I * . The Omaha Daily Bee I \ NINETEENTH YEAE OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY 0 , 1800. NUMBER 11)9 ) I ' . WORKING FOR FREE JUTE , 1 Cotton BagBlng People After Ohoapor Baw MatorlaL A CASE THAT WILL BE FAMOUS Eir Julian Puunccfoto Takes Un the ! jr- J Uior Outnitto llio Worlds f I 'nlr Ootntiilttoc Cnniplt- iiicutH For lho lice Washington UuncAU Tup Omaha lien , I 013 FoUllTEBNnt SrilEIIT > Wasiiinoton O. C , Jan B. | An effort will bo made to Induce the housq committee on ways and moans to place Jute on the frco Hat It la understood that the cotton bagging trust Is behind tha movement Cotton bag glngcan boraado of domostle flax exclusively , but the manufacturers contend that it Is l necessary to have un ndinlxturo of ) ute , which comcn from tha South Sou Islands , in ) order to manufacture It successfully They BMto nlso contend that tha frco admlsslom bf Jute BBlN | w Hi give such an impetus to thu manufacture T ot cotton bagging , hemp goods of ull descrip- m tlons and rough floor matting that the ( lax H Industries of the United Suites will bo glvon | a great boom It will bo remembered only a B couple of years ago that the cotton bagging H trust bulled the inarKot to such a high price H thnt the cotton producers in thoM M f' south , notably In the Caroltnus , H / adopted resolutions denouncing the fl trust nnd declaring they would manu BV facturo an artlclo which would bale cotton , BJ and that they would never buy a pound of BJ cotton bagging manufactured from flax , H The manufacturers of cotton bagging Justl- H fled their action In bulling the market by M saying there was an over prodnction which m together with the duty paid upon jute ro- ' Uuccd the urico below the paying point M Tim JOINER CASE f M " Sir Julian Pauncefoto , the British minis | H tcr , said today that ho hoped to have all the F H ovidunco in the case of the He v. Thomas j H Joiner nnd wito ngalnst the stute of North U Carolina to lay before the state itcpditment H tomorrow Sir Jul inn bellcvos that the I H federal gnvcrnineiit will compel the Btnto of B _ | North Carolina to mnko proper restitution V m nnd to pav damagCB to Mr and Mrs Jolnor t H on account of thu violcnco imposed on them H nud the destruction nf their property ' 1 tits H case involves ono of the most diabollcnl B political Outrages known in the history of B American politics Mr ana Mrs Joiner | H went to North Carolina from Xmgluuu in H ltOO and have never been naturalized , so that t M they uro .Euglisn subjects While Mr ' B Jolnor preached among the negroes 'Wm ' Mrs Joiner was a teacher in _ _ B ! * ' \ a colorc < l school 'Iho tiro-eating bourbons H r J of thu section in which tucso English people ' K Jr wore located bocaino greatly inceuscd at Bx / their action , declaring that the Englishman and his wife were attempting by education y y. . . and example to muko the negroes think that m they were as good aa the white pcoplo B Jolnor and his wife were frequently warned H to leave the country , but they felt that thov H were simply doing their duty to a benighted 1 race , und they romaiuod steadfast till mid | B _ | night on Friday , December 20 last , when a B band of disguised whitu men entered tbolr Sm homo and shot , boat and burned them till fl they thought that the Joiners were dead Mr and Mrs Joiner were found by friends Am and cared for till they were ublo to como to Washington , where they now are , living Aa' under the protection of u colored minister AM Tbov are in destttuto circumstances , and are AS nfraid to rotuin to their homo AS This is probalily tbc first time in the history AS of southern political outrages when the fed Aa oral government saw its way clo.ir to take a AV firm stand in opposition to this kind of dia- _ bollsm It is-now a case in wblcn the Brlt- A-j tsh government is prosecutor nnd the Btnte of Am South Carolina defendant Of course the _ _ federal government is brought into the H affair'by virtue of the fact that North Care 1 Una Is a part of the federal union Prest- * H dent Harrison's admlnlstiution will give _ _ _ . every facility to Mr and Mrs Joiner und the I BCf government which stands to behind them In HHR prosecuting the red hnnded mutdorors who " T V nttumptou to destroy their lives und to drive I H them away from tbolr homes Tbo case H promises to bo a very Interesting one It is H refreshing to sco the British government K prosecuting a portion of the federal union 1 with which It has constantly been in sym H puthy and which it aided in many DAM ways during the Into war a great deal of iritorcst is being taken m this affair nnd a 1 publio subscription is proposed for the as- B sistailceof Mr and Mrs Joiner for the pur- W M pose of maintaining them during the hearing DAM of their case For the present the depart H monts of Justlco and state will hear the case M and after the allegations are proven the < _ British govornmoat will make a demand H upon the federal government , for reparation i M "iho latter will demand of the state of North | IAj Carolina payment for damages done and ) prosecution of thq criminals ilH Tnc woni.u's pa in committer H Speaker Itecd is oxpectcd to announce the committee on the worlds fair within a few A ] days Friends of Iieprcsentatlvo Buchanan of New Jersey will ask that that gentleman bo mudo chnfrman of this comnntteo Mr _ lluciiannii is ono of the ablest republicans In k _ _ _ . the house nnd is serving his third term Ho AlP is the senior member of the Now Jersey dolc- _ / gallon in the Fiftieth congress Ho was a _ i\ member of the committee on ways and j H means , but is now on the judiciary com Am initteo If ho is mudo chairman of the com H tnittce on the centonninl rolobrution ho will H have thu only chairmanship held bv Now _ JcrseV , whlcii is a doubtful state und en- H titled to a chairmanship Mr Huchamui is V H u splendid laivyor , un ublo dobatcr und H on nctlvo worker Ho Is a mnn H of the highest chat actor and generally H popular Now Jersey is not a candidate for H tha location of the worlds fair and is taking H no purt la behalf of any city so that there Hr * would bo no alliance or entanglement to _ projudlca the chairman of the committee I who > vill have this subject la charge There M is every reason to bulievo that Mr Uu- _ chanan will bo selected and his designation H as chairman will give universal satisfaction H Tim new risAii's iiee H Much complimentary comment has been _ made bv publio men upon Tun Debs New Years ' Issue and the handsome colored lltlio- H graphs of Tiik