Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    I 2 TPIB OMAHA DAILY Blffi } : MONDAY , JANUARY C , 1890. J
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „
H Whoso Lightest Word Would HarM -
M roW Up Oongrosalonat Souls
H Screcnnts-nt-Ariim Utilised In Itnmv
Hi ttio I'lnccs Whrrojthe Hnlnns Slust
IJ Ijo CotiKrccntc llnuy So-
IJ i crct In Washington
M | "fwould Bo Mlulilr Interesting
U j Wasmnotok , Jan 4 . [ Special to The
| Bke.J " 1 think I could wrlto n very inter
i cstlng book on that subject , " said Sergeant
U nt-Arms Leedom , miking to mr today on tbo
( subject of the private Uvea of congroasmon
U But , " ho continued , " 1 would not do audi a
U thing Do congressmen often llvo dual lives I
H you nsk Weill , I must not toll You see ok
H sheriff , undertaker and paymaster for tbo
U house of roprcsontativos I have to keep a
U prlralo tab of all tha members , so that when
U there is n call of the house , day or night , I
U will Instantly know whore to go to find my
II men Yes , It would bo Interesting reading
JH to nco that tab in print
JH "Uut , vou must not put all members down
H in this list of interesting characters Nor
U must you think that wlion I start out at mid
IB night to drum up n quorum ot the bouso 1
JH find nil nosont members away from their
U liomcs It Is Instructive , though , to note
IH that many of tbosoyou would expect to find
HH at homo ara away from thnt place You
HH cinnot always toll by appearances who the
HH stray sheep are "
H A truism Indeed ,
HH i 1 coutd not pull morooutof thesergeant-at-
HH J arms upon this most interesting subject , but
H I I found another man who knows all about
H J the way in which congressmen llvo , and
Hgj from hi in t lenrnod much that is racy
H | "I was not astonished wheu I learned that
HH | many of the most wealthy mora bars as well
Hij as the poor ones had overdrawn tholr
H | accounts with the scrgcant-at-nrms , " Bald
H I ho , for in many instances the members who
H I have most property nro the ones who nro
HH 1 continually going to tbo ilnanclal officer of
H the bouso for nssistanco , and who
H discount tholr vouchers for monthly
HH pay with alarming regularity Stioak-
HH tag of overdrawn accounts roailnds nio that
HH bad not Cashier Sllcott aosconded asadc-
HH fuuttei'hoand Leedom would have divided
H about tJJ.OOU proilt from llio discounting of
HH members salaries during the past bIk jenra ,
HH ] nud they did not cbnrge or collect more than
HH ] 73 per pent of their discounts Ten per cent
HH ] annual interest is charged on the discounts ,
HH ] iind some members put up' their salaries us
HH ] far as two years or a whole term in advance ,
HH ] so ns to raise $10,000 , less the interest Mr
HH ] Leedom always required a member who bor-
HH ] rowed moro tlinn n couple of months salary
HH ] to put up ns collateral secuiilya llfo insur-
HH ] ancd policy for double the amount borrowed
HH ] In event of death ho mndo money , you see
HHV In that war a member could only boat the
HHb banker by resigning Leedom lost a good
HHT ; many thousands by deaths and retirements
HHH however Do you know that nine-tenths of
HHk tbe members have their lives Insured !
HH : "It was only In the Forty-sovonth con
HHn gross olght years ago that tha sorgonnt-
HHn at-arms was mudo a disbursing oflicor Up
HJj to thnt timn tbo clerk of the bouso paid the
HHu mcmbels and oniploye * by checks or drafts
HHh ontho treasurer of the United States Ho
HHu is in point of fact supposed to do that thing
HHu now liy resolution giving the sorgoant-at-
HHh arms a cashier , paying teller , bookkospor ,
HHV { end soiorth , he was made tbo ugont of the
HH members for tbo collection of their salaries
HHH | The custom grow till tbo officer had charge
HHS of tbo finances of almost every ono who was
HHu employed by tbo house Under tbe sparse
HHM law and loose customs it was a vicious habit
HH of the bouso as a body , and Loodomv saw it
HHh so plainly five years ago that ho begged
HHul tbo committee on appropriations to
HH I qlthor relieve ' him of tbo ' llnancial
HHVt' responsibility and place it back with
HHhi * tbo clerk , or glvo him specific in-
HH ' struction A member of congress is as a
HH rule , although there ara exceptions of course ,
HHh the woist financier to bo found in tbo coun-
HH There are two classes which form tbo
HH | body of congress : the man who married rich
HHV or suddenly made a fortune , who is without
HH | any idea of decency or propriety in money
HHV matters , and the man who is so'hard up *
HH | that hq would hypothecate his night shirt In
H order to ruiso money for political purposes
HI Extremes meet never so o ften as in congress
1 Klbpw elbow sit wealth and poverty , side
< by sldo.caDJclty and incapacity , the bad ana
H tbe-good , the open and frame with the doooit
H of policy You iiover can know ono of tboso
1 fellows real well and as bo is till you stand
B behind the desk In the scrgoant-at-arm's of-
Ba1 ilco or uro compelled to spot thorn for tha
- put posd of keeping up tbo tub Iko Hill has
them alLdown so Una that when this congress -
. gross was reorganized thcro were many who
c feared to let him bo pushed out of a
t | position , so they gave nun a now place which
B they created by special resolution No ,
m your Uncle Isaac will not bo out of a Job
H. till ho loses his wits Hut they need not bo
H afraid'df Iko , Ho wouldn't tnko advantage
H ot any information ho might have Ho is a
H straight man , to bo sura Hut members ara
M' ' often cowards Now , it Is not known genor-
M ; ally , but it is true that it Cashier Sllcott bad
H not defaulted it Is liKely a republican housa
' Would have reelected Domocratio Sergeant *
H i at-Arms Leedom , because , in the first place
i ho was popular , and secondly , a number of
i ; icpublicans wanted to placate Uim because
H ! ha bas the dots on them Deut mention tbo
H numboi < of dots ho has on the domocratio
