Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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H On find nftor today the county personal
H tnr becomes dullnquont
H lie I'ottor fc Ooorgo ronl cstnto com
H pnn > was incorporated yesterday with u
M capitAl stock of $100,000.
H The park commlsBionors hold iv moot
H In if yosionlny afternoon UHls amotint-
H lng to181.50 wore allowed Tlio Hoinls
H park project was dlseusnod , but no do-
H clblon vfns ronched
| A talogrnm was received Inst avonlng
| nt the Snored Heart neudemy to the of-
H feet tlmt Bishop O'Connor was much
1 i bettor , In excellent spirits nnd the dan
H gor nnllclputcd hud disappeared
1 r.u pnc Kussoll , a student nt the donf
H nnd dumb Instltutu , who Is not strong
| ot mind , ran away Wednesday nnd was
B Inst soon In the afternoon near Swifts
H lco house nt Cut-OfT lakn Ho Is four
1 loon years old nnu wears a brown suit ,
j Any ono who llnds him is requested to
H telcphono the institulo
H The Sisters of Moray grntafull/ -
H knowledge the gift of S.l\ Morse to the
H orphans : also those of Mr Schmidt ,
H whoso charitable exertions have bono
H fitted the little ones on many occasions
H They also regret the omission of Mr
H \V. llarr's name from the list of botio-
H factors of the children Ills presents
B were prntofuliy uuenptod
H At a meeting of the board of dlrcnt-
H oiH of the American National brunt the
H resignation of Mr Thomas II McCnguo
H was accepted Mr McCauo { rolln-
| qulshos his ofllco on account of ill
| i health , physicians lmvini * advised that
fl ho bpend' some mouths in recreation
| and travel Mr Hunry I ? . Wyman ,
B late trensuror of tha Omaha loan and
HHVl trust coinpnnv , was elected cashier and
| will ussumo the duties of the olllco on
| February 1. Mr McCnguo remains in
B the directory
| Siek hondncho Is readily cured by
H floods Sar.taparilla , which tones and
B regulates the digestion , nnd creates an
H I'crsounl liaraurnili | < j.
H A. S. 1'roBcolt , of Lincoln is at the Paxton
H li I' . Trucsdcll of Norfolk Is lit the Casey
H J. T. Woods of SUwurt is a guest at the
H Cuscy
H Chnrk'9 C. Hunt nf Hcnmngford Is at the
H N. H. Tllrnot of Kearney Is stopping at the
* * *
H Ptmon ,
B ' It.V. . Johnson of Curtis It a guest at the
H Murray
H AV A. Stewart ot Lexington is stopping at
* *
H the Puxton
H Will G. Jones of Pullortor Is rcplstorcd at
* * *
l the laxton
B I. M. Mnrsh of Grand Island is stopping at
_ the Millard
HBVJ Charles T. Dickinson of Tcknmah is Blop-
_ pine at the Cuscy
HBpJ Qcorgo A. Field of Grand Island Is regis
_ tcrcd at the Murray
HBbJ Li A. Hrowrr and wife ot Chadron are
J Rucsts at tlio Millard
HBVJ C. V , Marr.nnd Frank Hammond of Fro
J moct are guests at the Murray
HBpJ Joseph Hcrshoy and II A. D.ivls of North
J Pluttc are registered at the Casey
HBV | C. ri Atwood and wife of the Maggie
_ Mitcboll company uru at tuc Barker
H J. C. White O. L. Smith and W. C. Pom-
J fret of Lincoln nro guests at the Paxton
HBVJ Mr John Hyde , latolv connected with the
J Durliugton railroad , loft yoatcrday uftcr-
J noon for Washington , D. C , wtioro ho will
J enter upon the duties of his now position of
J spccinl agent for agricultural statistics
Hi At the liarlcor K. Dnrfncr Lincoln ; II
J \V. Hounds , Hastings ; William Croinbe ,
J DcnTer ; D. S. Wilson , Claratnont ; J S.
J > ( Uisliop , Llucoln ; M. Cohen , Chicago ; Fred
J h Mueller , Emporia , Kan : S. E. Johnson , II
J M. > Krost , II A. Wallace , D. Q' May and
_ wife , J , Cashcr , Chicago
Hj Mrs G. H. Webster was taken very sick
J with nervous prostration tlio day aflei her
J return from Cincinnati , O. , where she had
J : been called to the Ucaitibed of her sister ,
J Mrs Mary E. Wright , vice president of tlio
J National Women's Christian Tompcrnnco
J union She is now in a fair wuy to recover
PHH The Misses Clara mid Ilnttlo Crowo bade
J adieu to lliolr friends In Oinnha yrstoritay to
J • leave for their now homo In Butte , Mont
J- Iiaforo establishing themselves permanently
J ' in Montann they will visit friends and travel
J for a couple of months in California The *
J young ladies have lived In Omaha since
J childhood aim have endeared themselves to
HHHJ" nd who know them
J .
