_ _ Iv h I 2 ' -CHE OMAHA DAILY BIffi : FKIPAY DECEMBER 27. 1881) ) . 'H ' - WEEPING WATER EXUBERANT Plonaod With the Deolslon in the Bond Elootlon Caao * PLATTSMOUTH NOT SO EUATED An Appeal I'rayoil For A V. SI C. A. Orcnnl-cd nt Athlon IlurRlnrs Husynt Beatrice Ptlior Htato News .Tnllincntlon nt Wcepine Wntar WknkWater , Neb , Dec , 20. fSpeclnl Telegram to Tub Hue ] Weeping Water clthens nro bnvlos a Jollification tonight over the detent of the court house bonds I contest decided today by Judfto Uroay The I town js tblazo with bonfires and windows I rattle with each boom of the cannon The I streets are crowded with mon and women I all yelling themselves boarso and cheering I for B. 11. Wooloy , the attorney , who did I such masterly work in opposing the bonds I This dofcats i'lntUnioulu's scheme to build I an tSOC00 court house In that city that the I connty did not want I I'lnttxiiuiutli Will Appnal I PiarrsMofTii , Neb , Dec 20. [ Special Tel I cgram to The Ukb.I JudRO Uroady of I JJcntrlco arrived hero this afternoon at 4 I' o'clock anil opened court for the purpose of I rendering Ins decision In the bond election I contest After reading u wltton outlluo of I the evidence be concluded by saying : I "I therefore conclude that In accordance I with the evidence rendered m the enso tlut I the bond election of Juno 8 can not stand " I The derision was a great surprlso to the I people who have watched the case with I Interest from the beginning The attcrnoya I lor the defense have prayed for an appeal I before 'ho supreme court , which will prOD I ably be heard In January , 1890. I- Hurclars In U-atrloc. I Bjutiuce , Neb , lice 20. Special Tele- I gram to The Bee.1 Last nleht and the Bight I previous have broken the record for burg I- glarles In Ueotricoilve being credited to the I past forty-oigbt hours On Tuesday night I the livery stables of J. ICurley and those I , of Hamakcr & Skinner were broken Into and I money and clothing to the amount of $25 I tmro taken from tbo first named and $25 in I cash from the latter The men employed I about the stables are positive that they were I chloroformed last night , Ucgolo & Vim I Arsdales' dry Roods store was broken Into I and valuables to the amount of SlO were I stolen , r. D.Kccs'hardware cstoblisbmcut I was also broken Into and the money drawer I broken open and t" or S8 in small change taken Tbe hardware store of I Brewster Si Jones was next visited The rear window was pried open with a Jimmy I and the store raided uud robbea of SJX ) I worth of cutlery , four revolvers , several I dollars In cash and thrco Yaluablo overcoats I The crooks loft their Jimmy In this establish I menu The same gang evidently were the I authors of all the other Jobs , as tbo means I of entrance were effected in exactly the same way A reward of $100 is offered , lor the apprehension - prehension of the thieves I North N'cbrAHlru Tcachcm I NonritK , Neb , Doc 28. jSnedal Telc- pram to The Bee } The North Nebraska I teachers association mot in the Methodist I Episcopal church hero tilts afternoon , with I the president , A. B. finches , of Schuyler in I the cbair Papers were read on "ICindor- enrten Work by Mrs Waugbop of Whnor Progress In School Work , " by XiYank Fox of Dodge , and ' • IntcrmHslon In Rural Schools , " by C. J. Worts of Schuyler The papers were followed by uuiuialcd dtscus- , AioiiB In tbo evening session M. D. Tyler K of Norfolk gave the address of welcome and B > p. E. Rceso of Ponca responded President H-J | : ' Hughes gave the inaucural address on ideal * " school law , which Was inll of suggestive thoughts T ' 9' Worked a .Blent Marker H ; . Beatrice , Neb , Dec 20 , [ Special Telo- H pram to Tub IShe.1 A gllb-tongned dnr- H ' - key worked a down town meat market yes I terday , Cnrlstmas eve , lor a dozen cans of I oysters , two big fat turkeys and two blsr fat H- peese , on the representation that be wanted H thorn for tbo African Methodist church fos- Ir tlval thnt night Ho obtained the provender - dor and proraisod to pay for it the next day ' Jnstoad of turning the produce over to the H : church brethren he went aft and sold the Whole outfit and skipped the country The ine-tman Is about S10 or $13 in the bole In B consequence An Old Man Kmullv Injured Scttos , Neb , Dec 20. [ Special Telegram to Toe Bee ] An old man named Daniel ' Kenney from Waco , Neb , was thrown from n , ins vrngon hero this morning and probably fatally injured He was on bis way to the V western pnrt of the state and was Just enter ing town when the team ran nway and threw him out Ho had $58 In money , which is In the hands of the mayor He bad quarrelled with tils sons at Waco and did not want them to hear of bis trouble Ho was drunk when ; the accident occurred The doctors soy he Wilt ale 1 An Incipient IStnz > . Bbitricb , Neb , Doc 2X ( Special Tele- pram to Tbe Bee.1 An Inctpiont conflagra tion was opportunely discovered In the base ment of the Masonic temple yesterday and * promptly extinguished The fire had caught among some debris in the rear window from * u cigar stump nnd had burned nndcrtho whi tlow and commumcatod to some boxes of uwncd goods stored thorn , Tbe dense sinoko pave the lire uway and it was speedily extin guished 11 Toohey | lluumt Over K ' Dakota Cirr , Neb , Dec 0. [ Special I , Telegram to Tub Bee | The preliminary h examlnailon of James Toohey the alleged [ , , ' - murderer , was bold today before Justice Jay , W who bound him over to the district court ! ! : s without ball Tbo prosecution only examined | " a low of their witnesses and the defense [ > exumined none , Toobey pleaded not guilty fe to the charge of murder Tbe defendants IP mother , IP Toohey , arrived here in bis fy special car this morning .to attend tbo pre l lhnmary esamiuatioa I ; 7 A Y. SI C A. OrgunlKBil at Albion | § Alpiox , Neb , Dec 20. [ Special to The Itl Uee ] Yesterday a Ybting Men'a Christian * * i , Association was organlted hero with J , C. mk Emory , presldont ; D. II L. Scoggin , first L : tice-pres 'ldenti Qago Montgomery , second I E r > co-pre Jdont ; W. U. Hoffman , secretary ; | f C3. T. Letson , treasurer Tbo atsocUtiou IV will start with about forty active members L end will at once secure tultablo rooms ' I } ' Itobbed by R Omnpnnlnn I' Hemmoe , Neb , Dee 20 , | Special Tele- m. srram to The Bee.J Henry Ackormnn of I , . . ; . , Hanover , Neb , claims to have been robbed