Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1890, Image 1

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    I The Omaha Daily Bee I
ASorlouo State of Affairs in the
Iowa Legislature
_ _ _
Temporary Organization Dolnycd
"Willi the Outlook I'nr J roni Prom *
s f liitr HcnulillcnttB Unnn-
i T' ' lnioiis Pnr Allison ,
The limn , Legislature
Dits Motors In , Tan 1C The general in
scmbly convened this aftomoon Ihasonnto
proccodod to tompornr ) organization without
' difficulty , but the liouso was deadlocked
. thcro being lift ) republicans and fitly of the
i opposition Pbo situation tonlKht Is simply
I n continuation of the deadlock with unprom
i iBing cTorts ( being made to ilx upon nu ugroo
ment by which the temporary ortanlzation
can bo oftectcd tomorrow
llcgnrdlng the sooatorshlp the republicans
I nro still for Allison Scniitor Allison nnd
Governor elect Boos did not nrrlvo until
_ _ iMU _ _ nftcr midnight the train being llvo hours
The Itnilrund CoiumlHHlrnier *
Deb Moi\K9 In , Jan 10 | bpeclal Toi
cgramtoTni Ufl ] The ruilroiJ comrals
Bioncrs received n letter todny from M in
ngcr Klplo ) of the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncv in rcgnrd to the claim ofV ti Cissj
' of Fonda for ovcrchnrgo In coal shipbi
{ incnts Mr ICIploy states that
the complainant was misinformed ns to the
rnto on soft coal by a telegram which In
formed him that soft cool in car loafs was
rated at li cents to Croithton when it
Bhould hao road from Council UlufTs to
Crclthton Ho claims thnt tbo charge was
the sin o us to other shlpi ors J
The commission is also In receipt of a com
plaint from D I Cirpcntcrof BoloiL Lon
count ) ( In which the writer states that the
Chicago Mlhvaul eo & . St Paul riilwaj was
not compiling with the nitos on freights ns
sot forth In their circular issued boptombcr
0 16S9 Uo claims that the road refuses to
apply the nitos quoted on freight between
lioloit and bloux Cltj , and makes a rate of
12 tents per 100 pounds when the commls
sloncrs' tnrllT would bo 10 cents nnd the
board is asked to inostieato , the matter
Shot lorn Chow ot Tobacco
Drs Moines la Jan 13 [ bicclal Tclo
gram to Inn liur ] Joseph Dixon the ooy
who was idiot at llastio FriJav afternoon ,
madoastatomont to his phsician to the
J H effect that 1 dward Doughorty shot him bo-
V cause ho rofuscd to glvo him a chew of
B tobicco Douchoity is still at lurgo ana has
B not been seen ot hoard of slnco ho ran
_ S | - . ' towirils tuo river Friday nfternoon The
B * . J Dixon boy was qulto fovori9li todnnud
[ / \jr there are but slight hopes of his recovery
yUf * Tried to Poison Ills Family
P V * * - . _ _ _ . , G"LflTov la , Jnn IJ LSpoclnl Tolcgnm
W W to Tin Dlf ] A , bwedo tailor named Sam
H uolson w as today bound over to tl o crand
H jur ) for uttcuiptine to poisou his family Ho
H placed u quintity of Hough on Kits aim
H quicksilver In the vvoil but it was discovered
H In the wnter bucket by his wife just io time
H to prevent the famll ) drinking poisoned cof-
H fee Ho 1ml been drinking hard of late nnd
H being abusive was denied admittance to the
f house whllo Intoxlcitcd
H I lront I oi t Madison
| H | Foht Mauisov la Jan 11 [ Snoclil
jH | lolcferun toTm Urn ] llio boot shoo and
' { clothing store of J G bchwartz was do
] stroyed by tire yesterday Loss IM 030 , in
H > [ aurcd Iho stoLk Is almost a total loss ,
; B | caused by smoke heat and water bchwartz
V ! estimates his loss at f3D 0000 to i..r 000 with
f an insuianco of ? 21.5. > 0 Iho building is
K owned by Tohn 'lioja and the damage Is
K fullv covoicd by Insuianco
H I 111 MllllU
gHL MvnsitALrTOWN , la Jan 13 A snow
Hhk storm raged for tw eh a hours vestcrday , and
iH % tblsmoinlng the snow wus neatly a foot
H S deep on the level All trilnsira from ono
H to four hours late Iho mercury w is about
H 8 degrocs below this morning but the i
M wolthor Is modcrntiiih 111 Is is the first
H snow of unv couBcijiioiiLO this season
] H | Donth ol nA oti rin
m M "ovCity , la , Jan 13 ISpethl Tolo-
M cram to Iiie Hi r 1 Postmaster 'Hnrcham
S died at his homo in Plymouth todnv Ho
H lost nn arm at the battle of Galnsvillo nud I
[ S -ww * a prisoner In the rebel pen of Hello Isle
> llownspist senior dt-puituient comuiaudu
m G A K , of low i •
blAlhh S
\M \ Tlio I'uhiipc City Unhy Cai"
B Pawnct Citi , Neb , Jan 13 I Special I
S Tolofrim to J in Del | It wis Miss Mc-
H Knun Instcal of Mrs McICamy who was the '
H mother of the biby girl nn inquest wis
H bolnt holdover , roj orted in lm , busnVT
MJ _ tine lhc inquest was coucluled toduj It
JBjBt , . was dovoloiod that the child wis born
HV * Christmas dane pnjslcian being cilled
SV uutil Januao 0 Iho girl stubbornly doulod t
H"V - being the mother of the child to the phjsi
clan although she 11) on u bed dangerously ,
sick at the time Ho forced a confession ,
I however , nnd It lo 1 to an investigation by
thororoncr Iho coroner a verdict is still j [
V secret mid no ono of thojuii will dlvul o It
f Ilioiirl has appcured bofoio the county at
1 tormy and swora thoi atonltj of thu child
on two dllTi rent individuals both of whom
J linvo loft town faho lies in a very critical I
Hi condition
HJ DoWiird Hid Union -'oulel.v
HJ Iincoin cbl Jnn 1J [ Spccinl Tola
HJ gram to lnr 111 u | llioro was nn In 1
HJ tcristing contest at the state uni-
HJ vcraltj this ovciiing over the olec :
Hi Hon of editors for the Hosporiau thQunlvors ,
HJ Iti | nper Iho candidates were John 11 I
1 ocany of Grotun nnd II C Peterson of '
thh eilj Fohnrtj , a junior is i mo nber of
I the Dollutn soclot ) , Petersen a senior , Is a
V member of the U iiion bocictv , and the contest
ruiod between the two xooiotlos At a late
I hourlokurtv won thochlof oditorshlpb > < i
\otoof 5Jto51 Iho ussocluto editors are
not iet elected
Hb { f \ Itcdoiinl I IouIh Doinncnit
Hi v Hi.iinoN Neb , Jan 13. Ibpcelal Telegram
Hi to Pjii : llti j In the election contest for the
Hj office of county troasuior a recount of
Hi the ballots of the county elves A Ver
I ner , democrit n majority of 1J over John
1 Mghtlii ale , republican who was declared
I clecte I bj a miijorlty of 4 The error oo-
HJ cunod In liolviduro and Hebron precincts
ff there bolng a mistake of ten votes lu tbo
J count iu llelvldcio picclnct
HJ Aii 1 njiii\lli ) > 11 in i ) nor
HJ CnrTi > cb , Jon U fbpoclal to Im
HJ Hle | An enjoi tulo evening was ment at
HJ , tboStreoter hnisoInUreto last buturdaj ,
HJ v Iho occasion bolng a banquet to Judge Mor-
H | . o tisb ) the citizens of Crete In honor of the |
H | > y nnulvoisuri of his Uftj-second bit thda ) , A
