W . THE O IATTA DAILY BEE : MONlQAY , JANUARY 13. 1890. fl 1 I SANDERS HELPED HANG 'EM ' Ii I - L A Unltod Statoa Sonatoi Who Can | flk Some Tnlos Unfold A. LYMCHINGS by the : WHOLESALE , * Unit ) IMhiiiiiit mitt Ills ( Iiiiik Wire Quickly DlMxiHril OI After ( lie Montana Vljillnntcs ( Jot Hold ol llioiii A \ imlnntn St nntor The loiiubliinns of the Mont inn leg IMnluro lm\o unnnltnouHl } , nntl on lliu llrst bnllot , elected Colonel Wilbur 1 isko btimloi'8 of Ilclonii to represent tbo mxt statu in tlio Unitotl Suites scn- fnto If Colonel Snndom gets hit sc it lie will bo ono of tbo most Ititcrebtliitf llgtnosin nubllo Ufa tit Washington lie run toll Htm its In the clonk room tlint will mnku the hnlr of liii tel lLitgin a stand iiarpontllculm Ho enn ilrnw upon hid own fiontict UKpotlunco for ntirrntncH Unit will in tko the imlso oT tbo Hon Wllllnin Miuwoll I wills bent ( juHtoi , mill well nlj/h < urdlo tbo blood in tboolns of tbo lion Gcotgo Ttlitbio Heir 1 ho uoitoin cnooi of Colonel Sm- tlors'coiOM ovori suiiobsUo phii o of tbo dovolopmunt or a iomiiiutiIt > now k risen to stntohoo I In n scmo of jnm j feltn tlioto litis boc-n i lowtlrd Into his life nil Una gees between tbo oxticinjs of uv- H Ili/ition iQiitutlcs of evolution in H bo lies politic of slouoi gimvtlt than B Unit vbleb inli ibits tbo Rocky inoiiii- H tain region drilnod by the thtoo folks H of tbo Miasouii H A Colonel Stinrtois mis uoi n in Cntt-X- H \j luugiH countj , in this stito , fiftj-six H > osirs ntro Ho Hludiul biw in Ohio , H fotight in tlTo union tu mj mid v out west H in ISO > to Montnnn , then pint of Iutilio H Com oining tbo rotmona foi bis tiilvon- H turous oniigrntioii more than ono stoi > H lias bom told ui sti tending editorial B in the New Yoik Sun < Ho settled llrst nt limn irk I itj mid undutnoU to ptni- tico his profi salon in ti mining uinio H thronged with despofndocs from every I rmitof the wet Id mid fiiuing no law H LMicpt thi swift cede of Uulgo L\ nth H 'ilio kcuiio of Ilia cnmp'iipn ill whieb H Colonel binders boio a conspicuous part \mis in what is now the Boulltwpst- H urn corner of Montana , a litintlioil miles oi moro south of the piisont el tics of I Helena and Butte and northwest , o [ the "Yolloivstono o irk , among llie mountains H dirci tlv on the gK at main divide 1o B understand tin situation it should bo H reniptnhried Ui it Montina u ta Invaded and settled ftom the west side of the Hocluos J no upproneli was riom C ill fotnianiid Oiegon , oi from Salt L iko i ity U tbo faoulli 1 ! uuiiick , oi Gi iss- 'ti * r" boppot cicck , was tbr liiat ( onsidoniblo l ? "I f mining Lump on the onstorii slppo of 1 2 the ] tacky mou llnins mil it was only &I * tibout ie it old vv hon Colonel S nidus r hi rived l'ho neb di&LOv nrlcs in tins ' ' now gold Lountty woio the signal foi tbo stampede of 18l > J-(11 ( lltst to Gi iss- boppci erook , tbon to the now digirings nt Vitginin Cit mil jNovnd i Citv elouo bj tlien dov/n tlio Dooc I edge Vtilloj , und gradu illj icioss tlio Last Chniico guleb , vvbero tbo town of Helena now stands rlbo murdorof i Gorman named Nich olas'lib lit in the StinkiMitoi willoy foi the hake of ttio pi ilo of two mules which bo bad bcon sent to buwns tlio linmo- di ito cause of tlio otgini/ation or tbo Montnnn vlpilnntcs Giotgo Ives wns • caught led handed ' l'lvontj-IHo citi zens dragged him out of a vvukinp noai Dompsov's runeb and escorted him to Novtulii Cilj It was charactoi istic of tbo times lliatoni.hoii way back to town pint ) should oigaiiuo a sci ics of scrub niccs in which the ciptms md pri onoi compared tlio speed of tlioir ktho in the most ftiendly way , und during which Ives almost escaped lho news of impending ntoceedings spreail rnuldh.and people Hocked into Novnd i fioni ovetv pint of tlio sut ounding countr > J liosltuution was not log uded nsseilous foi Ivos , least of all by the murduroi himself , rroseeutions undoi bucIi eiicumstniiccs had ended inufntco ovoi mid ovci again Ibis time tbo miiicts sent foi Colonel Sandois to take I ebargo of tlio piosccution A minora' jury of twelve men ftom Novadiv City and twoHo mon from Junction was ippointed llio I trial occuiiud late in tlio after nooii of Dccomboil.lSlil , before ah u ro bouilio in the open an , und in the pres „ ence of tlio vvholo bodj of citi/ons Ives yvus i hnincii with n logging chain to tvvootliot mou accused of pntieipulion in the uiuidoi of 1 b lit Tlio judge sat in a vv igon With an ability nnd a com igo til it mo still lumomboied in Montana , Colonel baudotspiesonted tlio case against the inuideret , and vvhon tbo vcidiet was leturnod moved that Ivos I o hanged on tbo spot lboptoso- H > - i utoi's bold on lifo scorned for n time I oven mete pi ovations than that of the i- . , . " ptibonoi , foi tlio eiowd around the bon * llio was full of tlio friends of the noted l'luminoi gang , nnd Plummcr s ni tival ftom linuiiack with a rosi uing force was nioinunlarilj oxpooted I'att of tbo mob made an attempt at tescuo , but it was repulsed A foi ty-foot polo was inn out thiough the window of an unfinished bouse i lose by , nnd n rope fastonud to its end In liflv elglit mrnutosuftoi bis conviction Ives'body was swung from tbo end of the polo The campaign of oUutmiiiiitlnn ngninst Homy Plum nior's gntig bad begun Colonel Saudeis and lus nssoointes lost no time llyo mon in Viiginia Citj , ono in NovadaCltv , and Colonel Sandeirt mid tlnoo otbois In Uanniii k 1 Stat ted llio oi gtiui/atlon of tlio Montana I v Igihiutea , u seenoL tilbunul wblcli foi I mete than twenty ycais continued to I oxoit a | M\\oiful inlluoiiCQupon the con ditions of life in the toit itoii In two nooks the i-nnilk'itions of tbo nun [ league o\tended to every settlement iu I j tbo legion , mid its povvoi was siipromo , O In a little mot o than thiitj dius , tbo I * \igilant08 bud uptured , sentenced to doulli nnd hanged twentj-tyvo members of I'lumtnut's luudlni ludmg the cbiof- tnin 1 here wore uo moro pulilio trials 'J ho bind ofongc uilo descended dl- roetly and without natnlug Hotdor Justiio