P. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? MONDAY , JANUARY 13 , 181)0. ) T 1THE OMATIA BEE " COUNCIL BLUFFS H on ign No its I'kauij stukit M J ellverrrt by carrier In nu > lart of the City , 11. W. Ill TON UANAUfcll H 1'IM.I'IIOSld H liHvinidpunAd n tlnln ' ' Ton M ) n. _ _ _ H JMINOIl MIA1IOS. H N. V. P Co H Glcason coal H Council Muffs * jinbcr Co coul H Thatcher coil , sco ldvcrtlscmcnt H Host coal nnd wood at C II Fuel Co M carbon Uonl Co vvholisnlo retail 10I'carl H 1 bo count } board of suporv isors will cotn- H | plcto the business of the Jnnuary term today - _ day _ Vatscy Dolnn linguistics In tlio city bas H tile , nnd nil becnuao ho nppenred on tbo H • strcit with Ills jni , ' on H The funeral of Mrs Lucy Houck will tike H plnco nt 10 o'clock this morning from the H residence , lltRJbevcnth avenue H Chnrks H Jones , the secretary of the col- j ored nnll prohibitionist club , is the happy H father of h tcn | ouml bib tirl H Onorco Plumb , vvho was nrrcstcd on I ri _ dnv nlchtoulhu clnrgo of being a fugitive H from Justice , is supposed to bo u lull breaker H Who In wunttil nt Uenduood , Dale H rhomns llovvmnn or this city tins boon ni- | H pointed ns onoof the committee on thu innu H curat ion of ( lournnr elect Hols 'llio Hon H \V II M l'uscy will bo the representative H from the Ninth district on the reception com H inittco H fho Cloodviar , Coo * \ \ , Dillon minstrels | arn hcuiled by George I Ivvnrds , u very H clover comnic linn , nssislodbv Charles ( Jood H jcor nnd two doien minstrel colobrltics who H nro well known throughout the entire coun- H tr ) Ih y will be ut Uohnnoy's to night H I ho Jurv In the cisn of ( oolc vs the H county returned i scilcd virdict which will H not bo opened until toluj It is n potted Unit H llioj huvo allowed the pliuntlfT J L 0 of his H i OO claim lint one of the jurors is authority | for the statement thst the vcrdiit is In favor H of the countj and thit the plaintiff Is not nl m lowud it cent H | The prcllniimiry homing in the ciso of the 1 [ states Dunn ill is II unllton , eh irg"d with 1 burglnrv , will probably bo taken up this 1 | nftoruoon 'Iho del iy in hciriug tins been 1 caused by the ntti ndunce of County Attor 1 j no } Orpin nt ttio pnllmlnnrv examination in B I which Honrt ? is elu 'fc 1 with thu murder of H ' i Uonahoo ho mo tlmu 1120 „ H bix motors attached to 11 hupo snow plow H nttrni teil much intention 11s ttioj rilled up B 1 llroud vnv aleut To'i lock 11st cvonlup ; 1 hey J mode the snow tlv but wt.ro compollcd to J movoveo slowH Iho cnmp-iny hid all pj 1 men nt wnilc , but mon then thov wore un- J nb'o ' to keep tl 0 tricks cleared for regular J J service , and it was ovi lent tint - \ lienvv fall JJ or snow woulit bloekAdo them with their ftyj present facilities for handling it H Or C H Uovver , rJt Pirst nve Tel 229 | Dr II S West , cuarintcod dentistrv No J 121\arst , over llKf otUco M Grind driwinp Pebiuary 1 Moore J Uouinin H J U Tipton , reil estate , Zi7 Ilroiivvay H Hush & Gert s piinos hi Uroadwnv H The Muni att m sporting hcudii'rs ' 113 B way H * H The ncknowlclROd loadlat' pliotoer ipher H in Council UlulTb is Schmidt , 2.0 Main street H C 1 ! &tcnmdyo works 1013 llroadwa > H Tbo Iloss Imostmont ind Irast compinv H l' < rsonul I'nrnmnpbs H T 11 Jeffoison of Jiimestownshlo is In the H cil > visltliiKDr b btev art 011 Pourth street B Miss Anna Umblo of Ptcns inlvilio is ttio H guest of hci triend , Mrs M li iper , in this H cit > H Miss Mnj Ullei depirted XMdny ovcuing H for a visit with relatives nnd friends in H GnlcsburK' , 111 H Mrs II C Lvnchnrdof Mt Pleasant , la B arrived in the city jesto day morning , called _ here by thu serious Illness of Mrs \V II B ] Lj uchnrd II • i IllnnL books , all kinds ledgers urn ] jour B | nnls , 1 to U ( juues , nt li ss th in cost bend ' for prices Masuno book store , Louneil H | Holler , tailor , 310 Urnaawav Hl Saddle Hock restaurant , 102 Hroadvvay , | open dav nnd ui ht 1 irst class J L H Ynncy , prop B Having sold m > stock of baidwaro stoves B and tinvvuro to b W , LJcslej of Omaha , and H leased him 111) store , I would ehoorfully H recommend him to all inv old customers and ! H friends ns un old hardware merchant who 1 H will > , lvo you good eoods nod square dealing H Give hlin 11 cull and Mr Charles Hock will L H bo pleased to wait on jou I have moved 1 B mv tools nnd eornico michiius to my now H brick block on Lowei Uroaiivvny , vvhcio I i H will eontinuo to do all kinds of eornico and H shcot iron work H lhankmf my old eustomeis nnd friends 1 H for their liberal patronti ) , ! , I rriniin vori H rispeetfull > ) ours II Giiaui B Juiiiiirv 10 lbOO H Ilnvlng puichascd IS Grilil s seek of t H linrdwaic Btoves and tinware , I will renew H the stock In every line , mid will carry a full I H line of builders'hardware cutlery and tools , , H stoves ami tinwaro I will continuo 111 the 1 H old Btunu , 104 i ast Uroadwnv Would bo i H pleased to sea all Mr Grants ' former eiislo H mors , nnd ovcivono wishimr ( , oods m these ) 1 lines Mr Charles lioek will bo plonsod to 1 1 wait on jou Huspi ctfully yours H Januarj 0 IbJO bV liasLEl P 'miIiII is' Kolinr CdiuinlKsloii H At the uirnuul uiootlnt ; of the soldiers 1 P coininiBsion hold In this eltv , the county was 1 1 divided Into districts ns follows , for the work : m or inn ) H Kuuo , lewisGarner , IlazolDoll , Crcscont , H Itocuford , ISoonicr , rforvvallr , Hardin nnd [ 1 B ICeg Crook townships vveio placed In eharpo 1 ot J C Ueliavon , with huad junrtors ut t H Council Illuffs H Mucedonin , Cnrsou bilver Crook , Wush- H Ington , liclknap Giovo , Wuvoland Wright | and Center tnvvuships were placed in chart0 H of O M Putnam , with headquarters at 1 Macedonia 1 Knox 1 nyton Lincoln Pleasant , James , H Vork , Mludun , Vullov and Neolu townships 1 vvcro placed in chartoof R , A Conslgnov , B With headquarters ut Avoca The different towiubips of the county hav- tag soldier poor should repoit to theii ro spoetlva licadquaitorH as nbnvo ouumorutcd 1 for rollof It should also bo understood that no roller will bo afforded by the boird to in- diyent sold lorn or their families oxeupt by direct application to the inombors of tbo board ut their respective headquarters , to whom all noccssao wants should bo ad dressed 'Iho amount or funds in the county H treasury subject to use bj the baard for the H entire counli for tlio whiter is fl,0J9 , 01. H Skntluc nt tint Ijiki > . B Tlio .Manawa motor trains will eommonco 1 running todn > , making hourly trips , ut 1,2 P , B t ) . 