Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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I * ho advertisements will bo Inkon ( or
* those columns attor 12:30 p. m.
* " _ " " _ _ Torms-'Cnsh In advance ,
_ . Advertisements under this hond 10 eints per
VK line for the llrtt Insertion , 7 cents for each snli-
? f c'l'icnt Insertion , nml (1X0 per Hn per month
\ No advertisements t * r. tor less thau SS cents
tor flrnt Insertion , Seven words will bo counted
, to tlio llroi tliejr must run consecutively iinil
S must lis pahl In AI > VAMK All aflvertlsft-
ments must b hamlet , in before 32:30 : o'clock p. *
in , nnd under no clrcnmstanres will they be
taken or discontinued l > r telephone
Parties advertising In these columns Mid livr-
Injr tlinlr answers nddrossed In caroof 1 UK llrp
Mill plenie nt for a check to enable them to got
their letters , as none will be delivered excent
on prekjntntlon of check All nniwers to &d-
ipttl'cments should be encloicd In envelopes ,
Allndvertl'emonta in tin so column * are nub
lIMicd in both momma nnd ovenlnc editions of
JMKlIrr the circulation of Which ntrirreitates
moro tlinn 1S.C0O papers dally , nnd elves the ad
vertisers tlio benefit , not only of tbe clty clrni-
litlonof Tnr flrr , but nlso of Council IlluITs
1 Incoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country
< * - Adirrtlelni ; for these columns will bo taken
f on the abore munitions , at the following busi
ness hotmts , who are authorised intent * forTMK
Hi.n apcclnl notices , and Mill quote tlio sain *
rates as can bo ' had Mtho main Jofll"j-k w. ,
lOIIN W. iihl .U 1'hormacist. SMSouth IflntU'
J Street
GUAM : A Kill ) v. ftntloiicra and Printers , 111
Bouth ifth f treat
Sit rAltNfiWOIlTH , Pharmacist , SUICum-
.iuKf-treet ,
\\T .1. lUCJlFElTriinniiaclst C2i North 18th
11 Mreet
( Jlibrw PA Kit lMinroiaclsL 1T1S Leaven
* woi th street
I.T Will US' I'HAItMAC'V.-Wa Farnam Street
Bk B "V'OI'NH man , vpenka KnttUah nnd Ucrmon ,
* " " " " " " " " " "
"T' • wunH position In Kroceryto learn ttado
Address 8 71 , Hie . 18t-Ut
WANTIID Position as wet nurse , best nf
references plvou Address sol , lleo olllce
, _ ii-
AbLOlCIlMAN wishes a situation In a peed
rcsprclntiln hotel , Rvnrral uork , with n
chmuu to rlso If found Htittalile ; Boodrcfci-
chd's ns to nspoctablllty ; nuuUsioiirs Ad-
UiessHiD , Uimi _ 41' , lit
\j \ \ \ ? ATNKII .SltiiallonbwilrairlluKsalcsman
K it frnni the east Ten ) ears In hanlwariilliu' .
Willing to Btart for expense * . lU'fcrenro nnd
bond Khun , If reiuilred Addri&s 8 TA lleo
SITUATION anted by Herman Indv 2J
ye rs of ace In a respecttilo family to touch
Herman Ironcti music , etc , or as companion
to a lady ; best otiefemnco itlM-nand rmuiiiBd
Address , Mix Olehlur THilmi.yeb HO 1.1
WANTIID Position ns collector ; best of
reference and bond furnished Address B
< ! . lleo MIT TV
\\7ANTKD A man to take nu olllco uiul rip
ii ribtnt it innnnruittirvr ; JV ) n mock ; nuiil !
( apltnl required Address , Mltli stamp , Mnuu-
r.ltturer , HoxTU , West Arton Muss 0i-15 )
ANII'.11 AT2h0 tariiauT sT , a Rill fiii
Ki'iieiiU hoiisuwnrk ; must no a good cook
and laundroia ; iidermnnoi Dane prufuned
K 7 II
* V\7ANTHO-AKeuts for tlio bojt article over
I produced Lostly otHIlt free No peddling
anil no nionev reqniretl until Kales made and
iiollieied AddiLss N. M , Irltdniau A * ( o .
Mnrtlusuurs Mo 4H1-I1 *
flWO bov wanted to worK inahtie fuctory
Jl W. V. Jfoi be & Cu , 11th nail Douglas vt
. minted In this district One of
Oonr men earned fl.UHl in • " and & \2U ) In 'SB
and Is duliiK better tills J ear P. O. Hey 1171 ,
Now Voric 47410J
\TTANTii : > Allonerjretlc soubr man to can
' Anssforn recently patunleit arllcle will
Mil oaslKlit ; the rlKht man can mnko homo
rrTioy out of tills If It Is attended to at miio
It l * i , Chnmbei or Commeico 1U1
UATTi SMAN wauted " for soup iiriif perfum-
kJery ; salary and oxpsnses pild ; nxperlente
not ueccssaiy Address with stamp L II I.lun
, * Co , Lacrosse Wis 4W 1IJ
| \\7ANTIU ! Sitlesiroiintf75 per month salary
i and oxpenseH to sell Hue of bllror-pluted
Nvni-e , watches , etc , by sumplo only : horxoand
u ain furnished free U rlto nt unco for full pnr-
tlculars and xainplu case of Bonds fiee Stand
ard Hilverwaro ( _ o. , llostoii , Alass ' UTS
"TAfllN to trniel for the 1'onthlll nurseiwi of
J.1 Canadu Wo pay 0 to 81110 n. month and
expenses to iikoiUb to neli our Canadiangroun
Mock Add , fctoi.o & WcUlngtou , Madison Wis
VVANTKO Canvasseis at Singer bowing
1 Machllio Olllco IftlB llouslas 8t. 2CI1 V i\ \
W7AN'llU : Olrl forKcneiallioiuoworki > mall
> l famllv , tl per week ; IBM N atn st 4'J7
W'ANTI' .l ) radios and | -entlemon to Intro
\i duce our sprlnj ; line o cloros oif Bilary
Bumplos tree Lxpensis aiHnnced Address
EOAI.lbMAN ltoyul Cllovo Co , Cinclnnat ] , OIilo
, \\7"AN'1Id ; A compoteut young lady book
i kiepor , one who wiltes shoitlund iire-
feind Addiess , 8 6J ( , lleo olllce Ij8
ACANTHI ) Girl for general housenoric.small
> ? riimtiy , in s. aith st 4uj
'WANTRII ' A gill for gaueral housiwork ,
, H family of 3 , good wuges Apply nt IbUl
r.irnam st from u to 10 a. in or I to ,1 p m.
"CITaNTHI ) Lady agants wanted for my new
TT Novelty Waist a childs waist , skirt ,
p.mtlcand hoio sunportor combined , 'Ihe
ciitt'8illttloarrnoiit e\or madH , Agents tnuke
VI.UI dally Also Mcintosh waterproof Ilag-
laus "Ireiuh Peasants " Motner llunbardH
'iiluuca outside , rubber laslilo and full line
ladled mid ihlldien'a furnishing goods Slump
lei catalogue I' . II , Cainpboll , 4s ( ltaudolpn
st Ohliago 81'J-a.l ' * '
\\TA.STUI1 A young lady room mate lu
ll i quire 1 JO North 17th st W. 1 IJ
\\"ANTii > A comtwtent cook Apply with
v > lerereiicenf r 'l ilaviuportbt i lus-ll ?
'T\7AN'lEO-At ' once , a good girl for gonorai
TT liousunork , :1V)7 : ) llurtst 4m II
\\7ANTin-Uirl : for generalhousowork M1U
> llurtst lot u
\\7 ANTIUl flood gul to took , wnsh and Iron ,
i good wages ; none but tompctent neid np-
_ ply Mrs , \Y. M. llUbhmaii , HI4S. lTthst
_ \\7 ANTHI ) A girl for general house work 111
J B > T small family , ZSM Chicago nt , 417 11
B " \ AN'lJUblil7tmaUrsrilirrarua1mst. ) .
_ > _ > _ _ _ JlJiOlt
WAN ITIO-Ouod gtrl to cook , wash and Iron ,
_ _ Uood wages ; niinu nut competent need ap-
M ily [ Mrs W. M Iln imi niil ( a ntli st
H ihi
IAHV agents coining money ; wnndorful new
Jrubber underguriiient ; hells itself ; proof
B tree Address J.lttlu Afa , SIB Clark ht , Chi
_ JJ cngo , Ills ajT-lit ?
m HJES s M * _ iN c
* _ _ JlUi.a.iMAiivUti help wonted - Apply Tflis
J M J Btrlllllng I8ID Clark St Ml.Ut
HISS II Walsh , Uls Capitol live , dress fe cloak
' _ maker ; plu U coats rellttedrellnedstaanied
LUiriB WINKIUIHO dress nnd cloak maker ,
. _ _ plush cloaks to order and atonmed ; sealskin
, cloaks repalied ; all kinds fin trimmings fui-
nlsUed , ll-M Capltoluiun repairingot all kinds ,
, M 1H 17
I K , "I\riSaO'l.Nl)110E.dre8siiiaKingplush ( ) ) : clonks
( j . * -I'l tteaincd , reliued und tetlttid lla Douglas
] H toi-ja
371 < Ht HKNT New D-roiim house S2d andCalT-
- foinhi streets , all comtnionres , loll A. U.
