P mTT-m AirATT * "TV A TTT 7 > inT7 . mXTTTljCtti A V TinTTTT A HA ? ftlOOfk O TIIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS The Wonthor Has n Restraining Influence - fluonco Upon Whont Bonra OPPRESSIVE DULLNESS IN CORN Onts I'nllt to Itroovor From tlio lie * cent Quietness No Clinimo In Provisions Cnttlo Itcctjlpts Coiitiuuo Heavy CHICAGO PIIODUOK MAJtlllSTS Chicago , Fob 6. ISpoelnl Tolojram ; to Tnr HrE | The shallow ot the black frost Which was swceplnit clown on the winter wheat plant , ami which reached the Chicago board ot trndo .vcstorJay , did not develop Into u mora palpublo substance todny It ' itvnnlns but a possibility , but had a restrain * Int ; efTcct upon tbo boars Just the same Something more substantial is found In the evident bordcrlutr of present prices upou limits which would reach export orders for heavy quuntitlot Thcro wcro many ru mors of considerable business quietly taking place now , which may not , however , Immedi ately appear in the export cloar.inccs , as vessels for immediate shipment cannot bo hnd A good deal of capital is being tnndo by tbo bears out of the ! slow manner In which the visible Bupply diminishes , but on lookliur over the lliruros nnd comparing thorn with those for the corresponding - responding time of lSS'J ' , it is fuund that slnco the maximum was roachea the decrease so far has only fullon behind that of n year no ( iHtt.SOS bushels , and it would not bo sur prising If from now on it should put on a spurt and surpass the pace of the dcclino In 1SS9. The mnrknt opened } 4a lower than it closed tbo night before on account of the figures of the quantity of wheat on ocean pnssnyo as supplied by Dow nnd Jones , the ! news showing a radically heavier amount than was published from the lieorbonm ' • statement received yesterday The Ueer- bohm calculation caltcd the increase over the I precoJlnir week 4C0.C00 bushels against 1,3(50- 000 as given by Bow und .loncs today May opoucd nt < 8Jjoon ; this and the non-nppoar- nnco of the heavy frost which had boon pro dieted A further decllnoto "SJfotook piaco , and then etiino a variety of rumors , which wcro of a moro or less bullish character , but at vho same tlmo were sulllciently m- dellnito to prevent any marked enthusiasm Consequently , although prices hardened nnd i May wheat advanced to 79)/o aud did not again get below Tile , the pace was slow and | the buying without vim or spirit It was J noticeable , however , that on thn advance tboro was no heavy unloading and appear . ances favor the assumption that recent pur . chases around &ya are held for moro than , le advance The ircneral feature of the market after the first hour was ono of r dogged tlnnness , and May closing at TO c , the cxtroma prleo of tbe day , is evidence of I that characteristic having hold good to the , end.Corn Corn was innnimato nnd without feature , beyond Its oppressive : dullness Trading In futures was almost entirely neglected aud in tbo cash marliot an almost equal dearth of business was reported so fares offerings to go uninteresting , with quotations ruling ubout us on this market so lir as fluctuations wcro concerned The ruugo ot prices here today clearly shows the apathy 7blch prevailed , a range of 1-Iflo cov- TiBk "io fluctuations in May The closing prices were as follows : March , 29c ; May , iilj6 ? * 31Kc ; July,83J < rc In the regular market for oats there was no recovery from tbo recent quietude , al though a fairly steady feeling was present Tbe belief prevails that the innrket is now nearly evoucd up and that while tbero Is but little short interest in May the bo holding that month for investment naturally en deavor to sustain prices This'Is easily ef fected at tbo raomont , as tbero is no prcssuro to sell , receipts are only modernto and the cash demand for samples sufttclont to absorb each days sup ply May sold at 32Ht$23c , tiucliine the outside , with June neglected at about j/c ) discount A small quantity of No 'J cash sold at 2o. ( Provisions were rather quiet throughout the ontlro day The market opened at a trifle lower range of prices and later advanced on buying by several local operators , but closed at' about yostoraay's latest prices , fluctua tions were rather narrow , being confined to 10c in May porn , 2Jtfo in May lard and the same in May short ribs CI1HJA3Q LilVB STOCK Cnioioo , Fob .5. [ rfpaoial Tolo ram to Tnn Heb.1 Gattlk Clio reo3lpts , as will be seen , eon tin no heavy , aud now stow an Iuiarkotswoiotutiioand week , with chances of ayot further increase before the close of the week Husinoss opened rather slow , with prices nbput ' steady on best and weak on other classes The export demand was only moderate , yet tbero wcro more fnlr to good natives among the urrivals than on any day last week , but exporters did not seem to i want as many us usual Dres9od boot operators - orators hold off during the early morning , as first estimates placed the receipts at 17,00) , ) , but later on it wus clear that thcro would be | only about 15,000. 'I hen the dressed beef ' operators began to move about In order to I look stock over und muko bids , finally get ting down to about yestordav's prices when the stock Just suited , aud , If nat suitable , the offer1 * were 10@l5o lower than yester day Cow stock of all descriptions was in fair domutid and steady Blockers i and feeders were also in fair demand and steady , Uhoico to extra beeves , H.50@5.12f ; medium to good steers , li : 0 to 1,500 lbs , " HOOfiKCO ; 1.B0O to 1.3S0 lbs , * 'l.50 ( < r-l.5 ! ! ! : 000 I to l'OO lbs K.00a3.T5. ) ( StncUers nnd feed ers , f3.4U@3.fi0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.50 | _ @ 19Ut bulk , * 3.10@a.40. Texas oorn-fod I steers , $ a.HO@3.00 ; grassers , * 3. ( $ ' . . ' . 80. Hogs The market o pa nod SficlOo lower nnd at that dcclino the great bulk of stock wus sold Packers.paid ? 