Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1889, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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Hi \yilholm Sots All tbo Tonguna In
1 Gormnny Going
Hlf ITho Kinpcror's Ahuso of the Koyal
B rrerogntlvo Will Fordo Ulamarck
R , to Withdraw tlio Socialist lllll
BS lho Chnnoellor Sick
BS A Pnelflo Ilcclnrntlon
BS Capyrluht ltiH Xtw York AwxMttl Prn * .
BB BehI.ix , Dec 23. 1'rlnco Hismarck Is
Bb' Under tlio weather but Is apparently not ono
HM Ol the victims ot Intluonnu IIIb condition
BS tiocs not occasion any alarm but ho Is 111
Bfli enough to compel hnn to rIve up nlmost en-
HM tlroly any effort to transact official buslno s
BX und to prevent his presence at court Now
BS Years day His doctors oppose his dnslro
BS . to reappear in the rolchstug and take part In
BS the debate on the socialist law or military
SB credits or any subject likely to Irrltnto htm
BS In responding to compliments at tlio dlplo-
HB , mntic reception on Now Years dny the ran
BBl pcror will make a short pacific declaration ,
BS the presumption being that the royal and im-
BS portal word on this occasion glvos the key
BBL uototo Huropo for a year On Christmas
BSh evening thcro wcro nssomblod In the now
SSa palncoonly Prlnco nnd Princess Leopold of
BBR Prussia Thoduko and duchess of Snxo-
BSl Mcinlngcn nro at Potsdam The illness of
BSl' Fcodora , their only child , prevented tholr
BBS attending the family party Each of the
BBb emperors llvo sons had n largo Christmas
BBff tree nil for himself placed on the tabic In
BBl Shell hall , the trco of the emperor and em-
BB1' press being on another tnblo in the center of
BBS vhohall Tbo-omporor passed the greater
BBS > , art of Christmas cvo assisting in tbo deco
BB ' ration of tlio trcos , with the children , and
BBl lct the Plrl , > 't0 P ° t0 tno theater to see liar
BBl ii ay's revival of Hnmlot
BBl ° n CbrlBtmns day tbo cmncror and empress
BBi and the grand duke and duchess of Dadon
BBp dined with Empress Augusta and her family
HHI Tonight Empress Augusta gavoa spoclal
BBf reception to Mr Phelps , ox-Unltod
BBl States minister to England , in the
BBb * presence ot her full court , The
BBh empress in the course of a cordial convorsa-
BBf tlon with General Phelps expressed her llfo-
BBf long interest in American affairs and her
BBl great dnslro was that the people of the
BBS Unitnd States should use tholr immense ro-
BBS sources always in the Interest of the world
BBbt a" BOC'ot-V ' is now intensely interested in
BBR tbocomtng fancy dress Dull which the em-
BB1I peror is to give nt the Schloss , where every
BBl ' ° " ° ot tuo KUC3ts mustuppcar in oriental cus-
BBl ' tumo
| { An exceedingly Interesting discussion is
BBl carried on in privnto lilo everywhere , nnd
BBl not without much heat , over the proceeding
BBl of tQ0 emperor in remitting tlio flno of 4,000
BBl marks inlllctcdon Dr Dachlcr , editor of the
BBl StaatsDcrgcr Zoltung , a coascrvativo shoot
BBl which libeled Hcrr Singer , the socialist It
BBB attacked him vigorously because he posed
BBH publicly as a socialist and a friend of the
BBh people , while in fact ho is at the head of a
BBB factory for making women's cloaks and
BBH Rimllar garments in which the sweating
BBB B.vstom is practiced at the expense of many
BBB girls employed by him Hcrr Slngor np-
BBS pealed to the courts , nnd was con
BBV domncd and paid his fine in August This
BBB * m0 was rcturocd by the emperor on Mon
BBhTi ay la3t' Such use 'of the royal pre
BBb rogatlve naturally surprises the people ,
BBB' ' - ' ' Hitherto the exercise of clemency *
BBB' " * ul3 Daen restricted to state coses
BBBFor the emperor to thus intcrforo and stand
BBl between jastlco and an accused person in a
BBl " race case of private interest is so plain a
BBl substitution of royal caprice for the law of
BBl tB0 Ill"J tmt , everybody can understand it ,
BBl nnJ therefore everybody is profoundly moved
BBS ' * > y " • The Journals can not ignore the sub
BBS ' i ° cti but tnuy Dr0 obliged to touch it with tbo
BBB greatest caution for fear ot prosecution
BBB' liberals of all shades discuss it in pri-
BBB vatc , however , and it is the universal theme
BBB 'Thrnatlonallsts Intensely regret the < ncl-
BBB' doot , as It plays into tbo hands ot the pro
BBB' 1 grosslsts una socialists on the ova of the
BBB election , with a clear demonstration of the
BBBgross abuse of royal power This incident
BBB vl" couflrm the national liberals in their
BBB" inclination to refuse to rote , as
BBB" Jt stands , the expulsion clause
BBB ° ' * D0 BOcla"st b111 , ' h'3 ' party now pro
BBBi poses us a compromlso that it will vote for
BBB tin , OIiml9ion clause if tbo application of that
BBB clause is limited to socialists proved to bo en-
BBB gaged in a conspiracy against the state and
BBh H It shall not apply to the moro advocacy ot
BBSf Boalallsm in the Dress or ou the rostrum It
BBS1 , s 'mpfobabla ' teat lilsmurck will accept this
BBBk < compromise , and the immediate political
BBBT' ' ' luturo will take shape from this as a start
BBB lus P ° lnl'i'ha liberal spirit of the national
BlBSr' , > " llboral party , qulcKoned by the Singer inci-
BBBj ilent , will make it imposslblo for that party
BBBK t0 yield on tuls expulsion clause Without
BBBJk ) ' tns party it cannot bo carried Prlnco Ui&-
BBBr ' marck will tborofore withdraw the bill and
BBBL ? dissolve the reichstag *
BBBK ' An exchange of views with the English
BBBj - povarnment regarding the decree of the pro
BBB V Vinclal government in llrazll concerning
BBB naturalizatiou has caused Prince 1 Jin marck
BBB' ' * ° abandon his Inttntion to take any immo-
BBB' 1 cllato action Kocont dispatches from Itio
BBBj ' Janeiro have Influenced England , Germany
BBBJ' , " ' " 1 Italy to agree In ignoring tbo naturallza *
BBB1' ' tloa decree and other Irregular actions of
BBBk the revolutionary loaders The general Im-
BBBT' ' pression grows here that the now govern
BBBk ment Is merely a mllitay junto , which Is un-
BBBSu stabla mid will bo swept away oven before
BBBBy the date to which it has postponed the cloo'
BBBS ? TllQ fear " ' a republican rising In Portugal
BBBJ i consequent upon the extension tlioro ot iho
BBBmferment orlginatiug In Urazll is much loss
BBflwplace the character of the movement in Hio
BBSt Janolro has boon revealed Advices received
BBbn * l0ro rom Lisbon state in fact that the re-