l\ \ of 1100 last Bight by a companion , who bas E" disappeared , 'iho companion was anew ae- . . . quaintanco of Henrys aud the pair under m.j took to do tbo town in proper shape for j Christmas , with the disastrous results as ' . stated to the guileless Henry , I . ItCimea lliali I Bsatiiice , Neb , Dee 20. [ Special Tclo- 1 % sram to Tub Beb | Mr Buckley , a I' farmer , came to town yesterday for the os- tcnstble purpose of bavin ? a tune and sue , ceeded In doing so to his heartfelt satisfac- a tlon This morning be is bo wailing the loss of a valuable gold watch , which he claims \ wm stolen from him , as was also bis check y book I Fell Down Stairs B' BliTRiCE , Neb , Dee 2a [ Special Tole- gmrn toTaB Brs , | Mr J , Omstead , aged ' ' eighty , fell downstkira at tbo Omstead ' ' bouso last night and broke one of bit ribs < is * it&d sprained an arm severely , * . B ' • The Oily ol Kingston Safe mt > , New Yoke , Dee 00. The steamer City of B' pClngston , recently sold to tbe Northern B , I'aclUo railway for the Puget Sound trade , aud which wua reported to have boon auuk . ' with all on boanl , is | irocoedlug safely to tier new homo by way of < Capo Horn She # tits Just boon beard of at Uarbadoes " inn .lurtY iimnmts Will Probably Appenr nnforo ituljcn Orlnnoll nn Jiinnnry SO CniOAOO , Dee 20. fSpoclal Tolourntn to The , Bre.1 The trial of the seven men ln dieted , for attempted Jury bribing will prob ably , bo called in Judge Orlnnell's court Mon day ' , January 20 , 1890. The reason for the dolnv is the desire of the states attorney to defer taking Un this new and Important trial until ho shall have disposed of the motion for n new trial in the Cronln case The boar Itia of this motion Is set for January 13 , and it is likely thnt the best part of the week will bo consumed by the arguments The stnto expects thnt the trial t > f the bribers will be a vor.v lengthy one It will undoubtedly bo a very difficult task to scouro a Jury , Dr-cldcd for the Stocklin'd * rn New Yoiik Dec 28. Judge Patterson of the supreme court today banded down a de cision In the suit of cortiln stockholders of the old Houston & Texas Central railroad company , continuing tbo injunction restrain ing tbo Central trust company , C. I * . Hunt ington and others from issuing stock of the reorganized Houston & Texas Central com pany The plnn of reorganisation provided that the stockholders might have nn equal amount of stock In the netv company upon the payment of 7.1 per cent If they did not cotno in on these terms the Southern Pacific railroad company was to have tbo privilege of taking tbo untauon shares on bettor terms Judge Patterson saya in his decision that it is apparent that Huntington and his nssociatcs undertook to acquire ownership of the railroad In order to make It tributary to their own lines The old stockholders nro entitled to the details of the Indebtedness , and in order to make effectual any judgment ho prohibits the dis tribution of tbo now stock of the now cor poration until then ) Is a new trial c Tiittlo Hnno rnr Kntombcil Minora Sax AjiDitriAS , Cata , Dec 23. The latest report from the Angeles camp dtsastor Is that there are at toast seventeen and proba bly niuetccn men buried in the mine There is little houo of ever recovering the bodies and miners are now at work taking out ore and tbo work of developing the initio will probably be resumed soon One of the min ers reports seeing a dead body among the timbers fearfully mangled , but signs of cav ing ; drove bun from the scene In a few moments tbe surface Hank The pit on tha surface is about one hundred feet long , twenty wide and nearly seventy loot deep A Santn Clans 'atalty Darned TCSCOLA.I1L , Dec 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin Bee ' Samuel Bardsloyof Bourbon , a well known merchant of that place , while acting tlio role of Santo Clans at a Christ mas festival at the Baptist churen Tnnsday night , met with an accident that will provo fatal His costume of cotton caught fire and he was at once enveloped In flames He rnshed through the audieuco of ladies and children which canned a panic among them Some of them wore severely injured by being - ing knocked down nnd trampled upon Poor Year fur Railroad Bulletin . New Yoek , Dec 30. The Bngmcerlng News will say in Its coming edition that 5,000 miles of railroad have been constructed in the United States during the Bast year This is the smallest construction recorded m any year since 1SS3. Construction in the In ter ven inir years has been t 1&35 , 8,471 : 1S37 , 1UGG3 ; 1SSS. 7t2St miles Tbe bulk of this years construction bas been done In the ! south Two Tuscarora Indians Murdered NiACUti Fxlls , Dec 20. Alexander Wil liams , a Tuscarora Indian , and his brother , Grand Sachem Thomas Williams , were found murdered In his bouse on tbe Indian reservation yesterday Ablocd-stninedlron bolt was found , with which ho had been hit , Williams wife is suspected of having committed the deed The whereabouts of nn Indian brave named Chow are also being inquired into A Ruratnd Coal Synrtlcatn Prrrsjnnw , Dec 20. Tbo Pittsburg southern cool comjiany , a syndicate ot the largo river coal operators In this city winch was formed three years ago with a capital stock of $1,000,000. will go into liquidation at once and the tbirtcen firms comprising the company will hereafter do business on their own account The trouble Is principally duo to the fact that some members , of the com pany acted in bad faith la selling coal In opposition to the company Miller to the Man Chicago , Dec 20. [ Special Telegram to Titb Bee.1 It has been definitely decided that General Freight Agent Miller of the B. & SI road will take General Freight Agent Morton's place on tbe Barlington Mr , Morton's brother officials all regret his resignation , while they congratulate blm on his new position The other changes con sequent upon Mr Millers removal to Chi oago bavo not been deoldod upon A Woman of Nerve Noirrnviu.E , Mich , Dec 23. Mrs John Roach , wife of a coopar o this village , " shot and kilted John A. Taylor , a married man and a near neighbor of Roachs Taylor , accompanied by a man named Miller , both intoxicated , demanded admittance to Roach's bouse , which was domed them They per sisted , however , and Mrs Roach Jumped out of bed , seised n revolver aud fired with tbe above result Shot His Wlfrt nnd HlmsolE Bowijko Gkeex , Ky , Dee 26\ John Mc Donald quarreled with his wlfo and after a struggle lout pistol shots were heard Out siders rusned into the room and found both lying upon the floor nneonscrious from dan gerous pistol wounds It Is bollcvod that neither can recover It Is supposed that McDonald did the shooting a pistol was found by his side Cvclnno In New York Sthacme , N. Y. , Doc 20. A cyclone from the southwest swept over Onondago lttfro this forenoon , prostrating many struc tures The root of the Peoples street rail way barn was torn off and a portion of the wall blown down Giles Wood and Joseph Forkheimer were badly hurt , but not fa tuity , and several ether employes received slight Injuries Three Tramps lnj-ired , Drwir , Ind , Dec 24 The eastbound fast freight on the Wabash Jumped the track near here yesterday nnd ten loaded cars were hurled down a twenty-foot embankment With the oxeeption of three tramps , who oa Jumping were badly cuton a barbwire fence , nobody was Injured itnilncss TronDlen Cinciao , Dec 20. The Wabash Manufao- turlng Company , dealers in blank booka and stationery , nsslgned today , Liabilities , . $330- 000 ; asseta somewhat less The failure grows out ot the recent failure in Now Tork ot Proble & Co and Sheffield & Co An IlinboEzlliiB llnllrnail Man Cihcink/lti , O. , Dec 20. Edward Gumbs , Jr , confidential bookkeeper of tbo Cincin nati , Washington & Baltimore and Oblo & Mississippi company , was arrested yesterday charred with embezzling 81,000. Gumbs acknowledges bis guilt m Blew Out tha Gas IlSTUi.EnEU , Pa , Dec 20. John B Jones and WUllam Pattnor of Bunker , Pa , were found dead in bed this morning at the Pacific hotel They had blown out tbe gas before retiring , Winn Plowed Mko VVator Siu FiUKCisro , Cal , Doc 20. The storm ' yesterday destroyed tbe Madena winery near Los Angeles and 1100,000 worth ot wino 1 was lost by the breaking ot a levee • The ICIootrloal Kxeoatlon Muohlncs . New Yobk , Dec 26 Today the electrics } 1 execution machines at SlngSing prison were 1 tested by the committee far the state Tbo testa clearly showed that the dynamos were i oven tnoro deadly than bad been represented When run nt less than tholrnrdlnnry number of revolutions pcrminuto tho-olcctrlcal pres sure was found to exceed 1,000 volt * Instead of bolng only 1,000. This proves that nbout IKK ) limes n second the pressure runs nbovo 2,000 volts Tin ; citoNiN umous They Will Not Make l'lililla Thnlr liclllicrniloiis nt Present Chicago , Dec 20.- | Special Telegram to The Bee ] The projected stntcmont to the public by the eleven Jurors In the Cronln case will not bo made Just Why this decision was arrived nt does not clearly npponr Juror Bontocou , when asked nbout the statement , said ho could not talk with regnrd to the matter See Judge LoiigenccltPr , " sold he Judge Longencckcr was almost as noncom mittal ns Mr Bontocou "Tbero will bo no public statement by the Jurors at present , " said he What is the objectiont" "I do not care to discuss the matter , but I think it bettor thiitnothlngshould bo said by the Jurors regarding the verdict till after the . motion for a new trial shall hayo been dis posed of " The statement , which is now in Mr Bonto- cou's hands , is quite lengthy and recites care fully the deliberations of the Jury from the tlmo the first ballot was tuWon , and which stood cloven to ono for the conviction of all the live defendants , to the moment when the verdict as agreed on was signed Monday noon The Knniis Cltv Slionu Ka.X8.ib Crrr , Mo , Dec 20. | Spoclal Telegram - gram to Tna Bee.1 Tbo surprlso of today in the holiday shooting tournament was the victory of Fatrman and Cosloy , two young Rhootcrs , who defeated Budd , Ruble , IClliott , Parmaleo , Struwu aud the ether crack shots in the team shoot at two pairs of live birds nnd five singles Their score was 10. Rlloy and Elliott and Thomas and Twltohell di vided second money on scores of 15 , aud third moucy wont to Budd nnd Parmaleo In the shoot at 11 vo slnglo llvo birds Breck , Cave , Parmaleo , J. Porter and Crayblli mudo clean scores and divided first money ; Twltchell , 3. Porter , Wat son and Hayson captured second end money , and third went to Wiggins Grimm won first mon y in n contest at flvo pairs standard torguta among the class A marksman , killing alL Parmaleo , Hayson nnd Miller were second on ascoro ot 0 , and Klllot , Ruble and Lone Jack , " who scored 8 , divided third money A special shoot was arranged at seven live blnla , in which Bingham , Pottle , Thomas and L. Porter were first on clean scores Budd , Edwards , J. Porter and Struwu won second money , mid third was divided between Wiggins , Ruble , ll rt and Watson Tha class B shoot at twenty Idgow&ky clays brougbt out twenty-two men , Strawn winning first money on a clean score Grimm and Jcn- kiiiB divided second an scores of 1-4 , nnd third money wont to Swiggctt , Eicholtiand Young Slavttv ll coziilxed as Champion Loocnov , Dec 20. Slavlo , the Australian pugilist , has written a letter in reply to ono from the Pelican club , in which the club states that tt bas decided to recognize him as tbe champion of England , and expressed sympathy with Mm for tbo disgraceful man ner In which he was treated by the roughs during lus recent fight with Smith In the letter Slavin thanks tbo club for the stand It has taken in the nuittor and declares that ho intends now , ns he always intenacd , to en deavor to win any firbt ii which ho is a con stant In a fair and manly manner Got In Three Heart Blows Tacoma , Wusb , Dec 20. Jack Fnrrell , the Brooklyn lightweight , was whipped last night by William Higga of St Paul HIggs dealt Farrell three blows over the heart In rapid succession in the tnird round and the Brooklyn man had to bo helped from the room after tbo fight Paitcr Again on the Stand New Yojw ; Dec 26. The examination of James P. Fostoc cx-prcsidant at the repub lican league of tbo United States , was con tlnued today before tbo referee In tbo suit of Tallmadgo &Martln against P. C Towns burg , treasurer of the league , to- ' recover the sum Df $11,500 for stationery ' supplies and printing furnished during the presidential campaign of 1BS8. Foster was called on be half of the plaintifEs to show that the league authorised tne contract , but his examination wus not completed today The plaintiffs offered in ovideuce the report of the auditing committee appointed by tbe