Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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H/ Horn , to Mr mid Mrs J. 0. Staples of
HU 2608 Cats struct , n boy
Hf The ladies of the Ltcdorkrnnz will
H Bivo n grand outortnlnraciit on Friday
H oven in cr , .
1 Over 27,000 cltjnrs were rocolvcd fit
' the oiibtom house yc9tordny from
Hnvntin The tarilT Is to bo paid by
H Max Meyer
K Josonh Kcstncr , charged with Btoal-
H | ltiK chlckoiis ftom Janitor Gahlorof the
Wnliiul Hill school , wns hold to the
B dislrlut court yeatorday In the sum of
H ; Tlmrottill bo n mooting of the Ccn-
B tral Labor union this evening at " : ! I0
W oclock Uuslncss ot importance will boB
B- transacted All delegates tire rctjuosted
H to bo present
HI The Columbus buggy company has
purchased the business of Angrno &
B Kirestono , their ngonls In Omaha , and
In future u ill do business direct from
the manufactory
B The Omaha Ouards pave another of
their pleasant hops at their aimot.v last
night The society of Council HlutTs ,
Omaha and Fort Omaha commingled in
the pleasures of the evening About
H forty couples wore prcsont
| Mary Wick , the slxtecn-yrar-old
daughter of Otto Wick of 2310 Hamil-
Hfl ton street , full Into the basement of the
now Amos building Wednesday night
nbout 10 o'clock while walking along
the west side ot Sixteenth street
BM Superintendent ot Buildings Whit
Hfl lock suddenly called to Denver
' Wednesday by a telegram nn-
BH nouncing the death of his
HI only brothet' . The deceased was
BH for years an onglticcr on the Cole
rndo ' Central road , but was recently in-
HH' jural in a wreck and died in a Denver
HI hospital
Mr C. Tott was presented with a
HB beautiful ollico desk on Christmas uvo
by two of his 'employes , Rudolph
pi Ilavolka and B. Petersen , at his rcsi-
HJ denco 1/515 / California street , and in ro-
HJ turn these two gentlemen found a gold
BB watch apiece in their stockings , the
Bfl gifts ot their employer
BB A cantata ontitlcd "A Shine for a
Bfli iJimo , " will bo given at Boyd's opera
Bfl lioubo Tuesday evening , Dcccmbor ! ! 1 ,
flfl by the poor children of thn city , who
' are to bo dined by the Omaha City
| B Mission society today The ontortuin-
flflj muni will bo irivon under the auspices
flflj of the bocioty and the proceeds will go
Bfl to the mission Sabbath and industrial
Bfl schools
flfl The commanding ofllcor at Fort Nio-
HH brara has been directed by the depart
HH meiit commander to send William
HH Hand , the coloted cavalryman who shot
HH and killed a follow soldier at Fort
HH Niobrara last summer , to the Kansas
HH Blato penitentiary at Lansing for the
HH execution of so much of thosontcuco
HH in the case ns rolntos to conllnomcnt
HH . at hard labor
HH Pcmnnnl l'ltrnRrnph * .
flfl C. A. Chase of Wnyno Is at the Casey
flfl George Hill of locunmoh is at the Pnxton
J. 13. Lucas of Crolghton is at the Millard ,
flfl J. II Caster of Ashland is a RUcst at the
flfl , Cuscy
M. T. Conner of Auburn U stopping at the
BH J. Kautzman of EJcar is roRistcrcd at the
i Casey
flfl ] , - W. B. Sheldon of Buslines Is at the
flflCasey. .
