| - m i. | The Omaha Sunday Bee I m R h I B Man " " • " " " " ' * * - am * MnnHMaaaMHnMKnRHMRfiiaHMaMH ] H - - > nnr - . - . . . - - - . . , . H B NINETEENTH YEAE . OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DEGOEMBER 29 , SIXTEEN PAGES NUMBER 101 H PARSELL IN A HEW ROLE HH The Irish Leader Made Co-Itospond- Vf ont In a Dlvorco Suit B CAPTAIN O'SHEA THE PETITIONER Hi The Mnson Alloizcd to Have Bcon V Cnrrlnd on rot tliu Past Xliroo BBC or four Years and nt BBt Vnrloun lMnccs BBJ liondnn'fl Ijit-JAt Batisntlon B [ Cflpi/rfoht IbiTbu Jumii OnrJnn lltnn'UA BBj London , Dec 23. [ Now York Herald BBJ Cable Special to Tub lien I Tim sen sation BBJ of the day of course Is the divorce suit BlB brought by William Henry O'Shoa against BBJ his wlfo , with Charles Stownrt Parnoll us co- BBJ respondent Captain O'Shoa gives his ad- BBf dress us 221 Victoria street , Westminster , BIB Dm ! his occupation us justice of the peace , BIB County Clnro , Ireland The ground alleged BBB by O'Shca Is the lundollty of his wife with BBB Parncll at Eltham , York Terrace , Brighton BBJS nnd Aldington BBB According to an informant , Parnoll has BBB lived for a considerable tlmo slnco 1880 at BBB Eltham with Mrs O'Shca , and at this place BBB both lived secluded lives O'Shoa has B BP ubout the same reputation hero as in Amor- BBV lta In both countries It has long been sup BBb posed that ho ho3 long known of the Intl- BBB roacy between bis wlfo and Parnoll , and BBL also that Parncll found a scat for BBB' ' O'Shea In parliament on account of the BBb unremitting blindness'of O'Shca to the BBb constant lnfldollty of Mrs OShca Amorl- BBb cans will rcmombor how the Irish In Ireland BBJ were on the point of revolt against Parnoll's BBb loadorshlp wbcu ho Insisted that O'Shoa BBB should bo given u scat la parliament Per BBK haps because it will provo unusually annoy BBJj ing at this Juncture , O'Shca ' has brought the BBB suit O'Sbca lias a handsome quarter in BBB Victoria street , where ho Uvea with his son BBB Ho admitted tonight tbat the report that ho BBB bad brought the suit was correct , but BBB wondered how It had become public BBB The news was that Mr O'Shoa bus brought BBB suit for dlvorco , mailing Mr Parnoll co- BBB , „ respondent , will not surprlso these who have BBB been behind the scenes during the past tbrco BBB or four years Soma such denouement as BBB this has been Impending for a long tlmo past , BBBand on several occasions the good ofllccs of BBB friends have been called into requisition BBB with a view of averting the BBB scandal Mr or Captain O'Shoa has BBB threatened legal proceedings on sovcral BBB occasions , and many of the followers of BBB Parnoll bavo bcon aware of the fact , and it BBB , has not tended to sweeten the intercourse BBB between the Uncrowned King and his moro BBj or less obedient subjects From tlmo to BBf time , bowover , nn explosion has been smotha BBl ercd or postponed , and If It is to como at BBb length it is almost a matter of certainty that BBB , some awkward revelations must talto place BBB In the parliament of IS35 a well BBB , dressed , somewhat showy-looking man BBB made his appearance on the Irish BBB _ _ _ iwnchos Ho generally ere a BBB frock coat with a flower in the buttonhole , BBB and was altogether very unllko the careless , BBB somewhat slipshod group who usually rcp- BBB resent the nationalists in the house , and who BBB are meant for use rather than ornament BBV Who was the stranger thus attired as for a BBB bridal party It was Captain O'Shca , Ho BBJ , had coveted the honor of a seat in parlla- BE incnt , and Parnoll , boiug perhaps in an BBB obliging humor Just then , had found ono for BBB * * him , but it wus not done without difficulty B& The constituency singled out for tbo honor BBB had not at first sight taken very kindly BBB to OShoa It had to bo coaxed , perhaps BBB some prcssuro was brought to bear upon it BBB Several of the Irish members protested BBB against tbotr now colleague The redoubta- BBJ bloTlm Ilouly was very wroth and made BBB things very warm for OShoa Ho is a very BBB ugly man to como across when ho is angry , BBB Is Tim Hcaly The scat , however , was so- BBB cured and the now member made bis appear BBBJ anco as full of pride and delight as a young BBB lady nt bor first ball That was BBB the opening of 0'Stioas parliamentary BBB experience The close was not so BBB pleasant , and It came a good deal sooner than BBB the gallant captain had anticipated Ho did BBB not lind htmsolt among very congenial sur- BBB roundings ills countrymen did not taka BBB him into tholr hearts and shed tears of Joy BBB over him On the contrary , ho was treated BBB to a very llboral nllowanco of [ cold shoulder , BBB and some very unkind remarks wcro made BBB Id bis hearing wbon kho went into BBBL tbo lobbies , Ho was uot outertainod BBB ) with Dgrcoabto conversation Thcro wcro BBBT frequent altercations to mar his com BBB placenoy , and the great authority of the BBBJ leader himself failed to protect his frlond BBBj from usages which no ono need bo partlcu- BBBJ larly anxious to encounter BBBJ Ono day it was announced that O'Shca BBBJ had resigned Why ! For the same reason BBBJ that ho bad cntorcd parliament because ho BBBJ wanted to Then O'Shoa made bis appear BBBJ anco ns a wl'ness on the Parncll commission BBBJ Great revelations wcro expected , but BBB ] nothing very wonderful came It had boon BBBJ rumored that the captain had obtained from BBBJ bis wlfo letters gravely compromising Par BBBJ ncll Whether such letters wore in oxlst- BBBJ encanrnot , ltls Imposslblo to say At any BBBJ rate , they were not printed before the thrco BBBJ Judges Parnoll occasionally cast piercing BBBJ glances at O'Shoa as ho gave bis evidence BBBJ and the ox-M , P. calmly returned it BBBJ Evidently there was no'lore lost between BBBJ them The captains evidence fell flat BBJ Somobow or otbr the