4 nnd 5 each uftoruuon ' 1 ho trains are for H tlio accommodation of the skutors The lake 1 presents n smooth unbroken oxtmnso of Ice H or smooth ns glass and skating parties are 1 \en popular The trulns uiaito connections 1 with the oloctrlo motors for Ouiuhu people H A. I ) lolftcrnph Co H All person * In the city who have tolo- 1 phones can cull up telephone 179 for ines 1 1 longer boi , cabs mm express wagons , etc : 1 Prompt attention guaranteed U U lioblu- H son , mauakcr No 11 Xorth Main street B Sato 60 per ccut on tombstones nnd mouu- H ineutv Design sheet and prlcolist free L M KclU > > , SOJ Uioadwny , Council liluffs B B B - H llio Iji-mlt rs | of fliiQwutches and Jowulry In the cltj , and B the place to bu > the best goods ut tbo lowest 1 prices Is the establishment without rivals , 1 tbo most rollablo 111 ut ot H C. U JACCjVUXlS & . Co H Go to P. Janssen fonltler Icsjous Terms H reasouublo W7 Third avenue SUNDAY $ NEWS IN THE BLUFFS _ _ _ Bov T. J. Mnokay AdvocatoB Hlffh LlcoriHO From the Pulpit _ _ _ _ _ THE BLIZZARDS BIRTHDAY It Strikes tlis III 11 Atrvln on It" 8 cmiil AtinlvciBnij rhoSolillprs * Jlcllcl Ooiiiinlsslori General nnd Personal Notts An Aiitl-Prolilliltion Sermon Owing to a snowstorm almost ns bllmrl lsh | ns the ono that oecuired two 1 ears ago yesterdiii , a sin illor icudicnco thin was expected was present ntbt Paul's Kplscopil church Inst ovonlng to listen to the reply of tbo rector , the Uov I1 I. Mackij , to the iiutiistorial i ; criticisms thit vvero undo upon bis I recent open letter to I un HrE tiklug a radical stand against prohibition as a menus ot nveitiug the evils of iutenipoi nice Ho chose foi the bisis of his ronurlo 1st Corlnthlins XII 0 , "llinro ara diversities of operations but it Is the s.iaio God th it workpth nil in all " Heforo oommenemg his urgumont the spcakor desired to dollno IiU poiltton on the ) grc it question of tlio d iy Ho wis not a friend ' of tlio saloon interest , no 111 ittor w h it fr endlv interest tie took in tha man who run i the siloons I'or their biislnois ho h id no friendship nnd wnull sniro no off jrt to indilco . thorn to relinquish it mil on j 130 In busmets ' tint would In-turo them the rcspu i t nf thoit fcllowmcn Like our own divine Lord mid Mistei lie disttn- gilishc ( 1 bolvvci n the sin ind thu siunor llio Muster loved the poor sinnei while Uo hated . the sin that consumed them and so hu would stilvolti nil his inlercouriL with men to draw out the better sldo of their tenures Oi lovoiind 1 Biinpithv vvhllo nt tlio latno time loathing ] tbo sin thnt binds tliim eiptlvo to its will Neither would ho shut his eves to thu conditions of socictv th tl dennnd th it somumcu must engigo in this triHie cither legitimately ot illegitimately Ho ualzed that the appetite was onu common to the race that within eoititn bouii Is it must bo grnttlicd , nnd ta it thu ct itllleillon is no Bin so long is the appetite is controlled bv rca son ; It is thu condition of society that makes tlio silonn possible nnd to ibolUh the saloon b\ prohibiting thu s 1I0 of li itior in evoiy foun and inanneiIs attacking the effect instcid ofthocausoof thodiso ise Slid no ' Those who know mo personally know th it if I had my w.i } and coulj ueeomplisli my desire , thuro would not bo In oxistnnco in this citv toJai a single means by which a brother man niiirht bo tomnted to Ins full , but I rcalizo t ut an appetite that has Uccn in existence as long as ttnn has lived on the nrth c innot bo wiped out in a dav or in a biiniliel ic irs , nnd 110 only difference bo tvveen mo nud my brelhron who bellovo in prohibition is ono ot difference of opinion as to how the end wo both stiivc to accomplish in iy be most successfully gained I do not bnlievo in prohibition bee 11130 it is illogicil , imprictii iblo nud unscripiura ! Prohibition is illogical bcciuio It leftises to m1111 it the presence of tlio m ijor piemiso in its reasoning it ignores cnllioli the natuio of 111 in M 111 is created with eertiiu nppc titcs nud imssions whlcli in thcmselvci , when properly controlled , are not of the na ture of sm I hey nro part of his nituro nnd it is oulv as ho ( , alns tlio vietoiy over them that ho can jtis'H lay claim to the grand titlu ot man 1 or the propoi exercise of his poweis ho must have frco vi'l Any sistom which leaves nut ot sight this ti uth is illo ic il an 1 founded on nb nil which must surely fall Tor instance , take the communistic schemes that have been tried in tnls un 1 other coun tries , read their failure and vou will find the c iuso to llo m tbolr cndcivotin , ? to reeon struct mnn without rogird to the fundn mental etiaiaeteristics of his natuio Gran 1 as were tlio alms ihoy f lilt 1 beca iso of their iutolcraneo > nd disregud of the uffoetions , passions and will of 111 mKind Now the on dcavor to inako men tonip i ito bv logisl 1 tion is an attempt in the s unc direction 1 he prohibitionists irfuo thnt man is piss ivo and may bo moulded into shipa by out side piessuro Iho Icgisliture is the mould ing machine , and In the process they hope to I pvolvo i matt with every p't isa of bis character perfect ' 1 hey fill into 1 the same en or as the socialists who talk of a new world from which moralficcdom should be pricticallv excluded Prohibition ignores the fact of tLun's ' history uud his proscnt coiiititlcn , nnd ndinir Isteis n leincdy which is declared to bo a speeille for nil the woes of life Tbo arguments of 111 oliib'ttontsts are 1 illogical Ihnv nssort that bee iuso wc main taiu a Ian against murder wo nro vvirranfd in putting u law ngninst the sale of liquors on the same stitutu books I ot mo 13k thu 1 erson making such an nssertion Do you t place the law agaiuso the selling of liquors on the same pi 1110 us the law of God ngninst inurdci • Is the law Whou slialt not sell 1 liquor , ' or Thou shnlt not drink ' of cpul I Itnpoitatico with I'm law Thou shalt- not kill I' Ib the drinking of n pluss of beer or whisky a sin as great its the taking of a 1 imiii's lifol nnd 11 sm in itself ) llio fact Is , . there is no law n iinst muitlci 011 the stat utes of low 1 lheronioluvs defining the pui Mimtnt for mu-der , but no 111/ prohibit ing It 'Iho reason is self evident llnrois 1 no necessity for putting such a 1 law on the stntuto books It is a 1 law as old liumnnlty itself , mid ono tint finds its Justlllc ition in the umvers il eon sclcnco of litiuianltv Ihnroforo It is that the punishments enacted by tlio law miking powers against the t iking of liuaitu Ufa 1110 c-ipiblaof enfouemciit I would ask mj logil friends if it Is not 11 well known axiom of law that the 1 iw must always bo just , > nnd if this is the ense , punishment must bo indicted only on what is morally wrong It is sometimes a il 1 that the solo object of pun ishntcnt is tbo prevention ot haim to llio 1 ( oiumunitv , but this is not the true con cp- tlnu of punishment Punishment Implies ' moral transgression An object of punish * ment is tha prevention of crime but it is nlso 1 the prevention of erimo