BH' ' II It Hughes of Valparaiso is at the Cusoy
HHii W. C. Mulford of Plustsmouib Is at the
HfJI Casey
HH- | > Edward Itenard of Oakland is at the Mcr-
HH > chants ,
BH U. D. Stearns of Lincoln is at the Mor-
HJ' chants
HH ) E. D. Gould of Fullerton is a guest at the
HH Mlllaid
HH John J. Hocho of Nollgh is Btopping at the
H Paxton ,
HH , F. H. Galbraith of Albion is a guest at the
H Paxton
HH A. B. Brown of Norfolk is stopping at the
HH Murray
HH < < E. F. Highland ot Nebraska City is at the
HH' ' Murray
HH' ' GcorL-o P. Hlica of Holdrcgo is stopping at
HH , the Casey
HH > G. L. Horn , Jr , of Ltncolu 13 stopping at
HH ; the Millard
HH' Frank fhorpo ofJUcavor City is a guest at
H ? the Paxton
HH' ' G. W. Graves ot Oaktlalo is registered at
H tl , ° Paxton
W H. C. McNair of St Paul Is stopping at
HHL * ' 10 Pnxton
HH ] J. N. Coolidge of Ncligh is registered at
HH' ' ' the PaMon
HH E. M.Sandy of Crawford is a guest at
H the Merchants
HHj E. C. Lvaijp of Seward is rcglstored at
HHJ the Merchants
HHk ? . H. C. Itowntioo of Lincoln Is stopping at
HHJK& the Merchants
K W. II Chapman of Grand Island is a guest
HHj ; At the Murray
HH . John Johnson of Greoloy Contro is regis
HH' tered ot the Casey
HH Fred II Ho si and wife of Dunbar are
H RUests at the Paxton
H' Samuel M. Chapman of PJattsmouth is
H stopping at the Murray
HHf * J. C. Warner of Hcd Cloud Is among the
HJ arrivals at the Merchants
HJ ) . Hon Gccrgd W. E. Dorsoy bf rrcmont is
HHJ'l rcgistcicd ut ttio Millard
Hl ' D. C. Wallace and F. W. Jonsel of Toka-
HHJ.\ " mah nro guests at the Casey
H . A , O. Oug and wlfo of Crcightoa nro
HHj among the guests at the Paxton
Hijf C , II Hoylo and wlfo of McCook are
HH ; ' ; among the arrivals at the Paxton
H John C. Harlan , editor ot the Cambridge ,
HHJ' : ' C rJnb , Kaleidoscope , wus in the cityyestor-
HHj ' day and was n caller at This Hbu ollico
HHj Miss Iluttlo Woolloy or York , Neb , Is in
HHw the city for tlio holiday week , the guest of
HHkhor hrother.Charlos It AVoolloy , No 819 Vlr-
Hjf glnla avenue
K , O Secretary W. N. Nason of the board of
HHJt ' ' trade has boon "umlor the weather ' for sov >
HlU , craldajsand contlncd to the house Hois
HJi rccovercu bulliciuntly to bo on duty again
HHW * na , ls H01"K b'ood work for the Agricultural
HH- ] ' park scheme
flii Fliu'Jl Ono Ilmulri ( I nntl Cosih
HHjF Nettle Uecd , the young prostltuto who bit
BBW < off Ortlccr Newman's ear Christmas day was
BBIt fined $190 and costs jestcrday tor mayhem
HH •
Hl | Horn With Tcetti ,
flflliii ' - ' Mrs Kenrlck , who lives at the corner of
HHJ | Lake and Twontleth , ls the possessor of a
HL living curiosity Jn the shape of a calf , which
Hl was born last night and cams into the world
HHJ ' equipped with a full sot of lurgo whitu teeth
HHJ1 in the lower ] iw The calf was unusuully
HJ" largo when bom , and almost fully matured
HHJ' ' Ili-nl Kainlo Kxcliango
HHJ Thcro was a very brief session of the Ileal
HHJ Estate exchange jestordav morning The
HHJ members are lying low until after the first of
HHJ ; . Junuury.whcu they liavo some mora iiuprovo-
HHJ , ment plans ready to spring on the people
IJJJI' U'Ueio will bo au auction sale on Saturday
H' Hold to Ilia District Court
HHJ , . John Hourtiton and Edward Saxton , two
HHJ ; of the thrco young men who wcro arrested
HHJ < on the charga of forgery , have been hold to
HHj r 1 the district court There are thrco counts
HHJyr against Houghton and two agaiust Saxton
HHK In cacl > count the ball is llxed at tUOO
HHJr I'd Klric , the third lad , pleaded not guilty
HHJ' ' ' ntul will bo glvou u bearing later There is
| H only one couut against him ,
HHii" Nona of the dofondauts were oblo to glvo
HfljyL ' ' * " • _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wf 1UI > .
