Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    r I I I I mi III L | | | | J. I I - ' I I 1 I II I I II . . I I . . _ J ! ! ! ! W IWI ' . . . - - . . 1 I l.l l II I H ? !
. . . . .
Cnlvhi Madison on Trial for the
Killing of Jamog Prldomoro
I A Jlntlnn for n Now Trlnl riled on
1 Jlt-half of Khcplinrd nt Fremont
A Failure nt-Ornnd lslnml
State Ncwj
I ui > Trlnl for Illi Life
Stotn , Neb , Fob B [ Ppeclal Telegram
, to Tite Ukr ] The district court of Grcoly
county , Judge Tiffany presiding , commonccd
yestudnv nnd succeeded In empaneling n
jury to try Calvin S. Madison , charged with
The crlliio of murdcrlni : .Inincj L. I'rldo-
* more , November 5 , 1683.
Amo Sumner Untitled : The dotondnnl
came to my house on the ovonlng of Novem
ber S , 1SSI ; wnntcd mo to co with him to his
bouse ; wanted mo as n witness ; said sonto
men were In the habit of coining there , nud
If ho found them there ho was going to Blioot
tliom ; told mo that n man lnul given Mrs
Tdadison a revolver and Unit lie had got it , I
afterwards went to the house ) loft Madison
in nnd ho soon cama out again and
said ho was inlstaxcn ; aft envnrds hoard
Hhootlnp ; saw Prldomoro como out of the
bouso , run up the sidowallc a short ways nnd
turn hack and fall on ttio stdowalk ; heard
hitu nay he was shot ' *
lr , O. llrothan ! Saw the dotondant on
the night of November 5 ; ho wanted mo to
go to tils house with him to bo , n witness ;
Bttld if ho round anyone there ho would
nhoot 1 told Inm it would bo murder ; wont
with him towards the house ; bhw a man
stundlng near the door at Madison's house
I went bach straight for the court house ,
where they were canvassing the votes
When I got to the court house
stops they told mo thut there was
shooting at Mudison's house Soon a man
came running up the sidewalk , whoroho full
It was T L. IHdemoro Ho was taken to
Kwartwood's drug store I examined bis
wounds and found that ho han four , tlireo of
which were ratal , lie dlod in about an
. hour , "
Ur L. J. Sloan : lama practicing phy-
1 Rlclan nnd surgeon , and November 5 , 18S0 ,
i wns coroner In Qrocly county , Nebraska ;
Bfl us such held an Inquest on the body of Tames
flfl i I * lridomoro I found mat ho was killed
flfl by a pistol shot wound : extricated one of
flfl the lulls : It was a 33-calibro. The wounds
flfl worn the cnu o of his dcntti "
Hfl j The testimony of another witness was
Hfl I given and the state rented
HA' ! The defense called the defendant , who ad-
ij luitted the shooting , but stntod that it was
H ilono In 9tlf-defcnse. Ho said : Went to
j the house and Into the bedroom ; a man came
Bfl , ] in and I asked him , What doas this mean ] '
Hfll , Ho grabbed rno nnd I had n revolver and I
Hfl ; Bhot as near as I could to his shoulder und
HH1 ns fast as 1 could , as 1 know my wife was at
HH the door 1'rldctnore was n trained prize
HH I lighter When I went in the house I heard
HH lootstops from the bedroom It was Frldo-
HHh inoro I nsked him what It meant Ho said ,
flfl : | What uro you going to do about it ! ' and
HHJ ' caught mo by the throat "
Bflii The defense rested after introducing a few
Hi wifnosses , and at 4:110 : counsel oommoncod
I | | their urgumeut to the jury
fl j Alotlou Tor a Now Trial
Bfl ' Piicmont , Nqb , Feb 5. ( Special to Tnn
Bfl | line ] A motion was filed last evening in
HB I the district court for a now trial in the Shep-
H ! liard tnurdorcaso , whorcin the defendant
HB was found guilty of murder in the first do-
Bfl prco ' The reasons sot forth for asking a
bow trial nro irregularity for producing and
I identifying a pocketbook whlca was not
ufterwnrds offered In evidence nor rccoived
_ in evidence , whereby the defendant was
Blprejudiced t and prevented from having a fair
AHi ] trial ; for ncciflont and surprise which ordi-
HBJ' ! nary prjidonco could not have-guarded
HBJ ngnlnst ; that the vordlct is not suatainod by
HHj 4 syfllclont evidence nnd is contrary to law ;
HHJ _ * • " - fororror at law occurring ut the trial ; that
IflH-j the court erred in admitting the pretended
HHJ 1 iidmissions and confessions of defendant , the
HHJ naino not being voluntary ; that the court
J orrcd in giving instructions ; that the oourt
J erred in refusing to give the instruction
J asked by the defendant , wherein it was ex-
HHJ plained what the effect of a verdict of not
J gatlty meant , viz : thnt tbo state bud failed
HHJ uudor the technical rules of law to provo the
HHJ defendant guilty beyond a reasonublo doubt
J 'I his motion will bo board by Judge Mar
j hliall nt the adjourned term of court to bo
HHJ held February IT
HBJj A Grand 'slmul Failure
'Giuvn Ibi.axd , Neb , , Fob 5. [ Special
H Telegram to Tub Hei.J ! C. M. McCaddon ,
HH do dor lit ooolis and stationary , was closed
| . today Auhnttol mortiragoou the stock in
M- favor of his wife for $3,500 was illod today
J mid creditors closed the doors His Indebt-
HJ vdntSH oUUiUo is small , but will be n total
J loss unless they are ublo to break the mort-
HftV Took tlm Vown of histortiomt ,
| IUstinom , Neb , Fob 5. [ Special Tolo-
M Kram to Tnc Uee.J At the now academy
H of the Visitation in this city this morning
H Miss Mary l'oulter of St Louis unit Miss
Mary Don aim o of Philadelphia received the
EV Imbit und veil of the order The ceremony
EV was performed by Bishop llonnossoy of
Wichita , Kan , and Father T. P. lirown of
HHV Hi Louis The two novices were dressed as
H liridcs , with white veils and ornnga blossoms
ftl U'ho ceremony commenced by a fitting nnd
imprcssivo sermon from Father Brown , in
which ho clearly and forcibly oxplalnod the
nuturo , of the oullgationBot the religious lire ,
4u lifo of devotion and saurilico bore ou
earth to be crowned bv the joys of heavens
eternal bliss " The ceremony was simple
nnd beautiful Kov Fathers Knglish of tills
city , McLaughlin of St Louis , P. F. Mo-
Carthy und J , Glauber of Otnuha were pren-
cnt , besides a number ot Invited friends of
the sis tors of the order Miss Poulter is a
member of the Scott family of St Louis
J A Foolish Girls K < oupndo
EVJ KexHNiir , Neb , Fob 5. [ Special Tolo-
V gram to Tiik Ueb.J "Vestorduy William
HV Austin nppoared botoro Judge Corn oil and
H Bworoouta warraul against his fourteen
H yearrold step duughter , Mary A. Hutton ,
H who had eloped with Sanford Poles , hnr
H Bonier by several years A marrlago cer-
HHb tiflcato had been refused the couple hero and
H tboy Buccoeded In reaching Dawson county ,
H wtioro they were married last evening The
li , r\l.v | pair was ovcrtakon by ou oOicor late
J lust night a few mites out In the country
J north of Lexington The little girl roluet-
J untly obeyed the ooinuiuud of the olllcor
xvbo brought her to this city on this uiqru-
J lugs truiii In tbo county court today she
W jiromlied to forsake her husband Upon this
liramlso turn at the request ot the puronts
Judge Cornell disohargod tbo prisoner , who
accompanied her parcuts borne , wearing a
V sorrowful couiitcnauca
HHV , Kenrimy Cnnnl Uflioors
KEAitNur , Npb , Feb Q. [ Special Tele- *
H Jram to Tim Uliu.l The uuuunl mcetlug of
B the ICearJio.v canal nud water power coia-
H iiauy took place today Tlio otecllon of di-
H rcotors for tbo eusulng year toou place and
H tbu rollowiifg were elected ; George W.
