| | 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE . TUESDAY , JANUARY 14. 1800. 1 I nnd trafflo Is practically suspended Intcnso L nufferlbg Is reported In the destitute districts Jn several of the western counties The tempcraturo Is not vcrv low } ot but the mcrcurj Is falling and severe cold is appro bonded All along the path of Inst evenings ' torrl- } > lo storm In this city largo crowds nro gath- orcd this morning to view the ruins The W number ot buildings which wcro damnged will probably rench ono hundred and lift } , with the loss ranging All the wav from fltX ) 000 to fcTOO 000 A largo forai of work tnon is cleaning up the ciobris As far as j known the list of injured numbers fifteen There were four fnmlllos In a thrco storj H liulllingat 101 South Twentieth street yester On j afternoon when the root was lifted off H by the p isslng tornado In ono room the H liusband and children were gathered about H the conin which contained the lata H ivlfo and mother As the wind H toro nvvuy the roof the terror of the children was pitiful and it wis long bo H fore the neighbors could calm thorn * tioono | was hint In the building Uilliun lirndj was pissing the corner of H rifth and Morc.au streets when the tornado H utruck and toppled oor the spire of Lmnnucl H church A fragment of brick struck him on B the head , foiling him to the pivomcnt His B Bcnlp was torn nnd his skull was fractured Hcnjamlnccrfleld ran to the doorway of the bt Louis minuructurliif coiupmys works for shelter when the storm arose t U'lio wind was driving directly upon this door B nnd succeeded In Dursting its fastenings B Vcorflold was thrown down thostnlrwui into C the basement by the Wind Ho is in lured internally and his right leg is broken B below the knot II John Onirics mid two compmions wcro B crossing IcfTcrson nvonue , whin the wind hwept their cani 11.0 across the • street in uplto of the horscB Weight mid dumpcl the occupants on the sldovvnlk Charles was thrown against u hydrant and bndl } in Jurcd Mrs riizabuth Carr and her daughter H wcro seriously Injured by being buiiodundor the debris of their liousi ' 1 ho tornado plied I house No 141J North lwcltth street , in the HB rear , about the holds of Hoinkol Wcnzol , a fl stonemason , nud fnmllj Wcnzol and wife Bfl rind three children v > tc sitting in the front B room of their * house which is n ono storj BB brick rottuiro when the storm arose bud Bfl dcnly tlio house collapsed and nil wcro buried Bfl in the ruins The neighbors cumo to their Bfl nsilstanco and all were taken out nllvo uud Bfl but slihtli ( hurt BB lhero was terrlblo excitcmont at the nit BB ntorlum durlnir the Btorra Uctwceti ilvound BB , six hundred girls nud men were there , datic Bfl I ing as usual Sunday afternoon ihu build BB ing wis sh iken nud seemed upon the point B of belnc wrecked bovcril women fainted BB but no ono was Injuted B Pus cucorsonthoPcrguson , Mo accommo BB dation train hul n n mow escnj o ind thoj Bj congratulate thoJisclvos that n d07on of BB ] thorn did not hnvo their hoods cut off How BT j they wcro saved from death or Injur } is Bflj I a miracle Colonel Ihomns Thoroilghmiu BB ] says the tialn hi 1 left the station ui d had BB jirocoeded ns fur northward mong tlio river BBj front as ICnapp Stout A. Co 's lumber jard BBJ when the water poure I down in such quau- BflJ titles that none eould see outsldo tlio BBJ coaches Slowly the train procccdod and BBJ when ov eri thing looked darkest sud BJB donlj there vvus n nolso of smashlug BBj glas9 that rose ubovo the dm ind inch BJB plunks came shooting into the coich win BJB ilows on ono side nud went out nt the other BJB lust like ns if they hud been tired fiom n BJB liugo cannon What few passengers wcro BJB in the l isscnccr , conch crouched down closa BJB to the lloor and the lumber wnit lljing ovci BJB their heads 1 lie storm of planks mid wood BBJ was so heavy that it broke over } BJB pane of LIasi , in the second coach and the BJB wind ] mimed it In piles on tno trael between BJB the trucks stopping the train J here the BBJ cars stood until the storm abatol wl on the fll train crow got out uud cleared the roidwuj H At M iifitrn I nllH H Maoaha Palis Out , Inn It A cyclone H struck this plieo toduj and the wh d attained H n velocity of ninety miles an hour earning H everything before it 'Ilia groatcst sufferer Hj Is the Canadian Web compiny lho roof H . was torn from thobrlck walls and tnc north H and west walls fell in upon fifteen girls H who wcro omplo\od in the upper story All H escaped except Alice nicker , who hal a leg JflJ broken and w is bidl } uruiacd about the BJBJ bndv iwogujsof the foot mid carriage JflJ suspension bridge , which had been ro BJBJ built last spring , wcio snapped and JflJ fell into the itvcr Iho greatest anxloty is JflJ ] I felt for the bridge Itself , but the storm do JflJ" censed in violence about noon preventing BJBJ uuy further dnmago BJBJ telegraph nnd lelephono wires lire down BJBJ in e\eri direction A tree fell across the BJBJ lailroau track in front of a freight trilu BJBJ jieur Suspension Urldgo , N Y Jhoeiiglno BJBJ nnd nineteen freight cars were thrown into BJBJ ditch and the engineer badlj hurt H Auny Ixiwn In le\ii9 H Dai t is lex , Jan n Much damage was H | done bj last nights stoim In this \ieimty j At Oak Cliff a suburb of this citi , n bulld- H ing in eourso of construction nnd other Hi bouses were blown down At loulsillle H four miles from Dallas many houses and JBB fences were destroyed nnd the rosiloucoof JflJ A Joseph bidiy wrecked and his wife fat ill v injuiod Half n dozen other residence ) wuro JflJ jnrtlj unroofi d lho Methodist church was BJ move 1 from .ts foundation nnd the cupalo BJBJ ' nnd roof torn from it lho chandeliers fljjflj wore foind sevoril hundred yaias oistnneo B A Sleninor Itlow n fjoni llnr 'MoDrlntiH H Di TitoiT , Mich Jan n A torrllic wind H mid rainstorm raged hero instnli'ht and this M jiiornlng doing consl lorablo damige trees B nnd u number of signs being blown down M 'ihis morning was the coldest experienced BJflJflJBB bo far this winter and there is a silent fall of BJBJ snow lho steamer Ossifiago wis torn BJBJ from her mooting nud blown up the rl\er to JflJ Hello Isle , where she was stranded Shu JflJwill pn bably bo tot off without damage JflJ rJ ologral h and toloi here communication is JflJ seriously inlcrrui ted H iMm rlo iiP H IiocncbTi.il , N V , Jan 11 A hurricane fl iroyalls hure lho wind is said to halo