a KB aB II IIIE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER 'It- - Many IutorostlnR Notoa Rogardlng M ± the Boys on the Road • M , \ Tll TWO-DINING ROOM SCHEME I \ NlM-ihIci Olrls I'ooll7cil Novel Hotel JIiiIch t'loturr * nnd AtitOKrnpli * Jm ItcquoNlrd Tuatly OITonilcil Votes nml Personals * ' NcliriNkn Glr-U the Omnha girl bow * lier Btntclj head , Ai 1 S\\a \ lior itj liah lips In n firm , linril wn im 1 lets thorn go In spiHtnoilIc llttlo sips i Clio firnn 1 Ufatul plrl reuiovoth In r spec * D An I frt.L70tll hop Ii\co with u snillo P Ana alio sticks out Im lips ltno nn open book , I JLAim clnnvotli lici rum int mwliilL * II o IlnstlnRS elrl sajs novorn worl Ana \oii I tlunli she w is rather tnmo Wilh her | radical \h.u of the initttr in linn 1 Hut liotct , thcro Just the same " Tlio Hoitrlco clrl the pn lo of tl o state Din hir clInciiiK nml soulful uu\ , Ahsor is It nil in a \ cirnfuloirn As uIr as u bale of linj IloWmoro M"l ( , ota n jrip on hciself , I As slice trofullv tikes oft her lint ft TTliou she tnib up the prl/o in u frenzied * W1 > , I I llto ik terrier shaking a rat IT1 e Lincoln girl so gentle nti J sweat I ols her Hi s meet the coming kiss With u npturons warmth nml the jouthful 1 loats until uwa } on n sen of bliss Wo line sung vou asonjof tin girls who Vml U1SH It sots ono s b-nin In a whirl Hut to icich the liolirtit of i lrtlili btUs \ou must kiss ti 1Mb Cit tirl With our nrm'round hcijiat , litr fjco ui tumid f / In a sueot , conflling uiy t \oa euro woild not u. tent for thu whole wldo iliouf.li the wind thioiifch jour whiskers < " " * Anil closer together jour lips jou draw , I llll thev Tieot in a rapture is ( , low I And tbo sin ill hoj hidden behind the finco I Crlts ' Onll ithi-r , lot hoi fo A DllUMMKII A Driiiiinit i h Miv Vtim h 1 ve 11 note < tty I cm i m Drearily inoins tlio night n ind , Dlsmillj falls the rum > Ucirilj Lroiks tlio shuttur Against the window pane Alone with siddoncil niomonos I sit in lho dim firelight An t I would mvo the worll to press Mj hibj'scliLek tonight ( Ilcr ojes the nro tl o bluest i limy d shame the M.rj sk\ , , Her checks uro wind blown roses I hroith wnlcli the lunolnd9sifh i Her hair is tangled suubca lis \ Her inoutli too swcot Dy linlf * SOT 1 d ( , lethe worll tonight hoar mj babUugU f \ Last night I dreamt I saw lior ff ' Her face was raillant fair El Out when I tried to clasp I or yr bho vnnlshcl Into air * Hi i laugh wan just ns merry As fro n nor lip * it foil ( Hut ills'lior guidon riiiclcts Werocrowuod with ashodell [ 1 know 'twas but a \ Ision A'fie lit of fnucv s ( light M > oabj aw cot reiosos liy tier uiothci s side tonight Urenrily noans thu nifhtwlnd Dism illv falls the nin And Olid M\o the world to kiss Mj b ibv h cheek ng iln 1 wo Iiliiini : Itootii" So\orilliotclB in the stnaUci places ! thioughoul the state h ivo nlootcd the novel two dining loom plan , which the tri chug inon cousuloi to bo p. good one A dining loom is set apart fet the 8J ti din guests If a in in pa a for ti CO ) cent maul ho gets it If ho tlosircs u 2o cent rac il ho gets that Ho p ijs nia tnouoj , and tukos his clioice This the ttn\oling mon say is justleo md as it H f should bo 1 ho hotel business , is it is jHHk commonly tun , is the ouI\ one that , % Bolls goods oil the s uno pioeo at u dift fcioncc of 100 per cent in puce lor OMimplo , the writer las in lived at u hotel at night when the liotol vas full 1 Ho was cbligcd to slcoi ) two in n bed , lia\ing foi a bed follow n grangct whose business leapt him in town Iho follow nig mot mug on piling tlio bill the tru\oling tnim found that his loom mute , wlio o appetite was fullj equal to Ins own , paid fet his suppei , lolging mid InoakfaHt 75 cents while the writoi v is charged foi the identical accommo dation $100 , hoc uiso foi sooth the wiltoi was a tunclui } , mini lhis is 1 but ono oxainiilo of a common method If in o\oiy siiiall pi ice some porsou would olloi strictlj lirst class aecommo1 flutiojis at $2 poi dawhoto oseij- thing would ho cotnfot ttihlo anil clo ml\ \ , and eon though thoj u\ouiged hut ; tin oo oi tout guests , thoi would malco ; - moro mono and maKe it casior than b- . - thej do in tunning a largo hotel witli • Hiuuh liotii utid ucccsbiii\ attendant o\- " " ' lulb0f , ) " 's ' the hooping of a largo . Jiuiiibui of town boirJoiaatti\er\ prlio fet boird that lenders il impos- Bible fet the lnndloid to maKe ti liuan- clal success ns thoto is llttlo nioiiuj ' j1"a tlio hotel business in Nebraska at $4 oi $5 n w cole lho lannloid is puis/lod , for ho cannot ulToril n $2 n dnj faro to his legulnt ho irdors and hlsl ot Son woolf fate will not please those who ntij at the into of $11 , so ho compromises • with Ills cotieeionco b } hiixing whnt ho toi ma a ' tratislont table , " nt which ' lie feeds his commercial