HBpj Nervous decilitv , poor memory , diflldoncn
sexual weakness , plmplos , cured by Dr
> Miles ' Nervine Samples free at Kutan &
W Co 's , 15th and Douglas
HBVJ' ' miry
HBVJi Oftlcial lutelligonco was rocclvcd at urmy
PHVJ < hoadijuartorsyesterday of the death of Lieu
PHVJ ; tenant William Moffatt at Wnshlncton on
tlioUtti Inst Lieutenant Moffatt was sta-
J tloncd at Fort Umuha and was in Washlng-
ton on leave when his death occurred
H A new inquirer has sprung into attention ,
pHVJl for what purpose is not known Her name
_ ! is Mrs N , P. Hangham of Schuyler This
HflJ , lndy has written Ilcafey & Huafcy for a full
M description of the bands , teeth and complex
ion of II II Cook , as also his size and weight
* nnd whether or not thcro wcro any scars
upon his person
| i The fti-iti" Is robbed of nil dnnperous
i coneorjuonccR by taking Chamberlains
; Cougli Hutucdy as directed for nsovoro
V cold
PHVJ Jimioi tatloiw
PBV i Thirty-two eases of nblno wine , four casks
PHVi of the saino and ono cask of spirits have been
PBV rccoU'ed by the collector of customs from
H Vienna , Austria The goods are dheuted to
j Mr Sterns of Hastings , and after the tariff
! is paid , they will bo turned over to him
* ( i Three cases of cigars from Cuba have been
' received for U. 12. Muck
H ; Dr Qlrnoy , prnctlco limited to catarrhal -
tarrhal diseases of nose and throut
BV ; ltooms HiH to 250 , Boo building .
pBv Police Oourl II ; ures ,
Km Police Clerk Ucnnottnmdolnslastmcnthiy
Bk report yesterday afternoon , it being for
Januury 7 to Ut the 7th being thoduto on *
* " " " " " " M , which Judge Ilelsloy wont upon the bench
Thcro were S53 cases adjudicated , of which
M saventeen were for assault , six for burglafy ,
H 120 for drunkenness , three forombozzleuiont ,
M tbirty-llvu for petit larceny , three for grand
m larceny , two for robbery and nlnoty-two for
m . vagranoy The total amount ot llacs col
M leetcd was $177 , and costs fDlSO
" | | | | H Ilorhrnrilx Acid I'lintplinto
* *
| | | H For Impaired Vitality
M nnd wenkened energy , is wonderfully suc-
B ocselul
* " | | | | H I'liRtiliiK Llcoiisn ilittilor-i.
" * | | | H " " Lleenso Inspector Ulley reports that the
parties from whom city licenses uro required
' * ' * | | | H nro coining In rapidly In response to his
'KH warning publislied in The Hee Ho has the
" butchers , teamsters mid puadlers pietty well
"HH cared for and will got , after thn bigger guns
M in a few days The coal men huvo not paid
B the required 1100 lleenso feu except In a few
cases 'I ho QUI l'copsps ' in nearly all eases
B expired on Uoo 21 last
H They Must Ilustic
' ' [ [ H The resolution adopted at the last mooting
H lot the council Instructing the elty clerk to
" * " " "
bavo the papers passed by ttio council do-
H llvorod to the proper committees by Tliurs-
' '
[ [ H day has created sumo consterhatlon In the
H city clerks ofllco , Clerk Groves says that
In many cases it will bo linnosslolo to comply
with this resolution All the matters
" ! ndoptcd by the council must be recorded be-
" | | H " fore the papers go out of the clerks hand ,
end this frequently means rooro work than
" " " " " "
can bo accomplished in the thno specilled ,
H Mrs Wipslow's Soothing Syrup for
* " " " "
children tcothlnt' rests the child und
* * " "
comforn * the mother , "oo a bottte
cnniB or < v Nioiir
How Its Pci'iiotrnmri Are Ileitis
Sought Artor
All the ovldonco In the Hobartson rnno
ca9o was In by noon yesterday
At 10,3) o'clock Charles White , ono of the
dotendnnts , was placed on the witness stand
Ho said ho was seventeen yoirs of ago nnd
a plumber by trade ho admitted Knowing
Mrs Kobertson , but denied having been nt
her house tn tnct , he had gene to his homo
one hour prior to the time of the assault
Tom Carroll was onlled next Ills state
ments were contradictory Ho dontotl seeing
any of the ottiet defendants nftor 12 o'clock
on the night nf the assault
Tom Ualloy denied every Insinuation , ilo
swore that ho was not in Schnoffor's saloon
Saturday night when a number of witnesses
tcitllled Unit they snw him there and in
company with some of the other defendants
A young man named Cr.indidl , who wears
lengthy bnngs and nirts his hair in tlio mid
dle , admitted that lie had been with thq men
nnw under arrest nil that Saturday night ,
but that none of them were In SchuelTor's
saloon about IS oclock
In rebuttal the state called Ofllccr II C.