its erimu , and not 1' meielj ns liurm , Is the drinking or liquor In Itself 11 crime ) true , a crime is a viola tlonofliw but it is university understood > tn bo an offense against morality nlso ' 1 am not in favor of tnodorito drinking beouuso of whut I liuvo Bald , far from it 1 otal absiineneo from all kinds ot liquors Is tlio only safe rule of life Uut It would bo equal to shutting my uyos nud refusing to 1 sea what Is plainly evident did I rofttso to see that liquoi may be used in moderation 1 without ovll effects , und in man } cases with > actual bonellt Our bodiH nppjtltes are not t proper subjects for such legislation as is pro posed , and it cannot bo Just to punish a vvholo people for tlio olfonsa of some The dcclura tion of the reLent prohibition convention at lies Moines that the state should declare the manufacture ami sale of liquor a crime J does not uiiiko it a crime lhc o mon must prove that tha selling of a glass of liquor or the drinking of the sumo is a crime in itself t heforo they can c ill upon the statu to declare J It such Hut vvhcio U tlio ofTciibO against morility In the modei nto use ot lijuorl It will be replied 'It is the luimodorito usoot f liquor wo strive to prevent by piohihltion ' 1 Not so fust Hy your laws and the punishment added thereto yon deny the riht ) of over } man to use liquor in any mnnnor , temperately or inedocluaily While the alvinu law ' iliou shult not kill admits ot exceptions in eases of self defnnsu 1 , the prohibitory law admits ot tie exceptions n interpreted by the radicals of thut party lhooujcct of punishment is not merely to tell men that the trinsgresslou of the law is dangerous , but that it is immoral How long will it bo before tlio largo proportion of our citizens can bo led to look upon the lcstrlctod snlo of liquor or the moderate use of the inmoasimmorall If the time overcomes that n majority of out citizens In the largo cities of Iowa shall decide that the suiting and using of liquor Is u crime , wo may liopo to prohibit the sala with some ireasutoof success 1 ho advocates of high license and local option govern themselves by this com 1 mon axiom , that 11 law to bo effectual must bo susuinod by the publlo opinion of a mojaiity of the citizens affected by It I would reply to tie asscr- lion of tbo prohibitionists that 'an act which is criminul In ono part of the state shall bo criminal In another 'by denj- ing the criminality of the act , and lusortlnc the right of each community to regulate affairs tnat only coucoiu themselves Special legislation for titios is uot a thing unknown 1 , aud no complaint is made that such legisla i- tion It inconsistent with the dignity of the state or the administration ot Justice ' If : epidemic of smallpox prevails tbo rstib1 lishmontof a qiiuranlino Is ofJtal lmnortv nnco In n city , wlillo In sparselv s t'lod ' dis trlcts such cxtrcmo precautions might bo unnecessary As advocates of high license wc want to quarantine ! the liquor traMo Hav 1 Ing tried destroying the dlse-iso and only stlcopcdpd In scnttcrlng its germs , wonsk to bo nllovvcl to control it fetich a control wo do not regard r.s 11 punishment upon the seller or consumer ol liquor , uut us an ex pression or the moral sense or the comII inunlty that such trallo Is dangerous und to be avoided • llio prohibitionist citiso is compared to the slnverv Issue tvunty live \cnrs ago , nnd Its | success Is declared equally certain Hut what a dlfferonco b tvvecntho two Issues Slavery reduced the man to llio level of biutcs denied the exorcise of his will und nil the rights and liberties common tn man is man Hut of wlitt rights or liberties does the snlo of liquors dopilveu tnanl Uvon when used to excess though the man m iy bo | a slave to his own evil habit , ho is so by ! his own free will and choice Ho is still a free nnd 11101 al agent , nnd the responsibility for | his ow u nets rests upon himself , not ut on his | fellow men lhu inilogy between pro hlbltion I und slavery will uot bo perfect uutll j men nro com | ellcd to bo ilrunkirds against their will Prohibition ns 11 remedy for in temper j nice Is Impracticable It acilsnot with thoeonditions of nffatrs ns thov actually arc 1 , but ns they should be Instead of doing tin I best wo e m with bum m nature ns wo Und , and Doing content to avail ourselves of llio mentis within our row 11 , prohibition woul 1 compel us to rcort to measures thnt are 1 prnctlc illy iiniittnliniblo Insteidoft-y Ing I to cniorco tlio laws which vvero on our statute | ) books ngiinst thosnlu ol Whisky which would have mndo our state ginudly tompcrito , , inotlioi law is pissed much more stringent and It u expected to prov 0 11 gr mil success 1 It would scein to the uverago thlnkei tint If 11 moderito liwcinnot bo enforced - forced that such a stringent 1 iw ns tlu pro hlhitorv law would bo much h u dir to cniorco and vvoul 1 thuruforo ptovu a failure 11 id the fi lends of prohibition everted themselves to ouforeo the Inv that nlroail } xisti d , und hid made It successful , theii present nd v iiieed position would bo in line with their prictico nnd theory , while now it looks as II they vvcro tin d ot parsoual effoits for the stipmeS'.loii of intemperniico tin I thiew the buiden that rl/litlv bolings to inch Individ ual on the shoulders of the state Instead of mating the best of the situation nnd accept ing such 111 iw us will bo e ipiblo of iiafor a incut bdngstistnine I by the goner il s nti ment of the p oplc , thov llisist on the pas sigeof 1 law thills openly und soeietly do lie I and like the dog in the fable with tlio bono lu his 1110 lib diopt the bone toe itch the shalow In the witer so they spurn us 11 compromise with holt ind u lciguo Willi dcutli' ti law which is easilv at t un ible nud w hicli li is b"c 1 ti led w tth ben clicnl.ro.nlts in every lingo citin the country In Philadelphia thu number of s 1 loons has been reduced under high llcenso fiom 8 00) ) to J rbJ uud in manv other cities with is goo I lesnlts vvhllo In CJtincil HlulTs after six ye irs of prohibition vie have more saloons thin wiicn license pi evaded and the ehaiaetot of many of them disgraceful in the cxtrcmo If prohibition aftei years of trial means free whisky , am I wrong iu t > nj ing it Is impr idle il in its aim nod object and am I wrong 111 alvociting the rcpcnl of a law thai has produced such disistrous ro milts ) llio pruciieil question is which is the best foi the moiab of our city , iiuinhor less saloons , run by ilinperous parties uo eomp mlcd by 11 gi nvlng uisngird for ill liw or 11 few suloo isnnili 1 tliu eontiol of the nuthoilties run by rcpotislblo men under heavj nonds to obscrvo the 1 iw ) Uut it is sill th it no furtliei effort his been made to o 1 force the prohlbivorv 1 iw If the 1 cor Is of out