HJ s largo nuiubor of the citizens participated
J J nud numerous toasts and speeches were
HI f C > made Iho table aud dining lulls were
J .V inngnlflcentl } decorated to suit the occasion
| > * A Dcntli Pi nut lulliioil i
HkkjT Hm-imci. , Neb , Jun -fSpcclal lelo- :
HHf gram to J UL Hre-1 11 II Mahler , ono of
HP % the best known stockmen and merchants In
HJ this section of the stuto dlud todu > ut noon
HJ oflahri | > po 1 ho deceased was but thirl tj
veurs of ago He was uumnrriud Ivvo
I other deaths bj la grippu occuned lu tuo
city last evening and today Thcro nro now I
about olght hundred cases of the malady in
the city
I oil Down nn l-lcvntor Hlinft
KBAnvPT ] , Neb , Jan 13 | Spoclal Tclo
pram to Tim Uef | Last evening E J
\\oohvorth of this cltl fell down the elevator
toi shaft In the Midwnv hotel from the second
end " story to the basement His face and
bodi ! wcro bally bruised ana for n time ho
was thought to bo sonously Injured
. Nolnnika City District Court
Nciuu'KA Cjtt , Neb , Jnn 13 [ Special
Telegram lo Tnr llri | District court con
vene 1 this evening and owing to the Illness
of Judge Chapman ludgo I lold presided
rhe term is nn adjourned ono nnd will not
bo vcrj Important
Most bovero Incitrs
NnnntsKA ; Cit , Neb , Tan 11 [ Special
Tola grnm to Tnr Hke J The snowstorm of
vostordaj and Inst night was ono of the
most severe known hero for years Nearly
all trains were delajod today nna tlio
country roads are Impnssablo The theran
mometor ( rcKlstored 10 below last night
CAN IT liLAu llIL STltAlN ?
The Position in Which the Portif
utioso DrnnHt ) U Plncrd
[ ComirtgUllSMbu Janes Gordon Ilciiiidd
London , Jan 13 [ New ont Herald
Cable ' Soecial to Tim Uei-1 ANo shall
now boo vhether the Portuguese dynasty is
strong enough to boar the strain which ,
Major bcrpn Pluto has been the means of
lnlllcting uion it Iho Hritlflh ultimatum
cannot hav o tnken anybody connected w Itli
the court of government b > surpnso , but
11 orhnps thcro is no great necessity for the
violent l nuuo ( ( which issucl towards both
bi somoofour contemporaries Iho king
ol Portugal was placed In ivory difficult
position the true nature of which will bo
rendered sufficiently obvious by the course
of events during the next few davs If
ho ' had complied Instantly with the
demand < of this country his throne
would not have been worth a wo ok a pur
ehaso j Ho and Ms government now j lold
under the severest form of pressure , nnd It
is moro than doubtful whether they will bo
nolo to resist the explosion of popular anger
which has issued on matters , says ono jour
nnl ' of profound lndlfferonco outside of
Portiihal " Not so profound ns the writer
thinks Iho overthrow of another dynasty
in , I uropo following a similar convulsion In
Urnzll mlht not bo without consequences ,
which are not yet visible , but vvbleU are
qulto within bounds of possibilities
Wliltclaw Rcld lntcrvlcvved ltcgard-
Ins the runils Ilo Holds
ironi/rfijH/SOObiy Jn iej Wordjti D n ictt I
Pahis Jnn 13 | Now \ork Herald Cable
_ Special to Ihe Use 1 A Ilorald corro
spondent showed Whltelavv Hold today the
cabled summary of the Now York limos
story about the funds In his hands for the
Grcolcv statue , nnd asked him what It meant
I caa not guess hoanswoied , laugh
ingly , unless it is another of the pleasant
rios to which my friends of the Typographl
cal union occasionally treat meTbcj have
recently appointed a commlttoo to ralso
fundt > for a statue ot Grooloy nnd If this
fltorj . is coricct they scorn to bo wanting to
lav their hands on the money other
peep 'lo have rni"ert long ago
The funds sent to mo or
to tlio Tribune Tor Grcclo ) s statue have
been kept nt interest On the strength of
them ono of our foremost Amorloan sculp
tors vvns j cars ago given a commission for
the statue Ha has tiled It Hoveral times
but could not satisfy himself and each time
abandoned ' his study and began over again
When ' I loft Now Vork ho had a tudy with
which he was satisflod aud which scomod to
mo flno I have heard since that ho is mak
ing I good progress preparing it for the cast
ing ' in bronze It is to bo laigor than llfo
sl7o and will , I trust be thought worthy ot u
memorial Thrro will bo duo consultation
about the place for It No site will bo i
chosen not npprov od by the great bulk of the
subscriptions The commission for this
statue ( vvns given before the existence of the
committee , now at work I hope that I will 1
succeed "
* >
tlio Contract HI.rncd and Scaled
( Cor j/Wuf / t 1PM bu lamta Gor lo i lie 11 t' \
Lomjov , Jan 13 [ Now York Herald I
Cable i Special toTin Uee 1 Michael Grace 1
announced today that the contract with the
Pciuvian government had beou signed ,
sealed and delivered Poiu will probably
jump several points iu the morning Lord
Donoughuioro is In Peru and will Ball for
I upland immediately Grace has been here
some time
llio Cnhlnot ItesUnn-Citizens Pretest -
test Aunlnst Suliiiilssion ,
I isnos Jnn 1J llio cabiuot has resigned
riioro Is much oxcttomout In the city
It is now reported that Senor Pimontal
will form a ministry nnd Illntzeribeiro
w 111 tr.l o the poi tfollo of foreign affairs
Senoi Gomes personally cxprossod to Glynn '
Intro his rorot ) at the Insults offered to him
The gov ornment officially assured the mln-
Istor that tlio escutcheon will bo rot Jucod ,
all damages repaired nnd nil poisons con
cerncd in the outri o punished
I hero is n movement for the formation of n >
patiioticloaguo to put in operation nu iutcrna
tionul ' boycott against Lngllsh eommorco
Iho foi mentation In the sticets continues
Crov/ds of students are on the streets In the
nclhhboihnod of the cortcs shoutlni , Viva
Portutal " Viva Pinto " and nt a mocting
of students it was proposed to vviro coutratn >
lutions to berpo Pluto
A public mooting has been culled to pro
test uguinst submission to Lowlands do
ficnor Gonus'Stntnmont
Lisuov , Jan 13 Senor Gomes , at n
session of the chamber of peers made a full
statement of the recent negotiations with
l.njlanl Ho declaied that ho nlwnjs
sought to malut un nu ugiccablo uudoistaud
lug with I ngland , und hoped
that the dlvergont vtows of the
two countries mlcht jet bo
reconciled The | icsldont then announced
that the king acccptod the resignation of
Gomes and charged Pimontal with the con
structiou of a cabinet Many shops are
closed in couse lueuco of the acltatlon In tlio
streets J'ho demonstrations throughout the
du > have been in favor of Pimontal
Iho rioting students endeavored to force
an i ntrauco into the chamber of deputies ,
but only u deputation was admitted for the
pun ese or presciitlnt to the president pa
