8.100 a '
year saved the taxpayers in one ofllco alone ,
Taxes Douiilgu
Tlio Thrum "Hrown's Bronchial
Troches act directly on the orgaos of the
volco They have an extraordinary effect In
all disorders of the throat
The OUI Mnn on Hoard
A guntlom&n who hallod a Sherman avenue )
motor car was very much surprised to And 1
that the car stopped still for him to get on
a vary unusual occurrence So rata was it ;
that the passengers inquired the reasou and
the cooductor pointed to the front platform ,
where stood Mr Smith , general maoagor of
the road While thatgentloman was aboard I
the rules were strictly udhored to , but there
is u common complaint about conductors fall .
lug to stop cars , or eveu slacken the peed
sutUcioutly to allow a passenger to get on
without peril to llfo or limb Many motor
men will muko a show of slacking the spocd , ,
but the moment the front of the car reaches ,
the spot where the prospective passenger is
waiting they throw on full power aad by the
time I the rear of the toiler comes up the train
is I running nt full speed Some narrow es
capes from injury hnvo resulted from this
practice '
For Urn u l'"ntr
Use HosfonVs Acid Phosphate
Dr W. II Fisher , Lo Suour , Minn , says :
"I ' find it very serviceable in nervous debility ,
j sexual weakness , brain fag , oxccsmvo use of
tobacco , as a drink In fevers , and In some
urinary troubles It Is n ? rnnd good remedy
In j all cases where I have used It , "
Tlio Itcmnliis of Charles McCormlclc
Ijilil to ll lt
The funeral of the late Charles McCornitck
took ' place at 2 o'clock ycBterday aftcrnoan
from 1 the rcsldcnco of his undo , Josiuh S. Mo-
Cormick | , nt the corner of Eighteenth street
nnd Cnpttol avcaue
At the hour appointed for the services
the 1 house was filled with friends of the
family l who had gathered to pav their llnni
tribute I of respect to the dead Tlio remains
were ' enclosed in a handsome metallic casket
ornamented i with gold and stiver designs ,
nnd i was completely covered with handsome
floral I offerings , the tribute of those who had
known j and esteemed Charley McCormiek
In j his life Among the nmnv
floral i tributes were haiidBomo designs given
by the Elk ledge and the Guto City Athletic
club i , of which organizations the decensod
was a prominent and uctivo member
The scrvlcos at the residence were con
ducted i by Dean Gnrduiur of Trinity catho-
dinl i , and the music being rendered by the
Trinity ' choir , 'lho Episcopal burial sorvlco
was road In un Impressive manner
. The Elks , 103 in number , were present nt
the service Thty had mot in their ledge
room nt 1 o'clock , there donned their usual
cmbloms of mourning ami marched in a
body to the residence Thence they preceded -
coded the rouinins and long line of friends in
can ! inges to Prospect Hill cotnetery , wlierO
tlio remains were laid to rest
The pall bearers , chosea from among _ the
intimate : friends of the deceased were , N. N.
Crary , J. C. Sharp , II C. Sharp , It U. Gar
lieh , Charles SaUnders , W. It Morris , VVW
flarkulow and Genrgo Darker
. Sorviccs-at the uxnvo were conducted by
by Omaha lndgo No ! i % H. P. O. Elks , of
which dcceasoQ was n member Tlio burial
ceremony ' of this order is very beautiful and
impressive nnd , as conducted by Dr Simon
Quinlnn , grnnd exalted ruler , was most
touchinglv effective The brothers formed
a < hollow square about the ffravo and , after
responses fiom various officials us prescribed
In the ritual , each man draped a spray of
Amaranth and lvv onthocoflla with this
salutation , to the departed brother , "Peuco
ho with you " The grave was then filled and
the mourners returned to the city
Durno' . Oiinrrli Snuir
When suffering with catarrh , rohl in the
head nervous beaanchc , etc , use Durno's
SnutT , It will relieve you nt once Price 25c
at druggists
\ Touch Gntijr Dischnrcoil
W. G. Cullum , charged with destroying
furniture at Fanny Hamilton's place on
Tuesday night , wus discharged by Judge
Helslcy yestcrduy afternoon , it being im
possible to provo to a certainty that ho was
the destt over
That tough gang , Steve Daley , Tom Cur
roll , Charles Gillaa , Charles White , Pat
Lynch aad "Sleop.v" Hewitt , previously
charged with being concerned in assaulting
the little Robinson girl , nnd on the same
night assaulting Jacob lirowu nnd Charles
Dowers , were before Judge Helsley yester
day nftcrnoon to answer to the latter
charge , but Brown had boon around and
told the court ho would prosecute , while
Uowcrs failed to show up ut nil The half
