Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    - _ - _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ | T.o ndvortlsomonts will bo lakon for
_ _ those-columns of tor 12:30 p. m.
_ _ Torme--Cofih In advnnoo
_ _ _ _ Advertisements under this bead 10 esnts per
_ _ lire for tlie llrRt Insertion , 7 cent * ( or rsrh sub
_ _ tequcnt Insertion , and U.M ) perllne-per month
_ _ No advertisements taken forless'tbaii Ei cents
_ [ for first lntettlon Seven wordawtll bo counted
_ \ to tlio lire : they must run consecutively and
_ _ _ _ must l > e pad In ADVANCH All advertlse-
_ _ inent-i mint be handed in before 12:80 : o'clock p.
_ _ _ _ [ m „ nod under no circumstances will they be
_ _ _ taken or discontinued by telephone
_ _ _ l'artles ndvertlslne In these columns nnd liar
_ _ _ Inn their answer * addressed In enreof Tub IHse
_ _ _ Mill please aik for a check to enable them to cet
_ _ _ _ . \liclrletter * , ns none Bill be delivered eicent
_ _ _ tin presentation of chock All answers to ad-
_ _ _ vcrtlscmetits should be enclosed In envelopes
_ _ _ _ , All ndvertl emcnts in tin so columns nre'BUb-
_ _ ll.shed in l > oth mornlne and evenlne editions of
_ _ 'J'mkIHk the rlrctilatlbn of which aRtfrfRates
_ _ more than 18,000 papers tlallr , and elves the ad-
_ _ vrrtlscrs tlio benefit , notonlr ot the city clrcii-
_ _ Mtlonof The Hec , but also ot Council UlnlTs ,
M Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
B this section of the country .
_ _ H ArtvcrlljInB for these columns will bo taken
_ M en the above conditions , at Hie following busl-
_ _ _ nrss houses Mho are authorbed nrcenti forTne
_ M Urn special notices , and will quote the same
m rates as can bo bad at the main office
JOHN \v7iil'LliriniarmncIst , KO South Tenth
CIIAHK A. r.IlDV , Stationers and Printers 113
South 16th Street
_ _ _
Sit 1'AltNSWOIlTII , Pharmacist = 113 Cum
• Ing Street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W ' .ClUlullCS , 1'harmnclst , El North 10th
e67 W. l'AUH , Pharmacist 1713 Leaven
_ woith street
H JJ UaHrrUAUJlAUr ! , SUOS l'arnam Street
- aKtKi ) A position by ti lady lie Is first
class stenographer and typewriters rood
H references ; can furnish best of recommend
_ _ _ _ _ from present employers Address 1311 Williams
H st , city 80J'
WANTiil : Sltu.ttlon ns clerk : understand
book-keeplus ; refcreneos Address S 2 ,
M line olllce 813 SO *
WANTUD Situation to take care ot liorscn ,
or act as coachman ; thoroURhlv under
H stands Ills business -UiUoss 1171 Dee 810 28Ja
SITUATION wanted with seine Implement
house In timnhn or Council llluirs ; hnvo had
H several yeuis'experience on road and can tut *
H nlsh Rood references nnd recommends
_ _ _ _ _ Planters IlotolOmaha , for 1 week Will l-'ulbcr.
B sgl0 :
BBBB "VyANTFI ) Position In olllco or as coachman
B B VY by joungmanreforencos ; Address UH ( Hue
DIttI(10l8T Attention A younc man lmv
Inn three years ovpcrlence , besides lielng.a
B Junior Rrniluuto from the Illinois coUoku of
H phunnncy , desires a situation In a country
H town ; him ( ixnorkneo I oth In city nnd country ;
H can commence work Jan 1st A No Irecom-
_ _ niendatlons Address John F. Chandler , Uro-
M gun Mo 701 7t
WANTKIl-Situation by a llisl-clnss custom
_ _ _ _ cutter Adaress John J. Urbnnk , Onosso
B Mich Iloxm niSdllt
_ _ _ _ \XT-VKTlO . t < ecom1'b"iilcer 50axlon boteH
H v Call lor the steward 8J3--7 *
WANTBD-Accnts to sell The Boy Spy " n
now book , clvlnz the nctual experience of
H * MuJnr J. O. Kerbey as spy during the Into war ;
H neud for outfit at once ; caii-Uo you ovclnslvo
m tcrritor } ' In Kansas , NeDmsRiumil tbn Dakotas
_ _ _ _ Address J. M. 1'ronch & Co , Omuha , Neb
B H. 'l
B "WrANTU | ! A man for rare of horses , fur
_ _ _ _ _ 11 iinco , etc llcferenccs runulred Address
B It 72. lloeolllco Bill
WANTUD Detectives ; we want a man in
every locnllty to act as private detective
m under our lustructlous Particulars free , Cou-
_ _ _ _ trnl Detectlvo lluroau , box lUj.Topota.Kn3.
H 81-13
_ _ _ _ " \A7"ASTBI > A mail who thorouqhly inner
H vv stands the care of horses and cows : must
_ _ _ _ _ _ have good city reference Apply at room -10 ,
H l'lrst National Daukllld'7890
_ _ _ _ "VXrANTP.D A ntcnoiranhcr In a raltroud'
B V * olllco Address it m. Iteo 78" VS *
H. 'tra ' JUi'TD 1C0 rock men nnd railroad labor
r iv ers for new Union Pucltlo work near
B Ogden , Utah ; one years norkateood wafrcs
H In a mtld and healthy climate : xedured rates :
H also Semen for company work In Wyoming :
B free fare Pllley & Kramer , cor 11th and
H l'arnam ats , 713
AOHKTS Wanted , general and local agents
to handle the p at now chemical ink erasing
f pencil ; greatest novelty e\er produced : orasen
H ink In two seconds ; no abrasion .of paper ; BOO
-1 to W0 per cent prollt ; sells at sight : territory
K absolutely free ; salary to good men ; sample
M ll' > cents by mall ; for terms and full particulars
H address tlie manufacturers The Monroe
_ _ _ _ Kraser Co , U. 8. express building , Ia Cros.e ,
1 Wls 701SOJ
WANT15D A flrst-claes bnrber : wuges 8 ,
room and board W. II lllll , IValioo Neb
BB 7bl0J
WANTUD A oompotent dry goods man ;
_ _ _ _ _ _ must understand trimming nnd curd vtilt-
B ing ft A. Stonohill , Utfuudlia lOthet 701 '
WANTUD Ladles and gents to represent
national corporation Uxcellont poslilou
H twenty years Applicants must send ten Cbnt *
_ _ _ _ _ postage , Miss llattia Marks , bor 934 , Sioux
H City , la , DUB _ r-J
alHU Denver State tottery Co want agents
Tickets HI cents Addroa A. C ltoss & Co ,
B Denver Cole 4-1I--K
ANTUD-Sollcltors. nddross with refcr-
ences Hankers tlfo Ins Co Lincoln , Neb
H 60) gj >
WANTKD--00 men for Tennessee and the
_ _ _ _ _ _ south , cheap rates Albright Labor
B Agency , 11a ) Farnam nt 119
AllKNTBI Write for terms , U enmple corset
_ _ _ _ _ _ ftoe Bchlele - Ca , 31M llroadway.New York
WANTKD Salesmen at 175 per month stilary
and expenses to sell i line of silver-plated
V ware , watches , eta by wimple only ; horse and
_ B team furnished free , write at once tor full pnr-
B Tlculars and snmplo case ot goods free Stand
H ard BllvemaraOo , lloston Mass , Til
