Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1890, Image 1

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    1 The Omaha Daily Bee
An Impudent Proposition by the
Iowa Bourbons
* * lho Bonnie Grows Wonry or Waiting
[ fur tlio Orgnnlz-utim or
" * tlio House ami
Adjourns ,
At tlio lava Cnltnl. .
Des Maisrs , la , Jan 17. [ Spoclnl Telo-
gran , to Tub Uce ] Tlio situation tonight
as regards the organization ot tlio house is
• still very much mixed Everybody Is smil-
Ingnt thonstoundinggnll of the democrats
In limiting tholr lust proposition for a coin
promise They Instructed their conference
commlttco to propose that the democrats
' should have the speaker , the republicans the
clerk , and the democrats the chairmanships
of the four following commtttoos judiciary ,
* * . railways , appropriations nnd suppression of
* Haf * intompcrnnce the four most important com
mlttnes Milt session They would kindly
permit the ropuhllcans to select any other
four , and then the remainder of the commit
tees were to ho divided equally between the
two parties
'J lint was about the nerviest proposition
that has yet been made , but til" republicans
didn't ' wusto liny tiuio In convsldorlng It
J It was reported around the hotels tonight
g that Mr Hwart , the union labor man from
* Powoshlok county , was willing to break tlio
deadlock if the republicans would lot him bo
( speaker nnd let him nnino bis friend , II S.
Wilcox , of this city us clerk That nlso was
asking a little too much , for if the republi
cans cannot have n republican for speaker
tboy certainly want to huvo something
to Bay about what member of the
opposition shull bo speaker So everything
is at sen tonight , but conference committees
are at work trvme to fix up some arrange
ment which will permit ot a temporary or
ganization tomorrow
Tlio snnator3 , like scnslbto men , have gene
homo , to bo cone till next Tucsduv , hoping
that in the mo.iutlruo tlio house will reach
bouio kind of an understanding by which It
can do business Governor Holes has also
gene homo Ho thinks ho can wnit tit
Waterloo for the inauguration quite us well
ns hero , nnd esenpo the importunities of a
honlo of olllcosoekcrs by so doing Souator
Allison will probably roinaln till tomorrow
Till ) Jlouup
Des Moine3 , la , Jan 17. After the open
Ing of the house tlio following pairs wcro
announced : Gardner ( rep ) with Estcs and
i Smith with Beetn Estcs is tlio first demo
1 emtio member who has been unable to attend
sessions All the other members were
present The fifteenth roll e.Ul on temporary
rary clerk was taken up and resulted in n
- - VOte of 48 to 43. In the house wnro many
prominent politicians ot both parties It was
expected in consequence of the action of the
senatorial caucus lust nignt thcro would bo a
break in the democratic ranksbut up to 11:40 : ,
after fourteen ballots had been taken , it had
not materialized Ilicro have been twenty
nine ballots in all On motion of Luke of
Franklin tlio house adjourned until 2:80. :
The parties immediately wont into caucus
In the afternoon nuothor pair was an-
oounccd , caused by the sickness of Eilers of
Jones on the democratic side Brown of
ttho paired with him Immediately
alter ttio pair being announced Holbrook of
Iowa ( clem ) moved nn adjournment till to
morrow at 10 a. m. to allow the conference
committee time to work The motion was
lost and the thirtieth roll call proceeded
With It resulted : Lehman ( detn ) , 47 ; Van
tecuourg , 47. Eight ballots wore taken ,
each resulting tlio same as the ilrst , whou
Luke of Franklin moved an adjournment
The motion carried A yea and nay vote
wim called for and Wood ( dom ) voted with
the republicans for adjournment Chairman
Luuo took the tally nlieet of the reading
clerk nnd read the vote a tlo , but the tally
sheet of the tellers showed a vote of 40 to 48
for adjournment
Tlin He lint i > Adjourns
Des Moines , la , Jan 17. In the sen-
nto this morning a resolution was adopted
authorizing the secretary of state to
assign Beats to ronortcrs Lieutenant Gov
ernor Hill announced as the commlttco on in
auguration , Senators Mcservey , Balllngail
and Dodge , Adjournment was then tauon
until 2 pm next Tuesday
Potts Found Utility
Des Moines , la , Jan 17. | Spoclal Tele
gram to Tub Hbe ] The trial of Constable
Potts , the prohibition searcher who was
charged with perjury In his own trial for
bribery , was concluded at Indlanola today
with a verdict of guilty The case is ono of
considerable interest , as Potts was ono of the
most active of the constables whoso irritat
ing methods brought the prohibitory law
inlo dlsroputu , Ho took a etinngo of venue
to Warren county , nn adjoining county ,
claiming that public prejudice was too
strong against hi in to permit a fair trial in
.j _ . Des Moines Hut the verdict was guilty
even there
CJols Tlitrty-Flvo Yours
Davkni'O'it , In . Jan 17.-7Speoial [ Telegram
gram to Tiik IIke.1 John Webb , who made
the murderous assault on Thomas W. Mc-
f Causland , ono of the best known men in
eastern Iowa , the night of February 28 ,
1839 , was today sentenced to tnlrty-llvo
yoarBiu the penitentiary Thotlmo for the
prisoners sentence was fixed for tomorrow ,
but fturiim that a mob might como down
from MeOausland nnd do him violence ,
Webb notified Judge Water man that bo
wanted to waive time aud bo sentenced at
once Tlio sheriff hurried his man out of
town tonight
Colonel hAip | Seriously 111.