Cook Ho swore that ho saw Dalle.v and
Carroll and some other feller" in Scbaof-
for's saloou about 11.50 o'clock on the night
of the nssault Ho could Identify only the
thrco named
Schncffer , the proprietor of the saloon , and
his partner , Stouncn , saw the gnug In their
saloon fust boforu midnight , but wcro no ac
quainted With them Carroll was the only
ono they could positively identify
O. H. Hodson was acquainted with Carroll
and Dailey and saw them in Schaolfor's Just
before midnight
.1. L. Gees didn't know anything or any
body nnd was dismissed
The ovldonco of Sorgcant Ormsby was
barred It was only hearsay
Thun httlo Flora Hobortson was celled
mid she Btated that she had never seen
Diiloy before that night
Did you not tell D.illoy that some men
had carried your mother away , nnd ask him
to remain with you until some ono couiot"
usked the attorney for the defense
No sir "
Did D.illey do anything to you I"
No sir "
The uttornovs for both sides , accompanied
by Judge Helsley , then went down Into the
station honso nnd endeavored to get some
information from Floras httlo brother
Did Mr Dailey carry you into the house
and put } ou to bed after the men had taken
your mother uway ? " Was asked the Httlo
fellow who was sunning himself in the win
"No , I went in m. self , and got Into bed
myself and covered myself up , " replied the
lad."Did you see 'Dalloy in the house ! "
Yes do came in uf tor I did "
The child was so mixed up in his state
ments that neither sldo prolltod by the Inter
The arguments will be made today
Hulled Down IjnGrippo In a Nutshell
From the Now Ilavon News : Dent
neglect a cold That ia , perhaps , the
best ndvico thut can bo given on approach
preach of the bothorsoino influenza In
its symptoms , at least , the influenza is
tin aggntvated cold , and the only
danger attached to it is that by its
weakening effect on the system it may
Invite other and moro distressing mala
dies So , in the first place , avoid catch
ing cold , but if you do catch one , then
stay ut homo and take oaro of it Moan
tinio , dent worry about it
The abovo"briof item covers the whole
ground Wo wish , however , to ompha-
siio : the words , stay , it homo and take
care of yourself , " and add , until entirely
tirely well of your cold , " and if Chamberlains
berlain's Cough Remedy is taken as di
rected , you will not Und it necessary to
remain-at homo but a few dnys Remember -
member that the most dangerous time
is just when you are recovering or about
ovsr the attack , and that is the tlmo to
bo c.irofulor , in ether words , to stay at
homo and take care of yourself It is
especially necessary that the bowels bo
keptrogular _
Charles KIiirc nnd Jnek Quintan Hela
to the District Court
Now Years eve Antono Honning , n Bo
hemian , was stabbed seven times by Charles
Kluge , a German , nftor u time of cards and
drink at Hanson's suloon , down near Okla
homa Place The preliminary hearing was
bad yestorduy afiornoon and Kluge was
bound ever to the district court la the sum
of $500. It was doubtful whether ho would
bo able to give the noeossary security
Jack Quinlan , tho'man who ruado such n
brutal assault upon Loulo Klopman with a
slnglotroo on the night of October 1 last ,
appeared before Judge Holsloy , waived ex
amination , nnd was bound ever to the dis
trict court in the sum of S1,5U0 , for which ho
gave security
Miho Itoss , the dago charged with obtain
ing various shms of money from his brother
dngoa bv giving worthless checks on the
First National bank , wbcro ho claimed to
have the tidy sum of $2,000 to his credit ,
was called up for preliminary hearing , but
the defendant asked moro time The hear
ing was postponed until next Monday
The Tn' .k or the Town
The great bankrupt snoo sale , 1210
Fnrnnm street , offers wonderful bar
gains for Saturday Ladies oo o calf
top button boots , $ J,60 pair , worth $0.
