1 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEHMC'tUESDAY , DEOEaiBER 31 , 183(1. ( • H I I ElM Elp B > M- MB B ; BE * B" I m h Hi Bit • BIf Br' Hi Iml ml Hi H\ HB ; BS'f Br H > ' I : H > ' IJIIJr ' ' Bp mf' BBS ' " Hi HI- B l ? B B ( " RAILROAD ROW AT BEATRICE I Tlio Union Paolflo and Kansas Olty & Boatrloo Squaubllnff FOUND DEAD ON THE TRACK A Nebraska City Sonmlnl Influenza nt Various IMaers A. Tontoon IlrluRO Bunk O. A. It ISlec- tlon Other Stuta News A Crosslnc Itnliroitlln Beatrice , Neb , Doc 30. fSpoolal Tolo- pram to Tnn llen.1 The Union 1'ociGc nnd Kansas City & Beatrlco railroad crosslns imbroglio culminated > ostorday In the Union Pacific stealing n march on the latter nnd tlio bulldln < t or Its track ever the disputed street early Sunday morning In rolatlvo do- llancoof the orders of the city council , which refused to grant the coveted permis sion at Its meeting last Monday oveninu Tlio ronyor this morning , with a detachment of city pjllco , toro up tbo Union l'aclllc track that was laid ncross Sixth street nnd thoclty nttorccy at the same tlmo llled an Injuction • with dudgo llrndy to prcvont the Union Pa- ciDc from lnylnR any sldotrack ncroBs Sixth strcot until the further order of the court The Injunction wns grnntod nnd sqt for hear ing at i ! o'clock tonight , and a continuance was taken for ono week The city council will bo called together tomorrow afternoon to tnko action in the matter There is con siderable dlfferencoof onlmon on the mny- ors action Many hold that the Union Pn- clflo had not boon peremptorily refused per mission to cross the street with a sldotrack and that in view of what tbo Union Pacillc had done for Beatrlco it wns-vcry unjust to take BUch arbitrary measures and thus invite vito its nntagonlsm The mayor takes tlio ground that the Union Pnclllo has laid the disputed track in direct deilanco of the councils cil's orders and that ho did not propose to tolcrato such an action of contempt If the council says the crossing can bo made ho ball interpose no objections Found Dona on tlio Track IIautinoton , Neb , Dec 30. | & , poclal Tel egram to The Bbe ] A dead man was found on the railroad track lira mlles west of Colcrldgo at 8 o'clock this morning There is nothing to Identify him A revolver was found near , all the chambers being loaded Ho was about forty yours old , flvo feet and ton Inches tall , weight about ono hundred i nnd eighty pounds The body was frozen stiff when found The general impression is that the unknown man hud bcon foully dealt with A Nebraska Oily sonmlnl NmiUSKA Cur , Neb , Doc 30. [ Special * 'to Tub Bee.1 The Uttlo town of Union , In Cass county , had a sensation a few days ago in which Prank Bauchor , a local merchant , nnd his wife and J. L. Carper , a i district school teacher , were the principals , The tlirco parties were boarders at the Union house , and Baucher became Jealous of the attentions bestowed upon his wife by the pedagogue Ho imagined that ho had good reasons to suspect that oil was not right botweeh tlio two and luid a trap for them It was the sanio old Bchomo , but apparently worked to ponectlon Baucher absented himself and then suddenly and unexpectedly roturncd to their rooms only to ilnd his wife , it Is alleged , and Carper together and in a compromising situation There wns the usual scene and then the merciful husband gave Carper ono hour in which to leave towu and never return Carper protesiod his innocence of anything wrong and said ho , wus in the room only for a social talk with the woman Nevertheless ho loft town within the hour Filled With Wntor • N niusKA Cur , Neb , Dec 30. [ Special Telegram to Tnn Bee.1 Thd boats of the pontoon bridge filled with water during the high water and the cntiro bridge sunk to the r. bottom of tlio river Doiitss at Broken How Broken Bow , Neb , Doc 30. | Spoclal to The Bee.J Broken Bow will havoanothor railroad the coming summer The Missouri IUvor , North Platte & Denver is an assured fact and BroUon , Bow will bo ono of its most important pointsbatng a division station with Rbops and round houses located hero The advent of this road will give Broken Bow nnothor through eastern line nnd will cslab- > . lish bustn03s-enterprises hero tnntonly await jtho additional railroad facilities which this now line of rood will supply This prosper ous young city will forgo to the front in an other yearns uevorbefore nnd its past record is almost unrivalled in our state An electric light company recently formed here will Boon put In ono of the most com plete plants In the state The Presbyterians are projecting the building of n ilno church the coming season It will bo the Unost edifice of the find in this part of the state The Masons gave a reception and ball at their temple on Friday ovonlug It was the ilnost social event of the season The Gllinorc-hlnuetiter Wcddine Folleiiton , Neb , Dec 3i--Special [ Telegram - gram to The Bee | Mr Frank M. GUtuoro , nt Elk Point , S. D.nnd MtssAnotta Slaugh ter of Fullerton , were married at the Meth odist Episcopal church In this city atD o'clock this morning Tbo wedding was ono of the tlargost and most brilliant over witnessed in this city The bride is tbo daughter of Unitou States Marshal Slaughter and the urroom was formerly county judge of Nanco county , but now cashier and the Inrgcst stockholder of the Citizens bank of Elk Point A banquet and informal reception 1 was given to tbo bridal party and a few of the most intimate friends The couple left on the 10:50 : train for Omaha , nnd will bo at homo to tholr friends at Elk Point after Jan uary 1. Celebrated St Johns Day Nelson , Neb , Dee 30. [ Soooiai to Tub IBee.JTIio Masomo fraternity of this place celebrated bt Johns day by giving a bannuot Friday evening to tholr friends There were . more than ono hundred and ilFty present to listen to the oxcollout programme of music and recitations and to partake of the bounti ful supper , Mr O. E. Adams of Superior made a good impromptu address on the bou- 1 eflta of tbo order , taking the place of S. A. Soarlo , osn , , of this place , who was pre vented from coming by illness G. A. lUCtroilon BbtkoH ) ? , Neb , Dee 30. ISpooUl to The t Bee.1 Major Potter post No 157 , Grand Army of the Republic , of this place , oloctcd and ' Installed the following oftlcors Saturday evening for thn onsulng year : W. C. Parker , commander ; II J. Burgc , soulor vice com mander ; C. II , Floagel , Junior vice com mender ; David h. Marks , adjutant ; E. Ii ' jBrOkaw quartermaster ; G. W. Allen , but 1"econ ; William Lowrio O. D , ; II A. Bev- iugton , O. Q. ; Joseph Wesley , chaplain A Pleasant llnur Club t Aiunnoc , Neb , , Dee 30. [ Special to Tub Bee.J The socloty people , under the leader ship of W , II , Bibcock , bnvo organized a Pleasant Hour club , which will meet every nlternuto Friday evening for social enjoy wont , Kntortalnmont is so nrrangod that each ono cuu find amusement suited to his humor Ho pan dunce , play cards , checkers , chess , can chat or sit still and not say any thing The club is a grand social success A Proponed Ni-w Itoad KEAiisjKr , Neb , , Dec 30. [ Spoclal Telegram - gram to Cue Bee , | The city council tonight passed an ordinance calling for a special election on February 13 to vqto on a bond " proposition of (75,000 to aid in the construc tion of the Kearney & Blaok Hills railway The roud shall be completed to Calaway within ono year , with the principal oftloos and shop * located here The sontlment hare J that the bouds will carry , Kearney * Nitwura-rn Hystom KxABKer , Neb , Boo 80. [ Special Tela- gram to Tub Bee 1 Work began in earnest today oa the Kearusy towerago system , I j Kearney laborers will bo employed princi pally , as It is the wish of the council and all concerned here Work will contlnuo as long ns the wcathor Is favorable Builders are completing tholr contracts and the nvorago Kcnrnoy laborer Is happy liuko Hininioii'M Hard Ijttok NunnxsKA Citt , Neb , Dee 30. [ Spoclal Tolgram to Tub Bbh.I Shorlff Will man wont to Lincoln this morning with n wnrratit for the arrest of ox-County Treasurer Duke Simpson , who today compiotod his four years term in the penttcntlnr.v for embezzling nbout 30,000 from the couhty whllo treasurer Thcronro still two counts against him on which ho will probably bo arrnlgnod at the January term of the distilct court Sickness and Dnnth nt Ionon Pojccu , Neb , Dec , 30. [ Special Tolegrom to Tun Bcn.l The Kusslan Influenza Is mak ing itself felt in Ponca Forty or fifty cases are reported , a number of them qulto serious John Sailer of this city , ono of the oldest , nnd wcalttdcst citizens of this county , died suddenly of Brlght's dlscaso of the kidneys this morning ' Cold nnd Clear Ord , Neb , Dee 30. [ Special to Tub Bee ] Saturday morning opened foggy , which early In the forenoon turned Into rnln The ' ral' foil heavily all day , succeeded after sundown by a high wind nnd snow Todny has boon clear and cold , the first cold snap wo have exporloncou this season Struck lor More Pay Wysiohi' , Neb , , Dec , 30. [ Spoclal Tclo- grain to The Bee.1 Work on the water works has bcon suspended for n short turns on account of the trench diggers striking for higher pay Arrangements have been made to dig the treuchos for the water mains by machinery , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wymoro Illuminated Wvmohe , Neb , Dec 30 [ Special Tele gram to The Bee ] The streets of this city nro brilliantly Illuminated tonight byeloctric light The light used is the are nnd is giv- lug , ns far as tested , good satisfaction , Ija Gripnn nt Nebraska City Neuuaska Citv , Neb , Dec 30. [ Spoclal to The Beh I The physieians announce that the influenza epidemic has struck Nebraska City , uud they report a uunibor of cases about tovn Saloon Closed Uo Locp Car , Neb , Dec 30. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] Tbo Baleen of Ford & Adamson nt this place was closed this morn ing on a inortgago hold by the First Na tional bank IOWA NEWS A Dry ( I001H Store Burned Oskaloqsa , In , Dec 30. [ Special Telegram - gram to 1111 : LJEE.l FIre broke out la the Magnet dry goods store yesterday The stock is a total loss and Is valued at about $15,000 , of which thcro was insurnnco to the amount of 9,000. , The owners are C. W- . WcokSj C , E. Stewart and a Mr Pierce of Boston , who is u special partner The build ing is owned by A. M. Abraham and was in jured to the amount of foOO , which is cov ered by msurnnco The tobacco and cigar stock of W. F. ninsley and ths book und stationery stock of Mrs Bullard , both ad joining thoTvIncnet , were injured seine by sinoko and water , hut the loss is fully cov ered by Insurance Conventions of Tonohors Des Moines , la , Dee 30 [ Spoclal Tele gram to The Bee ] The teachers are gath ering in large numbers for tholr nnnual mooting here tomorrow Fully three hun dred have already arrived , und the attend ance promises to surpass previous records The first week will bo the mooting of the ed ucational council , or scnato , which decides tbo policy of the association on' publio ques tions ' 1 ho first public meeting will bo held tomorrow night Tlio state music teach ers association will also hold tholr Drsi meeting at the same tlmo ' Dctcrnilnt to Die Cuesto.v , la , Dec 30. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee ] John Becker , jr , attempted suicldo Inst ovenlng by taking oxldo of mer cury , This is his third uttompt at suicldo in the past four years because of his inability to rofram from drinking Mr Bcckor has lived in the city many years and is well known to the traveling populace as the for mer proprietor of the Summit house His recovery is vary doubtful Xin Grlpps nt Port Dode _ FonT Dodoe , la , Dee 30. [ Special Tele gram to The Bee ] There are a couple of well developed cases of La Grippe in this city , and both victims are confined to their homes All physicians in the city report numerous cases of influenza , but with the oxcoptlon of these two cases do not think it is of the Russian variety An Operatorx Suit Cnicuoo , Doc 30. Edward L. Randall , telegrnph operator for the Bock Island rail road at Davenport , la , was active last sum mer in organizing a branch of the Order of Railway Telegraphers and was discharged tborofor aud blacklisted , which prevented him from getting work elsewhere Ho brought suit for $25,000 damages against the road in Kansas City and on order of tbo court there depositions of the Western Union telegraph officials of thfs city have bocn taken Superintendent Tubbs , of the Western Union , declined toonswer the ques tion as to whether ho bad refused to employ Randall on the strength of the blacklist circularJrom the Rock Island road The attorneys appealed to Judge Tuthlll to com pel him to auswor and the matter was al lowed to go ever until tomorrow to glvo the attorneys tlmo to cite authorities in behalf of Mr Tubbs A Kansas Mans Contract , OnEiam , Kan , Dee 30. [ Special Tele gram to Tub Bbe.