Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1890, Page 7, Image 7
W THE OMAHA DAILY BI3E : TJttUlSDAY ; ? , IFEBKtTAllY ( ? 1890 , T H SPEOTAL NOTICES , 2 OMAHA L S No ndvortlaomonta will bo token for thoao columns nttor 12:30 p. m. TormB Oaah In net von oo Advertl menM under tlili head 10 rents per line for the llrnt ln ortlon , " centu for each aub- \ ncquont Insertion , nncl tl M per line per month \ No ndrertt oments taken torle4 than ! il conn X for Urn Insertion Snron words will becountcd \ to the line , they mu t run consecutively and lnimt be paid in ADVANCE All ndvertlie- menu nitiatlie handed In befor * 12:10 o'clock p. in , nnd under no circumstnnci a vlthey \ \ be tjfcen or discontinued by telephone Part If * advertising In tlicio columns nnd liny Ine their answers iiiidremed In euro of Tnr Hpk nlll plei .n link for a clieri : to enable them to Ret tlielr letters , un none will bo delivered oxcent i on presentation of check All nuiwers to d- vcti .tnrnu should be enclosed In en\ elope * All advprtlHtncivH In theie columns nre pub Itnbeilln both morning nnd nvehlmtedltloni of Tiik llfE the clrculatiouof which amtTesabs moro than 18.09) ) papers dally , nnd r1v < % the ml v ertNorn the In nolll , not only of the tlty circu lation of TUB Ilrit , but also of Council lllurts , Lincoln nnd othercltlei and townsthroughout tilts section or the country BRANCH OFFICES - * - AdvcrtlslrjR for tliuie columni will be takes * on the above condition * , at the followlnR mist i nei uottRcs who are niithnrl7od BKcnts for 'I itr IIli special notices , mid will quote the name rates as can be hail at the main olllce J ltNW Itlli ThanntuXst , KM South Tenth ritrt ct _ C1IIAHK& I' .ODV , Stationers and Printers , 113 J fcnutli lfithMrict H. VAHNBWOHTIlT Pharmacist , SUA Cum . Ins Street " \\T i HIKllII'A Pharmacist , OJt North ICth > V . Htroot _ _ ro W. PA lUl , Pharmacist , 1718 t.eaven- woith Street rrUUIInS'l'IlAIIMAOV , Sin l'ortinm Street . SirUATIONSWAXTV.n. . _ HHrTANT.r.D A position In wholesale croeery B ' " oren road , i jearsoxporlenco , Address U 41 lice , 4 7t WAN'IKU Ily March 1 , n position In an of- llco or a business by u jounii tlermun ; m Bpeaks nnd writes both laiiRtiuKus nnd can B keep books , lleitt refcrencowlll be furnlihid , _ und full particulars Riven as to character una B person Address U .13 , Iteo 410 Bt _ H , WTANTKO Position by experienced HtcnoK- m V H lunhnr aud bookkeeper City references B - Address Uil : Hee : I8T B WAM'151) Situation by a louiur man capa- _ _ hluof UolnB any kind of work City reler- B dices Address U at Ilee olllce .TO-l b * SITUATION wanted by n German lady , 23 _ _ year * ot age to assist lu liouskeeplnK or to BB toncli children Uennan , music , etc Host of BB * refereuco Riven nnd required Address Max H Oielilen , 'illd n , Antelopot'o , Neb W5-7 | AVANTI.O MAIjU HUM . WXNTKH A man trT Tfo uirklTroimdTrle _ house Must bo nblo to milk coutiilo 1 rnre ot homo und tend to steam heathiK in B house , must furnish llrst-ilass rurerenco from last employer , lunuiro lit ? ' ! South ltltli st 4.13-BJ WANTBD Uarbor , lmmodlatnlyiH apes paid , Wl S lUtll at 4U M M , HIAM'CU-Salesmen for specialties MrIk ' samples , milck sales , good pay Uoodsido line J. 11. Tabor 'JXi Uearbonst , Uhlcaco H * -r'B _ _ _ _ _ _ M \\T ANTED At once a ilrst-ctass barber , $10 H * ' per week Steady nork guarauteed Higher Hugos when spring opens Apply lm- J moJlatoly , Jo 'Tumniond , West Point , Neb H 430-6 B \\7"ANTEI-IlriRht loy must be quick und . > rltagoodhund Address U38 Ueo ofllte B ' 410-7 | if7JVNTii : ) An experienced Uveiymun ac- iiualnted with the Uty to solicit boarders , / itoom Sltl l'axton blook 'i7 ! HHaflt"VIW81DB men nt Omaha shirt factory , 1,111 m1 - * \7pariiam streef- . una 0 AOKNM wanted to represent a Boston busi ness house , cither on salary or commission , bt lu IntroduclnR one of the greatest sell i iir artl- < Irs of the aRe ; sells itself ; enormous profits H Address the Collins Campbell Co , 1 IVderal H at , Iloston , Mass 4110 ut IimANTc Kinney of lllalr Neb , wants a first _ J class burner Enquire of Jleilcholr Hros , H Omaha 337-5 * Vfl VA ( STl' .l ) ; KXI men for Utah , near Colllnston TV and Milford , 2 to f-W per day , or > > per month nnd board Fiiloy i. Kramer , cor lltli nnd 1 iirnam sts h'8 WAM'EiJ Salesmen at J75 permonthsalary and expenses to sell ft line of sll > er-plateil ware , matches , etc , b/namplo only : horse and team furnished free Write ut once for full par tlculars and sample case of poods free Stand H nrd Silvers are Co . Iloston , Mass 135 WANTKU 4UUrockmen , teamstersuudKrad- era for Utah and Nevada ; cheap rates AIdiIrIu's Labor oRenev IVX Paruam st an WANTKI ) at once L&diss and Rentlemen to Introduce our hlRh trade perfumes , toilet Roods , etc , to the trade ; liberal salary ; stoutly employment ut homo or travollnir ; money nu- Tiuced for expenses Send stamp , 1 loyal _ Mftf , Co , ( Jlnclnuatl , O. _ _ 3U-ti MEN to travel for the ronthlll nurseries of Canada Wo pay friJ to 81UJ a month nnd w expenses to agents to hell our Canadian erown KrV " stock Add Stone & Wellington , ilaillson Wis gfl" , 1 ! ) ] WANT1SD Good , reliable men for detectives tin evorv community ; payins positions _ _ _ Kansas lletoctlre lluruuu , lock box li ! , Wichita , H lvnu- tM 8j _ _ _ IVANTHO FKiMAIjIS IIiiii : > i H - ' . . : . " * ' ' - G111U , I'or general housework at 1010 Cnllfor- ( nia st , 431-Ur AOlllIi for general housework , MilSt Mary's uveuue , 41U-0 WAN'lHI ) Girl to wash and Iron and help In kitchen 2015 DoiiRlas 3W0 * SUlllT innker Omaha BUirt factor , 1114 Karniiiu street 3D' > C WANTED Experienced nurse for three year-old child ; must oo rellned and nave _ _ _ _ i first-cluKS refeionces also nurse nnd eeam- _ _ _ stress : kltchoiiKlrl tt.nud two girls for olllcer's _ _ _ family out of city , * l' > : one for Niobrara , tii : _ _ to laundresses ; dlshuasher and \3 \ > fnt general _ _ _ | housework , Mrs Vrega , uUSi S. 10th st _ _ _ 3U't- ] WANTiGlrlAmerIcan. : . Jrlsii orGeiman _ _ _ _ _ Apply-V l bt Mary's ave : goodwages j B il'W-U WANTKI ) Young girl to come by the day . as nurse atiiulDCnpttolave 37116 * _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ / I- * ' AV'ANTBD A first-class woman took und _ _ _ > ' second girl ; ioon vtages to competent _ _ ] > arties Call between the hours of Sand 4v.m. W _ B iTSt Capitol n > e. 3iti ft Glltf , wanted fur generul housework , small , _ _ _ _ family , first-class wnwes tocompeteut girl , . _ _ _ Apply after U p. in to 2125 Dodge street j B _ _ JM10 * fH WANTED Girl to do general housework In a ! _ _ _ ' small family Apply S.M Capitol ave j B 3SD0T { _ _ _ . "WrANTED A good cook to do house work , : _ _ _ ' ' aim cock tor four people In small cottuge : 'BH no children , 1JU Clilcugo st 360 6t WANTED A nurse plrl from 13 to 11 years qld6ul8o. ; ) th8t. 34't WAN ( Bl > Tito girls , one for general house _ _ _ _ _ work und one nurse girl Call SS27 Call J H fornlaet UM NU Its Its und othersl uterotedln nursing are respectfully Invited to attend free lecture _ _ _ _ on medical and surglciUnursing by Dr ions | H dale , Wltlinell block , , I1U H. istn st , Wednesday , | _ _ | leo 12 , becturo commences J o'clock sharp H MJ 121 _ _ rANTED Girl : must be good cook : Ger- j K t > mau preferred , 7IJ S loth tU7 WAN 1 ED Lady or gentleman to solicit and _ _ _ _ _ _ . . employ agents Call or address with i B "Y" stamp I. U I ay Ill N , I' th .VJslt * _ _ _ WANTED-A11 looking for work or help to _ _ H ' call ate IS Keith's employment olllce 318IJ j H BlSthst Satisfaction guaranteed g mlt - inViTs sm a iYi no IriNGAGEMENTB to doslrMSnwkiiurTn7anv - Alliesaoliciled Miss sturdy , g B _ _ _ _ _ MS f 1JJ ( V \ZT * 9l \ ' 1' " "t > j j : s. " iH _ _ rPEN lloom fiat * in " good location , rent 1,0 , tMBLprKefW. . furniture nil new and ttrst clans , . _ COop Ijiud ana I/Ot CoA N. 10th at 4.V7 _ _ liVJlTitKNT-ThB ciiotcoliat in the Her block , _ J. 