MRN to tiavel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
Cunada We pay NO to tlUJ a niontn and
B expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
K stock Add Stone Ik Wellington , MadlsonWis
W A NTii > Canvassers at Singer 8ewing
Machine olUca 1518 Douglas street
CSl d2
_ _ _ _ _ :
_ _ _
WANU'KD Ijidy canvassers to Introduce a
now article of great merit In their on n vi-
B clnltyi will pay agents the unprecedented
H prolltBof tno-tnlrds their entire receipts No
H experience ncceitarr Address Itnllroad Hem
B cdy company Lincoln Neb MT
WANTED Olrt for house vvorklilO Jackson
bU d
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ B WrANTBD A girl to do kltchonand laundry
B ' work : must bo a good cook ; IBIS Wirt st „
B ICountzo Place BIO
_ _ _ _ _ \\7"ANTKD-Young clrl for light housework ,
H f > 81TB. 19tnBt Kll i-'t
WANTED Good girl tor general housework
_ _ _ _ _ _ and boy to do chores at aill St-Mary's nve
H Kll 28
WANTRD-Girl for general housework 22J
No ajtli St BitBTJ
_ _ _ | "WTANTHD A girl for housework Call at
H T V * J u Paul St . three blocks north ot Cumius
B st Mrs Dutnont wo
ANTED 10 dining room girls ( Ml ; 4 lady
cooks In and out of the city , good wugos ;
B laundresesalshwashers , kitchen girls , second
_ _ _ _ _ rooks , nurses Helpers and Hi girls for general
v > ork Mrs llregs.JUK B. lMu fio-UT
_ _ _ _ _
WANTKD Willing youug girl for house
wort Btl P. Sid tCia
WANTE1 > Immediately , a good gin as cook
_ _ _ _ _ and laundress at Dr Uoirman'u , S7th uud
B St Mary's nvo Oil
_ _ _ i WANTED A few more ladies to Itarn areas
BBBjl ' cutting CallatMrsil ( J. Moses drevii-
BBB1 making parlor tor particulars , 1710 Cass st
BBBJ , -t > 9 J j
WANTED-A good kitchen girl , lloference
isqulred.dUUruoygt , 8M
Ml SB II Wnlsli U18 Capitol ave dress H cloak
maker ; plush coats retltted.reUne4.steamed
H ItSd-H
_ _ _ _ TOUIB WINJUlEllo areas and cloak maker
BBBJ XJpluab cloaks to order and steamed ; sealskin
BBBJ cloaks repaired ; all kinds Xur trimmings fur
BBBJ Bished U'M Capitol are , n-tibU-ing ot all kinds
H _ _ * I'M
_ _ _ _ ' 77tNiAlEMINa'B to do dressmaking In fam
B Jillues aollclted Miss Sturdy , 619 a s tu st
1MJ 5J
_ _ _
WANT U to Ken t A respectable jouug man
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ with best of references wants a turiilshcd
_ _ _ _ _ room with board In prti , ate family , cither nt
B _ B South Omaha or In that vicinity where lie can
m get his breakfast In time to be at the stock
H yards by eW a. ra And at the rate of ti per
W tvevk , Adureii B Hod uw saj
WANTKD Two furnlihecf rooms and taVfs
board tor gsntlerann and wife : permanent
It satisfied : everything must be flrst-cla-i-i. Ad
dress OC1 Ilee office wo
IjToit unNTlO rooin house SOU Itarncyst . .
. modern lmpro\emcnts ; suited for roomers
and bonidcrs Bee Dr Neville , IKK Donclas st
; • ' - _ _ _ _
inoit UUNT Z-rooni cottage Sill JTarnov st „
JU tit 3. A. Slomaru lni : Farnnm at ; i fl
JTtlOIITroom Mnta 707 B ICth St . all mortem
lilmprovements , Including steam heat Thos
P. Hall , ail Paxton blk 6CT
TJlOltllENT A 7-room brick flat , water and
X1 gnB 1103H nth , upstairs , room 5. 06
HKNT Thnlinndsomest 7-room modern
Hat in Omaha , pri\ ate hull , electricity , etc ,
at 2119 Farnam st a. A. faloman , lJOl Farnnm st
rpilK lower story ot house No 217 South 21th
JL St , 6 rooms and closet , nlr heat , mantel and
grate , gas , hot nnd cold and cistern water.bath
room , good cellar , nlco sodded yard , at t' . ' .j
montli 015
rilKN room house with all modern Improve
Xments.lngood order , Apply SI 1 Harney
717 20 *
Foil UKNT tt-room house P. I * . Cor llth and
Vlnton.tU per month , 011 electric motor
] C18
STOHE22xt.1"feot , 4 stories and biscment ,
1107 llnrney 790
IilOll KENT A 1-room house ECS ISth su
077 2DJ
31011 HUNT lly D. V. Sholes company , room
? 213 First National bsnR
J.V ) ; grooms , nil eonvcnlencei , with electric
bells , bath , range , furnace etc
SIO ; 8-toom , all convenience'A , 1 location
jr > ; 8 rooms nnd batn , all ion\onlcnce" ,
Windsor plnco
? i" ; 7 rooms , nice location , city water
J25 ; rooms and bath , near l'nrkuvenuo ; 3-
story brick •
tfJu ; "Tooma , Windsor place , nlco locatlou ,
S20 ; 4 looms and bath on shermnn ave
SIS ; 7 rooms und bath with barn , all conven-
lencoi ,
110 : htoro on Pork avenue
J7 : 4-room cottages uenr Seward St
Also Hats on South loth st Kooms to suit
tenautH T90
JJlOIt UKNT Nice 0-room cottage , Hanncom
Plate ' month Hicks N. . .
- , SOt > cr . , V.I.ifcbldg
| W0 29
EOIl KENT T-ioom Hats In the now building
Just completed on the coiner of 10th nnd
Jones streets , tour blocks from l'arnam , nt
prices ranging from f30 to 813. Including water
These are the best arranged Hats In the city
and are supplied with wraugltt ateol ranges ,
handsome mantels and many ether conven
iences not generally found In lints
In summer the building will bo furnished
wlthnwnlngs , and all outside doors and windows
dews with Portland Maine screens
Apply at store ot the building No , 705 8. ICth
street , Oeorge Clouser 780 J21
IriOll IHKNT Ten-room house 1721 Dodge , all
. modern ltnprot ements Enquire 1-1 Dodge
or 1,118 Farnam . 8.2 20
fjlim HUNT House in best locality Inquire
J at llCl Dodge St b)2 ) 27 *
IjlOIt HUNT Might-room house , with ample
. giounds , corner I avenworth and 21st sts :
bath loom , hot and cold water Apply to Lewis
S. Heed A : Co , room U , boaid ot tiudc building
3j"01t KENT C-room house Ill Woolworth
- nve . stable , w ell , cistern , full lot : i rooms
nt CJ8 N. IJth at 705 a *
FOU UKNT New 8-room house 21d and Cali
fornia streets , nil conveniences , Ktl ; C-room
cottago,2 "d7 Hamilton , $18. A. C. Waseloy.iootn
MB N. V. Life building ttM
FOU RENT Houses and stores Property
cared for taxes paid Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co . 1011 l'arnam st Abstracts 670
JriOU UENT New I'-room , house 22d _ Callfor-
uiaBtrects , nil conveniences , $50 ; also 0-room
cottage , Zi\ and California , fl ! ) : 0-room cottage
2ol7 Hamilton , $18 ; store on Hamilton street
and Lone me , wltn rooms behind $ .U A. C.
Wakaley room fiOTi N. Y. Life building 028
TflOlt IlENT-Ilouso310 North 23d. lnqulro N.