Ladies fine sample shoos , $2 pair ,
worth $4. Ladies lcid button boots , 08c
pair Unrcnins in children's shoos
Ladies1 slippers 2oe , 35c , COc pair
Burt's shoes for ladies and gents wear
only $3 pair , all sizes and widths If
you want u pair'of Hurts shoes now is
the tlmo Ho nd orson's genuine hnnd-
mudo shoes for gents1 wear only $ : i.f" > 0
pair , worth $7. Gents fine velvet slip
pers ! 19c , 4Hc , 73c , 08o pair Call at once
It will pay you nunkruptsalo of boots ,
shoos and rubbers , 121G Farnain street
Must bo sold for the benelit of the cred
It la I'lnillinr Prnlltublo Investment
in Oiiiaia
A Uoston Byndicato has arranged , to put a
largo sum of money in Omaha business property -
porty during the coming year The initial
stop was tatcen 'J hursday afternoon by the
purchase of the forty-four feet froutapo on
Douglas street near Fifteenth occupied by
N. H. Falconers dry goods house The
syndicate pays Mr Falconer $75,000 for his
property and gives him a tweuty-ilva years
lease of the building
The men bers of the real estate exchange
who huvo boon so industriously listing pro
perty and offering it for sale have chnngod
the progrumino und commenced selling their
barcoins At the meeting yesterday , no
property was offered for sale but a number
of good Bales wcro reported They were as
follows :
ily A , P. Tukoy , tot 21. block 13. and lot
8.1. block 0 , Clifton hill
Hy Culscth , Johnson & Lovgroen , lot 01 ,
Sherman addition , $1-00 , and lot 15 , block 3 ,
Hillside addition , M , 'J00.
Hy Ucnson & Cinnlchnol , lot 10 , block -10 ,
* I00 ; lots 0 to IP , bloolt 'JO , J5.O0O ; lot 10 ,
block 35 , flOO ; lots 11 to 17 , blook SS1.500 ,
all in Ucnson placj
Tim Importation or Clinmpngiio
into the Unltod States during the last ten
years was 3,451,501 cases , coiupoi6lng 2(1 ( dlf
feront brands , of which over ono tpurth was
O H. Mumui's nxtru Dry , " whoso Imports
exceeded thnt of any other braud by ever
200,000 cases , A significant fact ,
Seeking Alt ! lor < tin KulfirJi-J.
Martin Glaser und John Gottlok , two
farmers from McCook county , South
Dakota , are in the city seeklug aid for the
destltuto farmers In ther | couuty They
boar a letter of introduction from S. Welbes ,
the register ot deeds in McCook couuty
They say that the bulk of the provisions aud
money that has been sent to South Dauota
has gene to Miner county and has gone to
the enrichment of a few persons , who have
appropriated everything they could got their
bauds on They say that , notwithstanding
I the reports from some places , that thcro Is
no destitution in South Dakota , the fact is
that they must bo helped by the donation of
fluid seeds or starve
Mr Clnrnoau , to whom they proscntcd
themselves , said thnt the comimttco ap
pointed by the board ottrado to solicit aid
for the destltuto had done vury little , for
the reason that many of thorn were Incapaci
tated by la grippe , but that as soon ns they
can got to work will do so with a will Ho
himself will look Into the matter personally
today and sea what can bo done for their re
Diirno'fi Catarrh Snuff
When suffering with catarrh , rold In the
head , nervous headache , etc , use Durno's
Snuff , it will rohovo you nt once Prlco 25c
at druggists
HtMitilreni nts Ituunnllng Tholr I.ot-
ltrie to Hi * Compiled Willi
The board of public works mot yostordav
to cousidor the adoption of proper speci
fications for the laving of wooden sldownlks
the coming season Among the require
ments constderod nnd adopted were the fol
lowing : "If , after proposals are delivered to
the hoard , any difference of opinion
shall arise as to the true intent nnd moaning
of nny part ot the spccillcitlons , the decis
ion of the city engineer shall bo Unci nnd
conclusive und binding on nil parties ,
All bids and their accompanying state
ments must bo mndo upon the printed blanks
provided thorofor by the board
"No bids nor accompmylng pnuors must
bo detached from the package
"Hids must bo made on uvory prlntod Pro
"l'ho prices must bo stated both In words
and ligures
"ISnch proposal must bo accompanied by n
bond signed by two freeholders of Djui'lns
county to the offoet that within ilvo days
nftor the award is made the successful bid
der shall enter into a contract to do the
same An oath or ndlrotation must bo mndo
that the surottos are freeholders of Douglas
county and onoh Is worth the security required -
quirod for the work above all liabilities
