I The Omaha ! Daily Bee jj H NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , FKIPAY MOBNING , DECEMBER 27 , 1880 , NUMBER 380 , j ' BLOODY HOLIDAY IN GEORGIA , 1 j H Particulars of the Trouble at Josaup j H on Christmas j H A BAD NEGRO TO CAPTURE j H In an Attempt to Arrest Him trio nr-ji- M tity City Mnrslinl nnd n Citizen M nro Killed null Others M lliully Wounded M A. llni-d Scum tit llniitltc j H Savannah , Ga , Dee SO Tlio trouble nt m Jessup yesterday began nt 10 n. m. , when H Marstml Lcggett and assistants attempted to B nrrcat Bob Ilruwor , a notorious negro out M law uud fugitive Hrcwor raised Ills pun j H and deliberately shot and killed Assistant B Marshal Uarnhlll ' 1 ho chief marshnl tlion | llrcd nt Urowor but mlssod him lirowcr m returned the lira and shot Logaott through B bath legs Urowor and his crowd , ton or M twelve men , then lied to the swamp The | nccrocs were followed Into the swamp H by several citizens Among thotn were j B William Wood , a carpenter , nnd his j K son , Wlllhim Wood , Jr The negroes | dodged into the swamp nnd when young M Wood ran in behind him Urower rose up and j K shot him throueh the bond , killing lilm In • B stnntly , nnd shot Woods fnthor In the fuco M Accomplishing this much , the negroes ran H further Into the awamp und escaped H Ttu > news of the death of young Wood and M the serious shooting of bis father spread lllio M wildllro over the town Confusion reigned m forntlmo and Jossup seemed to bo in the B hanus of a violent mob Mayor Hopps called H a meeting and hasty arrnngoments wcro B H made to protect the town Scvanty-flvo B H armed men wcro gathered in n few minutes B B and followed ltrcwcr mid bis party for B H > omo distancn into the swamp McMillan B B > bayou contains over four hundrcu acres B Bj and Urower Is so famlliur with Its hiding places that the clforts of the posse to locate bim am regarded as in vain , ' 1 bo stro' t'1 ' BBV of the J1039O was soon increased by a posse of BBk twcnt.v-llvo armed men , and a picket line BBS was formed J Urowor had tliroatcncd the life of Asslst- BBm ant Marshal Ltaruhlll over slnoo the ofllccrs BBS killed one of Urowor's pals a low weeks ago wbilo attempting to arrest a colored man for BBV gambling Yesterday was Urowor's chance , nnd bo loolc ndvantago of the opportunity Mf when the assistant marshnl came unarmed BBb to the side of Chief Marshal Logeott , who was making the arrest , lirower seemed to forgot for thu moment of nnybody trying to BBa capture him and ho shot Uaruhlll down as BBV bo would a dog , Marshal Leggctt , who was badly wounded in both legs , was seen about the affair last Bff night Ho said that when ho went up to nr- rest Urowor ho knew ho had n bad man to fool with Ho wanted a force largo enough to take the desperado When I got near Bf him , " the chief marshal said , and bo saw * who I was ho loft two of my nosso who wcro talking with him and came towards mo I I board him say That is the rascal I want , 1 and stepped bcbiud Mr Kc-ddlsh. Hn kept coming und I throw mv gun to my fuco und told him to stop Ho looked ut mo sullenly nnd put bis gun across bis shoulder and _ r Ttod back I thought I would return to I town and got nsslstmico when I met an old man named Huyford and several ethers , all J of whom hud guns I turned round to see wiiat tbey were going to do , and I saw Kay J fern exchange a ! ! S calibre Wtnchcstor for ' a 82-calibru and make threats and curse the a white pcoplo I know wo wcro in for it , so I r waited , and bad not long to wait , when I saw Urowor throw his gun to his shoulder V. and lire I looked around nnd saw my B assistant fall to tbo ground , T discharged ft both barrels of my gun after ho had wounded mo , and as I know I wasdouo I jumped down J the embankment nnd ran Kcddlsh stood , ft and Urower approacbod , nnd , saying , 'D n you , I have a great mind to kill you , * bo V struclt him and look his gun from him " News has reached the authorities that J. W. It van , a white mau living there , was the Instigator of the nffair A posse was sunt to his house , but Uyiiu bad oscnpod It is said MV that bo put n bad idea iuio Urowor's bead about the duty of the white pcoplo to the colored folks , and report says ' ho excited them by saying that the murder of tbo col- orcd man killed by Uaruhlll should bn avenged BhVJ Henry Anderson , ono of tbo guards put over Ityan's house , was accidentally Bhot and killed last night by ono of his own party Ho went to hcadiiuartcrs for reinforcement } and was going back when the gun hold by a man named Townscnd was discharged , blow lug Andorsou's brains out m Last night n colored roan was shot and I seriously wounded by a picket whllo coming I from the McMillan swamp Ho ultotnptcd J to slip by the ofllccrs when ho was shot J At about 8 o'clock this morning a party of unknown mon nttaeked the Jail at Jossup , J driving away the guards Inn row mluutos B the doors wcro battered In nnd four men went Inside and shot uud killed Peter John son nnd Ulll Hopps Tbo former was tbo J cum who had been wounded and cantured in tbo fight The mll.tary was stationed about 1 half a milo from the jail , but by the tlmo o dotuchmout arrived tbcro everything was BB1H4 Quiet and all there was to Indicate what had ) happened were tbo dead bodies of tbo no frrocs Tbo Georgia hussars returned to this city this afternoon The Uruuswick company was retained on duty by the mayor The returned soldiers rooortod the trouble ever Their presence was only required to quiet 1 the excitement of the citizens of Jessup , who remained In their houses last , night toprotcct I their families , and their kitchens and out