men , but , mat Ic j ou , glvos thorn u\uctj ! the same lure 'lho wiitoi has no dealto to pose as n "kiekoi , " but ho does fool lit tlmos i\huu ho gets wonts that ho gets as lit tie eomfjit out of the lnonoA paid to eoino hotels as it is well possible to do Aftot u travolot has finished hisdiij's , ) work ho is cuuipolloil to mul o hisplnns > , do his eouuspondeiieo in nu olllco which is full of loafois mid lieoplo who hi\o { J . no business there and do no good to the f. hotel in any waj Ultoj monopolize ovoij aecouiinodatloii in the way of stove , chillis , tables , oto , making it ub- Bohttolj neccssarto do thinking mid writing tiinldstii babel of cottioisition ' , which is of Intotcst 'A'j no and oulj tends to coiifusiun.wliiohovil ho has to cheese betwi on ami thilt of paying CO cents foi V a llto in n loom which is ohooiod onlj : bj the prcsoneo of a steve , bed , wasli- et md and u (1x8 ( rippled siufaccd mirror and half ti bai of luiitiilij soap It is often nmusltig to hear tlio opin ion of people to whom tiavolors pay , thoj that . , . money iissutno the mun has an unlimited latilc rz uecount to draw fiom , that ho is out ouh to have a good T tlmo and spund the aforesaid wealth ? , aud it makes no dilTeronco how much ; ho tttes . 'i his is a mistake , iiniamueli ' J as the traiolor onrnsoiorj cent of it or liu fulls to hold his positiun , IIo earns * , not onlj tills moiioy but a profit for his l ! . > T oinpto\oi and hlsowti salnti , which is > * . all ostunatcd on whnt the man sells and > * s i must corau fiotn thopercontugo of prolit "J f thoi eon , A lUoi j man on being accused of demanding uu oxoibitiuit ehargo lor a tig said Why , what dilloionco does It inako to > ou , your Utta pass for it , jou dent The trn\olor replied with truth "Iilo paj for It , and if I did not I would ha\o jou 1 now tint 1 am doing this work in an ondca\or to make a dollar lar for m\ firm " A trnvohng man , as a tulo , is as willing to pay for iintthlng which ho gets ns nny man , and is fully as nppiccintiso of a kindness nsnio ollicrs ' Seine NovhI Itittos Ono dahst week , while eov oi il comtha morelul diumniors wnro luting dinner "J0 . at Landlord Clark s hotel in Creston , ono or two of the pirty had occasion to mil o a kick when their attention was called ( to the rules of the house , whichul wcro consplcttoi slj in several patts of l'10 ' ollico Hill Lilli , the grocorj tnnn fiotn lVoniont , was the llrst to wilk the lope and read the rules , wlillo II C Tliurbor , , the iuepicsslbla hirdwnte ) iiHtli r from Council ISIulTs , stcnlthiU . . mat , chod fet ward ind inteicstcd himto solfin . the deal lho rules road as follows ' , ' ( Jin sts must pom iipM nnnd sl\ bits bofoie siniii'the hiok bhurt , lilts don t known t lieci No nickels } , oi 1 ilpot seats t ikni Oests will love tli irwcopln'ssosthej 1 not ( go oil in the uito Sopo and towl will bo found ncor watring tiof No lltin orshootln illowed in the bed runes Gosts must sine thaii naiiis o\rj dti > and piin coi dingl > I ugest how isnt s iti'-fled wltlitlieso tools must mon oi stond the Ion scnuenccs lhe above lulesspotk for themselves and weic oviiiontU the lnvontion of sotno i wild ind wonllj westeinoi fiotn the far ' west A II bo\oi the mail pouch tobacco mill , also took a poop it the sinus . and thought the woio posted for his especial bonoflt , is he hud been ! lticking j during the fotonoon about the couidoisof ' the liostcln in icgaid to i late ' tiams tind lite dinucis Tool * , mi Intt rest Amoiiein Coininorcial lri\oloi I list . ti u cling m in Hello Tickl I h ivon t soon \ou fora dogs agol How uo iouJ i Second T M Inst diss , Ocoigc , getting on Hist t ito I irst T M Glad to hear it Second i 1 M I ict isGcoigo , I Iiino an intei Cat in the business now tin self 1 irst f M Vou dent s ij so ! When did th it happen i Second 1 M I list of the car 1 list T M Well well , t congi itu late jou How did it como about Second 1 M Well , like this fust l hofoto } ) the Hist old Cishbos c illod mo j . . . into the tinvito olllco mil told mo I hud 1 got to take an Intel st in the business or quit so I in taking an intei est in it L now , -oor I mhtcpii ol I li in lonotlier List luesdi > mouun , just is the sua wts malting its ippeuineo in the ; 0l lent , ti procession of oi/hteen f it and ' hi ilthy knights of the gup foitnedni i line , it the Citv hotel , Si ribnoi , and till i iuirehcdo\et to the 0 20 train , ; oiti west , oa tlio Llkhoin It proluced quite a sons ition , ns the line of in irch wn > ? conduetcl by Bill LilU wliose lotuud foi . in loomed up in the ttrl\ mottling atmosphcto ' liloaKomm genei il at the hcid of a Slicodonian philin\ Aftoi thov were scitod in the elbooso Cionoinl I lllwus tendnred a vote of f \ \ thatiKs for Ins mtlitarj sigacit > &u gcstions woio tendoicd to the ( .onial