Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Hj The Champion Bantams at Last
H' Agree to Battle
Hi Jnlco KllrAin nnd Vnquolln Itoll a
HI Holka Doc * Homo ( shooting
HI Arrival of iho Browns ,
Hf niul Utlior Gosjlp
H Tlio Rnmntnn lo Untile
H Krw Vonit , Jan 14. [ Special Telegram to
HJ I tan Br.n.1 A grout bnntam match was
HJ | made tit n down town resort this attornoon
Hj Chapplo Moran , the champion bantntn-
H | weight of the world , was matched ngainst
Hh Tommy Kclloy , the Uarlom Spider , for the
HJ championship of the world The mon were
HI matched Inst rummer but owing teen m-
i jury sustained by Kelley , the mill was do-
H clarcd off An enormous nmount of money
Hj will change bauds on tlio result of tbo battle ,
Hi i as both principals have a largo lollqninir
Hj The match ts to take place within six wcoki ,
HJ ' fldn gloves , stakes $250 n sldo nnd n $500
HI purse , 1400 to go to the winner nnd $100 to
HI Iho loser 1 ho ilcht is to come off within f 00
HJ I miles of Now York The two men tire to
HJ weigh In at 105 pounds twelve hours before
HJ the light They nro the greatest lighters in
H ( heir class nnd the match has created In-
HJ tense interest in sporting circles
HJ * Wnnt to Buy or Consolidate
HJ Bii.Tivoiic , Md , Jan 14. [ Special Telc-
HJ gram to Tub 13r.E.l Negotiations for the
HJ Washington National lcaguo fronchlso were
HJ renewed today Messrs Von dcr ( lorst and
HJ Billy Barnlo it is claimed , offered Mr
HJ Hewitt * 7G00 , for his frnnchlso , but ho still
HJi , lioldsout for$10,003. The proposition by
HJ * ' the Baltimore parties to consoltdato the two
HJ clubs In ono league organization nnd dlvldo
H | tbo games between the two cities , was nlso
H ruowod Bowovor , the prevailing opinion
H | Is that llowlU will keep the f runchito and
H | Rt'am cngincor the club as a purely Wash
HJ lngton enterprise
HJ The UrouiiH 1'i ' iSH Tluoujili
HJ The St Louts Browns , the great Conilsky ,
HJ JDudo Lutham , Tip O'Noll ' , Jack BoyloBald-
HJ win , Ryan , Mulonoy and all , passed through
HJ Omaha yesterday afternoon on route homo
HJ from California Jack Crooks was with
HJ them , too , but ho stopped off and wilt ro-
HJ tnatn In Omaha a week or so Jack is look
J ing fine , nnd suys the pilgritnngo Just closed
H was tlio biggest ono over made by a b.iso
HI ball team They traveled over ton thousand
HJ miles smco tbo lust of October , and met with
HJ' Haltering success everywhere they played
H Another Grntltintb l < Youi the WoBtarn
H QCmcvoo , Jan II | Special Telegram to
H Tub Bck.J Spalding has closed n contract ,
H with \V. K. Coughlln , n pitcher with Mast
H ' seasons Oakland , Cal „ club Coughlln was
H a member of the old Chicago Western asso-
HJ datlon , but was released us too light by
J | MnnagofSam Moiton Ho then went to
1 Caliiornla , wuorc no has made a line rcputa-
HJ I'ntHny Will Not lie Missed
HJ Cleveland , O. , Jan 14. [ Special Tele-
HJ . gram to Tub Bek I Tholoaguo club of this
HJ I city today nceoptrd the terras of Third
Hi Baseman . U. Smalley of the California
fl lenguo nnd a contract was forwarded him
HJ Those who have seen him play say that
H Patsy Tobeau will never bo missed
M | Will Not Thump 111m Till February
H Kr.w Oiu.kaxs , Ln , Jan 14. [ Spoclal Tel
H' ; i egram toTitnBnE ] Owlngto thoordinanco
H i recently passed prohibiting prize fights
HJ ! within the city limits 'tlio Jnko Kllr.iln-
H , | Vanuolln light , which was to have taken
' place next Monday nlsrht , has been postponed
until February 2 , wbcm the now ordinance
| now before tlio council allowing sparring
matches will have been passed
HJj Kolln Holkes Winn the Mnclnl
H"tu. / . Datton , O. , Jan 14. [ Special Tolcgrnm
H toTm : Bii.J The Dayton Gun club hold
HJ : its gold medal shoot today and the trophy
H ; was won by Rollu O. Holkes with a score of
1 tl3. Kd Wolf won the second prize wl'h n
' score of 01.
H j
. 11 o Got Too Prrsh
HI The Jack Davis-Unknown flirht has boon
H declared off Tbo unknown got too fresh ,
H'and his backer broke his jaw and told him
; to leave the city He left
Hit •
m Vlotniis or tin Grippe on tlio Increase
H in Chicago
H CniCAOo , Jan 14. [ Special Tclogram to
H Tut : linn ] The influenza , or la grippe , "
H says tbo city news bureau this evening , has
H coasoa its child-play In Chicago It is now
M b. severe , dangerous disease , and the death
M rata seems to be increasing daily About
M two dozen cases of deaths were reported to
H the health department today , and It kept the
H clerks busy koepiug up with applicants for
M burial permits The cases are now all re-
H ported as 1 ngrippo or the influenza , as some
Hk physicians still adhere to the statement that
H there are no such disoasea in Chicago , but
J they come in ns well under heads of pnou-
H' monla nnd bronchitis Since Saturday thoio
H : have beeu seventy of these deaths reported ,
H | which Is more than three times tbo number
K of such deaths under ordinary clrcum-
M Btauccs "
H "I doubt very much If that number In-
H dlcaten which rouliy should bo credited to la
1 grippe , " suid ono of the health ofllcers todvy
i Many a mun who has bcon troubled with
H , consumption has been nttackod by tbo lu-
{ lluoiua ltat oncodevolopod intocongestbn
H f of the lungs They grov/ worse rapidly and
m f death ensues The doctor makes out a cor-
1. tlficato of death from consumption , and la
H grippe gets no credit nt nil , although being
B rcsiranstble for tbo death The sudden
H change in the temperature Sunday night has
B proven very serious to persons who were
H trying to 'weur out * the intluenza by working |
1 despite their Blcfeuess There have been
H i many deaths from Just such cases , and moro i
M are yet to bo reported "
H Tlio Wool Blnrket
B Boston , Mass , Jan 14. [ Special Telo-
H gram to Tub Bbe.1 The market U steady
B on line washed fleeces and particularly firm i
J on dclnlno niul combing selections , which i
M < uro scurco and in demand , Sates at Ohio
Hi delaine are reported at 85@S0c , Michigan 1
B ; oelalno at 111(3350 ( nnd No 1 combing at W& I
BBV , . 40c Ohio X is hold at itt@XU > ana XX at in 1
BBS @ 35c , uliili Michigan X sell * at UOo Tcrrl-
BBBj tory wools nro moving slowlyf owing tQ the 1
B BJ heavy shrlnkago of considerable of the stock :
BBS offered for sale 1'rlcos take a wldo rungo i
BBS nsto quality Fine is soiling at 5SJi * < Xc )
BBS scoured line modlum at 5 @ 5To nnd medium '
H at C0@50u. California wools are dull , so far
BBS as sulos are concerned , the coiisiderablo j
BBS quantity arriving going direct to tnauurao-
BBB turers , Pulled wools are in fair re < iuust , but i
BBS only In u small way , and prices remain tna
BKBJ tuino Toreign wools are quiet
HI Vhn Mrjor AVnnts to Fight
HJ _ NtswtitK , N. J. , Jan 14. [ Special Tee
H Emm to Tub Bkk.iMuJor | Michael pay , a ,
H well ktrown character ut Bellorillo , Issued u 1
H challcnga today to Captain John U-Jolo y to
H ' meet him in mortal combat , The major no-
H cusos the captain of being the instigator of
H certain pungent paragraphs concerning him
H which have recently appeared in a local Sun
H duy paper Tbo major writes : "I am too
H much of a toldlor to allow my wounded
H character to bo healed by dollurs " Both
H men are veterans of the civil war and are
H vroll known The major Is In deadly earnest
H while the captulu regards the matter as I
HI I ] eke
H Biulneaa Trouble * .