HHHHENNESSY William , native 'of County
HHJF Longford , Ireland , a. 11:10 p. in at his
HHJgf retidenco , Eighteenth ana Jackson , aged
HHK fifty-threa yeart , of heart failure
HHHFuuural notlco hereattor , Saa Francisco
flflfli . , il Hlchflold Springs , New York , p.ipcis
BflH' ' - , J > lea o copy ,
BflflL N ft , IMIlil/ | .
Morton's IlcHlRimtinti SuRacitB n Iioni ;
Iilno or Promotions
Thomas Miller has nccopted an offer to
become gonornl frolght agent of the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy real , which position
Paul Morton resigns for personal reasons
Mr Morton ilnds ho con cngago moro ad
vantageously to himself In another line ot
Mr Mlllor s.ild yostordiy tint ho could
not toll whether the change would talto him
away from Omaha by February 1 or sooner
"I am vorv far from being anxious to go , "
ho continued , but it Is the policy of our
pcopla to observe civil service rules and pro
mote men long In their service nnd on whom
they place roli.inco rather than tuko lu out
siders "
Mr Morton rotlros to take an Inter
oH in ns well ns a posltlou
with the Colorado coal and fuel
compnny of Chicago , where ho thinks his
Held of usefulness and chances of winning a
fortune nro larger nnd better than ns n rall-
' 1 ho vacancy created by him makes , possi
ble a long line of promotions , Wliilo noth
ing has been settled further than the fact
that Mr Miller will succeed Merion , specu
lation Is nfo and aslutnhus been 111 ado up
which will undoubtedly bo carried out
George S. Crosby , genernl freight and pv -
songer agent nt Denver , A. B. Smith of Ibis
city , it w. Vnllory , general rrolght ngentat
Salt Lake , Mr Cox nnn Mr Dwycr , com
mercial agents , nro nil In line of uromotloti
It is geneially conceded that Mr Crosby
stands u hotter chance than any 0110
else or succeeding Mlllor If he
docs , probably Smith will go to
Denver and cither Cox or Dwjor came hero
in his place
Mr Mlllor has been < vltb the Burlington
sjstom n great manv joars In various capac
ities Previous to being nppiinted general
freight ngentof the B. & . M. , seven years ago
he was stntioned at Burlington , la His pop
ularity Is so extensive und ho has so many
friends in Omaha that there will bo many
regrets over his donarturo
The rnllrond officials of Omaha fared bet
tor , probably , on Chrlttmus thin nnv ether
class of men Every onu of them received
presents by the cart load None , however ,
enmo in for n handsomer or moro useful gift
than J. .1 , Plillllppl , grmcrat freight nnd pas
senger ngont of the Missouri Pacific The
cleiks in Ills ofrlco had 11 line surprise
for hltn when ho reached his ofllco
Christmas morning In front of the desk
used by Mr Phillippi ho found a largo
leather cushioned ensv chair m place of thu
small , rickety old nffair loft ttiero by hi in
when ho went homo Tuesdiy evening A
bettor pleased man could not bo found
The people of St Joe nro up In arms over
what tnoy Imagine is going to bo n groit lo s
to their town ir the Union P.icillc company
