Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1890, Image 1

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    ( The Omaha Daily Bee
The Iowa Dordlock May Bo Brofeon
alio Hitch Is Not Serious nml tlio Gpii-
[ crnl U lleT In Tluu Mnttor * A\ ill
- Ho Straightened Out A Clioico
Uotuacn Trusts
rrriim itf Organis-ilmn
Dm Moinbs , In , Jau 20 | Spcclal lcln
rnm to Imp Utr l Tlicro Is general fcol
Ing tonight tliAt iho don llock over the torn
porarv organization of thu liouso ulll bo
broken tomorrow Tlio confuroneo com
mittpo luv o practically agreed on the terms
of organization , which glvo the democruts
Uo tun ] omry speaker nn I the ropublicuns
most of the other temporary oMcera
1 lie only hitch In the nrogrammo tins been
over a stipulation which the republicans
lind suggested roirArllng the buslncvs winch
WJK/t could bo done un Icr a temporary ore iniza-
9 tlon It hns been the custom horoloforo to
4,0 through the fouu of electing n United
btntca senator twice each vltno
ono was chojon The law provides
that the balloting for n senator slmll becin
on the second iucstluv after the orcantzi
tlon of the house 1 hero hat always bocu a
misunderstanding as to whether this re
. ferred to the tuitiDoriry or pormincnt or-
k/fnnlzutlon Ah thu Iowa icgisliture moots
on Monduy an 1 usu illy perfects it tomporur )
orc.uulz itlon tint day and a p rmanont
orgiulzition Iho next dn ) , it 1 is hern the
custom to ballot for senator on the second
Tuesday and nc-aln on the third Tuosd vv so
as to cover both cases bo thu repub
licans in their propose 1 ucxcouiont
BUt-icst that nothing bo done under
the tcmi orarv ori it izatlon except
to.ballot . for the porunnout s | ouker
nu I Unite 1 States senator , the lust item be I
ing inserted to cover tins continccnev should I
the deadlock last moro than eiulit dns Vita
democrats thoui ht they s tw an Intention of
clcctlnc i senator and Iciv ing their tovornor
out in the cold , us the law provides tint ho
cannot bo li mounted until after the orcunl ,
zution of the housi so they variously ob
Jected , nml the comi lomiso bus hung on that
I olnt Hut the republicans di 1 not iiitond to
piascribo tliat or lor of busincss and will
chntifcOlho wording so is toleivo ltsitisfac-
lorv to the demoirats llicn it will b )
a loptod a id the llfcht for permanent spoakoi
will begin Iho n | ) iblleans say that It Is
lucky thcro has been a deadlock for so many
nf their members are sick with the grip th it
they eould not have elected Allison had the
election cune at tlio usual tlmo list week
Ono oi two members uro now critically sick
mid uiuy not bo able to attend the session
at ult
m Short Skctclirs nl tlio I our Allcgrd
' • "
" Non-Pat tlHini" "
Drs Moisrs In Jan 20 [ Special to
Inn Ui r ] The so-ealled independents
of the Iowa legislature are Hoe of
Mononn McDcruiid of Adair , Monk of Ly
oilsand Smith of Boone Mr Itoo Is an
original greenbacker Ho snjslio always
supported greenback measures and during
_ , , th wnr period was an enthusiastic admirer
. of that sturdy old commoner Thnddcus
h Stevens of Pennsylvania the full or of the
! * ? • • jocenbatk currencv Mr Uoo cast his for
V < tunes \ \ ith tbo greenback labor party in its
infuncy , giving his first vote to Potoi
Cooler in 1870 Two years neo ho ran on
the union labor ticket with democratic endorsement
dorsomont and vvus elected with four votes
to spire J.his your ho made the cinvitss
under thu samoclrcumstincos and succeeded
In def entitle Mr Unrtholomow a popular
faimor , b ) just ono \oto Mr Roe is poi
conally very popular , nml is the most iuvot
eratcjoker on the llooi of the house In the
present dcudloclc ho will stind by the dcols
ions of the democratic cnucus to the last , but
on other questions that may arlso duriup- the
ho proposes to exercise his indopon
KBossiou to vote according to Ills own best ,
Judgment , Und this ono vote cist for Hoe
been tivcii to the ropubllcan candidnto the
pirtv would have n good wor ( Iul , majority
and this deudlock would never have Imp
Smith of Uoono , the last of the Indcpund
ents Is a mail of moro than average ability
ami a keen obscrv cr of ov ents Ho is not a
politician in any sciibo Durluf , the war
period ho wus a lepublican , but has never
supi ortcd thu party in n presidential contest
since tlio dnys of Abraham Lincoln I or
twenty jeara ho has boon engaged in the
milling business in Uoono and has taken u
deep interest in the struggle to sccuro living
railroad rates for Iowa millers Ho has gen
crully voted a mixed ticket on statu Issues
but two ) ours ugo ho Btronc.1) opposed the
election of Wills and Lund the democratic
cundldutcs for ruilroud commissioners
Mr Smith owes his election to a bitter
factional light between the monopoly und
unti mot opoly wings of the republican party
In Uoono count ) and to an extended personal
acquaintance among the farmers Origi
nally ho was a somowhit urdcat supporter
of prohibition , but now says ho Is rendv to
\oto for a stringent license luu Mr Smith
fc * - - is ti uly an independent , but unfoitunutol )
for the topubllcans , ho bonostlv bultovos
that the democrats are right in the mnttor of
* w $ rtrttnlzatlon mid will vote with thorn on all
mutters relating to this question to the bitter
end So in the present strusgle the demo
cratftmnj bu credit"d with fort ) nine votes
that ma ) bo counted on in any emergency
MonUotLtou Is a well to do furmor of
strong unti monopol ) proclivities IIo is u
democrat iiuro anil simple and was elected
bv tlio all of a largo farmer vote o\or a
woaU opi onont fir Monk docs not hosi
tutoto soy thatho is nn unti monopolist of
the most pronounced stripe und is equ illy
emphatic in las donunci itlon of tlio present
prohibitory law Mr Monk impresses ono
us bolng a man of tlrm coin ictious who will
kick out of the democratic traces the mo
ment the part ) heads toward the corpora
tion camp On genera ) questions , especially
in the mat tor of oiginizlug thu bouso , he
is n democrat mid will abldo by the decrees
of I ho party caucus .