H l'ranU , Cliurlos M. lilce Augustus Frank ,
H J. J , Osborne , George W. Frank , jr , M. R
H Jlunter , K , U Jilaudovllle and 0. II Klmen-
H lorf Luhir , at u meeting ot the board ot
H dlrectors/tUo followlngolllcers were elected :
H Uifoigo W , Frauk , president ; O. M.
B 3loo , socrqtary and tremuror A now
H dredge was ordered and tuo canal will bo
i widoqed , and tnado deeper Engineer
H ; O'llrtcu made Ills anuual report , He ad-
H _ vUsd making tbo canal ten feet deep by fifty
H : wide and oktoudlng the bend Rates four miles
B iurthur up the river This will make the
B tAiial pearly twenty-one ujilos long , The
Hi todraco for cotton mills was ordered put lu
H mi soon as the frost was out of the ground
H. l'roliattlf u filioltfr for Tlilnvos
H 'IUstiso ? , ob , Fob 6. [ Special to Tub
B l5i : rjVliile < i number of farmers were eu
K aged in tbo welt obuso last Saturday about
B jfourtceumiles , uurthwest of Haitlugs they
. . . _ . . . .
discovered whet tboy supposed was a wolf
nest Upon closer examination they found n
hole In the ground largo enough to admit the
body of a man , A ladder appeared at the
bottom Upon investigation they found the
hole sliteon foot deep with n room to ono
sldo 10x8. evidently tbo habitation of some
notion As prnlrlo grass had grown thick
around the opening nnd no loose onrth could
bo seen in the vicinity , thb farmers con
cluded that It was the former biding place
of horse thieves
A Swlnillcr Cnticlit ,
NnmusKA UiTr , Neb , Fob B. | Special
Tclogrnm to Tub Hen J Constable Dunn
of Unadtlla last evening brought to jail a
man who eave his nnmo ns Flshor , who was
bound over to the district coutt to answer
to the chttrgo of obtaining monov by frnud
Ho has successfully worked tlnwsinallor
towns of Otoo and Nemaha countlcsTSC * past
few weeks for various sums aggregating
several hundred dollars , Ho represented
hlmsolr as a wenltby manufacturer of Cin
cinnati and was out hero looking tor n miss
ing duughtor and bad lost or been robbed of
bis pockqtbook A sad story nnd a rcauost
for a small loan until ho could bctr frnui
homo usuullv brought forth sums from 10
to fJU
> V piilolilo ut ivrandin
Onu , Neb , Fob C ISpocial Tolugrara to
The Uek.J Yesterday the coroner was
called to Arcadia to hold nn Inquest ever the
remains of Miss llaltio Woodbrldge , a cook
In Scott's ' hotel , who dlod in her room nt the
hotel Tuesday morning , A week previous
she purchased flfteoe grains of morphine ,
und she is supposed to ha\o swallowed it
itftcr roth In i ; for the night Her sister , wtio
slept with her , was awukonod ut 3 o'clock by
her labored breathing She aroused the
house and doctors were summoned , but
nothing could be done She never regained
consciousness , dying nt 0 a. m. The jury
rendered a verdict of suicide
A Fntul hCrtlTolcl Fall ,
tin ind Island , Neb , Fob 5 [ Spoelal
Telegram to The Ufb.1 Wlulo constructing
a scaffold for the brick masons at the beet
sugar factory today Otto Sprlngsgatt and
Herman btrutbor were thrown to tbo
ground , n distance of forty foot , by the scaf
folding giving away Struthor had his log
broken twice and also received internal in
juries which nro pronounced fntul by the hos
pital physician Sprlngsgatt had two ribs
broken and was badly bruised Several who
were under and noartha scaffold nanowly
escaped with slight bruises .
HriuiKlliiK Up CoyotcH nnd Wolves
Hastings , Neb , Fob 5. | Speclal to Tub
Heb.I The farmers livinsr in the north tier
of townships of this county bavo boon nu
ll o Jed this winter by coyotes and wolves
Last Satuiday a round up was made and
four wolves captured Farmers from Veronn ,
Highland , West Hluo nnd Konesaw town
ships started today for a grund wolf chase
Thrto hundred men mpunted , with every
available fox bound entered into pursuit
Went Alter < liolAssallnntH
H.VSTIN09 , Neb , Feb 5. ISpocial Tclo
grnm to The Hnr | Sheriff Crane loft for
Presser , Neb , this evening with warrants
for tbo arrest of Frank Tibbots , Frank
Wheeler and ono Tom Bormude , charged
with making a murderous ussault on Frank
Curry , n clerk in the merchandise store of
L. .1. Ware Mr Curry's head was seriously
cut in attempting to eject tbo ubovo immcu
assailants from ttio store
National Colors Over I'nbljc bobools
Siunev , Neb , Feb 5 [ Special Tologrnm
to Tub Bee.J The national colors were
hoisted over tbo publics school hero today
with appropriate ceremonlos Prof McCoy
claims that this Is the flrst school In Ne
braska to ratso tno Amoricun flag General
Morrow and other ofllcors from the fort
were present , also the reclmental bapd
Kearney's New Foundry
Keaunet , Neb , Fob 5. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Bee | Worn on tbo buildings
for the Kearney foundry and bingo factory
began today • • This ks backed by a newly
organized company and has all of the ele
ments of succuss about It there will be a'
two-story briokvbulldiog 24x59 , a one-story *
24x51 and several sheds
But the Mormons ltecartt tins Test
Ontli as an Oulrnge
Salt Lake Citt , Utah , Fob 5. The news
that tbo suproma court of the United States
had afurmed the constitutionality of the
Idaho teat oath did not roach bore till late
yesterday afternoon and it was not till this
morning that the news was generally known
throughout the city The Gentiles are
jubilant and fool that it will eventually bring
about congressional legislation of a similar
character for Utah Senator Stewart's bill ,
which was recently Introduced in conercss ,
wilt now doubtfesa become u law That bill
provides that any man who is a member of
the Mormon church shall be disfranchised
On the other hand , the Mormons feel that
the decision of yesterday is ono ot the
hardest blows tbo ohurch has over received
The Deserot News says it is a blow at ro-
Itglbus liberty It says
Any person assuming that our rights nro
not invaaed appears to us to bo disingenuous
The whole spirit of the Idaho statute is ln-
hibitivoof religious freedom , The flat of
the court ot last resort , on earth has been
issued As u legal fact the Idaho test oath
statu to stands ns a constitutional law This
being tbo case , our oo-religionists located In
our sUter torritnry in the north bavo no
alternative but to bo governed by It until Ho
who holds the dostmlos of nations In His
almighty hand shall boo fit to break the
political shackles that nro being placed upon
n people groatl/ misunderstood und unappre
ciated "
Salt Lakn ISxoitcct
Salt Lake , Utah , Feb C [ Special Tolo
grnm to Tub Bek.J There is tremendous ex
citement hero , ' ' 'ho people are wild with
oxcltomont The mootlnci bold in public
halls are packed to the walls and thousands
crowd the stdowulks and foot passage is Im
possible The gentiles have got the town ,
firing bombs , rockets and red lights in an
ticipation of tlio falloftbeMormonBabvlon
It is a lurid spectacle , uinglod with the
cheers and shouts of the enthusiastic popu