goncril is to the mode of bombndmciit of the ill st town , but ho declined to ac eopt thorn , and pioeeoded in regul n mili * irstlo AVith all his forces in line ho moved on the innocent inh ib | ll tuts of Dodge S C Motiow was dulj ippointod lioutoiuint of the brigido ' , while \ II I3o\on , who had futnished till the binoking tobiceo used by the pnt > whiloin trinsit , thought ho was entitled to a commission and was do ' tallod as coi nornl At ono tnno dining the soigo it w is supposed ho had do- = sorted but was found Htot in the ictr of a bum posting up his tobacco sius , ' No liavelliiK Sleii There In the Ohio ponitontiarj overj trndo and profession lsiopioscntod among the ' , con icts except the tiavclitig man and fthat's ! about the only place ho isn't & Not ono of the 1,000 ooi sold goods on the ! road as a commercial trivoler , which is quito a compliment to the pto fessiou Doclois , lawvois , biukois , nowspipai mon , farmc-s mochanlcs , minifctors all mo ropicsontod Phoro are several loasotis that might bo as signed for tins but wo wont attempt to gno them lho tiavolnigmati 'alwnjs \ gits there , " but not in the pen Tnxlnir American llriiiiimors 'llio American drummer has boon . legislated out of the sister republic sivs tno Motohant lii\olot Mo"icin bujors will now hue to buy bv eata logdo ot visit the United States in poi son . to prot ute Ainotic in goods Some tlmo ago tlio states of Uoahuili and Nuo\a \ Leon pissed a special ltiwtaxing dtuminois fioin fotoigu count ! ios and neighboring i states who niiido poiiodit eal trips within the states the sum of $23 pei trip foi % isiting cities therein A munieipiil tax wts also laid on thorn in j all intoiioi towns 'lhis was donotis a ; menus of protection fet the Alotttcrov and Saltillo wholesale houbos against foreign wbolesnlo houses lho federal goiernmont , beconlng cognizant of the fact , at tlio instance of , thn , Citj of Mo\ico wholesale doulors laid n fodornl tax on druinmord , thus . viitu illy closing out tlio foreign dium- mors , and mso compelling drutnmois when , oulj tiavoling in thoii respective slates to pia tax to the fodoial gov- eminent Atprosont when a drutntnci fiom j n foioijjit countrvisits Mexico ho is i compelled to paj a federal , state and munieipnl tax , which complotnly shuts him ' out , as thotixos iltogothoi ainouitt to , iieiulv $ J0O a tiip in anj ono state It Will l > Gin-it Messrs Dillon & . Pari ot of the Hotel , Host wick , Hastings , Neb , htuo just hud completed fet thoit ollico a mum moth picture fiamo nluo by twelve foot in size , of heavj gilt moulding Mod with crimson plush It is calculated to hold ovoi thieo hundred cablnot pho- tographs of the bojs who patronize this oxeollont liostolij 'lhis adds unothot tlo whioh binds the Bostwlok to the honitsoftho knights of tlo grip not 'a ' guppo Messrs Dillon A. Purkor trs to please the tmvoliiig fiaternitj , us the maiiiior with which the bojs pull for Hastings to Sunday is full proof that they appro- elute the efforts on the part of the Bostwlok uuuiagoinoiit to please thorn , Wt ito jour autograph on your cablnot photogiaph and mail it to the Bostwiclc aud see how piomptly this gift to the boif will bo flllod up Sunday this liotol is as homelike as anj in the wept , and mniij ploasaiit itioniotlos cluster about it 'lho real btmquot and ball tendered the travelers last oar is o- mombotod with pleasure bj many .luntly Oirumleil A well known commercial traveler was much provoked recently while at- toiidlug service in a small Nebraska tow , sijs the Merchant Travolcr As the scrvtco progressed ho was surprised nnu- indignant to honr tlio proachcr In Bpenklng ' of the lack of moral training in the joulh of tlio countrj , diroeHy at- tack ! the commercial men In an utterlj uncalled for maniior.iholdltig thorn un ns cxnmplo for vice and immonlitj In cominotiting on the sermon he sivs that the clcrgjmnn referred to the tommcrclnl moa ot thocountiv as o\- niuples , nnd hold thotn tip to the scorn and contempt of his nudicnco fet dissoluteness , imtnoralltj and \ulgarlU , in this , that when any num hot of them were togcthoi , Without the rcstnitilng Inlltionco of the presence of ladles | tholi actions and convorsition vvuic unlit to bo seen oi hontd md that thoj were shining ovnnples of the bisost inimot itltj nnd vulgirltj lho linpicsslon ; ho coined to wish to eonvev to Ills henrets was that the commctcial mon were unlit to associate with 10- spcctnbla people oi to be admitted to then homes Such lnnguago ftotn one supposed to bo n teachet of the , lnl tinii grices of truth and i luiiitnnd one of the ciull- nnl | points ot w hose doctrine is to spe it ill of no nun , is uoth sin piising and coutomptiblo and elciilj domoiisti tted how little actual knowledge ho possessed 1 of traveling men ns a class Ihcro no tt