was dealt out with a speed and a vigoi whlth iinvo no paiallols in tbo history of Anieileii 'lho motbods liy which it wns udmiiiisloied atu not to bo justillod oxeopt by the plea of absolute necosslti , It was a question of killinsr oi being killed , nnd public sontlment iu Montana at Mint time and long uftot- ward suppoitod proceedings which under any otbor conditions would have Ijooii intolerable , Thobtoi.v of tbosubsequont proceed ings of tbo Montana vlgllantos in the vail } mouths of 1801 lias bcon told with ciont m inn to noes in a llitlo book pub Hsliod eight or ton joirsngoin Virginia . jf Citj , nnd put polling to bo written bv a T Prol Thomus J. Dlmsdulo " Ihis ' - * nnmo iu bolloycd to conceal tlio identity s of ouo of tbo principal uetors in the I ov cuts about whloliColoudlbtuidors could toll bo much The terrible brovlty of the ilrat cainimign of the viglliiutescaii- uot bo exhibited in moro striking form I Minn bv this table of the names , dates , nnd places of ovciution of Plummor's men linn pod George Ives , Novn la City Dec 21 \ M 1 rnsuin % ni-cr nllns ' Hcil , ' . bitildinjwator Vullc } . . Jnn A , I'M j vV , Hiown , btiiiklngWQter Vnlloy Inn 4 , 1-OJ Henry , Plummcr , HunmickCttj tin 10 lOt NlIKrv j , HnnintckClty Inn 10 l fl Duck biinion , llnnmick Liti Inn IU lHrt lohn WdKoncr , alias • Uutcli lolin ' llmniirkLltv . Tan 11 , l OI Joe PI ? mtliin , Hnnniickl itv Inn 11 14M Ocorije < Liine nllns ' Club Toot , " Mrlnln ( Lltv Inn U , 16(4 ( I I rniiKPinsti , Vlr inliCity , Tan II l m Hnzt I.jons vtrciiiiu Clti Jan H lbH ( lack ( lillnpbor , VlrslnlaCltj lun 14 1 U lloon notcin.MiRlninCltj Inn II 1 )1 ) btovu Mnrslunil , lii Hole Hmeh . . . . . Inn 10,18(4 ( Wlltinm DuiitoD , Doer Loil u Vnlley . . Jan 10 1MM George \ SecntB Ircnchtown . Inn St 1SUI Uvrus Skinner , IMIOuto . Jan5 18 4 Alexander Carter , Moll Gate Jan o 111 lohn Conner , Hell Gate Jan 2i 1 UI Kobcrt/achnrj , Hell Onto .Jin SI , lt.01 . Wlldum ( Slaves nhas 'Wklslty Uill , " I oi t Owens . tan 20,1604 William Hunter , Gallatin Vnl ley leb T l 0t 1 ho incidents attending tins ' • oi ies of lllcgnl cxc.titions In the Intelpst of hivv and oidei alToid uiatoi ial for a bandied romiincesot ftontiot lifo Whona naut ili ter oi thief vvus caught his fate was settled in this maiinci The eiptain of the paitj of vigiluutss would saj All in fuvot of hinging this niiiii [ oi these men ] step to tbo tight side of the toad mid tliosu wlio mo foi letting thorn go stnnu on tbo lift " When "Hod" Yugor wns hiiuged hu shook hnnds with till of bis oxeeutlonoiH and slid , Good by , bos , God bless joul You'ieon a goud undett iking " Ilo wis loft swing ing by tlio loidsjldo , witli tbo legend pinned to bis eo it , "Hod , load ngoiil and mev < cngoi ' Plummci wetik- onud niton in the bands of Colonel banders'vigil mtos , and the once foi- midiiblo petsonngo begged for his life , declining with touts und sighs that ho iv is too vviekod to die Give a man time to pi lit ncro bis listwoids Uoono Helm died game , lolling Jack G ilbighcr , who was eutsiug and erving at the gallows , not to make a damned fool of himself ' As the vigilantes pushed tbo boaw ly fiom undoi G il- Inghci's feet Hooiie Helm shouted to ins Into nsbociato ' Kick aw ij , old fellow Ill bo in boll with jou in i minutol" I lion bo nddod , just is his own tope twanged , " 1 votv inaii for his principles huttah for loir Davis ! Let hei rip ! ' Ono of the most fi ightful tales which Colonel StndoiH yan toll bis colleagues in the United States senate is that which recites his o\poi ietico at tbo ex ecution of lee I'banthia , known as the ' Gre isur , " at Hannai It ( . itj Tile Biiu- nack vigilantes bad detei milled to ar rest this Mexican despetado A pirty stai ted foi Ins cabin whl ii stood on i hillside IheGroisci vv is summoned bv tbo lo idei of tboigiiantas , but tefusod toconio foi lb Iwo of tbo vig il mtos Smith 11'11 and Gooi go Copley , ciilotcd lho hut and roteived a pistol rthot ( in ll Gnnlo litiltnr l.'illed Php excitement , in Hanuack tosoto in idncss rhoro wns a dismounted houiUor some whoio lu town Undet tlio diicction of of , a vigilante w ho hud h id militaiy ex- peiienco this was dragged dp loided and ti lined on tlio c tbin 1 lireo shots were tltcd fiom the howiUoi mid then a few o ( the fi lends of 1 iw * ind ol der mailed into the Moxicttis hut They found him and dtngged him forth , Smith Hall omptvlug his revolver into i lho widened enptivo ns lie wis pulled into the opou in lho Me viem was wns then hung to a polo bj a lamp ' hitch , " nnd as his body swayed to ' und fro i bundled snots woto pouied into it Moanwlnlo somebody bad sot fito to the cabin , and iv ptoposition to bum up v.htit wus left of Pbunthin vv is , leccived with exult itiot bj the infuri- utod crow d The body vv ns Ibrow n upon tbo pile and burned so complotolj th it not a truce of bono could bo found Colonel Saudeis concludes hisuartativo of Pl/antliia's fate with the hoitiblc stitemont that tbo next morning some , women of ill fame acta illy panned out the ashes to boo whelhut the Mexican 1 hau any gold in his puiso On the whole , it must bo sata tbat I the Montana vigilantes acted with dts- ctotion , caution nnd with a steady io- gnd to tbo toitlblo tespoasibility thov . absuuied when they put on masits and 1 wont forth , lope in hand , to hunt men l against whom no mugistrato had ovoi Issued a wnrrent Polities never lullu- eneed the decisions of the dteadodoi- ganizilion , pcironnl inteiestoi ptiv ito muhco , larelj It wn Inevitable thut the po vet thus wielded should bo oc casionally abused None of lho old vlg- ilantos will il dm that no mistakes weiu made , mlbtal'os terrible to the inno cent victims Did the courts of law in i old , bottled coinmunilits novot make n nusiior \ lb wiiai wxiuid noasKed in ic- ply to sucb a suggestion Hive thoio never been judicial enois b ) whieli ni- nocont men vvoro hangedi" ' 'llio nigumont of tlio Alontanaigi - lanto who has now laid asldo his mask and Ins tope in the inesonco of rogulni couttbof jusiieo , able to onforeo tholl decteesand to ptoteet lifo and prop erty , would bo something llko this ' llio good people woto till with us , Nouo of thorn foiled us , none of thorn bad reason to fem out midnight visits 'lho mnjoiltj of tbo honosl men of tlio tottltorv woto of out niiiiiboi Tlioro was no 1 iw in tbo toititoty when wo emtio togcthci foi soil piosei vatlon Wo did unpleasuit woik with hnnds thut novot ttembled Wo miulo it pos sible for tbo pcacoablo to lho in Mon tana and foi the indtisliious to accumu late and onjov the ft ults of industiv Just us fust as the consolidation of soclotj rendered operative the ordinary piocossesof law wo tetiii.d Wliilo its udmiulsttation was still feeble or im- potfoet wo supplemented it Wo made civil law respected , and wlion it came to full poivor wo bowed to it mid wont out of busiupsa 1 ho hanging of George Ivos and the extoi munition of Plum mor'B band by Colonel bandots nnd tlio fearless men abioeiatod with him , wns the ciltlc il ovout In tbo history of Montnnn It made po ° siblo the state Mint exists today as the equal of Now York or Illinois " If Colonel baudoi a gets to Washing ton and talks tboro us ficoly as is his habit at homo , nnd ftunklj tells nil Hint ho knows about lifo in Mont ina iu tlio daj s of the gold stampede , the walls of the senate clnik loom will heat some str ango tales m Aio ion lntnreMlctl ? Poihnps the toadois of Tin Bin would like to know lu what icspect Lhumborlnln h Cough Itomodj is better than any otlioi Wo will toll you When tills Honiodv is tuken asditoctod , na boon ns ti cold hss boon contracted , and befoio It has become settled in tbo svstem.it will countoiact tbo effect of the cold and gio itlv lessun its ( .ovontj , if not effoctualh euro the cold In two dnj's time nnd it is the enl > remedv that will do this It nets in perfect hainiouj with natuio nnd aids uaturo in tolievitig the lungs , onoiiing tlio soerotions , liquating the mucus und causing its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs nnd restoring tbo system to a strong and health } condition No other remedy - edy in the market possesses tbeso ro- umrkablo propoitioa No other will curoacoldas quickly oi leave the sys tem in ns sound a condition , 60 cotits and il bottles foi sale by druggists THE SPECULAriVE MARKETS , Whont RuIpb Innotlvo nnd Pnoa Oliaiigos IiiBlHiiifloant FURTHER DEPRESSION IN CORN rrndlni ; In 1'rovltloiin * .in9tnoilie mill the I cellni ; > t rvoiis In the Lx- tronio lUtti nnd Cat tie lloth blow Chicago 1'itonuon MAitunTs CntCAOO , Jan 11 fSpccial Telegram to The lire | Wheat wis Inactive and prlco changes today ncro InsUnillc-int. Pluetua tlons in the most nctlvo month on the list Mai vvoro within limits of Q'iC bach news ns drlftnd in was not of the kind to cncouraKn special nctivltynn nnj direction nnd orders from the outside worl 1 were not numerous Mnj opened at Sl'fc sold up to 81 0 nnd hick lo 81 s ' , stoppinu most of the session on the split between Sl6 o nnd Sljfc Touson well worn i liraso , there wns not enough business in the wheat tat tn wad a KUii " lho dullness wns dense cnouph to cut with n knlfo and so oxcoptlonal ns to sot commission men vvondorlng If tlioro was over jolnR to bo a ctntiLo , for the bettor Jfat in.illy tlio discussion turned on wijsnnd means for getting rid of the bucket shops A Btrong sentiment In favor of shut ting off the quotations nitiroly rocius to bo again forming , nnd but for the four thai Now \ork wIlM tin ii Itself Into i niachluo for the manufacture of quotations for bucket shops this hoiolo measure might bo taken If tlio Now York stock oxchai o and the Wow \ork Minneapolis and St Louis gralu exchanges would join issues in this uiulter something very decisive would lin piestionahlj hu done in short older lho procedcut having been cslihhslied , liow ovci , of punishing people for being iu earnest In advocating measures for the o\- tir | ition of bucket shops the iaeoutlvo to nelly o endeavor In tlio direction of reform is tiotstiong olaj wheat in ido u fcoblo spurt riLlit nttho end and closed albl ObUtfc lho outside price of the day nnd a uaro shudo above vestcrday s close Januarv and i eo ruary wcio stagnant , resting at the last at "Ojlfeiind Ti tO respectively llio oxtiaordlnarj mildness of the vveathcr was probably the most felt In the corn trade , and its effect was to lurtlicr depress an al ready overv oh-litcd Interest Diminished consumption and freer movement from llrst liuuds were both expected us the result of the sort of ethereal mildness of the ptoscnt weithor With pansles now blo3omiug iu the front yards of the opcr itors vv tie comedown down to ileal in coin few of them can summon up courage to buy a eheapcomnioditv and nt the present low prices it takes consldci aMo nerve to sell it short Under such clrcum stances speculnt'vc interest has dwin died down to small proportions , and a duller stitfl of nffuirs thin was ob3cvablo m the corn pit total could not well exist i ho forolgu markets were a turn easier and domestic markets were also dropping under the simo influences which effLct Chicago At the start prices jveio about steadj at the picvious daj s closing figures but while oftcrl igs were not pirtie ulnrlvhoivi thov were in excess of the do man I and cause I i lower r mge , the closing showinu a decline of l4 ( In Jnnu iry aud J < c in Mav T ist isolations were . o foi Jnnu irj andai e for RIaj 0 ts were moio quiet and easy In tcuo lho demand was anythiiig but uiennt , and tlioro w is futthei II pudating of January , which sold it0 c Mav was nearly stn tlonary at (12v' ( , with a moderate la quirv at the Inside Receipts wore again small and withdrawals for shipment in crease l to nearly V ( WO bushels Cash trad ing was chiefly b > nample No 2 while for May delivery was stcilioi at JllfQW c 1 radint In provisions vas spasmodic and most of the t > p eulativo business done was during the first half of tbo session and on cill The feoliiig was uervous in the ox trcmo , and had it not becu for this fact price fluctuations would