2 T1TE OMAHA DAILY ME : MONDAW JANUARY 13. 1800. 1 STORM OF THE SEASON The Dllsrard of 10BO Colobrtttos Its Second Annlvorsary ALL TRAVEL GREATLY DELAYED Stroct Car Line * I orcctl lo Susp'nil Operations rrnliiN brtcril IImm Itolilnd Time Clearing In the Ahi. . WmerdnjN Illlf/nrd TliL I coi ! o of Omntii and Nebraska hnd Occasion yesterday to retni inbcr vlvhll ) tl o terrible blizzard ot Januurv 12 twocnrs aeo The second anniversary of ttial memorable storm was celcbrntod bj another almost us sovcro locall } , and the first of any couscqucnco slnco then It commenced blowing and snowing about dn ) light } ester tinj morning and has continued with in creased fur } up to this morning As } ct , howovcr , It is imposiiblo to predict • what thu result will bo A heavy Lorth wlndcarrl d the flno white stuff alone until It s ruclt some sheltered spot to fnll and plto up In grcnt drifts liv dark last coning the sti cots In many places were utmost blot lf- mlcd nnd comparitlvcl ) ilosortod At noon tno car tracks wore so burled ttiut motor cars could not run , and the AlcrLcr us well us bridge line systems had to be nbindnncd Hthu aid of sweepers - ors nnd coupling tlireo 01 four motors together , the Sixteenth street line was kept oi > en until 8 o clock , but iho snow dtlftel so bill ) unit illkd ; up the openings so qulckl ) that nil clTortB to keep thorn open failed Lvci } tram on the villous railroads cen tering in Omaha arrived Inst evening but they were fiom ono to thrco hours bohlnd tlmo und those going out st tried on their respective Journovs though the outlook for Lolng through or gptttlfg yet ) far was most discounting bnow lilows wont ahead of thorn , though on the last mid west roads deep cuts arc tilled full of snow still It had nnt nad time to pack dow n eloso and become heavy Ket orts rcicivcd bj Observer Welch of the United States signal servlco at 8 o clocK last night snowed that the storm had ceased in southern Dakota and western Nebraska lho wcuthcr was clear and the wind vor } kid Mr Welch slntod that the lowest temper oturo since midnight Saturdii } wis5 dearies nboio zero and the highest tompornturo was U degrees ibovu zero At 7 o clock last night the tomi oraturo wasTdogrocs above , und the wind was blowing with a vcloeltv of thirtv two miles per hour that being the highest vcloeltv rcachc 1 durlm thu storm A c ireful cstlmato of the amount of snowfall places ft at about Iho inches Thu du } was a hard onu on the street cais motor and e iblo lines Cats i.m Irregularis nil day and on the motor lines trailers were not even thought of So much difficult } wis experienced in mnklng an } healwa } that two ana sometimes three motors were cou | led together On the front platforms j two mcu were stationed with switch irons 1 whleh they hold to the nils to scrnpo the snow off 1 ho snowplows Were of littlouse for the snow flakes were fulling so thtcldy and drifting so badly that inside of live minutes afit the plow was used tha tiack was in as biu condition as over lowurdn nightfall It wns evident that the cars would have to stop running Shortl } after i Don the curs on the hndgo line bo ( imo stullod and it took neirl } two hours ifi get baek to the power house at Council Hluffs The machincr } was then stopped lust at dusk the horse ear drivers recolved ordcisto head for the enr barns aud some j ilrlvcis whoso cars were stalled before this iiuiuaiiucipuuu wiuoruur iuu midline , luoir horses to the rear of the e irs st irtcd foi sheltei rhocablo lines stopped running about 0 I m 1 he c irs on the North Twentv fourth nnd Ilunscom Park Hues were the next to sue cumb und with dlflloultv the motormeti i guided them to the power house on Nine tccnth and Nicholas btrccts Iho cars on > , tno Walnut Hill and South Elovcnth street ! line stopi ed running about the same time J At * ) ) n only ono line in the cltv was in ] operation , ana that was the Shormnn avenue j rand South Omaha line , but orders were issued it that time for the inotormeu to eoino into the barn os fast as the } arm cd \ and thoj gladl } complied with the mandate At midnight the Union Pacific nnd the U 1 & . M roads reported having veiy little difiN i cult } on account of the snow Iho tram on j the Union Puclua which was duo nt 4 o clock 3 did not arrive until ncnrl } midnight but i this train was reported 1 ito from the W03t | and wuh not delayed bv the storm of this 1 ( division I The I romont X Elkhorn road had their snow plows ojt alt da } and tiuius wore enl } slithtl } dolucd At tlic Police btntlnn Drifts of the beautiful four und live feet high were piled In n wholl } undlsturbod pha l.inx in front of the mnin entrance to the central police station at 11 o'clock last night Hits faet was the best indication possible that scarce ) } a person had entered or left tliat vilol } odored plaeo for full } four hours prior to the tlmo mentioned iho officers who were inside stuid thcro and hugged the radiators hi true lordly fashion , while these . on tliq outside found no cnuso which the } | / could imagine being acceptable to their j sutcriors for showing themselves at the 1 , plaeo j No storm catastrouhles of anv sort were 1 reported to or b } the police nnd the } nil j seemed most devoutly hnpp } that sueh was j the fact ,1 , \ouu ilachlhs | Itov \ \ J Hnrsltn's Sli mon Hoforo | tint Uinnlin Cnniiiiurclnl College 1 rhoKov \ \ J Harsh i dellvorod the fol- 3 lowlug sermon before the students of the I * Omaha Comuiorcial college lust night | i lhn pnssago to which I would direct } our | attention , } ouug people of the commercial IB college , js to bo found in the ninth chapter Is of Lcclesinstics nnd flftoonth verso : * Now I l | thcro was found in It a poor wlso man nnd 1 t ho bv his wisdom delivered the city , yet no , i | man romemboreu that same poor man " I Solomon Is hero eulogizing wisdom It Is > IE natural for au > man to praise that particular S quality of art in which ho hltnsolf excels , and 1 bolomon the mun of wisdom , but acts upon 1 tills principle In dotondlng tint which ho 1 pru } < ! d foi and so iIchl } received In doing ; , so ho selects an illustration from the cam palgn of a king Ho tolls ot a llt'lo ' city that had long been pursuing Its arts aud Industries trios in a rjuiot nestling vnllo } 'Iho ntton I , tIoiiof the inhabitants had Inrgoly been dl I rcc'od toward acquiring wealth with which , I to adorn their homes and smooth their lives I \ \ atks aud pardons had engrossed their euro > I j lalliur than wars and garrisons