Des Moines , la , Jan 17. [ Special Tele
gram to The Ueb ] Colonel W. F. Sapp of
Council muffs , who was t a It on suddenly 111
last night , was enough better to go homo
toduy Ho went over to the capltol lust
night to attend the senatorial caucus Soon
after oiitotlng the building ho beenmo vie
lently sick uud had to stay tliero ull night
Closer Ti-ndo Helm Ions With tlio
Ktni6 DUoiihmmI
Ottawa , Jan , 17. Durlug the parliamen
tary debate this nftoruoon on the address in
reply to the speech from the throne , Pope ,
the member for Common , denounced tlioso
who favored annexation with the United
Btatcs and referred to the Atlantic nud
Hehrlng sea question at great length
Hon Mr , Lnurier , the leuder of the
opposition , criticised the policy of the
government in regard to the settlement of
- , international disputes and camu out strougly
. in favor of closer trudo relations with lho
UnlUa States
Sir John McDonald in rcplv said
thn disputes would soon bo Bet
led on a basis consistent with
national dignity Ho favored closer trade
relations with the United Slates , but this
was out of the question at present owing to
the protective policy of the Harrison aduilu-
> " titration Sir Jcnu said protection was des
< r tlned to bo the policy ol Canada for many
i years to como
f Another Hoston Ilrc
Bostox , Muis , Jan 17 , A lire which Is
tthn to have started on the lower lloor of
Claflio , Coburn & Co ' * building this mora
\v \ spread with rcmaraublo rapidity to the
upper stories The building is of stone four
stories high , Claflln , Coburn U Co nro boot
nnd short dealers and the linns adjoining nro
dealers in leather and shoo findings The
flro was confined to the Claflln building nnd
at 10 o'clock was gotten under , control ConJ
sldcrablo damage was done to adjoining
buildings by water An oatlmato of the loss
places It between $100,000 and ? 200,000. 1 ho
li ss nn the Claflln building alone is about
Later a general estltnnto of the loss made
bv nn Insurance expert places It between
fTjO.OOO nnd $73,000. The Insurauco is ample
to t cover the toss
A Colored Itlslicip on the Scticino to
Alii Nrizro Emigration
Louisvillr , Ky , Jan 17. ISpoclal Telegram -
gram to The Bee.1 H. M Tumor , D. D. ,
of Atlnutn , Go , , bishop of the A. M. E ,
church , arrived here toduy and was asked
what , ho thought of the bill before congress
which proposes to give national aid to such
colored people as might dcslro to return to
Africa or elsewhere , and replied by sayingt
God grant that the bill may pass The
whtto people brought us here against our
will , Now they ought to provide for us to
lenvo | If wo desire , Besides , wo must
work 1 out our destiny anyhow , nnd If
a i portion of us think wo can do It bettor
elsewhere ! let the nation help us to try It
If the bill meant compulsory expatriation I
would light it to the death , but as it is voluntary -
untary i upon the part of tlio negro , lot it pass
ns soon as possible The negro at best is
but ' a scullion here , and ho can bo no less in
Africa I am tired of negro problems ,
lynch laws , mob rule and n continual fuss ,
aud a million of other negroes nro tired of
it Wo want po.icoatsomoponod In our
existence ; , and if wo cau not have It here ,
where wo were born nnd roared , lot that
portion of us who cheese to try another boc-
llon ; of the world have a llttlo help This
nation owes tlio negro $40,000,000,000 anyway ,
so give us a llttlo to emigrate upon
Sr Louis , Jan 17. Letters rccoivod by
W. L. Euglcson , business manager of the
Oklahoma Immigration society in Kansas ,
from points in North Carolina , say u largo
number of negroes of that state are going
through in a wagon this winter to the now
territory Eagleson says there are about
twenty-two thousand negroes in Oklahoma ,
nnd by spring there will bo at least fifty
No Material Change in tin ; Legislative
Helena , Mont , Jan 17. There is no ma
terial change In the legislative situation
The consideration of the Joint rules was
postponed in the senate owing to tbo Illness
of Brown ( rep ) . Among several mensures
passed by the republican house Is the oppo
sition bill , the consideration of which in the
upper house is opposed by the domocratlo
members of that evenly divided body It Is
believed the republican sonatorj if nil are
uroscnt will next week procond to act on
house bills , notwithstanding that oxocutlvo
interference might attempt to prevent the
construction of now laws
'lho domocratio house remains scattered
and the adjournment continues for want of a
quorum The senate adjourned until Mon
day and the republican house will do the
same toduy
A petition for a writ of mandamus was
filed today in the supreme court by Attorney
William Thompson , a member of the repub
lican house , from Silver How county , to coinj
pel Auditor Kenney to issue to him a war
rant for per diam and mileage The case
was sat for Monday The action is brought
to test the validity of the state board certifi
cate which Thompson holds , ho being ono
of tbo members elected by the eliminating
vote at Tunnel precinct
The Kansas Legislative Itrlberies to
bo Invostiicntcd
Kansas Citt , Mo , Jan 17. fSpocial Telo-
grain to Tim Uee " | A special tonight from
Topeka Bays : There is serious trouble In
store for members of the Kansas legislature
who have accepted bribes , and also for tlioso
legislative sharpers who have bean hribo
glyers Tonight it was learned that a peti
tion is la circulation asicing Judge Guthrie
to convene the grand jury for the purpeso of
investigating the acts of members of the last
legislature and of certain state oflfcers
Over ono hundred names have bcou sccurod ,
and tbo district court hns full jurisdiction
If the petition meets the legal requirements
a scmsatlon such as Kansas has not ex
perienced in years will bo the inevitable re
South Dakota Ijeclslntnro
Pieiuie , S. D „ Jan 17. [ Special Tele
gram to The Bee ] An important measure
came before tbo senate today which designs
to do away with the oBlco of justice of the
peace and substltuto district attorney and
county commissioners as a tribunal before
which all criminal suits should bo brought
for preliminary bearing The discussion on
this monsuro occupied the creator part of the
session today
Ill the house the day was taken up in dis
cussing delinquent taxes from September to
February The house has adjourned until
Tuesday to allow some of the members to
visit their homes nnd allow others to recover
from la grippe , which has laid many low
South Dnkota'x Agricultural Hoard
Pieiuie , S. D. , Jan , 17. fSpocial Telegram
to The Hee | The two days session of the
Soutli Dakota board of agriculture adjourned
today uftor a business session of two days
Aberdeen was chosen us the place for the
next meeting of tbo state fair , which will
doubtless occur in October