I B ukele ) , loom NCi N , V , I.Ub building 'J 0
IjH ' TTOTTiThNT-iinVnoor.Blo ' sraMhht " "
; - • i -"L2 : ! !
i B IT,0U , HUNT House , comer Dodge nnd 2Uth ,
J- furnished or unfurnished m
I neil linNT CompUtely furnished 5-rooin
. , _ • lOttageouN 15th il , S blocks from post
, _ ulllce ' 1 his Is a snap Particulars at room ,
[ _ tw.Sli , llwt Nat'lbuuk , U. V. tholes Co
bBH 4'jo ij
S7.0"KSJxltJfeet , 4 stories and basement ,
. _ I1U1 llaniey 7U1
rfl ir ? , ui1N'Jy ! ' , t yfell0'e ' companyTnwo
fBP ) JIJ l'lrst National bank
[ 1B | * " > " ; srooms , nil conieiilciices , with electilo
! _ tiells bath , raiuje , furnace , eta
| _ _ l . frt s rooms and bam , all conveniences ,
m M WliuUor place ,
V H , zAi ; 7 rooina , clr location , city water
IBL > . W3i. * room * and bath , near X'ark avenue ; 3-
l _ _ _ > r Vtoiv brick
I HF tUs 7 rooms , Windsor place , nice location
m" A * * J ; 4 rooms and bath ouhhermau ave
_ _ v I * ' 8 ! ' rooms and bath with barn , ult louvcn-
[ ' _ > 10 ; stora on Park avenue
W M > Ti 4 room cottages near bow ard St 3t > 9
K i ITVIUUKN 'l-A 7-room brick Uau watro and
B H JVr - H B 13th , up stairs , room & . 074
rpKN-room brl k house , electric bells , bath ,
J furnace , laundry , etc ; ! I0. J. P. Kmlth , 1211
S ave .Elfl-L't
HOU8IS,3room hall , 2 closets , pantry , all
Urge ; well , cl tern nnd city wnter , SIS to
amnll fnmlly ; reforencca roqulreii Corner 13th
and Paclllc sts 433 lit . .
IJiOU IIIIN r-3-rooin cuttngc 211) ) N 13th st ,
V tKtti 3li7
"TjMIU HUNT Id-room bolide betneen Cass
U and ( . 'nllfornlastK on iMlisultnl le for board
Ingand rooms for rant , only ltd Inquire Itnom
D19. N. Y. Llfo Ilullaing _ l ! I" . Cook _ 41. ll *
1OltlRNT-AnlcA ( n-room cottage , alio l' .v
JclllcRt t'losoto elo'trio car line on Park
aio ; relit ! .fi0 p r mn
Also n Wore and nice fi-room farat ! UiOnorth
west inrncr of Vista and Cuming xln rent of
Hut tl2.Ni per mn ; rent of storeroom f.W per mo ,
A good place for a grocery , most market or
( hugMore OcolgeN Hick * , N V. t.lfo bldg ,
li Olt III.NT About January 4. to ro ponslblo
V tenants onli , ti residence In the Paul block ,
cor mill nnd Chicago ; most modern , altrurtlvd
nndclicip W J , Paul , 1QD rnrnnm JS i
riMlP lower storvot house fo SIT South Slth
X st , n rooms unci closer , nlr heat , mantel and
grate , gas , hot and cold nndclsteiu waterbath
room , good cellar , nl o sodded yard , at tJl
month , Bl >
1710H UKNT-7-i oem Hats In the new building
I just completed on the coiner of lntli ami
Jones street * , four blocks from Firnatn , nt
prices ranging from $ .10 to t\\ \ Including water
These nro the best arranged Hats in the city
and nr ) suppllod with wrought steel ranges ,
handsome mantels and many other com en-
lences not generally found In llnta ,
In eumiiior the building will bo furnished
with awnings , nnd all outsldo doors nnd win
do 4 w it li Portland Maine screens
Apply at stern of the building No , 7 > V , S leth
streit fleorge Clou er 7W1 JJI
FH : ) HUNT Vicel ; ftiinlsh dioom , modoiu
Hoard if dcslicd Terms lensiinable .Oi
So ajthnt fiil-IV
rpu O furnished rocms to let , SOiJ St Mnry's
X live S > 1
VflChLY furnished room , Bouth fiont , tlist
x > llooi ; central motor , Wl N , lMli , cor Hint
4" I 121
IJIOH UllNT-f nicely fnrnMinil Moms for
. housekeeping , to lollablo parties Apply at'
4-1N. 17th st • _ ' • " _ *
ITIOH ltl' .NTA house „ tli are Inquire l ll
IJ Cass " 1TJ. , J _
\VBLI < furnished rooms with iKiird In pil'
It ate family ; rclorcnie iS07 1 nriinmt. .
4'0 ' 14
IJIOH HUNT riirnished looms , with bath Hid
• steam l'd'J Howard St
_ _ _ _ _
ITIUltMSIIKU rooms for runt ftom II up pel
! mouth Hoard If rcqulied 18U Davannor : .
. ! * ! 1 IJ
IJHlllltKN 1' Twopioisnnlly furiiKliedroomsi
X1 nun with nn nlcoie , with or without bo ml
Hefereuccsicqulred Addru s lull Dn venpott
4.VJ I' 1
NIUI' .LYfurnished room with bond Jltfi
Douglas It * , lot
fj "lltNIHRI ! > rooms with boirct heat and
Xlight f. * > per month ; well vorth unestlga-
tlon Call at' ION , l'uhst ' Wt
FOH Itr.NT-Nlccli fiirnfshed south room , nil
modern couvenlciKBb Hoard ' . * jr > Douglas ,
rit-in :
"inoil Ul'.NT Pleasant futnlslied roam and
X1 good table board tor two gentlemen or two
ladles : tJilpir month ; on best ni-toi Hue Hi
cjtyi _ Ui i PurL nve , VA
S'l.lI.AlH European hotel , cor Ittli and
Dodge Spocbilia'esby uiek or month
, , . _ osi _
"VICKIA funilsli.d rooms forVentlem nonlj ,
IN 170'J Dodge ! ) II
TjlOIt HUNT 1 iirnlshod looms , also front
X ; _ .ind nock pmlor li0 Douglas _ \\-x \ \
ITHUt ItKNT A plensnnt room for rentlcmeu
. AH modern comclilciuos Comer V0li and
St Marj 's nienue.orOJdS.tOth , bricklesldeme
_ _ WnS _
? HUNT Well furnished south mom for
: tuo Hlth board ; gas bath , itc 3J11 Dodge
ac ;
IiMM KENT rurnlshedloom , 11)11) ) ) Capltnl nio
! * J.iI .
IDLhASANl' heated rooms on suite or single ;
X nil modern : cheap to right
paitles ; I blocks south courthouse , ftiss lTth
_ _ J7ll 17-
iroit Itr.NI'l'urnlshed looms with board ,
X' 17. Dod est ,
! S1
IntJltNISllLDicoiawlth iilcmo now house
lien fuinlture , nil tonVinlences , plonsnut
location I blocks of P. O. , Riiltnhle tor mau
andwlfe or ! gentlemen , bo.ud If desired Ad
diess B 7 , Dee KJ'i '
VTIUH rooms , steam boat , 1713 Davinport st
XV , Itt
13I.UASANT furnished looms , wlthorwithout
board ( IB N. , tor California 1 .I3UJ
LAKCii ; frnnt room , with or ulthout board ;
also , smalltr room ; private family 181.1
Dodge Ul
T > 0M ( and board lei Ho S. ith st
x _ _ ! i6J
ITIOH KfiNT Very pleas int room sultabloTor
two gentlemen , furiiltmo new , on host car
line , j-0 per month for boird mid room ,
Address P 61 , cum lleo olllce .131
IJIOH HUNT-TUcgantbankliig room Hrst lloor
- N. Y Ufa bldg , corner I7tb and riiriiuin ,
Per terms , etc , upply to Oeo N , Hicks , agent
SlOltl loom . " -OT , with 8 rooms up stairs ,
- lith st hot Knrnam and Douglua Only $7 >
per month O. I" . Harrison , N. Y. Life 4 in 14
ITIOH HUNT A largo front olllco , plate glass ,
' Lent and light furnished Inquire ill ) S. lilth
St , Omaha lco Co .J3-11
OKl'lClUSfor lenttlicaplu WTlthnellbulldliTg7
steam heat , eleiator and all modern Im
provements , Kin and Harney st 370 JUJ
"ITIOH HUNT Kino basement on S K corner of
X' and Jones st , well milted for a barber
shop , plumbers olllco and many other things
lnmiliHat middle stoic ot the building , ( icorge
Clouser C4J
JriOK HUNT The undersigned being the
- ow ner of of the follow lug i acaut stores an 1
duellings , will rent the same at special lo.v
rates to suenro dnslrnblo tennnts for the win
tn :
'Iwonewbilck stores " 1th and Grace , each
aixili , with ( uPars
'Jhree new brick 7-room llatn , 34th and ( Irace ,
with mautils , bath looms and niqlcrn con
Six now brick ll-room houses , with oiery
modernO'nen' .euee , foi lent at loss than half
luleii , .1)1 ) H nml lturdett .
One new brltk lu room homo with every can
i entence , voth and Marcv
One store building and laige cellar , Hlth and
Wirt , with meat market tools mid llxtuttw
very cheap
Six small bouses ntf.S and i ) per month enrh ,
I'orpartlcularscallat olllce , room I , Iliuker
block O. T. Taj lor.ur
ur >
rpilli party looking for a well lighted dry
L imseineiit for Job printing otlico or anything
else can get basement ltUI Howard st lau 1st.