doubtless liavebocu even smaller than they were in v low of the gen eHl dullness fho opening llgurcs for futures were n liitlo lower all round , the weakness bcin ? ungendored pribablv li tuo liberal iecnlpts of hogs and lower prices foi thoamo atitho stock yarns Packers were not vorv fice sellers of the future product When May pork was quoted nt $190 for sellers Hobort Watrcn bid for 1000 birrols and got pork which was followed bv a little Urnier feollng and a linrlenlng to SOiL rS 0 05 but vvhon that operator turned sellot the market Immediately softened again und at the close $9b7)f was bid , or 5o under josterdny's ' closintr prlcoi Near fu'ur ' sof pork shrunk 2i o Pcbruirynnd March closing at tib'l4 and $1Ci ( r speo lively Nothinf was doin In Janu irj lho weakness In pork extended to lard uud ribs , the forinor showing a loss for the dnv of 2Uc and the litter of "itoiT'jC Maj lard sold fromo 0J"tt " 105 teethe to fO 01 and May ribs at fi B5T)4 ( ) 87W tocethor to M IW Poroign markets for lard and meats were 1 reported steady and at Now \ ork deferred futures of lard close 1 easlor riicio wore ' some Now "Vork Holllng orlers for pork oxe cutod bales of the cash product publicly reported were light and embr iced lard at d bddr W } and veet pickled hams nvcrag Ing 10 pounds at 8Vc for May delivery Most of the trading was on prlvalo torins ciiiuvoo Mvn biouic Cnicxao Jan 11 [ bpocial Tolosrain to Tin : Hpe 1 eCatti b The market was slow , lower and weak at the close Lvorybody was lookiiiL , for a big run on Monday , hence shaped thoit business In tbat direction A few loads of good steers sold about the same as yesterday and butcher * ' stock of good quality also sold about the same but rough and medium native steers were nearly unsaleable nnd 20Q.5c lower than on Wednesday , Thursday and Friduj , mid a few lots of this class had to bo carried ov cr or given away thoio were a few choice corn-ted loxuus on sale that made fair prices Llttlo or nothing was going on In the mocker aud feeder line and about every thing was sold Choice to extra beeves * 4 90Q5 11 , mo Hum to food steers 1J50 to not ) lbs ft 00@I80 , 1J0O to UiOlbs * .ISOg4 ( 40 , O'O lo 1.U0 lbs J3UUaJB0 ( btockors and feeders I2.25QJ25 , cows bulls and mixed , II 60(33 ( 10 , built f3 M < ti COilexas corn fed steers $3i0QI00 ( Hoas Tradeoponcd slow with a down turn of a strong 5c on all grmlea the innrliot cioKlng rather vvejlc at the decline Packers paid $ .100C ? > 70 largely { .105 , and shippers Mt)7KG ) < 0 , largely * 3 70 A few fancy hoavv touched $ J71 Light boi ts sold at fj OOQJ 70 , largely at * 3 03 1 1NANC1AU Nrw Yoiik , Tau 11 ISpoclal Telegram to Iiik Hue I Stocks lho stock murket closed with a very slow in irkot and with uo Important changes from lust prices jester duy The market oponol dull and unlutcr esting for lho general list , while Uoadingand bugar Itetlnerles monopolized the attention of traders In Urn former , however , thcru was llttlo lifo and it moved within the nar rowed limits with the romalndcr of the list which , nftor a weak openmir with llrst prices from li to % per coat below those of lost evening , scored further slight declines on early trading , though a batter tone was ap parent in tlio latter portion of the hour bucar cponcd oft % per cent at 53 ind after rising to BJV rapidly doclhied to BW , fnmi which p lint it rallied fnotional ! } Ilia now common stock of the W heeling & Lake Lrio was traded in upon the board for the first time this morning , and opening nt 301 | It rose lo 3ljf on a comparatively larfeo business The preferred stock also ex hibited some strength , but was dull with tbo rest of the list lfunng the last lvour there was a bulge In Now 1.upland to 45J8 and a reaction of } per cent to H } ( at the close Chicago Cas , trusts also Bbowcd itrookth and wont to H ) ( , closing at 47 Wisconsin Central broke to J3 and reacted to 85 ( 1Qrangor stocks vv ere almost neglected and unchanged Missouri l'acitlo dropped to 73 with n Might rocovcry OnM stocks kept I within narrow limits Ihotxiik statement was favornble , showing an lacroasa In reserves - serves , loans nnd deposits , but It hal llttlo effect on the close of stocks , The total Bales were but04 0'X ) shares The following wore the closing quoullo-u t ! . " 4s RUhr 1J iVoit'iTn lucino 11 U 1 S Iscoipons 10 hlotimtorrol ; < U 1I II > .4llsre ilsr mi'itt V \ W n H 1t V I S. ) ( seoipoui 1 I'SI dnprororred HO i I acUltiv * ot 'ii 110 V \ central . IDA y Central 1 aclfle HU I * V h , m rhkacotlton 131 | ltockI , lan I lit i CMcaeo llurllngton , C , M \ " > tl * . r ftautnev II7XI doofsrorr i IH 1) I.VW IJ" ' t I'nul VOmsha „ HU llllDolsVntr l 118'ji < toifero-rofl | • ) j I 11 * vv ti'iltlvlon ' Pvcitie . n > < Katmsfclexvi jI 0 iW | St L V l- 1(114 ( talceShora I . UM' notirefirr * ! „ t 4 Jtlchtunn ! t eatrat ft U estern Union 84 U Missouri l' A.ltlc "J I Mosrv On call , cis > , ranglug 331 per cent , I'niMB MfcnC4VTit.B ParBtt i'fyi ' < per cent SrriiLivo Kxcitvsor Quiet anl llrm ; sixtj daj bills , ti i' ' , doinnnd , J4 SUf ( IMtOIXJOL HVKKUT3 t/iiiCAdo Jan 11 lili n m close Wheat Innuari , ICfc rcliruiiry , 77Vc , Mny 1 , blj/c Corn lanuary , iNll c , Pebrunry , Sfi'y.c , Mny.Jl'.i Oats lanuary , 30 > 4e , lebrunri , 20'1 ' Mny ; , 22'sc Ujo Jinuarj , ll'jCbld May , 4s" c bid Uarlov Nominal Prime llmothj fl 17 Whisky-fllW Pork Jltiitf lanuary , Jl iji , asked Pob1 ruary : 3 87 , May Lard $5 0 Januarv , * , " > l 1 ebruarj id 05 M ly bhort Klbs ? ( lanunn , f | 6"Vao - ruarv * l S ) ( , f b'lrfM iy Huttcr Dull iitid unchaticcl , creamery 10 G-lc i , 1 ggs Dull and liiichnntrc 1 13c3nc liour Stcidv and unchanccl wheat ] > atont fl CiOCil 75 winter vvlicnt flour , $1 JO (24 ( , 10 for patents f J OO t 1 0) ) for do irs Provisions bhouldeis S | i.u short clear , * i 4'M0 00 short ribs flOi { I 7o Uuttoi Very dull , crcimeri , KI32I0 dairy i , UQJie 1 ggsS c ik fresh IT ( (15c Oheeso Quiet dull , full cream eneddnrs and Hats fiMQS'jc , faucyouug Amorlcas lOfMO'i- Hides Unchangct green frozen S'/c , laavi green salted l' ' c 1 allow LTiiclniiod ( , No , 1 , solid packed , 4c , Iso J a GJ'i'c Hccelnts Shlpm'ts Hour . . . 