THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : F $ bAY , DECEMBER 27 , 1889. 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS H " i B A Gonornl Calm Fooling Prevalent B In the Graiu Pits B HEAVY RECEIPTS IN CORN H Outs Fntl Into Utio With tlio Other B Ccronls Provision * Kxlilblt a M Wcnk Tendency A Sur- H iritis of Cnttlc H CHICAGO PUOnUCl ? MA.HKET3. H CntOAao , Doc JO [ Special Telegram to H Tun Ukb | A holiday calm provallcd in H the { train nits today The wheat mnrlcat H was dull and weak during the first end of H tlio bcrsIoii and steady and dull thereafter ut L n partial recovery in values Wires nro M down in the cant ami our cousins across thom m water nro taking n Christinas vacation from B business No liotp comes from that dlrec- 1 lion iinil local spcuulatlvo ambition Ian M gulshod Governor Francis of Missouri H wired that the Hessian fly had mudo Its up- M pcarnnco in soma of the grain counties of M Missouri , and that It had already dona dam H ago The Hcssiuu lly bulletin follows up M reports of a similar nature from southern M Illinois , Indiana and Kentucky , and has pro m duccd Bomo impression on the trade ; not m much , it must bo confessed , but some It B would toke an oartliquako to oxclto mora m than a languid Interest among wheat traders H bow The proposed advance in local stonigo H charges formed an exciting theme of dls- B cusslon on'chnnga ' and an Indignation moot BbJ Ing this nftcruoon wan variously viewed by J the opponents nnd friends of the move The BBJ , prevailing feeling among receivers ar.d Hhl.- J pers is that any Increase In rates would bo BBJ seriously prejudicial to the grain trade in- BBJ tcrcsts of Chicago and that decided steps an- BBt tagonistle to the move must bo taiion at BBJ ouco The operations today were confined BBJ largely to May , which opened at BiJ c , the BBJ closing price on Tuesday The market sold BBJ olt to SJc and then slowly hardened B H I'ardrldgo nnd his following raided the BBJ market down , but tit the aoolltio offer B | lug9 were taken frocly Hutchinson BBJ led in buying and'lata in the Bcssloa ho had B B good support from Influential quarters The BBJ • recovery was gradual but not particularly BJB laborious and it was accomplished without BBJ important outside support , certainly without BJB help from tlio east , 'lho price slowly moved B H back to bS @S2 i' and closed there , or only BBJ "itplti" lower than an Tuesday December BBJ ranged at 770Z77iu and left off at the out B Bj sidn , The first reported trades In January BBJ were nt a sheer discount of J o from Tues BBJ day at Vic The last price was i7 ; ! c , and BBj very little business was done in this dellv- BBJ | cry , which leaves oil at a loss ot } { c. The BBJ receipts In the northwest arc small and no BBJ especial clmnga in tlio magnitude ot the BBJ winter wheat uiovcmont can bo discerned B B The heavy receipts and thn clear , cool BBJ wenther hud u lad inllucncc on the corn BBJ marnct from tlio holders'point of view , but BBJ mnko everything easy for the shorts Thcro BBJ was considorab' .u activity and mnny llnoa ot BBJ long corn wcro dropped into the open hands BBJ of the shorts Out of 6SS cars received less BBJ than 10 per cent wcro of contract quality , BBJ but shippers appear satisfied with No 9. B B which was offered very freely at it decline of BJ about HQt.\i under Tuesdays rullug price B Bj The movement eastward is heavy , but there BJ was less weakness In those ultimata innntets BBj than was shown hero December was very BJBJ llttlo moutionod In trading and January BBJ was rather Inactive , but both wcro weak BBJ and considerably lower until near the close , BBJ when December was bid up to Sl fc May BBJ was active anil weak , opening at 83@33J c , BBJ sell < ngoff to U1JJ2. $ : back again to ittc , oft BBJ ngalu , touching 31J c. Afterwards it reacted BBJunl closed at Ul c bid BBJ Oats Tlio oats market , which for several BBJ days has boon relatively steady , today fell BBJ into line with the pronounced weakness in BBJ other cereals nnd suffered a moderate decline BBJ of ? • Sellers were plentiful , including re- BBj eclvursand some MUwaukoo houses , and BBJ while thcro was fair inquiry , it was not suf- BB flcient to check the down turn until 22o was BJB1 reached for Mar Numerous buying orders BJB > appeared at that , only n portion of which BB" were executed January sola down to 20a BB and other months were neglected Receipts BBJ wcro only modcrato and withdrawals from BBJ store Increased to 408,000bushels. No 3 rcgu- . BB lnr was nominally WiOHo HH 1'rovlsious exhibited a weak leaning , not BBj withstundiug advices from the stock yards BBJ wcro encouraging The bcarsido had thu BBJ call Offerings of property unquestionably BBJ exceeded expectations and generally proved BBB moro than the market was able to absorb BBJ Shorts naturally took ndvantage of the J weakness provuiltng to cover , yet sailors out J numbered buyers and lower prices prevailed BBJ The days nctual decline based on last Tucs- BBJ day closings was S' o on December nnd May BBJ short rios aud January and Mny lard , . 10c on BJ December und May pork and Co on January BBJ pork Decouibor lard and January short ribs BBJ wcro unchaugod For cash delivery old pork BBJ sold at&UO , lard at . * .V80 , New York green BBJ shoulders at 3 > $ a nnd 10-pound green hams BBJ at $7.20. In speculative circles a considerable BBJ quantity of product was unloaded by tired BBJ speculative carriers No publto disposition BBJ was shown by paeKers to toll against their J current manufacture Future dealings were BB ] confined lurgoly to Mav , which sold ntjfl.15 BJ @ 'J.r > 5 for pork , ta.WQWM < 4 for lard and BBJ Ms : > 5@-1.67.j for Bhort ribs Pork for Janu- 1 nry , the next active month , ranged at S0.02K BBJ ( S'J 1 H'J ' ' " • < • M.8U < 35.85 and short ribs ut j t-I.Uoil.llTJ ( ; < . The opening sales for BBj hoth January and May wcro generally BB ! uiado at the highest prices quoted The BB closings stood at $3.05 for January pork , BB $5.82i ! for January lard , f 1.05 for Jauu ary short ribs , * 0.45@'J.17K for May pork , { 0 05 J for May lard und Jt.bO for Mnv short ribs BJ Thu December product was qulot H CIUO.VOO IIVt0 STOUK BBJ Ciuoxoo , Doc 'JiV [ Special