lace A grand labor parndo will bo hold to
morrow afternoon nnd lu the evening the
houses are to bo Illuminated , when every
liberal is to place a lamp.w his window
Frlduy qvoning occurs the great parade of
the catnpaitru , when every llboral must
march The , carnival week oxueods any
thing kuown in national politics
Blotted Out ofKxisttnnoo
St Paul , Minn , Fob S. [ SpooUl Tele
gram to Tje ( Uee.,1 A sensation was created
in financial circles lata , tills afternoon by
Pubho Examiner Keoyon , who made a rcc-
omaiondution after tbroo weeks investiga
tion thut the American Building and Loan
company windup its affairs nnd quit busi
ness , Uxamlncr ICenyon tlnds tbat > it has
cost the American 000,000 , to do a business
of 11.200,000 two years There is a deficit of
S75.OO0 , and the attorney gonornl will blot
tbo association out at once Its nllcgcd cap
ital is $10,000,000. Its headqunrtora are at
Minneapolis and its stock oxlsts in every
state In the union
Wjrnmlne Batons nn a Junket
Laiuuib , Wyo , Fob 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Beb.J Luramto was visited
today by the members ot tbo leglslnturo and
the territorial aud federal oOlcers of Wyo
ming , the party consisting of 125 persons
nnd a special traln betn g plaood at their dis
posal The object of the trip was to inspect
the territorial llsU hatchery , Tbo territor
ial university , rolling mill nnd United States
nonltontiary were also visited The finest
banquet over served In Laramie was ten ,
derod the visitors at the Thoraburgh hotel
this afternoon by the eitizons , The party
returned to Cheyenne tonight
Judge fiollr-y's Kuooossor Nominated
PniLinEH'uu , Feb 5 , Tbo republican
convoutlon of the Fourth congressional dis
trict today nominated State Senator John 13.
Hey burn for the vacancy tti congress caused
by tbo death at William K. Kelley The
election will ba held on the iSth lust The
district is strongly republican
. . . _
The Last Bnd Rltoa for Mrs nnd
Mlsa Trncy
ADIstlnmilslicit GnttirrlnR Pnys Trlli-
ttto or Kesnrot tn tlio Memory of
the Dcocnscd with Tears
nnd Flowers
A Dny nf Mnurninir
Washihoton , Fob 5. Tlio sorvlces over
the remains of the wife and daughter of the
secretary of thu navy were appointed for 11
o'clock , but long before thnt time the east
room in the white house was crowded wlih
people it was a most distinguished gather
ing , Including nearly everybody of promt-
nenco In Washington ArrangomontB
hnd been made for soatlng 800 per
sons , but ever flvo hundred man
aged to * gain entrance and it is
estimated nearly a thousand persons were
in the house As far as posilblo admission
wns co nil nod to personal nnd ofllcinl friends
of Secretary Trncy and bis family , consequently
quently very few strnugors wore present A
great crowd gathered outsldo nnd It was
found necessary to station policemen at the
gates to keep them out
The caskets containing the dead were placed
eldo by sldo under the control chandelier nnd
directly opposite the main corridor The
sombro draplngs of the caskets were almost
entirely coucoulod by llowors , nnd carlands
nnd wreaths were banked against the sides
of each Ono particularly beautiful wroatn
was placed on Miss Tracy's casket bv her
young friends , Misses Proctor , Miller , Wnn-
amnkcr and Husk and the Misses Windom ,
The scats were arranged on the tbroo
sides of the squnro , tbo open space
bolng used for the ontrnnco of
the mourners nnd tbo presidential party ,
who were assigned seats fronting the casket
Vice Prosiucnt and Mrs Morton , yho were
among the earliest arrivals , were seated op
posito Near by wore scatod the British
minister nnd family , the German minister ,
the Chlnoso and Corcnn legations , the
Brazilian minister and many other members
of tbo diplomatic corps , Army nnd nnvy
oulcers were prcsont in great numbers and
nearly nil were In full uniform
The members of the cabinet with tbo ex
ception of Secretary Blaine , acting ns pnll
bearers , entered soon after It o'clock ' and
took scats on the right , They , were soon
followed by Secretary Tracy nnd his
son Frank , arm In arm , nnd tbo other members
bors of the family As Boon as tboy were
Boated the choir of St Johns Episcopal
church sang the hymn , Lead Kindly
Llirht "
Kov Dr George William Douglas , rector
of the same church , road the Episcopal
burial scrvlco and nt its conclusion
the choir sang Jesus , Lever of My Soul "
The scripture lesson was road by Rev Mr
Elliott Several moro hymns by the choir
nnd prayer by Dr Douglas conduced the
The president , with Socrotnry Tracy on
his arm , first passed out ot the room , and
next to thorn came Frank Tracy , who was
so Overcome that he had to be supported
by two ot the ushers The bodies
were removed to bearsos and the
funeral processiou was formed , the
cortege moving slowly to Hock Creek ceme
tery , where the bodies wore placed in the
receiving vault to await their permanent
resting place
Secretary Tracy did not go to the ceme
tery , as it was feared the task might provo
too much for his strength The president
occupied the carriage with Frank Trncy and
nlongMinoof carriages , containing nearly
nil thosn who nttondod the services in tbo
white bouse , followed the remains to the
• /
I3m | > fror William 'Witl'Malce a Sttidy'
' '
oflhoui , Feb 5. The emperor , In talking
at Prince Bismarck's dinner last nights - expressed -
pressed a resolution to nromoto with utmost
zeal legislation in the interest of working
men A commission of inquiry , ho sald ,
will Boon report important proposals to tlio
council of state Ho manifested the warm
est interest in the subject of colonial devel
opment , regretted that Germany had npt
England's countless millions to devote to
colonies , and nbovo nil things wished
thofatbcrland , possessed mighty liootB like
those with which Britain extended bor sway
over the earth The emperor has issued a
rescript to Minister of Commerce Berlepsch
in line with his declarations to Investigate
working men's affairs and declaring among
ether things that it is ' the uuty
of the etato to so regulate the dura
tion nnd i turo of labor us to insure
the health , morality and a supply of all the
oconomio wants of the morking man and to
preserve their claims to equality before the
law Ho also Issued n rescript to Bismarck
desiring the umbassadors of Franco , JSng-
land , Belgium and Switzerland to bo offi
cially asked if their governments are dis
posed to coir.o to an iutoriiational ngreomont
with Germany witn a view to mooting the
needs aud wishes of the working men ,
- o t
The Atchison lot Got no Breaks
Atchiso.v , Kan , Feb 5. [ Special Tele-
cram to Tub Bee.J The lee gorge whloh
had dammed the Missouri river at a narrow
place and turned the entire currant of the
river through the narrow slougb against tbo
Missouri shore , threatening to curry out the
expensive piling put in two years ago by the
government , broke at a late hour last night