i mpmbcrs ; they were solid for him , for every
H reason
H "It is wonderful , " continued the gcntle-
H man , . how sbrowd and successful | > ollticlans
H and business man put thoinsolves uttlio
HB raorcy-of men and women how they make
B tbomselves vulnerable , simply to gotntrl-
H lliliir favor now and then Why , I some
Hf tltncs wonder that tbo doorkeepers and
j pages , most of whom keep a mental tab of
H | members , ara over discharged
j Every day I am convinced that congress
H unmakes or destroys tlirlco as many man as
Hf > t makes , FeW mou distinguish themselves
B iu the house It is quite auothcr thing to bo
j a senator Tbo duties , from a political
j Vlow-polut , are alfforont Ono serves a
H distinct constituency and must servo the
H people , whllo tbo other servos a state or
E general constituency Ono is a drag-borso ,
H a burdou-bcaiei- other a legislator Ono
HR requires a capacity for bard work , drudgery ,
H ? | i the other calls for dignity , Ono demands
9 versatility , not oratory , tha other thoorna-
HI I montation of public life A mombcr of the
Bij I house must bo a depurtmemt slave ; tha sens-
H j I tor is a diplomat , \Vhila \ a member works
fi I in the interest of his individual constltu-
H Bjj I onts , scouring pensions , the payment ot
Hjjf claims , uppolntmcuu , and lscngagoa with
ftl committee work , tbo Senator prepares
Hijjf speeches and sits in executive session ,
IJ knifing character Uut with all this the
Kfj member hos ' no excuse for what wo some
h times douomlnatoorurlQoss '
H "Do 1 think the character ot public men
H deteriorating I Yes I will toll you why
m When men get tiroU of fun at homo or want
fl the ignus fatuus of roputatlon tholr minds
i turn first to conqfess Jou Ulaokburu hit
HB the popular nail on tbo head ono day when
B8j bo asked Leedom to Join | iim in a friendly
HB drink at the bar , a few years ago
B "I never drink , " said Leedom
H Well , " laslstoa Joe , take u cigar , "
Kt "Uut I don'tsmouo , " replied Leedom , who
K bad Just como to congress
W "If you dent drink and never saoke
Si what did you como to congress fori" inquired
Hj the senator ,
N "Slnco Sllcott absconded with a lqt of
Hn Lccdom's money uud has scandalized him bo
H is Just now wondering what ha did come for
Hj { He has failed uo to this tlmo to see wbero
R ho is ahead * '
H It has beea hinted that a great deal ot inK -
K fluence bos boon brought to bear upon mem-
K ben of tbo committee , which Investigated
H I the affairs of tbo sergeant-ut-urms' oBlce to
1 prevent such action aa will uocossitato a
B ) | ' court UriaL Under crou-exumlnatlou Mr
H Loodom and bis assistants would likely toll
H much that tbdy know concerning tbo dual
HR lives of members , and there would be many
Hl Dr , Jekylls and Air , Hydes , Tbe averaga
H reader bus a smattering ot the temptations
H which surround tbo legislature of a state
H Hero thay are manifolded Congress is but
B national legit latere However , then * uro
H Bisny who , can withstand ( bo temptations ,
B ondftfler years of usefulness tbey go out
Into private llfo ur.tnrnlshod , with a knowl
edge of affairs , which is their most Jealous
Now that the stable-door Is locked slnco
Sllcott is gone , and the f lit tire promises a
cleaner financial transaction , so fur ns the
ofllco of tbo aergoant-at-anus Is concerned it
Is n pity that this affair cannot bo ventilated
in the courts It might maka a good many
hearts burn , but It would have a boilthful
effect for futaro generations
Hudding trees , the red blush of blooming
Janonlcas in tbo cnpltol { { rounds and green
grass in all tbo 100 public parks and reserva
tions have been tbo oxtcrnnl features of tha
holiday recess at the national capital Wash
ington Is now so Urge and so growing a city
that tbo adjournment of congress produces
little cfTcct In the nppenrnnco nt tha streets
or in the activity manifested nround the
hotels or clubs , Whllo n largo prouortlon of
both houses spent the holidays awav from
the national capital an increased number re
mained to enjoy the batlny nlmospheie , the
Italian sides and the attractions for which
the city is noted
In ono of the most famous ot Washing
tons private restaurants 1 noticed on Now
Years evening the familiar figure of ox >
Secretary W. W. Belknap Ho was seated
at a tnhlo with several of the most promi
nent politicians of the cltv nnd was enter
taining them with n flow of reminiscence nnd
story which engaged their Interest nnd at
tention fur into the ovouing General Bel-
knap Is rapidly growing old and his hair nnd
long flowing board nro now noarlv white
Ho tnlcos dollght in recalling hiscaily dnjs
as a collcgo student and his early struggles
and successes before the war in Dubuque ,
where bo Was ndinlttod to the bar
, "I remember ono evening , " said the gen
eral , sitting in my study In North collcgo
In Princeton , the year before my graduation
As Junlots , according to the custom , our
class was supposed ta bo tha protectors of the
Incoming freshmen ngalnst the rapacity of
the sophomores On the evening in ques
tion I was deep in the translation
of a difficult sontenro in Tacitus
wnen the doot1 opened nnd nllttlo redheaded
boy , nttirod in a blue roundabout jacket with
brass buttons , burst Into tbo room Ho was
coughing violently and tears were running
from Ids eyes I asked him what the trouble
was and learned that bo had been driven
from bis room by a sophomore by the mtiuo
of Everhurt
"Ha has smoked mo out , confound him , "
blubbered the youth , * and I want some
placa to sit down , My room is full of Vila
ulggor-head tobacco smoke and I cannot
brcatho in such nir "
I calmed the youth down and pormlttod
him to spend the time while his room was
ventilating in my quarters
It was manv years nf terwards , when hur
rying from Dubuque to Washington in re
sponse to n notification ot my appointment to
tha cabinet , tbnt I wired Don Cameron at
