Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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_ _
r , .
TKlt.Mg Of 81 IISCItll'TlON
Dally and Sunday , One Yc-nr . t0 | OH
Mx months . , . . r. tn
Intro Months 2 M
Bnnday lltoOno Year . . . . . . , Sill
Weekly Ilee , Ona Your with Ilvnilimi ' . SI mi
0K1'K1S. :
Omnlm Ufa Mulldlnjt
( hlcacoOIHre , WT7 ltookcry Itilllrilng
New York , ( looms it and I" . 'Irlbun * lliilldlng
Washington , No Ml Fourteenth Htreet
Council Illutrs No 12 Pearl Street
fioutli Omaha , Comer N and : wth Struots
Allcoromunlcntluns relating to news anil odlCI
torlnl matter should be addressed to tba Udltor-
Ill Department
iit'siNiss : iKrrriis . .
All l > u tnssletters nnil rcmlttancru should
bo addressed to The llee Publishing Company
Omnlm Draft * , cheeks nnd I'ottolllra orders
* to bo madn payable to Ilia oriler of the Company
The Bcc Publishing ; Company , Proprietors
Hkr lltilMlnir l'oniam nnd Poventeonth Streets ,
The ilco on tlio Trnlim
Theio hnooxcuioforftfnlluretORetTiirIlRr
on the trains All nowsdoalera linvo been notin
fled to arry n full Btipplr , Ti avclcra who want
Tub Ut r. nnil cant Ret It on trains wliern other
Omaha papers mo cnrrloil are requested to
notify Tmk Her . . . .
Please bopartlrtilar to Rive In nil cases full
Information bs to date , railway and number
M of train . . . .
M ( llvousjourname.notfor publication or up ,
H neecossaryuse , but as a Kuarnnty of Rood faith
Tim imhiV nun
H Sworn Stntcmriil ol Circulation
M State of Nebraska , I
B County of Douglas C3'
M fleortso II TzHChuoK necretiry of THE ukx
M Publishing Company does solemnly swear that
M the actual circulation of Ihk IlAli.v IlKBfor tlio
H week ending l'ebrtiary 1 , 18'JO , was as followa :
M Hundov Jan at 21.A70
M Momlav.jan 27 r .0SW
M Tuesduy Jan 28 1 .HH
M , Wednesday Ian 29 10.11.1
M Tlilirsdar , Ion Ill UMt I
H .triday , Jan 31 U'.I- ' ' !
m Hatuidaylob 1 1'l. l.'JT
H Average lO.ftl-t
M ( ip.oitor ii T/.sciiucK.
H Sworn to before me and subscribed to In my
H presa.ire this 1st day of February A. I ) MO
M ISeal ] N. I > . FiiU ;
M Notary Public
H Stain of Nebraska , I
m County ot Douglas f cc •
H ( leorK'i II TzschucK , being duly sworn , de-
H noses and bbvs that hu Is Hccrotnryot TUK 11 > b
H PtiDllslilngCompaur , that the actual avuruga
H daily iluulatlon of Tun ] ) u.v Ilhh tor tlio
H m'liitli of January Intel nas lHri " 4 copies ; for
H lebruary la t'1H.WI copies ; for March , 18M > .
H 1AH * > I copies : for April IHSii , iaWi copies : for 1
M May 1W > , 18r.'J5 copies : for June , l&U lH.KVt
H copies : foi July 18Hi. IK , w conleifi rorAugu- ,
M lHt .i , lt < . < i. - al copies : for September , 1MI. IM.TU )
H copies ; for October , 1881 , K I7 copies ; for No-
H vember IHt-'J , 1U..I10 copies ; for Deiomber , IHsi ; ,
H S0.IU8 copies Ot.oiidK II T/ttuVfK.
H Sworn to ncfore me nntl sub crll ) d in my
K . presencB thlsttli day of Jnnuarv A. D. . ItiO
H ( beal.l N. P. hKir , . Notary Public
H Tin : cash can trlbutionsuf the IiOiulun '
H 7Vines to the cause of homo ru'io nro nil
H the inoro ( jr.itifi'ing becnuso they were
H - UN' the docislou ot the supromn
H court the Mormon chm-ch must clian o
H its system ot morals or appoint n ro-
H ceivor for its political department
H *
H ' Tm : plucing of the soulhorn portion
H of tlio Sioux reservation within the i
B O'Neill land olllco district will provo n i
H ' ' trreat convenience to -
intonditig- sot
M tlors
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B UvKitY county , town and hatnlot bc-
! , twrecn Ointtha and Forest City , Dakota 1
Hh uwuitH the action of this city on the '
H 'D.ikotti railroad schotno It is time for
H 'dcclsivo action for or ncraiiibt the pro
a H ect" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H t Tin : city council should not back :
H down ft'otn the stand taken u wcolc ago
H • wjtli re Rani to hydrant rental A re-
H ductiou of the sixty do'lnr tax should lie
K insisted on before another hydrant is
H located
H .