rourts during tno pist six vens will not show the falsuv of thnt stitomcnt , an I If tin e\pcTsc3 tixi I up to the countv topis foi the itiloiineis ind lawyers who h ive rMppl n li irvest will not contt idict this iisserlion then no proofs mat 1 can biing forwa-1 will Iho iloslip ot a saloon in which 11 foul uiurdor w is com nit to 1 is cited as an cvitoncoof what um bo done with all the other saloons , b it lot it be r mombercd that this disrcpuliblo dlvo would never have been in oxibti m a under inj otbor 1 iw than that of prohibition and fico whiskv and that it was closed because the public opinion of iho people vv as ngalust its existence It is a proof th it in ibn opm ion of u laigu m ijority of our pcoplo uiurlur is a crime , while the use nnd silo ot litjuar Is not so eonsidcru I My assertion that the principle of prohibition 19 iiiiscriptuil I shall establish by u rcforenco to the sacred scripture - turo itself llio whole hlo 1 of the gospel is the freedom ftom law Wo do not road of Jesus advoeitlng the passage of livvstoen- force His ideas uut on tno contriry n irra.v ing down the Mosaic 1 iw to tw gcnei il Uvvs 'I.ovogod and lovp your neiubbor us yourself , for un tbeso two comm indments hang all the law of the prophet ! , ' ' 1 ho s | e liter made a strong argument on this portion of tile subject and closed bv leading a lettei leeched bv him u fuvv days ago from a informed drunkard • Hoai bir Isuirosp vou will bo sur- prised to iccoivo this fiom a stianger , but I thought you vvcro aleut tight 111 siy ing that the religion of If sus Cnrist is the bast m l only way to cli itigo 1 in m's nature I was a drunknd for so no years and never knew Christ I went on drial.ii g nud lost all 1 had , ii goon position friend ' , tlu love of a good vvifo and children until I becamaatow , mem dittnkin ! Idlunot know I was as low and mean as I roilly was until 1 eime homo ono nicht uirtl found inv homo deserted by wife und children 1 hud driven them nwuv Iroltea theii hearts until thov vveio compcllel logo to mj vvifu s fathur for nro- tection • * * 1 knew then that I imd drivou tliom to it llirourti ii"In r , but I did not go down town und cit , ! di link ni in I tool ofl my hat nnd if over a man priyed curnostlv und foi ventlv I did 1 turned to Christ then und thuro ind asol Him to for give 1110 for what 1 li id done and to keep 1110 from the tempt ition ot drink , ind to gullj my wife und cliildicn bick to me ,1 uni aatislled Ho Hoard and answered mv tlrft prnyui to Him for ninco then I have not drunk ono drop of li juoi < * 1 iiavo mv house furnished nicely nud have mv old nomtlon from the same fit 111 thut turned 1110 off ou account ot drinking That wis throe years ago that I tumod to Christ , nnd I feel satisfied that It was through Htm thut I was savol from 1 drunkards grave I kept on priying und it guvo mo such peace of mind I or two months , alone in the homo in which I lit I piomtsuj did 1 woul 1 love and protect my wife , I found poico iu ra < loneliness und prayer I had oftun promised to ston dunk ing , and meant to , but could not do It Iu my own strength , but us soon as I turned to Christ unit iskod him for help I got it ami stopped drinking bo 1 llriuly believe , ns you say , th it through the religion of Jesus Chi 1st ulotio can 11 man bo navod from drinking It vvus through rcudirgyour open letter that I vv 13 lea to vvrlto to y 011 hoping jou will proiuh that dootrino thiough llfo und that God may i.iio you voice anil health to do so , is the oirnost nrayor of ono 1 who knows it is so , und uiny God give you wisdom in this grand eourao Yours , otc , Anilivnr.uiy < , r nln Itlg ItlU/irl The seco id anniversary or the tonlblo blizzard of Jauuury li 1S39 was uslicroi in yesterday morning in the HlulTs with what turned out to bo nearly as tuirillua stoim ns thut of two years ago llio storm was but barely slartod ut daybreak , there bolng about two inohos of snow ou tlio ground , but the fall continued throughout tlio day , nc- compaalod by vvlililiiig blasts from the north aud norlhoast with a leudonoy to n northwesterly couro I ally In the aftoi noon the wind increased in velocity , and ! long before dark > t was blovvlug a tiurrl cano At 9 o'clock m the morning eiders vvcro , given to abandon all trains on tlio Fifth nio nuo and transfer line of tlio oltctrio motor company , but an atiompt was made to keep all other trains Yuunlng during tlio duy Two horsepower suowuluivs nnd the power ful revolving brush iilow vvero kept ruunini , all day , but vvero unable to keep tbo tracks , clear 'llio big brush with two motors bo , luud it was btuclcou L'ifth iveiiuu botvvcon 1 boventh nud l.lghtli streets , but nflur ro- peated churges was able to get through Iho attetui t to keep tbo lines open 1 vvus given up latu in the nftcr noon , and ut h"lf past 0 orders vvcro issued ordering In all trains on the , main line and thu nb indonment of tbo ser v Ice until the storm vv as oyer At that tlmo i several trains vvero lying dead at various points along the line , and after thut all uf- forts vvero directtd to buffeting suov On ' all trams the trailers hud boon luft off aud ' every train consisted ot two motors On tin ) Main street line two double trains wnro run and tbeso vvero continued during the even ing , vvhllo on the uiaiu line bctvvoon thu Uluffs and Omaha trains wore run as often I _ b J as possibln but the lorvlco was very irrcgu lnr 1 ( bomo of the lliu nearly an hourolftpsod without the pnsago of a train nnd then sov cnil would pnss Intervals of a fen min utes 1 horn was but littld tmvol , wlilih IcssonouV llio amount of complaining very cnnsUlornl bly As soon ns the motors vvcro dlstontln * lied thcro vv as n noiicoablo Increase in the hack sorvlcn nnd numerous carriages vvcro cilled Into requisition , All of the iiidrnlng malls nrrtvod 11 carlv on tlmo and the evening trains went out ns usual Iho inclining uveiilng train on the lluillngtnn I vvus nn hour uud a half into and the t Hoik Island was Thirty minutes bihtml tlmo 1 uiscil by iidoluy on the Uost Liberty urancli \ \ hen night closed in the snow was about fourteen t inibes itpop on 11 level , though It vv is tiadly drifted and the storm was con st wily increasing Iho streets were de sertcd mid doors and windows vvcro tlfhtly e oscd ngninst the whirling gusts The mer- eury range 1 from to 11 legrces nbovo zoic- all day and dropped ncouploof notches lower In the early evening - 1 ho electric light line men cnrrled thormomotcrs to test the coin parutivo temperature between terra Urinit andttlio ton of tbo Pi ) foot towers and found It fiom U to lTdeerocs colder nt tbit eleva tion UNCIil ) vA • > ! • • . I'AVKOhh Tlio Aitit il Nuinfpr nf People Who Vttirk InrtlHRoviiiliii nt Pillrt Willi Vi . An ncioinplisliiMl stttistli