Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    H • THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ifcjjjIDAY , DEOFMBER 27. 1880. 5
H Three LUtlo Dnrllnga Ohnvrod in
H Tholr Motbor'a Sight
mW A Motlicr-'n AnsiilRh Cnusotl by n. Ilus-
UUt ijntul'H Cruelty imtl tlio Ab-
H HCticc or n Ilrnvo nnil Dnr-
H " .Thrrr'fl n House n-tttirnlnV'
MM } daid nn nged man , as ho tottered toward
H OlUtor Uauor , whoso bent comprises the
H corner ot Twentieth una I'icrco streets , .rci-
H torrtny morning
H Tlio next instant , almost , the ] K > llcomnn
H lounctcd the alarm from box G , at Twenty
H second and llorco
H In the rear of 2031 Picrco strccct there
H stood a llttln cottage enveloped in flumes
H Aroum ! it stood n hundred men and women ,
H Inactive , listless
H Suddenly ubovo the cracltlinir flames nroso
H They pierced the cars nnu rived the hearts
H ot the bystindcrs Kverybody Knew that
H children wcro being burned to donth Hut
H not n step was taken , not a hand was raised
H to save them I
B The crowd scattered , and then the firemen
H dliccted their streams upon the burning dom
B idle The flames went up in smolio but the
| cottage was completely destroyed
| Then It wasthatthat llttlo houbo was on-
H tcrcd and from a pyre , on which thrco llttlo
H children , two girls and n boy , whoso names
H could not bo lojrnod , wcro tenderly lifted
H mid placed on the ground outside , dead and
B unrecoKnizablo
H "O my darling little ones ! " screamed a
B fetnnlo voice Lot mo save them , let mo
HBBJ Thcro was n hasty movement to thojront
H of the residence In the north end of the lot ,
B in which rosldcs ( Prof Stalnlinusor Evcry-
H body know that it was the mother who had
H returned to her dusolata hearth and to the
H Cmuntnry ol' Hit DovciI-Oiidh.
H Strong men had solzad her in tnoir arms
H She was struggling to escape from thorn ,
H having seen the Ilamos from at ir , and know
H ing with oven morathnn a mothers instinct ,
H if that were possible , that nil could not bo
H welt with her children
H But she tugged in vain The strong nrms
H would not relcaso their bold
H rinally , overcome by her fruitless efforts ,
B the Iioof womanwho would nnd who could not
B bo comforted , was led to u neighbors house ,
H where she was watched over to prevent her
B from self-destruction.
K Into fated lot drove Coroner Jlrcxol's
H xvutron mid into the latter were tondcrly
H lifted the romaius of the childicn
As the wagon regained Twentieth street
J it passed the residence ot A. T. Llttlo at No
| 1-1" and thus was obsorvva by the mother
XV ho sat near the window
With redoubled Btrcngth and dotormina-
H tlon , the poor woman , who now divined that
B her
ft lillllo Ones With Demi ,
W dashed toward the window It was only by
almost superhuman effort that her guard
* pi evented her from throwing herself through
J the
J The poor sufferer was the oniboJlmont of *
misery She was of too ideal German type
light , flo9sv lialr , ruddy cheeks , blue ojos
J and lpguiar features Ilor tresses had become -
come dlshoveled nnd flowed ficely as sno
J * rocked from side to side or vainly strove to
ultnln her liberty
Tlio poor mother was a washerwoman
J numed Lena Schlp She had been deserted
M by bor husband Ono month ago she ranted
fl tlio llttlo cottage , which was owned by Mrs
J MuchofT , nnd earned a frugal living by tak-
MMM ing In washing
_ Yesterday morning she went abroad early
Ti to got aomo goods for which she was told to
V call She could not find the place She
J stinted toward homo nnd whllo on the way
saw the 11,111103 which had consumed her
H | She had lighted a flro before she left in
B quest ot labor , placed the kcttlo on the stove
bo that the water might bo in coudition to
ftpftV cnablo her to commence work ou her return ,
BpBS She loft the little ones in bed near the
pBpBS window Ono of these was a boy six years
j of ago ; tlio second a girl four jcars of ago
( nnd the last a buby girl of two months
J She locked the door How the flro origt-
W rated no ono knows 'Iho result has been
H All the woumu's household property and
t clothing woru also destroyed , nnd , whllo
ApkpB ulono In the world , she has now only the
VftpftVJ clothes which encase her person
The burned bodies of the thrco innocents
tveioplucod lu the morguoat9:80 : o'clock- ,
H nnd steps wcro taken to prepare them for
J Whoa the coroners receiving bor , In
{ fl which the bodies were place 'd when taken
! from the ruins , was uncovered , the sight
flflflj prcsou ted
H AVus us S olteninir
HbHI ] as it was pitiful The employes at the mor
flflflflj guo , necustomed to handling dead bodies in
K nil shapes and conditions , shuddered la con
flflflfll * tamplatioa of the task ; before thorn The
fl three frail bodies were burned to a crisp nnd