H Tin : saddest feature of the terrible
H calamity to tlio Tracy household is the i
H Hood of 'llloired pictures of the borcaved 1
H family which are hnwicod about by the :
H newspapers Death itself is profcrablo
H to the honrlless mutilations of the wood I
H butchers
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H Tin : illegality of the oillec of street
H kCommissioner applies with equal force
H to other sinecures on iho city payroll J
H , Tbo city council cannot create an oflico
H or An the Salary by resolution It must
H bo'done by ordinance
H Al\'icis ; from Atchison would lead
H the uninitiated to bcliovo thato , change
H in the chnnnol of the rher would cru-
H ate u domestic drought Not at all
H _ Tlio supply of kegs and jugs at St
H .losoph Is ntnplo , and the facilities for
H sliippiug sullloiont for all demands
H Tin : proposed roorgaui/atlon of the
H fair association is a move in the right
H direction In the hands ot active , ox-
H porioncod mon , who are not afraid to
H put out a dollar to bring in two an in-
H torstato fair and exposition can bo inado ,
H prolltablo to the investors and the city
H at large
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H ' Tin : Chicago board of trade jobbers
H nio opixisod to a reduction of freight
H rates to relieve the farmers of the west
H They liuvo boon rolteving the produo-
H ors of the profits of their toil so long
H that , lileo the railroads , they rosiat
H every attempt to loosen their strang-
M ling grip *
H v Mil Cr.KVP.r.AND expresses his fears
H that the waving ot the bloody shirt
H > will impede the progress of tariff ro- '
H form In 189:2. '
: Mr , Clovolnnd's fears nro
H not of recent dnto The waving of the
H t K ° ' " .v ( furment in war times so frlglit-
H bned htm that ho sent a substitute to
H tlio front
M ClIAlil.Kh EMOKY S5I1TII of the Philn-
H dolphia I'icxf is said to have boon ten
H dored tlio Husslnn mission by I'resi-
H dent Harrison Mr Smith would cur
H tnluly be an honor to the position
H Tew men tln the party or profession
H * would us worthily teprosont tlio gov-
H ornmctit , and none could perform the
H duties of the ofllco with greater credit
H to the country ,
H " Tin : ordinance to crcnto the ofllco ot
H city oloctrlcian with a fat salary tit
H tachod is In accord witli the spirit of
H tins raform government in loading the
H ll'pasiiry with slnocurcs The contract
H for eloi' .triu lights in the business disH -
H " tt'let dispenses with gas lamps , and re-
H lioyes tlio gas iiigoctor | ot nearly half
H , liU ( abqis , TI)9 Intoiitlon of the law is
H Mint In hboulu huvo ohnrgo ot all 6ys-
H terns of lighting The morn fact that
H olectriclty ( supersedes gas should not
H i relieve him ot his proper duties , winch
H are the inspection find Hipervislon of
H city lighting If Iho gns inspector Is
H 'aiofjual to the Ask
u competent asH -
H ilstatit can bo hired for ono hundred
H 4 < jllars per month
_ _
I'nlcss congres1 ! sets its fnco firmly
against most of the projects for incroasbu
ing the oxpendituro4 of tlio govomfa
mont , instead ot reducing the burden
ol taxation it may hocoinc noccssnry to
find , ' additional sources ot rovontic
Monsuros already introduced wjlt swell
materially ' the dotnands on the troastli
ury , and ethers contomplntod , If they
should | carry , wo.ild so increase the oxth
pondlturos as not only to use up the
present ' , surplus , but in all probability
prfxluco a doflcll Never in the ills
toryof the government has the tend
ency to ottravaganco in congress boon
more mnrlccil than at present , and there
is ' very great danger that the limit of tv
wlso prudence nntl conservatism will
bo ovorsloppcd
There is no doubt that the dependent
punsion , hill which has been favorably
reported < to tlio senate will pass , and it
Is catlmatPtl that this will call for an
annual cvpondlturo , in addition to the
ninety million dollars now paid out In
pensions , of from seventy to ono hun
drod million dollars a year The prom
liosodosponditurofor scacoast defenses ,
for f which a bill has boon intro
duced , is twenty million dollars a
jenr , and it Is contemplated to expend
a llko sum for a torin ot years on the
navy Tlio prospects for the Dltvlrjudu-
catlonal hill , which provides for nu anC
nuttl outlay ot ton million dollars , are
uncertain . , mid it perhaps may safely
bo omitted from tlio calculation The
proposal j to pay steamship subsidies , If
successful ' , will raquiro an annual pay
ment out of the treasury of four or
. ,
five million dollars for the next
. .
year or two , and how much Microvt
after it is impossible to say Then
there are projects for constructing
national prisons , postolflco buildings ,
and orccting tiOA' bureaus , which in the
nggrcgatc would take many millions
out of the treasury
The present available surplus is only
about twenty million dollars , sufficient
to provide for the repayment of the dla
rcct taxes collcctud from the states by
the irovo-nmant in 18(11 ( , should con1
gross adopt the bill for such repayi
mont ] : , as it is expected to do In that
event it is hicoly the current fiscal
your of the government wilrcloso withti
out any available surplus in the treas
ury Placing the oxtraordiunry in-
como . of the government at fortyb
four million dollars , as estimated iu the
report . of the sccrotary of tlio treasury ,
it will bo seen that the additional oxs
pcntlituro under the dependent pension
bill 1 would take considerably more than
this amount , soint if all the other projects -
jocts 3 for increasing tbo demands upon
the t public treasury fail there must bo a ,
deficit unless great reductions are made
iu i the present expenditures
ft is therefore apparent that the outa
look 1 for a reduction of taxes is far from
reassuring , The pressure upon con1
gross I for the passage of the dependent
pension bill will bo very great , and It is
not probable that the almost unanimous
demand of the old soldiers for this leg
islution will be refused Qut further
than , this congress cannotgoon increns1
ing j expenditures without rendering
imK)3sible 1 | any reduction in the revenues -
nues > of the government The situation
is ' very unpromising for any relief from
the I burden of taxation which every
year oppresses the pcoplo more heavily
and ' grows steadily moro oIToctivo as a
chock to enterprise nnd a barrier to nat
tionnl progress and prosporitv
The disposition in congress to increase
the functions of the government is i
shown by the fact that already bills i
have been introduced providing for the i
creation of seven now bureaus Tlicso i
measures propose bureaus for prisons , i
tariff statistics , appointments , public
documents , information , harbors and 1
waterways , and the line arts The i
I I | work of a prison bureau would bo to
collect criminal statistics , examine i
penal institutions , ascertain their various -
ous methods , gnthor information about
ciimo , and establish tcentral L
olllco for Mio * identification of T
criminals The idea , of a tariff statlsI
tical bureau is to keep tariff laws on lllo
and collect information as to their of-
feet on the prosperity of the countries
which have enacted thorn This bu-
rcau would rocolvo and copsldor propo-
'sitious for the amendment of the tarill
laws and roporl to the secretary of the i
treasury It Would have a chief and
four assistants at an nggrog.ito nnnual
cost to the oublio of twonty-Hvo thousi
and dollars , and a complement of f
clerks costing probably as much
or moro The purpose of the pro
posed bureau ot appointments is to i
classify the clorka in the departments ,
apportion them t.mong the congress
districts of the sUtos , uud all nppoint-
meats would bo made through this bu-
roau The projoot of establishing bureaus -
roaus of information in different parts
of the country , ono for each two million i
inhabitants , is a conception of the
philanthropic Senator Blair , and is in
tended to embark the goVernment in a
bert of Intelligence olllco business Per
sons in need of omploymotit or relief
could apply to ttioso bureaus , whloh
would bo required to keep posted as to
such information ns would enable thorn
to toll applicants of the cost of hv-
ing , condition of tr.ido and similar
• matters Ono of the duties of these in-
stltiitlons would be to publish in the
nowspnpors instnncos of extreme pover
ty and distress and the needs of the
debtituto with a vlow of calling the nt-
tontion thereto of the charitably dis-
I > osod The purpose of a bureau of pub
lie dooumonts would bo to relieve con i-
gressmen of the labor of distributing to
their constituents bonks ana patnphletH ,
issued by the government , that of har-
tbora und waterways to report necessary
improvements and their cost , and would
ho simply a consolidation of the
brandies of the government now
in charge of this work , ivhilo the objoet
oot the propo > od bureau of line arts is to
aid In their davolopmotit by proparmg r
and distributing plans for buildings i ,
scasts of statuary , nnd other articles for
the U80 ot schools und academies
If alt these sohomos could carry , they
vvould incrouso thuurmy of officeholders !