The bidder must make aflldavit that ho is
worth fcj.OtX ) noovo all debts nnd liabilities
Ho > must also malto nflldavit that the con
tract Is inauo without any connection or
common interest In the prollts thereof , wltli
any other person making nny bid or
proposal for said work ; that the
contiactlsin all respects fair and without
collusion or fraud ; nnd , also , that no mem
ber of the common council , board ot nubile
works , head of department or bureau , or any
omployo therein , or nny ether ofllcor of tlio
corporation , is directly or indirectly inter
ested therein
Wlmt to Do Tor Li Grippe
Romnln quietly at homo until all
symptoms of the disease disnppoar , and
then when you go out have the body
well clothed and the foot well protocto 'd
so that they will remain dry and warm
Ki'op the bowels regular Fever usu
ally causes constipation , the bowels are
almost certain to become constipated ,
and it allowed to remain so would make
the fever much worse and the hondncho
much moro severe It is of much Jm
portanco that they move once each day
Take quinine , in doses of two or three
graius each four timeb a day ns soon as
the feeling of weakness or prostration
appears it will help to keep up the
vitality and enable the system to with
stand the attack
An oven temperature as possible
should bo maintained , as seemingly
slight changes of the temperature of the
room would nggravnto the dibcaso if not
a cause of rolupso
Take Chamberlains Cough Remedy
as directed for a severe cold If freely
takou as soon astho iirstsyraptomsof the
disease will greatly lessen tlio
severity of the attack , and its continued
use will pre von t dangerous consequences
quences , provided , of course , that rea
sonably good euro bo taken of the gen
eral system and to avoid exp ' osuro
Kollar , the wonderful man of magic , will
give three performances nt Boyd's ' Opera
house commencing Monday ovonlng next ,
and will bo assisted by an able corps of ar
tists The wonderful Steens in their surpris
ing feats of mind-roadimr , are the greatest
over known in their peculiar line Edna , the
human orchid , who walks in the air , dctles
all efforts at detection Kellar's business Is
entirely now , none of his tricks having been
seen here In Kansas City last week Kollar
took the town completely , aud his business
was something phenomenal The sale of
seats for Hollar's engagement will commence -
menco this morning
J. C. Attwood agent of Magglo Mitchell ,
is in the city His attraction will bo at the
Hoyd the latter part of next week , in the
following repertoire * 'Ihursday , Hay , "
Friday , "Fanchon ; " Saturday matinee ,
"Fnnchon ; " Saturday evening , Little
Barefoot " •
Save Tour Hair
BY a timely use of Ayers Hnlr Vigor ,
This propaiation has no equal as n
dressing It keeps the scalp clean , cool ,
and healthy , and preserves the color ,
fullness , aud beauty of the hair
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray j but after using two or tliroo
bottles of Ajcr's Hnlr Vigor my hair
grow thick nnd glossy nnd tlio original
color was restored " Melvin Aldrlch ,
Canaan Centre , N. II
" Some time ago I lost all my hair in
consequence of measles After duo
waiting , no new growth appeared I
then used Aycr's Huir Vigor aud my
hair grow
Thick and Strong
It has apparently como to stay The
Vigor is oi idently a great aid to nature "
J. B. Williams , Floresvlllo , Toxa3.
"I liavowiscd Ayei's Hnlr Vigor for
the past four or live years nnd llnd it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair
It Is all 1 could desiie , being harmless ,
causing the hair to retain its natural
color , and roquli lug but n small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange "
Mrs M. A. llailoy , 0 Chailes street ,
Haverhill , Muss
" I have boon using Ayer'a nalr Vigor
for several years , and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color " Sirs II J. King , Dealer in
Dry Goods , &c , Ilishopvllle , Md
Ayers ' Hair Vigor ,
riiErABEn nr
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
Bold by Druggists aud Perfumer ) .
aJ& The God
Ptfiifjw That Holpo toJSuro
Jihr The ® oBd"
Vl l\ \ Tll ° disagreeable
it W tasl ° of the
is dissipated in
Ol'Pure Cod Mver Oil with
The patient suffering from
I WAfeTllSU UIHliAMX , may take the
remedy with as much satisfaction as ho
would take milk , fhyelclansaro prcscrjb-
] Ins It overjrwhere It U perfectt-muliloa. - .