--A. ] H. M0G00 of the firm of Hull & McGce , proprietors of the city roller mills of Oborlin , rcturnod a few days slnco from Atlanta , Go , where ho closed a contract with the state authorities for a half million pounds of Hour for the va rious state institutions This contract was awarded to the lowest bidder , and upon sam ples furnished bv the bidders It speaks well for northwest Kansas , and especially Decatur county , where the wheat is grown to make this flour o- Mrs Blnntwlll Discharged Chicacjo , Doc 80. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bbe.1 Bruno Eberllng and Mrs Jo hanna Mantwill , who Were held by the coroners ner's Jury for the murder of the latter's hus band , Max Mantwill , were discharged by Judge Grinuoll this morning because thcro wns nn evtdenco against them The police claim to have struck a promising clue which they thiuk will soon lead to the arrest of the real murderer The widow and Eborling , they say , are not Implicated The Visible Supply Chicago , Doc S3. The visible supply of grain is as follows ; Bushels Decrease Wheat 33,0 ,000 801,000 Increase Corn , 8,007,000 aU3,000 Oats 5,112,000 801,000 Rye , . . . 1,852,000 1,000 Decrease Barley , 2,420,000 1)5,000 ) A Gnu Kxplosiou New Orleans , Bee 30. A towlfio oxplo- slon of gas occurred in a two-story brick building , corner Elyslon Fields and Yictory streets , demolishing two buildings and bury , ing six persons beneath tie | debris Tha Urowou and policemen succeeded in res cuing iheui without Beriqus injuries Ilanlan Aooepts Gaudnur'u Ohallonco New Yornc , Dec 30. Edward Banian is out in reply to the challenge of Jake Gau daur sayiug bo will row him a slnglo scull shell race for from $3,000 to $5,000. the race to couio oft before July next , Unman leaves the water with tbo referee TOE BLIZZARD IN THEMTIL It Waa a Severe nnd Very Pooullar Btorm WINONA ONE BIG SKATING RINK The City Flooded nml Then Froxon Solid Trains Stuck ( n Drifts bix Foct IIIrIi Another Cold Wnvo A Touch or Winter St Paw , Mum , Dec 130. Advlcot hero seem to Indlcato that the vgreat snow storm of Saturday extended over a largo nroa , The center of dlsturbnnco appears to have bcon nt Huron , S. D. , w here tbo wind veered to the north and the storm lncrcasod until it beenmo n verltnblo bllzrard , blowing fifty mites nn hour The memorable experlcncos of two years ago prevented the pcoplo from unduly exposing themselves on the pralrio , and no bad results arc anticipated The storm has been inarltod in places by singular phenomena At Winona , Minn , rain descended In great shcots , and the wtiolo city was Hooded When the rain stepped the mercury foil rapidly thirty degrcos in thrco hours People can skate to business this morning At other points electric disturbances pre ceded the fall of snow Duluth wns visited with n severe blizzard , ushering In the heav iest suow fall of the season Much dnmago was done In the city , nnd street cars are blocked Trains are delayed bv drifts six foot deep in many places The wires nro now up near Calgary , and the lieutenant of the United States service reports a cold wave started Ironi that region forty hours ago and moved this way Kuiiwan njtd Missouri Storm-Swopt. Kansas Crrr , Mo , Doc 30. A violent wind storm prevailed in Kansas and Missouri yes tcrday , accompanied by n flurry of snow early in the day and a decldod drop In the temperature At Macon , Mo , fences were leveled to the ground Several outhouses at Abilene , Kan , were blown down and a barn at Wichita demolished The greatest dam age was done to crops Winter wheat had boon forced by the recent mild weather to an advanced state of development , and with nothing to protect it the severe cold , it is lcared , killed the crop3 , thus causing consid erable damage Keeping the Tracks Clear Huitov , S. D. , Dec 30. [ Special Telegram to The Bee ] An old man named Phillips , living near Doland , in Spink county , is the only person known to have perished in Sat urday nights blizzard The Chicago & Northwestern railroad has snow plows and a largo force of men keeping this division of the road clear , and no blockade is likely to occur Ar Ottawa Ottawa , Ont , Dec 20. A blizzard struck Ottawa from the west during the night , prostrating several buildings , awnings , otc MILK AND UOSEY What Caunda Sees Beyond the St Lawrence New York , Dec 30. The senate com mittee on Canadian affairs mot hero today and heard the testimony of eastern fishermen - mon in regard to the trouble they experi enced in fishing and securing bait in Cana dian waters Senator Hoar stated that Great Britain always conceded to the United States the commercial rights of fishing ves sels Ho always favored the interpretation that the right was vested in American fisher men Senator Pugh declared that Great Britain always acted in harmony with Canada on the question whenever the matter enmo In the shnpo of a treaty or law Our state department should take stops at once to decide the matter finally In reply to a question by Senator Dolph for a remedy , ono witness said tbo only remedy ho know was retaliation , Erostus Wiman madonn argument in favor of annexing Canada Senator Hoar said that in his opinion and that of his colleagues tbo movement toward annexation must como from Canada ' ' Francis Waylnnd Glenn , a former resident of Canada and a member of the dominion parliament for ftnino ycarsprevious ) to 1SS0 , said : ' Canada will como hero unless the pcoplo of tbo United States themselves