by from one to two thousand and the
nnnual expanses ot the government by
sfrom ono to two million dollars Hut
while it is uot at all probable that any
of thorn will bo adopted , oxoopt
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
possibly that of hnrbors nnd
wntorwnys , which might have reot
suits to the public benefit , the
fact that such innovations nro snritil
ously suggested in congress la worthy
of attention as showing how strong the
toiidoncy is tosndtllo the general govre
ornmont with duties and responiibill-
ties wholly foreign to its legitimate
functions Whoii a senator proposes
that the government shall assume the
business of supplying Information to the
unemployed regarding their chances ot
securing employment , nnd furnish the
public with instaucos of destitution requiring -
quiring the aid of charity , through a
general system of ititolllgonco olllccs ,
and another senator suggests that
the government shall take upon
itself the duty of promoting
nrt culture among the people , It Is im
possible | to Bay to what oxlromns of nb-
surdity our so-called statosmdn may go ,
particularly if they nro unohockod by
public opinion in consoqueuco ot the
neglect of the pcoplo to glvo attention
tc their wild schemes and ridiculous
and extravagant projects
nnr.FiixsrntX's no ad agents
If John P. Ilolfonstelu of St Louis
should venture upon a visit to
Omnlm at this time ho vvould moot
with a very warm reception
Dut Mr Helfonstoin is onlv n
straw man in the hands ot designing
villains : His pretended claim to nn in-
torcst in three or four hundred lots on
the North side , and to which ho has no
better title than the man in the moon ,
is ono of these rascally schemes begotten
by unprincipled lawyers , who are not a
whit better than road agents In fact ,
they nro a great deal moaner than the
desperadoes that formerly infested the
ovotinnd htago routes and com polled
passengers to glvo up their money and
valuables at the muz/.lo of a revolver ,
The road agent nt loost toolc chances on
his lifo , and very often was known
to < spare pcoplo who were in
actual distress But nolfenstoin ' s road
agents have no mercy upon anybody ,
They are holding up the vvugo-Vorkor
wpo has invested allfo's earnings in a
small home and book to rob him and his
family of the proceeds of the hardest of
Ono of these legal sharks is very in-
dignant becnuso the citi7eii8 have
banded logethor to protect their homos ,
Ho savs that ' the law of tlio case is
with the plaiutilf and that while the 1
speeches at the moo tings of the homo
defenders nio of a violent nature and
smuck of a revival of the old Omaha •
Claim club , yet the majesty of the law
will p ' rovail "
Majesty of the law , forsooth ! If the
majesty of the law , which moans justice i
and equity prevailed , the rogues who i
are manipulating the bogus Holfoni
stein claims would wear zebra suits
They have already extorted money '
from bomo property owners who were i
not able to await justice by the slow
process of the law , and their aim is and 1
has boon to bulldo/o and blackmail
ethers into paying a ransom for their
families 1
HolfoiiBtoin himself probably did not >
got live hundred dollars out Of thoj i
whole deal , but the sharks who are try
ing i to blood property owuors expect to
realize thousands upon thousands of
dollars < by pluying upon the fears of
three or four h und red pcoplo upon whoso
properly they have thrown h temporary
' cloud If Holfonstein believed that ho
had 1 a title to this largo tract which ,
with the improvements is computed to
bo 1 worth ever a million dollars , ho
would have been content to make two
or i three test cases ; but the manifest ob-
joct j of his road agents In pouncing upon
every individual owner of land in the
tract t is to extort largo sums for quit t
claims , which in the opinion of some of (
our best lawyers are not worth the pnpor
they | are written on
The message of Mayor Cushing to the
city i council urging a reduction of the
levy 1 for lbfK ) is commenduble , but it
does < not go far enough A reduction of [
ilvo I and a half mills is uot sulllciont to
moet i the demands of the people for relief -
liof 1 from the burdens of oxcosslvo taxa
tion '
The mayor estimates tlio total ex
penses to bo provided for by the gonornl I
fund at two hundred and thirty-nine
thousand dollars , yet ho recommends a
fourtcon-mill levy for this fund , which
would yield nearly two hundred nnd
eighty i thousand dollars A lurgo num-
her of items uro charged up to this fund
which are iudofonsiblo ; ana pxpensos
increased without warrant of law
These ' itoins appear trilling separately ,
but in the aggregate they amount to a
lurgo sum
The levy suggested by the mayor can i
bo reduced four mills nnd still secure
ainplo moans for carrying on the gov-
ornmont What necessity Is there for
uono mill levy for the library fund
which now contains a baluuce ot eleven
thousand three hundred mid eighty
dollars , or ono nnd a half mill levy for
the curbing , guttering und cleaning
fund which t.hnB u | balonco of twenty
eight thousand ?
