II \ NINETEENTH YEAH OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY 13 , 1800. NUMBER 20(5. ( IT IS PRACTICALLY SOLVED I The Problorn of the Organization ot S the Iowa Lojjlslaturo • f REPUBLICANS CLAIM THE HOUSE k M ItcprciscitlnllTn WIIhiui Mill Bo W . fepi nker lh < ro Is Now no Doubt [ / ol Allison h lto-1 Ipitlon A. Hcl'ulnuH TlllSt A. Itrptibllcan \ litory Certain Dm Moists , In , Jan 12 [ bpoclil Tele pram to lur" liir 1 The proolcm of the , orgmilz itloti of tie ! lofl'lituro tomorrow und tlio oloUlon of a speaker is believed tonlfcht i to bo practically solved J ho republican1 ! will hnvo tlio organization " and Hon Silas Wilson of Cuss county will ftundoubtullv bospenkor W bonulor Allison will ba ro olettcd United W States aonutor without opposition i > lhodomorriillc uncus notninco will bo T V Duncomb ol Port Dod > .e , Governor olctt JBHL Holes or W It M Pnsoy of Council BtulTs J Kt 'J'10announcement ' nmdo In thu Wishlng- ton dispatches this morning of the posslblo t a * selection of ludgo fell * as or ludgo Both mm rock dr Cougrcssinii Heel / of tlio Ninth Pf district ul Iown to bo Iudco , Brewers suc- T cossor ns United btatcs circuit julgc h is R create 1 cnnsilurnblo comment In this cltv K uniotig tlio pioinitiont lawyers and politicians m ot the stun hc.ro guthorLd I iV iti-puum A\d votive F Democrats Lying ; Ijoiv Wnitlui ; for • ' Hoinc'tlilnc : to 1 urn Up 1 Ui s Moists ; la , Ian II | Sporlil to lur Bur 1 Per two days past the corridors an I lobbies of tlio noti Is hnvobt on ono contlnu il buzz of political excitement growing moio Intense us the hour for the orginlzition of . the legislature approaches 'llio hard times J hnvo developed a surprising list of caudl- dates cspcciully toi minor positions and the weary motubors urn almost ready to fl resign and bo homo In disgust before tl o H real work of the session begins bo far rho H activity bus bicn almost oxclusivc'y ' con m fined to the republicans i ho democrats H scoin to bo lying low , a | pareiilly watching H for sumo covert iidvnntngo H lhchuuso consists ol fifty republicans , B forty llvu doniocruts mid livu ii dc | onucnls H olccUdin stiout , ' tcpubllcau districts over M iveuk candidates and with douiocratio en B dorscmciit With the indipendents holding B the balunco of power u com | ioini3 i w is HV tlrst tallied of bat the roi ublnan opinion B now seems to be almost ununiuiuus in favor Hm of going ahcid with thu iiominatloiis , trust HH ing to boiiio iiuiopciidoiit to break the ticad HV lock Governor Holes cannot , be innucu W\ -r \ rult-tl until the liouso completes its Jjif it orfaaiiization and the tliousiuds of Kf ' &r aeuioeriits from all over the stito Efc f who uro gathering In thu city to wituobs the ir iiiiiuguiiitlon of the liist dcmoeritlc cov H " einor In thirty veira will haclly allow tlieir _ ' Hotel bills to pile up and this interesting M event to bo iudellultely postponed simply to ( gratify the desire of u few dunoei ots for Mj . oftlcu It now looks ns if tbo on , > uiizition J of the IeLislutuio would bu completed and B the inauguration tnkt pluco on Ihurstiy Alltilkot an antl Allison combine has B now subsided Advices which uru enliroly m' reliable from the inner ciiclo of Ho n pub M licun opiiositio i lento no room for doubt Aj that , unless so nettling totally uulookcd for f and uuoxpeeted lnppciis Allleon will ( .et J every republican vutu in thu legislature H Governor Larruboo ro olutolj rofus"a to bo H ii party to nnj nnti Allison combiuu or to J oven outer thocnucusas icimlldate lhuro HJ Bcoms to bo no other illabloeindidatc wl o HJ could unlto all tlio opposition and uriwany J reiiubllcau strength ituvcr No rcpubll- Hj cnu In teed standing would allow lilinsolf to HJ boused fur Ibis puiponr and no half breed HJ could bo found who could induce any rcpub HJ lie in to bolt his party cuueus HJ Smutor 1 mn of laylor who is not over HJ friendly to Allison Is moro lutcicstcd in HJ downing the school book trust thun iu iot HJL ting up [ actional strlfo within the purtj and HHfew 'V dccliucs to leud iu the revolt or to fivc any HJHJHW cncouriicmeut ) to douiocratio hoi C3 o the PX . re election of ben itor Allison may bo put v down us a fornfcouu conclusion llio canvass for tl o speakership on the part ot the icnublieans hus developed n largo eropol candidates though the contest is fast liurrowlugdowu to \ \ ilsou of Cass and Lulto of 1 ranltlin llio southwodtorn part of the state has formed n solid comblno for Wilsun and under the lead ot Colonel Cnantry of Mills is drawing s ippoit cspcci illy from ttuioug the fannors from all over the state The central und northern suctions will bo praelicallv a unit for Lulie , so thu contest is fast becoming u tnuttcr of locality i'no railroad question litures In the canvass to some extent Wilson ot Cass supported not oulv the railroad locjslation that was enmted but votca for both the maximum tariff and the 1 cent fare bills , vvhilo Luke opposed both ot these measures In fact , Wilson Is universally retarded as the most pronounced uuti monopolist in tlio low or house und his nomination will ho a signal victory for that element , Ills friends oven now eluiin a pledged majority und it looks us if W llson will tet too nomination on the tlrst ballot Diwson of lJuona Vista and Smith of Kvs. . Mltcholl nra conducting n quiet canvass and each has considnuble positive strength Lilher vvoul 1 niulto n very acccptablo prcsid • > . jnK olllcer I or chief clerk of tbo ncnato four candi dates huvcentered the ruco und the contest promises to bo both lutoiosting and o < tcitlng ilio us | irants for this position nro Urack ot Marshall , Cochrauuof lay lor and liunumont of Lulhoun It looks if Hruc as < t or Cocli- rano would bo the vviunor 1 or clerk of the house ox Clerk D C Kulp formerly of Ida county but now in thu em- p oy of ii Ioxiib railway , is m iking strong efforts - forts for ro election i wo voars ugo ho was backed , as ho claimed , by the runners alll- r unco uud hud a walk away for tlio nuiuuia tion , but tlio nlll-Hieu Is not In politics this your uud Kalp is mooting with cousld arable opposition liurko of Jasper and J W\ Akors , cx-supciintendout of publio In struction , uru both inuKluhu vigoious cin- vuss utalnst hlin und the chances uro decid edly uguliisl Kalp Mr Holts will nrrlvo this evening , It Is likely , uud the democrats nro prepnnuh for thu uvent i ho doiuocratio canuidatcs for spc iker uro Ualbiook of Iowa , Hotchklss of Uavls and Hiimiltou of Clnn iuo repub licans rely on bnilth of Uoono to liclp them to orcunlzotuo house , though tbovoloof > nnv other independent would bu wolcoiue J i ho contest for the speakership overall id- v. owh every thine and mcuiours will not allow thouisulvcs to bo Intorviuvvcd on othci ipjos tious Ki.