Inn hctc lins 1 just eotuplotod n soi Ips of nitorost- iti i e ileulntiiiiiM , showlutf thut tlio tot il nuiiibilf , . of p'1-oin oniploy 1 tl in ill iiuuiiioi ot cnpicilics by the UnilL.il StlltOS ROVOt lllltllllt , 8l\8tll0 Phlltulol- jiliiiPiosi 1 'I hu losult ? of Iih call uln- tions show tli it theio nto SS.000 omployid in nl ! Inutitlios of the postnl sot vice ii'ono ' , nnd ( > J 001) ) otheti llllins' loiliotniti ) llio leRislntivo , juilkial tmtl mioei { 11 ttiouiu ilivisloiis oi the gotom- me tit , with some tliitly llvo thousttul ptivittos I iii the utiiiv , iiitvy ttnil tniti I110 eoi ps unit botvv on twelve nml liftcon tliotii t mil iiu 11 mil boys wlio tjniti tlu 11 livohhool 1 li out the „ 'tn 11 anient foi wntlc ( ellioetlv in iilout to iho mui iso of ( the uiny uud the coiistiaction of lioivy juns tnikitirr ,1 , jjianti lot il of tibout ' two luiiiiln d thoiHiuiil porsonson- tolled 1 in llio Hlotiotts sjtvico 01 limit , Still llic niiliilii 1 who would liku to tuld t thom3olvr > s to this vast uunv , in the | o tpoilotK i" of tlio nelivc politic inns is j ptohibly BOinotliiiiir lilto ser \ otnlit million mnic rbo post il employ is comptisQ , in id- dition < to the clot 1 s ut tlio postollieo ilo mi I Uncut , nil mul 1 onti it tots , mnil mosspiiijoM 1 , cloi < s in the mil way mini set vieo , poslni istors witli thou assist tints , . , ind lettoi e imors hi the mill lity mil ntivj lit pinpoi oniv the timncs ' of oil ! ors nto given , while tlio ptivitcs 1 1110 not counted Thcte , are J'i.OOO of thom in tlio tn my , fe 'Jjl ) in the ntivv i mul Z 000 in the mnrino 001 ps 'llio civ il sot vtco b inch includes besides - sides the postollieo p oplo , till employes suboulinito ) to the c\ecttli\o iloimit- inonts tin olilct ilsof congress , nil the second ' iry nnd independentbuio uis the Govoi ' iitnent piiiitnig olllco the bmith- vontiiti itistitutron mul Nntionul musc- utn 1 illjlio Imli iu , igon ie mints , cus- torn hoitsLH nil the betipvolont nud pliil- inthtopie itiatilutibiiH in Wisliingtor anil tlio goveiiim ml of tlio DisUtictof 1 ' olumbi t Tnkihg the m ilistiel 111 & oattmiitc 1 of tliu tlver igo s ibn y leeoiviel by ill the government b herviuits , not counting , the ptiv itos 111 tliom ttn , nsivy mid initino coi ps , the iintiit il my toll ti/g egitos not lc-s thiui Slew 001) ) 000 Assuming tint out of the i j 000 0)0 ) ta li ilntuiits of the lulled fatiton it lenst 2j 0)0,000 ) 1110tavv > i up persons , men mul woman , there would eotn to ho only otio olllcohilUci ) in evei v ciielo of 157 gi own jci sons , inn 0111 ollleeliulLlbt in every eoUeetion of ' ) ! men , vvoinon mul eluldien llio Grout Hock Inland it011 to Iu changing tune on Sunday , Nov 17 , tlio Chicago , Rock Island & 1'icific Ky have considoioil ovct v point of in- toiesttotho Omaha tiavoling public If you nto gonnr to lies Moines , Clncigo or any mutt ottet , out solid vcstlbulo limited ti un i-s uisl what you want 1 e ivo Omiilni at 4 Jip in utuvo in lies Monies ' ) SO ] ) m mil ( hie uo : 8 0n m , dining cat foi stippot lonving Council Bluffs and for bn > ikfastbefoic reaching Chicago rl his ti un is also equipped witli the Ihiest blccporri and chan ens in tdo hy ttio I'ulltii 111 Co which leave fiom the U P depot , Oiiiiilia ovi iy day ut 4 Jp m , mul ing 1 lo o eonneetiiiiis at Cluciigo with all trims for cistiin points In iiduition to tills miigntilei tit train wo have tivo othoi huly tinltio to Clin nro , lo iviug dm tint at i ) 15 1 m nnd o 15 p 111 P01 mfoi million ns to lotites , rites time , otc _ ill at tulcct olllco , H0 > rainnm wticot , toluphono 7bJ S S Silv 1 Vs Goiioral Wo&teni Agent * * A piomuiont up town plivnicinii cou- sidcts that mini ulloged suicides hy dtotviinig me 10 illy ici uleiits , and Hint nitoxie ttcd 01 tompniai ily iisino poi sons tno not tlio only ones who me liable to walk into the nvot on ihuk 01 foggy nights Ai.v tn 111 who in sullot- " uigiioin not vous o\h iitstioi ) vv tat of slicp or tlio elicits of ovenvork is ihout as hltelj to I1111I the nvoi .is to safely 1 cm li his on 11 lioiiso , and some jiotsous ate natui illy so ahsoiit-iinndcd and catoloss tlio only vvondoi is thut mote of them ate not dimmed Duputv f otonutV 1' ionltius says thut it veiy lugo jnojiortion of tlio bodies found in tie Not th mid last rivois aio doubllehi these of poisons who have uni onsclously walked to doatli on d lrlc or Btot my tiiKiits It is a aingulm fact that do ith is often caused by patnlyais of tlio heat t 1 ithet than by diownitig aud in gome im.tiuii.08 tliis has led to tlio belief Hint the victim bad boon mui doted mid then thiotvn into the livct As death from put ah sis ib mm e likely to lusult fiom a suddoii and uaoxpei ted full into the vvatei , ills ptob.tblo tliut miliiy , if not ill , of thobo oabi s woto nlco acoi- dent il , and tlio victims may line been in full possession p ( theit faculties , but unconscious of any dangci up to the 1 momontof mttUlnglhc fatal plunge Pofzoni's Cotnpotmn | Po vder Is uinver sully know n and every whore esteemed as the onh pou dor that will improve the complex ion , cradle ito tan , Jrecclea and all skin diseases f * M 1 Oppn o Piolnssloiial Hivivillsls Piofossloniil revivalists woto sovoioly sat down upon duiltig a goiiuial discus 4 sion of lovlvtil woik at tlio Milwaukee 1 Ministois'nssoofu.tihii suysa Milwaukee 1 ( hspnloh Iou of Iho members were in favor of revival Work in nny formwhile noiirlynll of thf ny opposed Hie piofes- sioniil 1 ovlvallots lit Ilea sildthe 1 day had gene by when the lottntiy could lie tinned oven by evangelists like 1 Mooly , Whittio and Jones Hut there 1 was being done an unobtiualvo work in ! the chinches fu ly ns ollectlve , which , ' bocaubo it made little noise vvus not thougltt much of The 15ov. Titsvvottli dldit t like the piofcbslonal ovangoli&ls 1 uot llioii work Uo believed the un- obtiublvo woik Dr Hon bpoko of was 1 the Kind foi this day , and that it was , accomplishing jnoio than the old spas 1 nod I e revival vv oik , l'eoplo vvero iu- cllnod to think the formof duyu woto 1 bettet loligloiibly than the present , but t > this vv is a mistake , Tlio Hot Sabon Iltilsoy had a good word to say foi ro- vlvnls , but diil not bollevo In piofoe- siotml ovnusellsts Ho believed i 11 the nuiet , unobtrusive work , hut ha bo- liovcd ulso in levivals to aivakou these 1 who nro uovor 1 cached in the ijuiot way WE \ WERE BURNED OUT ! 