Toloram to BBJJ TnB Bee.1 Cattle The supplloi wore BBJ much too largo for the demand today not BBJ withstanding tha fact that u liberal proper BBJ tion were a pretty good quality of shipping BBJ nnd killing steers , and a slow , weak and un- BBJ oven trade resulted , Few operators expected BBJ such liberal offerings following Christinas so BBJ closely nnd during a weak when poultry and BBJ game provo moro attractlvo to consumers BBJ than beef , but the cattle were bora today BBJ aud how to gut rid ot thorn was a BB ) conundrum with the sellers At the start BBJ salesmen held out fur steady prlcos , but soon BBJ nftor grunted concessions and at the close a BBL great many eattla remained unsold Thcro r was but little change In the marltet for cows , > bulls , veal calves and stock cattle , but com J won grade killunt steers could hardly obtain J a bid , whlla good qualities dragged , with the BBJ advance of Monday and Tuesday lost Cholco BB ] to oxtrn beeves , flIMi5.00 ) ( ; medium to good BB ] steers , KLVJ to 1500 lbs , M.TO ® 1.25 ; l'JOO to 1 50 BBJ Ihs , M.MQII.00 ; 050 to 1200 lbs , . ' .80(23.10 ( ; J Blockers and fcoders , $2.00i'J.OU ( ; cows , BBJ hulls and mixed , tl ' 'OGSS.DO ; bulk , tS 'MCi'i.Sa\ \ J Texas Btoors.t3. i'J.75 ; cows , ? 2.00 ( JUj BBJ Hoiii Fresh arrivals were quite moderate , J but buyers did not scramble uftor hogs On BBJ thu contrary they seemed to have about BBJ enough on hand for Iminodiato wants Par BBJ ticutarly was this tha euso with the packers j and the general trade I'rices , while fairly BBJ active at tlio start sagged , " toward ' the J close aud salosmeu were unable to exact BJ moro than a 5o advance , making an improve J iiieut ot lee from Tuesdays finishing prices BBJ1'1'0 ' ill of packing grades were largely ut BBI * ; > .fiiL : ( iO choice packing and shipping BBJ f ; l < HiW.tJ5 } ( ! , with fancy up to f3.70. Sorted J light of about 160 pounds sold mainly ut J W.O0 , with t3.05 ( ( < a.T0 paid for fancy or singe J' ing qualities Light , lighter and under BJ weight light sod | at KM0@3.55 according to Br pualitv The pens were cleared nt on early J' ' hour , leaving several small eastern orders BJi untllica Hj F1NANU1AU H New Vouk DacSO ISpeclal Telegram to BJ Tub Hii : : . | Stocks There was a prom BJ tss of a repetition of Saturdays dull stock BJ market at the opening this morning Llttlo BJ was expected Thcro is no London muritot BJ today The attendance hero is light Mis- BL' ' sourl l'uclllc , Heading , Lackawanna , BJl Pacltlo Mall aud Sugar Koflucrlos BJ H maintained a moderato Aagto * ot BBJ i Hi animation In these stocks there ! was soma movement and l'nciflc Mall , after opening nt SHU advanced to 37V. whllo Mis- sou ri Pacific declined from TIJf to 71 , the others < moving backward nnd forward over nn oxtrcmoly narrow rnngo First prices wcro steady as compared with the final fig tires of Tuesday , but except In the stock montioncd utter stagnation marked the deal ings Later , however , n marked strength was developed in bugnr Refineries which af ter opening nt f > 0 and declining to tnjf , rose to o * Jt and rotnlncd most of the Improvement lief ore noon Now Knidnnd gained a llttlo strength nnd touched 41. St Paul recovered from n } ( to SO , 8 , ' or ii over the close Tuesday Missouri l'nciflc recovered to 71J . Lncka- watinu bceamo morn active nnd after selling oft to 130Y reacted to 13(1 ( , Heading sold \i \ Under tlio close of Tuesday to 33-tf. There was no striking feature to the talk on the floor or on street , The trade has the word of Russell Sngo that Gould is a bull.liuslacs , there Is favornblo talk about Western Union again becom ing a 0 per cent stock No outsldo trauo of lmportauco Is expected until money works easier The dullness In stock at uoon was followed by n very slow market to lho close , Money was bid up to 12 per cent nnd the ontlro business of the day was limited to 84,000 shnres Sugar closed \\i \ \ higher at MJtf Poclllo Mail , nftor a dip to Uil , * jf closed nt MJff Missouri Pacific rolled nt una lima to \ } { , closing at 71 . Lnckawaiinn closed only ) i lower at lSGJfJ , Grnngers were neglected * The following wore ho closing quotations t US Is regular r. 'O'i Northern lnciflc . .11 U.H.4.icoupons . . .lil'i doDreferred • * > II.8.4' srogular..Wiy O. .V .N.V 111 ? . U. S. i\in \ coupoiu . 104 J . < doprorerred 148 I'acllltiWot 'Jj III ! N.r.bentra ! 1f U Central I'aclllo -lji I' .IUI ! , . . , 18 ChicngoAsAlton . . .m UockIslBndft mX Chlcaao.llurlliiEton UM .tSt.1' 70K & 0nln < iv 107 ? { • ilonreterrsd..Mllli ! P..Ij..tW | M St.I'ftul Ac Omaha , it-i'l llllnolsCeiitrs.1 IISU dopreterrea .18i ! I. . H. & W H t > Uon 1'iclflo WMi KftnsnsTaxas . . . 11UV..St. . Jj , V L * . K' .k I.nkoHhors IOC noprat irred.- 3li Mlchlgnn Central . U7 ( Western Union . . . K ) } { Mlssoinll'aolllo . . . 71i Moxnv On call , light , running 8 to 15 per cunt ; last loan 15 per cent ; dosed , offered nt 10 percent 1'niMB MciiOANTli.D PAfEit 5JfQ7H per cent SrmiLiNO K.xcinxnn Quiet and wonk Sixty-day bills , S-l.&UJl ; demand , S4.S9. Atlnhic ; Stocks New Yoniv , Djo 23. fSoeclal Telegram to Tun Hun | The following arj the min ing stock quotations : Aliro 100 llaloiNorcross..2t0 IlcstA : lleli-her ' 10 HouiestaUe . \ Caledonia 11. II..ll.l IlornSllvor 1M Chollar ilO Iron Silver ItO Crown 1'olnt ISO Mnxlcan ail Con Cal V V < : , o North Hello IMo..lW ( Ueadwood T. NO Onlilr Kl > Del Mnnto MM Plymouth UJJ Kureka Con , : ) jo avago 110 Gould & Curry 14J lloml OfTcrihuM Washixotox , Dec 20. [ Suoclal Tolograra to The HEn I Tno bond offerings wcro : 14,000 at $1.27 and 85,000 at Sl.01 % . ritODUCB M.AUKBT3. CmcAUO Dec 20.