Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    K 2 THE OMAHA DAJLY BEE : WEDNESDAY , .TAffUAliy 8. 1800. _ J
Grain Rates From Nobraakn PotntB
to ObloaKO and Duluth
Hi { transportation Chnrgra on Diagonal
H < ltundH North ot the Dines Into
H > CDtctl l'ullcil Down nnd
'iliuRo South Stationary
i Didn't Kipinllro Very Iirmir
I Ctlic-oo , Jnn 7. [ Special Telegram to
H ; • Tub Ur.E.1 Tbo equalization of the rates
H I to Duluth atld Chicago on grain from No-
H ' liraska points , under the recent ruling ot the
H executive board of the Intorstnto Commcrco
Hj Railway association , has already began to
H < work uMiadvantaftcously The decision also
HI equalizes the rate to St Paul nnd Hast St ,
I ? ' Louis from appoints In Nebraska on the
Hjjl Union PnCillo and on the north of the It &
H" nl • fond , As n natural consequence the
HJ ? rates qf ill agonal roads nro pulled down
H'j north of the lines montloncd and
Mmu rctnuin Btntionary to the south of
these lincs.t In the case of the
I'remont , Elkhorn & Missouri Volley road , n
lirnnch of the Northwestern , thcro Is a dif
ference In rates of 7K cents to St Paul be
! tween stations only a few miles apart This
( mint whs used as the basis oC another do-
cjslon fly Chairman Walker today , granting
partial relief by allowing the extension of
„ , mtcs proportionately to the third station
Hjij south of the Union Pacillc This will inevlt-
HJl nblv load to , the lowering of rates on other
HJ ! lines nnd none of Uio Chicago railroad men
HJ kecniod nblo to lull exactly where the row of
HJ brides will stop knocking enrh other down
HJ The position of tbo Omalm-St. Paul lines
HJ us well as these running from the ether
HJ Missouri'rlvor points to St Paul is a com
HJ plicated one They have nil been in the
HJ Nebraska crnln business to St Paul , but
HJ now the rata from Nebraska to St Paul Is
HJ - > B cents lower tlwn via the Missouri river
HJ E-towaya to St Paul Consequently tbo
HJ rates from Missouri , rlvor points must bo
HJ lowered or these lines must go out of the
HJ Nebraska grain business the probability of
HJ the latter occurring not being worth con
HJ nlderntion No reductions nave yet been
HJ nnnounrcd , each line os far as possible re-
HJ training from any chnngo until the prosi-
HJ _ ilants meet in New York next Tuesday
HJ Coiultie : ton Focus
HJ " Atchison , K"nn. . , Jan 7. Tha war now
B Ticing-wagcd on the railroad elevators nnd
HJ commission houses by the Fartneia'alliance
HJ Is being brougnt to a focus The rcprcsenta-
HJ lives of the Missouri Pacific railroad coui-
HJ ] > any will bo given a hearing tomorrow be-
HJ lore the state board of transportation of
HJ Nebraska at Lincoln in opposition to the
HJ proposition to compel the company to set
HJ of the road
HJ at Elmwood on the Crcto brunch for nn olc-
HJ rotor for the Farmers alllanco The board
HJ lias already made such an order and the
HJ question will como ud tomorrow on a motion
HJ for a rehearing The company has by a
_ _ _ - jinvuto orrangomont given sites for two clo-
vators at Elmwood The alllanco contends
that anj body Is entitled to the same privil
I eges without quostlon Alt the roads in the
state are interested and will bo represented
_ Pnssenenr Kate War Spreading ; .
HJ * Chicaoo , Jan 7. The northwestern pas
HJ Bongcr rate war is spreading The west
HJ liQunrt reduction wont Into effect today.mak-
H Ing the rata from Chicago to St Paul $0 first
HJ class and $7 second class by all lines Fur
HJ thermoro the Chicago & Northwestern , in
HJ connection with the Union Pacific , reduced
HJl J'3 rates to Montana and northern Pacific
HJl coabt points by way of Omaha , to meotftno
HJ competition by way of St Paul This was
HJ' done , however , without ; disturbing the Mis-
HJi eouri river rates The light between the
HJ Boo line nnd the liurllngton & Northern on
HJj Jiasscngtr business from St Paul to eastern
HJ ; joints may involve soma of the lines leading
HJl i . enstward from Chicago To avoid this a
Hf'u" ' * " mooting ot the Central Trartlo association
HJ | will bo bold Thursday
HJ TrnlHo MunsRer Clni-ko Resigns
HJ St Patji , Minn , Jan 7. Traffic Manager
HJ Clarke of the Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis
HJ & Omaha road has resigned The office of
HJ truffla uianager will bo abolished and the
HJ - Roneral freight ngont Willieport to the gnn-
HJ "ral manager The reason for " Clarke's
HJ • resignation Is ths poor health of his fSmlly
HJ < " r Another Cut
H St Paul , Jan 7. The See road has cut
HJ | rates to Montreal to moot the Burlington &
m\ Northern cut Tbo See rate will now bo
HJ lower to Now England than that of the Chl-
HJ , cage lines
V , Blcllen Seriously 111.
i iCes coni ) , N. II , Jan 7. C. S. Mellon , gen
B oral trafllc manager of the Union Pacific , is
H seriously ill nnd bis family has bean sum
HJ ] nioued from tbo east
HJ <
V 'Xlio Ico-1 In the Missouri Hanks Up
Firmly Tor Sovcrnl Miles
H ; { Aiciuios ' , Kan , Jan 7. [ Special Tele-
i grain to Tu r. Bun | The river gorged at this
H place at 7:30 : lust night At noon today tbo
H gorge Is Arm and ice has accumulated for a
H tlistanco'of Borcral mlles above The stream
HJ ; lias gorged here twice before this winter ,
HJ' but brokrt Immediately , With cold weather
HJ , thatgprgo will hold this timn Measurements
Hi tj.teti.oI the water bv the wat6r com nan v
HB yostorJny show that the river Is now two
HJlfeet lower here than it has ever been before
HJJ Tbo stream is not over ono hundred and
HJM twentyiivo yards wldo in front of town In
HJE consequence of the low stngosof water the
HK water company has been compelled to extend
HBt its'&uction-blpos.
HJ | > i-vi.