gun bad missed Are BBBJ And now a comedy or drama is to bo ad- BBBJ vancod Into another act Tbo divorce suit BBBJ must at least be a source of great annoyance BBBJ to Parncll , to say nothing of the lady Will BBB ) it bo dofondodl , That seems a curious quos BBBJ tfon to ask about a dlvorco case , but the truth BBBJ is , tbo wbolo affair Is very curious It has BBBJ boon a thenio of conversation for several BBBJ years The Eltham business has long been BBBJ • talked off , Ono night a pleco of paper was BBBJ picked up lu the lobby of the house of coui- BBBJ mpns and opened by tbo finder It was BBBJ from a lady to the Irish leader Some BBBJ pcoplo said it was shown to Captain OShoa ' BBBJ However that may be , It was talked about BBBJ In less than half an hour , but there may BBBJ have been nothing in the bit BBBJ of paper after all , or perhaps BBBJ only an address or an invitation , yet such BBBJ , incidents as this set people talking , and now BBJ thej will tulk still moro Who is innocent BBBJ and who Is guilty it would ba very rash In- BBBJ deed to predict , but wo may expect to sco BBBJ some of tho'nationalist papers speak out BBBJ thalr minds freely about O'Shca now that BBBJ he has east off all disguise ami entered BBBJ boldly upon the warpath There will bo a BBBJ smash , and the great Eltham mystery will BBBJ 1)3 cleared up after many false alarms fl | A MEMllliH OF PlKLUMRNT . * BBBW A Revolution in Son Salvador BBBj ! Li LiDciiDAu , Dec , S3. A revolution has BBBJ broken out In the department Cuscattan , San BBBJ Salvador It is beaded by ex.Coinmaudeni BBBJ Qeuerol ltlfos , nbo bat a strong force under him The departments of Ln P090 , San Vinclnto , Chtlatannango and San Salvador have been declared in a state of sicgo The government sent about olght thousand men to capture Cojutoqcquo nnd suppress the rovolutlon • t Perfect tranquility provnlls except around Cojutcqucquo , tbo capital of the department of Cusratlan nnd the center of the disturb ance Tbo Btrlfo is not expected to last raoro than two or three days According to the latest reports no serious fighting has oc curred and but a few skirmishes have taken place Tun ijmi'Iuiss ok nitAZiii inai ) . The Wlfo of floin Pedro Numbered Anionk tut Gripno'A Vlctlint | C M/rtfl/it / 1S83 hy Jama ( Jordan H nilftt.1 Lisiiox , Dee 23. fNow Yorit Hornld Cnblo Soecial to Tub Ileal The Urn press of Brazil died 't Oporto this morning Her condition was reported to bo much im proved this morning Her death was sudden nnd peaceful and is attributed to a cotd cuugbton her arrival at Lisbon , The emperor was in the ncadomy of line arts when the news was brought to him Ho was utterly dazed by it The king of Portugal bud Just returned to tha palace from the ncclamatlon ceremonies when a tolcgrum reached him Informing him of the death of the empress The duke Do Pallina received a similar telegram , and nn order wus Immedtatnly issued to stop the gala performance nt the opera The dinner at the palace , to which the officers of the Amer ican synudron ucro Invited , was not held , aud an order was issued postponing tomor rows military review Great consternation reigns at the Hotel Brnganza , where many Brazilian friends of the empress and emperor resided The em press departed hence on account of an at tack of la grlppo , or bad cold , and wont to Oporto Everybody hero noticed the weak ness of the omnress , who romurkod upon it herself a few days ago to Mrs Gcorgo 13. Loring It U supposed that the ompioss will bo burled ut Lisbon Concrete Gratitude Irophoniccl New Yomt , Dec 23. Charles It Tllnt re ceived from a correspondent In Brazil , who Is ono of the leading republicans of the north , a letter to the effect that the Brazil ians have been very much pleased with the support and sympathy of the press of the United States which is in marlc.nl contrast to many articles vthich have been received from the press of Europe This fact Flint states , la going to bavo a most beneficial effect in cementing and furthering the trade rolatlons between the great republics , North and South America m AtfTER FOUIl OIIICH3 , The Cronln Prosecution After the Scalps ol * Moro Conspirators CniOAGO , Doc 23. ] Special Tidogram to Tun Uee.1 A dispatch from Philadelphia today quoted Attorney Ilynos , ono of tbo counsel for the state in the Cronin case , as saying : There are four moro men who figure - uro In the case who will yet bo indicted and brought to trial " Judge Longencckcr , whoa shown this dispatch , said : That Is right Mr Ilynos only says what wo have all bellovod for months past In fact , I really bollovo there are moro than four conspirators who have not yet been apprehended , We are far from being through with tbat murder case " ' • Who are the othersl" Well , there is the man Slmonds , who bought the furnlluro Coono y , a certain in dividual whoso name I cannot mention , but who was on the witness stand , and the man who was the arch conspirator These four men wo know have ut least guilty knowlcdgo of the crime , but wo cannot provo it just now , and Mr Hynos is right when ho says It would bo prematura to Indict them now , although wo bavo Important Information in our possession It muv bo worthless before thoao men or any of thorn are placed on trial for this conspiracy , but I believe wo will bo nblo to do it at last I also qgrco with Mr tlynes in what ho says about tbo prisoners being pardoned , " said the state attorney "I dent think any gov ernor of this state would dare pardon them The case has ocenpiod too promlnont a posi tion in the public mind It would bo good bye to that mans political power it ho mod died with the conspirators or the murder of Dr Cronin Moro than that , the public would not allow it " Nothing now In connection with the Jury bribery case has transpired in the stato'a attorneys offlces TUB IOWA SBNATOItSIUP AIIIhoii Refuses to Say Much On I ho Suhjeot CmcArjo , Dee 20 | Special Telegram to Tub Hie,1 Senator Allison has kept his room at the Grind Paclflo very closely , and oxprosscd a determination not to talk to re porters Ono finally succeeded , however , In gaining entrance to tbo sanctum and found the senator very pleasant Senator , what do you think of your chances for ro-olocttonl" wus asked "O , T dent know , " said the senator smll- inglv You know thcro is a republican ma jority of six in the Iowa legislature , and that scorns to indlcato that the roDublicans will electa senator " "Is there any danger of your being crowded out by a dark horsoi" - Well , as to that I cant say , but of course I hope not " Too reporter started anothnr question , but the senator shut him up with : There is nothing else I care to say Chicago cage is going to got the worlds fair , aud possibly an epidemic of La Grippe A Dofnultpr Sues Ilia Ilonrtxiunn Vinckjnes , Ind , Dee 23. [ Spooial Telegram gram to Tue Beb | An important suit has been filed hero by Spence S. Holllngswortb , ex-county treasurer , ngaluBt James Emlson Holllngsworth defaulted for about fS0,00O , , and for tbts ho served a term in tbo Jeffer- sonvlllo prison In order to indemnify bis bondsmen be deeded in trust all his property o James Emlson , ono of his bondsmen Tbo property was estimated nt $03,000. The boudsmen compromised with the county and paid tbo shortage with 133,000. Holllngs worth cow claims that the rest of his prop erty bold in trust is Ills , and therefore sues to recover the same St , Joseph Land Grahbsra St Josei'ii , Mo , Dee , 23. A discovery of land grabbing has Just been made by tbo city authorities , A land company has taken pos ession of and platted and sold four acres of val uable land belonging to the city situated In tbo northwest part of town The discovery was made through au attempt on the part of the land company to get possession of several lots In u tract deeded by tbo city to the school board in 1807. The land luvolvcd Is worth (20,000 aud the city will at once begin suit to recover It , Mexican Theater Itumed Citt or Mexico , Dee 23. The theater at Villa Lrrdo was destroyed by 11 ro lost night Two persons perished and other * were in jured k J CROWNING OF KING CARLOS , Accession to the Throne of the Now Rutor of Portugal A CEREMONY OF GREAT POMP llrllllnnt Asflctnhlngo of llnrnlty AVltiiPHBcH the ICinrclscs nt the l'Alnco Salutations from the llorbor Cannon The Now Kuler of Portugal ICopt/r/tfM / JSM IJamtt ] ( Jonlon llen < x'i' . \ Lisnov , Dee 28. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to Tim Uec ] At sunrise this morning tbo booming of cannon from every fort on the land and from every ship of war on the Tngus nuolto the drowsy Llsboncrs from their beds and reminded thorn most emphatically tbat today is ttio acclamation day of the new king , Carlos I. True , his majesty had assumed tbo crown on the death of tbo late King Lewis , October 10 , but today the legality of his accession had to bo confirmed In a word , it had been sanctioned by the pubho and is a con stitutional acclamation , hcuco today's ' care monies The Portuguese nro fond of pageants and arrange them with the greatest taste At 3 _ o'clock the actual business ot the day began At that hour an extraordinary sitting of the cortcs had been called , at which all the min isters attended in uniform and all thn chief officers ot state nnd the diplomatic corps with their wives , in court costumes It may easily bo Imagined that this formed a bril liant nssomblago The num bcr or strangers was low , owing to tbo limitation for space For days the military had been arriving from the provinces , nnd soldiers lined the streets from AJuda pnlaco to the cortcs A brilliant sight was the procession ' ot the royal carriages through the ranks ot the soldiers , and all the tlmo the guns kept bauging away and the bolls from every church rang forth a Joy ous wolcoino to the young king aud the beau tiful queen of Portugal On the arrival of their majesties at the cortos they wcro received In the corridor of the palace by a deputation of the legislative chamber , which formed itself into a guard of honor to conduct them into tbo cortcs Besldo their majesties walked the patriarch of Lisbon , the grand almoner , the master ot the household , the gentlemen in wultingand the adjutant of the klnir.all in brilliant court costume There were also the ladles in waiting to the queen in court dress Then the gorgeous crimson cloth which covcrod the throne was drawn back and revealed - voaled two thrones , beautiful vtoiks of art , of cold and crimson , surrounded by the royal crown of Portugal Their majesties then mounted tbo dais and Don Carlos took the royal scoptro banded l.im by the cham berlain in waiting At the same time tbo Bergeant-at-arms , It Alfonso , took a posi tion next to the king , holding the tojal sword aloft in front of the throne , wbcro stood the ministry , headed by Senor Do Cas tro Porsria Carta , real president of the council , and Sunor Do Bairus Gomes , min ister of foreign affairs , nnd the councillors of state Tbo president of the senate , supported by two nobles of tbo highest rank , then ad vanced and presented the king with the Santos Evaugollos , with a cross placed upon it , The king changed his sccptro over into bis left band and , placing bis right on tbo holy book mid cross , repeated in a loud , firm voice the oath embodied in article 0 of the constitution , as follows : "I swonr to uphold the Catbollo apostollo and Ho man religion , tbo Integrity of the kingdom , to observe aud to cause to bo ob served the political constitution of the Portuguese tuguese nation and the ether laws of the Kingdom , and to promote tbo general wclfaro of the nation to the best of my ability " Tbo oath having bcon taken and a.short spocch made oy the king , the royal standard bearnr unfurled the royal banner , a magnifi cent