I ci THE-OMAHA DAILY BEE : flftrKSDAY FEBRUARY , 6 , 1890. '
Bfl OIFIOB NO It ! I'l.Altli KTUIiHT
H I rllmrd by carrier In nny part of the City
ll\V.1l/ON ] MANAGER
H flrMMFsOrntt : No .
B hioiiT HiiItoii No , M.
M N. Y. P. Co
| Glcason coal
| Council llluffs Lumber Co , conl
t lliotchcr coal , 114 Main street
H Carbon Conl Co wholesale , rotnll.10 Pearl
M Kplscopnllan Boclnblo tonight at Iloynl
fl Arcanum ball Good music at 8 oclock
H Tbo Married Ladles hlgh-flva club will
M meet , next Saturday evening with Mrs , \V.
H W. Lee mix
1 KcRicmhcr tbo Chautnuiiua mooting this
H ovonlng at ttio Baptist church at 7:30. : Meet
H Ing Iroo and n line programme
1 Tbo young married folks lilph flvo club
M will bo entertained lit tbo residence ot J. W.
H Smith on Second nvenuo this evening
H The supreme court has nfllrmod the do *
M clslon of the I'ottawntlntino district court iu
M tbo case of llrny vs A. T. FHcklngcr
M The funeral of Mrs llarrv Hall will take
H at 3 o'clock this nftcrnoon from the family
H residence , No : iU ( Noith First street
H Several tolcphnncs In the central part of
H the city were burned out Tuesday evening
H by the wires crossing nn elcctriu light wire
H The funeral of Tda , the fourtcon-monlhs-
B old daughter of Mr and Mrs John Fleming ,
H took place Yesterday from the residence , No
M 1 ( S3 Eighth street
H A now hose wagon which has boon sent
H hero on trial by the Michigan Fire and
M Truck rompany , will bo on exhibition today
H nt the Upper Ilroadway hose liouso
B Colonel L.V. . Tullcys will uddrcss tbo
H Young Men's Christian association this oven
H lug at 8 oclock Subject : "lbo Power of
H Londun " 1 ho public are Invited Aduils-
H slon free Gcorgo II Honnot , secretary
H II McCnrty has fllod a petition in superior
H court against Ben Marks for $120 damages ,
H caused by a urairlo flro started by employes
H of the defendant , which burned a largo
H amount of hay on a farm four miles from the
H city
H John Cramer , nn cmployo of Cole & Cole ,
H | received a sevcro shock In opening the store
H Tuesday Investigation proved the olcctrlc
H wires were Improperly Inaulatcd , and the
H current was conducted to the Iron door of
Hl which ho took hold
H A sneak thief entered Blacks clothing
H store Tuesday evening mid called for soma
H articles behind a counter While the clerk
, in charga was obtaining the goods the visitor
H nipped sovernl pairs ot pants , but the cleric
H pulled n small revolver and compelled him
B to drop tbo goods The thief escaped
| Benjamin II Wright , who was ono of the
Eartios indicted by the grand Jury for cm-
ezzlomcnt , In fnillng to turn ever to John
H T. Stewart aud Samuel Haas money bo col-
H lected as their ugent , has been placed under
H arrest by Sheriff ONeill Ho gave bonds
H for his appearance for trial
H Peter Beck , John Olscn and George Har-
H rlngtun bavo glvon bonds ffir their nppcar-
H anco in the dlctrict court to answer to the
H chnrgo of contempt The case is being
H pushed bv the temperance alliance , which
H obtained the injunction now Bonding against
H the defendants
H lbo case against Henry Hayes , who was
H taken bnfora Justice Schurz Saturday ,
H charged with obtaining money under fnlso
1 pretenses , has been dismissed by the prose
H cutlng witness , Mrs T. E , Clark , as the do-
H fendnnt roturncd to her the money ho had
H borrowoi on tbo strength of a check which
H ho alleged to novo in his possession
H' A committee consisting of S. II Foster , S.
M P. MacConnell , J.Ej T. McGco , S. Siun-
M dors , L. P. Judson , W. C. Dickey , F. J. Day ,
H N. C. Phillips and H. L. Shepherd , tins
H been aupointcd by the real estate oxebango
H to solicit subscriptions for the fund to en-
H largo the Homo for the Friondlcss
H The CouncIl Bluffs Insurance companvs'
i average annual Ineomo slnco organization
H has been $120,000.00. Disbursements
B since organization for losses and otbor ox-
H penditures now exceeds $1,000,000.00. Risks
1 written since organization , $43,770,515 00
H Every properly owner should patronize this
B home institution , and in that way encourage
H and build up our city J. B. Allen is the city
B agent of this company , and a moro honor
BSJ oblo , reliable and trustworthy man can not
HBVJ bofound Tbo directors of the company are
H Hon W. F. Sapp , E. L. Sliugart , F. M. Gault ,
H John Uonuers , M , C. Bramerd and J. Q.