Hj 'IrrrrtntPiied with a Water 1'amine
HJJJ Kansas Cixr , Mo , Jan 7. A water famine
HJJj thrcutcnithls city Ily a sudden gorging of
HJJ the Ice in the Ulg Muddy abova St Joseph
HJJ the stage of- water hero has been lowered
HH about two feet bslow the record This un-
HJl looked for fall of wutor has cuusod the main
| | H uuction-pipo at tbo water works to becoino
| | H t'jpwd , unci consnquuutly no water can Do
HI pumped
JJ ItnllniiH Murdnr an Old Man
PJH New Yoiiic , Jan 7 Isaac Scbilanski , a
| JH Uobrow aged sixty , and who iva4 house
| JH ltooporlna Tonomeat building ocoupled by
| JH Italians , accused one ot them , Prank Hoscuh ,
IJHj this afternoon ot having broken tbo door off
PJH an outbuilding , Doseuh denied having done
HJJ so an $ IcoQckod thA ell man down Before
HJJ the housekeeper could arise the Italian and
HJJ several of hit friends and relatives were
upou him and Scbilanski was kicked acd
j beaten uutll bo became Inscnsiblo In the
HH meantmo ! tlieuuentlonof thopollcobad been
HJ attracted to the soeno by the shrieks ot the
HJJ old mails daughters , The officers rushed In
HJl ' in tlino to catch the Italians lu their bloody
| | B work Five of them were arrested , lloscub
| | H as tbo principal and tbo others as accesso-
HJl ries 'lho victim died before the ambulaaco
HH srrh-oa , .
HI i m
| H In the Jlandanf tint Jury ,
P H I1oi.\oke. Col , Jan 7. ( Special Telegram
P PJj toTuBllEK | The evldcnca Jo the White
P PJJ Cap ca d was closea yesterday at a oclocic
IjBj ' Last ovonlug and today wcro consumed by
P H tbo counsel for the prosecution and defense
PJH In presenting the case to tbo Jury , nnd Judeo
HJf Glenn giving to that body of men instruo-
| | H i tlons m to tne law governing the crime and
HJl the evidence The Jury after receiving 1n >
HJl tructloo9 went to their room at 0 o'clock
| | H and wlil In all probability return a verdict
| | K early in the morning -
IJJJ ) ' Juduo Kellny A'cry liow
PJWj Washuoton , Jan 7. Judge Kelley bad a
| JH | < very bad day No hope l entertained by
HJK those near him for any substantial cbango
HJJ fur tbu better
H linid to n-st.
HJ | Lisbon , Jan 7. The body of the lata om-
HJI press Of Uraill was today consumed to its
HJJ Anal re lmg plaea is tha Pautueon a era
| | | Ef * Tt" VTSSSSSSmiltiarinkMa .tlWBMfMt . SWWi
It Btnrts In to tint Down Kxponscft to
• lie Liotrcst Nntcli
Pir.nitE , 8. D.i Jail 7. fSooclal Tologrnm
to Tun Hrr ] Not much was done bv the
legislature tdUay , both houses only oponlng
long enough to organize and got Into smooth
running sha ' pe From the start It Is demon
strated that this Is going to bo the most eco
nomical lawmaking body Hint over mot
A caucus Of republican members of both
bed Its met this forenoon to dccldo upon it
course of action nnd the matter of hiring
hell ) , etc Evry expense was cut down to
the lowest minimum ) even to deciding not to
hire stenographers durlngthi session Clerk
hlro was placed at ti , agcs at $2 , unit
it was even deckled Hint tlio printing of the
dnllv Journal ot the house nnd sennto could
1 > o dispensed with Wiseacres say that this
feeling cannot last long , US' they w 111 soon
find that thby will have to have uccessury
clerical help to conduct the session
The governors mctoago Is prepared but
lins not been presented nnd road , nnd re
porters cannot get hold of It 11 will bo
given out tomorrow , UotH Lieutenant Gov
ernor riotohor nml Speaker Young niado
good nnd tlmoly speeches , talking upon the
financial condition of thn state mainlv
SUING UX-llthASUlttlflS.
Colorado Ildglns Action Against Hx-
CuHiontniiB ol Slnrto Funds
Dnsvcn , Cole , Jun " . The attorney gen
eral , un bchnlf ot the state , began suits
against ex-Stato Treasurers Culver , Sanders -
dors , Watson , Swallow and jireen , together
with their bondsmen , for the purpose of re
covering the money which It is nllegod these
officials received lis interest on the state
funds loaned different banks and which they
failed to account for to thu state The
amount sued for is not stated , but it is bo-
lolloVcd to bo ncarlj 1100,000. The principal
point Involved In the controversy is whether
the state treasurer Is merely a cuttodinn for
the state , or whether being absolutely llablo
for any and all losses ot state money entrusted -
trusted to him , ho becomes virtual owner of
the money , to do with it as ho sees fit until
called upon to expend It for state purposes
or to turn it ever to his successor at the ex
piration of his term of office
Ho Poisons a Whole I'nmtly itccnuso
* Ills rather booldrd IIIm
IIdktisotoxV. , . Vb , Jan 7. Ea Church ,
aged flftoc ' n , mndo an attempt to poison his
father , mother , brothers and sisters ,
Sunday night , near Guynndottc Ono
child , n girl aged thirteen Is dead , a
brother and sister are dying nnd the father ,
mother and fourth child are in a critical con
dition The iwisoning wns done in rcvonge
because tha father scolded him
iVUritiMi Steamer Dlsnblod
London . Jan 7. ISpeciaL Cablegram to
The 1Jie : 1 The Hritlsh steamer Llandaff
City , Captain Gore , from Swansea Jnnunry
l for Now York , has returned to Queens
toun injb damaged condition She encoun
tered honvy goAes and on January 5 she
shipped a' tremendous sea , which smaBbod
tbo decks , brolco the forchatch , flooded the
hold , destroyed tbo rear bridge and started
the attcrdcclt Her bows were smashed ana
the bilge ptpe3 choked up
, . m
Collided With n Flyer
Laiumib , Wvo , Jan 7. [ Special Tele
gram " to Tub Bbd | The westbound fast
mall collided at Howell station today with
the castbound freight , No 23. The accident
took place on a curve going down grade
The engines wcro dcmollshod and the mall
cars damaged Engineer \yhlto and Mail
Clerk Mcljonnoll wore baaly bruised The
fast mail was on time , and It Is claimed that
these in charge of the freight actually forgot
i ull about the fljcr ,
A Professor Arrested Tor Burclarr
CLEVEtANn , O. , Jan 7. Hamilton Carter ,
ono of the professrs in the Now LrnncObio ( )
institute , bnsbeen " arrested on the charge of
burglary nnd has made a confession Ho
broke into a drug store at Now Lynne nnd
also stole a missionary collection taken up in
the Presbyterian Sunday school at Warren ,
O. . Ha.was a churcn member and an attend
ant at Sunday school Ho had always stood
well in the community A
A. Favorable Iteporr
Wabmxgtonv Jan 7. The committee on
pensions has ordered a favorable report upon
the bill to repeal so much of section 4093 of
the revised statutes as provided that no data
of a state militiaman for a pension on ac
count of aisabillty from wounds or injuries
recolvedin.bat.tlo with robots or Indians ,
whlto temporarily ronderlng service , shall
bo valid nnloss it shall be prosecuted to a
successful issue prior to July 4,1874.