liiti ! Uuilding Today's Post H hub this to say on the subject : Tub Omaha H Uek'b annual review Issued on New Years 1 day is a beauty and , u wonder Four of Its I H great pages uro devoted to illustrations of m j the cliy and Its iino business houses , H _ f churches und publiu buildings , proniluont H amen wblchisthosplcadldstrurturoorected H by Mr Itosawutor , tiia owner of Tub Ukb , H ns u niouumout to his success lu the news H paper business H UL'STI.INO rCTTlOHBW , H Senator Puitlgraw of South Dakota has AjJ iccu Bpuuding the holidays in Now York , where ho comblued business with pleasure _ Ho interested a Itrgo number of o.istcrn capitalists In manufacturing und real estate H nt Sioux Falls There is no man in the sen- m nto more thorough going in politics or bus ! H ncss than Mr 1'ettlgrow. Hohasdonamoro H lor South Dakota than any other citlzeu , and H in derating him to tbo souata the people of H that state have been aided in a ilimneial way , H Within a year bu has taken several milllous H of dollars from Now England and Now J York to South Dakota , und he promises to m take sevorat moro there during tbo year M IbUO H AN lUMIdlUTION KVII . H A great deal of interest is baing taken In H the subject of immigration by legislators H . S from every section of the country Phocoim / mlttoo appointed by the last congress to Fj v make an investigation of the Ruoject rei > orts V y that the prcsont luws were loosely con H structed and loosely enforced ; that proper H legislation is imperatively necessary for the H good of the government and tbo people at H Urge At prpsent a bead tax of 50 coals for _ . each immigrant who arrives in the United Mates U levied This collection Is raado for the purpose of caring for the Improper per sons arriving In the united States who must return to tbclr homes The pnymont of this pittnnco seems to act as a license for steam ship owners and immigrant ngonls , whereby they may soud ovcry possible character to bo found into this country It is proposed to abolish this head tnx nnd to place the responsibility of classifying emigrants upon steamship companies The Bteamship corporations will bo required to oxorclsn n stipulated scrutiny In ncccptlng emigrants to this country , and when their greed for revenue grows In such a way that their judgment and conscience are wurpod they wilt from thnlr own coffers have to stand the expense of roturnlng the emigrants to their homes and the making of such reparation ns may bo deemed nccessnry ibo head tax now levied Is simply it license for every con cclvublo wrong in passing upon emigrants to tbo United States ll.MLWAi MAIt , OIlllRllS The suuarintcnocnt of the rnllwav mall service has issued the following order o - tulihshlng a through registered mail pouch system : Thu postmaster at Council lllDffi will dispatch the through registered pouch mudo up at his oftico for St Louis at 4:45 p. in via the St Louis nnd Council Hlults railroad postofheo The postmaster nt Omnhn will dispatch the afternoon through registered pouch mudo up ut his ofllcu for St Louis in the custody of tha transfer clerk to connect the St Louts and Council Utuffs railroad postofllcu leaving Council lllufts at 1:1' ' ) p. m. ; also tlw following order for an Inner registered sack cxchangoi Commenc ing on thoOth Inst Inner registered sack exchange - change will be substituted for the present through registered pouch between Dcnvor mid Omaha , the sacks to leave Omaha at 0:40 : p. m. via the 1'acllic Junction nnl Mo- Cook railroad postoillco nnd Denver at 8:30 : n. m. via the McCoolc and Denver railroad postofllco miscellaneous Congressmen complain that their flood of correspondence Is taking up their salaries for postage nud stationery Some members of the house pay out $4 or $5 n doy for postage - ago stamps , and they request their corre spondents to enclose post.tgo tor answers It might bo well to udd that pcou'o writing to other friends hero for information of special intorcst to themselves should also in- close postage for the answer Congressmen Ov\cns of Ohio utters the prevalent opinion among Huckoycs in Wash ington when ho says that Cnlvin S. Urico will bo elected to the seuato to succeed Mr Payne Urico's wealth Is undoubtedly doing him a great Injury in bis ca wnss among pri vate cltl7ons who do not make politics n pro fession , but it appears to give him a largo advantage among the politicians in Washing ton as well as at homo Ex-Commissioner of Pensions Tanner is said to bo greatly disgusted with the syco phants in politics While ho was commis sioner ho wa3 doted upon and llattorcd , but now that ho is In privatollfo they know him not and ho feels lonely It is said that Gen eral Alger staked Corporal Tunnor that ho might establish himself In the practice of law ' The corporal Is receiving a largo practice tico and is meeting with great success It is announced that Mrs Harrison will hereafter rccoivo with the president on all stuto occasions Sno will take bor plnco by the presidents sldo nt the levees this wiutor nnd prrsido at the state dinners given at the executive mansion The cabinet dinner will take place next Thursday Carlisle complains that ho is bsm ? worked almost to death While ho was speaker , he , stranco to say , was able to secure enough tlmo to recuperate his waning health Now that ho Is tbo recognized leader of thu demo cratic sldo the burden of the season seems to fall upon him Senator Ingalls , who is the most versatile man us wo 11 us one of the brightest in the upper branch of congress , is said to make as much money out of bis literary productions as ho receives lu the way of salary from tno government There huvo bocn no charges preferred against General McClorlaud , the Illinois member of the Utah commission , but it is believed here that ho will soon bo super ceded bv a southern democrat There has been considerable verbal complaint made about General McClorland's idiosyncrasies and individuallsms , but they have not been placed upon paper in the form of charges , lu ofllcial circles it is intimated , however , that be will bo asked to stand aside PEnuv S. Heatii COLO It KD O. A. 11. POiT N'ocro Veterans Permitted to Or ; * - Izc in Louisiana mid Mississippi New Oiu-eass , La , Jan 5 Captain Jacob Gray , department comnundor of tbo Gland Army of the Republic for the states of Louisiana and Mississippi , hai granted the colored ox-soldiers in bis department per mission to organize posts of tno Grand Army of the Republic Colonel James Lewis in terviewed said : "Tou