prevent her She sees milk and honey bovond the St Lawrence und sbo wants to share in it " Glenn in sunport of his statements said Canada had adopted the frco school system , decimal calculations nnd the election meth ods of the United States and wns more eager to adopt American business principles than she was those of England Canada also wanted freu access to Amorlcan markets Ho hold , in fact , that alio would declare her Independence of English power and annex with the United States The witness did not favor the commercial union of which Wiman talked Many loading Canadians , the speaker held , favored annotation In stead of rcadlag English magazines Cana dians read American publications nnd more Canadian vnuths am fidnratnrt hn anld In American colleges than in British universi ties He thought that Sir John Macdonald was a politician and not a statesman IiA GBlPPIi'S OPEKATIONS First Fatality Uoported from Kansas City Kansas Citt , Mo , Dec 80. The flrRt fatal case of influenza in this city occurred last night It was that of William Walker , aged eighteen years The city physician pro nounced the disease influenza , which devel oped into acute pneumonia Many DcatliH In Kurope , Beiilin , Dee 30. Statistics show a great incrcaso in all maladies attendant upon in fluenza For the third week in Dccomber thcro were thirtj-soven deaths from laryn gitis , 12-i from inflammation of the lungs and ton from plcuro-pneumonla. Dahn , the author , is ill at Brcslau Half tbo pollco of Mayeuce are affected There are thousands of cases at Stuttgart , Augsburg and Cologne , There is no abatement lu thn severity of the disease ut Vienna , wboro there have been many deaths from pneumonia London , Doc 30. Influenza of a vlruloat typo is raging in Birmingham , > ow York's Finest Attacked New YonK , Dec 30. According to the offi cial records , nearly thrco hundred pollcomon are laid uu with la grippo.lncluding Inspector Steers A number of aorgeauts and doteo- tlves are nlso sick with the disease Thodeith'of Patrolman Golden todaylls said to have beou the first fatal case of la grippe on tbo pollco force here He was taken 111 Saturday , At Montreal Montkeal , Dec 30 , Nearly every medical practitioner In the city reports having some cases of influenza under trontmont Leading doctors ngrco that tbo disease U of a form which has beou epidemic iu Russia and the rest of Europe At Leavenworth Leavenwohth , Kan , Doc 30. Several well dotlued cases of la grippe are in tha city No serious phase of the disease has yet developed - voloped , Flvn Hundred CalB * . Saline , Kau , Dee 30. Flvo hundred cases of Influenza are reported in this city In several instances whole families are af flicted At Hiiitiorln , F.ufORU , Kan , Dec 30 , Many people hero are suffering from la grippe There are at least 200 cases in the city , Itoyauv IN ut ICxouip' . Stuttoaut Doc 30. Queen Olga of Wur- temburg la suffering from an attack of in- fluouza- " " m * ' - ' ; TIIEIlt NBW BBIDGI5. The Uoolcnlslnnd And Atchison nro 3 tubltntlnc CntcACio , Jticc JW Slnco the ngtoomont between tho.Jttyck Island and the Atchison svhtcms In opposition to the Union PadDo- Northwostcrh .Ttambmo was consummated the oxchnngo of tiafllo at Dodge City has been greatly hampered by the lack of prouor connoctlonsi of the tracks nnd sidetracks Yostordny morning nil these difficulties were removed by tllsbompletion of nbridgo across the Arkansas river , the building of a mlle nml a half oCtr tlo work , a mlle of mam track nnd nil Uiosldo track needed A largo amount of contiguous ground has also bcon bought by the two roads for the future extension - tension of sidotrncks and the building of freight houses us nocdod President Cable of the Rook Island , who loturnod todny from New YorK , is much plonsod ever the work In its of the traffic agrcoment with the Atchison , and expressed bis belief that with the completion of the Improvements nt Dodge City , bls.road and the Atchison would now got tholr full shnro of the through traffic Freight Trnfllo Manager Hanley of the Atchison was equally enthusiastic and expressed great pleasure that the combina tion was now nblo to compete on equal terms with the Union PncWc-Nortbwostorn combi nation Tlio Krlo Trouble New YonK , Dec 30. The anticipated trouble between the employes and managers of the Erie railroad still causes apprehension General Superintendent Thomas said ho had heard from the grlcvanco commlttco of the men this morning An nudleuco had been requested , but owing to the arduous dutlos of the superintendent , donlod until this af ternoon , when some decided step in regard to the dilllcultlos mny ho expected Ho denied the statement that four men had been dis charged Mr Thomas said they were merely suspended The mooting of the committee - mittoo and superintendent this nftcrnoon will bo strictly private and Thomas thluks nil the misunderstanding will bo adjusted The mon say , however , tlrattnnttors have arrived nt n point where something must bo done If n strilio should bo ordered it would nffect , the engineersconductors , fiicmcnand brake men altko The grievance committee hold a sosslon with Thomas this afternoon Everything was nrrangod to tha entire satisfaction of the men Another Cut in Bates Milwaukee , Wis , Doc 30. The Chicago , Mllwankeo & St Paul dompany today an nounced a cut of $2.50 in the first-class rate from St Paul to Chicago , and a cut of 70 cents in the rates in the same class to Milwaukee In order to avoid violation of the interstate commerce - morco law , the company will have to cut its rates to Kansas Citv , Sioux City and Council Bluffs , The officers of Itho St Paul company nnd the officers of the Bur lington & N01 thorn road charge the Wiscon sin Central , whoso refusal to enter the West ern Passenger association caused the disso lution of that organization , with making rates with steamship companies on parties of immigrants bpund for the northwest 7'-3 Clark nml1 tie ! Union Pacific Boston , MrissV Dec 30. A story from Denver this mofnlng that the presidency of the Union Papjflo railway had been tonoored to General Mnungor S. II II Clark of the Missouri Paciflo