" ?
presidential Nominations
Wasijjsgtov , Jan 7. The president sent
the following nominations to tbo sonata to
day : ' George Finler , to bo surveyor of cus
toms at Dubuque , la ; DavidU Miller ol
Iowa , to bo United States marshal for tbo
southern district ot Iowa ( to correct error in
niuno ) i Everett . Foster , to bo ngont for
the Indians of the Yankton ngency South
Dakota1 ; George J. Warren , to be postmaster
at Rod Cloud , Neb
Montana Democrats Nominate
nm.cVAj Mont , Jan 7. Thirty-seven
senate and house democrats assembled at
noon and east their votes for Clark and Mc-
Ginnls , tbo democratic caucus candidates
for Bonntors Governor Toolo will , it is
said , sign the certificates of their election ,
hut Secretary of State Itotwitt will refuse
his official authentication will hold the
state seal
Ono of the Droxcl CJirls Slurried
Philadelphia , Jau 7. Miss Elizabeth L.
Drcxol , tlio oldest ot tbo daughters of the
late Francis A. Drexel , was united in mar
riage thu morning to Walter George Smith ,
a lawyer of this city The brldo Is one of
tne woa'thhjst ladles In h r own right in
Amjrica She is a sister ot Miss ICato
Drexel , who recently entered a conve nt at
Pittsburg *
Brussels Botireo Burned
Bulssuls , Jao , 7. Tha theater and bourse
bci e were destroyed by flro this morning
Onlytho bara ualls ot tha building remain
For a wis thought the lire would destroy
stroy the blocks In which the theater and
bourse were located , nut tbo fireman saved
the Hotel Central and other adjacent build
ings and rescued tlio guests of the hotel
St IjoilU' Boodlers
St Louis , Jan < 7. Therpost-Dlipatcli to-
nleht contains unothor otppw of the hood
ling iu the city government This tlmo tbo
claim is made that S4,0 < X ) was paid tor pass
ing the union rmirket arcadg bill through the
bouso of deloirates The grand Jury will In
vestigate the charges
Americans to Banquet fit an ley
Londov , Jan 7.--Stanley has accepted an
invitation lo attend a banquet to bo given in
hls honor by the Americaus in London The
American mlulstcr will proildo He will
present to Stanley * an American Hag and a
um&slte silver shield Inwrought with African
scene * . "
An Omaha 31an rVer < ilr InJurecL
iNiiu iroMs , Ind , Jan 7 , [ SpecialTole-
gn > m to Tub Ukb.1 James Lyons ot Omaha ,
whoso family atll | reside there , was horribly
hurt in an explosion today at tbo Brazil
rolling mill If ho survives at all Ho will bo
blind tor llfo ,
Kfdapo of a I'oinnle Iorgor
Eimiiia , If , Y. , Jan 7 , Ella White , a
noted female forger recently arrested In
Chicago and brpugbt to this city , escaped
from the county jail herotqday
Iloiiorlutc Albert Victor
Calcutta , Jan 7. A maguillcent publio
festival was given today Is honor of Albert
Victor , the sea of tha prince of Wales
mI' '
Senator1 Black barn Ke-eloulod.
Louisville , Jau , 7. Senator Blackburn
today was re-eleotoa by the Kentucky legis
lature , t ,
j * " • i *
Loobo Apparently Londins All tlio
Other Oandldatos
Fenrn Thnt In Grlt po Sliy Play an
Important Part in the Or
ganization ot the
Kcpubllcan Law Makers Jll
Oes Moinks , la . Jan 7. | Spoclal Telegram -
gram to.Tna Heb ] About a doien legis
lators have arrived nnd a good shed lobby is
already here Two candldatos for spealtpr
arilvcd today , Wilson ot Cass eounti and
Smith of Mitchell Loebe ot Franklin Is
cxpocto < l tomorrow The talk about speaker
Is so far very scattering , though the drift
seems to do toward Lccbo as the strongest
man for this session Ho Is conservative ,
well balanced and very level headed There
are a number of candidates fdr the minor
offices on the ground , and fhoy are already
making the few mcnibors who nro here very
The grippe scorns to have a great fondness
for republican statesmen Senator Birnott
and Representatives Head nnd Wjlson all
ha\o It hot e , nnd It Is reported that Senator
Parrolt Is sick In bed with It nt his homo in
Waterloo So far ns known , it has nttneked
republicans only up to date , and If this thing
keeps up La Grippe may have a good deal to
say about the organization of the bouso ana
the election of United States senator
Some delegates have already nrrivod for
the prohibition convention on Thursday It
Is expected thnt the commlttco will declare
Its faith In prohibition as Vtio settled policy
of the state , and urge the complete onrorco-
ment of the law Ono senator from north
ern Iowa who Is here said tonight that n
number of delegates to that convontlon wcro
to his knowledge not prohibitionists , nud yet
they were afraid to stand out and declare
for any chnngo In the law Tboy adralttod
that they were getting vary tired of loading
the partv down , but they were morally coerced -
orcod Into the position they occupy ot sup
porting the prosom policy as a political moas-
A Strnnco Disease
CLiun Like , In , Jan 7. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTuc Bee ] Two more fatal cases
of the disorder witn which Clear Lake has
been afflicted have occurred A postmortem
has been hold on the bo ay of David Carlton ,
and the same pathological condition was
found to bo present In this case as was found
in previous postmortems There was a
slight peritonitis of the coveritiir of small
intestines , but all other organs were healthy
The causa of death was a motion in the
cavities of the heart of a number of plugs
of llbrin of a palo yellow color , looking
much ltko tha membrane ot diphtjioria , only
they were of greater consistency Doctors
hero , at Mason City and other points who
have examined these cases are at a loss to
know whnt the dlsoaso is This is the
eighth death
The Physicians Disagreed
Des Moines la , , Jan 7. [ Special Tele
gram to The Bee ] The coroners Inquest
over the death of Mrs Burlcv , who died so
suddenly in South Dcs Moines last Satur
day , was ended tonight The Jury reported
that ovidenecs of poison were Jbund in hoi *
stomach Threa physicians made a post
mortem examination and fulled to agioc , a
majority holding thnt she died from
diphtheritic poisoning and heart faUuro
The Sioux City Justices
Sioux * Citt , la , Jan " . [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Bbe.1 Martin Nellon , the expert -
pert accountant employed by tlio board of
supervisors to examine the accounts of jus *
ticcs , todav died biff report with the board of
supervisors The report shows that Justice
Underwood has wrongfully drawn from the
county treasury $1,441 , and Justice Foley
Will Knforoo thn Daw
Vistov , la , Jan 7. rSpeoiatTelegram to
Tub Bbe ] Judge Klnna today fined J. M.