nnd the channel was restored to Its former
course During the twenty-four hours that
the water ran through the slough many
thousand yards of earth that had formed
below tno government piling was washed
out and also two of the dykOs , Tbo fqrtu *
nata breaking of tbo loo.gorgo last night
averted further danger nnd saves the rail
road bridge , valuable railroad property nnd
the town of Hast Atchison , on tbo Missouri
nido , from destruction by the annual spring
freshet *
Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota PmiDiniis
Wasuinqtoh , Fob 6. ( Special Telegram
to Tun Bke.1 Pensions have boorf'granted
ns follows to Nebraskans : Increase John B ;
Clayton , Dickens ; David TO , "Dlckinsofi , La
mar , Original widow , otc Nanoy E.widow
of S. R. McKary , Indianola ,
Iowa pensions : Original invalid liowl *
H. Williams , Mt Zlon rtestbratton tinH in-
oreaso Uonton P. Wood , Qulmlev Increase
William A. Hayes , Council Bluffs ; Daniel
Jones , Loveland Old war Ollvor Barnes ,
Wulkor ; William Vancllvo , Sioux City ;
Thomas Bryan , Benton ; John F. Kuhlen-
bock , Pleasant Grove ; James It Johnson ,
Wyoming ; Amos Babcock , Newbarapton ;
Daniel Lopps , Liberty villo ; Christian
Smarzo , Maynurd ; Thomas Ponder , Bona
parte ; Hirnm Dillon , Ltmo Springs
Dakota pensions : Increase William F.
Dunham , Saddle Crook : John Crowdor' .
Olivet _
Kansas Corn la Fuel
Wichita , Kan , Fob 5. In a decision ren
dered today a justice held corn to ba fuel
A thousand bushels ot corn belonging to a
farmer named Ktoadmau bad boon attached
Steadman aaid ho was using the corn for
fuel and 1,000 bushels was not moro than
euough to last a year , Tbo justloo ruled
that under the law exempting a years fuel
the attachment would not bold
Ilu'utli Property Litigation
DULPTti , Minn , Feb 5. [ Spoclol Tolo-
rram to Tub IIke ] Papers affecting tbo
title to considerably over $3,000,000 worth of
property In Eudlou division were reoordod
today , A defective power of attoruoy at tbo
orlnual sale is the cause The new claimant
Is Frank II Clark of Chicago and the trans
action dates back thirty years
i ,
The World * Fair Ulll'a Troubles
Ai.iunv , N. y „ Feb 5.-In thssonato the
assembly worlds fair bill was put uK | > n Its
final passage as amended , but failed to secure -
cure the needed number of votes and it
was declared lost A tnotlou to reconsider
was tabled
The Ironcln jl'MenSiiro DelnR Consld-
cmd jf3f"tlio } Ii"jtl lntHro
PirntiB , H. | } . ( ! Vobjf ISpcclnl Telegram
to The UEE.-eTho | | special ordor-tho third
rending of thd prohibition bill in thasennte
and house wAs hnd today nnd consumed
the dny , and cciif < ttder > tlon ot the same will
probably occupy " tomorrow In tbo senate ,
wbito the dlrnssion ot the bill will last
several dnys longer In the homo All the
prominent loalb > rs of the Prohibition lenguo
und tVomnu'ji Christian Tcmpornnco union
workers nro ( rare laboring earnestly nmong
tbo members lOtJlho success of the measure ,
nnd the stnt' house was crowded to over
flowing with visitors , A hot titno is being
had They want nil of the most stringent
features nt the measure rotalnod , whllo on
the ether baud those opposed , whllo know
Itig that any great modification ot the measure
uro drawn up is hopolcss , are striving to
have certain amendments to the bill mndo
which will rob it of its ironclad provisions
It Is safe to say , however , that the
original bill , when consideration is ended ,
will stnnd ns It is with but slight modifica
tion and will bo tbo most stringent measure
over placed on the statute books fgr the sup
pression ot the liquor trnDlu Both houses
today adopted the amendment mndo by the
committee to add the sncrniuont clause ,
which nllows the use of fermented wines for
religious use This feature is the ono which
has occasioned such a livoLv rumpus between
the Bplscopal and Mothodlst ohurchos of
the state Involving a wordy war between
leading church olllclals of each sect , princi
pally led bv Bishop Hare for the Episcopal
church favoring tbe sncramontnl clause , and
Presiding Klder F. A. Burdick ot the Moth
odlst opposing it , nnd which has Involved
mid led to much blttcrnoss between the two
men The Episcopalians nro consequently
jubilant , Another point doomed n victory
by the opposition to the bill Is the amend
ment adopted tn the senate requir
ing that a physician or patient docs
not hnvo to malto nn aQldnvlt of
the naturn of the disease liquor Is re
quired for in the prescription A prohibition
oraorgency clause requiring the law to become -
come operative immediately after its passage
nnd approval wns carried nftor o long and
hotdebato In the senate by n vote of 23 to 17 ,
the minority contending for n ninety-day
lease botoro the bill becomes operatlvo , ns
the constitution provides This omorgeney
feature will do away with the saloons in tbo
state and in this city , the latter ruunlng
wide open day , night nnd Sunday without
lot or hindrnnco Interest is Intense over
tno mntter nm'ong hundreds of tbo interested
who have gathered hero , nnd both branches
of the legislature will bo in bedlam until the
measure is finally dlsposod of (
Tlio ltnservatlon Ilush
Ciiamiieiilai.v , S. D. , Fob 8. [ Sneoial to
The Bee.J Tbe great rush to the Sioux
reservation has commenced nnd from pros
cnt Indications the rush will fully equal matte
to Oklahoma Inst year Trains arriving
hero are dally becoming moro crowded
with people , vho.intpnd to soouro
choice claims in tbo Whlto Hvor valley
as booh as the presidents proclamation
opening the land Is Issued The lumbermen
hero are alrcaujvdolng'un enormous business
and tholr trade is , rapidly Incroasmg A
farmer from tho.ylfimlty of Mitchell arrived
bore today undut , once purchased lumber
for bis claim sHailty Ho then hired four
wagons , paying1 * ; ! , per day ench for their
use , and now has tjio lumber leaded on them
and is ready to'taove nt a moments ' notlco
for the west sldo of the Missouri The
crowd is steadlft increasing In numbers but
bas , so far , actedii | an orderly manner
Jurisdiction.Over the Reservation
PinitiiE , S. D. . Fob 5. [ Suocial Telegram
to The Bee.1 United States Attorney Ster
ling today oxprgsscil , an opinion rolatlvo to
tbo Jurisdiction 6'f tbo courts ever the Sioux
reservation abguVi to bo oponcd , , to settle
mont Hd states that whofo land nnd its in
habitants now cpn\q \ undorthe jurisdiction
of the United States authorities , tboy lose it
wbeo operjcdand tbe state will have to as-
ksnmdTjontrolf buwPihwthi,9an'nafbq ! Bono ,
1 until the counties havq been organized and
jurisdiction-provided ] hystatutory laws , con
sequently OToryth"fng' on the great tract Is
likely to bo'chaos and no order wllrprevall
> l i , iv s
A.l > omented Woman Dlsnimpars
Sioux Palls , S , D. , Feb _ 5. | Special Tel
egram to The Bee ] Mrsf Laura Brou Is
missing She is crazy and her husband