1 , But do not propose to etny out , nmlhoro wo moi ortdy for Imsinoss , nt 33 SOUTH MAIN STREET Our Broil Poorlosa Soft Nut mm Lump Oonl tnkoe tlio onko Buy it onoo nml you will want it nftorwnrilp The qunlity JB of our Hard Oonl Is not oxcoltodby nny on tlio mitrkot If you wnnt good Hnrd Wood chonp cull on vis ttomun * _ _ bor the plnco m S PP & TOTTS , Fuel Merchants , No 33 Wain Street , / | FOR I PROrCGTlON FOR SUCVR . Oxuurd'a ArRiimant Before the Wnys nnd Moans uommlttoo FOSTER THE NEW INDUSTRY llio llrinov il ol the I'rcscnl lnr IT \ \ Oil lit Itlllll I III ! PlOIJHCt Ol tile hm ; ir II let In i Ills Country A I'lcn Irom ( iraml In an I \Va mimitov Inn li [ Special to Inn Hi 1 i J Iho following i' lleniv i Oxnuds eoniDlete tuiiiuiitut before the AVuys nnd Meani ; coininlttei , icpresentliiX ( thu Ucet Biibir Industry , Inniiiiry i ) Mi Chairman nud Cenilcincn of the Vnys nnd 1 Meiiuit ummtttee 1 eouiu befoto vou ludav t Iu bctiult of thu beet sti ai ludustiy , uud ' 1 isk Hull the protect on which It li bei u grunted j for the pist twenty ye ir9 01 more to the sue ; ir Industrie * of the states ho eon Untied some ycur lcti | ei nml theieby allow allow , industiy ol ireat pioiuiso to iti mon strulo its ability to supply In a luiv Veitrs the 1 homo annua with ill Its siiKUr at u chc 1 iper rite than it litis ovci before enjoyed , ami ' ut the s imo lime statu the fact tint tl Is theuulv ] course lor the e.ovcinuiunt totiku If It wishes to supply its iiilmlutunts pel in i- nenlly . with bUir ut the Ion est possible price ! It ij iu uuiienlublo truth lb it the only way to iltcrcaso the cost of un article is J to \ mere iso thu production nf thnt article bo Wind thu nan il lonsumptlon and by ibis | me 1 hod | radically iipplicd iu the licet fsugir I 1 rodticlug eouuliics ot tiuopovvuur ted iy injoyiug ] Biicur nt ivciyinueli lower cost tiiuu ' would ever huvi bei u possible had not these . countries by u hiirli pritcctlvo UrilT , foslticl uud developed iu in luslry vvliieli produce ted iy tnoio stiuiir than all the icst of 1 Ilia civili/ed world comhliied uud this hroiui 1 unit tat s-"oimf | ( lay williu ten yeum , if I iipplicd lu this country with Iho s iu o foi o sight und cucrc , v ns In those countries mill lurthcr : iciluco the co t of this ueeessiiy ir tide louonly loouiselvcs but to llio people of , Hie entire Mobe Any divitiliun at mis tlnm 1 from that policy by our government will < not only huvo a contruty etfect to tbo one 1 desire 1 , nnmelv , chc iper sugai hut may perm 1 inetitiy dostrov in the United blatuB an irdustry \ vvhic'i Is today u source of tnat iituioniil wealth to flermuuy , Austria and Inmo una vvbioh is the eroit eimiiier ci , il iisiicultmal and in.iimfactuimc iiidns trv 1 on the continent of IJuropo to 1 iy und ill this bus been accoiuplisheil within the last iifly years uy a progressive turilT which is lomlnucd ' to Ibis duy in every lountrv iu the world which cm piojuco a pound of sue ir today I ranee h is iprotflctivo t u iff on sugar of ' iiv < cents i pound flcniiiiiv tlucc uud a hnlficiits uud Austtia i Utile over four ccntn , iv title wc have only a protection ol two cuts u poun i Uut , gentlemen wo will not liuve to wait fifty vears for wo can take iidvnntaf , i at oiico ol thut which Hi sclcnco ofl ( uiopohts liiseove-cd ind doveloi ed in the ai t of siijui ( producius uud su ai lclin iuir tiiriicitltiunlly nud m nuf icturally speak inir dtulilK the last liftv yeirs In Ib-9 the sia.ui beet only continued r > per cent of suijirto the vvclcht of thu beet , and ton yens ice p pei ei nt was a ( rood average , whilst in IS t ) the uveraifu of 11 1 cr cent bas been obtiitud Now eveij percent iiiluis an incieiscof tweutv pounds of siurar to the ton of riw beets , or about three handled pounds to the tore so Hint the refiner with the same I ibor , with the s i no fui I the same pi nit und same cup Hal Invested obtains 100 pounds , more supar than ho did ten yeais ago llio result of this is to decrease the cost of sugar to the pro duecr and n\cntu illy to the consumer and bv tins process of selection and brecduiK in thu next lit teen yens the aveiutto win surely bo .0 per cent of sugar to the weight of the b ct I h ivo nolun/c 1 beets in hi bi isku which continued JO pei cent of su ar and bv Bclcctinc : tbeso b cts und by breeding from them iu the imirso of u few voirswe stiull bo able to obtiiu ti cron with n peiier il nveraRO up to that stinduru And for this very reason the sumr beet is destined to oti'slrip nil other known Bupir producing plants Now , in this coun liy live states whhh can to lav bocillcd su ar prodtn ins st ltos namely , Li nisi ma , leis , C dlfoini l , Kansas und last bat not lcit Isebrasl i , htvo un urou of blU,000 snuuro miles more thin the totsdaroiof I ranee , Geruni y and Austria combined , uud I may udd in all truth that nearly cvciy one of om noitlicrn stntis in Just us well alaptod to the , roivth of the suur ( b i > t Mv experiments huvo shown thut the seeds tint oi ted ftom lntoo | un 1 planted hero in our rich soil Mvo bcltoi lesults than In i u- rope iind to be u this out 1 < nn ( .Ivo uo bet tor ccunple than to in foi in vou that Ml bprccl les hid an iver 120 of 17 percent , vvhcicaj ut huiope the boots contained a lit tie over 1-1 nor c < nt 1 ho Alvarudo factory in Cillfornii during September and October when i was there mil voi ilied tlio repoit shoved over 18 pei cent of Biiear In Nohrmka t ! > > anal , yecs of dllTcrcnt beets cave 1110 an uvcr igo of 10 1 IU poi cent 1 iicse are facts and show that the soil and climate of this country is better adaped to the pruvvtb mid develop ments uf Blitar beets thnn tnat , of 1 uiouc Per many misons I proferoui Ivarthwcsiein states but if nothing , detrimental In the way of legislation occurs I um convinced thnt 111 1 D ) ivo will hcu beetsuar f i-toiies st irted nud worUini , successfully in every onu of our northern states cast of the Koekv mountuns and nlt ) up to the Atl intio ocean No 11 Osivoo ( , Js V , with si ircclj nnv knowledbo on the subject , beets have been crown una when niKily/cd by the department nt Hush Indian , shone 1 01 ci II per unt of sugar , will n is the lilgh stand ml of I tiropo today I no not mean to say that every soil is adapted to the growth of tho-suit'ir beet , but I ilrmlv believe th it cnouc.li soil uNists vvoll adapted to grow sticar beets la quantities and quality sunieicnt to supply the homo mar net of that pirtlculur state with loliucd sugar but thu supply of Iho homo murkot is not the only advuutugo to bo gained , I refer to the effect of the beet a op ou tbo soil Properly carried on the cultivation of the sugar beet Is gi catty beneficial to all othet agriculture llio dcop nnd careful cultivation which the beet rcipiiros greatly Improves the land , the sollbccoiniug thereby deepened nnd the dUin tccrratlon 11111 solution uf Iho miner ilcon- stituents greatly ucceleruicd 'lhu toproot of iho beet dec-ends toacrcit dcpth 01 soil which most othei plants fail to roach iho nourishment thus obtained pauses partly into - to iho loaves and is left with them on thu ground ut the tune of the