executive com mittee at Baltimore , but tbe defendant ob jected Tbo referee reserved bis decision The Dakotns Snore of Funds Bismarck , N. D. , Dee 0. Governor Molletto says that South Dakota vntt bo obliged to close up some of her Institutions The receipts of the state.will fall so far short ot expenses that there is apparently no other alternative Iu North Dakota Governor Miller In bis message to the legislature esti mated the deficiency lor the first year at S150O0O and called attention to the imperative tive need and tmportanco of the strictest economy tu all departments In tbo now state " Subsequent developments show that the covcrnar understated the deiletenoy and that the outlook is littto better than bank ruptcy if hb advice U not followed Xho Charleston CToos Into Commission Tiuuo , Cain , Doc EQ The United States cruiser Charleston went Into commis sion today at the Mara Island nary yard Command or Lewis ComDf ( formally turned the cruiser over to Captain George Remmlo Commodore Benham and tbe officers at tached to tbo navy yard and o largo number of other persons witnessed tbo ceremony The Charleston will probably not bo ready lor sea until February The Ion Pnlnco bohemo Abandoned St Paul , Minn , Dec 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tub Bee-I At a mooting of the winter carnival directors late this afternoon It wan decided to have no ice palace this winter They were forced to this step by the un seasonable weather , The oarnival'ot last year was abandoned for the sumo reason , and it Is said that no further nttempts will bo made hero in tbe future to build palaces ot ice Singled and nobbed LruvESwouTit , ICan , Dec 33. | Spooial Telegram to Tub Bkb | Alex Blackburn , an Inmate of tbe soldiers borne si this place , was slugged and robbed by unknown parties today When discovered and taken homo he was In a comatose condition und died without recovering consoiousnoss No clue to tbo identity of tbe murderers , ) ! now obtainable \Vlscoimln Tcnoht-rs in Session , Madison , W-is. , Doc.i20. Tlio state tcaoh- era uru In annual session hero with a very largo attendance Tbo first in order was a meeting of teachers and superintendents in terested in organizing a section for associa tion work in Southern Wisconsin This oveniag several interesting addresses were tnado - Infiurnsa at Donvt-r ) and Chcyonne Denver , Cole , Dec 20. The Russian In- fluenia bas at last reached the Rocky mount ains Throe-fourths of tbo citlicua of Den ver are suffering from the plugue Reports from Cheyenne are to the effect that that city Is similarly uffected , < ' ' " m Grqdy Memorial Services ATtASTA , Go , Dee 93. A largely attend ed memorial meeting iu honor of Henry W , Grady was held today Many promineut speakers participated , umong.tbom Governor Gordon aud Hon Patrick \ \ alsb , A HMIroHit Promotion . St Paul , Dec 2d T. A. Wbitmore , as- slstnnt general freight agent of the Kansas City road , bas been appointed general freight agfent of tbo Santa Fa „ , , a ho HtrlUo Spreading Bbusskls , Dee 2a The strike of coal joiners in tbo Cuarloroi district i spreading , Tha strikers now number 10,400. . , . i , Cozzen ? hotel , 91,60 and $2.03 par day AN lOW JMLLEGE BURNED .1.1 9l The Mnln 'Btftldtrip : of the Toledo Institution In Ashes LIBRARY Aflp CABINETS LOST "X 'J _ _ A llonvy Itiiliiirss Failure nt Oaron * port Ttrc Goldcn Wedding An niversaries A Farmer linn OVfcr hy the Cars Pirn nt Toledo Toledo , In , Dec 20. [ Spoclat Telegram to The Bee.1 Western collcgo in this city , was the scene of n dlsastnous 11 ro this morn ing , which destroyed sproporty valued nt v $150,000. The fire department responded promptly to calls for aid , but both the Toledo and the Tama companies were powcrloss bo- cnuso of tliolntcnso boat , whioH drove them awnv from the cistern , which was unfortu nately located noor the building Tha build ing burned was tha main oolloge building The walls and tower are still standing , the only remains of ono of the finest college buildings In the state Among other valu ables burned was the famous H. S. Thomp son ciblnct , a splendid collection of spool mens vnlued ntfJBOOO The building was bogiin In 1BS0 and the first school was begun in 1883. The work of rebuilding will begin in the spring , aud the remaining building nnd students homo will bo UBOd for school purposes No one knows how the fire origi nated Was Probably Murdered Daxestort , la , Dec 20. rSpcclal Tolc- Kram to Tun TIee ] The dead body of Roger Dwycr of this city was found on the rail road truck near hero on Tuesday There Is a suspicion of murder , as ho was in tbo habit of carrying considerable money and none was found on his person The coroner Is Investigating the matter Two Happy Old Couples DtmuQtm , In , Dec 26V. [ Special Telegram to The Ban ] Dr A. 3. Biglowand wife of Buncomb , this county , today eelobrated their golden wedding anniversary , tbo large number of guests comprising four gener ations of decendonts Mr and Mrs O. P. Fax of East Dubuqao enjoyed a similar oc casion m Killed tiy the Cars DtnratitTB , la , Dec 28. [ Special Telegram to Tke Bbb.I Thomas Leonard , a wealthy farmer of Delaware county , was found dead near Worthington yesterday by the side ot tbe railroad Both legs vrero cut off , Indicating cating' the manner of tits death A Davenport I-'allnre. DjLTcsroBT , la- , Dec 23. [ Special Tele gram to TtiE Bee , ] M- Arnold , for eighteen years n oculcr In clothes and dross goods in this city , assigixxt today His nihilities are nbout .819,000 , duo .cbiefly in New York and Chicago ; assets less than half this amount " ' , . • * The , J'e ttth Record . SEiTos , B. C , 'l > ? c sti Colonel Robert J. Stevens , TJnltcda Sates consul nt Victoria , died suddenly today at the residence of bis son-in-law , Captain J. A. Hatfield , ot this cltv v GitEEsaBCRO 1" Pa , Dec 2fi. Mother Aloysa , for many-years mother superior of tbe ] Sisters of Charity , died at St Joseph's academy ' here tdflif WAsntsoTOVtDec.2& . Tha wife of Rear Admiral Rodgcrs died this evening Condemned < the Indian Harnnuoi-ncT. BoimxT , . Dcdi" ' 5. Two thousand aele- gatcs attended , , the first meeting of the national congress.1 Sir WUllam Wedder- Durn , president Df..thecongress , condemned the Indian hureuiteraey-and clnlmed for the people at India the ssmo control over their government . as the people ot England possess over ' theirs Kansas