Harrisburg , Pa , that I would pass through
that city In the years which had elapsed ,
the redheaded boy had become a senator
from Pennsylvania , whllo his tormentor ,
who had developed into an active politician ,
had more than once locked horns with a
Cameron to his own discomfiture A short
ttmo previous to my arrival at Harrisburg
the Hon , Mr Evorhart hud boon tremendously -
ously bc.iton in n political conflict ever
which the Hag of the Camcrons floated in
triumph When I reached the depot t found
Don Cameron waiting for me Wo walked
up and down the platform and discussed col
lcgo dnySf
You remember , Don , " I said , the night
that Evorhart smoked you out of your room
nnd you came into mine lor rollof J"
" 1 should say I did , " rcniarucd Cameron ,
"nnd remember it very distinctly t03. ' "
What has become of Evorhart ! " tasked
' O , " laughed Don , "I have smoked him
out now "
"I once sat down " said General Belknap ,
"to a rather interesting littto dinner party
of my own giving hero in this city When I
made up my mind to study law I broached
the matter to n friend of mlno in the west
Ha sympathized with me und my aspirations
nnd at once took mo mound to tha ofllco of a
prominent lawyer , who was a friend of bis ,
und with whom very satisfactory and liberal
urransjemonti were made for my reception
ns a student I afterwards , wbon I was sec
retary of war in the davs when old Welkers
was pur excellence the best In the city ,
gathered around mo five gentloracn and
their wives When the dinner was ' nearly
ever I arose and stated what I have just stated
to you with reference to tha ybung man who
sought to enter the bar , and said :
Singular as it may seem , 1 see around me
tonight the gcntlomc l who kindly took up
that boys caU30 , the lawyer in whoso ofllco
ho began his studies , the counsellor who
moved his admission to the bar and the Judgq
who presided when ho was sworn in
Judge Miller of perhaps the
ablest member of the suuromo court , moved
my admission and Judge Lova of Iowa sat on
tbe bench on that occasion , It was a most
interesting occasion forme , I can assure you ,
and I doubt whether any other lawyer has
had the soma pleasure that I experienced in
gathering around mo all the parties who
contributed at tbe critical siago to his ad
vancement "
I mot J ustico Miller of the supreme court
the other dav The judge is in the most
robust health , nil reports to the lonlrury not
withstanding He laughed heartily wbon i
mentioned to him the rumors that bo pro
posed rotlrlng and indicated that his mind
was far from made up in that direction Ho
does as much work now us ho over did His
clear logical mind works with nil its accus
tomed ease and certainty and his interest in
events is us absorbing as over By general
consent Justlco Miliar Is admlttod to bo the
ablest expounder of the constitution of tbo
suuromo court
"Whntover is done about removing the su
premo court from its present chambers , "
said Judge Miller , some measuio should betaken
taken at once by congress to provide In the
near future for sultablo accommodations for
tbo supreme court and its officers , und for
the grouping together in ono building of tbo
department of justice and the court There
is a good deal of unnecessary delay from the
distance which now soparatcs the various
portions of the department of justice
Whether or not tbo government should erect ,
assuggostcd , an imposing building opposite
the capitol nnd near tbo congressional
library is something for congicss to determ
ine , but thay should certainly make arrange
ments to , do away as sooa ns pcsslhlo with
the present \ery unsatisfactory condition of
affairs " PkuuvS Hevth
Mcotlnn or thu Co rural Body at
1 Gnlveston
Gai.ve3tov , T < } x. , Jan 5.-The Contrul
deep water committee niotT-licro yesterday
Among the membora present were E. It
Chaniborlatn o ( Des Moines , William O ,
Kulp of Dayonport and Secretary P. L.
Dana of Denver , .Tbo objcot of the meeting
is to dccldo upon a plan for getting tbo deep
water question properly before congress ,
also to select from the central committee a
subcommittee to goto Washington and work
in the Interests of tbo deep water lutereat
The committee was today , taken over the
jetty now undpr construction by the govern
ment to secure deep wutor at Galveston
Tbo committee held Its first regular mooting
last night Judge Emery of Karsas was
made chairman , Tbe main question dis
cussed was that of finances as to the amount
necessary to further ttio cauvaaj Tbo com
mittee decided strongly to advocate the re
port of the government engineers favoring
Halves ton as a point for tbo location ot a
first class harbor , but not to tbodotrlincntot
appropriations for other harbors on the
Texas coast '
Tbo committee comnlotcd its labors today
by appointing Colonel Walter Urosbum of
Galveston aad Hon , J. E\ Legate of Kansas
n special commltlos tp urga the passage of a
deep water bill A special finance commitleo
was also appointed ,
' " , . .
Tlio Men on the Mackey System Re
turn to Work Today
Eyanbviixky Ind , Jan 5. A second con ]
ferenco was hold this evening between Pres
ident Mackey and a committee from the
Evonsvlllo & Terre Haute , the Evansvlllo &
Indianapolis , the Louisville , Evansvlllo & Bt ,
Louis aud tbo Peoriu , Decatur & Evansvlllo
roads , comprising tbe Mackey system An
agreement was reached at 10 o'clock and the
men will return to work in the morning at 7
oclock The details of the compromlso are
not known further than that Master of
Transportation Hurd wilt be retained in bis
Yellow Fever m ltiu Jaunro
Lisbos , Jan , 5. Private totters from Rio
Jauolro say that intensely hot weather pro
ralU there , and that yellow feverof a malig
nant type has appeared in the pity
The Athonouma * Mlddlo WolRht
Championship Competition ,
I'Adtly Smith nud Jack Javl The
Tnll KmlPTB Tomorrow Nlnlit
No Ilrolherliood In llls'n
Miscellaneous Uossll > .