QIOUHSat 7U.70J7H R 1Mb.JicOd ' each , largo
CTJshow w lndows , dtenm heat furnished The .
t. Hall , 311 Paxtonblk Mi
IjlOlt HUM Store , 1111 Karuain ft Wklii
feel.3storks und cellar Nullum shelton ,
itilt I'm nam st U )
Inoit UliNT-iTaifbtort' , 13M Douglas st
J n' ' 6J
IftOU HUNT lhe4-story mlcicbuilding , with
- orwilhout power , formsrlv occupied oy the
lire Publishing Co , 91(1 l'uriuun bt The build
lug lias a lire proof lenient basement , complete
steum-heatlng fixtures , water on all the lloors ,
gas , etc Apply at the oltlco of The lleo , 1)15 )
S'lllltlS - 'xl.- feet , 4 stories and basement ,
1107 Harney ID I
IIUHl HUNT Stores and tornor lint over drug
- cor loth and Jones Just the place
for a dentist or doctor who wants his alike on
hsmelloorof living room Apply at the build ,
lug , No Till U liUh st llcoi no Clouser r > l J
I/lOll HUNT I room suite , unfurnished , sult-
X" able for housekeeping , gas , water , etc , to
famllv without children ; northwest cor 17lh
nnd U ebster it , 737
A \fHATH.H ! * strlps furnished andappileTrto
II windows foraieuts u foot Address L. J.
Keene , 3UI Hamilton st 4V8 I7t In the clty.mid broke wants to
tell a few equities In Nebraska land ut your
own pi lco , J , II , Carse , bheely block , 43018
nK COI.K , notary public and conveyancer ,
IP you wish to engage In any xlud ot bntiuess
come and see us lloom 15 , Chamber of Com
merce 748
" \\rANTKD ; i stocks general mdse . storks
11 groceries , l cigar store 1 stok clottilug J
stocks boots nnd shoes , 3 stocks hardware , for
w hlcn cash and land w 111 bo gli en , oi cash and
Omaha property J , II Carso , Sheily lllock
Sia , u
_ _ _ " _ . _
Ql'llSCHIHir for shares in the • • American , "
Willie largest biiltdlnir and loan association in
the world M , A Upton , special agent , ltllt
and Paruain , IS
Jjion SA LH On account ot removal 1 will sell
. nt low prices onr entire household furniture ,
consisting of a new folding bed , plauo , carpets ,
parlor and kitchen furniture Apply Bt once nt
hi South 2ltn ave 431 Hi
\YANTF.t > AnnnpoTtrO or reentered Pero-
' ' cnon stallion for which laud nnd money
will be exchanged dint weigh hot less tnan
l.NX ) lbs or no more than 7 years old Andreas
room 15 ctnmber of Commerce 1 J
I " j ) .NTMIZK itr fiiiT aiid Keep your cellar
Ucool by covering your steam pipes with
Pojvll Menl fireproof , non-conducting cover
ing Deferences and estimates given upon ap
plication II O. McKwnn , western agent , loll
How aril st „ Omaha , Neb S.V ) J 'M
nil COLK , rellablo Hie Insurance
. Wl
A I'm ON sales every Tuesday Thursday
.t Snturdn ) morning at lilt Douglas street ,
Omaha Allrtlou A Storsge Co yri
SI'IISCIllllKfor shsros In the Security llulld-
Ing nnd Uian nssoclatlnn , authorized enp-
ltaUlfl,0"0OUO. N. II Apple , Agt and IaiciiI
Treas Hoom 1(1 ( , Ware block , ninJ17 *
S'lllAYKI ) or stolon-Sorrel horse about 14
hands high , ono hind shoe oil and mark on
top of right hip Address 4HI S21th ale.nnd bo
rewnuled , Jobst llros ff > M3'
Loa r Ono lace scartbetw eon llr audels' stern
ami lifh and llarnev ; (1 reward If left at
llagle Cornice worKs IW ft 12th. 4- )
renTaiTaoen cy
I poll I1KNT Houses and stores Property
cared for , taxes paid Midland llitnrauteo
A Trust Co , l H _ l'ninim M. Abstraits Udl
Tl'vouwlsh to rent nliome or store sea II K
Cole , Continental bloik ; oflko open iventngs ,
1)SJ )
HI ! COLE , lental agent ; olllco open el-eii-
• Ings wl
J J. WlUlnsou , room bis Paxton blocs
rpiir banjo taught nsnnnrt by ( lie P. ( lillon-
X Uei k. room 'iI \ IlollgHs block , ! < 0
LADll' .S and goiitlemou c.iu rcntmasquerndo
Slllts at K ! N. 10th SL U-Vi-Jls
pi'dtSONAWriio Metrooolltaii hall cor llth
X and Dodge , can ba seemed with in without
supper rooms far ba' .l' , parties , weddings.con-
lentlons tor the coison of H9J. Apply to
( ittolgn lle > n3t' S llhst . ; cw
PILK HKMI7I > Y Posith e cures ror piles lu
all forms Sure euro or money refunded
Jl.uo box Sent to nnv address on receipt ot
price /oe M Plrby , 1C1S Clark street , Omaha
\H \ JJI
Till : HoTel dipt , ottho Cra n T'aeHlc Hall
. way sjstemnollclts storngjot nil Kinds at
their ivarehousj in the A iiu lmtldlng Ninth
and Jones Irackarjo and .iniplo for
handling , etc Kiiionibleritus 5 ,114
rpilK cleanest and best storage in the city at
1 low rates at 1111 Douglas stieet Omaha
Auction lc Storage Co mi
fpil.\CI\\Oi : storage nt loi-esr rates W. M
X Hushmnn , I 111 Leavdunortn l ) II
i I' .IL ( L.VVTON-Clairiorant iitTd niagnetlc
LJhoaie'- ian b } her wonderful win uowei
grant 5011 any lequest 714 S Hlth , Hat ' . I > 1M > *
MItS ii'CI.K : > , the famous fortune telhr and
ilalriojant , liuslnoss , hue martligo and
changes ; massage troutment ft)7 S. iilh , net.t
to Dai ker hotel ,1 J US
FOHllTNr lePet Mrs ( .enormia cm no
consulted on all alfairj of lit j satisfaction
gunrnntued No.IllJN lUha : . C4JMS
DH NANMP V.WAHHI' .N , dairiojant , < iid-
Ical and Dullness meiliuni lVmale diseases
aspctini ) . U'i \ . lUth sr , looms : Innd 1. l'.i" >
yi'ANDAIU ) snnrtlnnd school.rojin 3l\Ware
V inlK ( HiHCtssor \nlentico si thu laigust cx-
elusUo short liuuil school lu the wo t 'leacliers
uro veiba'im ropoiters 1'artlciil ir attention
pild lonpewiltlnj Me-hanlcil tonstriiLtlon
of machine taught by factory etoert Cluuliir-
ITIOH PALK-Cho.ip , n good 7-j oar-old liorsi ? ,
X" wtlght 1.S0) ) pounds , can work single or
doiiblo Owner has no further u o joi him
Cor ttn and l < aiuam sts 4V-14J
FOU SnLll Two tlnu olllco desks , ono smnll
safe for ( ale at a Imrgnln , tall Mondnvor
Tuisday at II pietz studio , 14JS I'nrnam st
6s | 11 *
ITtOlt SALU fitocery tlrtuici cninpleto ut1-
cost II A. llunitt room 3. Nohrassn Sav
ings bank Soma Omahu W
FOK SALE Fresh lullch cow , top buggv ,
phncton , i'se tcri carnage , horses , harness ,
lumbei wagon , for cash , or easv pay
ments WrlworthroomlK , Uouglasblock , loth
and Dodge , Diu-U *
FOItSAI.n- flesh milch cows , mi North
41 til st „ one block south of Ciimlug f J1-1M
IjIOK SALK chei.p-A Gailand heater In-
XIjiilro ( at Paxton block , room 101. 4TU-1 +
BALL Eorae good watches nnd diamonds
mends chtap 11 Masters , looms 4 , Wlth-
nell blk iivi
X1 I Ine close carriages
at Seamans
Cmnhn'g 1 irgost rnrlety
Lanuuus , coupe * , rockawajs 'HO to
POH SALH A well furnished Brst-class
hoarding house , SfflM S'arnam st Jj.S
TJIOK SALE or Trado-Oilo pair small drlilug
X'horses , one bugg } , oue light canopy top
wagon , ono heni y wagon , ono chest carpenter
toots , one standing desk , one Hat toixlcsk , and
ono sot double harness Inqulro "lloom 4(0. (
Paxton block , Omaha , Neb 354
" *
JriOH S \ LP A quantity of building stone ;
r-PPl > to the superintendent llerttmlldiug
Iron BALr A .H-horso power Potior engine
lu good condition , weight G , 100 pounds ! Min
der Hxllt ; for particulars apply to The lluj ut
ile n. 71W
IfllNKcarriago teams and single drivers and
- fresh milch cows for sale at W. II Millard's
Hillside Btock farm Horses wintered at reasonable
enable rates T.J , Plumingm'i'rCalhouiiN b.