ivclin/ men < whom on dlsginco to thoniselvos nnd ' < o their catling , but this is ttuo of all professions oven the ininistimd ap piofcs ion is so quiel to condemn i dlslionoriiblo netion on the put of an > of its mombois as the tmv Hug men thcuisolvcs Some > cius ago tt uollng men wous looked upon gonei illv us a nitlioi giv y i . < 4 , and woio not even given iiedlt for ' the oidluniv good qualitiob which ill ' men posies in some degtt o iod iv , howovei all is dilTcunl lho In go houses einnotallotd to bo lopresontcd bv \ othci than men of ability , and bj gentlemen as well ind the elcigvtnin lcfotied to would hnd it bettet tic qutilnted with trivcling men , that tin io are no mote able , eonseieiitioif- I md- he . n ted gentluincli in any piolcssion than can bo fouil I in the l inks of the met ( chant tmvolois of this countij > aniili | s . Ch ' u ley Giotts wis soiling good bills in wet h ndw no foi nu Oin ill i house along the 1 lkluin line nisi Units day dayO O " H Biockw iv vvl o sols ' hatsand c ips , foi I igon A , Uanowof Oiiiuliti wont out ' ovoi the Union Pucilie hist Tucsdtu IIo is tilting oidets foi spin g doliveiv Mi's Gi ice lit v nit tuivcls fet in Om ilia house nidi- , mil in , ; the iiiiiin line ot tiie I'mou Paelllc I'etci Biuhti of Itcmniit with L P I non Ifo wus hustling ti ido ilong the Albion bi inch ot the 1 lkhoin lonl A T AVulcott att"iiiptcd to gre wo Ilowells . Neb last liid-ij , with his nopul n lit mdb of lubi Ualin oils He accomplished his designs as II C lhurbei thejollv h irdw ire man itimi Council ' BlutTs nntrowlv escaped bte il in ; j- his light aim when his , 1 > 0 pound ivolidiipoib come down ca bill on the sidewilk Bill Ltllv of I loiiiont nindo Ins ic u- lit i , weol h loundstohisi ustonieis ilon the Llkhoin 1 ist weel Buol Couch , the Dillwottli colTco man iiggod out sovoi il ot the bovs lust litesduj with h it bauds iidvcttisttig his popular blinds or collee lho binds wetociv unique mil novil and ot be tiitiful sh ides li nidbomelv p tinted with niintei s nil L O Morrow the pool man sfi lend of Council Blulls sells i i Iculttti il nn ploinouts foi Aultm m Alillei A. Co Ho 1 is out settling upbick iccotitits with the getiiil faimerb onlho I lkhoin toad S mi Ivan the ltilliii ntial nhoe mun fiomChictgo f , wis in bownid on Mon day toe ill on Cousin Geotgo but ua 1 Cousin Geoige w w not icidv to nuy , , Omaha will have the pletisuio of booing ; Sinn heto ngiiin in a few das Prinlcdlor of David Adler Clqthiug coiupany Milwiuikco h is boon calling J on his latgo ti ulc in Omaha thopist [ wcok I rink knows a good town when he sees it , and always stays in Oinah i about two wool s Louis Wormsei , the big shoo m in of [ Nebraska j , , has been soiling lots of goodh along the Union Pacilic loidtlupist week He spout Sunday at Stapolliurst A B Clnik , with Adams ABtiiko Omaha connnission mon , logistttcd it the Albion house at Albion 1 ist 1 rida\ Ld Leonutd with MeCord , Biidy A Co , Omaha , c iu ht some juicy otdru at Albion lust I riday Id looms up with old time vlgoi nnd sollbas iniiny > goods is inv man on the load II Hitchcock of Omaha made hn 1 legulat | rounds among his cubtomeis on lho Hlkhoin mail lust 1 liday Mi A B Davenport of Kansis City , one of the best known liotol men in the countty and for i number of yenscou- ncctod i with the Millard of this city ihas 1 been an Omaha visitoi foi a fott- night ' past Satin da v ovonlntr his old fticndr A Balch of tno Barkei iu- vitod . a few ftieuds lnfotmiilly to moot Mr DavonpOtt and the result was one of the mot delightful ovoningbovot o\- poi ionccd by those whoso good foi tuna it i was to bo present It was a mooting of comridcs and friends and the spirit of good fellowship which pro vailed } makes it a night long to bo leiuembered J in inu nisioiy 01 me guests wuo weio O , C Ilttlott , DV Vm Cott II II Banibridgo j , T O'Neill , Tulo Lombird , I rank Balch , A B Davenpott , C IC Collins ' , rrnnlc biduoy and DV Hajncs The menu wusoij ulabotito 111U handsomely solved The irrepressible J D Andersen , who tiavels I fet Pitkin A Lhooks of Chicago , made i sovcial good towns last week on the 1 llkhoin load IIo gees to the Black 1 Hills this week , wheio he antici pates ] a good trade Dlvei the national money logistci J man , sold twoordcis in Ilumplnoy lust 'luesJ iy Harvey , the boot and shoo man fiom Omnha , sold his eustomcis in Albion liidny At tlio lloiulx At the Millard W. Guliimii , St Iouis , A Y Reese , Sioux City , V A , low ban 1 rinielsco , James V MiuIiowb , Mexico , f W Koonoy , Salt lake , A. A Rolf Chicugo , H L Hoson , Now * Yoik , William Oiotiwald , Now York , John P Stevens , Boston , M. Marx , Chicago , I. W DIgglos , Chicago , C. Dobbiucr bt Joe , J 1' . M Gvvonn , St Paul , II II Balnbrldgo , Now Yoik , G. W M Koch , Chicugo , J. L Mortis , St