'cor lillh and Jackson ats , all newly papered _ audha , nll couvenlcsces Call atllliiluriiey B _ _ _ j _ 5 _ _ _ G-HOOM liut , central , rent Ui futnlturu , tM _ _ _ _ _ outline Also an elegaut lJ-rooiu brick house _ _ _ now fill ) of first-class roomers aud boarders ; _ _ _ _ _ furniture on time , Co-operutlTe Laud & Lot JBH Co 8ja N < lath st a.w-5 _ _ B _ J * ) ) js Charles street , C-ioom house to rent In * > Squire utauUjCnarlestreet SiT-lit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HP "I OR 11ENT TVoiilcoo-room cottages ; rent _ BB _ V * JJ 6 itf , at J' , WilUsms , e , cor , Uth aud Bl AtljorsUB , „ u 6 H n lllllottirstoiyof house Naan B.JUh st , _ H X a rooms and closet , air heat , mantel ADd H Krata , gas hot and cold and cittern water , bath _ l _ _ a ] iuinigood cellar.uire sodded t % mouth TiWIt : tlENT-One fiat on the ! d floor in the X1 new bulldlnk . . cor 16th and Jones at , , t-O. Arply | at stoic , No 70J S ldtH George Clouser 319 XjlOK KENT New 8-room house Sid and Call fornln sts , all conv ontrnces , K ) . A. CWat ICT room WV N. Y. Life Mflg 137 Foil KENT To responsible tenanta only , a resldonco in the Paul block , cor Iflth and Chicago : most modern attractive and cheap W. J , Paul , inoo 1 arnam , . 1"W 8-HOOM Hat with steam heat , ICth St.near J ones Thos K. II all , ) 11 l'axton block o J "IT OIl HUNT An 8-room detached house , fnr- X1 nace , bath etc.SOth and Leavenworth 140. David Jamleson , Ilee bldg 770 fltWO brick houses with modern lmpro\em < nts Xstli nnd.larksnn sts liujulre of Dr Cod man , 211 S. Ijthst , over Conrad's drug store JX > Vj _ FOIt HUNT One Uoor , 103 a. Seth St St.laitn * I roll KENT New seven room cottage , a fiw ' mlnutesvtalk from lfcth and I'nriitm , city water with sewer connections , on motor line O. P. Pat is company 401 A COTTAGE In rear of 1217 Chicago st , near 13th st l per month 2am * rou ii 'M' uooais ruuNiHimn _ IjII'UNISIIKD ltooms-For rentlat 400 N IMh Paul " block Gentlemen preferred 40.VI ? "I7IDIINISII ED rooms , modern conveniences , V day board If desired 113 South 11th st 314(11 ( IilUllNISIlED looms • < , SOU llarnoy JJ | 370 10J EOO.M , steam heat , etc , f,10 S 10th st.avmj N1CELV furnished roomstrerorence rxchnng ed 11)17Capitol ) nve , SK lit BOAHD aud rooms , W. $ * , 110,112. lGlTCulraRO st 310-16 ; TfiUllNlSllElJ rooms nnd board , 1S22 Clncngo JJ 310-bt IriUHNlSltED looms to rent , w Ith or without boaid , lloreroncosroqnlied l'lll Davenport - port st gJ' it IiWll KENT Suite of front rooms , modern . conveniences , with or without board , SSld Ltatcnworth st 302 IiKIDODGE , cor 20th Sultof handsome fur nished parlors ; other rooms : board next door , J 337-7 ? _ _ _ NICELY furnished room for gentlemen ; first class board , pleasant location 201.1 Douglas S21-.H Foil HENT furnished and uufiunlshed rooms , 1.1018 mil st IWtt # T. CLAIK European hotel , cor 15th and Dodge Special rates by week ormotitli NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen ouly , 1709 Dodge 14J FURNACE lieated- - ins all modern ton vonlencos , witnJioard , 1707 Dodge St . two blocksvtost of postolHee 343-7 FOIt KENT nirnlshedrooms , also front nnd back parlor , 10W ) Douglas 113 ' I AIIGK front room , with or without boa rd : JJalsosmullerroomprlvato ; ratnllylS12 ; Dodge 144 IilUllNISIlED room and board ; all convent outes 1D10 Capitol avenue WS0 JfOIt HEM 1'urnlshed rooms on first iloor , ! steam heat , 213 8 , Tvvonty-fouith st OIJ rilWO furnished rooms to let , 2023 St Mary's X ave Ml aiisuKiitiAMous : avaxts A YOUNG gentlennuGermnn well acquainted with German and l' .ngllsh languages , and fur advanced in l'rcnclurnilctdispositlontwould like to find a place In a prlv ate family w here he could teach either for board or board und lodging Object , to be able to study Iho best reference as to c harmter and pecuniary rlicumstances will be given lull particulars by corres > ponrtence.OAddie' s U34 , Uee 411 6 * ANTED Itonrd for man und wife with private family One or two rooms fur nished or unfurnished , in house with modern lmprnt cments W ould like barn for team and carriage Location within 14 ! mllesfrom P. O. Address U 37. ee ollice 40l-7t WANTED One gentleman or lady to board and room ut 'MM Davenport st ; rates & 15 per month ; references required E. II Corbett , 370 6J WAN TED Companion to an invalid lady , would not object to assist lu light liouse- work : good nurse Terms and address U j8 , llee 400-58 WANTED Hoard and room for uewly mar ried couplamodernconveulonccs ; Address PS8. lleoofllce 305 6 * AVAXTKO TO ItnXT Wz ANTED To rent by Juno 1 to 15 , a small VV cottage with all modern eonvenlences Must be convenient to buslnexs Will make time lease with party who will build house to suit Address , stating particulars , U S3 , Ilee 371 10J FOK RNT STOKK8 AND OFFICES JJiOIt HUNT A butcher shop cor 11th and } Chicago sts Inquire at Jit ) S. l. 'th st 380 10J Jr.Olt ItENT Nice store building vtlth Hat . abov e. corner Vista nnd Cuming st Just outside tlty limits ; good location for grocery , meat market , etc , M5. Illcks , , N. Y. Life bldg 377 j IilOlt HENT Tlie 4-story brick building , whh • or without power , formerly occupied by the Jleo Publishing Co , 1)10 ) Iarnamst The build ing has a lire-proof cement basement , complete steam-heating fixtures , water on nil tholloors , gas , etc Apply at the olllco nt The Ilee 015 T \0 YOU WAnt unite front olllce , ground floor XJ low rent , stoamheat , sas and janitor Itest loiatlon In city , tall on Omaha Ice Co , 310 So ICth street 284-4. "IilOH IlKNT l'art of double olllco or desk X' room 21S S. ir > tli st , room IJ second floor 233-4 TJIOU HKNT-Store. 1111 Faroani st „ Sflxl28 X'feet , 2 stories and cellar Nathan bhelton , 1C14 Karnau St 145 [ 71011 HENT-Elegant banking room first Iloor J. Now York Lite bldg including heat , elec tric light and janitor service Will put In bank ing fixtures It desired , I'or terms , etc , see Goo N. Illcks , agent 377 V Iron ItENT Half store , 1318 Douglas st : ho STOUKS at 707. 709. 711 8. lfitb.fiJxIM each.large show wlndows.steam heat furnished Thos P. Hull 311 l'axton blk 147 IrtOIt HENT 3-story brick building , 1110 Doug las st , suitable for wholesale or w areUouso purposes Also brick store 107 S. 1.1th st Inquire - quire of Chss Kaufman , l&rj Douglas st 120 IilOit ltfiNl A desirable nev/retail store 22x i oo feet , on 10h | St . corner of Jackson ; steam heat , electric UKht and complete water service without expense to tenant ; cun furnish some additional storage room it desired Apply to Hector & Wllhenny Co , corner loth und Jackson nts „ city , U73 B IJIOH HENT Desirable store nnd Hats cheap , . KUkenuey & llray Continental block m V 2t EOOM 00x43 with power , at Model Steam laundry , 1110 ana 1112 Dodge ttJDfSlj IiiOH HENT or sale , 3-stnry brick building A • basomeut , ttOxl 12 , formerly occupied by DM Steele A. Co , cor l'lth tc Harney , Inquire after Feb 1st of D , M. Steele X Co , . cor.L'th & Jones 83ht23 * SIOHE for rent , 614 8.10th st Inquire 1V3 J acison 674 JpOH HENT Tlie undersigned being the • owner of ot the following t acant stores an 1 dwellings , will rent the same at special ! a < r rates to secure desirable tenants tor the win ter : Two now brick stores , 24th and Grace , each 20x00 , with cellars Three new brick