deserted bor last December Her friends
are scouring tbo town to Und her , but her
whereabouts cannot bo learhod She is
thirty years old and"for tbo past two weeks
has been quite damontod ' Her absence was
first dlxcovcrod'tbls ' morning early
ChamUerlnim.HIgh School Fired
Cjumberlaix , S. ' c DpfFob 5. [ Suocial
Telegram 'to The Bee.J Another nttompt
was made to' burn the high school building
hero last night , but prompt work snvod the
building from uttor-destruction. The party
suspected of setting tbo fire is watched and
will bo brought to justloo
A Lottery lluvenuo 6111 Passed
St Paul , Minn , Fob 5.-Tho members of
tbo senate ot North1 Dakota at Bismurck de
bated and passed thu proposed lottery rev
enue bill , which provides for the incorpora
tion and taxation of lottoncs for the Rake of
tno revenue that would accrue to
the state Tbo introduction of this
bill has brought a storm of
indignation from all over the now state
Resolutions announcing tbo proposed action
were passed nt several points On the other
band many people favor the bill , which is by
them considered as a revenue moisuro pure
und simple
WKSTIiRN l'AOIllNU lNlKltrasiH '
A Reduction the Past Week But a
Gain Over Last Voir
Cincinnati , O. , Feb - 5. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tub Bbe I Tomorrows Price
Current will say : , Considerable reduction is
shown In the hog movement in the west the
past week , althoughstill marking a rather
liberal gain ever * last year Packing returns -
turns Indicate 325,000 bogs , against 840,000
last year , and for the season 5,5SO,000 ,
against 4,470,000 a year ago , making the
Increase 110,000. , . Packing nt leading points
since November 1 is as fdllpws :
Place | lHtM-'JU. | lBHtt-W.
Chicago . , * . . . , - . . . . 7S,000 17185,0:0 :
KunstisClty , . . . S7O.000 fiUO.OM
Omaha l. . , . , . . ; > U > , flou ' - ' 17 , 'JOO
St.Louts , ; , , . . . . . . i.TJ.OOO ittiUXX )
Indianapolis : Srt.OOO ! ! lt\O00
Cincinnati . . , , , . „ aw.ouj SKS.OOO
Jillvraiuee . .v.vSHW SOT.OM
BlouxCtty ATiR.AM 1TI.0M
Cedar Itaplds . , . . ! , . ) ltrti.OJO lU.OK )
Cleveland . . i' A0Xi M.000
Ixiulsvlllo , . , . , J.n , . . . > . . 3 , X ) 1OJ.U00
Ottuinwa . . JV . . . . . " 3.1" " " 9,00) )
Kcokulc . . . ' Jr . , . , . . . U'.OOO , (
.tit.Joseph , „ i. „ ' . , , , W.OOO Ci.OOO
Kobrmlra ratr..taw78.000 73.0W )
Will Almiitlnnt Oastlo Garden ,
New YoitK , Ulib.i 5 , Collector Erbart
this morning received a communication from
the socrctary of tlioJronsury in which it
was stated that Governors island had been
decided upon as a lauding depot for immi
grants Castle Gordonwill now bo aban
doned - ' 3
5rrn ? *
Crcmttod Himself
Tehee Haute , IiTdjJFob 5. Cashier Craw
ley ot the Farmers ? ( Sink at'Sullivan , Ind ,
yesterday wont Into , Itfs barn , sot flro to it ,
then lay down and cut his throat His body
was found In the burned building , His eo-
counts are straight and bis family relations
pleasunt Tbo cause of tbo sulcido is a
' i •
IlvniiireUats Mobbed
Ottawa , OntFeb..5 , A band of evan
( relists holding u mooting at Hull last night
were nttackod , Dy French Canadians and
budly treated Two of the mon were badly
bruised and beatou and a number of the
women baaly hurt by stones thrown The
police finally rescued theia , •
L'miimin Gives It Un
Coi.uumis , O. , Feb , 8 Lnmpson , tbe re
publican lleutttnuntirovcrnor , who was ousted
by the democratic senate , has decided after
consultation with bU attornoi s uot to carry
tbe case to the supromu court
The Sontlmont in Favor of Annex
ing South Omnha ,
A Union or the Two Cities Not Only
Dcslrntilc , But llnpldly Be
coming mi Imperative
The Annexation Question
There is a strong nnd rapldly Increasing
sontlmcnt In Omaha favorable to annexing
thu sister suburb on tbo south Tlio ques
tion Is springing into prominence ns uovor
before nnd has become a leading topic ot
conversation It Is enthusiastically dis
cussed hi stores , ofllccs and club rooms , nnd
so fnr ns can bo learned there are exceed
lngly feW who cau bo heard to
ay a word against tbo project
• J'bo bright , practical and nggrcsstvo
arguments made in its behalf seem to bo
legion , whllo the few scattering ones in op
position como sluggishly , nnd seemingly are
Mayor Cushing , being asked last evening
what ho thought of the matter , said i The
two cities nro now consldored by the outsldo
world ns ono , nnd tlmo nnd ngaln whllo out
ever the country , in various cltlos , I hnvo
hoard people talk of Omaha nnd South Otn
uha in u manner such as plainly Indicated
they thought thom under one nnd the snmo
city government It Is only a question
whether now or Inter is the time to make
thom ono My opinion Is that the sooner
they nro nnnoxed tbo hotter It will bo for
tbo people of both places South Omaha's
debt may bo blggor after avvhllo thnn It Is
now I think likely wo could mnko u go of It
any tlmo "
Councilman D. II Wheeler , after empha
sizing the facts that tbo larger tbo popula
tion the greater and bettor the
credit which could bo obtained lu
the eyes of the world , nnd the
greater nnd moro ndvnntngo the cities would
obtain united , sold : The moro net of an
nexation would uot involve any stupendous
soriesjof negotiations All there would bo to it
is simply this for each city to pass an ordi
nance setting forth the provisions for an
nexation , and each city vote on the question
Each would ascortalu the amount , of Its In
debtedness nnd assets If there is n
Inrgor proportion ot lndcbtodncss tn
ono than In tbo other , the city
having the largest Indebtedness would bo
assessed proportionately , and tbis must bo
contlnuod until the inequality has been
wiped out In ether words , each city con
tinues , even nftor the annexation , to remain
responsible for its own debts Inm most
certainly in favor of annexation Would tbo
packing houses in South Omaha have to niovo
outside of the limits for the reason that
Omaha does not allow such institutions
within her boundariesf Most cortnlnly not
The pnekintr houses could remain right
where they are , just r was the case when
Chicago did her annexing The nackors
hoio will probably kick aealnst the scheme ,
just as these tnkon into Chicago did ,
but , just like the Chicagonns , they will
find themselves inside tbo charmed circle
as sure as they live , I think , tbo uoxt morn
ing nftor tbo election "
Mr Whltlock , superintendent of buildings ,
remarked of the Idea : "I do not see how
anybody can doubt its excellence Yes , it
would most certainly bo fine for Omaha , line
fnr South Omaha I have good reasons for
thinking tbat with the exception of a few
down tbora tbo South Omaha people are
heartily in favor ot it "
A Most Iilnbornto Affair at thu Murray
The Omaha MiiBtor Plumbers association
tendered a banquet at the Murray last
nigut to the Master Plumbers association of
Nebraska '
The guests assembled in tbo parlor ot the
hotel , the following being present : E. J.