years ago the colored troops who fought on the federal sldo during the war concluded they ought to bo repre sented in the association of the Grand Army of the Republic To this end a petition was drawn up after the usual form and forwarded to the commander-in-chief , who m turn ro fcrred It to the grand encampment for con sideration and action Previous to this , however , tha petition In question had been submitted to several department com manders hero , each of whom rejected it on some frivolous ground , ono of them being expediency ' " Expediency , " according to tbo definition of Colonel Lowls , meant color and nothing else Ho added that after sovernl petitions , which were worked against bv tbo whlto posts , were rejected the mattorwns dropped , According to Lewis assertions Cauluia Grays action in making nimsolf prominent In connccfion with the funeral of Jefferson Davis has drawn upon him much censure from bis comrades Naturally ho wearied of this , " says Lowls and , ns I understand it , by wav of retaliation us much as in justice tico to the colored ox-soldiers , and taking ndvantago of the authority vested In him as department commander , ho has granted our pcoplo the richt to ortranizo a post , which w6 have done In the states of Louisiana und Mississippi there are about thirty thousand colored soldiers , all of whom will becoino memburs of tbo posts us soon as possible " a ma mBAii Lioosn MellioJa or the Commissioners of u II insas ) County Kansas City , Mo , Jan 5. | Spoclol Telegram to Tub Heb.1 The recent agita tion of the methods of the board of commis sioners of Wyandotte county , Kansas , in disposing of road improvement bonds and certlflcatos has brought to light a robbery of considerable magnitude , which occurred some olghtoen months ago About that tlmo * .VXO0O ) worth of Wyandotte county road improvement scrip was stolen from the olllco of M. II Aboil , a broker doing busi ness at COO Wyandotte street , this city Ho kept his loss to himself und Induced the board of oommisslonors to issue to him du plicates Last Saturday ono of tboso dupli cates was presented to County Treasurer Stewart for payment That oDlcml consulted his attorney , and uctliig upon the lattor's advice , refused to hand over the money It now develops that the duplicates were issued without authority of court , and there is it probability that the total issue will bo ropudiutod Some good lawyers claim that the Buchanan law , under which fully $0iX > , - 000 worth of road certificates have been is sued , Is unconstitutional , und it they uro correct it is possible that the entire issue will bo luvulUuted A Jlrlilsli Gale LoNiKttf , Jon S A gale has been raging all oyer Great Britain today , M ich damage has been done throughout the country and many wrecks are rouorted The Protestant church ut Hlrr , Ireland , was struck by llghtnlug and badly damaged Austruliun Flou Is Loniiom , Jan 5. Floods are reported in the northwest portion of Queensland A part of the to .vn of Normanton is submerged , The water la many place * Is twenty feet deep , Tbo Hoods cover an area of 304 miles " THE FIRSF IN THIRTY YEARS , Domoomts Gathorine to See Boloa' , Inauguration THE SPEAKERSHIP PROBLEM Kvcrythlni ; Poinls In ltepuMlcun Control ol the llouso itoVonuo From Innurnnvn Companies A Tnta ! Wreck Oni" Week From Toilwjr Des Moines , la , Jan 5. [ Special to Tim 1Jee.J Ono week from tomorrow the Twenty-third general nssemblv of Iowa will convene It will flud the largest crowd awaiting the event that has assembled on a similar occasion for mnnv years The legis lators need not flatter themsolvcs that the crowd Is coming to too them , for Jt is not They uro a very common uttrnctlon , Hut democratic governors nro not , nnd the crowd that Is coming is to witness the very unusual sight of the inauguration of n democratic governor , It has been moro than thirty yours slnco such a thing lust happened , and It Is not surprising that the democrats take soma interest In It The presence of this largo crowd of democrats who have cdmo to sua a governor inaugurated will do moro than anything else to make a protracted deadlock over the orcnulntion of the house Impossible Tno governor cant bo inau gurated uutll the house is organized Moan tlmo the expectant democrats will bo hereon on expense , waiting for their part of the show to begin , nnd they will not wuit with very much patience If there is much delay In electing a speaker they will bring such n pressure to bear upon tbo democratic mem bers that they will quit fooling and go to work mighty quick That would soon end a deadlock If there were ono liut it is becoming moro apparent that there will bo nouo Iho ropublleaus have fifty members ; the democrats have but forty-fivo , and the other live nro Indcpondont The republicans need but ono of these independents to enable , them to elect the speaker The democrats must have tbcm all , and get ono republican busides They cant ' do it , and the/will bo very glad to accept whatever fair terms are offered them The Independents were not elected on too speakership issue , und some of them have always bocn republicans It is quito natural , therefore , that they should vote with the republicans in the organization tion of the house That will prevent any deadlock , und open the bnll In good shape ArritoriUATioxs There is some tilk already being heard as to what the legislature will do In the matter of appropriations For the first time in sev eral years tbo state is out of debt Its in- debtcdiicts was caused by making appro priations in QXC0S3 of the iocrensu of the state Thov were nil needed ut the tlmo they were made , so it cannot bo said that the money was stient extravagantly or fool ishly Hut the annual revenues of the stuto were not as largo us the appropriations benco a floatiug indebtedness carried in out standing warrants for a few years The coming legislature doesn't want to get the stuto in debt again , but it may appropriate considerable money to meet the proper de mands of state interests at this time It is probable that the state levy will be retained ut two and one-bull mills , tbo same as it has boon for several years It used to bo two mills , but when the building ot the capitol began an extra half mill was added und this has been kept up ever slnco There is some tulle of dropping the half mill now that the capitol is finished Hut us the ether needs of the state have grown meantime it Is hardly probable that this will bo done It takes mora money to run a concern that is