is pronounced absolutely untrue at thn ( Union Pacific's office In this city I' PIXKEKTON'S UIHBMNaS They Are 'Orbwrtlnir ' Into I'ennsyl- vnnla In Shoals , Altoona , P/a. / " , ( Dec 30. Three car loads of Pinkerton dotqctlves passed through hero this afternoontfor Watson , a mining town six milo3 from unxsutnwnoy ' , where trouble is fearedfrom'tho , striking minors I ' A nordo at Pitnsxutawnoy PtJNxstJTAVNEr , Pa , Dec 30. Ono hun dred and six Pinkerton moa arrived here to night from Now York , Philadelphia and Chicago , brought by the Buffalo , Rochester ' 1 & Pittsburg Coal company , but for what purpose is not definitely known , ns thcro have been no threats of violence It is now over two weeks slnco tha strike was inaucu- rated at Watson and Adrian Involving nbout 1,000 , men and boys Shortly after the strike notices were served on the miners occupy ing tbo company's houses to vacate within ten days The time will be up tomorrow and the general supposition is tbo Pinkerton men were brought here to assist in evicting It is nlso stated there are (100 ( Hungarians nnd Italians on tbo way hero nnd that thn company purrJos.cs putting them to work and protecting them A committee appointed by the miners to adjust their differences has been completely ignored by the company and 11 proposition to submit tbo matter to arbitration rejected by the company Workmen Hurled by Fnlllncr Walls St Louis , Mo , Doc 30. The Academy of Music , in course of erection ut Thirteenth street and Washington avenue , foil in a heap nt 10:30 : this morning , burying several work men There were fifty workmen in the building at the tlmo A number of them were inibsin ? und the firemen at once began work searching the ruins The search revealed only 0110 wounded man , William Lltford , who had a rib broken nnd Is somowhatbruised Nobody was killed The accident Is thought to have been caused by a bed of quici 1 ind under the bulding A St Louis Gas < Tob St , Lock , Mo , Doc 30. Tbo Post-Dis patch prints a pagoof sensational statements nnd Interviews with reference to n so-called robber gas bill in which the claim Ismado that a well kuown lobbyist offered 10 secure a veto of the gas bill by the mayor through the lnlluenco of Hon , John B. O'Mcara , Mayor Noonnn's nearest fnond The lobbyists ist's figures for the vote were 01.10,000. He denies the story ; so docs Mr , OMeara m Aftnr Two Years St Louis , Dec 30. Charles C. Crecollus , Into cashier of the Fifth national bank.nndor indictment for over two years m the United States district court for causing the failure of the bank bv manipulating books , was to day released from his bond by Acting Dis trict Attorney Reynolds on entering a nolla prosqui , ' ninzinc Lumber , Vesper , WIs ' p jjoo 30. An Incendiary fire in Sherry's lumbojr yard last evening destroyed - stroyod lrO0.000afoot : of lumber valued at $25,000. t'lfl' ' Fl.ouEScr , Dec 80. The Umberts theatre , this city , burned'tonlght , There was no loss of life "V Hu } < ' it Quint Mnn , St Louis , Mo , Dee 30. Word comes from Indian Territory that two notorious In dian desperadoes ' , Rod Londalt nnd Choctaw Pete , took posseiision of the town of Tisch- wawa and carried things with a high hand In the midst of tub oxciteipent a quiet stran ger appeared nn 'd when pounced on by the desperadoes shot and killed both of them A Beward for ebo Lynchers Colvmwa , S. C , Dee 30 , Governor Rich ardson has offered 0 reward of $200 oaob for the arrest andfconvictlon of any of the mon concerned In "thel lynching of the eight negroes at Barnwell J 1 • Jackson Accepts the Challenge London , Dap * 80. Jackson , the colored Australian pugdlst ? has cabled his accept ance of the Sullivan challenge of the Cali fornia athletic Aub/ Hutd r-NB Trouble * . ' New YonKfDec 80. Daniel Sloto & Co , , ' blank books asalgned today , with prefer ences nmouutlnjjitq 101,000. A rre fljFJoprturs' t triKo Chicago , DtJft0. Four hundred press feeders employed In the book and Job print ing offices si luclt todny for an advance iu V-iy. DID MRS CHAM TELL LIES ? The Quoatlou Agltntinff the Hillaldo Gopgrogntlorml Ohuroh A SENSATIONAL CHURCH TRIAL A Woman With n Mind or Her Own Causes a Heap of Troitblo Over n Small Mnlter A Church How "If there over was a scoundrel It Is that man right there " Good night 1 only talk with eontlemon " The remarks quoted were uttered respect ively by Rufus L. Chanoy , a Cuming Btreot barber , and Hpv 11. C. Crane , pastor of Iho Hlllsldo Congregational church In Omaha ViowT The conversation wns In the presence of a Bee reporter at a Into hour last night in the coal room under Row Cranes church and was occasioned by the different opinions of the two gentlemen as to the merits of a case that wns on trial before a council of the church nt the tlmo The story of the case has furnished Mr Crano'a congrogntlon with no end of gossip nnd runs something llko this : Mrs Chanoy Is a member of Mr Cranes church and has a very dear friend , n widow woman who is also a member of the congre gation and both were members of the choir The widow nlso has .n friend , a gentleman who has been a friend of her family The gentleman , who Is a widower , occasionally visited the widow at her homo and took her driving several tlmos , Mrs Chanoy always being ono of the party The gossips decreed that the two ladies were having too pleasant a tlmo So much talk was indulged in that the pastor of the church finally remonstrated with the ladles The widow at once agreed to foroeo the pleas nro of her friends company for the sake of harmony in the church Mrs Chancy wns not so easily influenced Mho claimed to have a right to govern her own actions and refused to hood her pastors advice A meeting of the congregation was called two wcoks ago and n trial held resulting In Mrs Chnnoy's dis missal from the church , which was publicly nnnouncod by the pastor a week ago last Sundav From this notion of the congrega tion Mrs.Chaney took an appeal to a council of the Congregational ministers who met last night to consider the case The charge against Mrs Chanoy was uttering falsehoods and refusing to accept church discipline Nearly the