Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1890, Image 1

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Eynum Donouncoa the Speaker as a
Tyrant ,
In the Lnncunuo or I2nmir- the Gen
tlcmnn Prom Indiana Hurls High
vv Defiance nt the Fee Uced
Hides tlio Sturm ,
I Washinoton , Jan 31. Tlio clorkproccod-
ing in tlio usual manner to read the
nbridged Journal ( omitting " the detailed
vote ) , Mr Bland of Missouri demanded the
reading of tlio document In full , and this
was ordorcd by the speaker It was not
completed until 12:50 : , and Immediately Mr
McKlnloy of Ohio moved that the Journal
bo npprovod , and on that motion demanded
the prcviousqucstion
Mr Springer Interjeetod a motion to nd-
Journ , saying ho did bo to onnblo the com
niltteo on rules to bring In u code of rules
Vt The Speaker Tlio gentlomun Is not In
order In speaking on n motion to adjourn
Mr Springer Thcro are no rules for the
The Speaker Thcro are rules for the
• house
Mr Springer Where are thoyl
The Speaker The rules that govern par
liamentary assemblies , mid tboso rules most
distinctly dcclarothnt n motion to adjourn is
V. i not debatable , of which the gentleman is per
Jw fectlv nwnro
B The motion to adjourn was lost yeas , 135 ;
| nays , 103 and the question recurring on the
K demand for the previous question , tha yens
B und nays were ordered The democrats ngam
m pursued their policy of not voting und the
B speaker once mora pursued his method of Jot
ting down the names of members present
nnd not voting
BC The speaker then declared the demand for
f the previous question carried yeas , 10) ) ;
nnys , U amid loud protests from the demo
fl crnts
The Speaker The previous question Is
H ordered nnd the question Is on the approval
fl of the Journal
1 Mr Hymiin of Indiana moved to adjourn ,
but the speaker declined to rocoeniza him ,
C nnd acaln put the motion on the approval of
H the Journal
H Mr Ulnnd demanded the yeas nnd nays
fl ( which wcro ordorcd ) , and pending this
moved to adjourn But the speaxor was deaf
to this motion , which cnllod forth a dcclnra-
tion from Mr Springer that this was tyranny
simple and unadulterated , and a further
declaration from Mr Bland that It was nn
> outrage and that the bouse could not bo in a
more demoralized condition than the speaker
fl The roll wns then called on approval ol the
S Journal , and the old tactics wcro brought
fl into play The vote completed , the spoakcr
h , m gave the hit to the clerk to record
-SK j * Mr liynum apuoalcd from the decision of
* _ & ' th3 chair
P lf The speaker replied that It was a question
_ _ _ B I-r. * * "cl which could not bo appealed from
fl pP The vote stands yens 101 ; nnys , none ; ac-
fl cordingly the Journal is approved "
flT Then the lloreosl storm of the three days
flj battle burst ujion the house Mr Bynum of
flj Indiana rushed to the front and demanded
the floor on a question of personal privllego
flj and proceeded to arraign the Bpoakor Ho
PJb said , in BUbstaocoi
PJb The genttoincii on the mother sldo may
flj Bland here nnd sustain tlio arbitrary , out
flj ragcous ruling of thospcakor , but so far as
flj "I am concerned , so far as the people I rep
flj resent are concorncd wo shall not bo gauged
flj on this flo6r. Yon , Blr , have violated moro
_ < than nny man - > ou this lloor parliamentary
a rules and pructlces You may consummate
flj what vou have undertaken You have
flj power backed by a mob on the floor of this
flj house [ Cheers on democratic cide.1
flj ( Hissesfrom the republicans ! The people
fl of this country , sir , have spoken through
B Ilia press in condemnation of these urocecd-
flj IngB , which will bury you , sir , beyond tbo
flj bopo of resurrection Tnis proceeding is in
fl keeping with tbo practices of your party ,
flj It is in keeping with your action wbcu you
fl etolo the presidency It Is In kcoplnir with
JPJI the proceedings of the republican party in
PJflJkw the state of Montana "
flJPJpflw Mr Houtcllo of Maine protested against
"pi s Mr Uynum for continuing
• The Speaker , sarcastically Thn gontlq-
pJPJ man has nrisen to a question of personal
IJI privilege and ho is now stating It
JH -Mr. liynum , resuming , said : "I dispute
S tbo right of the speaker to record in the
1 Journal any direction or order that I or unv
PJ ether member may notmnko It is a Journal
PJ of the nrocccdincB of the speaker You huvo
JPJ gone forward You have usurped power
PJ You have mutilated tbo records of the house
PJPJPJ In order to carrv out a scheme you have de-
PJ liborutely gene to work to carry out No
PJPJK tyrant ever ascended a thronowhodidnottry
PJ to make some feeble show of tltlo to umuso
B the pcoplo when bo had gained possession
JPJPJ of tbc kingdom You , sir , have tried to
fl vamp up some fecblo show to sustain your
PJPJPJ outrageous rulings , to amuse the galleries
flJPJ and the people whllo you consummaieil and
PJPJ carried out the behest of tbo chairman of
[ the republican national committco to turn
J out the roprcscntutwos of the pcoplo elected
IflJ and to put In men who not only wore not
IB elected but who do not command tbo respect
IPJ of the constituents tboy seek lioro to ropro-
| IJ sent Now proceed in this matter , but in
KfJU _ the lauguago of the immortal Robert Km-
PJPJPJPJPJn ) ' melt wo propose 'to dispute every Inch of
flJpF ground , burn every blade of crass , and the
last Intrcnchmcnt of liberty shall bo our
* grnvo ' "
The democratic side burst Into cheers ,
answered by derlsivo laughter from the re
The speaker stood calm and collected , nnd
nbovo the uproar was hoard Mr Sprincor'B
voice moving an adjournment Partial order
being restored , the speaker ruled that the
V motion was uot In order nnd made a brief
t The house will not allow Itself , " said the
i speaker , "to be deceived bv epithets Whut-
uvor has been done was uono In the face of
the world und wns the subject of discrimi
nating Judgment The proceedings of this
house , bo far as the chair Is concerned , huvo
been orderly [ democrntla hisses ] suitable , In
conformity to the rules of parliamentary
law Irenewod hisses ] and thu refusal of the
chair , to entertain a motion to adjourn at this
is strictly In accordance therewith
Democratic groans | Thcro is no possibility
ly which the orderly method * of parllaraon-
) tnry procedure can bo used to ston
leelslalion Hence , when any member
, or sot of members tries to oppose thu orderly
progress of business oven by the use of or
dinarily recognized parliamentary motions It
. is tno right of the majority to refuse to have
\ Tthose motions entertuincd , nnd to cause pub
• ' llu buslnoss to proceed Primarily the organ
of the house is the man electud to thu speak
orslnp It Is his duty In a clear case , rccog-
tilling the situation , to try to carry out the
wishes ana desires of the majority
of the body ho represents , wenevcr
! it becomes apparent that ordi
nary , proper parliamentary motions are
fa being used solely for the purpose of delay
IB und obstruction , when members break over
IPJ nn unprecedented rule ( correcting himself )
IPJ bieak over a rule lupplauso and laughter
PJpK from the democratic sldc | In regard to the
PJfl reading of the Journal , when a gentlemen
PJPJ , steps dovvu to thu frontuuild the nppluuso of
f bis ussoclatos and announces that ho intends
V to make opposition in every direction , it be-
PJPJ , comes apparent to the house and to the com
I' inunlty what his purpose is It Is then the
I duty of the sjicukor to take , under parlla-
I incntury law , the proper course in retard to
such matters , aud tu order that there may
col po any misunderstanding as to whether
or not It is thu wish and desire of the ma-
I Jorlty of the house the question can bo apt - 1
t sfT1 pealed from the refusal of the chair to en
MpMMk tertaln the motion ' *
PJBsjrMr. . Springer desired to bo beard on ap-
PJPJPJT . i peal , but the speaker rocognlted Mr Mc-
TW' Kin ley , who moved to lay the appeal on the ,
U | tatlo In vain did Mr Springer protest , tbo i
ra spoakcr merely remarking that the house i
I would now vote ou tbo question whether it ;
n desired to hear the goutlemun from Illinois
J ! 'Tbo speaker dlrectod the call of the roll , but .