W' corDvo"P ° rt 33
JiiOlt ItENl' T-room ' llat Inquirent the l'nlr ,
? Thlrteeutn and Howard om
IJIOlt KENT House 11 rooms 810 N. 22d st
. Enquire Mrs M. A. Dotwller , n w cor 22d
and Davenport 155
IF you wish to rent a house or store see H. E ,
Cole , Continental block ; olllco open evenings
FOU HENT Dedroom and alcove suitable
for3or4gontlemeaor man and wife ; mod
ern conveniences ; wit m 4 blocks of post olllce
Address 8 7. Uee 839
NICELY furnished room at 708 S. ISth st
NICELY furnished rooms with all modern
conveniences , No 322 N. ICth btreet
ROOMS , table board , 1715 Davenport street
Tit : 31 *
I7IOH KENT Furnished room ; all modern
- conveniences , with board If desired 1318
Davenport street 703 27 *
ITUltST-CLASS room and two suites with
X' board to parties who wish a pleasant home
nnd good surroundings Two blocks west of P.
P. . 1707 Dodge st 171-23
OUOOMSfor light housekeeping 611 S. 10th.
J 699 26-
TJIOIt HUNT 3 nice warm rooms , nil modern
X conveniences , with bourd , 2015 Douglas
Biii-ai1 ;
NICE rooms , steam boat , 1719 , Davenport st ,
KOOMS and board 103 So 25th st
' 57.V-.flO . ]
FOIt HUNT Vary pleasant room suitable for
two gentlemen , furniture new on best car
line , $20 per month each for board and room
Address 1 at cam Uee ollico Sfl
ROOMS with or without board , for three
gentlemen ; private family : references 181"
Dodge itreet * ntl
I no It KENT Well furnished room , with
- board ; best location In city Call at 2215
Dodge st 903
. CLAllt European hotel , cor 13th and
Dodge Special rate by week or month
EOrt IlENT Elcgantlynew ly furnished rooms
with or without board , one block frompost-
olllco , nil modern conveniences , best location In
the city : also tuko day boarders Call at 107 S nth
itll J9J
rpVS'O nice front rooms , 2010 Davenport
JL 177 _
FOU ItENT-Nicely fnrnlshed rooms.ti to$20
per month , at220 N. ltith , cor D.u enport st
Apply , Itoora 1 , l „ J 4t
IT10II HUNT Nicely furnlhhed rooms $ .5 to $30
! p er month , nt 220 N. 16tb , cor , Davenport st
Apply .ltoom 1. • 125 J it
FOU IlENT Nicely furnished rooms , $5 to J20
per month , at 220 N. ICth , cor , Davenport
Apply , ltoom 1. 125 J It
IflOH HUNT To gentleman nud wife or two
. or more gentlemen a suite or rooms on par
lor Moor , new house ntnl neiv furniture , all ac
commodations the best , on best cur Una in city ,
AdniesH PUS rare lleo olllce grj
37IOU UENT Two roomB , fuintshed or nutur-
! nlshed 1720 Capllol ave 7l'5
"ITIOU UENT A furnished parlor room sillt-
X'able tor two gentlemen or man and wife ,
modern conveniences , 213 S 21tn. 729 27
NICELY furnished rooms forgeutlenien only ,
1709 Dodge WJ
J7IOH HUNT Furnished rooms , also front
and back parlor 100J Douglas COI
J HO It KENT A pleasant room for gentlemen
. All modern conveniences Corner 20th and
St Marys avenue or 020H. 'Alth , brick residence
JPOU UENT Store and ilat over It on B ICth
• street near Dorcas ; also house and two Jlats
same locality : also two Hats onttthst near Pa
cific any of above will be rented at low figures
to good tenant * . W , C.Ives Co , UU B lttlist.B
811 11
OU UKNT--The 4-story brick building , wither
or without power , formerly occupied by the
Uee Publishing Co , 910 Farnam st Tno build
ing lias a fireproof cement basement , complete
steam-heating fixtures , water nn all the floors ,
gas , etc Apply at the olllco of The Ilee 915
TOItES at , 707,70J III B Utb _ xM each , large
show w indow , steam heat furnished Thus ,
r. Hull , ail Paxton blk Ml
I neil UENT Fine basement on 8 K corner of
- 16tli and Jones st , well suited tor a. barber
shop , plumbers olllce and many other things
Inuulieat middle store ot the building Oeorge
Clouser 542
OFFICES forwent cheap la Wlthnell building ,
steam heat , elevator and all modern Im
provements , 15th and Harney at 370 J11J
T7K > ' .t ItUNT-llalt stpre 1518 Douglas st
IrtOH HENT-Btorc. 1111 Farnam st 20x123
. feet , 2 stories und cellar , Nathan bhelton ,
1014 Farnam st 741
IJtOtt UKNT Stores-and corner ilat over drug
Mi store , a e cor loth and Jones J ust the pltu.o
Tor _ dentist or doctor who wants his olllce on
same floor of living room Apply at the build
ing No T03B 10th st , Oeoigo Clouser > U
I no II UENT & roonu Cheap to small fam-
-lly. Call at N. K. cur ! lth and Madison
are , near Lake and Uuennan ave 7 W-OJJ
lilOTl UKNT room suite , unfurnished , sult-
JH able Tor housekeeping , gas water , etc , , to
famllr without children ; northwest cor nth
and Webster St 737
and unfurnished rooms tor housekeeping -
. keeping , conveniently located In suits of
from 2 to 4. modern conveniences Hutu tlent-
Ing agency 1500 l'arnam IK ! ] M1
rpilE auction saleot II M Mannlngton't f-tock
1 of line furniture nt 1510 Douglas st will be
gin Thursday morning and continue morning
afternoon and oventng until everything is sold
TT K. COLE , notary pubho and conveyancer
LADIES und gentlemen can rent masquerade
suits at 0 N. loth st OVi-.Ht'
IV you wish to engage in any kind of business
come and see us ltoom 15 , Chamber of Com
merce 718
S miSCltlllKfor shares In the Socnrlty llulld-
lng and lyoan association , authorized cap
ital $10,0110,000. N. 11. Apple , AgU nnd Local
Trcns , lioom 10 , Ware block , OlUJl.t
SEND20 contain stamps for latest map ot
Omaha , C. Harrison , N. Y. Life 197
AUCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday
morning at llli Douglas street Omaha Auo-
tlon _ Storage Co 203
HE COLE , reliable tire Insurance
XjJ B. Cole , rental agent ; olllce open evenings
"I J. Wlixlnson , room 018 Paxton block
rilHE banjo taught nsnn artbydeo P. Oollon-
X beck , room 21.1 Douglas block VM
LOST Physician * satchel contnlniug Instru
ments ; Under will bo liberally rewardedliy
leaving It at Dr Cuscudcns am Cass , 780 20t
LADIES and grntloman desiring correspond
ents address Corresponding Club , Kansas
Clty.enclose stamp 67flJt ]
PUUSONAL-Ollvo llranch Is a positive cure
for nil female weaknesses Also have Olive
Ilmnch Pile Uemedy , sure euro tor piles Sam
ples free Lady agents wnutod Address Miss
Zoo M. Firoy , 1020 Clark at , Omaha ( Jon Agt
for Nebraska $1 for 1 mo treatment 883'IU
WANT a stock ot merchandise or hard
ware , about 11,010 or $3,00J. will put In
$1,000 cash , balance good property Address U
37. Ilee 627 20
"TiXrANTED Good commercial paper NeT -
T > braska Mortgage Loan Co , 619 Paxton blk ,
paid tor secondhand books at the An-
Unitarian book store , 14U Farnam ! 15710 ]
WANTED Furniture , carpete , household
goods , for rash , Walls Auction & Storage
Co . 3178.13th Bt 159 ,
DIUT Wanted In llomls Park , between JCnd
nndPloastnt and Hamilton nud Cuming
sts Apolytotho llomls Park Co , Rooms 15
and 10 , Continental blk , , 15th and Douglas st
CASH for all kinds of household goods at 1111
Douglas street Omaha Auction Si Storage
Co 200
JISE tor ourcustomors wno have
cashBecurod paper and real estate to trade
Room 15. Chamber Commerce Oil
ItACKAOE storage at lowest rates IV M.
