Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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f ttho Council Savoa Thorn From the
& . Evil of Lieut Taxation
kv _ _ _ _
v >
Hlio ? I/CTy Tor n I'nnd ttlnah itio
Council Duos Not Disburse Is
ltciluced Ur Ono
llto Ijcvy Tor 180O
( icncrul fund U
Curtiinir , puttorlnp , otc , fund ltf
bower mortgage fund . . . , \ \
I'ollco fund 5
Vlra fund , 5
Hfuktnsr fund i
"Wntcr ftiml 4
iJbrnrj fund I
> hchool fund r
, * l'arlc fund IK
Total lit *
Tiio council , nt n special meeting last
lilRht , pitsscd tlioordlnnnco mnking ttio tax
levy tor 1S90 'Ilio ordinance wont through
tit ilxcil up by MnjorCuahiiig nnd Major
AN hccli r with tlio execution of ono mill
on tlio sinking fund levy This
reduction was nil Mint could bo secured ,
nltliougli Messrs Ucchel , Tord , Lonry ,
Knspnr , Donnelly and Sander made u strcn
Uous effort to linvo sotno of the other lo\les
cut down Some of ttio major 3 followers
cot tangled up several times and came near
voting for the proposoa reductions , but tlioj
lvcro promptly whipped Into line in tlmo to
Kp } > ' finvo the tiuc.iajorB of tlio city from Having
" their burdens lightened
All of the councilmcn were present except
Bhrivcr nnd O Connor
The ordinnnco making the iovy was pro
Minted by the finance committee and provided
Tor tbo levy which the mayor recommended
in his communication to the council on Tucs
. tlai night On motion of Mr Hcctaul the
S levies for the various funds were considered
Mr Lowry moved that the levi for the
general fund bo reduced from fourtenn mills
to twclvo mills , claiming that the city had
nn opportunity to n\o $300,000 by so doing
Mr ICaspar thought a ton mill levy for the
general fund sufficient , but said ho would
favor the reduction proposed bv
Mr Lowry Mr Whuolor moved
that the levy be fourteen mills
Mr Lowrv complained tnat the levy had
licon lixed up in the majors ' offlco and that
the council had been given ro opportunity to
discuss the mutter Ho would oppose any
micli exioasivo levy Ho thought a total
levy of ! I5 mills was sufficient Ihon Major
V heeler explained at length that ho was in
. favor of keeping tlio cltj well supplied with
4 funds for public improvements When the
question came to a vote the question was put
on Mr Wliocloi's utnendment and some of
the new members got tangled up Blumcr
voted nenlnst the amendment When
Coopers nnmo was called ho responded
• \No "
. "You'ro ' making a mistiko , " oxcliimed
Moroarty una Wheeler , uotu c'utchiiig '
convulsUolv at the apparently recreant
inembt-r Mr Cooper saw his mistake nnd
, / Lhangca Ills vote Mr Wheeler s motion
r j > j > ro\ailed , Hechol , Ulumor , rord , Kuspnr ,
\ y Donnelly , Loury ana Sander voting in the
_ negative On the levy of 1J4 mills for the curbing ,
guttering nnd cleaning fund , Mr Hecliel
moved a reduction to 1 mill , explaining that
such u levy with the balance now in tlio
fund $2 } J00 , would glvo a total of WS.000 , a
sum ainplj sufficient Major Whcoler again
nssuuied the burden of nrgumont in fa\or of
Ills proposed levy and said it was the pur
pose to clean -a grout manv moro paved
streets this car than last and the
full amount would bo needed The full
nmount wiis ordered , Bochol , Ford Don
nully , Kus | cr , bauuci and Lonrv voting for
u reduction
Ihosamu scxtetto made an unsuccessful
attempt to reduce the police fund low fiom
5 to 4mills
'I ho advocates of roductlon mot with hot
ter success when Mr licchol moved that the
levy for the sinking funa bo changed from 5
mills to 4 mills Mnjor \ \ heeler made un
cxhaustito re\iow of llio cltj's fluan-
cial conditlou , showing that a 5 mill
lo\y for the funu wus aeccssarv Mr
J3ochcl presented the statement of Treasurer
iiusb to the effect that a 4 mill levy for the
fund would bo sufficient , and Mr Bechel's
motion prevailed Donnolly , ford , ICnspar ,
Lowry , bander , Osthoff Mudsen and Olson
voting with him
Mr Lowry moved to rcdnco the lovj for
school fund from 5 mills to .1 mills and then
> changed the amount to 4 mills Major
Wheeler produced his pocket manual again
and showoa how rapidly the citv school
population is increasing and how absolutely
necessary a 5 mill levy Is for the coming ;
} curs expense *
"Jhej'a snend a levy of 10 mills if they
could get It , " said Lowrj boo what tlio
comptroller says of their extravagant ex
penditure of funds last year "
• A full piu so begets oxtravngance , " sold ,
Mr Olsen in favoring tbo iiioposed "io
duct Ion
'Ihon Mr Morcartj tallied about tlio piin-
ciplo of the thing , nnd so forth , awlillo and 1
lus dun to the children of his constituency ,
and the matter cuilo to a vote Hechol ,
Donnelly , Kuspar , rord , Olson , Sander ,
< M&dsen , Lowry and Osthoff voted I
In favor of Mr Lowrv's ninonditionL
but when It came to adopt
the lew as amended Osthoff changed his
\ oto , the amendment was lost ana the 5 mill [
lew provailcd
'lho levy for tbo ether funds was not '
chuuged and the ordinance passed , making
the lov as appears ut the huad of this col-
- \ umn Uechol Donnelly , Fora , Kaspar ,
Lowry nnd Sander voted against the ordl *
nance on its final passage
CWhllo tno contest vas exciting Major
Wheeler dispatched the scrgoant-at-arms
after Mr O'Connor , who arrived out of
breath after the tight was over
I ' 1 ho volition of bully 13others to- erect a
brick livorv barn on Webster street , in place