Dr MoUcrmid of Adair Is a slight simro
man a littla ever fifty Hacamo from Can
ad i twenty yours ago and settled In Iou
tauolle , where he has icslded ovir since In
politics ho has ahvajs bcon independent IIo
\olcd for 111 leu , Uarflold , Cleveland and
Harrison , and has ( , onerailyoted a mixed
state ticket Ho is strongly opposed to the
> rnsont | roh'bltory ' law , and was olectel
large ! ) on that lisuo Ho alto will ole with
tbo domoornts to the bitter end on orcunlza
lion , though he will in all probabillt ) supiort
Allison for senator Dr MoUeni id s elec
tion was due to dissatisfaction on account of
the working of the prohlbitor ) law and to his
I ernonul | opulanty I'lie usual republican
majority in Adair is something uoar live bun
dred , but Dr McUormtd s plurality was
1 bo ono hundredth man , and the ono who
has it in his power to untie the pordian
knot und break tne deadlock Is Hon Matt
hwurt of I'owcshlc Mr Lw art is a uiom
bcr of iho uuior labor tarty , elected b )
f democrats oudorsemeut and b ) thu aid of
dlssatlslled rot ublieans His iiositlon lu the
bouso Is somewhat peculiar Ho is u pro
nounced Prpblbltionlst and ou this question
agrees w 1th the republicans On other ques
tions ho Is Independent However , the great
Lodvof his buj porters were domociuts and
ho feels that la the mutter of oruaumiiL the
houeu it is his duty to uld the deuiocnits as
> long ns there , is a probability of their being
jf ublo to foico the republicans to compromise
if In case of a protracted deadlock Mr Hwurt
K _ may como to tlio conclusion thutho has per
formed his duty to the democrats In the
fullest mcuiuro und uulte with the republi
cutis loag eDough ta set the wheels of lecls
latiou ( foinir Mr Lwart Is u very ( ousueu
tious member und will do whit ho btlioies
to bo ana carry out the wishes of his
couitltuonu to thu best of his ability and all
ntverso criticism at the orcscnt tlmo is
entirely too \ relous "
That the republicans will ha\o the per
msnent speak r mny as well bo conceded A
majority of the republican ro | rcscntntUcs
luac settled down to the conclusion tint
rather than give u ( tlio organization to the
democrats the * ill adjourn and go homo
without effecting nn organlzitlon mid ngaln
appeal to the people
Sonutor Unn of Inlor after surprising
the democrats b'declining to bo i parlx to
run a ill Allison movement nn I net the role
of ndisorginlnr , has blossomed forth with
the tuuil numborof rifonn measures Ho
has nlroadv Introluccl the following A
bill to p-ovl lo for a uniform i slom nf text
books In tlio public schools a bill subjecting
irivato banks to thosimo legal suuervlsloii
us Mntobinks and u bill requiring county
trc isurors and auditors to bo elected in ill
ternate tours and making them c'l lblo to
ro election
Ihodcrno-rits nnd republicans nro run
ning n ntrk nnd neck race In their efforts to
sccuro billet rcfinn Senator Sicds tie
republic in mnmber from Uol uvoro county
rather cot , the ahnntuge however , in the
beginning nnd sen ito lllo No I is n bill
t rovi ling for tlio adontion of the Australian
ballot Senator DoJlo , the datnocrittc
member from Uuriington , lind a bill of tt o
name nature In his | ockct but beeds nuticl
paled him and Lot , in his bill first
bcnntoi Muck of Huenu Vista has intro
duced a bill of a rntnor unliuocharactor
lliusot itor fears that the tires of patriot
ism nro burning leas in thu bosoms of the
present generation than in those of our an
ccstors nnd hns accordingly Introduced a ,
bill re lulrlng a national Hag to bo const mtly
unfurled from every publlo school bouso In
the stito and providing that the toncmng
and sinking of patriotic songs shall bo a part
of the public Bchool exercises HiX
muvrdviNsr iiiusr
Iowa Han Iter Cm ko Hctvvcon Thu
S ( li ) i > l Honk Concerns
Drs Moivrs la , Jan 20 fSp3clal to
Tiil 13el | While the leilslaturo Is waiting
for organir itlon there Is not much talk about
probable leglsl itlon iiuttto little that is
heard is upon the two s injects of prohibl
tlon and school books On the formoi there
is no pirtlcular eh inco , lu publlo sentiment
from what it was soon nftoi the election
Iho extreme pronlbltionists want no change
In tbo law The exlromo antl i rohl
bltionlsts vv int an ei tire chauco in the
law with the subslltlion of anothci
Bvstoni whllo men of modernto oi consorva
tlvo views would lil o to sco some modlllca
tlon of tlio 1 iw at le ist to the extent of cor
rooting some notable abuses which have
crown up under it , bcvural members have
prci nrcd bills for the repeal of the law ,
which the ) will introduce just as soon as
the ) have an opportunity It is not known
that any republican has i rcparod sucn a bill
ttiouh some republic ins may bo willing to
vote for such measures It ia believed ttint
at least two of the democrntio side or the
house would vote against any repeal of the
law Whcthoror not uuy ropubll cans will
fn or it remains to bo seen If they do not
that will end tlio matter without reference
to the sen ito There is prob it ly an nntl
prohibition majority In the senate but there
is very nearly a stand off in ttio bouso
On the subject of school books there is
still ( , roator dlfterenco of opinion A few
weeks ago thnre was quite a sentiment in
favor of frco text books with state unt
formit ) Now the plan of district uniformity
seems to bo moro popular , und many are
ouposlng free text books oxcapt in cases of
destitution lor a whllo the old line pab-
lishinc , houses were the only ono3 th it con
trolled a lo bb ) , vvcro actively represented at
each session of the legislature and opposed
nnv scheme for tuViug tbo book business
awny from their own hands lhe ) were
called ' the trust ' and the popular scntl
mont against trusts was invoked against
ihpm Hut now a uc _ w fgojius catered the
Hold and it Is trust against trust Tbo pub
Ushers of cheap text books that have been
doing the work for states that let the job for
tbo whole state utonce , have combined and
formed a syndicate or trust lhay nro rep
resented hero also by a paid lobby nnd their
men oppose the district uniformity idea and
fav or tlio state publication or state contract
scheme hoping to bo hired to dn the work
That confuses the situation ( .rcatlv With
ono trust opposed by another trust the fcl
lows who nro down on ail trusts dent know
exactly whnt to do
The coal miners of Iowa have organized
for work with the legislature lhey have a