BBBi ' publican propaganda tlioro has boon para
BBSf > ' lyzod by the dospotio dolng& In Itio Janolro
BBV nna tmt , tieru , ls a strong feeling in favor of
BBBi ' monarchy ,
BBBI ' ' " ' uo inluon , ? ! epidemic is rapidly docrcas-
BBB i' ' " ' ' bore but ' * Bprcaditig' in ether places In
BBB * ' Oermuny Tbo malady has very seriously
BBB " ' Bffected the Christmas trudo Tbo Vienna
BBBr > doctors say the disease has readied its
BBBJ l climax there
BBB > . Th0 execullve committee ot the German
BBB1 ' dcputios in the Uoliewiau diet have issued a
BBB declaration accepting the proposal ot tbo
BBB government to hold a conference on Gorman
BBB nUl' ' ' 3ollolIlmQ affairs The committee will
BBB' ' BOm' ' delegates to the conference which will
BBB endeavor to arrange an understanding be-
BBBJ' twi'on the Germans and the Czechs , There
BBBJ' " " ' l)0 Iu tue conference flvo Germans and
BBBJ < VQ Cl00lisTuo conference will sit In
BBBJ Vicuna In January , and Count Taafo will
BBS ' 11 < , rr Meters , n brother ot Dr Peters , the
BBBS . explorer , bos received a letter from his
BBBe ' . lirotber , written at Keula , October 8. Hdo-
BBBB ; scrlbot the crossing ot a waterless desert ,
BBBBl " " lao exi'loratlous as fur as ICcnia
BBBI.auJ tlu > construction of a fort
BBBi' ' ba doctor " "J b'8 ' l > eoplo were
BBBJ ' % bDU WCUana lmd ubundant supplies This
BBBS' Jotter has not dispelled the fears caused by
BBB ' tuo report of the massacre of Dr Peters
BBB ' Which reachoj Zauilbur November 5.
BBB - Captain Theodore Ulughum , United States
BBB ' ' i ° ' America , ot tbo corps ot engineers , is
BBB i military attache at the Gorman court , vice
bbbAIj x - - - . . . . „ _
Snnford , rotlovod on account of ill licnlth
Mr.lrcnchjfor eight years secretary of the
Qrltlth legation at Washington , is danger
ously ill with fovcr ,
Mr Phelps gave a farewell dinner to
Count Bylandt , the secretary ot the Dutr.h
legation Just appointed minister to Japan
The landtag reopens Jhnunry 14.
Nltin Mbn ilorrlbly Iturnod Uy An
ICxplnillne Dlnlil
New OnLKAMS , Dec 23. A Dallas , Tex ,
special says : Nine mon were horribly and
some fatally burned by a shower of molten
metal from an exploding mold at the Mosher
machine company's foundry today
The names of the victims are J. A , Dobbins
bins , moulder , body and head and neck fairly
riddled by melting metal , his left oar is
burned oft and his Injuries may provo fatal
John Hughes , moltler , nnd bis clothing
burned from his person and both his eyes
filled with red-hot metal Ho Is burned from
head to foot and had to bo wrapped In
Mntson , n moldcr nnd foreman of the
foundry , is also fearfully burned about the
breast , neck nnd arms The molten metal
ran into ono of his shoes nnd nlmost cooked
his foot before ho could kick it off , Ho will
Charles Hurst rocolved two torrlblo
wounds In the back , from which the flesh tell
iu strips , nnd the blood onreil out as bis
clothing was torn from him His injuries
will keep him disabled for some tlmo
John Whcolcss , a workman , is sovcroly
burned nbout the head and shoulders , nnd
was knocked senseless by a living brick
Ed Avers , Wlloy Jones , Mack Hanoy ,
Jnlto Mitchell and other workmen were
all more or less burned about the head and
The cause of the explosion was the gener
ation of gns Insida of the mold which was
prepared to casta 1000-pound piece , and when
thu hot metal was poured in nt the mouth
tbo mold exploded , sondlng about n thousand
pounds of molten metal In a perfect shower
among the men
The Erlo linnets a Now Ijnw Hultnblo
for the Middle A gns
Jrkset Citt , Dec 23. The Grand griev
ance committee ot the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers hold a conference today
In this city with n commlttco from the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firomcn and
The object of the conference was to try to
convince the Erlo ofllcials that they were
wrong In suspending four engineers who had
refused to subscribe to the new laws
established by the Erie Tno new laws
require all trnln mon to walvo
compensation from the company In case of
accident , requires freight onginccrs and
brakotnen to bocoino responsible for dumago
to freight and railway property in case of
accident , and requires engineers to go
through a service examination The com
mlttco will recommend to the general com
mittee that the four engineers bo reinstated
nnd thnt the new rules be abolished , It
these recommendations are not ndoptod n
striito on the whole Erie system will prob
ably occur
Sr Joe CoiiuuisHion Mori at War
St Joseph , Mo , , Dee 2S. ( Special Toi-
cgram , to Tub Bnn.I Holnhard Senn
commenced suit today in the Buchanan
county circuit court against Oliver A. San
dusky for damages in the sum ot $12,000. on
the charge of libel and defamation of charac
ter The principals in the suit are at thu
bead of two different produce and commis
sion nouses Scnn's house was known as
the St Joseph Produce company , and
Mr Sandusky is president of the St
Joseph Fruit & ProJuco exchange There
was considerable rivalry between Senn and
ether produce men , and in October 16S9 ,
Senn claims that Mr Sandusky , ns president
of tbo fruit and produce exchange , caused to
bo issued a circular rather derogatory to
Scnn's business , which circular was mailed
very cxtensivoly to country customers
throughout Kansas andNobroslra Sandusky
is a very wealthy commission merchant and
a prominent citizen
Attempted Suicide Because of Drink
Newcastle , Pa , Doc 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Bee.J J. J. Wilkinson , son of
wealthy parents in Baltimore , Md ,
attempted suicide hero this afternoon by
taking forty-eight ono-oighth grain morphine
pills When found Wilkinson was wander
ing on the tracks in n semi-unconscious con
dition Ho is still in a dangerous condition
and will not likely recover Wilkinson's
father is president of the International Now
Jersey , New Ca&tlo and Philadelphia asphalt
paving block works , ana young Wilkinson
was hero assisting In putting up tbo now
asphalt plant No cause is given other than
that the young man nad been drinking to
For jVInlronsanco In Office
ICAV3AS Citv , Dec 28. A Jefferson City
special says : Steps were tukon today to
bring Bult against the board of railway com
missioners for malfeasance iu oulco The
commissioners nre charged with violating
the law when they appointed Jaspur N.