doing $100,000 worth of business a year than ono tbut is doing but $10,030. So it takes more money to run the Iowa of lb'JO tnan the Iowa of 1ST0. There are more people in the state , and their wants require moro than in the years wbon the old two mill levy was sullloiout So it is quito likolv that the presenti \ mill levy will bo continued If It Is , thn increase of tha state will bo sulUcient to provide for the va rious publio institutions fairly well If it is , not , some of tnem will have to suffer The reports of the boards of trustees of the vari ous institutions contain estimates of tbo ap propriations which they thluk they ought to have for their work The state univorVty wants about $ .250,000 for new buildings nnd imurovemonts , The Mt Pleasant hospital wants to have its chapel enlarged so that twice as many patiouts can enjoy the exor cises , both religious and amusemcut.thature provldod The Clarinda hospital Is full , and it will either need to be cnlurged or else money will bo asked for a now hospital to bo located somewhere iu the northwestern part of the state Marshalltown wants a hospital to go with its soldiers homo Algonu wants the state to locate a normal school there , or rather take the private ono that is now there nnd make u state institution of it , Lu Mars will make a request for a normal school also The proieut normal school nt Cedar Falls is in a sbabuy condition and needs an overhaul ing Then the capitol grounds nro waiting improvement and present a rauto but very impresslvo argument for uttcntion Thu capitol Itself has been finished for two or tlirea years , but there has never been an ap propriation for grading and improving the grounds Thov uru just as naluio lelt thorn , and nature badly needs the us3istanco of urt in this instance It is estimated that flM.OW would put the grounds in good shupo , uud'do some needed frescoing in the capitol thnt has never been done So thorn will bo need of liberal uppronrlntions if the state care3 for its Institutions properly , nud without oxtruva- gunco If the two and a half mill levy is continued tinuod , this can bo done without embarrass ing the stuto with any moro indebtedness 1NSU11ANCK ltEVBStUE Few people reallzo how largo u revenue is given to the state by the insurunco com panies , All that do business in Iowa have to pay fees and taxes , and as this is a great state for insurance the income is pretty large It scorns to bo increasing every year The receipts during the lastyoar were larger by $11,000 than during the year preceding During 18S3 the fees iocelvod were $23,438.T5 , and during 1839 they were $2rU5tf.50. Dur ing l&tf the taxes collected from lusuranpo companies were $ J3,0J3 and during 1S89 they wore $78,440.13 , so that tbo total revenue from fees and taxes during tbo last biennial period was $109 , 'JJ1.U , Those figures show the magnitude of the business of tbo iusur- ance department The fees of this depart ment exceed all the fees received by all otner state officials , and the insurance col lections will very nearly pav all tha ex penses of tbo Btnto government lu the way of salaries aid clerk hire FAVOII l'HEB TEXT HOOKS The State Teachers association , at its recent session in this city , went on record In favor of free text books , us recommended by Statu Superlutondont Sabin , The school book quastlou will bo one of the principal subjects bafore the coming legislature An attempt is being made by some to have the state adopt uniform text books for the whole state The general soutlmeut , however , seems to favor district Uniformity or county uniformity There is a strong demand for soma legislation against the school book monopoly aud high prices , and some relief is confidently oxpectcd JJOTJJS Governor Lnrrabeo is going to write a book on railroads , wbeu ho gets out of office Ho has been collecting tbo material during tbo last two yours and thinks ho can furnish some interesting reading Ho could give it spice by including some of tbo lively corre spondence that has passed between him and railway officers in the past two or tbreo years , There Is some talk that Senator Alli son mav write a book , when ha gets around to It He has been iu publio lifo for nearly thirty years and could write some interest ing reminiscences The state prohibition convention , which moots hero nest Thursday , Is expected to mnko Homo howl Tho.oxtromo and most radical prohibitionists of the state will bo here nnd they will lay down the law to the legislators in a , very threatening manner Governor-oloct Uolos is oxpeutod ono week from tomorrow Howlllllvo ntthoSnvorv during the session of the legislature On Tuesday night , January 14 , a rocoptloirwlll bo given to him by Governor nnd Mrs Lur- rabco - The nttomlanco Will bo governed by invitations Hut all of the members ot the leglslnturo and state onlcors and many prom inent citizens of Dcs Moines and other cities will bo invited As the time for thd ro-clcctlon of Sonntor Allison approaches loading democratic rail wny nltomoys coma ; dropping In to take n hand against him Judge jCook of the Northwestern has boon hero lately , John V\ Duncomba of tbo Illinois Ccntrul is oxpectcd in n day or two and hovoral other corpor ation men who nro prominent democrats will soon bo here to work nuninst htm Hut they cant defeat Allison Ho Is too strong nn antl-raouopollst forthom A Kntnl Collision Des Moincs , la , Jan 8. [ Special Tolo- grnm to Tilt ! Hbp.1 A sorlom rjar end collision cccui red on tbo Rock Island road near Mnlcom about 11 o'clock Inst night Two eastbound freights collided through the Inability n tUcionglnecr on the second train to seotlKftsignal llgbts on account of the fog A number at stockmen were In tbo cabooio of the forward train nnd were so badly Injured that Surgeon Hauawalt of tlfis city was summonol t Ho wont to the scene of the wreck Inst night and brought back two of the wounded today for oparntiou hero Two of the passengers , William and Elmer Movers of Gloyi'r , Pocahontas county , were so badly injured that they died today Another mnn named Rhoades of Dallas Cantto , was paralyznd.nnd will probably uot live Some six others were more or less In- jurod Several curs were completely wrecked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Itotlrltifr I'lislmnstcr Ilnnqucttoil Mtssouiu Vau.kv , la , Jan C [ Special to Tub Hbe.1 Friday night the rallwuy mall dorks running into Missouri Valley , nnd u number of his most intimate friends , ten dered Mr T. O. Curllslo , the retiring post master , a banquet