The plant I lug of trees had scorned more im | > ortant than I the planting of batteries , the tending of I fountains rather than the shooting up of I ulurm rockets I Thus grown rich , the } were regarded as I precious pro } by a ncichborlng king , who I also saw lu their unwnrliko hubits a promise I of oas victory , 'lldings ot his intentions I were brought to the city by some of the I traders who ( locked for stores to the mor I chants Now there were in that city brag I ' tarts who crlod : Hoi Hot the king cannot I . conquer u , for wo will ourselves ioadou I ' out to do him battle , and who can stand I against usl' ' Hut when the king actually > I cuino to the walls It was observed that these I braggarts had tuuen themselves into biding t I and no man could find them lhon a poor . I wise man stepped out and said Lot ten of I } our host men como to my shoe-bench und I I will tell them what I have been thinking as I to a moans ot escape from the king and Ills I armies Accordingly the ton men wont und I the poor wlso umu unfolded his plans , aud li they seemed so prudent that the tea men I raised a shout , and the people took it up and I { It was echoed all along the streets , 11 aud the armlet ot the king outside | j the walls hoard the shout nnd they nil took l | to their heels , for they nupposod that the ] If people of the little city had received re- I j lnforceiuonts I ' 1 heu the braggarts carao out of their so i I elusion and crlod Old wo not whin them I Jiuudiomely I" and the people gathered about them ! nnd strnUhtwiv forgot all about the poor wise man nnd bis counsel which snvo.1 the city As for this poor wlso man , ho wont rontcnlcdl } back to his shoe bench nnd took up the "undals bo had been at work upon i , nnd by rut means complained that ho was forgotten by the pcoplo whom ho had saved I am to speak tonight of } our teachers but do not imagine that I intend to Introdueo a comparison between the pcor wlso man and the schoolmaster , however nit In financial returns the compurlson might bo Nor do 1 proposb to enter Into nny critictl question as to whether bolomon meant this for n pure 1 arable or chose some nctual scene of his tor.v Some have held that b } thn little city Athens was meant , which w is beslogel bv the hosts of Xerxes 420 11 C and delivered by the wisdom of Ihcmistoctcs Others have held that Dora beoiged by Antlochus thoOrent.lS II L Is the plaeo hinted nt Nor do 1 propoio more than tn mention that thn Cihuldcr expl tins this pnssaLo as an alle gory "Ihocity , " Iti-Nys , 'is the human bed } , the grot'king Is Sin evil desire the poor wlso man 1st. grJd disposition which saves us from sin " M } purpose Is simple nnd plnln nnd has vyrv little pretense of learning in It 1 Want to rail } our intention to the truth that counting heads Is good , but weighing or tins i < better ! A multitude can uciom pllsh much but wisdom will do mora And I desire also to inlnrcss upon \ou how un ratoful It is to recolvo benefit Irom the wise lour men , the uunoUci.cl hird toilers , and then to forget thorn cutircl } buch men and iiilljcnces otifht to bo kept In mind thnnit full } nnd then would n man Kathcr stihd up nssured with conscious pildo Alone , than err with millions b } his sldo our toichois nro inuumerablo The faithful men and women who impart to you the elements of lmowledgo In the schools represent but a small purt of the ngoneics nnd Inlluences to which vou ewe much for education All ttiat 1 can do is to present fur } our consideration the maiiv important things ulbcitofton forgotten as was thop"or wlso man which imirovo jour minds mid mould } Our lives 1 would that I eould pie turo before } ou the clrcumstancos } ou are uiost In debt to so that vou could not Torgot thorn Perhaps } ou have read of a book-curlositv that wns very much admired some ceil turics ngo Ihls cxtrvordlnary volume contained the travels and adventures of Charles Mn | lus a noble Vcnetl in , and } ot thoru was not a worn lu It The book wns made up of eighteen p igos of most beautiful paintings upon vellum , dome of thorn b } tbo hand of Paul A rronosu Hero in pictured form the whole life of the noble \ cnetltiu was presented His being captured b } the Ottomans , his sale as a slave Into Etpt , his hardships in slaver } , his journeys in Sria Jiis pilgrimage to Jerusalem und his icturn to Venice after being ransomed , nhero ho found tils cnomios triumphant but his friends faithful , nil this the painter a brush m031ividlv uud beautifully related It is such a power as this th it 1 covet I wish that I eould present to vour mind scjo by vivid means whnt Imnortant tuacleis yourc\perionecs ou ht to bo toou in sock ingsuccess in lifo \oui experiences will of course ho divided into successes and fail ures both of which should bo inndo useful tOou At lirstou will piobibly have few of the ilrst und man } of the second but us vou progress } our successes will become moro numerous and vour trIng and disup pointing alii s moro few Ho sure that oven } Our failures help jou oinvtrd \ \ hen Caesar wis walking ou the seashore ono da } ho stumbled i\ow if lid had alien to the side where the heathen dvvnlt It would have been ie.arded ( is an evil omen bv hissuioi slitlous followers Hut ho cast himself he id long towaid Uomo thus changing the omen into u good one and binding moro firmlv the arlor of his men to his genius Thus do vou try to iiutce even } oui falls und failures help vou onwaid in tno teed opinion of } our fol low mon , nnd thrust vou albeit rudel } , to ward the Uomo of hieh success Turn over another vellum leaf of } our lifo aud let us find another picture of a helper to } ou 'Lbo central flguro in this .sreiui is the iirintiiicr nress and suriounnitiir it 1 wo sco boxes of typo editors tables reporters i momoinudum boo cs und the bus } distributing uoses the press is one of } ; our most ofllcioat teachers Time was when the stump the platform and the pulpit were i ulmost the ooH instructors of the t masses Books were ponderous volumes stored mostl } In innccessiblo mon nstci i io3 and of such n thing ns a daily or wceklv press the pcoplo had notthosltchtest conception < Hut now the world is largely mouldod : b } it With marvellous encigy every i part of the world is searched for news i , with wondrous cheapness the main facts : of the worlds work are laid at } our elbow i with speed and nccuraev the prices of i the great markets are brought to the mer chant i and trader and full treatises on sei ence i art , Iiteraturo