Burks chief grain inspector of the state ,
as it is alleged Mr 13urks is not a grain
export , as the law requires the chief inspec
tor shall be Suit will probably bo brought
some tlmo during the coming week
Wnitlniffor Tliolr Victim
ICaksas Cut , Dec , 23. A Chilllcotho , Mo ,
speclol says : James Maguire , just arrived
from McFulI , savs Howurd , who murdered
Schlus Fall at that place Thursday will bo
lynched before morning Hundreds ot men
nre congregated and are waiting for night
fall to attack the Jail anil secure the prisoner
Shot His Mother
Buooklyk , Dec 28. Frank Bruck , a har
bor ut 113 Union avenue , tonight killed his
mother and snot himself futally His mother
had boon ill some tlmo , and this afternoon
told Frank she belloved she wus dying Ho
went out , got n pistol , returned and blew her
brains out and then shot himself No cause
is ussignod except temporary insuuity
The Deadwood Manil'iimis Case
DEAn\vooi > , S. D. . Dec 33. ISpjcIal Tele
gram to Tub Bee.I Arguments in the
Driscoll-Jones mandamus case , to got posses
sion ot the seal and records of the oDlco of
olerk ot the circuit court , were closed toaay
No opinion was glvon in the mutter , Judge
Nowlin stating that he would endeavor to
render bis decision on Saturday , January 0 ,
A Famous Montana Case
Minneapolis , Minn , Dec US A Helena ,
Mont , special Bays ; The case of Hoborts , a
member of tbo legislature , ys Kcnnoy , state
auditor , was argued today mid taken under
udvisomont by the court Tbo most im
portant point involved was the authority ot
the statu canvassiug board and the validity
of the cortiUcatos ot election issued by that
\ Genuine ltllzzard
St Cloud , Minn , Dee 28. The first gou-
ulno blizzard of the season Btruck the city
this afternoon The storm began at 1 o'clook
and ls still raging with unabated fury
Much snow has already fallen und tbo trains
uudaubledly will bo ulockod ,
A l'rnirlo Fire Halting
Fobt WoitTH , Tex , Doe 28 An oxtenslvo
prairie flro is raging east aad west ot the
city , Several frame buildings have been
destroyed Many cattle have been turned
loose to got away from the Homes
The loss has already reached many thousand
Instantly Killed
Hooha , La , Doc 28. Last ovomng Cap
tain T. A. Wood , was shot aud Instantly
killed by Ernest Laporayuse , a tenant , A
business quarrel was the cause
A New Hampshire Blaze , N , H „ Dec , 23. The Hodgson
hosiery mill and a number of stores in Mere
dith vlllago were destroyed by llro vouUht ,
entailing a loss ot about (100,000.
.Vrtrloua PlaooB Ropoit the Prevalence -
lonco of Wintry Weather
Tlio Short til no's Winter Bridge Be
tween Covlncloil nnd Sioux City
A Pout Completed Bentrico
Plnoes Urivcr lloiuls
Tlio Storm In the Kintc
Valextise , Neb , Dec -28. [ Special Telegram -
gram to The Hke.1 The worst blizzard in
two years reached hero at noon today The
snow Is badly drifting nnd the tbormomotcr
rapidly foiling ,
AiNswoitTil , Neb , Doc 23. { Special Tele
gram to Tub Bee ] There was a flao rnln
falling hero this momhig , which , continued
till about a o'clock , then turned'ihto n heavy
snow fall Considerable of the beautiful
fell , when the wind raised , and now a tor-
rlflo blizzard is raging , which promises to
last all night
FoitTlloniS ox Neb , Dec 23. fSpocial
Telegram to Tux Biu : ] A stiowsturin from
the northwest commenced at 7 n. ni and has
continued all day witli n strontr wind , causing
ing drills , Uain is ruportcd at Douglas ,
Cirr.ionTOK , Neb , Doc 23. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to The Bee ] At 7 p. m. the rain
storm that has continued nil day suddouly
changed to slcot and snow , aud a terrific
blizzard from tbo northwest ls now in
Columbus , Neb , Dec 28. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tub BEE.l--Llghtning struck the
wind mill factory this afternoon , tearing oft
part of the roof and destroying part of tbo
brick wall * Tlio loss Is covered by insur-
anco A violent tbundor storm passed ever
the city this afternoou ,
Tlio Short ljino's Winter Brideo
Oovingtok , Neb , Dee $3. [ Special to
Tiik Bee ] Tbo Short Line has almost fin
ished Its winter brldgo between this place
and Sioux City They have the road graded
across the sand bar , which roaches almost
across the river The brldgo leaves Sioux
City at the foot of Water street ahd runs
straight ncross the river , terminating hereon
on the boundary line between this place and
Stanton They have boon waiting some tlmo
for the nvor to freeze up , so they could put
in the channel part of tno bridge , but as
there seems to bo no prospect of
that they have boguu to drlvo
piling for the balnnco of the bridge
As the river is very narrow at thnt
point they will soon have the bridge com
pleted , and will begin hauling across their
material for building thoirroad , iu the spring
The Short Line has chantred its course from
the ono graded up They laiu out their road
to cross the Omaha line about a mile and a
half nbovo Dakota Citv Instead of rmftslnt ?
