Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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B. RO3BWATER , Editor.
Dally and Bnnday , Ona Year 110 m
Plx months r , 10
ThrroMonths S M
Kimilay Ileo , Ono Tear. . . . . . . . . . "in
Weekly Dee , Ono Year with I'ramtutn. . 3 Ul
Omnlio , Pee Itiilldlng.
Chicago Omre , M7 Itookory lIlillillnR.
New York , Itoomn 11 nnd In Trlbnnn tlulldln ? .
Washington. No. Ml Koiirtonntli Street.
Council Muffs , No. 12 1'corl Ptr ot.
South Umaha , Corner N and iMliSUeoM.
All communlcatloni rclullnj to news and adl
torlat matter should bo addressed to tha I'.dltor-
Inl Department.
Department.MJBINKSS I.nTTr.IIS.
All ImslnMslrtlers and rcmlttAnco' should
be nndrwert to The lle I'tibliihlng Company ,
Omaba. Draffn , cileries and 1'ostolHcorders
to be made payable to the ordorof tins Company.
The Bee Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
HRK llulldlna 1'arnam andfirrentoenth BtroeU.
Tlio Ilro on ( do Trnlns.
Tliero is no PXCUEO for n fBlluro to Rot Til K HKK
on the train * . All nettHdenleis hnve boon nnti.
tied to cnrry n full supptv , Travclr-M wlio want
Tin : llKKHiid can't Kct Iton train * wlirro other
U/nnha jmpi-rs arc carried ara requested to
" '
' particular to filvo In nil caoi fnil
Information as to date , lalhvay unit numbur
film lis yoiirtiamo , not tor publication or im-
necccf ary HSP , but an a guaranty of Boui1 fait" .
Fwnrn Rtntpmctit at ClrouliUlon ,
Statn of Nebrainn , l -
County of DotlKlai. { "
( leoro II. Tzichnclc. secretary of THE IlKit
Publishing Company , docs wiloninlT swear tlmt
the actual circulation of Tun DAII.V Ilirfortlio
wc k eudlnu February 1 , ISO , was as follows :
Nunitav. Jan. M .2I. 7(1 (
Momlav. Jan. 27. IWi *
' " ' ' " ' ' ' "
. . . .Y".V.V.V."liUl 1
Friday. Jan. 31 .19. IBM
Saturday. IAib.1 IO.a'7 '
Average If.11.1
Bvrorn tobcfora me nnd subscrlbod to In my
presence this lit ( lay of February , A , I > IWO.
I Seal. J N , P. Fl'.m
Notary Public.
Stnto of Nebraska , I ,
County ot ( -
Oeorco 11. TzscmicK. being duly worndo-
poses and says that ho is secretary of TIIK llr.t
I'llnlljIiliiR Company , tlint llio actnal avcraca
dally circulation of Tin : Dui.v IlKK for tlio
moutli of January. ItSMVVM'4 copies ; for
February. 181' > , W.n ) copies ; for March , 1SW9.
ISHrl copies : for April. 1H8 . IWlropies : for
May. IhK'i , 1C.OJJ copies ; for Juno , 1C8I ) . 18.ttta
copies ; for July.SSJ. \ . lWi ! " copies ; for August.
1SSH , HMCil copies : for Heptember , IWi. I8.71U
copies ; for October , ISH'l. Itf.lW7i.oplo3 | for No-
vnmlier. 18HI , 10,310 coplos : for December. I8S'.I ,
SO.IUS copies. ( It.oiuiE II TyU'imuK.
Sworn to Dcforo me and subscribed in my
presence this 4th day of January , A. D. . ImiO. *
ISoal. ] N. P. FEIK Notary Public.
HKFOIIH in county nITnirs is de
manded in the interest ot honest jov-
How "mucli time docs the mayor's
secretary actually devote to the liuti
tious olllco created expressly for the
relief of Mayor CusliingV
CITI/IN Psvcno Tu.Vijr i > roi > o3os to
trot around the glebe in sixty days. The
mania started by Nolllo Bly threatens
to develop into a national distemper.
Ammtnus of the cede hnve cause for
rejoicing1 in the fact that a French duel
drew genuine pore , but the public ut
largo will regret that so fowfunorals fol
low thcso rampant affairs of honor.
congress , \vnv wjia it necessary to explain -
plain their disgraceful conduct to the
country' ?
was followed by the announcement-
the unmarried women of Massachusetts
ha'vo twenty-nine million dollars laid up
In savings hnnlra.
'OHIO democrats are now wrangling
among themselves over the quantity of
of T)0odle dispensed by Calvin Brlco to
secure the bonatorship. The squabble
is chiefly interesting in proving the
co in in nn churjjo that tlio man with the
largest bar'l captures Ohio democrats
every time.
UMIKH the now name of the Great
Northern , tlio Manitoba railroad will
bo pushed on to the Pacific coast with all
possible spood. Puget sound is its des
tination. II is not improbable that the
road will penetrate the Bitter Hoot
maun tains and roach tide water within
uyear , making the fifth transcontinen
tal lino. received from vari
ous quarters that tno railroads will
'carefully" consider the demand for
reduced corn rates. Undoubtedly.
They have spent ever two weeks in
carefully avoiding a , decisive response
to the cry for relief , and there is every
Indication that they will carefully dolor
action as long as possible.
AIIVOOATKS of the Black Hills tin
interests urge that block tin bo added
to tliu tariff list , so as to encourage the
development of the uilnos. It is "dlfll-
cult to BOO what advantage will be
gained. English capitalists control
those mines as well as those of Corn
wall. A higher tariff would only servo
as excuse for an immediate advance in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" \Vn are pot contending for the
right of the minority to govern , " say
the democratic congressmen in the ad-
drcKs to the public. Of course not , but
tlioy have done their utmost to prevent
the majority from performing the
duties for which tlioy wore olucled.
Their failure to bloclc the wheels ot
legislation explains the melancholy
tone of tholr pleadings ,
Missuuiti isovldoutly jealous ot the
fame garnered by A Nebraska , court in
overruling a , decision of the United
States supreme court. 'Tho declaration
of the court of last resort that a theater
is a publics institution lias beau reversed
by u lurid dispenser of law in Kansas
City , who declares that a theater is u
private affair , in which colored people
have no rights which tlio proprietor la
boumlHo rcHpcct. >
IT is apparent from thu scramble for
control of the proposed loan of ten
millions that the political bosses of
Now Vork prefer to dlsgr.ico the stuto
and dishonor thu inomory of Columbus
rather than give up the urosooot of
power uml plunder which the handling
of million's insures. Contrasted with
the niggardly and mercenary spirit of
New York , G'hlcugo'b upon handed gen
erosity commands admiration on all
sides. "
The tiddross'to trio country of the
democratic minority In conjrrcas Is not
particularly impressive. It lacks the
vigor nnd fervor ot strong and sincere
conviction. It Is suggestive of a merely
perfunctory performance something
which had to bo done , but which 19 not
expected to accomplish anything. It
docs not throw any now light upon the
controversy between the majority nnd
B minority In the house of ropre-
ntntlves. The ground It goes ever
ad boon made entirely familiar to the
unify by the minority leaders , , and it
not presented in itny stronger or more
nviiiciiig form In the address
an it was on the floor of the hotna.