moves the accounting department ot Its
Grand Island branch from St Joe to the
hondnuartors m this city As can bo ascer
tained bv reading special dispatches ia ' 1 he
Beb , steps have aire idy boon taken to pre
vent the move President Adams
lias bcon tologrnphod to withhold
any order for removal until
St Joe , can bo hoard through her board of
trade and a protest that will bo tiled ut
The Kansas and Nebraska freight troubles
hnvo not been settled ns vet Another meet
ing Is to bo held in Kansas City today
The award of dllTeientlals nmdo for thc estates
states buvo been rejected however , und the
Kansas roads are now preparing a schedule
of rates to correspond with these adopted by
the Nebraska hues December ID ,
Tom Orr , late chief clerk to General Man
ager Kimball of the Union Pacific , is going
to the old City of Mexico as general ngont
for the International & Great Northern road
The position , it Is understood , was tendered
him by Colonel J. M. Edoy during his recent
visit to that country It is not known how
soon Mr Orr expects to leave Omatni
P. P. Murray , travelinc passenger agent
of the Michigan Central road , Chicago , spent
Christmas in Omaha
Assistant General Passenger Agent John
Scott of the Union Paciilc bus gene to St
Paul on business ;
Sickuoss comes uninvited , and strongmen
mon and women arc forced to omplov
moans to loatoro their health and
btrength The mo9t successful ot all
known remedies for weakness , the ori
gin of all disease , is Dr J. II McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Pu
rine r. _
United Slates Uiurt ,
The United States court did not convene
yesterday until 2 p. m. The case called for trial
was that of Peter Worthlngton vs Charles
Jones and Albert L. Towno
The plaintiff claims that last March ho
w is arrested wrongfully oa the charge of
forging the nama of Murpny Hrothors of
Lincoln to a note Bo was arrested at his
homo In Montrose , la , bv Towno and taken
to Lincoln , where ho was kept m jail for a
long period without any chance of proving
his innocence Ho was finally discharged
without trial
Woithingion claims that the notion of
Towno and Jones was malicious and without
cause , und wants $5.1)00 ) damages
District Court
Arguments for a now trial wore mnao yes
terdavbefoio Judge Doano in tbo case of
thu Gcnosoo Valley Manufacturing company
vb Cooper , in which a verdict for the do
fenso was given early In the term The
amount involved is $1,500.
The arguments In the Giles habeas corpus
case wcro made In Judge Clarksou'u court
yesterday morning
Judge Wakoloy will hnnd down decisions
tomonow morning In the eases of the Atlnu-
tic Cigar Company vs Donnls Cunniugham ot
al and Woolmnn vs Murray ,
Mary Tnckor applied for an Injunction
against the Crowoll Lumber company re
straining them from advertising for sale and
soiling the south half of lot S. 'in Florence , to
satisfy a judgment against Freeman S.
Tucker The petitioner alleges tnat said
Freeman S. Tucker has no interest or title
In the property A restraining order was
County Co u-r.