H Anderson
B The Lenders
B of flno watches ana Jewelry In the city , and
J tbo place to buy the best goods at tbo lowest
J Prices Is the establishment without rivals ,
J the most reliable firm of
1 C. B. J\cc.l'imik & Co
A Fatal ( Jullit ! DIsouko
H Recently Dr S. Stewart , the Bancroft
| street voterinurian , who * is the assistant
H state veterinarian for western Iowa , re-
H eclved word from Des Moines that an In-
H vestigation Into a fatal cattle disease In
| Silver Creek township was necessary Mr
H Stewart visited the farm of Qcorgo Brown ,
B wbcro bo found'tbo case as reported , and
H pronounced the dlsoaso spinal meningitis , {
H though not necessarily contagious in char
J acler , and ho aid not believe It would spread
J to other herds The cause of tbo disoasu
J could not bo ascertained
When lirst taken the cattle were noticed
H to arch their backs , swltcti their tails in a
H lively manner and stamp their hind feet In
B about an hour they would rub their buttocks
H so vigorously that the parts became bruised
H and swollen , and blood stalHS marked the
H objects they had rubbed against Tbo disH -
H euso progressed so rani ply that the animals
H became paralyzed in their hind limbs and
H would sit up on tholr haunches like dogs ,
H and they would lick and gnaw tnolr lilnu
H legs The difficulty rapidly Increased and
H death resulted in noout twelve hours In all
H i Mr Brown lost about a dozen head of cattle ,
H part of which wcro stockers and a part
H Wo want you to list your rental property
H with us and wo will secure you good , ro-
H liable tenants Heats collected aud special
H attention given to care of property E. II
B Shcafo & Co , Broadway and Mala St , up
H The Manhattan sporting hoadq'rs 413 B-way ,
H Personal Inrncrnplii
H L. B. Cousins is out ugaln after wrestling
1 four weeks with lu grippe
H J. Poregoy is out again , though somewhat
B weakened by his illness of several weeks ,
H II , W. Tllton Is able to bo about again after
n wearlsomo three weeks slogu with neurul-
_ _ gla and la grippe
B Mrs VVynian , nco Miss Alablo Wallace ot
H Des Molno , Is reported out of danger and
H her friends are expeoting a speedy recovery
| Judge Poako of Blencoo , la , . Is In the city
1 visiting his daughter , Mrs , D , J , Kookwell
1 W , L , Horry and wife of Madison , Neb ,
) were In the city yestordav , shopping Mr ,
1 Berrv had not been in Council Bluffs for
H flfteou years and ho was very much ur-
H prised at the great progress the city lias '
B Miss Ollla Clark , night oporalor at the
H tolcphono exchange , la confined to her homo
' on Benton street by illness
H W. II Copion has tendered his resigna-
H tlou as city editor of the Nonpareil on ao-
B count of ill-beaUh. Ho will take a well
earned rest of several weeks before aguln
taking up newspaper work ,
| Mrs , G , A , Ilullis and son of Hastings ,
H Neb , are visiting her mother , Mrs J , E.
H Qpuld , In this city
| F , D , Ilydo of Dubuque , architect of tbo
H new hotel , Is in the city
H C. E. II Campbell , chief englneor of the
MVMVJ King Brldgo company , Is in Sioux City on
H business ,
H New Styles In GnrnetH
| New styles In spring goods arriving dally
B at the Carpet Cos Ladies are delighted
with the beautiful now pattern carpets Call
H % and sco them
H Zo Trinity Guild soclablo will bo held
aVaVJ Vrlday evening , February 7. at the resldunco
H ot Mrs Georjse Kudlo , 'ISI First street All
H are cordially invited The { egulurmoetluir
B Will bo held the same afternoon at a o'clock
H With Mrs Harris , First street
The Motor Company ts Mum Ho-
Kardlna Pfweos nnd DlvldondB ,
Arrested Tor Hurglnry A Cyprian null
Hpr Victim Olllcora of" the
Hoard ntl rnilc Ocn-
crnl Notes
The 'Mcitor Coinpiny'rt Annual
What action was token nt the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the motor
company , was the question propounded to T ,
J , Evans yesterday nftornoon
Very little that would interest the pubtio ,
although the session was qulto a long one ,
and thcro was n great deal of work done ,
1 ho stockholders mooting did not occupy
ton minutes , the same board of directors
being elected The work was all done at
the directors meeting , held immediately
afterward The same list of officers was
elected Of course I did not vote for thorn ,
but that made no diffcronco I moved to ro
cket the same executive committee , nnd
that was done 'lbo reports of oRlcers for
tbo past year were submitted , and tbo show
ing win qulto satisfactory There was n
nice cash balance on hand , showing u very
good years work "
Was no dividend declared 1"
"No , and there never has been There Is
n cash balance or $100,000 or such n matter
now on hand , but the Onuha Nutlouul bank
Is too pojr to let the money go
out , * so no dividend wns declared
It is worth about ? • ! . " > a dnv to have that
money on deposit , so it couldn't bo oxpactol
that all of the dircctois would bo In favor of
n dividend All the difference
would be that In that case some of the mem-
' bora of the company would got u little inter
est out of It "
How nbout n reduced faro ! "
Nothing wai done nbout a 5 cent faro ,
except a pupils rate School children under
twelve years of ago will horeattor bo given a
f > cent rate between the two cities , and aK
cent rate In oitber city This n just half the
logulur fare Further ttinn that the question
of furo wns not considered "
"It L understood that the pass question
was also pisied gently b.vi"
That Is correct The tnattor was not
mentioned "
' • And your injunction did no t como In for
any consideration ! "
"Of course not If ono had boon men
tioned the other would naturally have fol
lowed The Injunction Is still In force I
still maintain my position taken some time
nco They bavo moved to dismiss It , but
beyond that no actiou has been taken "
Save SO per cent on tombstones and menu
ments Design shoot aim price list , fr-30. L ,
Kclloy , 203 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Drs Woodbury havoromovod their donta
office to 101 Pearl street , up stairs
The acknowledged leading photographer
in Council Bluffs is Schmidt , 220 Main street
Iowa lump coal , spat cash , $3.50 per Ion
Council Bluffs Fuel Co
Arr ; t ! ( l lor UiiriIary
Albert Rosenthal was nrrostea yesterday
in Omaha on a warrant charging bun with
burglary The warrant was sworn out before
fore Justice Harnett , nnd Cnnstabla Wesley
went oter the river to get his man The fol
low was arres.ed by an Omaha policeman ,
ana on his announcing his willingness to
come without a requisition , wai turned ever
to the custody of the constable Rosenthal
was taken before Justice Barnett , but as the
prosecuting wituess , Charles Moore , was
not present , the case was continued and the
defendant lodged in jail The information
alleges that the prisoner entered the house
ot Mr Moore , No 426 North Tenth street ,
on the 23th ot January , and stele a number
of articles , the nature and value of whicb
was to the informant unknown Rosenthal
refused to talk about tbo case , more than
that ho denied his guilt , and stated that ho
was a brother of tbo proprietors of the
Rosenthal instalment house He declares
that ho can prove an ullbi
Now l < 'or Cli.i.ip Wall Paunr
The Boston store yesterday recolrod two
car loads of wall paper , all of tbo latest
styles , and it will be put ou sale at popular
prices within a few dav . '
Knnl l'Jstut i lOvclnnco
Yesterdays dully session of the ronl es
tate exchange was lively and well attended ,
and a good deal of business was transacted
Mr Hnrknoss announced to the oxchnago
tfio possibility of securing the location of a
state normal school hero A comtnitteo con
sisting of Senator Oronowcg , Representative
Waroand J. E. Hurkness-was appointed to
tnko the matter iu chnrgo uud push it for
all there is in i'I hey were instructed to
confer with the school bourd for the purpose ,
of securing the donation of the Hill school
building to the state for normal purposes
This , it is argued , will secure the permanent
i location of a stita normal school in Council
Bluffs , and the location and advantages ot
this city will innko it the chlof institution of
the kind iu the state
Several subscriptions were received for
the Charitable Homo fund
Go to Dempsey Bros , for flio confectionery -
ory , Boston chips , buttercupsetc , 105Main.