Mint wits the necessity of repealing in
is form tlio opinions and arguments
lilcli tlio people have disoovcrail and
ndorcU their Judgment on days ago ?
hero was Mono , und thu minority would
tier have not issued the address , since
s effect is likely to bo lo strongllinn
ubllc opinion as to the weakness of
icir position ,
It is not tw bo doubted that the intol-
gent judgment of the rountry U well
Ulsllod with tlio overthrow of Iho nb-
irb idea that members of a
irliuinuntar.v body who do not
nswor to a roll call when
resent are to be regarded as construc-
voly absent nnd not participating in
10 proceedings of the body , although
ut a moment before they may have
con making motions and engaging in
obatc regarding the quc tion upon
hlch their names are called. When
10 frame of the constitution provided
mt tv majority of each house should
onslitutu a quorum to do business they
nqueslionably contemplated that when
majority of the members of either
ouso were assembled , they would do
us'mcss , otherwise the authority given
o a number loss than the majority
compel the attendance of ab
out members is obvlou&ly of no
onsequcnco it may bo rendered nuga-
ory at any time by the refusal of a ml-
orlty tti answer to a roll call. The e.\-
rciso of such a power by the minority
b manifestly incoiibbtcnt with our BVS-
oin of government , and to suppose thut
lie f rumors of the constitution could-
avc conceived it possible is to quos-
ion their wisdom and their devotion to
ho principle of the rule of the ma-
The apprehension of danger which
ho authors of the minority address pro-
053 to fcol is not shared in bv the coim-
ry. On the contrary , so far as ox-
u'esslon has been heard from the
justness interests of the country
hey heartily approve of the purpose of
ho republican joliey to facilitate the
vork of congress by putting a stop to
ho lilibustorinc tactics which have for
.o . many years interfered with legislu-
ion and been a reproach to the coun-
.ry. . The heroic treatment applied to
.ho . situation has thus far been bignally
luceessful nnd there is favor.iblo prora-
se that the house will now bo able to
proceed with the important business to
como before it without further serious
disturbance from the vanquished uu-
The supreme court of Idaho having
locided the test oath for Mormons , in
corporated in the constitution adopted
ast year , and which is similar to the
oath enforced in Utah under the. Kd-
uiunili-Tuckor bill , to bo valid , the
question was taken * on appeal to the
supreme court of the United States.
That tribunal has just rendered an
opinion affirming the constitutionality
of the oath , and the views presented
.ire of such far-reaching1 importance as
to merit moro than a passing attention.
Not only ia it declared ! hat bigamy and
polygamy are crimes , tending to de
stroy the purity of the miir-
ringo relations , to disturb the puaco
of families , to degrade woman
and todobnso man , nnd therefore not
to bo tolerated oven though advocated
as n tenet of religion , but the court in
effect says that no doctrine or tenet
which is hostile t the welfare ot society
can llnd protection under the claim that
it is a part of the religious principles or
system of thobo who advocate it. The
suggestion of this is that doctrine- ) ,
tenets , and forms of worship , in the
name of religion , in order to have tolera
tion and protection , must bo fruo from
anything offensive to Iho general moral
judgment of feoclety or which in its tun-
dency would bo injurious to
the social structure. To call a
form of worship or a body of
doctrines a religion docs not necessari
ly give immunity to those who hold and
practice thorn. If they do not conform
to the generally necoptocl view of what
is comprehended in tlio term religion
they may bo inhibited whenever soci
ety shall determine they are offensive
or injurious.
The constitution provides that con
gress ahull make no law respecting nn
ustabllshmimt of religion , or prohibit
ing the free cxcrclso thereof. If the
principle enunciated in the opinion of
the supreme court were carried to its
logical possibilities could it not bo
made to operate in restraint
of the free
exercise of re
ligion ? And if bo the theory that
religion is absolutely fieo in this coun
try must bo abandoned. Thu forma and
doctrines which we have agreed to ao-
copt ara free , but the many which are
elder than these , and some of whluh are
sincerely bollovod In by many millions
moro tlian accept our forms and doc
trines , would not bo permitted among
us under the principle enunciated by
the simromo court. lu a word , religious
freedom in tiio United Stales is limited
to thu religion its peciplo boliuvo in ,
Possibly this is not inconsistent with
the spirit of the constitution and the
purpose of its framcrs.
So far as the Mormons of Idaho nro
concerned the opinion of the supreme
court settled the question ot tholr status
under the law with ruapect to the right
of suffrage. They cannot vote witnout
renouncing that portion of their relig
ious creed which porruiu and approves
| x > lygnmy. It is not bufliciont that they
do not practice polygamy ; they must
reject and repudiate the doctrino. It
is very likely that a largo mujority o !
thorn will consequently have no voice
in affairs. .Vith this source ot contro
versy Yemovedthe people of Idaho hara
now a clour and unobstructed course to
push tholr demand for the admission ot
the territory to statehood.
The first of the seventeen contested
election cases which the present con
gress will have to pass upon has been
disposed of , nnd the republican contest
ant has tnkon tits scat. The republi
cans had a quorum present in the house
on Monday , and the adoption of the ro-
art of the majority of the committee on
ivllcgos and elections on the case of
mith against Jackson , from the Fourth
ircst Virginia district , in fuvoroftho
rinur , Is conclusive of the matter.
10 democrats wore hopeful that
0 majority , falling to secure
quorum of its own members ,
ould attempt to unseat .lack-
n under the rule which h.xs been ob-
rvod rpspoctliig other proceedings in
10 Itouso for the pnst week , invliich
vso the minority would have taUon
o mutter to the sufiroms court. The
jptiblicans bolng perfectly aware ot
in , U is probable they 'lever canlam-
aled taking action upon the election
: iso without htiylnir a quorum of tholr
, vn members. At any rate , having su-
irrd a quorum they promptly added
no to tholr majority by sealing the re- uunjostint. This slightly im -
roves their position , and if they can
cop their quorum together for a short
me they may further add to their
,1'ongth and adopt now rulus
lilch will prevent the recurrence
1 suih scenes as have chur- the sessions of the house for
10 past nook and aisuro the rule of
lie majority.