-1:15 p. m. close Wheat Steady ; December , nominally at 773fc ; January , 77J , 'c bid ; May , 83V@S2VJc Corn Lower ; December , 31io ; January SOJj'o ; May , 31 , ' c bid CJats Lower : December nominally at 20c ; January , SO o : Mny , 22 , ' c Hyc December , 4l c. Hurley Nominal Prmio Timothy $1.22. Flax Seed No 1 , 1.)3. : ) Whisky 81.02. Moss Pork Lower ; .Innuary , 89.05 ; February , to 15 ; May , $ ! ) .45@9.47)f Lard LowcrsJununry , $5.2J ; February , J5.55 ; May 80.0. ) bid Short Itibs Lower : Jnnuary , 84.00 ; Fohruary , 8I.07 > ; Mny , 81.85. Butter and Egirs Steady Flour Dull ; unchanged : winter wheat , $2.00@4.35 ; spring wheat , 82.65@4.90 ; rye , 83.D0a2.85 ; buckwheat , ? l.50@2.00 porewt ; Provisions Shouldora , $4.12Jtf(34.23 , short clear , $5.00@0.05 ; ribs , 8l.a * > ® 4.70. Huttor Weak except for fancy ; cream cry , 12@20o ; dairyn } < i@2.1c. Kggs Quiet ami lower ; fresh , 18@19fc ; icehouse , H ( lIe ( Cheese Firm , moro active ; full cream Cheddars , 0 @ 'J c ; flats 9 , ' { @ 'J ) c ; Fancy Young Americas 10J @ 10&c. Tallow Oulot , trlflo weatt Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 4c ; llebt creou salted 4.fc : salted bull 4o. Hccoipts Shipmts Wheat 31,0011 21.000 Flour ' 19,000 32.000 Corn ' 447,000 374,000 Oats ' 151,000 139,000 Now York , Dec 20. Wheat Receipts , 23,050 , ; exports , 10,000 ; spot dull , lower ; No 2 red , SSKgSJjyo In elevator , SG@so ( ) alloat , 70UaTJct , o. b. ; ungraded rod , 70(3 ( SOJifo Options lower , steady ; No a red , December , closing ntfe-V o. Corn Receipts , 152,000 : exports , 3,300 ; spot lower ; No 2 , 39ii ( 40.J. , 'c in elevator , 3o/41 ; 'so alloat ; ungraded mixed , BBJJllo Options lower , steady ; December closing 39f > 39fUats RecoiiiU , 95.000 ; experts , 1,700 ; spot , dull and lower Options , weaker ; Decem ber , 2&ga ; spot No 2 white ; mixed western , 2iyi@2U o ; wlnto woslorn , 29 ® 34e. 34e.Coffeo Options 1.1(320 ( points down : closed steady Sales : 47,750 bags ; Decem ber , $ ir > .75i15.S3 ( ; spot Rio , easy ; fair cargoes , 819.75. Sugar Raw , dull and nominal ; refined , quiet Petroleum Steady ; United closed 81.03 1 for January Eggs Fresh in demand ; lirmj western , 20c. 20c.Pork Pork Quiet Lard Kasier , dull ; western steam , 80.15 , /-lnainr * fjt.1.1 hid Huttor Dull and weak ; Elgin 2r@39o ; western dairy , 0@18c : eroauiory , 14@i7c. Cheese Steady ; western , S ( $ 10c , KniiHiiN City Dee 20. Wheat Lower ; No 2 hard , cash , ( ile ; No 3 rod , cash , G'Jn ' asked , Corn Slow ; No 2 , "caRh , 2lJ/o bid ; December - comber nndJanuury , 21J c asked Oats No , fl , cash , 18c SlIiuioupiiliM , Doe 20. Wheat Sample wheat slow ; receipts for two days 270 cars ; shipments , 300 curs Closing : No 1 hard , Dsccmbor , 78 > io ; May , 83Jfo ; on track , 79K(2S0o ( ; No 1 northern , December , 77 < < $ TUj.fe ; May , blj o ; on track , 77Jf@78o ; No 2 northern , December , 77c ; May , 78o ; on track , 73@74c Cliiuliuinti , Dec 20. Wheat Firm ; No 3 rod , 7Sa Corn Weaker ; No 3mlxod,30@31Js 'o , Oats Kasy ; No 3 mixed , 24Ke- Whisky-81.02. IilVlS STOCK Chlanao , Doc , 20. The Drovers Journal reports as follows Cattle Receipts , 13,000 ; market slow , clos ing 100 lower ; beeves , $2.80 5.00 ; stockers and tcedors , 82.00@2.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.2udt3.U0. ' Hogs Receipts , 13,000 : market strong anil 15o hlghor ; mixed , f3.M3.03 ) ; heavy , | 3.15i ( 3.70 ; light , tt,50@3.70. ; Sheep Hccoipts , 4,000 ; steady ; nntivos , 83.50(4.5-40 ; western corn-fed , 84.00Q4 90 ; Texuus , 8y.00.2U.5. KmiHin City , Deo.20. Cattle Rooolpts , B.QyO ; shipments , 2,000 ; market 10Gj20c lower ; natives , 8-3.20 4.40 ; cows , $1.50@2.40 : stockers nud feeders , HOOvTaoo Hogs Hccoipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 000 ; market steady ; ovcrything , 83.55@3.05. rloux City ; Don , 20. Cattle Receipts , 270 ; shipments , 80 ; market dull and un changed ; canncrs , 75c ( 8l.20 ; cows , 81.20 2,15 ; stackers and feeders , 81f > 0@30 ; veal calves , $2.00@3.1S. Hogs Receipts , 1,050 : market steady nnd unohnnged ; light , 83.40 ( i3.47K ; heavy , $3.40 Qa50j mixed , 83.y0 3.4'3tf , National Htook Yard ) , ICast St linum , Dee 2(1. ( Cattle Receipts , 700 ; shipments 100 ; ilrm ; fair to fancy native steers , 83.2O0i5.OO ; stackers and feeders , • - . ' uuMS Hogs Kocelpts 350 : shlpmcuu , 1,900 ; higher ; heavy , .83.50 ( 3.00 ; packing , WAU'tf 3.55 ; light , $3.4083.50. OJ1AIIA I.1VI1 STOCK Cut tin Thursday , Dee 20. WUh tlio commencement of the holiday week opens n season ot about two weeks time ' In which the cattle market Is lnt-nrlably dull ' Consumers have a rfroatcr deslro for poultry at this season nnd the consumption of ] bcof Is correspondingly light The market was lower oven on the host beeves whllo the mora ordinary grades of cattle wore about as low as any time Although the trade was not very active n goodly proportion of the beeves were sold before the close There was ono bunch ot cattle hero good onoueli to bring $1.05 , hut they wcro good stuff Tlio bulk of the beeves went nt 83.00 3.75. Cows sold at ? 1.7oij'J,50 ( , the bulli going nt $2.10012.03. The trade In stockcrs und feed ers was very light HlllIM There was not much ot a market lioro today In the lint plnco thcro wcro not hogs enough in the yards to make a market and on the other hand the buyers did not appear to want the few hero At the opening of the market there wcro only ten loads of hogs In sight nnd later trains only brought the total up to fifteen cars Iu ad dition there wcro live stnlo loads on sale The trade opened with a good demand for light bogs , which sold about 5c higher than yesterday , that is nt $3.60@3.55. The do- mnnd , however , which was limitedwas soon filled , nud the market dropped flat The puckers only ofTorod $3.45 for the heavv hogs , nnd us sellers wcro holding for 83.50 , the trade came to n standstill Although there were an few hogs here , it took longer to sell them than it usually does to dlsposo of n hundred cars S' ionp No sheep were received nnd there were none to make n market llroeipts Cattle 900 Hogs 900 Prevailing Irlojg The following U a table of prlcos paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Prlmo Bteers , 1300 to 1000 lbs . 4.00 CTI.fiO flood steers , 1250 to 1151 lbs . . 3.00 < rU80 Good steers , 1050 to 13JO lln , , . 3.25 C < fc3.$0 Common 1003 to 1150 lb steers 2.SJ 3,25 Western steers 2.40 ( $ ! 00 Common ennnors 1.00 ( tl,5'J Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 01 SO Fair to good cows 1.80 0J2,10 Gooa to cholco cows 2.00 ( Mi.50 Cholco to fancy cows 2.50 ( iftUK ) Fair to good bulls 1.5' ' ) ( $2,25 Light stockers and fi edors . . . 