Louis , It L Jones , Hood ing , Pa , r II Hurley , Kansas ; City , M S. Stuidovant bt Louis , C C iitzinomize Chicago , T. J. McGraw , Chicago , II Koohn , Chicago , W. B Patteison , Kansas City , Win T. Ammerman , Now York , Goo Ruben stlno , Now York , M. S Woodwara , Des Moines , G M ShaimnnSt Louis , G L Maitland , Chicago , D J. Torbos , bytucu-e , N Y. , T. C Urandmun , Chicago cage , 3 R Prawloy , Kansas City , J. H Gi eon , Dos Moines , M W. Pottei , Bos ton , A C 1'eathoistone , Mlhraukoe ; C A Wortmnn , Chicago , P L Lddv , Now York , W. W. Mum , Now York , B L. Llsworth , Chicago , C A. Latu- tou , Detroit , O. M. Carr , Chicago , Win A Barnett Davtoa , O , Win Tucksou , Nowurk , N. J ; J. C , bctiroador , Now York , G. H. Winans , Kalnmaroo V. II Lomly , DotroltMicli ; W. C Cogill , Cambridge , O , At the Bat kor Robert Sloan , Keo kuk , John Gonnaln , W. A. Mack , I Cni unatigh , Louis j. MonacoN ow York , Lovrcl { DoVoll , Chlcairo , l'dgar Wolsoll , Lincoln , W L Ihomson , Boston , W. jl Johnson , P It Ahfltows , DosMoinos , I M McAdnms , Uenvor , C AH in liirucr , ChlengOj , tiiiies ( R Porter , Bulgier Neb , W P Connor , Boone , W. II Bray ton , Lincoln ; Will Ucddon , Si Iouls , li I O'Hrion , ICtnisis City , I1 r Reuse LlnoolhL Hornndy Grand Island , P , C Mntshill , Cniitoii , 0 , f II JamesChicago , W II Gtegg , St Lo lis At the Cu oj M. M Myors , Kansas Citv William Brawn , Plnttsmouth A q Hull , Hastings , G A Duncan , Knn- s is , City , W L I lshoi , Chic igo lames A Day , Cincinnati J I Ivirklndiill , Chicago 1 D Hairison , Kansis City , i icd Pllaou'iig , Hoi tnnn 1 L Iluullcv , ( olorado bptings , Col , I W lreoman , ( n nnd Isl mil ! I. 1 Clark , Alma G j 1 Moofoit Dos Miinos , II L III \ \ iss , Paige 1 P IcnkitiH , Chiongo , 1 dward \ \ in ren Now \oik City P Sttmilntt , Dotiolt , I L McDnugli Old , q W tones Chicago I1 M Specs , Mitinc ipolis , 1 P Median , ork , Pi , ty L Ciillcsplo Stillwntci Minn , C lv ] lebbctts , Omaha , C 1 I loniitig , Chicago I L Slieaun St Louis , I avciv itiiw nu ce , vv ti Livingston , Noifolk W A Pent/or Pindloy O O ( J Ivon von Chicago , I il Mus- gt ivo Omaha , r A01 tnian.Chlcairo , W W Obtiorn olouxCity , 1 C Leo , Milwaul eo , lohti R Bt ulley San 1 tan L sco P R Hridloj and wife , Denver , lorn Dcnnisou mil wife Denvci , R R Waugh , Pcoiia , 111 ( . 1 Latshnw , St 1 ottis T M 1 iggai t , Rochester N " ! i , II P Raftoi Don nit I" t WaineiSt Piul , Mum W R V111- cent , btiponoi , I IIo ig , Chic igo At tnc Windsor 1 b Willi nns Clm igo , II I. Paulding , Rochc-tci , William flubbnd , Adrian , Mich xl P liickmaii , biou\ City A II Minion A 1 Mctallv Hufi ilo , \ \ I CilMns NewVoik , 1 Pile Boiton , C 1 Dan toi [ th , Om ilia II 1 MeAilow , Kansas Citv , I J OCi idyChic i 'o , ticnie ( O Not j ton , Omalii I If Ritchii M 15 Ilillv j , Now 011 , II AVllson Denver j 1 II 1 ! tbcocl , St louis j II K Ried , Iviilam 1/00 At the Windsor W A St-alton Omaha , M Lichs thicigo Ilcmy Rathe Iiiuiauiinolis , II llalin Ciiici o A I oliiuiiii C hie igo losetih Diwson , j I tiicoln , L t Shlistei Oinah 1 R G A est leivcnworth , T C Wood , I W Dins Chii nro C I Cumin , Co lumbus j O , W C blcphens , Chic tjo , C ( D Pitts Colnmbu- 1 W Coles , Cincinnati ( 0,1 U 1 wohey , Chicago I Lticuev S in Antonio lev is Attho Muitnv G W W heeler , Cln- e igo I II Huinm iston St I oiiis W II 1 Obcndorf Chicago II A Kennel , C ' hie ice A P Will iiison Minneapo lis 1 MivSiltngoi , Plitlidulphia , WB I uton , BurlingtoiK 1 I lytlovv , New \oiU C S Scht'im ' Milw mkoo M Umoll , New \ orl , C C Snlicstet St louis A I SlIiwuilMilwaulee , I I Cndo/i , Now \pik I A C icgg St louis 1 L Aloxupdci St Louis A B 1 llithoi lie Clue igo Geoiger Coopei ' Miiincapoli Id Wilcv , Quiiicy ' 111 , fohu Moxoy Now yoiii M M Iltiinmcl , New Voik , I I Cohen Chicugo , W W McComb W I Robot , Dnvo Bin 111 , Miss \I Slocoinb Ulnc io ( llutrv Hop kins , R R Bulloik louisville ICH Britcnslool , Roche ter Is \ L V Ktit , Chicago , R M'ni tines , J Ullman S A "Winklci Ndw "i 011 , \ S Hy lei II II Shaw , li I I iiuboitsoii 1 II Hi idle , Chicago 1 M Giin/ebuttr , .Nqwlnil.jl D Murtin Indiaiia-pohi , L M Bull o , Buffalo At the Pixlon Geotgo R Stein linusei Chlcairo Divitl McCntucy Pittsbuig Robcu 1 Sti tdeoltu Id illo A IS Stevenson C hu igo G II Crush Donvoi D V\ Itniev , Knits 13 ( ity C I MedllUov , Providence R I , T 1 Dtcyfoobo , Chicago , Low I home , Wabash Ind , Chatles b lullon , Ottawa III II P Iind-ay , Chicago , Gi or o Lebboig Chicngo , T Wolf , S lU Litl e , L Nowinin Cuicuo , P L Reuililndt St touts , H L lioneh Ciiicin n iti 1 1 llutcuii , Philadelphia , L D Hiniklcv , Milwmlee , P F Cdlins St I ouis , II W Steore , Piov idenco , R I , 1 icd li Piitehaid Clove land T L Cobb Attlebotough MiibS , H Ilonotkamp St louis J it Han is