and religion are pro sentcd i for dally perusal Marvellous edu catorl i Woil did Anthonv lrollopo call the press ] a Jupiter fulminating iricslstiblo thunder • bolts out of n concealed 01 } mpus Another great teacher for you is obsorvn tion Opeuour oos Die } were made to boopen It is enl } when } ou are sleeping or i dead that they should bo closed Vou llvo in a wondrous time and in tbo most in teresting countr } the sun shines on Keep the run of the movements of the worlu Uar nard Paliss } was the hotter potter because ho studied caiefully the reformation usder Luther occuriing in his time Hugh Milloi was the butloi practical geologist bceauso ho followed closely the great discussions bo tvveen cliristlinity and its enemies and the disruptions of the Scottish sects and churches The poor wise man could go baek to the sowing of his sindals with better craco und could put into them moro honest and efficient stitches hecauso ho had freed the little city from the armies of the great king So 1 say to you watch the mov omenta of the world , have your oos opoa upon the scenery In which you move , get from the faces of your friends a constant help and stimulus From every river learn steadiness of tiow , from every hill learn elevation of churactcr , from ever } tree learn the happiness of growth and need of bearing fruit for the blessing of the na tions Other touchers are your companions , jour lovers , nnd ludced } Ourfellowmcu gonerult } btudv human nature Hook ttnov\lodgo is good but man knowlcdgo is better And do not full to got the thought that there is nub a thing as universal expelieuco There uro many things } ou must find out forour sclvos but there are a few things of which the world speaks to you with authontv lhcro are certain conclusions that nil mon have found true all the his tor } of the past is behind tliom Tor uxuui- plo unlversul oxpcrieiico lias show a the ad vantages of honest } Taken ia connection with the future world it Is surely the best policy All men know that no one can sin and oscapa punishment 'Vour sin will find jouout 'Ihcsonro specimens of the creut conclusions the world has arrived at , and if you would bo trul } successful } 0U must act uon | them And do not forget that the vast voice of mankind Is in favor of a Oed an immortalit } nnd a blessed gospel Whv notaccopt this tostlmonv of the great and good of all ufces ! Man limps throflgn the i world ou two crutches tlmo and Bpace , but these shall bo snatched uwu } mid where i shall ho fall ! Into nothing ! Ah no , into an luimortulitv of happiness or misery This Is the world'sgieat testlmun } If then nil souls both ( , nod and baddo teach With ( .euoral volco that souls can uover \ die , 'Tis not mans flattering feloss , but naturoa , speech , \ \ hlch , like Gods Oracle , can never lie licllovo on the Lord Jems Christ and ant I out } our boliuf intbo world , this is the i poor wise mau a couusei thut saves a lltllo I earth from a vast perdition OHKIbl' YOUTH liar DotwIlor'H Herinon nt Kouiltzo "Urmorlnl Church * At the services of Kountzo Memorial I church yesterday morning occurred the for mal Installation of the now church oftlcors , cnoson to fill vacancies The } were as fol- lows , Dr , P S Lolsenring , trustee , vieo DO Rhodes , Theodora Olsen , doaoon , vlco A II lCnvsor , G A Kendall , elder , vlco W. J Hooves Iho following oonstituto the present council ot tha church Trustees , C 1 ! bchtaldt , William Solvers , Hr P S Leu onrlng , elders , MV , Swalu , 0 r Puul sea , G A Kiukol ; deacons , Allen Koch , U ' A Grlmmel Theodore Olspn Itov , Hotvoller selected for tuo subject of his discourse Christ at Twelve ears of Age " Ho took for his text Luke it , 45 , "WlUiouot that I uiuit bo abuut uij fath or' , business ) ' "At the tlmo Christ was twelve years old , " said i the speaker , ' Ho wns taken by His pa rents I to the fenstof the pnssovor He had roncl.ed i the ngo at which chli Iren oouid not bo I sold into slnvcrv Tradition tolls thnt when ' Moses left the pntace Of the queens daughter i ho was twelve jcnrsold nnd thnt when faamuel wns called by the Lord ho had also i reached the sama ngo When the toast of the passover wss elided and the parents of Christ i were about to stars homo the } discovered thnt their boy wns mlsslntf Woulu not Mar } bo nlnrmcdl She know that Ilcrol tinted him nn 1 she feared for his life After three davs of search tliet found him In the tcmplo amid the learned doctors i In over } svnagoguo thora wns n school in which the rabura were teachers Three of these were within the precincts of thitompln In cneh of tlieso schools ton rtbbis constituted the college , und their pupils snt nt their feet It is roinarltablo that most orcat men have In their jontli shown predilections of their future Here * amid thn learned doc tois Chrl t b } his ustonlshlng questions nnd answers gnvo protnioo of his future work When rcprovoi by his mother forcaus Irgthom so much concern ho replied HVIst \o not that I must bo about my fathers house ) ' I hat Is whore ho bolonced " 1 hero is a tlngoof sadncs m the fact that hts parents did not otutorstand turn lhonnmouas trunof his entlep life Ho was misunderstood by his onomics , b } his disciples bv his father und bv his mother ' Iho father s business is in the church Some snv I can go to tieavon without Join mgtho church ' Ilia church is tlioptncaof business of the father M } fntlicr s busi ness is to glvo to spend nnd bo spent , boll whato hnvo und glvo to the noor "vtcn nro called fools , fanatics , wild an d spendthrifts if thov Live moro moticv to the church than to their own homes Hut It Is a blessed business to glvo our mentis to the church when wo think wo arc givlngtoour father s business • Mou siv "I m ist snvo mv monov foi this purpose und for that purpose ' W hat a grc it mist ilte La } not up foroursolvi s treasures onoirth 1 hunk Clod we mn } bo burled in t overly hoio but vvlion wo ascontl to heaven thcro is a mansion thcro in our father s house W o may bo missed on earth but over vondcr wo will bo nt the fathers right hand " Tllf ! DOUGLAS COUMY MOKUUI Coroner Hnrrignn buys Ho "W III Lo cum It AVhero Ho I'loaies Coroner Hnrrigan does not propose to bo bulldozed b } the count } commissioners Ho sns tie will locnto the morgue wherever ho sees lit Thu coroner Is ol the opinion that the board lias acten \ ory arbitrarily In the matter , without at lca3t consulting him ' If the board wants to run the coroner office tn the Interest of an undertaking cstab lishmont " said the coroner , "I will pass It around nnd glvo nil the undertakers a show lliero is no justice In chine all the business to ono ostihllshnienC Moro than that continued the coroner ' no undertaker has n suitable pluco font morgue the commis slonuro do not scorn to have ail } conception of the lequironicnts of n c ty tuo sire of Ouinhn Iho morgue should ho In a well lighted plaeo nnd ono oas } ot access I pro pose to repeat m } protest md we will see who is running the coroner s oflleo The matter will bo brought mi nc.aiu Tucslij and some dlffcicnt action will bo taken I doubt whether the boanl hits the power to locate the morgue contr ii } to in } wishes AMUSLMKVTS Ill spite of the vor } ulsngreonblo weather \gnes Honndon drew a good audiunco to the Grand opcia house lust night and as Violet Grnnvillo Smith tn ' The Commercial Tour ist s Bride " a clover farce corned } , she en tortamed them well Had some ot the mem bers of the cast , hovvev er boon moro fa miliar with their lines the company might have oasii } given n quicKer , smoother per J J formanco It was uotieoa several times th it in addition to carylnLher own part , Miss j Ileruuon was conipolled to do considerable promoting J ; Mi Ralph Hell as O N Tmo , n : drummer , who alwaS ' catches on , " is the enl } nno aside from the stai deserving ot mention ! Ho has a good conception of the chnrnctorand plucd it much to the satisfaction - faction of several members of the profession who were present Miss Herndon said she was . greatl } pleased with her engagement hero bickertpd I > > 3Iilk At a late hour last Saturda } night a couple of < men went Into the Union l'aaiftc chop house I Tenth and Marcy streets drank a glass ( of milk apiece , and soon afterwards were taken slcit The matter was reported . ' on the qulot" to the central police station , but ' nothing wns done about it Yesterda } the proprietor of the chen Louse mndo ' nn effort to find the city milk Inspector specter ' wanting him to investigate the milk from which his customers had drank Iho Inspector could not bo found however 1 ho mcu were reported as not bolng seri ousl ' } affected Charged vItli Oriiiul Laronnv I | Daniel I Thornton } ostorday had Joseph Lavln arrested on a warrant charging lnra with grand larceny L ivm seems to ba a I very innocent nnd honest appearing fellow I All that lie sav s ho knows about the cause ' of his arrest is that ho has boon paying Thornton some SI 400 or Jl WO foi some proportv , nnd now owes him about S200 Ho suvs the transaction had been perfoctlv sat isfactor } nil around so far as ho knew Thornton could not bo found to tell Ills side ot the story tVIII Slinvo on Siimlny " Ilia mooting of barbers announced for yes terday was not hold , probably owing to the btlrzaid Nearl } or quite nil of the nntl Sunday law barbers are repoi ted to have woikod } csto-- da } , nnd Louis Palst Is reported ns declar ing that the cominlttco representing tha nntl bundn } law barbers had decided to henceforth continue shaving on Sunday , not wlths'unding tbo law A l.ittli ) Ulnze The alarm of lira at about 2 15 vostorday afternoon was occasioned by ablniJ In thereof reef of a llttlo eott igo ou Cass street ; between tween 1 welfth nnd 1 hlrtoonth strcots The iho was oxtincuishod before moro tbun nom inal damage had bcon done * I'orsonftl ' I'nraiiraplw W II , Vlncont of Super'or ' is nt the Casey C T House of Norfolk is rcglstorod at the Casey P C McGowon of York Is at the Merchants chants J G W liltu of Kearno } Is a guest nt the Pnxton W II Stickno } of ClnrUo is stopping at , the Paxton W r Canada of Nebraska City is at the Morchnnts It , I Kllpitrickof Uoatrico is rcglstorod at the Puxton Charles L Harris of Lincoln is stopping at • the Merchants J W Trcoman of Giand Island Is stop . ping nt the Case } . William J-nlliowno of Plattsmouth is a guest at the Case } James Holland and Thomas Mucr of Hrokon How are guests at the Millard TtULt iriK * , The bocij oti-Sumucl L itlirop , the m in who committed sulchlo l'l-ldiij Inst , will bo taLon to Mnmiln , In , vvhoro his i lohaivcs icslilo , as Bonn .is hia wife is 1 able to accompany the remains Mrs Ltitluou is quite ill from the effects of 1 ttic shook she recolvod , ami is not able ' to t tlto the trip at picsout QuestloilH lul Del ) He Quostionsfor ilebito m politics and I economics liavo juat boon publisliud by ' the Sooiot } for Political 1'diK/Uion 1 ISO Poiirl street Now York , in its pain plot No AXV11I. In udditiou bubjocts 1 foi os uja uio sugjjosted , and loimh foi dollnition nio presented Hints to 1 writers and deb Hot sin o jjiv on , with a k fotni of constitution and b.v-luus for do- lmtiner clubs The p mphiot covers the , groundwork of politics und economics , , and states its pressing questions with point l'rico , j conta AFTER J TMT SCRAP OF PAPER i it Later ] Dov'olopmouts tn the Matter of Young : Latlirop'a ' Suioldo THE FATHER COMES TO OMAHA n j . He Calls Ujlrin Coroner Hnrrli > nti nnd Strikes a Aiost HigiiHlcnnt Itc- li/cstr-V Hooolpt ill \ ' lull The Lathrnp Suicide The father and brother of voung Lnthrop , who committed su'cldo ' in this cltv last Prt day , nftcrnoon , arrived jestcrdny and ar- i in god to take the body b ick this morning to the old home , Osknloosa , In , for Informant mant The } called on Coroner Hurrignn } cs tcrdav < nftornoou , nud vvcrodsopl } interested in Uarniug all the moro minute details re garding the sn I affair The father is a well to do appearing farmer , nnd dur ing the course of his conversation with the coroner said that ho was nbuiul- nntly nblu to have helped Ins Bon out of Ins financial dllllculties and would have done bo Instantly had ho but known that the poor bo } needed help Ho said that thu deceased had always been ptotid spirited nnd v outd , bo thought , have parted with his rijht arm before tolling uuy ono of his financial dls tress uud asked for aid When ho wrote homo it wasuliva8 in roseate inlors nnd snlng that ho was getting along nil right , lie had al\vas \ been pnrttcularlv Bcnsitivo on the matter of his llnnticcs und this reason und also because ho alwavs painted ovcrv thing so brlghtl } , hnrt kept the parent and brother from over asking him whether or not ho needed nny help Although Mr Lathrop , sr was gicatl } overcome with grief ot the terrlblo nfftir , } et before quitting the jrcsenco of Coroner Hnrrigan the latter learned that the father had a deep nnd bitter fooling In the matter ot the action of the loan institution In the Haikor