Judge Shtolds yesterday dnelarod a divi
dend of 0 and 5MO0 per cent on the estate ot
Charles G. Hawley , who was In the hardware
business and made an assignment in Febru
ary , 1885 , with liabilities amounting to $17,000
nnd assets amounting to $ J,000. This Is tbo
third dividend which has boou awarded the
creditors In this case , Judge McCulloch hav
ing declared a dividend of B per cout and
Judge Shields making on order for n divi
dend of 8 and 42-100 per cent on February 20 ,
1888. The claims of J. A. Hnwloy and C. K.
& J , C , Wilson were allowed us the outcome
o 'f suits on the original claims , and the court
hold that they were not entitled to the two
dividends which had been declared , and this
amount was turned into the general fund and
a dividend dcclarod ,
The will of Paul Armbrust was admitted
to probate yesterday and Anna Ariubriut ap
pointed administratrix
Allen Brothers have brought suit ngainst
Charles Splltt for IJ10 9J for groceries sold
and delivered
Aycrst & Tafllndor liavo commenced suit
against Nols O. Brown for $ )02.S0 for ser
vices In soiling certain notes
Averst & Tafllndor have brought suit
against G. II Muok for f 150 for services in
securing a loan
The Douglas County bank lias begun suit
against Will W. und Mabel A. Mcllrido to
recover $200 on a note
Mr T. A. Dorovon , mcrohant , Doro-
von , Louisiana , says : The St Pat
rick's pills wont like hot cukes " People
ple who have once tried thorn are never
batisflod with uny ether kind Tholf
gentle action anil reliability as it cathar-
tlo Is what innkos thoiu popular For
silo by druggists
An lnocnrtiury Frustrated
An attempt was made to burn Ebscu'a sa
loon at Millard Tuesday night
The flro was discovered by a Union Pacific
brakemnn , who was on a train passing
through the place just after midnight Ho
pave an alarm and the lira was stopped before -
fore scrinus damage was done
Tbo saloon is owned by O. Zimmerman of
Ouiuha , who rented it to Ebscu ,
The latter was successful In his
business and recently opened a butcher shop
In connection with his saloon A certain
party opposed this departure on Ebson's part
nnd has frequently threatened to burn him
out If ho did not close up the butehor shop
branch ot his business mid suspicion | K > ints
very strongly toward him ns the incendiary
No ut rests have been made
Good plnvs nro so rnro nowadays that
when such a masterpiece ns William Gil
lette's Hold by the Euomy" comes this way
a word or two of pralso In ndvnnco is nei
ther Ill-timed nor 111-ndvlsod , The plcco is
purely on Amorloan drain a , Its situations
are intensely interesting nnd dramatic , and
characters true to life The fourth net
can bo safely classed ns a perfect triumnh ot
the dramatists art , the inotlvo nnd action
being so slmplo and the effects so tin llltngly
dramatic Bold by the Eimmy11 will bo
presented at Boyd's opera house on Frldny
nnd Saturday of this week with as strong a
company of actors and uctiesses as has over
visited this city The sale of seats com
menced this morning
Bnllo sy Kiralfv's great spectacular pro
duction "Alltiopo , " which Is the most expen
sive organization that Mr Klrnlfy has over
Sut upon the road , will open nt thu Boyd on
ow years nltoruoou and contlnuo dining
the.remainder of the week , Hiving six per
formances in all
For alamo back try saturating a plocQ
of ilnntiul with Gtmmborlnln'a Pain
Balm und binding it on to the olTocted
pnts This treatment will euro any
ordinary onso in ono or two days Pain
Bnlin ulso euros rheumatism , sprains ,
swellings ami lameness 50cent botllus
for sale by all druggists
A Girl , Two nnd n-llnlf I'd 1111 ( In
The smallest bnbo over born In Omaha
first siw the light last Sunnay evonlng In
the homo of Mr W. S. Payntor , a cable
conductor The babe weighed just two nnd
n-half pounds nt birth and In everything ex
cept stoo whs and Is in normal condition It
ls a girl , in perfect health nnd appears to bo
enjoying lifo hugely Mr and Mrs Pnvntor
nro proud ot their offspring and claim that
it is the smallest babe on record
Hondncho , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr
Miles Nervine Samples free ut Kukn &
Co 's 15th and Douglas
Save Your Hair
BYa timely tiso of Ayers Hair Vigor
Tills preparation tins no equal as a
dressing It keeps the scalp clean , cool ,
and healthy , and picsoncs the color ,
fullness , and beauty ot tbo hair
"I was rapidly becoming bilil and
gray ; but after using two or tlueo
bottles of Ajer's Hair Vigor my linir
grow thick and glossy nnd the original
color was restoied " JleLiii Aldricb ,
Canaan Centre , N. II
Some time ago I lost nil my hnirin
consequence of measles After duo
• nnlting , no now growth appealed I
then usiil Ajei's Hair Vigor and my
hair glow
Thick and Strong
It has apparently como to stay The
Vigor is lilently a great aid to nature "
J. B. Williams , Floicsvllle , Texas
"I liavo used Aycr's Hair Vigor for
the past four or fh u jears and find it a
most satisfactory di casing for the hair
It is all I could desire , being harmless ,
causing the hair to retnin its natural
color , nnd leqiilrlng but a amall quantity
to render thn ball easy to ariango , "
Mrs M. A „ Uaiioy , 0 Chalks street ,
na\oihlll , Mass
" I hao been using Ayers nair Vigor
for sei oral > i ars , and believe that it lias
caused my hair to retnin fts natural
colur " Mrs H. J. King , Denlei iu
Dry Goods , &c , IJl3liop\llleMd.