Btulo association whichlionps general oversight
sight of the mining interests of the state
Tncrowas n meeting of this association at
Osltaloosa last week to urrango for deslrod
legislation riioio are sovcral measures
which the miners want enacted Into law
Alrcad ) two or tlireo bills regulating the
mutter of scieonlng coal have been Intro
ducca in the sen ito Ono of these is b\ Son
utor Cassatt , thu author of tbo Cassatt bill
which did nut pass but occasioned n bitter
partisan light suvornl years ago Senator
Cassatt who Is a democrat , tried to make
some political cupltal out of it and so the
republicans opposed htm and killed bis bill
Ho has learned wisdom by cxperienco and
will not endeavor to work nny politics into
the present measure The miners at their
meeting at Oskaloosa n | pointed a committee
of three to rerircsont them botoro the legis
latlva committees nnd work for desired
legislation They favor sovcral bills in the
interest of labor , ono to protect the laborer
in case of tbo Insolvency of the employer ,
another to provldo for the payment of all
wnges of vvorltmon , at least tw ice a month ,
and not later than on the first and flftcontli
of each month Their principal measure ,
however is In regard to pay for screenings
Tnoy think that they should do paid forever
over ) thing that comes out of the mlno by
their labor for w hicli the o | orators receive
pay Iho usual practice is to pa ) the miner
for only the product which does not pass
through a wide meshed screen The slack
that does c.o through is sold but tno minors
In many mines huve not received anything
for their labor in gutting it out of tbo
Ono of tbo noted cases before the supreme
court Is that of Munchrath , who was on
victed of being connected with the Ha Idock
murder ut Sioux Cit ) , and was scntoticod tea
a few years in the penitentiary Ho hus
succeeded In keeping out of prisori on ball
all these \ oars slneo ho wus convicted , and
is exhausting every legal expedient to escape
cntlrcl ) Ho was not the man who 11 red tbo
fatal shot , according to general opinion , but
bo Is supposed to have been ono of tbo con
splrators who planned tbo assault upon Mr
Haddock Hut ha Is the only ono of tbo
crow I who wus ever convicted nnd hols
posBlblv tbo least guilty of all ivbo wore
ludictcd Uo is petitioning the supreme
court for a rehearing on the grouu I that tbo
jury In the last trial wis not properly
Bokct-d His argument was made to tlio
supreme court last 1 riday und the court now
has tbo case under a Ivlsomcnt
vr.HMiNona lnioNCJims
Information has been received at the cap
ital of a now aud peculiar disease that has
made its aiipearanco among the sheep in
southwestern Iowa One man writes that bo
has over thirty head affected with it fho
firstsjmptom Is n slight couth , which in
creases in soieritv seemingly causing much
palu The animal tries to Btlllo the cough ,
making it fccnerally moro of a hoot Xbero
Is uutel aud difficult breathing , drawing la
of the II mks a sudden falling of llosli in
severe cases , and olmost cntiroloss of appe
tite Soma linger tlflcon or twont ) das
uftcr the attack , while others last but ten
days ilia lean ones appear to last the
longest , Iho Btato votcriuur ) surgeon , Dr
btolkor , calls the dlseaso verminous bron
eh I Us , and says It is duo to the presence of
parasites in the bronchi and mlnuto air ves
si Is I hey are small round worms that , tot
lute thu lungs und propucato with great
rapidltv and often destroy tlio life of the
uuimul in n few days
'Ihoold lawmakers nro uiaKlng prepara
tions ( or a line reunion in this cit ) I cbruarv
J7 and li lhey Include former ofllrors nnd
members of the early toncral assemblies ,
and their reunion will bring together many
of the noted men of tbo state The invltu
tlon Includes lojislatois , territorial and
state , gov eruora and state officers coutres *
men aud senators up to aud including tbo
) earib.O
Hnrrlson Will Ba Asked to H-\Bton
Prominent Men Will Point Out tlio
.NciPHslt ) Tor Moro KxpctlltimiH
MctlioiU Tlio Now Itiilos
> 1I3 L'ocitTKRNTii Sritssr , >
asminqto' * D 0 Jan JJ I
I'ostmnstor Wiuiuniakor , Assist
m 1 I'ostmustor done nil Clarkson General
Hussoll A Alger , Senator Qui ) aud Mr
Kerns of St Louis wilt call upon President
Harrison und ask him to make moro liasto in
his appointments Tin ) will direct attention
to n lumber of prominent positions bolng
held by demounts vvhlcn should bo occup'cd '
by republicans ind request that n tlon betaken
taken at a vcr ) carl ) da ) for the good of tLo
public sorvlco and in the Interest , of the
t TiirFvvnt i ts
A caucus of tbo republican members of the
liouso will bo held tomorrow evoningnnd the
course to bo pursued in the consideration of
a Jnew sot of rules thoroughl ) discussed
The prevailing opinion is that the republi
cans will take the bit in their mouths and
nftor nmplo time has bcon given the demo
crits for consideration ot the roiort which
will bo mndo from the committee on rules a
vote will bo taken und the report uloptcd
without delay Cortalnl ) the dcmociats
will employ every means at their command
to filibuster and prevent a fin li vote but
Speaker Uccd has ruled that ho has full
and absolute control of the house in its
present condition the rules which were
adol ted for the Inst congress bav Ing bcon
dcclircd not In force now In uny hcjit that
it can bo considered the democnts are sure
to have u roist for their obstinacy in their
consideration of the rules The democratic
members of the committee on rules Messrs
Carlisle und Mills have rcmainod nway
from the meetings of the comtnlttco as much
as posslblo so as to avoid u final report and
they will ndv Iso the members of their part )
to stand solidlv togcthor lu dillydallying ,
for the purpo30 of tr ) Ing to prevent the luo
vitable Iho republic ins throughout the
country elected a majority of the Fifty first
congress that they murlit rule , and tnatsomo
legislation in the interest of the country
could bo adopted nnd the republicans of this
house intended that rules shall bo made
which shall give them the power the pcoplo
have invested in them and thov will pass
their rules If it takes all summer an 1 then
the ) will proceed to legislation lno demo
crats will doubtless complain bittorlv befora
they are with this ficht , and
clnlni that Spo liter Itoed Is arbitrary ' ' and
imuorious ' because bo will not let them
waste weeks of time in foolishness