jflflflflflj bad lost nearly all semblance of tholr life
flflflflH outlines The babes body was the only ono
flflkVH rocognlzablo as n human form but it was not
IflflflH spared The tire had burned its head bo
BAflKflfl that the llttlo skull bad boon worn away and
J its brains and blood had boon loastod to a
fl mass
fl The oldest child , a boy ot seven years , was
V burned so his
flflflfl llonil Was Ilnjtiroly Guna
fl , nnd his wbito bones shone through the
flflflfl charred llosh In many places Ills logs were
flruwn up , olther in his death struggle
fl or by the boat , until bis knees were
m vcn with bis chest end all of
ipflflflff flio flesh bad fallen from his frarao
HA from his kueos to his foot , presenting a
flflflflj ghastly spectacle
flflflflj All that remained of the four-year-old girl
flflflflj was ono muss of human cinder
flflflflj The llttlo bodies were cucasod in oil
fljflflfl shrouds nnd prepared for burial But tow
flflfljf people viewed the rotnalnt una those who
flflflflj did regretted It , The sight was too slokon-
iflJjflJH Ing , too pitiful even to these for whom the
Hflflflf horrible holds a fascination
flflJH Coroner Proxul will hold uu tu uest on the
fljflflfl bodies tins morning
jflfeflj "Iet Illn Son My Uuby "
fl PjM Yesterday afternoon the bereaved mother
H • went to Drexel & Mauls to sea tbo romams
j ot her babes Hut the kind hearted uttond-
B nuts n ( the plaoo , In the nbsonco of tholr
J principals , decldod it would not bo advisable
J for the woman's sake to comply witb tbo rc-
H The poor woman turned sorrowfully and
flfljflfl distractedly away , yet guro no violent dom
ouatratlonof grief In ono baud she bora a
, 1 llttlo wallet , and la the other what appeared
fljflflfl to bo a roll of bills She had intended to
fljfljfl ) offer thct.0 to the coroner to secure the burial
flflflflj ot the victims , but in tbo scene which bad
flflflflj taken place had neglected to do so
fljfljflj As she was leaving the uiorguo she an-
| fl flfl couutored ( Jhicf Qalllgau of tbo Are doimrt-
jflflfl ment She did not know who be was , out
fljflflfl Bccottod him in plaintive tenet :
flflflflj"O , please lot me see my baby "
i flftflfl At the sumo tlmo she held up her llttlo
flflflflj Wallet and the roll before referred to
flflflfljt Tbo chief may bo rough in the licit of bat
flflflflflflftfA * l . * Jkrl * . .ii A O j *
tlo with the flames , but in his boiom there Is
a heart of almost womanly tenderness for
the unfortuunto His heart had nlrcadv
been touched by compassion , nnd he had al
ready , with Andrew Sehcid , began to circu
late u petition for subscriptions tor the relief
of the poor woman ,
"Doiou realty want to sso yourbibyl" In
quired the chief , slightly emphasizing the
word see nnd looking diroctty Into the
iin..lior8 0iCs.
"O , yes , I wont to see my baby , " she re
plied , as the tears welted into her eyes and
as she endeavored to impress the chlof that
the sight would tiot cause her to lese her
Welt , 1'lt ' let you see your baby , " replied
the chief
Accordingly , under the direction of Mr
Hakcr , one of the attaches or the uiorguo ,
the poor woman was led to the bascmont
Thcro the oil shroud was removed nnd the
llttlo Innocent whoso loveliness had often
Justified the caresses of her * mother , stood
revealed , n charred and shapeless mass
The poor woman became speechless The
olor forsook her chocks and the tears which
had boon , flowing seemed to f recto upon her
fuco and eyes
"Do ynn want to sco the othorghU" in
quired the chlof
Yes tilcaso "
The other body was exposed , but the wo
man gave evidences of becoming faint and
was quietly nnd gently escorted from the
department of death A carringo wis called
and the mother driven to the homo of I'rank
K ram pest , the butcher for whoso family she
bnd washed nt 2031 Picrco stroct ,
The remains ot the llttlo ones will not bo
buried until Snturday Hy that tlmo a suf
ficient nmount of money will hnvo boon
obtained to defray the burial expenses and
perhaps erect n ltttlo cottage on leased
ground for the mother
The Ube will recolvo subscriptions to aid
la this undertaking
The Coroners ilnry Kinds It Wns Iuo
to llin Own UnroloBsurss
Coroner Drexel held an inquest S'estcrday
afternoon to investigate the rauso of the
death ot John Ilcrbst the man who was
found on the 13. & M. tracks badly injured
on ClirUtmus eve
The first wltnosis examined was L. S. Col-
llor , the engineer of the passougor train
which is supposed to have run ever Ilcrbst
Ho testified that ha bud taken out train Ko
C on the B. & M. last Tuesday night , leaving
the depot about 7 oclock When about halt
a inUn below the depot ho saw u black object
lying on the track It was not moving and
scemod ubout the slzo of a dog His train
was running at a speed of about eight mile ?