there they will run west of the Omaha track
and cross it on the Old Ferry switch unless
the new bridge Is built west of where it is
located now The building of a temporary
bridge is much cheaper fur the Short Line
than to cross their cars on tbo bridge at this '
place , as the Northwestern asked an out
rageous price for the transportation of the
Short Lines building material
Railroads Dispute Over a Crossing
Beatrice , Neb , Dec 28. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Beb.1 The Union Pacific nnd
the now Kansas City & Beatrice railroad
companies are having a little tilt with tbo
council over the question of a right-of-way
for sidetrack purposes at the crossing of
Sixth street The Union Pacific stele a
march on the new road and built a siding on
its own ground in that vicinity to
Sixth street and were about to
cross when the < Kunsns City &
Beatrlco got the city authorities to
stop the procecdiugs for n while , claiming
that if the Union Pacific did cross Sixth
street at that point it would shut the now
road completely out of yard facilities , Tbo
Kansas Citv & Beatrice wants the council to
authorize the track in question to be public
property and that all roads may use It
jointly , and agrees to build the disputed
section of track and wants the Union Pacific
to go in partnersbip in the ontcrpriso Tbo
Union Pacific prefers to go In on its own
hook and only aslcs nutbority to cross Sixtb
street The council by a vote refused to let
tbs Union Pacific cross the street as
requested and the Kansas City & Beatrlco
proposition was carried ever to the next
mooting of the council
Notes from Geneva
Geneva , Neb , Dec 28. ] Special to The
Bee , ] The water wus lot into the mains
yesterday from the standplpo , which Is 110
fcot high , 12 feet in diameter and was filled
in 13 hours , the pumps working one-half
their cupacity This proves that the supply
of water is incxhuustablo in the two wells
Apparently the water works are a complete
Two hose companies wore organlzod here
last night with twonty-sovon men each
The question of a now couit bouso will bo
again submitted in February to the people
of the county , as it has got to bo an impera
tive necessity ' ,
Moro Rurjjlarles In Beatrice
Beatiuce , Neb , Dee 23. Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee I Tlio resldanco of E. IC
Coo , on Amos and Sixth streets , was bur
glarized last night of about fifty dollars
worth ot wearing apparel and n small quan
tity of cash The rcsldonco of W. H. Gilles
plo was also entered by burglars yestordny
afternoon and ransacked by sneak
thieves during the temporary absence
of the family Nothing of any special vaiuo
was takeu
E Beatrice Places Her Sewer nondp
Beatiuce , Neb , Dec 28. JSoeclal Tele
gram to Tub Bee ] The city council last
evening accepted the bid of W. J. Hayes &
Sons of Toledo , O. , for the $12,000 intersec
tion bonds and the (8,500 say/or blinds re
cently Issued by the city Hayes & Sons
bid was $30,087 , or a promlum ot $187 for the
two series Tboro were three other bidders
The mayor was uuthorizod to contract with
Messrs Hayes & Sons at once
A Uoatrioo Bnnlc Chanuo '
Beatiuce , Neb , Dee , 23. [ Special Tele
gram to The Bbb.1 The Peoples Dank
ot this city will become the Nebraska
National bank ot Beatrlco nftor Jan
uary 1 , a charter having been granted the
bank for that purpose on the 21st instant
The cow national bank will retain all of Its
old oftloerB with the exception ot a slight
change In the board of directors
A Franchise Kluction Called
Beatiuce , Neb , Dee 23 , ( SpecialTolo- ,
grnm to The BBB.--Tho | city council
mot last evening and passad an ordinance
calling for a special election to grant a street
franchise to the \ \ Ittonberg street railway
company to operate a line on Court street
east ot Ninth to the eastern limits ot the
city The line will also bo extended to the
asylum for imbeciles , '
A ItpHidenoo Burned Near Stanton
Stanton , Neb , Dec 23. [ Special to Tub
Bee ] At 0:80 : lost night thoresldobco of
Owens brothers , on their rsncho four miles
west of town , was burned , together with
most ot its contents Some ot the goods iu
tuo lower story were saved Loss about
$ r,500 ; iasuranco $900 in the Homo ot New
York ,
Masons Celebrate St Johns Day
Atkinson , Neb , Dec , S3 , [ Special to The
Bke ] The Masonic fraternity ot Atkinson
celebrated St John the Evaugcllst's day
with a banquet and social at tbelr halt
Weoplntr Water People ltejoicr
Weei'issci Watkii , Neb , Dee 28. [ Special
Telegram to The Bee ] The people of this
city nvaln celebrated today over tbo bond
Beatrice's New City Clerk
Beatiuce , Neb , Dec 23. | Special Telegram -
gram to Tub BseJ James P , Saunders was
last night nominated and confirmed city
clerk , vice Bourne , rcslgnod
• . Hum * ' _ .
nOIIK * > JO IU3AT11.
All Old i'nialrtlo Fnruotteii By IBs
BMK7 Aucndiint
lNi > tANAroLf 'i'"jnd ' „ Dee 23.--A special
from tCohomonjni | , , says ! A peculiarly her
rlblo death occurred hero last night which
created qulto ivwnisntlon
John ClarkoVnn old woll-to-do farmer Hy
ing near town jlji was nmlctcd with paraly
sis has been fqr s.qmo months taking baths at
Tyklo's fcbnth jirootn Yesterday evening
Tvklo put htni ii Into a bath tub at 8
o'clock nnd 'ldfbi bim to himself whllo"
ho cngatrcd In revelry with some compan
ions Tyklo llnnlly wont to bed und forgot
his patient whom ho had left In a hot bath
with gas burning underneath the bath tub ,
Ho found Clnrko this morning dead with the
skin nil pooled oft his body as well as portions
tions of the flesh Ho was literally belled to
death , being powerless to hotp hlmsolt out of
his nwful situation Ho lenvos a family of
grown children and was nbout seventy years
old Tyklo Is In Jail awaiting the result of
the coroners inquest which will bo hold
Cold Weather In South Hnlcotn
Mitchell , S. D. , Dec 23. [ Spoclnl Telegram -
gram to The Bee J-Thls morning there was
n light rain throughout this section ; In the
nftornoon considerable sleet nnd tonight
heavy snow Is falling A strong north wind
accompanies the snow , but Is not cold
enough to glvo the storm the nspsct ot a
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Doc 23. [ Spoclal
Telegram to Tun Bee I A storm ot bllz-
mrdlng proportions is raging It started in
this morning with rain , and at noon was
hailing hard About 7oclook In the even
ing it began snowing hard , and soon a gale
sprfttiK up The thermometer registers 'iOs
above The tin roof 1ms Just blown off the
Holltstor-Bevorldgo block
A Cowardly Kscort -
St Louis , Doc 28. A spoclal from Harri
son , Ark , soys : Near Bcllofonto Tuesday
night Miss Mate attended n dance , and her
escort bolng ill , accoptcd the company of nn-
ether young man homo The young man
mistook the wny"nnd after traveling a few
miles they were overtaken by flvo drunken
mon , who dragged Miss Mate from her
horse and committed an outrageous assault
upon her , ueoplng her In the woods until
morning She cannot recover Her escort
made no eflor.t to protect her and Is looked
upon with suspicion A vigorous search is
being prosecuted for her assailants , and it
found summary Justice will be administered
Bcflciicd From the Cnflln
iNDiAXAroLts , Dee 23. A special from
Sprlngflold , O. , says Captain Jacob Garrett
received a tolcgram last Saturday night an
nouncing the sudden death of his father at
Sandusky On arriving at the capital city
ho and other relatives received the body
which had boon shinpod in euro of vehitiVJs
The cnslcet was opened for a last look at the
remains nnd signs of life perceived Tuo
rolativcs brought a physician nnd in a short
time the supposed dead man was nblo to
speak Ho was removed to a bed and the
relatives are hot without hope that bo may
. ' * '
yet recover
Withdraws its Offer
St Locis , Dee ; 28 A Bpecial from Tah-
lequah , CherokecJNation says : The Chor-
okco council ndjournodsino die this morning
Before business was finally concluded , a lev
ter from tbo United States commissioners
was read It said in substance :
The government being unwilling to bo em
barrassed in tho.isllghtest degree by any
course which mnyihcroaftor bo pursued with
reference to the Cherokee outlet by having
any offorcoucoming it pending , withdraws
the offer of purdhaso made to the Cherokees ,
and to which thBitlutional council has made
norcsponso ' ' 'i'I
-t | .