For the Middleweight ClinmnlniiRhio
The Athcnoum clubs middleweight cham
ptonshlp competition opens nt the club rooms ,
1211 Douglas street , two wuoltsfrom Monday
overling next the 27th. Ench competition
is to bo govcrnod by the rovlsed Qtweiisburv
rules , with six ounca gloves , for sclentlllo
points jiud the winner Is to bo awarded n
handsome gold medal , cmblomatlc ot the
local championship No ono will be Inrred
but tboso wishing to enter must do so before
the "JSth , on which day the entries close
A Milt For Wodni'sdny Night
The finish fight , • hard gloves , Quecnsbury
rules , for a purse of { 203 , between Jack
Davis , the Denver heavy weight , and an im
ported unknown , has been fixed for Wednes
day night , but Just where tha millIs , to como
off Is unknown , Davis is in the best fettle
nnd anticipates un easy job , Howovrr , ho
may be fooled
IllKCer Game for Jack
Davis is also to meet within the present
month , it Is currently understood , big Paddy
Smith of Denver In n glove contest before
the Gnto City athletic club , nnd in Smith ho
will llnd a too man worthy of his muscle
Some seem to think that Paddy can go round
Jack Ilka a cooper round a barrel , but this
stretching It n llttlo too far Davis is big
nnd strong , very clever and eager to fight
nny oue , consequently is pretty certain to
glvo a good account of bimsolf oven against
tbo rcdoubtnblo Smith
Collision or the Tall Endnrs
Tbo tail ondcrs in the city polo league race ,
the Gate CItya and the Omaha Guards , will
collldo tomorrow night at the coliseum , and
cvory ono wants to stand from under Tha
vnllant Guards Bay thov have been lying low
for the Gate Cltys' curl , and in return the
latter declare they shan't have a goal
There will be lots of tun , any way and
everybody is going out to watch the strlfo
AVI11 Have Non or the Brotherhood
Jack Crooks writes The Bek from Frisco
that ho has made up his mind to stick to
Columbus and tbo American nssoclatton next
season Ho has received innumerable
tempting overtures from the brotherhood ,
but bas determinedly declined them nil ,
The probability is thnt Jack bas weakened
In his Ideas ot tbo success of the wreckers
entorprlso Again , Manager Buckcnburgcr
of the • Uuckeyo team has bcon so pleased
with Crooks great exploits behind the bat
during tbo past few weeks that ho wrltos
Jack that that is where ho will be played the
coming season , and at a material advance in
salary at that Crooks , today , is ono of the
most promising players In the profession ,
aud the coming season is bound to bo adver
tised as liberally as any of tbo greatest
The Irrepressible Kck
Tom Eck , the bicyolo' manager , has re
turned from Europe and Is now in Minne
apolis , where ho is arranging a six-day skat
ing match of two hours duration each night ,
to take place at Hinglo & Fosters ' rink A
good-sized purse is to bo hung up and such
celobritics as Dowd , Paulsen , McCormick
and ltluckhave signified their willingness to
out r for the contest
Description nf the Voynco of the
United EtutoB Squadron
New Yonic , Jan 5. The Associated press
correspondent on board the United States
stoumship Atlanta , in a letter from Lisbon
describes the experiences of the squadron
in its trip across the Atlantic Referring to
the dropping behind of tbe Yorktown he
says : .At 8 pm , on the IStb , In the height
of a , furious southwesterly gale and
a tremendous sea tha commander of
the Yorktown made signals to the flag
ship requesting permission to "hcavo to , "
which was granted From that tiulo the
Yorktown dropped astern The action of
her commander is no moro than could have
boon expected The Yorktown is a compar
atively light ship , carrying a very
heavy buttery Thus it would have
been the height of folly to have
kept a vessel of her peculiar design
running before such a heavy sea Had one
ot the monstrous combs which from tima to
time rolled ever the Atlanta's and Boston's
sterns ever plunged on the Yorktown's
mam deck It would have gutted her fore and
aft During the night and all the next day
the sea ran mountain high , " but the At
lanta , in spite of her low fore and
after parts , rode it like a duck ,
as did also her sister ship , tbo
Boston Nothing could moro forcibly con
vey to the mind tbo fury ot the Atlantic
thnn the sight of tboso hugo cruisers tossed
Ilka the tiniest of playthings by tbe sea ,
Scudding under reefed fore and maintop
sails and fore sail , burrylpg the muzzles of
tholr guns under water at every roll it
seemed lucrudiblo that their canvas
would Btaud or that they could
long continue to run before
such a sea No thought of lying to , " how
ever , suggested itself to the mind of Admiral
Walker The Chicago rolled on and ou , nnd
the two gallant brigs fallowed oven if they
did occasionally hldo their entire fore and
after parts under the greeu seas On the
morning of the Mth tbo wind lulled con
siderably , but before night toll it blew with
renewed violence At 0 a. m. on
the 15th the Boston made signals tha her
boilers needed ropalrs and tbo Chicago aud
Atlanta slowed down until the repairs were
completed Fog , heavy rain and u , nasty ,
choppy sea were tbe principal features of tbo
remainder of tbo voiago
A set of more seaworthy vessels never
put to son During tno entire run and in
the face ot exceptionally bad weather they
maintained at halt power an average Booed
of over nine knots an hour It was a re
markable performance and it is safe to say
ono that has never been equalled by any
Wilhrlm'4 Advloo to Ills Generals
Bunr.iN- , Jon 5. The Borson Courier says
that in receiving the generals of the army
Now Years ' day the emperor Impressed upon
them the duty ot officers to strive to be in a
state of constant readiness He counseled
thorn to study the changes wrought by tbo
now rllles and the smokeless powder and to
educate tbe soldiers for independent action
Stock Yards Employes UlsHatlsHod
Cuioaoo , Jan 5. Two meetings were held
today by the coopers and butchers employed
in tbe establishments at the stock yards , the
result of which may bo • an organized effort
to break by legal process the contracts the
packing house men wore compelled to sign
after the big strike By the terms of tbesa
contracts the men are obliged to deposit u
certain per contago of their pay with their
employers , to bo forfeited unless two weeks
notlco of quitting work is given , Tbo meet
ings today practically decided to bring test
suits under tbo state law , which , it is
claimed , will in any event put the costs of
legislation u [ > ou the employers
The Jieath Record
Chicago , Jan , 5. Judge Knickerbocker ,
who was stricken with paralysis last oven ,
ing , died this morning
CmcAQo , Jan 5. Dan Sullivan the one
tlmo well known umpire of the National
league died suddenly last evening of heart
disease Ho had for two years been a dep
uty customs inspector at Chicago
Hamilton , N. Y , , Jan 5. President
Dodga ot Madison university died today af
ter a short illness
Loxpos , Jan 5. Viscount Tauipletou died
• t Ban Itenio todsy ,
• ly aiurrE
tnflnnnr.n Losing Its Hold On Balls
hnrr Spr ndlnir In Gorinnny
Losnox , Jan-feJULord Salisbury is mak
ing favorable "prcgrcss toward recovery
The influenza WHtiU spreading slowly In
Germany Ills spVcmling rapidly In tbo pro
vinces Business li partially suspended and
In many plncoa the school houses hnvo boon
converted Into bospltnli Herr Pate , for
merly minister of finance , has died
Clmncu j jor the Wor o.