Shaffer , conv'ctod ' of violating the prohib
itory law , HOC , or 130 days in Jail Judge
Klnno is a democratic judge , and was
formerly democratic candidate for governor ,
but ho says that so long us prohibition is the
law ho will enforce it
Flro nt Cedar Rapid .
Cedau Rapids , la , . Jau 7. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to Tun Bbe , ] Flro early this morning
gutted Kclty's fruit , ilsh and commission
house on First avenue Loss on stock , $3,000 :
insurance , $1,000. The building was owned
by A. C. Taylor , wboso loss is $2,000.
A Blir Bequest for Coe Colleire
Cedar KxriDS , la , Jan 7. The will of O.
V. Hull shows a bequest of 930,000 to Coe
college , Cedar Rapids
The Worlds Fair Bilf .
Wasuinotox , Jan 7. The bouso commit
tee on foreign affairs held its first mooting
today and decided it had authority to con
sider the worlds fair bill introduced by
Representative Adams Accordingly Chair
man Ilitt was authorized to appoint a sub
committee of five to consider and report on
the bill
Aaub-comnjlttoo was appointed as'follows :
HIttof Illinois , chairman ; Rockwell of Mas
sachusetts , Ilolman of Indiana , McCroary of
Kentucky nnd Clnpman of Michigan It is
understood tbo members or this committee
ore divided as follows In their praforencofor
the location of the fair : Hltt and Chipman ,
Chicago ; Rockwell , Now York ; Ilolman ,
Washington ; McCrearv , St Louis ,
. . . ,
Burial of Sirs Knlflln
Tnnviov , N. J. , Jan 7. The body ot Mrs
Dr-Kmflln was buried at Milford today
Just before the easiest was lowered into the
grave the lid was lifted to allow a last Jook
at tbo remains There was intense oxclte-
mont when Dr Knlflln' looked for a few moments -
monts nt his murdered wife and almost broke
down When Miss Purcell came to thecas-
not she sobued loudly and was greatly ugl-
tutcd , She loaned ever the coffin and gave a
look nt the corpse and then passed on
The Cuunn Defaulter
New YoitK , Jan.7. LuisOtcrza yCortez ,
secretary nt the bureau of pubjic debt at
Havana , Cuba , who was arrested a few
days ago charged by his government w ' lth
heavy embezzlements , was given another
bearing today before the UnltoA States com
missioner The Spanish consul general sub
mitted a telegram from Havana in proof of
the charges , and another adjournment for a
week was bad In order to give the prose
cution tlmo to present the charges officially ,
BubIuphs Troubles
New Youk , Jan 7. Tha branch store-In
this city ot U. Dolmel A ; Brothers , the turpi-
turo manufacturers ot Chicago , who failed
yesterday , was closed today by the sheriff
Philadelphia , Jun 7. A general assign
ment tor the bonetlt of the Glamorgan iron
company , of which Charles IL Wigton , who
Is under bail for forging tbo paper qt the
company , was secretary and treasurer , Was
today filed in the recorder oT deeds - office :
liabilities , $3SO,003 ; assets , $ J5OO00.
The Hpanlsli Minister Bnslgns
Madrid , Jan 7 , Segasta having found It
Impossible to organlzo a cow cabinet , has re
signed The insuporabla dtflculty'wus found
with the liberal protectionists , wbq de
manded that a revision of the tariff be made
a part of the government programme It is
possible that a revlslouqblo cablnet.wlll be
formed tq pass the budget Sugasta expressed -
pressed a willingness to form a cabinet ot
bis followers or to retire The queen will
declao tomorrow , ,
Tlio Bltxzard Ahntlng- .
Kansas Cm' , Mo , Jan , 7. Advices from
Kansas nud Missouri state that the blizzard
which has been In progress throughout these
states for the past thirty-si * hours has
abated The storm was not severe enough
to delay travel on tbo railroads * '
The DnwafrorjiJ nipross or Germany
Bucouiiilin to tlfo Disease , Jatjl1 'h THe Dowager impress
Augusta died nt4\)0 ? \ ) today The ompcror
ana empress and their two oldest Rons , and
the grand dnfcW and grand duchess ot
Baden , sonlnlaUand daughter respec
tively of the dbwitger empress , wcro at the
bodsldo MoltkVs0Joft the palace at noon
Ho was much nffyted A largo crowd as
sembled In tho'Untordnn ' Linden before the
palace und inucH Hof was shown
Thedoathofthii Empress Augusta was
announced to the rlcoplo by the lowering of
the imperial standard from its place over
the palace The1 empress passed nway peace
fully surrounded by nit nor near relatives
As the end enmo the mourners knelt around
the bed and the court chaplain offered prayer
nnd then blessed tlio remains Emperor
William nnd the empress soon nftor loft tha
Early in the morning the doctors per
ceived there was no hope of saving the em
press life She hntl suffered from Influenza
for three days and bore tlio malady so well
that Monday night titr recovery was looked
upon ns corlain but In the course ot the
night pneumonia dovolopcd and presented n
crisis too great for her remaining strength
The Itolchsanzolger savs the emperor and
the whole Imperial family are in the doopesl
affliction at the sad event
Prttus' Mnyer llxplrrs
New Ynuir , Jan 7. Mrs Hanna B. South
worth , who killed Stephen L. Pettus on No
vember 23 on Fulton street , died this morn
ing ntO : 15.