f bouses were illlod with colored pcoplo of the f town , who sought tbo protection of their wbito friends A special from Jossup dated at 0 p. m. says Mayor Uobbs has called a public meet I lug to take stops to defend the town tonight It is believed that Urower J Is near with a largo force of negroes The I citizens are organUiug and arming to uidtbo f Urunswlck rifles in enso of an outbreak A B special train was run out to the brick yurds , F where Urowor was reported to have boon H scon and a detachment of armed uion sout f out as scouts BH Mayor Uobbs is in rccolpt of a telegram I from Hrunswick saylugthat Hyan , the white man who is supposed to have iustlgatod the J trouble , is hi that city , but tbo mayor will ( not take steps to have tbo gang brought ) buck T There is still great excitement throughout J tbo country around Jessup , but uffairs will I doubtless qulot down in a few days It is a T region of turpentine distilleries and saw mills Thousands of negroes are employed and the Jossup trouble is apt to dUorgauizo ] labor for some tlmo to como BH Many nogrocs are quitting their homes and I moving to other towns ou tbo line of the mil ) < road A largo number of them werotakon K' ' from tholr homes by white inou this moru- ( h > K Und severely wlilpl > cd , some of them j being women of bad character , BH Ton .NdKrooM lli-purlcd Killed Bavann-au , Ga , Dec 0 , Most reliable l Information Is that ton pcoplo have boon BB ) killed at Jessup BH1 A special to the Morning News says that T ovorylhiug is quiet there and a company H of citizens bus been orguuUed . to ] iruard the town against au luvnslou Hi ' 'bo csrouor held au inijuost this afternoon BH : uml the Jury returned u verdict charging BH1 tuo ucgroes , liruwer und Hay ford , with the murder of Marsbu ! Uarnhill und Young B Woods As to tbo killing of the negroes , f tbo lury returned a verdict of death by par ties unknown , BH Mnro Noitroea Shot BH Nasiivii.i.s , Todd , Dee -JO. It is reported HV tbcro Is serious trouble at Clarksville bo- HH tween ofllsors aud a colored mob , Frank Hfl' ' Morrison , a special nolioeman , attempted to HBi wro t Ugh MoOutcueon , colored , when sev- | oral ether negroes interfered Otlior pollco m3n came to the nsslstanco of Morrison , whereupon Joe Foemnn , colored , assaulted the chief of pollco with n stick The ofllccrs drew revolvers nnd llrcd Ono bullet struck West Morrywcthcr , colored , in tbo back nnd tie will die Joe bocman attempted to cicapo but was puisucd by the chioi of police , who shot him In the stomach Ho will recover The report of revolvers drew an Immense crowd of negroes to the scene nnd the chlof of pollco had (5 ( bo taken to lull for safety The excitement rnoldl.v In- crea od nnd a largo number of extra ofllccrs wcro sworn in to l oop tbo peace The Clarksville City guards wcro nlso called out nnd lodged in the court house pronarcd for any cmorgoncy It Is feared the negroes will sot the town on 11 ro , AKUTllI< imUl'Ali UXOItClOH A Plctul in Iliiiiinn Form Kills Hit Wll'o in Colli illouil SriusnriKMi , lass , Dec , 20. John I3as- sctt , a mill hand , this morning'killed his wlfo nnd then nttempted sulcldo Ho wns Insanely Jealous of bis wlfo without reason and had ftcquontly threatened her life A'week ngo Uassott bought n revolver for the purpose of killing his wife und sot her Sunday bonnet on n polo and practiced at it , frequently expressing the wish that her head was In it This morning Has sett called his eldest son tb go downstairs and sit with bis mother , who , ho said , was sick , wnilo bo went for n doctor The son descended in the dark us the father loft the house , and called to his mother Receiving no answer and supposing slio was uslccp , ho sat down in an unjoining room Menntimo the father hud pone to Officer Trombloy's house and given himself up , say Inir ho had killed his wife , nnd expressing much satisfaction at the crime Ho said ho was suffering from wounds which she had Indicted on htm , but that at Inst ho hnd finished her up "in goon shape " Officers at once wont to the house and found the sou still awaiting tbo doctor , suspecting nothing On eutering the room the woman was found dead with bcr skull crushed In , and lying in n position that Indicated the blow hud been dealt while the woman was asleep Hassett will probably die from the wounds which ho claimed his wife had inflicted on him , but which were doubtless solf-inlllcted. Later in the day an axe was found in the cellar Rtulncd with blood Uassott was sober when ha committed tlio crime NO TIIOUMjIS IN niO JANEIRO The llcporteil Mutiny Denied nt tlio nrnzlllnn licuatlou WAsniNdTOK , Doc EO An Associated Press representative Who called at tbo Ura- zillan legation today to inquire for news con cerning the fighting which was reported to have occurred at Hio do Janeiro from December - comber 18 to 20 , found that the minister hnd just received the following tologrura from Ituy Uarboza , rainlstorof finance under tbo nowrcglmo ! From cablegrams , wo loam that uufortunntoly there Is no speculation from news mongers against us which is not credited in Europe in soito of all our warn ings against this sort of a conspiracy The reports about tbo mooting of a corps of ar tillery are fatso The only mooting was of a few soldiers , which was immediately sup pressed This clrcumstunco has increased hero the confidence m the government , which shows itself strongly nroparcd with prompt and declsivo means to put down any disturb ance of the public order The aggravation of General Fonscca's illness is not true On the contrary ho is recovering speedily At any rate the fate of the revolution is now