A - -vurvrixw\\x\ > att/v nir/in. urni AV .iaxttatv if * iftnn V THE DATTA' BBE E RQ3BWATBR , Editor _ PUBLISHBD BVERY MORNING TtiitMB tji sJiisciiirnoN DsilyaniHunday , OnoYcsr tin O MX Months ' < "J Hires Month * . • - W Kunlay llC one loir . W Weekly III * Ona Year with I rcmluui 00 OH-ICK" Omaha lien Iln I ling . I liliniroOffleo r/lHookcrr Unfiling Neswlork , Itoutnt H and IS Irlbino Hull ! Inn Washington No fll Fourteenth 8tr M ( oiincll lllnllH No 13 I enrlBtreot Mnroln HCT I rniewt . . . . . fcouth Omaha lorn r W andgrth Strasts COItnr'JIONBhNCK ' Alt communications relating to nnu-s an If 11 torlnn ) utter should be addresse 1 to the 1 lltor lal Deiarlimnt , IWHINISS TITTI It * . All ln lnrKn letter * an 1 r tnlttances thoull lemUris * 1 to Die lleo 1 ul Unhlng Company Omnia Draft rlisrksau Ipostolllcoordiirs to 1 o mnilo i synblo to the or ler of tliocoinl nny TlioBccPuWisliinff Company , Proprietors Hvr Iluilellng I nrnam anl cicntecnth Htroe s , I la Item < in the * Trnlm Them In no excuse Tor a fnll irntogclTnr Ilxr * ii tlit trnlnsi ] nousiie ilers have boon notl ted to carryn full supply Prate lcrswnn-wmit llll lift on Ichii tgit It on trains where other Omiilmt H | > err nrorarrloil are renicntol to do tlfy lilt Hit , , . . . 1 lennidel irliculnr toalie In all rase * full Information nx to date railway at I number of ( 1 * Haiti ( Sly ons voir name not for i nl llratlori ortfn t ccesunry us < butas a rii inuitv e f a Ifalth jiii , ihTiiiV in i Suorn Stall in nt ( il ClioulvtUm ilntccf Ned rasWs . l L < tinty nf nomJai fsa- . , Oiortn II Iracluck t ere nry of The lleo I • ill IMiltg Company eloes solemnly mvoar tint tlcactunleliriilailnnef Iiik IUii v Ilu- for tie • t\eKtn Unit liinuary II iuwi is as follow < J Mm lay inn r f M i Mi nIn Hin.it JJ-S' ' Hieaitat Ian - H > 1 Weilnemlav Inn H ' ' > " I lliura lay Inn tl ! ' I Irldnt fan 11 W-i * U atn day I in II U M If AvornRC . 11 ? -H y oioiitn ii i/stiturk Snomio beforomo and aiil rltio < l to In my f preseiiro Hut lltli day ot lunuiri \ I ) IHJO ( l-eal | N I' 11 IU M Notaiylublia fj Ftatoof Nebra ki 1 1 Lounty nf Do iiilai f" ! ( .rnipi II 1-ichuclc 1 cliu duly avforn d 1 piten nu 1 nam tbat ha la accrotary of IJio lleo v J ul Hal Ii I toini any that the actml ovurncj irf daily tlr ulntlin of Jm Dim lit r for tt a [ i n 11 til o * Inn mry llWi is If IT4 copies fir W 1 obruary 11.U lHVjIcoilei for Mnrth lt9 If tut tl cot leu Ur April lilft Wi J copiia forMay lfHU U lfflKcotlei for June 1M > lSB.1 * copies fir B luly IH1 IR J M copies tor AUKllst ] W IS 3 iriiorlot for Soptnmltr 1M > 1H710 copies ? 1 for October 18)H ) If ig ; coplot for Jiottmbor H ltBI > 10J10 copies for Decombcr Iff' Joins tl lopies ( iioiiipll j/mnuiK H fawoni to before me nnd huhscrll o 1 In ray r 1 resence tblsUti day of I imiarj A l > lSJtl L' [ feall N 1 * Jfii Nolarjlubllc : OM MIA is tiotso much in nooil of moi o 1 I In i(1 ( 'u clint tors ns Blioi ttrnew bndu' i I lm nialitorclork Ins sticcoedod in 1 fj HttiUinjj uti ollectlvo blow foi tlio ice ' r Omn lints nrncticalH nnchoiciT an tj othct boot uiul ohoo fai toii Attnuci > s is nun in otdot | * " XIIl iitfoiii of olllccsockois is becom s. in r painfully koou h tlio day up L jnouclictf foi the nnnouiiicniQiit of up I iioliiiniciitt ) by the now nn oi I i Lot M as well as national moic- f muiiN tcnditifr to bonulit the coloiou I people hotvo to show lb ittlto rtco is i I iillllctcd with aBurplutoffccU ippointod I l lomlcis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • Ill ' ptoposod now ticittj between l llio United St ttes and Canada , if i ttl- I lied , will dosttoi the usefulness of the I iloini'iion us the meet t of Amotican ilofuultoia As uliuiimrtn of tlio b inkliip conunit ' * tco of the hotiao , Congicssinau Dorsoj diaiila s the charactotislii hustling iiualiticsof the west It would not bo Diiriilt ) > lii ( , 'if hosucccoJcil m to\olu- tioni/iiiK the banking laws of the iounttj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'm do'ti uctloii hi litu of ono htm- drod thiuistnd dollais woith of fanci I hordclksh in Kuntuclc is not ctcditcd to oloctiititv , probnbU because modem Bcloni o has not yet boon iblo to moas- mo the toltino power of in ictlvc hluo • /i s > < mule ' " ' " 1 = = llli iiiopauitloim which tire being j m ulu b the bnnkora of Om ilia foi the J ontorlimiinont of the o who will I uttoml the impending Mute cotnontion j of b ml eis leave no loom foi doubt that ' thogathuiing will be made u moinot i I ' ahlo ( uuiblou 'Iill iouti ictoia' Lombluo that has cuptuiod the otcaiii/ntionof the council laom imtmallj creating tot Ions luittm ' among taspaj ois who apprehend a i altl upon the oili tioasuo that will nml o 'takniho burdoiiBomo us to almost con ; IbClltO poolo's | ) pioiioitj i Hi UKioiuiti the count U commlttocs 3u\o almost uhtiolutcl controlled a cor- * t.iln ehiat of publlo improtomonts 'Iliis is nhj the cunttactors ho uimlo thoiii- 8 teUesbobusi in organi/lng the now | • council Now they uio loncontuitlng , alt tholi Inlluonco upon M11301 Cubb I , ing If thoi succeed In dictating the appointments of suboidiuatcs in the oiiglncoi'o olllcoand Inspectots of paiu- montsniul Minors the > villi luuo it all | thoh own wa > l - . , s I GiMit\i | < Cltoou iB again broutrht undoi the llio of all the noiiBpapoi | wnrtloiri between tbo llio Gtando mil the huadvvatois of the l latto IhofQ I tllstliigiiishoa vvnrrlois aio totriblj o\- eiflsed last enptho Apnches should bo ' tioutcd with oiillniiti humanity Ilio.v 1 foun mill fume bocnuso Oonot il Croolv | ! pointed out that the ciliuato of Ala bama n as fatal to Indians , > ot there is not ti scintilla of oitlom o to prov o that ho Btiggostoil ui ovoit thought of roc ouiiucuiling tlio return of the Indians i to San Cmlos Gouoral Crooks carom ns a soldiot ami Indian flghtoi is too well known to bo nlToctoil bj scurrilous nowspnpor as- fuuilts As far as his last campaign ( ngniiibt the Apnchos is concerned , tlio rocoid furnishes n complete justifica tion of his course His Unowlodgo of the Indians made him the best judge of the propoi methods to bo pursued , but his stipotlors a thousand miles fiom tlio fluid of operations dlotatid a course I > ' ' r ropugimnt to his judgment and foi o- M doomed to failure It is bulHclontln - i ( lUntlou of Cutiorul Cioolc