Bbm.ix , Jan 5-rThls evening the condl
tlon of the Dowager , Empress At'gusta hns
changed for the worse ,
Spain's 'fhrant Itlnir Sick
MXtmtn , Jsd 5 The young king is nbed
suffering from inllUenza
Boarded the Entorprlso
Londot Jan , 8 , The United Slates
steamer Enterprise hns arrived nt Plymouth ,
The majority of the ofllftcrs nnd crow hnvo
the Infiuonza Slxof the crow hnvo been
sent to the naval hospital
She Wild an American < Jrl
Baltimoiic , Md , Jan 5 The Baron
d'Esto ' and tbo Countess d'Nouo of Franco
were married yesterday by Archnlshop Ryan
of Philadelphia and nro spending u
few davs In this city The bride
wns before her first marriage
Miss Blbabotb Brown Hurnov , a daughter
of the late General Hnrnov , Unltod States
nruiy She has two sons , oOlccrs In the
French nrmy , und ono daughter Who accom
panied her to this country She mot the
Bnron d'Esto nt the Paris exposition last
summer and nn attachment was
formed which resulted in the mar
nupo 1ho reason for , > \holr coming
to this country was thnt the euVintcss wished
to bo married nt the homo of her lifelong
friend , Mrs , Powhatan Clnrko of this city
They were compelled , however , to go to
Philadelphia to meet the archbishop , who is
oIbo nn old friend of the family nnd whom
she wished to porforra tbo ceremony
Soldiers Hnvo a Row
Kansas Citv , Jan C A Leavenworth
special sii'b : A frco fight occuricd last
nlcbtona train between wblte and negro
soldiers returning to the fort from town
Two of the negroes were severely Injured
nnd had to bo sent to tbe hospital
Beat the Stcntlne Rncord
MiSNEAroM8 , Minn , Jan 5. Joseph Don
aghuo at the Palace rink tonight skated five
miles in seventeen minutes and eight sec
ends Tbls beats the best previous worlds
record by nine socouds
They Are the Cause of Numerous Mis
haps of n Serious Mnture
The local signal service observer announ
ces an encouraging outlook in tbo weather
conditions The temperature will probably
rise rapidly today and bo accompanied by
clear , pleasant weather The cold snap was
the most sovcro of the season , the tempcra-
turo going down to 1 ° below zero , accom
panied by n northwest wind blowing with a
velocity of thirty lhtlos per hour
The condition ob'tfio streets , consequent
upon the freezing of rain nnd Bnow , was the
cause of numerous-falls und accidents of a
serious nature Horses sllppod along la an
uncertain manner , many going down ; men ,
women and chlldronipickod tholr way along
carefully In the mtddlo of the streets This
state of affairs Caused considornblo merri
ment Saturday night1 , the streets resounding
with cries of Down as some unfortunate
sat down with moro celerity than grace
Some of thesa falls were productive ot
nothing moro than , a general shaking up ,
while others left reminders in the way of
broken limbs or aqhTng heads enlarged by
Elias Glsb , one of tbo attendants at Drexel
& Mauls undertaking establishment , while
returning from breakfast yesterday morning ,
slipped at the corncrlof Sixteenth and Dodge
Streets ' and broke bis right wrist He did
not discover that his wrist was broken until
after bo had returned to the ofllco It was
at once attended to ' uud is doing nlcoly , but
it will probably be some time before he will
recover the use of Tils arm
The Walnut Hill and Sherman avenue
motor lines experienced , some difficulty on
the first trips yesterday morning on account
of tbe coating o'f lco on tbe trolley wlro'aud
on the rails Tbo former prevented a good
contact , " thereby Interfering with the
motive power ot the currant , whllo the ice
on the rails made it almost impossible to
climb even a slisht grade After one or two
trips , however , tbo ice was melted and no
further difficulty was encountered
The difficulty on the Twenty-fourth and
Lcavenwartb street lines was moro
serious The system in usa on
this line differs from that of the
Mercer lines Among other things ,
tbe dynamos under the motor cars are
arranged differently When tbo brakes were
sot they caused snow to fly from the wheels
nnd collect on tbe commutators ot tbo
dynamos , and the starting of the car and
passage of the current molted the snow ,
which froze again , covering the machinery
with ice Tbo cars were taken into the
power bouse and a shield arranged over the
commutators to protect them from the snow
Three cars were thus provided and put on
tbe road The rest are being fitted In the
same way , and all will bo running today
The trail cars were taken off , as the road
was in such bad condition that the
trains could not make schedule ttmo
Tbe patronage ot tbo Twoaticth street
cable line was visibly increased , the passengers -
gors preferring to walk oyor to It rather
than wait for the motor cars
Miss Agnes Herndon opened her engage
ont at tbe Grand opera bouso last night
under very favorable auspices The audience -
enco wns a largo ono and gave pronounced
evidence repeatedly of bolng moro than well
pleased with the performance She appeared -
poared as Jean Inglcsldo aad
Marie Dubois , a dual character
in "La Belle Marie , " which offers ample
scope for a Display of tier talents us an
actress specially adapted to omotlonal parts
Much might bo Bald about tbe play , but slnco
its story has already been tvell told in these
columns , repetition here is not necessary It
is strong in dramatic situations , Interesting
throughout and has a moral side
that quickly touches the . sympa
thies ot an audience Miss He > ndon's
presentation of both cbaracteis assumed by
her was in every way satisfactory , aud made
such an impression that she not only won
vociferous outbursts'-of applause , but was
enthusiastically calldd before tha curtain at
the end of every aotuj To begin with , she is
an uncommonly , hanclsojno womau , perfect
in her grace nnd bearing , and possesses to
an extraordinary degree twbat many stars
lack , tbo extremely good taste of knowing
how to w ra strikingly pretty
stugo costumes 'Itf'sTn artistically tasteful
manner , and so that they harmonize roost
pleasantly with her J work Tbe company
supporting Miss Iborndon deserves favora
ble mention All tjiBjUiembors ot it show
sincerity and dotortnipatioii to sustain their
parts creditably , aljd as a whole they give a
passingly clover performance
Lou Wessel andf brother ' of Lincolu are
registered nt tbe Murray ,
J. M , Tbacber , postHrader at Fort Nio
brara , Is in tbe cltyiou business and is stop ;
ping at tbe PoxtQijji | ) ,
Miss Agnes Herndon aud James A , Jessol
of Miss Uerndon's company registered at
tbe Millard yesterday
H , D. Judson and family , prominent people
ple of Rochelle ill , ana pld friends or W. il
Holcomb and family of this city , arrived
yesterday and are at the Millard
Mr John T. Bell bas sold the Mercury
and leaves tomorrow for San Jose , CM ,
where bis family now resides Ho will
spend the greater part ot three years In that
sunny chmo , making fremiont trips to
Omabu , which , bo saysho will always call
Lieutenant J. A. Bull of the United States
navy , and family , are guests at tbo Millard
hotel The lieutenant Is en route homo
from a three years sojourn in Japan , and
upon reaching this city one of his little boys
brcuine so ill that ho was compelled to slop a
few days ,
Dent buy trabhy imitations Got the
genuine Red Crpad Cough Drop * .