block towaid his son and that ho w ill lot the matter rest after a new ( , rno has been mndo in Osknloosa is not at ull probable The aged father and the son who aoeom panied him weru eager upon ilrst meeting Coroner Huirican , to know whether hoet retained possession of that tell tula pugo of writing and figures foun 1 in the dead man s pocket nnd the full contents of whleh paper the most sensational part of the whole sad affilr-wero published o\cluslvcl } iu Tnr Hek The coroner oM'lnincd that ho had kept it very earof ull } T w int it , please , for moro rousonsthin one " exclnUied the father The coroner gave it to him without hesitation ihero hnvo boon ono or two other llttlo raaltets and not so little , elthei developed within the post fort-eight uours in con nection with this suicide which will fi id perhaps the lest possible position right hero eaicel } lul Iiie Hrh ol Inst but nrday morning coinu out with not enl } a fuil ac count of Lathrop s suicide but also with the contents of that striking P igo of letter papei written and figured upon In Lathrop s own hand , than therO v as constorn itlon in the oflleo of the Marker bloc.t neucv After a hastyconsiiltution thoman Octavo Houscaren who acts as in itiuger of the concern decided thut ho would Bend thu sick and grief stricken widow of the man who had died tring to pay him , a receipted bill for what lumalucd unpild of the VO borrowed mono } for which during the short spai o of thirteen months poor Lathrop bad ulicad } paid over JoO interest After Bouscaron hnd sent * ho rccoipt his wife got hold of a copy of Tur Bee She lost llttlo time m procuring a phvslcian to attend the suicides widow and In senaing her [ some household supplies The succeeding chapter of this sensational affair will cortanly ( bo looked for -In the : direction j ublointeictt of Oikajoosa , Ia with consider * . All H6 r ig& Red Cross Cough Pi ops , 5 cents per bo\ , sold over } where AMII ItsONWLIiL'i HANGMAN Lcroy Key , nn Illinois Printer , bnld tn llnve Done the Work Uloominotov , 111 , Jan 12 A dispatch from SpringHeld Mass , records the death at that place of H W Nichols , late of the rourteenth Michigan cavalrv nud states that ' Nichols had been shunned b } his old comrades ' because while la Andersnnvllle urison I he had , while acting as sheriff of the pnsonor ] s court martial , hanged ten fellow prisoners Who were convicted of steal ng rations from their companions In prison 1 ho statement creates much indig nation hoie hecauso a number ot tha m n who weio actors iu the Andersonvlllo hang ing live hero and know tbut there is not a word ot truth in the story Ivor } II Pike , member of the legislattro from this cit } , and Enward Kerrigan also of this city , both witnessed the axecution of the six ( not ton ) condemned men Kerrigan took part m it us un assistant sheriff Mr Pile said today 'It was Leroy L Kev quartermaster sergeant of Company M Slxtoonth Illinois cavulrv , who was ap pointed executioner and hanged the men Ho was nprmtcr whoenlislod fiom this cltv and after the war lived ot bpnngflold uutil his death , a few } ears ago Petur McCul- lough also of Uloomington a member of tbo Eighth Missouri infnutr } , wasjudgoadvo cato of the court martial which sen tenced the culprits 1 wns in the sauio mess with Key nnd McCullough and slept with them , uud l was ono of the guards who kept ordei while the hanging was goinc on No man nnmed Nichols had Jtij thing to do with the in ittor Until the dav of his death Leroy Kc } was respected and beloved by his old comrades ana when he died many state associations ot ex prisoners of war passed resolutions of respect to his momoiy poiitugal oownn Slio Yields to rnclnnd s Demands Tlironcli Tear Ljbhon , Jan 12 Mi Glynn Potre , the nngllsh minister , on Saturday lmpartod to Senor Gomes , minister of foreign affairs , England sultlmutum demanding tbo recall of the Portuguese forces , ofllclals and expeditions of every kind from the bauks of the Shlro , beyond ' the confluence of the Puis und south uf Sambos i and from Mashonaland It Portugal failed to repl } In twontv four hours the British logallon would board the I nchantrcss njld await a reply nt Vigo 1 ho klngJmaiodiatolyVonvoncd u cabinet council to considci the ultimatum Iho government relied to MiiilstprGlynii Potro thut Portugal , } ieldlug to strong pressure from n power nf Itha first rank , being too weak to withstand it , would order thu withdrawal of the I'oitugueso from bhiro and Wushonahipp while rcserv ing ull rights to the Portugtiqse crown iu these tcrrl- torlcs Itlsueserted that this decision was further Inlluouovdiby reports ot un intention on the part of the British to make naval demonstratlons > t Quilllmalno , In Delagoa bay and ut bt \ inoeut , At molted'tl/51 Hrllisli I Deration Lisno JauoJJ A mob composed of studeuts and utllora shouting ' Down with the mlul8tr"l'a&abkoa ' the British legation today Thei demolished the escutcheon on the building and smashed tbo windows The police were | > owerlcss to control thorn They thou broke the windows of the residences - dences of the various members of the ministiy , after which the } dlsporsel It is mmored benor Gomes , the minister ot foreign affairs , will resign A tuinil One Mr W. II Daldrldgo , druggist , Ka- condido , California , sajs 'Chambei- Iain's Cough Remed } is the best soiling nicdlcino 1 handle , In fact 1 soil inoio of it than all ether cough medicines combined Lver.v ono who has used it ' speaks in glowing toi ins of its oMcien- c } . " foi stie by all dtugglsts Jail Break 111 San I rnnolfco Sav Punt Cisco , Jt" 1Ono of tba most ; noted Jail breaks in tbo llstor } ot ban Pran cIsco occurred early this moralug vv hcti six : prlsonors esenpoil from the countv Jnll Up to a late hour tonight none ot them bad been npprehended All the prlsonors In three cells hn 1 cut throurh onch other s cell to a room used as a bath room trom the bath room they worked their wav into the Jail > anl Hero thov climbed upon the wool pllo nnd broke through ftu old chlnino } into the street bearch was instituted but no trnco of the men has been found Ono of the mon Is Tohn McNultv who klllolnmnn nnuud Collins hero two } ears neo , luo others were in for robber } . A SAUERKRAUT TRUST Invasion of the Prl llejfs of nn An * < lent Austrian Gull 1 'Iho slnitliug information loaclici tis float Ettropo that a snucrKinut win is tuging in Auslrm , sms the Amaricnu AmUst It < < eoms , such is the poi \01se lovit } of humtu iiitmo with Us