A I'rotly Girl Mysteriously Murdered
mid Hurled
Ciii'.VESNB , Wyo , Jan 17. In August last
Edna Wilson , a pretty girl of eighteen , mys-
terlously disappeared A youog stockman
nainod MeCotnb wont away at the
same time , and us ho had
been paying her attention against nor
mothers wishes It was supposed they had
oloiied MeComb seen returned , however ,
and denied this Soon after MeCoinu sold
his ranch and left for parts un
known Monday last the now owner of
the runch discovered a body which
had been buried under the lloor ot a cabin
in an unfrequented part of the ranch , which
was positively Identified as that of the miss
ing girl There was a bullet liolo through
lho skull uud It Is now believed McComb
murdered her A fund bus been raised to
oinploy detectives to hunt him down
Indiana I < 'lomls Bulnidliig
Evansvilue , Ind , Jan , 17 , In regard to
the reported Hoods In this regiou , dispatches
from White Wabash und Llttlo Wabash la
dleato that these rivers gro fulling slowly
The low lands are all covered , but no reports
of sorlous damage uro at hand The Curuii
proper has not been overflowed , but the
ucgro settlement in a hollow oppuslio Curml
has been Hooded , About seventy-11 vo fami
lies residing tliero etcapod in safety with
their effects to Carmi ,
Hum Iteeognljced llrazll
New Yens , Jan 17 , Senor Calvi , consul
general ol the Argentina Ilopublio in New
York , Has made public u copy of the formal
proclamation issued by bis govurnmont in
recognition ot the newly established repub
lic of llruzll
Down Willi Iuuiiinonlii
Home , Jan 17. Prince Amadco , duke of
Aosta , u brother ot the king aud formerly
king of Spaiu , has pneumonia
Attempt to Square Oorbln Before
Forolgn Stockholders
He Writes a Long Communication to
the Press In Dcfeine or the
Action of-Ills Clilof In
the Matter
_ _ _ _
In DotcnHO of Coruln
[ Coni/rlofit WJ0 hu , iamsa ( Jordmi flsniist'.l
Losno.v , Jan 17. [ Now York Herald
j Cable Special to The Ueu.1 Sebastian U.
Sehlesslngor has sent the following letter to
tho'London 1 Herald , dated No 8 Wilton
place 1 , Uolgravo square , January 17 : "I
hnvo ' rofrntt' .cd from taking any notice ot the
attacks that have boon made upon Mr Cor-
bin ' because my position ns agent of the
Philadelphia 1 & Rending railroad company
makes i it a delicate matter for mo to speak nt ,
all , , In the interests of justice and fair play
I J ask your kind permission to trospnss on the
valuable space of your columns to the extent
of i a ton words , not as an agent of the com
pany but ns an individual having a right to
express his opinion It is just b ccauso I am
Corbln's ' representative that I have had
ample ' opportunity to Judge him nnd
to \ know the motives which guldo his
actions , , and it was because I know
Corbin so well before I had business rela
tions 1 with him and felt convinced of his hon
esty i ot purpose as well as ability that I was
glad | to accept his offer to roprcsent him on
this ' sldo , Corbin is neither a wrecker nor
an ' operator His past record shows that
His mission has been and is to work for the
benefit of the proprietors of the Long Island
railroad , which was hopelessly in the mud
Ho took it out ot the mire , nnd the stock ,
which was selling at 25 cents on the dollar ,
isnow not far from par and for years has
paid regular dlvidonds to the stockholders
The Jersey Central railroad , which was in a
similar position , ho helped to put on its legs
The stock Is now worth $ 127 , against about
$25 per share Corbin has loft to
others the management of the road , and tbo
talk that his interest in Jersey Central has
induced him to sacrifice Uoading has not a
vestige of truth at the bottom of it Nowas
regards Heading , I have suffered , in com
pany with ethers , a largo loss , but this fact
does not diminish tbo esteem nnd respect I
have for Corbin nnd the confldonco I rcposo
In him It is perfectlr true that when Cor
bin was hero ho confidently expected to pay
the full interest on the first preference in
come bonds , and ho so exsrossoa himself at
the time I have no doubt whatever that ho
and the other trustees fully believed that
the earnings would bo sufficient to meet this
Interest , but when the accounts for the year
were closed the situation was changed The
coal and iron company has forty-ono col
lieries and the system is so largo
and the accounts are so complicated
that the most farseeing might fall
to form an exact ostlmateof the probable
final result It was found that the improve
ments made during the year could not bo
fairly carrlod into next years accounts ,
Everything was fully discussed and Drexel
& Morgan and tbo tiustees all doclded that
there was but ono course to bo pursuoJ
not to pay the interest where none bad been
earned and none ot the directors or trustees
would consent to borrow money for such a
purpose The annual report will demonstrate
that in spite of the warm weather , floods and
exceptionally heavy expense , a great earning
power has been shown , and in duo
time , when the road equipment and
collieries are in proper condition and
with a good coal trade , all of the owners may
expect to rcceivo a good revenue No Im
partial mind investigating the affairs ot thn
Reading can fail to como to the conclusion
that the present manngomont is able , eco
nomical and honest , having no ether end in
view than to do tholr best for the property
nud its owners Any change in the man
agement can not bottcr things and can only
do harm Piorpont Morgan is far too able
and far too indopoadoat to have approved
Corbln's course if ho did not believe it to bo
best , and as ho or his firm are probably the
largest holders of the income bonds , his
judgment should bo taken as conclusive "
The Great Dlvlno Tulla oC Ills Trip to
the Holy Land
( Copi/rfofit 1800 by Jam , ' . * Uo > don Jlenmlt )
Paius , Jan 17. I Now York Herald Cable
Special to The Bee | llov Talmago ot
the Brooklyn Taoornaclo has aulto recov
ered from the attack of intluonza which
seized him here and Is In excellent health
and spirits When I called on him at tbo
American ministers a carriage was waiting
to convoy the clergyman's family to the
Hols do Boulogne Ho was entertained at
dinner Wednesday night by Whitolaw Reed
"I am in Paris for the first time slnco 18S5 ,
but never before during the winter Purls
Is charming I regret very much that
I must sail so soon , on the 2oth ,
to resume my duties I have roturaod
from the most enjoyable trip of my llfo , I
have been all over the Holy Land and into
parts of Italy-Rome , for instance , which I
bud not seen before , although I have boon
abroad inuny time * . Every plaeo In Pales
tine has a great interest for mo , Just oeforo
I reached Uethlohom and Jerusalem 1 could
not sleep I was as excited ns a boy , for it
was the roulization of a lifo dream , At