nc- ceptol by the wholn country It does not depend on the contingency of ono mans life , however precious it may bo , in tbo army Itself The revolution cun rely on other chlofs of great prestige and no loss devotion to tbo cause All the different political par ties have oxpouscd with enthusiasm the term llxed ( November 15 , lS'JO ) , for the mooting of the constitutional assembly , they consid ering by this act that the stability of tbo ropubllo Is iusurod " Watcliins the Itrnzilinn Situation New Yoiik , Dec 0. A Washington spe cial to the Times says that tha Brazilians in tbo United States nro gravely watching the news from tkolr nattvo country While they do not appear unxious for the restora tion of tbo omplrn , it is ovldentthoy look for trouble before tbo pi csent government Is firmly established Much depends upon the position taken by Jose Mniiano , who has been offered and refused the governorship ot Pornntnbuco Mariano Is a man of great Influence und his province will evidently fol low his leadership in tbo present crisis The withdrawal of the province of Pcninmbuco would doubtless bo foliowe 'd bv the refusal of some ether provinces to yield obediouce to tbo commands of Da Fonscca's government Assuming n ( Sriva Aspect Paws , Dec 20. The epidemic has assumed a graver typo and many cuscs are now com plicated with pneumonia In conBcquonco of tbo constantly increasing fcrowd at hos pitals tbo authorities are erecting tents for the BUfforors Undertakers nro overworked and many of their employes are aown In consequence of tbo increase in the number of funerals tbo system of draping the churches with enormous hangings of black and expensive parades with various emblems of woo have been dispensed with by the au thorities The nfllclal return of deaths for the week gives 200 mora deaths thau for t he preceding week . A Ilrnzllinii Docrcc Rio J.ixeiiio , Dee , 20. The government has issued a decrca providing thai all per sons found endeavoring to corrupt soldiers or contriving or proposing any measure for nulvo opposition to the republic shall bo tried by a military tribunal An opposition Journal was suspended on Tuesday , SIoiiiiihIiIi ) Arrivals At Queenstown The Wyoming and Gor- manlc from Now York for Liverpool At Southampton The Trave , from Now York for Hromon i Passed tbo Lizard The Edam , from Now York for Amsterdam ' The Falvntlonlsta Dory thn 8wta . Hkiinc , Doc , 20. Dcsulto the orders issued by tbo government prohibiting mcotings of the Salvation Army In Switzerlandtho mom bora of that organization continue to hold opon-alr meetings in Geneva The authori ties have decided to adopt vigorous meas ures Q ii ii ran lined lIooniiBO of Influenza Londox , Dee 20. The United States steamer Enterprise has arrived at Gibraltar Sbo had sovcral cases of influenza on board uud was quarantined She did not wait to enter thcroforo , but proceeded westward Closed nn Account of" Nihilism St Pbtbhsiiuuo , Dee SO The unlvorslty of Odessa has bcon cloted owing to the dis covery that a number of the students nro ni hilists and are actively engaged iu spreading tbo propaeunda , * Thn K | > idcnilo l > c rsniOnf ; nt TJKln * Ueum.v , Dec 20. The gpldbmlois decreas ing hero but is spreading ut Uromco , At Darmstadt it isery scvoro and at Vienna many cases among children were followed by measles s Unulnniror Will Not I.ooture , Londok , Dec 20. General Houlangor denies the report that ho has been engaged to deliver a dourso of lectures In tbo Uultcd States Will Attend Curios Irnclainallon Londox , Dec , 30. Four iron cluds have left Malta underorders to proceed to Lisbon to bo present at the coreinooy of the procla mation of King Carlos L A STUPEKDUUS ENTERPRISE , j The Columbia Railway and Naviga tion Company ONE HUNDRED MILLION CAPITAL A Schcino to Connect the Untied Blntcs With South America Great Obstnules to Ho Overcome A Gront UndrrtnKltiR WiiF.ET.t.so , W. Va , Doc 20. In view of its great linportnnca ns growing out of tbo fooling that Inspired the Pan-American con gress nnd its gigantic proportions ns n rail way enterprise , the recently incorporated Columbia railway nnd navigation company nt Hlchmond , Va , , Is liltoly to provo a sensa tion In commercial circles The following explanation , which Is gained from parties directly interested , will appear in tomor rows ' Wheeling Intelligencer ! l'ho proposed compnny is to construct rail roads in South America , steamship lines connecting these railroads with points In the United States und incidentully everything necessary to properly carry on such busi ness Tbo company's capital is to bo $100 > 000,000 , and Captain Parsons of Vlrginiu is nt the head ot it Urielly the terms of the Columbia railway and navigation com pany are as follows : To construct n line of railroad from some point near the mouth of the Mngdaletin river In the United States of Colombia southwardly along the eastern flauk of the Andes nnd the hoadwatcrs of the Amazon to points in Peru , there to con nect with tbo Peruvian nnd Argentinian sys tem oT railroads From the mouth of the Magdalena river steamships will bo run to tbo southern point of Florida nnd Now Orleans , from whence will extend railroad connections to nil parts of the country The vastness of the enterprise contemplated is thus apparent A continent , probably the richest in matorlal resources of all tbo continents in the world , is to bo opened up to the purposes of commerce , im migration und civilization Its products nnd pcoplo nro to bo brought into easy communi cation with tbo rest of tbo world , and best of all , the direct and lnsting benefits of these purposes accrues to the United