Of the sixteen contested election
'ttes ' yet to Vo reported on , nearly all
if thorn from districts in the southern
tat OR , undoubtedly more than half the'
cpubliuan contestants will bo able to
bliah the fact that they were do-
cated by fraud and that the democrats
rho wora given credentials have no
iiat right to the seats they nro ocetipy-
ng. The facts that have bo < n made
lubllc regarding the electioiid in sov-
ral of the districts from whii'h there
ro contests show most conclusively
hat If the results had been fairly
nd honestly returned the remiDli-
: un candidates would have been elected ,
nd in such cases it is the unquestiuim-
jlo duty of tlio majority to unseat the
non who obtained their credentials by
mproper and unlawful means. There
ro other cases in which the evidence
s not BO clear , and it will probably do-
relop thai in seine a contest has been
rought without any adequate basis for
t. Ocmocr.itie contistees who can
Icarly establish their right to their
.eats . undoubtedly will not be disturbed ,
nd whenever there is grounu for doubt
snec-liiig the sufllcioiicy of ovldcnro
t would bo well lo decliro Itio scat
meant , to be Illlod by a new election ,
t is important that in the dcierminn-
ion ot these contests the republican * }
ihall bo clearly in Iho right. In any
event they will not escape the charge
if acting for partisan advantage , but
here will bo nothing lo fear from
his if the fads on their .side are
plain and conclusive as lo satisfy ; thu in-
.elligcnt and unprejudiced judgment/of
, he country. In the case that has been
disposed of no fair-minded man can
doubt that the claim of the republican
ivas fullv ' justified and clearly ost.ib-
Tin : total tax collections in Omaha
ast year amounted to two million sovcn
hundred and oightv-ono thousand del
lars. Tno-thircls of IhU sum rcpresenl
special assessments for paving , sewerage -
ago and other permanent improve
ments. This IB an enormous drain on
the Ilnances of property owners. It is s
gratifying evidence of the fuith nni
confidence of the people that they have
met their obligations witn a promptitude
tudeequalled by few cities in the
countrv. Taxes , both regular nnd
speciaL-huve been paid up within a
trilling' per cent of the total
levy. But awilling1 horse snould
not bo ridden to death. The
city authorities should inaugurate nn
era of economy , out down expenses to
the lowest possible point , reduce taxa
tion , and give the people relief from
excessive burdens.
As A preliminary step to annexation
the Omaha council should appoint a
committee to confer with a line com-
nittco from the South Omaha council.
Thu mayors of both cities should also
bo invited to take part in the confer
ence bo that an amicable undcr tandiiig
can bo arrived at upon the main points
at issue. There is no tiiuo to be lost.
It will take two or three weeks at least
before the ordinances can bo framed
and legally enacted , and it will take ut
least thirt.T days after the ordinances
uro passed and the day set for ratifying
Tun projector tunneling under the
court house nnd putting in an oleva'.or ,
should not bo seriously considered by
the county commissioners. It is appar
ent that provision must soon bo made
for enlarging thobutlding. It is already
overcrowded , several officers and one
court being compelled to secure quar
ters elHowlioro. The construction of u
u'intr , therefore , becomes u necessity.
The entrance to the extension will , of
course , bo on the street level and umplo
olnvator service will doubtless bo pro
vided for.
U.VDKH the operations of high license
In Omaha Iho number of ealoomr huu
decreased every year , notwilhstanding
the increase in population. The num
ber of licensed liquor dealers wholesale
and retail at the present time is two
hundred nnd tun , against two hundred
and sixty-three last year. In 1881 whoa
the Slocuin law went into effect there
wore cxio hundred and sixty retail
liquor dealers and Iho population of
Omaha was below tulrty-fivo huu.lrod.
Tnuiti : is a bare possibility that the
child born in Omaha this year , If it
survive the ills of infancy nnd reaches
thu average ago , will witness the com
pletion of the purchase of the Planters
house site for the postoitlco.
iN'Vii\vof the fact that other cities
dorlvo larpo revenues trom the collec
tion of garbage , there is uo reason why
Omaha should not luvlto proposals , and
award the contract for supervising tlio
romovnTb ! gnrbngo to the best bidder ,
The on pJU of girbagotnnstcr can bo
inado anpurcc of revenue which will at
east pirf'tH' offset the cxponso incurred
in kecpjtntfjup the dump boats ,
s n
Tin : slate bonrd of transportation has
mnao a IHootless journey. While the
joard wjisjpn its way to Chicago and bo-
'ore it rentfhed Us destination the rail
road mittingcrs hnd decided to hold n
conferencexvltii , Governor Thnyer nnd
-lie nttornny general at Lincoln next
Friday. J iIs recalls forcibly the fa
mous adiifjo :
Tlio kln < of Trnnco ,
With full trn thousand men
Marched up the lull ,
And tticu marched thorn dmvc apnln.
Tin : city clerk and ono deputy can do
nil the work devolving upon that olllco.
They nro well paid for their work nnd
can put In extra hours If actually neces
sary , but we do not believe it Is. Uy lop
ping off two clerks the city will sa\o
twenty-seven hundred dollars nycar.
K STI 1,1. Insist that Iho council has
no right lo vote an appropriation ot one
hundred collars per month for the
mayor's socictary. No such olllco bus
been crvutQd by ordinance and nny
member who votes the appropriation is
liable on his bond for the amount.
Tin : distressing position of the hos
pital engineer should bo mitigated ut
once. As a measure1 of rcliof from the
puln of drawing his salary thu county
might employ a messenger to carry it
o him.
Till : real estate exuhiingoHhouldscnd
out nn expedition to discover the where-
itboufi of Iho Dakota railroad commit
tee. There is a suspicion abroad that
the members were foundered in the
to '
_ _
TiiKcommorcial and industrial pros
perity of Omaha tmd South Omaha are
inseparable. They should nut stand on
ceremony in uniting their municipal
TIIKUI : are symptoms of vitality in
the viaduct nnd union < iepot scheme ,
bul the now bridge lingers in the dim
: md distant future.
'Iho AVtinc ni ( Jin mm'-4 .Mioiilrnns.
Clilcntl" AViw.
Wrecks are sou nntl in New York ban Icing
circles uro distrcsaioglv common of l.ilo.
tl M < r.v Ki-pciUM lliolT.
Inilla mivillf Jnirn"l.
In IMil thoMomourals ro'n.lcil ' u .tmst tlio
rule of th'u majority , uad Uuw the sanio
parly Is nt It again in the house.
Tried Oti urid Diitn't Work.
i aittna t'trt ' Stn'in ' .