It is lenrncd at the war department that
there were only nlnotoon suicides in the
nrtnv during the year 18SJ Kisbollovelthat
hotter sifeguards nro provided against those
who are predestined to dissatisfaction ontei
inc the nrmv and if provisions are made to
civo the prlvato soldiers mme occupation for
tbo mind the rrtio of deaths in the American
armv will bo much less than these in the
armies nf other countries The ratio of sui
cides In tbo French army is loss than that In
any country in the vvoild being less tl an
one third ot 1 per cent Uelgium comes next
with a slight ncrcaso , nnd Italy and Great
Britain are next , in the order the latter bo
inc less than ono half of 1 per cent whllo
that in tbo United States army is almost
three fourths of 1 per cent
A lively time is expected in the sennto
commlttco on ilniuco when Mr bherman's
silver bill , prepared by Secretary Windoni ,
is taken up for consideration Tt is asserted
that none of the members of the commlttco
favor the bill It \ as prep ired with great
care and after a full conference with the
leading republicans in both br inches of con
gress and since it has the endorsement of
the cabinet and the president it will have
strength in congioss The president in
tended to send a message to congress endorsing
ing the bill , but bo has almost concluded not
to Uo so
Mrs J S Clarkson wife of tlio first as
sistant postmnstoi general , is given a lengthy
sketch in today's Post , accompanied bv a
haitdsomo double column wood cut Mrs
Clarkson's social qualities iiLd artistic tastes
are delineated in high tonus
The Indications are that the scnato will
devote itself this wock to the disposition of
the bills and resolutions on the calendar of
which thord are now u formidable uiruy ,
manv of ccneral interest
A member of the liouso commlttco on pub
lie buildings and grounds says the bill grant
ing sin Increase of $ :0O 009 on tbo appropria
ttnn for the Omaba publlo building will boone
ono of the Urst measures the commlttco will
adopt Pmmi S ilium
Moj-hltl Curiosity Disappointed
[ Copwrfoht 1WO by James Gordon Ittnn' I 1
Pahis , Jan 28 | Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tub Ble I Morbid curi
osity took quite a crowd of Parisians to tlio
Quo lrousou da Coudray today Gabrielle
Hompurd all tbo morning papers had an
nounced was to bo taken to the famous Ko
1 for the rohca ing of the Gouffo mur
der , and the street was blocked with pcoplo
anxious to catch oven a fleeting gllmpso of
the licrolno They had their ttoublo for
nothing , for Gabrielle came not the police
having deferred the ceremony The police
nro convinced that Homy Launay bad a hand
ia the crime , yet conclusive proof of bis
guilt remains Intangible Gabrielle evinces
a charming sollcltuda for Lyraud s welfare
Last evening she said to ono of her
guardians 'J have only ono fear that
Lyraud should commit unotber murder in
America and suffer the penalty there "
Lvldontlv she prefers the gulllotlno to tbo
rope or oven to electricity for Lyraud It is
worthy of note that M Goron has obtained
a photograph of this slippery gentleman It
rei resents Lyraud as ho was twenty years
ago , but still it is hoped that it will assist
the police of the United States , to whom a
largo number of copies are to bo at once
Mr anil Mra Cliuiiiliorluin Toasted
[ Cnpj/rWit lSOOby James ( lonlmi Utnnett 1 Id
Uaiiiu , Jan 20 [ Now York Herald Cable
Sieclal to The Hee 1 Klaz Pasha enter
tained Mr and Mrs Chamberlain nt a semi
oDlcial banquet last niht , covers for thirty
elkbt being laid The guests included Sir E
Harlng and other leading Lntllsh officials ,
With their wives , and all the Lgyptlan mm
Utters SlncO bis arrival , though his visit is
quite prlvato Chamberlain has studied most
carefulb tbo Uritish position and has ( , ono
Into every question interviewed tbo officials ,
personal ! ) inspected the barraoks and other
works and the irrigation department under
Scott MoncriofT seen the Lgyptian tree | s
andcouforred constantly with Horlng Uo
will therefore go away loiognlzing fully the
marked improvements , which would bo of
treater extension if franco withdrew her
which does not allow us to carry out pollc )
further reform
Stanley has moved Into a qulot pnvato
hotel , whore , without interruption , ho can
make up bis manuscripts
iho HioGruido ttroalc LxntiKnrntoii
Dknveii , Cole , Jau S3 | Special Telegram
gram to Tuu Hee ] Iho first report of tbo
HIoGrando wreck nt Monument last even
Ing was somewhat cxagLqratil No ono
was killed or oven fntnll ) injuroj tin 1 no
cats wcro barned Sixteen l > ersons vvcro
mora or less cut or burned among them II
It King of Lincoln , Neb , who had n hand
but and nrm bruised An official Hlo
Urando en w is on the roar of Iho trntn ami
General I relght Agent /iniintnorinan was
considerably cut and bruise 1 about the
head The 11h co-respondent rcturnoJ
from tbo seono of the wreck this morning
T ho entire train of seven cars lay oo its side ,
some of them on the platform Tbo win it
jvas still blowing a gale and nt n rnto vvhlo'i
rendcrcl It unsnfo for the wrecking crow to
work lrifllolsnot hlockcl lowovcr , for
trains pass b ) the switch It is providcti
tlal that the curs did not take lire for in
thitov nt the cutiio trull us well as the
town of Monument would probibl ) have
been ( tcstrood
I Innnclnl Transaction of" tlio Cnni-
li y fur tlio I'utU Nook
I1ostonJuii 21 | SpsoUt Tologr unto The
linr | rho following table coupllol from
spec ! il dispatches to the Boston Post train
the managora ot leading clearing houses
of the UnltoJ States and Canada shows the
gross oxchingos for the week ending
Jnnuar- with the percentage of mere iso
and decrcaso as complied with tbo coric-
spondmg week in 1&9
9 3
UTirs , ccriiuvis g n
New \ ork sow ifii oi Tl
Huston , 00,411 _ n 0 2
Phil idelpula 7Jir vo 1
CtUcano rite GOTO 1 fl
St Louis -I 4118-1 18 U
\e\vOrieau3 ltd iici 41-
llalllmoiu , It II UO 10 il
Plttsbirg llliy 9H ) Kit
sin tranelsco I fl J14 . ' 1 1
Cinclnti itl J" U Hhl 21 1
Kansas city cr 8 s o ! )
loulsvlllo 8 4J1 j O Si ) .
I rovl lrnco 5 M\\0) [ \ ii 2
MUiaukio To ( i < W 1(11 (
a trnit 4 4) ) ids in
del el in I 41WUI1 4J I
Mluuoao ills VAi 811 8 8
St I mi IS * ) " ! , 21 *
Deny or 4 u M 41 8
Omaha 4,05b,74 | 27 8
Moniphls . JVKJ311
( ol imbus rJ" " 1 > 0 2(1 ( 8
1 ort Worth T.0 - u jni o
Dallas 2 44oii rr
Inllauapills ,0Jt,8 4 i40 6
llicbinond 3 It IST in r.