that the • plans hu urged as the most ofToctho S itn ) of lidding the couutrj of Goronlnio S were can led out b > his siucossor wlth- S out tlio Icnonlodgo or consent of the w govouinicnt _ run Iowa T.raisLATcnn The Iowa legUlaturo con\cnos todni II' ptoralsos ' to bo ono of the most imnil portant general nssemhllos In the hisin toijoftho sttto The first matter of Intoiost ' rolatoi to the organization of the hoioo , regarding which a deadlock is thtcalcticd 1 and . possible Thc-politl- cnl divisions of the house are flftj ro- public \ ins , fortj-flvo domocrutt and flvo independents . , so that the latter hold thobalanco of power lliroo of the In- ilopondontshiivonlread , ) Indicated their intention , t to net vrith the democrats , mil the ' disposition of the other two ii tindn known | | 'I ho republic in hope of in a- \cnllng a doadloclc nnd electing the organization of the house rests upon so i tit lug the assistances of ono of the hide . . pendents I , 'llio tiomocrnts hue shown itlcslioto art in go a co upiomi o , but . , . this h is not baoii favor ibh ro atved b\ ! the ippublic ins , who nci ordlng to our latest information , urcdltp nod tu iniiKo ft fight for the organi/itlon As the chaiiy hnvo the best of the ' Hituatlon thoto appciM no geol rinson , wh > the should mnKo uuj i miccwttm to the tloniocr it" , and it Is . . . tolo tucsttmed thov will undoi no eir i . limit im is do so In the oventof a ilcadlock tlio ics | ) > nslbilit } will not bo with | the lopubllcans but vvltn the iu- do | oudents It is the plain dutof llio republicans to fyslst upon tholr just light to oiguniro the house Hojnidlugtho election of a senator to succeed Son tloi Allison , thoi o Upoiirs | to , b ( uoquaslioaof the reelection of the . Boiutot If there Is tnj opposition lo him among lopubllc ins tt is not man ifested , and it is said that domoetats " inotigh , hivu signified i willingness to support him , in c iso thcic tuoainto1' cusiiit icntblicins | , to bottle the tines tlou of his lulutii to the fccuttte In mattoi4 of legislation scvoiai vcti impoitiitit ' quuitions aiu o\pcclod to lonitn mil the attuntlo i of this logts- ltttut ) Toi cmo t among these , both in it local and general intitcst , will bo . that , of amending oi lope I'ing ' the pie hlbitoiv ] law It is ini | u-slblo to piodict with anv do ioo of coi t linlv what will bo done villi this law , if am thing Ihc popul ir o\prcs- bIou , at the lust election suggested \oij foi ctbl what should bo done , but the most c u of ul obsoi vois c\ptossthooi > in- lou that the law is not lilcolj to bo mi- tctiulh changed , unlit m notbodis tuibedatall It is oven thought to bo qucbtiuuahlo , whothci the unjust mil onpieb-iivo ( , phuimacv 1 iw will be modi- lied 'Ihcsc in ittois houovot iro\ctv certiin to oecupj a 1 ngo bh ue of tbo , ittcntion or thclegisl ituio Some fut Ihct t nho id lcgisl ition in prooable pel h ins ii inoiisui o foi the est iblishincnt t of joint intcs for railto td on a bisis ptoposod bopciieueo I tt illlo mnna gets A fttoiig 1 in igjinst tiusts is among ' the menstires to be expected lho sos-iioii pioinisoi to bo of unusual I iiitciiblfot the people of Iowa and to uovclop features that will command a nun h nidci ittcution ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . pui iiiQirisni s to in wj A "Uiff lorrofpondeut in Brazil oT the Ncw\oiU liibune points out tli it ono puncipil i : teiibon vvhj oui tride with th it couutiv , aud indeed vith theSoutli , Anioilean couutucs Oeiioiall\ , has o\- pei lenccd such a slow dovclopmei t is J the lick of ndnpt ibilitj on the put of Amuiiciu miuufactuiois and moi chants 1 his fact h is been uiged b\ , . olhois m explanation of the failuto of this countii to huccossfulh compote with I uropeun countiics foi the South American ttado While the man ufnctuiyts ' and tnoichants of 1 ngland , Gotm no and I't mco liavo studlod to adaptthoinbolvos ' to the spoci il loquno 1 meats and crude tastes ot the pcoplo of South ! Ameilcii , introducing these things t which were demanded mil manufacturing i spoci il lines of goods foithotiado I , American mnuutaetuicrs gonoially [ lm\o m ulo no olTort to thotoughl 1 > acquaint thomsohos with the 1 poculiiu loquiicmcnts of the South . Amoiiciin markets Nuturally and noccBsanli ] , thoioforo , the tiado wont . to these who woto willing * to | Biipplj just whit the bu > ois wanted 1 aud j wiio did notondoivoi to fotco upon tin | m something which they did not do- hIio , Wo hnvo not boon able to do businosw I to the extent wo ahould and mignt have done ntth South Vmorlci hu j joly for the reason tint wo ha\o not tiiod , to accoininolato outaolvos In inj J tespoct to thos maiKots The oust i- elo to the growth of out commoico in IhoBouthoin half of the homlspheie : has boon quito as much the Uclc of adaptability us of the w mt of oui own luiiispoitalion facilities aud the exist i uco of tarlll birtiors Thiscoricbpoiiilont bivs that Amorl- ' cans can regain tholr loit giouml.in the Uia/llim trido bj uppljing to it the [ sanio principles of culorpribo , iulolli- ' gonco and o-ganl7atlou which thoj oin- ploj in the aotho competition for tlio biiBlucss of tholt own maikot Thoj must do w hat the I nglish nnd Germ ins aio doing la South Amotlea Jhoi must find out what is n anted ' In that maikot and thou supply it 1 hey must mnko ohoip and Inferior goodB If the Portuguese mot chants c ill foi thorn The } must stind toadi to fuiiiish tholr coiutnorcltil ngonts with \ ncapital foi o\tonding tiado in the In- tenor Ihov must piowdo frequent , mail communications and eheipor and fastoi ocoati freights , and thoj must aestablish ndequuto banking facilities for the transaction of business on a s > s- tern of long credits In short , tlioj must compote with Europeans for supromnoj in South Amotiia tilth the bamo mlloxlblo doteimlu itlon and un , , tiring onorgi with which thoj com polo ) with Aincili wis foi the cotitiol of the ishomo innrkot There can ho no question that none of these proiequtsltos to an otilnrgcd and profltablo trade with South America nro bojond the ontcrpriso nud onorgj of the manufacturers nnd inorchnnts ot f the United States , and once thoj tire thoroughlj cotnincoil of their necessity and aroused to notion there can bo no odoubt of their abilltj to succcbs- fully moot anj