the rolco of the clorx wns drowned by Mr
Springer , who , us well as ho could bo beard
In the confusion , said ho never had known a
tlmo In the history of the country when the
speuker , when iin npponl was taken , refused
to hear a debate Ho denied the right of the
spenkororof the house to gag members In
this manner The appeal was tbon laid upon
the table yeas , 103j nays , none The
spenker , as usual , counted tlio rcquislto
number to make a quorum ,
Mr Springer moved to ndjourn , but tbo
speaker said the decision of the chnlr bad
boon sustained by the house and refused to
entertain the motion
The speaker thereupon rocognlted Mr
Dnlzell of Pennsylvania to speak upon the
Smith-Jackson election case
Mr Crisp rnlsod the question of considera
tion and thn speaker roplicd that tbo house
had already decided to consider the oloctlon
Notwithstanding Mr Crisps protest thnt
the question accided the previous dny was
not binding , today the speaker refused to
put the question to the Iiouro Mr Crisp
appealed , but the nuoakor declined to enter
tain his nppoal amid democratic hisses Mr
Crisp asked for bis reasons nnd the speaker
gnvo the vote of the house as sustaining the
ruling of tbo chair against dilatory motions
Mr Crisp protcstod thut the npcaker had no
right to iletormlno bis motives , to which the
spcakor replied ho thought them perfectly *
Mr Dalzoll said Mr Crisp was 6ut of
order and Mr Crisp replied : "I have the
right to present this proposition to the
speaker nnd the country so thut It may bo
understood that you nro pursuing further
that ( ourso you seem to have entered upon
of disregarding nil known customspractlcos
nnd parliamentary rules " Mr D.ilrcll then
proceeded to speak , but the uproar continued
until Mr Crisp advised his colleagues to
give tbo election ciso a quiet hearing bo
they might pass upon It Intelligently This
ndvlco wnsnetod upon und at the conclusion
of Dalzcll's argument the house adjourned
Knmlnll Urges the Continuation of
the I'illhustcrlni ; .
WasiiisotoN , Jnn 31. The democratic
caucus , today was well attended A letter
from ; Randall was read , in which ho urged a
coutiuuanco ' of tlio light , advised the mem
bers ' of the minority to stick to their guns
nud to lose no opportunity to keep the re
publicans , from attempting to pass on any
contcstod election cases In the absence of
the new codu of rules Randall urged1 a re
newal ! of the illlbustcrlng tactics , claim
ing they were rluht and proper uudcr
the circumstances Ho demanded that tbo
democrats should prevent nny legislation
until the now todo bad been brought in , and
also advised against the plan of leaving the
bouso In a body
Carlisle told the caucus that thcro bad
boon only throe meetings of tbo committco
on rules Ho never bad received notice in
writing of a meeting , but was sent for by
Reed and met him , McKiuloy nnd Cannon in
tbo suoukur's room , They discussed
tbo rules for about an hour and bavo had
but two mcttlntrs since , in the speakers
room , lastlutr nbout twenty minutes each
Thcro hnd been no mcoting since lust Mon
day Carlisle explained what was contem
plated by the now cede und was followed by
Crisp and others Whllo some advised
caution in proceeding , the concensus of
opinion fuvorcd a continuation of
the ilflit After a long discus
sion liio caucus adjourned , having
reached no conclusion excepting an informal
ngreomont to continue tbo dilatory tactics of
the past tbrco days Carlisle and other
leaders will draw up an address to the coun
try which will bo published in Justification
of the course of the minority
Tbo subject of securing the Intervention of
tlio supreme court to establish the illegal na
ture of tbo republican proceedings was
broached , but ' no action was taken
Irish National Iiengjuo Expenses
Alinut 2 Per Cent a Year
Dethoit Mich , Jan 31. President Fitzgerald -
gerald of the Irish National League of Amer
ica received a cablegram today from Har-
rlncton , MP , stating that Parnell strongly
advises convontlon be hold in Amer
ica at present The general olcctions are
pending and the friends of Ireland are urged i
to rcdoublo their efforts to place the homo i
rulers in position for the contest Dr
O'Reilley seut $2,000 today
Tbo auditing committee finished its exami
nation of the books this oveniag and retired
to prepare a report
'lho report wll1 not bo given out for pub
lication till tomorrow The following fig
ures , however , wcro received from nn au
thentic source : Ualunco on hand after the i
Chicago convention In 18b0 , S21.8S5 ;
receipts to January 1 , lb'JO , ? 257- !