at thu Hotel White Mr Curllslo wa * urosentcd with a valuable gold headed walking stick Ho will bo succeeded by Captain J. D. Brown , Very Low Wnter Davbntout , Jan G. At noon today the Mississippi river reached the lowest point over known , twclvo inches below low water mark of 1604. Ihcro uro serious fears tbut the public water supply will give out , - MADE CKAZV ItV KKLIGION Kansas Pioplc Goli m Mail at n Re vival nnd Itcoiunlng Violnnt LnAVENvtoiiTit/K-n. , Jan 5. The vicinity of High Prahlo , tori utiles from this city , has boon tbo Bcono of a religious revival tnat has grcutly excited the people of that community In some instances persons have gone crazy with enthusiasm Word was re ceived yesterday of two cases of Insanity , nnd the insauu persons caino near losing their lives During tab revival a brother und sister , Fran I : und Minnie Bland , became so enthused and oxcltiid ever rclision tbat they lost their roasob They were living alone , and no ono .ndticed their condition Thursday eveningTi couple of persons pass ing Hlind'a ' house noticed saioko Issuing , from it On coining Aintranco they found a well kindled tire on one of the floors , with ( the brother In an aliftost nude condition , sincing roiigious sougi'fUud dancing around it seemingly getting re ady for cremation The life was finally put out and tbo brother and sister ovcrpoworcd When questioned about the uro Minute replied that the Lord hud made the fire uud they would not put It out Late yesterday afternoon they were placed In Jail , where they will remain until a method of treatment for tbeir case has been decided upon FKNOH-OANrt.UlANS MAD Opposed to the Utterances of tha Us- cool Otthrilto Conuross Fall Ilivitu , Mass , Jan 5. ( SpecialTelo- grain to The QEKl--Thls nfternoon the League des Patrlotes , a flourishing French Canadian organization , had u mooting , the principal object of which was to express tbeir opposition to the attitude of the Catho lic congress recently hold in Baltimore , which said that national societies , as such , have no place la the Catholic church " The Canadians feel that this declaration was especially directed ' at them and-tbclr so cieties , which foster a d liferent Ian guairo and dlfferdntt race peculiarity X'bey consldored the declaration a forerun ner of the decided s.tund the church authori ties may tuko in the future ngalnst Frauch- Canadian congregations , who always desire clergymen ot their Own nationality The meeting was addressed by Hon II.A. . Du buque , representative in the state legisla ture , uud others , all of whom expressed strong opposition to the declaration of the congress The addresses were enthusiasti cally received • • Breaking U | > tlio Olookailo Saciiamento , Cal , Jan , 5. Ono of the greatest snow blockades over known iu the Sierra Nevada mountains has been ralsod by the railroad companies forces und a rotury snow plow , The plow loft Blue can yon last evening und proceeded towurd .Colfax , Cal , from Emigrant Gap The west bound overland trains were able to follow behind the plow From Ibo latter point the plow will return and cjeartho track to Cas cade , which will free the snowbound train at Summit Nothing will stand in the way of the four east bound truins now hold at Colfuv m Futo of nn Agoi 'l liormit Wilminoton , Del , , Jan 5. The body of Levin Meredith , an aged hermit , was found yesterday in a inisor&blo hovel on a lonely country road several miles from this city Ho had been buruod to death , evidently , dur ing astrokoof paralysis Near the body was found un old clay pipe filled with ashes It is supposed that while the liormit was smoking ho was sold with paralysis and the Uro frou ) tbo pineagnltod his clothing Children were his delight , aud frequently his hovel was filled with young oues , to wnom ho told ir.arvoldus ' stonoi ot his early life , when he said ho wus a seaman + W The Weathjor Forecast For Omaha und Vicinity : Clearing weather , Nebraskn : Light local snows , northerly winds , becoming variable ; slight rise in temperature Iowa : Snow , except fair in extreme northwest portion , nqrtbprly winds , colder except in extreme western portion , station ary temporuturo , South Dakota ! Light local snows , ' a light rlso in temperature , varlabla winds Fought l7lro Willi Snow Pojvn.iM ) , Ore , Jan , 5 Wardnor , one of the principal mining twos lu the Coaur d'Aleno district of Idaho , was visited by a disastrous fire business yesterday , Twenty-flvo ness houses and rosidoacos were destroyed , entailing a loss ot$100,0J0 , A reservoir in the mountains , wrlch was the only water supply , was empty , aud the men bad to figh t the Uro with snow ' m Carried Out Into llio Snow Tacoua , Wash , Jan 5. Firp broke out In the Fannie Paddock hospital this afternoon The building was crowded with patients Tbey were carrioj out into "tiio snow and saved It Is thought the sudden change and excitement will bo fatal to u number , The fire was extinguished ton by tiio Norwegian Amstemhm , Jan 5. In tbo skating match today , Norslng , the Norwegian , won thn five mile race lu 10 minutes und 49 3 S seconds CONGRESS CONVENES TODAY A Forooa9t of the Work of the Coming Wo ok WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Silk and Sn rir1 lldti'csnntntlvos Hav ing a lluai lug Senator Fryo's Hill to Hulld Up n Mer- utinnt Marine , Making Laws Again Wasiiisotov , Jan fl Congress reassem bles tomorrow The list of absentees will be unusually largo on account of the number of members of both houses suffering from ln- 1IU0II7U. In the senate the most importnnt work ot the week , so far ns can bo Judged now , will bo done in committee on Woduosduy Ac cording to agreement before the holiday re cess , Hlscock's committee on tbo celebration of the quadro ccntounlal dlsMvcry of Amcr- icu will begin bearing the state ments of the committees represent ing the cities which are endouvor- Ing to secure the proposed worlds fair Then there remains numerous executive nominations to bo considered Prominent among them Is that of Thomas J. Morgan to bo commissioner of Indian utTairs , Just before fore adjournment Mr Teller stutod * hat ho would , upon the reconvening of con/ress , call up tor action his resolution to provide for the consideration of nil oxecutlvo nomina tions in open session Several important measures will bo introduced and Morgan's Brazil resolution will coma up again The house begins its sessions tomorrow with but two bills In position to be considered - orod , the District of Columbia appropriation bill und thu McKinley administrative cus toms bill As McComas , who has charge of the appropriation bill , is sick nothiug will bo douo with that until ho is able to bo in his seat ; nnd ns McKiiiloy will bo busily cngugol during the week At the meotiug of tno committee on ways and means any discussion of the custom bill Is likely to be desultory uud merely to kill tlmo The committee on ways nnd monns has scheduled hearings for this wcok as follows : Moudas , silk and sugar ; Tuesday , tobacco uud llquois ; Wednesday , provisions und furin products ; 'ihursday , wood und paper ; Frlduy , sundries , it is expected a tan IT bill will bo reported to tbo house nbout the 1st of February A Journal clerk has boon engaged during thoiecjss in nrranglng acodoof rules for the house , and a drift will bo submitted to the committee on rules some time this week A report is oxpectcd this week fmm the Sllcott coramitteo upon the tacts und law of the case TO E.