pUtlotic impulses cuibatl down In the tviiinn of effete motutiehiul inslltu- tiona , to afTni d mnuseinont to the pub lic , notwithstanding th it it occasions much trouble und nnnovntico to the govorninont The snuoikraut liianufue- ttuois of Austria constitute ti close coi- pomtlou or guild , vvhoso chat lor was granted to them bv , the Umpicss Mniit lliorest 11 eonttir } and a halt ago According to the tonus of this doeumont the lnaiiufiietuto of saticikiaut is limited to moinbots of the guild iu question , who although wcnllliv , tuo lolalivoH few , nnd thu Austrian appetite foi suieiktaut is ovci } ear beioining moie enotmouo Anumbci Of tinliecnscd mnmifactuicn have iiling | ) iii | on nil sides who con tciupUioiisl } ignore the privileges of the guild ind lutn a deaf car to Its pioto > .t Public svniptthjhowev01 is iltogcthoi against the coi potation , which has used its inonopol\ Keep up the pilco of siifoikiaut , that pilltu of the omplro , whldi isdovouicd alike in palnco and cottage The guild h is boon unable to obtain justice in com t , both judge and jmv is coiisumois of siuorlcruit Doing uliko lutoieslod in the uiinntcii- aiiec of .a autliclctil supplj thoieof to meet the demands of the niatkot , and tonacquonllv opposed to the poi pctua- ttou of the monopolv The memboi s ot the corporation have , therefore , drawn up apetilion which waspiesoatcd to the ompoior o } a uopuuuioii 01 "sauoi- krautefs" a eotiplo of weeks ago His inujestv uoiv finds liiin elf in a quan- darv Lor while on ono hand populai bCnipitln is against the guild , the lat ter is clcirlj entitled bv the tonus of ilsimpoiiil chaitoi to the e\clusho rights aud pi ivilcgcs continued thciciu I itri arv Notice 'Iho scholuis of out public schools will be interested in an oiler undo bj The \ oiitht Companion in its lsaiio of Jan 11111 v 0 Its pin pose Is to stimul ito thorn in a commend a bio competition und it the bamo time 1 nt lease thoii love foi then countrv The publishers of 'Iho Comp inion otToi to piescnt a line latgo bunting Hug , IKlo feet , with fortv-two statb , to that Diiblic bchool in c ich one of the foitv-tvvo st ites and tori itoiics which sli ill send to them the beit csviv . on "Iho Pitriotic Inlluenco of tbo Amoric in 11 ig When Raised Ov oi Out Public behools " llioso ess ns will bo 1 eeoiv cd by the pubhshoi s of The Com ] > aninn until Apnl 1 , 18H0 The aw ud of the Hag will he made us ncai funo 1 is possible , in oiuoi that the succcsaful si liool mn > Ho it the "st irs and sti ipes" ovoi its building upon the Tourth of .Inlv no\1 This tnovomont to interest the joung pcoplo 1 of the present generation 111 securing a Hag foi the schoolliou ° Q is 0111 that should bo heartilj commoiutcd md encouiaged Whj cannot one of out own schools sccuie The Companion II ig foi thisstntoJ Itriumt SlKinldors S < | iinrcd A stooping iigurc and u halting gait , accompanied , bj the unavoid iblo weak ness ' of tlio lungs incidental to a 11 iriovv chest , tnabo ontiiolv cuied b } 11ot \ situplcand etisilv perfoimed c\ctcisoof 1 J using one s self upon tholoes leisurolv III , a perpendicular position seveial times | duilj lo take this exorcise piopoil } 0110 musttrtkoa : pcifocUv upright position , with the heels togotfioi tnd the toes at tin I aiiglo of foit-hvo dogic s Tlion drop i the nuns hfolcssly at the sides , animitiug I tndtaiBing the chest to its full c ipacit } , muscularl } the clun well diavvn ' in , and the ciown of the lioad feeling as if it vvcie suspended fiom the coiling above Slotvl } use up on the balls of both feet to the gi cutest possible height lliarobj exorcising all the muscles of the logs nnd bodj , como again into standing , position without swa } ing the bodj bnckwtudout of the perfect line Rope it this amo exercise , Ilrst on one foot , then on the othei It is wondoiful what 1 straightening out powoi this oxoiciso has upon tound shouldets and crooltod backs and ono will bo snt pi isod to note how soon the lungs begin to show the effect of such expansive development Served Under Ilnnnpaitp Nicholas Rabo , aged ninotj-oighl , died hibt night at Ilcilcv tile 111 , suvs a St Louis disp itch to the ban riancibco Kxuminoi His illness was short nud his btiddon demise wab 1 sad surpri&o to liisfiieuds Mr Rabo was bom in Lo- inlnc , Pi mco When a more boj ho was diafted into the ficnch utmv and sunt to Spain , where ono section of Nn- poleon Hoiiapai to's armj was then cam paign ing * He stiiv little soivico thcro , out was aftciwaids sent to the north of Tiant-o and wound up his nnli- tarv careot nt Watoiloo , where ho acted as aide do camp ITo saw most of the great conllict Ho also saw the Little Coipoial" ride up to Nov and point out to him the place of attack , ami o.nv that gallant maishal load the Old Guaul down the doclivitj and up the tav ino , und aftci wards saw Napoleon lido sudlj fiom the Hold In 18.22 Mi Rabo came to the TJuitod States and settled in St Gtaii countv , near Mlllstadt , where ho engaged in farming Ho aftei wards moved to Belleville , whore ho hasiesided ever since , except for a few joaia , during which ho lived in Clinton count } Dm- ing his lifo ho accumulated u handsome foituno , which ho now loaves to his childion and giandchildion Latest styloa ill I nil Fans usnallj match the gown in color , aud tire iu gieat variot } . The most , beautiful , and uuturallj the most costlj , are these mndo of ostilch and maiabout foathms combined , with • , sticks of peail , amboi or shell Nothing bus jot been devised 11101 o giaceful anil elegant , ospcciallvvhon in the color of the gown , 8ii)8 the Ladies'Homo Jour nal There is nothing in Paris moio attiactivo than the show windows of a certain m mufacturot of fans on ono pf thoboulcMirds lhcro is an arrangu- niuptof 8top3on which to exhibit tlieso daintv vv 111 cscovered vvitli delicutoluco ovoi eatiiitlio color of the fans to bo oxhlbitcd Ono day they are all pile green another nil palo blue , another muuvoand another red and gold and black Ihero 1110 feather fans of evoiv posslblo dcscilption , lace fans llbso fans with 011011 work pearl Bticks , all hand-paiutou , as uro the spaces betu een them , and funs made of not and ribbons bens runs made iu the shape nf leaves , of Iloworq and of buttetlilos all \lo with each other for popularity As an addl- tional indication of the progioss of good taste the medium is the proper sue " BEET SUGAR MANUFACTURE , Exponslvo Woiks Doing Droctetl nt Grnnd Islnml DETAILS OF THE ENTERPRISE Untliiiilrtl C/vpltal , llvn-'i li non mil bUlll In 1 hn Coiiili'iintton ' I man ual Aid I iirnlshod ti ) thu Home Captl ilisls JSolirnulvn's Now Imlustrv Onisti I iam , Neb , Tan II iSpcchl to Iiil Hrc J Orand Istnud cvlnbits a spirit of ontorpilse which promises tn plneo It first among cities ot the third limit iu the state Atnotig bullilluc,8 which are hearing com pletion am the city hall , 1 thn 0 stor } struc ture of line appearnnco , a lnigo buslnoss block near the depot , and a llvo stoiy stone front limit building which tompiros fiver obi } with tha best iu Omaha * 1 oremost however , among now vvorlsaro thebulldlncs on v\hlch work his Just been begun of the beet sugar inunufnitorv The companv has secuted a trnet of foit } acres ono tnilo west of town ou whleh a treat outlay of mom v is being un lo with uvlew to having the works in o ] erntion the coming fill In l SS it was dcildcd to nnkc oupon- ments In the raising of beets for sugar and UK ) pounds of sei J from the hc.rlciitluiiil de - I irtiuiut ut Washington were distributed iimoiig some eichtj farmers turoibotits with a view fo bclne , tiled on dilTi rent vv rlctles of soil Iho seed prove I however to bo of inferior utmlltv A contr ict w is was then entered into with n derm tit cxpli t , who t ivo Instruction in iccurd , to the ptoper method of raising beets , examined the dit ferent soils hereabouts and nnalvi'cd the beets \ hen thov Ind crown He found them to cout tin fiom 13 to li pel cent of bneclmnno matter , the lattci being aver } high tu erago At the list session of the legislature through cftdils ot 1 itl/ens of Uriind fslaud n law was en 11 ted which provldcl for thu granting of a hoiintv of 1 cent pur pound for all Rllimr will , Il slinllM nn limtiiif u rili-i i1 in Nohraska from ttutivo grown boots Ho cent I ) Senator Mnndcrson bis introduced two Dibs in congress to incour ago the establishment of veiierl | mental stations , and providing for the pivmeut of a nation tl bound for tin pioductlon of eugui It Isproioscl to pa } Soientu ) ior hundred weight'upon all mar ketul le Hlicar made from beets raised in thu bnitf 1 tutet , und uKn to lunke at 1 rnprin tlons for the purchase of stiar b ( ol sei i fnmcbroul ind 10 pun hnsi iuu udittltfreo of dutv macliinn v obulntd from otlnr countries foi the use of governmentagri cultui il st ttions Iho crtcririso nnd llhornllt } of Cruid Ishu d eitij is ilnnll } roc tired the surv Ires oT i con petrnt , experienced md wetillhv ir in , Mr Oxniid who ha I ti ivelect throueu 1 ranee and t ormunv as well aslhoUnltid States studving the beet su u question The iichothilions with hlin which bepaii in lanuar } , lbbl , have now been fullv rom ploted A local eoiiij uij It is been ore inizcd with a capital of * dluUU ) < ) ihls amount wus BUhicnbed bv citizens of t.rnttd , Islam ] , the list ctnbricinc , stint ) 1 lot the loading men oftliepluio Ihoeompan } h 13 ( , iven fort } ncresoflnnd on which It pjjs the ; tti\es of 18SR1 nnd lbnl , furnishes * OUT nties of laud In the count } suitnhlo for the caltivitto- sugni beets eontilhntes the rlcjit of aj toi a water service piro line from Wool river , provides foi electric lights done , 10 route to the worl s from the citi anil nrnv idn.4 fm tin 1 rnv Ing of ! MX ) ueres of boots ui der Ml Oxnanl supeivision for tlnco } eais Vt the same time the three r Ulroa is antci Int I , the cttj made a contract foi the trirs poitation 1 of btots fiom within twent } miles at morel } pa } ing rates I hese arrangements being complond tl 0 J owueis of the franchises lmmi lintel } gave orders 111 Fumpo for ull the neecssno improved [ inachlnort and broke giound for the buildings which are aliendv will tinder wav \ J hese comprlsou main struetur" j. ) \iJ3 feet and four stories in height of stone biick aud iron This Is alrcarj } ur one stor } , uud some soventv five men nro engaged on it Ihpro is also to bo a boiler and j 01 glno house and a liwo house with a numhorof smalloi buildings oxlendin north Hourly , half a mile It is oxpeetc 1 to hav e tno 1 whole in vvot king order in time for the beet l crop of the coining fall Iho ontcrprlso is nUo to ombrnco a com ploterefinery 1 for the preparation of suc.ar lor ' the mirlet Iho cupacit } of the3o works ] will bo for the production of ciuht } fiio tons of sugni a da } for the setson of , soventv llvo davs each veal riiis will roquii'i1)000 tons of beets 1 which is thu ettlmuted pioduct 1 of the o 000 ncres The letincr } j will ncccssnill } be operated the } ear round In reducing the lough proluctto miirkutnolo form Ihe result of this vor } largo an ! expensive cyponmont will be ob-crved with crcat in torcst 1 throuchout tha countrv attempts have 1 been m idu tu California Utah , Illinois and 1 other states on u largo and expensive scale 1 , to inauuf icturo beet sucar In Call forma the trouble has arisen Irora the sprouting ' of the boots and the consequent destruction of their saccliartno quulitj iu Utah the experiments have failed nppaioitl ) from defeetlou processes und lu Illinois ana olsevvhero 1 from ono cause 01 uuothei Iho attempt 1 now making on so lingo and oxpeu- sivo 1 a scale 111 Nebraska will therefore , bo watched with experienced 0es in all sec tions ' of the country I ) C 11 iilatinp < lie lit Dili 1 HiaTtsos f.cb Jau 12-1 Special lolc gram ' to lnr Hi 1 | tin 1W lljrr mot its ilrst mishap this morning txli scumiin.1 } having trouble for it from the stait It left Omaha ' twentl inuintp4 1 ito dt ivvu b } a re paired cnginii with a ncufunt , e 1 btuokc- slaek < , the ot oration of wrlch proveutod the 111 iklui , of Bteam After leaving Liomontu bll/zird was encountered covering the 1 ills with line Biiow iu drifts through whlih the train criwled reaching Grutid Island two hours and foit } min titcs behind time and missing the bt Joseph .V Grind Island connection which his been supplying Hustings nnd points on the Huillm.ton t St Joseph roads In order to reach these the run from (3run 1 Island to Ktarucy was abandoned , pi < luic.es for the latter and other points wist of Oniu 1 Island being dispatched on Union 1'icille No 101 , and the 11 } cr with at other tiiflno , wis tun oil south to Hustings When two miles out of < Jrand Island the front wheels of the forward truck of tl 0 encjno left tl o rails , which kayo thn 11 } or and all 011 board u nt tllng thnt they still remember Notwith standing the fuilous snowstorm thu encjuo was placed on the track and ruauhod Ilast nigs shortly nftor noon , where a host of housed rcadors were