Neotia Wis G b I niilcis , Conueeti cut II C Cole man , Philadelphia , W C Butlci bt louis , II II Holfcnstein , Chovctine Tosoph Unci cs Now Yorl At the Moiciiunts William A Dow noli , Memphis Ifmn Atelubild Billies Boston I W Buehini 111 Cln- cage Charles Dievfoos Chicago V A Cainhill Ivans is City W V Canada * NobriakaCily P C McGowon Yoik L II Duel Now Yorl , Dcntt M Ion kins , Boston , IIoiuvV Matin Now \ork , D Dow net , Denvci , 1 W Letgh- ton , Knnsus City , L L Buck , Now \ork , Chailcs L IIuiiis , Lincoln , C II late , K nib is Citv , W C butphen Noifolk ( H Hvorill Gordon , W II Hveiill Chicago , T H Mutiny , Chi cigo , t C Meinll St I ouis , A C Lotton.V Incago , W. L Page , Cliieno0 , fames Moisiu , Pliiladoliilua , ) W Bunn Kansis City , B McLean Chl- ( ago , H M ltiinoi , Chic igo D L bliiinfolt , Potoisbiitg , W A Miles Columbus O , W A Ham , Chicago , II 1) A'lon.bt ' Louis , J A Morgan , , bt Loui1- Charles Cauatri > , St Louis , Alex P B own , Phil tdolphiu Sleeplessness nervous prostration nervous dyspepsia dullness blues curel by Dr Mlles Nervine humpies free at ICuhn t Co 's , ISth and Douglas A I'nciiinntlu riro Tor U oyclen A pnoi iniitio tire foi bicycles has bean invented in Belfast Ireland , which , if all that is el mnod for it is tine , must make a now 01 a in this method ot re el cation , buys the Chicago louinul of Cotuincico The tn b for a full loadstor is about two and a half inches in din motet , and is composed of an outot col oring of nibboi , graduated In thickness ftom about 0110 quurtoi of an inch , wlioro it touches the gtound , and pto toctodbv canvas whbro it is attached to tlio rim , wlneli is very broad and nonilv flat Itioido this outer covering is an inner tube which contains the air Ino air is pumped in with u foothill blower , and a pvtont ail valve prevents its rotuin Vibtn- tlon is practically annihilated It is intercepted between the rim and lho ground and consedUehtlj the frame receives - coivos 110 jar except when au uuubuallv lmgo hole is ancouijjxycd A frame so pi otocted should wear ) out two frames with solid tned wheats , and not only so , but riders will bo nblo to use voty much lightoi fiauios without any danger of their collapsing In a rooont fifty lnilo road championship in tbo Phoenix pirk , Dublin , ono pf tlio competitors 1 ode a racing safety , fitted with "pnou- inatio" tires and scaling only twenty throe pounds , and yet it passed through the ordeal an 01 deal try'tig to oven the heav iest makes without the slightest damage Antivibratlon , luggage and cumera-cariiurs and spiing lamp brack ets are qulto unnecessary , and the com plete abt > enco of noise puU the finishing touch to the comfort and enjoyment of the rider Tim Man MhuUAItri t'nrnrll Captain O'Shea , who has begun di vorce piocecdinga against his wife , oiling Mr Parnell as a co respondent in the case , is the only son of a well known Dublin lawyer , and was born in 1810 Ho wns educated at the C ithollc tollogo of 0 cottnont Birminghamand nt Trinity col'ego , Dublin Later ho sorted in the British nrmj , but retired in 1S07 on his mnrrineo with Mis * Knili- orino Wood , daughter of the Into Sir Page Wood , Bart of Rlvonliall Plnco , l'ssox , and sistoi of Genoinl blr lively n Wood , faomo ton venis igo ho formed the ncqunintatico of Mi I'nrnoll , and introduced him to his wife , a beautiful , clo vet and captivating woman Mr Pnrnoll soon became on friendly torni9 with both Mi and Mts O'Shcn , and when lie wns imprisoned in Kllmniu- haul jail Ctiplaiii O'Shcn undertook tenet net as a negotiator between the home tiilcisand the liberals Mi Gladstone accepted Captain O bhoa's offer at the time , ind the Kllinaluhnm treaty was the result O bhea was subsequently oleetcd to piiliatnont on Hu national ist tiikot A tew months Intei tin open ruptuio ensued between him and Mi Parnell , when O'Shc 1 big in to vote with the toi los against the hotno- rulers During the Parnell conlinUsion Inqulri ho appealed in the witness bo\ iiguiiibt Mi Parnell Heidirhc neuralgia dizzlniss nervous new si urns slceplessnojs iurcd bv Dr Miles Nervine Simples frco at Kuhit A Co s 1 th and DouU is lhc rl the rreslil lit IC1II1 ( I Gilbert Wooton whose | iig met un nntunc , 1 v cndbefoio Ptc-idont Httri- bens hu cch louleron his leunt event slen Into Viiglinn feels much tinted ovoi the liroinlnuncc it has given him , says 11 Richmond dispitehto the Chicago cage Hot ild Gilboitis apioiptious colored mini , who owns a huge faun on Chipo iv creel , and docs tnuih In the wood and luinbct business lie is con stantly on the go behind a well-fed liony nnd to socuto in intciviow the | llciald cotiespundent had to lido With him ) ibout lltteuti miles iltn lug which j hodtew foith the toloiod mtin'b vcislon of the pig storj ' flout in lioui fob Biinduvvn t ni\ boy lionid 