190J0 17000 Wheat . . J1U0J 17 000 Core . . . .1000 110 003 Oats 141000 13J 000 Now York Jan 11Vheat lloclpts , 10 500 , spot dull , .No a red Vie } in ole vutor , 77'i(7S7V ( alio it , STCdUS'-uc fob , ungraded red Tt'tfGsO c , options steady , JTo J red lanuary , closing at isOc Corn Hecelpts 144 400 exports , 17 000 , spot weak lower No 3 , JsljCUS e In elevator 41'ie afloat , ungraded mixed , 2d @ 41e Options lower , heavj January clos ing ut Jb"tc Oats Uecipts 124 00\ ) , exports 02 900 , spot tli mcr quiet , options Rteady , January JO'fcC , siot No 2 vvhlto 00' e , mixed vvcslerti 2@Wo white lie ! ) (3J4o ( LofTeo Options opened BtCadi at 10T20 poiuts uowa , closed dull nt 15ffi ( 0 points down b tics 13,25J bags January SI > UO May , 4I5 9JO410O0 spot Kio llim , fair cargoes S1J lo Suiai Haw steady rollnoJ tlrni Petroleum bteadi , Unlto 1 close 1 nt $1 Of * foi I cbru iry TrfhS Plrnior wo3teru 17@l7Xc Poik 1 inn , quiet I ird Lasi , western steoiu , ? 0 1j May * < > U Butter-We ik western dalri , SQI7c croamerj , 13Q 0 > jc Cnccso Steady western 8T10c Mlliviiulte , Jau 11 Wheat Hasi . spring on tiack * cash 7JQ"lo , Aluy , 75) ) 0 , No 1 rorthern bic corn Lasv No 3 on track 2 ( i1 c Itjc Quiet , Uo 1 , m sloe 44'j"c ' Oats -btc ! 1 ly No J white on track 23' c Harloi Quiet , No S iji store 4j c Provisions Pirm , pone , ? J 50 m limits , Jau 11 Wnait Better cash , 77 > , c Corn Low or , cish 1VC Oats Lowei , cash , iu'.u , Mav , 215 (5 2li-e Butter Dull and nom'n il , cro imsry , 18 @i4c , dairy , 10 ilc Cliicinii ui , Ian 11 Wheat Dull but firm , No 3 red , 'JCSsOc Torn Dull nnd weak , No 2 mixed , 32Q 32' c Oits Lisler , No - mixed , 23 < tfJi' ' c W hisky * 1 02 Kansas Citv , Jan 11 Whet Easier , No 2 hnid , cash , OJc , January , 0l3 o bid No 2 red cash O' c- Corn Quiet , No J cash , 21'e bid , Jnn uary , Jl'/cbid Oats Wo , 2 , cash , lb fc bid , January , l Hcbld \il\t 1 poil , Jan 11 W heat Qulot holders ors offer modoiatoly Corn Steady , doniand In'Ieu off , now mixed western , 4s Jd per oontal LIVC lcUK Oiilcat-o Jan 11 lao Drovers Journal reports as follows Cattle Receipts 4 000 , market slow beeves $ J OOQ115 stockcrs and feeders , ? 2.GJ-5 , cows bulls and mixed f 1 50 G110 link * -ncceipts 23 00Q market slow end lower ? mixed * J r0Qi (5 ( , heavy ti r > 0(3i ( 2 7o licht kJBOCclTTK bhoep Kccoipts J.ooo nm not sloadj , natives , * 3 00 < t5 10 corn-fed * 4 500)00 AjtDiioapnhs Jm 11 Wtieit Actlvo nnd firm Hecelpts 281 cars , shipments XI cars Oiosluj , No 1 hard Jinuirv 80o , Muy , &iL on track 81c , No 1 northern , lanuary , 773c ! , May , Sl' o. on track 78'4c , No3 northern , January , 75c , Maj,7Jcon truck , 7 > Q70Xc loux Oity , Jan 11 Cittlo itocoipts 550 , shipments , JOO , market Btoady nnd uncliaiifccd cautiers 75cQU.O , cowa ? 100 ( , i2 11 , stockers ard coders , tl W22 00 Hoi s Receipts JbOO , market litm , light , * 3 4. ! > { ( < ? to0 , heavy , WI0Q15J , mlxoo | J 80 ( J ii\i .Nuilminl Stoo c innl , Hast St LduiH , Jan 11 Cattle ltecolpts ri 000 shipments none , mirkct steady , fair to fancy native atoers IJ 40 45 00 , Btockors nnd feeders , SI 90 110 , raufc.o utoera $ J 00 @ 3 00 Ho/s Receipts 1,000 shipments nouo , market atiotig , heavy , $10333 70 , picking , ii 50 3 Oj , licht , ? 3 4r @J 00 KmiBti * city Jm 11 Cattle Receipts 2 00) ) , sliipmonts , 000 , steers barely a to id v , cows 5@10o higher , natives , SJ0OQ4 7O , rows II 75f2J 00 , Blockers uud fcoilers , ii 50 (3)00 ) , iIos ( Rocelpts 4 000 , shipments 7J0 , market opened steady , . closing easy , all grades , 155@3 CO , bulk U.3.i ( J 0J OMAHA WHOliI SIM ) MaltKIlIB tlrnccrlcs , I'roilm p , Prultn , Hto Eons btiictly freshlMjlJo , cold storane , HeHides Hides Pflts riuow Uro Green salted hides , ljfc , No 3 g hides ) Ku , dry flint hides , 5&70 , calf tildes /(3lj/o ( , dumaied hideii , Jo less , sIiolp pelts , gieun.t 10I1 , 25c@ fl 03 , sheep polls , div , per lb 7nvl8io , tal low No 1,4c , No J dj'SKo ' , urease , white 4(24X0 ( , yellow , 03e ! / Huiteh Creamery , fancy , iiQJ'o , choice , 10@Jc ) Dairy , fanci , ri ( I7l choice , U ( < 214o Cuiilri , funei , HCJUo , good tu choice 9@ lie , fair ( ( $ 8c , inlcrlor , Oftrflo Picki is Medium per , bbl J5 00 , smull , MOO , cherkins 17 00 , C & . Hchow chow , qts * 5t"i , pts 13 a Potatoes 25C J0o forckolco Onions lOCrfbOc bAUUi Kiiaut Hblj 75 balf hbls 13 85 Nuts Almonds 15lfle , Brazils , UKc , fllborts , U' ' < fo , pecans , Ho , walnuts , 1-Ko , poanutcocks , 8 c , roasted , Ho , lennoasco peanuts 7c Canned Mi ats Corned beef , 1 lb squuro cans , 1120 , corned beef , i lb square cans $ • ' 05 , corned beef , 0 lb square cans , Id 50 , corned beef 14 lb squureoaas , 114 00 , lunoli tongues , 1 lb round cans , 13 60 lunch tongues , J lb round cans , | | 75 , brawn , 1 lb siunre cans , 11 .0 , brawn , J lb b mare cans , ti 00 , brawn , 0 lb square cans , 10 50 , brawn , 111b square cans 114 00 , ox tongues \i } lb , round cuns , $ u 00 , ox tongues , 3 lb round [ cans , 15 00 , ox tonjrues , 2 } { lb round cans , 17 00 , ox tongues J lb round enns 18 00 , chipped beef , 1 lb round cans , f J 00 , chipped i beef , i lb round cans , It 00 , roast beef , 1 lb I rouud cans 1120. roast lioef , i lb round > cana , 13 00 , potted bum , V lb round cans , . 05c , potted ham , } ( lb round cans , 11.20 , , ilovilcl hnm , ' 4 lb round cans IVW , dor lied ham ' 14 lb round cans , | t JO , potted ox totiguo ! , > 4 lb round cans r > 5o , jiottcd ox tongue J lb round cans It 20 , compressed ham \ 1 lb qunro caus | | 75 compressed 1 lmni , J lb spiaro can9 tf'7 * i , trlpo , 3 lb round cans | t so , minced collops 3 lb round cans , 13 - * 0 , boneless pies feet , Jin sqtinro J < ans | 3 J.i Ono nouiid cms tire nnckc 1 two ilozennndfourdozen to rvso Iwo piuiul eans nro packed ono dozen an I two dorcn to case ' Half pound cms nro picked two dozen to cn e Qnrtor pound cans nro packed l four dozen to iiiso All prices 1 cr dozen i , not CyvvED Pimi-Brook trout , lib ? . ' 10 , snlnion ! tiont 3 lti , $ J i > , claim I II 1125 , clims ' 3 lb , IJ 00 , clam chowder , lit II So , deviled i cribs 1 1t > , ( ! - > , deviled crabs 1 Hi , 1150 j , eo lllsli balls J It SI71cavler It , tli 1 > , eels 1 It , 1110 , lobsteis 1 lb , $1 90 , lobsters , 1 It , | J ftj , lobsters dev Ilo IK" . 