Stutes Captain II C. Parsons , whoso homo is now at Natural DridffC , Vn , is the originator and controlling spirit of the enterprise It is by no means the first difficult and hazardous un dertaking In the railroad line that ho has been encaged In , though the ethers were as nothing when compared with this For fifteen years Captain Par sons bns given the subject of a north and Boutb line of rnilrond in South America bis attention Ho has traveled and investi gated , examined the surveys of the country and collected information of all kinds until ho bus demonstrated the feasibility of his great project , and has at last brought It to a point of realization In order to obtain a more thorough organization and bo- sure heartier cooperation , incorporators have bcon selected otd ; nro shortly to bo named in nil the southern states When this has boon done and tbo organiza tion completed by tlio election of oDlcors , etc , subscription books will bo opened and the practical work of making surveys und estimates , inaugurated at once The only part of the proposed route which is unknown and unexplored is between the sources of the Magdalena and Napa rivers ever the dividing rldgo of the Cordillcrao , in Ecua dor , lloro a mountain chain must bo crossed inordertopassfiom the valley of ono river to that of nr.otbcr.nnd In addition to the natural obstacles iboro are lierco savage tribes who have hitherto resisted all at tempts to explore their country Tno northern terminus , as now proposed , will bo Port Carthugena , on tbo Carrablan sea The southern terminus will hn PimM and Corropasco , In Peru , the dls- anco between tbcm being about two thousand miles , half of which is along streams navigable by flat bottom steamers Tbo road will traverse the Pampas del Sacramento , perhaps the richest agricult ural region in the world , will skirt the larg est gold und silver mines and penetrate forests of untold vnluo At tbo southern termini a junction will bo affected with two Peruvian lines of railway and a railroad from Uucnos Ayrcs on tlio At lantic , which road is already in operation for 400 miles to Alta , on the head waters of tbo La Plata river Thus differ ent outlets to tbo ocean will bo secured for products at present inaccessible At Cusco and Corropasco is found the heart of tbo gold nnd silver mining region , which is popularly reputed to bo enormously wealthy in minerals , and where it wns clnimed by' some old church wrltors was really tbo ophir of King Solomon The development of Peru in tbo past has bcon exceedingly slow and at crcat cost Its 1,300 miles ot railroad have cost the state al most $150,000 , par milo , the most costly in the world Notwithstanding this thoconstructod portions of tbeso lines have al ready boon lnrgoly paid for by tbo royalty on guana beds What would bo tbo lcsultof tbo rapid and complete development of such resources as it contnlns can bo better im agined than described Almost as much may bo said for ovcry one ot the states through which the proposed 2 route is to pass In conversation with an Associated Press correspondent , Captain Parsons dwelt at length upon the clement of uncertainty which must ontcr lute tbo problem on account of the unknown region in the cross ing of the Cordllloras , Whether man can do what bos never yet bcon done is a question which the company's cngineors will have to solve in the near future "It must bo clear , said Captain Parsons , "to a casual student that this or soma similar ono is the only practi cable channel by which our wuros cau bo carried iu competition with these of Europe to the heart of South America It affords the only possible means of competing in tlmo with the transAtlantic steamers and tbo La Plata system of boats Uy this moans the traveler will bo able to make tbo distance from Lima , tbo capital of Peru , to Now York In nlno dayB At Lima bo will bo but thirty hours by steamer from Valparaiso ; at Now York ho is but seven days from Liverpool ; from Chili to Encland [ is seventeen dnys If It bo true that the United Stntes , with Its Pun-Amnrican i congress reciprocity troatics is Booking Its chief market in South America , It would ap > pear she cau best find it , not at Itio i Janioro , not at liuenos Ayrcs , upon the i coast fronting England , nor upon the nur- rowpnid plains of the upper Paclflo coast , but by piercing to tbo center of the nut nt i once and extracting the kernel while for eign nations are looking for au oponingon 1 tbo outside , > Three nishiipi to hn Consecrated St Paui , Dec , 20. Great nuinbors of Catholics are pothering hero to witness tbo ceremonies tomorrow , when three bishops will bo consecrutcd , There will bo upwards of three hundred priests and bishops in at tendance The event Is notable , particularly because it is the second tiino that thrca bishops have been consecrated together ia the United J States and the llrst tlmo iu tha history of tbo church that the tbrco have been frpm ono diocese Tbo ceremony will bo con ducted by Archbishop Ireland , assisted by several noted prelates Tbo priests on whom the miters will be.conferred are Key John Sbaaloy of St Paul , James McGolriek ot f Minneapolis and Joseph U. Cotter of-Wi nona Continued llravr Knlns in O lirornin , L 3 AXOEI.E9 , Cal , Dec 20. The heavy rain of tbo last few days continued this morning All trains from the norlb , eust and south are now cut off and tbo damage to tracks is very great Santa Fo oftlcials estimate their loss at 1200,000 aud tbo loss on the Southern Pacific lines will reach tlGOOOO The country from the line to the ocean is flooded and many miles of track are under water and great damtigo was