The handsomest nnd elennost market , host
meats and lowest prices at J. M. Scanlaus '
Full line of imported and ilomostic cigars
Kelley & Younkorman
The Ilo'inl or Trnilo
At the mooting of the board of trade Tues
day ovotilng the following officers were
chosen : President , F , Wols ; first vlco
president , S. P. MacCotinoll ; second vice
president , J. E. F. McGee ; treasurer , C. B.
Wuito ; finance cpmmltteo , U. B. Wulto , W.
Slodentoff and F. II Hill
No secretary was chosen Congressman
Rood was elected a delegate to the national
board of trade mooting , which convenes in
Washington today
A resolution was adopted asking the rail
roads which huvo Council lllufts as their
tormlnul point to advertise the fact upon
tholr cars , instead of giving the credit to the
city across the rlvor
A communication from n lock company In
Seward , Neb , wanting to locate in this city
was road , and Messrs Walker , McConnell
and Sliugart were appointed a commlttea to
look ever the Bchemo The company has a
plant costing about $50,000 and employing
twenty men ,
It was decided to hold the meetings the
flrst' and third Tuesdays of each month , instead -
stead of monthly , as heretofore
Travelers , Hotel Jameson is llrst-clnss.
The water ruus when Bixby plumbs
Dr II S . West , dental surgery , No 13
Pearl treet , over Tub Hub office
Fulllinoof homeopathic medicines at Ellis .
Avoun Hoiiin
Horace Dewey , nn old and respected ronl-
debt of tills county , died Sunday , February
2 , m Omaha at the Omaha medical institute ,
where ho had gene for treatment The remains -
mains were brought to Avoca Monday mid
laid to rest Tuesday at 11 a. m. by bis Ma
sonic brethren ,
John Liggltt , a resident ot Avoca , twenty
ono years of age , while braking on the Diag
onal railroad from Das Moines , was Instuntly
killed Monday by lulling from the moving
train , striking on his boadv crushing his
skull 'Itio remains were brought homo
Tuesday morning nud the funeral services
bold yesterday at 10 a. m.
Tbo Ross Investment and Trust company
C , li steamdyo works , 1013 Broadway
She Waiitml III * Roll ,
Myrtle Jones was tbo name given by tbo
foulest mouthed and altogether the most degraded -
graded bciug that has figured la police
circles for some time She is a denizen of
the Omaha slums nnd the court fixed her
ago nt twenty seven years , She foil In with
n Kansas City follow who displayed quite a
roll , nnd she started out to got pjisossion of
It She brought him over the rlvor for a
back rldo nnd endeavored to get him full ot
Iowa benzine Ho was proof against , it , but
she succumbed , nnd In gottlng out of tbo
vehicle fell into the hands of nn onicer , who
locked hot1 up When nrrnigned In court she
admitted nil that was charged , and moro too ,
nnd lamented that she had failed to obtain
possession of her companions wealth She
was lined nnd sent to the county Jail for live
days Her Kansns Cltv friend , who wns
tnkon to n hotel , hod skipped before court
opened yesterday inoruing , and his name
could not bo ascertained
J. U. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway
P. Jansson tonchos zither * nuilc Terms
reasonable 027 3d avonuc
Regular conclave of Ivnnhoo comuiandory
No 17 , Knight Templars , this ovonlng
All sojourning sir knights are Invited By
order E. C.
S. II Wndsworth & Co , 207 Pearl street ,
loan money for Lombard Inv Co
Doslrablo dwellings for rent nt reduced
b.v E. 11. Shcafo & Co , rental agents ,
Ericcs 1 way and Main St , up stairs
Very Fond ol Zola nnd Onrint ; Notli-
Injj for Aincricnu Writers
Although Mumnrck is old mid becom
ing lesa strong ho still finds pleasure in
his library , writes H. W. Holt in the
Ladles lloma Jourmtl Ho is n lluont
French and German scholar , mid , al
though ho bates the French pconlo with
nn intensity that enn hardly bo
emphasized in cold typo , ho is
an ndmlror of the voalistio
school of fiction writers Of thos ho
prefers Zola , but ho is iwofton engrossed
in the fcnillloton of ono of the French
dailies us ho is with a now book from
the masters hands He lias a small and
viiluahlo library That portion of it devoted -
voted to political history and statecraft
is as valuable as tiny in Kuropo The iron
chancellor is qulto a coiinoissoiir in
books , and has adilod without very much
oxnunso at any time to the small library
that lie began to gather when a stu
dent IIo is a good Greek and Latin
scholar also , and often amuses himself
by translating from the original IIo
is not nearly so voluminous a reauor as
Mr Gladstone , and is not always look
ing foi" a gem or something that will
repay the perusal of a stupid ohuptcr
IIo once explained to a friend that the
book must interest him at the begin
ning or ho would have nothing to do
with it Ho pays little or no attention
to English or American htoraturo , and
although many of the Enplish and
American men of letters have boon pre
sented to him ho is not well acauainted
with their work Ho possesses n well
thumbed copy of Whittior's poems , and
likes to spend an hour or so occa
sionally with " The Autocrat of the
Breakfast Tublo " When some great
work has appeared in either Englander
or America , and is translated into Ger
man , Hibmirck reads it , but it must beef
of surpassing interest to engage his at
tention Of the English and American
magazines nnd newspapers ho knows
but little The various representatives
of Germany in Great Urituin and
the United States send to the Gorman
war olllco translation ) of evorythlng
bearing on Gorman affairs , and those
are Illod and properly indexed for re
ference with copies of the original , but
only occasionally does Bismarck feel
sutllciont'intorcst in them to devote his
own time to reading and studying up
the subject Ho prefers Gorman
literature and Get man music , and he
cannot bo blamed perhaps for not
patronizing letters when ho is such an
ardent believer in statecraft and war
fare Ho is a profound student of
sociology and a philosopher aa well ,
and ono of the rules of his life has been
not to undcrlnko what ho could not ac
complish . Ho unhesitatingly pleads
ignornnco of American mon of lotlorsr
but is always willing to learn "
Th • Laborious Lire of the Stnce
All the stage-struck girls throughout
the length and breadth of the land
fancy that un actress life must bo an
ideal ono , full of adulation , flattery ,
nmusumont distraction An netress was
speaking of this to me She is a woman
who , by dint of arduous work , has
climbed far up the ladder of fame , says
the St Louis Republic
"My lifo is very unovontfiil , " she
said ; * 'it is full of hunl and monotonous
work Excitement yes , at night when