specimen of workmanship Tbo president of the senate , still standing in front ot the king , then replied to Carlos speech , and at its conclusion , raising his volca and being Joined by all present , ho pronounced - nouncod the acclamation , "To the very high and powerful and most faithful king of Portugal tugal , Carlos I. " As soon as the echoes of the acclamation bad ceased the standard bearer , with the flowing banner , courtesylng , stepped on tbo tribune erected betoro the center windows of the palace of the cor tea , accompanied by the king-at-arms , the bearers of the mace and shields and the heralds Tlionco the klng-at-arms cried out to tbo vast crowd of pcoplo assembled below : Attention I" Attention 1" Attention I" and tbo standard bearer , raising his voice , said : Royal , very powerful and most faithful king , Don Carlos I. " Tols formed the publio acclamation and at the same moment the city throughout was made aware that an boreditary sovereign bad been elected by tbo acclamation of the most democratic of European people the Portuguese This was convoyed by royal salutes from the forts and war ships in tbo Tagus aud so ro-cchoed throughout tha en tire country , and at the same hour to dcums were sung In every Portuguese town TO BE S13T AT IUUCRTY , Mrs Mlntwell ftelinvoil to Bo Inno- crnt of Her Uusbnnd'ii Murtlor Ciuoaoo , Dee 23. | Spccial Telegram to Tub Beb.J Mrs Johanna Mlntwell , who has been in tbo county Jail several days for alleged complicity in the murder of nor hus band , who was backed to pieces with a knife , will bo sot free on Monday Hugo Ebcrling will probably bo rolcasod on ball Tbo suspicions against Mrs * Mintwoll wcro based on the fact that she said alio did not hear bor husbands cries whllo he was defending himself from his assassin , whllo the neighbors heard them plainly This Is tbo main fact , but her denial of intimacy with Eborllng when all tbo facts , lncludiug bis admissions , pointed tbo other way , strengthened the suspicions already formed The police , however , have como to tbo con clusion tbat the woman is innocent She still strenuously assorts tbat she knows nothing about the matter , arid asks why she should deslro to kill tbo person who stood between * bcr cblldroo and starvation , • Become They Wouldn't Knuckle , Cincinnati , Dec 23. Tbo contemplated strike at Bumerset , l y. , by the conductors of the Cincinnati Southern is not regarded by the officers hero as formidable Within the laBt ten days nine conductors bavo been dlscbargod at Sumersot , which Is the end of the division and headquarters of the super intendent ot transportation , The cause of the discharge was a refusal to leave an or ganization called the "Brotborbood of Hall J way Conductors " It is allied to the Broth erhood ot liadway Eoglueers , It will staled J last night that Arthur was al Sumersot to help make a compromlso An Inquiry failed to confirm the report , 11I13Y HADIjUMP a AW But Nevertheless Wcro Turned Over to the Butchers to Bn Hlrnmtitcrccl Chicaoo , Dee 23. ISpoclal Telegram to TnB Ueb ] Commission men ut the stock yards were discussing today wlmtjthoy term an outrageous disregard of the quarantine regulations passed to pruvont the spread ot lump Jaw , whioh is rognrdod as being the most contagious and lufcctlous ot cattle dis eases Yesterday there nrrlvod n drove of 109 cattle which wcro driven almost the cnttro length of the division mid placed in covered pens Many of them were decorated - od with tbo ofllclal tag of tha state ltvo stock commission , indicating tbpm to bo afflicted with lump Jaw The dlsuaso was bo far advanced In sovcrnl cases tbat the odor coming from the pens was sicken ing in the extreme , nnd mnny of thom wcro hardly nblo to stand Officer Mitchell , rep resenting the humane society , was notified and sent word to the commission that ttio cattle must bo shot at once This was not done , however , and nbout 5 o'clock last njght the cattle wcro removed td ono of the slaugh ter houses to bo turned o\er to the butchers today The proceeding Is regarded by the live stoclt dealers ns a very peculiar ono , nnd an explanation will bo demanded of the com mission Governor Flfor will bo asked to take action on tl.o matter A PltOlUIllIION ENTHUSIAST Kxtraorillnnry Proolnmntlon of Now Hampshire's Exnoiinvc , Concord , N. II , Dee 23. Governor Good oil today lssuod the following extraordinary proclamation : "In view of the various holuous crimes which have been committed In our state within the pastfow weeks , dirootly traceable to intoxicating liquors , by the sale of which the criminal law has been flagrantly violated lated , now , thcroforo , I warn all persons en gaged in this illegal and deadly traffic to desist - sist therefrom Immediately , and I call upon all state solicitors nnd sheriffs of counties , mayors of cities and solcctmon nnd all ether officers throughout the state nnd all good citizens of every party to unlto In a supreme effort to close up and suppress nil liquor saloons of every description within our orders Lot no guilty man cscapo Numerous decisions of bur supreme court attest the constitutionallty'of ' our prohibitory laws Let them bo vigoroasly enforced that our pcoplo may enjoy the great benefits which are sure to follow I cannot refrain from urging ill churchesj temperance or ganizations and all pcrsons'who deslro the ' best good of our comrao awealth to redouble their efforts to promote personalsobnoty and temperance-amongst our people " A. StOftMY BEBSION Chlcaco'a BonrC of Trndo Discusses WnrehouHO , Rnrcs Chicago , Dec 23. Thai 'Jnootlog of the board of trndo today for "thopurpose of tak ing action upon the inoroaso 'of elevator rates on grain was ; torniylrotbrlof ; The leading feature ot tb'o discussion was the practicoof watehouso ison buying grain and storing it in their own elevators , thereby enabling them to sell at lower rates than