There id no necosslty for making a
levy tor these two funds , and a
reduction of two mills should bo
made in the general fund This would
muko nn additional reduction ot four
and n half mills , or a total reduction
from last years levy of ono per cent
The muuloipal machinery of Omaha , if
run on economical business principles ,
ican bo successfully oporatcd for a year
ion a levy of thlrty-oight nulls , produc-
ing thro o-quurtors of a million dollars ,
which , with the balance of a qu.irtor of
a million now in the treasury , makes a
total of ono million dollars ,
Tiik donioeratlo rump iu Mpntuna is
gradually disporsmg The decision
ot the supreme court virtually sealed its
fate , and the usurping mombars are
bowing to the inuvitablo as gracefully
as circuiustniicos will allow Even
Governor Toolo , who at the outset ig
nored the constitutional right of the
house to bo the solo judge ot Its mom
botshlp , nud denied udmissloa to the
court houbo to republican members ,
rcahzos the folly of his lllogml acts nud
udmits , with cheerful condescension
that Iho decision of the Bupromo court
Is final "It Is the deplslon , " says the
Rovornor , "of the highest judicial
I ' f -
tribun .1 * trr" the fttnto , composed
ot judgcr i who30 olootlon was
so prononrlfcod a9 not to bo
alTocted by the now famous
precinct tlifrty-four. Whntovor t may
think porArifMly , ofllcl.illy I shall not
resist It " jTHIs declaration Is signifi
cant , because it dlsposoa of the claim
that the election of the judges would
have been ' 'attoctod
by a ilecislon nd-
verso < to the republican position Apart
from its pojltlcnl significance the sot
Moment of tljo logtslatlvo controversy
will hoof vast bo no fit to the poplo
Although the term is short , there is
yet < tirao to onaet such laws ns ara no
ossary for the machinery ot a now state
and revive the interests seriously ro-
tnrdod by the logiBlatlvo struggle
Tun long fight of General GolT in defense -
fonso f of his rightful cln 'ltn to the gov
ernorship : ot West Virginia has torml-
natod against him , as it was expected
to do by all who have any knowledge of
the character ot the democracy ot that
state \ From the moment that the ro-
tums showed the election ot Goff , and
notwithstanding the fact that all the
election mnehitiory was In iho control
ot the democrats , the party lenders de
termined that ho should not enjoy the
fruits of his victory Uis opponent for
the ] governorship , Jutlgo Fleming , was
at first disposed to lot the will ot the
pcoplo stand , but the party bosses would
not have it so , and making chnrgos ot
fraud , instituted n contest The history
of this contest is ono of the
most shameless examples ot a high
hand etl disrocard and dofcat of the
popular will in political annals , nnd
oastly puts the democracy of West Vir
ginia in the load for infamous usurpa
tion and political robbery
Tin : greed of cattle barons iu the
west receives moIToctivo \ check from
the supreme court , in a decision recently -
contly rendered Tlio court holds that
"a man was not llablo for trosspass if
his \ cattle straj oil from public lands into
unenclosed private lands " In various
sections of the west cattle companies
control or own vast nreas of land in al-
ternnto sections By this menus they
sought to exclude competitors from the
intervening Bections of public lands ,
and their pretensions wore sustained by
some of tbo loworcourts Had the claim
for damages been sustained , it would
have \ vvrocked scores of cattle growers ,
and concenttatod the business in the
hands ] ot syndicates and practically
doubled their lauded possessions Under
the t decision the barons mu3t foiico their
land i or waive tnoir right to daintigos
from trespassers
Tin : ropoijtcd traffic arrangoinont bo-
twoon t the Omaha , See and Canadian
roads , forming a through line from No-
braslca 1 to the , , seaboard , has boon af-
firtnod ( by the ehnirtnan of the Inter
state Rnilwuy association Tlio allied
roads enable shippers to reuch the At-
lnntio 1 citics'Viithout paying tribute to
the | speculative sharks of Chicago In
speed , couvenioneo nnd cheapness the ,
route i equalb1 the best oiTored by the ,
south s sklo I'oudk , and furnishes Mio corn
bolt 1 a direotouttet forits ' product with
out < the intervention of the roads con
trolled 1 nnd operated for the exclusive i
benefit 1 of Chicago
Tallin : ; Into iJlstiH- .
St houts GU > bc-Dcmncrat.
In the firty-llrst congress filibustering will I
bo ' ono of the lost arts
> . •
What Montana Slicht Ho
, CMcaa > Aeiis
MoDtunii'a now state Rovornmont is ncarlv
out , of cash It should execute a cbattol
moiteagc : ou lls aemlloclc and permit the 1
mortgage to bo toreclostd '
A I'crtlnpnt ItPinlndor
Vittthuru Dltpalch
Does the sulonco of politics consist solely
m Bquabbliug over tbo spoils and fightiug
for partisan control } It seems possible that
it might bo broadened so as to occasionally
take in a few measures for the public wel-
Al olislilnt ; a Had Custom ,
Hartford Couraut
Congress is organized end established to
legislate Tbo compulsory attendance of
members is based on the theory that busi
ness must go on Mr Itectl moves along on
that same theory , and nuts an end to a bad 1
custom , which each party ia turn has advo-
catod and antagonized , according to which i
oue got the supposad advantage ot tbo occa-
AVIho ohcll' na Just
Kcw Yoilt Tribune
The south must make up its mind to con
code to . the negro tbo mvil rights so dearly
purchased for him This proposition can
neither be compromised nor evaded It
stands as the organic law of the land , and no
reason has ever been suggested why it Is not
a ivibo as well ns just law That the two
races will remain and should remain socially
distioct in no way afreets the political rights
of cither , nor will that impression noywhoro
bo found except In the imagination of south
ern politicians and tboir parson al followlnz
It has been ascertained that it was a wo
man who could never learn to dunce who
llratsaid that ttib\best educated foot always
accompanied tlif/tioorcst / cducatod heads
"O hi'w ' easily
Soiofi flings ( to wrong
A aightoo much ,
AKfi'stoolODg. . "
Enamored Voiilti ( to comlo opera fairy )