of the frame onu recently dustrojed by fire ,
vras granted after a majority of tuo council
had waxed eloquent in opposition to u pro
test that had been filed with the council
Una appropriation ordinnnco for the pay
nient of liabilities incurred during the month
of January was pawned Mho npuropria-
tloua uro from the various fuuds as follows :
Oonoral fund , , , $ 87,0S4 07
riro f und r > b. 'i > 00
1'ollco ( una 7,80.107
hewer uiortgago fund 41L ( > 0
Plumbers mortgage fund 14005
Curbing , guttering , oto , fund 1 ji
Judgment fund 7SJ7J
lurk fund ( i02B0
Library fuud 1 lit ' 10
District curbing and gutteriug fund 4,1UT , m
bpeciulgruiliiigfuud ' 'I.OMiBO
District paving fund JJMU07
District alley paving fund : < 5'J7 Z > 0
Dlstrictsuwor fuud 084751
Xsorth Omuhasovrar fund 5 , 'bJ i
' Totul 1117,940 20
Ceorgo It Crandall and Miss Mumio Mo-
Lalti were qulotlj marrlod nt Trinitj Mali
odUt churcQ , in ICountzo Plate , at 0 o'rlouk
last evening The uudliorlum was well
tilled with friends and relatives Itev ,
Ucano , pastor of the church , officiated , At
the appointed hour the company approached
tlio altar the bride , vus accompauicd by
her father The httcudauts to the couple
wcro OeorgoF Day and Miss Carrie Mo
Lulu , F. O Craig und Miss rioreuco
Fomato , H. ' ! ' . Foles and Miss Molllo King
'i he ushers were C W. MaoDonuell , Will
Tislier uud Sum Muniaugh 'Ino llulo
flower girls wore Alllo McLuin and Flhel
Jonas , both niccos of the brldo K\ory de
tail wus eompleto tuid pretty
After tbo cdremonj the Invited guests
* vi eut to the residence of the brides paroms ,
r ut 'JOS f-poncer street , where light refresh *
aeuts were soniil
At $ o'cloi U the newly wedded couple loft
A for leu\er , where they will romslu fur
several days
A largo uurnber of costly presents were
ricojved by the ooiilractiug parties
Mr Cr ua ll , the groom Is out of lUti
most popular joantrmon in Omaha , and has
for jcars been connected with tbo rlty en >
glnccr's office The bride is the daughter of
J. J , Mcl.iin , an old and highly respected
J. XV Holler Steals $150 nnil hVaIiiu-
Mo Dlninnml Kins ; .
Mrs Hmmn Thompson , residing nt Twon-
ty-sccond nnd Lake streets , josteula\ employed
ployed J. W , Holler , a colored man , to take
up nnd clean some carpets for nor Wmlc
Holler was nt her house Mrs Thompson's
mirso , containing t37 In money and a diamond
mend ring valued at $125 , lay on n drcssor in
one of the rooms When the darkey had tin *
Ishod I his work nnd Mrs Thompson went to
her purse for monoj to pay him , she found
that two ten-dollar bills and the diamond
ring { were gene A moments reflection told
her ' that it would doubtless bs of no at ail to
question \ the man , so she allowed him to go
go f without nny word regarding the loss
Putting ' on her wraps she stepped ever to
the rosldonco of Police Captain Mostyn ,
which was near by , nnd finding the captain
nt home , informoa him of her loss nnd the
accompanying facts Thnt oniclal linmodi
Atoly , called Chief Delcctlvo lla/o and lind
him J \ lilt Uollor s hoifso , SOI North Jbirty-
second street
Holler1 * ncrto seemed to weaken com
pletely | the moment ho found himself face to
faca I with the detect ho and ho # confessed to
lia\Ins ] committed tno robberj Then , tak
ing the offlcor down cellat , ho dug trom an
ash , pile a cigarette box which , upon being
opanod ( disclosed the ring Ho also pro
duced i the money , Chief Hnro then locked
him j up at police station , the chnrro of grand
larconj being nut ngainst him , this prank
gives Uollnr n cloarnnd undisputed passport
to , the potutentlnrj' , and from ono to three
j ; oars board , clothing and incidentals whllo
rtlnglnK N'iiIscs
In the cars , sometimes a toirhip ; buz
zing sound nro caused by catarrh that
oxcccdinfjly ! disi icoablo tind-vorvco tn-
mon dlBoasc Loss of smell orhcnilnfj
also result from catarrh ITood'a ' S ir-
saparlUa , the ptoat blood puriflor , is a
poculHrly successful remedy for this
diso , isc , which it , cut cs b > purifjinj , ' the
blood If'Nou sulTor from catuirh , try
Hoods ' Sat-bap trilla , the peculiar tncdi-
cinc _
tin hhCoiiticiAX ,
A Now Ofllco Bucircstod hy the Usn or
Hlcctrlf ity
At the mooting of the council Tuesday
night , thcro was introduced anordir' .nro
croatlng the position of electrician This was
expected and was suggested by the artli ics on
the dangers to bo apprehended from elcctno
lighting which bavo appeared iu Inr Hi.i :
Within the last two joirs , the uses to
whlcn electricity has boon appllod In this
city hn\o increased fourfold The streets
have been lined with wires on which
the current is used for telegraphic , telephonic
phonic , lighting and power purposes These
wires paiallcl and cross ono another with
dangerous frequency and proxunltj and
from tlmo to tlmo fires in public and privnto
institutions , notablj the tolephonc oxebango
has been the result
The recent stringing of uircs for the pur
pose of Illuminating the city has increased
the npprohension of many citizens that the
deadly current ma\ the moio oasil ) lind Its
wny unbidden into prhato Uoinos und seri
ous L\ shock or perhaps kill tlioso who may
bo obliged to como in contact with the wires
which nro frequently used for household
On this subject , a correspondent of The
Bbe of a few daj s ago wrote
The accidental crossing of a high tension
light who with a telegraph or tolephonc wire
instaml > throws the dangerous current into