per hour and ho had u good headlight It is
a common occurrence for trains to ruu oyer
dogs , pigs , cilvcs , etc , and the thought canto
into his mind that this was a dog or u pig
and ha paid no particular attention to it Ilo
was quito positive that the object was neither
upright or moving , lis ho could havp certainly
seen It a d 1st unco ot 100 feet it It had been
standing tip Ho felt the ouglno make a very
slight jumu us It passed ever the object , and
when ho reached Gibson ho examined the
engine to see if there were any signs ot bleeder
or hair , but found nothing to indicate that
the engine had passed over anything Ho
llrst learned of the accident Wednesday
morning at Plattsinouth , nnd was dumb
founded to lcnrn that bo hud killed a man
Hu did net stop his train , as it often happens
that dogs , etc , are run ever , and ho thought
this was only a dog Ho could not say
whether or not nny ether train or engine
had gene over the truck ahead of him The
object was lying on the trcstlo a short dls-
tanco from the end
I13. . Arnold , flruman of the sarao engine ,
was culled but know nothing whatovcr of
the accident , as he was attending to the llro
at the tl mo
Mrs Charlotte Uuckholz , a near neighbor
of the dead man , was the next witness She
had been to a noighboi ing saloon for beer
and had started back across the trcstlcwork
When she reached the middle the passenger
tram passed her and she heaid a voice exclaiming -
claiming : "Ob , my God I my Godl help mo I
help mo ! " At first she was frigntened and
started to run , and then she turned and
asked ! "Who's there ? " Receiving uo rody
she ran homo and told her son-in-law to go
quick and see who was hurt They went
back together aid fauna Horbsl lying on the
track gioantng She talked to him but ho
did not seem to hear .
August ldausco , the son-in-law of the last
witness , was called and t03tlled ! ns to his
going to the scene of the accident , with the
old lady and flndlngtho body there Thcy
iound the injured man lying on tbo track ,
scarcely ublo to speak Others arrived on
the scene and ho only spoke a low words to
Ilcrbst The latter bsirgod to be shot Ho
said the body was betw eon the two tracks ,
about flvo feet from the end of the trestle
tfenry Ilonlngton , a dairyman and neigh
bor of the dead man , was the next and the
most important witness Ho said that one
ot his boys came running home and told him
a man had been run over by the cars He
ran to tbo place and recognized Hcrbst Ho
asked himr how the accident had occurred ,
and Hcrbst Bald ho had started across the
trestle , but heard the train coming and
turned to go back Before he could reach the
end , hovvuvor the train struck him At this
tlmo Mrs Hei bst appeared on tbo scene and
talked with her husband us long as ho was
able to speak Mr Henington soot ono of
his boys to telephone tm tbo patrol wagon
The man lay on tbo track about an
hour befoio ho was removed In reply
to questions Mr Henington said there
were signs ut each end of the trestle warning
people against crossing it Ho also said
bore were good roads in that vicinity loau ;
ing to town
Henry Henington , Jr „ son of the last wit
ness , wus examined but bis testimony was
merely corroborative of his fathers
IVod C. Hayes , jardmaBtorof the B. & M. ,
testuiad as to the place ot the accident , it
being on the right-of way end private prop
erty of the railroad , and also as to there
bolng signs warning people against crossing
tbo troblle ,
K. W. Carter , conductor of the train , wns
the last witness and said the train was seven
minutes in running to Gibson , Tboy ran
slow , as they expected to meet another train
Tbo Jury returned a verdict that the deceased -
ceased catno to bis death through bis own
action iu walking across the trestle , which
is tbo private property of the B. & M. , and
it is presumed that train No , 0 , engine No
205 , ran over him , causing injuries which re
sulted in his death "
HiiiCing Noises
In the oara , Bornctlmo9 a roarlnff buz
zing sound nro caused by catarrh that
exceedingly tHsni roeablo and very com
mon dlsonso Loss of smell or hearing
also result from oatarrh Ilood'a Sar-
Baparllla , the great blood puriflor , is a