T-room flats 24th and Grace , w Ith mantels , bath rooms and modem cou- venle ices , blx new brick U-room houses , with every modern convenience , for rent at loss than halt rates , 20th and llurdette One new brick 10-room house with every con venience , 20th and Marcy , One store building and large cellar , ltth and Wirt , with meat market tools and fixtures , very cheap Mi small houses at M aud t ) per month each I'or particulars call at olllce , room 1 , Darker block U T. Taylor VJi 771011 HENT Store and good light basement ; X' also line light corner basement lu the new building on 0. e. corner 10th and Jones * ts ; ctore land basement JW , corner basement 1 % A pply at the store 70S S 16th st Qeorgo Clouser FPU llENT-OtOOMS UXFUUXISHKU 3UNKUHNISIIKIJ rooms forrem.fiJI sTltU b < st , Jucknou aud Leavenworth 4JI lit f ? unfurnished chambers for housekeeping • J for man aud wife , no children 31V N. 11th , 3I&16J IiVJIi KENT i-rooin suite , uufurnlstied sult > . able tor housekeeping , gas , water , ate , to famllr without ritllareut northwest corner ilth and Websttrsta 148 1 BUSOEIiIiAXKOUH \\T ANTtO Ladles during their contlneruejit ; > best care given Dr Mrs KuntieB2JS.17th SPECIAL to the Public -I want everybody to know that mysnoctfln remedies are not a fraud , I am here to stay and can furnish the unite with the beat city reference , /.on M , J Irby Olllco ; 1015 Clark st , 17th and Sherman are , motor line fot-K34 VJPKCIAL to lnrallds Como all you who are Cslck , you who are afflicted with piles , you who are sulTeritiR with female disorders , and have spent a fortune to get well , and are still diagglng around , feeling too sick to work nnd not sick enough to go to bed come to inc 1 have established n home for Invalids wr.o can be cured at a reasonable price My reme dies are Just vt hat I claim them to be , ns thous ands are ready to tcstlfr llest of city refer ences given I'or terms call on or address Miss Zee M. Flrby , proprietor nnd manager , olllco 1R3I Clark st , Sherman avenue motor line , Omaha , Neb 424 A UCTION sales every ruesday.Thursday and xxyaturday morning nt 1114 Douglas street , Omaha Auction & Storage Co 113 GEO V , OELLKNUECIC , teacher of the banjo , lloom 2IJ , Douglas block , or Dee Olllco 21 HE COLi : , reliable flro Insurance . 110 IP you hnve the prevailing trouble La Grippe or lullucnza wnlch leads to bronchitis , pneu monia aud consumption , consult at oucs Or , J. Walter Smith , physician and surgeon , late of New York city Otllcnroom 10 , Uushman blk , corner llith and Douglas WW V13 r.T E. COL E.notaty ' public nnd conveyancer GEHMAN-Americna employment ollice fur nlsu first class male or female help on short notice No fee charged employees 310 N. Pith , 7tlf37 LOST llrown dog , with white ring around neck , medium size , half blooded water spaniel Last seen on Saturday toward If returned to 11. P. Swanson , 271,1 Ohio st , 412 5 * STltAYED or Stolen Prom the U. P. shoos a half grow 11 blutk Now foundland pup , w ears chain ( ollar and ausweis to the uame of Hoodoo " lleward w ill be paid for his return to G , Y. Courtney , 3J3 North 15th St 401-Ot T' OST Somewhere In the vicinity of St Mary's land 17th , n lady's purse Heturn to llee of- llcenndrocolvoiewnrd 367 ltlJXTAti AGKXOV II' you want your houses rentedTllst with Ex clusive llcntal Agency , Parrotte Iflth and Dodge ESBml * HE , COLE , rental agent iodlco open even Ings 150 "I7IOH KENT Houses and stores , Property X1 cared for , taxes paid Midland Guarantee < Sg Trust Co , IQlt Fat nam st Abstracts 153 IF you n ish to rent a house or store see H , E , Cole , Continental block ; olllco open ovenlngs 150 PEKSOXATjS rp\VO young ladles , strangora , desire acquaint ? X nnce of two discreet gentlemen of means Address U3. > . llee olllce 40fi-Gr J J. w llkinsou , room 618 PftMon block 154 , PEHSONAL Iho Metropolitan hall cor.Iltb nnd Dodge , can be secured with or without supper rooms for balls , parties , weddingscon ventions , for the season of 16110. Apply to George Heyn.31fl S. 15th st iSfi LADIES and ccutlemon can rentmasqueraue Biilts at bH N 16th st lllf2 S 111 It APODIiST parlors , Wltlinell block , 13th and Harney 052-f 12t SPECIAL 10 Invalids $1,000for any enseof piles , or any case of temnle weakness which my Specific ltcmedy will not rure Sato nnd sure and pleasant 81.00 for one nionlb/s treat ment , sent to any address on receipt of pi ice Address MissZooM Urby.ceneiat ngent tor Ne braska A. Iowa Ollice 1018Clark st.OmahaNob 710 Ill ) IF you bavethe prevailing trouble , la grippe > r lutliienza , which lewis to br , - > nchltls , pneu monia und consumption , consult Dr J. Walter Smlth.ohyslclan and eurgeou.late ofNow York city Olllce , room 10 , Uushman blk , cor ICth and Douglas st ulltl'J 8Tditi\OE. THE cleanest and best storage lu the city at low rates at 1111 Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage Co ISO TKACKAGE storage at lowest rates , W. M. Bushman , 1311 Leavenworth 1D7 ' OJTjAIKVQYAXT ; , MADAME DLANCIT , the greatest mind reader and counsellor , has suite of parlorsat 323 N. Ifithsreet , southwest corner Chicago and 16th streets This lady has a remarkable gift ot second sight , tells past and future correctly ; business confiden tial Will ouly remain a short time jsn H. NANNIEV.WAHREN.cIahvoyantJmed- leal and business medium Fomalediseases a specialty 119 N. 18th bt rooms 2 and J. 158 TVTHS DIt , LONSDALE-Women's dUease a iJXspeclalty WIthnell blockcor 15th & . Harney KU-tlJt IF you bare the prevailing trouble , la grippe , or influenza , which laeds in bronchitis , pneu moma and consumption , consult nt once DrJ Walter Smith , phjslcian and surgeon , lata of New York city Ollice room 10 , Uushman , blk . cor ICth and Douglas st 5l > 1fl3 1710HTUNK Teller Mrs Lenorman can be . consulted on all affairs of life Satisfaction guaranteed No 310 N. 15th St 683 f 18 * AVAXTEU TO BPY WTANTED to Ilny-$2.5O0 good short time paT - T > per II II Hendorson , lOi ) l'axton blk 417 WANTED-To buy small safe Inquire 2023 Cuming st 3481'J ' WANTED Furnlturo , caipets , household goods , for rash Wells Auction A. btorago Co . 317 S. l.fth st 160 WANTED Good commercial nailer Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co „ 519 l'axton blk ins CASH for all kinds of household geode at 1114 Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage Co ANTED A stock of drugs Part cash 4 trade Box ClryOmaha , Neb 137 WANT1D-At ! lirady Island , Neb , a news paper and a roller mill Address (1. D Mnttuettson 023 FOIt 8AI1K MISOELIiAXEOUH Olt SALE Good family horse , or will trade for gentleman's drlrei , 30J3 Leavenworth 3'J4 6T ClUItNlTUItn aurtlon every Wodnesduy and , J Saturday 317 South lJth Weils 375 IrtOK'SALE-SIx buffalo , two full blooded • bulls , four part btoodea two cows nnd two calves Correspondence desired Wm Lamb , Beatrice Neb , uoo 5 * 3710R BALE Handsome new furniture ot a now modern , U-room cottage ; test location in city ; cottage for rent , Address U < JU llee J Wilt "I710H SALE or trade Span liorsus 'Xor lot or X' mules 1733 S 8th St 3EJ10J AYING built a vault , wo offer for sale at a bargain our largo aud handsome tlrepropt safe , with burglarproof chest aud time lock , all in perfect order 'Xhe Hunk of Arapahoe , Arapahoe , Neb - , 307-8 ITtOH BALK Complete set of bank fixtures , X' quai ter sawed oak counters , bronzed steel railing , DIebold burglar proof bate , with Yah ) time lock , all the very latest in style and lm provetueuts Frank Barnard , J18 8,15th , 301 "ITtOU SALK-A quantity of building stonb ; X' Apply to the superintendent of llee bulldiug CSo FOH SALE A aviiorse power Porter