I am before the public ; but for the rest
of the day no Suppose I give you ono
days routine , and you can judge for
yourself whether my lifo is ono round
of oxhileration mid pleasure At 9 in the
morning I ring for my bouillon After I
huvo finished it I take a cold bath and
then my breakfast Unless I am duo at
the theater for along , tedious rehearsal
of four or live hours I attend to my cor
respondence , sorting andansworing va
rious letters After that is finished and
my household duties are looked after I
go for my constitutional walk of two or
three hours Ioatnolunchoon nnd when
I return from my exercise it is nearly
time for my dinner , for I dlno nt 4:30. :
A Her this meal is dvor I have just a
little time to rest before the ronl busi
ness of the twontv-four hours begins I
must bo ut the tfioater by 7:80 : sharp
At midnight I am homo again , aud alter
supper I go to bed Now , thai , iBja fair
sample of my life , Every hour has its
duties I have systematized my work
and allotted triy time so there arc very
few idle momenta "
Qiiollineon Elcplinnt With a Puppy
Little Willie , the elephant who occu-
the middle cage in the elephant
Kios at Central Park , says the Now
York Tribune , has boon causing his
keeper a good deal of trouble recently
and several times has made vicious at
tempts to Btrlko him and hroal ; out As
u last resortallttlo terrier , snmllor than
a cut , has been tied in Willies cutro
This precaution has proven elfootivo for
Willie , who has killed several keepers
nud is almost as high us the roof , ever
him , is thoroughly afraid of the puppy
When the olophaut is drinking the
puppy frcquontly drlvos him away with
a snap
Director Conklin is propnring Lizzio ,
the gentle and intelligent female of the
Cole pair of elephants in the park , for
carrying children about the nark next
summer IIo is in a quandary ever the
question of faro for elephant rides add
would like to hoar from uny ono inter
ested in the mutter A small fee was
charged for u ride on Jumbo iu London
A V ry Promising Now Metal ,
( Schmlodbaronguss Is the inconvon-
iontly-long mime given to a now com
poslto inotal for which utmost marvel
ous properties are claimed , says a Cin
cinnati dispatch It is composed of pig
iron , wrought iron , copper and alumi
num brotuo alloy and a tlux It is pro
duced direct from the cu | > ohv without
umioallug , yet it can ho welded nnd
hammered like iron or steel and can
bo manufactured , at a less cost than
malleable iron or steel castings At a
test made January 20 ut Louisville it is
Bald to have oudurod u tensile strain ot
108.000 pounds per square inuh , that
being the limit of that machine TJio
now composition is the discovery of Miv
HiUzfuldt ofi iNowport , Ky , , who has
made many experiments In producing
I aluminum
How it Has Fr qAnntly Boon Em
ployed witn Suoo2H3.
IIo wns nn IJxoeFt Before hi Took
Blolc Mnny JIb ' n of the Sumo
Knnl intiio Present
Tlio Argument or Mu olr > .
Wasiu.nuton , Pob 4. [ Special to The
Uee.1 Ueccntly I explained the process of
bringing about and maintaining a deadlock
In the house of roprcsontatlvos This was In
anticipation of the exciting scones which
provalled iu tbo lower house ot congress last
week , nnd which tnuy continue for some
time , and It will bo renewed periodically
during tbo ontlro lifo of this congress
There wns ono fealuro of * these tactics
which I did not mention It was thn pliyslcal
force which Is often aopllod to enable a
slnclo individual or body of mon to make a
point In a parliamentary body There are
bullies In congress and they are located In
both brunches of that organization , Samuel
J. Randall has boon the typical Dully ot the
liouso for almost a quarter of a century ( but
ho is no longer the champion of his especial
role Mr Randall In Ins early days was a
slugcor " When ho entcrod politics ho got
bis strength from that element _ of politics
that loves to attend prlzo tights rind stand at
the bar nnd talk back "
A number of times lu the lower house of
congress men liavo walked from ono side of
the great hull , during debate , to the other
side , and clenching their lists tightly have
pushed their antagonists under the nose and
threatened physical injury Mr Uundall ,
during Ins days of rouust Dlosiquc , often
cowed his adversaries and made u business
of frightening timid men on the other side
by standing ou Ids tiptoes and looking
down from his six-foot ono holght , shaking
his head and list , looking pugnacious nnd
speaking words of diteful threat Men who
did not know Mr Handull pcisonnlly but
had nn lnl-lttig of his pugnacious inclina
tions , were frightened by his worliko up-
pcarnnec , and in a majority of instances ho
had his own wny bj simply looking don
During the past ten years there have boon
several occasions in tbo house when the ser
uciint-at-nrms or his deputy were compelled
to tnltu the inaco in hana nnd with the au
thority of law demand order Men have
bceu seen to leave their seats on either sldo
of the house nud proceed down to the semi
eirclo space iu front of the speakers desk ,
reach for their hip pockets and utter words
of vengeance between their tooth On occa
sions like this the galleries were full of
cianlng necks and there was an uproar of
confusioti on the lloor 'iho speaker would
pound his desk and cry for order , but there
was no order
Ther04jre u gooa many bulldozers und bul
lies in this house un 'd they are not alone lo
cated ou the democratic side It is true that
Sir Uandall , the chiefiof all legislative bul
lies , is on his sick nod , probably never to
appear again lu the house ; but ho has in a
gentleman from Georgia , another In
Tennessee , another ' ' in Arkansas , and
several moro colleagues , able cbumulons ot
the character bully , 'i'hoje men talk loud ,
sling their disbcvclcd'lbcks , loolc pugnacious ,
shako their fists and.soinctlmos expose well
tlllod hip pockets There used to be two or
thrco men from Texas who wcro great bull
dozers , and they nro yet In the house ; but
for the last year or two they have been more
quiet than some of Ueir colleagues Tbh is
probably because therd will bo a senator
elected from Texas within u short time and
all of these gentlemen aspire to that scat
They represent fighting , and intimidating
constituents , and they-hesitateto glvo yont ,
to their loodrncies-Iest they might commit a
fatal political error Men of this charautor
do not make tbomsolves powerful in dcDato
by knowledgo.of the subjects they discuss ,
but their natural powers of oratory , Tbey
try to frighten their adversaries ana carry
the house by storm