4 Mei > 'l
VVAM1KI-To buy 10U lots to build on for a
Tl client ; insldo belt line J. II , Came , Sheily
block 601 3)
\\7AN I'lID-OHIcodesk ; statestjle nud prlco
T > JlDIIrownblock 4S. U
ClAbll paid for secondhand books at the An-
/tluuarlau bookstore , HI ) Paruatu 3.Y7JI0J
\K * ANTKD A good meat murkot In this city
TT J. II Carse , sheely block cm 10
WANTKOto lluyr.CTO goo I short time
> i papoi II II , Henderson 1W paxton blk ,
; i
GAsIl for all kinds ot household goods at lilt
Douglas street Omaha Auction A Storage Co
\I/ANTE1)-A 0K o' drugs , llox Old ,
TT Omuhs , heb , UT
W ANTKD Furniture , carpets , household
goods , for i ash Wells Auction X Storage
Co . 317 B. 13th st [ ' 0
\\rANTKD flood commercial paper , Ne-
11 braska Mortgage i.ouu Co , C1U Pxtou blk ,
OIIATILL and real f tate loans Lowest
rates P. L. Cox , .kli N. Y. Llfo llldg
5Fii !
\\T IS loan on Hrst-ilass. tusldo Omaha iiniD-
T T erty and fann lands , star Land A loan
Co IUjV Parnamst W3.18
$30,000 In a special fund to loan at low rates an
Insldo producilte property , or will dlWdoln
two or three sums It security Is balls factor ) .
Ayerst A Tallhider . 15th Bt 5. 8-18
MONKY 'JO LOAN In quantities from 1300 to
f-.i)0.i. ) No delay , 1st and "nd mortgages
bought Private money at lowest rates and
best prli lieges Ileal eotate for fcalo or ox-
change II J , Kendall , room JOfi Drown building
370 FI *
PHIYATR Jloney , lowest rates , no delay ,
ilort'u bought II J , Kendall , ; jj0 Drown blk
MONCY louiied on any mailable security ;
business strictly coutldentlal State I.eau
Co , loom 19 , Continental blk 17r-J3lt
1 > lisTlTurTcP l ans tTulo 7 percent ; nond-
XI dltlonal charges for commissions or attorneys
ney's Ices W. U. Melkie , First Nat bank bulc
IjUUYATi : money to buy small notes or inert
gages , lloom IJ Hoard ofIrade ! . '
I'OANd it lowest rates ; cash always on hand ;
Jnotes bought ; money adiaiuud on any
available security , aha Peoples Financial l' .x-
chanije , loom 57 , JJaraerblock , L'l
MONI' .Y to loan on nrnlturt , organs , pianos
horses nnd vracort * Hawkeye Investment
Co , room S3 , Douglas MV , lsth and Dodis sts
ON I ; hundred dollars'frivato ' ' onojTtoToiih
or will bur snort time mortgage or good
nolci Hoom iij > onrd ' OS trade " • ' ! _ _
( i PKIt crtNT reslit sVice loans n.00 } to $ lt ( M
Vlllulldlng loans nt fcpeclal rates ,
The Mead lnTostmenttfo , Ilea building 103
1T.W thousand dqilirs on hand tor good
commercial pntjer or A I second mort
gages on Inside prodbfHi e property , Ayerst A
falllngcrSIPS , llth Lt tt.7-13
M ONiY : to Uian-Tj yrII. . P.llnMerTlu nny
amount fiom f 10 ffl ilxm ) and for nny tlmo
from ono to six monthj
Lonnsmndoon household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , w-ngons , houses , lenses ,
etc . In nny amount nt the lowest possible rates
without publicity or remoiul of property
.My loacs are so arranged that you can mnko
apnymsnt nt nny time nnd reduce your Interest
pro inta You pay Interest only for the time
ynit Keep the money It you owe a balance on
your property , I w 111 tnto It up and carry It for
Money nli-aj s on hand , No delay No pub
licity , Lowest rates , , . 11 P. Mastois ,
Hoom 4 , Wltliticll bldg , lMli and Hnruoy sts
S-lTl-f Shtilis fooiir" 31" l'lrst Nratkmal biiniu
. _ before making your loans 10.1
OIIATTMi loans nt lowest lates , business
ronfldentinl J. H. r.tutuger , 1117 I'nrnam st
MIDIiAN't ) * Trust Co . N. Y. Life
bldg.completoabstracts furr.lnhod und titles
lotonl estate uxamlncd.jiertected A guaranteed
T > IMLAtinLPIItA.Mrrti.iso& Trust Co tui-
J nlsh ihenp ensteir money to borrowers ,
punlinsosecurities , pcrtic' titles , accept loans
at their wostein olllie Ueorgo \ \ . P. Contis ,
loom 7. board of trade , ffi )
Brili ) LNQ loans D. V SholosIU KHst
Natlonal2iniik bullillng ion _
MONI.Y to loan on horses , wugoii" . mute * ,
household goods , pianos , organs , diamond * ,
nt lowest rates The Hrst organ I red loan oilleo
In thoilty Makes loans tioin ihlity to three
bundled and slxty-llio days , which can be paid
in nart or whole at ntivtime , t-us lowering tlio
prlnclpilnnd lnternst Cull nnd see us w lion
you want money We can assist you promptly
nnd to > our advantnge without removal ot
property or publicity , slonei always on bund
No delay In mating loaus C , P Heed A Co .
Jill S 1.1th st . oi er lllngliam A Sons 113
MONI1Y . ' , Ik ) or DO ilajs on farnlture
pianos , horses , houses , itc .1. ,1. Wilkinson ,
013 Paxtou blk IS )
I" OANB-Clty and farm loansmoitgago paper -
_ per bpught MiCa < uo Iniestmuiitlo Ill
V\Tiiin\o snmo private funds toloun on brick :
Tl resldoncu blocks at low rates Kimball ,
Chump & Hyan , LIU Piinimst 4W F8
] J i : . COLK loaiuigent Open clonings
MON11Y loaned on furniture , horses and wa
gons , rates reasonable City Loan Co . IK
S 1.1thsL. opposite Millard notel 110
MONKY to loan on reil estate Becurlty at
lowest rates Ilefore negotiating loans see
Wallace , H310 lliowti bldg , loth mid Douglas
fhlUOno nt ; percent not C. P , llnrilson , N.
tpY Itto ilU II
W ANTKIl-rirst lass Inside loans Lowest
fl rates Call and oj us Mutual Invest
ment Cc , , 1101 1 ainiim 101)
MONUY to loan on am se urity
for Mioit tinient low
rates lowest ntis
< ui personal property
The Henderson Moitgngo iniestmontcompiny ,
room 4JJ , Paxtonblvck 107
MONUY to pian 0. tI ) n Is Co real ostnto
nndloinijeits \ Paina.n st 10 <
KiYR f < T\nMorlea ? * Co Loans ot 310 to
} 1.0t)0get ) ; our rutos borore borrowing anil
sale money , luau ou.horsts , furniture oi uuy
artnoied sccurlly , without publicity : notes
brught for new nmprshsii it of old und low est
rates CiU It IM * . Sheely bit , ntn A How ard sts
, 1.-II -
LOANS made on lea ) estate md mortgages
bought Louis S. Iee | l 11bo ird trade
ITUIIbr moitgngo lofthsatlow lalea nnd no
X' doliy DV SIioIcj ! ilo L'iist National bank
MONUY to loin cash on hand , no delij J.
\ \ Squire lSl'i Kiuiam ; M . Hist National
bank building | , HI
MONUY lo loan on "ity ot faun propeili
lleo J. Paul , HDD nicnam st 113
I.T M. COLU loan aTeilt Open oioiiinus
jri , > o * -i -i i ' iit
$1 OUO-Prtv.ite. money to lo in or will buy go I
mortgage , IV , L , Eelbi , r 11 , Hoard of Trade
_ _
FOItTHDU Homos I mils nnd city piopei-
tyfoi stock of tiaulw ire oi groceries J.
M. Hell Yorn , Neb 4UI II ?
JfOUSALi : or wTll take part tn-do. a
stork of grocorles In Lincoln Neb , luclud
ing llxliiios , teams and wagons nest of loca
tion , doing a good business , low rent , or will
reltuiepurchaser of leise Adlress JohnS
Heed A : Co , Lincoln , Neb 4tf
IJlOlt S7\LC lllacksimtii and * wagon shop :
X" ono roller feed mill nud engine hmiso com
plete ; hou-e. liiuii aud oi liio lots Call on or
audress .1. C. Hall Leigh Neb ; ri'-l1l
tU'llii will nnv turnitnre of 13-iooin boirdlug
phousurent.l ) 117 N llth 1J0 1IJ
AC100D Iniuli toiiitor , lltted out complete
In good location mil on teiius to suit pur
chaser , Co Operative Land A Lot Co , 201N loth
til 11
lilOll SALLV-Omnba Meat Co 's retail market
X ! ( His llth ; well established , largo cash busi
ness ; sickness cause of selling ; want a cash
otlei 4SJ 11 +
riMIP most popular nml belt paying retnll
X grocery stoio In Omaha for sila Having do-
cidud to engage In the wholesale busincas it Is
necessary roi me to dispose of my retail stole
I can reduce stock to suit the purchaser I do a
\ rash busluesi only and my stock invoices tour
to six thousand dollars Will sell foriashor
good setuiod piper Write or corao nud inies-
tignte lid N. Ilrown's O. 0.1) . , 710 and 713 No
16th st 2011 It
AWKlTlTcs ' tibtislied fancy goods business ,
dome * ! , ( ) 0 to $8,0 0 per your Ueusoti
sickness Splendid chance Miss Mitchell ISI9
Purnam htioet SSi-llt
Ii"OK SALU The controlling Interest In awell
. established state bank lu a Hie county seal
In Nebraska ; the oldest bank In the place ;
has the largest Huh of deposits , una all the best
facilities for conducting tha business : wlllbear
the most thorough Investigation II 11 , Hen
derson , room lee , Paxton block , Omaha , Nab ,
_ U7
OlOll BALU A geiioral merchandise store nt
X'1 lotenco ; iuiolce about f. .OJl : tlimisugood
chnuco foi somu one ; laok It up Cowan * Hull ,
Plorcnco , Neb JJI i'lt
ABUT of abstincts up to date , the only set In
the county , and a good loan busbies : on
easy teims Profits last > car * lf0' ' . .1. II
Caisc , Sheely Meek , fUVIJ
IF you wish to engage lu business come nnd
see us We can offer J'ou an opportunity
naier befoia equalled Hoom l , " i , Chamber of
Commerce , va
ITIOIt SALU-Hotol fiiridturo In the only hotel
' Inth'lvlug town of Hie hundred inhabi
tants ; furniture now nud building In good
Older ; good coinineicl.11 trade Lock llox ( I ,
llcemer Neb COD US
WANTK-A P iWryitliU ; ) rnpltalln a
Tl well established grain and seed busiix-is
in a 111 o town In eastcrti' Nebraska , Konm 15 ,
Chamber ot Commerce ; . 1 ! > J
ACOMPBTK set otJhaUol inortgTge ab-
strict books , cheap.IJXi lurnnm st , room ' .