Uuslunap , 1311 Lea * , enw orth 75
milE Hotel dept of the Qulon Paclllo Uall-
X way system nollclts storage of all kinds nt
their warehouse In thB Ames building , Ninth
and Jones Trackage nnd nmple facilities for
handling , etc Reasonable rates 620 J 14
THE cleanest and best storage In tlio city at
low rates at nil Douglas btroot Omunu
Auction & Storage Co 204
It 11. OltOUX , clairvoyant , treats oil chron-
lc diseases , marvelous gift or healing , and
for Instructions how to develop Olllco 402 N 16th ,
092 29t
Dlt 11. OltAOX , the child medium tells your
full life , past , present and future , in a dead
trance 402 N 10th st 808 2TJ
LEIL CLAYTON , clairvoyant nnd magnetic
healer Any wish , may bo granted through
her w onaerful will power ; 714 Bo 16th Bt , Hat 3.
814 29
TTIOIITONE leller Mrs ienorraan can oo
XI consulted on all affairs ot life Satisfaction
guaranteed , No 310 N. loth at 4t411 *
U. NANNIE A' . WAttHnN.clairvoyantmed-
lcal and business medium Female disease
a specialty ; 119 NJOth st , rooms 2and 3. 717
X • Stenographer nnd Notary ,
314 First National Uank Hutldlng ,
Telephone 1212. 830
shorthand nnd typewTlting under
Prof Omaha Commercial college ,
corner 15th nud Dodge Students write from 0J
to 100 words per minute In threomonths ; olllce
drill one month free : onlv lenortlmx Htvle
tuucht ; no text books needed ; students put in
positions ; grammar , letter writing , spedlng ,
iionmanshlp , free ; typewriters for rent aud sup
plies for sale Shorthand taught hy mall Wrlto
us for circulars ltohrbougn llros Omnha ,
top d 2(1 (
STANDARD Shorthand schoolroom MS , Ware
blk successor to Valentines ) the largest , ex-1
elusive shorthand school in the west Teachera [
are verbntlm ronortors Particular attention
paid to typewriting Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert Circulars ,
3noil BALE A nnrgnln , housekeeping furnl-
- ture tor 4 rooms with pilvllegoot renting
the rooms 714 N. ISth St 820 20
[ 71011 HALE Or exchange for cut tie , new
X creamery , 10-horse engine 15-Iiorse bollor ,
xplcudld locution , good stocc toumiy , price
low , terms reasonable , L. 11. Itaker , llattlo
Creek , Hob 797 3J
AT AUCTION , coiumenclng Thursday morn ,
ing , tlie entire stock of furniture nt 1510
Douglas , will bo cloned nut under the hammer
by urd r ot the mortgagees Tills will be a
grand cliuuco to get Que furniture at your own
figures 799-2T
FOU SAIiE--Lea-.o on two flats 2d und 3d
story , rooms well furnished , now occupied
by responsible roomers , doing good business ,
good locality , will bo sold at a. bargain Ad-
dresa It 40 Uee olllce 077 20 ]
FOR BALK One dentists outfit complete
Ono set surgical Ins triimeuta convolete
One now Domeatie sen lag machine ,
One good cook stove : beating stove
Will oe Bold at Vi price , for cash or on time
J. J. WIlklnBon 018 Paxton blk 743
FOU BALE-A quantity of building atone ;
apply to the superintendent llae building
IniNKoarrlago teams and single drivers and
fresh milch cows for sate at W. II Millard's
Hillside stock farm Horses wintered at reits
onabJe rates T.J , FlemingmgrCAlhouiiNob
< UU-Feiiiil
FOU BALE or Exchange Four full-blooded
Jersey cows , line driving team as there Is In
the double carriage , one double cutter ,
one phaetomSnyaer inakui.and one road wagon
( Snyder maxe ) ; ull nearly new ; will trade for
good property and will assume light tncuinb-
I ance , ltoom 210 , First National bank building ,
Inoil BALE A aviiorse power Porter engine
. in good condition , weight 6.100 pounds.cylln-
der 11x10 ; for particulars apply to Tlie Uee
olllce 703
" " "
COMPETE ! cfTf liattel mortgage abstract -
stract books , cheap , 1502 Farnam st , room 2.
ti _ _
MIDLAND Guarantee Ic Trust Ccw NY Life
bldgcomplete abstracts f urnlsliod aud titles
to real estate examine J.porfucted & guaranteed
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
Mill E Security Abstracts ot Title Co , furnish
X complete abstracts ot title to all real estate
In Omuha und Douglas Co , First floor New
York Life bldg 930 jj
W/.E bare cash on baud for any choice leans on
TV first-class city propertv , Central Loan ' *
Trust Co , 1805 Farnuui street , 7b il
TlfONEY to loan on improved property ; can
lUplaoe from $1.1 0 to t50,00j lmmadUtely ,
Harris room , 411 lot Nat Itane uldg ; cj
UILADELP1IIA Mortgage _ Trust Co fur
nllU cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase eecuritles perfect tiues accept loons
at their western ottlce Uoorge W. P , Coates ,
room 7. Hoard of Trade 101
ONE hundred dollars prltate money to loan
or win buy abort time mortgage or gooa
note , room 13 Board otirAdo 7w
TO LOAN A special'tund ot 1190,000 In sum
ot $10,000 nnd upwards at very low rates
The Mead Invtitment U ,1.3lt B. st 7M
MONEY to Loan MoMey to loan on good lh >
aide vacant lots Potter Cobb , 1001 l'arnam
\h 700 31
MONEY tn loan on'rfoTses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organsdiamonds ,
lowest rates The llrstiohtanlzod losnomco In
the city Makes loans from thirty to three hun
dred and slxty-fl\e nnys.whlcli can bo paid in
partor whole at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd interesr ' Call nhd see us when
yon wnntmonoy We cav ussNt you promptly
and to your ndvnntngo without removal ot
pronerty or publicity Money always on hand
No delay In making loads C. F. Reed * Co ,
3193. tltli st over Hlnglfa i ftsons 70 %
TJ LSI DEN'Oi : Loans flto7 percent : no nd-
-14 dltlonal charges for commissions or attorneys
neys' tees \r. It Melklo , First Nat bank bldg ,
1' HAVE $ VX ) to loan on first mortgage securi
ty for two years from Jan'y 1st , or will buy a
first mortgage note Address It 39 Ilea ofllce ,
UILDINO loans D. V , Sholes , S10 First
National bank , 751
First class Inside loans Lowest
WANTED Call and see us Mutual Invest
ment Co , 1V)1 ) Farnnm 703
MONEY to loan nn any security
for short time at low
rates Lowest rates
on personal property
The Henderson Mortgage Investment com
pany , room 100. Paxton block 771
MONEY lo loan on Improved city property
at a low rate of interest It will pay vou
to see us before you make your loau lllobe
Loan and Trust Compsny , successor to ( late
City Land Company 3J7 South 16th St . opposite -
site Hoard of Trade SOU It
\TONKY to loan O. P. Davis Co , real estate
JtXand loan agents 1V15 l'arnam st 7i0
KEYSTONE Mortgaco Co Ioans otJIOto
$1,000 : get onrratesboforo borrowing and
save money : loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates , call US03.Shcely blk,15th&Howartl st
on real estate nnd mortgages
bought , Louis S. Ueod 4or 13 , bonrd _ trade
I UST mortgage loans at low rates and no
In delay D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank
\ 751
MONEY to loan : rash on hand , no delay , .1
W. Bqnlre 1219 Farnam Bt , First National
bank building , 775
MONEY to loan on city or farm property
Qeo J. Paul , 1609 Farnam st 770
TT IS , COLE , loan agent Open orenlngs
, Private money to loan or will buy good
$ mortgage , W. L. Bciby , r 13 , Hoard of Trade ,
LOANS City nnd farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought McCague Investment Co 760
{ hai.OOO to loan in amounts from 81,000 to $10,000 ,
( Don 5 years time on good improved real estate
in city Must bo loaned by Dec 15. Henderson
Jlortgago and Investment Co . Room tooPaxton
block Omnha , Nfb 853 d 29
Loans negotiated nt low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
and mortgage notes B , A. Sloman cor
Jtn and Inrnam 777
"U E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings
loaned on furniture , horses nnd
w ngons , rates reasonable City Loan Co ,
113 B 13th st , opposite MUIard hotel 752
MONEY to loan on real estate security at ,
lowest rates , llefora negotiating loans see
Wallace , H310 Urownbuls l6th aud Douglas
_ [ 753
KK Sholos , Teem 2IO.tFlrst National bankT
before making ynnr loans 754
YOU wnnt money Loins made on furni
ture , pianos , boras't-otc. without delay ,
publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan
ot this kind will do well by calling at this olllce
before dealing elsewherov „ A. E. Greenwood Sc
Co . room (1) ( ) 620 South Thlrtooiith street 231
loans at lowest
CHATTEL . J. U. Eniinger , 1117 Frnamst
• 901
ONEY SO 60 or lie days on furniture ,
pianos , horses , bouses , etc J , J. Wilkinson ,
018 Paxton blk - 834
1 OANS ntlowest rates ; cash always on band ;
XJnotos bought : money advanced on any
available security The l'eoplo's Financial Ex
change , room 57. Darker block 823
P HIV ATE money to buy small notes or mort
gages Room 13. Hoard ot Trade 841
YOU want money ? If ho , dent borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on uny rum from $1 to$10,009.