trlotlu resolutions
At Ho clock p m tbo elrocts are Btill
thioiihcd with persons beating national ;
Hu s they visited nnd cheered every letu
tlon oxcoi t the Lngllsh
Tli I nl a it u Good Bolioine
UittssEis , Jan 13. 1 ne proposition to set
tlo In the Upper Congo country a colony of
negroes fi om the United btatos meets w ith
much f nor here It Is thought that this |
would Lreatl ) facllltuto the peaceful Intro
duetionof civilized 1 leas and methods of In
dustry and the cotnuiorco of civ ilized countries \ -
. . f
Uiij Iliuiiiloior riuindnrs
London , Jun U Iho Times sa > s The
Impudent atllludo of Portugal roiulrod
sharp trcitmeut Wo rejoica that Lord I
Salisbury was equul lo the oecaslou , " J I
ComploUon of the Trncklftylnpc on
Tlint Rend
A\ lint Prcslaent Adams Says Ucmud-
liiK the Union nnd Central Pn-
clllo Sottloincnt Corlilu
Still Ivondtnc's llond
Prnotlcnllj Coinplotcd
Sioux Cm , In , Jan 13 [ Special Tclo
grnm to Tun Hle 1 Track laying on the
Sioux City & Northern railroad reached the
temporary freight house here at noon todaj ,
and was colobrntod by the ringing of boll *
and screaming of whistles The work had
pioccoded without Intermission through the
storm on Sunday , two mites of track having
boon laid slnco Saturday morning Work on
the Sioux Cltv.Jsorthom bogaa July SI
last Trncklajlng began at the connecting
point on the Manitoba line ntGarretson ,
niueti eight mlles north of bore Iho road
Is practically ready for opera
tlon all the stations sidings depots ,
watoi tanks , slock jards , stations
otc hnv ing been coniplotel The toad has
nlso been surfaced up to within a few mlles
ofbiouxCity Nothing lcmilns but to comsi
pleto { j the bloux Cltj sidings nnd round
liouso llio rolling stoulr.onglnes freight
cars nnl coichos nro ready for use llio
loud will bo opened foi business on Fobru
aiy 1
A Vlt tor } ( or tliootinc Tuint
New Yomc Jnn 13 Judge Hare , In the
court of common plot this morning , road n
lengthy oi mlon refusing to grant the Injunc
tlon asked for b > Tvln & . Sholmerdlno
nu i ilnst the Philadelphia A , Konding railroad
company < the object of which at present waste
to postpone the annual election of oulcors
Which is to bo held toda\ \ , and in full to do
nway , with the v oting trust of that coiupanv
ultoothor (
Stockholders i'rotcst In Vain
Pmt.tDEUHiA Jan 13 The annual meet
ing of the Philadelphia & Iloading railroad
was bold today As anticipated the meeting
was far from harmonious rhostookholdets
opposed | the re election of Corbln as president
of the company , protesting against the pro
coedlnts , lhoir protests were without avail
however , nnd the ro election of the board of
officers was accomplished through tbo vote
of thrco members of the voting Uust ,
Hnnchcd a Decision
Ciiioaoo Jan 13 Iho chairman of tbo
central Irafllo and Trunk liuo association ,
who has been considering the question of
differential fares on cast bound tiaOlc , have
reached a decision , which will not bo made
publlo till Thursday The sjstoin , It is
claimed , will bo of no value ualos3 the west
cm roads use the differentials as basing
rntos consequentlj the western general pas
senior agents have been asked to meet here
Wednesdny for a conference
A Closoi Alliance
Bostov Mass , Jan 13 Prosldont Adams
of the Union Pacific , whllo assorting that
the reports of the settlement between tbo
Union Pacific and the Central Pacific have
been exaggerated in importance , says n
closer alliance has been made and that both
sides hav o withdrawn opposition lines
< . •
Ohio's Demncrntlo Gnvornor Tnlcos
the Onth ol Oillce
CoLUjmus O Jan 13 Governor elect
James \V Campbell took the oath of office
to lay nt noon His messngo to the goncral
nssembly was comparatively bnof
and touched upon subjects of state
and local Interest Ho rocomtnonds
that homo rule bo restored to
all cities as speedily as posslblo and outers
into I dotnils as to the needs nt Cincinnati
Ho 1 stronglj recommends the syptom of bal
lot • reform commonl > known as the Australian
si stem Ho favors cheaper school books and
the J abolition of the office of commissioner of
railroads and telegraphs and thinks the 1
duties could bo better I crformed by the rail
road ' commission % ] tovided there bo any
necessity ' for state supervision of railroads
. Special trains on ncirlj all the roads
bruutht > la militia and club organizations ;
this ] forenoon from all parts of the state and
tbo city is crowded Ihoro were moio ,
pcoplo present thnn nt nuy inauguration ,
slnco J that of Governor Allen 1 ho cero
monies i took place at the cast fiont of the '
eapitol < 1 ornker who was sick from nn
attack j of la grippe last night was present to i
Introduce the now governor , but ho made no >
speech , The address of Governor Cnmpboll I
was fro tuoutly npplauded There were over
two i thousand uillltla and nearly four thou
sand ' members of club organizations in tlio 1
parade I All the cities of the state were n p
rosouted 1I 1 as well as Pittsburg Whclin
Chicago I Indianapolis nud other parts out
side ' of the st Uo
v HAiiTi uoitn con i it van vtiov
A Grain Tlnvntor nnd n Stcninsliip
I ntircly DcHtrojod
. Haitimoue , Jan 13 The grain elevator
known as the Northern Central olovntor No
J , vv Ith a capacity ol TOO 000 bushels tlio
propcrtj of the Uiltimoio clovator eompinv ,
burned tonight The clovator was worth
$100 : 000 nnd the loss on the corn
which the olevntor contained is ? > 0 000
Iho corn wus owuod by Individual shippers ,
and was fully Insured The British steam
ship ' baciabaaco , lying near the vv hurf , was
entirely dcstiojed by the flames from the
burning elevator The British steamers
North Lrin and Rhlo had their
masts nnd rgng ! ! and eomo of their
upper vyoric destroyed llirco of
the ciow of the Sicrnbasco are
mlssinc audit Is bollevod that they wcro
burned to denth lour other sailors were
seriously burned The sulors aboard the
Sacrabusco b id no choice but to Jump into
the water and swim for their lives boino
whoso cries were hoard were pleucd up after
being In the water two hours
Millionaire Suhoonliertfor s \ \ ) |
Nrvv Yoiih , Jan 13 Millionaire John U
bohoonborgoi's will was filed for probate 1
today Schoonborgor directs that his widow
shall recolvo thrco houses with overjthlng
attache \ ihcroto , nuuinborof railroad shares
nnd $100 000 worth of United States bonds t
His brother , two sisters and other rolillves
are provided for According to
the will tlio principal object of Sehoon i
bergcr s llfo was the establishment ut
Pittsburt of St Mortarots Memorial hos-
pitnl as n memorial to his wife " ho bo i