nud a nondtrfdl Hull producer TuLenovlhrf
No other Llnimant made to rcscmbla
compare ; with it
Bt Jacobs Ou is
AT Drtror.tSTS AMI DEAlEni
DRS BUTTS & M'ffi '
( Uppeslto l'axton Hotel )
Offlcs houri , v a. m „ to 8 p. m. Eandnya 10 . m. , tc
Eiiccl&ltiU la Chronic , Nervous , Skin nnd Blood Dt-
tSfConsultntlon nt otllco or br ronll free Medi
cines pent by mall or express , tccure-lr tmeked , free
from obsorrntlon aunriuitecs to euro quickly , safe
ly nnd pcrmnucntly
stonn lMijnlcrvl decaT , artflnK from Imtlierutlon , ox *
cefs or ImlulKonei' , jirniuclriK elcoplesnoM despon
dency Jilniplu ou the fnrett version to society , easily
rtlscounitfuulnck or contlilom-o dull until fur study
fr uuslnois , nnd llnd * llfu u burden , harolr , perman
ently and prlvntcly cured Consult Drs ItcUaA Hells ,
HUaVarnambtrent.omnlm , Neb
Blood and Skin Disease ? SffiWb ? ? :
rr ult , completely oradlcntod wlt'iont the nlil of
mercury Kcrnftitn eryalpolns fever sore . nlotcho * .
ulcers , snlm in th huai nml bones , sjptilllUc sere
iliroat mouth nd tonmio cntnrrh , etc , pcrnianently
cured where other * have f allod
Kidney Urinary vniffie&rssin& !
quentburnlnl orbWoly urine , urlno hlih colored or
with milky sediment on staiUlnv , weak bnrk , ironorr
turn , elect , cystltK cto.i 1'iomptly and satoly cured
charges reasoniiblc ,
mnval cnmploto without cutting , camtlc ordlliatlon
Cures cffeciod at home by patient without a monionu
pit In or annoyance
To Young Men and Mifldle-Aqed Men ,
AWTPU PITDT ? 1U ftW'"l ellects of early
UUIllJ UUtlli A'lcvhk.h brings orpanlo
wonkncssilostroylnirboth mind nnd body , with all
tsdreaded UN , permanently cured
TIDQ PTJTT' ' ! Address thojo wtio hsvo Im-
U110 , JJDllU paired ttaemuelves by luipropor
InUuluenccs nnd and tolttnry hnblts which rufn both
body and mind , untUUiu them for business , study or
Uaiiiueii Mev or these entcrtnij on that happy
Itfo , nwaro of physlctal deblilty , quickly assisted
Is based upon fact * , first practical experience j ee-
ond-ccrycaso Is csreclallv studied , thus starting
aright , third niedlclne < ttro rrepareil In our own la-
bnmry exactly to sultoucn case , thus iUTccUiik cures
nffcend fi.cents postage for rclebratod works on
chrontcpiiurvous nnd delicate dUoases , Thousands
cured J3T"A friendly letter or Cull may paroyou fn-
turo sunerlng ondsbame , and add golden years to Ufa
tVNo letters nnsworea unless nccompanlod by 1
cents In stamps Address onall on
1 > K < isitts ; a. hetts ,
1118 FarnimHreet Omnrm N' b
s Ec ioy a.
Apocltotfiillorinonrytiiiiountsto Httlo
nfter lienltli Ispuiie Ti > rtijoy lite , a Rood
appetite Bound diluent Ion nml clastic limbs ,
tiikoTiitfalllIa XIk-ii , Ifoilnio pooryou
will bohnppylf ; rich , jon run enjoy your
innney , lliey dlsiiel lotv- spirits uud ( ; lvo
tiuojuncy to mind ami body
! Reoommendation
• W. I. lltnlr , Danville , Vn , snys : "Ilimo
long atiffcroil from Torpor of tbo Liver nnd
Dynpcpslo , nml bmo trlrd almost ovcry-
tliluir , but net < -r del 11 eil linlf thn benefit that
I bni o had from Tutt's 1'IIIs. I rocoinmond
thrm to ull tlmt nro nttllctedivltli Uyspopsla
und blck lleiKlnelio "
Tntt's Liver Fills
Tin s Obstreperous Infant
I " A
Positively refuses any longer
to wear baby dresses Kilts
are what he longs for and
must have
of like minded children would
do well to make the desired
change nt this time In our
large line or
Kilt Suits
Which wo are selling at
Greatly Mud Prices ,
We nro sure you will find
something to your lilting
Is our line of
Jersey Kill Syils ,
Formerly sold nt $7 , $8 , and
$0 , now selling ut
© 5.