Jerloho I met an American , whose nama I
have forgotten , who asked mo to baptlzo him
in the river ot Jordan , so ono line Sunday
moini'ig , when the sun shone gloriously
bright , wo assembled together on the banks
of the great river I was clad in tbo white
robes of nn Arab sheikh A small crowd ot
interested people gathered about me , some
of whom were American * . Wosang together
"On Jordan's Stormy Hank I Stand , " whioh
my dauphtor had copied from a hymn book
and distributed After this the rlto of Im
mersion was performed and wo disbanded
My trip was replete with biblical interest I
feel doubly repaid for It "
A Gluho Trotter Mimes Connections
ICopurlaht 1X0 bu J < fnei Oortot Hcwtt.\ \
Paius , Jan 17. fNow York Herald Cable
Special to The Hee.1 Miss Hlsland of
Louisiana , the young Jady who started on a
tour oround tlio world to roach Now York
on tbo 27th of this month , will arrive tomor
row morning at Villenuvo , Saint Georges ,
twenty miles from Paris , at 1 oclock Stio
is too late , however , to take the Champagne ,
which is hooked to sail at 7 tomorrow morn
ing , consequently Miss Hlsland , who Is a
very pretty brunette , twenty-throa years
old , has missed speedy transportation
Cabled Congratulations
[ CnpvrfiiM } ) bjjtm'i fljnicri Ihil'it'.l.l '
Paius , Jin 17 , INow York Herald
Cable Special to The Hee.I Mr and Mrs
Navarro of New York cabled today their
congratulations on their sons engagement
Ii I Mary Aiidersont who is at Sna Homo with
Dr Shepard and family Mr A. Do Navarro
Is nt the same place
Palmer l Ilouno Jl'irliers In Chicago
Sniih n Oolnrctl Dolognto
Chicago , Jan 17. ISpeclal Telegram to
Thk Hnu.J The delegates to the Afrlco-
American convention are excited over nn al
leged J indignity to which ono of tholr number
was subjected Today a dolognto walked
nto the Palmer house barber shop and at the
call of next took a chair for a shave The
harbor ] attached to the chair loft and went
down ( stnlrs and remained there The dele
gnto I tried another chair and that harbor nlso
wont down stairs The dolognto tried several
oral ! other chairs nud other barbers disap-
jioared , whereupon ho was compelled to leave
unsliuvcd j Chief Harbor Wllkins , sneaking
of ( the incident , snid that ho and the rest
would give up their positions rather than
shavn ] a negro Mr Eden , lho proprietor ,
wns J out ot the city , but ho will bo cnllud
upon to mnko ntonoment for this nllogcd violation -
lation of civil rights
An Address to tlio Public The Rlnlr
Hill Ktulor-icd.
Ciiioaoo , Jan 17. At the convention of
the Afro-American league todny the com
tnlttco on resolutions reported the following
resolutions , which were adopted !
The objects of the league are to pretest
against taxation without representation ; to
sccuro j a moro cquitnblo distribution of the
school funds in tlioso states where sonarate
schools exist ; to insist upon a fair and impartial -
partial trial by a Judge and Jury of our peers
in nil causes at law wherein wo may bo party ;
to resist by ail legal and reasonable means
nil mob and lynch law whereof wo nro the
victims , and to insist upon the arrest and
conviction of all such ofloaders against our
legal rights ; to resist in the courts the
tyrannical usages of rallrond , steamboat nnd
ether corporations where wo nro conconod "
Other articles were adopted providing for
the establishment of local and state leagues
and the holding of state conventions
Tbo constitution was adopted after ienethy
debate , as was also a lengthy address to the
public , which earnestly pretests against
nil forms of vlolonco , as never Justifiable
except In self defense It advocates the
establishment of Atro-Amorioan banks and amore
moro equnl distribution of the colored popu
lation throughout the country
The report of the commlttoo on education
favoring the passage of the Blair bill by congress -
gross , provoked a long discussion Portuno
of Now York contended that its passage
meant oternnl discrimination between the
whites and blacks . ' m the schools of the
Prof Prlco argued that tha colored people
of the Botith were crying for education and
did not care how tbo money came to them if
It onlv came
The Blair bill was endorsed Prof Price
was elected president of the lnguo Ho is
president of the Livingstone school in Salis
bury , N. C. Thomas Kortuno was elected
secretary , and C. H , Jackson of Cincinnati
trcasuicr Adjournedslno die
Will Tlo Tip With the Knights "
PiTTsnuito , Jan 17 , The question of the
coal miners of West Virginia , Pennsylvania ,
Ohio , Indiana and Illinois Inreforonco to the
proposed reorganization and consolidation ot
the National Progressive union and the
Knights of Labor is about Bottled , Ooor-
ators seen today sav the proposed consolida
tion is tbo host nctiorritto mlpors can take
It.will have the ofTeot'of putting an end to
the llsagroemcnts and fights against each
other Beyond this is the assertion of the
operators that they will got them in conven
tion to arrange prices , a thing they could not
do under present conditions
Joachim O , von Sohlllhn Looked Up
Tor Junipliie a Board BUI
New Yohk , Jan 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn Bee.1 Baron Jonohlm C. von Scbillhu ,
twonty-flvo years old , was locked up in the
station house tonight charged with beating
the proprietor of the Madison Park hotel out
of a board bill of $200. The baron is a son
of a member of the reiehstag , and after
graduating at the university of Uonn served
a short time in the nrmy and
then came to this country Ho
received remittances regularly and
about n year ago hojnarrled a young Jewess
who lived In the swell Bocloty of Chicago
The baron added to his resources by teach
ing German and French Ho deserted his
wife at Madison Purk hotel and she went
to live with friends It is said that the baron
. has swindled a number of boarding bouses
and hotels ,
Arrested lor Smuggling
NewYoiik , Jan J17. ISpocial Telegram
to The Bee.1 Captain Kitty of the steamer
Saratoga of Wards line , which arrived here
on Wednesday from Havana , wns arrested
at ills homo in Harlem today on a charge ot
smuggling He had a grip sack containing
t5,0O0 worth of juwolry , on which no duty
had been paid * Ho says a passenger re
quested him to toke earo of the grip for him
without lolling him what were Its contents
Subsequently this passenger , Isuao Lomm , n
natlvo of Amsterdam , Holland , was arrested
in the olllca of a Drokcr , with whom ho wns
arranging to have the Jewelry sent to Hol
land Ho denies that ho hud any intention
of smngglinc Both men wcro taltcir before
Commissioner Shields and held in $ .2,500 ball
each for examination tomorrow
The I'nnuinn Cnnnl
Panama , Jan 17. The president of the
commltteo which is studying the canal works ,
in an iutorviow said the commltteo had