Srcmitor VaiCeo's solution of the rnoo prob
lent h for thpjiorlh toj Keep lit huntls off
That wns tjiq southern saluuon of the shiv
cr.y problem , n
U h'lif.pruvrr . - n * Accurate.
> tlUctrHtt litliiine.
The Ctiicica Tribunu wants to know \vicn !
Grovcr ClovOl.uulvastvor known to furmoli
dcllnlta information on any subject. Es
teemed conVMiiiiorary , .vou seem to have for
gotten the deilnlto Information Iio declaimed
from the oijujulopodla when ho vlsiteJ the
.wild nnd wp.ojly west , , DiiJ 'i.lio. < ] uoto cor
rectly ! v , J
A G-rhi hVox-ia v ril'Siat c.
JlMtnn Jn trital.
DIgnitv , firmness , lotiuUUtlon , 'a duo ro
Curd for thu national lion ir a-id Individual
rlchts , viyor without MusUr , iinJ ndjust-
uiunt Mituiitit surroaJcr hava
tlie sUitu dcpartmimt under Mr. Blaino's ad
ministration , 'and tuiva won tor our govirn-
inunt met cased rzsi cct among tliu nations nl
the world.
Ni'lirn- iM
ClucaRO Tribune : At lust the pcoiito ot
Ncbrustcu nru juv.i'.ionin to a scnso of the
o'jtrus : purpatrutod : it their t'xpcnsu m the
ho matter of- rail rales to this city. Ir. the
uncunsa of a roprosemulivo committee , us
luoted in the Tribune of yesterday , 'Tho
sutoof Nebraalcah constantly und ooiitui-
tialiy robbed' ' of the advantage of water
transit fiom ' , ' Chicago to the Bodbojri
narkctn by this re ul'ir und constnnt oiub
listunontof fi. cents per 10J pounds hiKbor
rate fiom Oinuba to Ctilci0 : than from
Omahn to bt. Louis. " The discrimination
is fBlt to bo especially objectlotmblo jusi
v , iho jirica of corn In that state buln so
low thnt vnst quantities of it nro burned on
tlio farm because it is much the cUzapjst tit
tulnablo fuel. _ _
MtirslanO wants a first-class sliootnakor U
locatn tLcro.
The OiMlldln cannl is in a fuir way to bi
com pic toil e.irlv In Iho spritiir.
The now fJO.OOO liotol nt Stronisburc i
completed nnd ready ( or liusinosa.
Tlio I'olk county prohibitionists will hold ;
convuntion at OsooolaFobriiury 15.
It U OBllmatud tbat tunrc uru 15aODD busli
ela at corn cribbed In Jefferson county.
Umerson U to huvo a bank with C. 1C. Uol
Imsns prcsldunt uud Howard I'armoleo iv
cashier , .
During tin ) past wrok tlicro were thru
iloatlis in Fulls City caused prlinunly by m
people baveshippod a car of corn
and Hour to t he Minor county , Uouth Dakota
There are twonty-ncvon furmora1 alliance
In Uuffalo county , with 'an itvorago momuur
ship of thirty.
Tno new $ Qioa , ( school liouso nt Hunipliro ;
linn boon comyjctod und turned over lo tin
school board.
( l
James T. Lawa nf Madison has again beoi
declared intauu hnd sent to the Norfolk iu , }
luin for tl.n fecund time.
A tiventy-ono-pound turnip is ono of th
curiasltlcs dUpUyuii In the onlcoaf thoSiou :
County Herald nt. Horriuon.
The throo-s car-old on of Adam PJoraon"
a Dundy cotiuty farmer , was drowneil b ;
failliig into u extern , the cover of which wu
luflopon. ' '
AlbaSprotr&Tngod twenty-two years , li
iutrwith li ! fatdor tarco uiilos from Cal
wuy. atiot hlmiwlf in the forouuad uud di
instantly. , i , ui
Two wbltotiarctla owls , iiionsurlnK fo
feet from Up u tUi | , wcm captured by u Joi
furson cauutHrmor last week und sold lo
u handsome \ffi \ < y } ,
Ttio Falrbtu-n\V oard of trade is making
niMKuinor.ts tojiivo a complinientiiry Imuii
to U. S. Uukorttia newly uppolnted Ual
States district nittorncy.
liy the doutlof ( ono member uud the uu
seuco of another , ttia Madlsoii city council I
left with but two mainboni , and the mayo
has called a mooting to till the vacanalos.
Garneld county vo torsi wilt decldo tt
county seat location t'obruury 14. Uurirc
offer * to giro tUo county four loin and ere
u court hou o'w cast $1WX ) If it secure * th
MUs Jcsiie 'pouivaa , a Fillmore count
school Uaichor. whllu topjiln at a Cionev
hotel over niglit , was robbed of u gold watc
uudil ) ( o cuh , wliicli wa * takeu from uude
her pillow by totuo snoatf lulef.
Ueorgo Ijiy , A Sohuyler grocer , heard
burglar In In * store 4he other iilebt , aui
drawiugn revolver held the thief until i
liollcenmn wus brought. The fellow prove *
to be Itobert U'olchhorii , and ho wa boun
over for trlul.
The annual cbartor-duy address at th
Into university at Lincoln will be delivered
> the nnlvcrstty chapel Saturday ercnmp ,
obruary 15 , by Or. T. a Chamberlain ,
resident of the University of Wwconsln , on
The ( Joining of ARO of State Universities. "
Inirn Itrni .
Clinton's electric light plant U to bo on-
Lo Mnre Is to have a now jail , which will
o the best in that part of the utato.
Influenza npptmrs to have nlluclcud tha
orsus in several sections of the stale.
Gav tionp , n Keokuk Clilnnmnn , nnd Ills
ilored wlfo nro the happy parents of a cop
er-colored kid ,
Triplets two boys anil n clrl wcro berne
o Mr. nnd sire. G us Hong In PocahouUs
ounty last week.
Oska'oosa will have ono nnd n half mlle
' street railway by August 1 , if tha comma-
ors live up to their agreement.
During 1SS ! > tlioro were 83,093 ti > nchi > rV
ortltlcatcs granted hi tlio stnto , in.DiU boltir |
o ladles , and the number of applicants ro-
ctcil was 3,81. ! .