our dwellings and business offices thus , a
large uumber of unsuspecting persons are
dnilj oxK | > scd to instiut death , quito uncon
sclous of the fact that they are within the
range of a deadly high tension circuit "
1 ho duties of tbo olcctriclan hay a not as
yet been defined but it is thought that at tlrst
tbcv will bo such as to rorjutro rigid lnspcc
tlon of construction and the moasuriug of
tlio capacity of high tension circuits Luter ,
it is thought , the sphere of the offlco will bo
enlarged ho the duties yvill bo similar to those
of the electricians of the largos cities of the
How many applicants have you for the
ofilco of city olectrlcianl" Major Cusning
was asked
"X haven't anj' , jot , " was the laconic replj
"llurois danger , " 9tiid a rounclunan ,
that this move for an clocttlclan is bolstered
up by the electrical companies and I prouose
to see that bo far as f uui concerned wo shall
not have a repetition of tbo Dorsott suoway
business lho companies 1 of took a
bold stand in that business ind it would onlv
be a part of their duty , as they understand
it , to seek the appointment of a man as electrician
trician whom jhov could control Major
Cushing must look bobina all his applicants
and find out by whom they are recommended
' . Thousands ( if Dollars
are spent every year bv the people of this
state for worthless medicines for the euro of
throat and lung discuses , when wo know
thnt if they would onlj invest $1 in bAN TA
ABIH , the nowCulirornlu discovery for con
sumption and Miulrod complutnts , thm
would in this pleasant toincdv lind relief
It is recommended by ministers , phjsiriuns
and puolic speakers of the Golden State
Sold and Guaranteed by ( loodinnn Druj Co
t SI a bottle Thieofoi S3W
The most stubborn cases of catarrh uill i
speediij sueciim to CAL1POKNIA CAT H
CUHli Six montus treatment for $1. Hy
mull Jl.t'x
It Will Itsttuco tlio City Clrrk'a Cler
ioil force
In bis rocommendatlon to the council
rogardlng the cutting off of unneces
sarj employes now engaged hy the city , .
Major Cushlng reduces the estimate of tbo
city clerks offlco from $9 500 to S7.00
The estimates of several ether city offices
are also reduced
Mayor Cushiog , In speaking on the subject
yesterday , said that the recommendation
liud not been made before the needs of all
the officers interested had boon Innulrod
into A largo part of the work which for
merly devolved upon the city clerk was now
performed by the comptroller Tno reduc
tion wus ono which the ofllco would stand
Tlio Slockyardu MaiiugriSull'jrinir
lriiiu an Abx mm
W. N. Ubocock , assistant to tliei president
of the Union stockyards company , has boon
senousij ill for some tlmo past , and on bun
day last it was foarcd the attack would result
sult fatally Per several weeks ho has been
suffering from an absccs3 in the head , and
though not considered so low as ha was on
Sunday last , ho is still suffering greatly from
the pain in his head Ycstcrdaj his condi
tion was closuly watched both bj phjalclans
and friends and the hope is ontcrtnlnod that
the danger has been passed
During his illness Mr Habcoolc has ex
erted himself grnatly in attundingto his busi
ness , and this , it is feared , has bad scmo-
tiling to do with his proloagod prostration
Fits , spasms St Vitus dance , nervousness
and hjnteriu are teen cured by Dr Miles
Nery Itio Free samples at Kuhn & Co , 15th
and Douglas
JI rill a itpcrption
' 1 ho Nebraska Mute Journal pays the fol
lowing tribute to tbo dfllcacy of Tim Ueb
want ads ;
"Wo put an "ad" in Tun Uee for girU ,
and the next day held a ruoeption Old girls ,
joutig girls , bwoae , German , American ,
married , single , male and female , called to
got tbo places spinsters with sharp noses
buxom lassies of sixteen with big feet and
bands , women with husbands who couldn't
get a jnb , all with ono accord , put in an ap
pearance , uud Mrs Glllespio bad all classes
tn select from " ' _
Uiiclti bnin'n blck NpiiIipw
The sickness of three of the malting clerks
in the Omaha pottoQlco so-now ut interferes
with the effective service in that department
'Inoro ore a fuw jMirsuns available for the
positions , as they have passed the required
examiaatloa satisfactorily , but as it would I
tao I n mouth to Initiate thorn In thn work
Ings | of the offlco , it would bo moro of n dis
ndtantago , than otherwise put In three
green hands temporarllj
t Mr L J , Kdwards Is one of the sick clerks
He has suffered a relapse of la grippe and
has boon dangcronsly 111 Mr Charles
Kaltior , another of the clerks , who has bren
threatened with rhoumatlsm of the heart , is
thought to have passed the crisis of his com
plaint and to bo In a fair waj to recover
float i : tnto Hxclinngo Wnnta South
Otnnlia Annexed
The real ostnto exchange has taken the ini
tial stop toward the annexation of South
Omaha After an informal discussion of the
matter President Hart man appointed Gcorgo
N. Hicks , M. A. Upton and D D bm nton a
comnnttoo to get the matter in proper , shnpo
for presentation to a conference of business
men of the two cities to bo hold at an early
"Do you think thoj will want to como in
whllo our papers nro contluunllv chnrging
our council with being boodlersI" asked Otto
"lliat question will bo referred to the
committee , " rcpllodMr Hnrtman , and the
secrctarj rotd the morning listing , as fol
lows * •
Walnut Hill , lots 7 nnd 8 , block S , 100 < clM ,
$1 'J30.