Puroiean | com potltlon It is simply a mnttor of obtaining ft rorreot and tboiough Unowlodgo of what is toquircd aud got ting into the light nay of piovldiug it 'l'ho good results ulroadj apjiaront from the disposition mnu ifested to do this art most reassuring , anil OJghl to stlmulnlo I our manufacturers and merchants , n9 In | nil prob ibllity it will , to vigorous oflort in the course dtstinctlj innrkctl as the proper ono to purstio , U 1 Till jingo members of congress could have tholt wa\ this countrj might soon have on its hands some so- rlousintornntlonnlcomplications These gentlemen manifest a burning doslro to enforce the Monroe doctrlno , nnd a par tlctilnr object of concern to omoof thorn is Cuba , which lho\ profess to four is In danger ot passing tinilor the domination of Gennanj uj lcnson of the o\tonslvo flnnnclil interests of Germans in thnl Island 'ihls dungor Is doubtless not at all imininont , and if It should o\or become so this countrj would doubtless be forownrncd in mnplo time to cnnblo it to take ciro of all its nitoiLSts with respect to Cubi , political and othorwlso Wlmnoior fapiln can no longer retain iiosscssion of the Queen of the Antilles that Island will not bo UKoh to pass Into the coutiol of anv othot 1 tnopean powot , but will become the soatof nn Independ ent govt inmciit In which American ni- llucuco will bo most potent g 11ll ul is a glowing feeling in fa\or of postponing until 18 < J the pioposcd ' world s fait to commeinouito the ills coerof \ Anionc i by Columbus , on the gioitnd th it Jioro is not time ouougl to ltootlj ] pi op ire foi such an cntorpriso in * lK'L' rhcto would oiobiblbo \ no gioat dlllicultj in getting icady the Aiuutlc in pottion of the fill but the time is cortalnlj shoit foi 1 uiopcnu c\hibitiis ) to make such a dts jilaj ' as both thoj and wo would dcsiic ' ' * lho ilclav In nrtnng- ing * ' foi this colebt ition is unfortunate , mil it mamno fatal to the plan of coinmemotatlntr ( the four hundredth nnnUcisnj of the lnndtrgof Columbus on the wcfltcni hemisphcto , foi oh- \iou'lj a fair hold In 180 > could not piopctlj bo associated with that o\out = Till pie ilcnt idea that Mi dice must have a mitjotitv of all the memtti hers ' of the Ohio logishitiiro tu order to bo ' oloelcd to the United t > t itos son ito ls i mistake If ho receives Hid mi jortty of ii quorum of tlio two houses litb election will bo just isrlid us if ho leeoivod n in ijotltj of all the members ' of the logislattiio lho law of congress piovldiug foi the election ot United Stitisscn itots tcqtiitcs no moio th m i majoiitj of a quorum of the two houso3 Miting in joint convention Still the loa ' ' of thico\otca out of i mtuirin of live in a m ittet whore bntli ( nrttcs are suto to m irlial then full foices , in il es I an uiconifotliiblj clo e situation , and this being tnc ease with Mt Bnco it bus been suggested th it ho is in danger of losing the pri/u fin which lie lias c\ . pendod so much laboi and in mo\ = lm daily iccord of deaths at homo and nbro id forbids the inlluon7a being tre ited as a Milling opiduimc In the lingo citn s of I uropc as nell as In Ncwloik , , Boston aud Chicuro , the do ith iito his iuctois d to uuustiil . ptopottions , and in Omihi sovet il ' de . ithb diioLth ttticeablo tothegnp have occjrtcd ( arolcsanoss mil c\ posuio ' ute fiuitful souteesof i disc luc escctnllj | ) dangctoits when compli cated . with pulmonary ttoublcs Count less piovont itivei are alloat but the ob- soivanco of the 1ms of hygiene reg- ulat habits modcato dieting propoi l yclothing and well vcntllited aput ments alTord the most lohablo sifc- guaid * an mist tiuit and like insidious contagion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiil stoim of ycstoidtij must have buggested to mam the momoi iblo bli/- yatd of two j ears ago , lanuarv 112 1888 j whii h swojit ovot tilth legion with un 1 prodedontcd furj and dcstiuetivonoss ) and ! recalled the tctnblo o\porionco of , f the hototo Nebraska school tcachots the pithotic stet \ of whoso Huffenngs .touel cd the bj mp tthy of the people in ooi j portion of the countij Yestoi dij's stet m howovoi vvub mciol\ bug gestivo , being a mild visitation in com , patron with that of t ojcus ago It r is to bo honotl th it the snow fail has boon goncial , as it is gteatlj n < edcu l , while the fall in teinp"iatuio will uu- doubtodlj hnvu a good olTect " upon the public health = = = = = = = T = = S ! lur ungating pioblem is gradually finding n solution in piivnto outotpriso 1 and capital In Wjoming lortj-flvo bundled nnlos of dltchos havoalteadj boon constt uctod , adding bundled * of thousands of acres of land to the tillable arc i , and creating n propaitj \ iluo estimated nt ton million dollars A company h is been formed to tap the Noith I'litto in vvostorn Nob-aska , and with sixtj miles of canal lecluiro n quarter of a m Uion acres in Nebraska and Wjoming The cost of these so- called canals is a trifle compired with the vast buncflts to acctuo to the in- isestors and tlllors of the land Tow ontotprlsos Insure such pctmanoucv of iirollts as a propoi Ij m inaged irrigating ditch Tut big four have had tholi say for the worlds fail , hut boyoud exposing a lingo dlsciopanoj bctvvcon thoamounts plcdgod and pioniisud , the orations had noolTect in dotoimining the location = = 11llMormniiH anil Statilioail , l\cw loil irt'uii ' * lloforo conuross consents to admit Idaho , smonibera will tuko crott care to see tUat the [ dlslojal i > oner of Morroomam tins boon guarded aualuat boyoud perauvoutura Mormon authorities have long desired to got ; a foothold soaiewhare within the states , ao that United States laws and courts could bo invokoil to protect a prttouded religious bo hof The nation has no occasion to permit l the auostion to ba raised la bucIi form , A } portion of territory settled and etniroly oou trolled hi a disloyal conspiracy should not [ be uiloivod to become a statu or count } with a" > right of self government under United States laws m rJlie Iittlinr Outlook beu Jui6t / r Tbero are few courses mora like ! ) to pro voko publlo disoruor thun that of constantly S3professing apprehension that the pcacawlll bo broliwi This truism applies to the con ductof these who prodlet that the movement ? ot the labor foderutiou fnr the cuforcouient ot the eight