Tliu Iniltctuicnt of his son for horse steal-
in caused J.V. . Roberts , a Clnrimla
stH\irnnt \ Idicner , tonlU > mptHulcldo by tnk-
iB poison , buthla Ufa waft anvoil ,
MitUrlmos , an itmine convict whose to nil
f imprisonment has expired , has boon
rjiisfmred trom the Anamnsa penitentiary
o ilia asylum , by order of Governor ( . .arra-
August Lumlcll , n farmer near Webster
ity , while watching at the bciinido of bis
ick BOH , was suddenly slrickou with heart
Iscasi und foil to th < ! lloor n corpse , His
on survived htm only u fnw hour * . Uottt
ere burloil in ono crave ,
A citizen of U'urren county played n
rohihitiun Joke on seine old topers nnd nl
10 snmn time inuilo n few shcHoln for him-
olf. J o Mlled somotwonty two bottle * with
ca und sold them at f I each , the cusipmors
opposing them to bo llllctl with whisky. A
Ickcr gnvu the snnp away.
XV. J. Dick , n < Jlienkoo cirpcnter , dlod
ndur pcculliir clruumstnncffs llio ether
Ifiht. Ourlnc Iho ilny ho Imd struck his
humb with a hammer , and , BUlToriui ; ncutcly
rom iho bruise , in tbo eveulnc went to a
hysician , xvho cave him a uouplo of inor-
liinu powders to uanu tbo p.ilu. Ho took
uo of tha pQxvders nnd weal to bott and fell
nto a sleep , from which hpnovar uwakoncd.
lo IIA.I Just insured his hfo for fA.0.10.
I lest Inn , the Humbolt comity man who
wlnillcd un Insurance company out of con-
Idurablo money ualiort tuna IIKO on n bogus
'ro loss , U iuin in trouble. Ills wife him
ruuchtnult nralnst tnc Northwestern Kail-
o.ul campany for dumaces for Iniuruw sin
iiincd In an uceidonton u mllroad orossme.
'ho companv hopes to pravo that Hessian
onsplrc * ! against this company to collect ,
amazes , and left a w.i on on the crossing
lurpisuly , xvhllo his wlfo sat on the ouijo of
be cut to lend cftoct to the case. .Tuilirs
look , for the company , suya that thov will
urnisli positive proof to tin * effect.
The Const nnd Ncirtliwrnt.
The representative business men of Mis-
otiln. Mont. , have onjanlrod n board of trade
i'hlch will bo ID working order by Marrh 1.
Gamblers to the number of twonty-lhroa
vero arrested at Soittle within twenty four
1011 rs last woott , almost one for each hour of
hu day.
'J hu authorities of Los Ancolos Uavo Imli-
utcd u raid on vendors of lottery tickets
ami inanv of the offenders have been ar
Dnv.d Deuce , tl.o niun who toUbcd the
Seuttlo faro bank , luu been captured. Ho in
' . boirdlc3S .votith , but it took eleven pollcu-
iicn a whole mulit to tniiKo up their minds
o attempt nls urrust.
Oscar Tuttle of Santa Cruz. Cal , wasBplit-
inir kludhn. ? wood ou Saturday u-bon ho
acklcd u lurRc piece of redwood. Hu .found
i. " cent piec'o of 1S5U loil o.l in the center of
he limb. It WAS blackened bv the sap.
\Villlatn F , Huntoon , cashier ot tlio 1'eo-
ilo'w Savlnps bank of Sacrumontu , while in-
oxieatoJ , shot nimuolt ttirauRh the heart ,
Ivmc SDstnntlv Ho Win ono ot the most
lopuUrioutif ? men of the city.
A bill wus mlroducod in the Orccoa IcRis-
nliiro to repeal the act of the territorial lojf-
slattiro by wnioh the Oregon Iniprovonicnt
comp'.ny acqaireil tide lands near Seattle ,
flio propsrty is worth 5.1,000,000.
1C. C. Pavls , un lUtornov nf Helena , Mont. ,
lias laid tltlo to propsrtvJn that , city , JVna-
condo , and Great Rills , thai is worth several -
oral million of dollar.H. The laud was lo-
cato.1 bv strrlpt and the powers of nttornu.v
uconipinyiny them Imvo been declared
ivorlhlim by I hn Huprnno courts of Califor
nia , Kansas und Arkansas ,
Wiiliam JJunb'ir , a Portland merchant ,
1.13 sued A. Sundennnd , 'liur.v eonimissloner
of OraKOii to recover. SJI.O.H ) damacos. lie
was uriostcd on u trumpud-up charge of
aelllnB adultoratpj butter , when ho proved
tliathls article ixi the pure , fresh Cjlifor-
niu nraduct. Sunil'-rlatid has bcou indicted
for perjury by tlio trand jury.
Captain J. M. Kceler , a tvell known pioneer
neer citizen of Sxn Francisco , died m
city recently. Ho wus u captain in the Fifth
Uiuineetlrut , volunteers during the wur ottho
rebellion und was appointed provost marshal
ot Dragon by President Lincoln , remaining
in the ( 'overmnent serviua until the close of
the wur. Captain Keclcr was the founder nf
the Oregon Stale univcriity , and also win u
professor at that institution for many years.
The irony of fate is a iiu oxempiilleil in
John Nolan , wno died "last Week ia St.
Mur.v'fl ' hospital at Walla \ V'ull.uuys the
L'urtland Oregnnlan. Ho was , prior to tHe
misfortune which deprived him of his liveli
hood und resulted In his death , ono of iho
wo.iltlilest stoe ' : raisers in the Walla Walla
vnllcy. laat fall Iio drove In a herds lute
Montana , deeming ho would Jlnd a ready
market. Hut ho was itlsiipiJointud , Wiutor
dc.ilt rigorously witb his cattle and they pur-
Uhcd to the last one.
The ether day there cnuio to Salem , Ore. ,
a box car that loft Detroit sixteen days bu-
foro. It contained P. Harwood , wlfo und
two babies , seven tnws , two horses , two
sheep and un onaloHg assortment of IIOUEC-
hold and kitchen furniture nnd farm ap
pliances. A stovepipe dad been pushed
througn u ventilator halo In thu car and the
sinoku that wreathed tbo opening gave evl-
deuce those Inside the car were not sutTor-
ini ; from the cold. Mr. Harwood said the
trip wus iniula easily and quite pleasantly ,
considering the crowded condition of the
A bit ; strike has lately boon m ido in tlm
Bccnnd or miadlo tunnel on tbo Mlnuh loilu
at Wickos , sivys the Helena .Indopcndent.
The shoot encountered is n continuation 01
, tha rich vein of carbonates discovered at the
crass roota ycura uio " ° d which wus worked
by a.wbini and liorao iwwer unit made to
produce euousli uiunei * to moro than pay the
original purchase price of tha mmu. The
now tnUo is reported to bo aboat four feet
wide , of solid B lena ore iiveraglnfj JHU to
the ton an.d It isostimatod there Is 8100.0UO
worth of ere between tlio upper and middle
Jovols. The lower level is DOW said to be
within 180 foot of this rich chute , and when
that dUtunoo has been covered and the ore
found In place , Doth abava and balow , the
amount In sitlit can b H-ifety estimated at
uc.u- 1X)0'JUO. ( ) The Miaah hue paid IU way
from the boKinningunJ wilt continue to dose
so for years to come.