Hartfird " " -t - W S Oi
Dulutli ] fclO l > liu i
Galveston J 8i | l" ail
StJoscpn I 130(1 ( W - ' 4
Sprlnglleld 1 WMr ' 7
New Haven ] in tU II 1
Icorla 3 HO go i .3
Worcester - ] U8A > J lo 8 ,
I ortlan 1 Mo 1 OCT 874 la 1
Wilmington 9JI1 > 2 10 0
Norfolt Ml 7J9 0 5
Sioux 1 It ) -IUIU 69 1
Or ml Itinlos 07 810 15 7
Srracuso T 40) 17 0
Wichita VI" 4 8
D 1 Molios 8 , IS 10 3
T/01 An elos 411JO 01 0
lovoll * 8.0 ROO 11'l
TopcKa OOJ " 08 37 I
Montreal . Til"7 8-
• Itiirilo , Ca5Hl
lortlml Ore It 0012
• Illrmlnfcham J3I J-)3 )
• Seattle Caul
• Halifax . 1 ipO,5iO
Total . tKlOlO-Ot ! 7 0
Outside New Yorg I U taiffll ( 11 6
* \ it included In totnls No cl arIuB house at
this tlino last year "
Ulsliop WlilttnUer dr IMiiladi Iphla
Shot nt lly 11 I iinatlc
PmtAPELiniA Jan 20 During ronllrma
tlon son i"es at St Johns Episcopal chutYh
this ovcnlng the congregitlon was Btartled
by the actions of aa apparent ! ) domenteu
young man who arose from bis seat In tbo
church , and pointing a revolver nt
Bishop Whlttaker , who was taking part
in the sorvic3s flrod immediately there
was great confusion but it was qu ekiy seen
that no barm resulted from the shot An
ofllcor took the would Uo murdcror Into
custody At the station be gave his mime as
Unvlcl Alexander of this city Ho told a
rambllntr stor ) about receiving a Icttei ,
which induced him to innko tbo attempt upon
the bishop s lifo 1
It wus learned later that/Alexander is an
ard int prohibitionist , and HIsbop Whltakor s
attitude on the liquor question having dis
p'eascd him ho dotormlnodito kill him Ho
resigned his position I in n dry
goods store last weeok The prisoner
stated tbat ho nlso was determined to * re
move Hov S D McConnell > i3tor of St
Stephen s Episcopal church , whoso attitude
on tbo liquor question was also distasteful
to him It la ovldeub that Alexander s
reason is unsettled
The Body ot tlio Mlsslnu IlnnLer ,
Joseph Dltinnn , Pound
Pmi ademhiia Jan 20 The myotcry sur
rounding tbo dlsappoarauoo of Hanker
Joseph Dttman who wus last seen allvo on
December 11 last , was cleared up todaj by
finding the decomposed body floating ou tno
Schulyklll river In a wallet In his inside
pocket coat bcsidos some papers , was a card
requesting the Under , in case of bis acci
dental death , to notify the s icrotarv of the
Mutuul accident association of Now York
Un the nfternoon of Dacomber 11 Hanker
Dltman started for a drive About dusk the
patk guard found his borso and buggy In
Pnlrmount park the vehicle bolng empty
The first impression was that there hid been
a runaway and that the banker had boeu
thrown from tlio buggy into the vvntor
\Vlion the body was xound today there were
no marks of vlolenco discernable aud
whether his death was accidental of a sui
ci lo will probably novoriba ituo wn
I xtoiislrn cii the Maolcoy HvBtotn
Evansvili.e Ind , Jau , " 50 The rumors
of a deul by vvl > icb D J , Maokoy is to bocouio
tbo general manugerot the pblcugo Si Cast
Illinois and that that road , and the Lvuns
vlllo & Terra Hauta f are to bo
virtually consolidated pro continued
enough to consider { thorn aocom
nltshbd if the arrancoaient is ratified
In Now York tomoirow 'No doubt is felt
among railroad mon andi financiers that
the so-called Mac Hey system will hereafter
embrace the Chicago tc Enstern Illinois sys
tem and with the extensions now In prepress
press will radinto direct f from hero to
Loulsvlllo , St Louis , Ohlcaxo and Cincln
A Ouel VVilli Winchesters
Dkmsov , rex , Jan 30 Yeatorday after
noon two boys , John Camp and beth Jones ,
the former sixteen and tUot latter fourteen
years old , whllo hunting In ) tbo Chickasaw
nation , both llroi at a rabbit und when it
tell both claimed it Tbo quarrel waxed
warm and Camp challenged Jones
to light It out then , and ( here Xbo challenge
was uecepte 1 an 1 after a , dittanco of fifty
vards hud been paced off they opened fire on
each other with their Wmctiesters Jones
wis shot in the left arm add Camp received
a ball in his leg vhich shattered the bono
An Mtemut to Wrputc n Train
Oil Cm , Pa , Jan6 - A delibcruto at
tempt to wreck the western Now York &
Ponutlvanta > passenger v was made last
night Iho train was derailed , but fortu
uately bojond a soyero skoklng up none of
the pa sencur8 acio injured
v 1
I Ire at bin bnycan
SiiEuoiOAN , Wis , Jan , ,10 Piro this
morning destroyed a block of thieo stores
owned by G C Lad , lost # 30,000
A You tf Man Acoldontally Shot nnd
Killed nonr Urolghton
A 1 armor lu the \ Iclnlt ) of Nelirnilcn
Cit } I orccd to t rnso His Woo
ing Otoo Count ) Tc icli-
1 rs' Attsuclntloii
An xVccllontal sliontlnir
CnnouTov , ob , Inn \ ) [ Special Tolo
grnni to 1111. Ufe ] William i lolds a ) oung
mnn nt Jcssup postnfllcc , southwest of ' '
Lrclbhtoii , vostcrda\ received 11 death wound
nt the humlf , of a companion iho voutig
men wore about to start ho no from a small
store nt Jcssupounu Glelds w tsst indlng
nt the rear ot the sleigh and n shotgun vv is
jc inlng ag linst thu sled pointing b u-ltw ird
und in some way his companion 111 cllmblnc
into the sled iiccklcntulU toughed the trigger
nnd discharged the gun The charge entered
1 kids bre ist neat the heart Ho started to
walk into tbo store but fell ut the door stcn
nnd lived out 11 few hours IIo wis about
twenty yours old un 1 loaves nn nged father
and mother aud nn ol ler Drothcr almost
tiovn VIking Umtcr Difllcii tics
Nehhasi a Citi , Neb , Jan 20 fSpecial
to liir Ufe J lor sovcral ) cars a young
fnnnor named Fd vVillmnn living sovcrul
milts southwest of this cit ) , lias boon pay
Ing attentions to a voung daughter of a
neighboring farmer name 1 Gorhardt but the
prospective match was discouraged b ) the
father owing to the vouth of the girl , who is
but fifteen years old lhe ) oung man however
over , wn3 doturmlned , nnd w .s apparently
encourage I by the ( , lil A few dis ago
U Dim in visited the Homo of his Inamorata
and the subject ncarHt his licirt was
broutched to the old man Ho w is llrinlv
s it down upon and hot words followed
which resulted in a licjit Willman accord
Ing to a neighoor s stor ) , seize 1 a hatchet
llng near and aimed a iiumbci of murderous
blows at Geihardt tbreo of which took
slight effect on his head cutting ugly but not
serious hashes Iho women Intorfcro 1 and
held Gorhardt until Willuian had time toes
cipo lholuttor then came to the cit ) and
svvoro out a jenco vvurrnnt ugainst Gcr-
harlt but learning Inter that ho was liable
to got the worst of the case , ho in ido un
ncrecment with Gerhardt to drou the in li
ter und relinquish his claim on the daughter
News Htoin O'Neill
O NmLt , Neb , Jnn 20 [ Special to Tiir
Llf J An organization b is bcon formed
hctc und numerous coirmlttces nppolntcd
to make nrran emeuta to advertise this