Herpa Pintos Explanation
Lisbon , Dee , jg Sorpn Pintos dispatch
to the government slates that the Makololos
have signed a declaration that they were in
stigated to attack bim by the director of the
Lake N.vassa company An English mis
sionary at Blantyro urged them to rofraln
Pinto savs ho is convinced ho has put an end
to the slave trudo and ether acts of violcnco
among the Makololos besides opening tbo
Nyassa route to commerce nnd occupying
the Shire district
Twentieth AnniverMary ofthe It ofli
Chicago , Doc 23. The twentieth anni
versary of the founding of the Knights of
Labor was colobrnted tonight nt Bricklayers
hall by a largo gathering of workingmen
with tholr wives nnd families Kvorv local
labor organization was roprcsonted The
programme consisted of instrumental music ,
recitations and addresses
The iJosth Record
Auousta , Ga , , Dec 23. Judge Kit War
ren , a veteran " Journalist and prominent
figure la Georgia politics for years , died to
day.Adousta. . Me , Dee 28. Miss Susan I.
Stan wood , a sister of Mrs James G. Blalno ,
ls dead
A $50,000 bilver Sorvlcc
New Yobk , Doc 28. Banker J. Picrpont
Morgan of Now York is to receive a $50,000
silver service from the Vnndorbllts for his
offices in settling tbo West Sboro rutlroad
llKiunvnl of the Woman's Tribune
New Yonic , Dee 28. The Woman's Tribune -
buno is to bo transplanted from Nebraska to
A Midwinter Thunder Storm Fol
lowed by ley BlnstH
The unusual phenomenon of a thunder
storm In midwinter surprised Omaha people
last evening The weather had boon op
pressive and threatening all afternoon , and
several light showers gave warnlne of the
approach of tbo storm About 5 o'clock a
bright flash of lightning , followed quickly by
a loud burst ot thunder , startled everyone ,
and the rain fell in torrents , uccompan led a
Intervals by u sharp fall of hail ,
About 7 o'clock the rain ceased and the
wind began rising , blowing from different
points of the compass , but gradually sottlmg
down to a northwester
At 10 o'clock thotemporaturo began falllug
rapidly and the wind continued to increase
in force until at'mfdnight ' it had nttulued a
velocity of nearly * forty-five miles per nour ,
blowing in Irregular gusts
The local signal sorvlco officer rccolved
notice of the apiiro ach of a cold wnvo early
in the evening This was followed by four
more uotloes , oticU predicting a lower tem
perature than the , lust
The last tolcgruni received announced that
the temperature } vould reach 14 degrees
above zero at 7 0 , clock this morning
i , *
Burial of William Hennessey
The funeral of tno lata William , Hcnues-
soy , whose dcatn'occurrod oa Thursday la9t ,
took place ycst'cVctay morning from his late
residence , corner'dt Eighteenth and Jackson
streets It waBpaCtcnded by a largo number
ot friends wlth'whom the deceased had been
acquainted for hi any years
Mho fuuerahvservices were hold at the
cathedral of St Phllomcna Solemn high
mass was celebrated , Hey P , R McCarthy
acting as celobrnnt , and Key , Fathers Cur
roll and Kelley , respectively as deacon and
The address was dcllvorcd by Father Mc
Carthy ,
The pall bearers were John A. Crotghton ,
P. II , Carey , Andrew Murohy , Frank E ,
MooreB , Johu Groves aud George M.
O' Brlen
At tbo conclusion of tbo services , the re
mains were borne to Holy Sopulchro cemetery -
tory whore interment took place
* 1
The CaiiadUn Aiiierloan .
Dominion lodge , No S , of the order ot
Canadian-Americans , met In the hall of tbo
Barker block last night This lodge was or
ganized about a month uco and now has a
membership of forty The next mooting of
the lodro will be auaounced In the newspa
pers , at which tlmo a special session will bo
hold and all Canadians la the city will bo in
vited to ba prcsout
feovoml Cases In Chicago Showlne
all the Symptoms
A Number of Dentils Reported Some
Valuable tnrorinntloii on the
Subicct liy n Well Known
I n Grippe Fntnlltr
Ciitctao , Doc 28. [ Spoclnl Telegram to
Tni ! Bee | Despite the Incrodullty of the
physicians at the city health ofllco , wtio refuse
fuse to bo conviucod , there is little doubt
that the provalling lnlluonza , or Lj Grippe ,
has at last soltlcd down iu Chicago A
promfnontphjslclan yesterday reported fif
teen taSos for treatment suico Monday , and
todaysovoml ether doctors nnnounco thnt
the number of persons complaining of sovcra
colds aud what are symptoms ot La Urlppo
Is becoming very largo
'ilia first faint case of ncuto lnlluonza in
the City was reported to the health depart
ment today , when the death ccrtltlcato wus
Illed The victim was Mrs Julia A , Ingalls ,
aged soveuty-two yours ,
" 1 doubt very much If it is the Husslan
disease , " said Health Officer Wickorslmiu ,
hut wo have Uo way ot going behind the
record "
The disease seems to have struck the banks
In full force , as lu Detroit a short tlmo ugo
Henry Slmonds , cashier of the Third
National , ls suffering severely and is con
fined to his room He roportnthnt twenty-six
clerks in tbo bank uro dis.iblod from the
eamo cause TMs afternoon two ether banks
report that several of their clerks are af
fected Those that'aro conllncd to tholr
homes have , according to nhyslcians , nil tbo
symptoms of the foreign optdomlc Still the
health officers uro skeptical , mid tonight ono
of thorn declares it Is nothing but an aggra
vated form of hay fovcr , induced by thu un
seasonable weather and ni\sty fogs which
have prevailed here for two weeks past
D. illahop a well known practitioner , had
some interesting information to give on the
Hubjcct "Wo have had Influenza in thit city
for the lost two weeks , " bo said , although
the public has not been generally nwaro of
the fact The common variety ot influenza
known hitherto in this country is not so so-
vcro as to cause people to kocp
tholr beds , but the cases I have
been handling for two weeks past
have laid the patients up in bed It is ac
companied by a high headache , dry hot Bkin ,
backache , running of the nose , sore throat
and other syuiptoms The iullammation
first commences with the mucus membrane
in the nose and spreads downward , very
often to the lungs , affecting the bronchial