Ayers ' Hair Vigor ,
rr.EPAnnD by
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
Gold by DrugKtitsaud rcrfumers
UM Faknau Street , Omatm , Nm
( Oppoiita Paxton HoUL )
Office liouri , 8 . a , to 8 p. m. Sanaa ? ! , 19 a. m. , t *
I p. ra
Specialists In Chronic Nerroun Skin and Wood Dlt-
pr ConsulUUon t offlea or by mall free Medi
cines sent by mall or uxpren , secure ! ? packed , free
from observation Guarantees to euro quickly , late
ly and permanently
stons Physical decay , arising from Indiscretion , ex *
rets or tndulgonco produUnif sleeplescios * . deiptm *
doner , pimples im the faces aversion toiocletjr , easily
discouraged , lack of contldonco dull unfit fur study
or builnou , and rlnda life a burden bafGly , pcrmaa *
ontly and prWataly cured Consult Dn.iUtU A Uetu ,
liUb Varnam tltreet , Omaha , Neb ,
Blood anil Skin Diseases gaftfesssru
reiulu , completely radlc/itod wltliont the aid of
mercury Hcrofuta erysipelas , fever ttorei , blotches ,
ulcer ! pains in tno neaa ana panes , sypnnuio sore
throat , mouth * ud tongue catarrh , io , permanently
cured where others have failed
Kidney Urinary .tia cnWJf
quent bumlnjr or bloody urtno , urine blpti colored or
with mllty ndlnicnt oa NanJlmt wenk back , gonorr
bona , uleet.cyailtii , etc l'rompily and lately cured
cbarwi ! reasonable
STRICTURE I "Xu a ? ? ?
moral complete without cutting , cauailo or dilution
Cure ! eriucled at borne by patient without a moment !
pain or annoyance
To Yonng Men and Middle-Aaea Mon
PIIDU The awful effects of e rlr
AQilDP bUIUj Vice , which brines orpaulo
weakneo , deilruyinv botb mind and body , wltb all
III dreaded tils , permanently cured
nnn nrmiuj Address those who U ? e 1m.
UtlUi OullU paired themselrea tiy Improper
Indulgences and and uolltury bablts which ruin botb
body and mind , unbtllug them fur business , study or
Minium Miv , or those entering on tbnt happy
tlf • , aware c < fpbyslclaldeblllty.guli.kly assisted
Is based upon facts , first-practical eiperlonoe see
oud-etery casa Is especially atudlel tbus etartlnil
aright , lblrJ-rt dlclne are prepared Jn our own la-
baiory eiactly lu suit eacn cuse , tbus aDtctlng cures
tu-ner.Ji ! cc nti postaitefor celebrated work ! on
chronic , nervous and delicate dlaessus Thouianda
cured t -A trlendly letter or call maj sntoyoufii
tun sul/ertngnnd sbuuie , and add golden years to lUa
tr No Utters answered uale.s accouipanlod by I
cents In ttaupi Adereisorcullon
U061 amain titrcst , Duiaha Ksb
ebrated lines ot Hoot 1 nnd dhae . manufuct ur-
d by V. M. Henderson A. Lo , of Chlcnio---l'ac-
torleg at Chicago Dixon , Ills 'nnd Ton fu U\c ,
Wls.houid write HAH N. WATSON , resi
dence , yilUMONT , NKU , Traullng afceai
llyia uajterj for Hubbtroj
v ? r Paris
0C " Exposition
- . r ,
vmcZTumg l88
xCcirS obtained the only gold medal
awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi
tion with all the world Highest possible
distinction ?