2.0(1 ( ( § i.t > 0 Feeders , 050 to 110J lb s 2.20 ( J2 93 Fair to cholco liaht hops 3.50 ( i(3.riS Fnir to choice heavy hogs 3 45 ( $3,511 Fair to cholco mixed hogs 3.15 @l-50 11 prcsontnilvo Sains STCEUS , Nc Av Pr No A v. Pr 7 1023 82 75 17 1329 83 37 > f 13 942 3 71 54 1249 3 40 14 1003 3 00 1 1170 3 50 19 1101 3 00 17 1327 3 00 21 1125 3 00 47 1329 3 00 15 1041 3 00 10 1235 3 05 42 1010 3 10 35 1370 3 75 .37 1253 3 35 72 1451 4 05 35 1200 3 35 COWS 4 1055 175 31 1100 2 25 1 1070 175 17 S41 23J 3 705 ISO 3 S73 2 30 40 072 2 10 10 1230 2 35 10 978 2 10 0 1201 2 50 3 1030 2 25 HULLS 4 1232 155 1 1410 2 25 2 13SO 1 03 FEKDEllS 1 820 2 40 13 llll 2 80 IIEUTUS 1 1210 3 00 2 895 3 00 STOCKKItS 0 431 2 10 cjtivis : 4 112 4 50 2 170 5 00 STAGS 1 1550 2 75 WBSTEItV CATTLE Owner and No Av Pr 10 steers , corn fed . . .1499 $3 90 Bay State Live Stocu company 14 bulls , corn fed 1850 ' 2 95 noaa No av Sh Pr No Av Sh Pr 53..804 200 83 45 53..309 1G0 83 50 05. . . .291 200 3 45 04..274 40 3 SO 57..345 340 3 45 00.240 2S0 3 50 73. . . 278 120 3 45 75..25.1 320 8 53 57..33S 2Jt 3 4.1 71..241 80 U 55 03..205 320 3 45 05..235 120 3 55 00..273 SO 3 50 02..293 120 U 55 Purchases ofiinzs . < Showing the number ot hogs bought by the packers and leading buyers on today's ' market : Armour-Cudnhy Packing company 401 Omaha Packing compauy , 05 Swift & Company 251 Gcorgo H , Hammond &Compauy 201 Purchases of Cattle Swift & Company 453 George II Hammond & Company 320 Armour & Cudaby 4 Hamilton , Stopbous & Co 12 Benton 5 Becker , - . 5 Nels Morris 27 Shippers and feeders 5 Live Stuck Aotrts Cattle lower Light hogs opened hlghor The buyers wanted heavy hops at steady prices J. H. Nossloy of Vllliscn , la , wns on the uiarkot with cattle and hogs D. J , Drummond of Burlington Junction , Mo , was on the market buying feeders L. B. Graves came in from Odell to buy feeders W. T. Preston of Dunlap , la , was'in with two cars of stcors and ono of hogs With Cnttlo On the market with cattle : Bay StatoL ; company Hay State , Neb ; J. H. Sutton , Thomas Harris , T. H. Herd , Central City ; G. W. Woyant , Silver City , la ; Rich ard Gentry , Dawsonvillo , Mo ; | L. O. John son , Goolinnr ; J. W. & Company , Daven port ; J. II Nossloy , Vlillfca ; W. T. Preston , J. J , Doherty , Dunlap , la ; Ran Frazier , Wuyno ; Bennett Brothers , Strahau & Steele , Wayne ; lames Danloy , Ashland ; II , C. Cul- . tor , Cowles ; J. P. Morden , Toknuiah ; J. J , McCarthy , It K. ICulm , Peter Johnson , Em erson , With Hot * . On the market with hogs : J , II Sutton , Chnpman ; A. Sutton , Chapman ; Thos Harris , Central City ; D. A. Halo , Humphroy ; J , W. & Compauy , Davenport ; J , II Nossloy , Villlsca , Iu ; J. B. Hurao , Madison ; Rogers & Ollis , Ord ; M. H. Ho- garty , Oakland Iu ; Harris & Hattollo , Han cock , la ; W. T. Preston , Dunlap , la ; J. J , Doherty , Dunlap , la ; W. O. Swartz , Silver City ; A. W , Jobnsou , Loouiis ; Anderson & Johnson , Oakland OMAHA WJIOLRS/UjU / BIAIUUUH Grocorlas , Produce , FrultH , linj Eaas Strictly fresh , 21@23o ; cold storage , 17o.Hinr.s Hinr.s , Pelts , Tai.low , Eto , Green salted bides , 44 'o ; No 2 , g. a. jildcs a o ; dry Hint hides , 50i7c ; calf hides , ii } < t4io ; damaged hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , green , cacti , 25c ® 81.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@13J o : tui- low , No 1 , 4c ; No 3 , 3i,3Uo ( ; grease , white , 404 0 ; yellow , 2X0J3C , Huttkii Creamery , fancy , 23@25c ; cholco , 20@21c. Dairy , fancy , 15017c ; cholco , 14@15o. Country , funoy , 14C l5a ; good to choice , 12 © 13c ; fair , lOOlllo ; inferior O0i9c. Pickles Medium per bbl , 85.00 ; small , 80.00 ; gherkins , $7.00 : C & U chow chow , qts , 83.85 ; pts $3.35. Potatoes 2502MO for cholco OSIOX8 40@00o. Simit : KiuUT-llbls , $4.75 ; half bbls , $2.85. Suqaks Cut loaf , 8Ji"o ; cut loaf , cubes , & } ( oBtundard \ , powdorcd , 8,140 ; XXXX , powdered , 9c ; granulated , standard , 7c ; confectioners A , 7J40 ; whlto extra O , 0 > oj extra C Neb , 0 u ; amber , O Vo ; California golden 0.0 0. j HEKrToxuUES-Salt , bbls , $20.00 , Hat-$5.00(3u.O0 ( , Choi-Feeu-$1'.00. HlllN$10.00. . r , Cons 19c. Oats 17c. Veal Choice , medium sue , 5(25c ( ; choice heavy , 84c Lye-I.75@J.50. Live Pigeons Per doz , 11.50. PnovisioNs Hams , No 1.10-lb average , I I Otfc : 30 to 22-lbs , 8 } o ; 13 toH-lbs. 10c ; shoulders , 6c\ \ breakfast bacon , No 1 , 8 < o ; ' ham ] sausage Do ; dried bit Jinms , 8a ; boot tonguss i , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 5 , ' 4 ( < H ? > * ( c per lbl ham roulette , OJ c ; add lc per lb ] for email lots Mess Ponk-Pcr bbl , 8l,0j3r > , lUMAVts According to slzo , per bunch , $3.00(33.00. | ( v 'it' ' Butteiuse Tubs , 13c : rolls , lie C0COANUT8 Per too , 85.00. AITLR HtlTTKIl OC Tt Cinr.n-Bbls , $5.50 ! hf bills , 83.00. MArt.n Sutun VJ < iJirc ( i or lb Canut 9i"i ' ( # 22u per lb CiusnKiiiilES Capo Cod , 810.OP@11.00 , Oiuxohs Florida , | 3rbox , $3.00(35.00. ( Buckwheat Flouu Per bbl , $5.5U@0 00. Woot/ Fine , nvonige , 82042301 medium , averngo , 21a22o ( ; quarter blood , nverngo , 20 21c ; coarse , nverage , loQlTo ; cotts and rough , nverngo , 14Ql0c. Funs-Heaver , per lb , * 2.r > ( VU-00 : otter , each , $3.00 ( < i7.00 ; wolf , cach , . " > 0 < . < a81.25 ; coon , each , S-IQlCc ; mink , each , irtftfloa ; muskrat , fall , 5@9a ; skunk , rnt , S3ol00c ; badger , rnt , 25C < 8SOo ; ilccr skins , fall , per lb , lsJ0i)27c ) ; winter , 12@iJc Beans Cholco hniid picked navy , 81.75 ® 1.80 ; choice hand picked medium , $1.0503 1.70 ; cholco hand picked country , 81.50051.05 ; . clean country , 81.60jfl.00 ; inforfor country , 81.00@1.25. Game Pralno chickens , 8400 ; mnllard duckB $ ; l00n3.r)0i ! mixed ducks 81.50(33.00 ( ; teal , $1.35(31.r ( > 0 : Jack snipe , 81.W1.23 ; quail 81.2501.75 ; Jack rabbits , : small rabbits , 8t.O0@1.20 ; squirrels 81.U0irl.10 ; plover , 75e@tM.u0 ; venison saddles , ll ( < $13c ; carcasses , 0OT10. Lemons Fancy , 83.50@50 ; choice , 83.60 (33.00. ( Celeuv Per doz , ! ! 