hoar rule will cause riot and otbloodshed lbcro Is uo warrant for such foreboding in any action yet taken bj the ivorUlngmon's organizations 'Jholr proposed methods arc poaieful , aud tholr declared ob Jcc ls not merely frro from lawlessness but has the sanction of explicit laws , both state nnd fodcril , ho leaders of the union say that the mibttlon nt Issao 1 an coonoralc ono if so , thcro Is bjiportunity for solving it by reason and eon Terence even before resort to tlincxpcdlctitot a strike Ivou exiensivo Rtrlkos do uvt hccossartly Invoho riot nnd thcro Is certainly no rauso tobopremnturolj solicitous nlwut possible lawlessness duntii ; next ' May McVtiwhllo the fact Is to bo reo 0nb ( ° d that the olptit hour Issue hns been raised nnd It Is wise and prudent to consider vvliothor a war ban be devise I ot luoctluR It , even J J If only timpomriljwithout wldosproaa siuprnilon of any imiiortiuit industrj prlnii or Iovprty . l/lfikUhid/nviifrrr / Poverty inaj not bo a crime but it gets moro punishment than crlmo docs Intltni tnnt houtliern lliscnvory JVcn ( irtrins Timt ) Dim cntt The north obvlousl } needs a le loral olec tlon law ijuito as niuch ns the south Allison a Cc iicrnl I nvorite 11 mli it ltcml 1 Kit ] comes to a thoico between Mr A11I9 hoi and ( ? ov I irrnboo as the fonntr s sue ccssor ns Unite 1 Stntos sonntor from Iowa , aonslhlo men of both partiosvvlll be apt to prefer ' Allison Al'tei the Utinlllolnl Itnllot % ! r loi/t / lilimit llio ' unoftldil bnllot is vvhat vote buyers and purelnsalilo voters bath desire It nffordsn sutlkintit iiieins of tnuklngsuro that the bribed voter lias dc | oslteu the ballot fin nlshe I him lho ballots prlv itely prlntelbj tiuj set of vote uuiera c in bo dls tintulshcd . ivien counted troin nil other ballots rhus tlio vote buyora eiicascortnin with ecitub tj whcthci the goods hnvo been dellvtred With tint provision to fucllltato orlborj , the hideous lepros of corruption will continuo to eat away the verj Ufoof free Institutions . Qi Not nt < Nllid Willi tlio I nrtb I it lit ) Wnl On cvorj dollar s north nf pinto ( lass that vvns imiorted into the United StateB list voir a tax of 51 ll wis leviol Ihoviluoot the glass Iniiottol ivn JlSt)2 ) mil the duties ntnounle I to tilt TsO On some kit ds of common window 11 iss too n duty of 11 > pei , cent Is lev lei Nevertheless the home liiauufueturers are not sitlslloJ with the onornious prollts they are thus enabled to tnnltc but uro now coiiiblninf , to i ilso prices if some ono wcro to malto thoiii a present ot ttiocuth thij would probibl > Bet to work at once to secure a few of the neiRhborlng planets I 1 us well • SJAll , VMI 11 I11IUU1Ith S lirask i loninu'J flio Perl Ins county filrlms bcon located nt ' Madrid for tuo novt llio iar < Auothoi ( , us well is to bo sunk at Hist im.8 j , J.lo mieiiiiiory is aire Mou tbo cround I or ilboiatine a drunken woman from the citv Jill u t iry ( of i crosco boja vvcio ar rested and lined iij eaeh lliree e trs of orn iindeon3ilemblo monoj hnvo bie i sent froji Cnlg lotl u sullcicrsui Miner totintv buth Diltota . II Sprineei bf Haves Is tno owner of n hIk i thorn eel ? wlucU h is fen ] birth to loui well devoIoed | e lives in ono jear I ivoi.irs vjo the | resent site of Chadton vvns wuato | rail le but todaj the eltj bus a popu ' ution ot ul ) > ui llvo thousjn 1 Grindmi lftjloi , who thirtj j ears a > .o w-isuslivo beloiuing to G uei il 1 arlj died rnccutlv in prk iuod eihtj seienvears lho grippe b is broken out in the ins me asUuiii it Hastings UetweLii thiity and forty eases me ifp ntod one ot whn.li pioved f.tal lho Lulls Oity fournal celebrated its twontv thii 1 binhdij lrtstvieeltbv iniknia a th Hike 'm for u an 1' ' aiscui-ilfiit , pAtCnt 11 sides A number of t'ljsses parties coiit mplato or iiul7liie : a toivuslto tompanj with a eai it il of $ > ULOU tD operate in lho state of \ H ashtnetou lho oxocuti o commit eo of the State Sundnj seiool ussoeiatlon his arrintrda progr ' im no for the noxl makiiii ) , of the ns soeiJtion nhlch will bo hell it fl istin0s fune ; JI und r ) While working in the 15 & r5 shops at Plnttsmotith a Halite t hnii ) hit , 1 in p foil on Ch irles I deiton ( nnd set Uro to lui cloth03 , liurmiiL { him In a tcrriblo in inner He will bu I laid uu for a lone , tl lie but , will iccover lhocasoot U It lussei , nrlouc of the dlstiict comt of Adams county ulo wis sh ) rt in Ids nccuunts has been llnully do eilel after hani Int lire for four years .1 mlo ; Gasliu rendered ] udment | ugaiust ' lussey for Jl T"H > i Unsophisticite l abontii os tavo an enter ' tainumtit | t tl hall in Hustings the ether niclit i nn 1 the whites took nivyiitaco of the i Iinoranro ' of the rol doorkeeper by passing ; pool cheeks poller chips street tat tiekets ote J on him as coin of the roilm lho Judio of 1 I itto county refused to U sue ! i llcenso peiinuling Peter Dron need j seventy live , and Solhi bempet , iied ( fortj , , lo marrj until Slli promls < 1 to support Peter The lattei is blinl un I i public elinrtc ' but Solii m ide the re plirpil nrou iso i and lho license was issued A itir and a half aso the adopted son of Willi un Hums of Ciothenhur , foil on a 1 bojid ' aniVraa a rusty nail into ono oje and us ' a iesult of the hill tuitn itioc ho became to tullv bllnll Afowvveelis ajn ho was son , to i Boston foi trcatmci t by n eelcbiutcd oculist list 1 in the hope that Bight might bo partialis restorea ' but worlhis just boon lecelvad tunt there is no hope und ho will bu placed in j a school foi the blind lOWU Itllllll Scott county spent S13 479 for bridges last iear Jho now Vethodlst cbuich at I Imoro was dedicated Sundaj lho contr ict has boon let for remodeling ; thoeitv Hull at CI I ute l A farmers inhtituto will bo Held at Ida Grove I bruary > , 5 ana 0 A state photographortt' association will bo formed ut \ \ uterloo Jnnuary Jl The Sao county olllclnls have moved into the now court house at Sac Lay The old dlstillcrj at Comanche will probi bly bo transformed Into a paper mill 1'bo annual meeting of the State Millers > association will bu laid in Des Molnus Jun uury lr ) Thcro are 353 bays in lho l.Uoru Indus 1 trial school und 114 fclrls in the Mltc holivillo institution i , A * Bremer ciountj deulor paid out WJ OH JO in cajh to funaors for horses dur , iuj , lust year