Kver slnca she entered the Tombs , nearly
two months ago , Mrs Southworth has been
steadily failing Her mother , Mrs Martin ,
nnd her two brothers were sent for nnd re
mained until she died Dr Chcetwood gava
a certificate of death to which ho said Its
immediate cause was heart failure , anemia ,
general dobllity , ncuto-bronchltls und pneu
monia Her bodv was horribly emaciated
Prevalent Everywhere
New Youk , Jan 7. Reports of the in
fluenza cpidomlo continue to como from nil
portions of the east and from several points la
Canada The troops In Germany are sorlously
affected and In London it Is rumored that
ttitf young Spanish kins' ' 3 much sicker than
is generally known In Plnlnflold , N. J. ,
William Moore died of La Grlppo Sunday
nnd his wlfo followed today
Powderly in Bed
Sen intox , PoT Jan , 7. A properly drawn
warrant for the arrest of Grand Master
Workman Powdorly , sworn out by Edward
Cillaghun , was roeoived In this city todny
When the constable went to Powdorlv's
house ho found him sick in bed Buffering
from quinzy , sons throut und La Grlppo , and
did not make the arrest
Seven Thousand Cases In Kansas City
Kansas CitV , Mo , Jan 7. [ Special Telo-
Krnm to TnE BeeJ Rudolpn Willrlch
of t'lls city , local manager of thn Anhousor-
Bush Brewing company , died todnv of la
grippe Thcro are 7,000 coses In the city
Sovcrul deaths have occurred ,
A Oreat Shoo Merchant Oone
New YoitK , Jan 7. Aaron Claflln , head of
the great wholesale shoo house of Aaron
Claflln & Son , died1 at Brooklyn today , aged
oight-throoyears.n Claflln was n brother of
thosonionr parlnpr of H. B. Claflln & Co ,
the wholesale dry , foods firm
JaoU'ltowo Dead
Buffalo , N.Jan. . 7. Jack Rowe , the
noted base ball player who was to have boon
manager of the Buffalo brotherhood team
this year , died suddenly today
Chnrles Slroni ; Passes Away
St Paul , Jan . Charles D. Strong , ono
of the best known and most respected citi
zens of St Paul , died here this morning Ho
was oighty-oae jears old
* " *
Hundred * of Victims
Paris , Jan 7 , Senator Grand Perretdied
frpjn iafluopzn" todayJf'T > ree hundred and
' nlnoty-s qven qlhor peomp died todayin Pans
from troubles originating with it ,
YoungSa ilDrs Otel ; thn Grip
Lokdok , Jan 7.-kne hundred and sixty
boys belonging to the training ships Ex-
mouth and Shaftesbury are suffering from
Cut Down by the Ilenpcr
Home , Jan 7. General Pasl , the kings
first aide , is dead
A Singer Sllonc
Loxdo.v , Jan 7. Westland Marston , the
poet and dramatist , is dead ,
A Mysterious Murder
Kansas Cur , Jan 7. A Liberty , Mo , '
special snys : James L. Schootz , ox-prose
cuting attorney of Clay county , shot and
killed John Layton tonight The causa ot
the murder Is a mvstery and the identity of
the murdered man is unknown , beyond the
fact that he cameo bore a few days ago from
Illinois , with his , wife , en route to Califor
nia Schoetz has been out of town some
days , and Layton had called several times
to settle an old difficulty , ns he expressed it
Schoetz will mulca no statement nor say any
thing as to the identity of the victim , .An
effort was made to see Mrs Layton , but she
had gene to California , leaving her husband
to follow '
A Colored Flro Brand Snnhbod
JsusEit CmN. . J , , Jan 7. At a moss
meeting under the % auspices of tbo African
American league tonight Thomas Fortune ,
the founder of the league , made a conserva
tive address in which hourged
bis race to get down to business und to stop
wishing for what they could never attain
Price Williams , n colored ngitator , advocated
the use of tbo musket and torch , and said
tbe colored raoo would bo respected only
when the whlto mon were knifed indis
criminately Williams address did not
nleaso his bearers , who ridiculed him
City Building Destroyed
Lbwistos , Me . Jan 7. The Lowlston
city building caught flro tonight and was
totally consumed The building was erected
ten years ago at a cost of $250,000. There
was no tnsuranco on It The valuable library
of the Manufacturers and Mechanics asso
ciation , copslstlng ot 11,030volumes , many
ot which cannot bo easily replaced , was
wholly destroyed The city records are sup
posed to ho safe in the , heavy yaults The
The military"companies lese all their equip
ments Postmaster , Walker sayod all the
malls and most(5jf ( , tlio government property
DiQtafcwftU Salisbury
Llano * , Jan.3(7.TASalisbury's ( latest note
was ot a monsolujy and peremptory charac
ter , roquirng | Ptfjtiigal to act at once , as
If tbo rectltuiWi/of England's position
In the cue „ : was beyond all
doubt It Is believed Portugal can not concede -
code so much , udt.pmt tbo foreign minister
will intlmaui ttW yOllngnoss of thn Portu
guese to order tup duilntonance of tbo status
quo in Africl pending litigation if England
will do the aame/Cl ,
A Premium on BIk Families
Qubiiec , .TnnkW-J ; The legislature or tbo
province of Qofebeo opened today The
lieutenant governor announced among
ttuugs that duribgxho session the legislature
would bo colloprgp , to pass un act granting
100 acres of land to tha fatbor and mother of
every family of two [ ye living children corn
in lawful wcdlocin ' a
• . •
Cnlt'n Cuban Hen re ,
Maduid , Jan 7. The papers here com
mentstrongly upon Senator Calls arguments
In regard to Cuba They declare the argu
ments absurd and that tne bulk ot the Cuban
debt Is held by Spaniards and lVouclimou
m ' '
Thurston l a tea Ills Call
New Yobk , Jan 7. President J , M.
Thurston ot the Republican League of the
Untod | States has issued a call for the third
annual conveution to bo held at Nashville ,
commencing March 4.
Cqiiimlt ed Hulclde
Uulltii , Mian , Jan 7-John Mylnarck ,
treasurer of tlio school district of Rich Hil
towushlp , committed suicide Ilia accounts
wcro short
H iL' T'ii f ! m * 'B'Tiif i ffaaiai aia > s3fa
Wrllton in n Diary Whllo Floolng
for 1118 Lire
Thn Riioriullr of Ills Crttno Iteallzoil ,
but , HcVntild Not Confess it
Kvcil to Himself or to
the World
President Lincoln * * * Assnssln ,
DiLTUtonE , Md , Jan 7. 1 Special Tele
gram to Tub Bek ] This Amorlcan has ro-
celvod from its Washington corrcsponUcntlho
following oxtrnut from J. Wllkos Booths
diary found in his clothing after his death
It Is now In the possession of the dopnrtment
of Justice
April 14 ( Friday the Ides ) Until today
nothing wns ever thought of sacrificing to
our country's wrongs For six months we
have worked to capture , but our causa being
almost lost , something dcclslvo nnd great
must bo tone But Its f allure wus owing to
others , who did not , ns t , strike for their
country with n heart I struck boldly , nnd
not ns the papers sav I walked with u firm
step through a thousand of nls friends , wus
stopped , but pushed on A colonel was nt
his side I shouted sic semper" before I
Hied In Jumping I broke my leg I passed
nil his plckots , rode sixty mlles that night
with the bono of my leg tearing the Mesh ut
every Jump I can never repent It though
wo bated to kill Our country owed nil her
troubles to him , God simply made
mo the Instrument of his punishment
The country is not what It was
I care not what becomns of mo I have no
desire to oulllvo my country
The night before the deoa I wrote a long
artlclo and left It for ono of the editors of
tbe National Intelligencer , in which I fully
sot out our reasons for our proceeding
Friday , 21 After bolng huutod Ilka a dog
through swnmps and woods , nnd last night
beingchnsod until I was forced to return
wet , cold and starving , with every mans
hand against mo , I am here in despair And
for why ? For doing what Brutus was hon
ored for ; what made Toll a hero And yet
I , for striking down a grontor tyrant than
the world over know , am looked
upon ns a common cutthroat
My act was purer than cither of theirs Ono
helped to bo great himself ; the other bad
not only bis country's but his own wrongs
to avenge I hopcdifornognin ; I knew no
privnto wrong ; 1 struck for my country and
that alone a country ground beneath this
tyranny and prayed for this end And yet ,