Auilioritten After Whltu Caps CaxcaaniA , ICan , Dee St Authorities are making vigorous efforts to bring to Justice the Wfalto Caps , some ot whose out rages were noticed In these dispatches yes terday Dr Courtney of Qlasco was arrest ed today on complaint of a man who was whipped t > y the regulators m Shot By His Jcatons Rival . BESTEDKitE , N. J" Dec 26V Beth Miller was marrlod on Christmas to Annie Miller of Colombia , N. J. While tbe couple were on route homo Milter was fatally shot by John W. Snyder a rejected lovar of the bride The undo was also shot but not seriously wounded Governor Thayer's DIoremcnts Crrr or Mtsiro , , Dec SO Gov Thayer of Nebraska and party left for Vera Crux after tbe reception tendered by the governor of San ruts Potest On their return they will be received by President Dlax and will call on the United States minister Monday nope to Prevent Its Spread Mrxxiuraus , Muni , Dec 28. A special from Huron says that In the Russian diph theria epidemic at Eureka tboro have been only three deaths , since Sunday nnd by main taining o strict quarantine tt Is believed the disease can bo kept from spreading Fatal Boiler lixploston Bnuottn , Mteh , Dec 20. The bolter In Neft Brothers mttL sevwn miles cast of here , exploded thts morning , billing Foreman Stodman and seriously injuring Engineer Welch and two other employes Oklahoma itiiiioim Conitross Gt thkie , Okluliomn , Dee 20. A petition to congress praying Tor a speedy establish ment of a territorial government In Okla homa , which has been circulated widely , bas obtained 30,000 signatures Panic nt i Fire PjTTsncno , Dee 20. A fire under the Casino innsoum tonight caused quite n panic among the 400 people upstairs Severul were badly braised In tbe rush to get out of the bullalng Itrportrd Blot fCrrnnoous Macon , Ga , Dee 26. The report of a riot at Barnoavlllo is CTroueons .It nroso from ttiu unprovoked murder of a negro of exool- lout chnractor by four white mou , bloll .tiari n. slink * , Lokpox , Dec SB The town of Acl Reals , In Sicily , was shdjcoo by an earthquake yes terday , SeveraWJouBBs collapsed and many persons were buried n the ruins ' ' / Abraham Uin'c/olu / nn n Oanoer General Sinclptc-n of QuInoyIU , who wus ono ol the bright young lawyers of yprltiftliolil wliopvA-brnlmm Lincoln was u fjroon youth cthuro , tells this story , says the WushinRton Post , which wo boliuvo has ne.Ypn.Voon printed before The bevy of UrlKbt young indloa to whom Miss Todd belonged before her jnarrlupo to .IMncoln uaed to have a good aoal of | ) brt at this awkward young mails ospouio Ono ovontnp ; at a Utile party Mr Lincoln npprouohod Miss Todd and , satd In his pocullar idiom : lMls3ToddI's1iould Hlco to dance with you the worst way " The young lady accepted tbo inevita ble una hobbled around the room with hltn When Miss Todd returned to her Bout ono of her mischievous companions said : l "Woll.Mary , did he dnnco with you the worst way'r" ' "Yoi , " alio niiBWored ; the very wor6t. " A cltUun of Hawklnsvlllo , Ga , who wustiullerlnpr from asthma , was iidvisod to try u remedy eoaiotlmos used by the negroes Ho got u hornets nest , boiled it , madoatoa , drunk the liquid aad wus completely cured , i INTO liTKUNlTY Two Well Known Citizens Cross the nivor Tbo remains of R. O. Jcnklnson , an old rosldcntot this city nnd at ono time n member - bor of the city council , were laid to rest yes terday nftcrnoon In Forest Lawn ccinotcry , The funeral loft the resldonco of the do- censed , C1T Plcrco street , and presented nn imposing spcctncla ns It proceeded through the principal strcots The funeral services were conducted by the Rev Mr.Williamson , of the Central U. P , church The remains Iny In n beautiful cloth ensltet decorated with drapery of the samn material which was fringed with velvet On the lid rested n pillow of flowers bear ing tha word Rest wrought In Immortelles , This was the offering of Uoltion Link ledge , Ruth Robeknh degree , ot'which Mrs Jcnttmsou was a member Tbo procession was headed by the Scvonth ward cornet baud , which hud been spoclnlly secured by the deconsod a few days before his death , to accompany his remains to the grave Then followed Capttollodgo , A. F. nnd A. M. , ot which the deceased had been a mom bcr Following came the Patriarchs militant band in their gorgeous uniforms nnd then innrchcd Omaha lodge No 2 nnd Keystone ledge No 15S I. O. O. V. , of the former ot which the deconsod hnd longbcon a member A long line of friends followed in carriages nnd hud-ies. ThororanlnB were osoortod to Masonic hall where the burial service of the Masonic order was conducted by John P. Webster , master of Capitol ledge , assisted by J. G , Mercer , grand master of the slate Aadrcsscs on the lifo and manly traits ot the deceased were delivered by Messrs E. K. Long , William Cloburno and G. W. Lin- ngcr The cortege then proceeded toward the cemetery , members ot Rose Croix and Scot tish Rite lodges taking part In the proces sion sion.Tho Dall-boarcrs from the Oddfellow lodces were Messrs John Avnns , David Harpster and William Doll , and from the Masons L. M. Anderson , Charles Huntington and William Cloburno At the grave the services were conducted under the auspices of Capitol ledge Wcdnosday Mr Jcnklnson would have celebrated bis sixty-sixth birthday For ten years tbe deceased , on that day , had been presented by Mr William Doll with a boaquet but at the last presentation the deceased luy in bis coffin Death of WUllam tlennossy William Hcnncssy , an old resident of this city , died ot heart failure Wednesday night ut his residence on the corner ot Eighteenth and Jackson streets Wednesday was tbe twenty-ninth anniver sary 01 his wedding Mr Heanessy was flrty-thrco years ot ago and a native of county Longford , Ireland Ho came to the United States m 1SS3 , and enlisted In the United States army at Boston when Lincoln made his first cell for 15,000 troops Ho tcrved in the army for ten years as a soldier and ten years as a messencor Tor the war de partment at the headnuartcrs of tha Depatt- mont of the Platte in this citv His late rcsWeuco wus built ou the site of of his camp of twenty-two years ago , when ho first came to Omaha Mr Heanessy was well known nnd gener ally respected in army circles , and leaves a largo number of fnends in civil lifo who lament his death The date of tbe funeral will bo announced Later All the race.Rod