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etc , In any amount at
tne lowest possible rates , without publicity or
removul ot pioperty
Loans can bo made tor one to six months and
you can oay part at any time , reducing both
prlnclpnland interest If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses or have a loan on
them , I w HI take It up and carry It for you as
long as you desire
If youneed money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing
H. V. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell buildlng,15tu
and Harney 709
MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos ,
horses , and wagons Hnwkcye investment
Co , ltoom 33 , Douglas blk , 10th and Dodge sts
READ this : 1 want a reliable man with some
capital to establish a business that has no
equal in Omaha , It does not require a large
capital , but $50,000 can easily be made n year , if
w ell managed This Is no exaggeration I moan
business , and this will boar the closest luveatl-
gatlon Address'U 70. Uee 827 23
FOH SALE Stock and flsturesfot first-class
grocery , best location in the city , will sell
for considerable less than cost , party leaving
city Address S 4 , Uee 833
WANTED Fartner In good paying business ,
It P. llosworth U 42 Darker blk 809 27/
WANTED A partner with from $1,000 to
$0,000 for a real estate deal 810uoo sure
prollt in It months Address It 81 , Ileo 789-29
BALE An abstract nnd loan business
at half price ; paying 81,000 er year profit ;
ilia Nebraska county seat , 'lne only one In
the town 417 Sheely block IW6-25
SUBSCRIBE tor shares in the American , "
the largest building and loan association In
the world M. A. Upton , special agent , 10th
nnd Farnam 212
JnOU SALE Well established commission
business ; good reasons tor selling Only
$ SC0 to $1,009 required Address P 4 , Uee B12
InOH 8ALE-or Trade , a well established book
. and stationery store Uox 518 City 7 0
IitOIt SALE-or Exchange-12 shares of $100
- each ( paid up and non-assessable ) llattlo of
Ucttjsburg Btock for good lmpioted farm or
Inside city property
Full lot within 3-nille limit of postolllce clear
of encumbrance
line truckage lot , Pcddock Place 00 feet
lee acres near Scotia , Greeley Co , clear of en
100 acres near Cnadron , well Improved and
rented /.Inf.
Btock of clothing for godtl lot or farm ; must
be clear " iu
B. A. Sloman , 1301 Farnam St 'J93
XPOIt BALE Splendid paying butcher shop in
X' mi excellent locality arm cheap rent , at 60c
on the dollar This 1st Al rare bargain 417
bbeely block , t int ( tMl-25
FOU HALE First clas inloen in one of the
best Nebraska dtler ; uuly good and respon
sible parties need apply , Address 1140 Ilee ofllce
650 25
. . h'i' ' - . , . .
WANl'ED Horses to winter at $3 a month
per head on farm near Irvlngton Plenty
of grain and hay to feed , good shorter and good
rare given them ; horses filled for and dellv-
ered W. IL 1 Ionian , roqniiO Frenier blk 741
FOR SALE--R-A ! _ ebtatIT
; 'JT . , ' , ;
A good Improved fanniadJolnlng Corydon ,
the county seat of wuyne county Iowa ,
for saleoneasy terms for$30per acre Address
1) . Sc J. Burgeant , Corydou , la 800-31 *
InOR SALli-C acres in West Omaha , only
. $2,450 ; $ r > 0rash , balance 1 to 6 years , lllcks ,
N. Y. Lite bldg 801 30
fnoit BALE At a bargain , beautiful home la
X' llftiiscom place lust completed , ull ready
for occupancy , ull modern louvenlenres , splen
did neighborhood , Ueo N Hicks , N. Y. Life
bldg 800,29
BAHO A1N-10 acres In Wo t Omaha , close to
. , llelt Line Hy „ only $ o,50J. Hicks , N. Y , Life
bldg BOl'IO
BHIC1C bouse , ten rooms and laundry , wine
cellar , red uai tmisu , very fine , near high
schooL Apply owner , Or F. Swartilauder , nooi
Capitol avenue 791 • / , •
[ 7 > OU BALE Oood 6-rooin house $ L6C0vacant
X ! lot | t)0J ) , one 3 room nouie with barn $1.31/1 ,
Apply on prem'ses , 3110 Decatur street
ATEUY low , 2 new bouses and lots lu Council
Hints ; 1 lot South Omaha , very little inon-
ey required Write a. JJ Puddock , Elgiu , Neb ,
Sajat '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IflOUSALR 75 ft front Saunders st Tlatn-
: rlow , $ nooa r. H. LRmb , Council iimrrB
(17320 (
"IJlOU SALE On oasyn terms , 4 new houses in
- * - ' Poppletou park , only I block from motor
These bouses are exceedingly well built con
venient Inside and handsome exteriors , have 6.