peculiarly successful remedy for this
dlsoaso , which it euros by purifying the
blood If you suffer from catarrh , try
Ilood's Sarsapai'Hla , the peculiar irtodi-
cine _
A Nosi of Unites
The horrible chnrgo of a "crlmo against
aturo" will bo lodged against bait a dozen
thugs who now languish in a cell at central
polloo station , as soon as the proper evidence
cau be secured
Less than a dozen loafers and desperate
vags got into a room in a boarding house at
Tenth nnd Jackson streets Wednesday , used
in their debassed and degraded manner a
child numodKddlo Gray ,
Detectives Savage and Sompsoy raided
the place and found between the mattresses
Qftocn bottles of perfumery , eight gold
rings , an overcoat an a jewelry box , all of
which i supposed to be stolen property ,
Five mou were arrested on the cbargo of
being suspicious character * . Serious results
are anticipated '
For delicacy , for purity , and for improve
ment of tbo complexion nothing equals Poz-
zonl's loweor
Wants Her Husband
Mrs II Goldberg , artlvod from Kansas
City yesterday morning with her throe small
children in search of her truant husband ,
who , it is said , It living with an Omaha
woman She has secured the assistance ot
the police
Ono Mau Will Dlo Trom the Sudden
Wlillo n Quartette of utlicr Arllsntis
nnil Mechanics Narrowly Es-
caps Serious Injury
Utc , I2tc.
Poll Twenty Hcot
To the accidents nud crimes which charac
termed both Wednesday nnd Thursday was
nddnd another which cannot It is
thought , but result fatally
Sovou men nt5 ! ! " 0 j osterday afternoon wro
working upon the scaffold of the Tnomson-
Houston electric llglitbulldlng , nowln course
of erection at the corner ot fourth and
Jiickson streets ,
Suddenly , and without the sllghtost premonition -
monition , the supports of tbo floor gave way ,
precipitating nil the men upon a mass of
stone and brick boncath
The greatest excitement prevailed for a
tlmo and people from nil sides Hockrd to the
scene of the nccldont
Medical assistance was called nnd It was
discovered that only three of the men were
seriously injured
Thcso were Frank Wote , laborer , who sus
tained a very severe scalp wound , as also
several other injuries from which it is feared
ho cannot recover ; John Michel , auothor la-
boicr , who was badly bruised about the
body and will bo lnld up for
soma doss , nnd E. L. Anson a bricklayer ,
who had lost ono eye besides receiving sev
eral minor injuries
The fall was twenty feet , and how the
other throe men oscapodunhuitts it mystery
The injured men were carried to their
homos The names of the uninjured ones
could not bo ascertained
The oppressed subjects ot Eurotioara gnv-
ornm ems turn to this country for free
homes , free laws nnd for the frco use of
Salvation Oil for their pains
It Is the slight cold frequently contracted
that finally undcrminos the system Use
Dr Hulls Cough Syrup in the beginulng
stages and bo cured
Tlio Christmas Cantntix at iumntzc
Memorial Clinruh 1mm Night
The very pretty Christmas cantata , Saint
Nicholas , " was urosoutoi at Kountzo Me
morial church last evening by the mcmbois
of the Sunday school uudor tha management
of Mrs Heginu Atwatcr The church was
very prettily decorated for the event The
pillars wcro wrapped with cvorcrtens , whllo
festoons of the s\me huog from the motto ,
Glory to God in the highest , " in front of
the choir railing A Christmas tree standing
in front of the organ and towering almost to
the vaulted roof wus prettily decorated with
pop corn nnd candies All the participants
in the cantata wcro en costume
At the opening processional the entire Sun
day scnool mniched out singing Happy To-
JJight " Then followed the song ot the
reapers , The Harvest Davs are Over , "
sung by half a dozen misses Miss Anna
Elliott Rang with line effect the song , ' Autumn
tumn , " ono ot the prettiest airs in the can
Bertha Loisennng , in snowy white robes ,
apDearod us Queen Winter , and was con
ducted to a throne with proper ceremonies
and songs Willie Batten , as Jack Frost ,
was installed as hornnme minister , but per
sisted in pelting her majesty's ' subjects
with cotton snowballs uud pla\ing ether
pranks Miss Anna Rhodes was Hnow , nnd
Miss Harpster , Miss Fulreid and Miss Mng-