done to the street cable lines nnd bridges In this city Several bridges nro gene ontlroly Mnny houses on the low innas nro Hooded nnd the families driven out It is reported that the house of James Uynti.on the river bank , was washed awny and thd xvholo fnmlly is miss ing The levco is broken in sovcral places Fully twonty-flvo inches of rain have fallen hero this season Tlli2 311NUMT WALTZ A Kovlscd Korin or ntt Old Viennese Dnnco | Cop/rf0ht | / IS89 Ji | Jnmf * Gordon nenntHA Vikn.na , Dee , 20. rwow York Herald Cable Special to Tub Ilr.n.l Johnnn Struss is about to bring out a revised form of a pe culiarly Vlcnncsso dance , tbo waltz Invented by bis fnthor , Johann Strauss , sr , by n transformation of tbo old fashlouod lan cer , " a slow Vlonna dance , of some twenty sets , which when reduced to side sots in three-four tiino beenmo a favorlto dance and rapidly spread from the Austrian capital all ever the civil ized world , as recent composers reduced the sots to four nnd Introduced as a furtbor reform - form the six stop waltz which has also made the round ot ovcry ball room la the world Ilorr Strauss has now retraced bis Btcps , slnco hotJhuB satisfied himself that the present generation is cither not strong enough for or not Inclined to tbo rapid wbitl of the true Vienna dance , nnd that a slower pace is required to Bult the taste of tboso do- gencrato times Look around a ball room , " says Shausa , and you will find , no matter how dollcious tbo waltz music the orchestra mny bo play ing , that a majority of the ladles remain seated , whllo the gentlemen lounge around pillars nnd doors I intend to combine the convorsatiou dance with the waltz , calling the naw form the minuet waltz It will bo composed In three four tlmo and consist of three sets It will then dovclopo into n real waltz , In which the present rapid-whirl ladles will bo able to nccopt lady partners for tbo conversation part , whllo for the faster movements thov can take part ners who nro still dangers " Straussjhas already composed two mlnuto waltzes which are to bo Introduced during tbo approaching carnival at the great char ity bull given by the aristocracy rcsldont in this capital ! DIINISTGK LINCOLN'S SON The Report Thnt' ' Ho Is Getting Worse Untrno ( Cnpyrloht tS.S huJamn ( lordnn Tinnttt ) PAms , Dec 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Uee.rAbraham | Lincoln , son of the mimstor to England , is still an Invalid at the Hotel VaVel In Versailles The report was circulated in Paris yesterday that ho had relapsed and that his condition wns much worse The Horuld correspond ent saw Minister Lincoln's secretary today , who contradicted the report and said that the patients condition wns Improving and that although ho was still unnblo to leave his room , bo had sat up'isoveral times His nbscess Is not entirely Keiled Two physi cians are In attendance uiron him and Kobort T. Lincoln has eoino from Loudon to Ver sailles , where ho intends to remain until his son is able to bo moved Mrs Lincoln and ber daughter aro'also at Versailles , * THE 1CAST SlOHJl-SWISPr. Heavy Rains Accompanied By Thun der nnd Iiightnin ; ; . New Yonit , Dee 20. A strong wind storm visited this city and vicinity this afternoon In the upper part of Ibo city the storm was accompanied by thunder and lightning In Hrooklyn a threo-stor.y frnmo building In course ot erection was.blown down and throe carpenters buried in the ruins They were all rescued nlivo , but badly injured Two little girls who were passing at the tlmo were struck by flying timbers Ono of thorn suffered a f rncturo of the leg and the eyes of the ether were badly Injured In Jersey City Samuel Uautcber , aged fifty-two , was killed by boingBtruuk by n. limb of a tree which was blown down by the heavy wind At Unfru lo Buffalo , N. Y. , Doe 20. A hurricane prevailed around hero this morning , and it was feared at ono time that the waves from Lake Erie would wash out ' a portion of the Now York Central tracks Spray was dashed against passcngcrtrains Tbo wind basmoderatod tonight At Washington WAsnixaTox , Dee 20. A severe storm has moved slnco morning from tbo St Law rence vnlloy to the Now England coast Violent lent gules have prevailed on tbo latter aud from Now England to Capo Hattoras Max imum velocities ot ilfty-six miles per hour are reported from Ulock Island and Uoston , sixty miles ut Sandy Hook und from thirty to forty-eight miles on the Virginia coast At Urudfcird Diunrono , Pa , Dee E01 A torrlllo gnlo prevailed all day and thousands of oil der- lcks In this region wcro blown down Ia Bradford several houses wera badly dam aged and many poopla had narrow escapes from serious injury , The pecuniary losses are consldoruble At Pittsburg PiTisnnno , Dec 20. Quito a boavy rain , accompanied by thunder and lightning and high winds , passed over this section this morning Considerable damage was done Small trees , fences and outhouses were blown down and tha telegraph sorvlco badly crippled by tbo prostration of the wires Will Stay as hongias Possible Tai'Lequah , I. T. , Doe 20. Tno United States commissioners have determined to ro- > mala hero as long as there is any chance at arriving at a conclusion ot tha treaty Cblof Mayes and Senator Jackson are being greatly blauiod by the full bloods for tbeir opposition to the government , Tbo Cboo- taws have sent word to tbo commissioners that they are wlllina- arrange for tbo sale 1 of tbolr lands at tl.25 peracro Trouble ItenonodfWith Indians Pieiuie , S. D , Dee 20. News reaches hero today by a rellablp party from Fort Sully that there Is trouble with the Indians , at that place , ' 1 ho Indians are