H reached n veloeltj of so\enty llvo mlles an M liour Many buildings have been partially M demolished and sovcral persons were lnu ] red H by the falling dohris Qoorgo Welter was M struck on the head bj a falling chlinnej nnd BBB Jtillod Gcugo bouard an express waioii ilrUor , w is klci el in the head bj nhorse JflJwhich h id been blown down by the forte of BJBJ the wind Sew in d la not oxpeetod to 10- Jfll cover IIjo south wall of the Jcaohn block JflJwas blown down falling on mil crushing u JflJ Cranio bulldiiiL , next dour , no ono Injure 1 H I ho lull H On City , l'c , Jan III lho tail end of H the western cjclono struck this soctlou this H morn'iiL' ' , doing threat damuio to proporlv H At least olio-fourth of tbo oil derricks in thin BBB neighborhood worn destroyed lljo wires | ' BBB ivore blown down nnd no outside teletrapliio , BBB communieatlQii could bo hud until uftur i ! l V Ui B Did ( > rt nt Dam iii B Iimv , O , Jai 11 The tornado which [ M jirovailed hero during the night did great M damage In the oil Holds blowing down BBB hundreds of derrick * hovoral bulldii is ' BJBJ vcro unroofed , but no loss of life Is tcported M Twc H ) < urtii uteiH Hint M SniACUSi , N Y , Jan H Asovero wind 1 M storm rued ( limo t lis afternoon , mnuy M buildings bolug uaioofcd riiu uow freight M liouso of the Koine , \ \ atcrtowu A. Ogdens JflJ burg railroad , in coumuot erocllou , was BBB blown down bUtyllyomon were at work BJBJ ou the building at the limo \ \ llllam \ \ illis BJBJ n carpenter , wus killed mid nbouttwclvo BBJJ Dthiirciirpcntois weiu severely injured , | JBJJ Aiiothm \ illnco htilleiH B Utua , N , ' \ . , Juu 1J A heavy wind | Bjjj slorui imssoil over the uorthorn part of this | JBJJ country ut noon touaj In the village of | JBJJ bouth 1 renton tlio llaptlst church was un | Bjjj roofed and the steeple of the l/nion church | JBJJ vas blown down A number of bouses ami BJBJ barns were unroofed trees uprooted , fences BJBJ hpd small buildings blown down and many * BJBJ prelums ! marly ruined JBJ A dispatch from Oswego states that the BBB etorm is very soy era there , | JBJ | > i iibhtel lit the htnriii H Atouison , Kan , Jan , 1J Ibjifeial'lelo H I Rraui to Tub lice j Henry bcuaont , n car | BJJ | venter uud u prominent member of the Atehl H son turner social , , , in a moment of tempo H ran Inmnltj , toro all his clothes from his IJBj } > a&y latl uiyht and stark naked ran out mto BflW the storm and has not boon seen since It Is supposed that ho bns perished In the storm nndthsthls bo Iv lies buried In the snow , fcohoon had no relatives In America Ills pcoplo llvo at I'ranKfort on the Main Trnlu Mown IVoin the Track MovTHRAUJan 13 A dispatch from St Ililnro sajs the Grand Trunk train tor Montroil was blown from the track today The conductor , nrikcman , c mil clerk nnd thrco passengers wcro sorlously and several others illghtl } Injured A llocnlnr Twister HtooMiNOTOS , III , Jan 11 Last night a cjclouostruck Cooksvlllo , McLean county , and wrecked a good part of the place doing consldcrablo other damage Urother's drug store nnd stock wcro destrojod , trees up rooted and fences nnd outbuildings wrecked No ono was injure 1 but there wcro many narrow oscipcs The thermomrter fell 60 decrees from mllnlght tosuniiso Trrrllloiul \ nt I'ltlHlmrir PtTTanmo Pa , Jan 13 A tcrnfla wind storm passed over this clt.y nbout C o clock this morning doing considerable damage and prostrnting wires In ovorj direction Communication east nnd west for a tlmo was entirely cut off but It has ngiln been ostnb lishol , although the telegraphic service Is badly crippled . ll < l but lilltlo Dntuiiiio MisscyroLis , Mum , Ian 1J The storm did very llttlo dnmngo In the northwest , 'irnlrs on some roads are Into , but there is no serious dclaj The wcathci is clear nnd cold | Mny llnvn Pcrishcil CAi iAKr , N. W. T Jan 13 It Is supposed that John MdDonnld , who stnrtod from Hosobud Thursday with n team to drive Mrs Wilson nnd thrco children to Glclchen must have perished in Thursday nights storm , which was very severe , ns thoi have not been heard from slnco The Ontr County J > Ulslim Question HtATiucr , Neb , Jnn 11 lo the Ldltorof TiirHiE Tlio cock mid bull Btori from \ \ i moro uhout the prospect of a division of Gniocounti nppenrlnr lu Tin Bi r Situr- dui morning cicited lots of nmusoment In Oi's ' city The teal facts of the case are that rinnlc Thomas , faonator Paddock'snppolnteo ns postu aster of th tt v llmge nnd also editor of the \ \ y moro Union and C iptilu Murdoclr , have boon agitating that subject for some months pist or sineo the election , and have mot onlj with dorlsiou from the people of the south half of the count } in their efforts to create a countj dlv Ision sensation Threats were made to present the petition to the boird of supervisors but it lacking the requisite quisito number of signatures , the schoino died n'bornln Asldo from a few persons the count } division nuostlon Is lcgurdcd with sui rome contempt In Wj more Uluo Springs Liberty Harnoston , Holmesvillo nidOdoll , from whence the county divisloiiists expect to guln their chief support A number of the signatures to Murdocks and 1 nomas' petition me these of people living just ever the Kans is stuto llr o Murdock nspircs to a Icirisl itivu nomination this fall , ami is aim ing to cm ry fuor In the south part of the county ns the apostle of county division It is the san o old chestnut of scy cr-il j ears ace nnd bie ills out Just uftor everv fcciiernl elec tion ind is invnuubi } fathered by defeated cuudidates b b P. A I miiiitis Cnsc pwoiti Jim 1J Judeo Wftllico in the United States comt todi } , lnudod down a deci'lon holding thnt cSliorlfC Peter llowoc ml otbo held rosponslblo ior thefGOO , OCO scuvlfrom Leon ISirnard a canon of the church of Rome and also dismissed the suit brought in lho naino of the Catholio prebendary against the ex sheriff lho Hi0 000 in question is part of a fortune of 42jO00 000 that has boon accumulated by the bishopric of Journal iiolgium , in the course of a cciiturv Through u change of bishops this gioat fortuuo was unoaithcrt In 1679 when Bishop Du inoiit for some offense or other , was suspended bj Bishop Duriosslan The uow prelate nianafcod to got the monej lor which the suit wis brought away from bis pro lcces8or , entrusted it to the care of Canon U irnnrd , n priest of the dlocoso and tbo latter ran awa > with it to this country A U1DD WTSL SCENE rive Olllcors nnd \ Grnitcr