engine lu good condition , weight 5,100 lin- der 11x16 ; for particulars apply to The llee ot- lice , ; is ) IilOit HALE-Demist out lit all la good shape - Cash or time 618 Fuxtou block ' tu TTOH SALE X1 Sleighs ! Sleighs I Omaha's largest variety , W. E Seaman , 1331-33-35 N. 16th st , 576f 13 ITtOU SALE or trade One flat top desk X' one eight-foot standing desk , one lease of section of bchool lands , 480 acres of improved western land ard six sections tit U. P. rultroad land , II II Henderson 400 Paxton block a l IF you have the prevailing trouble La Grippe or lulluenra , which leads to bronchitis , pneu monla and consumption , consult at onoe Dr J. Walter Smith , physician aud surgeon , late of New York City OUlce room 10 , Bushman blk , corner 16th and Douglas st , 6tt f Li 1710it BALE Borne rood watches and dia * . mends cheap B. F , Masters , rooms 4. With , mil blk , sm ' XnOH SALE X' Fine close carriages at Seamaua Omaha * largest variety Landaus , coupes , rockaways Sit-ti T7VOH PALE-A well furnished Hrst-class X' boarding hou e. 2ft Farnam st 358 I JUNE carriage teams and single dnvors and - fresh milch cows for sale at W. It Millard's Hillside stock farm Horses wintered at reasonable enable rates T.J , Fleming , tn'c'r.Calhouii.Neb , iJU-leuU HHOUTItAXll AND TYlITWHITIXO WHITTLESEYshoftAand achool 24 Darker TV blk : the cheapest In city ; day nnd evening classes t-'C-fSM ElMO\KD ! 8tarHlarflSiiorthand school re moved to large and elegant rooms in the New York I.lfeii9ur | riAe buudlng , to accom modate our classes New students enrolled every day Ine demand upon us for com petent stenographers Is constantly Increas ing StC/liogiaphers furnished busluess men Stuilents-plncml In good iHisttlons as soon as competent to fill them Call and see tts lu our uew Quarters , trank B. Hell , manager 159 tsJIOUTHANO and'typewriting taught at n Omaha cvimmerclal/wllece , corner 15th and Dodge sts Instruction free In grammnr , spell ing , writing and letter ! writing Pitman nnd Graham systems ! plenty of tjpowrlters for rentj copying done ; circulars , ltobrbough Itros , ylin chJ HONEY TO IjOAXi LlIlKHAiTloansmadeby WM llarrlsritoom JO , 1 renxer block Opp P. o. rfW " fLT edge securities wanted G Ily Philo Mortgage .VTtust Company , Gee WP toates itepresentatlve , 7 Hoard Trade , 231K8 BUILDING fxans-R > i to 7 per cent : no ad ditional chaiges for commissions or attorneys ney's fees , \ \ , 11. Meikle , 1 lrst Nat bank bldg J 1KI BUILDING loans D. vTsholes Co,210 First National batik building 161 Kln STtjNl'rMorTgago Co T.oaris oT jib " to $1,000 ; get our rutosbefoie borrowing and save nioneyt loan on horses , furniture ornny approved security , without publicity : notes bought , tor nowlran , renewal of old and lowest rates Call It 208 , SUeely blk , 16th & Howard sts , 178 SECOND Mortgage loans In small amounts 1 lrst mortgage tlty loans nt tow rates ; short ttracl onns on collatterat Cash on hand to buy notes nndnortgages , Selby , V Hoed , room U , Hoard Trade tij ) TVlONEYto Loan Ily 1i7k. Masters , in any III amount from 110 to $10,000 , and tor any time fiom one to six months 1 make loans on household Roods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , wagons , leases , cto , In any amount ut the lowest posslblo rates without re moval ot property or publicity , My loans are so arranged that v ou can maxa a payment at any time and reduce your Inter est pro rata You pay lnteiest only for the time jou keep the money If jou ewe a balnuco on your property I will take It up and carry it for you Money always on hand No delay No pub licity Lowest rates It F. Masters , room 4 , Wltlinell block , lutli and Harney sts 16,1 MONEY loaned on furniture , horxes and wagons ; rutes reasonable City Loan Co , 118 B loth ht- opposite Millard hotel HiO SEE Sholos , loom 210 Fhst National bank , be fore maklngjour loans 104 CHATTEL Ivans fit lowest rntos ; business confidential , J. II Ernlngcr , 1417 Farnam at , 107 TVriDLAND Guarantee 4 Trust Co . N. Y. Life l l.blngconipletenbsti acts furnlshod nnd titles to real estate examined , perfected a guaranteed 108 MONEY to loan ou horses , wagons , mules household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , at low est rates The first organised loan olllco in the city Makes loans trom thirty to tlirto hundred and stxty-llvo dujs , whithenn bo paid in part or whole at any time , thus lovver'ng the principal nnd lnteiest , Call nnd see us when you wuut money Wo can asslstiou promptly and to your advnutago without removal of property or publicity MoneyalwaVb on hand , No delay in making loans , C. F Hoed & Co , 311S. Uth st ot er Bingham S. Sons lffj 6 PER CENT residence loans W.OOO to 810,000 Building loans at specinl rates The Mead Inv estment Co , Hee building 171 , lib WANTED First elate inside loons Lowest rates Call nnd nee us Mutual Invest ment Co , 1504 Ftirnanvj 172 TT E. COLE , loan Stent Open evenings LOANS at lowest rates ; cash always un hand ; notes bought ; money advanced on any available Recurlty 1 he Teoplo's Financial Kx- change , room 67 , Harktir block 175 MONEY to loan on rtny socunty for short time nt low i , rates Lowest rates ' on personal , property The Henderson Mortgngelnv estment company , room 400 , Paxton b/otk. / 170 MONEY to loan 0. > FkiIavls Co . real estate and loan agents , | 5QJ'arnam | at , | s- 177 HtST inOrtgaci' loans'st lovfrnteS anil riodc- lay D. V. fcholes CoTi'10 First National bank . i. * . 161 T\if ONEYtoloan on furnitureorgans , pianos J-U-horses and wagons Hawkeye Investment Co , roonf 'O , Douglas blk , 16th nirajDoage sts " - m * MONEY to loan ; cash on delajJ W. Squire , 1219 Farnam St , First National bank building 180 LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa per bought McCague Investment Co 115 MONEY 30 , 60 or 90 daya on furniture , pianos , horses , houses , etc J. J. Wilkinson , 618 Paxton blk ' > 120 MONEY TO JOAN ill quantities from Kno to $25,009. No delay 1st and 2nd mortgages bought Private money at lowest rates and best prlv lieges Heal estate for sale or ex change BJ Kendall , room 306 llrown building 370 W CHATTEL and Teal estate loans Lowest rates F. L. Cox 302 N. Y. Life Bldg r _ _ F-HJ $50,000 of private money to loan on Improve inside property : cash on hand Central In " vestmontCo , Itoom 2,1 , Chamber of Commerce , ' 1130 MONEY to loau In largo sums Central In vestment Co , Itoom 23 , Chamber ot Com meruo 039 BUILU1NO loans made ut lowest rates of In- Iciest Also , loans on unimproved city property , We have some prlvuto fund > to loau on brick residence or business blocks upon very favoraDla terras Good mortgage notes bought Kimball , Champ & ltynn , 1305 Farnam st 740 Vt HE COLE , loan agent Open evenings , 174 EASTERN Money Philadelphia mortgage & Trust Co wuut mortgages from direct bor rowers ; make suvlng nnd call on Gee W. P. Coates , 7 Hoard of Trade 951 ABSTItACTS OF JITIiE COMPLETE bet of chattel mortgage ab- struct books , cheap 1503 Farnam St , room2. 113 HUSINEHS sjHANOEH rpilE Heporttrat Dunlap , la , ; 20 years old and Xenjoys tontldenconnd support ot people tn that section Elegent patronage , new dress , cylinder oress , bushels nf job type , etc Terms reasonable J. II Purcell , Dunlap , lu 415 Oj IpOH ItENT or Kxcliange-lfl-room hotel , com ' pletcly furnished , doing excellent business , located In good Nebraska town Will trade for Improved farm Addiess G. W. Ilerrey , 1116 Lowe ave , Omaha 4IJ 3j FOU BALK or exchange for good farm , livery stable and stock , consisting of 13 head of horses , cairlages , sleighs and harnesses : also stage line carrying tuull < . Cull on or address U W. Hamilton , box HV anborn , la , In Bddl- tlon to above 1 house uftflnf lots , 409-1t rpo JOH Printers At "cvvo desire to devote X more time to paperfvUio dally , weekly and Sunday Domocrut we have a flue job and book department , fouf presses , etc , w ith u democratio patronage , , a desire to rent our jobbiugInterest , on a rmrcent by the mouth , 1'roix.sltlons will be reieftvd for ten days Ad dress Democrat Pub Cfl ! , "Dmahu , Neb 2i" tU-iiil FOIt SALE A big Tiariain , u commisBlou aud auction businosiT in Grand Island ; the only one In the city'urltst ; ' be sold at onte ; reason for selling lnterbsfln the east demands our attention ; only a small sum required It will pay you to Investteate Address Giund Island Auction HoubeiKnd ( Island , Neb * m I710U SALE A nice cfeljrn Jewelry stock ; will XI Invoice $3,009 to tSfibO including Hne safe ; in live and growing towa'tn eastern Nebraska , population about 3.MXliUo t of reasons for sell ing Thit 'Ul bear lqijo > tlgatlon oy a pructiral JcwelrymBn Terms cukh.or cash ana good se curity Address F , U , BY , Dee olllce , l.lncOlu , Neb * 891 tij $759 will buy a good confectionery and cigar buslnebs , soda fountain Ice cream parlor ; rent $3.1 , BIB N. 16th St life 13 ? FIFTY cents on the dollar in cash wilt buy a nice clean stocx of dry goods Address for 6 days "A , " 2108 Cumtng street , Omaha , Neb i 31I-12 ; NICK dear store In a fine location for sale , ulso a first class restaurant Cooperative Land ac Lot Co , an N. ICth st Wo O ACKETstore for sal * , nice cleangoods.good Xliocatlon , for cash aud bankable paper ouly L. H.Webb St Bon Columbus , Neb 2d37t DltUO stock and store ; established 13 years ; best location Owner has moved on farm und will take standard bred horses Hotel aud furnishing 1 block from depot In good Iowa town ; clear for groceries , llutthln- bon . Wead , 1521 Douglas , Telephone 152t > . 19J IflOU ItENT One first-class hotel , elte U4x4t , X' with ell 16x34t also one livery barn , ror further luformatiou apply to E. Enovoldseu , 1 Ht Paul , Neb S30 71 A chance that will psy a profit of $ ,1l > iM per year upon a $ l,5 io investment and no risks No young man out of business ought to let this snap pass J. H. Parse , SUeely block 133 13 I > AIIT1ES wishing to sell bankrupt stocks . general merchandise for cash , wrlto F. M , Penney Wood Ulver Neb CI2-F2HJ ANEW8PAPHU chance-Tho Dally Demo rrat Is the only deiubcratlc dally In Omnha , It Is the official organ ot Douglas county Has been by convontlou resolutions Indorsed as the party organ , lu stoikholdcra nre the most prominent and wealthiest democrats In Ne braska A prnctleal newspaper man who will buy a small interest nnd look after a special department for the company's interest will do well to address Democrat Pub Co.OmahaNcb 410-1114 13101 ! HALE Unproved farm In Keyu Palm - county , cheap tor tash , Address U 40 , lleo , 43J-6 * AGOODchnnco tot a general merchandise store , twelve tulles from any nt her store nnd Inn well settled farming community , ad dress II F , ithodes , Mandersou , \ alley co Neb H4 rhj J710It SALE Illacksmlth and wagon shop : one roller reed mill nnd engine house com plete : house , barn and or tlve lots Call on or address J , O Hall , Leigh Neb KU-F. 't I 3OItSAIil ! Or trade for Nebraska land , mm 1 l > er and coat yard nt DUler , Neb Address A. II , Colman , llfller Neb 94-1 Bt FPU EXC1IAXCSE. 10(1 HU potatoes tor a good milk cow Ad dress O. C Bchwerln , 10th nnd Corby sir 433-11J THE only hotel inn small town In Neb lnr- ulslied complete , clear ot nil encum brance to trnuo for stock ot goods , hardware preferred , will pay difference In cash : nlfoHtockof tailors goods nnd Jewelry nliout $1,500 to trade for a limite nnd lot und vt 111 nssutno about $1,500 ontnmbrnnca CoOp vrnllv o Land and Lot Co , 2J5 N Kith st , | 425 7 f)5-rootn hotel , fuinlstied in South Omnha , rent $75 ; furniture to exchange for horses nnd wagon : will take all lu horses , rnrrlnges or part , or villi trade for farm land Coopora- tire Lnnd and Lot Co . 205 N 16th St 353-6 A CLE AH lot In Windsor place for a stock of _ groceries Address T 1)3 ) lieu 303-138 IjlOIt EXCHANGE 1 have 113,000 worth ot ! real estate , farm and city iropeity aud some cash ror merchandlsn Address P. O. box , Mound Valley , Labotto Co , ICnnsas hGS-lOt Olt EXCllANOE-rs.OOO Bilvor mining stock Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa farms Hams , horse nud buggj , rental property sltghtly en cumbered , tnerchnndUo of nit Muds and mort gage paper J. II Curse , Sheely block 7W15 IrYOU liMonnytlilngto exchange call on or address II K. Cole It 0. Coniluental block Olllco open evenings 174 I 310 lfEXCHANGK- worth nursery stock . at wholesale prices for land in southern Nebraska J. II Catse Sheely block U ) 12 J ilOlt EXCHANGE ChoTce inside rontnl - property slightly encumbered for encumbered - bored lots insldn belt Una Hero's a ehnnco to unload J. HCaise Sheely block 1,13 13 IillltST moi tgagos , clear lands nnd Omnha - houses and lots to exchange for brick and other building material , btar Land & Loan Co 286 pou saT7i : ise7yi , istati : : . IjlAHMS for sale Fine 150 arro farm , good • house aud bnru , all plow laud ; 3 miles horn county sent , ffsoi ltiO ncro farm unimproved , 2 miles fiom coun ty seat $ sw 100 acre farm , HItcock countv , 3 miles from town : good house and barn , 50acres under cul tivation iOW All on easy terms A large list of chiap farms 11. K. Cole , room 0 , Contlntntal bloci , Omaha , Neb 407-7 AHGAIN Five nciosjustontslde city lim its } 3,6 , " 0 : ouly $150 cash Illcks , N. Y. Life building 390-7 LOT33x 113 with cottage throe blotks west and one north ot high school $3,500. C. F. Harrison 911 N. Y. Life SB3 5 SNAP If taken soon Blots in Bedford Place tV M , Harris , room 20 i render block , nppo site P. O. 3s9 7t Gv OOD lots In Orchard hill $160 to K70 on easy ' teims this week Colseth Johnson \ . I ov- gren , room U , Chumber of Commerce 381 8 " F OH SALE Hi storj frnine residence with collar , etc close to motor line ; quite new nnd well furnished , corner lot , price $3,750. Terms $750 cash and natance to suit , or will trade for good clear lot Stringer Si Penny , Douglas block 250 7 LOT 70x100 facing soutn , on J3d ave nt n w corner of llanscom park ; location un equalled ; $1.(410. ( S1.50J cash balauce easy C. F. Harrkon , 911 N. Y. Life 393 5 Gt AHDEN farm wanted , with cabin on , 10 or (15 acres ; heavy cell ; write terms and place , J. Keedbox 077. Omaha 4025j TTHACTIVE Locality Cheap Prices Easy Terms Motor Cars City Wuter Pavements all combine to make Ames Place the cheapest and best property In Omaha for the money Lots selling at $700 to $1,000 on easy terms nud payments Now Is the time to take adv untage ot these favorable conditions , it you want to secure for yourself and family a permanent homo , and vou cannot Judge of the desirability ot this property unless you look it over See Ames Place and ) ou will recognize Its value and w ill buy If you want to Bav e money nud make money at the same time Men of Moncrnte Means can buy In Ames Place , where tltio Is neitect , payments eusv , terms low and locution unsur passed and most desirable In ov ery respect , Hemerabor , real estate is the Basis of Wealth , and unless you take advantage of such chances ns now offered you , you simply are not only making a mistake , but actually loslngmoncy , Saunders Street Motors to and from Ames Place Property will be show n you any day free of cost Ev ery fac lllty for closest Inspection as to nil statements made 50 foot Lots only $7 0 , $801 , | 0O , $1,030 , on small ensb pay ments and any reasonable time on balance AMES , 1507 Furnum St 210 f. BAHGAIN Beautiful residence lot 50 foot oastnont on Thirty-first street $3,850. Illcks , first Iloor N. Y. Lite bulldiug 3J0-7 ClliOfCH Residence property Will sell 39 , t.0. ' ' 130 or 180 feet frontage on 21st or 23d sts , between bt Mary's avenue and Howard st Very choice for Hats Wm Preston , 21sl nqd Howard 8K. 3U-6T IJiAST front lot , on Georgia ave , next to liDroxel property , Bneclnl terms on this lot C. F. Harrison , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life .193-5 SPECIAL Ilaraain New'J story8-rocunnouso , porch on 2 sides , cellar under entlro house , city water , , barn 20x20 , 12 ft posts 4 blocks from motor , located on Wulnut Hill ; price , $3,500 ; small paymentdown inquire of owner , KJO Merrill , 4ltliund Sewurdsts . Walnutllill 191 W rilHE best X Business , ltesldence Vacant and Suburban properties In the market are for sale by the old reliable M. A. Upton Co , 16th and Farnam 1BI 8HOOM house with all modem Improvements .In llanscom plate ; lot 33x100 ; price J , io , i , 81.0JO cash balance to suit C. F. Harrison , ( Ml N. Y. Life 303B LOTS cast nnd south corner ' at 2Mb and Wooiworth iroxlUl , fine resldcnco site for two families , $12,000 , C. V. Hanlsou 9H N. Y , Life 312-5 FOH BALE Very cheap , no trades , farm of MJ.70acres , sec6,13. NOW , Hamjltoncoun ty Neb : Smiles trom Marquette , small house , stable , 3X1 acresoc pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 per ucre , $ .1,437.00 , one-third 1K89 crop included Terms (3,200 cash , balance 6 per cent Interest F. K. Atkins , owner , railroad building , Denver Cole 1st 1310H H'aIjK $7f3"wlil buy lot Wxl30 in Omaha - View , one block from motor line , nicely on grade Lots lu this adaltlou are worth $1,000 , and the above price la open for a short time only O. It TVethuck care Omaha llee 701 T7IOH 8ALE-WI11 sell a good Oroom house X' and barn ou S. 10th Bt , , No 1705 , lu excellent lepalr and take $1UJ0 in cash , bilauce In good real estate if desired Auies , 1507 Farnam SIPS " JILL soil the very desirable residence of V ? Houert Kasson , esn , on Howard bt , West Omaha , near37th st Tills property comprises a well built house of 11 rooms and attlo that will give U mors rooms If needed , Flist Iloor Is llnlshed In oak and second lu Georgia hard pine Collar and laundry , luriiace and furnace room complete , sewer , gas and city water con nections nil made Ham for 5 horses uud ample carriage room and room for coachman Lot has lm it frontage by 170 deptn to a 20-foot private alley Premises trout south on street with established grade and are In tlie best real dence location In the city ot Omaha Satisfac tory reaoons * lv en for selllug , _ Amos , Pole Agent , 1507 Farnam St tl > BAHGAIN Elegant usldeut lot In llanscom Plate $1,000. Illcks , first Uoor N. Y. Lite building * ± L _ IjlOUTY.FOUUfeetonWtb St , near Farnam , wltn line new business block ; rents torJooo a year ; must have $16,00 ] cash , $12,00. ) at o per cent , long time : great otter Addresj B 55 , llee , iOTl-lt J310U SALE or Exchange 1st class unlncum- • bered Kansas farms for city or Douglas co property It you wish to buy or sell real estate or borrow money In any quantities be sure to tall on II J. Kendall , room 30 $ Brown building 875 F7 XyAUOIl i. WeiterQeld real estate Omaha " \y A. Kt'KSCKR , 1S1I DouglasstreeL For Sale A 32-room hotel South Omaha , well located nnd occupied , Cheap , and ou easy ttrtns A6t-footlot on Xth , lmttveen Cass and Day entiort nt $1,500. Ha cash l"otirnan houses In Orchard Hilt for sals or exchange A corner on Pleasant and Orchard Sts .fOxllO , n south front , $ ; ,500. 271-4 "IJAHGaIN" Nice tesdi'nee Tot in llftii fem IJ , Place , , Illcks , livt floor N. V Lite bulldlng.l ttlf " 171011 SALE A good republican paper , slttt- X at d at county seat : will ue sold rneap and on reasonable terms Addro s U 39 , llee ofllce 41'- , * SPECIAL Bargain Fine , new it-room , 2-story house , perth on front , side and back , cltv water , vellar under enttrn house , birn 20x30.13 ft post , only 4 blocks from motor , one block from.Wi.lnut 11 til school Price MrmQ , will trade for lots , inquire of owner , E. G. Merrill , 44thandSevv _ ird Rts Wnlnut JJI1L _ 19113 r' Or Hlxl55 east anil Ktinth corner near the JMIltim Hocers place , West Farnam street $7.0111. C. F. Hanlsou , till N. Y. Lite JMJ-T. IriOtrSALE t'ottneu andToTirTireiTfnril I'litce : 40,1 Paxton block , 15. C Cooper 43tks SltOOM house with > . cept turiiiKenii CumliiRst , opposite llemls park ! lot 40x111 ; pilct > $ ( ) , l V , $1.0 < i cash balance to Milt C , F. Hurrlson , 911 N. Y Life 3 > it Sl'ECIAL lTnrgaln ruir lot MxT'sTfii liakcr Place , on grade , near Military road , price WO cash $ l Vi , balauce easy Inquire otownir K. O. Merrill , 44th nndSewnrdsts Walnut Hill 191 12J BAHGAIN Ten ncrtw close to Halt Ling rall- loud , W < st Omnha , $6,000. Illcks first Iloor N y. Llto building , i , tl'7 ' < SPECIAL Hnrgaln A-room house aud lot 4t > x 137 feet , water lu kltctun , located on Charles at 4 blocks from .Snlindois st motor linn , cash price$3,300. small pajnientdow n , balance very easy Inquire of owner , E. G. Mtirlll 44th and Sewardst.Walnut lllll 11'1 ' Ut J310H SALF.Cnonp-l.ot In Orchard lllll Call - on U. C. Cooper , 4(0 ( Paxton block , Omaha 431-8 JjOOICoverthlslllst ! A fine little home , 6 rooms , water , gas , bath , sewer connections , mantel , not nmllofrOm I' . O , on car line , jmvtd street , east front Very easy lenus and a bargain 2 line east fronts , Piainvlew , 81O0 ) each ; $300 caslioneacli • 1 50-foot lot , Spalding street , uenrmotor.south front , paved sticet und paving all pnld tor , Double front In Kilby Place $1,000. East front lot , Muyno Place , Just off Leaven worth , $2,2 0 50 feet , 11th st , near Nicholas , $100 per font 5 room cottage , Miami nt , just off 21th , only $ l.t00 : ; $1U ) cash , balance monthly IMH lot , Davenport at , neor Yutes' , SI.COO ; a uecldod bargain Cansell cottages in almost any add on easy monthly payments , or build on joui own plans to suit 114 feet by 110 ouly two blocks from the stockyards , o-room house , city w ater ; ( room for 7 moro houses ; ) a splmdld paving Investment for some one ; onlytt.100 ; one-third cash ; bal ance 7 per rent , F. K Dnrllng,43 Baricer Blk ; telephone 730. 335 [ jlOIt SALE-llOxlTJ feet comer ot 33d nnd X' Farnam sts $135 per foot for Farnam st front C. F. Harrison Mil N. Y. Lite ifr.o FIVE loom cottages $1,50J each , $ ! 03casli down , balance $11 per month Thos F. Hall , 311 Paxton block 185 L 1ST youTproperty with II E. Cole 363 A FINE little home 2Mb st.neaiWoolw orth 50 f Least trout lot,7 rooms nnd bath , city w utor , convenient to motor Very tittle casliinquired Easj terms on bolance F , K. Darling 4t Ilir- ker block . )24-4t ) Notice Matter of Application ot Gustav Hudloff and Adolf Goebel doing buslnoss under the firm name of HudtofT , V Goebel for liquor license Notice is hereby given tlmr Guslar ItudlnlTnnd Adolf Goebel , doing buslnoss multiple firm namoof Hudloff & Goebel , illdupontheKMlulay of.lBiitiaiy.A.D.lHK ) . tlletlielranpllcutlontotlin Board of Fire and Pollro Coimilssloners ot Omalu , for permit to sell mult , spirituous and vinous liquors ut No 421N. 16th stieet , 5th ward , OmalinNeb.Iiointhelht < I v of Januarj , dWHi , to the 1st day of Jammrj , 18 H. It there be no objoctlon , romonstrauce or pro test tiled within two weeks from January 23tn , A. 1) . It-90 , the slid lln-nse w 111 be granted Gustav HudlolT and Adolf Goebl doing business under the llrm uame of Hudloft & Goebel , Ap plicants go B Nollot ! . Matter of Application of Ebrldfre G. riojd for , i liquor llitnse , * Notice is hereby given that EmldgaG Floyd , did upon the SDtliduy of January , A. 1) . Ml ) , tile his application to the Board of Klroand Police Commissioners of Omaha , for License to sell Mult Spirituous aud Vinous llquon at No 131.1 DoDglas street , Tlilrd ward , Omnha , Nobinska , from the 1st day ot January , 1830 , to the 1st day of January I8JI. If there bo n > objection , remonstiance or pro test filed within two weeks from January svth , A. D. 1890. the said license will oo granted 29-5 Emtimm O. IT run Applicant Notice A MEETING of the stockholders of the Mis- sourl Valley Sand ami Gravel Co will be held at Boom 4 , Granite Hlock , In Omaha , Neb , at 2 o'clock p. m. March Mh 1890. Bv order of the President tv II Alkxamjuii Sec Omaha , Feb 2,18M. fid It * Cortlllcntc Thlsls to tertlfy that the Nebraska Central Hallway company desires an increase ot Its nu- Ihrized capital stock from one million dollars to four millions Ave hundred thousand dollars , and tbut such Increase and the making uud publishing ot this cert ilk ate and the tiling ihereor with the secretary of state of the state of Nebraska , has been duly authorized by ine holders of the majority of the capital slock ot the Nenraska Central Hallway tDinpany In witness whereof , we have Iieieimto signed our names at Omaha , In the touuty of Douglas and state ot Nebruska , on the 19th day of Au gust IBM ! JOHN A. MSHANE GEOHGEC BAHNUM Presldeut becretary I Corporate I 1 Seal , f Directors : JOHN II DUMONT WILLIAM L.ADAMS , BENJAM1N-J. MOKltlS , State ot Nebraska , Douglas county , ss : Before me a notary public in aud for said Douglas county , personally came the above nutnod John A. McShane , Oeorgo U Ilamttm , John II Dumont 11 llllam L. Adams and Ben jamin J. Morris , known to me to be the ident ical persona who signed tne foregoing Instru ment , and severally acknowledged the said in strument to be their voluntary act and deed , for the uses and purposes thcrelnsot forth In witness whereof , I have hereunto signed my name und afllxcd my oillclal seal , at Omaha , Douglas eouuty , Nebruska this Wth day ot Au gust , IBS9. W. ( J. IVES I Notarial I Notary Public 1 Seal I" Feb 2 it 63 Cm or 1JH0P08AL8 FOIt FIlsLD BEEDS-U , H. Ir . dlan Service , Piuu ltldgoi Agency H. Da kota Sealed proposals , Indorsed Proposals for Field Seeds , " and addiessed to tha un dersigned at I'ine Uldce Agency , bhanuon Co , 8. Dakota , will bo rncelved * t thlB ugency until ono o clerk of February 21th. 18A ) . forfur- nlshlnc for this agency and delivering at Hush vllle Neb , ut such time as may be required , about UUUJ pounds seed wheat ,150 bushels of seed corn 500 bushels seed potatoes , 3.YI busliois setd oats , and 20 . bushels timothy Heed Encli bidder must state specifically In his bid the pronosod price of eaeh article to be ottered for delivery under his contract All seeds mast be ot gooil quality , suitable for seed purposes lu the locality where required The right lv reseived to reject any or all bids or any part of uny bill If deemed to bu for the best Interests of the service Certified Checks-Each bid must bo atrompnuled by a certified check or draft upon > Homo United States Depository , made puyuble to the order ot the undersigned tor ut least vivk per tent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will he forfeited to the United States in case any bidder or bidders receiving nn award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good nnd aulliclcnt sureties , otherwise to be re turned to the bidder I'or further information apply to Die undersigned , HUGH D. GaL LAGIIFlt U. B. Indian Audit J3td31t Notice . Bids will be received by the board of printing nt the olllce of secretary of state at any time before February 15th , 1090. at 10 o'clock a. in , , for furnishing 5.0J0 copies of the repoit or State Board of Agriculture for tbe year 18SJ , of four hundred pages each , more or less , sample of work may be seen at the olllce of secretary ot state Hlght reserved to reject any or all * bids By the State Printing Board , " BEN It COWDEHY Secretary , Lincoln , Neb . Feb 1.1BJ0. Feb.2. D lot Htrckliolclorn' Aicotliiir , Notice is hereby given that the regular annual - nual meeting of the stockholders of tlie South Plutte Land oumpuuy will be heut at tliootllge ot said company lu Lincoln , Neb , on the first Wodneaday in March , 1890. being the 5th day of said month By ordtrof the board of directors li O. iuitfipsSecretary Lincoln , Neb , , Feb , 3,180J , l'4-JJtmor BaMpan3anB Ba B _ _ pMSAn _ _ _ | BlBiraBraliK * s/BJ Hv1mi B TU0MDv1 _ _ _ HHi | S iSmlmfj DE AI * 1STIUSLX11II.UR IA CtltHIOHI auc _ < tslal > .r Uia < iuAn > 4ii. llUiU l lt-t\4 J rktK A44/.nrllny.mB00X.lliar * 4. jNX RAILROAD TIME CARD H iMTti rCHlCAiltl.llllllT.rKl'ITYiN , sy.1 Kt\tt \ ? _ _ | Omshs l ii tlOlhMi sjinri itrrFts llmshit H J II f , rul . ftilrmo VeMlbul * K | , r li . . sinT di R _ _ _ | stism , .ChlCfico Ktpreit . , . . , . . . 90) p si l _ _ H 0 M p nt . . . . ( 'hlrnim KtprrM ssdnm _ _ | _ 4 _ 14 j < tuChlcss | < i l'ii < t MsllvU I ) P.Trsni _ JJ < V s n 1 Testes , Uinil.lNlJTON s Ha 111V KltTArrUrT _ _ _ H Omftha ) l > i-potlQII > and Mason utreetB omntis I l io 0.V n m Doivf er 1 rsllhuTe r.iprer > , , , XOJp m _ _ _ _ SMitm .l.hiculn ft Copfon11n l.w l. . ( .11 p n _ _ _ l t ) l.t p ra HenverEiiprpss \ > Ji $ a m H TntS if iZ , ttr J a U II ArrlteT _ H Umatis IVpet IMh ttnrtM < in street ! Omntis H titVatn , .Knn ns rity lis ; Kxnrosi . . . 6Vliim _ H liu p tu K U.Mtiit ICi | > > | U. V. linin eiinni H TeiTei tlSiON PAPIIla I Arrives 3 _ _ H Qnialia | Depot 10th ami Msrcr itreeU Omaha I H tupn Orerlsnd I > l " > e > . . . , J 10 a m _ _ | KM p m t.tmltetl F t Msli Wpm B Bi 10.10 a ra . Denver Kire s 1..V1 p m B l lUpn Urand Islsnrl Kip isteept Bun ) 12 IS p m _ _ _ | muni Knn M _ _ tr Kipre" , , , , . , . law a ra H " l lo | flllCAIHIA " NlHTlT < VlsTKIIN Arrlrcl _ _ H * Omahn 111 I' . Oeisit , lSt : > _ ad Marcj btaJ Orashs 1 ti11ani | . . . . . .tlttrntto Kxprese , , " " , , „ , , RtA p m _ _ _ _ 120 p ml lentlhute I.tuill 4 , , ADSpm I I IH sropnil AtlnMIe Mall from C. II , , , . , , THIara _ _ _ H _ I S3. i tu | _ _ _ Ksttcrn t-lrcr. . . . . . . . ) tea ) a nt _ H " l avcr7 C < Illl'ATi ( ) , It f. A PACIFUE fArrltei * _ B B Onistin | U P. depot , loih aim Mtmj t | tlm h H Ml p tnl . t .NlRtit Kipress . . , , eta " a at _ _ _ H n aml , . .Atlnntle ttipresi IVSO p m _ _ _ | 1 IS p m | Ve.tllmlo Limited 1000 a in _ H " iMIH iCIIICAtUI , WlU.ft ST.TATlUTArrltri 3 _ _ H OmsliaV. \ . 1' . ileisil , IQtti anil Marc ) ' StaQuialia. | . H yl&aml riilcago Mull „ , 6,01pm _ _ _ _ H JtOpm ( | I'tilrnRo Ksprpss . - . * , 9 45am H " " Leaves " ] OMAitATTBT TMifd TArrTvni B Hl ( linalia.U \ P rtepnt , tOlli anil Marrr Bti Onlstia H JJV p Hlj _ . . . St UiuTl rnnneri lull . _ . „ . | h.l ) | > m | " travel "j SIOUX CITV " * IMPIt-IO. TArrlvr * _ _ H Onuthit | It P depot IQlti ami Marcr 8U Omalis _ H 7 1ft a mf . Hloux Cltr Ilmnonitor . , , , . 10 nil * ra _ _ | 0.15 y ml ft Paul litproM I00 > n in 1 " LeateTT ilimv CITTA I'AOIH" TArrlvei _ _ H Omnha | Itepnt IMh nnd Webuler fUt | omslia H Clip in | Minnl | IJuiluol | > as , | Utet FTif * MVVAU.KVnvrrTrp * ' _ _ H Ointlia Diipiit L'Uijvnd Wetiitrr 3tt | Omahn [ B HOOnm . . , lUnik 1llll "k prv s 7 | 6 Al p in _ _ H VOOnm R p ( Kx , Huuila ; ) . \ t > 20 p in _ _ _ H ti.