13 Jl , m ickerol 1 It $1 7" > , mncl orol , must urd sailer , J lb , 13,00 , maekrel tomato s tucc , lib | 3b0 oysters 1 II 1110 ovntci" J II , II I So , salmon C R. , 1 ll > , It 00 , salmon , O It , J It UM ) , silmoii Miska 1 It lilt ) , salmon ! , Alaska , i lb , IJ ( j " > , slnimis in , | Jl 0Dun Dun it Fin it Currants , now rcurunos , casks ! 1 100 Its 4'fc , prunes tilils or b ij.s , I'io , citron pcoi uriiins _ ( ) in J4c , union ( eel , drums JO lbs .0c , f ird dales boxes IJ lis He , upiicots , choke evaporate 1 , 14c , apricots 1 Jelljy cund i > It boxes , l * c uprl- cots 1 , fancj , Mount Hiniilton - lb boxes 10c , npricots cholci , bag4 81 lis 1-1' i ap ples evapoialud , Aldcn , < 0 lb hoxrs tl'jc , npplos 1 si ir , 8C , , ni pics fniici , Allien , " > lb , 10c apples faiicj , Allen , • 1t , U ) e , Salt Lnkp 584C , blackberries , ovaporalcd , 50 lb boxc , 5)ViltLfo. chorrlis plttci , drv cure I , 14c pens , Cliifornli fincv43boxes ' Jo lb l.c peaches Cil Not fincy , „ , uup bin , ' bO 1 lbs , 15c , nocturljcs red 14c ncctarltios silver box s , 15e , pltte 1 plums , ( Jul .1 lb boxes SJ c raspberries ovnp N Y , now , . ( c , prunes Cnl R. L , 90 100 bo\C9 _ > lbs , 7c , prunes It O , Ii0 i0 0c , oringi peel 15c , raisins LallforniaLoiidons crop 18M ? 'J > , raisin * Cnl loose muscatels crop ISM , 110 : Viilcndiis lbbS 8Kc , Valoni in * new , 7c Cnl seedles3 skB 7i4"c Cavii Milliard ducks , 1100 lf0 mlxo 1 ducks II roCiJ ( HI to il II > ( } M ) Jaclt snipes 1 II 00l .5 Jitk ribblts , * . ! 0 i l 00 , small rabbits St 00 10 , s julrrols , l 00 J 1 10 , Plovir 7 > cC5 t 00 Li vioxs Panci , fiOOQliliO , choice 1 > 0 Q.00 1 Cei 11 in Per doz , We LiUioitMA Okaiis IJ00 Sai sokv 1 ' „ ( . } $ ( ! | lb bTvticit lnCt"li per lb Stovi Poi hu-SJ03 ( < J ) 87 per gross Biioovh I tic * > tll ttio | iJJ , stiblos , M 80 , couimou , II 5IQ1 75 oBvus Am , per 10U fcl7 00 , I owiston pet 100 117 00 Lvud liorco Rollncl Vje puto leaf , Ci ' > ( < , kettle rendered , % Aid 'de to , ' < c foi smallei quantities Paiuxailocs Coops Bailey T4Tlo , firinn , 4' c pea Jc oitmeal , 2fi { 1 ic , micaroni 10c , vermicelli 10c , rice , 4ittL ( c , sago uud lupioc 1 IC.7C , lituu beans le , Corn 1 Roasted Arbuckle s Arlosa 24 > , e Mcf auirh ins XWX JH o , ( uniian Jt e , Dilwoith , J4Ke , Aliromi , ' 48 „ c Oofh 1 - Crcen I ancv old golden Rio 34c famy old peiberry , J-iJ t Rio choice to fancy , „ 'c Rio prime , Jlc Rio good , Uc , Mocha , -9u , Java , fancy Mnndchling , 7c Java eood Interior , Jlc , African -O fc Mess Poitk-r- Per bbl - - , 0 7 > i A AN s According to size per bunch , u oor _ j 100 BurTcitiM Tubs 13c rolls Hu Ci coANi ts Per 100 ? 5 ( ,0 Al 11.E BcTTrit t > c Unni-Bbls lor0 , nlf ubls MOO Mai 1 r buoAii 1JVJ ( 115c per lb Camii ) J ( _ i.Jc per lb CliANliFlllius Cipo Col | 10 00@ll 00 OnvNOLS iiondi , bcr liux ft00(2oX ( ( ) BicmviiLAr Iiouh Per bbl I5 51ll > 0 Wool Pine average 2JCti3o , me Hum avei ifo 2lCiJJc , itiartor blood , avenge 23 ( iJlc coarse , avenge 15 ( < J17c , eotts ind roucli uyernc | 14l0c. Puns Beivcr per lb 83 50 cl 00 , otter , each , 13 00(37 ( 00 wolfc eachfl5 ( Woo coon each > 5G7jc , mink , each , lo OOo muskrat fall ( ? , skunk nt JaGOOu , badger , rat , J5@a0c , deer skins , fall per lb , lbQ.7c wlnlei , 12QJJC Hrvns Choice hand I Ickcd navy | 17"3 183 , choice haiud picked medium I05f I 70 , choice hand picked eountri II 50jl ( ) ( > o clein countiv , 11,50 ( 1 00 , luicnoi country , II 00QIo Phovisions Hams No 1 10 lb average , 'JJfcOto J3 lbs bc , U to II lbs 10c , shoulders 5c , breakf 1st bacon , No 1 8lfc ham sauspco b > c dried beef hams , 7o , ueof tongues jflOO per dozen , diy salt moats 6Q i' cporlb , ham roulette OJfo , add le per lb for small lots Hkei J ovours Silt , per bbl 130 00 Hay-IoO @ ( )00 ) Cnor I crp 113 00 BiiAN-110 00 PoitN 18c Oats 10c Vkai Choice medium size , CGSc , cl oieo , henvi 4@0c Lv E II 75Q4 50 Livr Piocovs Per noz , | 1 50 bucRS Whole pel lb Alspico 9c Cas , ela China J j , cloves Penanrf Jj , nutmegs No 1 * 5c pepper , 18 (713c GiNorit Jamaica l { pints , | " 00 per doz CiiLGse YouiilAmericas ful' ' cream IP4C , factoo twins UGlJ' o , off 1 rades 7C' c , Van Rosscu fdiun 111 50 pot dosnp sijo 23c' brkk 12iijO , limburgcr , lie , domestic ' bvvisu lSftSUc WiiAinvo Pjli iu Straw , p"r lb , VQ J'ic ' , rug , JLje , manllla B BjO' ' c , No 1 , 7o . Uvos Union square , 35 per cent oft list Sait Dairy -aO lbs in bbl bulk I'10 , best grille , W ) Ts , J JO , bstraao ( 100 is , IJ40 , best grido " 8 , 10s 3 _ 0 , rock salt , ciushcd II 80 , dairy salt Ashton , 50 lb Digs , i 85c , bulk J21 lb bags , t-l , . > , common in 1 bbls II 25 An IBS Per bbl common S OOfJr12u , ' choice I3.50Q4 00 fincy 4 00(33 ( 00 Mincc NJi at 20 lb cms 7'4i ' HoNrv15c poi lb for choice Piiisntvis JKGlOc per lb Jrii as 4G4o per lb HIE-.WAX So 1 , 10(2 > 19e Chocoiati and Coeoe 2lQ17o per lb , German ehlckoiv , rod , be Pies PebT Pickled kits 70c , Bplcod Dies toncurs kits SJ l > , pickled trlpo kits , ( > 5u plcklol II C tripe , kits 8.10 spliced piis hocks kits , | 1 15 fcjoin btito I4O0G5 00 , inncv , | 5 00 ® 5 40 fcPisii Dried codfish l } Cf8o , sealel Her ri ig , Jlc per box , hoi horriuF , , dom 55c , Hamburg spiced neriinc , | i 50 , hoi herring , imp , 8Jc , mackorcl , No 1 shore , 111 MJ , fancy mess , 113 50 per 100 lbs , whl 0 fish \ No 1 17 00 , fumil > , 13 75 , trout , * 525 , sal mon , | 8 50 Ous-ICeiosone-P W,0J ; o W W , 12c , hcudliht ( 12)o , gasoline , liiu'l- , lard No 1 44c , No J , 10c , salad oil , | l.a@9 00 per dozen Sloahs Cut loaf , 80 , cut loaf cubes So , tandard , lowdorcd , bo , X\W , powdered : , 80 , griinulatodstandard 7' u , confectioners ' A , 7c , white extra C O c extra C Neb , 0 > oo ; iimonr , ! > } ( a , cnnaiy XC , We So vi s Custllo , inottlol per lb , 8@10o , costilo , whllo , per lb , U@15o Tvvlni h anil Hope Binders Twivibisal , Uo , 1M & Hf , 14u , manilla 15t ClOTiirsLisrs Cotton 50 ft , II 17 , cotton [ , GO ft , II 3o , juio , 50 ft , 00c , Into , M ft , | 1 00 I Cotton Inisr Pine , 30a , uiodlum , 19e 1 heavy hemp 14olltht hemp , 10c bAii Pwivu B sail , JOe , Calcutta 14c , manllla rope 14'oO ' , sisal rene , llj-jt , now process 8 0 , fulo , 9 0 , cotton , llio , hide lope , 17c Lumber nnd ItiilUltni ; Mntcrlal Stock Boiuiips A , 13 inch , sis , 14 and 10 reel , 115 00 , B Hindi , sis , 13 14 and 10 feet 111 00 , C , 13 Inch , s 1 s , 13 and 10 . feat , IU100 , IJ 13inch , si b 13 , 14 and 10 y. feet 1-8 00 , No 1 com 12 inch , sis 13' feet 116 OJ , No J com iJinch , 1 1 II and 10 feut (17 5X318.50 , No 1 com 13 inch sis ; , 10 18 and 30 feet , IIS 50. No 1 com 13 inch , Ha 14 aud 10 foci . 110 00 Poilah LuMiirii Clear poplai box bds , J 'S ' { / In , s 2 b IJ5 00 clear popl ir , 9g | aucl , 1.9 00 , clear poplar , "J in panel , 12100 eloar poplar , yi 111 pane ) , slock wide , s i a 1,8 00 , clear , poplar corrufcutodcelling , ) il > 00 Posts Whlto cedar 0 in halves , 13c ! , white codur , 5K' " hulves uud S iu quurters , Hu , white cedar 4 la round , lho , fuanesBou led cedar , split , 17c , split oak , wulu , So , sawed oak 18a buirLAi-No 1 plain 8und 18 fn , 11700 , No J plain , 8 aud HI in , 115 50 , No 1 , O O , 118 00 DIXKN6IONB AND TIMDEIt 13 ft 14 ft IU ft 18 ft 20 ft ; 23 ft 24 ft 3x4 ,15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 3x0 ,1500 1500 1500 1000 1800 18 00 1800 3x8 . ,1600 1500 1500 1000 10 00 1800 1800 2x10 . ,15P0 15 00 15 00 10 00 IU 00 lb 00 18 00 2x13 1600 1500 15O0 1000 11100 18 00 1800 4x18x91000 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 19 00 Pitxctxo No 1,4 and < lln , 13 mil 14 ft , rough llliooaitt 60 , No 1. 4 and in , HI ft , H7O0 ( < D17" > 0 , No J , 4 unit tl In , 13 nnd 10 ft , in 5oui4 no No j , a nmi n in , 10 fi , ir > m I iMsinxfi 1st nnd Jd clear I'flnih , s 3 s ! 49O0fM 00 , 1st and -M eleir Hi nnd J Inch sJs Il7 00 ( , i" > tt0i ) , < d eleir , 1 > . huh , s 2 s $ i100i4u00 , H select , i > ( 1 , nnd J Inch , s 2s fl7lH..ai ( 1800 , l tniid Ji eleir I Inch , s 3 s HMW , lu ilnir , 1 inch , s 2 s , too ( K ) , A select , 1 Inch , s 3 s 11 | no , It select , I inch , s i s I al 00 Battiss Will UlltXd , PllMTS-0 O Hatts JS Ineh , ( Mo O tl Bitts 3' ' , ' * > * . loc , 8 In well tubing , 1) X SI tin t bev , IJJHI ( pickets I ) v.Hllit | 2-00 , lukots i ) t u B1uare , ll'iOO 1 loomxo 1st com 0 huh white pine , HI 00 , .leom lilni 1 white | lm$1100 , ti com II Inch vvhlto pit 0 I-10J , 11 com 0 Inch white pun , J'OOO torn 4 uud 0 Iikii ydlow line $1500 btir 4 Inch Vullovv I Itio 117 1)0 ) , 1st nn 1 21 clear jellow pine , 4 anl 0 inch , 119 00 Sinvaii s Per st- Kcliar < l 20 , oxtri * A , * J8) ) , standard A I 10 * Inch cleat II 00 ( 1 70 | t'lucli eleir | 1 7 ( It Ml , No 1 , II tllCCI 15 , clear led ccdur , tuixc I wilths from ashintoii tnriltoiy , ft 40 , Cillfornli rcl wood , dimension wilti s f | ro i > pro s i.lenr In nrl illmr > ti < lnn uliitha iA _ . latha 12 40 BoAiins No 1 ecm s 1 I 13 II mid 10 ft 118 00 , No . , do , 115 00. No I do 114 00 , No 4. do ( ship scull ) , 111 Wd I > ( > o pel iu ft for lough llltixa IMI PVI TITION 1st com % in vvhlto pine piriition 1,12 00 , Jl 10111 i-ln white Diiiopiirllon * 3'U0 , char 8 < In vellow pine lolling SMm ) , cle ir t , in Norwaj , lliro 2110m \ In Norw i > , II'30 1 imi Best , 80c Cl MI ST11 J ) Pi isrut IJ ' 0 Hun ,0c Bin pimi Union Common 1103 3 ? VI per 111 , schcted , I7 50GJ00 per ill , sown hi Ick , 11 0010 IK ) 1 or m sash lit ) 1 or cuntdKount Dooiif Biimis vsn Moil 1 isns-id ami 10 per cent on" lvniirn L ' riT-l'OOior cwt bruvw Boviid II 4) ) per cwt I ) nniiiud Cutt th Out ol Woilr lhaieiiio 7 000 dliiiuoud ut' tots out otwoik iu Aiustuidiim niono At a mcitlnir of 111010 than 1 iiOOof tin 111 recently cently held thoio M Van Pi in ' at „ ti ibutod lho w nit of vvoi k 1 hiells to the hi h puces or law diamonds mil noxti to the Ictnlciit v. of tlio jou ilo s to ti tdo in raw dlimonds nstnd of dovotin r tlioiimohus to thoii pit pit it 1011 foi the I 111111 kct 1 lie spoakoi con-i.lcd oithoi the cstalilishmeiit of 1 win kinjjiiion' Lompanj with filVO Riimil 11 stones nnd a c ijut il of r)0 ( ) OUO Hoi ins ot lho ti nsfot of the ttmln to I ondon , whuto the dc tl- oisin riw diutnonds and Ihoowiicts of the ( liuniond lleids wote living • I I Dow are of frnuds Hod ( io s CourIi Diops will cute yout cold SfROEDETa DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions g Stocks BaseniBit First National Bank IOS boulli I till Slrctl , - O11111I111 : COMMERCIAL MTiOiL _ BAl 1 Capital , - $400,000 Surplus , - /iO.OOO Onicors vu 1 Dl-o tor3 U Jt M ) -.amau , O M UltchcocR J13 ( Juiaosi Jr \ Hmiry K M AinlerKon , Wa (1 ( Maul , v ums I II Will alms A I Itopklni prcs A Millar 1 casnler I II liryunt assist int cashier , NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK 17. S DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB I I Cnpltnl T > 100,000 ' Sin plus Tim 1st , 1S8' ) 52,000 Oil ICTUS AND lMltHIOlH HtMiv W Ynrs I resident \ JbwisS Hi h Vlco 1 le-il le it A t Iou/viin VV \ Moihf JonvS Coitlxa it C CUhlllP.0 , J N II Pa run k. V If s Hoi nt Paslilor THE IRON BANK , Cor 1 th und I ainsni Sts A Gcu 1 ai Uunkinc , iluslness I rum tel s m n n wanteTd 9 h Or ! I H 4 ,03UED , DY CITICO , ujj In Ii ! &n couriTits , school W SUBS % - / DISTRICTS WATEn Correspondence solicited C0MPANIE8 , ETC N.W.KARniS&GoMPAHY , Bankers , 103-103 Dearborn Street , CH1CACO. , 70 StotB Struct BOSTON OMAHA MiNMCTDM I Boots end sl1 ° of ? w KlllKhWALL , JO\hS 1 CO , Eiiccrnon tolleed Jjio ia Wliolesaic Manufacturers of BjfM Sloes Anent forllnsionltubbcr''hof lo 110" 1101 and II0J 1 llaruaj blrctt Oni hii Nrbnu a : BroworB . . . . . - - sionz