regular traders on commission ; Nearly every Important grain dealer in the city was present at the meeting and the elevator men were m a very small minority The upshot of the proceedings was the adoption of a resolution offered by W. J. Pope condemning the advance in elevator rates and demanding its revocation Tbo directors of the board were Instructed to investigate all oharges against the ware housemen , aud where the accused were found to have bought grain for handling in their own elevators tbo rocolpts were to bo declared not regular for delivery or con tracts H. H. Aldricb , A. M. Wright , Gcorgo Clark , II R Dansman and E. E. Washburn were appointed a committee to wait upon tbo elevator men and notify thom of the sentiment of the board , Short In His Accounts Minneapolis , Minn , Dee 29. There was a sensation hero today wbon it was discov ered that I. Monasch , financial secretary of the Tumors building and loan assoclattan , was short in his accounts to the cxtont of $25,000. Monasch has been financial secre tary of the association for years An inves tigating committee which lis at work on the books will report Monday * Monasch Is anx ious to make a Bottlomont and it is not likely that criminal prosecution will follow The association is wealthy , and wbilo tbo news created consldorablo excitement among the stockholders it is not likely any great loss will result The Kansas Stock Breeders Atchison , Kan , Dee 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bk * . | A mass mooting of the farmers of Atchison county was bold In the courthouse this uftcrnoon , and seventeen delegates culled to attend the state conven tion of stock breeders , to bo hold at Topeka on January 8. Ex-Governor George W. Click , who is ono of the delegates , spoke at length , donounoing the pork and boot packers of the country W. W. Guturio , another delegate , spoke in the same strain Tbo object of the state convontiun is to momoriallzo congress to pass a bill unfavor able to the paokors A Unco CriiHUde Connem.svim.is , Pa , Deer 23. With the beginning of 1890 it Is quite'likely a movement - mont will bo Inaugurated which will rid the Connellsvillo coke region 'of tbo Slavs and Huns , " two very ubdesirablo classes ot residents who bavo boon moro than usually unruly during tbo'year Just closing , The business moa of Conajllsvlllo and all the towns in the roglon are interested In the matter and it is reported tha'fcrdcr ot United Mechanics will bring a crCtaAo against the offenders i - A Chinese rwlndlor New Yoiik , Doc 23. Chu Tong Young , o Chinese merchant of this olty accused of swindling a number ot Ch'lnoso , Jews an d Christians outot $20,000 , wuarraigned today and held without bail for * examination Ho is alleged to have used forgery and other duvices | n his operations , eng disappeared a week a o. The poltco traced him to Now ark They found u whlto woman with whom be bad lived In Brooklyn , and through bor traced him to aflat ou West Fifteenth street , whore be was arrested last night Pntnl Saw Bust Explosion Cincinnati , Doc 23. An explosion in a saw dust chute in the show ; case manufactory of Scbrcitt U Co this afternoon Injured three persona fatally Ed t.enze wont into the colar with a lighted candle and going near tbo cbuto too explosion followoa The Weather Foreaast For Omaha and Vicinity on December 20 Light rain , or snow , followed by clearing , colder For Nebraska , South Dakota and Iowa Snow , much colder , northwesterly winds [ Cold wave EIGIir NEGROES LYNCHED Bloody Woik of a South Carolina Mob THE VICTIMS PRAY AND CURSE Hound to Trees nnd Idtornlly Shot to Pieces An Uprising of the Col ored Pcoplo Feared Troops Ordcrod ( Jut Awful Vcnucanao CimarsTOf , S. O. , Dee 23. A mob of sevorul hundred men raldod the Jull at Barn oil Court House at 2 o'clock this morning , ovorpovtcrlng the Jailor , and took out eight negroes charged with murder These were : Itlploy Johnson and Mitchel Adamscharged with murdering a man named llofferm.ui , and six others charged with the murder of young Mnrttn The prisoners were tanon out of town and shot to death The Jailer was tied nnd forced to accoinpiuy the lynchers The whole thing was conducted in n very skillful manner , the cltlzons of the town not know ing nnythlug about It A great many nocrocs nro collected nt the scene of the lynching , and more trouble Is oxpoetod The following statement , signed by ltobort Aldricb , Mike Brown , George H. Bates , William McNab and Jamas A. Jenkins , some of the most prominent and Influential cltlzons ot BarnVoll , has been Bent to the Nuws and Courier In csplanntion ot the horrible rible butchery of defenseless men nt that pluco last night "On the 30th of October last John II Hof- fermanaproniincntyoung morchantnnd pub lic spirited citizen , was shot down and killed In Burnwoll by negroes Public indignation ran very high Throats of lynching were freely mndo , hut were diverted by cooler counsel At the last term ot court the grand Jury found true bills ngainst the murderers nnd accessories , but the cases were contin ued The wbito pcoplo were dlsappoiuted nnd the negroes , it in thought , were embold ened by this disposition of the mnttor On Deoombor 19 James S. Brown , a promlnont citizen of Fishpond township , was shot to death on his own premises by negroes without the slightest Justification or excuse The murderer has not boon arrested On the ISth of December , whllo going from his store at Martins station to bis house a mlle away , Bobort Martin , a young man of high standing , was followed by a negro and shot in the hearing of negroes whoso houses were all urounl the spot where ho was killed , and who admitted that thov hoard the shot and his erlos nnd that none of thom went to his relief and that none of thom went to his body , although it lay In the road all night nnd for several hours after daylight in plain vloiv of them all "It