found the condition of the works and plant
extremely satisfactory Ho denies the state
ment that the committee , five members of
which uro here , is or has boon in any way
influenced by the Do Lesseps party Tlio
commlttco is composed of twelve engineers
who have no connection with or interest in
either the Panama or Suez canals When
thov return to Pans ' ilnal report will bo
made as to whether the completion of the
canal under the conditions conceded by
Colombia in 1S78 is considered possible
Mnilnnie Durore'x Forgeries ,
Toledo , O. , Jan 17 , Today the First Na
tional bank obtained now warrants against
Madumo Devere , tbo clairvoynut , charging
the forgery of a note for $3,600. The bank Is
outiaO00on tbroo notpj aggregating that
sum willed lire all believed to be forgeries
Tno woman is known to huvo received at
least 120,000 by bur transactions in notes
supposed to bo lorged during the past year
lho Woollier Porootsr
Per Omaha and vicinity : Pair , weather
For Nebraska : Fair , followed In western
portion py local snovv , slight rise in tempera
ture , easterly winds
For Iowa : Fair , northerly winds , colder
iu soutboast , slightly warmer in northeast
For South Dakota ; Folr , followed by
light local snows , slightly warmer , easterly
Garfield Memorial Oedlo.itinn. .
Cz.evei.ihd , O , Jan 17. 'Ilia oxecutlve
committee has arranged for the dedication
of the Garfield inomorJal on Decoration day
A general invitation is issued to the soldiers ,
Knlehts Tomplur and other societies und to
citizens to general ,
A Vlotlpi of La Grippe ,
Coi.uiiiius , O. , Jan , 17. State Senator
Athburn died today of pucumonla Induced
by la grippa Two other senators and eight
representatives are laid up , two ot the latter
being expected to die , The legislature is
A Spoclcu Commlttoo Appoiutod on
the Worlds Fair
Manner of Paylnir Over the Appro *
prlntlon ldnlio'B Mormon Lnw
An Attempt to Smirch Kor *
alter Allison's Nomination
Washixoton HuheauTub Ottttn Han , 1
Washington D. C , Jan 17. |
Chicago got a black eye today in connec
tion t with the location of the worlds fair
when the house determined by a vote of 111
to ' 1C0 that a special commlttoo of nine should
bo 1 created to detormlno the question of loca
tion i for the lair Tbo committee on forolgn
affairs , which has In the person of Mr Hltt
of ] Illinois , a strong Chicago advocate , as Its
chairman ' , up to this time has assumed Juris
diction ' of this question aud gene forward In
the construction of a bill making an appro
priation nnd fixing the location and has given
honrings to representatives of the various
coatcstlng ' cities On account of the position
of ! the commlttoo on foreign affairs it has
boon ' regarded ns strongly In favor of Chi
cage i The frlonds of Now York , St Louts
and | Washington becanio dissatisfied with its
membership nnd wanted a special commlttco
appointed ' whicn should have as its members
iuoii I so geographically located as to bo with
out i projudlco The Chicago people were op
posed j to the cbango of Jurisdiction and mar
shalled all their Btiongth to defeat the crea
tion ' of n now commlttoo They uro a llttlo
discouraged i touight but they nro full of light
and i contend tbat they will got tbo fair yet
, E. S. Dundy , Jr , clerk of the United
States ! court at Omaha , Is here for the pur
pose of ascertaining the process of dlsbuis-
lug ' money paid by the government for con
demned property Ho wants to know who
is going to disburse the money for the slto
nad building of the now postoDlco Btructuro
at Omuha The impression seems to prevail
at Omaha that the government pays the
money into the United States court and the
clerk of that body pays It out on the vouch
ers ot the superintendent of construction
' 1 his Impression Is incorrect The govern
ment , sends a draft to the United States
district attorney and ho pays for the slto on
which the building Is to bo constructed ,
direct to the parties from which the titles
como The secretary of the treasury then
appoints n disbursing agent for the payment
of blllB In the construction of the building
This disbursing agent receives as a remuner
ation for his services "a nor cent of all the
money which passes through his hands He
is required to give a bond to the covorn-
mont , usually about $20,000 , and ho never
receives for disbursement a larger sum than
bis bond secures Then there is a superin
tendent of the building This oftlcer draws
vouchers upon the disbursing agent for
materials , work , etc , and they are paid
Mr Dundy will leave for Omaha to
On next Monday the supreme court is ex
pected to render a decision involving the
constitutionality of tbo provision to deprive
the Mormons ot the exercise ot tboir fran
chise onthe ground that the oath they take
upon entering the church Is incompatible
with the interests of a federal government
The senate committee on territories was to
duy in session and is now ready to report in
favor of the bill giving Idaho statehoood ,
but it will withhold its reoort until the supreme
premo court has rendered its decision
There is a provision in the state constitution
which Idaho adooted last fall prohibiting
Mormons from voting on the ground raised
by the question now pending before the supreme
promo court It was for the pur
pose ot determining the constitutional
ity of the provision in the Idado
constitution that Delegate Dubois roised
the question as It now stands before tbo
supreme court , und the decision of that body
will have great weight of course with the
senate committee on territories If the
court decides that tbo prohibition is uncon
stitutional it will have to be stricken from tbo
constitution of the state of Idaho before the
senate commlttco will report in favor of
statehood , but if the constitutionality of the
prohibition is sustained tbo bill will bo re
ported promptly and passed by both bouses
of congress
Senator Allison's ' caucus nomination for
reelection gives great satisfaction bore It
is known that the democratic party at large
did everything It could to create a fllll-
buster and n break which would result
in cither defeating bis nomination in caucus
or reelection on joint ballot of the Iowa leg
islature It failed la the caucuses and it is
now bollovod tbat there is not the least
possibility of his defeat on Joint ballot
There was nothing contributed by the demo
crats In Washington toward the scheme to
defeat Allison , for ho is universally ro-
spectcd and appreciated by the democrats as
well as the republicans In congress A lot of
telegrams have been sent to him extending
congratulations , and among thorn are the sig
natures of some well known democratic sen
ators , All of today's Washington papers have
kind expressions for Son a tor Allison
The Star says : Senator Allison is still a
unanimous favorite in Iowa " .