. 4'J
• • _ _ i
ANTEbTo trade'avpgoodN ' ' etraskn farm
for a clear South Omaha lot II 15. Cham
ber of _ Coinineice i ii 4'Jl
J71011 liXCIIANOtAUne residence unlncum-
. bered for stock of itrocerles or men lian.-
( lise , JJQI Now York lifd ? D3l-Ut
\ \ K hale some line Qiuahu residencepioper-
' J ty cncumbeied ror about one third of Its
value , to exchange for ewar Nebraska land east
otraugo la , west aud south of township "I ,
noith , lloom 15 , Chamber of Commerce , 401
121 aires of clear land In Iowa to trade for
Omaha properly , Will put lu soma money
W' . HUates It 401 N. Y. Life 5JJ-13
IjHHi iXCHANOi-2lnlcolou : : right on Iielt
LlU6 Jty , West Omaha , part Hrst-rluss
trackage , boisnee nice residence lots , want In
side tesideuto properly or clear farm land
( leo , N. Itlc.s , N , Y. Life building 407 IJ
Oil EXCHANOB-Imprtiied farm 4 ! miles
from Chapman , Neb , to trade for groceries ;
equity 12.080 ; will take , stock of IA600 or U.BM
and pay difference In cash ; 1 mile to school Hi
miles to church Lock box 133 , Central Clty.Neb
446 IJJ
80 ACHES of land and cash to exchange for
. au Interest m newspaper Address H 03
. -W-IIJ
FOH HXCHANOH-tlUiO stock ot millinery
goods ; owuor wants clear land part cash ,
Address , Lock llox XI " Cuibertsoo , Neb
407 18
TilOli UXCHANUE-3a ) acres cholco Nebraska
X' land with small Incumbrance to exchungo
for arst-class saloon Uxturcs Address s C4 , Uve
ONE or two nice lots to exchange for carpen
ter work , Selby , It 11 , Hoard ot Trnrte
WANTKD Tennessee or Kentucky timber
lnnd for clear lots and mining stock that
will b nr lniestlentlon.ror a client J. It Car o.
Sheely hlocx : < &Hft
" \TOHTl ( A OI ! paper for good Omaha property
J.U or merchandise , It lSChnmbcrof Commcrie
Ii,41U KXClfANlllf-Land In Iowa nnd N"e -
braskn , clear lots In Omaha , UO.oou jnlniiig
Mock SVH ) worth nursery stock nt wholesale
prices J , II Uurse sheely IUock 3C3 10
TMl'llOVUD farm and clty furnpcrty for mer
chandise , Addrcs Hoom 1\ Chamber Com
merce l
" "
V\fA N TP.l--Unciitnbered lots Inside of Hell
Tl line for Inside rental property A snap
1 II Lnrse Sheeley block 410 IS
IF YOU linvo nnj thing to exchange call nn or
address II , K lole H.fl , Coutlnontnl , Olllco
open cnlngs . 13.1
F11IST moitgiiges , clear lands nnd Omaha
houses and lots to axchatigo for brick and
other building mat el 111. Star l.itid A I.onu Co
' . '
IrOU B VIiH or Uxehanoe A h lit Interest In n
hardware and plumbing business Houses
and lots In Omaha Ifiou want n home Inies-
tlgato this , lloom 15 , Chamber ot Commerce
_ 713
" \\MN1 Ul > To exchange lots for horses nn
11 buggies , ltuom 1 * > , Llmmber ot Commero
" \\7A NTUD rolxcliKiigo ! Knnsas Nebraska
11 or Iowa , land for hardware or general
merchandise ; will pay dllterenco of H.OOO to
{ MOO Itlsely , Slienniidoah la J l2 l \ >
\\T L SHLHY'3 add to S. Omaha , one lot
1 4 * .v i lo exchange for horses , lloom IJ ,
Hoard otlradg vu
BAB 1' front on Ixjwo n\e , Mxl vTii snntiTot
Daienpott , Jl.lsW 8K17H coiner 3stn and
Jones Wuoo W. II Cites , It lei , N. Y. Llfo
Wl'AV S-room house , very best location Jl 0J 0 cash , bxlanco easy C. P. Harrison
NY Llfo I til 14
IrOH 8AL13 Very cl.enp , no trades , farm of
. 54l.7d aires , sees , IJ N. 0 IV , Hamilton coun
ty , Neb , 3 miles fiom Marquette , small house ,
stable , tWni ios of pasture uncoil Hi Ing water ,
price only $10 per ncio , $ . " > , In.t . one-tblru 138'i
clou lneludid 'loruis , SiSUO cash , bilnuco II
per cent Interest K. It Atkins , owner , rallioad
building Dcm or Cole 1 U
F ( THTY-KrH ) feet on hlth St . nofc Parniiiu ,
nltn line new business block ; lents torJJ.ouo
nyenr ; must haio llilon cash , fl ' .lW at per
cent , long time ; great odor Address 8 BR lleo ,
_ _ _ _ i i2L.
I" 1ST your property with 11. E Cole
B TsiNI.sS\
and subiiidan property
St ir Lmd Si Loan Co ,
100'iyi I arnumst
_ 53.1-13
IJOU I'M Omaha lots W I , Soluv'sndd JllO
iJ " . ? _ „ _
FUR hALU-fclVI will buy lot "SnvlJlnOmulii
View , ono blocic from motor line , nlcelv on
grade Lots lu this addition are worth ? IIX ,
and the nuovu prlco Is open for a short tlmo
only ( i. II lscnuik euro oinulia Hie 7GI
LO I'd lu Sheridan I'lacc , Leaionworth street
Hues blocks from stioot cnrsouly two mlles
from court house Pi Ices } 110 per lot , $10 down
and JlOn month , seven percent In forest Lowls
S Heed A Co , loom IJ Hoaid Trade 817
I J ! 0 It SaCTT-A bargain In Plitnilaw , loruer
lot , 11,3111 ; J71 cash
Doiiulo coinai oil Like street , JI.TO ; J" > 0)
Double corner In ? outh Ounha , IB0 feet , oist
front , 31.30J ; ) nllis9h.
Ill a acres 4 tnllui fiom Omaha postomco.nnd
' - • miles rrom Ux'-hniige Itulldliig.SouthOmahu ,
$1,750 ; i' i .0 cash
310 acres miles fiom city limits , highly im-
proi i d , IID.O'i l ; half cash
Six-room cottage with bath , etc , corner , on
Ciimlngst , riH : on easv terms or can e\-
chaugeeijully In it : $ i.W ) for clear lot
W It lfciuan lloom il Fu-nrfr blocic 873
yOL"1HOmanx. lots W. r , . ' 'olbj s add $ 'A ) .
8 < J
FOlt SAL1 ! or I'mhange-M class imlncuni-
lieiod Kansas farms roi city oi Douglas co
piopoity It you w Mi to buy oi neil real estate
oi borrow lnoncj In any quantities bo sun to
call on 11 J. Kcnilill room MH ltrowu building
375 F7-
riOIINIll lot tnxlll , east and south front ,
v. near Mlltou llogeis' plire West tarnnm
47,001 , ii cash C. P. IlniUsiiu N. V. Life
_ HO It
DON'T lead this unless you want to t ice ad-
iluntago ot tlio best chance to get a lot for a
home oicrolferod vim A lot lu the city with
paled streets , residences , factories , chuiches
and schools alroidy located Motor earn to
and fiom tlio gionnil eveiy 4' , minutes This
Is In AMDS PLCi : and positively not one poor
lot In the addition , hut an exact duplicate ot
Kohut7o Place giound , nud ut less than half
the monej ; a 5) foot lot for
fTW , S'lOO , * 1,0M ,
and on the eisiest possible terms This is less
than nny surrounding lots can bo bought for
and It will pay yon tocall at our olllce and go
with us
for a personal Inapoctiou of nose lots is the
onlj was toconilnee jourseltof Its value
1507 1'AHNAM ST , M0-13
FIVU room cottages ( f 1,100 eacln JHflcasli
down , balance gli per month Thos F. Hall ,
311 Paxton block , IJ1) )
\\7/U. ' ( ! hT < . WesTeitield.real estate , SOinuha
> > 111
X lluslness
Vacant and
suburban properties In the market
are for sale by "thu old reliable M. A. Upton
Co . loth and Farnam _ _ _ _ _
FOR bargains In vacant lots , residences , ous-
Iness and suburban property , call on the
Star Land A Loan Co , iojji 3 I'ainam st ,
370 17
FOlt SALU flood .Vroom house 11M0.vacant
lot jsoi , one 'I room nousa with barn IIJOJ
Apply on prem'ses , .1118 Decatur street
_ ! _ _ !