\ A MilMOUt , now , JMnrnlialltiivvu Oithoilnx Ciiinri Un ) > uolt ii Unlversallst ilrotlii'i' . Di-s Moists , la , Jan 13 [ Special to 'J.in Hee I A lltllo whirl of oxclteincnt In religious matters has been enacted at Mar shalltown It seems that the custom bus boon for tbo resident clergy of thu orthodox churches to preach iu rotation at the soldiers diers' homo , located near that city , but the Uuivers.illst clergyman lias been loft out Kccently some la mutes ot thu sol tiers homo reijuctted thut the Universalis brptlier bo permitted to hold fortli at the usual time Hut the mlnlstcrm ! association of the city , which bos had cliurco of the matter , ruled j him out llio brethren decided that as Lo iv jf was uot uu orthodox preucher tbey could Hf . not take the respousibility ot allowing him H fr to pruach his no Hades tbooilcs to tbo old m soldiers bo they Informed tlio superiutond- I cnt of the homo that tboy would furnish ull the preachlug needed , und that tbo unortbo dox Unlversulist better bo declined with tbankt , Ho took their advice aud turned 1 _ ' down tlio universal salvation man and then the trouble bcirnn The ndvocnto of no Hales carried hU ca o before the meet ing of the btnto Unlversulist association , mill this bony bus Just | asse I n strong reso lutlon In bis favor , denouncing ni in outrage tbo exclusion of their worthy brother 1 hey also appointed a coinntlttco to lay the matter bofoio the governor nnd lcfelslaturc und ask that an Investigation bo ordered They In gist Hint Ihov nro being defrauded of their rights as citizens nnd that tlio old soldiers w ho w ant Unlv ersnlist consolation must huv o It or something will happen COU JTV AUDITOItS A cill hns bonn Issued for the annual meeting of the county auditors to 1 a held In this city bcttnnltg Innunrv ID lno meet ing will bu bold in the capitol building und will begin ut 10 o clock ol the dny named nnd coiitlnuo as lone ns thcro may bo business to considci lbcsols now an organizition of the county nulltnis of this statu and tlio mombcrsilnd those nnnuil nicotlnisof uiui h boueflt Ono subject whlrli thev are still engaged In considering is the uinttcr of assessments fhey ere trying to scctiro some uniform basis of assessments and thus tnnko their reports to the state auditor moio valuulbo As It now Is property Is assessed In ono county on tbo basis of two thlnls ot Its valuation in ( mother eountv on the basis of oiic-lulf or one third or thrco fourths und In const ruiciica the reports to the state auditor of property viluatlons irorpjitouu- lclljhlc OthorBubjcrls of speclul Interest to auditors will bo discussed nt tbo meeting , and it Is thought that thcro will bo enough work bolero the convention for it to con tinue for two or thrco dajs DitUT nonsr ABSOCIATIOV The recent meeting in this city of tlio Iowa Drift Hnrs ) nssoci ition biought out the fnci that Iowa is getting to bo quito u btnto for horses bomo of llio men bera or Hint association mil ort annually thousinds ot dolliira worth of borscs Iho discussion vvasduvotcd largely to the sublcct of druft horses lho members wore nil iu favor ot brciding tbo best hoiscs for this work mid their expericnto showed that tlioro was much pi oil l In riislng them to sell lho g ncril opinion us developed In the discus sion wus that the best tlmo to ell such horses was when they wcro two three and four years old I ho mi mbors jiresont vvoro heartily in favor of county fulra tor stimulat lug competition lu the bleeding and raising of horses 1 hot also found tholdoiofpub lie sales days at regular Intervals as hkoly to imurovo the iiuulitv of the horso3 uu 1 ralso lho jirlco that could be obt lined for them STATI 1IOUT1CU1 TUBAL SOOIt Tl t ho twenty-fourth innual meeting of tlio btntu horticulture society will bo held at thu c iiutul Ijnunry1 ii and -I This Is ono of the most Important associations lu which low i farmers nro lntiristcd Its mcetlnes always uttiact n larto attouduneo nn 1 the subjects discussed are of verv prac ileal value to farmers and fruit ruiuirs 1 ho Hist two si salons will bo dovotea to ropoits from lho different districts of the state llicsorlvn the results of ap clil oKpcrl n cuts and observations made person illv t > \ the director for tint district oi by others uud lepotted to hlin On the second d ly of tbo meetiiiL thu subject of hortlcultuto in the states of Uikotn > ebrusna and Mis sourl will bo dl cUJ3ed Mr 1 W 1 lylor of Omaha is to Bpc ik foi Nebrask i borticul turu lho rem lining sessions will bo de voted to the consideration of liny practical toj ics co n ccted with fruit growing 1' ipora are expected on the BUOjccl of orch ird man nfcom ut , maiket gi rdoniuj vtcetibIo Ltuduuing hotlletilturo foi thu hoaic haul ling fiults , grics | , strawbcrilcs , i luuis etc , etc Till I ) H V.ollKH Cllll ) Drs Moisrs la , Jan 12 | Spoclnl to Tin : Uli ] Hie manugersof the DesMoines baseball club faavo seluctod all but two of their men for the coming season lliey Ua/o letallied six of the old pluyors nnd liuvc signed sovea now mon Munngoi Mitt ull ir , who has been with the toara for two years will be manaeor this y o ir and may play oe casioaally Hut a regular auortstop will bo secured for Mao s old position Of the now pi ly rs thcro will ne I'eto bomraors pitcher of Manslleld , O , who made u brilliant record with the boriugliold ( Mass ) team when they won tlio pennant , ho loslnc , only ono of the eighteen Junius ho pitched Din Clare of Urooklvn is another pitcher who has been much sought for .McCloskoj ot Hultimoro will bo ono of the catchers , and is a now m in in the west Plan iluii , first base , is a bril llnnt youug pi ijer , who closed tlio last sea son with the howarks ( N J ) Ld Fussel- bach of Philadclpliiu v/ili cover third base John Wulsli of 1'oughkeopaio N YandM Hrimblccom , who placed with I'coria last ycir will bo Holders Of tlio old team the boat Mine been rctuinol moludliii Uieit Pho Ian second basemuu , Hilly lndiei tateber , Cody , catcher and lluldur , Hurt an I Roach pitchers lho piospects now are thnt Des Alolnes will h iv o a llrst t lass team and take a iood riink In the ruco Most ot lho stock th it was for silo has been sold , and tbo club will begin tbo scusou In teed shnpo Tioulilu Ov r n Unit Hey Missouri Vailpt , la Jan 13. [ Special to Tut Hlilho trouble In our publio sehouls growlrif out of the attempt of W D Purr to physically reinstate Ida suspended son , culminated today in the arrest of ? uper Intonacnt Coleman for assault and battery , tlio warrant