harvest and to day In ! • uropo w hero the funm rs do not make a direct profit they mo willing und oven anxious to plant beets ns they llnd their next crop cronn on tha same soil is increnwod .11 pei tent 'llio pulp after thu suiiir is I lomoved makes an excellent food for fatten ing cattle und can be bold to the farmers for little or nothing It Is not the price of sutar or even tbo clothes ho wears that makes the furtner so 1001 iu Nebraska nut it is the fact thut ha Is putting only i f > 0 for the totnl grots receipts of his acre of corn , and there is no remedy for tills unless something like tbo Poet crop is introaucod which will yield him u ( , ross recolpt of from $10to ? ) | cr aero und 11 not profit of moro than tw ice us much us his Drcaatit crosg receipts from corn , und ho knows before hand when ho sows his seed In the spring oxnctly how much ho will receive , for Ids crop nt harvest Unllko com , wheat , 0 its aud other staples which ara subject to thu lluctuations of speculation , andlbisnppllca to ull thu farmers of the west I ao not believe President Harrison In his last message to congress bad a better exam pie m view when bo said , speaking of the tariff , "Tbo inequalities of the law should bo adjusted , but the protective system should bo maintained and fairly applied ta the pro ducts of our farm , us vvoll as our shops " Right hero 1 wish to call atten tion to a popular error , People often speak of raw sugar as being raw material , but no ono can deuy that raw sugar is a manufac- lured article which comes directly into com petition with all sugar factories which pro duce sugar from the original plant Why should we not retain the protlt to bo derived from that source in our own country , and at tbo sumo tlmo develop aa Industry which GAS FO OOOKINO AND HEATiNS , 'llio ideal fuel is gas It gives the gteatcst degioo of boat , li nhvnt-i undo control mil is absolutely without dust nun theio inn bo no ncililouts ftom iti ibo Si ictitllh Investigations huvo * hewn that food cooked hy it totains JO pei con mote ot its nullltivo properties titan if cooked iu tin old way Yntinevit nto n good \ steak uitk s you have tticd 0110 eooki d by gin The t otttnil HlulTs Osh ind Llcettie I.iglil coinpitiy iiavo made it desitiible iu point of eionotnyto use gna for 1 cooking and heating It vvillpty vou to invcstignto this 'llioii in gas hcattrs 1 and cookers uo tlio gi cutest sttceoss 03 mode u times They combine miicmusikaecm : : < ii aiiti uooMnn , kiuimss roit ikij , • > Attsoiirrr svrr.ri , < ; Kivri : ; > > r iuvii\c : ; < ; \i Aci'rv , ao 1 1 r iii\t. : imh : ruic i.hjbit rivnuis : or \ \ . \ . uim > h. vwa A\o e\ahi\i : : No210 I Main Sf , MERRIAM BLOCK , ' No , 211 Pearl St lOlTM'Ui l.MB > , lOtVA NEW ' i MEAT MARKET " ] sbiV oi > i\ii : : > . 'tor > iiitotniiAV Die hist Hi of and Veil in the tn irkot Uvctytiling of tlio host quilily uud in ices light down to the lowi st notch laid , S uih ige Oystets , and ov iy thing , Uoiit [ in the bntchu s line I ice dclivoty to till puts of tlio city * Si .9. Ii < ; it\V , I'ropi Icier ! uonolHs t our ftn mors nnd is the only sound basis j oil whiih wo < in cvci bull 1 our hopes for j cheap sugar I uropo m lbl3 only pro duced . ! OVi tons of stigir while in 1Y > 0 the production will exceed JiDOUJO to is und this result ns I have sud Iefore lus only been ) ncioinphsnol bv n IiIlIi prncotlvo tin IfT j It is uselcsii to attempt to builup \ this industrv { intl o United btitos without n protective toctivo t tuiilT anil i ) 10 in iv Inch pcoplo c in feci | , n stability for capit il will not caib irk j In this enterprise ulth asivorlof Uamoelcs hinting J over tlio industry und 1 feel sure that ( no bounty nn be substituted for pro lection t if the United b'utes wishes to sco this t industry tliiivc , un 1 beconio not only the t lurcest sugir consuminj but also the lurgost j sugar producing country in the world , Iu lbs wo pioduced from tlm stignr beet j ubotit 200 tons of sag ir In lbS8 about j bUO ons In lbsj about JOU tons In"M \ 1J ] ( ICO tons will bo pioduecl an increase In 1SU ] over 1 87 of about 5 ( Ml ) per cent , nnd if any ono doubts that this is the beginning i of a new en in thu sugar prod in Hon of the United States ho has only to eo to California Iv msas oi Nebraska und hi j will see th it the people of these states are iu r unestund the whole west is today ready i to develop this industry Wo I ive the climate , the soil nnd skill a id as soon us vva hnvo i the nssurniue tint congress will per manently j suppoit this industiy capital will bo | icady to t ivi st Pnvloiis to lbS7 some attempts vveie made but on such u snail s < ilo and mulct such uooi management that they \ could birdly lo cilliu attempts und weie \ tcally do unci to fiiluro bofoio they bog | in I ho first Inetorv uble to work under economic i conditions ever built in the Unite 1 St ites vv is erected in Lallforiu i 1 ist year it Watsonville JJ hero are it present two beet sugir ( fuctoiies in the United States 1 Iho Alimod i beet su , ar company situ ated nt at Alvarailo Oil with a cupaelty of working i 110 ions n day , which will ho in- cicased to . ' > 0 tons next ye ir i iho Western bcot sui , n loaipany situ i ted i ntV itsouv illc Cal , c ipai ity ! 0J tons , aiiothci fin tocy with a si Hilar capacity will bo 1 put up bv the simo company ucvtyearif tariff i li gislatiou docs not prov ont , situ ition not i yet decided IhoOxnurd beet sugar lompanv , of Grand Island ; , Neb e ip icity JjO tons.uoiv building , will bo ready to start September 1 lS'jtl 1 ich one of tbeso f ictories costs nbout * i ,1)0 ) 000 to build nud mil using fifty tons of coil , per day and employing JOO men , turns out , lbout tlurtv tons of sugir And in llbO we shall need ibout'OO tactorlcs of this sl/.o to supply our homo inai ket at an investment of , about * . ! W 000 to build Ibis would stimuiato i within the next tun yeirs ull our , Industries such us iron , coal , etc employ ( many Inboicrs giioall tin niuchiuo shops in the couutrv moro woik th m they could i io , employ 11(1 000 men in thu factories an I about 000 ( ,00 In the li lds K ion fao toiy i would distribute nbout * 2)10l)0 ( ) ) around eachcnuimunily i whtioit vvus located and mid i to the tenei.il welfare of tlio surround ing j country build up tbo new country and gtcitlv | increase the tralllc of the lallroids thereby i dccrcising the cost of s imo to the inh : ibit mis and in ull lieep in the country annually : upwirds of $100 000 000 spent in billing 1 sugiu ibioil.nnd probibly , yesmost piobiblv < , reduce the pi Ice of sugnr to the people ; of tlio United Slates ihoul tjOOUO,000 per nnnum And , kcntlonipn , the permanent foundation of this great industry its retarding oi i destruction rests in a ere it mensinc