VKit V low 3 new nouses und lota In Council
iiliitla ; I lot , South Omaha , very little mon
ey requited , WrltcA It Paddock , Elgin Neb ,
FOlt SALU Homes complete with full lot In
Clifton Hill , K.asy terms to men of limited
Income Uusv of access Now Is the time to
make airaiigaments tor a homo Houses will
bo llulshml anil palutod to suit you Out of 31
recently built we have but n not sold Montnly
payments from the start If you wish A. P.
lukHj , N. V. Llfo bldg 3111
SPI'CIAL valuatoi of Omaha real estate nnd
Nubrasxa lands ; ten yeais experience G.O ,
Sony 510 Paxton block Ui jll
Tlio business of the Alfred Melnbeig Music
Company isheieby olfeied for sale , llldswill
lie lecetved at tno olllco of the Allied Molnherg
Company , 1511 Dodge streetuutll.Iauuury llth ,
1890 lidltj Ciias W. Uainkv Hecelver ;
Notion lu SionlcliiildcrH
rilHU annual meeting ot thu stockholders of
X The Ilea llulldlng Co will be held at the
olllco of the Omaha nee , lleo llulldlng , Omaha ,
on Tiles luy January 31st , 18W , at four o'clock
pm for the puiposo of electing a boird ot
directors foi thoen.ulng jear , and transacting
biuli other business us may come bofoio tlio
uueting IS ) ordei ot ( ho president
d.idojty N. p. 11 ii „ Secretary
Notion of DUsoliitlim ,
rilHK partneishlD business of C. D. Wood
X worth A Co , and Laudrock A Woodwurth ,
conducting u haiuoss business , lsthlsday ills
solved by mutual ( onsent , Chas , Lnndrnck le-
tiring U D. Woodworth A Co will colleit all
outstanding accounts and nssnmuall liabilities ,
Oil llll.KS LlMMIIII K ,
JlOd'lt * CD , Woodhoiith
PI10P0SAL3 for Krectlon ot Bclioot HiilldiiiB
U" . S. IndlauSchool Serilce , Otuoa Indus
trlalSchool , ( iuiioa Neb , Dec 14. 1831. Sealed
proposals Indoised Proposals for thu erection
ot a school building , " and addressed to tbe
undersigned at Ornoa , Nebr , will bo received
nt this school until ouo o'clock of Wednesday
January 11 , 18'W , for the erection on the bchool
grounds at such a point us may Uo selected by
the siiperlutundeut , u two-st < iry btick building ,
about 40x50 fret 10 Inches , with a one story au
dition about 3J feet 5 Inches by 20 foetl Inclnw
Plans and speclllcatlous of the pioposedbiitld
Ing may bo exninlnod at the oilli o of thu "lleo"
ot Omaliu , Nebr , nud at the olllco of the super
intendent of the school at Uenoa , Nebr , Jsuih
bidder must state specifically lu his bid , the
time that will be required by lilui In the erection
ot the building 'I he right ( s reset i ed torejott
any or all blda or any part of any bid It deemed
for the best luteiosts ot the service , Ccrtlllcd
Checks Faich bid must bo ucuuupanlcd byn
certllled check or draft upon some United
States depositor ) , made payable to Ihe order ot
the undersigned , tor at least live per cent of the
amount ot the proposal , which check or draft
will be forfeited to the United States In rasa
any bidder or bidders receiving au aw ard shall
fall to promptly execute a contract with good
nnd sufficient sureties , otherwise to bo returned
to the bidder W. 11. DAOKUB , Superintend
The annual meeting or tha stockholders ot
theLee-ClaiEe-Audreesou Hardware Co , for
the election of a board of directors and the
transaction o ( such other business as may
comobefore it will be held at the olllco of tbe
company ou Tuesday , Jan II , 183) , at 8 o'clock
pm . W. J. Lue , Proaldcat
M , K. Asuiutso.s , Bee and Ureas
Matter ot Application of II C\ Hell and Jna
W. HclL of tno firm of II a Hell A Co , for per
mlt to sell liquor n-s druggists
Notlra is hereby Rtv en tnat II 0 lloll and ,1no ,
IV Hell , nt the llrm of II l\ Hell A Co , did
upon the 3rd day of January , A , 1) ) . ltvi Qlo
their nppllCHlon to the Hoard ot Fire and Police
Commissioners of Oniilin for permit to sell
malt , spirituous nnd \ luous liquors ns di ugglsts ,
for medicinal , inechanlcnl and chemical purpo
ses only , nt No is- South nth Street , Second
wnrd , Omnhn , Neb , from the 1st tin ) of Jan
uary , ISM , to the 1st diy ot.lnnuiiry , U"i | ,
It there bo no objnetlon , reinonstrnuco or pro
test tlhd with two weeks from January 5th ,
A. 1) is ) . the said license w HI bo granted
11. C. Ilcllnnd Jno V. Hell , of the llrm of It C
Hell A Co , Applicants 4 11
Mitter ot Application of Dennis Lynch and
llios I , ) ndi , doing business under the firm
nnnieiit Linch A Lyiuh , for Hiuior license
Notl.e Is hereb ) glien that Dentils Lynch and
Thos Dncli , doing business under thn firm
linmo of Linen , V l.ynrh , did upon the
4thMny ot January A. D. 1 * > . \ Illo their appli
cation to the board ot nro nud pollen couiuils
sloncrs of Omuln , for license tosoll malt , spill
tuous and ilhuus Uqunrs nt No 113
South loth streotiid : wnrd , Omnhn , Neb , , tiom
the 1st dn ) ot Januniy , ltfO , to the 1st ilayot
Jnnuniy , Utn
I f there be no objection , remonstrance or pro
test Hied wllbln twowcc-Xs fiom Janiiiiry dill ,
A. D. IS'sl , the said license w HI bo gliilltod
Dennis Lynch nnd Thos , I.Midi , doing business
tinder thu llrm name ot Lynch A lncli . , Ap
plicants 4 11
Mntterof application of L. V Peyton nnd J. II
Owemnolng business iiinlor thellim tiaino of
I'cjton A Owen , ) for ti'rmlt to sell liquor us
Notlte Is herobvglirn that L , R Pevton and
,1 II OwoiiidoiiigbiislnssuiiderM the Hun name
nt Poton A Owen.l did Upon the 3rd day ot
lanuiry A. D. IS' .W , tllti tholrappllintlon to the
Hoard ot Plro and Police Coinnilsloueis ot
Omahu for permit to sell Malt , Spirituous ahd
Vinous Liquors ns Druggists , for medicinal ,
mechanical und chemical purposes only , nt No
2101 Le.iicnworh street Seventh Wnrd ,
Omaha , Neb , from tlio 1st day of January is ! ' ) ,
to the 1st liny ot .liinuar ) , lttU
It there be no objection , icmonstrnncoor pro
test tiled within two weots fiom Jnmiiii ) fith
A J ) ISO sild license will be gmnted
I , 1 ! . I'hviov smi ,1.11 OiihN doing business
under the llrm lmiiiu ot Poilon A Owen
Applicants 111
Matter ot npplli.itlon ot Ocorgn Heliutod and
Clu 1st ILuiseu for liquor lhenso
Notlco Is hereby given tluiKioorgo lleliurod
and Clulst llnuseu did upon the 1Mb ( lav of
December , a. D , ISS'L Illo his application lethe
the Hoiudof 1 lie and Pohco Commlsslciiers of
Omnhn , torllcensn to sell mult , spirituous and
vinous llquoisnt Nos 701 nnd 7ul North loih
street Cth waul , Omnha , Neb , from the 1st
day ot Jnnuai ) , l < J0 , to the 1st doy ot Jim
miry , 1811.