Senator I'ctiiurow Una Numerous
CullH Ilo nrilln Aiii > liiliiiiintN.
Siocx FAI.I.S , S. D. , Fob. 4. [ Special
Telegram to Tun JlKE.l A swarm of poll
tlclnus bni been In the city for the past few
i'.i > y8 conferring with Senator 1'ettiirrew la
reloronoe 10 appointments to bo mudo by the
powers ttiat be. The senator bus promised
K v. J. A. WakeJlola of Aurora the super
Visonlnp of the census , and that pontloraun
boa prepared a list of nppointmonts to bo
made throughout tbo counties. The feature
of tlio conference Is to talk ever tbo com bin
ullonarmed by Governor Mellctto to defca
Senator Moody in his candidacy for re-clea
( iou. The governor U reported to be work
ing thn alliauco for ail U is worth and every
stop ha huit taken since his return -froii :
Wonulngton lias bBHD witb tbo idea of curry
lag laver with tbo farmers. Senator I'ottl i
Crew stated to your correspondent thai ho
considorou Uovoruor Mollette's '
recent beg-
clng trip lor ceu wheat as it
udvised und a grave error ou the part of tuu
gentleman. The harm he has dona tbo Btute
uy ussertinc that nineteen counties uru in u
turvlng condition is almost unparalleled
As to the position taUon ou the question ol
economy , never was a Koveruor BO steeped
with a wholly wronif theory , said the eau
tor. The governor proaclies ton much econ
omy , and that coupled with bis confirmation
* > f tliu destitution utorlee , has been cuougu
to swamp tlio slate.
'ho ' Attorney Orauornl Will Not Run
After Railroad Moguls.
Die tnrmcrV Union DcinniiiU lunvor
.FrvlRht Itntos TlioVhlsky
1 rust Slock Tolls Cut
An InlrrvlnwVlth IJOORO.
LIXCOUN , Xob. , Fob. 4. [ Spr-cl&l to TUB
JKR. ] In answer to the iiicstiou ] , "Wliy did
ou not go with llio rest nf the tttato board
o Cblcnffo } " Attorney General I.oososnid :
"I did not go to Chicago with tha other
tiombcrs of the stulo boarJ because 1 do not.
iroposo to lower the dignity of this great
lutes by begging for our rights. The sword
s la our hniids , und unlets aatua imtuoiVmte
cliof Is given to the farmers of N'jbnu'ca 1
iroposo to U3n it with u strong arm. Chluigo
osos by the riad maintaining thosonxorblt-
, nl mtcs , for what liltlo earn is sent to
mirkct from this stnto goes south.
"Tho rale to Chicago , several years ago ,
vas only 14 cents on corn , nnd now there is
hrco times the amount of corn to haul ana
he rutos uro almost double. It is liumiliat-
ng to sco the state board of tr nnspurtation
mining nftor tlio railroads when It has the
DU-cr to bring them to time wilbout le.tviug
.s ofllco , but if it thinks otherwise , all
icht. I am satisfied the railroads will rose -
so to uo anything , und If they do the Imiid-
rltiiiK is on the wall. "
1KB I'AKMrlls' ACT.
The following icsolutions were rocolvod at
ho olllco of thu slate board of transportation
day :
COI.UMIIVS. Fob. 3. To the Honorable
Joard of Uailrotul Commissioners Guntlo-
ion : At a lucetlng of tie ( Tanners' union
eld nt Columbus February II , the following
resolutions wcro udopteu :
Resolved , That In our judgment the time
IUB come to thu farmers ol Nebraska for mi-
nodiatc , decided and detorniinod oftort to ? e-
ure lower railroad freight rates for our pro
duce , und tlmt to this end we will from this
IUR- , both us un iiisoclation und us indlvldu-
il , oy petition oud private letter , urge our
state ofllclals. cjpociullv our railroad cooi-
nUsloners , to srnuro a reasonable reduction
n freight rates ,
Hosolvcd , 1'nat wo hereby pivo notlco that
vo will supi rt uo mini to represent us In the
eglslatura who does not only pledge him-
3clf to favor such legislation by aucccl , nnd
fete as will sccu'o to us rcaitonable freight
rutci , but whose nntoccdcnla prove him
> oth strouj und earnest enough to carry out
inch pledge.
Resolved further , Thar , a copy of tlieso
esolutlons bo sent to the papers for publl-
: ation , to the railroad commissioners and to
, ho governor. 15. F. Die KI.NS-OV , ri c.
Columltua. Xob.
Attoriiev General Loase. Major John C.
A'atsoti mid George D. Soollald uppoarod bo
'ore tbo supreme court thU morning und
lleil n stipplemcnlal petition in the casu of
the BtRte v : the Xebrasls distilling com-
uany. ,
In addition lo allegations with which the
, mblic is familiar this petition alleges that
: ho plnlntiiris informed and has reason lo
jelleye ttiat on or nbout Jununry 18 , IbTO , at
I'eoria. Ill , the Uciuuilaut protondud to uls-
soivo its orgaiilrntion , cancel Its stock und
surrender its corllncatcs , und thereafter Im-
mcdiatplv notihod Hie secretary of stnte of
sucn uction. On the date stated the defend
ant nrotonded lo Imnifer , sell nnd ussigu all
of iU property and Interests in the stale to
rgo L woulser und liui executed the
essary uapsrs for such transfer ; tbat the
aclum of the tlefcndiint is iimero proloKt.
nnd ia aoue to avoid uny jiidgmunt that muv
bo made by the court , Uius acfuatlng the
ends ot justice. It is further ullcgcd that
the defendant , by the translcrandbillof salute
to Woolsey , rectiiVei ! tliu right and title to nil
of the-lisulliii apparatus and machinery ,
consisting of roppui pipe , pumps , uiiiNli
norms , still , alcohol columns , connections ,
copper and hnna. pretcEidiug and ubscrting
that the same are poroonal properly ; that
the defendant is threatening and pioeeedintr
to lemovo from the distilllm * house , located
at Nubrasuii City , suuli machinery uud other
liado llxtui-L-i , und will do so unless re-
stiumud bj this hoaorable court ; that such
inachinei.v utul Jl Mil res uru atlixed to the veal
estate of the distilling company , and are u
partnf the realty thereof , ami cin not ba re
moved without dcsttoylng its-character us u
distillery , and thus work irreparable injury
lo tbo distillery itself ; that In thu
event the defendant is permitted
to dismantle und dcsttoy tliodistillur.v in con
troversy and creitly hinder as well the
object und purpose for which till a null is in
stituted ; that the properly designated is
worth $30.000 and without it thu distillery
will become permanently wortuloss.