Cruel Mile Poi7dlni ! ! ttas no man ever
made an iuiprossluu oa your lliuty heart ) "
Va\r \ Euslavor ( with a sigh ) Yes , I loved
your grandfather , , Ah , ho was a noble
young man , Masscprl't
Mr Poor ( forvantly ) Will you be uilnal
Miss Rich ( noti unkindly ) No , no Mr
I'oor jinterruptlpB ) Do not say that , my
darling Do not Mis * Ilich tintcrruiitinu )
No , I cannot bo yours ; but if you uro will
ing to bo mlno um might arrange It
The news coincs.ttmttbo heir to the throne
of Itoumanla ha.fallcn tn love with Queen
Natalie of Servlo Ho Is determlaod to
marry her , muc4)9 ) to tbo anuoyuueo of Ins
family , lie mav lose bis ubancu of the
crown If ho gives way to his present itifutuu-
tlon book out for a romauco iu Itoumania
Jack Itabid ( bohlnd the sccnos exaunniug
a coin suspended from tbo bracelet of The
piemiero danauesso ) Why , what a rare
coin I Stamped with the old itoman efugy ,
to , Whore did ypu got Itl Kivul corypboo
" ( Iu an audible whisper ) Slio got it from
Julius Cujsar for a birthday gift
Courtship of the future ; She Charlie , I
can no longer conceal my passion for you
Do you love Ino In return ! He You must
ask pa Ho knows more abaut such things
than 1 do ,
In love , o'en with a homely man
A girl tUHV be enuhutiteu ;
He's moro than apt to please a maid
Who shows ho is a bit ufrald ,
And dent talto tbings for granted
Mrs Hlooblud-"DId that young Now
York person , Miss aw Uly , really travel
round thn world with no moro baggage than
nbanrfaitchelt" Miss Wo&bhid u3ho did ,
mamma " Mrs Hlooblud ( using her smell
ing botllo ) " 1 beg vou will not mention her
name t in my presence again , Clara She
doesn't ' belong to our sot "
The man never renews his youth but
once ; a woman renews hers avery time she
puts on a now dress
The corset is a friend to nil ; the fat wear
j it to make thorn look thin , and the thin wear
it to tnnko Jhotn look fuU
Miss Plvmton "Afternil , Mr Uroughton ,
what is the advantngo of having ancestors
in the sovontconth conturyl" Mr Uroughj
ton J "O , n great deal They cant hang
around and mar your social aspirations
today t "
Ncbrnakn Tottlnqs
A camp of Son * of Votoraus was orgnnhed
nt • Central City last week ,
The gambling nouses nt Wy moro li.ivo been
closed by order ot the major
The tot al amount colteoted by tlio treasurer
of jruox countv last yoarvvns { ,11,1)11.7.1. )
The Grand Army post at Niobrara will
glvo a grand ball auu fair Fobruury 21
nnd U.
Over half a million pounds ot flour have
boon i ordered from the St , Paul roller mills
by 1 a llrui in Georgia ,
The lnw.vcrs ot Palls City have nrgatilrtv ]
a bar association and elected U. W. 1 bourns
j president of the soclotv
The Parmors' nlllanco at Mount Clare ,
Nuckolls county , has a membership of
tvvonty-llvo , nnd is rapidly growing
The Tecum soli board of tr.ido has adopted
resolutions , favoring the passage by coni
Rross i ot Senator Paddocks postofllce build
Ing ' bill ,
Kov r.csllo Stevens of Ivcaraoy will go as
a , tuisslouury to Nanklu , C'nltm , about April
1 , under the nuspicos ot the Methodist
church '
The citbtons ot Osceola have raised a purse
of $1,000 to help Theodore Ueobo to erect a
J ; in , 000 hotel on the slto ot the ono which was
recently dostrovod
The Grand Army committee on arrange
ments for the lirst reunion of Nebraska soldiers -
diors , nt Plattsmouth this month , have pro
vided accommodations for 1,001) ) visitors
Palrbury presents a good opening for a
live furniture dealer Five thousand inhabitants -
habitants , only cno man in the business ,
and ho doesn't advortlso in any or the news
Soventy-tlirooof the G. A. It posts have
reported dclcgutos to bo present nt the state
encampment , February 10 nud 20 , and the
total number from said posts Is &YJ , says the
Giand Island Independent If this ratio be
kept up in the 8U0 posts , it will bo seen that
the body will be the largest of tbo kind ever
held ia the state
According to report , says the Plattsmouth
Herald , a very strungo case of insanity ex
ists in Edward Post , a young mon son of a
farmer living near Wavorly About four
years ago ho was sunstruck , and each
winter siuco then ho has become insane , bis
mind uoarlv righting with the toturn of
spring Last week his Insatiity beoamo most
violent , oud after throutonlng to kill Major
Pierre a neighbor , and to ao damage , ho
took a borso nud cumo ever near Weeping
Water , where ho was arrested
Inw.t Itoins
A store will bo started at Hun Grove by
the Furmora' alltincj
Frauds Murphy will begin a toniieraiico
revival at Rod Oak next week
Tipton win have an electric light pluntdn
operation Instdo of thirty days
The scnool superintendents of Montgom
ery , Mills Page und Fremont counties will
moet at Shenandoah March 8 , lor the pur
pose of forming an interstate association
The Ceo college museum at Cedar Uauids
has received a present in the shape of a live
tarantula and a family of young ones which
were roLontly hitched from eggs louud in a
bunch of bananas
Thomas Peterson , n burglar , and John
Schnebly , sentenced for two years for at
tempted murder , escaped from the Chariton
jail by sawing the bais from the windows
They are still ut large
Eiias N. Ddlasbmutt , a mjch respected
cltUcn nud a restdont of Dcs Molnos county
slucc 18JI , died last week at the ago of
ninety Ho onilstcd in the union army in
l&tt'i at the ago of alxtv , and nerved throucrh
tbo war until ho lost his eyesight in.a heo/y
sandstorm , when ha returned to bis bomo ,
where bo remuinod continuously till his
Sovcrul years ago Jennie Nelson had
trouble with her wealthy fither , in the
southern part of the statu , and left her
home , going to Mason City , where she
changed her name to Marv Nelson , and went
to wprK as a waiter girl in the Park hotel
Hecently her father died and willed her the
bulk of his fortune , but without her knowl
edge The other dav a stranger , who was
stopping at the hotel , recognized her and m-
formed hnr of her fathers death and of tbo
fact that she was an heiress She returned
to ber homo with the stranger
Ttie Two Dakotas
Sturcls now has a Knights of Pythias
Whitewood is moving for a system of
Canton will vote on a proposition to roor-
gauizo the city February 34.