It is fortuuuto for the country as well as
tlio republican party that u man of Mr
Kcea'a character is in tbo speakers chair
IIo is ono of the best man-drivers in the
country Ho knows how to crack the whip
and stand on his tip toes at a height of six
foot three and make mon take their seats in
donate Ho is a good match for Mr Randall
or any of his pugnacious followers If a
timid or small man wcro in the spoukcr's
chair there would bo many times on occa
sions like these which have seized the house
during the past week when that body would
indeed bo like a Deer garden " Mr Rood
Is equul to any emergency aud bo IntondB to
show iho legislative bullies that they have
their match once
Persons who t.avo personal favors to n K
'of public mon in the way of urging claims ot
various churactor In any of the departments ,
would save themselves a good deal of dlsau-
pointmout and trouble If they would remember -
ber two or three fucts There nro rules of
pructluo in all departments and tbo pension
bureau Is not an exception the Bamo as gov
ern the practlco botora a court The head of
a department is moro Jealous of tbo rules
which ho established governing the presen
tation of claims , the usking and grantint ; ot
every kind ot favor , and the dispensation of
Justice at largo , than ho is of any otbor pro
It Is unfortunate that many people have
the Idea that u senator , a representatlvo lu
congress , or a cabinet onicer cr a member of
the state central cominittoo orothortnan
prominent in the predominant party can get
almost anything throueh a department if ho
but choose to insist that it shall bo done
This is an error Ono cabinet oQlcor cannot
secure from anotbor a favor which will bo a
matter of public record , that the most hum
bio citizen cannot secure It is truoln remote -
mete instances , that cases are made special
for ono prominent man which would not bo
made special for n humble citlzoa But in
stances of this sort are very rare now , A
few years ago , before tno rules of depart
purtments were so firm as now , and prior to
the Just indignation which arose against pol
iticians controlling the business In the de
partments , It wns a comparatively easy thing
for an Influential politician in tbo predomi
nant party to have a case made special in a
department or to secure favorable actton
upon anythintr that was not fraudulent It
was a very easy thing for a politician , or es
pecially a loan In congress , to have a claim
made special and pushed through to final
action This practlco was an abuse It de
prived honest but blimble citizens who had
not the political inflaenconecossary tosecuro
action upon their claims of tbo common Justice
which the federal government owes to all of
Its citizens It gave the politician an undue
advantage and was kn Incentive to all having
claims In the departments to back political
"roundcrB" for the purpose of standing in"
with the polltiealooutrol
It will bo rofroshlug to learn that there
have been rules established under tbo
present regime which ! glvo ono citizen tlio
same advantage thatfs granted another In
presenting honest claims Men now take
tlio order In which tholr favors are
presented Tlicroisrlo favoritism shown
Now that the censtls'siiporvlsors ' are being
notntnatod by the pre&idont , those who de
sire work as onuinoritors , in taking tbo con
sul know to whomjttioy should apply for
employment Thn senate will taka prompt
action upon these nominationsand tbey will
soon bo conllrmoa , This will place in the
hands ot these officers the authority to
designate who shull bo enumerators , and to
go ahead In tbo organization of tbo approach
ing summers work It Is true that the work
ot tbo enumerators will not begin for some
months yet , und that the employment will
cover but a period of thirty days However -
over , a largo army of enumerators will bo
employed , It will bo no use lor tboso desir
ing this work to send their applications to
the census bureau here , or to men in con
gress , Thn application should go direct to
tlioHupervlior I might also add that the
endorsement ot the chairman of the countv
contrul committee will , It Is understood ,
have great weight in controlling these ap
There Is no ono who has a joottor' advan-
tugo to 80 < i the proportions ut the growth of
the west and nurthwest than a man In con
gress No ono can make a contrast between
the west and northwest on the otio sldo und
New Emrland and the central states upon
the other more striking and intelligently
than a member from the west or
northwest There Is scarcely any
Wo wrtnt our customers to bo fully sntlsflod , mid wo trunmutoo thnt they wi'l ' bo if they use our splondld Poorlo H
Soft Goal , In nut nnd lump Every person who hns used it will nlvo testimony to its yood quttlltioa Wo have M
now Ohio coal superior to nnd o'lonpor than Wyoming for itrnto use The qnnllty o . * " " H
of our Hard Conl lg not oxoollod by ttuy on the mn-kot. If you want good Hnrd Wood cheap call oa U3. BomomJ "
bortho phico Jr M
S PP & KNOTTS , Fuel Merchants , Mo 33 Main Street / I
lncnl legislation before congress
uftectlng the east Everything Is west , and I
northwest how llrldgcs and public
buildings , hind districts , Judicial districts ,
weather and signal stations , opening of
reservations , surveys , and a thousand other
things are constantly up for the west , while
there is no legislation prnposod specifically
for tbo east The humblest uiomber from
the west is compelled to have n clerk or sec
retary In order to do his correspondence and
keep up bis work In the departments , while
u member from the east unless ho bo a vnry
prominent one , with presidential or some
other big aspirations in bis mind can piny
half his time
The members from tbo now stntcs proba
bly have moro work than nny ethers Tholr
whole country nnd their politicians nro In
embryo Thov nro constantly submitting
now propositions to csngross and to the do
pnrtments , In snuie republican districts of
tbo south , where gront Improvements nro
going on , tbo work of the members of con
gruns is augmented As a usual thing the
least congressional duties devolve upon u
member from the south This is duo solely
to the fact that there is little development
going on In tlio south The work ot a man
In congress Is gauged by the development ot
his country If it Is nt n standstill or going
backward , bis work Is light ; if progressive ,
they nro heavy This talk about the now
south deus not suoui to have a very perceptible -
tiblo uffect upon tbo work ot the southern
There is very little likelihood that the tor-
rilie ass mlt wnich is to bo made upon the