point extensively as the best point from
which lo roach the Sioux leservation by
railroad for all points along the North
western svstom and south of said road It
believed that this town has many advanttjzes
as u point from which to reach the tovern
mont land in northern Nobriska and
southern Dako'a which will soon bo thiown
open for settlement it is the location of the
united States laud ofllce , at which entries
of tbo land in Ncbiaska must bo made It is
thn nearest railroad point to said laud on tbo
south and thcro are splendid roads to a good
crossing of the Niobrara river north of
O Noill
M D Long the right of way agent ot the
Short Line railroad is making good progress
gross in scouring the right of wav between
O Noill and Plainviow nnd as soon as the
frost is out of the ground grading will bo
ronowpd oil along the line Sovcral largo
tracts of land have bucn purchased uljoin
ing O Ncill which are being surveyed and
platted , nnd no less than tlvo good sizoa
udditions to the town will bo lidded this sea
son Quito an ndvance in real ostuto Is
already notlccablo nnd there Is every pros
ncct that O'Neill will have a building boom
the coming season
Iho board of supervisors are hard ut work
looking over the books prep iratorv to matt
Ingllnal settlement with A T Meals the
retiring count ) treasurer who has hud the
handling of the county funds for tbo past
O rscitl has now four weekly newspapers
ono dcmociatic and three republican , and it
Is rumored that the Long Pine Huglo , dom
ocratio , will remove to this olaeo In antici
pation of the big boom that is surely coming
It is unlvorsally believed that the popul ition
of O Noill will double within the present
j oar The proposition to vote ? 5 000 in Vor-
digrls township to nid the Short Line rail
rotid will bo v otcd upofr on tbo Sth inst
O Nelll Is anxious to boo the bonds carry ,
and there is likely to bo a lively contest ever
tbo matter
Complicated I nintlv Itelntlons
HASTiNra Neb , Jan 20 Near tbo town
of Hartwell , twouty two miles from here
ltvo Wm Conuoyors and Joseph Matthews
well to do furmors , Uoth have been twice
murricd The second wife of either Is the
daughter of the other by his first wife Lach
Is the other s son In-law and father In law
They ouch have children by their second
wives Each I3 the cruulfather und broth
cr In law of the other s children Their
children are related in the double degress
of uncles and uunts and noobows and ncicos
and their wives are stop mother and step
child to each other
Two Wnmoii Grintoil Dlvnrpps
Nkiihabka Crrr Neb , Jan 28 fSpeclal
to Inn Hee 1 Mrs Christina Ditson , wife
of Saloonkeeper John Ditson who wns bo
cruelly beaten nnd driven out in tbo snow ,
has won her case in tbo district court She
secured a divorce f 1 om bcr husband and he
will bo compelled to pay her ? 2J ncr month
hereafter , besides cost of case and uttornoja1
foes Mary Ann Comstoclt whoso husband was
In the habit of whipping her with a biack-
snake , was also grunted a divorce , with
costs and attorney feet
1 arm II sliloucn Uurnotl
Bloqminotoy , Neb , Jan 20 [ Special
Telegram to Phl Hee ] This morning nt 3
0 clock 11 ro destroyed the commodious farm
resldoncootJ C Conklln , Jr , ono and n half
miles northwest of franklin The building
and contents are a total loss The family
osenped in their night clothes The loss on
the bouso is (3 500 , and on the contents
tl 000 insured In the Phosnlx of Hartford
for 11,500 on tbo house and 1500 ou tbo con
tents It is supposed thut tbo 11 ro originated
from matches carried by ralco Mr Conklln
will rebuild ut once
Hun Ovei und In&tiintly Kllloil
Vai evtive , Neb , Jan 20 [ S | ei ial Telegram
gram to The Hee ] Gcorte Smith , formerly
a colored soldier , living near 1 ort Niobrara
was run ever and instantly killed this morn
Ing by the J 80 eastern express Smith came
to town last night and after drinking heavily
started for homo in an Intoxicated condi
tlon II is supposed ho wont to sleep on the
track , us his muncled remains were founJ
between tbo mils ut duyllgbt
Oleo County JcnohK
Neiiiusua Citv , Neb , Jan 20 ISpcclal
to Tub Ipk.J ! The eastern division of the
Otoe county teachers association last night
concluded a very interesting two ilais' ses
slou held ut the Institute for the blind
Minors fix a t oil ?
Comwubs , O , Jun 20 Tbo United Mlno
workers convention today agrocd upon a
scale of prices The prices for Illinois are
Wilmington coal Held VOconts , Rtreator 00
cents } Laballo tl , Spring v ullc ) SI ,
Sprincllold , 71) < cunts , Stuutou and Mount
Olive , Ui'i cents , Peoria , district , 63 cents
The price for tno \ > llmiugton coal field ex
" V .V
cluslvoof brushing * \ > pd nt 15cents tor I
ton tbo scale to tnlf' " ' "Ct Mn ) 1 the I
question of a dofon \ 1 was discussed I
u ml the convention ml j iad
a nitnisii ui tuTowi :
Miien Daiungo at IJiih nstiivvu Mail )
8 ii ill Cmltrpakid
( JirrvSTOWN Jau is iho liurrlcino
now proviilllng Isot unt rccodcntol sovcrlt )
It has cnusi 1 much damngo to the tow n A
number of sin ill craft have bcon swamped
Out waul bound llnostcimcrs rcuort tearful
weather in the Irish channel The bark
Sldlaw oaeountoiol hurriea 10s for ten dis
nnd lost the llrst in ito bv drowning
I osiios Jan - ' 0 The Milis continued
vvltl incrc istng strciikth nu t volocit ) In the
southern portion of 1 ti | Inn 1 and Utiles to
duv Mennt sti ut In \ \ lies is renucro 1 lin
passable b ) the furv of the * ilos Mnn\
'sillers hvvo been swept overootrl un I
drowned Iho pindo nt bitidc.ita
is pnrtialh dcslrovol Iho ship
Ircx bound fn ] { io Jnnolio
was wrecked off the Needles ibcvcrnl of the
Clew wcro drowned iho survivors clung
to the rlgLlni all day sntin 11) un 1 I art of
Sundii ) It was Impossluia to scud a lifo
bent to tbelr rescue ns no lo it could livoin
the turbulent so is A lllo llnu wis llnnll )
shot neioss the losscl mil in this wuv the
mm were s ifi ly 1 in lo 1
Ciptnln Mclvnn of tha dinar 1 steamer
Umbrli fiom QWoik roiorts tint the
ptissaeo w is the roughest the v essel ov ei ex
poneiicod Sovorul iiassoiiccrs were injure 1
b ) being thrown violently on tl c deck
Iho buk Jatiot Crown rcturnul toPlv-
mouth She reports two of her t row vv ished
ovorboarduud drowncl 11111 tuiuv injured
The stouinerlorkshlio nt Livertool frim
Haltlmorc , was iloodod ind her brldccs dc
RtroieJ nnd sustal led other lauiaao lliree
seamen wcro blown fiom tbo rictinc and
two drowned
Tl 0 ( lanugo topnioity bv the storm is
general "sumb rliss houses h ivc been un
roofed Thu river Shannon in Itcluud nnd
n number of rivers in Uulns b ivo 01 or
tlowcd their banks Hooding the udjiccut
A Glowing Luto.y 011 ttio Depart d
CoiiIp l ( rate
Itu iivioMi , \ a Tan ° l > Mopart ncalcniy
was crowded Inst ovciiIul , vvithillstlntushcd !