being svvoru out by Parr before a Justice of lho peace in Mnnuimln a lltllo villugo about tvvuuty miles from hero r < ii Inulina ol Snow Des Moines la , Tani len inches of snow have fallen hero today lho wind is blowing hard and the snow Is drifting bidly and Htll ) falling 1 ruins are delayed by the storm I A Will Known low an lltintl Ckiiah IUhiih la , Jan 12 Prank O Harvey , a retired merchant of Mnrion this county , died thlsmorniug II irvoy was well known throughout the northwest I'rolo igi'tl Spree I mil In I ) aid San ritAVeisco Cnl , Jun 13 Qcorco Maras sail to bu the son of a uiilllonuiiu glass manufacture ! of Philadelphia vv is found dead on the door of his room lu the Pulaco hotel lfo lias bcon drunk sinio De cember .S vvlion ho arrival in San Tr n- elsco on tbo clipper ship 1 lizaboth from New York , having us a companion Clifton Hanii a wealthy voung I nt-lishuian It is said Maras uud Harris took the voyage nround Capo Hot ii to sober up uftcr a l rolongod b iroo In Now York 1 hey began to urink houv lly us soon us they landed , un 1 soon bo- cunonotcl us u pair of most extraordinary druiiknrds who almost swam lu briudyaud soda and ruruly loft their npartmenta except to l.0 to the lurklsh baths to get frosti vital ity for thuir orcius Harris has delirium tremens , uu 1 can seireely suryivo bis com panion DMiicnt tl in n Snow It noUiitlr Denveii , Jan , 13 A woman of about thirty years relluod coed looking and well dressed wus fouud on tlio streets In the fore pirt ot the week In a demented condition Shu wus pluccd in charge of tlio rolico i matron , and though apparently sane i on nil subjects is unnblo to recall bet uamo or whora ilio onnio fiom Shu i suyssho was In thu snow blockade on the , Uulon Paciiie last week and otirtod to visit a sister la tlio east but has Ion her tlekotr lho woman pud * IU when fouud , but say a | she mot u poor woman who told u story of jiovorty and she t.avo her soma gold It is thought the wutnati is Marion West of Port ' land , Ore 1 ho name , she su\a soun Is fa mlllai , but she has no idea whether itt \ her own or not lho Portland authorities nave 1 been asked to investigate I'lro in tlio Monarch Distllleiy Pcouia , 111 , Jan 13 I'lro broke out this morning lu the Monarch distiller , mid before fore It could bo controlled seven copper stills weio burned , together with 100 000 gallons of untaxed spirits lho total loss is est I mated ut { 15J 000 , covered by Insurance J'ho distillery hud u capacity or 10,000 bushels ot I com per day It cost 1500,000 to build , aud 1 It wns lho largest in the worl 1 This Is tbo bust sc ison nn 1 thn house will bo Idle thrco or four months und the loss oflbuslucss will bo scveril thousand dollars a. siioitrsLisiov i-iti.iiorii > Parliament to Ho nlssolvrtl Alter tlm I'nosngc of the 111111711. [ Coryrlghl fvOly Jtm'i Mntloii Mciinrtf 1 Lomiov , Tan 13 fNowoiit Herald Cnblo bueeinl to liiu Urc 1 1 learn from most unquestlonablo "ourcs of Information that It Is the Intention oj the government to dissolve parliament as soon ns possible after the budget has bcon passed , or , should any opposition to it urlsc to take tbo rcuso ot tbo country ujon that and the felcral policy of tlio administration without further delay flits announcement will ttilto tbo • members of parliament and the gonoril ' tublle by surprise , nnd it is qulto lossiblo 1 that somuof the ministerial orcans will endeavor , for the moment , to cast doubt upon i * t. \11 the same , It is strlctlv ncourato and represents the full nnd well considered intentions , of the minlstrv lho reasons which Ii ivo Induced the government to como to this determination nra manifold In tlio first pi ice they rely greatly upon the ponti Innty or Balfour It Is boliovcd that tlio popularity of the budget will bo so treat as to ncutralizu tbo forces of the opposition Then it is anticipated that the outcome or the O'bhen divorce suit w 111 bo to seriously damage Parnoll and that It will bo wlso to go to the country while the Irish lea lor Is under a cloud , which It Is aup- posed the trial will inevitably cost over him The Irish party will it It boliovcd , Tor a tlino be completely dlsercdltcd Iu a word , the calcul uIoiir ol the ministry nro founded to a very lutgo extent on . the divorce suit which so suddenly mnlo its appcaranco on the closing dnvs of 1839 nnd it la not thought poastblo that these calculations can ba wholly satisfied The government also oellovcs that the longer the election Is da fcrro 1 under the prcsont circumstances the octtcr wilt become the rhunccs of the np pnrcnt cause of diss itUfnction which already exists In referencu to the tithes tmcstlon , the frco cducition question and the proposed land purchasi scheiuo , but If the ministry could obtain a reoevved mandate from tbo people all the opposition , whether from within or without , would bo effectually broken down It Is felt that u great chance vv is Inst by Lord Uiaconsflold when ho did not appeal to the country Im mediately after his return from Horlln The leeson of tnat has sunk deeply Into some minds lho tlmo has coma for net Ing on the oxperlonco gained bv the disaster of 18M ) lho olcctionceriug machinery has been kept in pei feet working order and tboro is no such readiness looking therefor At all events no doubt is entertained that the magical effect of the budget injury which It is bollovou is inevitable to the weight and Influence ot Parnoll and the sharp and sudden nature of tlio appeal , all combined , will unlto to bring ubout thu dis comiituro of the Gladbtoninn puty Ao cording to the decision now arrived at it will therofoio como to an end in tbo early summer of the present joir • > BIG MACK Klulitil ) . I ntal Shooting ol ii Well Known Spo kane I ills Character SroiASE Paii" Wash , Jan 12 II McCrossin , better known as Big Mack , a gauiblor , wus shot and killed yesterday by HarrV Uacr In front of a saloon kept by llaer and Jacob Mactz vvoll known as Dutch Jnl o" McCrossin and Bncr had trouble two weeks ago on account of a dim culty which occurred between Big Muck nnd Dutch JuUe at lliompson Pills , Mont lhev"carauco lu which Big Mack [ jot the worst of it Immediately before the shoot ing Bncr ejected a man from his saloon for stealing chips from ono of the gambling games Ulg Mack Intorfcrred nnd struck Huci over the eye , whereupon Baer pulled a pistol and fired two shots ono of which on tercd Big Muck s right side Ho ran across the street and fell on the sidewalk , expiring hulf an hour later Uig Mack leaves a fam ily lu this city Ho was a powerful m in and weighed .00 pounds Before bo tot so flrsliy ho wus something nf a prlzo ! lfchtor On ono