Sanuol AlbiiJtof | ) Geese I ako wno lo ceutlv palonti-d , an nttnehmoi tto h irvesters i , has boon offeree ! $17 000 foi bis Invention A ghost has inado Its uppo iranco in un old house west of Sad City vvlioie a murder was cominlttod in Ml } H has been seou hgov \ eral who have passed tno plueo uftor night 1 moving about Uiu s | > ot whaio the murder w is done MjBvOrlous cries nnd groans keep the neighborhoodin ) ilio niuhts By the premaAtyro explosion of a blast In the PiiillipseqaLmine * ut Oltiimwa Moses lSorthway , u lyluer rocolvo 1 serious In , Juries nnd his sdn William , atid fourteen i , was hurt so biidlj'tbat ' he hassinea died lho father was buflied terribly about the face aud neck und tils body was titled with small pieces of coal lhobnj Lad his law broken and his face and bands burned lho cause ot bis death was from inhaling the llames of tlio blast mmotsburg society Is excited over the mysterious dlsappeardnco of Miss Bride \ \ alsh wbo was called at tbo Catbollcohurcli some two weeks ago to ba married to a \ouug man or Lminet county Everything had ucon arrauiod for the nuptials , and ono oyeulng last week her betrothed called to boo her at hot home but aho bad tlown Jler parents do not know the reason of her sud den dopaiture and aenj all knowledge of her vv hereabouts G W. Perguson of Marslialltown ts terrl I blj uflllctcd with cancer In the face A few aujs since bo submitted to the fourth opera ' tion within a short spaca of time , having his ' lower lip removed About six weeks ago ho ' bad his left oju taken out on occouut of a cancerous growth back of it Ho Is an old mauofstxtj eltht , and his ability to stand so much carving Is coualdored remarkable It is i ho pod tbo last oportllon will result in a permanent euro _ _ _ ltm r u t > nkotnn There are seven hotels at Pierre The J opium Joint still flourishes nt Dead wood tvesstneton Springs is to have a free reading room A Knights of Pjtblnslodgo is to bo orga nized \ nt bturul" , Butte county old solhors have forme 1 a veterans , association . Itnpkl City saloonkeepers nave arrced to , close their doors on bumtaj In spite ot prohibition thcro are twontj- ono saloons running full blast at bioux Palls T S Porvln grnnd secrotarv of Iowa , organized the grand chapter of ortb Uakoti Mnsons at I irgo last week Hov William M Ivlncall a Baptist minister of ban I rnnclnto bus ncicptul the piRtornto ot the Siotlx I alls ConKregntionnl church A resolution lias passe I the NortlcDakott legislature ) donating the a ilurics of members for the holiil iv recess to the drought suffer era through > ut the stnte The Sioux Palis German turnvcroln was organbol ton v cars ngo n Ith a membership of nineteen and u fund of SIP It now bus a membership of ( lftj seven and owns propcrtj value ! nt ,1iOOO It ] is thorn.bt tbo sinking of artesian walls Is responsible for the unacc mntablo lowcr - Ing of the water In sovcrnl 111 os near whore tin y h ivo been sunk Wall lake is entirely [ drj ' nnd Spring lake baa been lowered until there is onlj about eighteen Inches of vv iter left | in It Claim ( Jumping has been verv popular In tin rnlnniL dlsttlets of the Blnek HlIN sllico tin llrstof thu voir In a dispute over the ownirshipof a elnlin nt the Doc town grout ) last week sovci il shots were Hied , but fortu nntcly no serious dam igo done A M C irl ot Aberdeen : has boon taking small doses of aconite to-euro 11 trp ! | 0 Ho h i id the mo Heine in a tumblci and ln a fit of absent iniiidednoss swallowed the whole mixture Apajstclun saved his life but la grip , ) o was knoeke 1 higher than a kite The family of Mis Couloy , who died at Grand 1 orks at the ngo ot clghtj nine is ono of reinarknblo longovitv Mrs Coplev s maiden , name was I-merson nnd she w is born In Aormont Iter fitbor was ninety four > veins of ago nt the time or his death nnd her mother ninety A sister dlod two lours . iiio at the ace of nlnetj nud two sisters an 1 n brother sun Ivo her Mrs ti lanklin Colovi , PI inn 111 ngelciihtj slji Vra Dawlcj Gloverof itulson Wis need scvuiti four and lohn 1 mnrson ot Mlnno seta iiKCd oichtj-soven OI I lOt VIj CAIjIj Nuionul Coiivoiuloii ol ilia Itrpuu- lie nn hen no of tlio United Stnt"8 To the ltepubllcan State Ljngues of the United States , nnd the Delegates of the Nu- tlonil Convention Gontltmen Bv author itj dcleKatod to the oxcctlvo coiumiUoa bj the Isntiomil league convention assembled in B iltunoro Md on the Ilrstd ij of M ueh lbbl nnd ln obedleneo to instructions and authority given to me by the cxeeutivu eom inittcc I heroDj direct thiu the thlr I annual convention . , of the Kcpiibilcin Leiuo ( ot the United States sh ill eonveno In the citj of Nishvillo renn ntiioin on March 4 1S)0 ) and continue In sesalon there ift"r during such ; hours us sail convention shall deter mine Ino business ivhleh will cotno befoio the convention will include the rooorlB from ho ofllecrs ( of the le igue the oloetion of ofllccis nnd inoinbors ot the cxceutiio tomml too tor the onsuit ( , J ear , the designation of thu pine of incetlnL for the subsequent national le icuo convention und sueh other micstions as the convention may doom proper Undei the rovlsod tonstltution of the na- tlnnul loaguothc convention will becomiosea of about 1 1(0 ( delcgntcs Artie o \I leals us follows The national convention sh ill be com posed : of two dolct.ntos nt largo fiom each stito ' ore ml/itio i m the leacuo aud of two delcg it s fiom e icli congression il district in w hieli thci o bh ill bo ono oi moro permanent republican clubs together vith the president md sccrctuo of eaeh sta o league and ill ollliers of tl o nutional oreuniition. . who shall ba ox officio delegates 1 ach delcgato picsoat shall bo entitled to one vole ' loproviio for tbo Incieiscd number of delegates in btatcs wliero delugites weio cleeted piior to the loiislon of thoconstitu- tini the executuo eonimitteo on August 14 lbSl 1 adoptol the following losolutiou Hesolicd Hint in states where the dele gates to ths national coni ontiou of 16J0 shall haio • ' been selected hoiotoforo nud the dele d ( ition from Hueh statu is Increased by the ntnondincnt to the constitution tills day adopted the exeeutivo couunittco of such state leiguQ shall li ivo panel to select bucIi nddition il delegates without reconvening the state convention ' Xho