I ngngo in n Ijlvolv Itow There was something of it w lid tlmo nt the Wild West s iloon , 210 I ourtcentb street , about 0 10 last evening John Smith , u grader became n HUlo too full of liquor to hnndlc himself and bumped up against the frout doors of the ul ice somewhat to the damngo of the glass Ofllcor Meals hap pened to bo pissing at tbo tlmo , mid wont in to find out what the ricttet was The first man bo run against was Smith and whou uoEtoko to blm the latter immediately thoucht himself insulted or something of the kind , und nt once showed fight going nt the oflleci it is Bald , In regular wild west fashion lhon there was trouble sure enough during which it is claimed that William Butler put in his our in a sort of promiscuous manner W hllo the affair was nt its height and Olllcei Meals ' "us tring to got Smith und liutlor Btirtc i tow ird central station Policemen Bovlc , Mckruy and Bolln passed bj on their way to loll cill Upon seeing this reinforcement of blue coats Smith slmpb drew tilmself up to a still ( , iontcr heluht and wadcl still further in while Butloi simply tried to gracefully withdrawn Then Chief Soivoj hapioned along By dodging und duoking dropping aui rollliiL , ovoi , Smith sueccudod in giving the ilvo stars onoof the liveliest games of catcli-as calch-e in thut bus boon witnessed on a business street in this cit } for inan.y an eventide Smith and Butler were both nnallj linded behind the b irs being escorted to the stutlnn bj about four hundred pco | lo in addition to the flvu ofllccrs lho two men had friends who c imo nnd bailed them out about 10 o clock Both uro said to bo v ery good fellows - lows at times when they have not beou drinking OAI'IUIIU ) A PICKPOCKET A New Vork Driiiuiiinr' * I\nerlonco mi n Union I'milllt ; Trtln Comlni , up on the Union PaciUo passenger train lust nl nt from Lincoln , L M Quins berg u traveling man from Now Yorkcltj , fall uslnep nud was avvul cnod b } a man fumbling in his | ockcts Gnlnsberg took in the situation the moment bo opened his eyes nnd Making u jrab for the pickpocket , ' caught him around the neck ' Dent make i a rnckot , " whispered the plckpocuot , but look across on the other scat " Gaiusbcrg did ( , lai co to the seat and saw his vvutih and [ chain , which hud been taken from him uud laid there temporarily while the ploltpockot was toing throu h liU other pockets inking the fellow along with him at the i point of a pistol Galnsoorg found the con ductor uud hud him telegraph auoad to this city for an ofllcer to bo at the tram W hen i tlio > arrived hero the thief was locked up at the central fetation He is a largo , dune com plexioncd , stillshly drosso I fellow nbout 1 thirty years old uud said bis niitno was \ \ ill mm vuii Allen und that ho was a telegraph i operator There were no pipars found on i him to give nnj clue to his iduntit } , and this i fuct lcnls tlioonieurs to bcllcvu ho Is a pro fosslonal thief Mr ti ilnsberg is a. 'mndsomoly dressed I jounr man of nbout thirtj ilvo years The watch huso uoirlj lost was a very line gold 1 ono Ho hud ever 319 in one of his vest ; pockets GiihUiniili in liroil GarbagLtnnster Goldsmith is said to have declared In conlllcnca to u prominent cit } , oQIclal that ho would today resln his posl- tloi It was also learned that his ipsiguatlon would bo ImmcAllatcl } uccoptod and that lu i all probability Michael Barry , who lives at Llghttt and Leavenworth streets and has i boon i ) resident ot the cit } for thirty years , would bo the next fcarbagounster ot Omaha CI c il hj tlin Inllcp In uceordanco wltu , actlou taken b } the llconso board jesterdaj ufternoon the polios Inst night closed up the Diamond suloon , on Dauelas street , und that of V. ilium Ship pooroet , at rwolfth and Cass N TOO FLY FOR THE SPIDER Murphy Maatlontoa Wolr In the Roped Parlor FOURTEEN ROUNDS FOUGHT The Pol fast Mnn Docs Some Scion * ttlln N orlc , Hut Honvy lloily Blows I leer Hlni Sullivan to Meet ilnckoon Another Clinniplnn Mnno Sav I itAfcisco , Cal , Jan 13 rourteon sivngo round were fougnt tonight bottveon the fcathorwolfht champions , lko Wclr , the ' Belfast Spider , " and Billy Murphy , of Australia Weir delivered some oxtraordlnar } upper cuts but Murph } got In tolling bed } work , finill } knocking the Spilor out President Puldn of the California Athlotlo club announced to the crowd that John L Sullivan had nfrccd with an nccrcditod rep rosontitlvo of the club on the purse for which ho would moot Peter Jackson In the last fight of his llfo The amount was 110,000 , and Jaokson had accepted lho terms < Inck McitulliTe Pnancs Tluougli Jack McAullffo the champion light wolght pugilist , togolhcr vvth | Bill } Madden , nnd bis backer , Dick Uocho , passed through this cit } jestorduyon the iB & . M , bound for ban Tranclseo , wheroho Is to meet Jimmy Carroll In the squared circloundor the aus- plcos of the California athlotlo club , In March In conversation with n friend , and there was qulto n part } nt the depot to see the noted but gontlomnnl } Uchtor , ho said ho was in prlnio condition and confident of bolting Carroll After his bittlo with the California ] ] ho said his next go would bo with Billy Mcr , if its possible to make the match The Mnscomih Kennel Show Cnicvoo Jan 13 [ Special Telegram to Tut Bnr ] The Mnscoutah Kennel club of this cit } is making most oliborato propira tlons for thr ir coming bench show nnd some handsome prizes nro to bo hung up A chnl lengo cup , valued nt * 100 , will bo given to the owner of the host male mastiff b } the American Mastiff club also another to the finest female P D Armour donates $2o n cash for the best Lavorick sottct , and many othoi prlvnto Individuals have signified their Intention to give hnndsomo cash prizes lho wiuncrs medals will bo wrought from solid silver , nnd the designs are unlquo and beau tiful , in medallion form The oxaot date of tbo show has not yet been anuouncod IMlokcy Will sicn Toilny New ionic , Jan 13 | Special Telegram to Tug Bi.k 1 It is currently understood here tonight that smiling Mlcke } Welch , Now York's great pitcher , has signified to President Da } that ho will attach his name to a National league contract tomorrow Johu Ward and Tim ICeofo have been with W etch nil dnj ondoivorlng to pei undo him to enst his lot with the i'lnv er s league but ov idontlv to no avail Welch s notion will bo a hard blow to the brotherhood Mck Voting's O intrncts Washington Jnn 1J rSpecial Telegram gram