Buffcrlu * from tlio i irccu ut > ouUiful enors , i nrlr
decay , a&tln ivc&knc s , lost inanhocKl , etc 1 will
send a valuublo treatise ( srale.ll cimlaliiljig lull
particular * for lioiuo cure o ( clinrtc A
splendid medical work ! should tw ft ad by every
I li ' ou nhn Is ner/.m. an I delillltatcd Address ,
trof 1' . ClOtVIililtBlooduaCouu
Only is left for tlio disposal of winlergooh Wo cim not nffonl to carry over any Wo linvo no room for
Ilium ni soon ns spring goods are in nml they are coinmaiusing ( o como Q\w \ largely increased business requires - /
quires every foot of room for seasonable stock , and we are tlioroforo COMPELLED to elosu out nil heavy
tvoight Karmenh on our counters To do this we make any necessary sacrifice in prices The values we are
ofleriiiff in Overcoats and Suits will surpiiso everybody , To bargain seokora this U thu qiva'e t opportunity ,
- - . In white shirts we claim to give bofter values than any bouse hero or elsewhere Our
SR-jS-aA | | lirnntl the ' Nebraska , 1' ' is well known and the most popular shirt in ilie nnrkot If you fry
BOHI lU one you will any other Wo have thieo pratlos of unlatiderod shirts
Our 150c shirt is made of good muslin , has linen bosom 1 ciliforced front , patent extension sleeve and back
Our 50o shirt is of Now York mills muslin , 3-ply fine linen bosom , full reinforce ! fron1 and bnyk , oxfon-
sion facing and full foiled seams
The 70c shirt is of the best New York mills muslin , cxtia fine linen bosom , full rein o.cod front and
back , extension facings , foiled seams and luind made butfon-hole = . * - " * > >
Our laundorcd shirts me 0.1c , 90c , and § 1.23 , and I hey arc fully as goo > l ai 111 iso which ether homes sell
for § 1.00 , $1,150 and $2.00.
Wo keep a complete line of pique and embroidered bosom shirts at prices proportionately low
cfli ffifl : IVC m S1U" tl'hig > well as in big ones Don 't pay 16c , 20c and 23c for collars which
CrtII | | wo soil you Cor on , 10 j nml lie Our oc oollrr , standing or turn down , is STRICTLY
GJtlHUJB U LINEN , warranted , and is as good as others sA [ for lOoor Loc
Tlio Nebraska , 11 our finebt collar , is lDc This wo guarantee to bo as fuio r.s any make for which you
Have to pay 25c. *
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets
During this month our store closes at 7 p. m. Saturday at 10. r- '
* <
. . . . .
J.MUI.IIUIMIIW1I1maiiiJ ' " r Lr uii ii i'M.r CTww uimi ts m- '
IIIIIUI III i | | 'irxiTKlJUI 1
If you want Pure Gum Sandals , get Jerseys 1
If you want High Button Gaiteis , Leather Fly , get Jerseys
If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Arctics , get Jerseys I
If you want Back Buckle Fine Arcties , get Jerseys j
If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Alaskas , get Jerseys
If you " want Two Buckle Fine Excluders.get Jerseys -
If you want the Neatest Overshoes , get Jerseys
! If you want Fine Self-acting Sandals , getTerseys I
If you want Narrow Widths , NO HEEL , get Jerseys J
If you want wide widths , get Jerseys Jj0M
If you want Rubber Boots , Arctics , Excluders or Lumbermen's JF F
Overs , get Jerseys
The New Jersey Co put HEEL PLATES ON FB/EE. Ask for
I am Western Agent for the New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co , and sell at whole
9 sale only I also job-Felt Boots and German Sox
Prices the Lowest , Goods the Best I
ZT LINDSEY , Ull Harney St , Omaha , Nebraska
wMBssja | > _
TmcopiMmMlefrc > moni' ; , Affcntfl wontol ,
OI > KLL TYI'I2\VIU'11.K CO . Jto > .rrr , Ciilcsg *
iMflrccislly ro < oiuuienil6 < t by tlio Aadtsmy of
8 ModlUuo ot I'AltlB for the euro of
Hand for rriciilnllntr " pcrloillo course
H None Ketiulan union slKtiml "IlLiKmnn , 40 rue
ElUoiiir.rul' il . " , HOI.IIIIV ALL . l > llUtl6ltirB
Hi.l'\imterin\Co.N.y. Aittiil IDrllij II K. |
I Tha largest , mstuii unit Unist In Iho worla
si I passonccr accommodallonB unexcelled
Now York to Glasgow via Londonderry
Ileronla , 1'ebruary 1st I Circusalii , . . . Fob 15th
riimessla . . . . IVb Eth | Olrcassla leb !