rep iblicius of N isavlllo bnvo already u | pointed a committee un entortuiniuent with . VV J Wutson us ehairaian All eom inunitations coneorning local arcommoda- lions should hu uddrassed to Mr Watson At the close of the convention in Nnshvillo 1 tbo doleiatcs will fo to Chattinoogu for the I urposo of holding a lopublican league mass uieotitifc , vvbleh will be addressed by some [ 1 of the most proailnont speakers in the eouu tri Other southern cities ma > bo included in I tills plan and fuithor iinuouncoricnts will be made Ab this is to bo the first republican nu tional convention ovoi held in the southern I states the importan a of having it coini osed 1 of ropresontatsvo dclegitos will ba apparent to t all foils M Inci ston , President A B Humi unci , Secretary MRS CUSTER Jlio Widow ol tlio Biavo Cavalry ljC'iicle.r nud lieu VVmlc I occasionnllj meet on the sticot Mis Custer ( wife of fiat rent cavaliy lcadoi j who has oftou boon called the j Minion of tno civil war , ntitos a cot tcspondontof I the Now Yoik Stai She spends f most of hoi time in New York 1 earning ( hoi living bv willing for the iicnspipors i I recall nor vv hop she was 1 a I beautiful joung gill , Known to ovciv- ono ( us Llbby Bacon She was the j duughtct I ot 1 ml go Uicon of Alontoo , Mich , nud long before she was of ago J ' was ono of the most popuhu girls of the Wolv oi mo statu lho name of Custut is still rcvotod by the old soldiers , ospcclallj < tnoso who hvo in Michigan , where ho is looked upon as the , real hero of the Into wui Mrs Custor , is almost as much admhou as lior illustiious husband was Aftet she mart led the gcnotal Bho was nearly alwajsbj hissluo Pot two joins she uiluullj sit In Washington with hoi valise in hand , waiting to go to the flout She was alwajs the flist woniuii In campnftoi abittlo , and would have boon ctolightod to huvo followed hoi gallant hush md in his impctujus onsets j upon the enemy bho ncvci beomed to know what feat was , and muni times put hoibolf in gieat poiil She wis in Uiciimond tvodajs bcfoiohoi husband reached thoie , and almobt bofoio the 1bound of the guns had ci used to rev erbot - ate about the confederate capital Just aftoi tiio sunendor , whoa Jici husband came upfrom Nottawjij couit houbo to take her to his houdquuttors , ho 10- murlcod ' that it tool od preltj oad lei a ' gnnoriil to bo beutou into Hichmoud by ' his wife , ultoi no had been tijiug for font j ears to got there fit st " Ot course , Custei , like all ether soldiers - diors , died poor , and hlswifoatul fam- lly are piuctlcallv without resources 1 , except the pitiful pension of SoO a 1 montli that the gov ornraont has granted . Mts Custcii has a gioat many rollcs of , the war , loft by her husband and given 'to her by dllToront oflloetsof thonnnj Besides possessing the fhst flag of truce the oonfedoratos brought into our lines as the bogiiinlng of Leos surrender , she has thu ( lug ot t. uco can led by hut husband into the confederate lines bho also has much valuable data about the tavalrj arm * of our sorvlco that has never jot boon glvon to the public It is ronllj a pity that a fair history of tliis branch of the service hns not jot boon wi Itton , oi oi en aerlouslj contemplated 1 , I was pleuscd to learn that she is get ! ting n fair income from her books aud ether writings T\ \ BAD YEAR FOR CATTLEMEN Ovor-Prodttotion the Prlmo Onuso * or the Doprosslou OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE Improved lit ItUli Mnrkc t < Iilkcly to llolp the American Trndo No- Iirasku He.linol Woilc V rjln- colu Slnnticr Sold Liscocv Btuitiuor Tub Oxuti Bbb , ) 10. > P btiiSEr > Liscoin Neb , Ian li ) The Hon Ij \ \ dllchrist handel Tur Brc correspondent a citculnr on the live stock industrj jestordav rem irking that some interesting facts could be gleaned therefrom flic following isasumnurj ot Its contents To the producer and feeler of cattle the past tvvelvo months hive been very dis nptolntlng The consumer , oil the othci hand his lint it marlj till his own wnj , more cspccinlly if he chose to tslto his cuts from an nriltn il that classe 1 below strictly iirluie It would ba illllleult to sal whetOor the ; ' ' , raiser or thu party who finishes oft his bullocks ' in the fee 1 V nrd sufTere 1 most 1 he tra lo from first to finish in the greit stock jnrdsof lho country has btun dull ant itrigcing , not a sinclo gloitu ot sunshlno lic'ititig up the bovine hoi ion 1 xcept for strlctlj prime stock which at times has met an netlv o sale the market has ruled low or than ovci ' before la the blslorj of the Chicago stock jards lho receipts njgrciatel dui ing | the j ear 102J2Sthcad un increasa of 411 "ISover 1S3S Ihorccords also show n phenomenal ' j growth in receipts during the past threojenrs Not onlj Chic uo hut Omaha Kansas Cltj mil other points report u.slmil ir state of all ills In fact it looks as if three or ] foui joars ago every ono hai 1,0110 into tno business of rvUlngeittte mil now with 1111 abundance of corn and othci feud the supplv h is ilmost buriid tin dom in I out ot sicht Day iftoi d iv the rnlho ids rollol in tbclt loads of cattle un 1 the continuous erv , from all p irts of the cattle producing country - try was When can we sblpl Uo must sell oui beeves to in ike roim foi the vouncci cattle th it ute coinine on • This tremendous influx of euttlo to the v arious 111 irkot 1 enters shows the expansion the cittlo business un di rwontduilUK the boo 11 joins fiom lbSl to lbbl lo use 11 si inc pliruso It vv is us easy ns rolling off a log to make moiiej in those dais out of the cattle business 1 ho 1 resent depression is 11 natural retribution or ut least a loboun I un 1 it bus gradually been ciowiug worsu for the nroducer and tlio feeder ' since lbb > How much longer it will Inst j , is a problem which ea mot bo uiswcrcd at present In tlio natural course of events the tiJo will tuin but thonsnils of pro Ulcers an t feeders will suffci nnd | osslblv be ilnanci illy mined before reber can come Mini people uio not reidv to accept 110 laws of supply and ( Il.ii md ns the cause for this depiessiou and the Big Pour and many other reasons uro assigned lho sen ito of tbo Unite ! Stutes ippointel a com mittee t > Invcstig ito this decline in pr ccs Jlociroulnr continues 'In vlow of the fnct that the government ot the Uuitid States is responsible for some of the most oiitngeous . legislation oiei peipotrated on 11 people , in connection with our live stock in- teicsts it seems a travesty of Justice to send out a Junketing committee to find arumeb for our evils when their own sta'jlo ' needs cleurlngout llio follow ing are 1 few of tbo items that have aftc ctcd the 1 rices of uattlo . * 1 Oleomargarine a pure food product , is the only fool product taxed 111 lho United States Not only is it t ivcd for roiouue butcvciy . 