to Tup Bef ] Prosidcnt Nick Young today promulgated the contracts of Long with Boston , Gilks with Clovelund and To beau and Kcilly with Cincinnati Pros'dont John U Day is alleged to lnvo siid that be now holds the contracts of two moro of last seasons Now "Vorks but at their request refuses fuses to divulge their names } ct aw hllo Snapper Nnva In Trouble Baltimokb , Md , Jun 13 fSpocial lole- grnm to Tub Ble ] Snapper Nava , the old Spanish catcher of the Provldonco league club , was arrested last night for as saulting Gcorgo lumbloy Since Nnvn's ro tircmont from the diamond ho has Deen a sa loon bouncer , and bus become n iv reck from uissipntion The rnlllbriiiu Chnmuioiis Tor 1800 Saciumevto , Cil , Jan 18 [ Spatial Telegram gram to lncliiF | The championship pen nnnt for 1S90 was awarded last night at an adjourned meeting of the California loatrun to the Oakland club iho season of IS'10 it was resolved will open March 2J and closa November 23 nrn-riRsi congiilss IIiiiisc W vsiUNOTON , Jan 1J Mr Adams of II linois , chairman of the Sllcott investigation committee , submitted a report accomp miod b } a bill appropriating STo 000 for the purpose of suppl } ing the deflcioncy in the appropria tion for the pay nnd mlleago of members and dolcgates occasioned by the defalcation in the ofllco of the sergeant at arms 1 wo minor reports also were submitted They wcio nil ordered prlntod in the Record | and recommitted Accompanying ono of the minorit } reports is n bill authorizing the members who suffered by the defalcation to brine suit ngalnst the government In the court of claims Among the bills introduced and refcrrod were the following By Mr Dohavcu of California Providing thut public lauds shall bo sold only to citizens of the United States By Mi Post of Illinois Making Uock Island a port of entry By Mr Pithlan of Illinois A resolution directing the committee on ways and moans to report a sop into bill placing lumber , salt , Jute hemp man ilia and sisal grass on the frco list B } Mr Hitt-ror public buildings at Rock Island III B } Mr Strublo lor the admission of W- omirg and Idaho By Air Lucoy Per a public buildiug at Osknloosa la lij Mr Andorsou of Kansas I o dcclaro the duties enforce the obligations and regu late the service of inilroad compauios as carriers of interstate -ommorce By Mr Council Per a public building at Be itricc Neb B } Mr Laws ror a publio buildiug at Hustings Nub By Mr Cummlngs of Now York A Joint resolution for the erection of n st ituo to the nomor } of the late Samuel J rildon lho Joint resolution road us follows llesolvcd lhat there bo appropriated from the treasury of the United States the sum of $50 000 to ere t a statue to the late Samuel J Illdon to bo placed in the center of the rotunda of the capltol , that on thotubktat the front of the basa of said statuoTiioro shall boconspicuousl } engraved these words * Samuel J lildon , nineteenth president of the United States elected but not seated " [ Applause on the domoor itlo side ] Thnt on the rlht ( of the squaio bnso shall bo engraved - graved the date of tbo birth election and death of such president nnd that on the opposite side shall bocntruvod an cuglo with a snake in its talons and undoi it these words ' Poi the right " Resolved , Hint the president of the United states the ctnef Justices of the supreme court the president of the senate nnd the speaker of the housy of ropresontatlvos ba authorized to superintend the expenditure of mono } nnd that a cop } of these rcsolu tlons with the names unJ titles of said dig nitarios bo engruy cd on the roar of said base Mr Svvocno } of Iowa luquired whether the pcntlemau oxpeetod the inscription to bo ill cj phoi By Mr Grosvonor For n military na tional park the Chlckaiuaugu bill By Mr Washington Making Andrew Jachson day u national holiday 11 } Mr McCord ror publio buildings at Marietta , Chippewa Palls and Ashland , Wis 1 ho bouse thou proceeded In committee of the whole to the consideration of u bill to provide for town site lanus in Oklahoma No action was tulcou uud the committee rose und the house udjourned Semite Washington Jan 13 Mr Turpia gave notlco that uo would on Woducsday address 1 ' the scnato on the tailing resolution offered b } Mr Morgan for n recognition of the ro pubiloan government of Brazil Bills were roportc 1 Xdr public buildings In St Paul , nt a cost.df tGW,000. Sionx Cit } , $500,000 , nnd CodaPUtyid * In , $200,000 A bill to nuthorlzi a railroad bridge across the Missouri river at a point between the county of Doughs or otburp , } , in Nobriska , nnd the county of Pottavvattamlo , In Iowa , was nmended nnd pissed A resolution hofitproro offered by Mr Plumb , respecting tjifa , lenso of the Islands St Paul nnd SU Gcftrgo to the Alaska com mercial couipan } , etc , was taken up and Mr Plumb proceodl < d t6 address the senate Ho sold the tlmo for } proposals for a now lease was too short find the proposition 11m- Itlne to CO 000 the number of seals to betaken taken the first jcaf , If not extraordinary opened up awido iloldbf conjecture Ho spoke of lho preference shown the Alnskn comuan } nnd said a certain Lewis Gladstone hnd mido n higher bl 1 nnd hid also offered to pa } Wl > J cents n skin moro nn the Alnskn comincicial company , and oo contsa gallon for nil seal oil extracted Ho said that moro than two thirds , or perhaps thrco-fourths of all the seals taken In the world were tikou from the Alaskan islands nnd uclnlt } These seal skins were Bold nt public auction in London in their raw state nt on avorugo of nbout S19 nulcco Ono hundred thous and skins nt $19 n pleco nmountid to M 000 000 Ho went back In his stilomcnt to mention the fnct that in the operation of the lease the treasury department romltted nil pnj monts ou nccount ot oil , so that not a dollar had boon paid during these } ears ou that account lho cstlmnted production of oil for these tvvent } years Bhould hnvo brought the goyornmont nearly $2,000,000 Ho believed the government should got its share of the enormous revenue derived from the lucritlv o trade in fur seals Ho had no doubt the profits of the company hud on nn nverogo far exceeded $1 000 000 n year since it hnd the lease Ho would not bo surpiised it its profits averaged 82,000 000 u j o ir Con gress shoul 1 do something adequate to the Bltuatlon nnd not allow the matter to go on In such n slipshod way Mr Dnwos Mr McPherson nnd Mr Stownrt dorondod the Alaska company and the resolution was