023 ; remitted to Ireland , $237,243 :
current expenses , $22,225 ; bulanco on hand [
January 1. 1600 , $20,335 The current expenses -
ponsos include an Item of $ ' ,000 , President
Fit7gorald's salary , which that gentleman
donated to the league , as well us the ox-
penseof tno Chicago convontlon of 16S0
This leaves the expenses of the league for
three years loss than 7 per cent of the i
amount collected
I'anicllN Ctroulnr
Loxdox , Jnn ill , Pnruoll's circular to
his followers says constant and unromittlng
attention to parliamentary duties will bo
especially necessary at the coming session , i
because opportunities are certain to arise )
for rendering efTectlvo sorvleo to the Irish
• Pnclllo Kullromls
Wasiiinotox , Jan 31. lho sonata select
committco on Paclflo railroads expects to ,
take final notion on this'bills ' on the Union 1
and Central Paclflo doht next week The
Union Paclflo bill cxtonds for ilfty years the
time in which the government debt must bo
paid , and llxeB tlio rate of inteiest at 3 per
ccut The Central Pacific Is to bo given
twice the tlmo allowed the Union Pacific and i
n lower rata of iuterost
In the ciso of both roads the committco
will Insist that nil the p ' roperty the roads
have , whether covered or not by the existing
law , shall bo mada liable for the Indebted
ness Under this arrangement the govern
ment will secure u mortgaco upon various i
branch lines owned by the Union Pacific aud 1
built without government aid
Oliloaai ) Gaiublors Inillotcil
( bucuao , Jan 31 , Ton of the mo t promi
nent kcepors of gambling houses m Chicago
were Indicted today for carrying on the
business Three of thorn , Including George
Hanulna and John Condon , are said to bavo
lott town suddenly lust before tbo indict
ments weio returuod A number of ether
kcepors escaped indictments through tech
nicalities , Thu Indictments are the result of
n systematic bunt for evldenco by the grand
I'Varort to Kttpo l > ls rnco
CuiCAdo , Jan 31 , Walter Doeuhmo , book
keeper for b tobacco importing tlrm , suicided
today Ho loft a letter for his mother con
fessing that during the pist few yours ho had
stolen fU.OOO from his employers , All but
91,500 , however , had been repaid , but that
amount had to bo made good immediately ,
lielng unublo to do so , bo resolved to kill ;
himself Douuhuiu's father is said to bo a
well-to-do merchant iu llerlin
Hliiainsliti AnivnlM
At New Yoric The Wlsoonsln , from Ll
erpool ,
At Quoenstown Tbo Caspian , from Balti
At London Sighted : Tbo Rugia , from
Now York for Hamburg ,
AcaliiRt Itoiienllug the Law
Wasuinotox , Jan 31. The house com
mitten ou commerce todav signified its dis-
position towards efforts to repeal tbo inter
state commerce law by orderine all bills
with thut ouit in view to bo reported back to
the house with tbo recommendation that
they llu on tbo Ubla
Lincoln and MoOook Land OflloorB
to Bo Appolntod Noxb Week
_ _ _ _ _
Secretary Nuulo Says It Will Ho ! •
sued Toilny or Mondny The
KlUlit In thn House Alli
son In tcrvlo woil
Washington Huneu' The Omaiu Ubk , i
518 FoUllTMLVTIt STnttST >
WASiiiNriTo.v , D. C. Jon , 31 , |
It Is probable that both the receivers und
roglstors for the land olllcos nt Lincoln nnd
McCook will bo appointed on tbo satno day
next week There was nn Informal consul
tatlqn ninoug the Nebraska dologatlon today
ns to whom should bo rocoramonded for these
positions There appears to be a gonorul
understanding that thu four ofllcers will bo
nominated at the same time There nro n
largo number of upnllcants for the rocolvor-
shlp nt Lincoln J , II Foxwortby , Dr Root ,
Colonel Tavlor , W. II Clark and Mr Slsso-
ton are talked oft most For receiver at
McCook It Is bolloved that ox-Sonator W. P.
Lindsay will bo appointed For resistor CnD-
tain Teeter Is bcllovod to have the lead
The secretary of the Intorlor informs Sen
ator Moody that the Sioux reservation proc
lamation will bo issued tomorrow or Monday
Quictudo reigns over the house of repre
sentatives tonight The dying struggle of
the revolutionists was made this afternoon
As forecasted in these dispatcties , the dome
crnts ignomlniously fuilod They have only
established the fact that they havono regard
for time , the peoples money , parliamentary
or constitutional law nnd the common court
esy that Is duo ono man from another in pub
lic life
The contested election case from West Vir
ginia which precipitated this dendlocic nnd
brought nbout the exciting BCones of the
week wns dually taken up in tno
house Into this afternoon There
was another stormy collision when the
house began its work shortly after noon ,
but tbo speaker again took the rolns In his
hauds and rendered u decision according to
law and order Tbo domocruts , seeing that
there was nothing to bo gained in nny direc
tion by further refraining from voting ,
answered as their names were called , so
that the republicans won by dint of having a
majority of . votrs recorded Speaker Reed
showed hls good temper and grout ability to
batter advantage today than ever before
Ho was for mora than nn hour placed In a
most trying position A dozen whipper
snappers and insignificant democratic mem
bers stood on their feet at ono nnd the same
time , shoolc their fists at Mr Reed and ap
plied to him personnlly nearly all of the vile
epithets thnt can bo found in tbo rogues
lexicon Evan Mr Bynum of Indiana , who
has bad tbo reputation of being decent on
most occasions , run down tbo center aisle on
the democratic siuo and harangued
the bouso in the most disrespectful
manner Ho with many others
abused the Bpcaker shamefully It tested
Mr Reeds temper as no other speakers
temper has ever been tested It was a
cowardly and dastardly thing for democrats
to take advantage of tbo presiding ofllcor as
some of them did today Tboy applied such
vituperation as is only employed by street
boys and blackguards They used language
which they could not huvo hurled against a
private citizen or Mr Reed on tbo streets
without placing thomsolvcs in a position to
receive physical resentment They know
that the speaker could not talk back or
resent in nny manner the language tboy
used They invited urrest from tbo ser
goant-at arms , so thut they might pose be
fore the country ns mnrtyrs The speaker
yvas determined that tbo anxiety of tbuso
men to bo arrested and taken from tbo floor
of the house should not bo appousod ,
although they deserved moro severe
punishment It was a disgraceful thing
and tbo bettor class of domocruts bung their
beads in shame , although they voted to sus
tain tbo outrageous action of their collouguos
A number of small calibre democrats , who
have never shown any capacity or ability for
anything , stood up ivith their bands in their
pockets and roared llko blow snakes or
croaked like bull frogs Springer of Illinois
has lowered himself in the estimation of the
Iioubo us a body aud the thousands who bavo
watched bis actions from the galleries Mr
Springer has been considered a man of con
siderable parliamentary abllltv and a gcntlo-
man of culture Ho lias by his disrespectful
language to the spoakcr and by standing up
and yelling like an obstreperous boy to be
beard , doulurlng bnn30lf to bo oatitled to
the lloor in the fucs of other gentlemen who
had been recognized by the speaker , brought
himself into common ridicule At
no tlmo has Mr Read lost bis
equanimity Ho has been gentle -
tlo , patient , courteous and considerate
He has said nothing disrespectful to any
ono Ho has had the croatest consideration
for the feelincs of ouch member individually
und the domocratio sldo as a body Hut bo