entire congregation was prcsont and most of the members were witnesses on ono slrto or the other It wns ncarlng midnight when a reporter for The Beu sought to lcara something of the status of the trial Rev Crane , the pastor , stated that the trial would last until near morning Honlso voluntcorcd thn In formation that the action of the congrega tion in dismissing Mrs Chanoy would bo unanimously sustained by the council of ministers It would bo a good les son in a general way , Mr Crane thought , to the other members of his nnd other congregations He especially requested that Mrs Chanoy's name should not bo published iu connection with the ca30. This was as far as Mr Cruno got < Mr Chanoy appeared and introduced the conversation which heads this column and Mr Crane retired Then Mr Chanoy had his side ol the story to offer Ho wanted his wires name used "I want the truth of this matter placed before the public , " said ho , and am not ashamed of the fact that my wife Is the only member of this church who dnrcs to speak her own mind "It is all a bit of splto work , " said Mr Chancy , and was commonrcd over a year ago over a literary contest wo had in the church Mrs Chanoy and Mrs Crane headed the contestants and have ! been a little Jealous of each other cvor since Some weeks ngo ray wife nskod for a dis- missor.v letter from the church and Crane refused to glvo It to her Then they accused her of bomg on too friendly torras with this nan She denied it and they brought the charge of lying against her ; in ether words , they nro trying her for ploadlng not guilty when the gossips end the preacher said she was guilty Mr Crane irot a packed congregation against her nnd called her for trial for violating the church rules of discipline She was not rcadv for trial and nskod to have the case postponed a week Rev Crane Btubbornly refused to grant a continuance nnd she was " tried and dismissed without any show-of justice at nil She appealed her case to the council of ministers and I um sure she will bo vindicated She cousulted with prominent members of the ministry before taking the steps she did townrd appealing her case " She consulted with Dr Duryea , did Bho not ? " asked the reporter Who said Bhcdidl" Mr Crane intimated that Dr Durjrea had become mixed up in the case and would probably get the worst of it " Well , that remains to bo scon , Dr Dur- yea , 1 am convinced , bolloves my wife is right and I think the majority of the seven ministers wiio are hear ing her case think so Whether they do or not I nm satisfied to lot the publio bo the Judeo as to whether wo are right or wrong 111 this matter " The mlnistors before whom the case was bolng heard are Revs M. J. P. Thing , J. A. Milligan , F. S. Forbes , A. It Thain , M. L. Holt , II C. Crane Two of the members of the Congregational ministerial association Rev Willard Scott and Dr Sawyer , were unable to attend the trial The result of the trial will probably not bo announced until tonight , as it was after midnight last night before the council ad journed Have you tried McClurg's Pastry Wafer Sodasl They are delicate , crisp and delicious Iho Lentil llecord Mawxette Wis , Dec 30. S. E. Stephen son , son of Congressman S. N. Stouheuson of Monomlnce , died last night New Yomc , Doc 30. Alexander Hamilton , grnndson of the first secretary of tbo treas ury , died this morning at Irvlngtou-on-tho- Hudson , in his seventy-ninth year Paiiis Doc 30. Vice Admiral Do Saint Hllairo is dead Atlanta , Ga , Doc 30. Tbo wllo of Gen eral Lougstrcot died at Guinesvlllo last night Salem , Ore , Dec 30. Prof Melville C. Blaine , principal teacher at the Chemowa Indian training school near Sulcm , and a brother of Seoiotary James G. Blaiuo , died this evening after a brief illness at the ago of sixty-three. Ho served as a member of an Illinois company through the late war London , Doc 30. Cora Kennedy , Ameri ca ! ! poetess , has died at Ospeaalatto , Italy , Vienna , Dec 30. Tha death is announced of Judge Keller and Baron Hard to New Youk , Dee 30. Henry Mollenhaucr , the well known musician , died suddenly to night at Brooklyn London , Doc 30. The death is announced of Colonel Henry Yule , formerly member of the council of India Naval Chance * . Wasuixoto-v , Dee , 30 , Roar Admiral Kimberly has beoa aetachod from the com mand of tha Pacillc station January 25 and ordered to proceed homo and await orders Commodore George Brown bus boon de tached from command of the Norfolk naval yard on the 31st 111 Bt and ordered to com mand the Pacillc station oil January 25. Ho also has been nppointod acting rear admiral whllo retaining command of the station , Failures of the Year , New York , Dec 20. Bradstreot's reports 11,710 failures In tbo United States for the year 1SS9. with liabilities of 1110,350190 and assets (70,599,705. This Is tbo largest num ber of failures and greater liabilities than for any year In the past Hye The increase In the uumbor of failures over 1638 Is 1,13-2 ; iucreaso in liabilities , f30U7,0SSi increase iu assets , $3,599,853. A Good Catch , Dei-eke , Wis , Dee , 80. A man named Jngalls was arrested here today for stealing overcoats and has in ado a confession Impli cating himself and several others in the Hurley bank robbery His story is dis credited DON'T liIKU IT Maryland Democratic Bdltora Uhjoct to the Australian ltnllot Baltimore , Md , Doc 30. The passage of the election law containing fonturos of the Australian ballot system is doomed in Ma ryland , At a secret mooting of the democratic editors of the state here today United States Senator Arthur P. Gorman sounded the hey note Ho is op posed to the passngoot the Australian lnw by the goncrnl nssombly and ho Is opposed to the pnssngo of any law llko it So are a ma jority of the democratic editors of the state Senator Gormnn said : There can bo no question that n serious condition of affairs confronts us , The tldo of immigration , the Influences of men who nro coming hither nro all ndverso to our views Our majorities from natural causes nro growing less and the want of thorough cooperation among our pcoplo lias cut down our majorities The elective franchlso has