Poppleton Park , lot 11 , block 7 , MxlOO ,
cignt room house iJ,000.
Poppleton Park , lot 2. block 0 , fllxlll ,
The following sales were reported
Hy Otto Loback , lot U , block U , Cuming
nduitition , $1,000 , llvo acres inSprlng yallej ,
Hv W. It lloman , lot 2 , block " " > , cltv ,
JlO.bOO , lotl nnd part of lot 2 , blocit 2 , Poi > -
plctou pint , 7,50)
HyV. . T Graham , lot 2 , block "V , "
bhinn's third addition , $3 000
Uj C L , Jujncs A. Co lot 11 block 1 ,
Sherman rvenuo park , SoOO , lotl , block J ,
cottage bnmo , * 100 , lot 0 block J , bheiman
avenue park , $4r)0
, Uj btrlngor A , Ponnj' , CO feet on Uristol
near Iwuntv-oighth , * 1 0 > 0
Hj H J. Kyuns , lot 1 ' , Evans addition ,
_ _ _ _ _
Dent ' patronize foreign wines when jou
can cct a better ono nt home flrv Couk's
uutra dry imperial champagne try it
Xlioy Will hi botiKlit In tlio Poll
DnrikH Tomorrow
In the McShauc Rush election contest case
jostcrdny , on a proposition of the dofen
dunt , which was adopted hy the contestant
nutuolv , that the ballots In the precincts
where itvtas thought the most allogcd 11
logalyotes were cast , Judge Shields made
an order allowing the examination of the
ballots cist In the following precincts Pirst
of tno Seventh ward , Tlrst of the faocond ,
First of the 1 ourth and Second of the
'lho boxes were locked up nnd sealed in
the county survojor's offli o , nnd will ha
brought nut and examined ono at i tlmo in
the pioaonco of the court 1 ho count will
commence todaj
JjOST lltb Kill P.
Tlio Plntto Valley ltanch Passes from
C. 12. Mnyne
The farm recently owned by C C Maj no ,
it Volloj , ind known at the Platte Valloj
ranch , was sold under the hammer 3 p in ,
at the north door of the Omaha nostoflicr ,
to satisfy a mortgage hold bj Joseph
Fuller I red C Shifcr , mastor-in-
chnncery , noted a auctioneer 'Ihoro
wus but ono bid made for all the
pieces of land nnd that was by Congressman
Dorsoy , who bid $33,000 They were knocked
dewn to Inm at that figure This yyus con
sidered a great barcrnln , ns the farms were
vilued at $00,000 , and only recently were ap
praised at two thirds their \nlui , fiO.OOO
Answers tn Port espondents
A Roadcr , Wvmorc The number consti
tuting a quorum in any mgamzod body is
fixed arbitrarily bv the constitution of such
body , nnd may be anv number In congress
the quorum consists of a majoritj of all the
Weeping Water Briefly the law govern
ng tbo collection of delinquent newspaper
subscriptions provides that the party who
regularly takes a publication from the posl-
oflico Is liable for the payment of the sub
Bcriptlon , thnt in order to discontinue his
pupcr all hick dues must bo paid , and that
upon u icfusal to pay he maj be arrested for
Constance , Isob The supervisors of the
census iu Nebraska are 1 homas Cooke , Liu
coin , li F. Stauffer , Fremont , and \V. b
Randall , Fairileld
bubsenbor Gilmore Neb Patti sang in
Omaha in the spring of 1837
Blilownllcs Ordered
Sidewalks must bo laid on the following
streets on or before the PHli taut , otberwiso 1
they will bo put down bj the citj ana the i
cost assessed against tbo abutting propcrtj
South side Furuam stioet , botyveen 'I hirty-
second uud thirty third streets , repairs
Noith side Dodge street , between 1 wontj
ninth and thirtieth streets , six feet wide
Southeast corner or 1 went-fourth and
Ohio streets , repairs
Uast side Sixth street , from Williams to
liickorj stieots , repairs
North side Hickory street , from Fifth lo
bixth streets repairs
West side bet onteenth strcot , from Vintnu
to Alice streets , repairs
An Absolute Curi .