has been firm ,
There were 101 ropuolicuns present today ,
including tbo speaker The republicans re
quire 101 members besides tbo speaker to
give them a clear working majority during
the present vucanoy of Judge Kolly's seat
Mr O'Donuoll of Michigan , who has been
absent with a sick wife , is expected to arnvo
tomorrow Ho will make 105 republicans ,
present und the constitutional majority
There will yet bo three republicans unsent ,
Croswell , who is at tbo bedside of bis sick
wifoin Wisconsin ; Wilbur of Now York ,
who is ill , aud Rockwell of Massachusetts ,
who is In the city on a sick bed , There
Is ono vacancy on tbo ropubll-
can bKIo by the denh ( of Judge
IColly of Pennsylvania Altogether
the republicans have 103 members , und
wbon the vacancy made by Judge Kolly's
death is tilled they will have 100. After this i
week the republicans expect to bavo 105 >
or 100 of their members present , which 1
will make it unnecessary for the speaker to
count democrats who do not vote in order to |
make a quorum The democrats in a dead
lock alwuys have at least ono of their nun
bcr vote so as to glvo them n right to move 1
a recoasldoratlon , and with 101 republicans '
voting it will bo seen that n majority (105) ( )
will appear in lho toll call without the vote ,
of the spenker The contested olcctions will I
como up from tlmo to time and bo disposed I
of uccordlng to the recommendation of the ,
majority of the committao on olcctions Kv-
ery democrat who holds a seat ho is not entitled -
titled to will be ousted Tlio democrats may
not rcnow their deadlock for some days , but
it is generally bolloved that they in
tend to bo as ugly as possible
and that will1 demand during tbo ontlro
time of this congress that thcro shall bo ,
present 105 republicans before any partlsun ,
legislation is enacted or any of tbo pledges ,
mndo in tbo republican platform of lbS3 are
fullllled It is a very dlftlcult thing for a
nurty to have so nearly all uf Its votes in the
bouso nt all times , especially when the mem
borsklp is as largo us lO'J ; but , provldenoo
permitting , this wonderful feat will bo ac-
complubcd ou a great many occasions during
the next flftooii months ,
There was an Important boarlng before tbo
senate committee on Irrigation toduy Col
onel R. J. Ilinton of the geological survey
appeared ana made a general statement cov
ering the wbolo proposition to irrlgato tbo
plains with the reservoir and other systems ,
lie made no recommendations , but gave in
formation regarding the foaslblhty of the va
rious projects , Ho thought a topographical 1
survey was not necessary to enable tbo do-
partmont to go ahead with nny project here |
tofore named Ills figures as to the cost
of irrigation do not go far from those bero-
tofore submitted by experts
Colonel Nettlcton of Colorado , who is the
hydraulic engineer for the geological survey ,
aud who has Just returned from Europe i ,
where he made extensive Investigations into
the systems of irrigation Atactica ! by vnrl-
ous nations , especially Spilo , Jruvo tha com
mlttoo his Inforrnnllon nnd something
of the plans used ntlrdiitl , nil of
which were fiworablo to tbo plans proposed
] bore Assistant Socrttrfry nf Agriculture
Wlllots Urged nn appropriation to aicortaln
the , climatic conditions of tbo different parts
of i the arid regions , and Prof Dcfcrnou sub
ii mitted i n report on the water supply
The house comralttWon Indian affairs today -
day i directed a favorable report to bo mndo
upon Curtor'B bill authorizing the secretary
of the interior to procure und submit to con
gress | n proposal for the sale of the western
part of the CrowIndlan reservation lu Mon
tana , lying south of the Ycllowstono river
and west or the Clarks Fork river The
bill appropriates { 5,003 to nay tha expenses
In conducting the negotiations
Hon Joro M. Wilson , a prominent attor
ney of this city , mndo n strong argument to-
dny before a select committee of the house
committco on territories In opposition
to the ldnho statehood bill Ho
opuoscs the test oath provision in the const !
tution for the stuto of Idaho which disfran
chises members of the Mormon church He
hold that it was nntlonally unconstitutional
and an abridgement of the rights guaranteed
by the constitution nf the United States to
all law abiding citizens Ho ulso held that
there was not n suflluloot population in Idaho
to bear thu burdens J' statehood Judge
Wilson npponrod for wo Mormon church ,
and there were present during tlio argument
Bishops Cannon , who occupies Bishop
Young's ' place in the ollurch ; Congressional
Dolnvnto Cnine nnd other prominent Mor
mons There will bo a further hearing on
Monday The members of tlio committco
say thev nro in favor of Idaho's constitution
Just as it is
Ono would think , as fir as uppcarancos go
at least , that Iowa politics and Iowa bliz
zards ngreo with Senator Allison , for ho
looks In bolter physical condition than when
ho went west six or seven weeks mro to look
after what some democrats 'vcro pleased to
lmaglno were riekoty fences The fences
are nil right , however , and none of the Hock
has escaped "I arrived last night , " said
the senator today , and I expect to stay hero
for quite a long tlmo " "
Six joarsi" suggested the Interlocutor
The senator lauuhod In his quiet way , nnd
as ho relieved his cigar of nn inch or so of
superfluous ash , said :
Yes , or nt least I bollevo so It seems tome
mo thut ovorvthing 'is ' all right Just now
the Iowa legislature Is endeavoring to elect
u speaker , and I thinlc we republicans will
put our man In place In a few days Until
that Is done there will do no election of a
senator My mujorlly seems to bo nil right
and I dent think there can bo nny doubt ns
to my ultimate success " , , i
The senutor wus busy till day wrestling
with a largo quantity of . nccutnulatod busi
ness with which his des ictyas piled high He
was frequently interrupted by friends who
bad hoard of his return .nud who wanted to
shako bis hand '
J. C. Cole wus today appointed postmaster
at Morsmun , Page county , Iowa , vice Martha
F. Crumby , resigood 0. .1. Marino.1 was ap
pointed postmaster nt Vorthvlllo , Spink
county , South Dakota , vtpo S. R. Stanion ,
removed , and H. Hpivo cit.Davidson , Potter
aounty , South Dakota , vice W. S. Thomp
son , resigned
W. H. II Llowollyp , for two or three
years Indian agent In ' cbdrgo of the Mos
calcs and Jlcarilla Apachbl in Now Moxlco ,
ono of tbo strong republicans of the coming
state of New Mexlco , antl well known in
Nebraska , is in . tbo citjv-Mo was a delegate
to the lust republican pHtioual convention ,
and is one of that styH ofrpartisans who de
cline to hold ofllco under an adverse admin
istration OnMarch 4 , " $35 , resignation
was forwarded to the secretary of tlio inter
ior , though it was a long tlmo before It was
accqptod Mr Llowellyn was the first
ugent who could control these bloodthirsty
Apacies He proved himself nble to main
tain his authority , and held these hardy and
bnstllo bands in complete subjection during
all the time ho'was agent He is now stock
agent of tbo Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo
railroad y
Representative Dorsoy today fllod petitions
at the postoQlco department requesting a
change In tbo service on the postal route
from WollBvillo to Minatra , so as to make
the service daily from Wellsvillo via Bayard
and Ha'tford to Gerlng
A pension has been granted to Thomas
Wnrnell of Columbus
The allowance for clorklilrb for the post
muster ut Norfolk hus boon lucreased as re
quested by tno postmaster , .