There are 453 postofllces In North Dakota ,
sixteen of which are presidential
South Dakota has thirty-six and North
Dakota eight assemblies of the ICnights of
The houses of Aberdeen have just been
numbered in order to bo ready for free mall
Lincoln county furmerg hnvo subscribed
$10,000 toward starting a paper wholly iu the
interests of the alliance
A census Is being taken ot the Indians at
the Lower llrula and Crow Creek agencies
by the Indian department
Tbo dates for tbo state fair at Aberdeen
have been fixed for a week earlier than last
your September 15 to in
Counterfeit quarters are so numerous in
Der.dwood that It Is believed a private mint
must bo actively in operation
Mrs Potcr Peterson , wbilo insane , banged
borsolf to the timbers ot a bndgo near bor
homo in Kicbland county last week
A four and one-half Inch artosiaa well fur
nlsbos power enough to run the Hitchcock
roller mills , which have a capacity ot forty
five barrnls of flour per day , end to grind
feed aud propel a dynamo for lighting the
mill with Incandescent lamps ,
Xho farmers of Hand county have ro
quoxtod the board ot county commissioners
to petition the legislature to aocure the nec
essary sued wheat for the county by allow
ing the county to issue warrants instead of
bonds of long standing , providlntr a market
can bo found for the warrants
Pantautais tbo namoof a new town just
stnrtod in Ewlng county The town is located -
catod on the Grand river , 10U mites north of
Mhinosala and nightean miles west of the
Cave hills , In na almost unexplored country
There are largo dooosits of lignite coal in
the neighboihood The aurvoy of the Man
dan railroad runs through the town
O. L.Carrot Gettysburg has a cow that
for some time past , with no opparont reason ,
bus been short In her accounts that U , in
the quantity of milk she was supposed to
furnish the family The gentleman sus
pected thieves and determined to keep a
watch The other night he caught the
depredator tn the act In the same stable
with the cow was quartorcd a full grown pig
and ho discovered that the animal bad been
In the habit of appropriating the lions ahure
of the milk , apparently with the full sanction
aud consent of the cow I
ricilucini ; IIh Capital ,
New YoitK , Fob , 5. The certificate
boldora of tbe National Lead trust today
voted to roduoo tbo capital from $99,400,000
to $30,000,000 , tlio present holders to rocolvo
ono now certlfloato in oxchaniro for three
old ones President Tbompsou road uie-
port Bbowuiir that the trust , up to January
1 , IbS'J , lost $1203,000 , but In the llrst six
months of IbS'J made a not prollt of I7UJ.O00.
I'arnell Will lloiuuiid mi Inquiry
Duiimx , Fob 0. The Freoman's Journal
aais that at the opening of parliament nod
week Parnolt will demund the appolutment
of a commlttoo to inqulro into the Times
Phrgolt" conspiracy .
Siiff-rlnir in JlutNlaii Poland
Vienna FtJb , D , A mooting of the repre
sentatives of tbo agricultural societies ha
been held at Loinburg to provide relief for
the sufferers from the famine in Hussiuu
Poland and Gallcia caused by a failure of
A Question the Supreme Court
Will Soon Dooldo
Lnncnatcr j lmwyorsVrAt > _ lo Over n
llaiuiuol Outlines nt tlio Stntn
Mmiino City nntl Stnto
Novvn or Intercut
Lincoln , Neb , Fob n. [ Spoclal to Tim
Hkr 1 ] The case ot Joe Lee Shollonbergor vs
John C. vVatton und Frank Hansom oocu
pled j the attention of the supreme court dur
ing { tbo morning hours The case has its
groundwork in the most terrible tragoJ v
that j ever occurred In the state Headers o
Tub Hnii have not forgotten the murder of
llttlo ' Magglo Shellcnbargor whichtook ,
plnco 1 near Nebraska City during the spring
of lSStl the subsequent trials of I.00 and
Miranda j Shollonbcrger , the fnthor and stop
mutnor , of the llttlo clrl , for the frightful
murder , and the sad end of Lee at tbo hands
of tbo mob n few months later It will be
rctnombcrcd ' that Lee Shollonbcrger re
tained ' Messrs , Watsson and Hansom to
defend i hlui in his trials In the courts
of justice against the crime as charged , For
this j service they exacted of him a daed for
the l undlvidod half ot the rami owned by a
former 1 ; wife , she havingdiod , nnd the
title I of the land having passed to her minor
childieii i Eighty ucios of laud thus occamo
the I question of controversy
December 13 , 1S87 , Messrs Watson and
Hansom Hied their petition in the dltsrict
court i for a partition of the property , and aot
up ' that the heirship of Muggie , tlio mur
dered | girl , descended to the father , 'nntl
they claimed title through him .ludgo O. P.
Mu3on of this city was appointed guardian
nd { litem for the minor defendant In thn
trial that followed the district court sus
tained , . the plaintiffs and ordered the parti
tion us pra\ oil Uut Judge Mason appealed
the . case to the supreme court 011 the grounds
in chief Unit a murderer cannot inherit from
his victim
Governor Thayer toduy ' sent the following
letter to Hon William McrCInlov , chairman
of ' the house committee on ways and means :
Permit mo to express myself bilelly to you
and the inomoers of lour committee , and
very strongly , too , ogniust any reduction of
the preseut tariff on sugar Nobrasua is
purely an agricultural state Our people
are now establishing beet sugar industries
und they want every encourngoment the
government can glvo thorn They are In
vesting largely of their means in boot 3ugnr
plants , Thorofoic , in their behalf , 1 enter a
lespectful protest aculnst n modification of
thotaiiffon this article Our farmers are n
long distance from market and it takes ubout
one-half of what they raise to send the
balance to market , liy the manufacture of
beet sugar a bomo market Is created for
them They will bo able to sell their beets
almost at their own doors Very 1 ospect-
fully and truly yours , Jouy M. Tirwin
Iievtu or jr n. i.ii > di n.