Is only put up in lnrae two-ouneo tin boxes ,
und is un ubsoluto euro for all sores , burns , i
wounds , chuppou hands And all sklu eruptions
tions Will positively cure all Kinds of piles
MHNT Sold by Goodman Drug , company
ut 25 cents per box bj mall JO cents
* " * Larceny
Richard Owen was arrested by Officers
Horrigan and Hills on the charge of larceny
Owen and another man were omDloyed bj
Joe Danbaum to usnvo some dishes from one
building to another Ono builor filled with
clilnnwaro was missed Owen was suspected
The matter yvas traced and It was discovered
wbero a man answering Owens desertptiou
had pawned the stolen property at'thir
teenth and Leavenworth streets
I on nil Acnlu
Uee Russell , the Tnuto who a week ago ,
wandered away from the Nebrasku hopitul
for the deaf and atutib , was found tn Ulair
and has been returned to the institute , He
was found by a farmer 'in a corn stack ,
brought to lllair , put in jull ami the professor
yvas then notified Ho looltoa the worse for
bis adventure
Di lilinoy , practice limited to ca
tarrhal discauos of nosa and throat
Uooina J18 to 1250 , Boo building
Tbo attraction at the Ho\d durjng the
latter part of next week will be Sol Smith
Russell in lus new play , "A Poor Halation "
Maggie Mitchell , the well known actress ,
will appear at the Uod this evening in
a play which Is comparatively now to Omaha
theater goers , and one iu which sbo ha * been
very successful lho play is Ray , " u ro
mantic comedy-drama in four acts , which
was written specially for Miss Mitchell by
C Wallace Walters , cwj Ou Friday evening
und buturduy afternoon "Fanchoa" will be
the bill , and Saturday oenlng Little Hare
foot " Miss Mitchell will be supported by
Mr Charles Abbott and a Bno compauy of
_ _
Tboprcttj cctnlo opera of "Moute Crista ,
Jr , " yyill be seen here again during the en
gagement of thu Kimball opera comiqao and
burlesque company , with Corlnoe as the
star , * lbo no V opera of Arcadia will also
t > a presented It is considered equal to un }
thing Carinno has jet dona lioth opera *
will be sumptuously inouuleu and the com
pan } is the largest aud mD3t uttracti\e of
any that has jot been under Mrs Kinibull's
maangoment The engagement opens Mou
da } oy enlng at the ItojtL
William MoAnnollyi9 Orushod and
Mangled to Death
Tlio Accident Ocdurn Ailjolnliie the
Oiuthn Pnckln Co's House
A Motor Civt Incident
A Switchman Klll.-d
The Union stockyards company lost its
first cmployo bj an accidental death nt
about 0 o'clock yesterday morning The un-
fortunilo mans name Is William McAunolly
Ho rcsidos on Sotonth nnd Plorco streets in
Omuha ind yvas the foreman of yard crow
No 3
Just how the accident happened it is
iaiposslblo to state McAuucllj and his
crev with switch engine No .1
were switching cars on Omaha Packing
company track No I 'I no last known or
McAnnclH by his comrades yvas whou ho
stood on the north side of u train of eight
cars and gave the engineer the signal lo
move ahead , A few seconds aftcrwu-ds ho
yyas found beneath the cars , his two legs
crushed nnd broken his back brolton In two
places nnd his nruis and head smashed and
mangled Lifo was cxtluct when help
reached Inm und death must hay o resulted
Coroner Hurrigan yvas summoned and nn
Inquest held From thu testlmonj it np
pcarcd Hint McAnnolIy must haye ondoiv
orcd lo got on the moving train just as the
carwtucli ho intended lo take Jumped the
track ' 1 he Jumping car caused lilm to miss
his footing nnd ho fell beneath the moving
train , two cars passing over him 'lho Jury
visited the sccno of thu accident at thu re
quest of representatives of the switchmen's
union and inspected the eond't'on of tbo
track on which the fat il train wus moving
It was in such u conditlou of
unsufotto the employes of tno rail
waj that the } felt Justified in
returning a verdict lclioving RlcAnnolv of
ncgllgoneo and censuring the company tor
allowing cinders und rubbish to iicecumuhttu
In such quantities us to cause the iu ysheols
to ride on heaps of ashes scitterod along in
stead of on the rails Onu of these piles
oiidcntlj caused the Unci's to lcaye the
track Just us McAnnolU was aboutto got on
Uho dead man had been m the ctuploj of
the stock jards company foi two j eirs Ho
is a married man and loaves n wlfonudtluce
children ihe remains were brought to
Omaha In the afternoon bv IlcafjIA Hcafj
and were taken to his uotuo Ho wus a
member of the bwitchmou's union which will
hay i ) charge of his funeral
TrmiBp irtiillon Qui stions
The following resolutions yvero unani
mously passed at the meeting of the lho
stuck exchange on Mend ij afternoon
Where is , Hie Chicago bt Paul , Mlnno
npolls & . Omaha railroad charges foi trans
portation and earning cattle and ether live
stock to the South Omuha marmot 814 for a
sixteen mlle haul , and other roads in the
state of Nebraska $ IOfothe same distance
Whereas Slid mad chirges $15 for a
twenty-live mile haul and ottier roads only
f U mid the Bald road for a thirty llyo irilo
haul charges $17 and'othor roads ? 14 and the
said road charges forsffnj one mile haul fJl
nnd other roads $18fortU same distance
and other distances in the same proportion ,
Whereas The cl ion or the said Chicago ,
St Paul , Minneapolis iv Omaha In this respect
spect is discriminating ngainst the South
Omaha inarkot by its charges is violnling
the letter and spirit of the state laws in ro
gnrd to common carriers of freight , and
Whereas The said action of th < s said
Chicago , bt Paul , Minneapolis A , Omaha
compels the Termers and shippers of llvo
stock to paj a greatorj i ate than is reasonable
ond.Just . , therefore be it „
Resolved , Bj the members of the South
Omaha llvo stoci : ofchnngo lliat ihe statu
board of transportation be , and hereby
Is requested to tuko such steps nnd sucb ac
tion in the picimscs us will compel the
Cnicign St Paul , Minneapolis & . Omaha to
desist from the said unjust discrimination
and as will compel the said road to make its
charges for carrying freight conform to the
charges of ether rallroods for similar ser
Resolved , Th it the secrctarj of this ex
change is hciebv required to forward a copj
of these resolutions to tbo secrelun of the
state board of trnnsportution at Lini oln lor
the consideration of that board , and tholr
immediate action thercop
His IlrldC Mtssi-d Him
Last night the passengers ou a north 1
bound motoi car were merrj under the most
trying circumstances It yvas the last car |
up to Omaha , which le ivos tap corner of
Twontj fourth and N streets nt 11 10 When
the ilrst turn on Twontj fourth street yvas 1
reached every wheeloftho car left the 1
track and sank deep in the muddy street
Ihero wore half a dozen passenpors on the !