The Capital hus this to say ; Senator Al
lison received the unanimous nomination ot
the Iowa republican legislative caucus , and
will therefore bo his own successor , The re
sult wo have constantly predicted We hope
no state will bo bo ungrateful as to shelve nn
old nnd eftlclont sonnlor or representative
while yet sound and vigorous ot mind , as
Missouri did with Thomas Hart Benton
Old Bullion after thirty years of honest
and splendid service in the senate , yet lion
tons is tha greatest name of wtiich Missouri
can boast So it would have been had Alli
son been supplanted by a now uua unknown
uiun "
A vote on a motion to reconsider in tha
house toduy durlntr the dlsnussioa of the
worlds fair commltteo showed how close
the bouse will frequently be on general
questions during this session A proposition
to table a motion to reconsider wus agreed
to by a majority two , yeas 144 , nays 14" . It
Is very probable that nearly all party ques
tions will bo disposed of by votesquito us close
as this ono The republicans hnvo only a ma
jority of ilvo when all of their number are
present , und nt times there will bo two or
three members on the republican sldo who
will bieak away , thus leaving tbo vote with
a margin ot but one or two on either aide
This closeuess of the republican ma
jority will requlro the greatest caution
and it will bo necessary for the
loaders to coddle or court the
fuvor of the obstreperous or coutrary mem
bers who are Inclined to Jump over the feoco
ones In a while aud go oit with strungo gods
Into the lands ot tha Philistines The nar
row margin of the republicans will not , how
ever , prevent the adoption of strict party
measures It often occuis that a small mar
gin is bettor than u largo ono , as it calls nut
u full attendance und a firm adherence to
paily principles All of the republicans in
this house are republicans from uwuy back
There uro no cranks or flighty individuals
among thorn , It is ulways better for either
of the leadlug political parties to elect a man
In tbo opposition , and know ho is in the op
position , thun to elect a specialist * who
continually rides a hobby and is an uncertain
quantity to all parties
All effort will bo made during the cross
examination of ex-Governor Foruker by *
BOtne gentleman connected with the investi
gation of the Ohio ballot box forgery to show
that the governor knew while ho was mak
ing use of the forged document against
Campbell tbat it was a forgery , The trend
of the testimony in tbo main today was in
that direction , but the ex-governor by the i
1' open ' , frank and straightforward mnnnor In
which ho stibm'-Jed his testimony Im
pressed ! his hoa ' < with the fact that be
did not believe nt " time liotnadotiioof the
document there w k . my forgery connected
with It Ho courts tno sharpest nnd fullest
examination possible , mid sivs bo hopes that
there will bo nol'M ; loft Undone which has
boon thought ot which can bo conceived
by the mind to 11 Jf w light upon this sub
ject ; Mr Foral(4 sajs he came lieioto
stay until the luvc Vatloii is coinplotod nnd
that ho will co iato i with nnyono nnd
ovorybod.v i to got at the bottom of this out
rage , ttiat the guilty party may bo propcrlj
punished , There is uo doubt that Wood ,
the man who trnvo Foraker tbo forged paper ,
wns tryiug to curry favor with the governor
for the purpose of socurlng his endorsement
to an application for an nppointmout to the
position ot smoke Inspector , a newly created
office in Ohio
Nebraska E. K , Butler , at Tobias , Saline
county , vleo W. II Cowglll resigned
Iowa Archer Urovo , O'lJiion ' county , W ,
11. Parish , vice A. A. Blsboo.rosigncd j Dun
bur , Marshal county , T. Lurson , vleo T.
Thompson , resigned ; Patoti , Oreouocounty ,
Hnttlo L. Pomblo , vleov. . K. Clarrott re
signed ; Plover ; l'ocahontns county , W. S.
Gibbons , vice A. T. Eggspahlor , resigned
Upon his own application Captain Louis
II Huekcr , Ninth cavalry , will bo relieved
from duty at .lefferson bnrracks , Mo , by
the superintendent of the recruiting service
when another oftlcer shall report for duty at
the cavalry depot , und will then proceed to
join his troop
The portion of the sentence Imposed by a
gcnonil court-martial December 17 , IbSO , is
remitted in tbo case of Elinor Campbell , Into
musiclnu In company C , Twcntv-tlrst Infan
try , who escaped from Fort Bidwoll , Cali
fornia February 0 , lbSl , nud was appre
hended nt Memphis , Tcnn , December 21 ,
lbSO , und ho will bo released from confine
ment nt the Llttlo Hock barracks , where ho
is now held
The leave of nbsenco granted Major Calvin
Dewltt , surgeon , December ill , 18S0. depart
ment of Dakota , is oxloudcd to iucllldo Feb
ruary 27 , 1S00.