T U. Llddle , late roprcsentutivo of tbo
World-Herald in this city , died this morning
ut 4 o'clock from hemorrhage of the lungs
Pew , if any , sadder deaths have uccvnred Iu
Lincoln during the past year Some three
weeks ago Jauic , as bo was familiarly called ,
entered upon a protracted spree and at
divers times since made unsuccessful ut-
tempts upon his own life When himself ho
was a bright , genial follow , nnd quite gener
ally csteomod , but his uncontrollable appe
tite for liquor wrought his ruin and here him
to the grave at the eaily ago ot twenty-nino
years A simrlo dram of whisky only was
necessary to throw him into a delirium that
made him anything but n sane man , and he
invariably Bought chlotoform when in liquor
with suicidal intent Not a few times ha
was all but successful in his attempt to reach
a suicides eravp , uud when Intoxicated nu
was the soutce of deepest solicitude on the
part ot his friends and tliov were always on
the alert to prevent any rash act Mr Lid
dlo's father will ship his sou's icinalns , to
morrow , to Marongo , Iu , bis boyhood home ,
where they will bo laid to rest
William II Huggles of Uurt county
pleaded gullt.v today to the charge of soiling
liquor without a liocuse aud was fined $ J5
mid costs
The jury in the case of William H. Ogio et
ol vs the Sherman County bank , nftor being
out twenty-four hours , asked Judge Dundy
for further instructions , wUicb wore given
at 4 o'clock this afternoon
Grandpa Utirrus will bo committed for
contempt of court tomorrow morning unless
bo takes French leave , " wnich is alto
gether improbable Arrangements were all
made today , and it is mdiroctly understood
by tbo attorneys ot both aides Mr Uurrus
savs ho does not line the idea of going to
jail , but Unit bo will stand it with the liopo
and beiiof that it will ultimately secure for
him undisturbed possesaion ot bis litltlo
grandchild He will be sent to Oinahu for
commitmoot , A writ of habeas corpus will
follow us soon us possible
The formal dedication of the now court
house was the question considered atn meet
ing of tbo Lancaster county bar Inst evening
IndcoJ , for 'Otao time past a grand banquet
has been talked and thought to bo the emi
nently proper thing fur such dedication when
the building was completed uud occupied
This the bar of the county met to consider
last night , und such unothor meeting was
probably never witnessed in this or any
ether city , Toe question of wine or no
vvino" wus sprung , and it was discussed Willi
such vchemenco and temper that adjourn
ment wus taken without determining upon
anything doihilto Now It is suggested by
Jotin U. Knlglit , register of deeds , that the
county onicers glvo anoponing for the on tire
county , for the pcoplo outsldo of the city as
well as wlttuu , aud for the poorest uud
humblest ns well as for tbe opulent The
augcesllon is mooting with popular favor ,
and it is thought that Air Knights sug
gestion will take shane and tnatonali/e. It
was talked on the streets today that the bar of
the county will fall Into line and assist in
making such an opening tbo success it
should bo ,
Senator Jowott of Custer county was at
tbo capitol this morning
Secretary Garoorof the state board of
transportation wont to Nebraska City today
Smith Caldwell , state oil inspector , re
ports , that 11,401 barrels of oil were in
snectcd ' during the month of Januury
The case of Todd et al vs Cass county ,
with its voluminous record , on error , was
tiled for trial In the supreme court today
ulso , the case uf It N. bcott va Huimu Chopo
on onor from the district court ot Hall
county _
County treasurers as follow * settled with
tbo statu today und uuld into tbo treasury
tlio umounts stated below : W. Ct Hid well ,
Custer county , $ U,57J W ; C , H. Paul , Adams
county , $ - ' ,18S 84 ; A. Front , Vulloy county ,
$12 , ' > l. 7. J. I. Likens , Kock county , is
making settlement toduy
a mooting has boon arranged for Friday
butwooii the governor and the state board of
transportation on ono hand and the railroad
managers on the other Tbo abject of the
mcoting is to consider tbo proposed reduc
tion of freight rates on corn , The governor ,
if possible , proposes to have the mooting
The Nebraska Central railroad company
. died amended articles of Incorporation in the
olllco of the secretary of stuto today After
the words "oxtendlng through the counties
of Cedar , Wayne , Dixon , Knox , Cuming ,
Hurt , Dodge , Washington and Douglas , " the
following words were Inserted : And to the
Missouri river at such points In Douglas
county as the corporation may sou best ; aud
to build , construct , maintain , own , and
operate u bridge uoross tbe Missouri river
from Omuha to und upon the Iowa shore as
too same may bo hereafter authorized ov the
Children Cry for Pitchers CastorIa.v
F7cea llabj- iras di , ire garo her Caatorta
When the v as n Child , bho criM for Castoria ,
When l&o became llJw , tbo clunf to Oaatoria ,
Vlfja aho tiaf Children , alio gare them CulorU
- _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ - 1
Unltoa Statea , together with all nooossary * |
approaches " From $1,000,000 the 00mpan/ tl
authorises an iucroaso of capital stock lo 1
$1,000,000. 1
thr surnnitr count J I
The proceedings of the supreme counts I
today were aa follows t > _
Albert E. Ewan , esq , of tbo Otoe county < _ fl
bar was admitted to practice licndricksoii _
vs Sullivan Dismlssod Stnto ox i-ol Hastur./- "
day vs tlovvo Writ of ttiandnnius allowed '
Dickorson vs Moohllmr Ixiavo given IlrA ;
tiff to fllo nmotidcd certificate lo transcjrtpt
The following causes were argued andsub
mlltodi State ox rol Culver vs Suor Doer
lug v * lluflncr Shollouuorgnr va Hansom , :
Martin vs State Hrowuleo vs Davidson
The following decisions were banded s
down :
Carlou va Aultman & Co Error from the
district court for Pilhcoro county Aftlrmod
Opinion by Norval , .1 ,
llirdsall vs Cropspy Appeal from the
district court for Lancaster county Dooruo
Tor nppollaut Opinion by Not val , J.
Soirlcs vs Avorhoff Error from the
district court for Franklin county Afllrmed
Opinion by Maxwell , J.
Molltu va liitors Error from the district
court for Hntlor county , Anirtucd Opinion
bv Norval , J.
U no vallate Error from the district , _
court for Madison county Aftlriucd , Q/pmV # r (
lou by Maxwell J. S
IComn vs Western Union Tologrupll Co , i
Error from the district couit for Madlsou
county Hovorsed and remanded
Ins Co of North Atnortcn vs Mul.otnann .t ,
Coylo , Error from thu district lourl for
Madison county , Afllrmed Opinion by
Maxwell , J.