qucatlis nearly fl 000 000 to nud provides
for the formation of u corporaliou to
take churo of the institution Other bo i-
quests to ehurltublo institutions amount to
neirli)00OO ) , includlin , * 10,000 , to Blchop '
bcabury s Minnesota mission
The A\oitlior 1'orro iur
Tor Omaha nud uoiintj Fair weather
Nobratl i and town I nir , followed lu No
braska nnd Iowa bj Htht snow , prccedod in
eastern Iowa \ > j fair , warmer , southorl )
South Dakota Fair , warmer , oistcrli
Killed by tMillo Cnpi
CitoTiintSMi.i.L- , Jan 13 1 aril jes
tcrdni morning a p irtj of masked men
broke open thu door of a house occu ] led by
Aucly blato , a well to do farmer , und pulliug
Slot from his bed detnanucd why ho had dls- J
obojodtho orders previously glvon him to
leave the country Ho said bo had done
nothing for which ho should leave Thcro
upon ono of the WHIte Caps flrod at him ,
the bull passing through his bodj and in-
dieting a futol wound The raldors then
wont to the house of John Warner , whom
thci hauled from bed , tie 1 to ntroonnd
fs " o a whlpoing No cause for the outrito
is know u
She \ \ nuts $100,000 Hccnuso n Sixty
\cnr Suitor Wan Untrue
New Vour , Jnn 13 A broach or promlso
ot ( mnrrlngo suit in which the damages nro
placed at $100 000 was begun before Judge
Ingrahnm In the supreme court hero todnj
The plaintiff is Miss Garolino J Cammcrcr ,
twentj-threo Vcirsoid nnd a daughter of
Itobort { Cnmmoror of Philadelphia 1 ho defendant
fondant Is Clemens Muller a wonlthj retired
real estate dcilor nnd a mm of fumllj Ho
is nbout sixtj yonrs of ago und Is a prominent
member of sociotv
The plaintiff tcstlilel thnt during n rnmblo
in Control p irk ho prot osod to her bho
gave him no decision thou but on December
17 1SV5 at Phllndclt Ilia ho again protiosod
and she accepted hi in boon afterwards she
lonrnod thnt ho had n wife in an insvuo
asylum In nnswor to a domaud for nn c\-
plunatlon ho said ho would got a divorce and
later assured her father a divorce had been
obtained In Indiana In Tulj , 18 0
at ( Hhlnobcek hu lntrodueeu 1 or
as his botrothol and soon nftorwards
thoj cnino to Now York to mnko purchases
for the we I ling Ho so urge 1 her to hasten
the ceremony tliatTsho became 111 nnd when
she recovered ho proposed a ino"k mnrrlngo
which she Indignantly rejected Ho has
navor returned to sco per since then though
ho wrote to her sov oral times Thcso are
the nllngations of the Platntifl Iho defend
ant danlcs them all
Colonel Ingersoll cnunsol for the defend
ant , asked for the dismiss il of the case , on
the ground that she ws relieved fiom the
ongagoinaiit ' Tbo motion was denied uud
the case contlnuod tilL tomorrow
ho Drltlsh Monnrch Dlown Up lu
New DroroiiD , Mass , Jan 13 News wis
recolvcd hero today thnt the bark British
Monarch , with ton tons of djnamito nbonrd ,
had caijght flro in mid-ocean November 21
The crew put off In boats nnd
witchcl the great explosion P vvns
somothlng feat ful and on a ship UO miles
distant it vv is tnken for a filling meteor
Part of the crow were tnlcn by a whvler to
Capetown Others doubtless nlso esc iped
Dm Dcnth itccOid
Sayann vii Ga Jnn 13 - Phillip Dillon
president of the brass moulders' union of
the • : United States and a prominent Inventor ,
died suddenly last night of heart disease
Foht Waine Ind Jan 13 Hon William
Fleming died this afternoon Ho was widely
known l as a baukai , manufacturer nna
Hloojiingtov , 111 , Inn 13 Ccorgo
Spencer colonel couiniatidlnj , the 1 ourth
roflniont uniform ranks Knigl ts of Pythias
una gonoi il ortinzer | for Illinois , died to
night from cancer of the f ice
_ Santa lr Jan 11 Ix Judge Wnrron
Bristol foi twelve jcarsnssoelato justieo of
the territorial supiemo couit , died at Dem-
inp ' j osterdaj |
Utnh'ti LoRlsI turo Moots
, Salt Lajci Utah , Jon 13. The Utah eg
islaturo . mot today Governor ihomas sent
In . a brlof message referring mainly to tcrric
tonal affairs and reconjmondlnt , In general
terms that the legislature take stops to bring
Utah In nccord with tto generalgovernmont
The auditor s report shows $13j 0J7 worth of
wirrauts in circulation , and iho treasurer s
report shoivs but $10 cash on hand All the 1
officials utfvl employes nro Mormons
Went into the Ditch
Lima , O Jan 13 The sojthbouud pas
scrgor train on the Cincinnati Hamilton &
Dayton lailroad this ilorutng ran into a box
car at Milton st itlon fho engine baggiue
express < nnd two nassengei couches wcro
thrown 1 into the dltcn iho passengers es-
caned with n few onuses Iho engineer
nnd fireman nro probably fatally injured and
the t express messeuoi ) is badly biuiscd
Tlie < ronin Case
Chicago , Jan n - Before Judge McCon
ncll this morning the motion for a now trlnl
tn thoC'-onin case canio up and roirnstfor
the J defense asked that argument bo put off
for \ a week owing to the absence of Judge i
Wing , ono of the defendants counsel Anv
further j delay w as opposed by the state at
tornav un 1 after cansidornb'o discussion tlio >
court J tidjourncdnrhumeut in the manor until 1
tomorrow (
Pierre t Itl7.ii8 I locood
PiFitiir , S D , Jan 13 [ Special Telegram
to 1 Tin Bep J C C Doffonbach , claiming to i
bavo | coma from T icotrm , \ \ nsh , has skipnod ,
having i raised nbout ? 300 through bogus
cheeks and borrowing money on fnlso cro
dcntluU , Ho has been in Pierre foi several 1
months nnd proves to bo a swindler well
known throughout the west
.Tudgi Ivolley Ijiild In tlio loiiit )
Pi HAuriiiiiA Jan 13 The remains of
Hon William D ICelley were today con "
signed ; to the tomb Thee was llttlo oi no
display ' , privacy nnd quiet bcinj Insisted upon
by the members of the dead innu's fninlty
Upon the conclusion of tno service nt the
church the funeral procession took up its i
journov to Noith Iaurol Hill comotoiy ,
where the Intormenl took place
( > 15 8clil < n H Ucliinius Dlhlnt " 11 ed
Lusic Wio , Jan 13 [ Sped it Iclegram
to Tin BEr J Coroner Louder of Converse
county ted iv dlslntorrod the remains of O
IS Soldon who was murdered at Man villa
in boptember 18S0 1 ho bo ij \ \ ill bo for
wurded to Hlnlr , Neb , by this ovenlub 8
train for llnul buriul
ItoNton lii a J oar
Boston , Jan 13 A phenomenal fog shut
down on Boston and , vicinity for snvcial
hours this morning Nothing llko it has
been socn before in thfs vicinity It is lm
1 osslblo to discern obi x.ts across the street
Ihotiains cntei ing Huston uro delayed
MiH-.lHsiipl'A OOT mor InniiKiirntnd
Jaci sov , Miss , Jan 13 John Marshnll
Stone was innuguratC'l ' governor to lay In
his inuugui il address special ruforonco was
made to the reunion next May at Vleksburg !