train , all but ono of whom made tbo best of
a bad predicament nnd lent ever } effort to l
putting the car on the rails again and pro
cceding ou tno trip After u fuw hours of ;
hurd yvork they were Bueed'ng on their
journej houiewnrd
The ono passenger yvho didn't enjoy tbo 1
ridiculousness of the situation was m a state '
of nervousness and excitement ull tlio time
He yvas lh a condition of wildness border
ing on insanity born of nn eagerness to ,
reach his home that led his fellow travelers ,
to believe some of his rclatious were djhig
und bis presence was needed to prolong their
lives Ho wus Unallv asked whut was the •
cause of his anxiety The nuswtr yvas nn 1
incoutivo to yvork the liar tpr to get things
righted and reach their huuits In broken [
Cuglisn he said "I wus married faundav ;
nlgnt already Vo dance all night and dent t
got to bed Vo drink and enjoy ourselves
tnit mine vife's people all day yostcrday und I
last night Tonight 1 vas at 2 o'clock in the
morning una my young frau all alone nt >
mine homo Vat vill I do to get to her quick
already I Govt in himmel , yen will I got
It was 3 o'clock before the belated bride
groom reached his homo and kissed bis wait
ing brldo
Attend the Cliarit ) ICiUcrtnimurnl
Tbero should ba a good attendance at the
charity entertainment to bo given by the
ladies of South Omaha tonitfbt at llotvlpy's
ball lho proceeds will bo devoted to tbo
relief of the poor anddeserving people who
are without means af support Supper yvill 1
be served from ! > .Wj ( p 10 SO Good muslo
yvill bo in attoudancofflri those who desire to
dance , i he adiulsslouvyvill be free
Increased Facilities
Tub Hek has increa sea Its force of report
ers and carriers in So th Omaha and put its i
affairs there iu the hanils of competent and
trained newspaper mnn It will continue to
bo the only daily publishing all tbo news of
South Omaha togotli5i''yvitti ' a full and com
plete market report iu" both afternoon and
morning editions Tho'fteld in all directions
will bo fully coverojpi- Leave j our orders at
the branch ofllco in the Nebraska Savings
bank building
t >
City Note * ai < l Prrsonnls
Charles Smith , a vagrant , was givou llvo
minutes in which to lsaro town yesterday by
Judge King r.ln
a he city omplojos rotfeived their warrants
yesterday for January1 Over JJ.OOO was
paid out
A permit was Issued yesterday for the
erection of the now Haptlst church on
'Ivvunty-socond and Kstreots The budding
will ho of frame , 21x10 , and will cost tSQO
bcala house No 4 has been put In opera
tion at tbo yards , as asked for by the llvo
stock exchange , James H Hulta lias been
placeu la charge
Colonel II Sharp leaves today forTa- !
couia , Wash , where he will cugage in busi i-
11 F. Scott of Murray , la , is vialtme his
brotbor , T , 15 bcott , who is seriously HI I
Miss Alice Griffith has succeeded Miss
Maud Caroj as operator at the telephone ex
Mrs J , D Shields has arrived from St
Louis , called bore by thu illness of J II
bhlelds , an employe of Missrs Kingan
A. Co
Pears soap Is the most elegant toilet adjunct
Mnrrlnun Iilccnncs
Licenses were Issued jostorduy to the
following parties by Judge Shioldst
Nnuio nnd Residence Ago
I Fred Nelson , Omaha , . , 24
I KUon Olsen , Omaha 20
j Nathan Spicor , Omaha X\ \
\ Cnthcrlno Nickels , bcnuvlor , . . . . 24
J Louis Stephen , Council Hluffs 25
| Gertie Peterson , Omaha , 20
j Charles W. back , Omaha X\ \
I Amelia Nickels Schuyler 25
j Chris Collins , Omnhn 23
| Mar j Nlclsou , Omaha 2,1
I Cbnnus Mi Ivor , Omaha , 25
1 Jonnle Ihompson , Omaha , ,23
Miles i\orrn snd l.tvor Pills
An Import ant dlscovory They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves A no v prlnclplo Thov speedily
cure bllllousnoss , bid taste , torpid liver ,
piles nnd constipation , bpicndld for men ,
women and children Smnllnst , mildest ,
surest HO doses for 25 cents Samples free
at Kuhn A Co 's , 15th and Douglas
Spoken or fet Conjtens to Itrprcscut
the sivtli I nit I ii n n Distrlut
Mr I'orry S. lloitth , WiishiiiRton cor-
rcd\Kiulcnl \ ) ot Till Hi'K , votes in the
rtixth tuin rosslo ml dibttiol of Iudltinit
boiuo ot the lopublicnii nowspnpurs
thoio o\tcss ) ) thumsohes f.tvorablo to
Mi Heath is a sueceasor ot Gotietul
Ilrovviio , iiiosunl liiciubor of conuioss
fiom that disttlet The Vovty Kovolilo
of u rceont isnuosnvs-
"Wliliotho atiuuuiHcmont ot the rc-
Uioinuntnf Gouohal Hrowno is rucetvod
hcio vvitn | 'u.ut rcRiot , still the mou-
lion ot lho nuino of P. S Heath as his
succus oi is looked upon bv Indiana pco-
plo at the capltol as one ut the bast
things lho bl\th distiict could do at
this time
' The Instilling constituents of a
congressman look to is whothu tholr
tcnrcscntntivo will hold a ptomliiunt
place on the iloor of the house , and by
his itilluoucu uud acquaintance ! bo able
lo further the uoods of his district and
his Loiibtitucnts
* 'Thu luteal mistake ot congressional
districts is th 't thoj select a man who ,
althougu prominent , perhaps , at homo ,
and who is oininoiitlv httod foi work
thoio is tiansplantcd tott liulel at the
cijutol which lie is un iblo to cultiv ito
oi imptovo The , man thus placed not
onlj loses his powei at homo , but dibiip-
pointB his constituents , and his distiict
Gcnoral Ittowno wns a man in con
ptoss who did notonlj his dibttiel but
state nuioh good , und his successor
should bo one so liifot mod and placed us
to talco up the work and continue it
llicicfoto Indiainuns here are pleabod