8 ana 7 Teems , good cellais nid basement ;
prices very low and terms easy Stringer _
1 'ennv , room 20 Douglas olock 07220
EOTS in SberidaiTPlate , l axenworth street ,
three blocks from street cnrs.only two miles
lrom court house Prices $ V D per lot $10 down
and $11) ) a month , seven percent Interest , Lewis
S. Heed .t Co . room 13 , Hoard Trade , 817
atHE prettiest lot lu old Ambler place , on
. grade , only $550 cash Stringer & Penny
072 20
J.1ST your property with 11 , E Cole ,
A 303
SPECIAL valuator of Omaha real cstite nnd
Nebrasxa lands ; ten years experience ( lU
Seay Ola Paxton block 4U9 Jl
InOH SVIjEMM will buy lot 50x120 In'Omnha
. View , one block from motor line , nicely on
grade Lots In this addition nTe worth $1,000 ,
and the nbovo prlco Is open for 11 short time
only (1. II Tiischuck cmre Omaha Uee 7iU
IrilVE-UOOM cottages l$1.50) cacn ) , $1017 cish
- ' downbalance $15 per month Thos P. Hull ,
311 l'axton block S33
37IOK SALE A new house ] nst being erected
- on Cuming st In Sherwood park ; tno house
lias all modern Improvements , hard wood llnlsh
throughout : also , large barn , wltn 150 ft front
ngo on West Kt bv 18-f frontage on Cuming st
I will sell this to the right party on reasonable
terms , ltoorr.210. First National Hank building
HE best
Uuslness ,
HcMdence ,
Vacant and
snlmrban oropeitles in the market
aroforsaloby "thooM reliableM A. UpSon
Co , loth and l'arnam 7Sn
WAUOH A. WostcltieldroulestnUSOmaha
T/lOlvattnls-OnlyJOOOwlll buy cor , lot r.0x . tnkon soon J
11. ZltUe 810 N. Y. Life bldg 319
SOUTH Omatu lots W. L. Selby's ndfl $ V > J.
IjlOIl SALE O easy terms , the new cnttugo
. erected by me 011 Oeorgo St , corner Lowe
nvo | property nasllXft ) frontage on Ooorge st
by 150 frontsgo on Lowa ave For tonus npplr
Hoom 210. First National Rank otilldlng Twl
IFyou want any IntH mOrrliard Hilt , apply to
ltoom2111 , past Natlonat bank building , for
terms and location 782
SOUTH Omaha lots W. L. Selby's add $500.
rpwo hundred nnd eighty-four by 150. choice
X corner , Lowe ave and California street ele
gant place tor building on speculation Some
for particulars
60 by 150 , choice corner with small house ,
block II South Omaha l'rlceHOoo , $500 cash
FlnesWracknge blockJn South Omaha , near
viaduct price $20,000 : will take good farm for
$15.000tqulty. Tlilc Ian rare Biiap
$2,000 buys nve-rooin modern cottage , mantel ,
city water , on paved street Tnko It
Finest lot of clear fnrms for Omaha property ,
and assume Incumbrance of nny agency in
town See us about buying before listing your
property Have bargains on trades We have
got 'em all over town 1) . V. Snolos Co ,
213 First National bank
ITIOU SALE Very cheap , no trades , farm
X 641.70 acres , sectj li N 0 W Hamilton coun
ty , Neb , 2 miles from Marquette , smnll bouse ,
stable , IVOacres pasture fenced , living water ,
price only S10 per acrp , $5.4)7.60 ) , one-third 188) )
crop Included Terms $1,200 ensh , balance 0
per cent interest 1" . K" Atkins , owner , rail
road building , Denver Cole 783
II' 50U have anything to exchange call on or
address II E. Cole , It 0 , Continental , olllce
openenlm3 451
$7,500 worth ot mortgage paper tor merchan
dise , nnd inside lesldenco property to exchange -
change for horses and laud Danlols NIB N. Y.
Life c28 at
IniRST class Nebrrskafarm , 2-0 acres , 100 un-
dcr cultlvutlon.stockand crops on thopiace ,
clear , want good Omaha property U. O.
Meagher , 725 S. Y. Life bldg SIS 31 ]
J HAVE nbout $1.200 oquitv in a farm In Ilolt
countv that 1 wonld like to trade for some
thing In acre property near Omaha Address
It 31 Uee 793
FOU EXCHANGE 100,000cigars. Wllltaxe
lota with slight incumbrance Address S1 ,
Bee 800-25-
WANTED fi-room cottage ; good paper or
clear lots for equity In 10-room house , wltn
city water , trees , etc , on California st Fead ,
Comptrollers olllce 71827 *
Jj'Olt SALE or Exchanco A halt interest la a
- haidwuro and plumbing business Houses
and lots In Omaha It you want a home Inves
tigate this Itoora 15 , Chamber ot Commerce
FOR EXCHANGE A choice well Improved
Iowa farm containing 2b0 acres for merchan
dise or Omana property ; also two 240-acre well
Improved Iowa farms for Omaha property and
will assume incumbrances J. II Care 417
Bheely block 690 2.5
3JIO EXCHANGE Merchandise for cattle
. or horses Lock box 20 , Stuart , N eb
021-27 *
FOR EXCHANOE $10,000 Btockof dry goods ,
notions nnd clothing Owner wants clear
land and part cash Address Lock Uox "U , "
O nlleittcn 690-SO .
aW EXOIlANGE--Cloan stock dry goods and
. clotning , want good land and money Uox
78 , Frnnktoit Ind 93125 *
rpo EXCHANGE Flue Improved forms for
Xcattle and horses Uox 103 , Frankfort , Ind ,
13 } 25t
WL SELBY'S add to 8. Omaha , ono lot
• $500 to exchange for horses Room 13 ,
Hoard of Trade 2U0 •
IMPROVED farm and city property for mer
chandise Address , Hoom 15 , Chamber Com
merce 779
rnOU EXCHANGE SO acres clear ot encum-
X brance In strips of 10 acres , la Mercer coun
ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property
Apply room 21 $ First National bank uullding
IJTIOR EuCOIIANOE A business yielding a
. profit of from tU.000 to tfl.uwi nor annum to
exchange for good city property Am willing
to assume light lmcumbrauc * . Apply room 210
First National bank building 782
To XI10 luultc
You are hereby notified not to sell to Joseph
lue E. Kennedy on my credit , any goods and
merchandise , as 1 shall pay no debts by her
contracted , and nil sales made to her must be
upon her Individual credit ,
Omaha , Nebraska , December23rd. 1889.
D 23 d ilt t HlllAM II Kn.NNr.ny ,
Notice of Alumni Mrotinc
Notice is hereby given that the annual meet
ing of stockholders of tne Union Btocc
Yard bunk , South Omaha , Neb , as provided by
ltsby-lawH. for the election of directors aud the
transaction ot such other business us may
nroporly arise , will take place at the First
National bank ot Omaha , Neb , on Wednesday
January 8 , lbOO , nt ' 4 o'clock lu tlie afternoon
d8d3Jt E. U. JlltANCH Cushier
• yoTICE - " liereby glyen that forfeiture of de-
X > Unguent lenses und contracts ot school nnd
other educational lands will be deferred for
sixty days from Onto , nnd that all leases nnd
contracts not then paid will be declared for
feited _ JohnBtei-n ,
Cora'rTubllc Lands and buildings ,
Lincoln , Dec 10th , 1839 , dlOdSt
There will be a stockholders meeting of the
Coliseum Building Auioclutlon ot Omaha , lit
their ofllce , Hoom 40 Chamber of Commerce
Uullding , Omaha , Nebraska Sututday Jauuary
lbthitKK/ 2 o'i lock p. in , for the purx | > so of
electing n Board of lilrectoisnnd the transac
tion of bueh other business as may Lome before
said association W B. Limway , Secretary ,
PROPOSALS for Erection of Bchool Building
U. S. Indian School Service , Clenou Indus
trialSooool ( ielioa Neb , Dec 14,1889. Sealed
proposals indorsed Proposals for the erection
ot a scnool building , " and addressed to the
undersigned ut Genoa , Nebr , will lie received
ut this school until one o'clock of Wednesday ,
January 15 , ISisi , for the erection on the school
grounds nt sucli a point as may be ( elected by
the superintendent , 11 two-story brick building ,
about 40x60 feet 10 inches , with a one-btory ad
dition about 2J feet 6 Inches by 20 feet 4 Inches ,
Plans and specifications of the pronosedbulld-
Ing may be fxamlned at the ollita of the "Uee"
of Omaha , Nobr , , uud at the olllce of the super
intendent Pf the school at Genoa , Nehr Kuch
bidder must state specifically lu bis bid , tbe
time that will by requited by him In the erection
ot the building Jllio right is reserved to reject
any or all bids or any purt ot any bid it deemed
fertile best Interests ot the seitlce Certified
Cheeks Each bid must be accompanied by a
certilied check or draft upon some United
States depositor ) , made payable to tbe order ot
the undcrslgnod , for at least live per tent of the
amount of the proposal , which check or draft
will be fotfelted to tbe united Status lu case
any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall
fall to promptly execute n contract with good
and buniclent sureties , otherwise to bo returned
to the bidder W , IS IIAGKUB , Superintend
ent tesUlt
> * * • Notice
Tne PACinoExritBBSCouiANr Office of the
President Omaha , Na _ Uece ber lli , 1889.