citlzcus of the st ito to lit 11 United St itcs
Sonutor D nlols deliver an oration upon the
. lifo and chnrictor of Jefferson 1) ivis upon
the luv itntion of the leglsl ittiro 1 ho suua
tor si eke two hours Ills address
out was a culog ) of Dav Is In the course of
his speech ho slid
' lhouch great In many things Jefferson
Davis was greatest in that fortune which
first Wtod him to the loftiest holght nnd
casllnct him thcuco into tl o depths of disap
polntment foun i him cvcrwhco erect und
the constant friend of truth In the fito
wlilcu overwhelmed the confedor
ncy and its picsilcnt , his official
iceords nnd prlvato papers fell into the
hands of his enemies Uiuy eyes searched
to sco if bo hud overstcppel tlio bounds
which thn la vs of war h ivo set and could
such oiidonco have ben found wrathful
hearts would have cried for \cnccanco , but
though ovury lillin 1 lice w isoponel and a
rowurd wus read ) for nnv ono who would
botrnv fho secrets of tl 0 ciutlve chief theio
cuul 1 bo foun 1 no guilt ) fact nnd the aecus
ing tongues were silenced "
Kcfcrrinc to the gathering of govcrnorn
old soldiers und other prominent southerners
at Davis funonij Senator Daniel said
' Completer tcstinuny to human worth was
never given , atA thus It will bo that the
south wilt build a monument to record its
verdict that ho was true lo Ills people bin
conscience nnd bis Got ! "
811 bh llbuOhbO
Tlio Ccu 11 nl V 101II0 and California V
On mm Snow ltonnrl
Svv FitANCiseo Cal Jnn 20 The snow
b'ockado ' ou tbo Central Pacific and the
California & , Oroeoti lallrouds is still on
Warm ruin has fallen at 1101 enern polnis ai it
is shifting southward but the storm is much
less violent nnd the nmount of snow melted
in the mountains is therefore less 11 0 rain
full in tno neighborhood of this city forjtho
past two daB wns so heavy thut am ill
washouts uro reported on nil sides No
trains uro running on the Southern Pacific
const road aud the three lines to Sacramento
are closed
Tlirei Foot ol Snow
Cocfvc , Cnl Jun 20 Two east bound
overland trains one of which was snow
bound at Shady Hun and the other nt this
place for the past nlu < * or ton dn s were
released ) estordu ) aud returned to Sacra
At Iruckeo ever three feet of snow has
fallen in tbo last twouty four hours rho
latest report * bIiow the railroad clear from
tunnel IB cast and snow plows are bolng
kept in constant motion
riin Chinook Illow nj
PoiiTLAND , Ore Jnu 21 llieolockadoou
the Union Pacltla is again virtually raised
rho * Chinook ' is blowing end tbo snow is
moltlm Superintend nt Johnson of the
Union l'ncillo says that barring snow slides
no fear Is felt ot further interruption 'iho
San 1-rancisco route is still closou
The l > ouli Uocort
MriuuEV Miss , Jan JJ Captain Charles
W Head , prosi lent of the board of harbor
masters New Oi loans , and a famous con
federate naval officer , died yestorduy ot
Huijlliieiio , Jan 2fl Judjo William F
Pitshko of Isuw lark City dlod hero last
Oulssa Jnn 20 General Ifudctrky is
dead Hq was ono of tbo borons of Slupka
Pass which wis so gallantly hold by the
Husslans ugainst the lurks in 1878
Winvuio Jnn0 Cuptain Wltlhin
Konncda who commanded the first n.llof
expedition for Sir John 1 innklin , the Arctic
oxplorcr , die 1 at Ins homo in Saint Andrews
yes lord ay
A t < nlnl I mom
Wiieeuno , \ \ Vn.Jnn0At Trap Hill
Hulolgh county , C U Trump applied u foul
epithet to a man uatnod Snuffer und shot at
him Iho bullet struck 1 ! dridfo Smith ,
wounding him badly Snuffer thou fired at
Trump und the two man caucnt , each other
with their loft hands urd each tired two
shots Snuffer was hit In the bead whllo
Trump wus shot through the body and dlod
shortly uftor t ldriiif , " Smith may die
lhe Oerinnn-i z 0I1 Aurnomonr
Piuoui Jan 20 Tlio oxecutiv o commit
tee of tbo German party In Uohumla ao
coptcd in its entirety the agreement of the
rccont Germau-C/cch conference in Vienna
At a meeting of the conservatives aud old
Czech members of thu diet today it wus do
cldelto accept the Hoheinmn conference
agreement lbo young C/cchs have up
pointed u commlttco to cxumlno tlio utrcu
Sl.auriao Hart Aciaitnd |
NevyOiutANS Jan 20. Iho Jury lu the
case of Maurice Hart ludli ted in connection
with tbo bond dofulcation of ux-Stuo Ireas
urcr Uurltc , jestcrda ) without loavint , their
Boats returned a vprdict of not huilty Iho
cube hus occupied the attention of the court
slucu Manauy and wis thu most important
case of this kind ever tried 111 tiiis statu
I i Pilpu Snf
Lovpov , Jan 23 Iho Posts Ucrlin cor
respondent sajs : Major Wlssmann has teloj
graphed the government continuing tbo
report of the safety of Ur Peters
Jul Icsiiu Arrltcf
New Youk , Jun 20 Peter luokson , the
colored putJUat , was 011 board the Adriatic
which arrived tonIjlit IIo is feollngud
looking lu tpieiidtd condition
7 I MR ROOSEYkLl'S ' Lk\\\ \ \ \
Fotmor Msthoda of the Now York
Custom House
The Unf'ortuunto CovirmiiPiit I in *
liln > o I It tier Ij-t Out Oi Porsv >
ciitod llll lie Paid tha Po
litical Vs ( ssni jut
Civil Sirvinn luviMtlg itlon
vsiitNOTON , Ian 20 Civil Sorvlco Co n >
mlsslonur Uoosov oil li is submitted tn the full
cotnuilttcu the riport of the recent invostlc , i-
tlon into the nllcie 1 viol itioas of thu iivil
Eirvleo luv In the Now Y01U custom house
] 1st prior to the list prcsllentlil election
U | 011 the subject of tha collection of politic it
assessments durlne , thut c 11111 1U11 Kmsevilt
s V5 s the present law h 1 * tmt n couu loto stop
to thu 01 en spoil itlon of poor clerks nn 1 li is
u udo it coiiipnritlvcl ) lurl to mulct them
oven accretl ) ' Govrtiinent oui | loves do
not ns 11 rule contributu slmpl ) from 11 ilu-
siru to help the politic il cause lu wbiih they
b liovo In other words , the cm
plocs uro coerce 1 b ) the fear that
their positions will bo Jroiaidi/cl
If they full to do so It Is probabh Mifo to
01) thut 1)0 ) 1 cr cent ot thu mono ) collccte 1
lor lolltical purposes from minor gov em
inent il cmploes rc | resents so lunch black
mall lbosa who ii.ico | lu politics with tlio
parlv in control fed some nssuranco of 1 lo-
tection if the ) loftiso to bo cocr ol in turt-
ini , with tl olr uionu ) but the unfortunates
of the o | 1 oslto politic il faith fccllnc th t
thov have no power b hin 1 tliem on which
to 1 civ nro ncivouslv atruld of Lliuc. . offi 1 so
and ) lell he 11 cssly when thruitoncd Iho
nuioint pill is not uasoluteli Ver ) hrcat In
eieh indlvliual case but to tin loorelirc
Just ible to e , it ulo ig the lots if 11 cr co it
ot his sal ir ) in i110 in Just thu dilToiuitco
between having ind not hivlnir nn ovcrco it
for himself a wuriu dress for his wife nr it
Christmas tree for his chit Iron Anothui
fiet to be romembrrcl Is tl it tuuch of the
monov so coltcctcl is ucvci turned into thu
pait ) campaign chests nt all heme kept foi
thoh own 1 rivnto uses bv the Jickils whi
collect them Ouu of lbo witness ! s hi tha
present cisc n sti 1111 , republic 111 who wis
bol ling ofllco under the lust ndmintsti ition ,
testlllcs that he was udvlsed to contilfcutc to
the democratic camp ilgn fund by ono of his
frierds 11 Now York republican district
leidor as bolng the onlv thing to do if ho
wished to kicp his place
'lu the luv cstlc itlon of the nllogcl viola
tions of the law ul , linst mill ing po
lineal assessments I have mndo amore
moro or less com ] loto cxnmiua
tion into tbo conduct lu this
rest cot of the oltlco of the collector sui v c01
aid nuv il oftlcor of the of New \orkr
durlne the l residential election of lb In
tl 0 11 ivnl oltlco under Mr Hurt mv invest !