North Nobraslm In Gonornl , Knox
County In Particular
The Slmix Reservation In Nrhrankn
An Ahitndcntly Watered
Section Manufactur
ing Interests
Stock Itnlnlnu and Agricultural
NtotatAn.v , Neb , Doc 29. [ Special
to Tun 13ki : , ] Knox county 13 ono ot
the largest und eldest organized coun-
tlos in Nobrnskn tinil has n population
of about ton thousand It tshoundoilon
the north by the Missouri river , on the
west by run go line between run pes
8 nnd 0 , on the south by township line
between townships 28 and 21) north , and
on the cast by range line between
nui cs i nnd 2 west , Nobmskn survey
That portion north of the Niobrara
rIver is a part of the Sioux reservation
open to BOttlcniont anil contains 700,001) )
acres It Is a flno body ol agricultural
land , well watered and absolutely free
from any abjcctionablo fcaturos The
Ponca upd Koja Paha rivers are the
priuclpui streams within this strip
There i no locality in the state
moro abundantly watered than is this
And this water , too , is of the best qual
ity , consisting mainly of spring water
and numerous streams supplied by
springs Ot thceo strcntns the Bav.ilo ,
Verdigris and Ponca are the largest
and most important The main branch
ot the Bnzilo has its source in Antc-
lope county , lying on the south of Knox ,
and ns it flows north toward the Mis
souri river it is joined by two other
largo branches having tholr sources in
thu eastern part of this county , aud
flowing a nortwastorly direction The
B.tzilo empties into the Missouri river
four railos east of Niobrara , and from its
mouth back thirty miles it is a clear ,
swift running stream of a good volume
of water , having three flouring mills to
ward itB source and affording sites for
many moro
The Verdigris omptics into the Nio
brara river three miles southwest of
Niobrara , is about forty miles in length ,
has its main source in the northern part
of Antelope county , and is composed of
three large branches , two rising in the
eastern portion of Holt county and
flowing in a northeasterly direction
into the main stream This is a laigor
stream than the Brazilo , of clear , swift ,
running water , and also affords numerous
ous excellent mill sites
The Ponca has its source in the unor
ganized torrity north of the Nebraska
state line , but running through nearly
the entire portion of the reservation in
Nebraska , is about sovonty-flve miles in
length and empties into the Missouri
river throe miles west of Niobrara It
affords excellent mill sites and its val
ley Is a most beautiful ono
Two branches of the West Bow ,
Beaver and ono or two ether small
crooks of Cedar county , on the east of
this , have tholr sources in ; and flow for
some distauce through this county
There are numerous ether small streams
flowing into the Niobrara and the Mis
souri _ nnd the crooks and branches al-
rcadyuiontloned . .
The soil is generally of a blnck.sandy
loom and averaging about four feet in
depth In the valleys it is much dcopor ,
and nn some of the hills there is more
or loss clay Beneath the soil there is
generally found a stratum of sand , and
beneath this the chalk rock The
depth of the clay and sand varies some
what , hut generally is about twenty
feet This peculiar formation of the
soil makes it very desirable for agri
cultural purposes ; there is sand enough
to enable it to nbsorb a great deal of
rain , nnd the depth from the surface
to the chalk rock is so great ,
and tbe sand just above the chalk rock
tilled with innumerable ) springs and
tiny veins , sends up its molsturo to the
soil on the surface above during a scar
city of rain , so that a destruction of
crop3 and vegetation by drought is un
known and believed to bo an impossi
bility in this and adjacent counties
Chalk rock probably underlies the
the whole county It can bo seen crop
ping out along the bluffs of the Missouri
and Niobrara rivorsin the bottoms and
occasionally along the banks of the
Bnzilo and Verdigris , nnd in the deep
cst ravines that are found near the two
rivers A few lodges of limestone exist
in different parts ot the county , the
most extensive ones being found on the
Verdigris , southwest of Niobrarawhich
are now being worked with profit A
great many limestone and granite
boulders are found scattered on the
bluffs and some places on the level
prairie These are drifts brought hero
from the mountains and north of us
during the glacial period Geologists
have found Knox county an interesting
Held for research , the professor of
geology at Oberlln college having
traced from New Jersey to the mouth
of the Verdigris the shores of the driit
The manufacturing interests of Knox
county are becoming qutto extensive ,
uud the qxcollont advantages offered by
the numerous water powers on the Verdigris
digris and Bazllo creeks are being oc
cupied by cnsorprtslng capitalists The
most extensive milling privileges thus
far uro at Ba/lto Mills , where two largo
mills nro in process , Other grist
mills ara to bo found at Creighton ,
Verdigris Bridge , Walnut Grove and
other points Throe creameries in
different parts of the county do a good
buslnoss An extensive pork packing
establishment , capacity of 100 hogs per
day ; a browrery , capacity 1,000 gallons
per day , and a canning establishment
are locuted at Niobrura
While Knox county has been con
sidered somewhat north of the center
of the great corn-growing belt that runs
from cast to west across our republic ,
time has demonstrated thut wo are by
no means out of it Froqueutly forty to
fifty bushels of corn uro ralsod per aero
the same year that the wild prairie is
broken On old ploughing sovonty-flvo
to one hundred bushels are often grown
Oats , wheat , barley , rye and flax grow
ns well und yield as beautifully as in
any place that can bo found throughout
the country But the unusual and
wonderful productions of this locality
nro to he found among the vegetables
and roots The deep rich porous soil
scums to have bcon made on purpose tot
the production of roots , und the enso
with which they are grown as well as
the enormous ei/.o they attain , aud their
puporior quality constitute the wonder
nnd delight of ull new comers into these
Tame Brasses have been found to do
ns well hero as iu any place The
ubundanca and excellent quality of the
wild grnssos , however , render it impos
sible to even think of the tame grasses ,
much less to go to the trouble of raising
them The grasses found hero are ex
ceedingly nutriclous und onton with
much relish by all kinds of stock Stock
raising is exceedingly prolltablo
in this county at present The
abundant supply ot the best of epring
water , the great amount and exceliout
quality of the natural grasses , growing
mi they do in extensive ranges , together
with natural locations for barm , sheds
and all kinds of protection for stock
during winter weather , certainly com
bine to make this ono of the best tock
growing counties In the west
The six townships of land in the
southeast corner ol Knox county , om-
hraccd in ranges 2 and I ) , hnvo boon
• offered innds taken by nou-rosldonts.