Cross Couph Drops , five coots per box , sold everywhere "ROir.NDINO THE CORN KB " The fctreet Car Compnny Cutting Thronerh the Parle The street railway company began work yesterday laying-a double track nnd putting up poles for on electric motor line itcross the northwest corner ot Hanscom park The work was commenced under tbo authority of the folio wing resolution adopted at the coun cil Tuesday ntghti Resolved , Bv the city council of the city ' of Omaha , the muyor aud parft commission ers concurring herein , that a right of way bo granted to the Omaha street rail way company to construct Its lines of street fairway track across the northwest corner of Hanscom park ; auid tines of street railway track to enter said Hanscom park at the Intersection of Thirty-second street and Woolworth avenue , at a point ninety-thrco feet east from tbe northwest comer of said park ana passing out on Thirty-second avenue at a point 200 feet south from the northwest corner of said park " The Tcsntutlon wns fntrodnced by Mr Chaffee nna wus passed without opposition Tbe citizens ltvtng In the vicinity et the park are highly indignant over tbe ' councils action and propose to com mence Injunction proceedings to prevent \ the comp-iny from carrying out the | proposed destruction , ns they term tt , of the i most beautiful portion at the park The only thinpsaYed by the company by this right of war , It is stated , is the making of two curves , oue from Thirty-second street to Woolworth avenue and ono from Wooi- ; worth avenue to Thirty-second nvenue The council some time ago gave the street rall- wny company the right to lay its tracks on the sidewalk space ou the west side of the i park so as to leave the street eighty feet wide and the citizens seem to think that this 1 was concession enough The citizens , bonded by Mr George N. Htetis , culled upon the park commUsiouers to Induce them to take some stops In thomat- ter.u'ihis body , however , held that it had 1 no authority to grant or refuse a right ot f way across the parkand so will not take any action In the matter The resolution has not been concurred In \ either by the park commissioners or the mayor Mr Hicks filed a petition in the district i court at 3 o'olock yoiterday asking for a restraining order against the street railway company until the case cun bo decided by the courts , . Bcccham's Pills euro billons and nervous Ills Gospel TeinpctMiiuii Meetings Colonel Holts gospel tempnranoe meet ings at the Newman M. E. church are in creasing in numbers and interest nightly Ills chalk talks , so-callod , but really excel lent ol | paintings , illustrating the hovoo made liy the rats amonj tbe chickens , with the discussions hold by the older fowls as to the best method of preventing their ravngos , are capital and were received with shouts of applause A large number ot additional names to tbo roll were obtained last night Another - ether meeting will be bold tonight at tuo same place , commencing with a song s ervicu 17 oolook All Invited Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup re duces inflammation while children are teething 2-3 cents a bottle * Younc ; VI < • ) . 'R mold * . Tbo patents ot Rupert Vieno , who com mitted suioldo at Central City , live In a flat near the corner of Klghtnciith and Webster streets Mr Vlono was a building contrac tor It was almost noon WeJnosday before be received word of his sons death , The entire - tire faintly , consisting ot Vlono , bis wlfo ana son , lof t for Central City that night They can assign no reason wliutover for the act Rupert , Jr , wus only eighteen years of ago and was considered a Bbrewd business man The cause for his suioldo did not develop at the coroners Inquest All the rage , Rod Cross Cough Drops flvo oouts per boxsold everywhere The Mission Dinner The annual Christmas dinner for the poor children of Omaha will be given at tbo city mission on Tenth street at noon today Four hundred children will be feasted in a ' bccoinlugmannor by the society Donations are requested from all who are desirous of helping a good cause They may be sent to tbe tmlssloa at any tlmo before 11 o'clock , or will bo called for If notice Is sent to Dr PS Leitooring , secretary of tbo society , oi Fire nnd Police Commission , The fire und police commission sat as a license board yesterday afternoon All the members were present except the muyor Six licenses were granted to small saloon keepers In different parts of town A num ber of protesti ngnlnst the granting of cer tain licenses were received nnd laid ever , after which the board ndjournod until Sat urdny ntternoon iioij\okia ; white caps The Stoty or the Irotihlo From An other Standpoint , HoLTOKit , Cole , Doc 20. To the Editor ofTua Bir : : Your correspondent has In vestigated thn Whlto Cap outrages here , and , to put the mnttcr Intelligibly before your readers , It Is neeossnry to go back nnd locate the cause for much of the blttcrnoss which has caused this lamentable occurrence When Phillips county was eut from old Logan , Charles K. MoPhorson was np- pointed clerk nnd rccordor by Governor Cooper From that tlmo on a bitter feeling hns existed between Mcpherson nnd C. M. C Woolmnn , the resident agent of the Lin coln town site conuiany , and n few other politicians , McPherson Is recognized as oim ot the most Influential citizens of eastern Colorado , nnd Is also owner ot West Holyoke At the fall conventions can didates were nomlnatod on both old tickets which didn't suit the pcoplo , nnd n third was made up , ou which McPherson was nominated for clerk The light was u blttor one , nnd its equal would bo hard to find , Hvorythlng known - to political sclcuoo was resorted to , and Mo Phorson cuno off victorious ever both of his opponents , dofoatlng them by n mnjurity of fort.v-nin < \ and carrying nil but one precinct in tbo county This , Instead of satisfying the parties , Bcomcd only to Incense thoui A contest was Inaugurated against MrPhcrsou bj ono D , R. Wilson at the instigation of Woolman The people , realizing the finan cial condition ot ttiolr county , and also sec Ing only personal spleen behind It , hold in dignation meetings denouncing the contests and demanding their withdrawal , but to no avail On top of all cimio the Whlto Cap troubles and the whole mess boiled over McPhorson's enemies , always on the alert , at once laid the blnmo at the door of the men who