Notice la hereby given that the annual meet-1
Ing ot tbe stockholder * of tbe company for tbe
election of directors , aud tbe transaction ot
such other business us may properly oouie be
fore it , will bs held at the ollko of the company
No 1215 farnam street , Omaha , Neb , onIburti-
day , January 2,1W ) , at 11 o'clock a. m.
lly order vi the Board of Directors
Attest . : E. H. Mohskman ,
VTf F. Beciieu President
BecreUry 813 SOW J
ffl'Iie | ' , S
rFR D Fresh
1 ' " , E " - oAl >
C.H.PEARSON & Cs- ! -
g k ate ful comfoutin g.
"lly a thorough know ledge of the natural law s
whlcn govern tne operations of digestion und
nutrition , and by n careful nppllcnilon of the
Cno properties of well selected Cocoa , Mr , Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a ( fell
calely flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors bills It Is by the Judicious
use of such articles of diet that a constitution
maybe gradually built tip until strong enough
to roslst eiery tendency to disease Hundreds
ot subtle maladies are lloatln around us ready
to attack wherever there is n weak point Wo
may escape munv a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortllled with pure blood nndn piop-
erlv nourished frame " Civil Service Gazette
Made simply with boiling w ater or milk Sold
only In half jmund tins , by grocers.labeled thus :
I AMCC CDDs P. Pfl HoracopattilpChemists
J AlH-O C"r J t bUi London , England
- . | p * 1 A Perfect Art Album containing 24
F- Ira | j _ _ _ Beajtlful Photograph ! representing
UUBeTeaanj ( Cofe , culure | ) w ) | | b , , ent
on receipt of your address
' CHASE _ SAHBOHN , 130 Broad St , Boiton
Western Dept 80 Franklin St , Chicago , III
_ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fr Liquor Habit
It cn be strrn In urup ntvotttets or Irtu or In ur-
tlcleri of fuod , without the knowledfo of thsralleat ,
ifneotisary It -absolute/liarmlea 1 ] noclwUIe/r < wf
a permetit au-i ipeedj * our-n , whether the patient in
a mo fieri to drinker or an alcohollo reel IT U V.V.U
FAILH Jt operates no quietly And with tueh c ? r-
talntjtbBt the patient undersoea no luoonvenleoee ,
and ere tin ) aware , hia complete reformatioa ta
-ifeeud. AU page book or particular * free
* * * d tuppH-M hr II IAK K. l { jjy _ _ A CO , Omaha.rt * * *
6un > rlur from the ehects of 1 uutliful ern > ni , eurlv
decay , wastniir w cakucss , lout manhood , < tc , I will
send a vatuablo treatlxo ( wnlcdi contulnliis full
particulars for homo cure I'lll'H of rliargc A
flilenulJ medical worLithould be rend by every
Inan svhn Is ner/iMis and ileMlltated Addtt'iM ,
Uror f.c.i'o\vi.iit , iiooauscouu
INSrUUMUNXd plaodl on ro-ora dun a.
yesterday ,
T U Huvens and wife to C A 81pp. lot 17.
bile ! U. Albright's choice , w * d 1.000
C A blpp to A 11 Jiulion , lot li , blk it ! , Al-
brluht'schoicewil , } ,2Q0
South Uinalm Land company to August
Hehrens , lot S , bit Vi ) , South Omaha ,
wd k tOS
City of South Omaha to II M Chittenden ,
ajxH'1 ft adjoining u end of lot I , bile Hi ,
bouth Omaha , nod . , , , , 1
M Voolomon to SM Smith , lot 11 , blk 7 ,
Solomon's add , wd COO
121 * llvuus nnd husband to Oddfellows
Hall association , lot 11 , l'.vuns eub , w d. , 1,311
0 is Darker und wife to K A Ilium , lot in ,
blk 1H. Orchard Hill , w d GOO
J L Mills to H A Ilium , lot IV , blk ] U , Orch
ard Hill , wil GOO
Miles Itlbompson to V. A Ilium , lot III ,
blkll , Orchurd Hill , wd TOO
Isaac Kaiifmnu and wife to William
Karbuck , w i ft , lot 1 , blk 11 , B V
t-mlth's udd , q 0 d 1
A U lluudolph and husband to J BKini ; ,
w li lot * - ' , blk * ! , Patrick's add , w d. . . , , VWi
3 I lledlck to George is Itarker , a triune
ular track In aw comer tux lot 4 In
lo-lS-Uqcd. . . , . . . . , . . . . , 1
J I Ilodlck and wife to CJeorKO Is Ilarker ,
two IrrcK tracts In tax lot 1&-1&-U ,
wd JJ7.600
Otto Lobeck . wife to 1'rcd Kntleld lot 7 ,
blk v , aud lot 1. blk t ) . Lincoln Ilace w d 72b
3 Anderkon to Hans Anderson , eli lot 8 ,
blk 7,1''s add , iv d. . . . . S.KX )
ril Davis and wife to J 1 Watt , lots 71
and 72. Jfelxmouni l'lace , w d I.UO
M V Sears to IIU Bour , U a In lot 1 in
H-lW8qcU J.noo
It T Maxwell and wife to 0 O Vancey , nli
- lot ft blkSW , Sontii Omaha , w _ . . „ . . . . 2,001
PL Thomas and wife to 11 Volkmeler.lots
] , , lland 10 , blk ill Orcha' .d lllll.w d. . 2fi00
John Ilarker to M IS Jlarker lot * II and
li blk * , lUlby l'lace , < 0d , . , J
J T WilliamitoMaryOster.lot-r. blk 6 ,
0 KMoyne's 1st add to Volley , w d , . „ f
Twenty-one transfer ? , , . , . , . , | 13cb
I _
Iho History or nn Anntiliy "Wliloli l M
Jlonits lillci n liP-ir-iiil , 1 \ M
Quito n ronmnco In real lifo has lioon I t _ M
rolntod bylHo Abbo Mnrtln the jinrish i - H
priest ot the Andes , in thu depnrttnout _ ' < H _ _
of the Allior , wtio nns roconlly rubbed & | H
of JC'J.400. 8ii\8A wrltor In the London S H
Stnndiml Tlio prlcet wns lvliir * usloau H
in his room when ho suddoniy lolt him H
soU seized by n strong limul nnd gnfrgoit H
wlillo the point ot . \ slinrp instrutnoitt \ _ W
prcs&cd iiRiiiiut his brotist A voice ) _ m
Miid to him "If you ntir you tire _ M
n dead mini ! " The nbbo lay still , _ _ \
nud nftor n short time , the midnight _ U
mnrnitdora wont nwny lie then rose I H
nnd found thulhis money wis Rene , nnd H
Unit the robbers hnd filso bcun in his H
brothor'a room This is the tragedy * H
part of tlio story , but tlio rcnS ronmnco j H
comes in nlwut the money , which wna H
the Instnllmont of iiunulty enjoyed by 'flH
the priest siuco tliojonr 18S7. The : _ M
history of this nnC'lty rcmVa like ffl _ f\ \
a mcdiiovnl legend Once upon . tltno , 1 !