aozon bard citizens were thureforo neces
sarily dismissed , greatly to the disgust of
the ottlccrs who had run them down
With your nnmo and address , mailed to
the Swift Specific Co , Atlanta , Ga , fc
necessary to obtain an interesting treat
ise on the blood and the diseases incident
Skin Eruption CSured
Ono of my customer ? , ft highly rcspcctctl and
Influential citizen , hut who U now absent from
the city , hasuscJSnift's Speclflcuith cxcillcnt
result Ilaeays It cured him of a skin eruption
that ho had been tormented with for thirty years ,
and had resisted the curative qualities of many
other medicines
BooxnT Cleoo , Dro-He' T- - TVb
1103 Fausam , Omuia , Nbb
( Opposite l'axton Hotel )
Ofllc * hours , u n. m. , to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 . • , tc
Bpeclolliti ln chronic , Ncrrous , Skin and Dlood Pl
rVConiultAtlon at omco or by mall tree Medi
cines Bent by mall or oxpres * , securely packed , free :
from observation Guarantees to cure quickly safe
ly and permanently ,
lions iUiyslcal decay , arlilnif ttorn Indiscretion , ex *
ceea or iwiulgeQce producing Bleepemeus ! , deipon *
dpney , plmplei on the face , aroralon toieclotf , easily
discouraged , lack or confidence , dull until for study ;
or business , and rinds Ufa u burden , bufely , perman
ently nd privately cured Consult Drs , lUtu A UetU ,
lttJtfFtinjarn Street , Omaua , NeU ,
Blood anil Skin Diseases SSSSfeAftssis
result * , eompletely eradicated wltnont tbe all of
mercury Scrofula erysipelas , ferer sore * . Dlotche * .
ulcers , pains in the lieaa and tones , syphilitic tore l
throat , mouth aud tnnuue catarrh , utc , permanently
cured where others have failed *
ffirtnotf TTrinaPD o-1-1 * Hladder Complaints ,
lulllluj Ulludly Iulnful DllHcult Ua fro *
qucnt hurnlntt or bloody unno , urine hUli colored or
with milky sediment on atanllnbr , weak back , jconorr
h < ua , leetcyUtls , etc , l'romptly aad safely cured
choree * reasonable ,
moral complete without cutting , causilo ordtllatlon
Cures effected at home by patltnt without a momoaU
l > nln or annoyance ,
To Young Men and Middlc-Aed ? Hen ,
A WIDE PITDP ' " awful effects of e rly
uUntl bUllD Vice , which brluKi ortranlo
weaknein dettroylun botb mind nnd body , Willi all
Udreadod ills , permanently cured
Tiprj DPTTQ Address thoje who hare lm-
UilOi UuLlu paired thembulvfs by tuijiroper
liidulnences and and aollUry hablti , which rum beta
body and mind , uulltllui Ibem for builneta , aludy or
ilAiiiiicn Mm , or llicin entering on that happy
Uf , aute of pbyilclal Ueblllty , quickly aulfled
It bated upon facts , first practical eipeiienea , sec
end every case Is vtieclally ttudleit , thus ttarlln/
arlybt third medlclues are prepared In our oira la *
batory esaclly tu suit eacn case , thus aaYctln * * cures
without Injury
fifendil centt pottage for celebrated works on
chronic , neryous and delicalodlseaset Iboasanda
cured jVA friendly letter or call may tare you fu
lure tutltrlng andihame and add goluen years to life
t < yNo letters antwrred unless accompanied by I
ceals la stamps Address orcall ou
UM Farnam ttroet , Otaatn Neb
Bheumatism ,
BEING tluo to tint prcsoncn of urlo
ftchl in the hlohttM mott effectually
cured by tha use , MlAj ef'a Snrsnlin-
rlllft I3o sure jroutjctyor' ami no
other , ami tnko It till the poisonous
acid Is thoroughly < pellc < i from the
dj-stcm. Wo challenge atteullon to this
testimony : -
About two ycaT * ro , nffcr suffering
for nearly two > tinr from rheiiinntlo
cout , belli } ? nblo to.wulli only with prvnt
discomfort , nnil liwiiifj tried various
remedies , • tucluillua ; inlticrnl waters ,
without relief , I saw by an advertise
ment In a Chicago paper * that a man bad
been relloted of this dUtreisliiR com
jilnlnt , after lone suffuilnj , ' , by taking
Ajer's Bnrsaparllla I then decided to
make n trial ot this medicine , nnd took
It regularly for eight months , aud nm
pleased to state that It has effected a
complete cure I lmvc since had no re
turn of the dlseaso " Mrs H. Irving
Dodge , 110 West 123th St , New York
Ono year nffo I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism , lielim con
fined to my bouse six months I enmo
out of the sickness \eiy much debili
tated , with no appetite , and my system
disordered In every w in I commenced
using Ajer's Snrsnpnrllla and began to
Improve at once , jjalnlng in strength
nnd soon reentering , my usual health
I cannot s y too much In pralso of this
Vtcll-knnwii iiiedlclno " JIis L. A.