3.003.U5 ( , gottlng [ ' n greater number at (3.1)0 ) than yesterday , nnd shippers went in at ) .D5@4,00 , paying ti.05 for a few loads Light sorts underwent - wont little or no cbango and sold largely at ttf.UOO li.W for an average of 170 to 180 lbs Singe sort cost 11.00 and butcher weight f3.05fl4.C0. m FINANCIAL H Nrw Yoiik , Feb 5 , | Special Telegram to H Tun Ukb.1 Sjocks The close of the stock B Market was buoyaut yesterday on tliu bull H courage worked up by tbo Increased divl- B deeds ot liurlington It was clear that the H boars and shorts did not desert their posts H and there was much uncertainty ubout tbe B notion of tbo market this morning , Tbe opening was feverish , but first transactions ludicatod that much ot the flrmnosi was car J ricd over from the close First prices were generally/romps'to J/por cent better than BH these of last ovonlng , but trusts , which once ' ' " " ' HHr "Y" more occupied the llrst position In the mar HH kot , were decidedly weak , Sugar bolug V off 1 per cent ut 59. A partial recovery In Sugur to V ) } ( was followed by h sharp decline to S8f and Load followed with a fractional decline The movement spread to the railroad list , and while In uo I enso was there importantdeprcsslan , Hook HJ Island lostnnd Lackawanna jV percent , HJ tbo rest of the list shading oft generally to HJ something below lait nights prices Toward HJ tbo end ot the hour the pressure was re- Hf moved , the market beearao dull aim prices HJ lmpruved slightly During the hour to noon HJ Sugar recovered to 5' ) > f and Load to Vi } , HJ Now England lost } i to 48.V and LouUvilla HJ Diuro thau lost its purly udvanco , dropping HJ back to 80. Northern Pacitlo common was H up U or"l preferred off J { . Atchison was HJ neglected Heading held Arm at 40 % HJ , o There wus no great activity anyvvhoro and > the market on the whole was narrow , The HHk Blaybaek followinglremains bullish on the HH * belief that Clould is under bis properties to Hf stay for a good advauco A bold front by HJ the clique , operating either way , might easily HJ control the market for a day The principal HJ activity of the day in stocks was after U 1 o'clock , It was then that the prcssuro wns most severe In railroad stocks and trusts , Lead wont oft nnd closed at 10 on a statement of its business Sugar touched Its cxtromo low point nt tAa and closed over 3 points lower at KU < c. Loutsi vlllo wns forced down to 83 , but recovered to 69. llock Island again suffered the worst of the railroad stocks , going oft to 02V } and closing on an up turn at Vi } { . Lackawanna was % off for tbo day and Reading U Mf cent up at 40 % Atchison , liurlington , St Paul . and Missouri Pacific made gains and Union Pnclflo lost $ ( per cent , closing at CG ( ? { . The total sales worn 153,000 shores Tbo following were the cbslng quotations : II S. 4s regular p ) i { Northern Iselfle ff ! U.S.4scoupons . . ran do oroferred • * % n,8.4tiiro | . . , ( ; ! ! a A N.V 1IJ U.H.4Sscoitponj..Hll'i ! tloprororred HQ I'scldLtisotVI 110 W.V.CVntral MH Central j Pad Be an ? * P. J.il ! . . . , V < U. riilcnRO.tAlton J : . . .l)0 : ) llocklsland l 'i Chlcsffo.llarllngtoD CM ASH Oiii A'Jiiincr 107i dotir , . . . , „ ? ll..fj.W IM 'i SU'aulA Umalm . 311i UllnolsCentMl j 110 aoprererrsu . . . 02U h.ll.Sc W. , . . . , . . , . tfnlon I'Acllle Bn i KonsssJtToxa | 0'i WSt L. A p. 13 LnkoShore lOftV aaprsforrstl . . . . . MS Michigan-Coutrsl. ] . lJ ! Western Union . . . 64i Missouri 1'solllo. . . , Tt Mo.NBr Easy at 14 ( per cent Phimb Meuoxntii.1 ! Pai'sii IJidJO per cent ' STnituso Exciiaxob Qutot nnd steady ; sixty-day i bills , St.s3 > ; demand , t\.Sl \ } { . Mining oiookh Nkw Yoiik , Feb 5. fSpoelal Telegram toTiir Ubs.1 The XollJ.vli are tin mln- Ingstock quotations ! Alice 1(0 ( Dead wood T. . . . .1M Amador I0J ClouM A Curry . . l. 'W Aspen * < * ) Ilomestako . "HO Caledonia j 11.11..AW Kl Crlsto 1C0 Con i Cnl A Vn IB'J ' Horn Silver 24U Coiiiiiuii\vunltli.lio : ( Ontario ZYM Coin3tock.T. bd . .3000 Union Con &U Cumstock , T. scp.ilUJ : PltOOUOIj MVHICIiTS UiiiCAiio Feb 5.-1:15 : p. m. close Wheat Firmer ; February , $ } { cMay \ , TOJfc Corn Steady ; February 2S c ; May , 31sO. Oats Stonily : Foburary , 21o ; May , 23 , c. Kyo May , 4fl > fc Harlo.v- Nothing doing Prime Timothy $1.1S1.1 . Flax-Cash , * 1.3S. Whisky JlOJ Pork Steady ; February , { 9.85 ; May , 110.17K. Lard Stendy ; February , J5.S3U ; Muy , 0.OiK Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , f2.00 i @ 4.33 ; spring wheat , ? 1.10@4.75 : rye , 12.50 , @ 2.S5 ; buck wheat , $1.25 ( 1.60 per cwL - Provisions Shoulders , U.25(34.37 ( } ; short clear , M.05Q5.10 ; short ribs , Fcbuary , 14.80. Hutter Steady ; crcamory , 15@20o ; dairy , 8@20& Cheese Dull ; full cream cheddars and flats 0i4@9Kc ; Voung Amoricus ; WX OlOJ c. Eggs Steady ; fresh , 12@12Wc. HldOB Steady ; heavy , und light green t salted , 4 # < < ? ilKc ; salted bull , 3o ; green , salted calf , SJ c ; dry Hint , C@7o ; dry salted , ( ific ; dry calf , 5g0n ( ; deacons , each , 2c. Tallow Steady ; No 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No 2 , 3tf(33 ( > c ; cake , 4o. Hccoipts Shipmts Flour 0.000 10,000 ) Wheat 10,000 10,000 Corn 138,000 235,000 ) Oats 137,000 154,000 ) New Yorlc , Feb 0. Wheat Hoeolpts , 24,750 bushels ; exports , 15,800 bushels ; spot stronger i ; No 2 rod , 65)rf@S. ) o in elevator , 87@87 j > ic * nlloat , 8i ( > V@bS } c f. o. b. ; options strong ; No 2 red , Feoruary , closing at 85 , % c- Corn Hnceipts , 214.2J0 bushels ; oxuorts , 112,000 bushels ; spot weaker ; No 2 , 30 , (3 ( 3Se ; in elevator , 37J.f@3Sa nlloat ; uu- graded i mixed , 25@38c ; options steady und lower , February cloBlng at 30 0. Oats Hccoipts , 151,000 bushels ; exports , 500 bushels ; Bpot , weaker ; options , casior : February closing at 23 > < o ; spot No 2 white , 20.ls @ 2U o ; mixed western , 27@30e ; white , 29g)30c ( ) Coffee Options closed , steady : sales , 24.500 bags ; February $15.00 ; May$15.50@l5.80 : Hlo.steady : faircargoes , $10.75. Sugur--Huw , dull und nominal ; refined , weak Petroleum United closed for March at $ t 07 # . Eggs Lower i ' western , 13ij'13Vfc. Pork Firm ; new iness$10.75fcill.25. Lard Weaker ; dull ; western steam , $0.20 ; May closing at $0.33. Uuttor Fairly steady ; western dairy , 8@ IGo ; creamery , 12@27 > ic Cheese Firm ; western , 8Q10O. * Mllwaulce * , Fob 5. Wheat Firm ; No 2 spring , on track , cash , 72@73c ; May , ar.iXc Oooru Quiet ; No 3 on track , 20 > fc Outs Steady ; No 3 white , on track , • 22J/c. ltyo Quiet ; No 1 , in stce , 44 } c Barley Quiet ; No 2 In store , 42 0. Provisions Poric , $0.S2J . St liiiiiix Fob 5. Wheat Firm ; cash , 76o ; May , 78(478 e. Corn Easy ; cash , 20 c ; May , 275 (3 ( 27J c. Outs Higher ; cash 21o ; May , 22o. Pork Quiet at $10.35. Lurd Dull ut $ o.tIJrt5.03. Whisky Steady ul $1.0i Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 20J33e ; dairy , H@2h\ Llvorpon' Fob 5. , Wheat Firm ; demand mand fair : holders offer sparingly ; Cali fornia No 1,7s 2 > fd par contnl ; redwostern spring , 7s 2J ; rod western winter , 8 lid Corn Quiet ; demand poor ; now mixed western , 3s lOJJjd per contul Miuncupu.i- . 