It there be no objection , ramnnstrnuco or pro
test tiled within two weeks fiom Dei ember Ibth ,
A. I ) lest , the said license will beunnted
( iniiunHi iiiiKin ,
Ciiiusr Hits
It Applicants
U-iits ( lllr'AOO IlL'ltQNfiriiV Ay I Airhcs
( lniuo-i. i llepcitloiliiiiulMn'on stteets | D11111I13
115 | i in , Chliacn lestltiule Kxpress . ! 'Ifill n in
( HI a ml ( hlcnun i\press : . I l.I ( ) | > lu
< H0 | i m t'hknito K press , | s 10 a m
I 15 | > in'Uilejun I list .Millrlnll.l' . 'lniiu.l 8 n m
" Lclmis lTiimi.l.S,3 ( 0A " lld | Arrives *
Diiililiu I lleiiiit luili and Mason Hum | Urnsli l
lu " ii a m lienver Vestibule I tiirom .1 .100 \ < in
8 SO i tu Ltnmtn A Conninlln Local 1.1. | > m
( . ( j p in _ _ I _ nve _ Kxi r03t * . _ . . .1 iXn lu
TeiiVoT'j h "ii T I ac * ii nCrflves
( Imnlui I Depot IQlli nml 3t isqii streets | lliimlia
'i-l , a ni Kunsis III ) Day llxpress . llViirm
_ ' ) l'i I' _ * * _ ' ' Nl _ _ _ l" _ | i Tii IT ! • Tnins ( 41 " iu
U-nics I UNION 1 > 7\' ! . ArfTvcs "
Omiilin 1 Depot lOtli uiul aiarcy attcels Oinnlia
7 i P ml . Oierlanil Hjer . . . . . . . 7 10 a m
D ti p in . . . Limited 1 ant Jlnll 4 U ) p m
10 10 a m1 Denver Kiprcis 8'Aihii
4 41 p in tirund Island Kip ( imcpt Sun ) Ii 15 p in
ITOninl Kansas Cltj Kxpresa . . J530nui
" lienies ClilOACO a " NTTtiIW ) iTsTliltFPXrrlics
Omnhn U 1' dipot , loth anil Murcy hts Omuliti
915 a mi , CliliiiRO Ktpiess iiSpm
( ' . Opn . Aestlbulo Llmltiil . . . 00.1pm
S.O0 p nil AllllillcMall from C I ) 7 60 u m
3 'vi p nil _ Knatein Hjcr . . . 10-J ) ujm
Leifes " 1 ct'nH'AlTO.Tr I A IVVCiKlO Cfrlies
Pro ilia | U I * depot lOlh and Murcy Sts Ounli i
.Mi pm I . Night ifxpiess 110 , ii lu
II a in Allmitle ixnn s 0 10 p in
( 15 p ml restitutio LlniHed . _ . . . . _ 1 ( _ 00 n lu
Lei vis UMlTCACO , JJrrLT SI PATfr , Arrives
Ornnln | 1) ) I' deiiot , 10th nud Marcy his [ Omaliu
: 'li ' n in ! . . . . UilengiTMiill COilMii
000 p ml . . CIilciKoJ' ipresB _ . _ _ , . IMSji m
Ta-avea I " OMAILt Afti , LOlTl > ( AriTvos
_ Ou _ itin | IJ _ I ileiiot , Ullli nuil Marry St Onialia
( la p mf SL ' " "l" < " " " " " Hill . . | 12.aJ p III
laTuvcs f * MTOUXT'ITI A PAClViC * jXrrlves
Oumhn llf 1' depot IQlli iuuI Marcy Sta | Onialia
" "
7 11 a ml . Sioux CUT I'uasenger . , ,11001pm
Cljpml Ht Paul Hxpresa . . . | 10O5a m
Tonics I hTotrv "XTfV A lA'rK10. ( I Arrives
Omaha I Depot 1-lti anil Wutiater .Ml.s | Onnilis
" "
"ii 11 p m | . . . . St , Paul llmllcil . . .I V l i u n
Toavea I If . K tJIO VAIiLKr * I ArrlTeV
" Onialia | Depot lilh Hint Wcbsuir Sts | Omnha [
J00 a ml Illack II 111. Kxpreia I Ii JO p lu
000 a m [ llnsllil.a Kxp ( Kx.SuiHlny ) .1 6 JO p III
5.10 p ml Walioo A Lincoln I'assencer ' 10 JO u in
MOpml riukANorfulk ux : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uo a m
I/avcs I DT vr l' . M ft O. fXn Ires
Omaha I liepul nth ana Webster Sta | Onuli.i
SOU ami Sioux city Accommodation . | ' > 45pm
lOUpm Sioux Cltr Eipiosi . . . 100 pm
5 4ii p m Oiiltlniiit Acuimiuoilatlou _ j III a in
Tcnves SlISSOflHI PAOlTil ! TXTrlics
Onialia I Depotlltli and Webster Sts | Omnlin
III tJ a ml St U > ul A K C. ItxprOKH , . | 4JU p III
' > 11 p ml at f/iuls A K ( ! Kxpress iJ _ o _ ! jiju
iitssointi luciMrTsiTuiHtnAN 'iiiAivi
rBiMtf | | SiifPSJJK'JK | | C"J O'J
Weatwnrd gf ! § _ f gt < g Eg ag
11 JJJ _ _ ! _ _ _ L- *
h mlii m icinlp mlii mli | 111 am u in
Web8terSt . .1 r > ) ! l. V ) 7 Ml I 5 'i 15 il 15 8 .15 IJ 41
Oak t'hntlinni 5 ' 0 IS 7.17i \ 52 1 .Ifi 21 H II IJ M
Druid lllll b 00 7 00 7 13 | I M 5.21 C 27 b 17 12 .HI
Ijlko blreet 0 0.1 7.0.1 S 011J fn , 5 28 ( i 10 1911 ! IS
Walnut lllll 0 00 7 00 S 01 .1 M Ml 31 8 5J I IB
I ) lllden l'lucu n OS 7 OS fi 05 4 00 5 .li' .b.M ' tit I UI
West Side . . 0.10 7 10 S 07 I 02 5 35 0.40 S Hi 1 MI
l.ann . , IHliu , . s 53 IDs
Mascot . . . , . S II 1 ( kl . , II ( II 111
Noymour Park . . . . . a.10 1.11 . . . . . . . 0 0.1 117
Portal I . . . H J5l | 20l , . | . . . . fl 111 1 M
Ka-twanl ,
nmin m.nm pmlpuilpiil a-iu pin
Portal . . I HI ! Kl . . . Il l I SI
heymonr l'nrk . . . , I I.I1 . . . 9.4i 141
Muacut SI14.4J | . . . . 0.17 150
Llivn , . . I 8.15 4.11 . . . 9 49 15- !
West Hldii . . Il 21) ) 7.20 8 V LIS 5.10 li.l'i II II 1.57
Dtllliteo I'laai il Jl 7 Jl tl 51 1,41 5.11 0.40 V HI 151
Walnut lllll II Jl 7.21 8 51 4.IJ 5 41 0 41 1151 2 OJ
I.akn Street 0.2i ) 7.2il 8 511 1.51 5.411 (1 51 10 01 2 UI
Druid lllll . 0.II17.II 8 59 4 57 5.(3 II 55 10 UI 2 05
Oak Clinllmm . 0 l'i 7 USD OJ 4 11 5..M 7.00 10 07 2.10
WctislCMj-treol l , _ _ 7.IS | _ h ) 51)itl | U ) 7.IOII0.I5 2 2(1 (
These tralus also atop nt I'lh , 171li,20tb nnd 2Uli
streuut Hiiinmlt ami fnilUiio ( 'imslni ; MVurtlnK-
inon's trains do not ruu Hiinilay ,
"TTrirariIrani' Sheorrl I
mut 7cr Omnha bin bnulli lAlbrl'l
OllluHa Depot Depot Hun I Hnialin I llaput
r IV si a I m * "jj S I k j > I j-
. „ . Oil ) ] 6 li , . . 815 . . , . , MO . . .
* ' * * ' ' ' ' ' * " ' ' ' "
6 10 ii 05 l7 5 37 0J01 5 45 3T . . . . (1 ( 50 . . . . iVtU ] . . .
H(0 0-15 0.47 0 27 700 U 15 705 0 10 720 0U7i155J (
7.(5 7 40 7.52 7-.J 80.1 7.2U 8 12 7.15 8 J5 7JJ5 8.U7JI0
8I58J58DJ827 005 8 15 . , . , 807 7.5.1 7 )
0 45 934 11.12 027 1005 015 . . . . 07 8.5.11 | . 'J )
TU I'M I'M Ill I'M I'M I'M I'M Ill I'M.PM I'M
. „ . JU5 . . .Jll . . . 3JJ IliW . . .
. . . . < 35 . . . . I 4 05 4 15 4 12 107 4 JS i 55 I 10 110
4 15 5 95152527 5 Oil 5 16 I IJ 5 07 5 J5 4 55 5JU l0
rVb hjis i2 o " i7 " n ' oi a is o 'ij " coi 'i'ii 5K1 6'J6 iiifi
0(5 „ . I15j | „ . | 7Jxi | | | . . . . . cal..l _ -p
leaves 1 CIHOAIiO.TtT A * PACIPIC lAnliea
Tranafer I tlnlun Pupul , Oiimrll lllulla | liiin > Ier
OI5rm | | , . ' , Mcht I'xproas , T. , , | 8 10 u lii
.III ) u IU Athilitlo I'ljuiias I 555 p la
OJIOpiul reatlbnlo _ IhnUod . „ . . _ IU0 m
7areTcTTiOATlO | A NOH lllWKlTKHN | Afrivoa
Tranafer I Union Depot Council Uhiltji _ ririn rur
040 a ml , Chicago Hxproaar..Tr5 (0 p m
A40 v ni , , Viiatibuln Limited till n in
4.55 p nil , . , . , , . . , Unaem ! 1 ) , , , . , , , , , , , 5 45 p in
BOO pm I . . . _ AUnnllo Mall I 7.1 u m
Loaves | CIUOAli ) , * MTT A mF PaUL I Arrives
Transfer I liuUm IMiKit roiincll Hlurta I'lramfer
0 40 a mi , . . , .Chli-vu Mull I 545 p in
JltJO p ml . . . , . _ , , .LhleuKu lixproaa I l'-0 a m
"Txmvea I " it ( ! . , bTTjOK A ( ' . II i 'Arrlvcs *
Truiufcrl Union Depol t'oiuull lllulta | Trooafer
10U7 n uil.l < aii iia City Hay I7ipre , , , . 1.00 p m
10 25 p inJiaaj | _ _ Cllr . Mnht Kxprc J. . . | ( • 10 a m
TioavoP ] oiiATlA A SSTxiUltlT rAfrliea "
Trnnaferl Union.Depot . , Puuncll llluga I'Jrsjiafer
i _ ? _ nl' _ " ' h _ _ _ iul _ _ 'anoii ifiill "JTlJlijij ! ;
Leaves Cllli'AUI'TTfUUL'N A yillNCVT ArrFvea *
Tranafer IJril _ nJop < it _ Ciiuiii 11 lllulta 'Irnnafor
U0 a ni ,1 Chlcaiiu Kipreaa I 5.15 | i m
0/10 p ni , , , L'ldosKO Kiprena 8.20 u in
COO p ml Chlcaiw liaat Mull . . . . . ) 8.20 a in
IioaTea BIOUX CllV A PACTl'lO ' " ArrUea "
Transfer Union Depot , Council lllnlta Iranifer
7 45 a lul..Hloux Cltr Accommudatluu , , , ! VXt • iu
tt0in , , , . . , , , , Bt Paul Exproaa , , , , , , , , , 9JU v m
* - * * * • CDTLERX !