Static , Nushuo , N , n.
Ayers ' Sarsaparjlia ,
l'llErAltltl ) 1 > T
Dr J. C. Ayer 4j Co , Lowell , Vsjs
Price 41 ; elx bottles , $5. Worth $ . > a botle
/\JI& Of Pure Cod
imUffl Liver OH and
Jf ! g of Lime and
x&r Soda
Is ondnraort end proscrlbod by londlne
phyatcluna Iicciiubo both tlio CS I i" fro ' Oil
uud lttll > oi > lwn > httes nro the locognlzo 1
ngonta In lho euro o { Consimijit/on. / It la
u3 palatublo as milk
Scott's Emulsiont szffll
Is a irumlci/iil l-'lcih Irmhmr It U the
Jlist mmcly for CONSUMPTION ,
Scrofula Bronchitis - Diseases
, , WastingDis
eases , Chronic Coughs and Colds
Ask for Scott's Kraulslon and take no other
This Hpeclrfl of ndWco Isnot alitnj * * nrn ept-
nYilc , but In immy iIiitniiLMfl murli IxMicIlt
uoultl bo dcrhiMl-were it acted upon * 2s
section ofttio country is cacinpt from disc use
To know the best means of combiittliiK tlila
common enemy , tvitri tholfiistinjiirytootir
pocUptsitml tnstfK , Uccrtainly n preut u I-
i-iiiitngr. WoinusUixiiPctTorpidl i-ic'r.Con-
KVHtvd SpUrn , Vitiuteil Hllo and Iimclho
ltoucli * . nmluU prurient porsoiiH w IllHiipply
- \ .itIiTntCs IMIIh , which btlmu-
late the Liter , rclit'i * the vjignrgcil FpUvn ,
tli'tormlno n healthy How orItilc , thus lejy-
ulatlnrtIidhowplftHiiilcaur > inKaUuiihrnlthy
ie - < retiou5 topnsHoft'ln n natural luanner
• • An ounce of preventlxo N worth a pound
of curt . ' * Ho udviJ < luud uao
Tiitt's Ewer l
, -s ills
Price , 25c. Office ? 3T41 Rark Place ; N. V.
\yw \ collar ,
This Obstreperous Infant )
r - a\ \
Positively refuses any longer
to wear baby dresses Kilts
are what lie longs for and
must have
of likominded children would
do well to make the desired
change at this time In our
large line of
Kilt Suits
Which we are selling at
Greatly Reduced Prices ,
Wo are sure you • will find your liking
Is our line of
Jersey Kilt Suits ,
Formerly sold at $7 , $8 , and
$9 , now-selling at
- ± = .
Twi < ort s , on * writln * , . * Bfnt wsi t 1.