A few days ago Mauford Mott of Kearney
was allowed a pouslon nnd inadvertently
n paragraph appeared in connection with
tbo announcement to the effect that ho wns
ontltlod to $1,800 back pay No Information
can be obtained at the pension oftlco to
sustain the statumont that Mr Mott is entitled -
titled to such back pav or that his pension la
retroactive , although It may become so
Secotary Noble today dismissed the motion
for a rovlow in the case of Alfred MogunsonJ
Involving the southwest Jf of section ill ,
township 101) ) , range 53 , Walortown , S. D. ,
land district
Iteprcsontmlvo Dorsoy has recommended
tbo appointment of Charles A. Woods to bu
postmaster at North Platte The recom
mendation is equivalent to nn appointment
und the announcement is expected nt the
whlto house soon
During her reception today Mrs Mander-
sons ' home was cheerfully lighted by shaded
lamps nnd glowing wood llres that burned
upon the open hearths iu nil the rooms
Mrs iMandorson received her friends m a
handsome toilet of wood-brown satin bro
cade relieved by frills of rare lace Miss
Mndelalue A. King of Detroit , in an artistic
gown of dead black wool with a vest and
sleeves ot soft whlto mullo , stood bv her
side In the dining room Mrs Dr Flint ,
with the Misses Yates and Miss Brown of
Omaha and Miss Taft of Boston , presided
over a pretty tea table from which confec
tionery nnd cheering boverugeB wcro plenti
fully dispensed
Edward Benton of Fremont is a guest of
Representative and Mrs Dorsoy
Tbo presidents proclamation opening the
Sioux reservation is expected dally now
Representative Morse ot Massachusetts
addressed tbo house commlttoo on commerce
today In advocnc.v of his two bills , one for
the entire repeal of the interstate commcrco
law aud the other for the repeal of the long
and short haul und anti-pooling sections
At the cabinet meeting today Secretary
Wlndom submitted a draft of n bill propurod
by himself in regard to the colnngo of silver ,
and it recelvod the npproval of the president
aud most of the members The bill will
probably bo introduced in the house by Con
ger of Iowa Mondny next
A delegation of Oneida Indians from
northern Wisconsin called at the Indlnn bu
reau today and presented a petition asking
for the suspension of the worK of allotting
lands to members of their trlbo until tboy
can bo fully heard und the views of the In
dians obtained upon the allotment scheme
Tbo commissioner declined to order the sus
pension and expressed tno opinion that the
delegation represented only the non-pro-
grcssivo members of the tribe
The senate committee on patents todny
instructed Senator Plutt to report favorably
the bill known ns the Cliaco International
copyright bill , which was pending before
congress during tbo lust session
A favoruulo report was today ordered by
the house commltteo on military affairs on a
bill to authorize the president to confer tlio
brevet rank upon oftlciuls of tbo army for
gallant services in Indian campaigns
The house commltteo on elections today
hoard arguments by counsel in the contested
election case of Fcathcrstono vs Cato
Peiuit S. Heath
It Advocates n Latin Federation
Situation In lortuent
LisnoN , Jan , 17. The Soculo published
today an unsigned manifesto headed Directory
tory ot the Portugucso Republicans to the
Nation " It denounces vociferously the Eng
lish ultimatum and advocates a republican
federation of the Latin nations nnd the adhesion -
hosion of Portugal to such federation ; de
clares that a movement for the federation of
tbs Latin republics Is steadily making great
progress , and that the force of that move
ment Is Been and felt in the revolution in
Hiuzll The manifesto does notudvocato a
revolution in Portugal at present and is mod
crate in tone throughout except In its denun
ciation of England's action
The English residents of this city
who have been victims of publlo
animosity occasioned by tbo uttltudo of Eng
land toward Portugal propose to appoint a
deputation to wait on Lord Salisbury to urge
that Great Britain adopt a mora conciliatory
policy The feeling towurd Englund is very
bitter Many English employes of Per
tiiL'Ucso houses nnvo boon discharged
Paius , Jan 17. Figaro says Portugal has
complained to Prince Bismarck that Great
Britain has violated the Berlin treaty She
therefore usks that u conference bo con
voked to discuss African affairs
It is stated tbut the British squadron has
been Been entering the Tagus and has ex
changed salutes with Fort Julian
Mobs of workmen and sailors parade the
street denouncing England There are i
many hundred of adhesions to the commer
cial plun of campaign received from the
owners of muchino building works The
steamship companies buvo transferred their '
contracts for coal mid iron to Belgium ,
Englishmen employed by the government
uro siveu the alternative of dismissal or
naturalization English flags hnvo been i
bought and publicly burned In several I
Salisbury lee llnrsli
London , Jan , 17 , The Portugucso cor '
respondence has been published in u blue i
book The News , commenting upon the ,
dispatches , says they confirm the opinion
that Salisbury bed spoiled u very Btrongcaso
by undue hurshness , His dispatches insult
Gomes by implying disbelief in Gomc3 * ;
HKiiinslilp Arrivals
At New 'Yorlt 'lhoWyoming , from Liver
pool ,
At Queenotown The Celtlo , from Now
York : the Nova Scotian , from Baltimore
At London Sighted : The Roman , from
Boston ; the Island , from New York
At Hottordam The Veendom , from Now
Fatal Iloilor Kxploilon
Vienna , Jan 17. A boiler explosion at t
Dobschutz , Hungary , today killed four per
sons and Injured a great many ,
The ' Twouty-Plvo Gout Toll Main
tained to Chicago
Her Cattle Shlppr-tH ( Jot tlio Twelve
nnd a Unit Cent Unto A Viola
tion > rtho Interstate Com
merce Law
Hnnk Discrimination
CuiCAiio , Jau , 17. Attho mooting ot the
Western Freight association today It was
ngroed to confine the cut In the cattle
rates to shipments from Kansas City and In
termediate points The Oinnlinroadsdocldod
to maintain the ii cent rate from Omaha to
Chicago and to preserve the present stand ,
ard of rates in Iowa This scorns to bo a
violation of n provision of the lutoistnto
commerce ' law ivhlcli prohibits discrimina
tion ngalnst localities , slnco the arrntigemont
will compel Omaha shipners to pay double
the amount charged Kansas City for tlio
same service A committee of ton was ap
pointed to adjust the Intermediate rntos
between Ktinsas City and Chicago ou the
basis of the ll ! > $ cent rate
Down Go It itci
St Paul , Jan 17. The Chicago , Hurling
ton .t Northern rend Issued notice today
that on January ! 20 It would reduce the second
end class rate from St Paul nnd Minneapolis
to Chicago to f.1 , a cut of 81 trom present
quotations mada by other lines , on account of
alleged secret cuts by competitors , lho
Omaha und the Wisconsin Control roads
have already nunouueed that they will meet
the cut 'lho Burlington rend nlso issued
notice that commencing January 20 tlio first
class rate to St Louis will bo $13.