occasion , when ho resided in Minneapolis Patsy Curd lit made an unsuccessful effort to knock him out in six rounds ' Big Mack ' was a notorious confidence man Ho was run out ot bpokuno Palls in 1834 and suffered tbo same fate In Hurloy , Wis and bt IMul Vlgilantos on deavorcd to hang him at Ihompson Tails but ho escaped In addition to thu sob-iquet of ' Big Muck McCrossin was known as ' Kansua City Kid and Birmingham Pete " Ho kupt u saloon ut Butte City , Mont , last fall und came hero thrco months ugo Ha waa thirty thrco v cars ol I Harry Baei has always bcon retarded as quiet and pent of ul Ho made a fortune In the Coour d'Aleno mines a few ycats nco , unl with ' Dutch Juke invested much money in Spokane Palls where they built the Prunkfurt block , ono of tbo finest buildings in tbo northwest It wis destroyed by tire Aucust 4 and is i ow being rebuilt Bnpr was placed under $3X00 bonds to nppuar for a pr.liuilunry OMiuilua uou Wednesday • IlOUIll.D A 0.iyt\S MAIL POUCH An Unknown Thiol Snppoiotl to Hnvu Si cm t tl * ) ( J COO mil I Htup-l : Biiacuett , Tex , Jan 12 llio mall between tween heio and bpoftord was robbed last nljht of 750 In gold and a irtlstcied pack aito supposed to contain $1 100 lho money belonged to tbo postolllco department lho strap that runs through the staples wis cut and after tbo pacuuges were re moved the strap was carefully put back in its prober plico Only the postmaster at Bruckott and the mail cirrier had anything to do with the sack until the discovery of the robbery was made by the postuiustor at Spofford Hunt , the mail carrier , has alwavs been considered above suspicion bevoral passengers wcro in the state ( , oing dow n , but the c irriar in sists that tboy had nothing to do with the suck , us bo had It under his feet CIjUMINjQ AN LI OPLH'S nsT\XFS. A Cuintllaii Woman's Oliiltlteti Alter llor lluqb tiitl'rf Prop u u , Desviii ColoJan 12 Astrancadcnouo ment of an elopement from Canada ncurlv tweuty ilvo yours ugo has been made publio bore by the filing of papers In the county court to contest the will of the lute Urno Dickson , who rccontly died at Island Sta tion , this eountv .In U00 Dlcl-sou ran away with Mis Hcnjimln Tooter , leaving his wlfo who hud thrco childioii by bor llrst husband , Hugh Lundy Dickson also took ? . ! too belonging to his wita All tram of him wus lost uutll two weeks ace , when his tlrst wifes children llrst learned ol his death ISuw tbey claim that Mrs Dickson died in 1868 , had not married ngaln uud never obtained n divorce so tlio claimants put m an itemized bill nf tamily expenses eovoring tliojlino of his ubseueo that more than cat up the vvbolu estate Thn Woailur r.ircmwt Per Omaha nnd viclaltj Suovv , follow oil by clearing weather , Per Nebraska Pulr , slbjht ralso in torn per uu ro , \ ariablo w bid lor Iowa bnow , noi'licasterly winds , colder , except lu extreme western portion , slight rise in temperature lor South Dakota Pair , t ariablo wluds , alight rise iu temperature J Sr LOUIS STORM - SWEPT The Cyolono Mttltoa A Pathway a Quarter of a Wllo Wldo DOZENS OF BUILDINGS WRECKED i A family > r Three Persons Rilled 1 tvo People Soorcl > Injured Aiul Many Hurt Other I'lncos BnfTer Cnnm Up Without Wnrnlnir St I ouis , Jan 12. At 4 30 this afternoon n cvclono struck tbo southwestern section of the cltv and swept on through the northern limits , marking a pathway nearly n quarter of n mlle wldo leaving death and desolation in ' < Its track Tbero was scarcely a warning of Uio np proachlug ' storm owing to the tact of the sky being overcast for several hours before tbo full force of the wind w is felt In ad dition to dozens ot dwellings and stores in ' tlio southern , central nnd northern sec tions of the city which wcro moicor less wrecked the following big buildings were damaged ! lho Anchor nulls , Goodwin candle fnctorv , Pullman shops , Van Brocks furniture factory , Kiugsland A , Perguson's farm Implement works , Missouri Puclfio hospital ' , Hodden school , Gcrmin Lvangel ical ' church , the Second Prcsbj torian church and other buildings flic loss to proiorty Is roughly cstlidntcd atttOJOOO ' but it will Ilkoiy prove to bo inoi a 1 bu oy clone seemed to b iv o entered the t city In Its full force at Twontj thlid street nnd Choteiu avouuo , pissing north enst until It reached beventeenth mid Olive streets , w hero it swerved , taking a dltect easterly course to 1 ourteenth , md then Ufeain J turned to northeast to 1 street , lcav lug tlio | city uud Btrlkbig tbo river just north i of Ty lor street fho only atinounco mont l of the approach and progress was n dull ' , sullen roar , quickly followed by a tor rant of rain which in turn was buceooded by Bloot , , aud befoio the victims could realize what had happened the storm hiiii swept by and i on , leaving wrceknge and mangled bu inanity ' in it * puthw ly lrces were torn uu by the roots and broken , oft and telegraph poles swept down , vvhilo the roofs uf buildings were llfte t and tossed into the streets Mrs Charles Miller who resides nt rwontieth mid Cugenia stroata was sitting in n en lir vv 1th her babv In her arms vv hen the j rcof wus lifted frdin her liouso bhu rushed to the window and Just then the wall guvo way antl Mis Miller and thu baby were buried under the debris lho baby mir nculously cseaicd without a scratch but the mother was ba Hi hurt und mav not lecover Mr Miller est aped unhurt 1 His is but ono of dozens of incidents of , the ten iblo storm A tolcphono imssngo from Venice III opposite posito the northern part of the city says thu storm was very dis istrous thcro aud sevoial lives wcro lost , but no details wore given 1 ho list of victims secured uo to this hour (0 ( 30 u in ) uro Deid-JMrs Mnegio Con nors aged forty Bo naiu MeCotiucll aged forty Joseph Weaver a ( > d nine , Injured leresa Weaver , ucod , siv Loth 1cls broken will probablv dla Mrs Charles Miller bidly cut and brulied , Annie Con nors MUfgio Connors and Piaucis Connors A messenger just arrjvod from the cast -sldo of the rhor nays the ntorm in bt Clair county Illinois , iunusuallyBovoio Brooklyn n viliaeoof about500peoplo , seems .to have suffered the mdst d un i'O 1 ho damage at Last S Louis and Vcnico la largely confined to railroad property and small dw oiling * ind telucrapb and telephone notes Hioollyu Is nbouk three miles north of East St Louis its population is largely composed of colored people lliouhseveral ) uro injured no lives were lost A number of dwellings are in rums The Baptist church is entirely demolished , and the Methodist Episcopal church was unroofed and turned clear around on its foundation AtBellevlllo 111 neviral publio bullliugs wcro unroofed but no one is reported in jured llin lalo Wabash train arrived at East St Louis aboqt 8 15 p m lho on- tiueer and conductor report that during the storm tboy foircd theli train would bo thrown fiom the track so terriQc waa the foi co of the wind f All Kansas llnitls Hlonlrndpil HlAWW-ni , Knn , Jan 12 Reports say that snow haB driftdd li pluces as hlh ( as ono story bousos , compjotely blocking the hlghw iv s and railroads At Wichita Kan , the snow is reported to bo flitecn Inches deep and badly diltted All trains on the several railroads In the neighborhood of Wichita have bcon abandoned Emporia reports tlio worst blizzard over known there The enow is badly drlftod tinouhoit ( the city and surioundlng coun tiy , and railroad truffle has been entirely suspended At Abilene , Kan , he snow storm raged for thirty six hours Railroads arc blocked with snow At lopelca six inches of snow have fnllon , mid much intoriuptlon to railway traffic has resulted Dispatches from points in Missouri indl- cato that the storm has been los3 sovuro tbero th in In Kansas lho snow began fulling ut nbout noon today , but not to any , reat depth It Is still snowing , but the tall la llfcht In Kansas City the storm bognn Snturday nicjit with a drizzling rain Early this morning the weather turned colder and the thu rain freezing ns It fell covered exposed objects with a coating of ice 1 olograph , telephone and clactrlo wires were bomo almost to the ground und communication intcrruptc I At noon the { rain turned into snow , tbo wind swerved to i the north und the bluzird set in and at mldiutbt continues with some severity A Sim ro illlzznril Aa\s\h Cnr , Mo Jan 12 A severe , blizzard rages tonight in Kansas , Missouri ' , nnd Nebraska Dispatches from points In Kansas says the storm Is m far the worst of ' the season , and some points report it tha i most severe over oxpcriauced lho storm i began last night and continued throughout thu day aud most of tlio nltbt Pat western i points in Kansas report that tbo storm had I ceased and that the weather had cleatcd [ about 11 o clock The result of the storm i thcro has been disastrous On tbo u\erago i the snow foil about oif-ht Inches on a level , but the stionL wind drifted it b idly and [ many trains were ubandorci ) or fereatiy de lul ° ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MtiinphH \ lulled Ml mi ins Icnn , Jon 12. A heavy wind I storm , accompanied by ram struck Memphis . about 5 o'clocit this afternoon but beyond 1 the prostiiition of wires no damage was clone in this liumcdiaio vlclnty Jl ere il ( Vs Sjiinis , Miss , Jan 19 Slxtv miles south pf hero reports a heavy storm of wind , riiu and bull The Copeland Presbyterian church and a livery stable were blown down , two houeos were unroofed and several stores nnd lesideuces woru damaged No futalities 1 are reported A HlizzirU nt ( lt > iiiiiliigtnn iliaotiiNaioN , Neb , Jun 13 [ Special 1 lelcgratn to Iiib Hit | A bllzzird has 1 raged bore all day , and the prospects are that it will continue nil night About six inches of snow huvo alien and all trains are behind tlmo J" Spanish llopiililloniix Cut Wlroa Mauiiiu , Jan 13 A stnaUrepublicau band has cut the telegraj h wires nt Veuta Car ilenas , iu tbo prov ince of Jo en Thu baud is being pursued by tl o civil ( juurd AIIiipho Improving M-tmin , Jan , 13 Jhis morning tbo kings condition Is encouraging Ho asked forfocd during the night nn I was more cheerful , talKlng mid playing with his sisters TI1L orrtOIAIi STUtllNO POINT A Plnln Slick I otinnrl ) Mnrlt [ < tl That of the Unit (1 MntCN Wasiiivotov , Jnn 13 tSpcclal to Tin Hei J lho recent pie jontitloii to the prcsU dent of the prototjpos of the standard moas tires recalls the fait that tlioro Is m the city n point from which ull the official illstuuecs were designed to bo measured W lieu Pros idciit Washington and Aiohltect L'btifntit laid out the cit of Washington they selected a | olnl from which all the distances were to bo mo tsurod It vv is to bo iu ether words , the official starting point of tbo Unite 1 btntcs lho point was marked by n simple stick ' nnd thorn nro still some old citizens who ca i remember It It was eroded on what is now known ns Lincoln p irk , a res ervation \ on Cnpltol Hill about u mil ) from the cnpltol ' 1 ho city of Washington , It will bo remembered waa Intondo 1 to Ho prlncl pull ) upon Cnpltol III11 mid the groit Lib crty surmounting the clonm ot thn cat itol faces In tlintdlreetlon Unfortunately for Mr Wellington and L'Lnfant , It sproal nway from Caplto' Hill so th itthocaoltal building and the big statue of Liberty are now pi ac- tlcally turning their bick on the citv W ith the gtnwlh of the cltv away from the c ipitnl the official stirting point was of course neglected mid it w is almost foi gotten until only u few years ago the idea wa llrst pro mulijUtotl to erect a statue to Abriliam Lin coin , nnd this point was Bclectcd ns being tbo host suited 1 ho rcsorvalinn In which it was , was n inied Lincoln pirk nnd on the starting point a m tguillcont bronze statue uf Abrtih nn Lincoln was erected so that Mi I Inco n s stutuu now in irks the official tils tnnco point of the countrv It is needless to run , however , Hint tlio point is not rccog mzod at till in official distances and has lost ull of Its signillcanco Thcro is in other ofliiinl point which 90to apeak has lust Its bearings lho astrono mers of the United bt ites calculate 1 ititu 10 und longitude troni the mcridiui nf W ush iugton lho i est of thu wet Id cileulatus it from the merldliu of Greenwich AfUrnii enormous umount of obsorviitlons ind abstruse calcul itlons the Amcrlc in astronomers mors Bottled on n | olnt is i meridian point nnd marked it nnd tbo hill on which it was fixed is kuown still ns Meridian lull About fifteen yoirs ago tlio ustroromora to verify tlteir origin il merldl in point mile a still mora cliboiato series of calculations antl computations with the result th it the Hist series w is ull wrong nnd that the official meilliun point was not tbo oricjn il point at all According to the second series the official mui idl m point of the United blatos as now located is in the second story of a building at the corner of Sixth and C streets lho point which , while not ' tiflle1 ill ' iccoanizod Is concoJ.0 I bv everybody to bo the coldest place in all islitucton , unl is thn comer of Ivvelftb ind the Avenue It is known iu non-olUcial cuclca us the north eolo PUBLIC IllUIiDlNGM Many Cllloq I xn cictl to Pnrn W ull With thu li intuit Ciiicri-si Wasiunoton Jan 12 [ Special lolcgiam to luu Bki 1 lhlssoaiion promises to bo a good onu for public bindings ttirouliout tbo counliy Lveiy year tlioro is a Hood of bills appropriating sums of money ranging from $50 000 up to 2 000 000 for po3tofflccs and oastom bouses ) In dlh\.ront cities , and thn public buildings committee is ono of the buidcst worked committeca in the liouso The uverago of bills reported favorubly is about ono to every twentv five aud oven then very few of these bills succeed in pass ing both bouses of congress rtioro is a stroiitr feeling to check this Hood of bills by the passage of some uniform measu-o to up ply to all cities It will bo lomemberod that several > curs ngo a bill was introduced In the senate provl ilng that public buildings of uniform architecture should be erected in all cities whera the uostoftico retelpts far the thrco years past bud reached 10 000 ' - subsequently quently thoflturo was reduced to $ r OO1 then to 4 COU nnd at this session there are din tidy several bills before thu committee too lodudine , to ficuro to $3 000 Besides these bills which are ooforo both the house una the senate , bills of a similar u ituro but bastd on populitlon , have nUo been Intro duced , aud it la apparent that before long some mcasuia based probablv on both thu nostofllco recelnta und population will bu ntlopted lho ideals for the sui.ervlslng nrchltcct to dcs'gn ' some plain , commodious nnd substantiil sttuctuio which cnu bu erected in overv town and which can bo in creased by additions o * another story or wings to meet the demands of the towns ns 1 they grow In population , the matter to bo 1 roeulated entirely by the postolllco depart ment Ibis will take the matter out of tbo 1 bands of local congressmen aud will sivo 1 the public bulldlnc.3 committee much double and importuning lrom ambitious members and will incidentally do away with such log rolling iu the house o L1VI LY 0\BIl'Aia\S COMING rnrly Calls Issued tor Itcpiiullonn Stilts Central Commitioo * Wasiunoton , Jan 11 [ Spocnl to 1-ue Bkk ] lho uuusunlly early period at which the arious republican stuta central commit tees tin oughout the states huvn been called to meet this winter nnd spring has ntir.icted wldo spread commout among ropubllcilUB ut the national capital It is ucccptcd as an announcement that the republicans are eager for tbo approaching fray and Intend to stand sololv jpon their record and the Issues whlcn tboy prcsontod to tfio country In the cam ) ain of lbS3 It is ascertained that a majority of tlio stuto central committees will bu reorganized within the next thirty or forty das 11ns early and unite 1 action and determination to atui d by the Issues of the party would Indl- catolluit thu republicans are not nfinid of lho battle into which they nro marching It shows also th it they are not fearful of the result In tbulr efforts to oleel a majority of tholifti-second congress nuxt November Dumociats uro croaking ubout the hole into which tiny think they have driveu the republicans on tbo turift issue uudurosay- imr that the pirty now in power cannot io v ise the tariff in such a way us to meet the Issues of the country Senator Allison and Heprescntutivo MclCinlcy say the t iriff will be revised in ns mi acceptable u manner as is possible that the raven io will bo reduced to the minimum , and that the reductions will affect the urticles In most common use Tlicro Is no likelihood that the tax on to baeco und fruit brandy will bo abolished for thu purpose of reducing the revenues A great majority ot tbo republicans tin onerous op | ese this Ihcy prefei a reduction of the duties on the Imported toods which coma most frequently Into daily consumption 1 hero never was such u healthy condition existing in the republicai „ I > nrty us ut pros ant nnd not a prominent member of the partv can bo fount ] ut the national capital but who Is eager for the elections this fall rilluiiMlerlfitr W ill llo Tjuo'oiel ! Washington , Jau 12 | Special to The Bee | The promptucss with winch tbo republican house bas settled down to business nnd the unpirallelod record It Is making In the matter of appropriation bills bas dooo much to dispel tlio Idea orlMnallv felt that this session would ba uu abnormally long ono llio general feeling was that by filibustering , the democrats proposed to drag the cession almost any length lho first sc sion of tbo house extended until October , und was tbo longest on record , and It was > feared that the sama djlatory tactics would I prevail this session to certain ly the same tlmo , , but the determination that Mr Head has ul ready dtBpluycd In putting down all efforts i ut filibustering und wasting of tlmo cjves as J suruuee that llio icsiion will be brief uud I buslness-llko Tlio now rules when ihov uro brought iu will mat o filibustering almost I in possible , nnd wh it the rules do not provldo for Mr Uocd s energy and determination will do Prom his oxpresslons tboro Is ovorv reason to hope that the session will bo brlof , to run to June nnd It would not bo nt nil surprising if the Pourth of lulv would see the first sosslon ot the I Ifty-first congress nt an end , A nusv wMv A.Ui\ii Important Itutlu V"W lilt h W ill Ot - ottpj the MluilJ , Cnnjft * sinon W vsltlNtiTON Tun p llio most imp ii hint , ns well ns tlio nnst | _ opublo prosrcSs In tbo work ot Icgislntic iu coticrcs * is still shown lu the commit stigt Accoidlng to notlco flvou , Mr 1' lb will uldress the sonnto tomorrow upr i ro ol Ulon Introduced ducod by nlui lust w ooh ir'mg the leasing of the Alaska so il llsherlo * The crclontlnls of the four senators clcctulby the rlv il legislatures of Mont in i nra expected to ba lni 1 before the si ttalo this week Objection will bo mil lo to seating cither the iepublican or the tloinotritle eon tcstunts pen ling uu Investigation ind repoit upon their claims bv tlio lomuiittoe on prlvi 1 dgus anil olcclkhs A motubcr of tint conunlttco sild today thu ho wis lu fnvoi nt going fullv into the tiuuttioti nf the lability of the orrunbntion of the Moutiiin logisli turo lho couimlttco on tnrrllorics tomorrow will lioir icpresetitiitivo-tiit tlio 11 iho Moi inoiis who ojiposj the bill to u Unit tli it toi- rltorv us n st no b e uiso tno priposo I co i Btitutlon exclude * Mirmons froui citizenship If tlio conimittco tleeidt s tl u nlijcctlous of tbo Mormons niu not well fouudc I tlio bills for thu admission of I lulto mil Wyoming will bo reported on fiivoiubu nt once , lho roulnr ( house committees hu\u gou orally completed thcirorgiuilzulon butnoiio of them h ivo so f ir progress I in their work ns to bo ublo to urine it any legislative lnuto rial for tietloii on bv the house this wock lho spocl il eonmilttoa on the bilt utt tic ftilcutious h