now behold the cold hand they extend to mo
God cannot pardon mo If I huvo done wrong ,
yet I cannot see any wrong except in serving
a degonoruto people The little , the very
little , I loft behind to clear my name , the
government will not allow tube printed For
my Country I have given un nil that makes
life sweet and holy , brought misery upon
my fumlly , mid , am sure thorc is no
pardon lu the heavens for mo stneo man
condemns mo so I have ouly beard what
has been done , ( except whnt I did mvsolf ) ,
and it fills rae with horror God , try nnd
forglvo and bless mymotber Tonight I will
once more try the river with tne intention to
cross , though 1 have a greater desire and
almost a mind to return to Washington and
In a measure clear my name , which I feel I
can do I do not rcpont the blow I struck
I may before God , but not to mini I think
I have done well , though I am abandoned
with the curse of Cain upon mc , when if the
world know my heart , that ono blow would
have made mc giuat , though I did desire no
louight I shall try to escape
these blood hounds once more
Gods Will bo done I have too great a soul
to die like a criminal Ob , may He spare
mo and let mo die bravely I bless the en
tire world I have never hated or wronged
any ono This lust was not a wrong unless
God deems it so , and it is with Him to damn
or bless ine ,
And for this bravo boy Harold with mo ,
• who often prays with me , Who often prays
' ( yes before and since ) witn a true and sin
cere heart , was It crime in him 1 If so , why
can be pray the samel Ido notwish to shod
a drop of blood , but I must fight the course
It is'all that's loft me ,
TheSe are the last words In the diary ,
and probably tbo last ho ever wrote as ho
was shot very shortly afterwards
Fears That Republicans Contemplate
a Coup dBrazlI
Lontjos , Jan 7. Great solicitude Is re
ported at Madrid touching the exciting ru
mors in connection with the illness of the
king andtho , political complications likely to
ensue In , the event of his death The
best information obtainable today was
that the royal patient bad suf
fered a turn for the worst Something
mo ' ro than a suspicion exists that the recent
cabinet crisis bad a hidden significance Tbo
movements of tbo republican leaders are
being narrowly watched In a word , the
question agitating Madrid is , is Spam really
preparing for a Coup dBrazil
Florence News
The family of Mr Gunderson are sadly in
need of tbo necessaries of llfo and any
charitably disposed people may find in their
homo a Hold for labor Mr Gunderson Is
sick and unable to work , whllo his wlfo has
bosn an invalid for eight years Several of
the children are also very sick from the lack
of proper food and clothing Their condition
is not generally known A few have beard
of their distress and have scat food and bed
ding It is boped that more will follow
Mr nnd Mrs Taylor have the sympathy
of the community in the sud loss of their
little son , George , who died Sunduy at 9 a.
m. and was buried Monday afternoon
There is a great deal of sickness both
among adults and children
The tlmo for tbo meeting of the reading
circle has been changed to Wednesday oven
Ing The next meeting will bo held January
8 , at Mr Ransoms residence There are
sixteen members enrolled at present
Mrs Frank Lester returned homo ou Sat
urday oveplng nftor spending the holidays
with friends in Iowa
A meeting of the school board nnd build
ing committee was held Monday evening
II G. Clark , E. H.Walker , V.V. . Smith and
H. Hall of the building committee were
present On motion by Mr ClarK all bids
received fpr building sobool bouses were re
jected for the reason that they ware too
high , and Messrs Smith , Hull and Walker
were authorized to contract with some re
sponsible builder for the building of an eight
roomed building , tbo four lower rooms only
ao be completed , according to the plans and
specifications , for a sum cot to exceed 111-
The Grlsmor-Davls company played to a
much larger audience at Boyd's ' opera bouso
last night than on their first appearance ,
and had any eyldonco been required to sub
stanclato what was said ot their worn it
could bavo been obtalnod in abundant quanti
ties The World Against Her was the
play It depicts a phase of life
entirely opposite to that shown In
' 'Tbo ' Tigress , ' ' and introduces widely
different characters , but they were onactad
by this clover organization with Just as much
1 earnest dramutlo fervor and urtistlo oxceU
lence , thus provlug that both stars Mr
Gnsmer und Miss Davis , as well as their
support , are not only actors of great versa
tlllty.butof extraordinary ability This place
gives Mis ? Davis greater oppor
tunity , , than any other person
in the cast , and she sustained every demand
made upon her to the en tire satisfaction ot
ttiQaudleucr , _ _ _ _ _
Agnes Herndon continues to entertain and
, good sizud audiences lu "La Belle Marie at
the-Grand ,
Mudn't a Friend lu the World
Mary lUley , a woman over fifty years old ,
was found wandering lu the streets last
night cold / and hungry She said she
hadn't a friend In tbe world tnat snu knew
of , except , a daughter In South Omaha , whom
'sqo said she didn't count , folio was made as
comfortublo as possible by the police , who
will call the attention ot Superintendent
Mahoney ot thu poor farm to the ca.c this
morning :
Proceeding or Yostcrdrvy's Session
of tlio License Bontd
The lleenso board fosumod the hearing ot
urolosts yesterday nttornoon Objections to
Joseph Boohhio miming a'snloon at 1201
South Llovcnth stroct Word the first to be
hoard Hov C N. Dawson , pistor of the
South Tenth Street Methodist church , took
tlio witness stnnil nnd urged with groit
emphasis that Boolinlo's place bo closed on
account ot Its alleged noisy character ami
closu proximity to the churih school , nnd lethe
the homes of many very respectable citi
zens The Janitor bf the church , a whlto
haired old gontlomnn , testified In about tlio
same strain ns Rev Mr Dawson , Two
very refilled nppcarlng ladles , ! MUs Jess lo
Smith and Airs S. J. Mobre , both of whom
ll\o in the vicinity of the saloon , nlso testi
fied that Hoehlno kenta uolsV pliceon | Sun
day ns well as woofs dajs Several others
testified to thu shmo effect
Henry Haul was called forwnrd aguln to
face moro protests rcgnrdlng his pluco at
ISIS Sherman avenue Ho was accompanied
by M. V. Gannon us counsel , who put hlin
on the stand nnd fired n lot ot questions nt
him Hauls replies liuulo him nut one of the
most stralghtlncod observers of the law thnt
could be found In all the land Then John
T. Cnthpts , counsel for the untl-saloon portion
tion of the neighborhood , took bold of haul
and tlrowoutof him admissions almost con
trary to those secured by Mr Gannon , nnd
which went to show , us was testified the
evening previous , Hint there had been dis
turbances In Hauls place , nud that It had
been frequoutcd by minors G. 11. King
testified against Hauls place , yet said ho
was patronizing It right nlong Joseph
Houska , who lives opposlto the saloon , was
called lo the witness stand nnd In oireot said
that ho never know of anv very serious rackets -
ots In Hauls place B. C. Lrllmg llvos
about sixty feet irom the saloon and testi
fied that ho considered Hauls au orderly
place ; if ho hadn't ho said ho uovor would
have gene on Hauls bond And everybody
around the cummlttco table stnllod n dry
smile Some bard pumping by Lnwyor
Gathers brought out the additional fact that
a relative ot the witness owned the building
in which the saloon was located and that a
big rent was infusing a certain amount of
vigor into Crlllng's testimony Louis Hcn-
dorson was culled by Haul Ho had form
erly slept over the saloon and said that whllo
tough characters came Into the place qnito
frequently , yet ho never hoard any
very serious disturbances about
the place Jumcs McNlce , an Insurauce
inuu testified to having lived alongside of
Haul for n year and a half , and that during
that lime lit ] hud found him us honorable nnd
law-abiding a citizen as hoover mot A. C.