\COURAOl3 bHIPPlNG Synopsis of the Bill to Be Introduced lotlii ) by Krye Washington , Jan 5. Senator Fryo will introduce tomorrow his bill "IVi promote the postal and commercial interests of the United States , " referring to carrying mails in Amer ican built steamships , the main provi sions of which have been made public Ha Will also introduce a bill for the encouiagomont of commerce , protection to navigation and improvement of the merchant murino In foreign trade " It provides tbut ull vcssols , sail or steam , en gaged in the foreign carrying trade shall receive - coivo a bounty ot one-third of I mill per ton of the gross recrtstcr measurement for each mile navlgutcd The owners of vessels al ready built shall rccoivo n bounty only so long us they snull stand inspection and hold charter according to cer tain specltled grade Provisions of similar nature are glvon for vciscls to bo built hero after It further provides for provisions for swift and safe sailing , both for sail und steamships ; also that vessels rccolving said bounty shall without ennrge carry all mail matter not exceeding ono hundred pounds , required by the postmnstergeneral , provided such requirement shall not extend to any regular established route Further these vessels shall carry apprentices , train them , otc , and us nn additional inducement such vessels shall bo relieved from all tonnage duties It nlso contains a provision direct ing the postmaster gonerul to make con tracts for carrying the mails on estab lished routes in American ships ; prescribing the manner of their con struction , etc It ulso provides that to the president shall bo given authority to re quire that any ot these steamers Bhull bo built according to plans and specifications roqulrod to make thorn suitable for naval service aud that these vessels shall bo enrolled ns naval auxili aries It provides further • that the government shull give preference to Ameri can vessels in carrying mails , treasure , , troops , naval and military stores , coal , otc , and that goods , wares and morchnndiso im ported in such vcs3ols Bhull have two years extent lu bonded warehouse at owners dption , Further it shall bo lawful for citizens of the United States encaged in foreign trade nnd residing abroad to own vessels built in the United States und to have them registered as ves sels of the United States A Dcadwnod Court Decision Deadwood , S. D. . Jaa , a [ Special Telegram - gram to The Hee ] Judge Nowlln of Rapid City yesterday rendered his decision in the case of Drlscoll vs Jones for clerk of the circuit court The decision is in favor of Jones , the holdover from the district court Judge Nawllndismissod the alternative writ of mandamus uud holds that as u matter of constitutional construction no vucancy ex isted In the otllco of clerk of the circuit court , and as u necessary consequence tlio appointment of Drlscoll was void Tbo opin ion is a surpiiso , as it was generally thought that If the writ of mandamus was denied it would bo becuuso that was not the proper remedy , " The court has not discussed the otber-quoBtlons Involved The case will bo appealed to the supreme court JSxjinlning Prison Systems Ciiicaoo , Jan , 5 ( Special Telegram to Tub Unci Tbo special Joint committee ap pointed by the legislature last May to ex amine into the prison systems of tbo country and to suggest any neodnd change in the system lu Illinois , will start on its travels tomorrow The committee expects to bo away about a month and will examine pris ons in Indiana , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Alary land , New Jersey , New Yorlt and at several paints in Now England The members ot the committee are already decided that some monns must bofound , to do awav with the enforced'Idleness that will soon como upon the Illinois prisoners in consequence of the adoption of the law doing away with the contracting of prison labor * Embezzled Her Own Child's ' Money Lafayette , Ind , Jan C Deputy Sheriff Graves arrived homo from Golden City , Mo , lastuvoning , bringing John W. Emerson and wife , who are ouurgod with embezzlement Mrs Emerson was appointed guardian ot bor child ty a former husband and under orderf of the court deposited Jb00 belonging to tbo child in the savings bank She then procured bondsmen and drawing the tSUO from the bank fled with bcr husband to Mis souri Tno boudsmea uro prosecuting the case ngainBt her Slcmnslilp Arrivals At Glasgow The Siberian , from Uoston At Rotterdam The Obdaai , from New York At New York The Celtic , from Liverpool At London ' 1 ho Servia , from New York At Qupcnstown The Lord Cough , from Philadelphia _ Bought Hy llio Kiiull-h Bynilioate Milwaukee , Jan 5. The Angus Smith system of elevators , "A , " ' 'H1' ' and 'C , " were yesterday sold to the English syndi cate The price paid was not glvon \ t is understood to bn moro than $1,000,000. Their Holing capacity l 2OvX,000 ) bushels The syndicate Is the same ono that bought the browcrlcs In Cincinnati , O , nud S.vracuso , N. Y. , n snort tlmo ngo I " , JUPAGK'8 oi auAunj Reports or the Horrible Trcn qnt of ItiRiino Women Cotillrmrv > CntCAuo , Jnn , S. The reports ot tholior- nbla trcntmout of Insane women in the Du- p.uo county alms house nro dcolarcd In nil ofllcial statomcut to the governor tonight to be well founded The stntcmuut Is signed by Dr T. H. Wines and llov C. ( * . Truos- dcll , both members of the stuto board of charities The women were covered with filth wcro naked uud nto off Uu roa k lue floor When bathed ut all It was by male attendants , nnd nt night the