H Cuicioo , Jan 14 , The taattor of the
H j fraudulent failure of Deltucl Brothers was
H j Bjslu on bearing today Attorney Mager
H j suddit is utterly impossible in view of the
B j complicated condition of affairs to get at the
t bottom of tlio swindle for tome ttino tiinco
H June 1 lust tbo firm lias purchased nearly
j 1-100,000 worth of goods , altUouilh knowing it
BU-t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _
was Insolvent These goods have bcon stored
In warehouses and the Arm has borrowed
money thereon
Jacrsox , Midi , Jnn K The Smith mid
dlings purifier company , recently roorgan-
Izcd , was yentorday confronted byclnims
from the Preston National bank of Detroit
amounting to $150,000. These wore con
tracted by Gcorgo T. Smith in July last The
new company refused to pay the claim The
company gives its liabilities nt MSlOOO assets -
sots , ? 50OOOO. deorgo T. Smith owes the
company $200000 ; , but is unable to pay ,
The Uaolliiies today grow n llttlo moro nnd
now stand nt $530,000. Ono llrm of creditors
today fllcd n bill charging fraud of the most
glaring description It was brought out In
the evldenco that the failure was anticipated
by the llrm on January 8 nnd 4 , the days on
which the transfers of the property to
iclatlrcs wcro actively pushed
1'xcllcil 1-ortiigucso Htono the British
OronTO , Jan H. Crowds wandered
through the streets last night cliocrlug for
Independence and the intcrrlty of Portugal ,
shouting • • Downwith Bngland " The crowd
attacked and stoned the British consulnto ,
The authorities have slnco placed n poltco
guard at the consulate to protect It from
further molostntlon
The clvlo governor has forbidden the hold
ing of the contemplated meeting of students
to protest against England's demands upon
Portugal _
UiinnlinoiiHly Coiiilomnctl
Paris , Jan 14. The papers hero have
unanimously condemned the policy followed
by Bugland In the dlsputo with Portugal ns
a violation of the act of the Berlin confer
ence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Abusing Ktmlnnil
MADitin , Jan 14. The papers of this city
roundly abuse England for the stand she
took In forcing Portugnl to accede to her do-
ui a mis rolatlvn to the territory In east
Africa ,
Burned Alblon'H ring
Listios , Jnn 14. A howling mob of stu
dents and others burned an English flag at
Cimbria today
'Iho New Ministry
Lisbok , Jan 14. In the now ministry Pi-
mental Is councillor of stnto nnd prosldont
Coiir dee Comptos Is prosldont of the minis
try nnd minister or the interior : Logronnz Is
minister of Justice ; Branco , finance ; Arroyo ,
marino ; lllbciro , foreign nffnlrs ; Aroncu ,
publlo works : Gen'ornl Guedlos , now gov
ernor of the Indies , minister of war
The demonstrations of the students con
tinue to keep the ctiv unfjulot Today they
veiled the statues of the old Portuguese nav-
lgutors and draped Camoon's monument as u
sign of nationnl mourning The crowd
shouted , Down with Englnndl" Down
with the pirates I" A revolutionary out
break is pOBslblo at any moment
llie Motion DIsiulRsod
LoynoM , Jnn 14. The motion to commit
the managers of the London edition of the
Now York Herald and Freeman's Journal of
Dublin for contempt of court for publishing
cortuln comments on the O'Shca dlvorco
case , was argued to day The motion was
dismissed on the ground of Informality in
the proceedings but permission wns given for
a renewal of the motion if action is taken
within a week
Will Not Appear For the Times
Londojt , Jan 14. Sir Edward Clarke ,
solicitor general , refused to accept the lead
ing brief for the Times in the action for
libel brought ngainst that paper by Pnrnoll
Ho bases his refusal on the ground that ho
is a law ofllccr of the crown and therefore
cannot accept a brief
Donth ol' Karl CnlrnoR
Londox Jan 14. Earl Calrnos died today
from inftummatlon of the lungs Ho was born
in 1301. Ho became qulto prominent several
years ugo , as Viscount Garboyio Ho was
sued for.broach of promlso of marriage by
Miss Foriosiiue , the actress , who obtained a
verdict of $50,000 against him
Tim Grand Jmy I'ructionlly Abolished
BisiiAitcic , N. D „ Jan l4.-Tho Solby bill ,
permitting trials on information to the dis
trict attorney and practically dispensing with
the grand Jury , jiassod the house yostorduy
and the senate passed the antitrust bill
An Irish Ktlitor Sentenced
Duni.ix , Jan 14. P. A. McHugh , proprie
tor of the Sligo Champion , was today con
victed of publishing boycotting notices and
sentenced to four months imprisonment
without labor
The I'anmii Oann 1.