This part of the county Is an excellent
body ol land In fact , it would bo al
most nnpossiblo to find so lnrgo a body
ot land so uniformly good in nny stntoot
the union However on account of the
fact that there has been so much gov
ernment land in other parts ot the
county tmtnkon , these Speculators
lands have not , until recently , become
ns valuable ns was anticipated by the
owners Tha state nnd school lauds nru
to bo had on both lonso and contract
They nro regarded as a most prolltablo
The climate in this portion of Ne
braska is far profprablo to that found in
the sumo latitude farther cast This is
mostly due to our periodic rainfall It
seldom rnlnM between October 1 nnd
March 1 following This gives us a
dry , pure air during the cold season ,
and the dump , chilly air of the Missis
sippi is unknown to us But during
the Bprlug and summer wo hro favored
with tin nbuidaneo ; of copious showers
Those who nro scoltlug homes or
lands for profitable investment are in
vited to look nt Knot county It has
all the conveniences and advantages ot
of an old sotllod country Our state is
travors ctl by railroads in all directions ,
nnd the Fremont , lUkhorn Jc Missouri
Valley railway passes through the center -
tor of the cduntry north and south , and
other lines are projected for ndxt sea
son.Tho Sioux reservation is now the
most interesting section of laud Nio
brara , with its bridge crossing the Nio
brara river at this potnt , makes ittho ,
only safe crossing to the now country
Any information desired will bo furnished -
nishod by the Niobrara Pioncor
tiii : uah bl : us
Both Factions Rold Meetings to Per
fect Thr-lr Orcnnlratlons
There was a scone in Louts Falst's barber
shop nt Fifteenth nnd Douglas streets yes
terday afternoon that resembled one of Jack
Huvcrl.v's old time minstrel first parts Era
mol and Faist were on the ends and Adam
Morroll m the middle
They were all barbers , and a finer looking
lot ot gcntlomen nro seldom scon These
are the men who nro Just now en
deavoring-to convince the courts that they
are professional men not laborers
The meeting was held for the purpose of
effecting n permanent organization and to
discuss what coutse they would pursue In
defending themselves against the chnrgo of
working on Sunday
Tbo llrst resolution that they should
all worlc and stick together
Ud Fltchoatnck , a Journeyman , wns
chosen president ; S. P. l inmol , secretary ;
P. H. Miller , vice president , A.Morrell ,
treasurer N
Next ! " shouted Fltchpatrlclr , as ho hit
the table with ahuir brush , "What's your
pleasure ) Have that huir trimmed up a
lit • •
' Hold on , boys , " clipped In another , "wo
want a committee of five to attend to the ex
ecutive work , lawyer , Jury.pollco court , etc ,
and Ill put that in the form of u motion "
Thcro was a second , nnd tbo chair named
the following gentlemen : Louis Faist , S.
P. Era moll , Adam Morrell , L Fnrdoti nnd
John Frank This committee was given
fu'l ' power to net in nny matter that would
tend to strengthen the cause of keeping open
on Sunday
The following was then adopted and all
present signed It :
"Wo , the undorsiRiied.borbors ot Omahn ,
who are perfectly satisfied with tbo hours
and pay wo are receiving nt present , nnd
believing thut to close up on Sunday would
do to our disadvantage , as well as incon
venience to ourselves and to the public ,
willingly nnd firmly say thnt wo brand the
effort of a few barbers to close our shuns on
Sunday as racddlesomo and uncalled for ,
knowing that 'to close on Sunday would
lower our wages and aad moro hours of
labor each week "
The Sunday Closers
The barbers who nro in fuvor of closing on
on Sunday , and who claim to be thoroughly
backed up by tbo law , mot yesterday nfter-
noon In Masons ' shop on North Sixteenth
street Reporters were not allowed to re
main In tbo meeting Tbo nt tendance was
about twonty-Iivo , mostly colored men On
January It these gcutlemcu will bo In
stituted by the Knights of Lubor as a
league nssombly , and expect to bo ITS
strong All the speakers wcio enthusiastic
to keep up tbe prosecution of violators , anu
are confident of success in the end , nlthougb
they may be compelled to go to the supreme
Arrests will bo made from dny to dny
until each barber who has worked ou Sun
day has been called before the court
Vosterdny' * Arrests
Somewhat flushed with their victory of
last week , these harbors who are fighting
the matter of working an Sunday put on
tholr war paint again yesterday and just before
fore noon they had Julius Howe ,
Jumcs Payne , Nick Baker , Armbruster , S.
P. Emmol and William Mngnor arrested for
Working on ttio Sabbath
It seems that the arrest was according to
nprearranged und fully matured course of
action , when tbo gentlemen named were
marched to police station they were tuken
up Into tbo court room ana there found
Judge Lierltu und bis cleric waiting to attend
to any business which they , tbe prisoners ,
might wish to transact
'lhero wnB no "soeno" whatever All tl.o
parties gave nominal bonus for thole nppear-
nnco today aud wont their way llko gentle
If you are aware of tha success nttondmg
the use of Dr Thomas Joffens * preventive
and euro for diphtheria ( during the last 'Si
years ) and permit your childrento die with
out giving it a trial , their blood Is on your
bend " Best of references given Mortality
under other treatments , 50 to 1U0 per cent
Under treatment of Dr Jcfforis' remedy less
than one in 1,100. * Address lock boxiT7 ( ,
Omaha , Neb , or sent by express ' Q. O , D.
Price KJ.00 ,
Viinnico'N Crooked Work
Mr Max Meyer was spotton to yesterday
regarding tbo crooked chock work ot C , C.