Civil Servlco Commission will have any re
sults in legislation
Tno fact cannot bo disguised that the ways
in which the civil sorvlco commission go
nbout its reform are not nuly pugnacious to
politicians , but n very largo majority of the
men hi both houses of congress Four-fifths
of lbo people in the United States are civil
n rvleo reformers I tnuu't add that four
ilfths of those who uro convcrsint with the
operations of tlio civil servlco commission
uro opposed to this kind of re far in
The greatest objection to the rules which
govern the commission do not rolutu to the
often ludicrous Mid Impracticable forms of
examination The real objection , as I Had it
expressed among true reformers in congro ,
lies m the fact that appointments are made
upon a back examination without any refer
ouco to real experience or character of the
applicant A man may bu able to answer
tboquosttous , and bo thoroughly incompe
tent to perforin the duties to which ha is up
pointed There are very few opponents of
the present law who have either the courage
or inclination to vote in fnvor of a roncal of
the law , because their real purpose would
often bo mi3lntorureted und used to tbolr
disadvantage Thcro is only ono poj
si bio way to abolish the coininls
Blon nnd that is for congress to re
fuse to make an appropriation for its
continually " . This is not at all likely The
proposition to designate In each of the de
partments one or inoroonVers who will have
tbo power to pass upjn apiilbuuls for ap
pointment , giving them a c' .oio oracular
scrutiny , und a reuson.tblo mental oxuuinu-
tion by verbal quoitlons touching tlM spaci-
tli : capabilllcs ol the applicants to perform
the tbo duties of the oflh-o applied for , meets
with great favor This would bo intoti led
to selectmen with a spoclal lltnois for the
position they seek Another proposition is
popular to have but ono commissioner in
stead of three All tlio work not clerical
which is performed by tno commissioners
can bo done better by only ono than thrco
The commission is simply a supervision , and
determines propositions wliich are question
able All of tbo rest of the work is done by
There should bo no bosltatlon about the
adoption of any proposition intended to Im
prove the civil service The present com
mission and its rules are the first the coun
try has aver had and it is natural there
should be errors committed in the establish
ment of as extensive a reform and impor
tant a reform as the civil service It is aa '
olanibnt of weakness to refuse to remedy
obvious errors aud strengthen obvious weak
nlacos There is no ono but that will ac-
uuowlcdgo thcro are possibilities for great
Improvements in our civil snrvic3.
Penny S. Heath
Hj Congratulates IIU itivalnnil Then
htiouts Ilim Dead
A Moxicnn courier reached the city
today from the Norris ranch , borne
miles west of here , with the details of a
fatal 811001111(7 ( nllray , in which Manuel
Ortega and Nievoa Quintoro wore the
principals , and Juanita Roman was the
cause , says a San Antonio dispatch to
the Globo-Domoerat. She is a very
beautiful.Mexican girl , sixteen years of
ago , and lives witli her fatherafarmer
At all the fandangoes , and public { fiith-
orings Juanita was the belle nnd had
numerous admirers , amongst whom Or-
toja and Quintoro were most prominent
The former is a vaquero or horse
tumor , and the latter a farmer The
girl's'favor ' inclined to Quintoro , and it
was announced that they were to bo
married Yesterday tlio mon mot and
Quintoro asked his rival to congratu
late him The taunt stung Ortega to
the quick Like all of his ruco ho is
quick tempered , but like all of them Is
suave and polite to the extreme IIo
was lighting a cigarette at the time
Ho tiirow away the half burned match ,
blow a cloud of smoke from his nostrils ,
looked his successful competitor in the
eye nnd responded cordially , ' * Cor-
tainlv , senor , with all my heart , " und
shot hiin through the breast Quintoro
cursed him , turned half round , rcolcd
and foil into the road Ortega , with
a wave of his hut to the Mexicans of
Iho settlement , sprang into his suddlo
and dashed away Olllcers are in pur
suit , but ho hns so long a start that
there is no hope of catching him Quin
toro lived two hours , and ho and Juan
ita were married by the paure , who re
sides at the mission near bv She
reached town today , hut a short while
after the courier , ilnd at once made nlll-
davit against Ortega for the murder of
her husband , She brings Quintcro's
aiito-mortom statement , in winch ho
says ho was unarmed nnd gave Ortega
no cause for his act The hoauty of the
girl created a strong linprossion in the
city , and she has boon the object of
much udmlratidn nnd sympathy
What Iljotorla Are
The great majority of these micro
scopic plants are what botanists call
bacteria , the smallest form of vegetable
lifo , says bt Nicholas So small nro
they that it would take , in some cases ,
us many as IIftoon thousand of tlioin ar
ranged in a row to extend an inch ,
They have dilToront forms , some being
round , some oval , some rod-shaped und
others much the stiapo of n corkscrew ,
or spiral In all cases they are so small
that ono needs a powerful microscope to
study them , and in no case can wo pur-
colvo them singly with the nuked eye
When countless millions ot them nro
grouped together In it mass , or colony ,
wo can see them about ns wo are able to
sue at u great distauco nn approaching
army , of which wo are totaljy unahlo to
distinguish a single holdlon
Wo have said thnt these hnctorla
niovo about ; nnd this is true of most of
thorn , ulthough there nro some whloh
do not appear to niovo at all hut romaiti
iixod where they tind a good feeding
place These that have motion behave
in a very peculiar manner ; borne wobble
about In ono place without moving for
ward iu the least ; others dart hither
und thither , buck and forth , ut an ap
parently furious rate , rocking and
twirling about and turning a hundred
boinorsaults nsthoy move along
Uaoterlu multiply very rapidly , and
they do this in tt ulrunge way A single
HRI Rl/I M Dl M F Hydraulic and Sanitary Knglnoer Pinna , IMiunites H
• DlimllMDIIML Spooilicatlons Supervision of Public Work Urown
ltiiildliig , Coiicil HltUTs Iowa M
NQPUJ | D"7 • Tustlcolof tlio lenco Olllco over American K\pross , No 41 |
OL > nUnZ- Broadway , Counciimuffs , Iowa
QTHMC J ? QI | WQ ! Attornoys-at Law Praotioo in tlio Stnto and Ked H
U I UInL 06 OIIYIO oral Courts Hooms 7 and 8 Shugart-lloiin lllook , H
Council lllulis , town H
tvuoi.a : iALi : H
Fruits and Commission , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
1 .
ono breaks itself in two ; yion cneh half
grows to bo as largo as the lirst Then
these iu turn divide up again , and so
ou , until from a single one wo have
many thousands in a short time To
glvo you the figures , such as they are ,
a single one cm multiply at so enor
mous a rate that in forty-oight hours it
can produce something like HS0,000.-
OU0U0J of bacteria Groatoonscquoncos
follow this enormous lncroaso of hac-
toriu , for , while one wliich is so small
in itself can do little , the vast army re
sulting from the multiplication of one
is able to accomplish much
Hon Hii-lor tVnitl I n't liv
General IScnjnmtn F. Butler , who
spends a good deal of lime iu Washing
ton , never rides on a street car If ho
has only three blocks to go ho calls a
vehicle of some sort The johus til !
know him as 0110 of their best customers
ors and uro always anxious to got his
patronage Sometimes tlio doughty
gen oral disagrees with the owners of
the vehicles
Trunk Shelton , a cabmnn , was at the
polico'court this morning , bays a Wash
ington dispatch , trying to obtain iiwur-
rant for General LJutlcr , charging him
with defrauding him out of his hack
hire Ho said that the general em
ployed him to drive to the city hull ,
where ho had to go to attend to his buit
against Samuel Strong , now on houritig
in the court in gonorul lorm Ho drove
him there and General Hutlor loft the
cab without paying the fare Ho sup
posed by this that ho wes expected to
wait , and he did so
Four hours later Gonornl Butler enino
out and called another cab Shelton
approached him and said that ho hud
been employed and had not bocn paid ;
thereupon ho was olTored 73 cents ,
which he refused , claiming that ho
should bo paid for the time ho had
waited The general only answer
was to climb into the other cab and
drlvo off The driver did not get a
warrant , as there ib no law under which
[ it.could bu issued
You should have kept him in the
carriage , ' ' said the warrant clerk , and
carried him to the police station After
a man loaves a carriage there is no law
under which tlio money can bo col
lected "
Thou 1 sue " exclaimed the driver
as ho walked out to look for a lawyer
Aow He Got ICvcn Willi tlio Cockatoo
lor Pulllnir His Ta I.
Visitors to the zoological garden have
taken special notice of a prottySittlo
Afrlcnu money with a tremendously
long tail and an interesting , little
bhrivelled up pink face , says the Wash
ington Post lie is very bright aud
amusing , with no bad or vicious traits
If you look closely you w . ill notice that
the tip of bis tail has been nearly
stripiied of hair
The handsome white cockatoo with
the llory eyes and sulphurous yellow
cres 't did that His big cage had been
on top ofVho monkoy'sono day , and tlio
little monkey had swung his tail until
it rested against the bars of the bird
cage The cockatoo grabbed it and
pulled it iu with his sharp beak Then
tlioro was it chattering aiid screaming ,
yells , croakings and a diminutive in
ferno for about u minute before the
monkey got his tail ioojo by the heroic
method of pulling it loose Then the
cockatoo spit out a mouthful of hair and
said , "Yah-h-u-g-gh. " To this . con
temptuous remark the little monkey
said nothing IIo sucked the lacerated
cud 01 his tail and baid nothing
Some ono had presented him with a
uioee of mirror It was the apple of his
eye and iho prize of his collection His
little storehouse contained a couple of
chestnuts , some spare peanuts , two or
three hright.pebbles ana the mirror
This little strip , hardly two inches
squuro , he would hold nnd ndmiro by
the hour Ho never tried to solve the
rnystory of that ether monkey which ho
suw in the glass Not being ouarrol-
some , ho never tried to light the
strange monkey , but ho was always try
ing to coax him out to play It-wouldn't
Ono day the sun shone down through
the skylight and struck the mirror It
cast a bright , burning beam right into
the monkeys eye and nearly hllndod
him Here was another immense prob
lem to wrestle with After u few min
utes ho found that by turning the look
ing glass in dilToront directions ho
could make the bright ray dance ever
the wails und into the ether cages Hu !
that was funny The cockatoo had
been moved across thu alslo nnd ono of
the rays struck him in the eye IIo
blinked ' nnd milled his feathers The
monkey suw it and said to himself as
plainly as possible :
Wonder if old Cockey doesn't like
IIo got the focusngiilu , and the cocka
too ducked and squawked ,
Aha ! I have you now , old Cockey
Ill touch you to pull the hair oil my
tail ' 1
Again ho focussed the bird and the
bird jumped Up , down , side ways und
across , ho pursued tlio bird with that
blinding ray , while tlio latter screamed
and boat his wings and rattled the cage
in n whirlwind of rage But it wns use
loss The ray and monkey were in-
exorublo , and not until u convenient
cloud obscured the sun did the monkey
cease its persecutions ,
KngllRli Oouk Laborers HlrlKc
London , Fob B. The dock laborers at
Newport und Monlnouth have struck Ship
ping business at these places is consequently
rpi ) THADK lots for horses ud csttle , Y.
X tw ! n , Unit Harmony St , Council Itlutls
AHAlta.VLN" Complete roller mill nnd saw U
mill for sal * . Cnpncity ot roller mill , rortjr B
bnrrcls daily , Will Hell furin In connection with H
mill It desired , ( iool reiisom for si'IIIiik All H
inquiries in toward to mild prouurty scut to tno _ H
rollowln ( idilrw will recolvo prompt utton- _ * B
tloni 0. I ) . Ileul Heels In "v l H
SAI.i : My residnnce , n. i3 Willow nv oH
rntic , on south side nt lliiylts-i purlc Ilentod M
by stesui , IlKUte 1 by ulectrlcltv and containing B
all inoilBrn Improvements Lot lOObvBDJ feet M
Also will sell or uxiUimiko for lnumned city M
properly , my farm of ftru ncroi , tnn miles oust H
of Council limits N. M. Iusey t'o.incll illiiils M
JIIAVP scvcinl houses nnd lots to tr.ido for H
Council HlutlAor Ouinlui titilmprawKl prop M
crty CII. . Judd flW llroulway , Council IllulTs ' M
V < M
IIMII'TH property for stile nt Krcnt
birialns Iho following , niaonn the most M
bcnutltiil hoinch In tlu city , will ho sold nt H
( treat bargains , on monthly payments , or terms H
to suit : M
Three now 8-room ho nei on Lincoln nvcnuo M
tuo blocks from electric motor line M
Tno now 1-iooni houses four blooKs from H
electric motor line rn North Se\enth street M
Una n w n-rooni house four IiIocks from alec M
trie motor line on North Seventh street 1
Three now & anil ( I room housea ono block M
irom electric motor line corner Avenue A nnd
U I'Htli street M
llesldes thoubnvo I hnve houses and lots In 1
nil pirtsof the cltv HOne
Ono new " i-rootn house on Mill st 1
a 11. J udd , oik ) llrnadwny , Council lllutrs M
"TTIOIl TltAnK-ldO acres ot clear Kansas laud , t
E partly Improved ; mil tr.idj for a 31.000 M
stock Qt dry koo.U nud nr.icorios , or will trnde H
81 acres for WUO stout of Brocene4. Address < H
KB Avenue U , Council lllulfa la H
ItKN'T Now Ij-room houo with ftl ncros M
I7IOH ground , on Upper llroaiway 1J , Day , H
WANTS ! ) A lady stenographer and typo H
writer Pt ito experience nnd salary ex H
pected J. A T. , Ilea olllce Council llhilfs H
IpOU ! 1,0.13or JI.OU ) you can buy a nice , now M
' cloinstocKof hardivaru , stove nnd tlnshop H
lnonoof the belt lo hiIous In western Iowa H
If you want a lianlwara business would bo u. H
pleased to refer you to reliable parties that l , Ttag H
( enow nil about our business Very sitisfactory , H
reasons for selhnir , It will pay ymi to lnvostl- vTH
Kate this Address 11 II , lieu olllce , Council v ' H
* B
FOlt ItiNT : Storeroom in good location I' J \ H
Day H
WANTKD-Compotent ( 'lrl , family " of two , H
nlshest w ages paid Mrs J. 1' KlmbalL H
COT 4th nvo H
for secondhand furniture , stoves nnd |
CASH , A. J. .Munilol , 'U' . ' i Ilroiidwny , H
TOH URNT Two three , four , flvu ' and six H
I ; room houses K J. Day M
RRAL R3TAT3-llo'wnt ani nol I aa 1 ex- |
changed Special attoatlon given to exam H
lnatlou ot tltlai W. C. Jatnss Nn 111'enrl st M
Xi iOU SAl > R or Kent a arden land with houses 1
X1 by J. It Itlce lUSMaln st , Council IIlu rs H
fTtOIt KENT S-room house with modern con H
Jc > ventences on Oth live bet Tth and Mil sts H
F. J. Day H
FOlt 8AU-SUxlW : feet on Glen a\e , It V H
Olllcer , la Main St H
1710U BALE Ileauttful homo at a Bargain I' „ |
X ? JUay ' j B
POIt HiNT : The businisi house lately occu- f l
pled.by- . T. McAteo Apply at li.17 l'lrth J l
NiU' : Improved real estate to tra ii for unl ra r ePj M
proven Omaha or Council Multi popertr . / < M
C. 11. Judd 000 Ilroadway M
1 , r H
KKUCUfe SCmWOL ! ) . , M
Faslisouablc ConTcclioners I
Thu very latest novelties for banquets nn H
private parties Cholrn friitti , bon tons , choco H
Iutej buttercups , and old tislnoned molasses M
c.ftkly a specialty Orders tor parties and mall M
orders promptly tilled 11.1) Uoadway , Council M
lllulTH la H
J. A. Co
. . Murphy Manufacturing .
1st Avenue and 21st Street H
Hand and ttcrnll Saving , Ho-Snwlng and |
Planing Sawing of allKlnils I'orc.i lliackets 1
Kindling wood ii 'O per load delivered Clean r M
sawdust by the barrel l ! c. All work to bt"r B
Urst-class. Telephone EM M
Your Patronage Solicited " . - . H
Honm 2 , Opera house Hlock , Council 13luffs , H
Iowa , H
1 lias Orriccii W. II M. Pusbt H
Corner Main and Ilroadway , H
Dealers In foreign and domestic exchange H
Collections made and Interest paid ou time d - H
posits H
J , T ) . KoMuNnsnN , yV . L Hhuoaiit , H
1'res. Vice Pros w . , M
Ciiab It IIANNAN , Cashier f ' H
nrcouNCit , uiuirrs H
Pold upCopltal 5IH0.00O.O9 H
surplus 35,000,00 B
Liability to Doposltora..335,000.00 M
Diiiectoiis I. A. Miller , V. 0. ( llesaon , li U
Rhpgart , U. K. Hart , J. 1) . Kdundson , Cbas , It
llnnnan Transact general banking business H |
Largest cspltil and surplus of any bank la
Northwestern Iowa Interest on time deposits
F. M , ELLIS & CO , I
Itooms IU and I > ! Ilo/i llulldliu Omalia Neb ,
nudUooms ll andUID Merrlain Hlock Oouucl H
lllullslour , .Coriespoudeuco Solicited HJ
S. E. MAXONr \ .
iktiile.t aud Superintend ; , - -
Room 2B1 , Moniam Olock , , M