Tbo appointment of Frank A. Aloxnndor
of South Dakota to bo , chief of division
lu tbo Indian ofllco at 2,000 u year was llnnlly
consummated today This appointment
was recommended by thosonators and members
bors from South Daltota several weeks ago
Chairman McCoy of tbo state central com
mittee of South Dakota ) s hero , und comes
In for a snare of credit'for this appointment
Mrs Helen E. Gray of Nobraskn was to
day promoted from u $1,000 to n $1,200 posi
tion in the geuoral land ofllco , and Mrs
Laura H. McMastor of > UtaU from $900 to
$1,000 a year
Major J. W. Paddock of Omaha lunobod
with his brother , the senator , and Senator
Mnndcrson in the senate restaurant today
Mrs , R. B. Harrington Of Beatrice Neb , ,
widow of the Into ox-Senator Harrington ,
has been appointed to a position In the cen
sus ofiico and asslgnod "to duty ut Spring
Held , 1)1. )
The supervising architect of the treasury
appeared before the sanato committee on
public buildings nnd grounds today and recommended
ommonded the erection of a publio building
at Daadwood , S. D. , for the United Stutos
district and circuit court business nnd other
publio purposes , at a' cost not to exceed
$200,000. Peiiuy S. Heath
Armour Denies ilia ftcport That
Thcro Will bn an Advnnoo
Ciiioaoo , Jan 31. [ Special -Tologrum to
Tub Bee.J A report bus gained great cur
ronc.v that an advunco intho , retail prlco of
meats will shortly go into effect throughout
the country and that the big packing
houses are oven now revising their lists , In
view of the fact thut the American meat j
company , tbo only scrlousf competitor of tbo i
Chicago companies , has1 just gene out of
buslnoss , considerable alarm was created by
this report j
Mr Puillip D. Armouij was seen nt his i
ofllco on LaSalla street , loilay and ( bo great *
packer talked freely riiu-dlns the rumor
"Is it true that tbo pried qt dressed beef is i
to be increased this spring ! " bo was asked
"No , sir Tbo prlco of klfessod beef will
not bo raised unless thp price of cattle i
goes up " j
"Is there nny prospect 4f"thatt"
Not that I am at presootuwnro of "
There is a rumor goingtno rounds to tbo I
effect that row that the American moat
company has gene out of buslnoss the >
dressed bcof inon have nireed to raise tbo
prlco bo as to recoup themselves for the J
enormous oxpensa incurred In lighting anti
dressed beef legislation in several stutos "
"Oh , there is no foroa' o thut statement , i
no sense to it , Tbo price nt dressed beef
will be regulated this spring , as It always bus
boon , by the prjco of cattlu If beef on the
hoof goes up tbo carcass goes up , and v co
versa There is np - .uopcertod attempt to
force up tbo prlco of drcMcd bouf and tbero
wont ' bo any , " •
The WootliopForecast
For Omaha and vicinity Fair weuthor
Nebraska and Sou'.h Dakota Light local I
snows , southerly winds , warmer
Iowa Light rule or snow , preceded by
fair weather In eastern portion , wind shift
iug to easterly ; warm in western ! stationary
temperature in eastern portion
Farmers Alllanco Iticojiilzsil ,
Topeka , Kan , Jan 31. Governor Hum
phrey today appointed Wllllum Slniins troas-
urer of the state of Kansas , to succosd J. W ,
Hamilton , who resigned recently to accept a
position wltb the Santa Fa road Slmms is
president of the State Farmer , ulllauce '
Very Damaging ; Bvldonoa Intro
Uuosd A.alnat the Prlsonor
Prntmlilllty Thut tun mlty Will IlJ Sot
Un Unatrlco City Prisoners Ls
cni > o Onll News About
the Stntc
The PuUlfnr Murdrr Case
Fituvoh'r , Neb , Jan 31 , [ Spoclal Telegram -
gram | to The Bee , | Tbo fifth day of the
trial , of Charles Sheppard for the murder ot
Carlos ' Pulslfor has boon devoted to a coni
tlnuntion ' of tbo oxutninutlon of witnesses
for the state These who testified toduy
were Mrs Koto Pulslfor , wlfo of the murj
dorcd man , John Pulslfor , bis son , ShnrlfC
Malone , John Jones , Josh King , John Kent
ncdy , Herman Dicrs , A. II Briggs , J. P ,
Smith , tloorgo Bowlus nud Mr Shcppnrd ,
father of the prisoner , The testimony elic-
ltcd showed tfcat Carl Pulsifcr was wont to
carry money on his Dorson from and to his
elevator in Crowell ; thut sometlmesbo would
forgot his pocketbook in the morning nud
Mrs Pulsifcr would Rend It down to him
by ono of tbo children This wns tbo
case on the morning of tlio day of tlio mur-
dcr A pocnetbook thut hud bueu found was
Identified by Mis Pulslfor us thut of tier
husband She knew It by some sowing sbo
bad done on It n few duyi before the mur
der Three revolvers were shown In court
una possession was tr.icod back to the bauds
of Charles Sheppard and Christ Furst
A long 3s calibre ono was traced to Furst , n
short : U-callbro to Sheppard und n small 32
was found In u clump of nsh trcos near thu
Crowoll wnon bridge , tbo plnco where
Sheppard told the shorllT ho would Und it
Witnesses into whoso bands these revolvers -
volvors had fallen after they had been
tukou from the two men mnrked them by
private marks and by these marks they were
Idontltled In court The details of the arrest
of tbo prisoner after tha murder were
brought out minutely Thu fact that tbo