For Sale by M , II Bliss , Oraaha , Nebraska
toiiyrtW ) ? w > . A TjT > 8"rlter mndo to meet the 1110 ton
/&llXC 21irittS&ii&6P , want fur ainaAino which prints dlroctly ftom
a'tgaEa3ffiari. | 5L'il > fe > 'AkP T typo , uses no ribbon , nllgni norinanantly nt
fei M' * ? ! point of prlntlntr is Unlit , Comiuct , Dnialilo ,
v iSI5 * 'SSli uiuliiin word , ls built 1111 scloutido nrlnclplos ,
S-iK5S ? 't ' § < ai tholiu'cntlon ot a. W. N. Yost , the builder or
Ss SiffiSllHTO tJ0"'lM0 Homlniston and Cnllgrnph
Aft S KM Machines with lloniliigton or Oallgrapli key
J i Mi& > ? yi3siJrS rS A luroo stock ; of second hand Typewriters , of
ESSiSUrKffi'irn nllmakot for sale , tontor oxchanire Wo nra
fflilP ? ialils ! nlsosalei ntrenu for the "MnitlUrr" Tjpo-
H * wl > ! ' % < Ss55Sri writer 1110 llncst low priced nuchluo on tbo
ja SStt lyi fl niurket 1'rlcojn. ,
U „ at fegS 5VpIii l ! rar' < { Wl * ! 3il Wo w ould bo pleased to receive a call from
r isS S iliJa i C h Kb > ° n. whether yon want to pinch iso or not , and
* ® WwSP HIM rfi -Rl { wo • ; illBlallyshowyolltllo10i ( • and the
, '
' i SFfniI S' ' finest nnd lnwnst stock of Tjpewrltur I'lirnl-
t M s e ! 7V ins fm itrs nH * tuic Supplies , utc ever brousbt to this city
6E8.IL Sffll & 00M 8605 Farnasn St , Osiiah
Medical and Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 S. 13th Street , Omaha ,
• to IKooms l' < iit aallctiN lCccciliott Btoonis : ti ) atitllO , Onuiliticlt. .
'VCi 1 IT ATil7 V i"rrlni' rrom Nonous Debility I.o t Manhood , lalllnit Memory , KxliiustliiR
l.\J AJj-Li ilHii > llmlni Torrlblo Iirpiims Hen I nnd II ick Ache , nml nil the effects k ullim to
rarlytletny nnd perbops Consumption nrhmnlt * , trcnlol Hclontlllcally , by now methods Consultation frnj
Catnrrb , Itliounmtlsra I'olRnnont * lllschiirue * , milky urine , pilnful swelllnps quickly relieve I and radically _
curid llltKtrnti'itbook "l.irosSeeret Krmra ' I cents Stud lor ( Jaustlnn 1.1st on uny I'hronlc DHonw i
tll l// " il ? ATlTII y UnucsniulTrni es Uo t Ift-llltlei.nppir'itut mil remedies for sue owrul
a-Mlil. VJJVl'l L1 11LO Mtilluil snrKlcal truatinent
- treatment of eiory form of disease requlrlnv or
Wo inaku n siirclulty of llrtces , Irnsses club I eet Cnrvnturca of 8j lno , riles , tuinurs , Cancer , Itrondittls
lnbalntlon , Klcclrlclty , l'iiriily ia , tpllepsy Kidney , Illadder , Kir , Sklu und Hlood and.nll SutkIciiI Oiioni
tlons Ilnoks nnd nue tlon blunkH free
TSlQi ? V ttirtl ill ? A\rrsAT17Xr ASI'KCIAI V. Hook , Circulars and Question Hit on Norv-
IJXoliADI O vJJL' > VUi > Il'jiN oii no s Constipation , NournlKlu Loiicorrhun , l'aln lu tbo
Hack , Prolapsus Ltoii , IMIca , I ciualo Weakness , Dyspipiiadklu rimpicsundnll blood Discuses
SjplulK Scrofula , ttntl ltlonil , Sktn , Urlniiry 11i o sis nnil Gli-ft t urctl forTjlfo
Of the Method of
Conducting the Auction Sale of
Max mep & Bros' ' Jewelry Stock
You can ask for and examine any article be
fore you , have it offered , and then have it put
up at once , thus enabling you to get it with very
little delay
REMEMBER , the QUALITY of every article is
GUARANTEED as represented
Sales Daily , 10:30 : A. M. , 2:30 : P. M. 7:30 : P. M.