0c CALirouxtA GiHi'ns 82.00. Salsopa 1 ' 044 0 per lb Staiich 4 , ll1 @su ror lb Stove Polish $2 00(35,87 ( per gross , Buooms 4 tlrf , $ i.0J ; 3 tie , $ i.20 ; Btnblos , $3.60 ; common , $1,500/1,75. LAlin-Tioicos llcllne 'd , fi c ; purco lonf , OJt'c ; kettle rendered , ( % c. Add > ga to } { a for smaller quantities Fahikaceou.s Goiids Barley , 3@3 } c ; fannn , 4 'Jc : peas , 3c ; oat meal 2yf < 8 o macaroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , ' } i % hi : : sago and tapioca , GYn'7o ; lima beans , 2Kc Corrni : Roasted Arhucklo's Artosa , 24 0 : McLaugtillii's XXXX , 2la ; Gorman , 24 > 'h ' ; Dliworth , 2l } c ; Alaroma , 21c. CorrEC Green b'ancy old golden Rio , 21c ; fancy old pcaborry , 23J c ; Rio , choice to fancy , 22e ; Rio prime , 21c ; Rio , good , 19c ; Mochn , 2t'c ' ; Jnva , fancy Mamlohllng , 27o ; Java , good Interior , 2la ; African 20Jjc Canned Fiait Brook trout , 3 1) ) > , $2.40bo1- ; mon trout 2 lb , 82.25 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.23 ; clams , 2 Hi , $3.00 : clam chowder , 3 lb , - $1.23 ; deviled crabs , I lb , $ i.25 : deviled crabs,2 lb , 83.00 ; codfish balls , 2 . , $1.75 : cavier , } i lb $2.23 ; cols , I lb $3.40 ; lobsters , . 1 II , $1.00 ; lobsters , 2 lb , $2.93 ; lobsters , deviled , J f lb , $ i2.5 ; mackurcl , 1 lb , $1.75 ; mnckerol must urd sauce , 3 1b , $ i.00 ; mackerel , tomato sauce , 31b , 62.00 ; oysters.I Ui , 81.10 ; oys- ti'rs , 2 lb , $1.90 ; salmon , C. It , 1 lb , $1.90 ; salmon , C. R , 2 1b , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1.03 ; salmon , aIiisku , 2 lb , $2.05shrimps ; , 1 lb , $2.00. DitiKD Fiu 'it CurrantH , now , Oo ; prunes , casks 1300 lbs , 4 ] < jc ; prunes , bbls or bugs , 4J c ; citron peel , drums , 20 ll > , 21c : lemon pool , drums , 20 lbs , 0c ; furd dates , boxes 12 lbs , 9c ; 11 pricots , cholco evaporated , 14c ; apricots , jelly , cured , 25 lb boxes , 15c : apri cots , fancy Mount Hamilton , 25 lb boxes , lOo ; hpricots , choice , bags , 80 Tbs , 14 > c , - apples - plos , evaporated , Alden , ,50 lb boxes , O' n ; apples , star , b ? c ; npples , fancy , Alden , 5 lb lOo ; apples , fancy , Alden , ' 3 lb , 10)c ; Suit Luke , 9 } c ; blackberries , evaporated , 50 lb uoxes , .I Oi'i'jc ' ; chcrries.pltted , dry cured , 14c ; pears , ialifoniia fancy , } { & boxes , 23 lb , 12c ; peachesCal No 1 , fauoy ' a , unp bags , SO lbs 15c ; nectarines , red ; 14c ; nectarines , silver boxes , 1.1c ; pitted plums , Cal 23 lbs , boxes , 8 > fo ; raspberries , cvap N. Y. , new , 20c ; prunes , Cal II C , 9O-100 boxes , 23 lbs , 7c ; prunes , Cal , R C , 00.70 , 9c ; orange peel , 15c ; ralsms , California Londons , crop 1S89 , 82.25 ; raUlns , Cul loose muscatels , crop 1889 , 82.10 ; Valcncias , 1SSS , Sjfq ; Vnleucias , new , 7c : Cal seedless , sits , 7J4O. Canned Meats Corned beef , 1 lb square cans , $1.20 ; corned beef , 3'lb , square cans , $3.05 ; corned beef , 0 llisquaro cans , 80.50 ; corned beef , 14 lb square cans , 814.00. Lunch tongues , 1 lb round cans , 82.0U ; lunch tongues , 2 lb round cans , $1.75. Brawn , 1 lb Sahara cans , 81.20 ; brawn , ' 2 lb square cans , $3.00 ; brawn , 0 Hi squaro'cans , ' 80.50 ; brawn , 14 lb square canu , $14.00. Ox tongues , V/3 lb round cans , $5.00 ; oxtongues , 3 lb round chub , 80.00 ; ox tongues 2J < i lb round cans , $7.00 ; ox tongues 3lb round cans , $3.00. Cbipucd bcof , 1 lb round cans , $2.00 ; chipped beef , 2 lb round cans , (4.00. Roast beet , 1 lb round cans , 81.20 ; roast bcof , 2 lb round cans , 8'2.00. Potted ham , } lb round cans , 05c ; potted bam , > i lb round cans , $1.20. Deviled ham , ) ! lb round cans , 05c ; deviled him , Jlb rounds canB , $1,20. Pot ted ox tongue , H lb round cans , 05c ; petted ox tongue , > < ; lb round cans , 81 20. Com pressed ham , I lb square cans , $1.75 ; com pressed ham , 2 lb square cans , $2.75. Tripe , 2 lb round cans , $1.M ) . Minced collops , 2 lb round cans , $ i. " - ' 0. Boneless pigs feet , 3 lb square cans , $2.25. One pound cans nro packed two dozen and four dozen to case Two pound cans nro packed ono dozen mid two dozen to case Half pound cans packed two dozen to case Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to case All prices per dozen , not ' Ncts Almonds , 15@10o ; Brazils , 12J c ; Alberts , 12ffo ; pecans , llo ; walnuts , 12 > e ; peanut coclts , 8 > fc ; roasted , He ; Tennessco peanuts , 7c. Salsaoe Bologna , 4024 } c ; Frankfort,7c ; ton cue Sc : summer , 20u ; headcheese , Go PotiLTiiv Chickens , per doz , live lions , $2.25 ; spring , 82.50@2.7.1 : dressed , per lb , 5 @ 3c ; turltuys , live , 8010r : dressed , 8rt10c ; ducks , live , per doz , S. fJO OO ; dressed , per lb , 9@lle ; geese , live , per doz , $3.00(39.00 ( ; dressed , per lb , 89e. Ai'i'LES Per bbl , common , 82.0Q@3.23 ; choice , $ i.60g4,00 ; fancy , $4.O0@3.00. Misce Meat 20-lb cans , 7Jfc. Honev 15o per lb for cholco PitissEitVEH 9JT ( < ! 10c per lb Jellies 404 > o per lb Beeswax No 1,10@19c. Ciiocola'Tb and Cocoa 2I@37c per lb ; German chlckory , red , 8c. Pais Feet Pickled , kits , 75c ; spiced pigs tongues , kits , 83.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , 05o ; plcKled H C tripe , lilts S3u ; spiced pigs hocks , kits , $1.15. Si-ices Whole , per lb Alsplco , Oc ; Cas sia , China , 9c ; cloves , Ponang , 23c ; nutmegs , No 1 , 75o ; popper , lS@19c. Ginoeu Jamaica , U pints , 83.00 per doz CiiBE8i : YoungAniorJeasfiillcr < iam,12jc ; actory twins , 11@12 > io ; off grades , 7@3c : Van Rosseu likloiii , $11.51) per doz ; Bap sugo , 23u ; brick , 12) o ; limburger , llo ; domestic Swiss 13@14o. WuArriNn Pait.k Straw , per lb , lj Ol BKc ; racr , 2'foj manllln , 11 , SWOtfc ; No 1,7a Baos Union Square , 85 per cent oft list SALT-Dalry. 280 lbs in bbl , bullr , $2.10 ; best grade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grudo , 100 , 3s , 82.10 ; host grade , 29 , 10s , 82.20 ; rock salt , crushed , 8180 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50 lb bags , b.r > c ; bulu , 324 lb bags l $3,23 ; common , in bbls , $1.25. 