111 inufneturor , dealer and le taller must pay tribute 111 the ahapo of a lieei so to lho coi eminent "J In 1 countrj on whoso flat , is written the word protection hides conic in free ot duty I lho local government , of Illinois stumi . od out a disc iso ( whether it bo pleuro1 pneumonia or not it Is not proper now to dls- cusa ; though theie is hardlj nnv doubt but the ! dlscaso is picvulent in this country ) within a few months in the state yotthona tional ( , ovcintneut has ocen worl ing for v ears to stop such ravui-cs without effect in the east and from this causa both the cattle und the hog markets have sulTorod seriously in , foieign maikots America bus a surplus which Bho yy ints to sell nnd It is the duty of the , . lcglslatois to ( Ivan clean bill of health , no matter iv hat It costs Howuvor the trouble nrises principally from t ovoi production lho supply of beef is , . ( renter than thu demand Not only is this true in Amcricn but Orent Britain s . markets , are glutted and as a consoqucnec the prices nre low In Chicago , with 1 , 000 000 moro cattle to handle than in lbM > it is not diilicult to iiud a cause for do creased , vatuos Poi eyerj working day in .hovcartho average rccoipts were 10 000 bead It is true in this business as well ns in all others that an over sui ply giios bU3 eisnn , adv int u.c It provides apportunitios which thoj in 0 not slow to cinbraco for si lcutly combining and dopiossini , values ' ( or cattle iveiL.hlni , 1100 [ omuls and up- wards and of prime quality , there has generally - orally been an actlvo deiuund fur export lho Britishci his 101110 to the rescue when prices rcnchola certiiin marl During the last ihreo months freights have irndo a big ; advance und have to a certain degree chcckc 1 the healthy demind from that qu 11 tor rbo steamsnlp lines got command of the rates and the result hns been a steady increase both for can vhiL live cittlo and diessod beef 1 atteilv Itlus cost05 a heud to cirri cattle from Chicago to Liveriool and the cost of insurance feed un I selling charges nnd It takes in round numbers $ > 0 1 to transfer the live lnlmiil from Chi ago to the 1 uclisti wharves lho shipments of Hie cattle from Chicago huvo moro than kept pace with the increased receipts lhis is accounted for bv the fnct that tlio low 1 rices of good cattle have attracted buyers troin all parts of the country A year ace ox | > ortors were selling at from 51 Ti to fSJ At the close of lbbl cattle weio worth only from $100 to UU ) lhls decline is nc counted for by the udvunee in freight tatcs Cattle have sold at about steady prices dur Ing tbo j car In Great Britain trade how ever isinpidly improving thoio An urea ofprospentj soeuiB to huva struck the old world an J the prospects for the best class of cattle provided inodornto froluht rates can 1 be secured , Is very encouraging Very much , however , dot enas on thu fruight rate ! question An advnneo 111 this class ot cattle may bo looked for In Juno or Julj Nebraska hnlmol t01 lr / lho following circular to tbo supoilu tendents , principals nnd teachers of public schools in Nebraska was sent out by State > Sapcrlntondcnt Line last evening Arrangements uin holng made to have a general exhibit ol school work in Nebraska at the next stito teachers nssoclition ut Lincoln , March . ' > So and .7 lSli ) A com mitteo will liavo cliargo of exhibits The follovvltig general subjects are suggested and arrangements will bo made for thou dis plaj Industrial Class Diawln s , wood and 1 iron work , tools etc work of state Indus trial school at Kcarnoj , work from the deaf t and dumb institution ut Oinana from the blind usilum at Nebraska Citv , work from I the Omaha manual tralnlnc school and Paru normal school , needlework reel | es for cooking home made tools , physical apparatus [ atus und essays on trides , occupations and 1 sciences • Technical Class Piq Us written work bv 1 grades on lho various subjects taught , ex animation papers In geography , arithmetic , grammar , civil govcrnmont , ulstorj , eta , map drawing , relief maps ponmuusnip , designs signs and other drawings , illustrated methods of teaching : Kindergarten Ulass Per children under seven years of ago , penmanship , Blabs work , Proebcl'a gifts and occupations This circular is inorolj a preliminary notice ot tbo desire expressed nt the last btute fcachors' association to hnvo an ex- tiibition of this kind at Lincoln in conuoa- tion with the State Poachers ' association la the spring of lb JO Wo hope thosuperlu tundunts and principals of graded schools will talco an iutcrcst in this exhibit 1 ho county sui erlutcndonls will ba able to find many good schools and teachers among those under their supervision who can prepare pare something to send to Liucolu The ' commlttco will bo pleased to lecelvo nt nn I earlj dav anj suggestions or promises of alt Intho matter A circular will bo ont In Lcbrttarv giving mora doflnltu directions ra- > - I gnnlliig the putting toccthor of exhibits , \ when aid vv hero to send them with other < details Gee B LAtr ) A B Humus 5-CouuiutlPo _ ( Airx SxriiirNs ) W Per further information plcnso nddross / * Suit A II llunurs / Schujler , Nej f Cltj Novih nml Notes t Snow pomiionced fnlllng last night an 1 kept A up prcttj llvcli all day today lho oil man Henry , Paulson , who was pirdonod by the governor Saturday after noon will bo looked uftor bj the Grand Armv boys in this city Ho vvns a soldier for thrco voars In 1111 Indiana regiment , nn I what ha wants now more than anj Ihuig elsu Is employment C. U Munsoii began suit In the district court Saturday atlornooii ncniust C 1) Dundas a bridco builder of Lancastur county nlleclng that bo Iml furnishel lum bcr nnd bridge material to Dundas for thu construction of bridges in this county , that on lanunrj ( theout