Hannan of Washington , D. C. , presldontot
the National association of master pluinb-
ersQcorgc ; , 'lieynolus of Chicago , secretary
of the National Master Steam Fitters
ters' association ; James O'Nolll of Lincoln ;
Messrs Hooker , Orr Korsmeyer , George F.
Kossand Fred Sholes of Lincoln ; Fred
Arm ! of Chicago , Frank Phillips of Grand
Island , James McMnbon of Beatrice , and
tbe following members of the Omaha asso
ciation , namely : N. B. Hussoy , president ;
John Howe , Tbeodoro Houuk , Charles Bax
ter , \V. H. Day , F. B. Hussoy , Thomas
Balfe , J. C. Read J. U. Barnacle , Graham
Park , D. O. McEwan , J. J. Hnnnigan , Mr
Barry , Mr Sheohnn , M. A. Free , Mr
John Kowo , jr , William Bollamy
J. F. Burt , D. Fitzpatrlck , Dr
Clark Gapen , D. T. Collins , secretary of
the builders exchange ; Kiohard Franklin
nnd George Turner
Just befure the party started for the ban
quet room Mayor Cushing appeared nnd
stated that bo would be unable to par
ticipate in the festivities , as he had received
a teleeram.announcing that his father was
lying very ill nt his home in Portage , Wis ,
and ho was momentarily expecting a tele
gram announcing a change for the worse
The mayor then addressed these present
in a few remarks ot welcome , alluding to tbo
time-honored chestnut of the plumber nnd
bis little bill , saving , further that tbe
plumber had led the van of civilization ,
being followed by tbo gas man and tbo doc
tor , also with bills
Alter tbo mayors speech the line was
formed nnd tlio guests marched to tbo spa
cious dining ball , which had been lavishly
decorated for the occasion
The table , which hod been laid for sixty
guests , was most booutlfully decorated with
natural flowers und shrubs of innumerublo
varieties , the cut Ilowurs being arranged
in cut glass cpergucs , distributed nt regular
intervals along tbo tables and intertwined
with Binilax In tbo center of the room was
a largo flowering nzalca , and tbo chandeliers
were almost concealed by garlands of smilax
Tbo menu cards were decldodly novel and
appropriate , being printed ou very thin sheet
nnrlnrr tJiniinrvlnL' nf the numerous courses
Hoffmnu's orchestra , which was concealed
by an embankment of palms , added effect to
tbo scene by discoursing sweet musio tn a
most'ontrancing inannor
Tbo following Is the menu :
Blue Points
Consomme of chicken quinolle
Green olives
Terrapin In casscs Maryland
Saratoga chips
Sweetbreads , larded Brosso ,
French peas
Ilomun punch
Mallard duck , currant Jelly ,
l'arlsicnno potatoes
loxas snipe , en cauapo
Water cresses
Boned turkey , pate fol gras
Asparagus vinigrette
Lobster salad Chicken salad ,
Ice croatn Neapolitan Assorted cake
Assorted fruits Nuts , Layer raisins
CafoNoir ,
After tbo menu bad been discussed tbo
corresponding secretary , Mr F , B , Ilusiey ,
read letters of regret from W. J. Broatoh ,
IZ Koftowutcr , M. S. Jumos ot the J. L. Mott
irou works , Chicago ; F. J. Ueosly , vice
president of the Mlssou r | State association ;
G , M. Hitchcock , Andrew Vounsr , plumbing
luspeetor of Chicago , and from A. II Hand
man , editor of tbo Sanitary News , of Chi
N. B. Hussoy , president ot the Omaha at-
sooiatlon , followed in an address of welcome
to the delegates from abroud
Ho was followed by Mr Tames O'Noll of
Lincoln in a resiionuo who expressed
the hearty thanks of tbu vlsltlnc delegates
for tno magnificent outertuinmont they had
received and expressed the hope ( that the
' uoxt meeting would bo In Lincoln , so tbe
Plumbers there could have t.n opportunity
to show their appreciation
Dr Clark Gnpon , the City pbjsiclnn , was
called on to respond to the sontlmcnt The
Plumber ns a Health Ofllcor " Ho expressed
thn Idea tbat the physician nnd the plumber
work in nearly tbo snmo plane , tholr com
mon object being to mnko this world more
comfortable , The doctor said thnt during the
last hundred years the nrt of plumbing had
reached its present high state ot perfection
and that the longovlty of tbe human rnco
had been greatly lengthened , which fact has
been attributed to the lncrcaso in snnitnry
knowledge Tnls knowledge tbo doctor
thought , was duo to n largo extent to the
Passing to anotlior branch of his topic ,
the doctor expressedtbo Idea that the in
spection of nil plumbing In dwellings should
bo done by practical plumbers
The sponkor In conclusion drew two pic
tures of the results following the work of n
good plumber lu a resldenco ns compared
with the evil results nnd disease following
thu worn of n poor plumber
Mr U I Hannan of Washington , D. C ,
president or tbo National Master Plumbers
association , was ciliod on in response to the
sentiment "Tbo National Assoclntiou " Tlio
speaker gave n concise account of tbo growth
of tbo national association nnd Its objects
The association was organized seven years
ago nnd now Includes sixty state associa
tions 'Iho objects nro sauitary business
aud social Improvement To this association
is duo the establishment of the ofllco ot
plumbing inspector in cities in which there
urc associations In cities which hnvo strict
snnltary laws and rigid plumbing inspectors
there bas beou n uotod ducreaso in the
death ralo
Mr Cloorgo F. Hess of the Uuitod States
Wind Kngluo and Pump company , responded
to ' Our Trndo Relations " The speaker
said the basis ot success lu trndo is confi
dence 'Iho Interests of the Jobbers nnd tbo
donlors are Identical If there were no job
bers the dealers could purchase tholr sup
plies nt a much lower rnto
Mr Fred Sholos of Lincoln slso responded
to the saino sontlmcnt in a humoious utraln ,
after which the president declared the banquet
quot ndjouniod
Lovers of good music certainly enjoyed a
fine treat at tbo Grand opera house last
night They not only llstonod to some very
clever singing , but had the great picasura of
applauding most excellent violin playing by
tbe Mendelssohn Qulutotto club of Boston ,
which appeared in conjunction with nnd
under the auspices of the Apollo club at Its
second concert of the season A largo , fush-
iouablo aud ion co ( tiled the house nnd rap
turously applauded nearly every nuir.bor on
the well solccted programme Extonslvu in
dividual montlon might bo made of the nr-
tlsts but it is enough to say thnt slnulv and
collectively they gave outlro satisfaction ,
and leave behind thom n favorable impres
sion However , Mtss Ellzaboth Hamlin , who
accompanies the quintette as a prima donna
soprano , calls for such distinction as may
bo uccordod her lu u speciul reference
to the fact tbat she has a charming
voice and handles it to bettor advantage than
most conceit singers . The two selections
given by her , Carl Mnna Von Weber's "Der
Froischuotz" nnd She Wandered Down the
Mountain Side , " recclvod heurtv encores ,
thus showing that the fair vocalist succeeded
easily lu pleasing tbo nudionco Mr Mux
Dodges violin solo was also highly nppre-
elated ; also Mr Wllhulm Obligors nriort ,
Souvenir do Moscow , " n funtasio foi the
violin , and likewise Mr Paul Henuebery's
iluto solo The Apollo club alternated with
each number ullbted to the quintette with
such harmoniously musical selections as "A
Cannlbul Idylle , " When the Swallows
Homeward Fly , " Night , " nnd "On the
March " The concert was a complete suc
Tlio Competitive Drill
The Omaha Guards hold their regular
monthly Inspection and prize drill lastovcn-
ing After the linn bad been formed Captain
Sc liar IT , in a short speech , presented Mr C.