boon nbused Money hns bocn poured out to capture cloctlons traudulcntly As for the Australian systotn you had better label It a bill to throw the democratic party in the river This system has had two trials in this country , ,0110 wns in Boston , the ether In Montana The for mer for years n dcmocratlo stronghold went republican at the last election under the Australian system by between llvo und six thousand malorlty for the firsttlmo slnco 1801. Governor Ilousor writes mo from Montana that wo should have carried the state Instead of having It hang ing In the balance The system that removes the voter from the influences of mon of Intelligence to 11 box , loaves him to the danger of money power You pay n voter if you pay him nt nil In secret By the Australian Byslcm ho Is open to the coirupt intluonccs of bribery moro than ever Other matters are to como before the legislature thut are of vital Importance , but this Is the ono great thing to consider " A 5TK1KI0 IN AUG U HATED Every Indication ol" n Stubborn Con tou on thn Mnckoy Syntoni Teiiiu Haute , Ind , Dec 30. The strlko on thoEvnnsvillo & Terre Haute nnd Evans vllie & Indianapolis , both in the M ickey system , paralyzed freight traffic on these roads today Master of Transportutiou Hurd who recently ramo oft the Wabash nt Decatur , issued a clrculnrthattrainmon who loitered about saloons would bo discharged Slnco then eight conductors have bcon ro- lloved without charges being piuferred This inorniiig a comiiiltteo from the firemen , en gineers , conductors , brukcincn mid switch men scut a message to Muokoy asking that the mon bo reinstated until charges were pre fer ! ed uguinst them and that Hurd bo sus- uended pending an Investigation of the chnrges against him Muokoy dcclinod aud the men uro out The men s.iy it is the pur pose to got fid of the conductors who belong to the brothoihood organization There i3 every indication tonight of a stubborn con test String OrlpniLii PiTTsntno , Pa , Dec 30. The gripmon on the Pittsburg traction road struck this after noon because of the discharge of twenty members of the Knights of Labor Traffic was suspended n short time , but cai s nrc ruunlng tonight with men brought from Chl- cmo aud Philadelphia No breach of peace has jet occurred ' INDIGNANT GOLOIII3D 3IEN. A airctinjj Called to Consider the Hum well AfTutr CiuitLEiTON' , S. C , Doc 80. Great Indig nation is felt throughout the state at the massacre of the prisoners at Barnwell The following address has been issued to the colored people of the state by representative colored men of Charleston nnd vicinity To the People of South Carolina The events of the last few days in a portion of this state , the commission of the most horrible rible crime over known to modern civiliza tion in the murder of eight dofoiiBeless colored men in Barnwell caunty , calls for instant and sober action on the part of the law abidiuc citizens of this suite , looking to the enforcement of law for tno protection of liTo and liberty To this end wo the un dersigned eitbens of Cnarleston nnd vicinity request the leading colored men of the state to assemble in the city of Columbia on Jan uary 2 , 1S90 , for the purpose of consulting and formulating a plan by which the law can bo enforced and order nroscrvod through the proper officers ot the state UNHUNG MUBDEUISKS They Defy the Law and Its Officers in Tennes > icp Knoxville , Tonn , Dec 30. At the last term of the supicmo court hold hero flvo Barnards were convicted of the murder of the Henry Sutton and sentenced to bo hanged The case attracted wide attention , especially as in a few weeks all were pardoned A few days ago three of the Barnards and Bill Fugato , who boasts of having killed six men , went to the house of Samson Williams , iathor-in- law of the raurdored men , with the determination of killing him Fortunate ly bo wus away On his return ho fled to tbo county scat for protection The Barn urds are camping at the distillery near Williams house with homicidal intent The county officials nro taking stops to arrest thorn and this will cnrtninlv lpnri in n. bloody battle In Hancock county in the last twenty years ever fifty mon have been killed and not one murderer executed ThoNngro EvodiM TorEKA , Kan , Dec 3J. DP Garrett of the colored colony of Oklahoma arrived today , and ntatcs there are now fully 4,000 colored people in Oklahoma , nnd that col onization work will bo pushed in all tbo cities of the west Colonel Mason of Mississippi has been hero two weeks ndvocatingtho par chase of the Cherokee strip for settlement by the colored race Several prominent negroes of this city are moving in that direction nnd will ask President Harrison to appoint n commissioner of colored men to uegotinto with the Cherokees for the purchn90 nf the strip for homestead settle .ment for their own race exclusively Tills proposition is founded on information that the Indians are willing to have tha colored people settle on the strip It Is urged that strong and united effort bo mudo to this end and the Afro-American league which meets shortly in Chicago will bo requested to take tbo subject under consideration A Biot Averted Oklahoma Citv , I. T „ Dec 30 , The con flict which was expected to occur on the occasion of the municipal election ordered by the mayor has been averted , The United States marshal called on the mayor today , and in the name of peace demanded that ho recall the proclamation ordering the election , Nou-l > artlHiin W. I , G. V. Clevelaxd , O. , Dec , 30. The provisional commlttco of the nou-partlsan Woman's Christian Tomporanca union has Issued a call for a national mooting at Cleveland on January , for the purpose of orguuiziug a national association , • A Dunknrd Colleuo Burned Haukisuuuo , Va , Dec 30. The Dunkard college at Brldgowator , this countv , burned todny There are now only two colleges in the United States belonging to this denom ination , ono at Mount Morris , 11L , and ono at Huntington , Pu * 1 The Antl-LlcoiiHD Butchers A largo number of butchers who are op posed to paying a llcenso for retailing moats , met at Kcssler's ' ball last night President Dan Foster