I lay leu va 'Iho Missouri Pacific Hy Co
Motion to dismiss Error f 10111 the district
court for Lancaster county Motion sus
tained Opiniou by Maxwell , J. '
State of Nebraska vs Commercial Stntu
Bank Original notion Demurrer over
ruled Opinion by Norvnl , J.
Ku Kendall , Tones & ( Jo va Shorey & Co
Error from tbo district court for Autolopu <
count } ' . Judgment rostorcd uud nftlrmed
unit remanded Opinion by Cobb , Ch J.
CITr NEWS INl ) notes T &I A
- -
Vnn Orracr failed to accuro his llttlo glri * |
through n writ of baucas corpus Judge -1
Field awarded the tomponiry euro and custody -
tody of the child to bis wife
bupcrintondctit Mnllahcu ot the statu In
dustrial school , ICoarncy , left for homo to
day after spending n couple of days in the
city Ho says his boys and girls are doing
splendid worn and that they cause him very
little trouble
E. C. Corns ot Seward , W. O. Soiithwicjfj-
of Friend , 13. Sprague , Henry Uibson anttr
E. P. Elv of Ounihii , A. Hoghltt of Ueotrlce ,
W. A. Dllworth of Hastings and G , V. Sim
mons of Seward were prominent Ncbraskims
In the city today
Joseph Hare , editor of the Hill City Mir
ror , South Dakota , Is In the city Hill City
is in the southwestern pirt of the state and
Mr Hare is connected with the Lincoln laud
Hon O. H. Parker , land commissioner of
South Dakota , Is In the city for a few diiV9.
Ho is studying NobrasKa's system of lousing
school lands
There will bo general mcoting and sociable
of the city union of tlio Young Peoples 1
Society ot Christian Endeavor , Fi Idoy oven
ing , at the First Christian church , corner of J
Fourteenth nnd IC streets )
Iriullus in Datuusctis
Tlio oriental mind is disposed to min
elo all the dealings ot lifo with an
amount of sentiment which would lie j
Bcornou bv tlio more literal business
man or the west A visitor tit Damns
cus gives , iu Murray's Majjii/ino. the
following description of ti horse tr.ido in
that city :
A long dispute took place between ] m
the intending imi chaser and the owueV < 4 H
as tlio former attempted to beat down V. | B
the price by ufow piasters Tlie > iiVTtt > * V B
however , seemed very euro of making a T
fuvornblo sale , even if the presunt cm- "
tomor should withdraw So ho re
mained silent , with an occasional in
consequent remark , such us , "Itinatters
not " ' • Wallah , whom am I to argue
with thco ? " "Wallah , my liorso is ns
dust Take it without money "
All these c.\prcssfdi3 ( are equivalent
to cold negatives , nud might naturally
have exasperated the other man , who
had been wasting ocjaus of rhotorlc in
persuasion Finally ho iu his turn ox-
cliumcd with a heart warming show of
generosity and philanthropy :
"Wallah , aio we not brothers ?
Wherefore nil this noise ? Is it for
money ? Allah forbid 1 You want 1(100 (
piastres ? Hera is the money Take
it V Then he pres od tlio bag of troas-
111 u into the other ' s hand nnd turned
away Never mind about your horse j
I caie not for it Shall wo part enemies J
because of money ? " <
At this point the other , who now had _ k
his nionoy becurc , ran after his custoW _ _ |
mer , fell on his nock , nnd , kissing hiui/r- *
on both cheeks , assured him that ther J
horse would henceforth bo worthless to
lira | ; that , since his brother wished for
it , ho must take it ns n present , , And so
the bargain was concluded
OITer lllmwoir Up
Jacob Adull roasted himself alive this
morning to expiate his sins .ind to
propitiate the favor of tlio Almighty ,
h.iys a Fairmont , Ind , dispatch At 11
o'clock ho loft tlio btoio where ho ivas
employed and wont homo His wife
was ut church and his children in
bchool Going to an outhouse bo bet
himself on Uro , huving llrst thoroughly
saturated himself with koioaono
Neighbors had their attontlon attracted
by tbo nolbo of struggles , and a few J
seconds biter were horrified to see him "
run out into the yard , enveloped in
flames , where a series of horrible con
tortions ended in death Adoll was ,
tlfty-iivo years old und until rccoiitljJ--
wasaQuakor , A month ago ho became * * l
II follower of I'Vank Norton , who tenches
solf-saeriilco ns the only way to honvcnr " " '
Hecently Adoll showed indications of
having gene ulightly daft on roliglous
matters and his act of self destruction
is supposed to huvo boon the result of a ,
sudden frenzy of piety
i 5 1 Positively cured by
( t AOTCoQ these I.'tllo PIMa
lAlMLftOThoy also rcllove Dls j
mbb tress Jro-n Dyspepsia In
I M ITTLE digestion and Too Ileart )
: M 11/TO Katlng A perfect rem
_ H IV bank cdyforDlulnesnNausea
PILLS ' ) ' , lt""J' * ' " , ul Tni"
1 la tlio Mouth , ( 'oatcd
mgm M Tongue , Palu In UioSldO
ISHKS ! Iroiti'ii ) liveii 'rney
regulate the llowils Purely VtgetaUo
Sub.irlbed k guarautoad Capital , SBOO.000
1'uld In Capital , , . . , , , . . . .380.000
Jluya and sails stocks and bonds ; nogotlatui
commerilal paperimcelycsandexociitostrustai
ui t > as transfer ageut aud trustee ot corpora
tions ! tuktscharge ot property ; collucU ruids
Omaha Loan Trust Co
s. E , Cor 16th and Douglas stroota
Paid In Capital $50,000
Uub crlbed ftsiurautaedcapital , , , , (00,000 (
Liability ot stockholder * , 2OD,0O0
5 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits
1'ltANK J. LANtli : , CasUlur
Ut-riceits : A.U.Wyman , preaident : J.JIlrowa , V
vlco president ; WT vv'yinan , tmasuror t.
Duitoroasi A. II vvyman J. II Millard J. J A.
llrowi ( iuy f. Ilartou , II W. Nasli , ( hos , I , \
ICliuball ( lao II I.ako , _
Loans In any amount made on City t
Farm Property , nnd on Collators
Security , at Lowest Current RatO'
- - - -