with you l'i mil S Hi nit SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS i-OR 3 U.E ArT RHT IjlOlt I KADI : rH iBcios " of do ir IvSiims land . putlj Improvid will triuls for h fluid stocK ol dry goo Is and iiocerieJ or w ill trade 8) ! ) acres for If UM stole of Lrocer cs Adlress tie Avonun I , ( ouncll llluirs la IOSl \ ihycicians dally i ill I ook , on tlio Jstieets of Cmttrll I tin tra lhuiHday A sitltiiblo leuant It 1 ft at the lice olllee WAN II I ) A cli rl ship inn uioiory sioto by n youiiiunn o ( expeilcucu VVllllug to work Ail tress ! > . II I' , WW llroadway , Coun ell Illulls NO 1101 If you have roil nstate or ctiattels jou want tn tlisposu of cptlcf list them with Kerr Ur y , Council HlulTs , la \\J AM PI ) \ t.ooil competent girl for house T > worn Worn llfalit ills meadniau , 102 O Milan 1 ave IjlOlT"lTT'NT Ono seven room It > u e on i ourth . ave ma , ona bUIH room Ho no nn hue end av onue an I one sight room h msa on loath treot all llttxil up with all mo Urn ronroa- lencos W W. lltlgdr , I carl street ' FOIt ltrNl riio linslue ss lioiiso lately occn pled by S , 1. McAteo Apply at Mil Uth avenue I ji0lt KI'N1-I bht ncro tract ot choice 1 harden land adjoining city ulso one of lr oost vineyardsnoar tlty Murrlal mnn of uxpirkueo with ( tapes wuntitl ( lood refer em is rt ( iillrcd Address A , Ilea olllco I'SlltAllbF rooms to rent ail I ts ot rooms with liall ndJiiiiiil , outsldo nitrnne | J7 Ininleu nve lioiiso lieu , rooms newly rurn Islicil.alsoa sipmatoslnepiiii , room Appoiut- meuts the very bist lu the city Come nnd stc 1jyOKI'\tlI' .Nai5-lorl stiijis of general : more lundlso to wxihanga for goo I firm lanlsand cashi Invnhe from SiiiD ) to 11. 'OJ ) Adilress Kurr Vdriy , Council llluirs la IilOK jJOtoH0n ( ) j nil ran buy n nice , now , ' clean stock of huiilivaru , stove uud tlmliop In one of tlio 1 est locations In Wiatom Iowa If you wunt a haidwure laiRlncis woul I bo pleuedto rt-fei you tn relluhle panics thut know all about our IiiisIium V cry sitlsfsitory rensonsfH Helling , It will pay you to Inv eitl- gate this Address II n , lieu olllee Council lillflH IrtOK I'XUI INllK-A g > ol newsroom homo . ' to exrhaiibo for an Improve 1HJ mo farm lu western or central Iowa Ken V dray mill WIWI HUH ' } " ItUIMllMt bOCIF-lV ot 1 Council lllutrs Inv ltes the attention uf men w orklng un salaries and othi r persons nf inoupr ate means totlioirco-opi'iatlvnplun forfceoiiring homes In this city , It is brllevel thut better terms ot purchase and irodlt can lu eltccnd under tills plnuthiiti by tuillvlltial ncllon and that a batter situ ntdulil orhooit and surroiiu 1- Insscau bitsecuridihanby purclualug nnllm provliglndei ) eiideiitlyaud liisopurute dUtncls In the city , Iho undersigned will furnish In formation aud shnw the properly to all Inquir ers ( Jilloo niieu from 7 ton on vveelc day even lugs C M hot * , room JOJ Merrlum block I' 01H for sale In Oak drove and (1 reonvrootl ud J Ull Ion lusy terms llottsis mil lots on monthly uuyinenU l.U DobK > , cor Cross and Hazel stH WAMl'I ) Ataonce , stock : of groceries oi general mtlst ) . tliat will Invoke about H.ooo , luenctiauKB rori' , V ln good Improved property near this place , I a I. lu cash Address Kerr Atray ) , Council lllutrs UTAMI I ) \ idrl foi eonenl hoiisevvoilc Mrs II J Imi" I ps-mini Mlist 17VOU b M 1 m I xciinco lhu fin nituro nhd "l use of nili loiin hotel lolng u bit business lniastein j Neb Price s iiij , } l MUi ise bil on * ensi , teiins oi will tike > flu to > l leil estnte / \d lress Kerr y. Uraj Comicll _ niinrs Nl VV Improved roil estate titniv fo titilra t liroiHa Omihior ( ouncll lllutlapr ji rty ( II Ju 11 Oil , itroa tiny El AI hST\TP-llou < llt aal koII an I ex- chmgel 9po lil attention civei to eta n Inationoftltlui j W C Jiinja \ > IJl'oailst Ii OkT IjForTletit flir lea 1 m 1 with houses , 1 by I It Kice lit Main st council lllu U WANTII ) At otin kooiI , llr t class ilritightsm m Apply olllco S U Mn\or. iiiililtect ! room al Merrl im block , Council lllull- ! It CT46 iiil . Electric | Truss33 , Belfj , Ohasr Pro = feotors , Elj , N/jl Agents wnr K < lt ( Iliownlnj ( ouncll llluirs In A. A. HART , HIlST I VS , Jeweler and Watcli KBnairer lias leuuiol fiom II ) M iln ht to fiiniioul- J w iv iln ) iv itch > i a sin tilty mil sitts , fiction ( .inrante 1 A full line of holt lay too l an 1 nov eltles , EYE , EAR AND THROAT SURGEON DcrcitlToMil : nanltt frittno Ir > iblemi-peHally IllJlhsm MClllVTHV IIIKSCIIIHUI ' icelnl aitcnilii Klvcn li ilrmle i eurntiiliif , l cailnelipo , i ill ilieri crio is ntrtttl us iliiKi n * Jo J Uj of nl Ich iu iiuui it by < iu irilcio t < , an 1 are ! i it rely rurillo ly inicr triatiiin ol the eyes Sui lMiinpf rpmifict 11 bl t nfirunc given , on i iti i bi til t , II ( niiirrli ire itc 1 nlth ill tuiccsi by in niter tlrft con v full , ftlon oniieioii iinnaiiH iv ami Main"iiii i r , ! _ _ _ _ Oi < ercoumll I lulls f-uvl i s malt Council III 11 la i Tl CELL & BERLINGIIOF , ARCHITECTS , AM ) SUPIJIIMI MII NIS Honin 2 , 0) ) on House HlOclc , Council liluffs , Iowa , 3noi Omrr't iH M Pi air OFflCER & POSEY , BANKERS ( ornei Main and ilrou iwav , COIJNOIIj IlliUri S , IOWA Dealers In foreign nnl dotueatlo eirhftiiga Uillictlonsmide posits and lnti rest paid on time do- ji il J D 1 dmuniison , E U minutiir _ . - 'SM I'ics Muiru 'i ' Ciias It 11 tNNav Cashier * CITIZENS'STATE ' BANK , - - ofcnuscn inert is Pnld UD Capitol < $ I50 000.00 Surplus 35,000.00 Liability to Doposltora 335,000 00 DiiiK-roiis-l A Vllller I O Olsason 1 U Rhugart I 1 Hart , J I ) I iliinilsnn ( tins It Ilunnnn Transact tuiernl hniiklug buslnjsj I nicest capital uud surplus ot any butilc la Northwestern Iowa Interest ou tlmo deposit * F. M. ELLIS & CO , ARCHITECTS ANDIIIIIIDlNa bUIM'KIMI'NDI'Sl 1 Itooms I Id aud 4II Hoe llulldlnt Omaha Neb rudlloonis.ll und JO Mtrrlam lllock UHindi Ultilfa Iowa CoiresiiuiidencuHolUltcl No 27 Main St , Ovoi > Jacquo- [ I mln's Jowelf y Store j ! Clioupai Hi 4ii " i.iir , - l I'verythlnt , In the ltarilvvnis line atflhugarl &Co s lloyp.thn pilces In skatesImveb.en cue In two , ami tl e llnest end lar/est line Injhe city to sulertfrom While the skatlut , Is aa I good coino in and get a bargain lire Uluct that every U purchase entitles tlio person lo a chance lu the brand drawing to take placi January 15. i > Kiiciraruiv vui < i > b Fashionable Confcctionci'S' ' ' 'llio verytatest novelties for l > Aiiie ! ! | < s and . private parties Cholui fntlu bou tons , i IiikoJ lutit buttircuis anl id fishtorm ! iiiolissea I candy asroclalty Orders for parties uni mull I orders promptly filled , a.J lloidway , council - , . J ' S. E. MAXON , ' ' < & llfchite.t and . Superintend3nt. . ( Room 2B1 , Men turn Bloclv- , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , '