Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1890, Image 1

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    I- The Omaha ! Daily Bee
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ A Fooling in Favor of Waiting Till
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1805.
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _ .
M Tha Senate Committee ( in Territories
1 j Will ItuDort Fnvor.ihly on Idaho
B , * l and Wyoming Dundy liclnc
K I'uMicd to Succeed llrcwer
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ H
H • 513 Fouirrr.BNTH Stiikkt V
B Washington , I ) . C. Jan Hi )
B Ttio feeling In fiivor of n postponement of
H the exposition until 1695 Is growing vor
H rnpldly iiml It Is believed that n sufficient
K number of senators nro of that opinion to
H settle the ( juration , ns thov liavo the power
H to do , by delaying proceedings , oven if the
H housd should vote for lfeU2. Such men ns
H Sherman , Edmunds , Merrill , Hoar , Dnwos
M aim others on the republican fldo and nearly
B half the democrats huvo expressed them
_ _ HN _ . _ ' selves vcr.v cmphnttcully on the subjret It
| _ HrM * In a curious thing that members of both parw
T tics object to nn exposition in 1S92 becnuso It
H is a presidential year Ouo of the southern
| lu'imtors doclnrod that thcro would 1
| ba mi nlmost unnulmous vote from i
H thnt section in favor of postponement ;
B bcenus8" political roasotn , for thov did not
| propose to entrust the present ndmlnlstrn-
H fe tion with the expcmtlturo of $ 10.000,1)00 ) or
H \ $1S,000OOUduring n presidential campaign
1 The roiiubllcans object to the fair in l&'ja for
B the renton thnt the - .vorkiugmcn engaged I
H upon the buildings and the other employes 1
, might furnish a powerful factor In tbu clec-
B tioli The lniportuiit question therefore bo-
H fprc the sennto Is when the fair shall bo hold 1
H bUt the Chicago pcoplo say it makes no ditit
B fcrmico to thorn The.v want the location ,
H whether it is held in 16'J' or lS'Xi , and want It !
H settled right iiwny Judge Thompson , re-
H ccntly u civil scrvico commissioner , hns n
H plan , the Importance of which ho Is triing to j
H Impress upon the Chicago delegation , but it •
H is not received vcr.v favorably thus far Ho
8 vantstho representative * of thosovcral cities
| Who Ure contesting for the fair to ro-oporuto
B In securing the slgnaturos of nil the senators
B and members of congress to n call for a
H caucus of both parties and both houses , to bo
H hold in ttio house of representatives some
| evening next week for the purpose of deoid-
B ing Upon the location His idea is to lulvo
B them meet ns u Joint caucus and , vote by bal
BJ H lot until some place Is delected , which shall I
BJ H bo inserted In the bill by the house of re pre
BJ K scntntlvcs or the senate , whichever acts
BJ H upon it llm and thus dotcrminothnlocatloii
BJ H 1 ho objections raised to this scheme nro
BJ B , tlrst , it would bo dilllcult to get the senators I
BBv < j y _ f and representatives Into such a caucus , and
f r second , thcro would bo no way of inducing
f ifr them to stnud by the decision if such n canb '
H _ fje $ ' cus wcio-iiold.
_ _ _ _ _ P The first actual movement towards the
r " / " tOTTfmcmorntion of the discovery of
_ _ _ B America by Columous was by the
B Bcnato cominiuco on public build
B mgs and grounds today in recommend '
BB P Inglbe jiassugcof u bill apuioiriating50,000
BBB for u statue of Columbus to bo placed In
BBV front of the cupitol on Pennsylvania uvcnuo
BBBJ , on the spot occupied by the peace
BBBj monument nud to bo unvollcd lu lbJJ The
BBBj same committco decided to report favorably
BBS a ulll for the erection of a building opposite
BBB the noiv congressional librury for the use of
BBB tliu supreme court
H DclcgatcUnrcyof Wyomlngsnidtoyourcor-
H respondent toQav that the senate committco
H on territories would undoubtedly ugrnc on
H next Monday to report favorably bills uro-
H vidipg statehood for Idaho and Wyoming
H territories
H On that day it will give its last hoanng
H pro and con on the various propositions for
B statehood Chnrlrman I'lutt says the com1
B inlttco does not hesitate to fuvor statehood ,
H for Wyoming mid Idaho Thcro hns been n
H good deal of talk about a compromise on
L the territorial statehood business bv the in >
_ _ _ _ _ IV _ _ traduction of an omnibus bill . such '
- Bb as was passed for statehood for the three
BBWterrltorlos'which _ made the four states in the
BBB lust congress It has been proposed oy Mr
BBB Spiinger that statehood ba given Idaho and
BBB 'W.voming if the republicans mid the ternc
BBB tory of Now Mexico , the politics of which
B H nro doubtful , The republicans in the senate
BBm are vary much opposed to the proposition
BBV Tho.v contend , that cuch territory should
BBh sthud upon its own merits , inasmuch us
BV polltuml and other questions are involved
BBS whluh nmbarrass most of the territories up- '
BBB plying for statehood and objections raised
BBh against statehood , for ouo territory should [
BBB il' .ot operatu uguinst another An omnibus
BBB bllL was prcpuied by Mr Strublo of Ioiva
BBB proposlm " ; statehood for Wyoming , Idaho
BBB mid Now Mexico to meet the views of Mr
BBB Springer , but it will beyond reasonable
BBb doubt not bo introduced , and tuo house comt
H mittrowill follow ttio action of the senate
B rommittoo on territories and report separata
B bills providing statehood for Wyoming and
B _ H Jduho If Now Mexico wants statehood she
BBa will hnyo to stand upon her own individual
_ i merits mid proceed as have otbor territories :
H by adojitiug a constitution
_ Till ! Iltt83il > llCEriNViSTIO\T10N. :
K , . i asked Senator Mumlcrson tills morning
_ _ Pr " what ho thought would bo the outcome of [
BBm the investigation of the dressed beef busl-
BB > _ _ a tioss " 1 suppose , " ho replied , that Sou- ,
B * " - otonVcsi will ] iroparo a bill nnd a speech I
B that will explain the work of the committco
H fully and that will probably bo the end of
H the matter for the pro cnt , but in my opinion
H the iiivcstlgntton , which hus been tnorough [
H nnd important , will rcHUlt utlmatoly in the
H passugo of a general bill going as far as pos
H elblo to prevent combinations lu all food T
H products and to prevent pools aud corners
H or other combinations to forestall the mark
H 'cts or affect the cost of the food of the pooH -
H ' Qlo It i a grave ipiestiou how far federal [ l
legislation can go In this direction , but that
i can bo discussed , as It likely will bo , aud
i congress will decide for itself , "
H Has the committee had a meeting ! "
H The c/immltteo has had no meeting with
H a view to deciding upon its policy or whut it
H Khali report to the senate Wo have not
H come together slnco our investigations in
H Now York , but will do so as soon as the
B ttstiruotiy is' all priutcd Wo have taken a
H van amount of tcstimouy und it is bolng
H ' *
printed now .
H Assistntit Kcerotury of the Interior Chun-
H < llcr has reversed the decision of the com
H 1/ miss oner of the general laud ofllco in re-
H f jcctlng dual proof In the commuted homo
M \ stead entry of William 0. Dillon , Involving
H ' tha southeast > f of section * 'S , township 4
H north , rangu SO west , AlcCook laud district
H 'lliu commissioner rejected llnal
proof on tllo
M ground of bad faltli , insullleieney of Improve
M incuts and cultivation , und says there was
M not cou'inuoua residence , 'lhn assistant
M secretary eays ho can not concur In this con ,
m elusion us thcro is nothing to show bad faith > l ,
B und the Improvement und cultivation were
M HUfllciont mid the rcsldonco continuous for
B inoro than six months Ho tbereforo directs t
H that the entry bo jiassed to patent
_ R . Ho also reversed the commissloiior's do-
H | . f cislou m the cusu of Clement Spracklen in j ,
H [ making aiiplication to amend his homestead
B entry , made December i. 'S , lhb7 , ° for the south
BB > 4 of the northwest ' 4 end the north H ot
BBv the southeast if of section 25 , totMislnp 20
B north , ran go o west , Chuuron vdistrict :
m Sjiracklcu lu his opnlicution asked that Ins
B entry bo amended so as to include , in lfe.11 of
BB * . the tracts named , the north X ot the north '
BBj west h of section 'XI , and the southwoit
BB " ' * ° ' section 2S ! \
V" / , In tuo same run go .
B _ _ _ _ j * * Itfappoars that Spracklen went to the laud i
BBJ for which ho made entry lu Dccombor , 16b7 ,
_ r - ud found u house thereon Ho was inV -
V * . formed that 0110 T. Pinkerton , who had built '
M • tuo house and located 011 thu land .
, had alB -
B lowed the three months following his settle | J ,
m > ucut to olapsa without
011 the land ;
B that he had then , lu Juno , J8S7 , went to the
BB local land onlcors aud liading the plat book
B tUowad the same to bo vacant , .una tuado
entry ! that when ho went to Improve the
land ho found that the plat book was orroy
neons , Spracklen tiays he would not have
made the entry nnd l'lnkorton's entry been
on record und that ho now npptlcs In good
fnlth \ to amend 'I ho rcglstor nnd receiver
certify to the correctness of Ins statements
Ill nsslstnnt sccrotary cites tha cn90 of
James A. Harrison in which the department
hold thnt the right to tnako homestead entry
should bo accorded if the first , through no
fault of the cutryman , was for a tract cov
ered by a prior bona lido preemption claim
The assistant secretary directs that Sprack-
Ions expiring entry bo cancelled without
prejudice and thnt ho bo permitted within a
rea'onnblo time after nottco thereof to enter
in llou of the Innd lu entry ttio tracts described -
scribed in his implication ,
Secretary Notiio today dismissed ttio
motion for rovlow in the ensa of Tucker vs
Nelson , involving the timber eultiiio entry
made bv Nelson lor the northwest 4 of sec
tion II , township 3 north , range 4 $ , Valentino
tine district ,
to n.isui rort snw voitK
Seventy millionaires from New York will
lit hero tomorrow to nsk the house commitnc
tee to locate the fair In their city They nro
coming on n special train in parlor cars and
will bring their guarantee with them , also
two memorials One of them was written
hi Abriim S. Hewitt nnd the other by W.
12d Stokes , the secretary of tha Now York
bonrd ( of promotion , but there is likely to ba '
a , row , because Mr Ilowitt declares that
Stokes shall not present his 1nc.morl.1l. If
ho | , i attempts to do so Mr Hewitt promises to ,
withdraw from the mooting nnd hnvn nothhi
Ing ' moro to do with the nffalr Chauncoj
M. j Dcpuw , Joseph II Chonto and one or two '
other _ famous orators nro to speak and a
great , display of eloipicnco Is expected
Mr 'Ihomas li Uryan nud Mr Jeffroys 1
will present tha ensoot Chicago 111 _ a auiot ,
unostentatious , buslnoss-llko wav
Senator Mandersnn wns at the whltohonso 1
todav nnd had u talk with the president in
\y \
behalf of Judge Dundy for appointment In \
the circuit Judgeship made vacant by thu np
polntment < of Assorlate Justice lirower to the
supreme bench The president listened very
attentively ' to what was said in tuvor ot
Judge Dundy and Impressed Senator Man
derson , ] that the chances were favorable
Whllo the president uould not say what ho
Intended to do in respect to Judge Dundy , bo
did ' say that ho intcuded to appoint some 0110
from the district bench
Senator Matiderson made n motion before
thu auiircme court of the United States today
lo t < admit C. I Green of Omaha to practice
before ) that court ,
Upon thu recommendation of Senator Man
derson ] and Representative Council , Uyrou 1
Heed , of Omaha will be appointed ns 11 com
nnsloner of assay to visit the United State
mint at Philadelphia and examine all of tha
various forms ot coin belonging to thu
government in that mint nnd witness a t
test of their nssnv This position is moro
honorary | , than remunerative Mr Heed was
selected by reason of Ins inteicst In this
work and the knowledge ho has relating to
coins He has long been known ns a con
nolsseur of coins and the position requires
both i a Knowledge and n taste for this work ,
'I ho suporvlsing architect of the treasury
has ) , found that , n largo number of members
who introduced bills In 1I10 house for public
buildings ) 111 their districts did not use the
proper form Ho is furnishing them u form
such ns ho will approve
Mr Connell called upon the architect to-
day , ] in rerereuca to his bill for an ndditlon to
thu postoflico building at Lincoln , nud after
cxuminaiioa tha supervising urchitoct informed -
formed him that the objections made lu '
other instances did not apply to this bill nnd
ho ) unqualiHcdly endorsed it us to form Mr
Connell will , howovcr , offer 11 substitute for
the bill which ho introduced in the house
and the dupliuuto presented in the senate by
Mr Paddock for n building at Healrico , so
as to conform to the views 01 the supcrvis-
lug | urcliltcct
, 'I ho presidents visitors this morning in- '
eluded the entire Chicago worlds fair dole
gallon j : heiuleit by Senator Farwoll and
Mu ; or Cregler
' Mr J. E. Uaura of Omaha is at the Nn- l
Today's ' Post savs : Miss Daisy G. Stow
art , dauehter of Mrs Colonel Stewart of
Capitol ( Hill , is visiting friends In Now York
Shu loft on Saturday , accompanied by Miss
Nellie liosewnter , dauehter of Mr Rose !
wuter of Tue Omaha Hkb
Ptitiir S. Heatu
Plan or the Foreisn AfTalra Commlt-
tot to Settle tlio S to Question
Washington , Jan 10. The discussion of
the worlds fuir bill by the house committco
on foreign nffairs resulted in bringing for
ward u proposition which it Is suggested may
aid in ttio selection of a Blto for the fair by
the house The committco already has de-
cided that it will teportu bill leaving a blunk
for the city where the fair is to bo held , but
it Is feared if it goes into the house in that
shape nnd without some arrangement in ad- 1
vance to govern the method of the selection
of the slto no agreement can over bo reached 1.
Under ordinary parliamentary rules the
probable course of proceedings in the
housu ) would bo for some member
to t move to insert the name of
the t slto Some other members would
thereupon I move to strike out that name nud
to I inscit another On a vote on tuis last
proposition | the opposition would comblno to
defeat i It and this would probably bo the futo
of < the original uud succeeding motions , the
advocates i of the different cities desiring to
sccuro * the proposed fnlr killing each other
off ' In succession To avoid this the sub com '
mltteo ' churgod with the consideration of the ! ?
fair bill has hint from
' u the action of the
uppropilutlon ! sommittco in securing the nl- [
tcrnatlvo upon a certain clause of the Dist
trictof Columbia appropriation bill and In-
clitics ' to report a special proposition which
will . provide for repeated ballots In the
house upon ttio question pf naming a slto for
the fair with an agreement that on each bal
lot * ho name of the city receiving the least
number of votes shall bo dropped , and In
this wuy believed a conclusion can soon
bo reached ,
A Nnllonnl , Military Pnrlc
Wasiiinotox Jan 10.--A bill has
been 1 prepared by General Grosvo-
jiior establishing tha Chattanooga and Chlci-
mauga National Military park which
has ' the support of the loading members of
tha < sociotlesof ttio Army of the Cumberland ,
the i Army of the Tonucssoo nnd the Army of !
the Potomac nnd all tha leading ex confed-
crate i ofllccrs ongugod in the battles iudl-
catcd , The title of the park Is to bo ob
tallied i by the United States by condemnation
and purchuso after the ceding of Jurisdiction
by the states of Georgia aud Teunessoo It [
will embruco the battlefield of Clileknmuuga ,
An appropriation of fiW.000 is provided for
carrying the aot iuto olfoct
The Dciuocratio Cuuoiih
'WABitiNr.To.v , Jan 10 , At a slimly at-
tended meeting of the democratic oiueus
this ovcnliij ; the usual resolution was
adopted for naming the catnpnigocommittee ,
namolyi That eaoli state and torntory hav-
ing dvinocratla representatives shall select
one to represent it on the commltteo No
formal method was provided for the selection
of tha mombeisof the committco from the
states whosq delegations were solidly rcpun-
lican , but Uk > usual rule will bo followed , ul-
lowiug the committco to til ) vacancies by an
election ,
AliproiirlntiiiiiH tor I'ul lo ( Huilillims
Wasiiintitox , Jan JO , Tlie committco on
public buildings and grouuds decided to ro-
poi t favorably bills authorizing the purchase
of sites for and the construction of publto
buildings In the following cities : St Paul ,
ti,50iooo ) ; Sioux City , la , ? 500,000 ; Cedar
Kapld , la , 1200,000 ; Kun a City , $2,000,000 :
Mllwaultce , 2,0WO0O ) , Increased from * 1.200 , .
° ° ° -
Gprmnir Oillobrs Ciipturoil
Heiilik , Jan 10. A dispatch to the Too
jblatt from Zanzibar says that Uanoberl cap
turcd ' Lieutenant Cravenworth of Major
'Wlsiuanu'a command aud two other Gor-
man ofllccrs
Ho Is Mndo Defendant in a Broaoh
or Promlao Suit
Ha His nn Ainliltlon lor tlio Lord
Minjrorislilp , tint IIU Itecord
Stii9t bo Clear 111 Ordup
to ( Jain It
Ijondon's Hlior fT In ft Scrnpi" .
LOnpurfi/At / J8W In JiimM Rnr.hdl ricmiiU |
Lovoov , Jan 10. I Now York Herald
Cable Special toTno Hun.l Shorllt Harris
of London , who went Into ofllcn with the
now lord mayor , has n dollcato bit of work
to accomplish before ho c 111 breath freely
Hnrns is thirty-four years old and ono of
the , youngest sheriffs London over had His
ambition is to bo lord mayor An election to
the shrievalty is the lint step The second
step . U election as nn ntdor.n.ii : , That honor
hols pretty site to sccuro In tlnio To sa-
euro the lord mayorship It is necessary to
have n record without < i stain , hence tbeso
tears A suit hns been entered against
Harris for brcacli of promise , with
damages 1 at , 10,000. The plain
ti tT Is Gr.ica Smith , nil cstlmnbla 1
young woman of good family At a tccotit
dinner | , nc which Harris and Miss Smith
were present , Lord iliyor IsnacA propqsod
the health of Miss futureirs
. . Smith as tha future \
Harris Not 11 word about the suit has ap-
pcarcd in print ami few ituow anything
about it , though two days ago the suit was 1
entered in the qucon's ' bench division of the ,
high , court Harris is desperately mix
lous thnt the matter should bo settled out
of court nnd negotiations are in pro rdss 1
to that end Among the city gossip the j
story Is that this is Ins third lit tempt to trifle ,
with fair young maidens , und hope * nro expressed -
pressed ' that this t'mo ' ho has caught a turtar
It Icoks as if no had
A KnlrKv-Splrlturdlst Mctliuni HuinR
fiir Snpnrnti * AlnintcnniioB
Ciiicaoo , Jan 10. rSpecial to >
Tiik Hub ] The latest In Chicago's dlvorco
court is the appearance of May II Graham ,
suing Henry H. Graham for separate main
tounnce , Mrs Graham is ono of the ll.inss
sisters , the spiritualist mediums , whoso
seances were so profitable up to the time
tlio hardhearted police descended on them a
couple of years ago and prosecutjd thutn for
obtaining inonoy under false pretenses
Graham is a manufacturer of ilavormg ox-
tracts and is possessed of considerable
wealth The wife , in her petition , says they I
were married in t'10 office of a justice of the
pence in Now York oitv Novoinbor f > , IbSS ,
but { , that last summer Graham informed her
thut the Justice was bogus and the marriage
likewise j Although considerably antioyod
over this news , May did not faint , but de-
mamled that , Graliam marry her legally
She keDt at him until finally he went with \
her to Kucino Wis , in Novoinbor last and
therothu , knot was tied fast Slnco the real I
mnrnago took plnco , May declares , Gruham
has not supported her aud has refused to
live j with her Ho has refusoj to lutroduco
her to his frlonds as his wife and has denied J
the relationship For moro than a month
past ho has been
pleading with her to eon
sent to n divorce , but she hus steadfastly 10-
fused The fair complainant says Graham
haB ) 800,000 in bonds nnd mortgugos , which
ho j threatened 10 pacK up and carry out of 1
the ( date She therefore prayed for a writ
of no exeat , whicn was issued by Judge Col-
hns , Grahuin was arrested and brought to
the . sheriffs office , Where ho was required to
give J $10,000 bonds to uuswer the hult Ho
acknowledges that ho was legally married ' ,
but I stud that when ho went through the
ceremony at Racine ho was intoxicated und
that May took advantage of his condition
as a aiAitii or iticspccr
The House Adjourns In Memory of I
.T11 dye Krllcy
Wasiiisqto.v , Jan 10. Draped in sombro
black ' und adorned with n simple bouquet ot
j whlto fioweis , thodesk bo long occupied by
Mr Kelley of Pennsylvania , this morning
reminded , the members thnt the father of
thu 1 housu" has departed from their midst
Immediately after reading the Journal Mr
O'NolU ( of
Pennsylvania announced the
death [ of his colleague Judge Kelley After
paving a touching tribute to his raomory ho
offered a resolution tnat appropriate sorv-
ices i bo held 111 the house tomorrow noon and
that t a committco be appointed to attend the
iuuoral After thu adoption of the resclu-
tion the house adjourned as a mark of
The IV01I Marlcst
Uostov , Jan 10. fSpeclal Telogrnra to
The Unu.J There has been a very good da-
timnd for wool and a number of buyers have
been on the market , but the sales aggrcgato
only a fair amount 2,141,000 pounds of all
kinds The principal sales were of territory
for which the market was rather weak , par
1ticularly t for eastern Oregon , Sales of these
iwools have been made 011 a scoured basis of
fi7 f for line and line medium , nnd host torrl- |
tory 1 wools bring much moro than that
Mudlum J wools range from noa to 5"Jo. In line
1delaine fleeces tboio is it firm feeling and
tliero 1 hus been considerable sales , including (
Ohio 1 at 'l lOu nnd Michigan at U)5o ! ( ) , No ' >
1 combing wools are scarea and firm Un
washed combings sell at 27@ ' , ' 0e. Pine
wushod lleocos nru quiet but hold linn '
Pulled wools nro dull In foreign wools
ttiora I have been no sales of importance
Drove Out , tlio lonelier
HosTovMassJon 10. fSpeclal Telegram
to Tim Bee ] The unusual sight of a
crowd j of f > 00 school children hooting and
throwing missiles at their teacher took pluco
In East Boston yesterday afternoon , and un
escort of potico had to bo furnished him out
ot 1 the island The pupiU claim that Charles
Phelffer , the newly appointed toucher , nnd
boon bursh and violent The whole trouble
was caused by a fifteen-year-old boy named
Wllllo Murnhv , who is now suffer fug from
a severe thrashing administered by the
A IVoullnr Milt
STii.i-WA.Ti-n , Minn , Jan , 10. [ SpecIal
Telegram 1 to Tin : Hek.I John Olson got a
verdict for 110,000 against the St Paul &
Duiutti road today in a peculiar suit , Olson
lost his right foot last full while aboard a
freight truln with a car of horses , and sued
for 0,000 damages The railway company
donlcd that Olson was in churga of the
horses , Or had any right aboard the train ,
alleging thut ho was a tramp stealing P ride
The Jury , however , brought iu a verdict in
his favor for tlU 000.
Tcrilllu Holler JCxplonlou ,
Cmc-flo , Jan 10 , Plvo hundred girls aud
meu employed by the John Morris Stationery
and Printing company received a terrific
scare this evening , The boiler in the base
ment exploded , smashing the big plato glqss
windows throughout the building aud other
wise wrecking tha structure Tbo pedes-
trlaus on the street were thrown prostruto
and the neighborhood was showered with
glass A dozen people were painfully and
possibly fatally bruised and cut The loss
will amount to t-0,000.
Ate u Hex of Matches
Kis-sis Citv , Mo , Jan 10. [ Special Tele-
grata to X'ue Beb ] Mm , Clluo ot Clinton ,
l\ \ . , mother of three children/and h r husf
band , father of three children by ft former
marriage , recently separated 'Ho took ono
room and she tliroOf the communicating
doors ' having been locked 7 ast night Mrs
Cllno went nround the outsiJo ontrauco to
her husbands apartment , und , asking him
not to think 111 of her , bade hlin goodbye
When Mrs Clluo was discovered in her
rooms < this morning she was half dead from
ptiosphorus lKiisoti , hnving eaten a box of
matches It Is thought she will recover
A Motion riloil lly tlio Attnmnjri of
the Croniti CiiimplmtorR fl
CniCAno Jan 10. This afternoon Attor
neys Wing , Donohoo und forrost lltcd a
motion ' for a now trial In the cases of
Coughlln , Hurico , O'Sulllvati and ICtinzo ,
convicted of the murdocot Dr Crontn
The motion , which is very longtby , assigns
tlnrty-nlno ! cases of error In thn rulings of
Juduo McConnell These grounds of alleged
error cmbraco every point contested by the
attorneys for the defense Among ether
things . the refusal of the court to permit the
dofeuse to show tliat Memii * . Mills , Ingham
and | , Hlncs were employed In the prosecution
bv p'lvato iiartlcs actuated by Improper
motives is alleged to hnvd been prejudicial to
the defendants and tbo courts allowing these
lawyers [ to assist in the prosecution Is said
tobonn error 1 lines is charged with having -
ing j been moved with n spirit of personal
hostility I toward Coughlln , Hurko and O'Sulc
hvau 1 and with not being lit to act as a pros
ocutitig attorney
State Attorney Longdncckor's opening nd-
dress to tbo Jury is cited as nn error , being
lmproncrandilldgil | It'Is charged that the
improper I remarks of the couusol for the
state excited the pnsslans and prejudices of
. tlio Jurors ugnlnst tha dcfeildnuts ; allowing
the prosecution to Introduce ! as evidence the 1
clothing , Instriimonts , hair and nil material
evidence in the ensa wasjln error The in-
troductlon I of Cronln's knives uftcr the state 1
had j closed its ease Is nlsu cited Objection
j is mndo to tlio instructions given by Judge ,
MoConuell Tlio verdict Is pronounced con
trury 1 to law aud nbt Justified by the ovl- .
deuce , nnd finally it is said thu defendants
' have discovered evidence which entitles 1
them ' to 11 now trial
H"ttZH\VUI lli Un-KlootPil.
Ciiicaoo , Jan 10. The News says : In nil I
probability j Jolin V. Hejgs wilt bo re-olcctcd I
senior guardian of Gump 20. Hoggs may
and ' may not bo prcsont , but it is suid that ;
his ' 10-clcctioii is assured The Camp 20 I
members liavo held 11 caucus and decided [
thut J Hoggs' acquittal Is ' in the line of u ver-
diet , ot not guilty for the camp and thnt
the I suspicion that thu muWor was hatchcdi [
in I Camp 20 has boon remo-ed. Therefore ,
they ' buvo decided to clcvato Urggs to his ,
old ' place 1
No mooting of Catnp 20was [ hold tonight ,
it Is said a mooting will lie hold Tuesday nnd j
thut I the election of the senior guardian will 1
then ' bo taken up
* KX'Juror Cnlvpr
, One tno , Jan 10. | S4cfal [ Telegram to
TiieHee ] Dx-Juror JoIm'Culvor had , until
yestordny , fully dotormme 'd to" make nn ex
planation to the public oflits conduct while 1
in the jury room und'tq ( rtyo his reasons for
noting ' as ho did Sotferal Weeks ago Mr
Culver ' decided that ho would issao an ad-
dress ( , but ha still bolU > yod.himself bound by
the , compact of secrecy mailo by tbo eleven '
jurors , and ho sot ubotlt BO ; mrlngh1s rolcoso ' ,
from the agreement HajVlng-Be cured his
freedom from the eomrnc 'i { Mr ' , bulyef bodi I
an Intervlow wlthlils ' a tttoaeys and hicyatr
once , sat down nponhn- project iThoy Hold t
him that ho could dolus iauso , . no " ? good byi
talKlng to thn public ohy/moro and that hiss >
Ilbolsuit against a moruiS' irnbwsbapor would
not be aldod bv his explanation
Mr Culver was not in his ofllco today , but t ,
his brother , who has boon assisting him lu
securing his release from his Jury room con
tract , wns seen and said : John Is Just now
011 the fence , and isn't decided as to whether
ho will make u statement Ho believes ,
however , that ho owes the public some ox-
planation in view of the fact that so many
statements have appeared , in the papers ,
none of which are true "
"Hus Mr , Culvor's busino3s suftored smco 1
" 1 should say it had Ho has already lost
51,000 because of what ho did "
Mlon > len Want a'SpeoHlo Duty of a '
Dollar a. Pound
AVashisotov , Jnn laThe way3 nnd I
means committco today heard n number of
arguments Several representatives of the
lithographing Interest pleaded for an Increase -
crease of duties , whllo n Now York importer
of lithographs argued In fnvor ot a rcduc- ,
Mr William II Osborne , a Now York
manufacturer of tissue and Una writing pa
pers , wanted incrcasod jirotectlon and spoito j
of the depressing effect of tbo severe coinpc-
itltlon of Huropean paper makers
Mr Charles L. Itandalbof Hoston , roiire-
scntln g tbo mica interests , skid the opening
or mines in Canada and Asia had forced
thorn to the wall Ho asked a specific duty
of 81 a pound
' 1 wo leather dealers told of the evil effects
of German competition und uudor valuation
and asked for protection
Mr David Clarkson of Now York wonted
domestic Interests protected against the rapid
irrowth of the importation of sawed uiurbla
slabs from Italy J
Nuhraskn , Inwa and Dakota Pensions
Wasihsqtov , Jan , 10. fSpocial Telegram
to The Heb ] Pensions liavo boon granted
as follows to Nobraskaust Original Invalid
Silas O , Muugor , Palrbury ; John Wilson ,
Arapahoe ; Lorono S. OVcutt , Hansom
Original widows , etc Mafia Jane , widow
of Harmon Waldo
Punsious for lowans : Original invalid _
Forbes vV Hultz , Hondrick ; Solomon Peter ,
sou , Ionia ; James Cnrroll Gliddcn ; Socrates
Williams , HlocktonPotior ; Parmonlcr ,
Irwin ; Aaron Mclloborts , Oskaloosa ; Uufus
D. Pttttor , Mason City ; Jumes Marsh , Do-
corah ; Gcorgo M. Fester , Greene ; Ira li
Habcock , Farnhnmvillo Increase George
A. Hessoy , Contrevillo , Kelssua George F. 1
StulU , Keokuk ; Churjos W. Wood , Horton
Original widows , etc Minor of John P.
Hlldrcth - ' I
North Dakota : Jncroaso John E. Chris '
tophur , Devils Lake
ICepudlntod tlio llnld Kiiobl > i > r < i ,
Iii.ssAs Citv , Mo , 1 Jan 10. I Special
Telegram to Tub Hts-l-f-f a the notorious
Bald Knobber section of South Missouri , it
is announced toiiay , every farmer of the
counties involved h.isv Joined tbo famcrs'
alliance , thus repudiating the murderous or-
ganlzatiou whoso loAdora were recently
bunged at O/ark.
fourteen Ullla ofludlotiuniit ,
Memphis , Jan 10 , The grand Jury today
returned fourteen billj of indictment against
David P , Hodden , prosldoot of the taxing
district ot Memphis , and C. L. Pullon , sec
retary , charging thutn with ombozzlemeut
nnd larceny of tbo lines and forfeitures
collected 111 the • police court from Jauuury
IbSOto October lUVJ
Thn Wonlher ForroaHt
For Omaha und vicinity : Fair weather ,
followed by ram or snow
Nebraska : Light snow ; colder ; winds
shifting to northerly raid wave
Iowa and South Dakota ! Threatening
weather ; snowdr rain , and colder ; northerly
to easterly winds , cold Wuvo
WashluctoJiN Clal/iis Irojpiitoil
Wasiiikctojt , Jan , 10. Tbo second hear
ing on the selection of the slto fur the
QUadro-contcnnlal exposition was held this
morning In the ladies reception room of the
senate wing ot the capital , when the claims
of the city ot Washington wer presented
The Union and Oontral Pno'flo
Roads Bottle DllTjronoDS
The Ken Spores a A'lotory Ovrr the
Iliirllngton Vi Northern in
IhoMnttcr ofPasson-
ccr Itatcs
A lllir Deal
Sam Fiiascisco , Jnn , 10. { Special Telot
pram to Tub Hue 1 From the highest
authority It is loarncd tonight that n big
deal j , involving business running tip Into tlio
millions , has been ontorcd Into by the Union
and . Central Puciflo systems The comptct ,
which has been kept In the deepest secrecy ,
was signed one week ago last Monday , and
the wnr cloud which hovered for months
over thnso companies hns passed nwny ,
loiwlng \ , a clear sky for the prcsont at least
until r the Union Pacific builds into Southern
Pacific territory
For sovernl months ] ust the Central Pa-
citlc has fought the Union Pacific to the extent -
tent of going Into Nevndn
custom , carr
rylng freight through that state down 1
through California and the east via the Sunset -
sot roulo fast freight to Now Orleans , where
it j is sent north to Chicago via tlio Illinois 1
Central If the freight was billed to New
York nnd tlio far east it was carried from
Now OrleuiiB by Huntington's line ot steam
ors This wnrlnro on tlio Union Pacific of
course took millions of dollars outot their
pockets 1 , and In retaliation tha Union Pacific 1
bought I a line of steamers plyine between
this city nnd Portland , Ore , sending wool , '
fruit f , etc , nt cheap rates via the Oregon 1
Short J Line , thence connecting with the 1
Union Pacific main line and connections to 1
Chicago und elsewhere , making tnueh quicker
time t than the Central and Southern
Pacific 1 and getting back at their
rivals In a shape which alarmed tbo mng1
nates of the lust mentioned system Ihisla
about [ tnu timunf year when ulmost nil of the
California fruit shipments nru mndo nnd I
somcthlivg had to'bo done to get that trade ,
so the Central Pacific mndo a proposition to j
the Union Pacific that if they ( the Union Pa-
cllle ' ) would discontinue the taking of any
overland freight by steamer to Portland they
would sign a contract to run u through
freight j from San Francisco to Ogdcn , con j
J nectlng with the Union Pacific Hoth sys-
terns ! came to terms , and thus the Central
Pacific j resumes its monopolizing overland 1-
freight business and leaves lbs trullio of Nu-
vada and adjacent states und territories to
the ' Union Puciflo .
Thu See \Vt11q the Hittlo
Ciiicaoo , Jan 10. The general passenger
agents , of the St Paul-Chicago lines had a
conference ( today with representatives of the
Trunk line and Central Truffle association
roads , now in session hero on the passenger
rate , situation The See line and Canadian
Pacific j havp reduced the rutos from St Paul
to ( eastern points to so Iowa figure t at it is | most them by way of Chicago
'unicss'tho eastern roads ' particapato-lu the
1 redubtlorJT Tlio lowest differential raw from J
Chicago to New England points is S18.5Q , first
rclass ) und the See has cut iha ratofromSt
Paul to those points to $10. Some oftbo
j Chioapo-St. Paul rbuds want thn eastern
lines 1 to rcduca their proportion of the
through 1 rate in order thnt the See rates may
bo mot by way of Chicago Ibis was the
purpose 1 of tbo conference und the subject
was thoroughly discussed , but the eastern
lines ! finally refused to join m the cut in
rates This ends the fight between the See
nnd 1 the Hurlington & Northern , the fonuor
being ' the victor
Kondinu'fl Votlnu Trust
Piiir.ADEU'iiiA ' , P.i , Jan 10 The threat
ened litigation to sccuro un injunction pre !
venting the voting trustees of tbo Heading
railroad from ro-olectlng President Cnrbln
was the absorbing topic of conversation
today An attempt was made some time ago
to dissolve the Heading voting trust and the
courts were nppoaled to The writ Is still
peudingnnd It Isnotlikoly to bo settled for
six months or more John Wannmaker , who
Is a member of the board of Heading
trustees , filed this afternoon nn answer to
the bill inequity Ho says In substance that
inasmuch as the plaintiffs bill hus raised the
validity of the course of the voting trustees
ho respectfully asks for instructions that ho
may net intelligentlynnd in accordance with
the judgment of the court upon the qtics- '
tlous'at Issue
Prohibition Diwrn.nrdi' .d In Dondwood
Deaowook , S. D. . Jau 10. { Special Telo-
gram to The Hek.1 The prohibitory luw
passed last full docs not scorn to bo very
much rcgardod in this part of the state All
the old saloons are running in full blast and
three now ones have boon started in this
city sluce Jaauaiy 1. At this ratoof increnso
tliero will soon be moro saloons in Dcadwood
than was ever known in her history before
at any ono time ' 1 ho worst of it all Is that L
no steps are being taken , so fur any ono can
sec , to suppress them
Will Sue South Dnlcota'H Auditor
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Jan 10 , [ Special t ]
Telegram to The Uke ] Today o prlvato
letter was received by George Hoynolds \f \
this city , an agent of the Citizens Life
associntion of Cherokee , la , from Dexter G.
Turner at Mitchell Turner is the mun who
was scarud bo severely by State Auditor
Taylor as to his methods of solictlng Insur-
anco Turner stutod In the letter thut the
Citizens Llfo association und himself had
joined in instructing their attorneys to'bnng
suit against Stuto Auditor Taylor for $ .20,000 i ( )
damages A letter was also received from
H. M. Smith , president of tbo company , in
which the letter stated that the suit would
bo prosecuted to its utmost length and the
auditor made to take back statements re
cently made by blm
A Chniiuo of Itosldenco
Yankton , S. D. , Jan 10. fSpoolal Tele '
gram to TjibUek.1 It is stated that James !
II Teller will at once change bis rcsldonco !
to Chicago Mr Tollorcamo here as socro-
tary of the territory by appointment of Gar
llolu , flu has been mayor of Yankton nnd i ]
Isconnectod with some local enterprises , and
Is ono of the inuoaporutors of a railroad
bridge charter ut Yankton Ho will open a
law ofiioo in Chicago und thinks ho can pro
mote his railroad enterprises better from
that point
Another Itoiulor HjiiHailon CollapscH
Kansas Citv , Mo , Jan 10. { Special Telegram
gram to Tin : Hek.J J. T , James of this
city , utlorncy for the two woman of Nllcs ,
Mich , who are accused of being tbo famous
Ilcndcrs of Kansas , has secured the release
of his clients by proving n complete alibi for
them from 1870 to 16T4 , during which time
the fearful murders were committed The
numos of the accused women are Mrs Al-
mlru Griffith und Mrs Surah K. Davis They
have proved that they lived la Uarrien
county , Michigan , during the time of the
dreadful Kansas outrages ,
Hhot Itv u V omit 11.
Elmiiia , N , Y , , Jan , 10. The police were
summoned this afternoon to tbo house of
a widow uamod Mary IUlenbcngor where
the body of W111. Udwurds , a well to do
farmer , was found with a bullet bole through
tbo bead Mrs , Ellenbengcr said she and
Edwards quarreled over'money matters and
he drew a revolver In the struggle for the
weapon it was discharged Au cxamlua-
Hon , however , showed that the ball had
entered the back of Edwards neck and that
his coat collar had been burned by the ) > ow
tier Mrt Ellonbctigoruis arrested She
nud tbo farmer had been on intimate rela
tions ' for sovcral years ,
imicK sum : of election
Hut Ho May liavo Hoiid Trouhlc in
Getting His Sent
Cntc\rjo , Jan 10. ISpccIal Telegram to
Tin : Hitr.l Mural llulstcwl wns In Chicago
tojay To n reporter ho expressed himself
on tilings politic il lu his ustnl interesting
manner Mr Itiilstead did not plnco much
relinnro Ir the report which catno from Co
lumbus today to the effect that Mr Hrico
might not bo elected by the Ohio assembly ,
owing to ttio fnct that another democratic
member is reported to bo dying nnd thnt
three otheis did not nttend last nights cnu-
cus "l'lioro 19 , I know , " snld ho , talk of n
bolt by the democrats , but thcro is nothing
} In ' lt Democrats dent bolt You never
board of them bolting Hrico will bo
elected "
Who will bo the choice of the rcpubll-
"I dent know ; probably Foster Hut
they should not choose liitn They ought
not to irivo their vote , even though a compli
mentary one , to n representative of the
money Interest In politics Such a man Is
J Foscr It may bo his misfortune , but il Is
true , and should not bo douo Mo , thcro is
110 possibility of their defeating Hrlce , no
matter , whom they uoinlnnte Hut there Is
nfutuie nud they should nominate 11 man
for 1 whom they would have nothlug to apoloe
glzo "
Mr llnlstead thinks Hrico may have
trouble t 011 taking his seat in the senate
"Ho lives lu Nuw York , " said the
editor , and Is the ropresontntlvo solely
nnd j entirely ot monopolies , trusts and mil11
llonnircs ! Ho is not an Oliloau , and when
becomes to the stuto tilwheadquarters nro lu
u , private car When ho presents tils cro-
dcntlals to the senate Mr Edmunds will rlso
uud 1 s.iv they nro not legal because , accordu
ing ' to the constitution of Ohio , a man to bu
j United States senator tnuit bo nn Inhnbt-
taut of the state Hrico will claim that ho is
nn Inhnbitnnt , but u man cant bo nn Inhnbl-
taut t of two stutos , and by way of reply SenJ
utor Edmund will pick up lirico's Indorset
incuts ! on the Mew York aqueduct bonds
When ho signed them ho swora thut ho was
nn inhnbitnnt of New York Ho has not
chaiigod his plnco of habitation since Such
n point will stick , and Uilco may huvo
serious i trouble in holding his seat , oven if
ho I secures lt Ho hus no right to It , and ho
should > not have it Why , it is simply giving I
New 3 York three senators "
A Fi-w Diilicultlr-s.
Coi.umiius , O. , Jan , 10. Tlioro have been
several . rumors in circulation todny rclatlvo 1
to the proposed bolt of tbo caucus which last
night ' nominated Calvin S. Hrico for the
Bcnutc 1 There were seventy-threo moiubors '
at ( . the caucus Three did not unpoar They
are Smith of Franklin , Muiison of Licking
and J Counts of Shelby It is reported they I
will not vote for Hrlce There will bo
seventy-four : democrats from tlio caucus to '
vole for Hrlce , Hrown of Hancock having
sent , a note that ho would support the noun
nco < There are soventy-ono republlcans.und ,
if the three alleged bolters join them , they \
would have the same number of votes ns the
domocruts ' The claim is made thnt Hrico '
will have to receive a majority of all the
members elected to the legislature , which
would bo sovpnty-six. Urico's managers .
claim ' tie ) law ortlv requires a majority of fl )
these present und voting •
Hcpresentutlve ' Kpaopvdlcd laat.nlgit | andt ,'hotXcxpcetod to''live through the
nghC ! > vhlch' > eutH the " ndmbor "df the demo \
* cratle laombors down to sevonty-saVen , and 1 '
iho three nllogoil bdltors reduces ih6 avdlla-
bio strength to seventy-four. '
" " * "
Strlkiiiii Miners Kvclted Over an
( Eviction
Puxxsutawset , Pa , Jan 10. Three fainl-
llesof the striking miners woroevicted today
Tliero was considerable excitement but no
violence After tbo sboriff , accompanied by
thirty three Pinuertons nrinod with Win
ohestors , had thrown out nu Italian family
ubout three hundred of their countrymen
collected and began yelllin nnd firing into
tlio nir Two hundred shots were fired and
nnd tho.v were getting moro -oxclted ns the
music of tholr revolvers increased Master
Workman Wilson arrived on the scuno just
at this time and went amongst thorn nnd
told them they must keep quiet add not break ;
the peace or they would rulu their cnuso 1
Wilson says It is his sinccro conviction thnt
had ho not happened on the scene when tic
did tlioro would have bcon ono of the bloodi-
est ilotB over Been in this country
End ol' thn Lockout ,
Wuiuns , Mass , Jan , 10 , At n meeting nt
the striking woikinginen tonight Grnnd :
Master Workman Moroland announced that
tha strike lockout in the leather industry
was practically ended and the men were
ordered back to work next Monday Hoth
sides agreed to submit the mniter to the
state board of arbitration , who will give a
hearing in the case next Thursday , It is
estimated that tbo strike cost upwards of
A Six-Yonr-Oltl Chicago IJoy Sues
Another For Damage * ) .
Chicago , Jan 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Uke.J A law suit of a peculiar char
acter Is 011 trial In Judge Tuthlll's court
The complainant and defendant are both
boys , tbo former being but six .voars old I
The complainant , Preddlo Mocker , Is suing
Philo O'ICcofo , who is thirteen years old 1 ' ,
for SiO.OOJ damages In Juno , 165 , the
O'Keefo boy throw stone which destroyed
voting Mockiir's right cyA judgment 1
against a minor Is of no value , but the attor
ney for the Mocker boy snld young O'Keofo
would bo apt to inherit some property , and
the judgment would bo good agulnst his
cstato when ho became of age Klchard
Mocker , the father of the plaintiff , hns a
suit for f.1,000 against the O'Keefo boy for
doctors bills and the loss of his sou's scr-
vices ' _
Jteonrdor'lrotter Itesluni
Wasiii.noton , Jan , 10. The rositrnutlon of '
Trotter , the cjlorod recorder of deeds for ,
tha district , has been received at the white
house upon a request made by tbo president
It Is supposed the now appointment will bo ,
made shortly Inquiry made by Senator
aIngulls has developed the fact that the ofllco :
has paid f0,000 | in fees during Trotters In-
cumboncy of two years and teu months A
bill is pen ling In congress to make the posj-
tlou a salaried ono ,
ASiiprfinrc Court Iliiililliic ; .
Wasiunoton' . Jan 10. Upon recommenda
tion It was ngrocd by the senate committee
on imbllo buildings und grounds today to re-
poi t to the senate a bill for the condemnation
and purchase ot the two squares of ground
directly north ofthosito of the congressional
library and east of the capitol grounds upon
which to erect a suitable building for the su-
pi cmo court
Hel'iiscs to Dissolve the Injunction ,
Ciiicaoo , Jan , 10. Judge Shcpard ron
derud a decision this morning In the suit ot
tbo Chicago City railway aga Inst tbo West
Division rullway and refused to dissolve the
injunction restraining thu Yerkes company
from laying a cublo on State street This
decision makes it imposslblo for Mr , Yerkes
to uomplcto bis down towit loop for the
West Side cublo
m • *
Bfrniiisldn Arrivals
At ( Jucenstown The Adriatlf , from New
At Glasgow The Dovonlu , from New
At Now York The We torolaud , from
Antwerp ,
Snmuol Lnthrop , a Poddtor , Tnltoa
Ilia Own Llfo
Poverty , Debt nnd Sickliest ( llicv
an tlm ( Innic of the Deed
Ah Inicicstlnii Ser < u >
of Pnper
Di'lven to nespnrntion ,
The first sulcldo of this now year in
Oinntin occurred yostctday with
very soma
tlonal features , when Kamtiol L Uhrop she
himself on his own promises , 2310 Ohio
street ,
. Lathrop hns been known for a long time
in this city us n sober , Industrious man ,
about twenty-soven jcars old , with 11 sickly
wife and a very bright llttlo baby boy to
support His employment consisted of
peddling ' cooking utensils
During the past few dn\s ho tins been
very despondent For some tlnio past ho
tins | , been compelled to neglect his work lu
order to cm0 for his sick wlfo In neglect
ing Ills work thu household supplto-t and gen
eral expenses had been seriously affected
Yesterday morning It seems that his utterly
disheartening circumstances resulted in Iiih
making the resolve to kill himself Ho uroso
qulto ' ] early , attended to numorotis chorus ,
about the house and than prepared for
dcatrr . | Ho shaved himself , put on his best
suit of clothes , wout down town evidently ,
in , view of later developments , to secure the
menus for taking his lito When ho returned
homo 1 ; ho moved nboul thu house In n tit of
great , , despondency thnt to his wife hud In it
the nppenranco of a terrible dosporatioti
Now uud then ho would dash aside great
tears and utter expiossions llko "Aly fiod ,
why must a man ba so poor and so Imposed ,
upon , so wronged I"
Finally ho grew calm , nnd after assisting
his 1 wiTu uud child to get their dinner ho left
the t bousn
At 2lo : o'clock three pistol shots , coining
from ( the vicinity ot the barn on Luthrop's
place 1 , tcok a number ot the neighbors totlint
bulliling t It needed but a glance inside the
door to reveal the young husband and father
prone [ upon Ills back with a smoking pistol In
his ! hand and a torrent of blood gusnlugfroui
Among the first on the sccho was a nelgh-
bor 1 named 1M001-0 , Moore happened to know
that t al that instant Dr L. P. Lord was vis
iting ' a patient next door to Lathrop's house ,
and I ho rushed after him Dr Lord lost no
tluia in accompany ing Moore buck to the
, The doctor found Lathrop lying upon a.
brond , board , breiitblng heavily , with u now
Smith < ! b Wesson 1)2 ) calloro revolver
j by his side Lathrop had utibut-
toned bis coat und vest uud thrown
them back before shooting himself A largo
holewas found burned hi the shirt , over the
cardiac region of the chest , .
. Lullirop was pulsolcss und cold , his heart
acting feebly , and ha was muttering und
groaning The doctor gave him stimulants
and ordered him reuiovod Into the house ,
which is seventy feet fiom the stable
Lathrop rallied und talked ubout his net ,
and i seomcrf perfectly rational , Ho regrcttpu
Intensely what ho had done , and expressed
tbo eurnest houo that ho might yctllto for *
the sake of his wife and boy He satd that _ „ ,
poverty huddrlvon.him to desperation ; that
he first fired two shots to attract thu illtcu-
tion of thu neighbors , and a third shot ho
endeavored , lo lire tluough his heart
After mailing these statements the poor
telloiv gradually became unconscious The
ball had ontorcd to the right of the left nip
ple and had passed over tha base of the
heart , making u necessarily fatal wound
lie lingered until 0:15 : lust evening , when
death ' eamo
Cotonor Hnrrlgan was notified , took
charge of the body and held nil inquest The
only witnesses oxaniinod were Dr Lord und
Fred Joregeiisan , a mall carrierllvingalmost
diicctly opposite to the Lathrop homo Their
testimouy vvus a repetition of the facts : i
given above
In a vest pocket on the body of the da-
ceased tlio coroner found a page of , cheap
yellow pupor , both Blde3 covered with llgur-
Ing and writing , evidently done just before
the futal shut was Urod Oao part of it
road :
Please notify my biothtr , E. F. Lathrop ,
Tnintor , la Notify D. S. Prime , Oska-
loosa , and Airs J , M. Hlmcs , Cromwell , In
this gun save for Kay Give it to him when
ho is old enough totukoeiroof It 011 the
side Ueggars must uot bo choscrs , but !
wish I wus at the Granville graveyard
Dent go to the expense of u coroners in-
quest "
Then comes this very sensational bit of
writing and figuring : "TIiIr is In account
with tha Pco | los Financial Exchange ,
November 13 , ' 6 % gave note { or S.V5 and
received $50. Interest 7 per ennt a month on
{ 50. "
Then comes a lot of figuring or a stnta-
ment , showing that during thirteen months
ho paldfjl.yo , purely Interest money , on the
530 thut ho stutcs ho borrowed , Next oil the
sheet is this note :
Receipts for this nro in trunk , Carrie , I
think this [ tictl for the best , so good-py to
nil Sm
The address of the Peoples Financial ox-
change is room 57 , Harkor block , This way
my wages huvo been culon up
StMUItl , Latiiiioi' . "
Coroner Harrigau permitted , owing to the
pleadings of thu poor widow , that the body
remain ut the family home until this morn
Inc , when it will bo removed to Drexel &
The verdict of the coroners Jury was lu IP
accordance with the facts us glvon ubovo I ;
England'H Dispute With Portugal
* Prohthly Settled
Lisnov , Jnn , 10. It is somi-ofllclally stated
that Lord Salisbury regards the reply of
Senor Gomes as affording a basis for an
amicable settlement of thu African trouble ,
Iiiioks Like I'cnoi' .
Lospon , Jan 10. The Portuguese govern
nient hud forbidden the rocoptlon nt Qullll-
mane , near the mouth ot the Scambosln ,
of all llritisli dispatches intended for
England but not Intended to pass through
the Portuguese postoflico Thnt prohibition
Is now removed The Chronicle has a report
from Gibraltar thut the llritisli fleet will 00
Tuosduy reassume its original prngrummo
for a Mediterranean cruise From tins it Is
Inferred the dispute with Porlugul U
T00K In thn Y/inkoPH. /
Pittspieli ) , Mnss , Jan , 10 , Frank D.
Lcsclide was arrested in Phlladolphia yes
to I'd ay on request ot the Plttslleld police ,
churgod with obtaining money under false
pretenses Ho enmo hero lu December with
J , W. Harris and Frank Ware of
Chicago They clalmo'J to ba agents
of a bad debt collecting association
branch of It G. Dun & Co
and obtaluod considerable inonoy , They
operated also In several Massachusetts and
Connecticut cities , lt is learned also that
Lcbclido formerly worked for a debt agency
lu Chicago , and Is defaulter to the extent of
several hundred dollars there , His alleged ' '
connection with Dun & Co Is one of his
Died Clalinluu- Ills Innocence ,
IUi.eioii , Jun , 10. J. C , Parish was hanged
today for assault upon his own daughter
Ho died maintaining bis Innocence , Ho was
forty-two years old and bad a wife and
several children Parish said nothing ou tha