gto Bayer , the Winds
l\lr. Atwatcr was the Storm King , and
sang a solo announcing his claims to that
title Mr Horace Kuuffman sang tbo wel
come to the Storm King
In part second Mis3 Amy Hobjrts ren
dered "Merrv Bolls Are Hinging JSow" in a
very creditnblo aanncr The echo songs
following this were very pleasing
Mr G. W. Grush appeared as Long Ago , "
n hoary-neadod patriarch , who could remem
ber welt the night that Christ was born
The peisonagc however ; whoso nppeur-
anco made every llttlo heart beat for joy was
Santa Glaus himself His voice souudod very
much like that of Hey W. A , Loip , but the
little fellows were positive it was tbo good
old saint nimsolf when bo closed the evenings
ing's cntcitnlnmcnt by inviting them down
into the basement .vliero thcro wns a hand
some present for every boy and girl
Something for the New Yenr ,
The world renowned success of Hostottcr's
stomach bitters and their continued popular
ity for over a third of a century as a stem
achic , is sraiccly triore wonderful than tbo
welcome tbut greets the annual appearance
of Hostettei's almanac This valuable med
ical treatise is published by tuo Hoslettor
company , Pittsburg , Pa , under their own
immediate supervision , employing sixty
hands in that department , They me run
ning about eleven months in the ear on this
work , and ttiu issue of same for lbOU will not
bo less than ten millions , uriutcd in the Eng
lish , German , French , Welsh , Norwegian ,
Swedish , Holland , Bohemian and Spanish
languages Hofer to a copy of it for valu
able nnd interesting reading concerning
health , and numerous testimonials as to the
oQlcacy of Hostctter's stomach bitters ,
amusement , vuried information , astronom
ical calculations aud chronological items ,
etc , which can be depended on for correct *
ncss The almanac for 1690 can bo obtalnod
free of cost from drugtrlsttt nnd general coun
try dcolors in all parts of the country ,
AVe are the People
Business men from Nebraska for Chicago
cage , Mllwaukoo and all custom cltlos
• will please note that by the now time
schedule ( in effect from and after November -
vombor 17 , 1889) ) , they can arrive at
Omaha about 4 p. m. , can do business or
visit with Omaha merchants and friends
for nearly two hours and can tht-n tuko
the through Pullman Bleeping car of
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul
railway short line fast train at Omaha
depot 6f the Union Paclllo railway at U
p. in ( supper Borvod on dining car leav
ing Council DlutTs ut 0:30 : p. in ) , and
arrive at Chicago at 9:30 : a. in ( broal-
fast also served on dining car ) , in ntnplo
time to mnko connections with the fast
morning trains from Chlcngp on the
principal eastern and southeastern
lines ; or if desired , passengers for the
east can remain ever in Chicago a few
hours for business or plcuBuro and ro-
surao their journey by the afternoon
fast and limited trains of all the cust
om roads
In addition to the foregoing , another
through short-lino train loaves Omaha
dally tit 0:15 : a. m. and Council Bluffs at
9:40 : a. rn , arriving in Chicago nt 0:50 :
a. m. , making close contioctiou with the
express trains of all eastern roads
For tickets and further particulars
applv to the nearoBt ticket agent , or to
F. A. Nash , general agent , 1501 Fnrnara
street , Omaha , Neb
Friday and SaturdayDeo.27 & 28
Saturday Mtlnoe
William Gillette's American I'lay ,
Illustrated Magnificently byMost
Perfect Cast and Excellent
Scenic Effects ,
Regular prices ; seats will be put on sale
Thursday ,
With your name itfiS address , mailed to
the Swift Specific Co , Atlanta , Qa , b
necessary lo obtain hn Interesting treat
io on the blood and the diseases incident
to It
Skin Erujftion Cured
Ono of my customers , n highly respected and
Influential cilltcn , but who is now absent from
tha city , has used Swifts bpcclocnrllh cxcdlcnt
result , lie rnjB It cured hint of n skin eruption
that he hftd been tormented with for thirty years ,
csd hail resitted the curative qualities ot tusay
other medicines ,
. ltom.r.r Clem , Drr'tr' * ? - t > b-
" " "
iin : ii v n or
LurnsSoil.n Ga\W
• S'erpljor Ctrculjr.4 | tohHl'3 > ir9 , a-
AHONEMmORoviLLi.rAk. .