referred to the committee on llnunco Uho nctlon of the liouso upon the death ot Ucprcscntativo Kelley was announced , whereupon the senate adjourned THE GLEAIIVNCE KECOHO I innnclnl Transactions of the Coun- tr } Tor the I nst Week Boston , Jan 13 | Special Tolcgram to Tim Brr I The following table compllod from special dlspitchos to the Bostou Post rrom the ma agora ot leading clearing houses of the United States nud Canada , bIiows the grass exchanges for the week ondlng Iniiuar } 11 , with the percentage of lucrciso und deorooso ns compared with the couo- spondiiif week in 18S ) g s 3 OITIIS CLEAMVdS 2 3 * * i Aowlork 8 in H , | . , , ( f | J'pftoii , ioi aw uu n o Philadelphia ci 450 lJS n i Chlcaco 40 81\nai 8 5 bt Louis 2. ir 0-3 9 5 ' -an tranelsco ] > . -i0 .JJ2 40 Ualtlmoro . iu , "o 911 • ) Pittsburg lut.120" a. 4 IvolvOrieaas 1(1C80 ( 6 .49 ( lnolniiatt 11 oiH tM u 7 Kansas city l > 4tH , - - g I oulsv lllo l < 90(1 ( W0 2 , 0 1 rovltlcneo r 014 900 r 1 Milwaukee 6 40SO911 Ut Mluueinolls 4J-4 9'fl ' 21. Detroit f I u Wf 11 r Cleveland 4 lot ) J2S M 4 Deny or 4 3140" 10 0 Omaha 4,810,607 20 4 bt Paul . 4 JwttH ? I 4 ColnmbU'j . 8.T SJJ 21 8 Memphis J.94.K10S i n Itirhmond * , H18119 2 1 Indlanipolls . „ lU-7t , _ n fi Dallas 1.1) ) 13. ) ja 3 tort Worth . . 010002 2 ( laheston . J Hi 83(1 ( 3 8 Ilartfoid . . 2 9211 7 0 0 Peoria . . 14 J n. > l 5 r , Duluth . 190J T8S 19 9 bt losopn ] , hTi0 4O2 40 0 New Haven * J"9818i ] - J ortlaud Mo . . ' 111S.J90 12 9 Spriugtleld ] m JOS 47 Worcester „ ] 0 a > 3 17 1 W llmingtou , . " 98,133 4 0 \01foll. ltUllHO , 1 3 Syracuse 9fl,4 - > 3 4 1 Ixwvell ua\0 ] 3 9 ( Iran t Itanlos 87 * 10y 8 0 Des Jlol 10s 6.111K1 110 lx > s Angeles V9 K.1 j ) 8 Wichita H B87 4 9 TotieKa 42011" , J3 5 viontrcal . P fall 120 43 5 • Hull ilo r 1KI..48 • Anslullle 3 8 0 000 • Portlrnd Ore . I40 001 • bioux * ItJ " • 1008.R2 , , • Seattle 1018 107 • lllrminfehaui 91(1,0 ( il * J ftconm " 80 on • Halifax 148H IbJ Totnl $1 1B1 > 0I12 ) ( > 4 5 Outside New \ork 6410 5" ' O'-J ' 119 • Vet include I In totals t\0 clearinghouse at this time last year JEFF DAVIS ANCESTRY Two Queer Stotics lolcl hy a Pennsyl vania Holntive This town , sats a Philhpsbuifr ( Pa ) correspondent of tlio Philadelphia Press , has as u citizen aioptosontitUo of the fumily of the late foilcrson Davis in the poibon of Mr John M Davis , and u staunch tonublican M i Dav is , who is a well preserved old rrciitlomnn about seventy jcatsofago , ffavo the follow ing account of the fain Hi "My fathot's ancestors camooiiKin- all > ftoni Wiles lho fouiuloi of tlio Davlsfumilj to which t belong and of which JolTorsou Divis was a jnembor , wis so unfortunate 13 to lese his wife , she havinp ; been stolen b } Indians shoitlvaftoi settling'in Maine , of yvhicli stite ho was ono of the ill st settlers After waitingr a lospoctable lonpth ; of time ho iiuuiiod nsainiind ; began to 1 oat a second family of childion Ono dtvhoheaid that a band of Iniunns liud some women for sulo somc- wheioupon the Cinudiun bolder Ho attended the sale , when ho was sur piised to see among thorn his former wife Ho bought lier , took , hot homo , and horn that time until hisdoath lived happily with both Ills wives in thosauio household "A guindson of his , a grent-unclo to in self , continued Mr Davis , attended 0110 d ly an animal show nt Nevvllold , Mo While passing 0110 of the do- phants it playfully loachcu into hiscout pocket , taking therofiom a plug of to ll icco When it had tasted the tobacco it became onngod at Divisand soi/ing him threw him across , the tent , to the gi cat nmusoment qr/lio/poctutors Mi Davis became verj angfj , and to obtain revenge waylaid the monugorio and shot'tho animal Poi this ho was compelled - polled to leave thotplitlo , and all trace of him was for innnur ; < 5um lost by the fnmllj i , , 1 "Mj sisloi , Mrs • Smlloj , who , with I101 liusband , sotCled ) at Haverliill , Mass , was onablcdiby the assistance of othei members of thoiatnil > , about the time of the coitonniul ; , to ( Ind that the descendants of the tjliVo o ( the oloph int cscupndo had sottlcd in'Mnssacliusotts , and thnt from themJiad sprung the ox- piebidont " ' \ Cooks ' oKtra do Imparfal chompagno is naturally fermented there is nothing in it but the Juice of grapes , . rTry it Inxntinn In Ituujln The Russian tniuistpt of the Intoilor bus formulated 11 pluu foi the taxation of all foreign immigrants to boutl ; Rus sia Ilia prime object is to Uoopout the Gorman peasants with their liberalis ing inlluoncos , A boiiiov.hat similur plan , witlt the enmo ulterioi mutivo , was ptoposod in 1887. The Russian goveiumont was then on the point of taxing all I' .usauui subjects who ro- innined nluoid 111010 than ono jour $1,000 n\our Thti execution of this plan would have oinptlod all the ( Jor- man and Swiss uiiivoiaitics , of all tlio poor Russian students , who iny 111 iubly iinblbo iiidicallsin wiih their foreign education Fur some uuoxplainod rea- son the plun of 13ST miscairiod THE METHODIST CONFERENCE Important Stopa Takou Towards So- curlng- Its Location lu This Olty THE BUSINESS MEN'S MEETING it Unnnlnioiisly Umlorscs tlio Action or the Coiiiiniltoo In ToiulorliiK an liivllntlon on Uchnlf or Oinnlin Oinnlia Wants tlio Conference About forty of the committee ot buslnoss men appointed to nrrango for the cntertiln incntof the Methodist Eplscopil conference in lbOJ mot nt the PuUon betel last niiht to tal a action on the uintter of raising funds for tbo entertainment , mid tailing potno final notion which might bo reported to the com mittooof bishops who nro empowered to lo cnto the conference lUshop Nowmau nddrcssol the mooting , stating the purpose , etc , of the coming con vention His rcmnrlts nt the outset were merely a ropotitlon of what has lire dj boon published regarding the object and slzo of the convention 'lhcra are nbout nix hun dred pcoplo in the gathering The competi tors for this mooting nro Now York , Chicago cage St Louis and Wnshlngton They nro waiting nnxiousl } for Oninha to say she doesn't want It Chicago has appointed n committee to entertain the conference nnd has gone to work on the ground that Omaha will not bo the Boat of the meting Che pastors of this city have cauvassod the cltj and report that they have found nccom modnuons foi about thrco hundred \ lsiiors Tlio rcmalndorof the dologntes will have to bo prov Idod for at the hotels or ottiorvviso lho bishop thought fnvoiablo mrinteuients could