4 . Flouk Stdto , 84.OU015.O0 ; fancy , 85.00 ® 5.40. J"1' Fisu Dried codfish , 4l./8o ; seolod her ring , 20c per box ; hql borrlng , doui , 55o ; Hamburg , spiced herring$1.50 ; hoi herring , Imp , 80a ; mackerel , Noi 1 shore , 811.50 ; fancy moss , $13.50 per 100 lbs ; whlto Ash , No 1 , $7.00 ; family , 83.75rtrout , $5.23 ; sal mon , $8.50 ; anchovies , 85c. OiLs-Kornseno-P. W./DKo ; W.V. . , 12c ; headlight , l'JUu ; gasoliuQ.74o. 12n ; lard , No 1,44c ; No 8,40o ; salad,0(1 , ( , $1,2339.00 per dozen , } ' " SoAfs-Castllo , mottled per lb , 8@10a ; castile , white , per lb , 18 < ] 5c. fc J TivIiiob niidltoiio Bindeiis' TwiNE-Siiak'J 13o ; Hf & Hf 14o ; munllla , 15o. iU Clotheslines Cottoh , 50 ft , $1.17 : cotton , CO fr , $1.33 ; Jute , .10 ft , , yOai Jute , ( X ) ft , $1.00. Cotton Twinb Fine . . ) e ; modiuin , 19c ; heavy hemp , llo ; light hemp , 10c. Sail Twine B , Bail , 20o ; Calcutta , llo ; manilla rope , llo ; sisal rope , HKc ; new process , 8 > fc ; Juto,9.i < c ; cotton , lOo ; hide rope , 17c. Lumber mill niilliliiiK-Mnicrlnl. Stock Boauds-A , 12 , inch , s I s , 14 and 10 feet , $15.00 ; B , 13 Inch , s 1 a , 12 , 11 and 10 fent , $11,00 : C , 13 inch , sis , 1 ! } and 10 feet , $30.00 ; D , 13 Inch , s 1 s , 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $23.00 ; No 1 com 13 in , sis , 12 root , $18.00 ; No 3 com 13 lna 1 s , 11 and IU feet , $17,500 $ 18 50 ; No 1 com 13 iu , sis , 10 , 16 and 30 feet , $18.50 : No 3 com 13 In , a 1 , 14 and 10 feet , $10.00. Poplak Lumheii Clear poplar box bds , ) { in , s2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % panel , $29.00 ; clear poplar , \ in punel , t'2a.ooclear ; poplar , X In panel stock wide , s 3 s , 833.00 ; clear poplar corrugated colling , M , $29.00. Posts White ceduK 0 in halves , l2o ; white cedar , bf In halves and 8 la quarters , llo ; white cedar , 4 iu round , 10c ; Tennessee red cedar , split , ICe : split oak ' whlto , 8c ; • awed oak , I80. Ship Lap No I plain , S nnd t& in , $17.00 : No 3 plain , S and 10 Iu , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G. $18.00. DIMENSIONS AND TIMnFn 13 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 30 ft 23 ft 24 ft 2x1.1500 1500 1.100 1000 tOW IS00 1300 8x0.1500 1500 15 00 1000 1000 IS 00 1SC0 2x8 . . .15 00 15 ,0 1500 1000 10 00 1800 19tW 2x10.1.100 1500 15 00 10 00 1000 IS 00 1SO0 3x12.15 00 1500 16 00 1(100 ( WOO 1800 1800 4xl8x".10 00 10 00 WOO 17 00 17H ) 19IK ) 1900 Fencing-No. 1 , 4 and 0 In , 12 and 14 ft , rouuh , $10.00(3)10.50 ( ) ; No 1 , 4 and 0 In , 10 ft , $17.00@17.W ) ; No 2 , 4 nnd 0 in , 12 aud 10 ft , $13.50 < < 14.00 ; No 3 , 4 and 0 111 , 10 fl , $15.00. FiNisiiiNo 1st nnd 2d clear , l. 'f ' inch , s 2 , flfl.0031.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 if nnd 3 Inch , s3.s , f47.O0@5O.O0i 3d clear , 1'/ Inch , s 3 s. $43.OO0jC40.0O ; B select , 1/ ! , Ij-J nud 3 inch , s3s , $37.lKciiS.00 ) : ; 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $45.00 ; 3d clear , -1 Irch , s 3 t , $30.00 ; A solecu 1 Inch , s 3 * , $34,00 ; B select , 1 Inch , 8 2 s , 829.00. Battens Well Timisn , Pickets O. G , Halts , 2)4 ) Inch , OOo ; O. G. liatu , 2 > ( f 3 , ss , 85c ; 11-ln well tubing , 1) ) . & M. nnd buv , 833.00 ; pickets , D. It II , flat , $22.00 ; pick ets , I ) . & II , siunro , 819.00. Floouino 1st com 0-Inch , whlto pine $34.00 ; 2d com 0 In whlto pine , $31.00 ; 3d com 0-ln whi 0 pine , $20 00 ; D coin 0-ln whlto pine , $20,00 ; com 4 and O-in yellow pine , $15.00 ; Star-Mil yellow plno $17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow plno , 4 nnd 0 in 819.00. Suinoles Per M XX clear , $3.20 ; extra "A * . $2.80 ; standard A , $1.40 ; 3 inch clear , $1.G0@1.70 ; Otnch clear , $ I.7.1.80 ; No 1 , $1.10041.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed widths , from Washington territory , $3.40t Callforulu red wood , dimension widths , SI 50 ; oyprcss , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ; laths , $2,40. Uouids No 1 com , s 1 s , 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $18.00 ; No 2. do , $15.00 ; No 3 , do , $14.00 ; No 4. do , ( ships cull ) , $11.00. Add 60c per in ft for rough Ceilino and Paiititid.v 1st coin K-ln whlto plno partition , $33.00 ; 3d com Jf-in whllo plno partition , $27.00 ; clear 8 , J-in yellow plno coiling , $20.00 ; clear Vlii Norway , $13.50 ; 2dcotnV-ln Norway , $12.00. Lime Best , 80c Cement $1.35. Plasteh$2.30. . Haih 20c Buii.Di.s-n BiticK Common , $0 ( ) C@7.50 per m ; selected , $7,50019.00 per iu ; sewer brick , $9.00@10.00 per 111. Sasii 00 per cent discount Doous , Blinds and Mooi.Dixfis-50 nnd 10 per cent off TAiiucn Felt $2.00 per cwt , Stuaw Uoakii $1.40 per cwt DrucH and Chemicals Acid Sulphuric , per pound , 2V c : citric , per pound 'Slc : oxalic , per pound , 14c ; tar taric powdered , per pound , -120 ; carbolic , 37 G44c Alum Per pound , 3 ic Ammonia Carbonate , per pound , lie AuitownooT Per pound , 15c. Bals v.m Copalbu , per pound , 03c ; tolu 53 @ 53c Boiux Hoflnod , per pound , 10c. Blue VimoL 8c. CAMl'llOH < 2o. Cheam Tahtaii 34c , Cuttle Fish 37c. Dextiunb lie Glycerine 21c. Hops 37c iNiuao 75c. Insect Powdeu 43c. MouriiiNE 82.S5. Oriu.M $3.00. Quinine 47c. Rock Salts 37c. Safi'Kon Am 34c , S.utuo.n Span $1.07. ' • Sal.TI'ETllE Sc Sui.i'iiuit Flowkh 4c. Soda , Bi-Caiiii. lc SlLVEIt-NlTKATE $1.29. White Wax 52c Yellow Wax 32c. Linseed Oil OOo Linseed Raw , 57c. Castoh Oil No 1 , $1.21. Sr-niiM Oil $1.10. TUltl'ENTINE 53c. Neatsi'oot Oil No 1 , 57c. SRROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank 30S South IJJlli Struct - Oiiuiliu * COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Capital , - $400,000 Surplus , - - ' - 40,000 ' Offlcora and Directors 13.11. Morsoman , O M. Hitchcock , Jos OnrneauJr , A. Henry B 11. Anderson , Wm . Maul , v pros ; U II Will alms A. 1' . Hopkins , pre .i A. Millard , casaler ; K 11 , Uryant , assistant caslilar NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK TJ S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB Capilnl $400,0110 Surplus Jnii Iht , 1881) ) 52,000 OlTlOUltS AND DIUKOTOllS : Heniiv W. Yates , President Lmvis 8. Heed , Vlco lroaldoat A. E.TOUZALIN , W. V. Mouse , John 8. Collins II O. ClIfilllNO , JN II l'ATiilcir , W. II H , llnnitKf Cashlar THE IRON BANK , Cor Uillimid Farnam fits A General llanklnt'lluslnoss Transacted flilltlliP WANTED I I BB 1 I IS3UED DV CITIES , II il Bi ij CO&NTIM ,8CHO0l , * W9 ym DISTRICTS , WATCH solicited Correspondence C0MPANES | , ETC NW Harris Company . . & , Bankers , 103-165 Dearborn Street CHICACO 70 State Streat BOSTON ' THE RllYJlli TABLES OMAHA DUIlElN'aTONTlOlJTn.T-l ave 1 Arrive - Depot ldth U Mason sts Omaha Omaha , Chicago Vestlbulo Ex . . . 