The store is for rent and fixtures for sale
J. H. FRENCH , Auctioneer
For the Holiday Trade
M Boy ' s" Chests of TOOLS ,
IlPiiiPllill Fine Table and Pocket
> ,
BBBm | l AND skates
Sp fflu y 1405 Douglas-st , Omaha
Is the price on chlliiron'a suits
Several lines thut have sold nt
prices rnngiiiR' from $0 to $10 will
jra in tliis $5 Biilo You know ivo
lnno notliintr to oiTor you but tlo-
Birablo goods
The Well liiiOAVii S | > oeialisl ,
f thu treatmuitof
E \SmBK < llt totmbtrltt- ,
W Nlv MTiSfttiiro ( itiiir-
EjpKwA/ ] V- Ntrvouant8tu ( *
V f\ qutckly ana per
Jh rijjfla- * " * " / \ mt'iit by * corru-
CriH&S&l Js&Rtt * * itainpa ( ur ' ruly '
S.E , Cor 13th & Jackson Sts , Omaha
A full set of Teeth on rubbjr for \ \ auarantced to
bu as well made as | .loto sent oat from aaraeiital
onice In tills umntrjr , nJ for wUlch you would Ut
Charcot ) orer twlco as much . .
JectlioiiractedwItUoutpalnorrlaoEer anJ with
out llio uio cuoloform cas , cltlieroroloctrlcUr ,
bold and sliver tUilnits at balf rates
HntlHfaoltoii Guaranteed
Taxton Illock , lOUi and Farnam Streets
Take Elevator on Wtn Street
Special Sale ol Boys ' Knee Pant Suits I
Lot No 1.
Price $4. I
We will ofFer this week 150 Boys all wool j |
Cheviot Suits , ages 5 to 12 , Knee Pants , full j H
winter weight , at $4 each ; guaranteed to be ! flH
strictly all wool and made and trimmed as > M
thoroughly as any goods sol d trom this departH ;
ment Remember the price , $4. We claim they ' H
cannot be duplicated outside the Continental i H
for less than $6 , We will send a suit to any ! H
address and pay all express charges if not | H
satisfactory H
Lot No 2.
We have consolidated several lots of fine : |
Cheviots and Cassimere Suits , ages 5 to 14- : |
Knee Pants , which have been sold all season \ M
for $7,00 and # 8,00into one grand bargain \ M
line at $5.00. We are making preparations for1
our Spring stock and our efforts ± or the next [ H
four weeks will be to close out all of our broken v M
lots in fine goods and our patrons will reason ' M
ably expect some astonishing bargains ReI I H
member this lot , Price $5,00. M
Lot No 3.
Boys ' Cape Overcoats , Price $4,00. M
Ages 5 to 12. M
One of the best values at this sale is this line of Boys Over |
coats , in two shades of diagonal overcoating1 . We are over i |
stocked on these goods and have decided to close them out a ( H
the popular price of $4.00. Send for one-and if it is not satis * H
factory , may be returned at our expense H
Lot No 4. fl
Boys Regular Overcoats , Price $5. il
Ages 10 to 15. iH
This is a lot of fine Melton Overcoats in two shades , made ' |
in regular fly-front style with velvet collar , a garment usually , | |
sold for $8. We will offer them to close at $5 each You take j H
no risk on this lot It is less than manufacturer cost i H
Lot No 5 : M
Price , $10. I
We will sell this week a lot of Men's All-wool Cheviot 'j H
Suits , in all about 150 suits , at $10.00 each We have only this | |
to say about them , that they are goods worth in the regular 9 H
course of trade , $15.00. We will send a suit to any address j H
and if it is not satisfactory may be returned and we will pay all i H
express charges Sizes from 35 to 42. 'j |
The balance of our stock of fine Overcoats and Ulsters I H
have been marked at prices as low as wc would quote in July i H
We cannot enumerate the different lots , but will guarantee the H
price to be the lowest quality considered H
It is not our aim to quote prices on shoddy ] Her
or trashy goods We have none at any price , M
but we will give you the best in the market and M
at the lowest possible prices , M
Freeland , Loomis & Op , I
Cor Douglas and 15th St H
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing H
House West of the Mississippi ] M