women's cells were left unlocked , exposing thorn to the dnniror of criminal assault from the men about the place The two women thus treated were Incorrigible , uud * to tills fact and the ignorance and carelessness of the kcopor , the report attributes tha disgrace Both women have been removed to tbo stuto asylum and the report rccommonds legislation to give the state Iniard of chortles Jurisdiction over the county authorities In such cases One of the women was Insane when a dozen yoara ngo she arrived from Germany A law Is recommended to tbo legislature giving the Btuto board oowor to return such patients to the place from which they came , THU CLI3AKANOI3 HUOOUD Flnauoinl Transactions or ths Coun try For tbo Past Week BosTovJan 5. | Spoclul Tolcgram to Tun Bee | The following table , compiled from special dispatches to the Boston Post from the managers of leading clearing houses of the United States and Canada , shows the gross oxchnnges for the week ending January 4 , with the percentage of increase ami decrease , as compared with the corresponding spending week in 1SS9. I f CITIES , CLEAIIINOS S i g New VorK ; 7 < i.otl' < , bt 10.4 llostou lj.l' ' ills ) u.o I'htladolpnin 7u.8d.T0J ] . Clilcaco cCli-TiUO. ) 4.0 bt Louis 1(1 ,701,811 lt.2 San Francisco ] ilJl'j ' „ ' , tf ; 1.4 Pittsburg h.t.m.ut ; 3J.0 llaltlmoiu 17M5t)70 ) " i.O NewOrlcaus li,10s,5iJ3 O.s Cincinnati 12i > PJ" , > u 7.0 KaniasUty T.WtK ) ) 7.8 Louisville 7.U9WI. ; 7.2 Providence e.iui.uoc jj a Mllw auk.ee 5.U. > l,0"u .1,4 Minneapolis 4,0V,8fi o.t ) Detroit 4BlV' - J. ! bt Paul 3/il)7lJt ) ! ( \ > 1 Omaha 3,907.320 8.6 Denver J. 'in.KT 17.4 Cleveland 4.blM)0 114,1 ColumbUd ,1 , 'J0H13 li ) , Memphis IkHYl'SID ' Itli-lunond liyisuio 4ii.i ; Indlanipolls IVUM 2J | ( iuko-iton l.GlMUO : i. Dallas SK .urJ IJS S l'ort Worth S,0yuaj9 L > 8.1 ,1'eorla 1,500.139 0,2 Duluth lr,7\5'J7 13.4 Hartford ! ! ,0UMI • 0.2 btJosepn 1W 1,057 4.4 Norfolk • K.fl.Jl 7.0 New Haven 1.401,7 * 0.0 Portland , Mo VW1.781 20.0 Sprlugliold l.sri.ITi 10.8 Worcester 1,278,101 2.1 Wilmington MV-tn 29 0 Syracuse 744,41a 18 f , Lowell 71.4 ! 3.8 Des Moluns MUOU 24.8 ( Irand Itaulds S1I , < J7I 11.7 Wichita KO.IWJ n.2 bos Angeles 7o9t H JJ.2 Topeeu 3a2i 321.0 • lluffHlo 4,201.704 • Portland Ore 1.05I.1S2 • Sioux CJty RJI.174 Birmingham Mi,428 ) beanie 849.JI1 • Tacoma 013,487 Montreal 7,4TOJlitr • Halifax 1.2J8.J84 Total 81,219.219,7.14 U. Outside Smv York 44JltfU,8i9 9,2 " " • Noc included In toUU ; no clearing bouse at this time last year m STATU NEWS VontiiiKOItcniH Vr.NA.s-oo , Neb , , Jan 5.- [ Special to Tin : Bui : . ] Last night and all day today there has bocn a dense fog , and with it a frost that makes the telegraph wires look llko largo ropes The Russian epidemic La Orippo has n few victims south of here . VV N. Jordun has bought tbo building of the defunct Venango bank of the receiver , und proposes to sturt into banking soon The luxury of wbito cups in costing tbo county in which Holyoke , Col , is situated $200 a day , and the end docs uot scorn to bo near yet Un to within three days ago farmers have been sowing wheat , but siuco then the mer cury has been to iP bolowzoro Senator Paddock'B bill for the relief of settlers on government lands , who commute und afterwards llvu out their five years , bus recolvcd some attention In this locality und is being favorably commented upon , with hopes that it may pass Another Keju I'ntiu Silver Find Noiiuii.v/Neb , Jan 5 [ Special to Tun Beii ] Since the silver Und on the Koya Paha some few duys ago various of our citi zens have boon prospecting In our vicinity , The result has been beyond expectations , and tbo people of Nordon are highly sangulno that they have struck It rich " Ono of our citizens , Mr David Johnson , examined the dirt that was excavated from bis well , at a depth of sixty fcot , und found silver ere in quantities that , in the opinion of old Call fornln miners , will ussay $ l 0 to the ton Tbo town is wild with excitement and quarter sections soar skyward That the genumo stuff has been struck is beyond tha question of u doubt Not n PlonHunt Prospect Dakota City , Neb , ( Jan 5. [ Special Tolegrum to Tun Hee.1 George Smith , ono of the pi isomers who broke Jail here last month and who was captured at Fort Dodge la , was taken from that place to Dcs Moines , where there was a reward of * J00 for his ar rest As soon us ho serves ins term there bo will bo brought buck hero to uuswor the churi'o of highway robbery , J illicit lor lluiitlary Dakota City , Neb , Jan C iSpoclal Tel cgrum to Hie Bbb.I Two tnon giving their names as George Smith und John Markum wore arrested und placed in Juil for burglar ising the Ferry bouse , a hotel in Covington , They were arrested by a night policeman as they wore coming out of the house Tbey are a couple of toughs that huvo been hang ing around the suloons for u couple of months _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Down Went llio llrldgo to tlm Bottom , NnmuFKA Cur , Neb , Jan 5. [ Special to 'I nn Heis ] The pontoon bridge , which wont to the bottom of the Ailtsouri river a few days ago during a windstorm , has been raised and is agalu in operation , I'Yirt ' 'Wnyiio'd Ulslion 8iok. Fout Wayne , Ind , Jon & . Uov , Joseph Diveuger , bishop of tbo diocese of Fort Wuynu , is scrlouilv ill with pneumonia and the physicians pronounce his condition critical The Priilo of tha Transvaal nurnoil London , Jan 5. The Krsto Fabnkon in Pretoria , the largest structure in the Trans vaal , but been burned , Loss , 100,000 , ENGLAND AND PORTUGAL I Diplomatics Olroloa Agltntod By the M Nowb From Airlca | H THE ACTION OF SERPO PINTO H The Portiigucsn Minister In Tjomlon M Mates It As Ills Dollar Tiiut M tlio Major tins Only Done B His | H Illploiuntlo Ciroloi Agltiucit H < < 'ojmW | 1KO Ill Jmntx Gimhn llcnnttt ) H London , Jim 5 [ Now Yonc Herald H Cable Soocinl to Tug HiTho : ! ) startling H bows from Africa in the London Horald'a H dispatches regarding England's nttltudo to- | Wurd Portugal is the talk ot diplomatic clr- B clcs It is said on pretty good authority H that tha Heralds news was Instantly telegraphed - H graphed to Madrid nnd later n private ( lis- H patch regarding it was sent to the Portuguese H embassy in London H \ \ lion the llorald roproBcntattve called on H the Portugucso minister this ovonlng ho H found him well informed upon all phases of H the controversy between the two govern H Ho was surprised to learn from the Herald H that tbo Knglish consul , Johnston , hud