3:15 : p 111 0M ; a xa Chicago Mall , V:4" : u in 6:00 : pm CulcaKo Local . . : p m : M a m llenvur V.-atlbulo fir . . . . 100J ; a m 3:00 : p m Lincoln & Concordia l.o'l 8110 a in BUS u m Colorado Mall ; flli p m B:35 : a m Chlcat'o fast Mall , via U. Transror . < 3l"S V m Kansas city KxprejB , , . . : : w a m 0:11am : Kansas City Express mil n in n-r. n m BlOUXClTV&PACinrj Leave Arrlva pepot lith 6i Webster sts Omana Omaha Ht Paul Limited 0:15 : p m 0:35 a in a M. * BT PAUI * Leave Arrlvo Depot 10th ii Marcysts Omaha Omaha Noz Mali , , , . . Dill am * io 4. Kinross 0:00 : p 111 Mol Mall 7:1S : a m No 3. Express 6:04 : p m " MISSOUIU PACUIO Teavo Arrlvo at Depot 16th and Webster Omaha Omaha No 4 , Bt h. It K. U Exn 10:30 am No S. fit Ii & IC , I ! . Hip U15 | P. m. Naa.Bt.u ii KC Hxp 4M : p. m. No 1. St , U & K. I ) . Exp (1 ( : < 0 a. m. UNION I'AOIKIO mayo Arrive Depot loth and Marcy ots Omaha Omaha • Overland Flyer ; , 7:35 p tri Tito a m Limited Fast Mali 8:1' . p m 4:20 : pm • Renvoi Express joM a in 4U0 : p in turund tiland Express . 4:15 : p m W.Vi p m ! Jfn , W * < " y Kxpress . . i\U \ a id UZi ; a m jai > ililom'AS8euKor. . . . . [ 8:50 : p tn | 7 o a m " tllally Except Sunday ; > ADABII , w tJTEitN ; IJIyZ Arrive Depot IQtO Si Marcy en Omuia Omaha No 8 BL L. . ; " TaiM Kxp Dally . 4lli" | m : p m O. UI A I * . ( .eavu Arrive Depot IDth & Marcy its , Omaha Omana Atlantto Express 9:16 : a m 6:30 : p ni 8 , ! l .VKf's ! • • • il l m OiUJara Veatlbuled Express 4ll5 p m 10:00 a w Mi.miiiH.1 JU'mwg ' a w www rv r' . * ' ' * 0- • * • Arrive Pepot lath A Webatet sts Om ha Omaha • fllouxClly Kxpiess 1:01 : p m 1:00 p m Ploux Cltr Ac'mmodat'n S:0J : A , m fl:4 : > u in Bt.l'aiil Mmlted M6 p m 0Aa m • Florence l > as > nirer , . arm a m 0:10 : n in • llorencft 1'asdenner. , , . Attn p m 0OJ : p m ! § oux VilJ Ac omMafn 6M3 p m * ' ' Mour pty Ac'om'dafn 4 : a m • Daily Except Stinclny ; iatly Except mnndar . _ , . Depot loth As Marcy sts Omaha nmana ( "lilcaao Kxpren , Dally . 0:15 : a > n aTp m Atlantic Mall , luilv - 7li p m | 7:50 : a m F. E. * M. V. It It LVavo Arrlvo Depot lathfc Webster sts Omaha Umuha niack Hills Express tba : 111 Mp m HavtiniisA Superior Ex ft.Vi a m BilA p m Lincoln 4 Wnhoo Pass . . l > : oo p m 10ii a m David tVty & Vort Pass 6:03 : p 111 10:21 : a in Nortolxl'ass tao p m 10M : am SUHUHilAN THAIN& lVciiwnnl , nnnntng rutween Council [ Hum nnd Al bright , in aiUlltlon to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth unit Tweuty-tuurtli streets , anil M the Summit J n _ , l ) m aha Kroad- TrnnsOmuha FoiitrTj Al- wny fer depot Sheely Omaha brlnliU AM A. M. A. M. A. m7 AM AM ( i : 5 tiSUM \ 0:05 : flii : > 01 n o'jo : osni b.m oM : 0W : Bill 7i:0 7:01 Tf.O 7:2" : i 7 : : 7:1. : 7U : 8:0) : ) 7:15 7r : > 2 saa cU Bja.5 8m : ; 8 3. ) 8i : : BVi : Ull : ( BU - BW : iiH : Uli : Viz ; 8:3) : ) 0i3 : ; Vi : : 0M : 10oo : 9:45 : B : . " . • . • 10:0.1 : ] 3li : 10V : 10:31 : 10 : ( . > 10V ! 11:03 : Dili 11:2 : } 11:3 J 1I:4S HtU PM PM PM PM PM PM 12:05 : Kill li : > ViS : > 13IS : Ilr ! > 2 1:01 iU : Ii"M 1:45 : 1:52 2:05 : Siia SS : SW : S:35 : XH'i S:53:0) : ) 2 : - > 2:52 Si : 3:13 : 3:2 : 3:31 : 3:5 : < ) 3:57 : 4:10 4:15 : 8:15 : 3:52 : 4l : 4:1U : 4:2i : 4:30 : 4ro : 4:57 : tie Bits 4:15 : 4.2 : K' .Oj 5:12 : f > : 'J5 Br0 : 5 : fi:52 : 0:0i : : ! - • 6:25 : flo : : 8:15 : flits 7:05 : 7U : 7:25 7:10 7:45 : 7:52 : 8W : ( 8:12 : 8:25 : 8:3j : 8:45 : 8ra : a:05 : 11:12 : i > :25 : oi : 0:45 : :52 : 10a > 10:12 : 10:2i : 10:3) : 11:0J : llW" : ' " : l ; H" > 1 * : < " 12:05 : ll:55 : | l2njt : ! iii _ uiii .M1i. . . . Kastwnnl AP rBoutn I SheaOmtlm 'J'rnua-lUroaa- brlglit Omaha ley Derot fer way A. H. A.M7 AM A. M. " aTm A/M. 5:45 : filW 6.0) 5:55 : 8:00 : 0:10 : 0:13 0:21 : om 7:00 : 7:03 : 7:15 7:20 : 7ii : : 7:15 : 7:50 : 7:55 8:07 K:15 : 8:2i : Si'Sl 8:05 : 8:10 : 8:2J f-w ; H:50i : 8:55 : 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:27 0:35 : 8:05 : 0:10 : ti:22 0:31 w:50 0:55 : 10:07 : | 19:1" > 10:27 : 10:35 : 10:115 : 10:10 : 10:22 : 10:3) ) ] 0V ) 10Vi : 11:07 11:15 11:27 : 11:35 : 11:50 11:53 : PM PM PM PM P. M. 1 * . 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For Portal dally exceut Sunday 7:50 : u , m. , 3:60 : pm For Portal Euudays only 8:33 : a. ni „ 12:15 : P. in Arrive dally except Sunday from West 8ide and points between West Side anil Webster L Gl5a. : m. , 7:45 a. m. , 0:30 : p. m. , 7:10 : pm From Portal dally except Sunday arrlvo 0:10 : a. m. , 5:05 : p. in From Portal Sundays only arrive 13)45 a. m. , 2:20 : p. in COUNfJlli HLiUFFS CI1ICAQO , KOL'K ISLAND & PACIFIC D No 8 6:15pmA | No..5 0:31am : A No 4 HMOaiulD No ; 1 8:40am : A No 0 ri:0JpmA : | No 3 5:55pm : CHICAGO * NOIITHWESTEUN No 3 0.10a mlNo 5. . . . 0:27 : am No 0 4:5hpin No 3 7:1.1 : ii m No 4 8iX ) a mlNo 1 5:45 pm CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST PAUL A No.2 9:10am'A : ' Nol 7:00am A No 4 6:31 pmjA No.6 6:45pm KAN8A3 CITY , BT JOSEPH & COUNCIL HLUIKS A No.2 10:07a : ni A No 3 0:10am A No 4 10:25 : pmlA No 1 6Jp m OMAHA & ST LOUIS A No 8 4 .433pmlA No 7 12:30m CHICAGO , BUKLINGTON & QU1NOY. A No 4 0:10 a. mlA No 3 6:12 p. m A No 0 0:30 : p. in A No S 6:20 a. m. A No 8 6:00 p. m.l sioux ciTir & pa ci no A No 10 7llnmA : | No 0 fl:31nm : A No.12 flr.QpmA | No 11 9:55pm : A daily ; il daily , excent Saturday ; O except Sunday ; D except Monday ; , rait mall Stat © Line ToGlnsgow , IJclfiist , Dublin and Ltverjiool FllOJI NEW YOIIK EVEUYTHUUSDAY Cabin l > ii ! n eSe to ( .V ) , uccnidlnu to lociillon o [ aut room Excursion MJ to fi ) . Steerage to and from Kuropo nt TiOwo t llatos AUSTIN 11ALU1VIN A. CO , Gcil'l ABCIltl , 63 Ilroadiray , Now YorX Jon.v ULEOEX , Gcn'I Weitern Axcnt llll Itundoliili St , CtltCAZO , llAituv is AlooiiES , Tnos MoCannk , Alfents at Omaha Boot8 and Shoos KlUKEKVALL , JOSH S A CO , Successors to Itced , Jonca & Co WMcsalc Maauraotnrers.ofBoots &Sioe3 ! Acenti for linslon Itabber Sboa Co . 