The plaintiff therefore asks n restraining
order , under the seal of the court , to prevent
the utter dissolution of tlie distilling property
in question , und to prevent the of
any portion ol it.
The defendants filed u general demurrer
to thu petition , but a temporary restraining
order was issued und boarinc- net for the
Alter this George L Woolsoy appeared as
an intervenini ; defendant , and witb purml-i-
aion of the court lilud an answer in inlervu-
tion. Ho detailed at length the organiza
tion of the trust , and the manner In wlncb
this distilling company entered into it ,
stutlng UmtUio divsolution of the roruora-
tion by the incorporaturs nnd thu transfer of
Its property interests to him , tlmt auch
transfer wus made by the distilling company ,
that Is , by the ineaibsrs of the trust toVos -
ton Arnold of Peorlii , 111. , said to bo nn
agent of thu trust , uilli ono condition of
limitation ; tlmt hald Arnold , therefore , as <
signed the lease and conveyed the building ,
machinery und other property to Mr.
Woolsoy , with the express condition tlmt
auch property should not bo used us a dis
tillery , and In case It is so used that the
aniiie ahull revert to Arnold. Arnold also
reserved all the distilling machinery , with
the right to remove the name ,
Mr. Woolsoy assarts that the only con.
slderution for this transfer by the distilling
company to Arnold , or from Arnold to him ,
moved from'WooUcy , and that the transfer
through Arnold WAS a more makeshift and 1
evasion , unauthorized bv tbo directors of
the distilling company and made for the pur
pose of wreaking and destroying tha prop
erty aa a distilling establishment , assorting
that if the trust be permitted to wreck the
establishment It will have accomplished all
of Us objects by destroying any possible
competition to bii feared fiom HID Nobiaaku
Distilling comdany. And he asks the court
to adjudge the conditions and limitations in
iho transfer void : that be be permitted the
full , free and uninterrupted IIHO und enjoy
ment of such property for any use * to which
he inuy HUU lit to put it , and uiks the court
to restrain the defendant uud Its assignn
from dismantling und destroying the name.
It will bo perceived thai this is a triangu
lar light ; tlmt the state Hroks to contlscute
the property for alleged violation of luw :
thai Mr. W.iolsey ululma lo bo the owner of
the Bume und seek * to protect Ins Interests os
Hiu'h owner , while thu truttt deslroi ouly to
destroy Die property for distilling purposes
and thereby effect Us objects.
Inasmuch as the order of injunction win.
Issued by tbo order nf the state , tuu court
did not pass on that portion of Mr. Wool
aey's answer.
In case Mr. Woolsoy slmll succeed , ho pro-
potea , as it would uom , to tisu und operuto
thu property us a distillery , in hostility anil
opposition to the trust.
Mr. WooUey U represented by Mr. Edwi
F. Warren of Nebraska City ,
Tha Plutte Valley land company of Grand
Island Hied articles ot Incorporation todiiy.
Capital stock authorized , flX,000. ( ) , Incorr
poraloisi Henry T. Oxnard , Ashmuri A.
Abbptt and Hey ward G. Lcavilt.
The Hex HutW bank of Heinlncford also
filed articles ana uavv but the li ral right to
transact business in the stato. Authorized
capital stock , 150.000. Incorporate ! ' * : O.
A. Hurbow , H. Abbott and D , W , Me-
The Glrard nro and tnanno Insurance
company of Plnladclnliia Illea Its annual
atatouicnt today , ahotvnu ; tuo amount ol
buslnesa truntactod la the itato during the
past year. Kltk , fi09,45U , ; premiums ,
U.IDT.OD : loitci , * J,
The railroad * of the italo lllcd a now Dolnt
tunll on stock abfpma uti wltU the mule
board of transportation this morning. In
many instances li lowers the rates 'JI.110 per
conU "This at but a drop In the bucVoi , "
romarkeil n member of tlio board na < kjh
item wntclvon Tns HUE rppro ontatlvu. > v
A. J. Spearmancounty tronsurcrof Sarpr" "
county , dotllo'l with the state today nnd
paid into tbo stale treasury the sum <
$1,03.1.05. A like soltloment wus also uir. v-
by Robert Truman , treasurer of .Inffc/Son
county , who turned < iver the sum of $ J/J : 34.
tMUNOI.IlO OVKIl A rilll.ll , f
The troubles of John VnnOrmcr nftil wife
still continues. Husband nnd wlfo , It. an *
pears , both xvant possession of itioir llttlo
daughter. This morning llio tnthor nppllod
to tiiB district court for a writ of hnbc.ii
ix > rpu , in the name of the llttlo girl , claim
ing that ho Is unlawfully restrained ofhor
liberty by tier mother aud I'blllp Suniiuor-
land , the hitter's son , and praying that hoc
custody bo given to him , .luiljro Fiolil
Krsntort the writ and the child is now In
Sheriff McUlay's hands. Hearing xvas bad
tins aftojnoou at S o'clock ,
The onlh of oftlca ivas ndinlnKtrroil lo Hen
S. Halter , tbo newly appointed United Stnos
district ntlornoy , In open court today.
Charles Mack and Frame Ilitjok xvoro
found en ill v of soiling lliiuor without llconsa
and \voi-o cieli fined $ o nnd cost * . ' T
The throe cases of Mile * 1L CfirJoiori ,
Wllliutn H , Oslo nud William J. GloNi'K vs
the Slier man county banking company xvoro
consolidated and nro on trial before d Jury
rnr. soritRvt : count.
The proceeding ! ) inUiRRiinrowo oourt xvoro
as follows today : C. S. Polk of J'lnttsuioutu
wus admitted to practice.
Stnto v Nebraska Distilling company.
Ooorgo I. . Woolsoy ullowcd to Intorvcno nnd
llio answer. Restraining order grantud ,
Hondrlcksan vs Sullivan. Subtuittod ou tno.
tlo to dismiss ,
Tlio folloxving cases xvoro nrguod and sub <
nutted : Piokens vs Pjatlsmoulh Inx-cstnicnt
company ; Carter va Gibson ; Frani vs
Young ; Uurell v lodd ; Alexander VH Wit-
cox.Court nalournod to Wojnosilay , Fobrii' '
5 , 181K ) , at StO : : o'cloclt a. m.