Now York to A/.orcsGlbraltor und Italy
Bolivia , Pobruiiry i2. !
Bat.oon , Heco.mi Ci.ans and Stkkiuoi : rata ]
on laweut tonus I' .xcunlon Tickets rurtucjj ,
mails avullnblp to return by either til a l'lctur-
' 6Uo | Clyde ami North of liulnnil or Hlver
Mersey uml South ot Ireland , or Naples uu I
Touim on lowest terms Travelers Circular
Letters of Credit and Dnifts for any amount at
lo BEtcurrent rates Apply to any cf our local
agents or to
HcEuisrsoii Brotlicrc , Cliicazo , III ? .
H. HlUir
11. V. Mouiiks
a 11. SIARK3. U. V. Depot
. . .
Tlio H' < ll Etnown S.iulIiiIIn ] ,
i@ * itfli\HSb il | forms of Im
fir 'Si lSi'55 % VATK U1SKASKS
/ i f Jft uro.muro Kuar-
§ ' -iS l ulwo-l. , , HjieriDH-
tidm HfSim * . < WaWS ? " icy ' < " < ot
3SNb fiffl * • • < "i ' " '
fWT % * ,
/"y ' • ' ilnrron-
t'Ii i lltr or -
f ? VO ) " " " * b olulolr
" '
< ( Wnc nil hu k ! The'
P firj/JV { y If H'tret , " fur Itun
52 Haj / liictinlsistaiuiis ) .
' ' ' ' '
" I ulcv snipe
S3pS SfrL" / q r pe r
PJKISLN ? " ZrL umrieiillr lroJt
BsCuii ' rV SEjsF spondenco , send
l UmMS&'aaJ'Jx B & . ' " > ' ' > * for repijr
CO.\SUJ/lA'a'H > I'MI' U
Office SE Cor , lUth & Jackson Sts
Omaha , Neb ,
ebrated Hues of lloou ami blioos iiunafuctur-
ed by U. M. Henderson i. Co , of Chicago Fac
tories at Chicago , i' .lxon Ills , and Von 7Hi Live ,
Wis should wnto 6AM , N- WATSON , real
denco FUUMONT NKII Travvlluic U UV
Uaaduuarters for llutbors ,
SMtTsolIitiss , Apparatus uinaqsaitiforBueeessftl
Treatment of BTsry form of Blicus rtnulrlcir
Board a Attoadaius Dost AcoonunodatJons In Wssi
. .CCTWBITE J0U OIROVXAKIca UsfrrnilUss ant
Brstei , Irussis , Club Vest Ciir atur < sof Brlns.rilss ,
JamMi Ouotr.Ostuib.UrciichlQs , rnh latlo
Bleetrlelty , Paralnjs , Epil p ri Klintr Bladdsr
Eyo.Ear.Vkrnaad loodandUfiarriealOpsratleas
DISEASES OF WOMEH u < . c .VVT . r . ' a
wiiunnTrn imisn i i.tuu-is uaiiETUiiaTrot
• Oaly ReliatU IlsdJoal IasUtuts maklnj a Bpetlalt jr t (
. . . . , , , , .
> „ „ , traUd sirs blllllo folV T
. . . . . . . . '
. .
riuiiTidrronlb.i/.un.llboalnM.urr. * Ulrll ,
. . . . . , .
. .
r..l-.ll.rL . .
- < c.f tITil furltR I aitlii ssttlt u rlili . AllcoumtDlflft
trnmunl/i.tiedceo.tki UallelbaacrlatiramaiiKiaslbjualloras/ loloait.l.couHilicniDair ,
rjuaaariciurtrlaMlairprirairad Call and tasialtuioraasd
BOOH TO MPM enBtfi vw'i . s > dai
Ulal Olaatscd Varlaa.alr , llhoolluUl itsraas
lllh aad Uodyt fltmti , OflAUA , HUB
Nos 303-404-l7O-t504. < i
[ the most PBBPECT OF PENaj I