were trying to stop Iho contest All kinds of rumors were sot afloat , and nil law-abiding citizens who refused to bollovo us they did nnd Join them In their clumor were iioliitcd to with suspicion For n few days excitement run high , but tt soon settled down , und nil fair minded people here recog nize It as tbe act of a few hot bended parties rather than the act ot such responsible men as MuPherson and his friends , orof a tough clomenlj " ns was claimed In a recent nrtleio W. D , Ivelsoy , ono of the victims ot this un- fortuato alTair , gives it as his opinion thnt McPherson had no hand in It nnd deplores the connection of McPhcrson's name with the affair Mr , IColsoy Is n staunch citizen of this city , an attoruoy of nolo , and states that Mcpherson end ho were great frioids Both ore Grand Army members The Inflammatory reports sent from here nro severely condemned by the people Such reports as hiding prisoners to Insure their safety , nnd that people were ill goiug armed nnd m mobs for self-protection , nro indeed to be deolorcd At no tlmo hnve matters as sumed sueh a pbnso ns is churned , und why zmyono snnuld send out reports that would injure the town is n surprise to many Holyolto is a hoautiful llttlo western city and her pcoplo far above the average , aud nowhere can u moro law-abiding und peace ful pcoplo bo found The case will go to tno Jnry not earlier than Saturday Lot an im partial public nwalt tts decision The de fendants are ably represented by James Donovan evan , who will bo remembered ns attorney for defendant in the famous Miles Henry murder case In Chnso county , Nobrasea , and Charles Allen of Sterling , Cole Wi R. Davis The building permits yesterday amouatod to $ oli)0. ) NO PLACE LIKE HOME Thts ts Especially 'Irno in the Case of thn Capo Coddor To the Cape Coddor , like the Ice lander and the SwUb , his native pi-ov- vince is the best the sun shines on So unique , emphatic and personal the capo and its towns huto become to those reiu-od here , that r. cape man finds nowhere - where else so glorious us home , so full of such Bwoot memories , says the Now England Magazine The capo colors him all bis lifo the roots and fibers of him Ho mnyget beyond , but ho never gets ever the capo Make him a merchant at Manilla or Calcutta , u whaler at the north pole , mate in Austrian waters , a. millionaire on Fifth avenue , a farmer In Minnesota , and the cape sticks to him still Ho will feel in odd hours to hts life's end the creek tide on which ho floated in shore as a bov , the hunger of the salt marsh iu haying time , the cold plush of the sea spray at the harbors's month , spring of the boat over the bar when ho came homo from fishing , with the wind rising on shore out of the gray night olouds seaward , the blast of the wet northeaster in the September morn ing when under the dripping branchon , ' ho picked up the windfall of golden and orimson apples , the big-flaked snow of the December night when ho boauod his first sweetheart home from singing school ; und ho will see , pel-Imp's ' , the trailing arbutus among the gray mossoa ; on the thin edge of a spring snow bank , the bubbling spring at the hill foot near tidewater , the fat , crimson tosos | under his mothers windows , with a clump of Aaron's rod or lilac for baok- ground ; tbe yellow dawn of un Ootobor morning across his misty moors , and the , fog of the chill pond among the pine , trees , and above all , the blue sea with L its hoadlund , on wliich go the whlte- wlngod ships to that great fur-oft world I which the boy had heard of aud the grown man t'nown so well Stanley's Bhrcivdnens There never was n shrewder or moro successful bookmaker , I think , than Henry M. Stanley , says a contributor in the Now York Commorcinl Advertiser Kvery book which ho publlshos brings j him a small fortune , and his forthcom ing work on his African experiences will provo no oxeeption to the rule When Stanley einorges from the inte 1 rior , the book will doubtless bo com pleted in the manuscript , and ho will I have nothing to do but to wait for the highest bidder and these bids will not be of a small naturecltlior for I happen , to know of two Now Yorlc publishers who would williugly pay $125,000 for the , Amortcan rights ulono Ho will rocolvo at least a similar sum for [ the liuropoan rights , beside * what ho will bo nblo to clear from mugazlno writing and the lecture plat form In tbo rooantimo Stanley's friends are paving the way for his book by awaltoning public Interest in the African sluve trada It may not bo generally known that these who \ oompanied Stanley on his oxploratlona nro always placed under cuntract by him to publish nothing of their experience - ionce until tno explorers own account is Jbsuod Ulius , young Horbi > rt Wurd , who is writing African articles for Scrlbnor's and the Ledger , is dobarrud from touching upon his actual Congo experiences Ho can load up to thorn , however , and this ho is doing in his forthcoming articles , making public interest torest tbe kconor ihoroby for Stanloy's work All this is oxuollont capital lor Stanley , and in this ploco of literary work , on in all his previous ones , ho has played his cards most bhrowdly An Augusta , Mo , whist crank has occupied his 11 mi ) during the past two years in the ronstruction of nn elegant whist table on which ho hopes to win a good many rubbers It consists of 600 pieces of wood , no two of the same sire und ol nearly every variety that grows i , A curious and interesting exhibition will bo opened in Cologne on Juno 1 , 1800 , in which will bo displuyed an im ' * mouse collection of arms , instruments > , otcserving to illustrate the art of wur- furo und bearing iu any way on the con dition o { troops or armies ORIGIN OF THE DIAMOND ! H A Fruitless Tnpln or Speculation ! | Amnnc Scientists I j § H Amortcnn Aunl\sts : The origin of } b , | the diamond hns boon n fruttloss topio H ot spooulntion among scientist ? , hence J't ' H many contradictory theories liuvo boon P H advanced and argued with some show of I' § l reason , but after till that hns boon said i | t | nnd wrltton upon the subject , wu nro I lim H Btill loft prottywoll in tbo ( lark It has &V H boon suggested that the vapors of car ilif H bon during the coal period may have Hu LH boon condensed nnd cr.vMnlir.ert into the sl l diamond ; nnd again , the tnlcolumilo l l generally regarded ns the matrix , was R H saturated with petroleum , wliich , col- | ' H looting in nodules , formed the gem b\- Si H natural crystallzation Kuwton bo * - llaaiH Moved it to have been n coagulated , li l unctous substnnco of togotablo origin , Ir H nnd was sustniuod in the theory by ninny v H eminent philosophers , Including Sir iIR H David Urcwstor , who bolloved the dinHtaiH inoiul wns once a mass of gum derived II H from coitnln spoclos of wood , nnd Hint It iffl H subsoquotilly assumed u crjataUxcd llf l form W M Dana and otliors nil van cod the opinion ft | that It may have boon produced by the 'i l slow doonmpostsloti \cgetnblo mittor- d H ial and oven from auluial inuttor Bur l ton says itisyoungor than gold , nnd , i H suggests the possibility , that it may Btill i H bo in process ot formation , with capnc- I H ity of growth Specimens of the diaIH < mend have boon found to iucloso par ' . H tides of gold an ovldenco , ho thtnlcB , f'i H thnt its formation wus more recent tiinn H that of the precious metal The theory ' H that the diamond was formed immodi- H utoly from carbon by the notion of tbo ' H heat is opposed by another maintaining J > ' | that it could not have boon produced in , J | this way , othorwlso it would have bcou ( k H < consumed Hut the advocates or this H view were not quito on their gunrd fc' ' § l ngainst n surprlso , for bomo quick-wit- ( Di H ted opponent had found by experiments ( Ti H that the diamond will sustain great fti l ltoat without combustion [ t' l Change of llfi > , backache , monthly Irrcgu jp Lifl luritios , hot flashes nro cured by I > r. Miles T LH Xuivlue freu samples nt ICuhn & Co 's 15th l H aud Douglas , j'l 'l H An Aeronaut nnd nn Illinois < l. I1 , 11 M "I used to make balloon ascensions ! n ( { ' H connection with Wiu-uur's " circus , said Iti H un old retired aeronaut to a Now York w | Sun reporter , and ono day I wont up ( r ' H from I'okiii , III The balloon wus now ( fJ' ' H und light , and I got n much longer rldo ] " < H than what I expected I dually do- Ihi H boendod in u farm house yard about ton JT flH miles away , my anchor having caught In' ' H i in a cherry tree The fnrmor wus ats /L' / ' H old follow about sixty years of ago , and | i H ho sat reading on his doorstep ns I came , | down , flo romoved'his glasses , put them | iu their ca ° o , put the enso in his pocket , 1 \ M aud then came forward and carelessly V' l observed : l l " That a balloon V t H " Yes Help mo pull it down ' ri l " Are you a br.llooncrV (1 ( i l ' Yes Pull hard ' ll H "Wo got the air ship down nnd I 1 H wanted him to take mo to town in ills I' ' i l wugon He bad none , and I hired a rig fli H of a neighbor nnd was about to depart n l when the old follow stepped forward f l l " 'I have a liltlo bill here , sir ' sI' ' iH ' Bill ! ' " What for'i" I.H ' Damage to cherry tree , 2 shillin ' s ; K H bkoering my poultry , 00 cents ; skeerlng tH my old woman , the tame ; eorvicos of ' ' H myself $1. Total $2.25 , whioh is mighty j i. H cheap considorin' the time P H " But I wont ' pay it ' I protested { H "Oh , you wont ? Well , I'm u justice jl H of the peace and Ill issue u warrant i' ' . ' H My naybur is coiistablo , nnd he kin > H serve it The old woman is out of'hcv- , H fit by this time and shell bo witness , f. . H and I sort rocken Ill line you about S' H $25 for disturbiu' the peace and conSisal tempt of this court ' 1' ' H And I wns made to realize that Iho | > | best way out of it was to coma down 1/a l with the amount of his bill , and luckily 3 Lai I had it and a quarter to spare " H l KiiKllsli as Ho poke It if l There are high jinks in diplomatic ij l circles once in a while , whioh never ' | got to the public eye Once in a while j' ' l a high-jink does escape The churm- u l ing wife of n cortntn Pan-Amoricnn \i \ M minister doesn't speak a word of Eng | i < | lish But she is none the less charming 11 H for nil that Recently she wanted seme " R decorating done , nnd the ministers ro- 1 quested one of the secretaries to aa to > § H the legation and do it , says the Wn h- l | ington Post His haughty Spanish ) ll | blood ro vol ted , but iho stntn of his P | proud Castiliau ilnnnc s would n it per [ f | mit liim to refuse und risk a dijinlssnl U li So ho wont But an ho drove nails and jls l pounded his thumb , aid climbed slop l' ' ] | indders and sprained his ankles , ho i' . H swore But ha swore iu English Ho | H swore nt the decorations , lie swore at t H his luckho3Woro at the adtninistrution , l U the minister and madaino 'j'sl ' Mudama , . innocently unconscious , ( isil Bwootly emllod every time tbo sccro- i l tary , raging inwardly , spoke to her , and V M all wont merrily But when the minis \ M tor roturuod in the evening his charm i M ing wife asked him if she bad not be- < > M come rory proilciont in English , and ' M sliogaro him a Bnmplo of what slio had ' H acquired during the dny Tbcsonrotho < | | words she spoke : i B "Gawd' umito ' 11. El'n blnsV li'uuo | damnash'n 'a gawt theynmtnor " ft l r-Vinlninu I'rld' . f l The ditTcront forms iu which pride 1 1 besets its victims afford un amusing li l [ study , says the Crltio Girls who work vl M in shops carry schoolliooks or a music ! ; H roll to nnd from their places of business ! H so that they may bo mlstakon for school \ M girls , though their hours nro cor tain ly B not these of the avcrngo pupil Per \ M haps they iiopo to ho taken for special fM Btudonts The llbrnrlnnof the Morcan- i l tile library tollsmoitisa common thing f l for ladies to tear tiio paper covora oil IH the books they take from the library j'H ' the moment they nro outside the door | IH These silly oronluros tninks it looks [ il Uncito carry an unenvcrod book than ' ! ono that is covered , nnd tboy would iH rather seem to own a volume than to lH , bavo tnkon it from a library jiH vim , I POWDER Absolutely Pure * Tliljpovvdbi never vttrloi , A marvel of nurity , strength and wbolesomenesa More cconoml- rut iban t he ordl nary minis , aud cannot t > s sold lu competition wltUiUo multitude , ut low ts.it abort webbtulun or pbosphatx powders S lt anluincant . ItoVAi Uakino I'owuku Oa , IW W llbt.AN , Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AltiBQl"M ° PnlnQ Hnbit Cured 11U111 HJI * T U0UIS wiTiinur imik Pay Ilr III ill P'tntaeasyand c i Hlossthi 5 VI I VIVI to continue the habit . DR- ° - COATO . > 211 J.ins tluiun.so , _ _ _ uii Cur , _ to ,