not satis- fled with the opening of the reservation and I claim they are nut pruinUed sufticient remuneration for tholr ponies It is also reported - ported that tbey have killed several settlers , near the fort • Prtntprs liefer Tlirlr Troubles , Piiii.4Dni.pniA , Dee sjfl , Tlio printers to- duy considered tha rofueal of tbe proprietors of local papers to gra > it' an advance in the price of typesetting , and referred the matter to the executive commllteo ot the Iuterua- tional union for action ' . A Itridgt ! lUnwii Down HbthleiibuPa , , Dec 20. The bridge in i course of oonsuructkml across the Lehigh i river was blown down ( by a high wind this afternoon Three workmenworo fatally ' hurt , . Asphyxia toil hy Coal Gas StHicusE , N. Y. , Dee 20. rAt Dewltt this morning two old ladies , living oy them selves , wcro found asphyxiated by coal gas One is dead and tbe other will die * t A i ; BAD OUTLOOK FOR MORGAN , Conaldornblo ( Trouble Expcotod Over His Confirmation THE OBJECTIONS AGAINST HIM Itcttiru oT Colonel Fechct Itccnuso ol the Muxlunti Guvorii incut's lie fitsal to Iti'cogulzo Him ns Consul Wasiiinoton Hunmit Tun Omaiu Hub , i MB Foi'iiTF.r.STit Stuebt > Wasiiinoton D. C , Dec , 20.1 Of nil tbo liomiiintioni pending before the sennto thntof Indian Commissioner Morgan is likely to bo delayed the greatest length of time and to tlnd tbo most trouble in reaching a confirmation This is duo first to the fact that Mr Morgan was not recommended by anybody In particular , but his appointment wns duo to the presidents personal favor ; second , becnuso the senators from his state ( Ithodo Island ) do not like him and dent ' enro n cout wbothor bo is coullrmcd or not ; third , because ho has a bad military record aud is not endorsed by the Grand Army of the Republic or any other soldier organiza tion , in fact , his career in the army lias been tbo subject ot investigation by Secretary Noble silica bis appointment , mid it was only by the exercise of mercy that Morgnn ob tained a clean bill of health ; fourth , because Morgan has offended tha civil service reformers - . formers by appointing his wlfo to ofllco under blm nnd permitted others of his employes to follow his example by putting their wives on tbo pay roll ; fifth , because bo bus offended politicians in not recognizing political soivlco in making appointments , but has dovolopcd a very aggravated rnso of what is known as big head , " uud tbinlts ho Is cnpablo of run ning his bureau nnd selecting his subordi nates without advice or suggestion from nnybody , nnd , finally , because bo has offend ed the Catholic church by removing some of tholr most trusted and influential agents from positions uud substituting Protestants for thorn His policy with regard to the In- dinn schools is wakening the antagonism of tbo Uotnnn Catholic church and Hishop Ire land iu particular , who not only has the respect , but the entire confidoiico of every man in tbo United Slates senate Protestant as well as Catholic It Is ditllcult to see what reason the Catholics have to aceuso the commissioner of discriminating against them , but it is uovorthclcss u fact that they nro doing everything possible to prevent his continuation Out of n total appropriation to all churches of $000,91)1 ) , under the present contract Indian school system , the Catho lic church receives § 33-1,401 , or nearly two tlnn's of the whole whllo" tbo next largest sum is paid to the Presbyterian church , und is only $40,760. Mexicans nnrnsE to nconivn iiim Colonel Eugene O. Fecbot who was ap pointed consul to Podras Ncgras , Mexico , last soring , has returned o Washington be cause the Mexican government declines to rccognizo him , their objection being based upon some decision mndu while Fechot was consul at Paso del Norte during the Arthur administration Folchot is from Michigan and is uotoDly endorsed by the senators and representatives from thnt state , but by a great many other members of both houses of congress He has had a very remarkable career und the incidents of his life would furnish material for a novel as exciting as llidor Haggard over wrote Hols of Froncb extraction , born in Canada , and spent his boybood in Michigan , from which stnto ho went into the war when n mcro lad ile served with gallantry as a cavalry man , scout and spy and was for a tlmo attached to the hendouartora of General Grant , receiving a colonels commission forvaluablo services before bo was mus tered out Then ho wont to Italy and fought with Gurlbaldl From tbcro ho went to Kg.vpt , where tie was with the martyr Gor don In his Soudau expedition and narrowly escaped massucro several times , The next two or tbrco years of his life were spent in mining in South America , where ho partici pated us a soldier in several revolutions , nnd finally ho returned to his old homo and was appointed to the cosululo m Mexico As tbo Mexicans dccllno to acknowledge blui , of course his usefulness as n consul iu that re public is at an end , but it is probable that bo will bo sent to some other country DEATH Of MItS OliNTIUI THOMAS Frances Lucrotla Thomas , widow of Gen eral George H. Thomas , died nt an early hour this morning at her homo , 1819 I street Mrs Thomas made Washington her homo nearly six years ago and bns been more or loss of nn invalid during all that time None of her ailments seemed to bo really serious and tbo aunouncemont of her decease will bo a shock to her friends Tha immedlato cause of death , says Dr Lincoln in his certificate , was corebrel hemorrhage , aad the stroke came without a moments warning Tbe only relatives Mrs The mas has in the city are her sister , Mrs > Kellogg , and a nopbuw , Colonel S. C. Kellogg , U. S. A. Paymaster John P. Willard , U. S. A „ now In California , is a relntivo , and there are a number of Mrs ' 1 homas' connections in Troy and Uobokon Mrs Thomas remains will bo interred at Troy , N. Y „ alougsldo her husband , the great union general , whom the soldlors af- fcctionally christened Pop " At 230o'clock ; on Saturday afternoon there will be funeral services over the remains at 1819 I street and that sumo uftornoon the body will bo sent to Troy THE QUESTION OF BHIIVINO WINK The question of serving wino for New Years day Is agitating the good ladies of the administration , und the precedent they set will doubtless have n wida inlluonco upon ether pcoplo who will ontortaln during the winter There has boon no formal notion in the matter by tbo ladles of the cabinet , but they talked over tbequestlonnttho luncheon Mrs lilalno gave tbo other day , and all of them were decidedly in favor of moro hospi tality nnd loss display No wino will bo served at the cabinet recoutlon unless it bo by Mrs Wilmerdlng , tbo daughter ot the secretary of the navy , who presides over her fathers ' household Of course there will be none at the wbito house , for it is not tbo cus tom to serve any refreshments there , and Mrs Harrison would not havn It if it was It is the time-honored custom for the the secretary of state to glvoU breakfast to tbo diplomatic corps aflor their reception at the white house , and wino will bo furnished of course Uut alter tbo breakfast , when tbo general publlo are received , tea nud cof fee only will bo served Mrs Windom will serve no wino no matter who calls , She does not bollove In it and is a woman who puts her convictions in practice - tice Mrs NodIo Is the same sort ol a person ! and has said that while she will have wino , on her tnbjo at dinner parties , she will not , servo it lo young men or mixed callers Mrs Miller says : "I have never served wino on Now Years duy , and 1 shall not dose \ so hero " Mrs Husk says : "I will have coffco , 1 bouillon and chbcolato but no wino " Mis Proctor , the wlfo of the secretary of ; wnr , will not receive , and would not furnish ' wine it she did , and tbo same may bo bald of Mrs Wunnmakcr Dibiusr.-jiiii'r.njNO EATiicn The weather in Washington during tlio 1 last week or ten days bus bet-n very uu- soasouablo , as has been tbo case throughout tbo couutry , the thermometer running up as 1 bigh as eighty at noon und the sun being strong enough to bring out tbo buds and 1 ; Iloweis Uut tbe nights have boon very damp and the atmosphcro bus been bo i saturated with moisture as to cause not only discomfort but serious illness among all ' classes The result has been almost an ' epidemic of tolds and "la grlppo" is prevail log to an alarming extent Its tbo saino thing wo have every wiutor , " said Dr , Garrow , who was General I Sheridan's physician , speaking ot ' 'ls i grlppo , " but there happens to bo so much of it that pcoplo hnvo associated the disease in their linaginntlsns with the same which we hour Is epidemic hi Lmope , They have simply revived an old iinmo iorJ influenza to dcscrlbo wnnt I presume to bo nn negra vntod typo of that disease Gentle men who studied mcdlcino twenty or thirty years ago will remember that 'la grlppo' wns glvon as a synonym for lnlluonza In tholr text books nud thu cases of 'In grippe'thnt wo hoar of now nro nothing moro than tbo ordinary inllttcnrn , which is more prevalent than common and perhaps n little moro aggravated because of thu mild winter and tbo oxcosslvo humidity of the ntmospnotc The treatment Is the same wo have nlwnys given It " Would you consider tbo dlseasa epi- domlcl" "No , it enn hardly bo called epidemic , al though there is a great deal of it , und the physicians nil over tbo city nro unusunlly busy for this tlmo of the year None or the enses I have scon or heard about show the grnvo symptoms reported from the other side of the water " "Is there a germ In tbo case ] " "Thnt I niu not prepared losay Some pcoplo who bollovo thu gorin theory attri bute everything to germs , but 1 have been unnblo to find ono In this or nny other disease , und I wnnt to add thnt there Is nothing In what wo bnvnsocn here that should iilnrm cither tbo physician or the patient None of tbo dangerous symptoms that nro reported ns nppcarlng nbrond , likcinllamiiiatlon of tbo lungs , have bcon notlcod in this city " Dr Frank Gardner , the most popular homeopathic phjsielnn of the city , who bus been selected dy Airs Hni risou us intending phvsicum nt the white bouse , is uot qulto so sanguine ns Dr Garrow The dlsouso Is epidemic , " ho said . "I hnvo forty cases or moio on my hands , and as fust us I get rid of one , two mora como to me It Isthobuslest Ciirlstmus 1 h.tvo over hnd slnco I began practice , nnd whllo there is n good deal of ether sickness , the great proportion of the people who nro uiling have got the grippe " "To what do you uttributo itl" "To the unsoasouablo woatbor , to the very mild , damp and nasty weather wo uro bav in ir Tbcro is molsturo enough iu the atmos phcro to curry any epidemic , and , us wo all Know , the llrst thing a mnu does these times is to tnko cold " Are the symptoms of jour patients the name as these described In tbo dispatches from Europe 1" "Gcnomlly so , but not as severe Most of my patients complain of very sovcro pains In tlio bad : nnd lugs , which , when they pass off , leave the flesh as sere as it it had been pounded This , with the ordinary cold Iu the head , describes the disease " actiox rosTi'ONcn ii > inMTriY : Senator Alanderson , in answer lo the re quest sent to thu