OBKLIVVrDWUlilUCO . UniJ > CLKiro | '
Only is left for the tlisposnl of winlorgotxK Wo enn not nffnnl to carry over nny Ye lmvo no roo'ii for /
ihom ns soonns spring goods are in ami they are commencing to come 0 ' * largely increased business 10-
ciuires every foot of room for seaonablo stocl < , nnd wo are therefore COMPULLriD to close out all heavy
weight garments on our counters ; To do this we make any ncccssnry sacrifice in prices , The values we are
offering in Overcoats and Suits will surprise everybody , To bargain seekers this is the grenlcst opportunity
, ! In white shirts we clnim to give better values than nny bouse hero or elsewhere Our '
SILjjg lifnd the Nebraska , " is well known and the most popular shirt in the market If you try '
SBBl IU enc y0U \ [ [ any other Wo have thieo grades of unhindered shirts j
Our { 50c shirt is made of good muslin , has linen bosnmT reinforced front , patent cxtonsiou sleeve and back j
Our 50c shirt is of New York mills muslin , 3-ply fine ltnou bosom , full reinforced front and back , exten
sion facinsr ami full felled scums
The 70c shirt is of the best New York mills muslin , extra filio linen bosom , full ioin ° orcod front nnd . * C ;
back , extension facings , felled scams " nnd hand made buttonholes '
Our laundered shirti are G"c ) , 00c , aud $1.23 , and they are fully as good ns those which other homos sell
for $1.00 , * l.o0 anil § 2.00.
VYo keep a complete line of pique and embroidered bosom shirts at prices proportionately low
Save in small things ns well as in big onoi Don 't pay toe , 120c nnd 2oc for collars which
CJH % * 'ro sell j-oti foroo , I0c anl 1 * > J. Our 5c colla- . standing or turn down , is STRICTLY
liJIiBill U LINEN , warranted , and is as good as others soil for lOoorlflc
The Nebraska , " our lineal collar , is 15c. This-wc guarantee to be ns fine ns nny make for which you
iia\e to pay 25c.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets ,
During this month our store closes at 7 p. m. Saturday at 10.
, . . ,
Ciui inns i iiiiii i imua aaMgMs Basggia sssssi immmgi maBam mmmmmm mmmMMwxmxiMM tzz I
If you want Pure Gum Sandals , get Jerseys B
If you want High Button Gaiteis , Leather Fly , get Jerseys M
If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Arctics , get Jerseys M
If you want Back Buckle Fine Arctics , get Jerseys H
If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Alaskas , get Jerseys H
• If you want Two Buckle Fine Excluders.get Jerseys ' . M
If you want the Neatest Overshoes , get Jerseys JM
If you want Fine Self-acting Sandals , get Ierseys . sIB
If you want Narrow Widths , NO IIFEL , get Jerseys s ' - m
If you want wide widths , get Jerseys H
If you want Rubber Boots , Arctics , Excluders or Lumbermen's
Overs , get Jerseys ' H
The New Jersey Co put HEEL PLATES ON FIMSE Ask for
Jerseys # H
I am Western Agent for the New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co , and sell at whole
sale only I also job Felt Boots and German Sox J
Prices the Lowest , Goods the Best
Z. T. L1NDSEY. Mil Harney St , Omaha , Nebraska . I
. .
The Well Known Spoclallsl ,
tfS tasws tsunsurpassedln
ilIPS&li4 Kw9sl. ttie treatment oC
ffi'gi * iWll\K > * V. * " forms of I'm-
W ttS 'Kv'r ' 'S VATB IH8KAHKJ
F C SsV ' 'ect ' and blrtct- ,
Irtffilvt I 111 iM'Sta " , , "liiu , ' l.tfu
hVSx&fXvlt y ct et , lor Alan
" * ' " " "
Jf&teurf""I" / I quickly and per
r ? aBBt of - / . < * . muiiently Tfont-
ivSr ft trC7S 9ls > H. nivnt l > jr corru-
fi lsKSJTO . 'tVi' ' , ! ' 5l l S2 fc tan > P' for * rai > ly
, < : < > \sBii/r.\ ' 'iOii'Jtii : * .