, T > UirAE | rl K&i > imi CllARArJTEED
fl IS BY MAIt-- Jf.f W cuKe t ° K
sis2js b Lm C ATARRH
For sale by Goodman Drug Co
Established in 1878
Under a Twenty Yoari' Contrast b7 tbo
Moslcan International Iinprovesiont
Grand Monthly Drawings held laths Morosqus
Pavlllion In the Alameda Part , City ot Maxt-
co , and publicly conducted by Qoyermnent
Officials appointed for the purpose by the
Secrotaiiesur the Interior and the Treasury
or THE
Benefesencla PubSfea
The monthly lour dollnr DravriiiR
will bo held in iho
Cily of Mexico on January 9111 , 1890.
' CAPITAL PRIZE $60,000 ,
80,000 Tlckots at $4 , $ S20,000.
Trice of Tickets , American Honey ,
list op rmzns
1 OAPITAti 1'IUZE Ol' 20 , W Is 80,000
1 CAPITAL PJtl/.K Ol' 10,00015 10,000
lOKANDPltliSIiOK 2,0001s 2,000
8PH1/.E30F. , ] ,000ara 8,000
0 PHIZES OK COO are 3,1X10
20 l'UI/ESOK aware 4,000
J00PKIZE3OF 100 are J0.tXX )
< M0 PHIZES OF Ware 37.OO0
tU PHIZES OF 20 are . , . 11,080
IBOPrizesof jeoapp to jnuooo prize I 0,000
lMlPrlzesof SO.OWI'rlza 7.KW
J lPrizes of 10XMPmu ( 0,000
WJ Terminals ot fct ) , . . . ,
decldod by ? . ' .ti0,000rrlze. . . . 15.880
2270 Prizes Amounting to $178,500
All prizes sold in the United States full paid in
U. S. Currency " * •
tSTFoit Cure Hates , or any farther Inform
ntlon desired , write legibly to the undersigned ,
clearly ptatlng your resldi'iiro , with state , coun
ty , btreet and number Mora rapid return mnlt-
Uellv ery will be assured by your enclosing an
envelope bearing your fnllmldress
Crrr ovMkxioo , JIkxioo
By ordinary letter , containing MoNr.r Oiiuer
issued by all Express Companies , New 1'ork Ex
change , Draft or Postal Note .
bpccial Features
Iy terms of contract , tie ) company must de
posit the sum of all prizes included In the
schema before selling a Ulngle ticket , and re-
celre the following official permit )
CEUTtriCATK.-l hereou certlfu that the
Bank at London and Mexico luu a tpecial de
posit tht vtctmary fuiuU to ouarantee the ixiy-
tnrnt of all vriu * ui awn by the Luterla ala licne-
o Further , the Company Is required to distrib
ute fifty-sir per ctut ot the value ot Ul tha
tickets In prizes a larger proportion tnan Is
given by any other Lottery
Finally , the number ot tccnts Is limited to
E0uuu-20UU ) leas than are sold by other lotteries
wing the same schemes
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Parent ? who arc desirous of securing thefr boyspractical , and appropriate prcs- H
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anything that will give your bo's more lasting pleasure and comfort than a nice | M
suit or overcoat ? We arc showing handsome styles for big and small boys , and H
the tremendous cut we have lately made on our finest goods , places them within H
the reach of all The styles of suits we arc offering at $3 > 5o , $4.90 and $5.50 you M
will not find anywhere else , except you pay twice the money for the same 1H
goods In Children's and Boy ' s Overcoats we oiler extraordinary bargains as we • H
• are determined to close them out One sin all Jot of extra fine Children's ' Over wM
coats , of elegant designs and neatly trimmed is marked at less than the value | |
of the Cloth We have never cut so deep as we did this time They must all go JM
before New Year and the prices are made to move them * 1H
Our Furnishing Goods Department is a regular Bazaar for Holiday Presents , II
Nowhere can you find a finer assortment than we carry , and you will not find wM
anotherplace that sells , them so cheap „ nil
Embroidered Silk Suspenders Silk Umbrellas | 1
Silk.and Cashmere Mufflers Fine Gloves m
Silk Handkerchiefs Choice Neckwear LI
All these goods we sell as close as the Staple Articles No fancy prices in |
our store You will save about 50 per cent on all purchases made in our Furnish |
ing Department j ;
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets
" " " home makes
if # * v bright
otOY& i merry heaot"11
ft ieTfe so I r d c &ke o f s co u ri ng s o &p Try I
S Lt in your next nouse-cle&ninjgvj |
All work should be so done as to give Joy to the worker Perhaps you have never felt ,51
Joyful when cleaning house ? You never will till you use SAPOLIO to assist you $1