of the nluo und the griy 1 no governor ox
prosscd the v\lsh fbat lioarty roopoiatiou
would bo ( , lven the uiovoment
, t.
Dlod I roiiitHjdiupliohlii
Mir ton , Wis , jAn.ll Prof Charles A
Clark , ( rineipal of Allison academy died
viistnlht ( from what Is believed to huvo
been hydrophobia Ho was bitten bi a cat I
list March KecentlVuninlslakablo sl0nsof
livdro ) houiu appeared and his death was a
very painful ono
Ohio I mUlutnr * Canons
CoLivints , O , Jon 13 The republican
roombcrs of the legislature tiel I a caucus for
senator touitlit lliero were llfty nine mem i
bent present out of seventj one 1 x Gov
eruoi Foster iccolvcd 55 votes , and Goneiav
W II Glbsoui
Poaoli Tree * Huddins
Doveii Del , Jul 13 , iho thermometer :
josturdaj registered from 7J to 60 degrees in
the shade , and in the sun went up lo 100
llio peach buas are so advanced that u
general ficczo would ontlrob kill them
AIIoiihii still Iiinnoving
Madrid , Jun 18 Alfonso's oondit on enn
tlnues to Improve , und his restoration to | er-
feet health Is considered certain
Some < Time This Woole the Sioux
RoBorvntlon Will Bo Opened
_ _ _ _ _
Hitrrlson Sends In His Nainn tn Ho
United Stnton Attorney l\r the
Nebraska District A Lengthy
Dill Uy Doruc ) .
ri3 lOtnTEENTIt bTIlEST }
The prcsidont has concluded to Issue bis
proclamation tin owing the bloux reservation
in bouth Dakota nud N obi aska open to set
tlomcnt this vv con
The senators from South Dakota hav o boon
doing some very hard work during the l ist
week to bring this nbout SenutorPotu
Lrow made some vcrj strong lorsonal np
penis , to the president nud they hnlgrait
weight Senator Pottigrovv nnd Gcnorul
Harrison , whllo the hitter was Iu the Boaato
a few j cars ago trav crse 1 the Sioux roserva
tlon from the onstom to the western bound
nri , so the sonutor had nn nlvnntago In the
presentation J of his nrgumeut Ho slmpiy
hnd to remind him of the character of the
countri nnd the condition of the people on
the \ reoorv ntloa nud these on the outside who
desire to take up homos , together with the
poi ular sentiment asking luimollito notion
in throwing the reservation open to Bottlop
llio secretary of the Interior and
members of the Sioux committee were
opposed l to the prcsldontl il procl itnattou
uutll congress made furthoi iogUlatlon ,
claiming that promises bad been mido to the
Indiaus in securing their slMiataros to the
treatv | which would not bo fulfilled nftor the
rcselvntlon was thrown open to settlomnnt
benitor Petticrow and his friends succcedc 1
hoivever ' , In doing away with these argu
ments A bill hns boon prci arcd and will
bo introduced iu both brauches ot congioss
cvrrving out tuo jiromises made in the treaty
With the Indians and there is litllo doubt
that it vv ill bo p issod but the oponlng of the
reicrvntion will not bo eontlugent upon the
success of this moasjro ns some of these
v ho have had to do with the nogotlatlons
desire 1 llio loscrv ition will bo thrown
oi en to settlement before the bill Is taken
upb > congress llio bill urovldo tint the
1 roceeds of the lands vvhicli are sold shall bo
divided pro rata among the sovoril handBof
In Hans interested This will give the feov
oinmcutnn opportunity to treat with the
Indians , individually
Mr Doisoj introduced In the liouso today
the largest bill that has boon presented to
congioss for many jonrs excepting of
course impropriation and tinff bills It is
entitled A bill to revise amend and con
solidate the laws rolatiug to the lobulation
of national currency secured by Unite 1
btates bonds " It codllles the nalionnl
binklng laws rc enacting nil ot the present
laws ' which it Is bolievcd nro desirublo relit
ing to the oflleo of the eomptrollor ot the
cunonci It also provides a now feature
} which gives to the national banks circulation
to the full i vi vnluo of their bonds deposited
to sccuro circulation lhoy ore now given
n0 i percent It i educes the tvx on their cir
culutlon . one half which bilngs it down to if
pei 1 cent every six months , mstead of K P"1
cent In the last congress u bill was reported
J ported allowing national banks clicu-
lation to tbo full par value of
the : bonds deposited and the measure
, was m ido a special ordei envoi ul tlinos ,
but on each dajT when nn effort vvaB m ido to
call J it up it was crowded out by consider
ntlon of appropriation bills Mr Dorsoj in
tends j to have this bill taken up at such au
carlj day that its success cannot bo jeopard
Ized I by uny other bill
Mr Dorsoy nlso introduced a bill of great
Importance fo the northwest provluiug foi
the sale of the timber lands In the now
states f of North nnd South Dakota and the '
territories J of Wjomirg nnd Idaho it$3'50
j par aero under thosumo restrictions and leg
ulatlons ns the sulo of timber lands In Cal
ifoinin Nevada and Washington aio con
ducted ' at present
, The nppointmont todny of Benjamin L
Uakor to bo United States attorney for the i
district , of Nobrnska civcs , universal satis
faction | among Nebraska pcoplo here The 1
state i delegation iv as solid for Mr Baker and
his I visited the white liouso nnd dopirtmout
of ( justice manv times in his behalf Ilop-
resontatlvo i Counoll and bonntor Paddock
have | been pouring into the whlto house rcc
oiuuiendntlons i by wholesale during the pist
few dnjs ino delegation unlto In saying
th j it Baker Is an able lawyer and a man of
deir , ehnractei , nud that ho will mvo gaa
or i il satisfaction ns an oUlcer His con
Urination ' will bo prompt on the part of the
senate '
worn ino rou IDAHO
Governor George L Shoup of Idaho came
in ! last ovcniuc , mid is stopping nt :
Wlllard's ' Ho is here to help Idaho !