5. Wheat Sample dull ; receipts , 103curs ; shipments , 31 ears Closing : No 1 hard , Februury and March , 78o ; May , 80J c ; on track , 78c ; No 1 north ern , February , ' 75 ] o ; May , 74' .f74 0 ; on trnck , 77u ; No 2 northern , February , 73c ; May , 74e ; on track , 73@75o. r = a Cliicliinnti , Fob 5. Wheat Stronger ; No 2 red , 78@70Jo. Corn Stronger ; No 2 mixed , 31) c. Oats liarelysteady ; No 2 mixed , 33K@ Siiic Whisky $1.03. Knnsno Oily , Fob 5. Wheat Steady No 3 hard , cash , IBKo ; No 2 red OS o bid ; Corn Strong ' ; No 2 , cash , 23 > c ; February - ruary , 32 > j'a Oats No , 2 , cash , 21 o bid ; February , L1VIS STOCK Uliloa jo , Feb 5. The Drovers Journal " reports as follows : Cattle Uoceipts , 15,000 ; market slow nnd J generally 5@l0c lower ; beoves.$180@5.12 > ; steers , $3.00@4.50 ; stoekors and feeders , $3 40 @ i 3.50 ; Toxus corn-fed steers , $3.O0@3.CO ; Texas gra sors , $ j.lO0jj8O. . Hogs -Heeeipts , 25,000 : market fuirly ac tive j , but 5@l0o lower ; mixed , $3.75J 4.00 ; heavy , M.7i@l05 ; light , $3.70@4.00 ; skips , $ ; tno < a3.00. • Sheep Hccoipts , 7,000 ; market strong and ' lOo higher ; nattvos $3.75Jt5,00 ; west ern ] enrn-fod , $4.50 ( 5.65 ; Texans , $3.75M 5.00 ; lambu , $5.00@0.10. National Hioolc Vardi , 10 an fit IiiiuiH , Feb 5. Cattle Hoeolpts , 3,500 ; shipments , 400 ; market steady ; fair to fancy native steers $ J.30J5.00 { ; stoekors and feed ers , $3.00@3.40. Hogs Hoeolpts , 5,000 ; shipments , 300 ; market steady ; heavy , $ .1.85(33.95 ( ; packiug , $3,703(3.00 ; light , $ ; i.7Mi3.85. ( KaiiKim City , Fob 5. Cutis Hooalpts , 4,200 ; shipraouts , * 4,200 ; market steady ; steers$3.35(34.75 ( ; rows , $1,75(33 70 ; Blockers und feeders , $3.3Ji3.20. ( Hogs Hccelpls , 7,400 ; shipments , 200 ; market strong , closed weak ; ull grades , $3.70 03.85 ; bulk , 3.75. -Imtx Olty , Fob 5. Cattle Hoeolpts , 1)00 ) ; shipments , 300 ; market active ; can ners , 75c ( < tl.25 ; cows , $1.00 135 ; stock ' era , . $ l.50i 2.25 ; feeders , $ { .25 2.90 ; veal calves , $3.O0@3.15. Hogs Heeeipts , 2,300 ; shipments , none ; market opened strong but closed lower ; light , $3.07 (33 ( 75 ; heavy , $3.07 (33.77 ( ; mixed$3.u3X0t3-mX- OMAHA lAVK hTOJK Cuttle Wednesday , F di 5. Only about 1,000 cattle were received today , compared with 2,550 yesterday und 1,790 , on Monday , a very heavy run for Monday The advices received oariy from Chicago had a depressing lufluoaca und little was dona la the first hours Among the largo tiumbor la there were quits a lot of good fair cattle , but nothing prime nor fancy , Five bunches sold for $3.75 or more A good fair run of cows 1 I r was in , and tboy sympathized with llio rest of the market ly midday the mnritot was fairly opened with some trading at prices , on everything except the best steers , from n. shade to 10c lower The hoU steers , against the opinion of nearly nil in favor of lower prices | i and thu apparent determination of buyers to lower prices , scorned to hold their own and cannot bo quoted even n shade lower j They opened slow and weak , but nil sales wcro made nt about stendy prices , The commoner grades of butchers stuffs were slow nnd a shade lower at the opening and durinc the day sales were J reported oven moro than a shade lower , Some quote the market on nil butchers steers 6 to 10c off Cow stuff was not very abundant and tbo market on that kind of cattle | did not show much change Some who had cattle that were on the commonlsh order thought they could not get yesterdays prices I , There were moro parties hero look ing 1 for Blockers and feeders than for some tlmo t back , nnd qulto n number of cuttlo changed ( hands Ono bunch of pi-ndo Hero fords sold for feeders at $3.4. ) . Towards the close ' the marKet became nctlvo nt th do cline of the day , mid before tbo close all was sold i liox" . About four thousand seven hundred hogs were received today The market opened active ( and strong , the bulk selling nt $ .1.75. Two • loads sold nt $3.35 , 2 > a higher than Tuesdays top The qunllty of the bogs was better 1 Alter nearly all the hoes hnd been Bold ' buyers seemed determined to shade the closing ! sales , but sellers were reluctant to toke less than the best prices of the day In deed j the highest prlco of th dny was on- tallied Into After the market remained flat for a tvhllo the romuitidor of the hogs were closed | out The market was Blow and Jlfo- less I at the close and was weak with a shade off in some instnuces Sheep Only 349 shnop were received today , against 1884 yesterday Some natives av eraging < only 88 lbs brought $4.50. IIIirhr-Ht null Lowest Hales ul flogs Todny Yestnrdnv Highest $3.85 Highest S3.S2K Lowest 3.00 LowoU 3.70 Stock Ilooolpti Official Saturday Estimated todny Cattle ' 133 cars..3343 Cattle , 79 cars . . . 1000 Hogs , 59 cars..3818 Hogs , 00cars..3S0U Sheep , 14 oars . . 1881 Sheep , ! ! cars . . . 381 Disposition ol' Cuttle Showing the number of cattle bought by the leading buyers on to-day'B marKet : Swift & Co 351 Ueorgo II , Hammond & Co 302 : The Armour-Cudahy Packing company 200 ; Omaha Packing company 14 Leo Hothschild 53 Hamilton , Stephens & Co : 217 : Uenton & Underwood 83 [ Shippers and feeders 313 J Vun Zandt 17 ! H.Uockor 40 [ Hogs Armour-Ouduhy Paekiugcompany 1,407 , Omaha Packing Co 838 Swift & . Co GSu { G. II Hammond & Co 411 Hogs Saturday averaged 374 lbs and C2 to i the car , Provailtnj Prices The following Is a table of priCJ3 paid In this market for the graiaj of stock mentioned - tionod : Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lhs.J.8a @IA0 Good steers , 1330 to 1155 fbs . . 3.4J ( ) | .0J Goodstoers , 1U50 to 13)0 ) lbs . . 3.00 (43.90 ( Common 10J0 to 1150 lb steers 3.0J @ 3.30 rv.mmnn .annari 1 IT ttll I' 'l ' Ordinary ( to fair cows 1.00 @ 1.90 Fair ] to good cows 1.90 ( $2,23 Good ( to cholco cows 3.30 @ 2.75 Choice ( to fancy cows 2.73 (33.00 ( Fair j to good bulls 1.5'J ' @ 2,5'J Cholco ( to fancy bulls 3.5'J @ 3.00 Light j stoekors and feeders . . . 3.00 @i.00 Feeders j , 930to 1100 lb3 2.20 @ 3 0l Fair \ to choice lizht hogs 3.70 ( < S3.7K Fair j to choice heavy hogs 3.77X' { ? : J.S2 > Fair j to cholco mixed hosts 3.70 @J,80 ilcprcsentntitri ) dales 8TLEII9. No ' Av Pr No Av Pr 5 940 $2 75 lb 1255 $3 35 1 1010 2 90 17 1319 3 40 4 1140 3 90 18 1171 8 40 1 C80 3 00 3. . . . . . . . 