Vannlco an employe of Mav Meyer & Uro , ,
whoso trickery in Council Bluffs lust Satur
day was tcld in yesterdays BrK As stated ,
Vunnico secured ? -j on two worthless chocks
which he diow on the First National bank ot
Omaha , by putting forward with great em
phasis the fuut that bo was in tbo employ of
tbo firm
Mr Meyer heard of the swindler Saturday
night anU immediately gave nofico to the
public of tbo firms withdrawing from Vun
nice the authority to receive or receipt for
any firm money
Vannlco bns been a traveling salesman in
the piano department of the firm , Mr Meyer
Biild , for some three ycari-'uud during that
time has douo his work well , U6ccntlyhow.
ever , the man has been gambling and got In
Iho bole " It has been discovered thnt ho
collected 130 of the Arms money on this sldo
of the river , beside $23 from a woman of HIJ
fame on Ninth street
Tbo tlrm has discharged lilm'and will have
him arrested upon his coming within roach
again , bo having skipped to a distant state
A. Well Established Fuot
The fact has been abundantly proven
thut Chamberlains Cough Remedy is
the most prompt , most reliable und most
successful medicine yet discovered for
acute throat and lung diseases , such as
coughs , colds and croup
A Victim ofSpUo Work
W , Chatfteld of Lincolu , the
whose name was lonrectod with the dis
appearance of tbo girl Hope Woodward of
Seward , states that the coupling of his
name wja that of tbo girl is purely a piece
\SB& & I
Oootl Apnotlto i essentlnl to goot K
health : but at this season tha blood limy bo Im
pure , tliat tired fooling prodomhiaut , and th
nppotlto test Hoods SarsitparlUa Is a won
uldcrf medicine , forcioatlug nn appctlto , ton
ing the digestion , and giving xtrengtti to thu
nerves nnd health to the whole system
Bo auroto got Hoods Snrsapnrllln Bold
. by nil druggists , l'ropured only by O. I. Hood .V
Co , Apothecaries , ixiuell , Mass
of spite work on the part of a young man
living in Sowurd , nnd who Used to keep
company with her Ho savs this young man
was in business at Sownrd and owing his
( Chntftcld'sl ' firm , was closed out by luut
Mr Chattlold says further thnt ho norer
corresponded with the girl or oven spoke to
her , nnd would not know her If ho mot her
on the street
* "
" . , • ,
imnviTins -i
Kightcon lnembors of the police force
were reported off duty last night with
the grip
Thcro were only eight nrrosts mudo
yesterday between the hours or li a. m.
and 7 p. m.
Mr llnthncker l > iotists /
The following card nppcarod yesterday In Js * '
the Omaha Daily Democrat :
To the Editor of the Democrat ) The
World-Herald of Saturday ovouing , in course
of a comment on the Vaudervoort card ,
Bald :
Ono of these alleged episodes was the ono
which O. II liothuckcr published by Insinu
ation some two or three years ago When
Mr HoBownter met him on the street and de
manded satisfaction Itothackcr struck him
on the bead with n billy
During this controversy all the parties
have dragged into the row the episode of
that rainy morning in April H wns en
tirely unexpected upon my part , although , of
course , 1 Bhoiild not have ncted otherwise bad
ft regular programmu been mudo out fdld
not expect to see Mr Hosowater on that day ,
and the meeting was nn accident But ,
whether accident or otherwise , I.falltoseo
ivhj it should bo coustnqtly used to point a
moral or ndorn a tnlo
One thing I can sav , however , that the
swarm of persons who nutted mo upon the
back , nnd who were saccharine in the InsOlence
once of tholr Ilatterv during the time I made
the first uront fight against Hosewntcr which
hnd been made in the stnte , were the llrst to
desert mo in tbo hour of trial I would rather
take Hosowater than thut lot /L-
The story which bns bcon printed about , | H
Ilosjwntcr , I heard told It curried upon its % . / H
fnco such nn Idiocy of Improbability that no > i. _ H
one present believed It There were ether 4H I
details which might have been true which H
involved another person rather than Hosb B
water Thnt ether person was a member of H
Honowater's ' staff H
I do not boloug to anv newspaper , nnd I do H
not want to I am entirely a privnto citleeu , H
dividing my time between pneumonia nnd H
the open air I have nothing to do with this H
nnd do not want to bo Involved in it oven In- H
directly . m
Porsonnlly I think the story nbout Hose m
water is a lie O. II , ROTiMci > nn M
Slnrtnnrv B
The remains ot J. J. Sollon , Into manngbr B
of the Peoples theater , nro lying at Drexcl B
& Mauls Tbo funeral was to bavo been H
held yesterday afternoon and interment had fl
In Forest Lawn , near or beside the grave of H
Sam Gardner , an Old chum In sports and M
varieties Yesterday , however , a telegram B
was received from Nolsoa feellon , a brother 1
of the doceascd , diiecting that the bodv bo H
sent to No 13 Alabama avenue , Now York H |
city Accordingly , the remains will ba sent JH
cast today A very handsome floral offering < V
was rccolvod from the Eden Museo ft Is nil * l
easel of evergreen supporting a Crescent oU -J I
yellow Immortelles f tl M
Mr Sellon was ono ot the host known ' H
sporting men undwariety theater managers H
In the west About three years ago bo was M
associated with Henry Parrlsh iu running M
tbo Olympic theater on Twolf th street , near H
Dodge He nftorwards leased the Peoples | H
theater on Douglas rtroot , near Thirteenth , H
nnd was manager of the place at the tlmo 'of | H
his death B
Why dent you try Rod Cross Cough H
Drops , 5 cents per box H
* |
Goucrnl Dodge in the City M
General G. M. Dodge , president of the
Denver , Fort Worth & Texas road , arrived H
in Omaha yesterday and is at the Millard H
hotel The gonorat is accompanied by his H
dauclitor , a young Now York friend ot hers , H
and Morgan Jones They leave today for fl
Denver and oxpsct to visit other western I
points before returning homo The chief I
object of General Dodges visit hero at this H
particular tlmo is to perfect u reorganization H
of the Denver , Fort Worth & Texas staff , to M
make it in harmony with recently consummated - , - - - - W
mated arrangements , whereby that road became - W
came a part of the Union l'acllla system , M
Whllo W. II , Holcomb bas nlroady been L 9
made vice president ana C S , Mollen general - * " H
oral trnflle manager , such positions ns general - I
oral manager , general suuerlntcndatit and I
general freight agout are still in statu quo
Absolutely Pure I
Thlspourtornovervarlea A marvel ot purity I
strength and wholosomeneBS , Moro economt m
cal than the ordinary Kinds , und isnnot Do sold
In competition with tbo multitude , of low toil M
short weight alum orpbosphatspouder * SoM
wifl BtN C < , ' VnoxAU "AKINU I'owumi C0..1W
% r , J