is co nplotu I its Inborn md c\ p ets to prcsont Its report to the hou o to morrow I ho Indication ! am that the long oxpectcd co 1c of now lulcs will bo rcpoito I from the committee on rules this week 1 ho members of the minority mo guueially cm oral it with the cliuiius | , of the old code that are In contemplation and nro ] nip in lg thumsolvcs for u vidimus nttticl upon lliu conimittco a icport , wHeh as thov unilcist in 1 proposes seriously to curtail their power to affect leg islotion HI liPltill IjM.UIiYlOltS Altogether lee Mnnv Sectional Kep- io > nlall\r-s n Coniriess Wamiinoton Ian 13 [ bpeclnl to liir 111 L J Aftei all s > ( niitors und ropresontu tives in cow "ess are selfish in their publio nets Lverv nun looks jealously after his individual constituent , to the exclusion of the ( .onernl welfare of the country fho great bulk of tliu work dovolvlnc , ui on a m iu in congress is clouo by a system of lou mil tut Those observations are suggested by the refusal of the eastern nnd central stutcs t > cn mors to niinroiiriatc money for iirlgitlnc the arid plains of the west on the crounds that their eonstituc its are not Interested in the jrojoct A special committee of the semite s lent seveial months durinc tl o past sum nior taking testimony nwpcetit g the needs , ofthparll ictious In iho w ly of nitcslun wells and basins for irrig iting puipises Ihuy spent thoisands of dollira uud vis ited the extrcuio southwest California and other sections of the Ptulllc slope ana Weill all through that grcit bolt of country beginning with tlio uoi tharn part of North Dakota jud nxtcndnig into \rizooa and they find aftei investigation that al though thorc is ( rent necessity for ma ing an appropriatijn to oxperlniont with the various plans foi irrigation they can not mustci a majority of votes simplv bee imp thu senators siy that their constituents would not t ndoiso un appropriation Ihcra is no question about tlio constitution ilitv of the proposition lho couiui v h is a right to Improve itsnvvn lauds It can bore artesian wel s an 1 m iho basins to rat iln snow--w ater und rain fo- the purpose of Hooding the arid regions in the summer and miking the in nrublo und subsequently throw those luu ds open to settlement under the homostcad laws 1 hero aru mon In both branches of eon gress who are proud or their lonj rt cot Is In \otingagainst the improvement of rivoisuud harhoi a , simply breiusa theio uro no navi gable rivers or harbois in their districts lhoiouiu men woo steadily vote agilnst nubile buildings in cities bceauso thcro Is no demanJ for | ubllc buildings iu their dis trlets Several old men in oithei house nro proud that they oppose the extension of the merchant m irino scrvico and lho buildiug or n navv , simply bceauso tint e is no sea coast on which their constituents can look fho great growth or the countrv mil the broadening or the ment il vision of the Amcr lean people will dilvo these old rotics out of coiifcross within u short time lho Amurl- can government und the people bohlu 1 It urc too progressiva to iceep u m in in publio lifo who bounds bis I leas of legislation by the limits or bis cougrossionil or senatorial dis trict The North Polo ol WaHlilntitoii Washington , Jan 12 | Special to flic Bee 1 Luiinent lundscnpo gardeners in lying out and beaertifylng the feoldiois' homo grounds thought it would bo a good idea to cut n vista " It was out , and people who roam around thosu grounds enjoy the vista vorv much But that same vista gives the wind a clean , beautiful swoop fiom tbo soldiers diers' homo giounds down to the waters front straight along I vvulfth street , und thn unhappv m in wnn comes up tlio avenue und crosses iwolfth street enjoys the mil benollt ot this north polo cyclone lho winl utthat corner is something turilrlo , un 1 It not in frequently hapnutis tliiitthouuw m stranger lu Washington is sometimes tukeii oft his feet and carried half w ly out t > the cur tract before ho knows whut has struck him lho soot fully deserves tbo niiiuo of thu north polu ot Washington * llin Steve liust Ailvitneos PrlnoH Ciucuao , Jan 13 [ Special Telegram to lnr Uu ] The Western Steve trust other wisu Known as the Western Association of btovo Manufacturers , at thalr mooting just concluded In this oltj , hiva tlectlud on an lucreasa of & per coin In the pried of till their man ifucturod products fills Increase , they aver , Is necessitated by tbo advanced cost of pic , iron and colto Arrested lor Minder * Iola , ICau , Jan 12 Six well known farm crs have bean ui rested hero tor thomurdor In August 138 , of Columbus Carter lho prisoners are members of u band or regula tors known as the Laud Luacuo" wiion Columbus Carter , who was arrested for a brutal crluio , was acquitted , thn Lund League shot and killed biinus ho was going bomo from the court house IMyhtcrlons nfiirdor nt Cairo Caimo , TIL , Jun , 13 Major Lucas of Say brook , 111 , arrived hero yestortluy In * ro sponsu to a summons from St Mary's In firmary , this city , where be found that bis son had tiled front the effect of u blow which fractured the skull , but nothing could ba learned as to vvhoru or how the wound hud been iiitilctcd Wbon tlio buy came to thu hospital ho complained only of a pain In tha head While waiting for the truiti to go home with the remains of his son the father attomplol to shoot himself , but was pre vented by friends Slonnishlp Anlvals At Haltlraoro-On the HID , the Caspian , from Liverpool At Braiuerhavon On tbo 11th , tbo Aller , Iroin Now York At Quoenstown On the Utb , the Etruria , from Now York , At Now York The City of Boston , from Liverpool , tbo ticrmanio , from Liverpool , the blavonia , from blottln ME WINCHESTER ARGUMENT Oonoinl Ohambora on the RoooaD Jackson Dlcotlon THEY ARC SOLID FOR BrUCC , 01\o { Doiunt rUH Will Gioul , but Uui * not Holt Now inri'i I ill ljlc- gutlcin Ktiurtntns L vl.hly ttrtoollnucousi Washington 1 rm vu Tin Ovuiu Ilrr i fit lOUITLhNTII bTitKnr y W isniNiiTON l > U , Jan 12 ) Genci il liuno * 11 uiilmcrs who I119 been a member ot coni.ri.fls from Mlsslssli pi , ret rust iitiui , the eolubr He I shoostrlng dis trict , has writtoa i letter hero In r > ply t the assertion th it the icceiil election lu I iclt- son , Miss wusufili ono tioneril Chil- niers says ' I w is lu I ictson on lui Mm dtiy mil tvittic-wl i sccno which If thu lie ila of the iltparttnents nt Washington colli I have seen I dou t thluK tboro woitll ramnlii u dcuoci it In office lu the state Hunry wis eloctel mivor by thu use ot Wliuhostel rill s llio election w is hell in the Llwurds liouso iu whit is calla I tlm snuiplo room luu above wheio the voters Ind to