Housecleaning has been revolutionized since housewives first learned Its value Why \l \
shouldn't you find joy in your work ? All grocers sell it * i
rEsnxroaas : i G > : E.c > j . : Kr' sows aa , rrxraaTrcr sTomas : . II
Can he cured In 20 top days Djr His
use ot the
Mafic Remedy
For falo onlr by tlio CooU HcmodrCo , of Onmlin
KebraskJi write to aa for tlio nttmoi nnd address of
> attiutanrbo have been curt'd nnd from whom we
1 mm penutBKlon to refer Hyptilllils a disease tb&t
linialwHysbntiiod thot-killof Lhumnat eminent plr ) l
tUua , ( uirt until the iliitovciT of tlio Cook Ueiuudr
Co's MAUIO IUCSlKlV ) "nntnnclntUtjbveruivlnK )
IbodUearohas been cured Wo tt uriinteo to euro
tinr case that can he nroducud Ihoats who have
tukenmorcuryi > ntnlt , h h. h. uciu uUeraator nth or
ttdrcrtisod roraedlrs , with only temnomrr hcnont *
can now bo permanently cured br the iibo of tbo
"M AU1C UliMKDi" of the Cook Homed jr Co , Omahu
Iveh iJowaro of lminltultoiia It Is ubholutely | m *
possible for for any other pi rson or company to hnvo
mr formula or uny remedy like lt In I'lTutt nd result s
lba ( ootcHumody Co.huh been trout tinr potlont * for
four yiiirsund ImvoalHajs htveu perfect batUfui.t *
Ion They are MumiLlully rovponslbic , liuvlns acni'l ' *
talof ovur9JUMTOUkJuKiht ) lrKuaranteeiood "u
solicit the raost obbtlnuto cusos these who Uav i
tried every know n remedy and lost nil liopoof rocoy *
ery Corretpnnd with us and let uu put > ou in po s *
o tou of ovl lenco that com Inota the must rkeptlcal
Mark what what wo Hityi , In the end yon muht una
our • 'ilAUIUluMKlV'htforo youtan be perman
ently cured It li the most herolohlnodinirllleroror
known Writ for particulars All letters tonlldon-
UhI ,
PAUTinU HeBure youvare getting the Coolc
UrtU I lUll Itemedy Co'h Magic llemotiy
J oiie other * are gonulno Tarlloa claiming to bo
asentft for ui uro impottor * nnd fraud * . 1 utl partlo-
ularofrcc Address ull communications to
The Cook Remedy Go ,
Rooms 418 am 419 Paxton Bte
m * Wl S fc.i n wl .ijl rrlliU * IjdlMtal
rl Iff Dr > MsHt > < * I > l aaou Urai < l.lara4l > UMt
I Wjf l M , M ) d Uat > lB rtbU > a. 'l.Lr uautben
I * M m Head 4c. ( ilr > > < " ' trUoolu a.4 "lUllcf tot
A . . If LK4lM , " < * bu.rt7jrcluramal.A ! .JV > > l
No ether olgar emokos ? & free as
Monhnnrl KKstored
eauflDar 1'remalurtt J tcar Nerroua l Ulttr ! • {
Sd.otuH > < t , 6. bavl.j [ trlcu laralo rcry koowu rrmu-
dy tiaa ducorvml a almi.1. luaaiiaoC self-cur vUlca
b. will xnil ( ( raleili riirB to hU rtllov-niirrrera.
Aiinu , i. H. liUf/ta , v.o , box son.Vit w lotk C3tjv
* l
ETCHINGS , 11 / % % Hk Hi BrEMEnSON , : i\
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha Nebraska IB
< 'iH
Health is Wealth
" 5 v5raB rTZ I onMti I
BJf ° * SuSTREATHe > gj ]
Oh E. C. Wist's Nkrvc and Hiiain TnrAT
mkmu BiiarnnteeJsnoclflofor Hysteria Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , J'lts , Nervous JN'ettral la ,
lloearliKlic , Ncnous I'rustrntlon catieed by tlio
me ot alcohol tobacco Wakefulness , Mental
Ivnro ) .slnn , Hoftoulng ot tne Drnln , restiltlngln
InBnnlty nnil lending to misery , ne"ajnnd death
Premature Old Ace , llttrrenne . Loss ot loner
inciltliei'iiox' , luvoluutury IjOssm ami Biiermat-
torliccaoauHod by overexertion ot tlio b rain , self
abuse or ovrrlndultrencu Uaclt box contains
one moutli's treatment II uj n box , or six noxos
tor > , ( i0sontby matlpiepuld on receipt of price
To cure any case With cacli order l ocelyod br
us for six boxes , accom ranled wltti V > .UQ , vte \ \ 111
send the purcliascr ourwiliten cuuranteato ro
tund the money lt the treatment does not effect
a euro Insuod only dv Uoodman
Drug Co , DruccUts , bole ABcuts , 1110 Farnatn
Street , Omaha , Nebraska
ArrcsU dtachargea from tie urinary orgui
la cither sex in 48 hours
It Is curerlar to Copaiba , Cubeb , or tnleo-
tlans , nnd frco from all bud smell or other
lacanvcnienceii ,
SANTAL-MIDY . "a/ / \
Caiaulll wkleli bar tat list la t.J kU'UUI I
' lt > r wlUittiit v lilch lion , art fenulm VV
Iuntantlr ralleret tha moat Tiolntt attack No
waltlns for result * , luaotton.Uilramedt .