tubes Then it becomes serious That is
Just what is the trouble with the great tenor ,
Tamagno Ho has got La Grippe in its mild
form , und it may botbor him for some dajs
to como The first case I attended was at
Lawndalo , two woolts ago Since then I
have had them all ever the city
• 'By tbo way , I remember n curious fact
which shows that inllucnza in a certain form
was known in Chicago , and known also by
its famous name , * lho Grip , 1 before wo
hnard of the word in its Parisian form of
'La Grippe ' In 1837 I delivered a lecture
before a medical society , which was re
printed last October in the Medical Hoview ,
In which I dealt with this very disease An
opera Bingor visited my ofllco and announced
that she bad the Chicago grip ' Our surprise
was mutual when 1 confessed to ignorance
of the meaniug of the term Dent you
know what tlio Chicago grip Is ! ' she replied
'Wo all have It when we visit Chicago Wo
take cold and snoczo , our ejes water , our
noses run our throats are affected , and wo
sing at a great disadvantage Whenever wo
are at Chicago or Pittsburg wo expect to
have this trouble , nnd it is known among
professional singers as the Chicago grip '
"I found her from
sutforhig acute naso
pharyngeal catarruh aud irritation of the
vocal cords "
freezing at the Capital
Washinoton , Doc 23. [ Special Tele
gram to The Bee ] The local physicians
hero report that within the last forty-olght
hours the number ot cases of influenza
which they have boon called upon to attend
is enormous There seems to have been a
BUdden outbreak of tbo complaint in ail
sections of the city , but it is not ln'cpidemlo
form up to the present Ono of the health
ofdeors said tonight :
Two or three persons in a family are some
times taken down , but it does not go through
the house as It would if It were epidemic
The present outbreak differs very little from
that which occurred here three years ago
The marked distinction being that besides
the air passage the whole mouth of the
piticnt showB signs of inflammation
Up to the present time in my
own practice I have used the old
fashioned remedy for a cold with marked
success ; that is ten grains of quinine with
eight grains of Dover powder made up into
four capsules , two to bo taken Just before
going to bed and two Immediately after 13
oclock In almost every lustanco where
this old remedy has been tried I have found
benoflt , and X would recommend its use else
oniclnfly Snubbed
New Yoiik , Dec 23. La Grippe is officially
snubbed at the sanitary headquarters in this
city Surgooo General Hamilton telegraphed
from Washington asking for an oflluiol vor *
diet upoi the report of the sanitary Inspector
on the disease Health Commissioner Bry
ant replied that there was no ovidenccof the
ex is ten co of the epidemic in tbo city Presi
dent Wilson of the board ot health is pros
trated with it as is Sanitary Superintendent
Kwing and half the ether nllicials ot the de
partment An unofficial reurcsontativo of
the health department says that probably
fifty thousand people in New York nre Buf
fering from moro or less attacks of lnlluonza ,
but still the board refuses to give It official
recognition In nil there are cighty-ono
members of the Brooklyn police force suffer
ing from La Grippe today
New York's lnuruascit Mortality
New Yojiic , Dee 23. There has * ecn a
largo aud sudden increase in the number ot
deaths from bronchial and pullmonary
diseases during the proseut week and many
physicians attribute this to the lufluonco of
the so-called Husslan La Grippe , The number
of deaths In thu city during the week from
pneumonia was 1U9 , against 87 last week ; 181
from phthflis , against 07 last week , and bo
from bronchitis , agatast 40 last week The
total number ot deaths this week was 702 ,
last week 085.
Thousand ) Suffering
Detuoit , Dec 23. Influenza is prevailing
hero to nn alarming extent , over 8,000 per
sons having suffered moro or less from it
The working force ot many stores is crippled
and a number of poliromon uro laid up The
disease has not yet proved fatal 1c any case
A Mild Tvpe
Ottawa , III , Dec 23 , Largo numbers of
persons in aud around the city are affected
with a mild typo ot Influenza It appears In
almost nvory case reported to bo compli
cated With pneumonia or neuralgia
Death of a ItoHlou Banker
Boston , Mass , Dee.-23. John Tompleton
Coolldgo , prcsidont of the Columbian bank ,
died this mormug at his residence of La
Grippe Mr , Coolldgo was ono of the oldest
bank presidents in Boston
Tvveniy-l'lveThousand Oaseu ,
PuiLAvei i'Un , Dec 23. It ls stated tboro
are fully 25,000 persons in this city now
being treated for lnflueua.iu some form or
other , No cases have resulted futally yet
Fifty Chbps
Adii.ene , Kan , ' Dec 23. The influenza
has made its appearance here , Tbo physic
ians say fifty ckbos are under treatment
The disease It of a comparatively mild form
Oswego Attacked
Oswego , N. Y , , Dec 23. There are oyer
ono hundred cases of la GnpjKi ( n this city
General Manager Bowcn ot the Home ,
Watenown & Qgdonsburg railroad said to a
reporter today that moro than fifty em -
ployes of his rend wore laid up with the
disease The freight business in the yards
is nt a standstill
C'nllrtoii Clnolnuntl
CtsciNNATt , Dee 25. Influonrn hai made
Its npponranco in this city Fully ftOO gen
uine ones of Husslan La Grippe have boon
reported but of a mild form
ITn the Pnclllu Const
Tacoma , Wash , Doc 23. Influenza lias
reached the Pacific coast Two cases ot real
Hussian inllueuza hnvo boon discovered horu
today ,
Foil From n Frolttht Trnln ,
William Hich , n Union Pacific brnkomnn ,
fell from the rear end ot n freight train near
Albright Friday night and was torrlbly In
jured Ills skull was fractured , the right
arm broken , the body bruised and severe
internal injuries sustallird ,
Hlch had been m tbu employ of the com
pany but a short tlmo nnd little Is known ot
his friends or antecedents The train mon
nro unable to account for the nccldont un
less Uieh was knocked oft by n tramp
81At midnight Klch Was resting comfortably
with a fair proBpoot for i-ocovory.