at the mention of Colonel lleath's
name He holds pirticularlv conlidon-
tial rcl itlotis at the white house and
naturally with all the members of the
cabinet , but vvlnlo these are coed , yet
the chief object is to know the ropes
of congress and the methods ot national
legislation An Indian ! in , bom and
bred , Mr Heath has spent u great deal
of tlmo at the national capital The
Sixth distuetcouldbond peth.ipsu moio
D < omincnt politician , but ho would only
hang up his coat and occup } his seat ,
for it would tuko him at least a couple
of yonis to know the wivs uid where
fores , and thus bo J. bouellt to his coun-
Mi Heath knows ull these , and tins
nlrcadj done much in his quiet way foi
his distiict IIu has the iaspect und
friendship of ueailj cveij congressman ,
and numbers among his closet friend
a majority ot the senate A man with
such ncoiuuntaiiccs would oo prominent
ou the iloor By this ho would accom
plish much foi his state and udvmice
ber inteiests in ono toim more than anew
now man could Jo in a lifc-timo Ho is
a joung man und one of his charactei -
isticiislus uchvitj and progrossivcuess
Ho never lets obsticlos stand in his vv.vy
or bulk him in bis ilglittul desires His
record in Washington is without a
blemish uud no man can sithat tlio
breath of scandal has in mj way
touched liio inimo 15his newspaper
work ho has done much foi his party ,
uid Indiana people owe him u great
deal in this icspoct Iheso uro but a
few points considered and the Sixth
distiict nt Indiana should look fuvoiu-
bly upon the mention of Colonel P. fa
Heaths uamo as succeasoi of Gonoial
Tiir Great Hock ; Inland Ilniito
In changing time on Sunday , Nov
17 , the Chicago , Bock Island & Pacific
Ity have considoroa ovorv point of in-
teresttothe Omaha traveling nuolic
If you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago
or any uoint east , our solid vestibule
limited train is just what you want
Leave Omaha at 4 25p in arrivoliiDos
Moines 9 .D p. m. and Chicago 8 30 a ra .
dining cai for supper leaving Council
13lulls and for breakfast before reaching
Chicago This train is also equipped
with the finest sleepers and chair cars
made bj tuo Pullman Co . which leave
from the IT P. depot , Omahaovory day
at 4 25 p m. , ranking close connections
at Chicago with all trains for eastern
points In addition to this magnificent
train wo have two ether daily trains to
Chicago , leaving O in nil a at il 15 a m.
and 5:15 : p. in Tor information ns to
routes , rates , time , etc , call at ticket
ofllco , 1305 Furnam street , telephone
76.2. S. S. Si EVENS
Gonornl Western Agent
Ilfs Honor Haiuploil the Liquor
It has boon moio than three weeks
since tlio tctiipet unco people here commenced -
mencod the war against thou iloons.and
as yet there mo no signs of any cossa-
tloit in tliolt movement , sajs a Danger ,
Mo , dispatch Iu the municipal court
yestordaj afternoon MS McGinniss ,
landlord ot the Brunswick house , wus
arruigncd upon a warrant charging him
with having sold thu complainant , Rob
oi tB Hassard , a quart of now rum ,
Hassard testified to having bought
liquor of McGinniss The latter llutly
denied the chutge Hassard had not
tasted the liquor to see if it were in
toxicating , und the municipal court
spectators witnessed the extraordinary
spectacle of Judge Hrott sampling lho
liquor with that in view , Thu Invest !
gution wus satistactorj to thu judicial
palate , for ho lined tlio hotel man $50
and costs , also sontoucing him { to jail
foi thittj days , '
Spent S300 , In Tain ,
WaUrusa Ind , Aug 2,18B3
I nllcrod all ovtr nltk lain aud i > cnt
t OO ou doctors without roller , two or turns
applications of bt Jacobs OU relieved me
At Dncoais-rs and PnAtEm
Nee 303-404-I7O-A04 ,
' '
To wind tip our Retail Jewelry Department H
All Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Silver H
Ware , Clocks , etc , rcmnininq- unsold at this date , H
8 must go for what they will bring , H
Wc olfcr , until store is icntcd , Every At tide at .1 H
Bargain Look at our Cheap Windows Auction - H
tion piices Nowhere No use quoting figutes No H
tcasonablc offer tcfusctl on Art Goods , Bric-a- |
brae , etc Price , etn and take em " Our extreme , f M
low prices on Optical Goods , still prevail Gold M
Spectacles and Eye Glasses , $3 and upwaitl Fine H
Steel Spectacles , 75c up , worth double ( Eyes tested M
and fit guaranteed . M
N. H. An e\tia foicc of salesmen has been engaged M
for this Special Sale , so all can be waited on H
promptly M
I Store for Rent , Fixtures for Sale H
. , ffP , jj 16TH AND FARM STu , J
Of Every Design and Finish H
HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St
ENGRAVINGS , J * * 11 M M aL M li iK-7 gtf-HALLtir A DAVIS H
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska M
Commencing Thursday , February 6th
I ' Americn's Quecu nf th amn
I Sujiported bj Mr Clmile Abljott I
And a Compan ) of AitlstH pn souttng ,
TiiiirMlny " Ktening ' ' ft"V"
Friday Even Inn : and ' 'CAWPUnM ' "
Saturday Matlnoe rftllunUfli _
haturjp ) E > enltf , iL.HTTLE BAREFOOT
h -\riti cosTAnmus ro ijsopix nirirnivo
FASllljUns , this us AiiiNn jikmi in fou
SOKr TIIH04T , COUOHS , rXTlKUU , jl\u iioaiisi :
TUIS mil AIIPI > HIShASI 1\ I 111 I 01)1 SIIOUI I >
soin by aii tmccr.isrs it 2jo am > * .0c b
l'amiilileLs sent gratis on tinplit ullim bv Hie
Soden Mineral Springs Co , Limited ,
H. Af I'liui uu vuT , John MiniANcr
Real Estate Agents ,
At G1jl.hlON , lJ VAH
1 8TAUI milKI ) 18X7.