Pauis , January 14. The president of the
French commission sent to Investigate the
uffairs of the Panama canal company on the
Isthmus , in a speech in ado at Aspluwall , said
that the canal would bo completed
Several Members of the Czars Body
Giinril Kulciao
St PBTBitsnuito , Jan 14. Colonel Voioik-
oT ( , an officer of the czars ' body guard , and
some other ofticers of the same corps have
committed suicide It is supposed they were
implicated in the recently discovered plot
against tbo llfo of tbo czar It is reported
that the czars brother , the grand duke Ser
glus , will shortly bo banished from the capi
tal for meddling with politics
Bis Opportunities for American Cap
ital In Mexican enterprises
Citiavao , Jan 14. | Special Telegram to
Tits Beb.1 Edward \V. Jackson , general
manager of the Mexican Central railway , In
an intorvlow declares Moxlco a ftuitful field
for American capital "At ono tlmo , " said
ho , capitalists were afraid to Invest in
Mexico , but now investments are being mndo
in tbo country by the shrewdest of European
and Amorlcan money holdorsP Tbo forolgn-
ors are purchasing mines , manufactories of
all sorts , and big business houses , and are
building railroads and lending ononnous
sums for public-improvements. The Mexican
Central railroad is owned by Americans lu
faot it is a Boston corporation ' It now owns
1,800 miles of trnck und is building to Tum-
plco nnd Into wottern Moxlco The i
scheme for building a railroad through
the Isthmus of Panama and into i
the heart of South Amorlca seems
impracticable Insurmountable difllcultius
prevent the construction of the road , and
oven were It constructed the company could
not compute witU the steamship and railway
line by way of Tohuanteoeo Tfio railroad I
across the isthmus of Tobuaatepnc will soon
be finished , and it will shorten the traveling
dlstunco from New Orleans to western South [
American ports many hundreds of miles "
From Sleup to Dontli
Danville , 111. , Jan 14. [ Spoclal Telegram -
gram to Tub Beb | Miss Carrie Barnes ,
uged twenty-ono , and in perfect health , lay I
down New Years afternoon for a nap She 1
foil.Into n deep sleep from which nil efforts
to urouso her were futllo Physicians were |
called , but were unable to suggest any rem
edy Her cheeks retalueo their usual [
healthy glow and her respiration was regu
lar and scarcely perceptible Her only inovo-
ment was a slight turning of the head During -
ing the time she lay iu this sleep or trance
she did not apparently lese any flesh , but '
seomud the plcturo of health Sunday night
she passed Into u deeper slumber and dlod [
before her attendant * realized that death
was near
The I'iro ituoortl
Gallatix , Mo , Jan 14. Iho court house
and a olopk occupied by Irving Brothers
burned this morning ; lost , $70,000.
Pnttl In Mexico ,
Cur ov Mexico , Jan 14 Pattl aud
Taniaguo are creating a great deal of excite
ment horn aud uro meeting wlta great favor ,
Mme , Albanl is ill
liond ortorlucH
W'AsniSQTOS , Jan 14. [ SuecUl Telegram L
to Tub Bee.1 Bonds offered ; $ $25,000 at
l.3o ; $ U,5W at $ l.W > f.
Plumb nnd Call Exchange Blttor
Poraonal Flinso
The Knnsns Man Accuses the Florida
Scnntor or I.ylnu A Hcvoro
Itctorl the Consctiuonco
Wlntlom's Cntl Duo
Washington , Jnn 14. Among the bills
roportcd from the commlttcos nnd plncod on
the calendar of the senate wcro the follow
ing :
To dcclaro unlawful trusts and combina
tions in restraint of trade nnd produc
tion ( Sherman's bill ) ; authorizing the pur-
chnso of n slto for a building for the BUproma
Mr George offered a resolution Instruct
ing the committee on flnanco to lnqutro Into
the propriety of reducing the penal bonds
required of manufacturers of cigars in all
coses , or at least whore the manufacture Is
carried on by the manual labor of the manu
facturer Carried
Resolutions heretofore offered by Mr Call
in relation to the claims of Florida under the
swampland grant and In rotation to the
alleged unlawful selections of land in Flor
ida were taken up , nnd Mr Cull nddrcsBod
the scnntc The burden of bis remarks was
that lands whloh were not swamps , but
which wcro fit for cultivation , had bcon so-
lccted under the swamp act , to the injury of
the peoples rights Ho assorted that 200-
000,000 acres had bcon soleetod and approved
in nil the states as swamp nnd overllowod
land , whllo everybody know there was no
such extent of territory ( as largo us Europe )
consisting of swamp and overflowed lands
Out of over 10,000,000 acres which had passed
In Florida under the swamp nnd overllowod
land not ho asserted that 11,000,000 acres
was high nnd dry
Mr Plumb said Florida contniucd about
forty million acres and moro than halt of
this had besm given by the United States to
the state for various purposes Every aero
of hind so granted bad boon placed under tbo
control of the Florida loalslaturo Some
sixteen or oightcon million acres bad beou
granted ns swamp and overflowed lands
Senator Call bad Just told the sennto that ,
most of it was not swamp but nrablo land
So much the greater was the dorollctlon of
the senators state It It had betrayed its
trust For hlmsolf ho would resign his
seat if ho were to bring Torwnrd such
a complaint ngainst his own state
after being too cownrdly to proclaim
it on the stump within its borders Mr
Plumb went on to say that Senator Cnll had ,
some sessions ngo , appealed to him as chair
man of the committee on publlo lauds , to re
port a bill to ratify and confirm tltlo to cer
tain railroad lands in Florida , so that the
nllcgcd frauds , sold Plumb , were to bo con
doned In speech The senator , ho said , had
been always In the habit of impugning
senators , covertly or openly , nnd ho Plumb ,
haa somotlmcs been Inclined to reply to him
to convict him of falsehoods
Mr Call replied to Mr Plumb Ho soldi
"I will not bo moved , Mr President , by this
extraordinary exmnplo of the senator from
Kansas to follow his bad manners , nor his
contemptible methods Ho cannot hnvo a
poorer opinion of mo than I have of the son
ntor from Kansas I have not boon in the
habit of violating decorum in dobnte and
discussion , but if the sonntor thinks by his
idle bravado , by his defense of this vast
spoliation of the public domain in the lntor-
cst of these who have profltod by it , thut'ho
can intlmldato mo from dofendlng the rights
of the people of my state , I treat
him with the scorn and contempt
that he deserves • My position is
well known in relation to this question in
Florida The otUclals or that state are as
bonoraolo nnd tiblo as the sonalor from Kan
sas Dy their side bo would sink Into insig
nificance Tbo statements of the senator in
relation to their violation of their trust are
entirely untrue , and as chairman of the committee
mittoo on public lands , which has Jurisdic
tion over the matter , ho should be ashamed
not to bo hotter informed in regard to the
special circumstances .It is disreputable to
the senate that it should have ns chairman
of such a committee a Benator who not only
defends the interests of boodlors but shows
his ignorance of the subject specially
committed to him All the senator has
said about the legislature of Florida
is utterly false and untrue and has been said
for the purpose of making an attack against
me "
Having made a statement as to the grants
to Florida for railroad purposes and under
the swamp land law , Mr Call proceeded :
"If the things ho says wore true and if I
were as bad a man as bo is , as weak a man
as ho is , as vain a man as ho is , even if I
were all he is himself nnd all ho Bays I am ,
still It would romaln true that a largo
number of pcoplo have been deprived of
their rights on these lands "
Mr Dolpb , as a member of the committee
on publlo lauds , made an explanation ana
Justification of the action of that committee
iu tbo last congress in respect to u resolution
of Mr Calls on tbo same subject , nnd Mr
Call disclaimed having made or having at
tempted to make tbo slightest imputation on
that committee
Without action on the resolution , the sen
nto , after an executive session , adjourned
• House
Washington . 14. rn the house today
Mr MuKlnloy , from the commlttep on ways
and means , reported back the bill to simplify
the laws in relation to the collection of rev
enue It was ordered printed and recom
Mr Perkins of Kansas moved the house
go into committee of the whoio for the
consideration of a bill to provldo town site
entries of land in Oklahoma This was
antagonized by Mr Adams of Illinois , who
wished the house to considar the Silcott
matter , nud tno motion was defeated by a
vote of 05 to 07.