A. llarvey , wlio was present , with the sword
and belt which ho had worn during the time
ho was a lioutonnnt of the compauy The
sword was the property of the company , nnd
was turned ever by Lieutenant Hurvoy upon
tendering bis resignation The presentation
lust night was a surprise to Mr Hurvoy
Who responded briefly , thankiuir the com
pany for the pleasure they had afforded him ,
and expressing the hope thnt tbo tlmo would
como when ho would bo nblo to reciprocate
Tbe usual inspection then proceeded , after
which tbe prize drill was held
Captain Scharff acted ns commanding
ofllcor and judge , and the number of mon In
line rapidly dimiuisliod ns ono command suc
ceeded unother The members showed a
great lack of proficiency m drill , almost the
entire number goiug down ou thu most In
excusable errors The fact thut the com
potitlvo drill lusted only nbout ten minutes
demonstrates tbo fact that it was devoid of
interest as an exhibition of expert drilling
Sergeant W. J. Toyo and Corporal J. S.
Woodburn were the last on the floor , and tbo
latter mads u mistake hi tbo rctr rank
firings , thus giving the priie to Sarcennt
Foyo This makes tbo third coiiBecutivo
titno this gentleman has carried off tbo
uudal malting it his private property and
entitling him to wear it ou Ins uniform coat
ut drills , purodes , eta
An Amateur Hloutli'n Fine Work
L. Dunbaum nnd fnmlly yesterday moved
fjom 2700 Douglas street to apartments opposite
posito Mr D.inbaum's place of business , on
Fourteenth , botwocu Douglas ana Dodge A
case of wino aud beer was among the arti
cles temporarily loft at the old home Lust
night about 7 o'clock tbe old house was
broken into and the wine and bocr made way
with Joe Danbaum immediately nruceeded
to ussumotho role ol detective , and within
tbo Bbortspaco of twelve minutes nftor tbo
rnbberv occurred hud spotted Al Hums and
Dick Owens us the guilty parties The pair
confessed nnd were arrested nnd jailed It
is said thut Joo's line work came to the ours
of Chief of Detectives IIuzc later in thu
night and thnt oRluial sent for tbo young
sleuth and presented hlra with u ticket to
the forthcoming dctoctlvo bull
A Double Wending
Tlioro was a double wedding at the Hotel
Car ml yesterday , the contracting patties
bolng Nuthnn Splccr und Cathcrlno Nlckoll
and Charles W. Lock nnd Amelia Nlckoll
The ceremony was performed at 4 p. in , the
Hov C. W. bavldgo officiating The happy
couples were given a handsome dinner by
the proprietor of tbo hotel
Thn Linyal Legion ,
The monthly mooting of tbo Loyal Loglon
was held at tho.Mlllard hotel last evening ,
and was followed by a hundsome luncheon ,
. . ,
/ j
WOKKISl ) lltitiD'M 80IIK.MU
The Iladloofc In ilu < Montana Senate
nt Last Ilrokou , '
Helena , Mont , Fob 5. Tbo deadlock
was broken in tbo sonata this morning On
a motion made to consider bills from tbo re
publican house , twodnmocratsdemandcd the
, voas and nays Sovonrupubltcans.votodiii thu
ufllrinutlve , tbo democrats not voting Lieu
tonnnt Governor Hickurds bold that a quorum
was present because two democrats culled
for thu yeas and nays and declured the mo
tion carried The domocrnts were dumb
founded , The senate Is now considering re
publican house bills
. The Benin Uncord , k
Washington ; Feb , fi Uear-Adiuiral
Quackonboss , United Status navy ( retired ) ,
dlod last night at bis resldenco near hero ,
aged sixty-scvon ,
ATcmroN , Kau „ Fob 5 Adam Brcnnan
Donlpbun , one of tlio oldest nud most promi
nent citizens of this section of Kansas , died
todoy ,
The Mistnurl Prohibitionists
Sedalia , Mo , Fob , 5 , At the convention
of the state nrohibltlon party yesterday the
commlttoo ou organization reported , recom
mending that the state bo thorpuidily organized -
izod by counties About one bundrod dele
gates from the republican , democratic und
prohibition farmers and labor union parties
were present
The Volunteer Mine Strike
Maikjuette , Mich , Feb , C About half of .
the strikers at the Volunteer initio were paid '
today and wont to their homes , This leaves
but half of tbe original number out und zw
further trouble is anticipated from thom
Slonojr Clerk Wnlton Vanishes AVItli I I
9tnooo. ; . 1
St Louts , Mo , Fob 5. Tlio biggest son -v J
nation in express circles slncotho tlmo of the IJ
famous "Jlin Cuminlngs" robbery was oc- H
casloncd today when It was lcarnod thnt the jflHI
Pacific express company had been robbed of J" " " ' | M ,
* H.\O00. / IM ;
On Fcbrnnry 1 tbo City National bank o ) 'Si '
Dallas , Tex , rcmlttod to the Commercial . H '
National bank fl.\lK > 0 In gold and $35,000 , In
bills Tbo gold was duly received twodavsngo , tjV ;
The bank today notttlod Superintendent Fill iH
ler thnt they held n receipt for $ X > ,0W in cur ?