Aud Then Ho Ououplod It on Soiled
ulo Time ,
Somothlrif : unlquo in mortuary mut
ters occurred recently in McCalmont
towiiBhlp Solomon Hitncs , tin old cit
izen , who spent most of lus time
iu tlio woods with dog and gun ,
became nlsimnoil ubout two weeks ago
on nccount of the prevalence of typhoid
fever , su-ys a Punxsutnwney , Pa , dis
patch to the St Louis Globo-Dcmoornt.
Ono o ( his old noigbbors succombod to
the disease nnd old lllmus made up Ills
mind his turn would como next IIo
accordingly took a.mtiUoek anil Bliovol ,
solectcd a spot on Ills farm which ho
thought suitublo for his grave , and dug
ll both wide and deep After this ho
talked in a nonchalant manner nbout
his obsequies , saying , in his drawling
way , "ho really would have preferred to
live a little longer , because , as ho ex
pressed It , "a man has such a got
dnugod long * time to bo dead " As
Illruos was an exceedingly robust man ,
his neighbors laughed at his eccentric
ities ahd whi&porod around that ' * Sol
Hlmes wus getting a little out of his
houd " But In tlio course ol u week
Hinics was down with typhoid fever ,
and when the doctor came ho said :
There ain 't no use in running up it
doctor bill when a man knows he's
goin' to dlo , " and not a morsel ot medicine -
cine would ho permit to pass his lips
In a few days moro lie was dead , and
his body now rests in the grave no pre
J. Percy Alston wont to Judge Duboso
of the criminal court yesterday , says a
Memphis correspondent of the Louis
ville Courier-Journal , and told a curi
ous story Ho said ho was a Mississippian -
pian and came to Memphis a your ngo
toontrngoin business Ho hud $3,001) )
or1,000 , most of which ho had invested
in a food store Thohusincss prosporcd ,
but ho cot poorer in6toad of richer
1 he reason was that ho hungered too
much for the seductive game of poker ,
and the cards didn't como his way His
taste was gratified in a gambling house
kept by S. M. Ormsby , who mudo ono
in a quiet game that invariably loft the
food merchant broke In a short while
his ready cash was gene IIo sold out
his business and the price thereof wont
the snroo way
Ho returned to Missouri and sold his
last remaining property , Ycstorday
ho returned to the city with the pro
ceeds of the sale ( $375) ) , and engaged in
a game at Ormsby's place There were
four in it , including the proprietor
The first round rosultcd in a fat "juck-
pot " It was Ormsby's deal , and Alston
found throe aces Ho opened the pot
for $25. Three passed out Ormsby
staid and made it $50 to play Alston
stood it , drew two cards , aud caught
another ace Ormsby dealt htinsolf
three cards The betting began and
waxed fast and furious Finally Alston
put up his whole roll on the hand ,
showed down his four aces , and reached
for the pile Hold on there , ' ' said
Ormsby , displaying his cards Ho had
a sequence hush , and , of course , lie took
the pot
"I never squealed when ho won my
feed store , and I wouldn't do it now , "
said Alston to the judge "I'm a
thoroughbred , und can tuko my medi
cine , but when a man deals mo four
aces and then givss himself a sequence
flush on a thrco-card draw I kick "
The judge sent the Mississipplan before
the grand jury
The Now York Press prints the fol
lowing nccount of a curious occurrence
in Dr Talmngo's Brooklyn tabernacle
shortly before the recent lire :
Every sent in tlio tabernacle wes oc
cupied The famous clcrgymun was in
the midst of an intorostiug sermon and
the 10,000 eyes of the congregation were
riveted in interested expectancy upon
the expressive face and gosticulatlvo
ilguro of the noted divine The still
ness of death except for the exhortations
of the pulpit orator prevadod the hugo
odllico Down in the center of the
church , almost crowded out of sight by
her elder neighbors , a black-oyod little
tot of four year nestled close to her
mothers skirts
The hairlessputo of nn aged worshiper
loomed up directly before the bright
eyes of the little miss A common house
lly circled nrouiid the child and finally
alighted on the top of the old gpntlo-
inaii's head
It stood uioiionloBS for a second and
then moved softly over the smooth sur
face The aged gentleman wes deeply
engrossed in Dr.Talmago'esormon , and ,
forawhilo evinced no uneasiness from
tho-tlcklish manners of the little insect
All the while the child's eyes fol
lowed the movements of the fly She
was deeply interested and looked
around to see if somebody else wasn't
enjoying the scone
Suddenly tlio old gontloraau's arm
shot up and came down with a resound
ing whack upon Ills cranium The little
tlo ono behind had been waiting for
tills nnd sliding out of her seat before
her mother could chock her she pluced
her chubby little hands on the old follows -
lows shoulders , und pee ring over into
his face , unmindful nf the time and
place , asked with much animation : ' Did
'oo ' kill iff"
Ribbons have nlways been used for
carters , nnd a good story is told of a
Scotch dominie who picked up a ribbon
gnrtor dropped by ono of his lloclt Ho
wrote on it in a bold hand : Lost by
Ellle MnDugul , the carolcss hussio , "nnd
laid it in a book for safe koophig in
tending to return it publicly with a
severe reprimand But ho forgot it and
used it for a book mark until some years
after When ho introduced Miss 11c-
Dugtil as the mibtross of the mutifc.0 , she
found out where her lost garter had
boon tarrying
Let Them SufTer the Cnnucqucnccs
lioslon Herald ,
The bill to reimburse out ol the
national troaeury these members of
congress who lost money by Silcott's
defalcation may bo all right from the
congressional point of view , but to outsiders -
sidors it looks llko putting a premium
on loose financial methods , which the
unfortunate congressmen uro as muoh
to blumo for as anybody , and a little
moro so
Horrible • Saioldo of a Farmer Nonr M
Coon Rnplds H
Proceedings of thu Convention or * H
Civil Mnalnoorn nnd Surveyors H
A bleep Wnlkcr'n Fall H
Iowa Nomb Notes |
Throw UliiHcirUnder the Car * . H
Coon lUritis , la , Doe 23. [ Special H
Telegram to Tub Her ] This afternoon a U
farmer named J nines Uashott throw himself |
In front of a train on the Allhvmtkuo road H
when near this place and wus horribly _ M
mangled Ho was about fifty years old nnd H
financially ombnrrassod , and this scorns to H
have unsettled his mind Ho leaves u wife 1
in destitute circumstances H
Struck by Iiiuhtiilnc H
Sioux di-rr , in , Dec S3. | Spcclal ToloH