to i statehood but will find tint
Delegate Fred Dubois his done all l
the ! ; work necessary Mr Dubois undo u :
very able argument against the Mormon pr j
ject before the senate committee on tcrrito
rles today Ho uphold In an able munnor
the nutl Mormon cl mso In the Iduho consti
tutioii , mnklng a convincing urumont If
Idaho docs not got statehood at thu hands of f
this congress It will not bo because her In
tcrcsls huvo not been enrofully tuarded by
her repiosentatlvos In congress
The lenvoof absoncoon surgeons ccrtltl-
catoof dlsnuility granted Ciptulii F Beers
lajlor , Ninth cnvvlry , November 1 18S9 department
partmont of the Platte is extended three
mouths on surgeon s certificate of disability
Iowa I Idora Junction , Hardin county , II
F Flunsburg icoB C Harris , roslguod ,
Dnka , Keokuk county , L O Sheridan vlco
John Goo imaii , resigned , Lawlor , Clnckn
saw countj W' II Puiker vice M J Cluy ,
removed , buporlor , JuckBou county , IJ ;
Mitchell vlco VV S Gardner removed
South Dakota Holmiok Hand county , F
J Holmlck vlco B F bl oou , resigned ,
feprlng Like KiuMburj count ) A I lint ,
vlco A Gould , residue 1 , lurn Brooks ,
Grnntjjcounty , A L Abbott vlco A A
Storoi , removed
siiscm ANrots
Charfcos have boon preferred atilcst
Postmaster Davis at Harrlbon Sioux
county Ilo is nccused ot permitting ithor
pei sous to bandlo the malls thnn these
iiuthor)7 ) d and with being loose lu his habits
as an officer
Gharlos G Grcon the II & M nttornoy ,
loft for his homo ut Omaha tonight after u
few davs' business m tlio bu | ei lor court
J N llnchor of 1 ort Niobrara nnd
Webster LHon of I incoln are In tlio ntv
Mr Com ell re lntioduced a bill oppiopii-
atlng $100 000 for n nubllo building ut lUat
rico und Mr Laws a bill upj ropiluting $ 00
0 0 for a public building at Hastings Uolti
of these bills vvoio ro iiitroducod bo as lo
ndopt the foim recommended bj the super
vising anhltoct of the trensuri
Hiscoek s special cominiltcuou the quadro '
centennial will not hold a meeting until the
latter pnitot tha week llio posiponcmont ,
Is made uece.sarv bndoluis in tolling le-
| orts of the hearliiKS lu t week printed
Senator In alls introduced n bill todaj tel
l aj George Ault lostmnstcr at Dickinson ,
b 1) , $101d3Sirojed by tlioon Mai 0 , 1 5 y ,
when the | ostoOleo was burned
Hepretentativo Dolllvor has so-iired the
ap | ointment of Goorto F Opinio
us postmaster at Kolf , Pocnlontas count j 1 ,
la Mr Dolliver has also succeeded
in getting a i cnsion for the venerabio D iVid
bhcllonbargcr of Humbolt rounti , Iowa
Shollonba ( , or is over iilnctv jtfurs old and
served in two wars
b b loikhurl has bee i recommended by
the solid bouth Dakota delegation iu con
grcss for apt ointment ns superintendent of
K record of indobtolncss of South Dikntn
lu connection with tlio census statistics
luSi Hon M II V\i has left tor bis homo in
South Dakotn nnd Hon 0 1 McCoy of
Aberdeen s 1) , hat Just arrive l
The liouso committee on coinage weights
mil mensuros will , on next Mondav grvut n
hearing < to | crsons iu fuv or of tbo free colu
ago of silver
I rein tlio snnt\to committee on | ubllo
buildings ) nud _ j inds Mr Pildocktolny
submlttcla fl rablo report upon his bill
1 rev Idlng for t • ; llsjosvlof tholortbolg-
vvlck mllltnrv _ _ orvntlon in Colorado aua
Nobri9katon J < . t settlers under the homo
stoadlnivs P 5 committee struck out the
second section riclirolioicl from the \ revisions -
visions of the tick nnv lnul thnt miv bo
found in the reservation bolotiKing to rail
road compvnles
Mr W llson of wva Intro lucol in the senate -
ate J n petition lm citizens of Allcrton ,
W J nj no count ) , ioivi for the passage of tin
act grunting pay , commutation of rations
nnd | clothing to Mr Clnwson which wis ro-
ferred to the ccmmtttoo on mllltnrv nffalrs
with n bill canning out the provisions of the
Dole } , do Carov of Wvomlng Intro lucod
bills nppropilntlng MO 000 to constiuct n
building , suit iblo foi un Indian industrial
school nt some point on the Wind Klvor In
dian reservation in Ujomlng appropriating
fiO 000 for the completion and rcpilrof qunr
tors at 1 oits Womlii { , , Wnsbakio and Mc-
Klnnlo .