defense undertook to show thnt soon after
the urrest the defendant would occasionally
break out with snatches of songs loads to
the inference that Insanity will bo the line
of dofonBO An effort made to show that
Sheppard had made bis confessions of thn
crlmo under intimidation proved n failure
A confession made by Sheppard to Josh
King in tbo hotel at Scnbnor nftor the cap
ture was irivon in detail by King This
brought out the exact circumstances of the
murder und the wanderings of the murderers
until they wcro upprehondod It is expected
thut the case will bo given to tbo Jury to
Fort ItotiiiiHon News
Foht Rouinson , Neb , Jan 31. [ Special
to Tun Bhe ] Colonel Randlatt , post com
mander , has resumed bis duties after a two
weeks slogo of la gripne
Captain Barley is having an addition put
to tlio canteen It will be 20x30 and will bo
used for notions , etc
Humor bus it thatCaptain Charles Parker ,
Ninth cavulry Is to servo the unexpired re
cruiting tour of Captain Ruckor , Ninth cav
ulry , relieved at his own request '
A ilro broke out yesterday afternoon in the
quarters of Company U , Eighth Infantry It
was first discovered by smoke coming th rough
the partition of the orderly room , The only
damage was to thofloors , , where they bad to
bo chopped to reach tbo flumes , and tha satur
ation of tbo men's bedding SorgcantjHurry
Ogilvie of Company C received a bad wound
in his foot by n blow fromanaxo la the hands
of ono of the men who was chopping into
tbo floor
Beatrice Polloj Olllc-rs Exonerated
Beatiuce , Neb , Jan 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Bee.J Policemen Ed Wilson
end George Smith were tried In the county
court today on a charge of tr.vinu to extort
$100 from a prominent citizen who was con
fined in the county Juil about January 8 for
drunkonncss Tbo compl-int alleged thut
tbc oQIcers proposed to release the prlsonor
if bo would pay that sum , und say nothing
about it Dr Furuliam wus the principal
witness for the complainant and sworn he
overheard the conversation The olllcers
proved , on the contrary , that such a con
versation could not possibly have been hoard
from the point where the doctor claims to
have boon ut the tlmo The cuss occupied
the entire day nnd tonight resulted in the
complete exoneration ot the ofllcers and
their subsequent discharge from arrest
Usntrlcc City Prisoners Ksoape
BEATniCE , Neb , Jan 31. [ Special Tele
gram to The Bee.J Four prisoners In the
city Jail managed to escape from that estab
lishment early this morning , having
posscssod themselves of the keys that an
ofller had left for a moment in the lock The
olUccr did not miss the keys until after tbo
prisoners had gene Two of the escaped
prisoners were women that had boon ar
rested during tbo nlgbt and two men who
were arrested with thom The women nnd
one of tbo men were recaptured this morn
ing and were given ten days in Juil ou bread
und water
School Apportionment Muddle
NiountitA , Neb , Jan 3t , [ Special to The
Bee ] County Judge Chauibors yesterday
Issued a temporary injunction restraining
the county treasurer from paying any of the
states school money on application of ono of
tbo members of Creigbton's school board
Ou the last apportionment County Superin
tendent Clare apportioned some of the state
money entitled toC.reigkton to the balance
of the districts on the ground that the
Croighton school board bad til rod a tcachor
whom the superintendent refused a certitl-
cute The question involved is whether a
scliool board is stronger tbunacounty super
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlo loTfor South Dulcntt Sufferers
FitKitoNT , Neb . Jan , 31. [ Special to The
Bee.J A number of farmers living iu the
Vicinity of Jamestown , this county , today
leaded a oar with corn and shipped It to the
commissioners of Spink county , South Da
kota , at Northvllle , The car conUlucd 305
bushels , contributed in lots ranging from
flvo to forty-ilvo bushels The Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Vulloy road , over which
It was shipped , sonorously agreed to trans
port It free to its destination
* A Verdict Aualust ih'i ltoiul
Columiil's , Neb , Jan 31 , fSuecial Tola-
gram to The Bee ] Tbo district court now
in session has been engaged the past two
days in trying tbo case of Mrs Saucrs
aguinst tbo Union Pacific railway { Sbo sued
for tha recovery of $2,000 damages , Lust
September Uer little soyon-year-old boy wns
run over by u switch engine , cutting off all
tbo fingers of bis loft band Tbo Jury this
avoniug brought iu a verdict for the plain
tilt for $ l,8S0. ,
Grant Piro Laddies Olvo u Ball
Oiiant , Neb , Jan 31 , | Speclal Telegram
to The Bee ] The Grant 11 ro department
held u grand masquerade bull tonight It
was the grout event of tbo season Distill
guisbcd citizens of Ifolyoko , Imporiul und
O0allala were In attendance
A Sidney t'ocloiy Evnut
Sidney , Neb , Jan 31 , [ Special Telegram
to The Uee | The .ocioty people of Sidney
tonight gave a complimentary hop to tbo
olllcers and ladies ot Fort Sidney The
atlalr was nn elaborate ono aud a most enJoyable -
Joyablo time was bad
A tlldiicy S6amini.