1 lot of shootin' and , doin s ovet at Mr 1 ijlot s pi uc nn'foun , dnt do picbident wis xNitin' him | , he went down to wutiih do hos es ntdocticl mil hi.eid a boy iriiiulin tight , sum I out in do in 1 sh nnd seed two | white whisknhod gciiimeii le ivm do ( 11111 sh wid dole guns nnd get in a sic im lnnch on do sbow 1 no lnich den , wont down do ti itk an1 'lonn' by do libel , to Uppih Biandon My bov den seen 11 llttlo bo it and my < < i > Piesldonl Han iMin , Conimodo' L itemuii an 1 lot mo goinnien fiotn up Noif uu ( lo picbidi lit done shot vo' ole hog lack den , wi nt out to do hog and kirn up to de house m'lolo us 1111 we all went di wn in' liiung mi do hoj , -cgwinetoiuio do 1 lust hum 111 0 wo used to fo do w ih < ti send it up to do piisldnnt an If ho want ua mo poik j ( sbond him lo I uclo Gtlbeit Mrs W nislow h Soothing Svi ip for child , ! tn eelliing is thof initly beiicrie : tot Zo cents 1 bottle Splitoiiltmi nil I I t Hit If ipouses 1 v cy bodv h is heard of those b iv igc tribes ( hu ility boutti se is I oeliove ) , whoso tneinbois deem it a boimdcii dutv to bi lin thoit ngod inreiits and thus save the old folk fioip the troubl and bothet ot livincr on , but the economic side of this buibnous custom tntiv , ot ( ouiso bo coiibidi red Something oqimllv distiessing has to bo chronicled of the bpidcis sivs a writer tn the Lon don News lot it is ci itain that Mmc Spider ib on the whole , a logulnrvi mgo She boats md mauls her hus bud , nd if police courts existed 111 spuloi society the nmgisti ites would Iiiiyo amis } tlmoofitin the vvav ot lines , linprisonineiitsiiiid jumciul sopn itionb Not 1 ontcut v ith ovortibing in it it il au thotttv in the icvoibe oidti to that in which this species of command is usu ally oveited Mis bpidei has uetu illv bnen I now n to make an end of hci mate by si tying md distrcsin.r to rolati bv dovouiing lulu llso Will he paid to any competent cbcmtst who will find onanaljsls np rtlclo of 1 Ierc ny Potash , or ctlKrjKileous In Swift 8 Specific ( S 8 S ) AN EATING SORE Hcnilctfon Ter , Aut S3 1S39 ' Tor elgu tccn monthn I bad an eating aero on my toosne Iwostr"alt.d h/tUo best local rhjalclana but obtalnvd no relief tto sere gradually powln worse I concluded Unally to try S S S and was entirely cured after n li a few bottles 1 on have my cheerful pcrmls Ion to publMi tbo abov e ttatcmcit for the benefit of the so u mllarly nflllctcd C D JfcLiiiom : needcrson Tex Treutleo on Wood and Skin Dltcaecnmalltd free TIlC fiVVIET rlP tPIO CO Allanta On . SfimllXIMONDAY , JANUARY 13 ' J Ufniemeut of the I'opulai Comedj 1 wain , MONROE & RICE , In the mast successful musical comely of the "ay MY AUNT BRIDGET W 1th the follow lnic I arauon Cant of Blngi rs nud Coinodli.ni llonmnl D/llyn Ut It Del vioiko VV A Maekjai les iiivu uui.li uun Willi iuk Victor (1 ( cdu UuUr Wnltli It A it nllcntlrln Mlsi Catliorli v 11 lyurd r Hl.nSelllHll r-i.t u.llnl VI I nut 1 Into It itoliud MIshcuU hit ( irulU MIshI cna Saul MlsiCurlotu halll Miss II Willu > u I I MlnMuitu DhvIi ThoNnnpolliaii Irli an 1 Merrr I KSa MFllV if 11' V iHlioilclll urllerVVI Itllliv llcmilor | rices tc ls tiiuit ilu batur taf XSCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE * B IusUnUr rollcTM the mart Tiolcnt tttick No I Rwnltlno lorresults , IHKtionUlmmcdl-B H la all c treble iuu A t ulo Irlil c mTinoes BIlia nn.l.krtillc.1 . . .I'rlrle ( nnd MI OO , of I BaddrS Ilr If HIHIl yM > N _ g be 1 _ 1 , M 1 JH BROOKS BROS & CO IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALB OEAIERS IN Welches Jewelery IJogen" Silver Plated FlatWare , Cutlery Notions , Fancy Coodi Albums ToyV/at lies , Joat Collar Springs and all tbo f latest novelties for tbo boll Our large and fully llluitratM cataloaue mailed to doaters onlj All mall orders rccclre our prompt and beit attention Ad < lrc . * 1T-U ° K fourth tU Bt Lonl * Mo DODGES ' RHEUMATIC PIUS Warranted to euro anv enso of slmiilo Khoumattsa it taken uccordinf to directions J. A. Dodge , 1049 S. 20th St , Omaha Neb Manhood tsssb ITIUIIIIUUU of Tuulhful I nt niJuu-o. CAatlua Iru lur Uccay Jtetimit IVlilJtr l uci lUoboodo htTlnstrlOillnTalnererTknonnrri e. Ay liAidlacovcred.iilmi < l nietniioriifirr re vblcb U * will mill < * - • ! I 1 llFl to 11rllow .ulfrn r . Addreu ) It ItttllAl O liniatvo hcwYoike'lty Beware of Imltatiom , thire Is only ono . / 2j Paris ° Sr' Pf ' Exposition , r , ! vmovnimp l88 JL CELTS obtained the only gold medal awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi tion with all the world Highest possible disfincfioi 1 or Snlo bM II 13Hag , Oraalit obr tsK x DIADDIIt lortlmcuroofnll DrOitni KSOPIIir SIOM\CH \ , \ \ 1 It IlOtt 1 I b klDM S , MR\OlSUIbl Vbl S HI VIlAOHl LONSIll'AllON COferiMNLSS COM1H MMSl'l CL1 1AU IOIIMUIS PAINS IN 1HI HACK UltAaaiNO IlbriNCb IK IwOlOrbllON Hir.LlOUsM SS 1M1R 1MT.