sTu.nn , Lager Beer Brewers IMI No-th 1 Uhtetnth Street Oimn Sebrinlta Cornlco BAOLE OOUNiah HO/f/fS / , Manufacturers ofGalyatuzei Iran Cornice 1 i yvindow-cor < an1 mnal Icslr lahu jobari neter proprietor inland lloNmui lot inrvet i . . . ' 1 8loam fitting , Pumps , Eto CLAWC ' l r > M M UF 4 > 7a CO , Pomps , Pipes and Engines , Eteam wa er rMlwor and mlnlnn auj pllf etc IW V-Jmi 1 Ml 1 arnam urejt Paul i . U 8 WIND E\OlNF A I'UMP CO , Slcaui anfl Water Supplies , Hnlllear w n I rail 1)19 ) an I ir Jnnei tt Om&ha Ci t lion ActlDK Munaaer llllOWhELl A uo , Engines , Boilers ana General Machinery , i Fhaet-lrun hem itcam pumpi nit rallli t I > )21i ) leavenwortU slrcut , Oia&Us Iron Worke : PAXTOV A VIBULIM1 IH0WOIIKH , | Wroognt and Cast Iron Building Work KntlDo.lron work Kfneral louudrr mK nine and blaciiuiltb woik omce and * rica U I Ut i aaJIItli itratt.Uunlin I OMAHA Wlllti , t 1UON WOUKis , \ l Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings I ) iic talli window uuirdi doner alanda nlreilKna ' i ate UIKorllililllntreat Omaba | - OMAHA SAFE & UiOW If O/fh'S , I Manf'rs ' of Tire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vault ! Jail work Iron • butler , and lira encaiai > 6 Andiaeu propr Cor InU aud Jartton fu : 8aBh.JDojorsjito. m a Disanow x to , yyiioleia maiiufacturcra ot Sa'li , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings Branch utUco llili andliardalreala Ooiaba Neb 9 SOUTHlbjMAHA - 1n" ' ' ' ' -i UNION STOCK YAHD COt Of SoQth Omalia LimitGl OMAHA JOBBERS ' DIRFXTORY „ Aqrlcultiirnl Implomontn LJ.slSGhllA VF.ICA IF CO , * " Aerlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages niunlf flo Wholf < ale Unial a Vibm.ka Juo//.NfTvuHints a shhwahu do MunnfaotureMa 11 JoN ! > rsln Wagons , Bogies , Rikes , Plows , Ela LVr 9ih anl I nclttci > tt p | omal a. ArllBta7 MotorlnlB , 1. UO PF I ) , Artists ' Materials , Panes and Organs , Ull lloiulai aire contain v tir ilia r _ . Poota " nntl 6hoos _ _ ir r wilts : t. co , JodIbr of Boats and sooot Ml IW Um I ) \ li % a r ft o inl n Man ifac err , " ii nor Uriel I nun " jBonl , Ooko , Etc ja mns w i ua i inhrcoA i. co , Miners J } ] and Snippers of Coal and Coke , _ JjloonUI U < NatlonsI llm k n HMms , Onia ik OMAltA LOA1 lOKU S UlfB Coi * Jobbers of Hard aid Sift Coal Mt ullilMh Mrral On alia Ni branka - A hlWASKATVLl LO , * Stiippers of Coal and Coke , 211 bomb lit i strict On nln Nebraska = : > onimlaalon and Storneo mounih ( itmni tt , , Storage ard Cmm ssion Marcliants Bp.c.altlc . .liu- . . . „ > . . 4 4 SKJhllMHr7. = . ru- : : rrrt „ . ClRnri r > FAAmrsiiiOa Ceo , Wholesale Cigars , lOtlforth CthStioct.Oinahv Sob Hello 1119 , _ Dry Coot)9 ) nivi Notions ' MI ilD/ii.vCO , Bry Goods , FiTinsliiiig Goods and Notions llOiai 1 ) 1 llVIDuugl is cor lltli atrt U On aha Vfb KTLPAIRICK JCaCll lmv OOODb CT7 ( Importers [ & Jobbers in Bry Goofli , Notions tUnti ( hur l h i n Oooli C rn , r lllh aud Uvrner itn IMlnlllts N irai.e c ' ' " - ' ' „ FurnJ uro i > BII > l lllOXF Wtolosale Dea'crs ' m Furmtnro lama u utrict Omal a Sol matn ' ciEi i \nfrntuoic , * K Furniture 0 i aba Nejra ka : Orooorloo Mcctmi ) , un ivy no , Wlio'csale Grocers l'thaml Ix3 vuiucrthil ot ) Onrvln Nobra a. E " . , = ' Hirdwa'o i ii / nnoA ten Heavy Hat dwarf , Iron and Steel , BprlnRS , wngn s o k Inriwi 1 mibjr , uta lWt Mil 11 trior air t Oi al a III Ml llAUQtl I lAYlOTt Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sbop Mechanic Tool * nnl II if nlooilfj lia Douclat street Oitnli i > ib " Lumber , Eto > _ JO//A / A WAKh I 11 hO , Wholesale Luintei' , Etc Importol , a 1 A i erica i 1 orilai 1 Con cnt , > tat § aseiiir rMllrnukco llrlr ullc Cement ait Un o. W1 ( i Um - cJms Tt i lW * Bealer m Hardwced Lumber , Wotxl car(4ti in 1 parquet no r 1 % 3hanlUjug t BtrcLi * * < > rain Net rHla * " OVAUA I TmHFH CO t . AliKfoihofBiii ding Material at WMesa'o lBlb atrc t and Union 1 icllle trsc Omaha ' " Lorn , unAmoiw , Bealer in Lumber , Lath , Luce , Sasli Doors etc VnrJs f > rnor "th and lmxi 021c # < orntr lOtU an 1 Dotiults Lnnrticr , Lime , Ceineit , Etc , Elc CorQ l UI , nn 1 JMcElne lrm Omabn Dealer In All Kinds of Lumber 13tb anllallfornlaatteoH Ontla Scbraika . . . I ! ! fiUL1 . nJ ? nniL Noti ° na * / onnmrTAjrn ice , Importers & Jotibcrs in Millinery & Notions 20J m and lit bout , 111b itreot : Notlone " " ' J /O/i/AlOA'AOT/OA'CO , Wlio'esale ' Notions and rurnisliing Gools 1121 linn er timet O uul a , -1 ; OIlB " * " CONbOT.IVA J / • l > J A A K LTN U CO , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , { l Gr aae etc Omal a A II Hlahop M nm.er , " * OyjnrnxltMPApih co , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry anl < omock of nr n 11 vvraulne and writing papur tpulal aitentloii ulienlii card paper r , i , _ _ , . . JL.u.u- _ ' " Safes to A x vfaK'U i C O. Grncial Avent for Halls ' Safes , rBlamiajlHoiithlOthPt Omnha _ f. . " 11 . -S- - - ' % Toys , Eto " j II HAIWYICO , Jobburiof Toys , Dolli , Albums , Fancy Goofy IIP < el unil'blnif tiooda Cl tldrin a Carrlajei lt % t amain tin t Omaha Web TUB CHICAGO SHORT LINE oi run Chicago , Milwauke & St , Paul R'jTi ' Tbo Ilcst ltouto from Om ilia ami Council ISIutft to = THE EAST E- two TitAiNS DAiry nsiivmN omah4 AND COUSC1I. IJI.UFiffl Ciilcn&o , AND Mllnnukeo , Bt I'nul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapldn * Rock Itlantlt Fiecjioi t , llockford , Clinton , lltibmiiio , Davenport } Elt'lu , Hmllson , Jaiiesillle , llelolt , WlnoiiR , fiiiCio c , And allotblr Important poll u K l , Norlbtnl and boi tuvait Tor through ttckeU call on the llakat aicat at l-'H rarnam alrcct lu Iiarker UUCt or at Uilca I acini Kullman Blaainn and the rinait Ulnlnl Car , In ( hi worl I am ruuon the ) oa n llnu ol tbe I blcnio MlC aukea& BL Paul llallwur aad * imy slUatlo i U paid to patirDKOra courltoul tmpioje , of tl aompa ir ICilll I Bll aeneral llanamr 1 V TI1CKHHmiitinicentral Manner A , V 11 CAUlc.STKlt Ueutral 1'amnjar an4 Ticket Agent OKU r liHAViroBll AuliualOeoaralf 4ea f 9VJ , CcjLuJL Oaaeral Bnnilolea0 ii -