Mr Blaine domnnded tellers
The friends of tbo , Oklahoma bill were
again defeated by 00 to 103 , aud Mr Adams
called up the Silcott report , accompanlod by
the bill appropriating $75,000 to reimburse
the members Mr Adams argued in favor
of the bill , holdiug tno sorgeont-at-arms to
be a publlo ofllcor *
Mr , Hemphill of South Carolina advocated
the adoption of bis bill permitting members
to bring suit in the court of claims for the
recovery of their salarlos , and opposed the
bill of tlio majority becausa bo could find no
statute declaring the sergoant-nt-arms to be
a disbursing ofllcor Ho thought the house
should not appropriate publlo money to pay
Mr Holman contended that the fund
remaining in the office of the sorgeant-at- ,
arms , about $ S3,000 , should be divided pro
rata among tbo mom bora who were .
the defalcation Pending further dobuto the
house adjourned
The Dependent Pension Bill
Wasuixotox , Jun 14. The senate committee -
mittoo on pensions today unanimously dl-
rectod the chairman to report the dependent
ponslonbill The title of the bill 1st "A
bill granting pensions to soldiers and sailors
who are incapacltntod for the performance
of labor , and providing for pensions to their
widows , minor children ana dependent par
onts "
AVinllom'N Gall Explrea Today
Washington , Jan , 14. Secretary Win
dom's ' call for 10 per cent of the amount of
the publlo moneys hold by the national banks
expires tomorrow
So far enl v eighteen banks out of 130 called
upon have responded Tno amount surrendered -
rendered , however , is far in excess of tbo 1
amount called for , ns some of the banks >
gave up the onttro amount held by thorn aud 1
a number of others surrendered nil above '
the amount necessary for the transaction of
current public business The total amount :
of bonds purchased to date In liquidation of
these deposits is $ u,7llr > 00. The future i
coursa of the department In this matter will i
bo uotermiuod in a few days
{ residential Nominations ,
Washington , Jan It Tha president to
day sent the following nominations to , the i
senate ' : Christopher Mamor , first district of
Illinois , collector 5f injoriiftl revenue
Collectors of customs John N. Clark , dis
trict i of Chicago ; ( Jlni'tlcs F.Johnson , district
of Duluth , Minn , a "
Frank It , Farr , reef Ivor of publlo moiToys
at Eau Claire , WW ; Lytnnn P. Hotobklss of
Eau Claire , Wis , , retlstcr' Of the land ofllco
HfiAltlNO ii u MOItMONS
Thotr lloprcncnfntlvea Plcnd In the
Idaho Cnso
Washisotok Janj 14. The souato com
mittee on tcrritorieii hls afternoon llstonod
* '
to statements of the representatives of the
Mormon church doooiptivo ) of tbo teachings
of the church in support ot their argument
thnt the constitution adopted by the people
of Idaho for the new stnto could not bo ac
cepted by congress Bishop Budge , prcsl *
dent of the Mormon church in Idaho , said ho
had nlwnys been taught to obey the lows of
the land and in forty-two years oxuenenco
with Mormons ho never know nny tonclung
to the contrary , The Mormons , ho snld.wora
taught to bcliovo in tbo dlvlnn inspiration of
the constitution of tbo United Stntos , nnd
thus bolloving , Ho said , the Mormons had a
higher reverence for it than ether citizens ,
The practlco of polygamyds decreasing
Oh the subject of blood ntonomont Bishop
Budge Bald there was no such priuclplo hold
or taught by the Mormon church
Delegate Catno prosentcd n declaration of
the officials of the church sent out from Salt
Eako City on December 12,1&S9 , of the teach
ings nnd doa'rluos of the church
Governor Shoup of Idaho said the expenses
of the stnto government for Idaho will ueces-
sltnto nn tncreaso In the tax rnto of from 4
mills to Si mills
Ex-Governor Stovcnson said if the Mormon -
mon church does not tench publicly or prl-
vntoly the obligations of plural morrfnges nn
official declaration to that ofTect from the
church authorities in Salt Lake will settle
the question of citizenship In Idaho under the
proposed constitution , They have , ho said ,
the remedy for the evils complained of la
their own bands
The Itcoent Dcoislon of tlio Supreme
Court iiii Itlobons Attacked
Washington , Jan 14. When the ways
nnd means committee met this morning A.
V. ICotohum of Now York , nu importer and
manufacturer of loathcr , asked that the
prcsont duties upon suob goods bo rotnlnod ,
James Campbell , representing the window
glasa manufacturers , asked for the restoration -
tion of the tariff of 1SS3.