ilued ton Ju Igtuonts In Justice bnelllng's court ng rogtttlng Jl BS ) md costs and that nn ufllcor ha 1 tn ido ail lfent search and h 11 found 110 property on w hlch to lev v th it Dtiudas is itisolv cut that the younty owes I ) Indus the sum of $ t bO ) Ho pi ijs for un orlor of lourt subjecting this nmo Hit to tils elnitn At U OSiturlnj nlht ( on comt lalnt of 11 joung man who said ho hal lost * I > in thu wimbling rooms in the Quick hull lint , , Mush it Mcllck with a pirtj or ofllecrs in 11 11 r ild on thu roouis Ho ha 1 some dial ulty in clTeetiii ) , an entrance and when bo II mllv fet In the patrons liaJ midu tholi cscniu I Ho found the tnblo eovore 1 with thu ch lire I a fm o lay nut with liber il stacks ot ( hips 1 but only two white man una 11 colored m 111 1 I Uu two white man iave tholr names us 1 I Webster an tCharles 1,1 In Ilo One of thu I fucltlves named 1 red Close wis ufterwirl f catiLht J Man S Glovorsue ! her husband Peter JM B C.loyer , in the district eoui t biturd ly * * KH cionn g for n divorc ) Hit couple were miriict In laspcrcouuti Iiidiann M irch " ISi J nud thu complaint is failure to support She nsks Cn propertj worth $10 000 und foi the cuitodj of the foui children , ranciug Ircm foui to Bixleon v ours of ole Ihu Lancaster Countv leaeher * associa tiau hell nn interesting session yesterday niu rlnti mil III llinmiiinn nf lli.i Kiinl [ , , „ _ tun , brought hi mo from thu Mcxieau trip un jf intellicnt ) joutigMcxieiu lal that tin picked * up ut Querctiro His ti 11110 is Dimln j 1 settinal 19 an I ho has entered the | 1Sblie schools in thu P sticot bull hug Mr nnd Mrs Tohti Sthroht" of .l\ street celebrated , tbo tyventy liftli anniversary ol loir woldlng lust Pndnj Appro , n ito ceremonies were held at the Ccrui in l alho lie chinch by thu Kuv 1 athei huppeu bendei uhcu tlio party visite I tin liuino of the eoui lo and thu dny and uve unj , wcro I spent in asocial vv iv I no hnppi couple r ; euivcd the congratulations of thuir fnon Is on tboiuiartcrof u cunturj of luurrio 1 life j nnd also numeious presents npproi nato to the occasion \ arious estimates uio placed 011 the sto t 1 of K I awtnr lho dry 1,0013 man vv 10 f ulc 1 fc iturduy evening Somu claim th it il win not lnvolcoovcrSWOOO lliu annual meeting of the State II s- torieal society will bo hold in thu ch ip-l sf the state university luosilav mdoles lay cicuitiL.4 of this week lho Stale Millers association moots ct ttio ' Capital t hotel on thu oveulig oT thu loth fur I a two days'session 1 President P C Chauiborlain or M10 urt vorsity of Wisconsin witldollvo ! the on , tion ; at the state unlversltj on chutorduj lebiuary lb Mart Howe has a curlositj m the yvay of an owl of the cai iboo or monkey ficodii M | lictj It wis sent him by 1 frloud nn 1 n iJMH captured in thu uorthwesteru part of the H state IH Mason Gregg nnd wife are off on a trip tl > B Now Oiloius _ _ , | Mnjoi lilslici aul wife loft last ulcht for 1 Smlraiclsco from vv hlch point ihoy will ] sail for Honolulu vv here they will bdoiuI the baluui u of the winter lhey villi bo couu until M iv 1. i ho inajoi goes to nn ] rove his health I Jhcro is a funny storj current of ayount , in 1 in who got in is lied on the lady Who ) laye 1 the part of Peck a Bad Boy at the niitsco last 1 week and sent her un imitation to jo out and eat oysters ono oen Ing If till wis agrrcablo she wastowciru blue ribbon lho 1 evening enmoand the jouiil man was tn ( the liont row lho Bnd Boy ' were the blue t nbuon all niht but so did every mum bor 1 of the companj At last the fatgroceri nun excused lihnsolf to the uudlenco for rushing through with ihcpluy as thoj were j in somewhat of a hurry to attend an oyster parti ) to which lho wholofnmilj wis invite ! the giocerymnn was the Bad Boy s ' bus band 1 A couple of Interesting incidents tonic place | at the postoflico Saturday ovoniug lhe employes all Hocked into tbo prlv ute olUca c of tHen Albert Watltlns tlio retirinj , postmaster | and oMuior bawyer , voiolng ' sl the t sentiments of those in ulten lance proJH sorted him with a complimentary address spQI and a handsome gold vvutclc Wlieu th it * was \ finished B S Hubbard turned to Mr 0 ( C Baker , tbo efficient assistant post master 1 , and prcsonled him with a baud nomely 1 embroidered smoking govyui of quilted 1 nrown satin yylth crimson lining nnd an : elegantly Honored ennmelod utnoking stand 1 nnd set All parties were taken cam plctely ] bv Burpnso 1 tie public installation of lho officers ot rarriut ] | post anl of the Wnnnn s Itcllof Corps I baturday night was u very plo isaa atrair i The ceremonies ivero conducted by ex < Department Commundor II C Russell and 1 bv Mrs Isabella BoIbIuuv lho neil post ] ollcisrs are P O , Phelps Palno s V C , I B Beach J V C , A D Cral , adjutant 1 W Boyvon , surgeon , J I { Buy , s ; ird chaplain , Ileur.y Mnsiormau , O D J S Bamick , O G DP Stoner Q M SPA ' Gate hall lhe now officers ol the Women s Relief Corps uro Piosldent Mrs barah : C Bon nell , Bunlor vice Mm Helen L Coolt , junior vice Mrs C C Corbm chaplain 1 , Mrs C J Hurd , treasurer , Mrs Rebecca T 1 rankfortor secrotari Mini riiiiiiii B Gilllsnle conductor Mrs Mary J bourns , assistant conductor Miss M.illiu mrf Crawford 1 , suldo M's K S Stoner " " A PROMINENT REGULAR ' PHYSICIAN Of Now York City gives the follow hip , dt rectlons FOIsVPR-KVENTINC * A.WI3 CUBING IuR > : l ou "iv oitirri ' Lvaj orate morning evening a few tabic spoonfuls of PONDS lAIUACI aid ii halo the vapor Pour the PONDS I \ ritACr into 11 tin cup which hold over thu flames of a lamp , hold thu nero over the cup that the vupor tuny bo inhaled By this tieatmont the moiubranu nf thu nose uu 1 throat will bo in such condition thut It will resist thopolsonous action of the germs which are the cause of this dlsaaso and If tl 0 f-owug linio already boon Inhaled thoj will ) a destrovol 1 ho symptoms of ' La GriC | | are iiitlninmatlon of the lining of the mem brano of the nose , which may extend to thu \ lungs , with 00111,11 , sneezing running nt tl u nose nnd | > erhnp sat era aching pains mil hle.li foi or" lhesu uiroctlons aio for PONDbLVlKACl onlj It tnuy bo un safe to use unj other article this woj II M K PONDS rI JtLT t\ miMss : Made ouly by the Ponds Bxtraot Co , Now York und London _ _ MEN'S Furnishing Goods - • - - -