Mtion goes to show the liwwns obsorvel
absolute 1) both In the letter nu 1 the spirit
\b f ir is I cm find out theio were no col
lections made for politicnl put poses , in uny
si ape or fotm mil nothing like politic il
coercion was tolcratid
In the collector s ofllco there was ammr
cntly a widcM re id but b ) no moans ulw 11) s
successful effort iniide to cv ido the law by
persuading or forcing rcbublic 111 clerks toe
contrlbuto A list of thcsorcpuolican clerics
must have bcon kept because they were
est cclallv singled out for moro or less In
direct solicitation cither leiBonallv or by
circular und there Is the tootlmony of cno
vv'tness ' that this bolicltatlon wus undertaken
bv the express command of Mugono * prlv nla
sccrotaiy , there being nothing to show how * *
over that Mneono ivae aw ire of his secre
tary 8 action Iho effort to malio them con
tribute was mndo Indiiectly und usually so
( .uardedly thut It is ( lilllciilt lo siy if the law
was actu illy violated in its letter
In the surveor's ofllce unler Houttie ,
contribOtioiiB as f ir as is shown oy the tes-
tlmon ) of twenty eight witnesses examined ,
were univcrsil Iho democrats geneiully
bavo their mono ) of their own accorl but
all tha republican cletks were
pructica ly forced u-alnst tholi will
to pay what were in rcnliU I otiticll assess
ments for the benefit of tlio opoosito party
This wus mndo by un ingenious and wide
spread system of veiled threats and oovort
intimation so well carried out It was com
pletcly successful Lvory method wns re
sorted to whllo ut the aatno tlmo avoiding an
actual demand for monov Tor Inst into ,
some vvltnossts were forced to contribute by-
being made very uncomfortublo In their work
until they did so They vvcro originally at
work nt stations near their homes and wora
suddenly shifted to otheis tai distant nnd
vorv Inconvenient for them to go to llicir
Inquiries filled to discovm the reason lor
thu change and thev were kept in the now
pi ices until they finally inauo up their winds
to pay when thov were transferred back lo
their old postB without a word bolng said
DiBTiLiiLits' riiusr
Important Action at tlio Ilpcont aipet-
) nt ; H i nriltiiK Organization
Chicago Jnn 20 [ Special Telegram to
liu Hi e J Although it was clvcmout at the
tlmo of the recent meeting of the trustees
of the distillers trust thut nothing but
routine business was accomplished , It now
appears that un Important chaniro was do
elded upon in the matter of organization
1 ho 1 imes today publishes a letter slc.nod by
Piesldont Greonhaut nnd Secretary Gibson
of tbo National hisky trust and addressed
to certillcato holders ' all over the country ,
stating th it the trustees of the distillers and
cittlu feeders trust at 11 rocout meeting
voted unanimously in favor of chancing tlio
urcseiit on , mlzatlon Into thut of acoipora
tion uu ler tbo laws of tbo st ito of Illinois
and directed thnt , a special meclinc , of these
holding certificates bo called at l'ooria for
i obruuiy 11 1SJ0 , for the purpose of con
sidering the advisability of 1 hanging the
present organization Into a coiporntion and
to tuko such actio 1 as may bo doomed ad
visable lbo Times Biiis that 11 prominent
mumbcr of the trust suid last night that tl e
continued talk of national and state legisla
tion uglinst trusts made it obligatory upon
them to protect thouisolvos by organizing wt-
ono vast corporation
La Plntto Mlno Intindntpd by a But )
torrnncan Kivnr
Lpadviiip , Col , Jan .0 Yosterdn ) ,
after the men ougagod In the drift of La
Platte mine had llrcd a round of holes they
were astonished by boating 11 nolso llku the
rushing of a millitv river and when the
smoke cleared they saw from whera they
stood a river luniiing out of the dnlt They
hud barely time to escape und in less than
tlvo hours tbo mlno was Hooded within .70
feet ot ( ho surfueo Pour thousand feci of
drift ere is submcrcod mid thousands of feet
of slopes uro covered on 1 many think u luku
wus ciicouutcrc 1 and th it when un opening
was made bv thu shots that it burst through
tlio thin barrier and flooded the mine If It
pro yea to bu a pocket of water vcr ) valuable
mineral will bo found behind il , us thut 1 as
boon the rule heretofore In that case the
watur can bo pumped out in thirty duB , but
if it is u water course the mlno will have to
bo abauuoned
hiu uiiBlitp Ai rivals
At Now York iho Adriatic , from Liver
pool , thebtute of Indiana from Gtuegow ;
the Pcypt , from London , the Moray ! 1 , froui
Hamburg , the Sorrento from Hamburg , the
Saale , froui Bremen , tlio America , from
Hroinen , the Colorado , from Hull
llio Weailmr i'nrpouflr ,
r or Omaha and vicinity I ulr weather
1 or Nebraska nnd Iowa Cooler ) gen
crnll ) fair weather , northorl ) winds
1 or South illukoU Colder , fnix , uertU >
wcsterl ) wind * .