, CJovernor Thnyer xvont W O in all a thl
Major John C. Wutton ami li f. AViirrou
of aS'obrasku City xvoro bore today.
Charles C. Soulo , a representative of a
Boston publishing company , is In the city ou
Charles T. Stratton of Chicago , ottornny
for llio Chicago & Alton railway compauiv % v *
the guest of Deputy Auditor nowonna.ii.VA
Hiihop Isuwiiuui wus bnnijuotcd at the
Windsor tonight by the members of tbo M ,
E. church in this city.
'Ilio I lks tendered u bannuot last night to
Dr. Quintan , the grand exalted ruler of the
order. >
Ihero wcro."OO'bogs received at Westl in-
ciln lodav. Tlio market was Irani % to S
routs hlghnr. Rolling nt froui ? y.TO tu Kt.TT'i. '
Bulk nt SaTJJ ; to * : I.T.1.
Tbo state poultry exhibit is in full blast in
tliu uow Kully block on O bctxveen Truth
ami Eleventh.
The xvills of J. N. Toronley nnd Mrs J , C.
Carolina Krnst xvcio tiled for Jirobato in thd
county court today.
An old man nainoJ Olnzier , who xvas sent
to Ibis city from Kearney , and xvbo xvas
lodged at Bennett's restaurant for a day or
two , xvus shipped back to Kearney today
Fits , spasms , St' Vitus dance , norx-ousness
and hysteria are teen cured by Ur Mllos'
Xcrrltio. Frco samples ut Kuliu As Co. , l.'itli
and JJauglas.
Louisiana Stale Lottery
nrlnfthr pi
lake plueo
iciiil-Aniiiially ( Juno und DctTinlicr ) anil
ItB ( DiMtid S nglc Kuinlirr Hninlu iiiUo
| ) lacc In cncli of ( Iio ollirr ten inniiUiof
llio roar , and till nro draiui In nlillc , at
U'adoniy of Jlimle , Sow Orlp'ani , l.u.
For Integrity of Its Drawings and
Prompt Payment of Prizes ,
All I'M Mil Ut lollllWI.
"Wo do horclit rurtirir t'mt wn xiniprvlw the nr-
nn-niuniii r r nil firJ niontlilr nl teniUniiiinl
I oalHlnna Hlulo
rWilirjwnTiit irii"li.iil i iii"aiat'
il."ji > . "f AliU LUl' . I'res. JyjiilslaimTfnt. llaulc.
riUKltli liAKAUX. 1'ros. htuto A'at'l II ink
A. IIAI.OW1N , 1'rc * . N'etv Orleans \at11 Hail t
C.MII. KOI1N. l're < . Union Nutlunal HUIIK.
At the Academy of Music. Nexv Or-
loans. Tuesday. February II ,
| 800.
1OO.OOO 1'iolii t-t nt S2O cnoti ; llnlxcn
$1 ( ) ; QimrtiT $5 ; Xciitlis i-2 ;
Tx\cntiiilih $1.
IIM III I'lll/I.S.
i I'lti/.i : or Kui.uiiH , . . tuii/xM
i rui/.K or DI.UJIU , ' < ii > i
I I'HI/.H < > K a. > lllll - ' ! . ( )
3 I'KI/.ICS Ol1 ILUWliie .DUUl
I'llI/.K-t or
! j I'lll/.KS Oh' l.Ullnra. . . . i'lUM
HU I'KI/.ICS I if Mluri' . . . . MffU
I'ltl/.Kb OK . 'Cllnro . njiiu
SKI t'lll/.R-i l > f aiiur.- . , . „ twjuuu
11(1 I'rUci or rvtj-jro . . - . . \ & > t :
( ' 1'rlrci oj ir " ' '
. . . 'TiAlMI
3,134 I'rlzrs ntnoimllnH to 1,054,000
.SiilK llckoti ilraolnu Cipltul I'rlim lira iioica-
titled to liMimnnl | irlie > .
IIVTLH. or nur furllier lufornikllon . .
AA irn.1 - - - - - " - - - - - - - -
UfrlMI loulblr tu Uui liiiilunlfiiuil. rJuurlr
"h htnto.coiuiirfirc'iliui.l .
nuiolinr. Mom ruplil return mnli dolirrrr will
Address JJ. A. DAITI'IIIN.
New Orleans , L * .
Washington. I ) . C.
Ur onllnnrr lotlvr. cuntalnlni ; Movr.v ( Ilium.H-
tiiBj byull exprc < ix > mi > nulii uK Varlc uicujiiiiiia
Irultorposlurnoto ,
ess Roistered tellers tontahlng Cuiiency li that the imrinoiit of pilrr-i I ) nil UHN'
TirillU Hll'lt hATl'INAI. IIA KH UlN 'W ( lrle4IK ,
oml tin. Ik kcl.ureslKncil lix llio | > riIJ iil f un In-
ttituilon , wlioko ( liurtrnul rluhtv ru rucoiiiilit I In
tin , lilulicsl coiirlt ; lljcrbfuro , uiinnru of aI linllE.
tlont r unoiiTiiioiisttliriut'i ,
Ost J ) ill.Ail U I li u iirlre of Hie i > ni > llit pun Of
frui lion l u Ikkfl l.tsi n > nv UK In our > lrnliiir > r
Anrililns in our nuiuo oiTcrua lur lu tb ii u uulUr It r
U WllllllU ,
SttlHrrllieil & Kiiaruntnod Capital , S3DO.OOO
I'uia In Capital , , t , , , , 3SO.OOO
Jliiys anil sells clocks at > d bondt ; neeotlatei
iouiuiert Ul puperrec lM inid xii < ! UtoHtruttii :
dcttuH transfer agent nj liusluo of corpora
tions ; uko clmi'Ke ot propiny ; colloctt rei'ti '
Omaha Loan &Trust Co
S. E. Cor , 16th and Douglas f troots.
Paid In Capital. , , . , , . . . . , , SOOOOO
8ul crlb A & puarmtoedcuplUil , . . . IOO.OOO
Uabllltyot itockliolders , 2ODOOO
9 Per Cunt Intoroat Paid on Uoposlta
I'UANK J. IAN(1H. C ) iler. X
OrfiCKiDi A. tJ.IVymnn , president ; J.J.Ildiwa , A * ' "
vice piesldent ; W.T. Wyinin , tttMurar.uj
Dmicroufc ! A. U , Wjrmm. J. u. MilUixL J , J.
llrowu. luy4 : . IlHrtou , i { . v. N li , HIOS. l.T
Klniball , ( Jeo , 11. J , kp.
Uoans In any amount made on Cltv &
Farm Property , tint ! on Collate ! a |
Security , nt Uou'.st Current Rntos