Sidney ; Neb , Jan 81. [ Speolal Telegram
to Tub Bee ] TIW Hcusloy , who has been
it rosldent of Cheyenne \ nty for many
yonrs , was arrested todnyn charge of
adtiltor.v with a woman nam Ncttlo Mar
shall Tha pair wcro taken before u Justlco
of the pouco nnd Hunsloy wu''d ' examination
tion nnd was bound ever The Marshall
woman acknowledged her guilt und wns sent
to Jail She bus mndo o confession which
If true , reveals a most disgusting stuto ot
affairs , the details uf which are unlit for
publication J
Atljuditi'd Inmnc
Nioniuiu , Neb , Jan 31. | SpocIul to Tun
Bee.1 Henry Warner of Buzilo Mills wns
adjudged insane by tbo county board of In
sanity yesterday , and will bo tukon to Nor
folk ' today for treatment without expense to
the county
Broker ] Poll In < Inll and Ctnnpon
Under Guard
New Yoiik , Jnn 31. George II Pell , the
broker i nrrestod last night for the part ho
took t in disposing nf tlio securities of the
Sixth National bank , was today hold in
? j - ! " > ,000 ball for examination Thursday next
Clansson ( , president of the Innlt , for whoso
nrrcst a warrant was Issued at the same tlmo
ns wus Unit for Poll , is still nt lnrge The
Sixth National bank nnd the Lenox Hill
bank 1 nro still closed , and nt 10 o'clock this
j morning n uotlco was posted ou the door of
tlio Equitublo which stuled that the bnnk
was , closed tompoinrily An olllcinl state
ment of the condition of lho three banks is
expected this evening
Examiner Hepburn today said the Sixth
National bunk would not lose moro than
5r50,00J. Of this amount $100,000 wus repre
sented by bonds and sureties which bad nl-
re ' idy been sold , nnd the other JXiO.000 rep
resented checks held ugamst the Equitublo
nnd Lenox Hill banks
President Clnison this afternoon mndo n
statement in which bo denied that ho wau n
member of thn syndicate which purchnscd
tha ( contiol of lho Sixth National bank , or
thut , ho had * vor mot ox-Prcsldont Lolnnd
until , lho sale was completed , tlo claims it
wus at the suggestion of Cashier Colson and
with the consent of tlio board of directors
that , , bo arranged to sell the $050,000 in bonds
held . by the banir , aud that it was Tor lho
purpose of providing moro available cash so
thut j the discount business mht ! _ bo increased
that , this stop was decided upon He
consulted with the directors nud gentle
men ' who owuod at least bO per cent of the
controlling , stock and they fully concurred
in the plan and Chussen was requested to
intrust j the saloof the bonds to Poll , Wallaclt
.St ! Co Subsequently ' 201 of the bonds wcro
returned , $50,000 In cash paid and for the
balunco Poll , Wull.ii' .k & Co gave checks ,
mostly certified , to the bunk on Jan
uary 23 , but tbo bjnk examiner , us
well as the cleurinir house committee
refused to accept tnese checks It subse
quently dovcloped that if they had been
sent to the cloarlng bouso In the usual order
tboy would huvo boon paid Claassen In
sisted that the banks assets were uot used
to purchnso stock und that ho was not con
nected with tbc Equitable nor the Lenox Hill
The Equitable bank wns closed all day nnd
the stuto examiner was at work on tli o
books A great many depositors called nnd
were told that business would bo resumed in
a few days and that tbo affairs of the institu
tion wcro all right
The oxnminers also worked all day at the
Lenox Hill bank
Late this nf tornoon , by order of thn United
Stntcs bank examiner , nil the remaining se
curities and funds of the Sixth National
bank were carried away frim that institu
tion and placed ( n soma safe deposit
Examiner Hopburn told a reporter that ho
would probably finish his work tonight , but
. could make uo further statomcne to the
press Ills report will bet forwarded to tbo
comptroller at Washington During tbo af
ternoon the bank was besieged by depositors
who worn very anxious , but nil were told
their funds were safe
Broker Pell had several friends offer to go
ball for him today , but their schedules did
not satisfy the United States attorney , and
Pell is spending tlio night in Jail
About 0 o'clock Presldont Cluason ot the
SuthNntlonal appeared in United States
Commissioner Shields office , accompanied
by counsel and two deputy marshals A
warrant was read to him charging him with
embezzling nnd misappropriating the banks
funds and exumination was set for tomorrow
Clausen gave himself up to the marshal on
condition thut ho would not be required to
spend the night in Jail , and accordingly ho is
quurtcred nt the Ashton bouse tonlcht under
guurd Ho assorts bis Innouenco of wrong
doing and deuieB any misappropriation or
Thu United Stntos district attorney this
afternoon issued a warrant for the arrest of
James A. Sammons und officers nro looking
for bim
A List or the Passengers Inj urod In
tlo ) Kma hup
Evanstox , Wyo , Jan 31. [ Spscial Telegram -
gram to The Bee ] The following is a list
ot the Injured In the wreclc on the Union
Paclllo lustovenlng : W. S. Doan , Clove
luud , leg badly bruised ; Mrs M. A. Lenarit ,
Ogden , Utah , internal injuries ; fl , D. Ron
berger , Ogdcn , Utah , bunds cut and hips
bruised ; H. C. SnurtlolT , Evanston Wyo ,
bond und face badly cut ; Mrs L. McDowell ,
Gunnison , Mont , Internal injuries ; L. Mid
dloton , Now York city , scalp wound ; Frank
A , Fitzgerald , Kansas City , Mo , side and '
head badly bruised
Panama Lauds
ICopi/rftrht WM bu Jama tlordim nsmi.tCl
Panama , Jan 31. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to The Bee | Governor
Oycardi bus received the following Importnnt
dispatch from the president of tbo republic ,
which will appear ofllclally In the Panama
Star and Herald tomorrow : The Colum
blon government will not recognize and the
governor of tbo doimrtroont of Panama will
not permit the transfer of lunds which , under
the oxistlng contract with tbo canal com
pany , should under any case return to the
national government In the trans for of any
property which at the expiration of the con
tract will become national property "
An Exnuuerntcd Jtnport
Cox way Si'iiiNas , Kan , Jun , 31. The
creditors of tlio Conwuy Springs Sugar
company were surprised today to learn that
they bad assaulted and nearly killed J , B.
Armstrong , president of tbo company , yes
terday As alleged in the papers this
morning , there was an exciting mooting of
the directors of the sugar company yostor-
duy , but ; no violence was attempted The
directors of the company huvo settled With
the farmer creditors nnd laborers
A LuoUy NuniOer
ICopyrtaM 18M hvJamti Gordon fjfiimft ]
I'aiiis , Jun 31 , [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to The Bee ] The winning
number In the great oxhlbitiou at Tumbola
Is CM , 618 , of the second scries , which tukes
the grand prize , (10,000 worth Qt diamonds
lho liiHAllahlo KimlUh
Kans\s Citv , Mo , Jan 31 , Tno Star
asserts that an English syndicate Is nogo-
tlatlnc for tbo purchase of all the principal
sash aud door factories In the country
Outtoos bavo already been socurodon thirty
Uyo different plants , Including the Western
sash mid door fuctory in this city , the
largest plant of the kind in the United
States , with branches ut Muscatine , la , St
Joseph , Mo , und ether points .
: i
Timber-Train Wreaked ,
Lancabteu , N. I ! . . Jan 3J. A timber
train on ft road near bero broke In two on n
grade today and was badly wrecked Thu
engineer wus killed and two trainmen fatuity
injured _
Wqgon Cninrany Fnl a.