Adopts the New Cnttln ltuto
Kansis Citv , Jan 17. Agent
Harrison of the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy bus announced that the \ } 4 cunt
cattle rate from Kansas City to Chicago ,
made by the Alton lccontly , goes into effect
January 23 on the "Q" road
riled Cross Hills
Topeka , Kan , Jan 17. The Chicago , Hock
Island & Pacific and the Chicago , Kansas &
Nebraska filed tholr cross bills In the moit-
gage foreclosure case today
Fornlti'r Continues Ills Testimony flc-
lore thn Coc > gicsnioiiiil Coiumittoc
Washington , Jan 17. Ex-Govornor Fora-
kor continued his testimony before the house
committee investigating tbo ballot box for * ,
ger.y this morning Ho stated that Wood
had submitted to him some papers relating
to the ballot box mutter , but ho inado no use
of them as they did not Include what ho
wanted Later Wood got tlio pnpors
for htm which bore the names
ot Snerman , Buttcrworth , MoKlu-
ley nnd McPherson Witness said
ho accepted the paper without question us to
its genuineness It led to all the mortifica
tion ho had experienced about this whojo
matter , as uu honorable man would bo mortjl-
fled to find that ho had been Imposed upon
by a pauer which , in the light of subsequent
events It appeared should nut have decelvod
turn , But the preliminary statements hud
prepared his mind for It
Witness produced a numborof letters front
Sherman , Huttorworth nnd McKinley , and
declined tliero wan n striking resomblatico
between the genuine and tha forged signa
tures Ho said that soon utter getting tlta
papeis ho had met Editor Halstoad while oa
the train en route to Cincinnati He showed
him the papers und suid bo ( tbo witness ) did
not sco bow ho could muko use of the mut
ter Hulsteud said he bhw how ho could
use it as far ns Campbell wus con
cerned ; that Campbell was the only man
named iu the paper before the people ;
tbat it was a duty to the people to keep such
a man from being governor , oto ; that if the
witness did not give him ( Halstoad ) the
paper ho would publish it uuyhow At Hul-
Btcad's suggestion the witness bad the paper
photographed , to be secure against the loss
ot the original Ou the lGth of September
Wood wrote the witness , complaining that
Major Moslov would not uppolnt him smoke
inspector Witness understood that charues
had been preferred against Wood The
latter came to sea the governor nud ho believed
lioved Wood explained that bis appoaranca
in pollco court was tor defoudlug his
wife from insult on a street car
Witness road his letter of August ,
18 to the mayor , touching Woods
application , snylng bo had promised to rcc- ,
o in mend Wood uud would like to have the
place hold open until the requirement bo had
imposed on Wood had been complied with , |
Witness told Wood ho need not expect the
appointment unless ha was a worthy man '
and that bo ( witness ) did not doslro him ap
pointed unless he could establish his charac
ter I
Several letters from Wood bearing upon ,
bis application were read In one Wopd ]
soys i "I hey will be on to mo with both1
feet when you and Halstcad throw the boxes
ou them and I should not bo allowed to stand
ulouo " '
Wood added that many great men mnko
mistakes tboy afterwords regret After tbo
witness haur heard tbo charces against Wood ,
the latter again called upon him and was
told ho must clear himself of tha chutgos bo-
foio expecting the appointment Witness
saw him ugaln In Cincinnati the night of the
musiu ball speech and ho produced the ballot
box which'formed the basis ot his ( witness1)
object lesson in bis speech that night Ou
October 1 Wood wrote to the witness tbut
ho would have the whole gun crowd bagged
in ton nays and enclosed u letter said to bq
from Walters at Wushington respecting the
gun patents ' Adjourucd until tomorrow
Nehrnskn , Iowa and Dakota Ponslons ,
Washington , Jan 17. fSpocial Telegram
to Tub BiE.--PonslQns ] granted to Nobros-
kans William G. Oaks , Stromsburg ; Petov
Lodam , Stromsburg ; Hulpli D , Hills , Blair
Increase William M. Nevors , Alntuvorthj
Ell Doyle , Johnstown , Original widows ,
etc Pustine , widow of Alvin Wulratb , No-
malm City
Iowa pensions Original in valid Bonjamlu
FVlso , Thurmun ; Alburt Tipton , Marshall
town ; Lovl Culver , Satoin ; Simon
Pasteller , Murshulltown ; William D.
HuvJvss , Durham ; John T. Shaw ,
Lenox ; Joseph C. Fuller , New London ;
Edward J. Sheriff , Clear Luke , Increase
William Johnston , Ottumwu ; John W. Cook ,
West UnionvEdsonD , Colt , Webster City ;
William Neally , llonajuit ; William A ,
Black , Curlew ; John Lawrence , Noyau ;
George Simpson , KnuxviUa ; Asa Earles ,
Slam ; Lewis Stanley , Des Moines ; Horace
F. Dean , Wcstsldo Navy George Brock *
hagou , Crcbtou ; George Uultzll , Guernsey ;
Alvah B. Gordon , Conturvillu Mexican
survivor William T. , Mathews , Weldon
Original widows , oto Minors of William
It , Workman , Lebanon ; Koxy A. , widow of
Churles C. Murkhnm , Anumosa ; minor ot
Desbery J. McCulllstlo , Clour Luke ; minor
of John Murlonco , Dale
South Dakota : Itoissue Wlllium W
Hlatt , Lyonvlllo a
Three Miu-direi'i Ilantrmt ,
Clinton , La , Jan 17 , Jcrosha and !
Charles Dent were hanged bero this after
noon for the murder ot Mr Praotorlous
near Ethel , La , whom they waylaid and '
shot to death on July 1 lust
St John , La , Juu 17. James Holcomuo ,
colored , wu executed in the Juil yard hero
today for the murder of Mudeline Willi * , a
little colored girl , on November 12 , BSD
Jiilloil for liotiiinliii : Pnlil
Citt or Mexico , Jan , 17. The editor of
tbo newspaper , El Progresso , has been teat
to Jail for defaming Adiillon Putti