atanir6bl and certain aod a core is thru ult
la all corabl cmaal A smclo trial coorlucei
thomoat tV.pUoal I'rlo.60c.and 81.IMJ.ot
drueffUtaorb/man Trial packaK0rV to aoj
addrwia Itr II.HIlllFrat j > N.8l. 1'aul.aliaa
r U l 11V C
H O.mral aod JtERVOOS DSBlirrTi
riTTTJlR W aka u of Bodyiad JIUdlEffactl
* * > * K4
> - oflnoraci-EtcctiiilnOUorXoiJOi- .
Xotat * l. aHKIlOOO r.llr IM I. H . U KaUria aid
StrMita.a RriIlII > SIU > i'tnOIUttKS i. I'iUlnaf COUI
lUalal.1aat.ular HUBS TUXt1 > T-U > lu U a dar
Km laaUrtraui II ataUa , T.rrlUrlM , aad CaaalrUa
Taa caa urllaMtM Baafc , railaittaaaUca , aad braof.ataU4
U4 > U4i Iraa addnai UU MliltAl UU lafPUB i. .
( mm mnwumMM , m
M.W.C0I. I31H4 DccoE BID , OMAHA , NEB , 1\m \
roa tub wxATUurt of all . . !
HlallUEu i
. . . . . . .
Be tFarllltJ , ApparattiiaadHen dl iforSaenaafa' ZaH
Treatmeat of tvtrf forra of Utaaata rcqulruii : aaH
SoardsAtusaaaet Salt Accommodation ! la Wad ?
CO-WKITE JOROIR07LAKaooD formltt i.a i'fl
Brace , Truuea , Olnblcit , 0ur ture of Eclna'i'ilaa.IB
Tuiaora Oanctr , OaUxft , Bronchitli , lohaUtloii ! ' - !
fileotriaty , Paralyais , JapUspir KldneyTilUddar , til
Hjhu , Bkla and Blood aad all Surf leal OperaUoaa ! | )1 )
v * NaT ! litilt itiDau a Liua-i > l > iriKTaK Tro > !
S0 , " f. vS"JTCSfM . " "f,1. . iTieniJiimij \M
Only Iattltut * uaalai a Bietialtyaf < H
AIIUIaodDliauaaav.fiufallf traalld 9S M < ro ib./ii.iii uioniiitr UranlliUtfalaaa KrwlUaUraUn lIB
* t.aliaaat f r ti r TITiu rOtTKIU farllu la TUtt 4flH
a > Bl l > aaUaUaaiiua/aarr .aoal < aat All cotaraaalaa blBI
Uaaif.aM.atlaU Madtllaaiarla.l7 > iaiali > ralb , > ullaraa W k
tra.irtcur ljDa kadaam.TaatalaaiaatffaontBlaeri alar * . ? laal
Ijaatariaaallaurilasprarurad Callaadaaiiallaiaraaa * ' 'JflH '
tivfr/f./ ° " aa.a.anli will acad Id t > talD wraprjir.Mff - !
BOOK Tfl MFM f" K' ? X rrlrala Bl > all . JH
% hat > auOluuulaKi < Mrllraa H
? i * • " • • ' ' ! * , ttl aalto llaC % * lrraa ' ' .JH
Tfl weak iirM ais : .w * ID
111 IVI r IM " • • aw l . • . • ' < flW
I U ITIb.1 UI DdaTluiHlr llM -JBJ
lat.taltactiUlDloi faU iaitlcu r tor li.iaecoia , free ct caataa 3H lrof U. r.lll SIKH , ]
hatk Uoz ijt D U ull , AUvk . t ' 9