entei , at tlio win * dow , were thu * 'sn nip nngels' in thev weio labeled mil tilled tliumstlvos' , with Titles In hand leil , willing , tinxlous to shoot thn llrst nej.ro who Ins stcd on voting , tin 11 cm iruthfulh stj tint tvery domed it iu nnieo in thu si itu thinks it rlc.ht emu ot them h ivo so expressed tlicmselvos to mo Under thu civil seivlceliin bound to hold my tongue or they uiuht leiuovo mo I think it n shaiieto 1 eep men In office who think it ilMit to dlsfrtneh sj men with Win chester nllcs nee , uiso tbuy s e fit to vote it thuv think best no i uu i n n a II on Mil 1 ! Iu Wtdilnc.ton very littlu eicdcnrc I * llveii to thu ruiLors whLh have been IInt- ine urounl tno couuti v bv wire duiini , llio pist foity-oijHht hoim tli it thcro would bo u bolt iu the cttiiius which nouilnatod Calvin Hrlcu to tbo Unite I Stutcs son itufrom Ohio , und tint a dutk horcu would bo ulcttcd Much direct and rollvblu information on tlio subject ol the O do sun itotsliip his been retcive 1 In W islilnctoii throuih all or the eoi test on account of the f let th it lohn It McL n in I other | ro liluent Ohio dotno- tltni ici its on vvhtini the m mtlo or Sonalir Pay nu s b ucessarslup iiiiiht It ivu f ille.il uio 1 icuto I at tlio u Uionul t tpit tl It Is ttuo tt at thrco or foui ol the demcoratla innn- bus of the Ohio lecisl ituro do nut want to vote for \li liri u on actouut of his wealth uud the ba I ex imple his 11 elioii vv ill set b it thev will bu driwn into Hue John It " it Lei n uocs i ot want to bo ( a United States soimtoi sit mee , to bay Mi MlLow la fciorit limes a millionaire uu ! enjivs llfo at his homo hero as well us my mui living Helms n very ii U pv family • and U not pcimlttiiig politic-i or olllcj to do prlvu him ofunv of tin good things of llfo Ono ot Mr McLean's most iiitlmato friends , well known to lour coirtsspoii letit , spoke the distincuishol editor s sentiments when bo said toj ty Mr McLc m has no i olitlca ) ambition llo Iocs not w int the OhioiLB u- tuoi.sliip but might accept it if it were ten de el t > lilm 1 linow Hint bo would not seuk un 1 would n it oncou-ifo inv kind of a movement lo elect him H ho hud wuntol tbo pisltiuu ho could have hud It by entering the i ice nt tlio piocur tin o Mr MeLeau thli ks the llfu/U a wealthy pilvito iiti ? a is mom tit sirublo und lather moio dii-iiilled thuu that ot a publiu man lfo docsn t believe the so culleu honors uf publio position have imvthing in them llo Is entirely contented with n llfo of olcgiut lolsuro and thuRociotv of his wife and family Ho is vi ry devoted to his wifn and would find irksoino uny duties , political or othci- wis ) which would sopiruto ill in from nur fie luetitly or for my consldcrablo length of time No j ) u cun safely s ty that there is nothing in the talk ot running Mel cun us a comprnmUo c mil Unto for thu sen itorsbip In tbo event of a bolt from Brlco which by the way I dt n't believu in it ull ' ovn t ousr nil suniLMr couiit bomo davs ao it was sumesied oy corns members or congress thin there should ba moru rooms for cotircsstonul | cominltteos ; in the capitol uud that it would bo u coed scheme to erowl out the supreme court ana take possession or the quurteta that body now occupies between the house nnd the sen itu Ouo or the committees which his jutlsdietion ovei at lc ist a portion of tha cipitol buildine , iot togetl er und concluded that tlio ati | rcmo couit should bu ousted , lho comiuilti odil not contemplate any sne- cla location for that tribuu il but proceeded on tbu hrouud that if congress should coneludu to put out the siipi quia court It would liavo to co It has been discovered tnat lho siiuiomo court cannot bu removed from the capitol build ings without Us consent , ind it is likely to stiy thcro , notwithstanding the face that three or four buildings have bcon lnfoimully selected for its occupancy Unless congress purchases ground und constiucts n suitable building foi thu suprt mo court it will not be moved lhcifi wuuld be plenty or room ror committees in thu Ini0 > western wing of the capitol , which la just being completed if It was coiiBtructol in uuy sonslulo style of architecture About lirty looms liavo bcon iu ttlu uudui the terracings on the west side of the cnpltol un 1 under thu beautiful approaches preaches , but thov aru without proper ventilation oi ll IH und they will not bo comfortable MUMU'fl LATUV 1)111 ) OV TAI It was only ucccasai v to hnvo It qulutly known nt the roc utirin tiven by the Now Yoik ilolcatiou ( last nij-lit in the Interest of Unthatn for the world h r lir tint SOU quait bottles of Mutiiui's I xtui Dry ' hud Duon placed on ice in order to bring out a lnrga nttun 1 iiieuniid to inalct ) tha ocuision a roar * Ing succgsv It is stated that Muium's agent eoutributel thirty cases or wluo toward tha rozcptlou , which was attended by el bt or ton hundruJ ol tha le idlng mon or lho oity Hundreds of puoplo pts td nround tha im mense room with p atos of s dads , oto , out ing uud drinking and olforts bv ttiroo or four distinguished uicn to speak und slug sonbs at ttmsaaio tlmo made the scene out ) of unusual interest * lho reception con tinued until bunday was usiiurod In then It closed with tlio declaration of tlioso pn sunt that it ha 1 been a ( , eat suecoiH 1 hero wis somothlng about tbo whole affair which reminds ono or ma dining room scones at the Chinese location when a smashing ball is given 1 hero wus loss of eagerness shown by tbo quests to gut ut the table , however J ho h sts di 1 every thing to maku their guests comfortub u aud to have aood { time , aud they succeeded wull ONE CHANCE IVTWrNTlT Marrlaacubloyounglulios ii Washington are experiencing u fooa deal of distress of mind just now over the piopositlouthut tbero Is but onn chance iu twenty for thorn lo marry unless they leave the national capital , 1 ho broad assertion Is mudo by a social stutistieun that there Is about llvo thousand mora unmarried women than there nra of unman iod men , and that but ono man iu twenty located at thu national capital has matilmonlal iutuntlonB llils to jomg ladles here nppsura to bo a very ulstrcssiu condi tion ot affairs JIiaCEII.ANtOUS Mrs Pottlgrcw , wlfo or the senator from South Dakota , held her first reception as a member ot th' ) senatorial circle lust week , Shu were a dark wool tou gown with crimson silk fedora u toilelto that was exceedingly becoming f ) her brunette style Mrs Petti- grow , who is very popular hero , U very do * Voted to tlio luloieats of the caueo or thoitl who wear the white ribbon , blio does not intend to allow society lo engross bur to tus prcjudlco ol this organization , Peuhv B Hbat * j