gram to Tub Hek ] Heavy rain and snow is M
falling over northern Iowa , Dakota nnd M
Minnesota The downpour hns boon tm- H
motiso hero nnd basements uro tloodod H
Several liousos were struck by hgtitulng H
this evening H
The KiirviMors H
Des Moinks la , Dee 23. [ Spoclal Tolo- M
giam to Tub llnu.-Tlio ] convention of M
civil engluoers continued In sosslou today A B
paper ou Water Works S ) stems was rend H
by the secretary In the nbsonco 'of the H
wrltor , M. Tsehirgi The eloctlon ofofllcors H
resulted In the retention of these H
who served during the past year H
The legislative commlttco was instructed - H
structod to ( frame a bill for presentation H
to the legislature in regurd to making the H
ofllco of county Btirvojor on an onual , tooting H
with other county ofllcos , nnd the sumo com H
imttco was authorized to sccuro if possible H
a corner In the state library room for the H
use of the society of civil onginuurs and sur- H
voyors The cngmcors spent the afternoon H
in visiting dlffcront purts of the city , | H
A Slrcp Wnlkcr'H Fall |
Knoicuic , In , n'a 23. | Special Telegram M
to tha Uisb.I Henry Moyers , a bellboy at |
the Hotel ICeokuk , while uslcop walked out H
of his room window on the llfth story of the |
hotel about 2 o'clock this morning Ho foil H
on u barrel of empty bottles , but wns nblo to H
got up und wnlk buck to his room His arm H
wns broken nnd hu was cut somewhat by the H
Pro Ken glass , but bis csc.ipo from Instant H
death seems nlmost miraculous , H
Attempted Suicldo at Heinle H
Hoone , la , Hoc 28. [ Special Telegram M
to Tni : I3iei.J George Baldwin nttompted | |
suicldo this afternoon by snooting himself j H
through the groin , He claims that the wound H
was accidental , caused by a full to the lloor H
A Fnrmci' Killed " * H
Dubuque , la , Dee 2S. [ Special Telegram H
to Tun llnu I A young man named John H
Wllhelm was instantly killed at Dutch Hoi H
low this afternoon Ho was rcmoviu H
stumps , when the crank of the machine How Heft
oft and struck him H
Struck by n Mrnln H
Oqiien , la , Dec 23. [ Spoclal Tclccram to |
Tiik Urn ] Mrs Heconl , wlfo of a Methodist - B
odist minister here , was struck by the limflH |
lted on the Milwaukee road lust night and HHI
thrown twcuty-flvo foot , Ono urm wns VjBJ
broken and she was badly Jarred , but it is Hjl
thought she may recover IHH
The Sea Monster itecsntly Strnndcd J
O.i the Irish Coast HJ
On the little strand ut Dugort , in HH ]
Achill Island , on the west coast of U
Mayo , now lie the remains of ono of the - * * |
most curious croaturcs , perhaps , to bo M
mot with in nil animal creation , says M
the London Standard It wns stranded M
for months in one of the outlying roofs M
at the entrance to Blar.ksod bay , where |
the villagers took it to bo tlio car H
cassof a large whale It was after H
ward carried on the Achill strand by H
the late gale This largo sea monster is M
none other than the gigantic squid or H
king cuttlefish , and is rarely seen on M
our shores To what species of the M
commostreplies it belongs wilJovor ! | remain - M
main unknown , as it was too far gone iu M
decay and wus shorn of all beauty The M
suckers and horny rings had falien oil M
long before it reached the strandRand H
the parrot-liko , horny Peak , which is M
peculiar to this animal , was also J t
missing The animal , though shrunk H
and distorted , measured as follows : M
Length of tentacles or long arms , ! ! 0 B
foot ; circumference of body , including M
short arms , ( iO foot ; circumference of H
tentacles , in some places , 4 fcot Iknow H
of only four instances of the appearance - M
anco of this strange monster in British M
waters A very faint idea can bo M
gathered from what is prcsorvca in tha M
museums of this curious creature , as , it H
shrivels away ulmoHt to nothing except - H
copt a body und branches oft H
to the short arms It would H
take a vcssol as largo as the hull of H
the Great Eastern filled with spirits to H
show oft the unimal for exhibition H
Curious tales uro often told by miirinors H
about this sen monster Its enormous H
arms or tentacles are armed with formH
idablo suckers and horny rings , which |
are set with small teeth , pointing in- J t
ward These long arms , seventy foot " M
iu length when outstretched , ns they M
float about in the ocean may have glvon M
rise to the story of the sea serpent , M
Tha Gentlemanly Uurglnr nnd ( ho Slot H
A gentlemanly burglar wont to the H
National tiio other night , says the H
Washington Post The burglar is taking - H
ing a vacation just nt present IIo wus H
• very much Interested in the patent H
drnpadiuiointotho - slotandgetn - H
pnir-of-opcra-ghiHSCs box Ho looked it Hover
ever nnd ever und an on chuckled H
within : H
Well , this Is flno , Now , lot us see " H
IIo dropped a dime in at the top , H
turned the screw , and the lid fell , The H
gltisbos came out H
"In Now York they had prlntod on H
the lining a atuteinont that the opening H
of the box was communion ted to tlio H
ticket-ollico outsldo by some electrical H
device But It was a fuko , and they H
had to chuin the glosses as those uro H
chained Now , lot us hue , " H
IIo took a pair ot nippers from his H
, pocket nnd cut the chain The glasses H
were placed in his overcoat M
"Ihiml hul"
Ho deftly took a hnirptn from the H
lady in front , gnvo it a few bonds and < M
went to work In just forty seconds ho I H
imd got into tlio cash till and recovered I H
his diino witli three others IIo thou M
pushed it buck in place The lid still M
remained upon , lie gently pushed M
it to
You have to use a special key to lock M
it up Now boo " M
Hu gave the hairpin another twist 1
probed into tlio slot ut the top , hooitou M
something , and gnvo a pull The lid H
was closed , the opera glasses gone , and M
the till tupped Ho straightened the
hairpin , gnvo it the proper turn , and M
inserted it among the lady's trasses M
Some time within a month that box H
will bo opened , " said lie , as ho walked H
OJt , und a disappointed glass hunter H
will huvo a row witli the doorkeeperor H
whoever has it in charge , The com , H
puny is gottini ; up some olootricdovlcos 1
to Indicate when ono of their opera H
glasses goes out doors It will work by ]
magnetic attraction nt tlio door But IH
the first man they haul up will have a (
hunch of hoys that sot the machine to H
jumping and the first lady will have IH
stoei corset ribs , Oh , It is a great '