Henderson , who keeps usalo stable a block
south of Hauls place testified to never hav
ing known ot uny serious disturbances in
the pluco Ho never had-seen Haul drunk ,
lames Johnson said , In response to n call
from Haul , that the saloon was orderly so
far ns ho know , but ho had heard complulnts
ngnlnst the chnraotor of the plsce This
closed the hearing ot protests against Haul
Somebody hud entered a kick or two
ngainst the character of the Barker hotel
bar , nnd this was what the board took up
next Landlord Balch was the llrst gentle
man called witbin the guto When
the mayor issued his Sunday closiug
order Mr Balch said that ho
( Balcb ) called on the other betel
men of the city , und then ho and they con
sulted the mayor as to the application of his
order to hotels suppljmg their guests , other
wise than at the bur , with drinks In reply
the muynr told them that lie thought cer
tainly the hotels could dq so On a follow
ing Sunday , while no was drinking his own
whisky iu his own house , Police Cnptuin
Green and nnothor policeman came iu and
took away the decanter and glass which ho
had been using and arrested his men who
hud been serving it Mr Ualcb said that it
was now his custom to take liquor to nn
upstairs room , but for tbo benefit of his own
guests only , und thnt ho had issued strict
orders to allow noio other than registered
regular guests to get liquor in tbo hotel on
Sunday Mr J. G. Lutnbard testified that
he and his family had lived at the Burker
for about a year and a half , nnd that he bad
never been ublo to get anything after 13
o'clock ' , or on Sunday , over the bar , slnoo
the mayors ' order Mr Lumbard knew it to
bo a positvo ! fact that only logular guests of
the hotel could now secure liquor on Sunduy
and that at their rooms A cigarmnlter
named Hcnnock testified that ho was not u
guest of the hotel nnd bad tried very hard to
get liquor there ou Sunday on the sly since
the mayors order , but was unable to do so ,
notwithstanding that ha was nn old parsonal
friend of Landlord Balch and applied to htm
in person This wus all there was in the
Barker hotel matter , and the case ot Ed
Kothery was called ,
It was the place operated by Mr Rotbery
at ns ; ! South Eleventh street that was taken
under consideration Officer Hudson was
the first witness called Ho testified to hav
ing bought lager beer at the place on Sun
duy A boy named John Hnthwuy was called
and claimed to have accompanied Oflicor
Hudson and seen him buy the beer on Sun
day J. O'Donncl ) , manager of the place in
question , testified thut ho was In the saloon
on the Sunday in question , March ! J1 , lSS'J ,
all day attending to the cleaning up of the
place , as was his custom He said the place
was entirely closed up so tar as the public
was concerned Hudson pushed bis way into
tho1 place O'Donnell said , and called for
beer O'Donnell told him that ho couldn't
sell anything in the line ot drinks
on Sunday , and then Hudson and
the boy went o ' ut without getting
anv boor or liquor of any Kind O'Donnolt
Bald ho didn't know at that tune that Hud
son was un officer , as ho did ndt rcmomber
having ever seen him before , and Hudson
was disguised as a tramp R. J. Clunuy tes
tified that on the Sunday in question Mr
Rotbery , Colonel Beck nnd hiutsotf were lu
the dinlngroom , Just bacu of tlio barioora ,
at the time Hudson came in , and ho saw the
entire proceeding , and it was Just as Mr
O'Donnoll had described It Adam Snyder
took tbo stand nnd said ho lad a business
adjoining itotbory's place for a long time ,
and never bad known ot anything at all
wrong Judge Berlin was called to Btuto
what recollection he had of hearing thocasa
of Mr O'uounell for soiling beer to Hud
son Ho said that case was heard without
a Jury , and after hoarlug all the facts ho
dismissed It Colonel Bccic tcstiflod
that bo wus at Rothory's on the Sunday in
question Ho didn't happen to see Hudson
como in , ns ho wasn't moving around as
much as Clunccv was Oflicor Hudson was
recalled nnd asked what ho had to say re
garding the testimony of O'Donnell nnd
Clancey He explained at , considerable
length the location of the bar und sitting
room , but did not contradict the gcntlemou
referred to
This closed the hearing ql prptests , and tha
board proceeded to grant Ucenaoa lo tlio fol
lowing parties whoso former llconsos bad
Just oxpliod and against whom'thero were
no protests :
John Swanson , 1,103 Dodge btreet ; Cd
O'Connor , 503 North Sixteenth ; Chris
Wuthrlck 1420 Dodge ; Lars Hansen , 810-31
South Seventeenth ; II Schubou , 1710 South
The board ndjournod to 3 o'clock this
afternoon , when the hearing ol protests will
be resumed in the new quarters of tbo board , corner of the second floor ot the
Now York Life building
The Stenographers Mock Trial
The regular meeting of the Omaha Stenographers
graphers' association was held at the rooms
of tbo Standard shorthand school last even
ing A large numbar were present and a
lively intero waa evinced by all A mock
trial was had in which Mlku McGlnty was
charged with the crime of murder 'Iho
court instructed tiiti Jury to hang Mlko on n
gooseberry tree , but tlio Jury , contrary to
the cvldenionnd Instructions ot tbo court ,
found that Mika was a ulco young man and
should not bo punished in such a summary
manner , After the trial humorous recita
tions wcro given by Messrs Ilollor and
Scarle , which were appreciated by all pres-
vent An interesting program mo has been
prepared for tbo net meeting , and a prlzo of
$ X W will bo paid by the association for tno
fastest typewriter work ou any inaobino , tbo
work to bo absolutely free from errors
' i i _
Am Important ia p.