was satisfactorily established that his murder was the result of a conspiracy to rcmovo him In order that tholr licanso upon the plautationof his fnthor might bo greater The murderer , that is the negro who fired the shot , and his accessories , six in number * , nftor Gblng croarfyTaontiHol'by the corouor's } ury , were orrostod and ledged In Jail These Bsovcral brutal murders of promi nent wh' .to men byjnogrocs caused a state of indignation and resentment naiong our people that can bo bettor Imagined than described , but cannot bo Imagined by any ono not present in our midst • • Last night a large body ot armed men In dlsguiso , at about 2 a. m. , called at the Jail , overpowered the Jailor , took outtho six murderers - dorers of Martin and the two slavers of Hot formnn , took them to the limits of the cor poration and shot thom to death " This explanation of the causes which led to the lynohing does not in the opinion of law abiding cltlzons Justify the atrocious murder of eight defenseless human beings The greatest indignation is oxprosscd at the bru tality of tbo deed All isqulot at Barnwoll latothis evening although trouble has boon anticipated nnd may yet como The governor has boon appealed to for troops to prcsorvo tbo peace Another Account Ciuoaoo , Doc 23. The Chicago Times has the following account from Columbia , S. C , of the lynching of eight negroes ut Barnwell this morning : Thrco hundred armed men with faces masked surrouadod tbo Jail before daylight this morning when the Inmates were sleeping soundly , They moved with caution and as an organized body The Jailor was solzod and ovcrpow- orod , bis keys taken from him and tbo heavy doors unlocked , and before the eight negroes sleeping within were awakened from sleep their cells were filled with strange flgurcs They were eoized and carried out into the night , their cries for mercy , prayers and curses alike unheeded by tbo silent execu tioners The body ot mon is put in motion and proceeds a quarter of a mlle and halts in the outskirts of the town ; the olght un fortunate wretches are secured , several hundred shots fired and eight bodies lies on the earth with blood running from hundreds of wounds , literally torn to plccos Such was the scene ot the terrible tragedy enacted in the town of Barnwoll this morn ing A most terrible retribution for n not extraordinary offense , as the records will provo Four years ago five men were lynched In Yorkvlllo for the brutal murder of a llttla boy who caught them stealing But they belonged to un organized gang whoso members were sworn to kill wboovor caught them stealing , and thay wcro beliovcd to bavo committed several murders previously , Their conviction was uncertain and the people took the law into their own hands But the wholesale lynching of this morning Is without parallel In the records of crlmo In this state ami there was loss ground for the act than probably for any lynching before It is doubtful it tbo country can show a like rec ord These olijht negroes wore charged with committing and bolng accessory to tbo crimes cbargod below : On tbo afternoon of October 20 John G. Hofforman was shot and Instantly killed 1 a restaurant in the town of Barnwell by Itiploy Johnston , Hefforman was ono of the principal merohants of tbo town and Johnston was a colored man employed at that tlmo in running a gin shop , There bad been some trouble between the whlto man and the negro before and although there were conflicting accounts as to the difficulty It is probable that Hof forman threatened tbo negro for be bad been summoned to appear before the town council the morning following and bad been put under bonds The killing took place in a colored restaurant Five negroes charged with being accessories to tbo mur der and who were in the restaurant at the time , fled to tbo swamps but were afterwards Jailed , A largo reward was offered tor Johnston and bo was captured two weeks later Of the two murders for which tbo mon were lynched this morning the worst was committed on lost Saturday night , when Kobcrt Martin , n joung man ot groit promlso and ttio only child or his aged par ents , was ambushed and shot to death Whllo ruling to his fathers house It was discovered that Martin had bcon shot by .ipirty of negroes who worked on his fathers place nnd whom ho kept pretty close to tholr work and allowed llttla llconso It was also bollovod the negroes In the liousos near by know nil nbout It , and that was why they would not go to tha assistance ot the murdered man At 4 o'clock this morning the Jnller was called by some mon who Informed him they wanted to lock up the murderer of Jnmos P. Brown , killed last week by negroes Uo opercd the heavy gnto nnd was Immodlately ovoipowered und fifty mon entciod the Jail and took out the prisoners They were marched to the outskirts of the town and bound to trees Mnsltod man then formed In line a short distance from thorn mid poured volley nftor vollov into the ni > groo ' bodies They were literally shot to piece The filing was the first intimation the pcoplo of the town had of the trouble CAUSBI ) BY A BBOltBN ItAlU Terrlhlo Accident on the Chcsnnonlco & Ohio Bond Cituti.ESTON , \ \ \ Vn , Dec 23. A terrible nccldcnt occurred this morning on the Chesapeake & Ohio road at Wblto Sulphur Springs , 125 mlles cast ot this place , The details have been very bard to got , the only accounts received being specials to the Dally Gazette Ono of these from un cyo witness su\s : Vestibule train No 3 on the Chssoapcnko & Ohio left the track two miles west of Whlto Sulphur Soiings at 7:20 : this morning , demolishing si\ cars , killing olovun pcoplo and injuring about twenty-tlvo. The acci dent was caused by the rails spioadlng The killed mo : II , Pai.tka , Grant county , South Dakota EnWAlin HitottN , ( colored ) . Net son Huvrn , ( colored ) . E. Wn.so\ , Caldwell , Kan Hue MoKHtsov , Charleston