been H heard from and that he was in good hnnltu | and hard at work In Nyassa I further H stilted that Consul Johnston had hoard of H Major Scrpo Pintos latest proceedings and H had taken measures for checkmating the H Portugucso by confirming the existing B treaties and entering into now alliances by H oncournging native kings and cblofs nlrcady H fnvorablo to England , Alluding to th H news sent the Ilcrnld that the Portugucso H would hnvo to fight not Mnkolola H nlnuc , but ether uoworful forces , H with whom Consul Johnston hns made > H friendly arrangements , and m response to H the serious change lu Africau nffnirs , the ) H minister , who received the Herald with H great courtesy , said : H Public opinion oughl not to bo formed on H mere reports Only oMciol news should bo B considered definite I have no fear of Major H Scrpo Pintos position I do not Hpcak ofll- H dully , because I am not yet authored , but B personally 1 say it will bo found that after H nil the facts nro sent iu that H Major Pinto has done only his duty H It will bo proved thul Urcnt Britain H Is under many obligations to Portugal ami H to Major Pinto for tha protection ho lias ob- H tatucd for Knglish subjects iu that wild H country Portugal will recelvo Pintos H complete statement not under n fortnight H The truth will then bo established , not on H Major Pintos statement alone , but on documents - H ments bearing thu signatures of l ngllsbmon H who ewe their lives to the foresight sail H bravery of Major Pluto " H In concluding the interview the minister H was glad to compliment the Horalu oa the H fair und impartial manner in which it had H pubisbed tbo news regarding the dlQleultyH between England and Portugal The IlorH aids dispatches tire still further conHrinouV H H THIS SCENK OFFIVK MURDUItS B A Ilnunicd Cabin In Kansas Onao H llnlcd by a VtcimiK Woman H Kansas City , Jan 5. Hidden away in a. H dark glen just south of Hramen Hill , eight H miles from Wyandotte , Kan , , Is a small H three-roomed house which is the scena of H live violent deaths , all brought about by thaH malicious tamper of a woman The historyH of this place is straugo ' and almost incredlH blc In the spring of 1607 Mrs Wilholmina BJ Miller bought a thirty-ucro farm and built BJ this house upon it Hero she moved with H her husband Iu the full she cmoloyod a. B _ _ young mnn named Manz , and it was only a. H short tlmo until ho took tbo husbands place H iu the household , Miller was compelled to H look on and see bis place usurped by this ut- H trudcr until tbo brooding over his wrongs H turued his brain and he took terrible revenge M While his wife and her paramour were sit * H ting lovingly together ho crept up and H emptied the contents of a shotgun into theH head of Manz , scattering his brains over tha H woman Miller then fled to the woods , and H next morning was found hanging to a rafter H in his barn dead The tcrriblo cxporiancs H had no ill effoit on the woman , for within H two wcous she bad an old soldier llvlnir with H her This man stood her bad temper for a H year aud then left bor In 18T0 Theodora H Seidrich cutno along looking for work and H married tbo woman Ho endured her until H lbSl , wbon ho was taken sick and died from H un overdose of medicine aduunisteiod by hl H wife Although over fifty years of nge the H widow could uot beir the Idea of living H alone , and sbo accordingly married a man H named John Fenschcl , with whom she lived H two years , until Jacob Schalor aupoarcd H on tbo sccno , when ho and the old B woman made things go bo lively for H Fonscuol that ho took refuga in the H poor house Tbo pluco had such n bad repute - H puto tbat tbo neighbors ahunnod it For H thrco or four days prior to the 11th of last H April the pcoplo bcean to suspect something ; H hud happened , as there was no sign of lifoH nbout tlio place , Fearing something wrong , H three men went to the house aud fouud the H cattle lu the pan nearly crazy with hunger H uud thirst , The kitchen door stood open H and across the threshold lay a large New H foundland dog , which , with snapping teeth , H barred the entrance to the house Ho was H llnally enticed away , and the men cntorod H the ill-futed cabin , where o horrible sight H met their gaze Tbo body of Mrs Mlllor H was lying across the bed , with two gunshot H wounds in her body About live feet uwnv 9H luy the body of Scbalcr , with a bullet bole H through his temple and his right bund grasp H lug a revolver The coroners verdict wa H murder and sulcldo H Funscbel cumo from the poor house and H divided the place with n son of the woman's H first husband , but neither profited , as the H proceeds were soun squandered , Tiio sail H gulnary history of tha place kept tenunts H away , and slnco last April It bus stood va- H cant The growsomo story and thn lone H some locality have combined to causa the H pcoplo of that section to make circuitous H routes homo when they were compelled to H pass the house after nightfall , 'I wo wcoks H ago , however , William Koclev was too tlrod H to take a long walk around thn farm , and ho H determined to bravo the superstition Ho H passed thu house , but when be reached town H ho was frightened so badly that bo could H hardly speak , Ho averiod that as he passed H the cabiu he saw lights all over the house H nnd heard grouns and cries , us if soma H woman was In airony , Ho was luughod at , H but no ono was bravo enough to ro to the H place to disprove his story , A few duys H later n peddler came to town and reported H that something was wrong ut a house back B on the road Ho hud heurd grouns nud cries H us if some ono wus in pain Ho described H tbo house und it was the Mlllor place , which H was known to be uninhabited It was doH cided by soma of the strouger minded men to H investlgata the matter ami lust Sunday night H live men , in pursuance ot this id-ja. went to H the plaeu to watch for the ghosts They returned - H turned puzzled und a bit frightened ut what H they suw When they arrived nt the place H all was dark und they lay bidden for a short H tliuo In it clump of bushes , About 8 o'clock H a light appeured at ono of the windows and B then tbo whole house was lighted up Groans , . _ _ _ | und cries were heard Tbo party made a H ruBb for tbo door , hut all was at once H plunged in darkness uud u sealch revealed H no sign of unyono huving been there slnco H the last tragedy , M Arrived at Gibraltar H Lomiox , Juu , 5. Tbo American squadro- H of evolution Arrived ut Gibraltar from TuH gier H