prosldod , It wa a 10 o'tlock before fore ho rapped the meeting to order , The resolutions adopted by the central labor union und published in Tub Bee fast Sunday were read by Vice President Fitten Upon motion Dan Foster and Joe Bath were named as n committee to consult with the members of tha council , and , If posslblo stop the passage of the butchers ordiuauoo tonight The meeting than adjourned until Thurs day ovcninh' January id 1 ' 11 ; i TELKPU08ESYSTEM WRECKED I An Elootrlo Current Plnys Sad 1 Havoo nt the Control Oflloo 1 ALL THE CONNECTIONS SEVERED • ' A Probability Hint Several Hundred . ! or iho InNtrunirnta Have Boon i Unhinged ltojond * ' j Itopalr 1 Burned by Motor Current 1 Zig , zlg-gcozlngl I Zlpoty , sip , * lp , zip prrngll t. . Sixteen thousaud distinct puffs of whits ] S smoke Sixteen thousand , wires instantly g klndlod to n whllo heat , L The oloctrlo demon that propels the A carB ot the motor system had como to Cj call on the tclcphono girls At sight U of him they threw up tholr hands " and scronmed as probably never before In t\ \ their lives , " . In order that his call might not bo inter / rupted this demon took the precaution as ho / entered the oxchnneo to sever the ronnooy tlon of every ono of thoslxtcon hundred telephones - • phones ever the city It wits Just 0:30 : o'clock last evening when ho nrrivod nt the control ofllco , Ho ro- j malnod nbout thrco seconds , but during oven ' that biiof tlmo ho partook of nlunohuon 1 which consisted of several thousand feet of No U Insuintcd copper wire , with no know j ing how many fully rigged telephone Instru- [ J inoiitB on the sldo , During these three . | seconds ho nonorcd his almost par | olyzod hosts by dnnclng n sorlos of whnt { ] the young ladies desenbo as bomg the most " r brilliant dances they ever witnessed The ( j very intricately arranged crossing board of t the ofilco served him as a podestnl for this C performance , and us fast us ho dlscovorod n * ' wire In his way ho nmpod it in two nnd 1 hurled It nsido Before flnlshlnu bis "M dance ho found that sixteen thousand t of the wires all thcro were on the V boaid were bothering him moro or less nnd < so ho swept the etitiro lot of thom nsido , After his eccentric majesty had takou bis 1 departure it was found thut nil but about n dozeu of the sixteen hundred . telephone connections bud been rendered utterly useless Bnwovor , Manager Lane ' immediately proceeded to put a largo force of mon at work repairing the disheartening 1 cutnstrophy , and hopes to get nil the princi pal business connections in Omahn into some sort of working order } by noou todny He could not , of j course , ascertain anything nt all ' delinito ns to the extent of the dnmago done 1 to the telephones over the city , but gave it ns bis opinion that in all probability several oral hundred of thorn had been burned on- 1 tircly beyond repair mid that it i would simply bo a question or the ' length of tlmo required to put iu I now phones It would probably , 1 ] ho said , take ton days or moro to got cvory- j | thing in the snroo excellent shape that it was before the disaster | | As to tlio extent of the company's loss , ] Mr Lane said ho could tell no moro about it ' than u child , though ho inferred it would ' reach into the thousands nf dollnrs j Another matter which could uot bo determined - 1 mined last night was tbo point of contact of a the motor wire with the telephone system It was , however , very evident that supports hnd glvon away nt some point nnd lot the wiro3 of the two systems como together ' * I An ISarly Morning BIiiko I At 2:50 : this morning Heaths feed store ij and tenement house at Sixteenth nnd Web I ster streets was totally destroyed by flro It was n two-story building and several fumi"i lies lived upstairs , nnd lost all tholr house j ; hold goods , _ ( | The loss will bo between $1,500 and $2,000. f e i The Czars Friirht 'I London , Dec 30. It is stated the latest 'W Illness of the czar was brought on by the 1 sudden extinction of tbo olectilo lights In the \ Gatschina palace There was an ovldont I rush of blood to the lungs nnd a consequent , J congestion 01 these organs W . 1 i Ho Stoln n Quilt O George Borden , a colored man , stole a ' 1 quilt from W. A. Morroll , nt 013 Capitol l' \ nvonuo , yesterdny afternoon No sooner had 1 ho done so than Officer Jesse Newman hus- , , tied Llm into tbo control police station < r ( • s An Awkwnr I Mlitnkc ! j A well-known Austrnlinn writer , a : J bad ponmun , in mentioninfr-tho name ot ' , a cortnin lndy in nu article , said she 3j wns renowned for her fjraciouaiiossnnd * J charity " For charity the compositor 1V1 road chastity , " The author on Booing i'l ' a proof , recognized at once that 7' ' thcro wa9 nu error ; but , unable V to remember the word ho hhd < t used in place of chastity , " marked the Jt : proof with what is culled a query ( ? ) 1' to rofortho printer to his MS When ( Vv the article appeared the writer , who "ft1 had Hitondcd to pay a pretty compliti ment to the lndy , was eurpisud to road M'J that she was renowned for her grac- ( < | iouaneiJB and chuatlty ( ? ) . " Verdict for , | jj plaintiff , 2,600 , with costs " 1 | | mm Br I POWDER Absolutely Pure j This pom dor never varlos A marvel of purity % strength ami wnnlcsomeness Mora economi- { cat than llm ordinary Kinds , und cannot Desnld J In competition with the multitude , of low to.it ' short weight alum ornbosphatspowdors Soil i only in cum ltorAii JUkiho 1'owuku Co , 101 A Wall St , N , Y. f I ItookCoid j a I took Sick , I TOOK * ' SCOTT'S EMULSION nisui.n I take My Meals , I take My Rest , AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUGH TO TAKB ANV1KING I CAN LAV MV HANDS ON J ; fat too , roit Scott's felting of Pur ? Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosptutcsof Limoand Soda N < > r MI.Y CURED MY IlK'ip- it'iit Consumption uur uuilt nit up , and is now l-urriKo FLESH ON MY BONES AT Till ! KATF OV A FOUND A HAY , I TAKH ll'JUSr AS EASILY AS I DO MILK , " SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW , SCO ITS KMULSION IS DOING WONDERS DAILY , TAKK NO OIilKK 'jJJJJ II ipjjjj fl : 9