1102.1101 and 1101 UsrpejBtreot.Onialu , Neliraika Brewora SlVItZ & JLEH , Lager Beer Brewers , 1511 North Klglitcentli Street Omana , Nebraska Cornice EAQLE aonmcE WOllKS , Manufacturers ofGalyanizcIIron Cornice Wladoir-CBii and metullloskrlliibta John Kpcnoter , prourlslor lltlund lloSoutb ICtli urect ' ' Steam fitting , Pumps , Etc GLAUK HEATING CO „ Pumps , Pipes anfl Engte , Steam , water r llw r and mining supplies , etc KU.tWand VU Farnani itreet , Qui alia U. S. WIND ENGINE 6s l'VMI' CO , Sieam aad Water Supplies Ilalllday mills , 018 and VX ) Jones • tOmaba _ U. F. ltos , Acting M namr jmOWNEEL & CO , Engines , Boilers and General MacMnery , r'naet'lroa work , itcam pumps , suit mills 1213-1314 LeaTenworth street , Oiaauu Ironworks : PAXTON & VIEllLIKU IIWN WORKS , Wroaght ana Cast Iron Bnilfling Work Ka lnepIron work , general foundry , maclnne , and blaciiuilCU work , omceund wurks U.l' ltjr and lull ti t , Omntia OMAHA WIllE Jc I HON WOHKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rellf , window uusrds , flower Hands , wire signs ' , etc Iii Norlli ICtU street , Omana - OMAHA SAFE A JHON WOHKS , ManPrs of Fire anflBnrglar Proof Safes , Vaults , Jail work Iron sbuttere and ara escapts m. Auditeu , prop r. Cor , 1I1U and Jak oa Bis • SaeJijDoora , Eto , aa. . Disimoiy * t'o , , Wholesale manufacturers of Saio , Doors , Blinds and Monldte , Praotti onice ma and Itardstreets , OaialiaNeb " ' " * SOUTH ImAHA UNION STOCK YAIID CO , QIMOina Mei " OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY fJ | - - -j i\ lin1nTriC& mrvcAhv co " ] Asricnlt'l ' Implements , Wapus , Carriages - \ 1 nugglei , ete Whoe ! lo OnaliaNybrxka . 5 MOLIXE , MlUWnX&STODDAHD CO fr | ManufarttirerKAndJotibersln 3 Wasoiis , Busies , Rfe , Plows , Eta 11 Cur.Otb rxmlPncltlo-tmpU.Omalia. | Artata | MatorTnjs ' ] | ( A. UOSl'vTJn , 1 Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs 1 ; 1JI3 lloujla street , Om a , Nebraska f . ! ' I ] goo ta on ( I Shooa 'A f II' . V. MOlisE 'Jt CO , ' j j J0DD3K Of BOOtS.aild SllOG' ' , f , ! 101,11M , 1)03 ) li.nul.u slr , > oU Oimlia Manufactorr , t Bummer street , I' oMen , ! i - t \ ; • Cool , Coke , Eto j j JAMES W. TlIA7\Twri COAL CO , 3 Miners and Snippers of Coal and Coke , J \ Kooni 31 U. 8. NallonM Hank llulldlnit , Uraalia , f ' OMAHA COAL , COKE & IAM e CO , J , Joddbk of Hard aad Soft Coal j ' 800 Boulb 13th streol , OnialiB Nebrmkn NEEllASICxl FUEL CO , * j Shippers of Coal and Cok ' \ . H South 13th streetOnalia Nebraska * | ; Commission and gforjiBO . . * ) nilWELL , t lilODELL , ' .n | ( Storage and Commission Msrcliants 11 Bpeclalllcs Huttor osm , cn ! > e o. tmnltrr , gam * . • L 1112 Ilowmd street , Omaha , Neb • , - 1 f E' ' K Ii : * 4 h DEAN , AHMSTRONG A CO ? 1 , Wliolcsale Cigars . i I • MNorth Cth8trootOmalia , Neb ' • Hello 1139 , | Dry Goods encl Kollona s ' M , E. SMITH AGO , 3 Dry Goods , Fnrnisliing Goods and Notions j 1103 and 1101 llouglas , cor , . street , Oiaaim Neb 11 KILl'AlMCKKOCH 1)111-GOODS CO , ' j\ \ Importers & Jobtersin Dry Good ? , notions ; ; j Qenta' Kurnlshlne ( looIs Corntr ltth and Ulrner ' , 119 alreota , Omaha , Nubr , ka J jjl . Furnlluro j 11 DEWEY A STONE , J ] Wtolcsalc Dealers m Furniture . 11 Farnani Btr.iotOmaha , Nebrafin • * | | cuarles smvEnwic , I Fnrniture j j Omaha , Ivobraika QrqcgrlciB 3 . McCORD.lmADY & CO , | Wholesale Grocers i 13th nnd I avonwcrtU tt 'ets , Omnha , Nohraska il l F , ' i Hardware 1 . WJ UROATC1I , J Hcayy Hardware , Iron and Steel % * < BpnnHS , wnsor eloek , haritrare lumbar , otc 1901 1 i 1311 Harney street , Omaha j HIMEDAUOTI .v TAYLOR , | . Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ] Wcctinulco Tools nnd Ilnflolo Kcnlei HOT Uouclai u > atrect Omaha , Ntb J l Lumber , Eto . * ' 'l | JOHN A. WAKKFIELD , - f WMe ale Lmnter , Etc i i Imported and Amerlcnn Portland Cement &tatf aaent for Mllwnukoa llydrnulloCcnieul , ft amigulno ? Whileflino 3 OH AS R. LEE , I Dealer in Harflwocd Lumber | Wood ctrpeti and parquet floortut OtbanJ lijugUi " BtroGts , OaiatiH , Nebraska , , * OMAHA LUMBER CO , ' ' \ All Kinds of Bailding Material at Wholesale i 131b itreet and Union I'aclrle track , Oniahn "t ' " louis hra dford , 'i Dealer in Lnmber , Lain , Lime , M j Doors , eto Tnrdi Corner Tib and tlouj ai Offlc * 3 Corner 10th and Douglas a FRED W. QUAY , \ MbBP , limn , Cement , Etc , Etc 11 Corner 0th and llouglas streets , Omaha 4 : C. N. DIETZ , I Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber | ISth and California atreels , Omalia , Nebraska ' W'jjnQy ' | | ; _ 0nd wtiona S JT 5nERFELDER & CO , ' 4 Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions I 3)1,210 ) and 91 } South 11th street , M Motions g J J. T. RODINSON NOTION COT # Wholesale Notions and Farnislilns Goods j. . 1131 Hnrnuy slrect , Omaha .X oiib a * * CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , ' Wholesale Refined and Liricatini Oils , I Axle Greaseeto Omaha AU lHshon , Manager Paper _ , * OARPEN1ER PAPER CO , J Wholesale Paper Dealers j Carry a nice atock of nrn' .lng' , wrapplnu mid wrlltnl i | paper rJueclal attenllun given to rani paper M Safes Lto , m " ' * A. L. DEANE & CO . ' 1 General Amenta tor ,1h Halls ' Safes 1 821 anil 32.1 Bouth 10th Bt „ Omaha Toys , Eto . Jl " r ' H. HARDY & CO , -M Jobbers of m Toys , Doll ? , Albums , Fanoy GooJs , 1 House lurnlsblng floods Cblldren'a Carrluatl i:0i Si tarnam street , Omaha Neb | S CHICAGO SHORT LINE j OVTUB M Ohlcago , Milwaukee & St . Paul Ry ' - i The llcut ltouto from Omalia and Couucil | IllulTa to M - THE EAST E- f TWO TOAINB DA1LV BKTWKBN OMAHA M AND COUNCIL UliUKlfa 3 | Clilcogo , AND Milwaukee , fj Bt 1'mil , Mlntipaiiolia , Cedar Bapldii t ( Bock Iiland , Fraeport , Itockford , M Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , jw Elgin , Madlion , Janesrllle , ' JH Ilelult , Winona , Ln Crosse , H Aad all other Important iKilnts East , Northtast and 'f Lfl . boutheast M l ror through ttcketa call on the tHket azeat at U01 : ' ! 9I farnani . ttreetIu liarker Uloek , or at Uuloa I'aclBisB llepot S 1 fuilman lilaepera and the flnast Dining Cars In tha 30l world aru run on the mainline ot the Chicago , Mil .Ml vaukee & Ut l'aul llatlvar , aad eiurr atlestlaa It paid lo passenger * ! > / courteous emplojei ol tlit . n ILMIIXKlt.Seuenl Manager JH . . , . . j.r.TUCICISli At.lstantUaneral Manager 3JH A. V. It ( JAlil'KNTUH , General 1'atsenger and M Ticket Agent , } uko H. uuASITOBD , AHUtaat Otnaral I'auesgM iv Jfl nd Ticket Agent " "IU K.CU4 ULtt irlHanilBt n4 Bi - W