Tbo Uoaring of the case ot Algernon B.
Patrick vs Krwln DuvU w s taken up iu thu
federal court yostorduy by Judge Dundy
Davis Is a wealthy Nuw York man and
back in the 'TO's was htereitcd In tl o l'lug-
staff mlng company , operating a initio near
Salt Lake At Hmt the mlno did not pan
out DavU jyas a.rpad , and money being
Vitality nnd Vlnror are quickly glvon to \
overr psrt ot iho brnly by Hoots SnrsnpnrMn ,
That fired feeling is entirely nwreomrt , tlm
blood Is pmllleil , enriched and vltallreil , thn )
stomach Is toned nndBtlengthpnod , llufappntlto 1
leslnrcd Iho kidneys nnd liver InvlgoVAtoil , tlm fi
brain iefro hNl the whole system built up Try _ (
Bonds Harsnpnrtlla now
Hoods Sarsnonrlllnlssoldby druggists )
' ' * - I
needed , ho was called on In response ho Mi
Instructed J. N , Patrick of this city to open '
ttu < work Mr Patrick went to the mine ]
and employed A. S. nnd Mnt Patrick , td- ' !
pother with others , to put the mlno on W
Its feet But finally tbo mine plajod Bl
out Then A. S. Patrick commenced W
suit ngainst the commny | ror services and
secured a Judgment But n Judgment . _ _ _ _ _ ,
against the concern wns found to bo ot little - . B
value Patrick then sued Davis nnd about < "BP
six , v ears ago got n verdict for $ .19,000. Thd " "
enso was appealed and vcvorsod by > the
United States supreme court , arid In 1SS3 It
wns remanded to the federal court of
Nebraska for trial
J. L. Webster represents tbo Patricks ahd
J. M. Woolworth the dofondunt
Ho Briefly Outlines His Plan of Woik /
In NchrnHkn
Rt Rev Anson R. Graves , the newly con
sccratcd bishop of the missionary Jurisdic
tion ot the Platte , was In the city yesterday ,
the guest of Mr Philip Potter , an old college -
lego chum
Bishop Graves Is a man of medium stature
nbout forty years of age , with a strong face
smoothly shaven The expression 6f his
face reveuls the genial man , and his kindly
blue cjq upenks of the kindness ot his heart
He has entered upon his naw.dutlcs with
great enthusiasm , and has nlanncd his cam
paign with a view to accomplishing muoh in
the way of missionary work Ho Intends
visiting the principal points In his diocese in
order to ascortuln their scvoral ncoos nnd
ulso to select a rcsidonco for himself and
"I hnvo not yet decided where I shall lo
cate " said the bishop Inst night , and can <
not do so until I have looked the grounn
ever I have received numerous offers from
the different cities iu the dioccso They all
seem to think that n school will bo ut once
located wherever I tike up my residence ,
but this does not nocoasarily fellow I shall
visit the cities and towns in the country / \
south ot the Plntto and then return to Mln- ' \
iioapolis to close up some business matters v.
and return with my family about the latter > • _ _ _ _ _ _
part of Fcbruaiy WBVH
" 1 do not feel that I am on cutiro stronger * VP/
in Nebraska , " remarked the bishop "I wus mWi
rector of St Luke's out at Plattsmouth ]
nbout seventeen years a u. I expect , there B.
uio very many chances since that time , _
but It will not seem entirely strange _ _ _ I
"I shall devote most of my time to mis- mml
slonary work , " continued the bishop , in Bac
reply to a question "Thcro is a great deal • _ (
to ao and it will take some time to get ever f
all the ground " . !
Tha bishop started for Broken Bow this Bf >
morning Thursday and Friday will bo MK
spent at Grand Island From there ho will Bti
go to Kearney , remaining tbo 10th and lltb BBU
Ho will go to Hastings ou the 14th and 15tb , Bn
Iloldrege on the 10th , MuCook on the 17th , BR !
Arapahoe on tbo lOtb , Alma on the SOtb , flM
Republican City on the 21st , Bloomlnglou HI
the -2d , Rod Cloud the 28d , North Platta the _ !
-3tb and 2Utb. Ogallala tha 37tb , Sidney the ;
23th and 20th and Lexington the IWtli | fljt
_ H
hllupcd On an lev Sidewalk B.\
At half past 0 o'ctcclt last evening MrS _ _ w
Minnie Bdmonds , while walking on the side ' - Vf
walk in front nt III 13 Capital avenue , slipped _ _ _ _
and fell , hurting her bnckr very severely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
Dr Ralph was called ano attended to her InwK fzf
Jurlos She resides with Ed Roach , 017 / _ Bf
South Twelfth street , but he declined to take l
her In , saying bis wlfo was sick Mr Henry H' ;
Brook , llllll Capital avenue , kindly took thu HI
lady Iu Tno unfortunate woman has a bus _ K
bund , John Kdjnuuds , who is a Uagman for _ _ _ _ . •
the B. & M. at Burlcy , Neb H |
' _ ! >
Threw Ilia Fnmllr Into iho Street Mi
John Rice , a butcher , returned to his _ _ }
home , Eighteenth and Pierca streets , last _ _ _ _
night drunk and proceeded to throw his H
wife , mothor-in-Iaw and • the rest ot hLs l |
family out into the street Ho weut at the (
folks like Bluebeard und was in a fair way to 1' ' ,
shod considerable blood when he was cor- _ '
railed by the police nnd locliud yp , :
A Sneak Thief's Until I ,
A sneak tbiof went through 1807 Howard H'
street yesterday afternoon From Charles H
Burk ho got $05 in money und a lot of good H
clothes , and from Charles Shawn , $15 in' '
cash ,
Klllod hy n Falllu , Wall . J B
Lese Island Cirr , N. Y. , Jan 7.- The w"S T f
north wall ot the machine shops in.tho yard H
of the Long Island railroad depot , In tbis / - - H'
city , fell this morning , hilling three tnea.- * _ H >
Tbroo ether workmen were injured Henry K
Lot , the contractor , was urrestqd'cbargud _ B
with manslaughter B
Absolutely Pure
. . . ? _ ! 1 . * . I0Wle ! . rne . v < ' . rvrle'Amarvol if ai'itv _ B
strength una wholesomeness Moro acoaoml _
cat than ths ordinary Kinds , and cannot do old _ _ F >
i.Sfni" . , , „ tn alum wm' orphosphatspowilara 'h0 multitude , ot low tsdi toil V _
Wafl Htr" N * " V " 0V'A- un ' Puwu-it Co-TlOJ
" t ' = t-I H