SCOE ! mg
lowiit prlacs Ooeai ftrJBtraiiuaa , _ _ H > _ | _
Auitlgaiara ui4 AtU , Caa BackaLp ' Hi
• jiJK-i' .Birn liaeptiity m ml
A Qttcor Organization In tlio City or
A Pnrls Icttpv to the Now York Trib-
unosnysr Tlio ctlstonco ( or a nuiiiliur
ot lotips oi a uogtfnrs " trust in l'nrls litis )
rccoutlj boon iH8io\orol , This noivs
bus siu'onil nlnrin to ninny hoiisolioliU
which liavo bucn the victims ot nils-
plneetl eliurlty nnd htivo opened their
doors to siumU thloros nnil iillfcrora
As n rnlu , bo iiliiir hero is t-ccul.Uoil
b\ law , and on Ktliinys nud Siindnys
nml Ctond I'Vlduy only nro tliomdlKont
niitiiuod , hull nud blind nlloivcd to no ut
hir ( , 'o und solicit iiIiub lu front or
chui'i'li doors ( Uirinp dlvlno bcrvleo tt
r.ijriroil Ri otiji of nioiidicniiis is nlu uj s to
bo oiii'oiintorod , nml the runnintr ot'thu
piuijicr Kiiuntlol ( onus ono ottho most ,
uisi ! ( > ; rooublo of CMiorloni'i's
The treating plui'oof IhiscorpoiMtlun ,
o L'lillcd , hus boon illscoiorod by Ihu
chief of police , into whoso hnndslmro
fallen ( lociuiicMits cniitJiiiiinp much nil
uiblo iiiforinntion ns to tv tcuulni'lj or-
gdtii/cd bojLrAM * IJtiHd , with houd-
iunrtors ] in tut old I'lokoty bitlldliirr ou
ouo of the iniiuiuoi'iiblo dlttluuvs lliut
climb the wiiidnilll crownmf holfrliiH of
MHiulid MonliuiiItro It Is hoi'u thut
tlio chuploi'oi ho.ird of directors moot
nnd u rojfiilur depot of bcii"'it supplies )
nud uppui'touniiccs is kept
The s.ateni is well ofRiiul'/od nun tins
boon in uyIbIqiico a nutnbei' of xoitrs
i'neli l'nrislnn district is puti'ollml bj u
bcffuuc lioiitcnuut , wlio has suui'etno
control of Ills jurisdiction It is ho who
sells the privilege of solieUiug ultus
within IiIh territory 1l\cr > bcirgni'liiui
to apply lo him for his license If un
fortunate and he tries an independent
"lny" ho ia thwurled at once and by
sonio mjaterioiia uieatiB lalton by the
police unless lie cither enters tlio asso-
eiatlon or IIcch from the cltj
The eliapler lias certain blanU forms ,
wliicli nro lilletlout by the clients lu
the most npptoicd business m.uiuoi' .
These blanks stnto tlio nntuo , aye , sex
nud lcsidenco of each applicant , as no I
as tlio particular line which the bociruc
desiios to follow
Lame begKur.s , blind bojjirars with or
without dojs ( , ninternul bopcars wither
or without , children , church bofrtfiua ,
bccijars for food only boitRiirs for
clothes only bogjjMtn with or without
musical instruments , foi'tuno-tullinjj ;
bog-jrars. fainting bo gars bcjH-frnrs for
ttiiin nun omnibus faros , bopping ; loiters
ters and clerical beggurs Those and it
ltnndred other ramiflcalions or tlio
Undo nro spoctllod The bl.uiks , When
illled out , nro entered in registers ,
where it record and history of each
member is kept , A certliic.ito is then
issued to the applicant , who imme
diately still ts out anil reports to his
appointed lieutenant
s >
Slllrs' Nrrvonnit lilvnr Illlx
An Important discovery Tlie.V" act on the
liver , stomach nnd bowels through the
nerves A now principle . 1'hoy speedily
cure liilllousiicas , bad tustc , torplit liver ,
piles and constipatlnii Spiemlid for iiidii ,
women nnd children , bmallest , mlldust ,
surest 'lOdosos Xor'J.1 cents Samples Cro
at ICuhn & Co 's , Ifith mid Doiifihcs
_ - .
Ill'it Illltler an Sr 11 * 111 \ \ iikIiiiiii > ; i.
Ben Hutler bus not lot sold his big
boviso opposite the cipitol to the gin
etutuenl , but ho gets 11 nice rent out of
Undo Sam all the bame , aud his man
sion contains some of Ihu most coin
forLtblo committee rooms of the low or
house , writesn Washington correspond
ent of Chicago Herald The building
is assessed nt $121,000 , and It must cost
him somewhere in thu neighborhood of
4)00 ( ) a year in ta\es. . it had for it
long time it mortgugo of $00,000 on it ,
und this wns given b > Uutlpr to
raise money Jor his lust pres
idential campaign , nud it wns
said that his gubernatorial compnigiis
cost him $100,000 upiece Ho etui
afford , liowover , to spend monov in
politics , for ho mukes it is said , $100 , -
000 a year at the law and talcus away ti
hatful cory time ho comes hero to
practice before the suproino court 1
saw him in ono of the departments the
other day Ho is looking fat aud
healthy , and ho bad it bouquet iu his
buttonliolo us usual He wore a big
sombrero hat ou his bald head , anil the
rim of this almost hid his coi Iced oo . aa
ho passed mo Hun Hutlor is very ec
centric us to his clothes Ho comes out
in 1111 untlroly now style of cos
tume o\ cry time lie comes to
Washington , and 11 winter or two
ngo uo nppeured licio clad 011-
titely in furs A fur overcoat , with the
liuiron tlio outsldo , covered his fut
fiamo ftom neck to foot and ho had u
great fur cap on Ills bond , Ho looked
moroliko nu Hsquimuux grandmother
than 11 grout constitutional lawj or nud
ho wab for a day the curiosity of the
capital Hen Jiutlor is 11 good diossor
His clothes lit him und notwithstanding
the peculiarities of his frame they nro
built in thu host of shiipo IfoiHiiow
soventy-ono years old , hut looks us
though ho might last for twenty ycuis
and lie is as bltong physically nnd uicn-
tully ns ho was during the wur IIo
works because ho likes iL and ho will
piob.tbly keen up his practice until ho
A Well ICHtnblislicd l-'nct.
The fact hns been abundantly proven
that ( Jnnmborluin's Cough Remedy is
the most prompt , most reliable und most
successful medicine yet discovotod for
acute tlirout nud lung diseases , such ua
coughs , colds und croup
Oriirln or tlio NiioicH oi * Kalirlcl
Very few dry goods mon know the
origin of the mimes of many of tlio
goods they hnndlo , guys the Trade Jour
nul They may seem trivial points , but
they uro of interest to the mint who
seeks to bo thoroughly iamiliar w itli tlio
merchandise iu which ho duals Da
mask is from the ulty of Damascus ;
sntlns from Zayloivn in China ; calico
from Calicut , 11 town in India , formerly
celebrated for lis cotton cloth und where
calico was also prlntod Muslin is
named from Mosul in Asia Alpaca ,
from nn iiiiimul in I'oru , of tlio llama
species , from whoso wool the fabric is
woten 1'uekram lakes its iiumn from .
Postal , it city of the inlddlo ugos , from
which the modern Cairo is ilc-
hconiled TuJTotn und tabby from a
street iu Hagiiud Cambric from
Ciiuibrnl Ouii/.o hns its nnmo fiom Git-
/.abnizo from Iliijao ; dimity from Unmi"
ollu , nud joitus from Teiin Uruggot is
dorlved from n city in Irolnnd , Dreg
hedu , Uncle comes from Torriuo , in
Normnudv Hliiukot is culled after
Thomas lllnnket a famous clotiilcrton-
neotod with the iutroductiou of woolpns
into England about 1340. Serge doiivos •
its niiinu from Xcrga , u Spanish iiumo
for u jioculliii'woolou blnukot Diaper
is not from D'Yprca , us it 1b somcllmoa
slutod , but from tlio Cioekdiaapi-on , fig
ured Velvet is from the Itulinn vol-
lulo , woolly ( Iitni vollub a hldo or
pelt ) Sliuwl is the Suiiscrlt siila , lloor ,
for shawls were first used as carpets and
tapestry , iiandunu is from the Indian
woid to bind or tie , becnuso it is tied In
knots before dyeing Clilnts from tbs
Indian cbott Doluino is the l-'ioncU
for wool
Ait Augolutt ) Cut-r.
Is only put up in lar-o two-puneo tin bp es ,
ana U an absolute cure for ult sores , burns ,
wounds , chuppod hands and all akin erup-
tionB Will positively euro all hinds of pllea
Ask for the OltlUINAfj AJHUTINK OIN'l -
I MUNT , Bold by Goodman Drug uowpany
| ut 'ii couU per box by mull Dl ) couU ,