Impatient ! } awaiting its arrival . Ntlirnskn Olty'n I'mgre NriuiAFi x Cur Neb , Jau 12 [ Special toliiBlJpi 1Slth 1 \ thonow } oar ebraska City has tnkon a new impetus on the road to progress ' 1 ho best proof uf this was tha selection madd by the bo ird ot trudo of Its new oftlocrs , and Infusing now lifo into that almost defunct bed ) . With Mr , Watson ut its head Its povvor for the city's ' coed will soon bo made manifest 1 ho now president Is ono of the towns few live hustlers uud ouo whoso efforts aio uot coulhiod to puio selllshncKs or cheap notoriety MrV atsou has several big schemes on foot each of whichIf consummated will bo worth millions to the cit } . A nctv railroad is ono of the greatest needs of the city , und from present indications it will bo secured if money and energy pan do it Hesidcs this , It is quite certain thut before long another brldiru will span the Missouri river at this point , the schema being to have a permanent wagon bridge , but will prob ably be a combination railroad and vvuton bridge lu sucuru this , a fcontleinuu in formed 1 ur Hsl , it was the intention to able the people of Otoo count } tovolou certain amount of bonus , It It wus thought they wuuld tn'0 ' kindly lo the proposition , anil thcro is over } roasod to believe they will Valio tha pontoon brldco has been a good thing in its way , } etit Is fur from meeting tuo requirements ot the cit } ut present as the railroad addition to thu new brld o would be used by the prospective now road _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIITIrod Ontrom tltdcpiessing ciTn ts ot ' the changing eison or b } bnnl w nk nnd | winr } } ou need the lonlng bull ling up nerve ' strcuclhtulm , edict of llnols ii r nparllla to clve vou nfedlngof heilth and stun th ngalu It purllles this blued , cities bllllousnes , tlsnip hit luiulnil ucti Hoods Snranpnrllln Is sold by all ilriui gists l'ltparett b } 0 , 1 II jo I V to , 1 i oil Mass from the cast the Huiliiigton ion 1 promises to glvo the cit ) a now branch roil this summer uud com plito the long contemplated western eon neetlon 'Ilioboirdof Undo is vervanxious lo hive the Missouri Pacific build their litnmlHud Cioto brniieh this vtnr Lit anil Nibi iska town , this cltv hnstiliou up the beet sugar ciuzo nnd ncgntntions nro iu M progiess with iKirth s w lid bin0 offered to T put In a small plant hi re Another of the posslblu untciprises for this jcarlsallix mill and lin cod oil fnctorv lu the interests of which corn spondenco Is now in progress On thu evening of thu Jlth of this month a thaiitv ball will be given at the opcin house for the benefit nf the Nobrisk 1 LitV hospital which bus Just on tcred upon Its second von ofuselulness The existence of this inslitu tion is nlmost cutirelv duo tn the efforts nf 7 the Dulv Press und Ui Cluudo W atsou and isftlllag 11 long felt want as It Is erowdc 1 with patients Henvj hniivv term nt Hontnce HntTiuci Neb , Inn 12 [ bpcctal term Hn 1 Iho heaviest suowstoun for two \cu * bourn filling lu this lnealit } about 4 0 clock this morning aud litis continued with uttnbited sever ! * } all dav The storm is diicct from the north nnd is accoinpunlcl bv u strong wind whieh causes the snow to drift bidh lortunatclv the storm is not ircompniiiel uv nnv sovcro degrro of col 1 At present thu snow is about eighteen i idu s deep on the h vrl Stioeteir trifllo is 1 nic tic ill ) suspended ( lit mici llusliii-h jii 1 Visit ClioMinn I CiiiiLSsi Wvo , Ian li rbecul lolj j gram to I111 Hi 1 1 A lirio excursion lurtj ] 01 loading business mon of Hoatrleo rcacho I j hero this evening The visitois will lemani j hero tomorrow uud will lnsi > ccttho\\ouiiiig j capilol building with 11 v low to using Iho 1 s 11110 building Mono in the now court lions 1 I at Heatrlcc Iho Uiiwlins slono qtiarr } wil 1 bo visited on lucsd 1 } I OKI V-lIIUbh III I OHHHO - 1 In Summer the Ground in Al i Ua li . M Pn / 11 \ \ tide I luvvi rs lllooiu v | When 1 fellow is liiintintr ntoiind II n , , - boat foi 1 cool pi no , md voarnsnioiu "N foi the sh uio th 111 ho wouldm Southoiii Cilifoinui vv bun he notes griss 011 the hillsides no it iv us high as his head and cm j-itnei wild toscs daisies but tercups iispboiuos , white ind blink curiuuts and bluoboiues iio thinks Hon c 111 this | )0- > 3iblbo an Arctic lmdJ Tut if ho digs down unv- whoio foi eight nil hts ho will j hnd the giound frozen solid with A a fiost that novoi knows a thaw It tikes sonic rcmaik like the 011- coniunt of lack McQiiustlng ( the old trader at ioity'Milc Cieok ) on the sea son thov had last wintoi to remind us that wo aio in Arctic icjjons ' Last winter wab the llnestaudw u 111- est boiisou I have boon 111 the countii the thei mometcr novel foil below 4 ! do- giees below /eio dining the winter ' * faevont ) live ( lugices of fioitl AtNti- late I looked nt a well I ithei Rage ncaux was digging out at his mission , writes a correspondent fiom Alask 1 to the Sail Tnncisco Chronicle It was 4 | twentv-llvo foot deep , and tno fio/011 / giound bi gnn within eight tneiii 3 of tlio sutfneo und continued down , except for two liieis of sand fioefiom vvttci _ , is fat as the wdl h id gone , md > cton the ground it w is sulti ) to a mun 111 his bhil L sleeves 9 A an inc.ul ir I Iglit I ast night two mcu nnmed Shanuon un I Htissctl becatno Involved iu a row with a man namea Hunter in a saloon on North Tv unt-fourth street , noai Clark Shannon and Russell waroordorou from tha pramlsct whereupon thev urocceded to Ho In wail for Hunter ncai the Utters residence Avhou Hunter rnino along they pounced upon him 1111,1 , . rn , n,1nl In .In 1,1m Mil In II , . , mnut ill proved stlo but a club In thu h imisnf thuli intended victim was wielded to sueh goo I ndvuitaco that Shannon w is soon knockcl out with u bull } bmised head nnd KussuU was wllllnc onoiihh to quit Thu olllcci n t ho be it urrestcd ull thu p u tics md lodge 1 them iu the central station I ire In a lluugngn Itonm Iho upsetting of ustnve In the baggage j. . * room of the \ \ coster Street depot Inst ncit ) ! started a bl izo which euuscd considerable excitement but vorv llttlo damngo Hojoul the scorching of the lloor und walls no Ions lesultcd hi ifep Absolutely Pure I his powder never varies A tnarvulot uurlty 8tr ntth aul whnlesuineness Mora economl ealihuu thuorllnury ulnil * . and cannot bus ill incoinpulltl iu wlththtt multltqda of low to t short wuU.ht alum or phoiptiats pow tern t > il I vnlulneiiii llni-vi Hakivu I'ovtrneu Co ID I Wail fit , N 1. CLOTHING