BAnaiauMisTCit Huiksuvlc , Proffitt , Vo Newsiiov Thompson , Portsmouth , O. J. D.Vist : , Howardsvlllo , Vn Tiiomis ICaiicsch , Blackstone , Kan KiDiiuu Kiiii ) , Hannibal , Me , anl ono other unknown Among the injured nro J. It Karcsch , Blackstone , Kan ; Conductor Suelcht , Huntington , W. Va ; B. L Blanton , Farm villo , Va ; Gus H. Kline , Chicago William Doll , Now York ; W. Clark , Clifton Forgo , Vn ; P. P. Bunch ; John Woodfolk , Alio- ghenv , Va ; W. D. Clarke , Nelson county , Vn ; Louis Karcsch , Blackstone Kan ; B. F. Grccory Clilltop , Va , arm crushed and internally Injured lho train was bohlnd tlmo nnd was run ning at the rate of fort } to fifty miles an hour The wreck occurred on the fill over tboJarjs run which is 100 fecthUh , said to bo the highest fill in tbo United States All of the killed wcro in the smoking car , which was tolcscopod by another car Every per son in the car was killed except the conduc tor who though terribly injured may re cover It was a fearful > vreck and the damage - ago cannot yet bo estimated Luckily the cars did not take fire , they bo lng heated by steam The cngino did not lcavo the rails The roar sleoDor had Its front trucks on the ground nnd remalnod on the rails . Dr W. P. Caldwell , the only physician in Whlto Sulphur Springs , repaired to the scene of thoacciacnt and did all in his power to allovlato the suffering , but could only aid ono at a time After soma time u number of doctors arrived and worked long and faithfully among tbo sufferers The ladies In the vicinity turned out en masse , and too much cannot bo said in praise of their noble efforts Tbo statements as to the cause of the acci dent vary Some say the rails spread , ether reports say the rails were worn out and the ties were rotten Among the Injured nro several members of the Karl Gardner theatrical company , ono of whom will probably dlo BBl'ULbi ; ] ) BY ilAIiP-BRICRDS. Pierre 1'nrtlrs Get Badly Worsted In nn Attempted lnvnslon PinitBE , S. D „ Dee 28. Great excitement prevails hero becnuso of tbo discovery this morning that a band of about sovonty-Qvo settlers bad attomptud to found a town site across the Missouri at the mouth of the Bad river It is learned that the scheme has been in embryo for several weeks , and a number ot promlnont residents of East Pierre were concerned iu it The work com menced at 0 o'clock last night , nnd all night thorcaftor mon with toums and loads ot lum ber were crossing and rccrossing the rlvor , the pcoplo of Pierre bolng entirely uncon scious ot what was going on All wont well until about 0 a. m. wbon a half-breed who farms tbo land where ono of the settlers lo cated discovered them Securing a band of followers ho attacked the lnvadors with guns and pistols The boss carpenter was lassoed andBoveralof the homo sookcrs wcro injured Finally the latter took flight To udd to tholr dismay a storm of rain and sleet sot In and ono by ono tboy came struggling across the river drenched , almost frozen and a num ber ot thom bleeding from bruises and wounds The half breeds sectored the lumber - bor , piled it up and sot fire to it , und now all that markB the prospective town site is avast column ot flame and smoke vlslblo hero , while the yells of the victorious halt breeds rolngloa with pistol shots can plainly bo beard on tbls side 9 IT BAH COME The Kxpeotod Broalc In Pasaoneor BatfH Announced , Ciuoaoo , Dec 23. The expected break in passenger rates on account of the collapse ot the Westora State Passenger association has come The Burlington & Northern today started the trouble by announcing a preliminary reduction in northwestern rates to take effect January 1. It is claimed by ttio Bur lington & Northern pcoplo that this step is taken to moot the irregular competition which has been going on It is proposed to reduce tbo first class faro from St Paul and Minneapolis to Chicago from $11 to $9 and the second class faro from $9 to $7. Tbo rate to St Louis will bo re duced from $15.65 to $13. The Burlington & Northern intends to moet tbo See rates to eastern points , and other reductions are pretty sure to follow Harrison At Iticlunond ItiCiiuoND , Va , Doe 23 , President Harrison risen and party arrived tbls evening on Mr Bateiman's yacht They were mot at the wharf by prominent cltlzons and driven to the rcsidenco of John B. Price , vlco presl dent ot the Merchants National bank , where tbey wcro entertained , niaaatrou * Fire Yazoo , Miss , Dee 28. The Citizens Warehouse , containing 00,000 bales of cotton , burned today together with several freight cars The losses aggregate $350,000 ; lmurauco abaut two-thirds , IT HAS A GRIP ON PARIS H The Epklomlo of Inflaonzn Still Id j H Full Swing H A BOOM IN QUININE SALES j H The Hproud or the I > lscn o ltcsults It } H n Gulden Harvest rortliu Cham- ' H Ists What Is Good Tor ,1 , 1 n Cure Tiiiifl MlriHinntlo Wcnthort " " H [ CnmirhM ItW lu JivnttOorlit Zlfi'i-'M ' | P.Mif , Dee 23 , ( Now York Hornld Cable M Special to Tun Bii : : | The weather Is , , ; H warm und rainy There scorns to bo n sort ' H of miasma In the nlr 'lho Influenza Is still jj H in full swing Chomistt nro reaping a H golden harvest Quinlna has been Bold by H tbo ton Vushtotinbia chemists uro soiling Hi l lb00 frniics worth of those drugs a v cok l fl Butchers , b-ikcrs and tobacconists , on the Ii H contrary , nro doing a very slack trade The l fl bakers , whoso average sales were 100 kilo ' H grammes of broad , only soil fifty aud sixty - H now 'J hero is a corresponding faHlng off j | all along the line , and this Is the best bar | ometcrof the state of lho general health "f l lho iiilluonza epidemic Is assuming n still 4lilifl mora gctiulno character , ns the declarations m [ | made nt the academy of medicine demonstrate H Its dangerous character is showing itself by H | serious pulmonary complications , such ns M congestion of the lungs nnd pneumonia M