roncy which had not been rooclved The B j
superintendent telegraphed his asslstnnt at 11
Dallas , who replied tbat there was no trace 1
of tbu pnekngo there With the reply came H i
the astounding In formation thnt thn money M j
clerk nt the Dallas ofllco , n young man 1 I
named F. A. Walton , bad boon miss H *
ing since last Sun dny night Ills 1
accounts had boon looked ever , but 1
they were nil straight nnd nothing H
iti particular was suspected Hintll the i B
Inquiry came from St , Loin * . Then thu cun- ' H
nlng scheme was oxposcd Wnlton mndo Bj
out roiulpts , ono for * 15,000 and one fp-r- BB-
Wn.OOJ , on ere blank On the duplicate foU- H
warded to St Louis , ban ever , no )
mention was Hindu of thu $ .15. -
000 nud consequently hu was
given time to get away with ttio money
The ovprcsn company tins telegraphed do-
scrlptlons of the absconder everywhere and * Bj
hope to capture lilin
Wnltoircnmu originally from Ionia , Mich ,
and had worked for several express com
panics Ho-was bolicvcd to bo ut exemplary
Im ( ! rl | > ti3 in Mexico M
City of Mhmco , Feb , S. The influenza H
cpldcmlo is increasing throughout Mexico VJ
Whole settlements of Indians have been nt- H )
tucked nnd tbo denth rnto is high The mill B
taty hospitals uro unable to accommodate . . - * _ BB
the largo number sick " " BBBbI
Thn Latest Chinnsn Disaster H
S\N FitANcistoCnlFeb 5. The details of VJ
the futal waterspout ncur NutiklngCliInuiast > S
month , which caused the loss of over ono IB
hundred lives , were brought by tbo Ctilnit , BJ
stuatuor which arrived lust night BJ
What Came or Two Handx Thnt Per B
HlHlod in "Kollowinc thu Lender " K
Sovcntl ' "slicop mon from the Inland !
oinpiro were cuthurod nround the stove ) lH
nt ono or tlio hotels yesterday discussing H
the prospects for mutton this winter V
and wool not spring , nnd the prollts to m
bo made bv driving sheep to the Wlllii- "
motto to winter , mid nt Inst they got tu M
telling stories about sheep , says the fl
Portland Orcgonian
Ono told about the captain ot a M
sichoonor who hud ti band of sheep on _ BJ
tlm deck of his vessel As ho was turn v ]
ing nnd twisting the wheel to keep the Bj
schooner on her eour30 , tlio old ram who yJ
headed the Hock , taking umbrage at tlio V
motions , came up bo hind him , and nt 'Bl
one fell hwooo butted him ever the S
\iheel. Tlio enraged captain bouod Ins K'
woolly assailant aud throw him over Hi
board , when , prestnl away wont the
whole flocU , popping one after another , H
into tbo sea 1 scats were lowered , and BJ
with much labor a portion ol the Hock
was ? avcd BJ
Another told a story which illustrated kSJ *
the same folltiw-uiy-loadoi * trait in theK r k s H
character of sheep At a nort On the , * . BL
Sound one evening , just after the dock ' H |
hands hud got nil tlio froicht atinveu |
away , Itiorc caino down .100sheep to put B
on board All hands were vexed boBjBjBJ
eaiiao of the delay and trouble con V K
nectcd with shipping thom , but finally
i pen was made ofhurdloa , batwobii Bfl
decks and a gangway rigged , und in Bfl
tlio dusk all was ready Ho take Bfl
the sheep on beard , and they were H
stnrtod'dotvii the gangway " Tho'flrat" * flB
opo ns he struck the deck , nw an open3 flflj
ing on the ether side of the boat , udrosa flH
which a hurdle had been placed InIB ,
stond of going ulong to the corral prepared -
pared the slicop made a running jump , flB
clcured the hurdle and landed in the Bfl
salt chuck alongside Eyory on'o'of the Bfl
band followed suit , nud in a shorl time BB
.100 sheep were struggling in tlio wutor BB
Tlio captain , having seen thu last ono
tro down tlio planlc , yelled out : All flfl
right down thurei" ' An tinawor ciiiuo BB
back : All right , sir ! send thom BV
down " "Send'em down ! " roared thb flB
captain ; "haven't you the sheep down BB
thero'r" ' Not a sheep sir , " was the - Hfl
reply , and investigation allowed that SflV
there was not a sheep ou the boat , 'hu / * " " rfl |
captain could not delay any longur , and Bl
so steamed nwny , and only a small ntun-
bpr of tbo sheep over gut ashore flB
'I'lli' I'llnc ? ol' WnluH * KcnlliTS , AVJ
Tlio tradesmen to royalty are entitled BJ
to put the ioval " army over tholr shops , Bfl
and these of the prince of Wales have Bfl
the ritrht to show tils three upright Bfl
feathers in thosarao way says Dunlap's Bfl
Loudon cable Ono night lately tlio Bfl
priucoof Wales and the duke of lCdin- BH
burgh were roturulng iiomu rather Bfl
late When as Uioy passed Joe , the BB
ucll known tutor man in I'all Mall , Bfl
they took a fancy to taste his wares , " B
mid were accommodated by Joe with n BB
rcdhot baked potato from thu can , for H
wbieh they paid a penny each , and pro BB
eceded en their way , BH
lee had rccogni/.od his customers , and BB
on the next day iiis titer una" was flH
decorated with a llarliiggiltsigii.showflfl
ing the three feathers and the legend : -m- • k
Purveyor to II It , II the 1'rlncaot * BB
Wales " lie stationed his upparaua BB
• opposite Marlborough Iidubo , to thoflfl
princes mingled amusoinent and die HH
may The prince sent nil equerry to M
order him away , but Joe refused to Bfl
budge and kept on doing finishing busi- H
iicbb At last the prince ordorcd Sir BB
Francis Ifnoliys to buy him oil and tbo BH
toathors were removed Bfl
Mr John Curry of Lincoln , ono of tha flB
host known stouo enrvors in thu stiite , was a
visitor to Tim Hub building } ostord.iy , Mr , HH
Curry Is nt present engaged on a contract HH
fnr d corutiug the now Security Statu bank HH
building ot Grand Island , which is pror HH
aounrcd by exjicrts to .bo opo of the finest HH
strictures in tbo stuto Jt is six stories flB
high and will bo completed in uboutluo HB
months Bfl
The funeral of the late William Conflfl
uei-8 will take place nt " o'clock this H
afternoon from the family roaiduneo , H
Kill ! Webster street , lntonneiit ut H
Prospect Hill flj
Absolutely Pur # . . > .3
Ti ! powder never varMs A miirvel 3f ii-ir ti IBl
ttieuntaanil wliuli3omjness. JloruacAuniulru w HB
tlmu ilia orillnnry kliidt , and mnnot base .U' .bi w Bl
i-piupetltlon wllh ( lie inultitllda of low lejt
blioii wnlgiit ulum or uhosnhaco puwdors , , S ld Hi
VSiV./l / , ! 'I ' , . 'cai } ' ' „ ovAl , ilAm a iuwi > i.RCf4 Hj