benntor Mitchell It trolucol todn ) a bill
topiohlbit the cominc of Chlnoso Inlo the
United States , whetlior subjects of tlio
Chiucso empire or otherwise
Pi unv S Hevtii
W lint to Do Willi ( icrnnttiio
Washington Ian 13 Sccrotari Proctor
who litis boon for some months giving
earnest eonsldciation to the amelioration of
the condition of the Apichcs who hnvo boon
prisoners of wnr slnco Geronimo and his
ban I sin rendered to General Miles tola )
submitted ' his conclusions to the prcsidont
two uUoratioii'v nro suggested ono the pur
chase of n tinct of laud In the mountains of
western North Cniollm nnd the other tint
the consent ot congicss bo requested for
their transfer to some point iu llio Indl m
territory if sutisfnetot ) negotiations inn bo
entered Into Iholittci suggcstioi li is the
apurovnl of the Bccrotii ) of war aid ho
recommends ( Its ndoption
Idaho nud thu Moiiiioiih
Washington Jau 13 lor two hours this
inorniiiL , the senuto committee on territories
listened to arguments against nu 1 in support
of the constitution prcpnicd for the pie | osod
now . state of Id iho J II W llson of this
eit ) , sponkiiih for the Mormons argued
against the uccoptanca of the pioposel con
stitution ' which disfriinclnsod tl o Moimoiis
nnd isserted that without the Moimon rcsi *
dents the population of the Icititorv is not
larce enoiLii to wnrraiittho makin ) , a attito
of it Delegate Dubois of Idaho replied to
Wilson Ilo sild it was necessary to dis
franchise the Mormons in a bo ly m order to
destro ) their political power Conviction of
blgmij or poIVMini ) docs not effect n eon
vict Dubois said because six months in
the penitentiary has no cfTcci upon hiui
Intort stliiir Hills Introduced
Washington , Jan 13 benator Plumb to
diy introduced u bill to rope il 80 much of
tl o net of July 1 13 0 ns authorizes the 1
leasint j , of iho n ht to engage in the tilling
of fui seals ft om the islands of St P tul and
St Gcoico Alaska lbo bill provides that
nil autborit ) heretofore conferred u | on the
secretary of the trcasurj to lcaso the bo il '
flsheiicB to any company ba repealed The i
bill also requires that the secretary iioinul-
j.avo tho.regulations prohibiting tno taking
and killiiif , ot seals or otpei bearing
animals by any but native nud prescribing
the number to bo taken each jeir The bill I
also provides that all skins taken hereafter
shall bo transported to bin 1 lanciseo , to bn i
sold there in open market to the highest
bidder All inoiiev donved from thcso silos i
is j to bo paid into the tieasury and set nput
for the cduc ition of the natives of Alaska
Dunncll Introduced u similar bill in tha I
Itepresentativ o Stewart of \ ormont today
introduced | in the house a bill declaring that
no Mormon shall be eligible to vote at nnv
election or to hold a civil oflleo in the terrl
tories ot the United States oi to bo natural
ized | as u citizen of the Unite 1 States or to i
settle upon publio lands " \otors ire ie
qulrod to make oath that they do not belong
to , the Mormon chuieh as a piallmlniry to i
exeicisiiig , the light of suffrage
Presidential Nominations
Wasiiinotov Jan IJ The president to
dnv sent the following nominations to the
senate : Benjamins Baker of Nebraska to
bo United States attorney for the district of
Postmasters Bonjamln F Dvsnrt I rank
lln j Grove 111 , Grcomin D Uosobrook llock
lulls J , 111 HuchA Whlto Mount Ajro la
James N Miller , bio Citv , In , L P Jen
kins Lead City fa D Willlim I Anderson
Plnnkititon ' S D Alden Simpson Woon
socket S D John D Nugent Menosha
Wis , bldnov bhepurd Miucial Point , Wis ,
Martin P Hindlaub Prattsvlllo AS Is
Christopher ! Hill Shiwnco , Wis , Willlnm
Knolllnf fahullsburf , Wis
j Georo ( A Hoot , Lanaik I , Jcromo Chip
man , Normal III
Nebraska Clark C Barnes Alnsworth , ,
James 11 Herr ) Atkinson Gcor o L Jiimo
son Orclghton , Jauio3 II Ponca ,
John ; W Bofet.8 Blair , Victory Tnjlor i
buporlor , Charles b bpoirman , Craw fold
Nohi nsicn , lovva mil llulcot i PoiihIoiih
AVasiiington Jan 13 [ Sjicelal Telcfernm
to Tm Uei 1 Pensions have been granted
as i follows to Ncbiaskans Increase Joiouio
A Bailey iGuido Hock
Pensions for lowuns Oiiglnnl Invalid
James M Tiicchlof , Orlont , Harvcv IC
Scoit Hurnsldo , William McCrouiy , ( do-
ceased ) Atlantlo Gcorgo | W Porter Win
torset Ltlo Goodcnough Ivnoxvillo Harvov r
Church Mt Ltna Incroasa Joslah L
1 vans Cresco , MathevvH Sarks | Hativiu
John II Swinger , Monterry Chnrlcs j
Fuller , Bouaparto , Putrick Luikin Mar
shalltovvu , Joseph L lvlcr , Hampton ,
Samuel 11 liatton , Croiuwoll , Benja I
min V Gordon , Lid ) vlllo Hcissuo Mat
thevvin Unsklik Iowa Tails ,
William W Bundle Uurr Oak , Ihomas
lenkins , Knoxvlllo Adolph Doeh Ginv .
0 Iglnnl widows , ctu--Muitha L widow of '
Clnrlcs O Oeuii , Danbui ) , 1 lizaboth G ,
widow of William Mct-reary , Atlantic ,
Jonas father of William Ainloowton
I ensions for bouth Dikotans OrlUnul in
valid William \reolatid Hco Heights |
Original widows etc Minor of Peter Lalir ,
1 landrcnu
lm in lt < a tlon "Mai tin b
Wasiiinoton , Jau U Solicitor of the
Trcusui v Hepburn In bis report to bee
ritury Winrtom giving the result or his reCent
Cent Investigation of iiuiiil rutlnn matters at
the portof Now Vork expressed the opinion
that the | resent conn act Willi the boat d of ,
immigration should bo terminated by Riving
the necessary sixty duvs notice , und llio
whnlo supervision should bo pla cd under
tbo duecilon of the treasury ttcpaituiont
uudci the collector of tha | oit of New \orlt
No Clilncsa CeitllloHow
AVahhington , lun id AssistantSectctir j
Tichcnor has dliccted the collector of eus-
toms nt 1 ort Benton , Mont , to discontinue
the prnctloa of issulnf , to Chinese about to
leuvo the United btates cortlllcutcs tl at they
tro qualillcd to rotuin
I i r > / ii in Death
Hock Sinisos , AVyo , Jau 13 AVilllain
Mel dwarjs n prominent business inun of
this place , was frozen to death this morning
Ho vvns ovci taken b ) a blizzard whllo return
int , from a hunting trip
A Ulniv nl Huokiit Rliopi
Ciikaoo , Jan 13 The board of trade at its
onnuul meeting today aimed a now blow nt
tbo bucket shops by authorizing the directors
to cut oil all quotations at their discretion
Tonlblo Work of tlio Tornado lu a H
Kontuoky Town H
I irty-l Ivo Houses Dcuiolislicd , Mn * H
Pcoplo liiHtautl ) Killed nutl I ll'ty- j H
JLhreo AVoiindoil , Some or I H
llicm I ntnll ) . H
A oil or the Wind H
Cuuo IIIJnn 13 \ torn ilo Inst nigh ) H
struck the onst sldo ot Clinton iv ) , domoH |
Ishlng . lift ) llvo houses killing nluo peoi H
plo and wounding lift ) tluce Iho killed ns H
far as nsccrtninod nro H
J A Hnoin.3 nnd two children M
Mils AAlltMM Honl , M
lluiiNTTr Boni M
A\ali eii Nanci , M
John AGaiiiiu nn infant child ot H
Itiigoij C Hodcs ( ami ono other not ) ct M
ldcnllllol \ H