Bow can these complications bo nvoldodi fl There Is only ono moaiiB , und that is not to - | B bo imprudent Accordingly when ono bus I B bcon attacked by ttio Influenza , however 1 1 trtflinu' nnd short the attack may b.ivo boon , 1 1 tbo patient must romaiu in bed nt least five 1 1 days and not lcavo the house so long as bo Ufl remains under the lnlluence of tha weakness fl l which the discaso produces , nor must the H l patient lcavo the house and rostuno ll l his ordinary avocations until ovcry 1 1 trace of futiguo and weakness linvo dlsap- SiH pcarcd With regard to tbo moJlciuo to bo - 9iB taken , uhen ovcry trace of fever has dlsap- 1 1 pcared it will bo well to take at each meal a j m M wino glass full ot a gcod decoction of Peru j W M Vinii balk , and in case of a cough to luka llifl twlca a day benzouta of Boda and paint the Rl chest with tinctuio of iodine Such Is the II 1 counsel of the most eminent physicians and .11 M members of the academy of science U M ' 1 ho health officer of the city ot Paris baa O l published his usual sanitary stutcmont for Jl' l the weak oudlng last Sunday There were W 1,0. 0 deaths registered , as ngainst 1,883 Jf , during the preceding week The Incrcaso Is ' | I duo to tbo greater piovalonco of lung dls- " wK oases Only ono death is recorded from la 'm grlppo , and the victim had long bcon suitor > 9 ing from diabotis , which was aggravated und B made fatal by la grlppo But there was S no loss than 323 deaths from disoasw of the - S organs of respiration , as against 243 during U tbo preceding week Ot these thcro wcro B ; GO aoaths from chronic bronchitis , us ngainst -H 57 the week before ; bronchial pneumonia , 40 Hi Instead of 33 ; acute bronchitis , 03 inetoaj of | H l45 , nnd 133 deaths from pneumonia , instead iflC of 10J. There worn 212 doutbs from pulmoJBt' nary phthisis and 25 deaths from ether 9mi kinds of tuberculosis ' . ' j' * In snito of the holidays there is great ox- * ' 'Bj , ultcnicntnud oven nnxloty caused in Puns < * by thodeeieoof the Brazilian government ' i establishing in favor of the Brazilian society t La Companhia , a mercantile monopoly of tbo ; India rubber trade The rubber merchants " h of Purls aud Nantes bavo , through ? their respective chambers of com ' " mcrco , potltlonod Spullor , minis ' t " tor of foioign affairs , to Intervene 5 ? in tholr behalf with the * Brazilian govern * j ment and thereby save them from apparent . * ruin Sibille , deputy from Nantes , had a * long conversation with Spuller on the sub * Jcct und the result Is that the mlmstor of , foreign affairs has cublod the French minister - 1 tor at Rio Janeiro to send ut once all the % ' facts that uro to bo made the basis of a for . < mat remousttanco of Franco Bobart Lincoln Is again at Versailles with " j his family Ills son , Abraham , who has \ \ been ill for eight weeks Is still unable to " ' V bo moved , The abcoss which was operated ' . ' i upon two months ago has not honied It was % - ' not feared at first that the boys Illness was \ k caused by blood poisoning , and bis slow recovery - • \ covory for the matter of a car 1jj J ? bunclo has given the family cansidcra"M ft bio uneasiness Ho docs not seem to Jf ] j gain strength , which is attributed to the ? ' \ dlschargo from tbo absccis , nnd has not * ' % been removed from the room slnco the bogln 9 i \ag \ of bis Illness Dr Poun , a French sur- • ' • § gcon , performed the operation and it was 4 w successful The Herald correspondent saw S M the doctor today , who said ho had not soon ' ? ' ? | bis patient slnco the day of the operation ' } / • and that bo bad not heard of anything alarm * y * | ing about the young mans condition , Mr , * " § Jf and Mrs Lincoln are constantly attending % tholr son and have declined all invitations mS \ 1 for the holidays Youcg Lincoln's school * jj " 3 mates , Judge Davis son and Senator Halos J3 J sonB have loft Voraalllos for tholr homo in * j | J America , i Among the victims of tbo influenza is Jifl Charles Gounod the and Sarah , composer , SarahjHUI Bornhardt ; k9 The appearance ot Jane Hading ns the ? MHfl promlor of "Jonno do Are is fixed for Mon'J Hv day , but it is doubtful whether lho costumes 1 b1 will bo ready , as the workmen have boon do- iuwJLi layod owing to tbo influenza Jane Hading xV * bus signed a throe-years'engagement with * ' # ' the Vaudeville theater and begins rehears ? iM'4l ' nlB for Countess Ilomanlo" next Tuesday -jiH ! Mlsg Calhoun is stopping quietly in Paris _ - aB1 ! studying Trench and the the drama , on dlu Sit She bus plans for playing on tbo French ISB I stage vBIl Mrs Potter Is at last off for London withmBI bor trunks full of pretty dresses to try her K fortunes on Australian soil She embarks JjBfi January 10 with Kyrlo Bellow as leading Sill man , mHMi Mrs Urquhart and MUs Urqubart remain * JM at Versailles indefinitely , tsHj Among the recent arrivals in Purls are IfflYJI Mrs Bates and tbo Misses Bates of PhilaaelxflBr pbla at lho Hotel Itoynl ; Miss Jane Steb- Bl bins , at the Mourla ; Miss Itosalla Gill , at JH the Baltimore JmU The artists , Mr and Mrs Frank D , Llano ! of Philadelphia loft yesterday for Monte 1SH Carlo IH Mr and Mrs John \V. Mackay are spendJH ing a few weeks in Paris Major Itathbone ! entertained Mr , Mackay at breakfast today iB& Mr , land Mrs Wnitolaw Heed returned ' "ImBV from Nice today aud will bold a recoptlon a JHB'I 35 Avenue Hocho on New Years day , ' VbY * Consul General and Mrs , Itathbone will HBi j " ' „ also keep open house Bvlj • 1BW Fruit Lauds Overflowed 'SHt" Los Axokies , Cal , , Dee 28. Tbo flood of : 'lBBl the last few days caused tbo river to cbango " HHj its course a few miles below the city nnd to cut 'VHJ ' a now channel , turning the rlvor nn the fruit BHj lands The owners claim their property is , SHj damaged to tbo extent of $603,000 and that BcP the city of Los Angeles is responsible , -Sb