\MMA110N Ol 1H1 HOVVI Lb Ill I s niilnlld rinkeiiiPius of the Intern il \ isccri IAA S Ill I S to 1110 11 euro foi this coinnlnint liioj tone up * ho intouiil secretions healthi lutlon restore stioiiRth to tlio stomach nn 1 on ible it to perforin lt functions 1'iico " 00 1 cr boxSold hv nil ilruguistH _ _ _ _ _ ltADWAY V CO , tvuorlt Medical & Surgical Dispensary Nos 101 to 113 So 13th St 10 KooiiH ! < > I > niicntt > liccijitloii Kooms III ami to , Otiiuliucl > TO . ATI AnTV"lircrllK from Ncrvo Do lllty I it Mini o d I alll J K.I JlJjlj X11jXDnlns , 1 rrlbl llrcint a Memory 1 ulia istl * Ileal i 1 llaolt Acl t and nil 11 o • rr is lon II * lr > * orl ir tu I ti ! aC . .X oinConun i i rln uu tr ircniol set tlilcnllr bjri r i ctbols Cat irru 111 oumatlin I l t Coi mltullon fro i I 1 * , , ' , no lidiarao i llkj i rlno pa f I hwi-iii en qulckl > rollcTol n il rBclicallr IT , . .lklrJl'i1 . 00lc ' l secr Urr r I ts s ' - op nif r uc U ilht < n inr 11 ro lo Dlneasc Jt'lvaXLI llP.I'f \ I'1'I 11 J'jO ll Q trentnei " ' l0" ! " llr , ! ,0 " " " lielUU ' ' ppiratut nil rti olloi ror s ic m rul w 00 ' t r ererjr fi ru or 11 cus roq ilrli Mc II nl r Suritlc I tnatn it . . -ilaHr fllr } . . J c ' Trus - ( lub lnlinlMlo 1 liclrlcltr I in I eet curv t r a t S [ no I lies , luraurs Ca i or llr uchlllt 11 " i' II Ittanliju .11 ilia aralysH k fre I | llcpsy Klui ci Ilia Idcr Knr bkln ai I lilood ai d all lrulcilOjora T"TSF InLyVOJiO ' VfV ? WOATiriV ! > AHlKCIAITt . , ll ok Urculnn n 1 Qu alloi llrtoiNerr Hits I rolnpaua cterl 1 lies ( cm con Uintl Nuunlula 1 * rrl in 1 aln 11 tl a eunloVVonk c Uytp pila Hkl 11 luii las u id all I ! ooa Ulsvases S > plnllw , facrufuln Unit Illpoil , quin Urinary Uncases nml Gleet cured fiirljlfo Ily lliel'c ( Ileum i Vrnlii in liii Hurst to i At Fiemont Nobraaku , JaS # 3iiz- ! rhursdty J.m 16 go , 10 a m @ Si 1 ? S 5f > W < will it III tlo lilBheil 11 Id r will t roicrvo fflSraS 8te. 8 V i5 tlotoilbrtl ii 1 i ( iit-crvleHUblel tof h riesovei * 5.vf ft ww BmSwl JjCO 1)1 \ Mil ! ItHlllll 1 Hill 111-HON VM1 Mil \C1I y S ljr4 * * Mf > Mg ® , CO VI 11 SI VM IONS III I • J 9 I 171 l 11IOIIU 1 J HUH HON VMl 11 1 N < fI &C& < Sr- ' "SjsJ i ? ! Jk ' * * * - * S Salt positive rntn or shli e lieUunht , nt 10 a m 1 iclnont H Bit into 1 on thn 1 r VM V nnd U 1 i ilhosn ( OI I M WOOD > Aiict DErONTAINE M r Will sell for the next 10 days , at tiie Lowest Auction Quotations , all of the stock left of our retail department Some of the most desira ble goods in Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Art Good Bronzes Clocks etc etc , , . , . Remember the opportunity will last but 10 days only Store for rent and Fixtures for sale MAX MEYER & BRO Cor 16th and Farnam Streets ETCHINGS , 11 % # % K& HI * 5TEMLnSON , LNGRAVINCS , J13 MM fl T MM ML StaTHALLLr& OAVIS AUTIST SUPPLIESJf * MH % # KaTlCIMUALL , MOULDINGb , IIIISLIi Crf3TPIANOS&ORGANS frames , iHa irl Hi carsiiKur music 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha Nebraska _ COMPLETE STOCK OP Ice Tools HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St Bond for ciitalntruc [ clothing /PJ- AHUNKENllESS P Liquor Habit MAumetvonui me/ievsBino//ici/se KlttlrfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC Jl eN b alvta tu u imp oreuliru ur ltH vr la ur * ll < le rr > > d without tha knowledso of tha pAtleat , u nooMtarr It it bolutly Utrmle * iad will • * * * parmu at ud apetdx aura wbatba Ibajmtiaot la • mo4flrtadrtukroraalooholie7rack.lTftl * KU FAILM It oparataa * o quiatly &d with auoh car * tatatr that tbo patlaot uadargoaa no Jnoonvanlanoa • nd tf ba t awara , tila oompleto raformatloa la . is pc book ot partioulra Ut * UllNJbCU ltaitPaMcluMdlNlaAOuMUtffita I State Line loUliisgoiv , ISclfusI , Dublin nnd Wvcrnool 1 HUM Nl.W YOHK I VI'lll allUlt3UAV toUn i oi eo 15 to InccorUliiii lalncnUauot > ti room Kicurilon ( a to IM Rteemte to and from Kv rope at Ixjwust Halo * . AUKTlMUinwiy Ate Urn 1 Agent , WllroivliTuy Now York Joiivmtcrv Gen I Uciteni Anetit lol ll.indoli b Bt Cblczo llAititrK Mooura 'luos mcCasne , Aveuti atOin li > X NFttVOUS III nil 1TYouiib and mid A \dle hkv1 u fi autle/lt g Uum i kuui • or ( . % J oinu.l xiujuauuAataa Curepjjran nil Hlrcil 1rritllw > ( waledtou1alnligrullar | Ml M llcilare fur loin * curt vhkk oy uiliuuK lw\J IHOK II If , UKSIJ5K \SSjf I-ocU Usu i)6 Uotrolt , Midi TO WEAK M N GulTrrlna from tiie ttttcU < t routl ful error , eorlr tlecawa Unirivcaki MloittiuanlioKl iia lnlll ftend n valuaulo trratlw ( wale 11 ot ntali Ins full i arllc ilara for I o no euro Ill I' I' of rl ar e A filei did medical work sthould If * rrad hi ivrrjr k unln U nervon n 1 del llliotrl Addreu ttVor V , C. 1'OWM'U.PIoodUa.Couil. " Dr JOHN C.JONES , lllACTICt IIUlTfUTO i ihiAMis ; oi'voni : \ . Omce HKCti I3tb aad llougla , till OrauUa N U