bo tnudo with the pnptlotors of the hotels , nud that the expense could bo 1 cpt within rcitsonablo limits Whoio the con feienco Is uot entertained gratuitously the expenses nro apportioned among the various annual conferences litis nppoitlonmcnt must bo undo tvv 0 yenrs in advance audit is tticroforo ncccssiry to know beloichand just what will bo done As far ns the material advantages of this larto gathering to the citj nrc concerned , the bishop pioferred to have some business men cxputluto on this point But ho thought the spiritual result of such i mooting lucil- cul-vblo It will bo safe to saj that 75 000 visitors will bo In the cltv during the month of the coufcronco and the natural advan tages will bo great Rev Dr Maxilcld ono ot the board of bishops addressed the meeting at the re nucstoftho bishop Ho estimated the ex pnnso nf ontortoluing the conference at nbout * 05 000 Thoiowillboa largo nttendnnco us tno quostlon ot the standing of women in the conference will be considered , nnd , probably , finally 'lnls important quostlon will bring largo numbcis of pcoplo from all sections of the county Ilo reviewed the benefits to uceruo to the buslnoss men of the cltv by having this coufcronco here It will bo a means of bringing Otnnhn into proinl- nonce In ecclesiastical history The con foretico his nevei been hold in a city where the Methodist Lplscopal church is so weak , nuincricilb nnd llnnneUillj , as It is in Omaha and th it is the re ison an appeal is mido to the public and business man and to sister churches Iiov J It lioo spolco in a v cry confident wav of the abilllj of Omaha to entertain the coufcronco He slated that Geneial Lnvvo had offered the free use of the Coliseum building nlfchtand day , during the month of lho conference Another geutlomnn had offered to contribute SI 0000 townrd the erection tion of a temporary buildinf for holding the session He estimated the number of visi tors who would piobubli visit Oirnha nt 100 000 , piov Ided the public mind c 111 bo dis abused of tlio Idea that wo cannot nccom modnto the crowd Air John \ \ obstor nnd General Cowin asked n few * questions , which brought out the fact that the $05 000 which the bishop had mentioned as the probable expense of entertaining the conference was based upon the fuct that this was ths amount expended foi the entortalumcnt of the last conference this amount included transportation which would put the actu il cost of entertaining the conference nt about S.H ) 000 The churches in the citv have arranged for the entertain lnuntofJiOof the visitois nnd this will lenvo about three hundred for the citizens to entertain A conservative estimate placed tbo probable sum nee led nt ubout $20 000 and the bishop thought that It would bo sulo lo go ahead ou 11 ( , unrantj of this unount At this point Kov Lnsif.ii w is elected sec letao nf the meeting Mr Huchanun , gcncinl passenger icon ! of the Fremont * S * Elkhorn road , stated thnt theio would bo no tioublo about the entry ing enracitj of the railroads centering In Omaha They could nccommodato all the people who would coma Mr Honrj P Clarke snld that ho was ccr ttiu that the citizens would gladly accommo date tbo dologutcs to the conference , nnd ho foltsjrothat they would fulli endorse any action the commlttco mlht | take He moved that the action of the delegates In offering frco ontortninment for the conference bo en dorsed Mr Itosownter related the experience of v committee sent to Wnshiagtoii to secure the republican convention in 1SSS It would hnvo been a hard matter at that tlmo for the city to have cntartalnad the convention , but things are different now Ibis matter has boon settled foi us and wo must now oudorso this nction , but ho recommouded thnt no hasty nction bo talten Ho was confident that the city would sustain Its icputatlon for entertaining visitors Gouernl Cowin said the llttlo village of St Louis wants the woild s fair nnd if she can ontert-iln that ho thoughtOmahn would bo ublo to entertain nnj confuionco which mitht bo tnthorcd togett or The motion of Mr Cfnrko to endorse the action of the committee which invited the conference , was then pioposcd und carried unanimously ihu question of whether the cit > could on toi tain tlin \ isltors wno would probably como hero came up again Landlord Drain ird of the I'axlon said the hotels alone oould on tertaln 2,000 pcoplo without any trouble it was resolved to draw up n subscription paper to bo moscntod to the business men of Omaha , pledging cutortnlnmcnt of the conference foronco , nnd to ralso the necessary funds Iho committee was mcctcd us follows Ocnorul Cowin chairman , Jlonry 1 Clarlic , Clark Woodman , Low Is b Iteed , Max Meier , Hov J V Itoo and J L McUugue Hlshop Newman reviewed the business of the meeting und said ho should nt once com uiunicuto with his colic iguos and the nction of this commlttco would sonn bo liuown allover ever tlioconntij General Lowe icmarked that ho had heard that rival cities weio disparaging Omaha's ability to furnish a suitable building for the meetings of the conference , und ho had con sulted i/ith the dlroctors of the Coliseum association as to the advisability of tender lug tno use or lho building for the mcotIn.s ( Ilo found the board wore unanimously in fuv or of mailing such tender 1 ho Collsoum would seat JJ,000 people , nnd was lighted and heated so that It would effectually put at rest oil lomarlca or doubt on that score > Uov lr bmithof Count II Uluffs addressed the meeting and said that if thu commtttco of seven would guarantee the necessary expense ponso of tlio conference that would offccuiilli settle the matter An immense pro sure Is being brought to bear upon the committee of bishops , which bus the power to locate the conference , In case Omaha does uot want It Chicago is tr > Ing to induce this commission to locate the conference at that point After u few informal remarks by members of the committee Ulshop Nowmaii thanhod the committee for the uctiou taken J ho boird of bishops will want some-assurance that the pronilso made will Do kept , and this board will mtot soon I here Is a feverish excitement pervading the church 'lho con foretico has never met west of Chicago and the bishop is anxious to show the pcoplo what a great country the west is A vote of thanks was cxtonded to General T owe uud his colleagues for their action in ottering the use of the Coliseum , and to the hotel proprietors for their icindnoss lu allow ing the commlttco to use the hotel bOUlll OM VIIA MAIS Terribly Hurncil Mrs S J. Jnmos was the victim of a tarri bio burning accident nt her home , P street , between Twenty fourth and 'I wentv third streets , at 0 o clock Monday afternoon 1 ' Bending a sou to n neighbor a to borrow n llttlo oil , In the nusonoo of Mr Jnmos , the child was given gasollno Pouring the gaso line lu n lighted lamp nn explosion took plnco , and Mrs lames was covered with the lntlnmninblo fluid , nnd In nn instant her clothlng was In flames With rare prcsonco of mind she carried the lamp to the door nnd threw It out , nnd , returning , got her thrco little chll Iron out of the room Mrs Jnmos was burned ou tlio hands nnd arms up to tlio elbows nnd nbout the head , face nnd nock The nttondlng surgeon slates that her burns arc very painful , but whether or not serious cannot jet bo stated Llvo Stock Hxohnngn mooting The annual meeting ot the South Omaha Lira Slock exchnngo was held Monday af ternoon , with Vlco President J A Hnko in the chnir W. N Habcock , David Ctmpboll and M II Hegtrtv were olcctol members - bers 1 ho bill ot ? U3 for the funeral ox ponscs of lho late Prank II Dewey wcro ordered pmd Messrs Ab Wngeouor , J A. Ilnko James Poloy , Andrew Giltospio nnd T. 1) Ulanchnrd were elected n standing connnitteo to nbovo nbnto A Ice president J A Hnko will procuio certlll- cntcs of membership Messrs J 11 Ulanch nrd Gcorgo S Ilrown nnd James G Martin were nppolutot n committee to urge on persons conncctol with the vnrds the ticcossltj of joining and to procuto mom hers AccntH.ll Clieolt inline nn explina tory statement of dolijs In shipping lovva stock Into the j arils lho result of the election was the follow ing list of ofllcorsi President , ! A. Ilnko , vlco prosidcnt It M Murph } ; directors , Tnmos M Dotvd .1 11 Dlaiichiird , Albeit Nee Hichnrd Gllchrost and John A Divld son , board of nrbltrntlon , A. C Wnggonor , J D Shlolds Alma Jncksou , William V Deiin } , Chailcs S Mnlov und James Poloy , board of appeals Alma Inoksou C B Ho- cart , O K Paddock B P bavngo , J Samuel uol Gosnoj und Albert Nee Ported n Check nnd Skipped \Vllltnm Uvon , n pressman , who enmo hero from bt Joseph some time ago nud who tins boon working in the Mnglo Cit } lioomor office , got tired Sunday ovcnlng forged so\ oral checks and had thorn cishcd nnd Bklpped the town Ono check for 810 33 , forged with the name ot A B llrigham was pissed on Mrs Jcnlilu Volkers , with whom the festive Kyuu boirded , ami another bns turned up for * 5 ' 0 in the hnnds ot nilliardist Padcii while Tncob Colieu mourns his ( , olng lor a suit of clothes valued nt til C 11 Sobotltur looks with regiet over n 1 account of $100 , II0IH3 B Hoglo wlllinniku$3 ptir of shoes 1.0 profit and loss and Btiil there s moro to follow Mr H.vaii quietl } vamoosed the town Sunday night iNotcs About the City Dr H V Johnson is packing up his stock of drugs and this W03IC will rcmovo to Car roll , la Mrs William Stewart who has boon d in- gcrously ill is hotter and now out of dauber The sacrament of the Lords supper will bo ndministcrod 111 the Prcsb } torlan church next Sanda } monlag At the meeting Snnd.ij nftornoon of the Turnverein Charles Altofcr wasaddod to the commltcco on decor itlons All other bust ncss was postponed till the meeting at the \\Iscoub1ii \ house Wednesday evening Miss Julia 1 ! Martin , dohvorv clerk in the postofllco , Is listed among the side J W Stoner of Cokevllloo has pro sentcd the commission firm of Uurko A , 1 ra ? ior with n v ery I irgo sot of deer and elk horns 1 ho nntlors will bo put up In the ofllco of the firm Christian Uock n Norwegian who boirded with J L Olesoii Thirtj first and It streets , wnsbuilcdjestcrdiv alternoon ot J o cIock from the undortaklniostibllshmont ot lJrowcr & . bulllv an lho Ictoruioat was in Laurel Hill eemotorj About Pantile K A Lundv ill , drug clerk In Dr B P Tohnson s store , w 111 go with the doctor to Carroll In Mr and Mr < Temple whose son William T Temple , has been so ill , have nrrivod from Chenoj J C Abbott nu Iowa stockman his re moved fiom Wilton Junction and will bo with the commission firm of bay ueu A , Green bjmuol Johnson ot I In Grove la , is v isit- Ing the cltj and is sui prised at Its growth und the macnttudo of the stockyards J B Erion , who W113 cillod to Grind Island to nttoad tno funeral of his brother , Joseph Lrion who died last rhuradnv even ing li is rotuinod and was accompanied bv his pa-cnts , Mr und Mrs Phlllio Lrion ot Mount Vernon la , who will m lko a restiuc \ isit hero with their son before going on home John J Gormnii has loturnod from Iowa Cit } , la Dentist W C Wardnor has returned from Omaha to this city Pra lk Schlijrol of Chlcigo is the guest of George H Urower of tlio firm of Urowor C bulllvin George II Bowers left yesterday for Chicago Superlntondont Alfred Hnrdor ot the tin dopaitmoutof tnu Armout Cudahj picking hnscono to Chicago with hbi wife for a week s visit HERRMANN'S POKER STORY A Mighty Unocrt tin G111110 L\cn fern n Bliislor ol 1 lii > Cuds Philidclphialiifiuiiot "Inevot pi 1 } cards in cat nest , " btid Iloirininn aftei the show lust night "rhoso who know 1110 wouldn't plnj with mo am how , and , ot course , I wouldn't take my ulvuntugo of these iv ho don t But I loiuoinhor one night , ' not a thousand joara ago thut , in oido t to umiiNO a few ftionds , I sat down to a quiet little game of pokot You see , it was tins wii } I moot tlio ti lends , md was nittoducod to an imio cent looking joutli of the dude persuas ion , whoio face was us vacant 111 o\- prussion is a pound of putt } This > outh liud been buiggiug of lils ] ioivois us a pokoi play 01 , and had made tlio othois bo tiled thnt the } whispoicd 1110 to t il o the conceit outof himfot the fun theio was in it I was tcadj and wo sat down V "In PhiladelphiaJ" ' • Bless you , no They dent plaj pokoi in Philadelphia This was in . Well , Yia'm wo began tlio game I allowed tlio joungstoi to win , in 01 dor to got him intoiostsd , and thu buttci to enjoj the circus tlio othots dioppod out and my victim and I had the table to ouibelvcs Of course I yviis to give him back vvnutovoi I won from him that was undotstood Wo didn't pluy with ( hits , ns wo had none , hut made the g imo a quarloi ante and 91 limit , so that wo could use the mono } without making am awkward change Lvor } time mj onlloyv fnond won a pot ho put the silver and bills In his pocket and would chip in tlio stuff as