1359 3 45 10 1118 3 05 88 1304 3 50 .18 1093 3 15 IS 1270 3 50 1 0.M ) 3 15 1 1320 3 50 18 1173 3 30 11 1278 3 50 7 - .1231 3 35 9 1201 8 50 3 1117 3 33 21 1248 8 00 0 1140 3 23 44 1191 3 00 20 10S2 3 80 10 1394 8 75 18 1134 3 30 1 1310 3 75 58 1195 3 30 17 1410 3 75 20 1190 3 35 30 1310 8 85 U llll 3 85 11..1..1250 3 50 3 91V ) 2 75 13 1217 3 50 18 12S4 8 75 4 1052 8 15 3 1570 3 00 3 1140 3 00 8 1079 3 15 43 1303 8 85 9 807 8 00 4 930 3 00 10 HlliO 8 70 3 043 3 00 7 1314 8 30 cows 1 1130 175 0 1093 3 20 4 1102 175 3 1000 3 30 10 803 190 15 931 i ! 20 1 870 1 90 3 977 .2 20 3 1130 2 00 10 1003 3 20 1 1330 2 00 32 1011 3 23 3 1115 2 00 8 tuOO 2 35 17 900 9 00 21 1130 2 30 3 1125 2 00 4 1120 2 30 1 1100 2 00 0 1033 2 30 8 1030 2 05 3 1100 3 30 14 701 2 10 8 1050 2 35 21 070 2 10 19 1222 2 35 5 1020 2 10 1 1140 3 35 4 1175 2 11) 3 1150 3 40 15 05S 2 10 1 9S0.340 13 1100 3 10 11. ' . 1130 345 7 1131 2 1 % 1 U'80 2 50 9 1307 2 13 5 1100 s 50 13 081 3 15 a 1150 3 50 18 10S0 2 15 30 , 912 3 50 1 1050 2 15 1 13S0 3 50 13 1088 2 15 3 1177 2 00 1 000 3-50 24 030 2 00 2 1183 3 23 23III III ! US 1 1480 185 1 1700 2 40 1 1200 185 1 1400 2 40 1 1420 190 8 1400 2 40 1 1310 2 00 3 1300 3 45 1 1200 2 00 1 1060 2 50 1 1470-2 00 8 1583 2 50 3 1520 2 00 3 1775 3 50 si 1400 8 00 1 1410 3 60 7 1443 3 00 3 1035 3 50 3 1435 2 00 1 1710 3 50 V WJ 15 UU i ] 1140 3I 1 149U 3 15 1 1000 3,05 1 4S0 2 15 1 1290 3 70 1 1080 3 15 2 1770 3 70 1 1700 2 30 I 1770 3 75 1 1380 2 25 1 1770 3 00 1 1450 3 30 1 1770 8 00 1 10J0 3 05 1 13SU 8 73 1 1270 3 15 15FEBDRB9. FEBDRB9. 1 1140 8 25 1 730 3 90 8 780 3 70 8 1085 3 00 4 852 3 70 3 043 3 00 3 833 3 70 4 930 3 00 3 010 3 75 0 750 3 03 7 913 8 75 7 1057 3 05 57 701 3 80 8 1050 3 05 81 944 3 80 19 000 3 10 1 870 3 bO 10 958 3 10 3 975 3 85 9 1191 8 15 1 , 850 3 85 18 990 8 30 1. . . ' . , . . . 760 3 90 CANNEItS , 1 810 130 3 1150 175 37. , . 823 135 1 1010 175 1 1120 150 17 905 175 2 930 150 8 1040 180 1 1110 150 17 , . 803 180 3 980 1 50 1 990 1 85 3 , 1015 150 83 , .608 185 1 1030 1-05 8TOCKB1IS , 7 391 175 7 D51 3 05 24 033 SIM 14 040 3 05 CULVK3. 10 390 170 15 109 4 00 7 339 175 7 310 170 . OXEN 1 1570 3 00 U , . .1780 3 00 MIXED , 13 1397 3 30 FEEDEltS , OIUDE IIEJIEFOUDS 20 H73 3 40 UritSTEllH OITTLB Owner and No Av , Pr 91 feeders , cornfod , , . . DM $3 00 Standard Cattle Company 47 cows , corn-fed.1020 2 75 04 cows , corn-fod 1025 2 75 17 bulls , corn-fol ,1402 3 70 nons No av Sh Pr No.Av ; „ Sh Pr 05..247 330 3 70 Kl..319 240 3 73 CO..213 80 3 70 G7 , .m 80 3 7d fill..871 , 40 8 70 Rl . . r .3.M 80 3 75 04..218 80 8 7J 73.,1,319 40 8 75 61..251 120 a 72tf BS ilMl 3 75 S5..2'i'i 80 a "Hi 5' .I..l3J0. SO 8 75 73..239 SO 3 73 } < 01..3n 3 75 69..284 SCO 3 72 } < 78 , . .227 3 75 83..84(1 ( 12J 3 73 } < 57..870 120 3 75 rK ) . . . . ' . ' 49 40 3 72K BS..A3H8 80 3 75 08. . . 233 120 3 72 > i 04.2M 120 3 75 63..278 200 8 72J 57. . 'J 7 00 3 75 01..205 800 8 78 ! $ 07..853 - - 3 75 0(1..274 ( ( 320 8 ? 2i } 03.lil ! 8 75 . 50..275 200 3 75 69..503 40 3 77 } 154..318 1CJ 3 73 BO..A303 80 8 77 } < 00..289 | 200 8 55 73.274 12J 8 77,4 58..293 40 8 73 00..2JO 80 3 77W 01. . . . .1)7 ) 80 3 75 09..278 80 8 7 ! > i 01..277 ( 40 8 75 60..383 80 3 80 00.,82 ( 120 8 75 74 . . 32 * 40 8 80 00..305 ( 80 8 75 61,809 130 3 80 00..850 40 8 75 68..288 100 3 SO 09..202 100 8 75 03..2S1 3 80 65..330 [ 800 3 75 6S..2i8 40 8 80 03. ( . .801 120 3 75 03..22J 3 80 74..850 40 8 75 55..309 3 80 80..2.V1 120 8 75 44..421) ) 3 85 09..201 j 40 8 75 44..415 120 8 85 DOS 30..171 240 300 With Cnttlo On the marliot with cattle : C. J. Hyam , Shelby , la ; Hyam & Pryor , Shelby , In ; 13. W. Elson , Dunbnr ; Wilkinson it G. , Avoca ; Peterson & N „ Honlngton ; John Hclnncr , Arlington ; E. U. Everett , Lyons : H C. Cur tis , Hluo Hill ; C. W. MUlor , Concord ; J. C. Stnrlts Concord ; 1) . C. Clark , Concord ; J. F. Dechl , Nelson ; D. Deitrlck , Upland : U. J. Morns , Western ; N. C. Chrlsteiison , Min den ; G. A , Anderson , Loomis ; II L. Moss ner , South Hoed ; J , P. Higglns , LIncolu ; Frank Spiccr , Nelson ; T. P. Hlootn , Garrisou ; • Stundnrd cattle company , \ Ames ; Fisher Hros , Central City ; C. Oskamp , Clarks : Komds Hros , Hlrd I City : A. Mlttner , Wnco ; Snyder Hros , Lin . coln ; W. II Urownson , Pleliroll ; C. M. Shodd , Plckretl ; John Lawrence , Millignn ; • A. Lynn , Millignn ; II C. King St Paul ; GauetO , Mondamln , la ; Tobias Mack , Stnnton ; M. A. Decamp , Clear Water : H. Marwood , Clear Wutor ; Don Dacy , Llnd- saj ; H. Leuimor , Lindsay ; C. N. Jarvls , Howells ; F. C. Ullss , Howolls ; J. Powers Co , Henderson ; N. W. M. Co , Stanton ; Lenox & H. , Arcadia ; J. C. Cooper , Ansel- 1 mo ; A. Filut , 'Lichfield ; A , D. Moroling , Hazard With lings On the market with hogs : M Hutton , Hundolph , la : J. S. Dee , Shelby ; Gcorgo Uoctol Mlllnrd , J. Haatlo , Cooke ; H. E. Roberts , Kennnrd ; Farmo s Co Assn , Cedar Bluffs ' ; A. E. Tunberg , Hooper ; Morton I ton Hros , Vordlgro ; The Huntoon Co , Earl ing , In ; Wallace & S. , Coin , la ; M. D. Stevens , Dcnison , In ; C. SpjccherDentson , la : W. &H , , Ulyses ; Conor Hros , Ohlowu ; 1 IJ Dietrick , Upland : U. J. Morris , Wcstorn , ' Kernot Hros , Hlrd City ; II A. Smith , Hloom City ; A. H.Smith , Uortrand : DeitzA I Mlllitron , KcarnoyH Gund & Co , HluoHill t ; Fuller & G , Cowles ; Jones Hros , Hustings ; I Todd & Norwood , Maynnrd ; U. U. Ogg , Fairmont ; H. Houghton , Madrid ; Tobias Muck , Stanton : Gamct & O. , Mondamln : F. J. Halo , Meadow Grove ; Trowbridge & ; Co , Nollgh ; Van Zaudt Urothors , Ewing ; James S. Kirvlng , Uassct : F. C. Ullss ' , C N. Jarvis , Howolls ; J. Powers & Co , Henderson ; E. D. Gould , Cedar Hapids ! ; Bliss & H. , Schuyler : George Culver Au ' rora ; Hackoit & Hrass , Mason ; Parks & Munn , P. J. M. Rogers , H. Emerson , Cedar Rapids ; Dunu & Nye , Coy ) Center ; John Lawrence , Molllgan ; Aug Aniens , Hoolus ; Hobson & U. , Cozid ; C. „ Rudat , NorfolK ; ; Monk & Anderson , Ulanchard ' With Sheep Gibson & Parsons , Clarks Chios From thuMarlcir C W. Miller , with three curs , and J. C. Sparks , with one car of cattle , were In from Concord A. S. McCartnoy of Dunbar was in with cattle < ' John Lawrence marketed cattle from Mil lignn • " ' - ' Milllgan was " represented by , Mr.Lnn ( , who marketed ealtlo * * * * " " Qliss & Ullss ' of Schuyler , Neb , who are among the eldest and be > ( of South Oiauba patrons , are in today with a load of hogs Parks & Munn , frequent shippers of Ord , Neb , and F. M. HuQIngton , another regular patron from Glcnwood , la , each sent in a load of bogs W. Peterson , Red Oak , la , Is trying the market today with a load , of cattle H. Cook has not shown.up very frequently of late , but makes up for lost time by bring ing in three loads of hogs with him today from Underwood , la E. W. Eiscr of Dunbar , Neb , Is on tbo market today with throe cars of fat cattle H. Cutter sends In il load of cattle from Dlue Hill , accmnpinlW by Mr Best J , P. Hieglns , a regular shlppor from Lin coln , adds ono load of cattle to today's ' re ceipts W. H. Browman PIckrell , has ono load of cattle ou the market F. C. Bliss , one of the old rellablos , " ap peared on the market again today with a car each ot cattle und hogs Gamot & Ogden of Mondamln , la , sent lu n car of cattle and a car of bogs Gib3on & Pratt of Clarks , Neb , have two double decks of sheep on tbe market today Ed Gould , the daily shipper of Columbus , Neb , sends in another car of hogs today C. N. Jurvls of Howells was in with three cars of cattle G. II Estos brought in two cars of cattle from Glonwood , la ' E. S. Jester of Nebraska City marketed hogs hogs.Wallaco Wallace & Stitt marketed hogs from Coin , la la.W. W. F. Perkins of the firm of Perkins & Oglesby marketqd hogs from Ootavla E. P. Everett of Lyons was In with cattle Gus A , Anderson ot Weatmark was In with cattle from Loomis Andersen reports plenty of corn but few nogs in his soctiou of Phelps county Mr Ueach of Hamburg , la , was looking ever the yards • J. M. Straban of Wayne , ono nf the largo shippers , who has been vary ill , is reported much bettor today Louis Smithborger and T , M. Mack of Stanton were in with cattle Kerndt Brothers , extensive shippers of Bird City Kan . , had two ears ot cuttlo and ono of hogs on the market OMAHA > WHOLESALE MA.RKI2T& Proiluoe , Kruits , Etc Eoos Strictly fresh , 13gl4c ( ; cold storage 8@l0o. ' ' Hides , Pelts , Tallow ; Etc Green salted hides J 4Wo ; No 2 , g. b. h , Ides , 2o ; dry flint hides , OfciGo ; calf hides , 4 } ' @l ) c ; damaged j hides , 8o loss ; sheep pelts.green , each , 25c@ $1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@l3Ko ; tal low No 1 , 3 } < o ; No 3 , 8o ; grease , white , 4@4 > fe ; yellow , 25 < @ 3. ' HuTTEit Cronmery , fu 'ricy , 30@33o ; choice , 10@l7a Dairy , fancy , l4c10o ; choice , 11@ 12c. Country , fancy , 11(3H2q ( ; good to cholco , 0@lto j ; fair , 7@3c ; lnforWU@0c. Pickles Medium , per < bbl , $4.75 ; small , $5,75 j : guorkins , $0.75 : Cjdt U chow chow , qts , , $5,85 ; pts , $3.35. r Poultrv Dressed , per lb Chickens , 0@ 9@llc. < 8o i ; ducks , 9@10o ; goes / ' 6 " , 'l0@llo ; turkeys , Potatoes 33@35o fof 'dholce ; common , ' ' . 20@25o. Sweet Potatoes 70 < § 73e. Onions 50 < a)70a ) Veil Saueb Khaut Hbis , $ L75 ; half bbls , $2.75. Game Mullnrd ducks $8.00(33 ( 50 ; mixed ducks , 1.5J@i.O0 ; teal , $1.85@1.50 ; Jack snipes , $1.00il.25 ( ; Juck rabbits , $ . ' 1.50(31.00 ( ; small rabbits , $1.00 ( 1.30 ; squlrroU , $1,003 1.10 ; plover 75@H,00. CiDEU-Hbls , $5.50 : hit bbls , $3.25. Mai-le Sdoau 12 > fi315o ( per lb Funs Heaver , par lb , $3.50@l.O0 ; otter , each , $3.07.00 ( ) ; wolf , each $1.50@2.OO ; coon , oacb , 85@75o ; mink , each , lS OOd ; muskrat , fall , 6Vllc ( : kkunk , rat , 85&0Joj badger , rat,26@S03 ; deerskins , fall , per lb , 18@87o ; winter , 80(43Jc. ( . Beams Choice hand picked oavy $ l.75@ 3.00 ; uhoico band picked medium , $1 03@l,70 ; cholco hand ulcited country , $ l,6JJji,75 ; clean country , $1.23@l,50 ; inferior country , $1.0001.85. " PiiovisioNs ' Hams No 1 , 10 lb average , 9i'e20to33lbs.84'o ; } ; 13 to 14 lbs 9tfo ; shoulders 4 } o : breakfast bacon , No I , so : bam sausage , 8 } < c ; dnod beef hams , 7o ; beef tongues , $0.00per dozen ; dry salt meats , 6@5 } u per lb ; ham roulette , OUc ; add lo per lb for small lots AwLES-Per bbl , common , 3.002.25 ; choice ( , $3.50C < WOO ; fancy , $4.0Og5.00. ( Mince Meat So per lb Honey ir < l > lfo ) per lb for choice , Piiesrhvrs SqDIOo tier lb Jellies ! @ 4o per lb Beeswax No 1. l < VU9e , Pins Feet Plenled , kits , 70c ; spiced pigs tongues > , kits $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , (13c ( ; pickled 1 H. C. tripe , kits , S3c ; spiced pigs hocks > , kits $1.13. , Flouii State , $3.00(31.00 ( ; fancy , $ l.0.Kft 5.00. ' 5.00.Hav , Hav Cholco upland , $0.00 ; midland , $4,50 ; lowland ' , $ i 60 Chop Feed $12.50. Huan $10.r > O. Lkmons Fancy , $5.0DJ 1,00 ; cholco , $ .1.60 ' 3.oo. Celeht Per dor , 80c. Califoiima GiiAfES $100 : pears , $2.73 , Mess Pouk I'or bbl , $ D.755l0.i5. ? ! , Bananas According to size , per bunch , $3.oo@i.oo. ; HUTTRUlNn Tubs , 13c : roll , 14c , Coooanuts Per 100 , $3.00 , Ari-i.n Hutteii Oo CltANIlKHIItES"-$10.00@ll.r.O. Ouaniies Florida , per box , $ .1 OOC VOI Hi'ckwukat Flour Per bbl , $ l,75 $ * > .50. Wool Fine , average 83@33c ; medium nverngc3I | ( ; 22c ; quarter blond , avorogo , 18 ( a2c ( ) ; coarse , average , 15 170 ; cotts and rough , average , 14@10c Cons 18c Oats lBc Veal Choice , medium bo ! , 0@3o ; choice , heavy , 4(5lc. ( ( LivePioeoss Per doz , $1.50. Grocer Us Diukii Fuuit Ciirrnnt , now,5J e ; prunes , caskB 1,300 lbs , 5c ; prunes , bbls or bugs , t } { c\ \ citron peel , drums , 20 lbs , 28j ; lemon peel , drums , 19lbs , 18c ; fnrd dates , boxes 12 lbs , 10c ; apricots , choice cvnpornted , 14o ; anrlcots , Jelly , cured , 23 lb boxes , 10c ; apri cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 83 lb boxes , l ( > e ; apricots , choice , bugs , 80 lbs , 14 } o ; up- plos , cvnporatod , Allien , 60 lb boxes , On ; npplos , star , 8c } ; apples , faucy , Aldcn , 61b , 10o ; npplcs , fancy Allien , 3 lb , 10 } < c ; Salt Luke , 5 fo ; blackborr'cs ' , evaporated , 60 lb boxes , hi ) < sfiyochorrics \ , pitted , dry cured , 13c ; pears , Culifornin tuiiuy , } VS boxes , 831b , 12o : peiichuB , Cul Nol , fancy , ' -j9 , unp bags , 80 lb , 15e ; nectarines , red , 14u ; nectarines , silver boxes , 15c : nlttod plums , Cal 3.3 lb boxes ' , 8 } o ; raspborrlos , evao , N. Y. , now , 23 } a ; prunes , Cat , R C , 90-100boxcs,83lbs , , 7u : prunes , U. C. (50-70. ( 9o ; ornngo peel , ! 5o ; raisins , Culifornin Loudon , crop 1889 , $2.83 ; Cal loose , muscatels , crop 18S9 , $2.00 ; Val encias , 1SS3 , Oo ; Valonclas , now , 8K ° i Cul seedless , sits , % a. Can.neh Goods Fruits , California Canned Goods , Standard Brands , 3 } lbs , per doz Apricots , $1.70@1.85 ; uprlcols , plo fruit , $1.55 ; gallons , $4.05 ; blackberries , $3 35 : cherries , black $2.00@2.25i cherries , white , $3.33(143.50 ( : crapes , $ I.05@1.S0 ; Dears , Uart- lott , $2.10@3.30peachos ; , yellow , $3.10@8.35 ; peaches , lemon cling , $2.35 ; plums , egg , $1.05(31.SO ( ; plums , eold drops , $1.80 ; plums , grocn gages , $1.05(3)1.80 ( ) ; peaches Hay City , with puts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 ; gooseberries - berries , $3.30 ; nectarines , $2.05 ; quinces , $3.10 ; raspberries , $2.90strawborrios ; , $2.75 ; peaches , 3 lb eastern staudards , $1.85 : 3 fl > eastern seconds , $1 a3@1.53 ; 3 lb plo , $1.10 ; 0 11 > pic , $2,00 ; gallon , pie , $3.00 ; Crescent anples high standards , $3.50 ; 2 1b gooseberries - rios , 90c ; 2 lb strawberries , 9U@93c : 3 lb raspberries , $1.00 ; 2 lb blueberries , 80ii90i ( : ; 2 lb blackberries , 03@75o ; 3 IT * strawberries preserved , $1.S02 ; lb raspberries , preserved , $1.80 ; 3 lb blackberries , preserved , $1.80 : pineapples , Bahama chopped , $3.00 ; 3 lb Uahama grated , $2.75 ; 3 lb Bahama sliced , $3.50 ; 3 lb Standard sliced , $1.33031.50 ; cher- rics , 2 lb red , Baltimore , 85@95c Canned Fisit-Urook trout , 3lb , $2.40 ; sol mon trout , 3 lb , $2.33 ; clams , 1 lb $1.33 ; clams , 2 lb , $2.09 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.75 ; dovilcd eraos , 1 lb , $2.33 ; deviled crabs 2 lb , $3.50 : codfish balls 3 lb $1.75 : cavinr Uu \ * : . * . > ; oois , j iu , f.i.'iu ; lunsiers , i iu , i.uji lobsters 2 lb , S2.95 : loosters , deviled , X lb , $2.35 ; mackerel , 1 lb , $1.75 ; mncnerol , mus tard sauce , 8 lb , $2.00 ; mackerel , tomato sauce i , 3 lb , $2..t0 ; oysters 1 lb , $1.10 ; oysters , 2 1b , $1.85 ; salmon , C. It , lib , $1.90 ; sal mon , C. It , 3 lb , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , ? 1.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 3 lb , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 lb , $2.55. Conrisn Extra Georges , nnw,5/c ; Grand BanK , now , 4 } < c : Turkey cod , largo middles , 84fc } ; silver 8 lb elocks , Oo ; snow white , 2 lb 1 bricks , 7Xc ; snow white , crates 12-5 lb ' boxes , 7u ; Iceland halibut , lie ; medium scaled herring , 25c ; No 1 sealed herring , 33o ; domestic Holland herring , 53c ; Ham ' burg spiced herring , $1.50 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Russian sardines , plain 55s ; imported ' : Holland herring , Crown brand , 80c ; do , 1 fancy mila-crs , 90c. Fisn Mackerel , No 1 shore , half bbls , $13.00 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18 00 ; white fish , half bbls , $7.00 ; trout , Half bbls , $5.50 ; fam . ily white fish $3.00 ; salmon $8.50 ; I lb mack erel unerring ; ti.uuicyi.iu ; i iu unuu iiauuius , $1.75 ; 3 lb lobsters , $2.90@3.00 ; 1 lb lobsters , $1.90@2.00 ; 1 lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , $1.00 ; 2lb oysters , 10 oz , Uultlmoro Peorlcss , $1.85 ; 1 lb oysters , 5 oz-Baltimore Peerless , $1.10 ; 2 lo select , 13 cz Peerless , $3.35 ; 1 lb clams , little necks , $1 25 ; 3 lb clums , little nocks , $3.10 : li lb sardines , Imported , Dorcnso , 100s , $11.00(310.00 ( ; } f lb sardines , imported , per case 100s , $15.0u 0.00 ; } < lb imported boneless - loss sardines " , 2Ue ; X lb sardines , American , per 100s , French style , $159@3.0J ; } { lb sardines - dines , American per cuso 10js , French style , $7T0@3.00 ; \ { lb sardines , mustard , per case 50s , $4.00ft4.25 ( ; imported Key sardines , $13.00. ViS'JETAiiLcs Tomatooi 3 lb extra , $1.00 ; 3 lb Standard , Woslern brands , 00@95o ; gallons , strictly standard , $2.90 , Corn Preferred stock sugar corn , finest grown , $1.00 ; gllt-odco sugar corn , very line , $1.60 ; McMurray's 3 lb sugar corn , $1.31 ; 3 lb extra , Western brands , 85c@l 09 ; 2 lb standard , Western brands , 70iS0c. ( Mushroons I lb French extra Uno,32cJ25c ( ; 1 lb French , fine , 18@22c ; 1 lb French , ordi nary , 1018o. Peas Tros line , per can , 35c ; 1 domi fine , per can , 10c ; 3 lb extra , sifted , $2.00 ; 3 lb Early June , $1.35@1.35 ; 2 lb Mar • row , standard bruud , $1 10 ; 3 lb soaked , 59c. String Hoans 3 lb high grade refugee , 90c ; I 3 lb Golden Wax beans , 75c ; 2 lb string beans , 70c. Lima Beans -3 lb soaked , 75c ; Boston Baked Beans 8 lb Lewis , $1.05 ; Crown brand , $1.50. Swcot Potatoes 3 lb j Now Jersey , $1.00 : Daisy , $1.85. Pumpkin 3 lb new pumpkin , 95c. Cocoa } lb tin , 40c per lb Chocolate 33ftj35o per lb ; German chick or.v , red , 8o , OiLS-Kerosone-P. IV , 10c ; W. W. . lStfe : headlight , 13c ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , $1.35 09.00 nor dozen Suoahs Cut loaf , 8c : cut loaf , cubes , 1a i tandurd , powdered , 7c ; XXXX , powdered , 1a\ \ granulated , standard , 7@7 } < c ; confec tioners' A , OJfc ; white extra C , OJj 'cj extra C Neb , Oo ; amber 5o. SoArs Castile , mottled , per Hi , 6@10o i do , white , per B > , 13n15c. ( ! Canned Meats t lb lynch tougue , $3.00 ; $130 ; 3 lb corned beef , $3 05 ; 0 tt > corned i beef , $0.50 ; 14 lb corned boor , $14.00 , 3 lb boneless pigs feet , $3.35 ; 1 lb English brawn $1.30 ; 3 1b English brawn , $2.00 ; 0 tl > En 1 glish brawn , $0.50 ; 1 lb compressed ham , $1.75 ; 3 lb compressed bam , $2,75 ; ,1 lb chipped benf , $2.00. Lve-$1.754.50. GiNaEn Jamaica , \i pints , $3.00 per doz Cheese Young Americas full cream i , lltfu : factory twins , lie ; off grades , 7rf8c ; • Vun Rosson Edam , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , 33c ; brick , 13fc ; limburger , lie ; domestio Swiss , 1 . ' ! ( iiHe ; imp Swiss , 30c. WiiAPW.vi Papbii Straw , per It ) , \)4@ So ; rag , 2 } o ; manillo , H , 5@0V/c ; No 1 , 7cBaqs Baqs Union squnro , 85 per cent off list bALT-Dairy , U0 Xb in bbl , bulk , $3.10 ; best grade , GO , 5s , $3.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s 1. $2.40 ; best grade , 28 , 10s , $3.30 ; rock salt , crushed , $1.60 ; dairy salt , Ashton,5ll lb bags , 83c ; . bulk , 834 lb bags , $3.35 ; common , In ' bbls , $1.35. Faiiihaceous Goons Barley , JJ lo ; fa rina , 4ke ; peas , 3u ; oatmeal , 34.to ; maca : roni , 10c ; vermicelli , 10c : rico , 4 ( < { ( l > fo ; s go and tapioca , 0$7o ( ; lima beans , tie CorrxB Roasted Arbucklo's Arlasa 3 Xo : MoLtughlln's ' XXXX , 34Xe ; Germsn I 34-l u ; Dilwortb,24Xu ; Aluroma,3IXo ; bulk , 341/c. Hkmp.Twine Heavy , 14o ; medium , 10o ! i light , 17cj 18 1) . G80o ; 84 , 20o ; 30 , 19a ; 48 , 17c : broom twines , colored , 80a. Mattiiess Twink Very tine , 40a ; Ono , 88a ; medium , 35a ; binders , 18a Sail Twine Very line ( Ux , 33o ; tine flax , 89c ; line cotton , 32o ; Calcutta bump Mo Salsod\-l&OIK" ( far lb , Staiicii IJiOJSo per lb Stove Polish $3.00@5.87 per gross , Bitoous 1 tie , $2 01 : 8 tie $ J.80 : stables , $3 83 ; common , $1.50u1.75. ( } Haos Am , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiiton , per 100. $17.00. Nuts Almonds , 15o ; Brazils , 14c ; filberts , 12K ; pecans Ho ; walnuts , 13 } u ; peanut , cocks , 8 ; roasted , Uo ; Tennessee peanuts ' 7o. SriCEB Whole , per lb Allspleo , IPe ; Cas- sla , China , 0e ; cloves , Ponang , 24o ; nutmegs , No 1 , 75o ; pepper , 1819o ( ! ; shot pepper , 83c. Duuos ( Grocers ) Per lb Borax , He ] ; coppsrAj t , 2tfc } ; Hay leaves , 14c : luo ltkj ; cpcom i salti , 4c ; glsuber salts , ile : sulphur , 4 > Vc ; blue vltrol , 9c ; nlum , 4c ; tartaric neld , , 48c ; rosln 'Jc : salt ; > ter , absolutely pure , 10c ; gum i camphor Bibs in box , I oz eskes , 83c ; hot I ) * , if anillli packages , 20n ; sngo , 14 and } ; < -lb pjekages , 15c : madder , 13c ; saltpeter , 10e ; Indleo , n-lb nnd 5-lb boxes , S F , 0370c ( ! ; Indigo I , 8-lb and 5 lb bsxo * . Madrls , 73o ; seal ing I waxrB'ilb boxes , red , 3 } j ; sosllng wax 33 ! lb bones , white , 4e. CorrEE Green Fancy old golden Rio , 23e ! ; fancy old peaoerry , 23i : ; Rio , nholoa to I fancy , 21a : Hlo , prime , 81o ; I ! 10 , good , 80c ! ; Mocha , 29c ; Java , fiincy Matiachllng , 3S ! ! Java , good Interior , 31c ; Afrlctn , 8I0 Hope Manilla rope , 15j basis ; slstl rojie , 12o : ; cotton rope lOe ; now process , SXo- Cotton Twine Hlbb very fine , 3 or 4 ply , 23d ! ; line , 80o ; Daisy 180. Olives Quarts , per doz , $3.75 ; pints , per doz i , $ . ' . ' 23 ; bulk , psrgul , Die Vineoak 80 gr elder , 8c ; good , 12o ; fine , 10c. 10c.Molasjks Molasjks Bbls , N. O , cholco , par gal , 45c ; bakers , 28c : black strap , SOe Dry Good • . CAUt'sr Waiu' Hlbb , white , IS'iu ; colnrod , Sltfo 11ATT9 SUindard , 8c ; gem , 10c ; beauty , 12 } o ; boone , 14c ; peerless , cased , $0.60. Coiiset Jk ns lloston , 7 } < e ; Androseoj gin , 7J/c ; Konrsargo , 7\fi : ; Uockiort , 0 fc ; Conestega , OJfc Ticks Oakland A , 7 ? o ; International YY , So ; Shottickut , S , SJ \Vufron ; , No 870 , 10c ; HortvIcK , HA 18c ; Aemo 13o ; York , 30-inrh , 12Kc ; York , SMneh l. 'l > , 'o ; Hwlft River So , Thorndiko , OO , 8fo } ; Tnnrndlke , KF 8tfo } : Thorndlko , 180 , 8fo } ; Thorndlke , XX , 14e ; Cordis No 5 , lltfc ; Cordis So , 4 , 10ft ! ! . Kentuckv Jeans Memorial , lis : Glen wood , 8O0 ; Ky , Star , 83c ; ilorcutes , ISo ; Em pire , 23c ; ColUwold , 27fo ; Mcllvlllo , 83e ; Unng-tip , 27 } c. CitAsit Stcvons' 13 , 5.fo } ; Stevens A , 7c ; bleached , 80 ; Slovens' P. 7Jfc ; b oiichod , SJ o : Stovcns' N , 8K0 ; bleached , 'JVtfo ; Stevens ' Sltr , ll' c Miscellaneous Table oil cloth , $2.30 ; tublu oil cloth , murblo , $3.50 ; plain Holland , 9Wo : dado Holland , \'i \ } { . Funnels Plnld Raftsmen 30c ; Clear Lake , IHKo ; Iron Mountain , 20ku ; White GII , No 8 , - > f , 234o } : GH No I. ) f , 20 c ; UH No 2 } l , 22Kc ; UU No 1 , Jf , 3Ue ; Que- choo No 1 , Jf 42o. PittNTS Solid Colors Atlantic , ( ! e : Sin ter , 0c ; Berlin oil , tltfe ; Gamer oil , 7@7Ko ; Pink and Rnbi-s Klciimoml , ( i'.Jc ; Allen , Hi : Riverpoint , 5Uo ; Stool Kivor Oo ; Pac.llo ' , 0 fo ; Indigo Blue St Leger , 5 } c ; Wesh- ington , Oo : American , ( ! } e : Arnold , 5tfe ; Arnold Century , 9c ; Amand , 12e ; SHefcl A , 12o ; Windsor gold tk't ' , Wl4c\ \ _ Arnold 11 , 10 > Jc ; Arnold A , 12e ; Arnold Gold foal , lOKc ; Yellow Seal , WKo- Cam lues * Slater , 5o ; Woolsu3c ; Stand ard , 5o ; Peacock , flc Flannel White Quoeche No 3 , Jx inch 37fc : Quecchc " , No II , J Inch , 81 } o ; Ana wan , 32Xo ; Windsor , "iyia ; rod U. 24 inch , 15j 'c : E 24 inch , 21Kc : GG 81 inch 30c ; II A F , h Inch , 33c ; J R F. Jfiuch37c ; G , ( inch , 25a SimLP No 1 plain , 8 aad 18 in , $17.03 ; no 8 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.50 ; No 1 , O. G. $17.00. Denims Amoskoag,7cz ; ' 0(5 ( 1 Everett Ooz , 13c ; York , 9 oz , 13c : Haymaker , 8 > c ; Jaftroy XX , lie : .laiTroy XXX , 18c ; Heaver Creek , AA lll c ; HnavorCrcek UB , lie ; Hoavcr Creek CC.IOc. . Ginoiiam I'lunket cheens , tSJfe ; bl 'n- ton , I59fu ; York , lyfo ; Normandi dre.-n > , .i jr ; Calcutta dross , 7 > s 'c ; Renfrew dress , b4 @ 13 } < c. . PitiNTs Dress Charter Oak , 5/c } ; Rit- mnpo , 4 } c ; Lodi , 5J < fo ; .flloti , Oc ; Richmond , 6c ; Windsor , O'-fc ; Eddystono , ( JVe ; Pacific , 6c. Popi.ah LDMiiEu-Clear poplar box bds , } i in , s2s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , * jj in panel , $ .10.00 ; clear poplar , % m panel , $83.00 ; cleur poplar , H in panel , stock wide , a 8 s , $88.00 ; cleur poplar corrugated ceiling ) i in , $89.50. Posts White cedar 0 in hulves , 18c ; white codyr , fi } in halves and S In quarters , lie ; white cedar , 4 In round , lOj ; Tennessee red codnr , split , 10s ; split oak , white , So ; sawed oak , 17c. Battens , Well Tuhino , Pickets O. O. battB , 2 > „ ' inch O'Je ' ; O. G. batls , 85@8 ss , 85c ; 3 inch well tubing , D. & M. und bev $81.00 : pickets , D & II , flat , $21.00 ; pickets , D & H , square , $18.00. Ckili.no and Partition 1st com % in , white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2d com V in 1 white pine purtion , $ i7.00 ; clear % in yellow pine celling , $20.00 : clear % In Norway , $14.00 ; 2d com % in Norway , $13.00. ' Lime Best , 80o. Cement $1.25. Pl-ASTElt $2.20. lit -tals. Block Tin Small pig , 2Sc per lb ; bar 1 29c per lb Pnl PRli PInnlOinri bnllntnt7.nq. . H'2n lii p lb ; cold rolled 83c lb . . per ; shouthing 3 > c per lb ; pitta and flats , 28c per lb Galvanized Sheet IhonDlsct , 50-10 per cent ; pat plan iron A. 10 } c ; H , ! ) } c Roofing Charcoal , I. C , 14x20 , 112 , $0.00 ; I. X. , $7.50. Sheet Ikon No 20 , $3.75 : No 27 , $3.85. SOLDEK 14@10j. Tin Plate I. C , 10x14. 235 , $7.50 ; I. X , 10x14 , 225 , $9.25. Tin Plate Coke f. C , 10x14 , 225 , $0 50. Steel Nails Base , $3.00. Steel Wike Nails Haso , S3.50. Wibe Jap barb , $3.01 ; galv , $1.20. oWrMmITm , GRApr , ProvisionsMStocks Basement Fiwt National Bank , a05 Soulh llllli SlicctOiimlm. . OMAHA MANMCTOM- Boots and 8hooa- KtllKENDALL , JOSES & CO , Successors to Heed , Jones , V Co Wholesale Maniifacira ! of Boots & Mi Ag nt lor Hoaton Itubber Shoo To , 1103. HOI and 110) I liarney Direst Umslia Mebraikn OroworB , StonZ AILElt , Lager Beer Brewers , Ull North Klgbl atb Btrset , Omans Nebrmt * . . Cornloo EAOLE CORN JOE WOIIKS , Mannfactorert ofGalyanizci Iron Cornice 1 Wlodoir-ctpt aad meMllle ikrllubts Jolin Epeneter , proprlsior 103 antt 11J South iota street ' > * Btoam fitting , Pumps , etc OLAIlKSIKAil UHATI.yU CO , - Pumps , Pipes ana Engine , Etesm , water , rsllwsr snd lulntni : supplies , etc m.Wisnd Wl Vtrimn street , Oaislis U. S. WIND ENOWE * PUMP CO , Steam and Water Supplies , HslllOr wlol mllll 918 sad BMJonel lOralUs U. K , Uoss , Acllng Mnnssor : nitOWNELL & CO , Engines , Boilers ana General Mactiinery Puaet-lroa work , ileum paisps saw mills U13-121I I.e T o ortb street , Oi ab . ; IronWorka „ PAXTOX A VIBliLINU IHON WOIIKS , Wrongs ana Cast iron Bniliing Wort Saflner , brass work , general foundrr , machine , and lilackiuiltb work Office onJ works U. 1 * . Itr and 11th street , uroaba - OMAHA WIIIE t lUOff WORKS , Mannractnrers of Wire M Iron Railings l Desk rails , window guards Dower stands , wire signs etc la Norm Itit street , Umaliai - OMAHA SAFE A lliON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrelar Proof Safes , Vaults , jail work Iron abutters and An eiearxs QAndrecupropr Ccr.lllli and . ' ! ssonBis ; aosh Peers , Eto " m. a , Disunow A CO , Wholesale manufacturer Sail Doors Blinds , , and Mouldings , Branch office , 13th aad Hard streets , Omalia Neb tUJi . 1 . J. - _ : -wa SOUTH OMAHA . UNION BTOOK YARD CO , OfSontuOmaba , Limitei I I OMAHA JOBBEYs'llRECTJLRL ' LlXJNaiCR A METCALFCO , AerlcDlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages Du le , elo < Vhoie slo Oaisia Nebraska , IIOUNE , MtUtUHXA STOhOAltU CO , Manufacturers and Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rikei , PiOws.Eta . . Cor.ctb and Paclilostreets , Omabv A r > l8la7 Matorlal _ B. _ A mhi > i : , Jr , Artists ' Materials , Hm and Organs , IMJIWiula" street , Omalia , Nebrasla Boots nnil Shnnn 11' . 1' . MORSE A CO , Jobbers of Boats anl Sioe ! ? . 101 , ll \ 1103 Douxlsi atroet , OmVia Manufartorr , , Burumer slreel lloiion w > < Coal , coke , Eto .iii.vMU/fi .n7r i.\T/ca. Minc"sandSilpp3sfllar.laJdSf 1 ! ? ( ) Coa's . ' 01 lr t XfitP "H tlin 1 n il "n - , Omnlm , NmS " OMAHA COAL , COKE'A LIME CO , " Jobbers of Bard aid , Soft Coal a Soulh 111b street Omalia Nebraska 4 NEllRAliKA FUEL CO , Shippers of Coal and Coke til South l.U' .i slrett , Omnlia , Nebraska ! , . . _ _ CotrirnlBaloyi nndTsTorogq 111 UDELL A RI DO ELL , ' Storage and emission Morcnaiits , fipoclaltlds--lluttr , ni/ss , rh e poultrr , gamta llll llowmd street Orunlia , Neb r " 1 • . ciaorj _ _ " " " DEAN , ARMSTRONG .t c6. , Wholesale Cigars KHHorth j . Ctli StreetOmsbft , Neb Hello ' 1 3 , i r ' ' = 3 ! i 25i2il L5JLn' ' NoHojlS ; Jir E. SMITH A CO , Dry J 1 Goods , Furnishing Goods aud Notions • 1101 and 1101 Douglas , cor Iltli slrcut , Omaha , Neb KILPATRrCKKOCH ' DRY ' aOODS CO , " Importers & Jobbers in Br ? Good ? , Notions Gents ( Furnishing : ( looIs fornar tllh and Uirnor I atreots , Omaha , Nubrnste FurnHuro . DEWEY A STONE , * Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre , , Cnrnamstreet , Ouiaha , Nebraska CHARLES SIHVERWK , Fnrnitnre . Oaiabft , Nebraika I ' _ _ , 71 OrooorloB . MeCORl ) , DRADY A CO , Wholesale Grocers litb and I/eavenwcrth st.iets , Omaba , Nebraska ' Hardware wj i } r67vtcit , Eeayy Hardware , Iron and SlecL SpriDKB irasor ito k , hriiTrnro lumbar , etc \Z& \ : : il KiirnejHtruot.Omatiti. . UntEBAUQlIA TAYLOR Bnllflers' ' Hardware ami Scale Rejair Shop Uecbanlcs Tools anil lluralo Pciles 1I0A Douglaa street , Omuba , Ntb Lumber , Eto _ _ JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnmbe ? , Etc Imported and Amrrlcnn | > ortlan < l Cemrnt- Stat * ascnt for Milwaukee Hydraulic Ceineut and ( 'uro : ; Wlilto llrao CHAS R. LEE , ' Dealer in Hardwocd Lumber , Wodcarpels ant parquettlonrnir Bthanl IJjujIsj strocts , Ooja'jn , Nebroska OMAHA LUM1IER CO , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale l tb street and Union Pacing track , Omaha - Louis Bradford , " Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash Doors , eto Tarda Corner 7th and Douja : . OHIO * Corner 10th and Douiflas " FRED W. OR AY , Lumber , Lime , Cemeit , Etc , Etc Cornet tith an-1 ixunlas strern Omaha " ' C. N. DIETZ Dealer in All Kmns of Lumber , lSih aud California streets , O.nolia , Nebraska Hlllllnory ontJ Notiona I. OIJERFELDER A CO , Importers < & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 203 , S1U and 212 S'jut' .i Utb street ' ' " • Notions , ' " ' " ' " J. T. JIOB'NSON NOTION CO , Wholesale ' Notions and Furnishing Goods 1124 Uarnoy alreet , Omaba " • Oils " CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO ' Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils Axle Crea , etc Omaha . A. II Illshop , Manager • . . , fL19Ti _ _ CA RPENi ER PAPER CO , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice slock of or n.Ing , wrapping nnd writing paper Special attention glreu lo card paper , I . , ' , ' . I _ _ „ _ ' Safce ' to _ A. L DEA NE A CO . General Agents ( or Halls ' Safes 821 anil 321 South 10th Bt , Omaha . Toys , Etc JLUAIWYACO , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , B0' < se Furnishing Ooods Cblldren's Carriages 120k Farnata strut , Omaha Neb 1 • * tub CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF TBI ! ' Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul R'y ' , TbA Ucst Route from Omaha aud Council UluiTs to = = = THE EAST E- TWO TUAINB DAILY BKTtVEKN OMAHA AMD COU.NOIL I1LUKF3 Chicago , AND MilnauUee , St Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Bapldir Bock Islands Freeport , Bockford , Clinton , ( Dubuijuc , Darcnport , Elgin , Madison , JancHrllle , BelolU Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important point * East , Northeast ant Boutll l t. Tot through tickets call on tbe tlaket agcat at ISO ] Depot farnaru , street , In Uarkur Uloek , or at Uulo Fa ( rnllmaa Elsepere and the flheit Dining Cars In th orldsr run on tbe main line of tne Chicago , Ull waukee A be I'aul Uallwar and werr attention It paid to passengers bj eourteoua cmpJo/e. of ttui luiTrLLKH sleneral , Manager j. F. TUCHUII , A.il.twit Uaneral Manager A , V. It Ticket Agent CAHPUNTait , Ueaeral raasenger ant ) OKO a. HKAFrOBI . ) . Aselttaat Gtaaral [ 'ustate * nd Ticket Agent yJCLAltKQgaeriJBuisrlntenasBi Dr JOHNXJ JONEST I'IIACTKJE I.IUlTKIlTl ) ifiscAHi ; * ofvo.iii : \ . OOcc , U.K.Cor , ltU and Uouglas rill , OuabaMf