lbo wound uro Judge 1 C Hedges wife _ _ H
mil two children 1
G AWu.vnu wire chill nnd father H
C AV A'oorheos ehil 1 mi I two relatives 1
Kov N W Little wife and two children H
D btubblcllcld and sov oral nieiubcrs of M
1 his fnuiil ) M
' Mrs 1 ostr unl two ehlldton _ _ H
Mrs J A KhoJes md child , the rhlld _ _
will die H
A L 1 iiioison nud two children M
a F lustico mil chili H
Willi im Bono unit two children _ _
W F Bono M
Mrs John \ \ Gaddio und child H
Mr Jackson M
Koburt Johnson , sr , dniigerously H
Hoocit Johnson jr , daiiorousl ) M
AV lianco , vHe und child M
Assislnuco n is hi it from hero lnst nlcht M
The stoim also visited U icklifTo lvv doing H
consldernblo dam i > , o to pro | cit ) , but uo loss M
of lifo is ruportud H
Caiho Ul , Jun U Iho toruilo which H
visited the citv of Clinton K ) at 7 o clock H
1 ist ov oiuti ( , did considerable destruction tq M
pioiort ) it AV icklifTo nnd nlso at Moscow , M
lvv The storm nt IcklilTe was os | ocially M
disastrous 1 ho follow liif , is a partial list ot M
the dnmugo done there Tohn W Atwood a M
ilrv j-oods stoio S iiiiuul W Atwood s j H
furmturostoicUioivti s di ) gooHstoro the m M
AVntwood hotel the Ollfcllows mil Ma H
sonic halls Manstlold s lestmi mt Hulling s M
llv 1 cri stable and 1 dwutd s ins'donco ' wcro |
n il blown down | H
Amoiii , these injured are Judeo Powell M
and wife a Mrs ItlchuidsoiiVlek Per H
guson Mis Hro km in and Mrs lowolU H
No ono was kille I I H
A uumbcr of freight enrs nnl two enrs H
used ns bonidin ) , cirs ciu blown from the M
track mid badlv brnkcu H
Meigio icjioits couio from Moscow from M
where the tlist tinccs of tl o pith of the toi- H
nailo l : ire seen Ihcio the Methodist church H
nnd school house are iu luins Between H
thcro un 1 Clinton thcro are said to bo nu H
mcious , ovidciccs of the stor n s fur ) though H
no lives were lost llio storm passed tioith | H
ofNcwMnlrid Mo , orosshi ( . the liver neir M
a l oint oi | osito Miscnw Iv ) , thciico north . _ H
west to Clinton mil Wlekllffo The luthnf H
thostoim wus about a nuattoi of a lnllo wi\o \ H
nud it loft u Hack of fallen timber through H
out the scctlDn of limber P pusBcd before M
reaching Clinton H
Tlio llrst house struck Jn Clinton was the H
section tiou'o of tbo Illinois Contril railroad , H
occupied by John Itho tea uud family The H
1 ouso vv is toi n to splinters and Hhodcs and H
two t ehiliren instantly killed His wife and H
ono child cscipcd de ith but both were H
d uiforouslv huit Amom , the man ) other H
nccidcnts the liouso of lohn On Idles was H
blov 1 n doivn and Gu 1 lies was found under H
the t debris with Ins luf mt child in his arms H
Gnddics ( was dead , but the child vv is not H
The house of Iioboit Tolinson which stood H
on the hiovv of n hill seemed todivldolti H
half 1 , cutting In two ] ust below the second | H
llooi J and letting the upper portion fnll into H
its I place lohuson was in the lower room H
nud i the upi cr part fell on him piunliie , him H
toeaiih I Ho was rescued but is budl ) in- H
juicd ] His son Kobjrt wis up stulrs and H
was i dnnncrousl ) hurt bv fullltii , tiuibcis H
Although suffering Intense ul.ohv ho begged H
the I rescurcrs to lot him ulono and help some Hone
ono i who could llvo His bi other David wus H
also ' bnalv hurt H
The storm struck the town without the H
slightest \ warning Many kucv nothing of | H
it until the roofs of theii houses were full H
ing j nbout then heals U forotho storm the H
evening i wis warm and u heavy rain had pie H
viulca all dii ) but niter the slorm it sud H
denly , turtu d cold nnd caused a ere it deal of H
sufTeritif i , It is thought the citv will be ublo H
to supply all dominds for help from the H
homeless nnd a committee is at work seek H
ing ] aid Alrend ) $1 000 his been subscribed H
toward tlio chontv fund H
Tlio pmt of the citv that stood on the hill H
sldo , is the nortion that suffered frem tlo H
storm i Modlcilusslstanco was sent from | H
hoio ] last night Iho following is a partial H
list j of the houses demolished or damaged , H
Houses oceuplel by J K Gillian J W H
Nunco G It Uwinii , C S Aoorhees C S _
Justice J AV Gidd'cs ' Mis M A Tivlor , _ _
AV 1 liudd D btubblcllcld Mrs it S 1 09- B
tcr , K. L Aiitbonv , L bublutto und \ \ C H
Hones H
The city to lay presents n vorydrcniy H
aspect ; but undui thu ciicuiiistuiiccs the cltl H
zens bear their burdens noblv i ho work of H
helping the dcstltuto nnd ho nclcss goes for H
wurd Many fnrmcis whoso lands adjoin the H
city ! have como fonvaid and offered bl cllcr H
and homes to these who have lost their all H
Jbls was the most destructive tornado H
which bus ever visited this section of the H
country i H
llio' 'toriii Atdi siionil | M
CmcAao Jnn 13 llio rail storm of ) ester - H
tor lay nfternoon ( , < ivo place to a Lalo which M
raged with great force all last night , nud U
vvhicli has only dlmiiiishod with the advent fl
of cold weather AVhllo during part of vos U
torduy the tlieimouictcr was botwuon fifty U
and sixty above zero , it bewail fulling rup M
idly late last nlht ( uud at nn early hour this M
moruinc , murked enl ) oiclitcen above 1
llio signal scivico burntu loports tlo M
storm ( , cuor il and tolegrui hiu udviccs from _ H
the vvost northwest and southwest fully H
eorroborato this report llio wind bus H
I laved havno with tbo olcc'rlo wires all over H
iho west the telegraphic Bervico beinf , do- H
mornliicd This morningu slight full of H
snow covered the ground Reports from the B
Dikotus MinucsotuMsconsin , Iowa Nu H
braska and Kansas Indicate about the sumo H
weather iu these states , the only variation M
being that the buzaid | is moio intense uud _ H
the snow much deeper in the north M
blicojistordiv s oyclono bt I ouls hns 1
boon piaetieully tut off fiom the rest of the
vvorld , so eoiupleto was thu duuiorulliution of M
telegruphio service AVircs In every dlrcc-
tlon were down uud it was not until 10 this H
incrning that the Associated press lliiully M
estublishail connection with the storm M
stricken city
I'oi tj-l'lvu Milui nn Hour M
CirvitANi ) 0Jun 11 llio wind i cached H
ii velocity of foit ) ( lvo miles an hour here M
last nlcht and the tompcrnturo dropped M
fromI ( degrees nbovo to below freezing H
point Toletrapli and tclephonocoinmunlca H
Hon was interrupted during the forenoon H
iho roofs were torn off two bulldliifcs , trees
wore blown dowu und sUns cirriod uvvuy , H
but uootiu was injutcd ltuports from udja- H
cent towns show that the wind svvoi t protly
much all over noithorii Ohio , but did no
serious dainuto to | ro | crt )
ICniiHiis Covnriil with Hnovv H
St Louis , Mo , Jun 13 Dispatches from H
different portions ot ICunsas report a blizzard H
in that state 'Tha whole countr ) is cov ored H
with snow to the depth of a foot or moro H
liallioud trains aio stuck at several places