Lansino , Miob , , Jan 31. The Capital
Wagon company has fulled ; liabilities about
! 8r > 0O ; nominal resources , f-il.OO . ,
Seventeen Were Announood In the M
Iowa House Yostordtty M
Hut The ItrHtilt Failn to Show Any M
AYcnlciioxN on the Part ol' IHIthcr H
of the Opposing ; H
Propose-to Htlck It Oik |
Dug Moines In , Jan 31.- [ Special Tula- M
gram to Tin : Bee ] A number of rcpub- H
ilcan members of thu house huvo been inter H
viewed on the soutlmontof thclrconstlluents |
regarding the deadlock Hero are a few of |
the notable opinions : |
Mr U'ymnn of O'Brien The bojs down M
my way known I am a stayer , and they dent ' |
need to wrlto tu mu I urn in favor of hung |
lug on until they give up , and I think these M
continual adjournments nro wrong , Wo nro |
scut hero to legislate , und wo ought to vote M
eight hours a dny until we got organized , so fl
thut wo can legislate H
Mr Van Gilder of Warren A constituent U
of mine usked me what I would do if the _ _ _ |
democrats should orgumzo the house 1 told _ _ H
him 1 wouldn't dare go bade to Wurrcn _ _ H
county , nnd bo said I bad butter not that _ _ _ |
thu republicans down there wcro determined H
thut wo should win or thut wo should never _ _ _ |
organize H
Mr Wilson ot Cass I have received notli- _ _ _ |
Ina especially worthy of nolo They nil H
commend the firm stand wo have tulton nnd _ _ B
urge us tint to sacrlflco nuytbiiig merely to _ _ H
reach a speedy conclusion That scums to _ _ _ |
bo tbo general touu of the feeling all over the _ _ _ |
Mr Dobsnn of Huonu Vista I have ra- H
ceived many letters nud had personal Inter _ _ H
views with several of the most influential republicans - H
publicans of my section of the state Thev H
speak with nn uncertain sound Not ono of H
thorn Is willing far us to consider for nn in H
stunt nny proposition which gives up the H
speakership or the control of thu liquor quos H
Captain Ecklos of Marshall My lnstruc- _ _ B
tions nro to sit in my chair until 1 am tired , M
and then got up nud stand u while If H
the democrats should beat us 1 would scud H
for my family to meet mo somewhere outsiuo H
of Marshall county H
They express thu sentiments of republicans H
all ever the stuto J M
In mo IIoiiho H
Des Moines , la , Jan 31. In the house M
this afternoon the verification of pairs developed - M
voloped the fact that the number was the H
largest so fur , being seventeen Tno first H
ballot tlio thirty-third on permanent H
speaker resulted : Hamilton 33 , Wilson 33. H
After taxing tiluo ballots with tbo same ro- H
suit the house ndjournod H
lho Senate |
Des Moines , la , Jan 31. The only bust M
ness thut wus done in the Bcnnto this morn B
ing was the passing of a resolution giving reporters - H
porters bill covers Adjournment wus taken _ H
until next Tuesday uflcrnoon B
The Supreme Court H
Des Moines , la , Jan 31. [ Special Telegram - |
gram to The Bee ] The following do- M
cIsIoub wore rendered toduy by tbo supreme M
court : M
J. E Byorly vs City of Anamosa , nppcl- |
lant ; Jones district ; affirmed M
Emily C. McLeury una others , heirs at , M
law of Samuel Hedges , doccasod , appellants , v M
vs Simon Doran and John M. Day ; Poludls- M
trlct ; affirmed " „ H
St..Louis Refrigerator and Wooden Gutter B
company , npuollant , vs the Vinton Wushing H
Muchlno company ; Benton district1 ; uf- _ H
firmed H
S. A. Robertson vs C. H. Ward & Co , nn- M
pellant , Polk district ; dismissed _ _ _ _
John Neville vs the Cnicmro & , North > 1
western railway company , appellant ; Jones ' B
district ; reversed H
City Burnt of Boone vs Anna Ratkay , up- M
pellant ; lloune district ; reversed H
J. G. U. Rapployn assignee , appellant ; ' _ _ _ _
Polk district ; affirmed H
A Hitch in the t'roooedlng-i. |
Four Douoe , fa , Jan 31. [ Special Telegram - H
gram to The Bee ] General Passenger M
Agent Kelly of the Mason City & , Fort M
Dodge railway , In iiu Interview hero this M
afternoon , confirmed tbo report of strained M
relations botwron this line and tbo new |
Winona & Southwestern railway Ho says a |
lint nccrotiutioiis for a consolidation of the H
two uro entirely nbandoned James Hill , _ H
tbo well known railway monagor of the M
northwest , is the principal owner uf the M
Mason City & Fort Dodge railway , and ho H
ilatlv refuses the proposition of the Winona H
rnud managers , which is practically an exchange - H
change of stock Tnis affair will occasion M
nn alteration in tlio plans ot the now Winona M
road , which Is vcaking un outlet to the south H
und west , via Sioux City , Omuhu , Kansas H
City und St Liuis There will bo cense H
qucnt deluy in construction because of the _ _ H
imporUnco of the Fort Dodge line ns a link H
In the system , but the Winona is being H
pushed by tbo Lackawanna system , and will M
doubt ess go ahead the present seasou M
A Knniaiitlo Story H
Mason Citv , la , Jan 31. [ Special Telegram - H
gram to The Bee.J Several yours ago Jennie - H
nie Nelson had trouble with her wealthy H
fattier , residing Iu tbc southern part of the H
slate , und she lott homo und changed her H
name to Mary Nulson Recently her father _ _ H
died , leaving a good share of his property to H
his only daughter A Unely dressed man H
whnso name could not bo learned appeared H
In this city , und oftora futllo inquiry chanced _ _ H
to step in the Park hotel , and , recognizing _ _ _
tha girl , made known to her the fact that she H
was un heiress Sao left ou the first train _ _ _
for her horn * . H
A Olrl'H FoollHh Jump H
Des Moines , la , , Jan , 31 , [ Spoclal Telegram - B
gram to The Hue ] -A Swodlsh girl named H
Lonu Chnstonson , who was a passenger on
the Des Moines & Northwestern this uiorn- .
I hit from Juffersou to Cooper , met with a
serious accident , When within two mles | oi
Cooper she wished to got off , us the house to
which situ was irolng wus ueur by So ,
without speuklng to any ono about It , she
concluded to step off whllo the train was
going ut lull spued She did so , and tbo re
sult wus a brolien arm nnd oevero bruises , .
The train backed up and took her on and
brought her to Pauorii for medical treatment
Porn I u 'I he in Into Hid Trust
FoitT Dodoe la , Jan , 31 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to The BsE--Tho | Western plasoi
agency of this city announced u 50 per cent
cut in prlcoB of all kinds of calcined stucco
plastering this uftemoon , bringing tha rates
down from V to H 50 per ton The proprie
tors of this mill uro tno principal memuora
of lho great stucco trust , and this movement
Is nude to foioj recalcitrant stucco com
panies into tbo pool
llo Paid the ilip
Kansas Citv , Jan 31. C. P. J , Taylor , a
colored politician , und rccontly United States
tminister to Llborla , went into a restaurant
today and asked for coffuo aud pie The pro
prietor told bim the price would bo II
Taylor rupliod ull right After eating bo
walked up to tbo counter and throw ,10 cents "
on thu counter and said : Now sue mo fur
tbo rest " Ho walked out of tbo place bo
fore thu astonished proprietor could reply ,
The mun says bo will sue Taylor .
KnnsiiH City Packing IIou-,0 Burned ,
Kansas Cirr , Mo , Jan , 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram to The IIke , ] The Kansas City Puck
ing company pluut burned tonight It hj
probably u tutul lot * .