\0 \ p tn VVnhoo A Lincoln lnnsenstr 100 a m I I IH Ml ) p in Vor > .V JvirfelMKr Buua.T ) . | iuanci B " Loaves Ci UT I'T mTo TArrives _ _ H Omnha Depot Uth and Welmler BU Omntia B 8U0 n in , . Sluux Oily Acconunpilatlon..1 n li p nt _ _ H 100pm . . .Slonx Clly Kiptt IM p m l _ _ _ H 6 ii p in | . Oakland AccotnmcKlstlon . . . I IS n ut H Lesrea I MIS-toTlUl I'ACIHf ! ArrTrca _ H Oinnhn I IVpotlilli nnJ WelHterHH omnha B law n m ! su 1-oul. \ li C iiprrff : > . . . . | l. | i ra BB _ _ tut p ml J _ lotlla A K ( ' - Kl | rfa . . . .l n M n in B B ] Mi830intTivtci yiu a " uBUuiiAN tuains H SfIS ! ! " ' ? lff" 51 ? " ° ? ° s ? H , , Weittrnrd " B | | - pp ajiila m ain | | " ni am p m * . _ _ _ H WobsterBt . . 6 folc K ) 7 M > i 45 6 lf > 0,15 8..15 13.13 _ BBH _ Oak Chatham 5 68 C & 9 : . : , " 3 IIS 23 (1.21 ( 8 45 11.53 H Drulit lllll . . . B 00 1 00 T.M 3 U ) 25 8 27 * 47 IJ Ml H l.nlo Street . . 0.1 7 Kl 8 01 3 60 20 B SO 8 N > 12 ( J ) _ BBH _ Wulnht Mill S017 08 8 03 1 J3I.1 91 D 31 IW I 0J B Dundee Place 0 08 7 OS g OS I OO & 33 6.3d 8.M 1.03 BBBB1 West Hid (1 ( 10 7 10 807 102 SM 9 U 1 IM _ BBB _ ] l.a n 8 OS | 01 9H IDS Bal Mascot . B It I to V01 1 11 BBal Seymour Park . . . . 8 til 111 DOS I 17 _ BBBJ l _ irlnl _ . . . H 35JO | . . . | . , . . | 9 IS 1,10 HH KattwanT | . M l ninis | pralptu pjn am pin H Portal . . . I Ifl KM ) | DUO 1.15 _ B Li Suyiuour Park . 1 (1iJi 9 43 I li B H Mnneot I . 8 12 4 42 9 47 1 ) H l.nwi | . 8 IV I til 9,41) ) 131 _ BB West Side . . . 11 20 7.KI 8 , 'il 4.19 .1.10 C 15 9 M 1 S7 _ _ B Dundee I'lnrc 0 2117 21 8 M 4 19 S 41 6 < C D l 1 Kl BBIB _ Walnut lllll I..21 7.U 8.&I 4 f.2 5 11 . J Id 2 02 BBBB ] l ke Hln-et D 2oT | 2nlR Ml 4 Mi IC 0 Al 10 1)1 ) 2 in H Druid lllll 0 SI 7 .11 i8 VI I . ' .Tift I" 6 M 10 01 2 05 H Oak Lbathnm II 25 7 .IV 1 Ul I MS S3 T.U ) III 07 2 ID H Webster StreuljU IS1lilH.IU o 05B | OO 7.10 10.15 2.JU B _ H UNION PACIFIO-SUIUmRAN T11A1NH , H Ihcso trains nlro atop nt lJlli , 17th , SOth nnd Jlttt _ _ H streets Summit nnd barlilfrc CrotiUxs • VVurklnK- _ _ _ l | mens truiustto net run Similar B "iTfoad- Trimshlieel'r [ _ BJH tiui frr Omilin gta- South Albrl'l l _ _ _ | ClIlnlTa Depot DlMhiL lien Omaha Depot H r > -a k $ n a S a | k > r _ _ B 5 • < 1 ft ! * } f it 3 % BBBB % r r n 2. 3 , . t * i * 3. 1 * B B B AM AM AM AM AMK AM AM JIN AM AM AM H 5 , ) . . . &M . . IO 6 60. . . . BBBB • stsv , * i , . 'JO BBH _ (1 1(1 ( 605HI7 SS7 0 3U • ) < " , I ) 17 . . . . C SO CM . . . BBH _ 00 tU5 047 3J 700 O1S7O5SI0 7 20 U.00 725 555 BBBB 7 45 7.10 7 52 7J2 805 7.3)812 ) 715 82S 705 8.U7.IX ) BBI _ | 815 835 8 S2 " 27 ' 105 8 15 , .807 7 55 . . 7 50 BBBB 945 935 1IJ2 927 1005 916 . . .907 855l l BBJ PM FM fJI Ill I'M I'M I'M VM PM PM VM I'M BBBB 305 . 312 . . . 325 . . . . . ( B ) . . . Bl . . . 4A5. . . . 427 105 4 15 4 12 I 07 4 25 3 55 I 30 U > 0 BBBJB 4 IS SSS 4 52 5 27 5 05 SIS 5 12 507 5 25 4 SS 6410 4JJ0 BB _ _ | • 1110 'SS0 . . . . BBBB 645 035 162 821 0.0S 111. , I. IV 007 6 25 SU 1,30 150 BBB _ CI5 | . . „ lit . . . . 705 7.1S . . . . TO ! | 055 . . . . | 05p BB B Vtarns CHIUAOO Tt I , A , ' PACIFIC | Arrlyea VaBJ Transfer Union Depot , Council Ultitra H'ranater BB B OJSpm NlKht Kiprou , 8 40am H 940am Atlantic Ijzprena . . . , . . , . 6.65 pm BBBJ 600 p m \tatlbnlo Limited | II30 a m BB B liearei CHIUAOO ( t NOHTaWKSTKUNTArrlveV H Tranafcr Union Depot Council llluff * iTrnnater BB | 940 am dilcaito Kiprraa 6 40 p ut | 340pra Veatltiule Llmltcil ti4Saru BBBJ 46Spm Kostern Klyrr 645 p ra BBB _ BOO p m AtlartlaMnll , 7.30 a in H Lenrei CJIICAUO , MIL & bT l'AIIL Arrives H Tranafcr Union Depot , Ounnell Uluga Tranafcr B _ B 940 am OhlctiKO Mall 546 pm H 800 p m | Chicago liiprcaa 1.980 a ra BBBI Lenrea K. CSI J OK A C. Jl I Arrltes H Transfer Pnlon Depot , Ooiincll DIulTi iTmnafcr BBBB 1007 a ui . . . .Knnsua Clly Day Kiprcaa . . . ! 0.00 p in BAH _ 10 25 p m . . .Kenans Cltr Nlgnt Kipresa . . | 010 a lu H LeaTea OMAHA A AT IAVIH | Arrives H Transfer Pnlon Depot , Council lllnffa ITraiiafer BB B 4 45 p m St Ixutla Onnon Hall . . . | I2 IS p m | Inures ClfiCACO , liUlTL'N A QlJlNCY I Arrives B Transfer Unlun Depot Council llluga | Trnnsfer BBBJ DM it ml ( TilciiRo Kxpresa I 6 16 p m H t ) so p in Ohlcauo Kipress 831 a m BBBJ 6 00 p m Clilrngo Faat Mall . . . , t.j | 820 a in BJBB " Loaves HIOUX C1TV * PAClPTa I Arrives M Transfer Union llepnt Council lllults nrnnsfer BBBJ 7.45 a m , . Sioux City Areunimuilatlon , . | 9 15 a ra H OJjO p it St Pan ! Ktprns I V&S p m BBH A GOODRICH Att'y at-l.atv. 131 Dear _ _ H jn _ bom St , L'blcairo : ndyics free ; a I ye ira er II B porlonce ; busluo.ia iiulutly ana lojally trau * BBB acted BBB Till ! UK/UiTY / MAHKKT H ; i -i i H IKSTJtUMBNTS plaoea on rtturM during H yesterday BBB Wm llu&liman et al to A Carlson , lot 3 , BBB llurdette Court , n o (1 1 M Vf A fllbbou uud wife to Jil ; Johnson , lot B 3 , llurdetto Court w a I9J BBB J It JoluiKon to A Cnrldon , lot 'J , Iturdotte B Court , w d 810 B L A Loii ) ; to ( i it Cramlall , part lot M , BBB blK 1 , Plulnyloty mid ivil 1,003 B G It ( IrantliiU and vtir to A' .I , Colclimifli , BBB und ! i 8 it lot 10 , bile 1 , PlalUYlew and , _ BJ w (1 , 1 _ B A It'lukey et al to (1 ( H Craudall lot 7 , Bl blk 11. Clifton lllll , wd VOX ) Bl III lloehmi ) andlinsband to F Fouler , M lottl blkl4 , ilorbicii'x 2d add , r d 11.00J B J It TUompsou to A J lloburt , lot 4 , blk I' , BBBJ Andiew ft lleuson'ii add vvd 800 BBB 11 O Devrles and wire to Peter Mangold , BBB lota Sand 1) , blk 1 , Comer , " vrd 1,400 Bl J A Dodce and wife to T J O'Neal , lot SI , B Dodge * add , wd 50) B 111 Slcl'arlaud und nusband to Itlebunt B Kenny , part lot 7 , blk 15 , Improvemeiit _ aHsociutiou add , w d , l.uOQ _ B 1) V Wholes and wife to K A ilium , lot " , _ BJ | blk75.Oinahu.vyd 19.SJ0 M ItosaUle Ilraach to W It Ilorauu n Vtl ft B | lot 1. blk rwi , Omaha , w rt 1J.O00 M Henry ltleckand vvlfoto W ana Jutepli H Cammeuzlnd vy a s 1.15-13 , wd 4.800 B _ B Samuel Pruyn to 11II Ium.amot' ] 'lblk B _ B 4 , Prtiyn Park , w < l . . . , , IXK ) BJB K A Casey and wife to L A Htagor lot I ) , H blk ' . Sheridan Place , w d CO ) BB _ W N Williams to A Hnrne.s , lot 1) ) . blk it , M OmatiA Vlotvnxt , vv a . , 1,400 H J B Damron and vrlfo to G W Lewis , lot H 13 , blk IM South Omaha , vy d 1,0 0 _ _ Q M Hitchcock and wife to A ( I Hunt , lot _ | 10 , blk 1.1 , Hllclitock'Blstttdil.tvd 4V ) M Q II Oeilultltr and wife to M Illumor , lot H 8. blkH , Orchard Hill , tic il 1 M J W lllaboiiund wife to 1' Powler , lots I M undo , blk2 , Pruyu IArk cj c d. 1 M M lllirulns to Lama JolllUe blk SI , Weht 1 Omahaicd t H WIUlamHeveraandwlfato is Kraft , lot _ B , Humtioldt w d > . . KX ) _ Windsor Place lluilillni ; Association to K , _ | V Wasserinan , lot 11 , Windsor Place , _ wd . . . . . . . , BOO B 1 f H 'Iwenty-fourtraiisfeTS . , ftt > , itf B Uiilldiiit : Ieriiihu M The following bulldiub' pormlU wcro bsucd B ycstonlay : t Qoorire O. llellowa , two-story frame _ H dwelling , Kountie Place , . , , , , „ . , , , , .t'Ja00 M The Ouly Ono , H The ChtcuRO , MUvvaultoa ' & St , Paul H Railway IB the only liuu ruiuiint ; aoltd H voBtibulod , oluctrfo Hithtoil nnd stoutn H heated trains botwoou Cliicngo , Couu- cil Uludaund Oinuhu B The berth rending Imnp feature in H the Pullman sleopinc cars run on thctlo H lines it rmtonted und oantiot bo used by H any ether rallwuy ccmpatiy It Is the H treat ituprovotnotit of the ago Try it H und bo couviocod , ' Sloopnj ! { cars leave the Union I'ltoido H depot , Oiiiulia , atO p , in , dally , urrlvinf H at Cliicmro ut 0:30 : a. m , I'misoiit'ors talcing : this train arc not compelled to H Cot out ot the cars at Council lilulTs und wait for the train to bo cleaned , Got tickotu and bioepingcarborths al Union I ticket olllco , 1501 i'arnnra et H F. A. Nahii , Pmi Ai t J. IS PmtsTON , Pubs , Agt