several years ngo , ns the nbbo told 91 ZH
the olllcor of Kuns-d'iirmes nt Ileris- 1 w M
ton , ho was accosted outside his church 1 ' _ * _
by n raisorablo man in rags , who end \ i j H
ho bclotiRod ton Rront nnd wealthy frttn- I H
il Vi which ho had utterly dislionored by I |
Ills sentence to penal Borvlludo for 1 | H
• ; riovou3 olTuusus nijainst tlie law The i _ H
unknown begged of thu nbbu to get him H
into n moiuislury , where ho could live H
nnd die in complete obscurity , the H
world forgetting , by the world for W _ \
got " Abbe Martin look pity lli
on him , and found him a 111
lilaco ns n lay-brother in a Span ' H
ish monnstery A few years after that _ M
the priest received n letter from a < H
notary informing him thnt ho had boon < ' H
appointed the uulvor.tul legatee nnd 'W t
executor of u person who died in a , ' 't _ _
luonustic establishuieut in Spain , uud ] _ _ |
whoso property in Frauco was worth • 1 | _ |
several millions of francs The
r _ _ _
nbbo nrmed with his papers , went PI
oil to the family of the 'U
deceased nionlc whoso brother bo- _ _ _
lleving him to have died in the r _ _ m
hulks , had inherited nil the paternal * - _ _ _
property Hy an nmicnbloarrangement , TMH
the abbo cheerfully surrendered hia ill
rights , nnd upon tlie condition ot never JH
disclosing the 11:11110 of tno family of the 'III
defunct monk ho was supplied with a | | l
handsome annuity ofl00. . Of this ill
fact the robbers who broke into his j , _ 1
room wore evidently tvwnro The il iH
mnrnudora have not yet been arrested | B
Among tlio incidents of childhood S { | 1
thnt stand out in bold relief , ns our -j 'Am
memory reverts to the dajs when wo Itn I
were young , none are more prominent 1 Sill
than so vorosieknoBs The young mother , | HI
vividly roraomhors that it vwu Cham- 8 II
bcrlnin's Cough Remedy cured her of 8 1
croup , and In turn administers it to her |
own offspring und ahvayti with the best j
success For sale by Uruggibts 1
* I
Mnnircstotl In tlio Case or Many tW
Ijouer Aiiliunlq nnil liiRCt = . , 'R .
In men nnd animals the bkin is ccr- |
tainly the most sensitive ussuo of the E
body ; wo cnu hardly imagine that the | '
scales which cover the budios of fishes iy
are equally sonsitivc When v o , j
puss to the invertebrate king 'Bl
dom , roprfbonted by shell SI
fish , snails , worniB , insects , etc , wo find 'ffl ,
an absence of brain , the nervous system _ -Jj
being represented by two nervous cords sffl
running the whole length of the von Bj
tral BUrfaco of the body , and huvlng u , | | i
pair ot small masses of nervous tissue , IM
known ns ganglia.dovolopcd at inter 1
vals The extraordinary mutilations " 1.
these creatures will successfully endure < 1
provo that their nervous system is but il
little influenced by shock , and renders | | I
it nlmost certain that it is . .J
cn.ually insensitive to pain When xt
wo re member that the worm when ff
cut in half docs not necessarily fi
aio , but has the uowor of ropro- Jll
ducing the lower parUot its body and " &
that in soma orders tlio loivor half do- J
vclops n now mouth and becomes a now i |
animal again , when wo remember that I
ether members of the same subkingdom -
dom , such as lobsters and crabi , will - j
frcrjuently when frightened throw off a ' 4
limb or two , womustconcludo that their 1j
sense of pain is very smalland yet they $ \
are repeatedly spoken and written of as -f j
though they were as sensitlvo us mini ' | i
The nervous system of insects is very Mj
similar to that of worms and snails , bo- i , |
ing represented by a ventral chain ot Ml
gnngliu , nnd in their case the evidence .c ' I
of insonsitivcncBS would appear to bo ' &
overwhelming | { | i
Wasps , with their bodies crushed out -9J
of all shupo , will readily attack sugar S |
and honey when supplied Utcm as though 4
nothing were the mutter ; cockchafers , S , If
in a similar way , will go on feeding 4 SB |
when their abdomens have boon pur- < m Bj
tinlly eviBooratod by the peek of a bird „ s _ _ \ \
while a beetle with a pin through its -5 H ;
body has boon known to perambulate f tj Bj
the collectors case , in which it had 11 If
been placed , nnd devour nil the ether SIS'1
speeimons in the neighborhood Again , * ! !
as wo watcli a moth hovoriug around un „ IMi
open light , und see its wings and body Jfifl'
from time to time singed by the heat , it * i _ _ '
must strike us that were it moro sensl- ' -IMBi
tive to pain its lifo would bo persorved * iil
_ _
IMllcs' Nerve ami Llvor Ill Is Jl _ _ _ [
An important discovery They net on the . _
liver , stomach nnd bowels through the ' % li'
nerves A now principle Tlioy speodlly r ' Bl
euro bllllousness , bud taste , torpid llvor , ! ? _ [
piles and constipation Splendid for men , 'H B
women nnd children Smallest , mildest , MrH H
surest 30 doses for23 cents Samples Iroe ' ' vH
at Kuhn & Co 's , ISth and DourIus SiK
Ktllson nnd tlio rnuporu MH
At Orange you can hoar nuiuberlesi _ _ _
stories of Kdhon , says the Electric Age ! _ _
Everybody lilies him Ono man , who * | i JI
hud boon for years in his employ as an JlPBi
oxpcrimuiitalist , told of u visit that a ' ! if if
number ot capitalists including Juy ilWt
Uould bidney l > illon , Sam Sloan and _ _ H
Cyrus Field paid to Edison nt his labor l | _ _ _ _
utoryoneduvto inspect tbo workings ot > li _ |
some induction experiment in devising % \ m
the sehemo for telegruphlug to moving - * _ _
ing trains Edison came out ot hia Jti
work room , where ho was busy , and JIH
shook hands with Mr Field At that IrMfl
instant wiinothing popped into his head $ _ _ _
apropos of tlio experiment ho was at ' ID
work on IIo never gives an idea time " 111
to escape him Without a word of ox- Mil
cuso to the four magnates ho turned on M-Xll
his heel und hurried into Ills dou again , fflU
They waited nnd waited , and by nnd by , i _ | |
tired out with delay , wended their way $ _ !
down stairs , Shortly afterward Edison JbbH
came out and asked : Where aid these ll
paupers goV" 9 |
Down stairs " Mi
Did they walkV" tl _ _ |
yeB Mtm
"That's right I dent want 'om to _ _
wear the oil off my elevator , " Thou ut ! _ |
stood around for an hour and swnppod ; 0bI
stories with the men in the shop Ho ! _
is the greatest man living for stories , V _ _ |
and it is 11 tradition among his em ' * ! _ _ _
ploycs that they can toll him ' tbo earn * < ! _ _ _
story every day for a week and hell ] _ _ _
never tire of it , nor in fact show any f _ _ _
sign ot having hoard it before - * _ _ _ !
' ' _ _
An Absolute Cur * . _ _ _ _
is only put up in largo twoouueo Un boxes , . , _ _ i
nud is an absolute cure tor old sores , burn * , _ _ _
wounds , chapped hand * nud all skin rup- _ _ _
tlons Willposltlyely cure all kinds of piles , H
Ask for the ORIGINAL AUIBTINE OlNT- • ' _ _ *
MBNT Sold by Qoodtnan Drug com many ' _ _ _
at 25 cents per box by mall UO cents , < _ |
* ' _ _