Galveston Is the Seaport lliat isanU lo to bo
for lho Ureat Northwest Infornmtlun anil
Maps furnished \ iaitors nro Invited lo call
at our olllce
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - - - 40,000
Ofllcors and Directors E 11 Morsomau 0
M. HitcticoLk , Jos ( larnenu Jr A llanrr U.
M Anderson Wro U Maul , V pres : I * U Will
iams , A. 1 * . Hopkins , pro * ; A. Millard , cashier ;
K. 11 Hrjnnt , assistant cashier ,
; ; . s depository , omaha , nes
Capital $100,000
Sin plus Jnn lhl , 188 ! ) A2,0I)0 )
Ol'l'lCl'ltd * .ND Jltrtl OTOI13
HFNinATfcs. . President
IrnisH HbKli \ hal'rittldeit
A. It JOU7AI in ,
W. V. Mi U r.
John H , Coir inb
It C. < uhiiimi
W , if Himhe" , Tasliier
Cor ISth and Farnam Kts
A Oeueral llanktng lluslness Trausuctod
f * If * MB f * f > ( ISSUED BV STATES
Deal In Oo U I.nnd Wnrr nl end Ncrlp
Hi celvu Aount and Pxln il all Ui3 Facilities ot
aOencral Honking UimIdcm
torrenjivndemp hollclted
S. A. KEAN S CO . Bankers
i.omiuii , jukIiiiui ;
Aiiitloniuui , Uollimtl ,
liny and sell Amorltaisncttrliletan com Jilnlon I
Mindoii and on all Co tlnvolal rasrkcti
tB ullulloii ot rniw Iuudi a | clull • ,
fiuEferlapc from tlie ttlwu of youthful c rrori , i arlr
decax wakiliu wcaku H , lost uiuuliood < ic „ 1 will
tentl a valuable trrallw ( ualnl ) cootalulUK full
particulars for home cure flll' .U of cbarge A
> pleodl < t medical work i JluMilil lie rrad by every
( nan who l > r. I lcUllmu-d Ad Iru ,
VroC.V.f • ItJlIooauaCouu
N.W Con isrH&oooaEan , OMAHANEB , i H
But7adlltiesAp { > aratiiiaadBeBiaiesfiirBuecBMrtt | H
Tmtncnt of er rr form of Dlieue rnquinng H
BoardftAtteaaacee , Bo t Aoeommcdi'jons in Wut H
trrWRITE roil 0IB07LAB8 oa Serormitles and 1
• i Trutics Olnbrtit Onnatorea of Brine , Filta , H
on Oaacar,0atarrh , .Bronchitii , JahaUtion M
t"tXl Uar , BUnaalBlood puiT & &UTr andaUBHCiealOperations > Sljlaff , Bladdtr H H
woass ULuinu cnsnxMiiT ( ITMCHT FRIVATF ) i i il
All Slood . DUtu.a , . .etaMftlly . . lrtd arDbllllli PolMa h H
f H . t.afroah . . . . iytt.n . lUo.tmtr iiiT SVwJtMUrsUn i B I . . ! .i.rTlTiLruiT > a. frilumbii .Ull H
Bafiu . ; . .lr . l.SfttSoB S7c.rrtipflBdtB r AllronnBUBle H
HBt . . BBd.BUiJ SlBai lBalorlBtlrBBi.BUl r B. H
yrtui..Br lrpBeked noaurkt olBdleBUBOBUBIeriBdtr sbH
. b
OB.f iBOBjUlnt.rl . wpr f rd OBllsa4coBtBUB.ur..Qd liiiiH
Uilorrof rc.r Bua-Biia • will laid la tUla > rappar bv H
wUIII ITICII tlarraiaDlaamaealaapcltBer Bjpa H
lUa Olart Bad TarlaaealB , llk Baaatlaa llak Addraaa M
Itth aad Sods * UtrMta , OSAUA , XXB bbbbbb M t
ExFosmoM I
- eeUhiversellc , I
PARIS , 1889 , I
The HigboBt Possible Premium , • M
The President of the Company H
221) N. IGtIiHt , Omalin , Ntb
mi'dJJTmt rPdlriB * < 1 BnSC % ap lii UaX H
a and aturten • eco . ntio * la th * w l bl pat am UmbbV
Jaapud Maailr all u > rough country a flna
% u drl vruiaireaM blat atatiafiiotlon H
I di mWmTvmmWrWLrnSmTi I