ho needed It Aftot ho had won a icspectablo pile I begun to got m } work in , and b } hand ling and dealing the cards in 111 } own peculliu vvuj , I boon hud his pile in a fair via } to innocuous desuetude Oc casional ! } I would lot him win just to Keen tlio fun up , and I dent know but whnt I cnjood my opponents inno cence as much is did inj fi lends But all things must have an end 1 iually I cleaned liim out , much to his suipiisn , and oidorcd a hottlo M } fiieids couldn't kcop it in an } Ion go 1 • I sa } , old man , " hdid ono , "do you know vviio } ou'vo been plnyln' with ' ' ' • Yes , " loplicd my victim calml } , "Iloimann tlio magician , uud lies u good pluy or " This was somou hat of a suipriso nil lound But I laughed und haiidod him b tele thu mono } I had won Ilo wouldn't take it No , sir Said I had won it , had ho won mine ho would have Kent it , and under no consideration would lie take it back That was not his wa } of pin } ing rokor It was no use foi mo lo jiiottst to toll him that I hud deliboi- atoly robbed him Uo was sorrv that lie liud got in with a man who didn't play a srju ire gimo , hut that it was his lookout Ho ought to have seen that ho was being lleeced and with his ccs SICK HEADACHE I'A _ " ' * ' Po ltv ' 'irO" ' , ' ' ' "r * n u L TARTFRQ thMeiiui riii . MfAIVI BasAtf TlioynlsorollOToDls j 9 & Jr rti 'e ' tlon and Too jM ! HVKaK "oatty Eating A per j T B KJIHB * ? feet rcmody for DUxl S . H ' lP"fc np , hnuse * , Drowsl- / jjHs JH ncss Hnd Taste In the ? i BB MouthOont < slTonguo Pain In the SI Jo , TOIt TID LB Ell , &c Tlioy regulate ll o Bowels , nnd proTont Constlintlon mil 1 lies TheH smallest and cnslest to take Only ono pill nH doie IflnRvuvl IHirclyVcgclaUo lrlceH - PH ? SSMy . iS ! ! ! , Sm.Tor > e'l . = 3 open , too , ho was not the man to nucnl * I toll ton 1 felt moan I dldnt think it half so ftuiiij then ns I did before Hul nil I could do 01 saj made no impro slon on m\ victim , and with a dignified bow - * , ho loft us " ( " All I c in do , ' I said to ono of my ; friends , will ho to give this mono } to some tharitttblo ltiBtilutlou ' Then I give the waiter ono of lho bills I hnd won to pny fet the wlno Ilo came bieit with it , and the infoinntion th it It was conntorfolt Yet , sh That guileless jouth hnd won mj good mono } and rung in ov ur 8100 worth of paper on mo thnt wasn't worth n cent a pound I'm pictt } good on handling cards , but poker is a mighty uncertain gnmo might } uncoitnin " GIRLS IN THE SCHOOLS Sniun ol lliolr rcotillnrlticn ns St 11 * J dents Tlio QiicHtion or Itni c * SH ' lho glil would make a botlor student - dent in 0111 public schools and colleges , " siid ono of the piominont oducatois of o\v oik cltv to 11 lopoitoi for the iSow Yotic Timoi , "if she had the stiuo mcontlvo , the stino motive that tlio joung mini litis 'lho joung man who goes to the public schools ind colleges w feels that ho is to bo a brend-vv 1111101. 7 lie has this foi it ( lout puipo-o in get ting an cducatioh But it is not so with the gin With hot motive 10 ovcivthing , nnd not having the motive she does not stud } to her full capacity bho looks to getting mauled some d 11 } nud having some ono else piovidotho bioid for her 1 Of com so this Is genet illy speaking Wo hunr a good deal about woman s powct of application ai computed with man s but my exnotienco has been that if a gal knowi what she is after , if she has a distinct purpose , in nine cases out of ton , she will displa } steadfastness of aim that is quite equal to that of an } boy Much Ins been siid about the cap it- it } of the fcmtilo intellect foi mithi- matics , but I can stt } tint the girl ex cels in puto mathem itics Gills are ovcccdingl } fond of history and litoia- tuic , md my ui'ibh stand high inthoao studies The best studoiits aie Ilobiows lint 11 , Ihov cutty olt the honois Hut this ' is not always a f 111 test of intellectual tayncit } lho bcho'aiship of the stu- a . dent is detoi mined quito as much by V feMi hot home influences , b } hot suriound- % H ings and associations , as h } her text | books 01 mstruetois As a itilo , Jho . B wealth } Ilobiows ivnil thoinselvos ol " the advantages ot public schools and college ? for their childion , while , gen eially spo iking , childten of Christian parents In similar financial cltcuin- stnnces go to prlvnto institutions This mikes it puticulirl } dilllcult to make comparisons in the public schools " o Diirno'N CitarrJi SnnfT \V hen suffering with c itarrh , cold 111 the head uorvous headache otc use Panic Snuff it will relieve jountonco Price 3jo at druggists Turkey nnd Q nil Phillip Walkoi of Salt Ci nek , W Va , duung the fltst stimmoi months nnd an old tuiko } hon como up with ono } Oung tuiUo } and ono quito } oung und small qu 11) ) Both tlio young tuike } md \oung quail continued tofollow and food with the old tuiko } hen , who manifest ed cquul p itei nali 111 o and tenderness ovoi each and now both nio full giovvn * g nnd ni twilight the old turkey hon flies Hi up to hot tooston the apple tree in the jflHji ynid , und the joung turl ov takes a r' uiobt ono side of hot and the full giown , beiuttful and fat quail on the othoi Tins tno soomsquitehapp } and content , is if from the saino consangiiiiioous 01 igin Porlodicnls In ItUHiln Theio nt0 (180 ( poiiodical publications 111 Russia Seventy-eight of them are political and nous dailies 100 110 scien tific 8 ( > religious , 15 attistic , il agricul tural , b2 statistical and biogiaphical , 15 pedagogic , 11 fet childion and the icst miscellaneous A Use 1111 Invention Avoiusoful Invention tending to lessen the possibility of accidents in factones , is now being oxtonsiyolv adopted in rngliiud The bieaking of a glass , which is adjusted against tno wall of over } room in the mill , will at once sop the ongiiiQ , an oloctiio cut , lent being established between the . - ' . * < 100111 nud the tin oltlo-valvo ot the en gine , shutting off tlio slcnin in an in- stnnt Bj this means tlio cngino was * stopped nt one of tlio mills recently 111 11 low bocondB , and 11 young girl , whoso clothes bad become enlunglod in an up right bhaft vvusioloiscd unliiiiirod Absolutely Pure Ihlsruwdornovervaries A marvelotourit 7 streuth | uu I whnluso niiie < , Moro ecoinnil i.altli.111 theorllniii ulnd and cannot be sold inconipi-tltinn with the multitude of low tail short weight alum ur phoiplmtx pow lers Sott onb/lncflin . Hey It , HAKIVCI lowiiKH CO 101 yynllHt N \ CLOTHING