Britton ltiohardson , a Now Jersey „ silk
manufacturer wonted a duty of 50 per
cent , instead of " 0 per cent imposed upon
Bilk hat trimmings Hovoomplainod of the
recent decision of the supreme court dcclar-
ing silk ribbons used exclusively for hat
trimmings dutiable at 20 per cent
Stnto Senator Griggs of Now Jersey said
the silk trade regarded this decision ns the
most serious assault over sustained by it
Chairman McKinley said ho would call the
nttontlon of the committee to the matter and
if consent wns socurpd take up this proposl-
tion immediately ns a separate question
W. F. Wukoman , representing the Cattle
Growers association , nskod for a duty of IU
cents n pound on manufactured bldos whether
pickled or unplcklod There were ninny
sections of the west wltoro hides were fre
quently burned for fuel , the price bolng too
low to warrant their shipment
Great Exoltcniont lAroomc Prospec
tive Sioux Reservation Settlers
PiEitnc , S. D. , Jan ; 1 $ . [ Special Telegram
to The Bee.J The owa received here last
night that ProsldontHarrison , would lssuo a
proclamation this week Immediately opening
the great Sioux reservation to settlement
has caused an iuimense stir among pros
pective settlers waiting to go on , and not
withstanding the Intensely cold wontbor ,
great preparations , ara bomg made for a
grand rush when the tlmo comes It it was
not for the fnct that the government bus
stationed troops across the river on the
"mlio squnro" to preserve order und keep
settlers from going ' over ? the land would
even now bo occupied by thousands ot settlers
tlors and speculators , but tbo trooos have
special orders to prevent such invasion nt
the point of the bayonet " The excitement is
beginning to bo moro manifest every hour ,
nnd when the presidents message is issued
it is expected that the scene here will equal
nny Oklahoma ever saw , notwithstanding it
is In the middle of ahard , winter
"Blind.Pigs" Butchered
M irtsvillg , S. D. , Jan 14. A farmers
wife having learned that the prouoods nf a
mortgage on her husbands farm had gene
to def ray a whisky bill at ono of the numerous
blind pigs , " ns llIclt ) drinking places ,
nro termed here , collected seven moro
women and sallied forth armed with pick
axes , hatchets and other weapons Before
noon they had broken up several blind
pigs and utterly destroyed their fixtures
and furniture
Heavy Snow nt , Yankton
Yankton , S. D. , Jan 14. fSpocial Tele
gram to Tub Bee.1 ft has boon snowing all
day and twelve or fifteen inches have fallen ,
'nnd no doubt it is goncral throughout South
Dakota , which will dlspol all fears of want
of moisture in the spring It is still
Dissatisfied Soldier * Mutiny anil
Ono Hundred Ara Killed
Monarchist Brazilian Soldiers
New Yonic , Jan 14. Captain Gromes of
the steamer Herschel , from Rio Janeiro
today , gives news of an - be
tween soldiers in that city He says that
on December 18 it was discovered that a part
ot tha army , about two hundred men In
number , was opposed to the republic nnd
strongly favored the monarchy Tho'pro
visional government sent a company of ur-
tillory to arrest the monarchists They
opened fire on the soldiers and It was re
ported over one hundred were killed
New Yoiik , Jan 14. A correspondent of
C. B. Flint writes from Hlo Janeiro under
date of December S3 ns follows : The out
look hero Just now is not reassuring East
evening parts of two regiments of artillery
mutinied , toro up the republican flag and
hoisted the old imporinl Hug , ana it oqulrcd
nil the ether roglmcuts , cavalry , in
fantry , nnd artillery to subdue
tbotn They fought until after 13 o'clock
and a hundred rebels were killed and
wounded before the rest surrendered , i The
next day ojgtitoon of the rmglcadors were
shot The trouble > vas owing to the dissatis
faction of the soldiers with their pay It Is
sala a number of old conservatives and lib
erals have bcon tauiporjng with the soldiers
aud wore at the botout , of tbo row and several -
eral prominent cttiznnajhavo been arrested
In connection with flie tfTuir
Ul ! "
Bent thoiBrltoiis
Nkw Yonic , Jan KUNows from the As-
boolated press correspondent with the squad
ron of ovolutlou dutptl from Lisbon tolls of
the experiences of thOjAmcricans iu Lisbon
On the 27th of December the English rest
dents of Lisbon challenged the Amorlcan
sailors to a game of football A scratch team
composed mainly of'tho ' cadets of the fleet ,
was organized and.'iho American boys did
their opponents up-'to ' perfection Neither
team ployed the others game , but tbo
Amorlcanssaldi "Woiiwill Play your way
first , then you play ours " Tiioproposal was
agreed to with the result as nbovo The
Englishmen afterwards gave a dinner to tbo
II Inula County Supervisors
Bloomisotov , ill , Jan 11. Tha county
supervisors at the state convention pf super
visors today elected J. It Miller ot St Clair
president The convention is unanimous In
in the opinion that tha state should make
provision for the care ot tbo incurable lusano
and the n xt legislature tyill be momorlal-
Izud on tbo subject
Mexican Counterfeiters Arrested
CiTror MaxicoJanil A largo gang of
counterfeiters were arrested Sunday at To-
huacati , and over $300,000 la counterfeit
money selrea _
Thirty Thousand Huholur * Sum-zing.
Chicago , Jbi , 11. An afternoon paper re
ports iW.OOO school children of Chicago suffer
ing from intluenza or complications thereof
The ' WInter Mootlufjr of the Society
ABsomblo3 nt Lincoln
President Tnylor Delivers ills Annual
Addrossnt thu Afternoon Ses
sion The ProKrniniim tor
Today Stnto News
Stnto Horticulturist * In Session
Lincoln , Neb , Jan 14. [ Special Telegram
gram I to Tun BuB | The winter mooting
Of i the state horticultural society began Its
session j in this city today The forcuoou
, was , devoted to placing the very largo nnd
hnndsomo exhibit in the Grant memorial
hall ' and the admission of new members
At the nftcrnoon session Prosldont T , W.
Taylor ' ot Omaha dcliverod his nnnunl ad
dress . This was followed by the reports ot
the secretary und treasurer and the stand
ing I committees , nnd the nppointmcut of now
committees i
At the cvonlng Besslon the following pro
gramme ! was rendered : Paper on plums , A.
J. Brown ; plums for the Platte valley , John
Hoggoj paper on peaches , J. M. Hussell ;
paper on pears , E. Stcphons . Ench paper
was followed by n spirited and Interesting
discussion ' on topics of spoolnl Interest
The programmo for tomorrow Is as fol
lows 1 : The morning session boglns at 0 and
tbo \ first business will bo the election of ofll
cers , followed by addresses from the ofllcers-
elect ' Prof Hicks will road a paper on
lawns 1 and parks _
AU the nftornoon session Peter Youngors ,
Jr , will discuss winter apples , H. N. Day
fall apples , Hiram Craig summer npplos , J.
II ; Masters keeping winter npplos , Samuel
Barnard marketing npplos , G. J. Carpenter
on the cost and care of an orchard for the
flrst ton years , and Prof Bossoy on fertili
zation , crossing and hybridization of plants
At the evening session G. W. Aloxaudor
, will , discuss grapes , J. G. Smith potatoes , C.
S. Horrison evergreens on the plains , nnd
. W. It Harris planting nnd cultivation of
evergreens At the opening session today
W. , It Davis of Champion , Chnso county ,
secretary , of the Chase county ngriculturul
nnd horticultural society , was admlttod to
momborshlp , , This action doubtless settles
a . running fight between two organizations in
that , county , both claiming to bo the county
Liquor Mnde Him Crnzy
KEvnNEr , Neb , Jan 14. [ Spoclal Telegram
gram ! to Tun Bei : . | Joe Davis , colored , n
burly negro porter here , nnd a well known
character i in Grand Island and Hastings , has
been on a prolonged drunk for about three
years Yesterday ho was seized with dollr-
lum tremens , nnd today the insouo commis-
, ioners issued a certificate that entitles him
to a place in the insane asylum nt Lincoln
This is the third case of dollrium tremens in
this city in the past month , ono resulting
fatally The other , a victim to the snake de
lusion , is already in the insane asylum
Big Iteul Eftntn Don ) .
Keahnet , Neb , Jan 14. ( . Special Telegram
gram to Tun Bee | James W. Cumnock
of Chlcopco , Mass , purchased today all of
the McCallum syndicate interests in this
city , comprising Inside properly In the city
proper , for $150,000. Mr Cumnock is
largely interested in the ICoornoy cotton
mill und this is taken as an indication that
business here for the coming yonr will as
sume greater proportions than ever before
The Malady nt Crclghton
CitEiaiiTON , Neb , Jan 14. | Special to
The Bee ] Owing to the severe run la
grippe is having hero the publlo schools
today succumbed and closed for the week
• Fully two-thirds of the school children nro
confined Scarcely nnyono has escaped , al
though no deaths have ocourrod Doctors
say they have no roraody for the disease It
will probably run Itself out before many
Gngn County Supervisors Orcanlzo
Bbaticice , Neb , Jan 14. | Snocial Telegram
gram to The Bee.1 The county board of
supervisors met and organized this afternoon
by tbo election of Alex Grnhmr ns chairman
for the ensuing year Bids were opened for
the sole ot the old court house , and Lang &
Werner of this city were the successful bid
ders , they offering $3O0 for the same The
old structure must bo removed by March 1.
Mrs lAoutcnnut Corliss Dead
Fem ItoniNsoN , Nab , Jan 14. [ Spoclal to
This Bee ] On Jnnunry 11 , ot 10:30 : p. m.tho
wife of Cnptaln A.V. . Corliss , Eighth in
fantry , died of pleurisy She loft an infant
daughter flvo days old and two other chil
dren ngod respectively nlno nnd eleven
years The sympathy of the whole garrison
is with the captain in his bereavement
Editors Will Ent
IfEAnNBT , Neb , Jan 14. fSpocial Tele
gram to Tub Bee.I Thu generous hearted
newspaper men at a meeting last night
pled god themselves to the free entertain
ment ot the Nebraska editors and their
wives at the mooting of tbo association on
January 23 and iU A grand complimentary
banquet is being arranged
An Old-Fnshioned Hnow Storm
Keaiinev , Neb , , Jon 14. [ Spoclal Telegram
gram to Tun BEn.l An old-fashioned Now
England snow storm has been in progress
during the day and the snow is deep To
night the wind is blowine a gale and big
blockades nro feared The tempcraturo Is
falling rapidly
Hold For the Child's Death
Pawnee Citv , Neb , Jan 14. fSpocial Telegram
gram to The BeeJ The sheriff toda.vorrestod
Margaret and J. E. McKnmoy , tbo coroners '
Jury in the baby inquest , roportodyesterday ,
holding them for thuchlld's death ,
Schools Closed By La Grippe
Stanton , Neb , Jan 14. [ Special to Thk
Bee I The schools of this place have been
ciosod for two weeks on account of la grippe
But ono death is all thnt has beou reported
so far
An Important Meetlnir of tlio Inter
state Commerce Assoolatlon
New Yonic , Jan 14. An important meet
ing of the interstate Comuiorco Railway
association wns begun this morning which
will probably docmo whotlior the association
will cpntttiuo in exlstonco The decision of
Chairman Walker , holding that the arrange
ment between the Union Paclflo ana tbo
Northwestern was not n violation of the
agreement , will also come up Thodemands
of tbo Chicago & Alton for concessions was
tbo most prominent obstacle met by the
assocatlon The meeting Is bolng bold be
hind closed doors , Most of the western
roads are represented The threatened out
break and ruuture in the association was
put oft indefinitely by the appointment of n
committee consisting of Commissioners
Walker , Falthorn ana Mldgloy to consider
measures necessary to the porpotuatloa of
the association and to report ut the next
quarterly meeting This prevented the
airing ot grievances at the mooting and
everything passed off harmoniously Ad
journment was taken shortly after 1 o'clock
without any other quosttons ot Importunoe
coming before the body ,
Tbo official report of the mooting , given
out by ChalrmaoAVulker , says the resolution
by Miller , providing tor the appointment of
committee of the chairmen of the
various sub-associations to * consider
the changes recommended in the form
of the organization necessary to produce
mora satisfactory result * and secure moro
general cooperation , was adopted When
such report is completed the comtnitteo shall
call a general meetlug to act on it The
executive board , as at present constituted ,
was continued until the neil quarterly meet
ing The report of the chairman was culled
for under a resolution adopted nt
ft special mooting on Dccembor 17 In respect
to a contract between the Union Pncllio nnd
the Chicago & Northwestern companies re
quiring his decision as to whether the rhargo
that tno ngrecmont hnd boon violated Is
true Ills report was to the effect
that Buch contract was n violation
of the agrccmont in tlio niaiiucr In
which it deals with the subjects of rates and
the divisions of through rates , ns well ns In
Its ofTect upon the distribution of competitive
A Cut by the Alton
Chicaoo , Jnn 14. At n mooting of the
Western Freight association today the pro
position of the Chicago & Alton to roiluco
rates on cattle to 12tf cents n 100 pounds
from Kansas City to Chicago wns brought
up for consideration When put to
n vbto the proposition wns rejected almost
unanimously The Alton roprosontntlvo
then gave ton dnys' notlco , as required by
the agreement , of Its intention to nut the
rate Into effect The southwestern division
will meet separately tomorrow to consider
the Alton's notion and to docmo whether it
shall bo mot or not Tbo proposed rate Is
the lowest mndo on cattle from the Missouri
rlvor to Chicago nnd lonvcs a very narrow
margin for the railroads A few months
ngo the rate was 27 > cents
Stockholders Annual Mootlnsr
St Louis , Mo , Jan 14. The nnnual
mooting of the stockholders of the St Loins
Vandalla & Terre Haute road , was held
In Greenville , 111 , , today The annual report
for the fiscal yonr ended October 31. ISSJ
showed n surplus of $143,55. The following
persons were elected as directors : Thomns
D. Messlor , J. N. MoCullough , W. II
Barnes , II , McKecn , M. Duloney , E. O.
Henry , Charles 11. Seylott , J. S. Peers The
board was organised bv the election of
Thomas D. Mossier ns prosldont
Two Missouri Doctors Prcscrllio for
Each Other
Macon , Mo , , Jan 14. In a street fight
today with revolvers between Morris Norrls
nnd Dr W. G. Lnrribco three persons were
wounded , two of them , it Is feared , fatally
The light wns caused by a dlsputo
over a bill in Dr T. J. Norris -
ris' drug store between the proprietor
nnd Dr Larrlbeo The latter refused to
the bill , claiming there was nn error After
some words passed Dr Norrls ordered Dr
Larrlbeo from the store The latter soon
returned and called the proprietor out oa the
sidewalk Morris Norrls , the doctors son ,
feared trouble nna grapping his
fathers revolver from the counter fol
lowed his father to the sldowalk Dr
Norris hod no sooner reached the pavement
than Dr Larrlbeo drew a revolver and com
menced firing Norrls returned the Uro and
shot Dr Larrlbeo in the loft arm
and right leg Deputy Sheriff Pea
son was hit by a stray bullet
which passed ontlroly through his body ,
producing n fatal wound Another bullet
struck S. M. Wiggins , farmer , iu the log ,
Inflicting a slight wound
Whites Endeavor to Punish a Mlthy
Tongtted Ncuro
St Louis , Jan 14. A serious shooting
affray occurred near Bridgototi , thirteen
miles out of the citv on the \Vaba3l1 railroad
yesterday , caused by reports Involving the
name of Miss Christina Amulung , a young
lady of nineteen , the daughter of William
Amulung , a farmer
Mr Amulung bad n colored man , Taylor
Pointer , in his emplov , and , ns tbo Btory
goes , Pointer bad been boasting of Intimate
relations with Miss Amulung This rooort
was flrst heard three wocks ngo ,
nnd Amulung's sons , John , * Will
mm , Edward and Frank , ever smco
have been determined to punish Polntor for
tolling such stories , They called to their
nssistnnco their brothers-in-law. Otto ,
Christ Herman and Luke Asmus , and
yesterday they started out Lo find the oiTond-
lng Pointer , a call was made at the house
of Creed Hunt , but Pointer had gene with
the older Hunt to the house of Kalph Blvens
to visit Miss Amanda Bivons , who
hod been confined to her bed
four months with dropsy There ho was
found Blvens answered the knock
at the door and was told they hud como to
arrest Pointer Bivons begged them not to
make a disturbance , as his daughter was
sick Hunt asked thorn if they had a warrant
Herman Asmus rushed by him into the bouse ,
revolver in hand nnd leveling it at Pointer
said that was warrant enough for him Mrs
Bivens seized , a shotgun , when Otto
Asmus rushed in aud attempted
to take it from her Bivons came
to her assistance and a terrible
struggle ensued , during which two of
the Amulungs seized Pointer , who dofonacd
himself desperately Ho wns struck ever
the hend with n revolver and knocked down
with n chair , when ho grabbed a llat-
iron , with which ho struck Herman Asmus
on the head * The men then ran out and bo-
Ban firing through the doors Mrs Bivens ,
who had run into the kitchen , screamed and
Pointer picked up a shotgun and rail
to her assistance Otto Asmus was
in the doorway , revolver in hand ,
when Poiuter fired full in his fare Ho fell
back and was carried uwoy by bis frlonds
Polator escaped to Brldgeton , wboro ho gave
himself up , as It was feared ho would again
bo attacked The wounded man received the
full charge in the face , both eyes boiug shot
The Co mi ne Judiciary Centennial
New YonK , Jnn 14. [ Special to Tub
Bee.1 In addition to the nnmos already
sent you of these persons who have Bignillod
to the secretary , Chniias Henry Bjitlcr , of
the American Bar association , their inten
tion to bo present nt the forthcoming centen
nial celebration of the Judiciary of the United
States , hero in Now York , in Fobrunry ,
the following additional names have como
from among your constituents : John L.
Webster , Omaha ; J. C. Cowin Omaha ; E.
McClain , Iowa City ; J , F. Duncomb , Fort '
Dodge ; George G. Wright , Dos Moines :
Nathan S. Harwood , Lincoln , Neb , and
Herbert L. Baker , Detroit What will un
doubtedly provo thu grcetest feature ot tins
event will be the speech ot Judge Field of
California No set speech has been made for
him , and wbatit Is to bo Is a matter of con
jecture here
Po7zonl's Complexion Powder Is univer
sally known nnd ovorywboro ostcomod ns the
only powder that will improve tbo complex
ion , oradlcato tan , freckles , and all skin
Four Children Suffocated
EniE , Pa , Jan , 14. Tonight Mr , and Mrs
Itogalinskl loft their four children homo
with Mrs Hogallnskl's brother , whllo they
went to make a call The llttlo ones uncle
was Intoxicated and ho laid a lighted piece
of paper dowu on the bed In which the chil
dren were sleeping The bed took "flro and
the house was consumed The drunken man
escaped as did Mary Towlinskl , the owner of
thu house , but the children were suffocated
A Kupsas City Editor Slugged
Kansas Cnr , Mo , Jan 14. fSpocial Telegram
gram to The Bke.J Louis Ilamtnvrslough ,
propr'otorof tlio Kansas City Morning Globe ,
was attacked on Ninth street shortly before
noon today oy O. A , Jones , son of Superin
tendent Jones ot the waterworks Hummer
slough was badly useil up Jones has bcon
placed uudur bonds The trouble grow out
of the Olobo's continued uttaeliB pa Major
Jones methods of assessing water rates
. Iron Hunters Elect Ollluurs
Ci.evei.vni > , O. , Jan , 14. At tlio annual
convention ot the National association of
Iron roofers today Joseph A. Wilson of Chicago
cage was elected president and J. C Bat
tollu of Peoria , III , vice president
Tno Fair Association , .
The Omaha Fair and Exposition associa
tion held a short tnoetlug yesterday after
noon , but as 110 quorum was present an ad
journment was taken until February 4 , when
a moating wilt bo held at 3 p. m . at which
time business of a very important character
will bo considered , and a full nttondauce ot
members is requested
After the nisoling had been formally ad
journed Major Wheeler made a few remarks
regarding the action of the board of trade In
the matter of securing tbo location of the
THE GREAT REASON for the uslnj
of Hoods P11rmp.11 Ilia li found In thn nrtlcln
itself It Is Morlt Thnt Wins , nnd the fact
thnt Hoods Sarsnpirllla actltilly acconipllshos
nil thnt Is claimed fur It , hns glvon this medi
cine n popularity and sale greater than any
other sarsnpsirllla or blood purifier
Hoods Snrsnpnrllln is old by drug
gists It ; stxrorjj , Prepared by li 1. Mood Se
Co , .Apothccurlos , tioueu , Mass Giro It n
state fmr at Omaha Ho alluded to the ad
vantages hi having the fair nero oua the
Itnnnclal benefit to ho derived from it Ho
suggested the idea of turning ever the stock
oi tbo Omaha Fair and Exposition nssocln-
tion to the now association nnd receiving m.
whatever amount of slock they might bo en-
tltlod to 3u4 |
Mr Euclid Martin advocated the sama
plan and said thnt a number of the stock
holders hud expressed u willingness to tender
their stock to the now company nnd receive
stock In return Ho suggested Jiumodlnlo
action in order to assist the now ontorprlso
ns much ns possible , nnd thought that it
would-ho a good Idea for the stockholders to
bo present at the meeting called for Thurs
day 10 consider the project t
Mr.V. . N , Nason addressed the mooting
on bohnlf of the board of trndo comtnitteo
Ho sold that the committee had secured
subscriptions nmouutlng to $15,000 , and have
pledges amounting to as much moro The
street cnr company have mudo a proposition , •
which umounts to $30,000. They hnvo offered
to pay ono-fourth of the cost of n picoo of
land nonr the foit known ns the Pnrker
propoity and givo'tho nssocintlon ton years
to purchase it back at the original price
For sick hcudnck'G , foivmlo troubles ,
nourulgic pains in the head take Dr J.
H. McLean's Llttlo Liver and Kidney
Pillots 35 cents a vinl
Fipo In a Clotlilnc Store
A small piece of porcelain broke1 out of tli
glooo about nn elcctrio are light in Arus-
toln's clothlmj store on Douglas street near
Thirteenth ln3t night , nnd aot ilro to some
clothinc beneath It The fire wns dlscovorcd
by Detective Orinsby before it hnd made any H
headway Iho Ilro department wascallci H
and broke In the door 'Iho room was llllei H
with smoke , but it was found that only a B
couple of pairs of pauts und two or'throo V
vests haa been burned
Ladies who value a refined comnloxlon 2 ? * B
must use Poz/onl's Powder It produces a V Ml H
soft nnd beautiful skin " H
Indicted For Murder
3 B
_ _ _
CnicAoo , Jan 14. The grand Jury has rS- " " " H
turned an Indictment against Henry Ln-
cloche , Seth Twomblv nnd Charles Buford
for the murder of Edward Smith , Jr , who
died last November from the ofTccts ot in
juries received in the Keel : Island road acci
dent nt South Englewood , on the night of
Septombor2l. 'Ihis is the bovoiUIi Indict
ment for murder ngainst Twombl.f and Bu
ford , but the flrst found ngainst Loclocho ,
who was fireman 011 Twombly's engiuo
Sued by n Gambler
Kvksas Citv , Mo , Jap 14. Bud
Gulon , a Chicago gambler , has filed suit
ngainst C. C Quinlan , a promlnont
cattle dealer ot this city , to collect a note
glvon lum by Quinlan during a rccont noted
poker game , in which Gulon won (20,000.
Quinlan contests the vnlidity of the note on
the ground that it was given iu puyment of
n gambling debt
Look Out lor Yonr Ncolr
The usual means * for keeping tlio noclt Jm
warm are "by very light goods , with •
' largo meshoa lilto woven worstcd.wliieh ' ISsH
host s6"rvo the purpose , says the Philaf' J
dolphin Record Hut covering is not
desirable if it can bo itvoidod Many
wi&o men , whoso fncos ] Umi\ino tlio
milder sotibons with the bright aspects
of clean-shaven cheeks and chin , prudently -
dontly put a shield ever tlio moat vul *
nu ruble portion of the nock , the throat ,
by growing a winter board
Probably ovopy 0110 can count among '
lits friends some who , by letting their
hoards grow , hardly ever have a sere
throat 111 winter It will bo soon by
this i lustration what is meant by goods
that hold air und provldo warmth with
out overheating The hoard is lilto 0110
of tlioo light fabrics spnkon of nbovo
Somewhat the some result is produced
by putting on a high collar For men
of uulicato throats the high collar is ns
dosirahle an article of winter dress as
the ilium ol shirt is to ottiors in Fitimmoi' .
But fur around the nockof cither mini
or woman is a doubtful thing in this ell ;
mate A lcadfn g Philadelphia doctor - . - - 'fi |
onno said to a young lady patient , now a
• a distinguished singer : Take that rur _
olT your nt-ck. It makes it tender , and
when you take it oltlt lenvos it doubly
Huscoptlhlo lo cold " The lady took Ills
advlccatid has 110vor slnco bcon troubled
with cold
: . . , r- = T
SakiN3 * ,
Absolutely Pure
Tills ponder navor varies A tnurrel of purity
strength aud wlinlnsomaiiuss Morn ecciiioml
cul tliun thu ordinary Kinds , und cannot be sold
lu competition with Dm multitude , of low ten
sliort weight alum or puotphatopowdeis Sold
Olllu ( II CUIU ItOVAI.ItAKINd IWdkii CO , , I0J
WallStN , V.
for Improved and economic cookery usa
Liebig COMPANY'S '
or DeefTea.Boups , Made Dished , 8aucosOAm ( *
all A.c.1 , Aspic or Meat Jelly Keeps for aur !
length of time , aud Uf.hespvrs.ndof lluer lUvor I
than any oiherstocic - 1
Oonulno only with J. von Lleblp'o
al'in 0u''O0Pflbow9 ' lfl t > luo Onepplinl
o ruxtrsct ot lleot equal W forty pouiulv or lotu