Office SE Cop lUtn & Jackson Sts
Omalin , Neb ,
I The largest { ast > ( und Untbi In tlio world
U Jiasscntfvraccommudatlonaunexcelled
Now York to Glasgow via , Londonderry
Jlcvonla . . . .I" b. Ftli | AuBtrallit , . , . leb Uth
Clrcaasta 1'ob. ' 'i
NowYorkto Vior cs.GibrnUor mid Itul
Dolivin , obrutiry 22.
on lowest terms Kxcuralon Tlckoti reducad ,
niRile nvttllatilH to return ny either ttio rictur-
cstiue Clyile ntul North of Ireland , or lllvar
Mersey und skratti ot Ireland , or Nnplei und
( JlUraltcr
ExcuitRioNS or rAitism Continentu
Touim on lowt t terma Travoleis' ClrcaUr
Lriteraot Credit nnd limits /or uny amount at
loMcitrurront rates Ajipljr to nny cl our local
Herflerson Brollicrs , Clncaio , Uii
11. \ , MOOIIE3.
U II MAitta 1 * . I' . Depot
cbrutedlliieaot Hoots and blioos maunfuctur
d by U. M. Jlenderaon & Co , ot l.hlcaco fac
tories at Culrago , CUon Ills , and Ken llu ,
Wli-should nte B1M. N WATfaON resi
dence , 1'IIKMONT NK1I. UTaycllnit i : nt
Ueudquartura for Hub bora
h = = WEST = J
H VB Mr uA Wa BB MX 4 Jm 13k H t35 BH .jSt ssssssssH
A rich , boautlful tract of table land bovon hundred (700) ( ) foot aboro H
the Wlllnmotto Boautlful Paries , with niinonil Bjirltips , ahado trees H
nnd macadnmlzed wallca A building uooioty in opurntion oroutin ( | M
cottages und Btoros for rout or sale A motor line is being construct H
ed , to bo in oporntlon by May next , witli Co faro Only 800 of the H
8700 of these lots nro placed on the market at a quarlor of their vuluo H
Tlieso lots are sold on tha installment plan , with easy iwyinonts , or a H
liberal discount for cash , A special nrrangoinout will bo made with H
patties purchasing ono or moro blocks H
'l'licso iocs avIII 1)0 utlvniH'CiI lll'ly i ur cunt artcr tlioio ; H
now on Iliu iiintltcl me Hold H
ai > i > uiss : , _ _ , M
Aibiogfon Buildine : , - - PortlandOregon , I
Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101-to 113 So 13th St I
O Ituomtlor Iallcnla ICcteinloii Itoonm lit ) and -10 , Oimiliii , Neb M
rVCi ATT TVT17\1"rfrlnir 'ro . " ? N 0" nebllltr lost Manhood , Kslllnif Memory , Brhaustln , .Issssfl
„ "
JU JAIjIj > l L\VS
J \ UralniJiVrrlblo Dreams , Head and Hack Aotio , out all the off.Via luadlna tJ'V . .B
early decnr and perhaps Consumption nrlnssn'tr , trsatel srlenttltcnllr t > y new methods ( > . /ultstUu Ire NsH
. . ' "
. - *
Catarrh Klieumatlsm 1'oljonous utscbariies jullliy uiluu painful swelllncs qulcsly reherud aul radical . . H
. *
, " ' ' . s
cuifd lilustrstcdtoak UeaHecretKtrorslconts rk'nd for Question I.lsl on any < ; liroilo OUaala A. sH
lJHiV\JX\M.l l " I ITI 1 < S treatmiutof u" " ; * , * " 11 Tes esary formo/dlstaie Uestacllllles , requlrin apparatus Uedlca and f iu 4t s for .uoVassiul s * s H
We makeasj.fclalty of Urates Triisies.tluh lert , Cursatuns of Bploe , Pi ei , Tumors or Huraleat Cau-ar. westrueat Hronthllia Vs - i * * H
{ ! ! mVSti on oVsrndV oM ' ' B"ldd" ' ' * " . B" " n lllPOJ uti all ur.lcafr3.rS s s 1
iS'lsIt1 lJinibJ\Ortp ' * ' WflT1N \ A 81'KOIAI.TV. . . liooa ! Clrcnlsrs and Qo ttlca lift go Narr I.H
ousnes tonstlpatloii NeuralLls , Uulnrrbrta , I'alu H
Dark , l' Uteri , flics , ferule Weakuots , ly p. . , bkm 1'iuiplas aud all li.ood Dlsvaies lo ttaj H
byjihllln , bck-ofulo , Uud lllooil , Hnin , Urlnury JJisoouo * nuit Gloot Curerl rcrIjlf * H