Inulan commissioner for the opinion of tnnt official on thu proposition to bridge tbo Niobrara in Holt county , has received the following communication , which will probably result in tbo indulluito postponement of the bill : To tbo Honorable Secretary of tbolntorior Sir : I have the honor to acunowlodgo the receipt of a letter iiom Senator iMundorsou , enclosing ono from Uarrott Scott , Esq , of O'Neill , NuO , i-oques ing that authority bo obtained fiom this department for the loca tion of a county bridge across the Niobrara river at a point near the * rnngojino between ranges 10 and 11 west ; ' also by tno depart ment of reference December 10 , lSb'J , aim an other letter from Senator Mandorson , en dorsing the proceedings of a com mltteo of the board of supervisors of Holt county of said state particularly describing the point where it is desired the bridge shall bo constructed ns follows : At Whiting's ford , section line between sec tions 81 and Si , townslilps 33 , rnncc From the papers presented tbo application uppoars ptolbo-fOr-PHrmisslon to construct a bridge across thcNiobrnraTlvor for the public con venience in anticipation of the opening of the greut Sioux reservation to settlement under the Into ugreemont , the bridge to cross from the Nebraska side to and about upon the greut Sioux reservation , Senator Mandor son desires to bo advised as to what , If any objection , there is is to granting the privilcgo nsked for , nnd expresses the houo that the department will taiio favorable action In view of the importance of tbo matter to tbo people of northwest Nebraska In reply I have to state that in the light of a recent de cision of the department , October 1 , 1SS7 , in a case aualagous to tbo one now presented , wboroln It was hold that in tbo absence of law or treaty provisions for the appropria tion or use of any portion of tbe land within on Indian reservation , tbcro was no author ity to permit the construction of a mllldam across Chateau creak in Dakota to connect with or abut upon the Yankton Indian reser vation , I am constrained to the opinion that the present application will have to be de nied The decision of the department in the case cited was , as will bo observed , based upon the opinion of the attorney general in the matter of the application of a Mr Thomp son for permission to construct nn irrigating ditch across the Lemhi Indian reservation in Idnbo , in which it was held that the depart ment bad no right to grant tha application The lauds ot the great Sioux reservation are still in a state of reservation and will so remain until the president proclaims the ac ceptance and consent of the Indians to tbo net ot March 2 , lSb'J , as provided in said act As the president will no doubt shortly make proclamation , I think the matter ought to rest until such action is taken , when tbo pcoplo of Nebraska or tbo county authorities of Holt county will bo at liberty to avail themselves of whatever tights they may have in tbe lands to which the Indian title shall bavo boon extinguished I i ( turn the papers and enclose a copy ot this report Very respectful , your obedient servnut , T. J. Moitiux , Commissioner MisociiANnous Pension Commissioner Kuum Is qulto 111 at his homo in this city During yesterday ho bad three chills , slightly congestive in char acter , followed by it high fever Ho was somewhat hotter this morning The postmaster gencrul today appointed fourth cluss postmasters for South Dakota as follows : Cavour , iloadlo county ; S. L. Schollcld , vice A , J. Swcctzcr , resigned ; South Shore , Codington county , J. D , Annls , vice G. A. Kudos , removed 1'EllltV S. IfllATII * WAYS AM ) At HANS Sovcral Persons Address the Commit ton About tun Turin * . Wabhisoto.v , Dee 20. George II Ely , president of tbo Western Iron association , nddresscd tlio ways and means committee tbis morning in favor of the retention of the duty on irou ore George Toboy of Massa chusetts followed in au argument In favor ot tbo free importation of Iron ere and coal The oominittco endeavored to draw from V. K. | Moore und Powell Stuckbousu of Michigan Information as to tbo nmount ot labor and capitnl contained in a ton of iron ere ' 1 ho responses , however , wcro unsatis factory , tboy declaring tbeir inability to giro a correct answer , owing to the varied collec tions of different mines , J , J. Dominies ot Now York urged ugalust a reduction of the duty on iron ere Gnlusba Orowo of Pcnn svlvanla advocated a reduction of the duty on coal , but maintained thntu proviso should bo added declaring that the reduced duty should apply only to ths products of sucb foreign countries as did not urau nn aboil * tiou of the tariff , but that it should bo fixed at a rate to cover tbo differences In wages iu the United States and Canada Charles F , Magor , president of tbo Con solidated coal company of Maryland pro tested against any reduction in the coal duty , Uu did not wunt to put the American laborer down on tbo same piano us the Urltlsb laborer A reduction of the tariff would have tbut effect Several others were heard , At tbe evening session of tbo coinmlttoe Oscar Keen , a New Jersey smelter , L. A. Iiolden of Cleveland and Kcjiresentatlvcs 'lownsond of Colorado and Jiartino of No- vadu , were hoard on the subject ot duties on lead ore Tlio Wutitlipr Forecast For Omuba and Vicinity Fair weather , For NoUrasan Fair , warmer , southerly , winds For Iowa Fair , warmer , southerly winds , Fpr South Dakota Fair , warmer , south crly winds f , UNCASE 1 CARROTS ' STATES I A Jury Soourod Iu the Colorntlo \ White Cap Trial i ! J TENOR OF HERZIG'S CONFESSION < , 1 • : The District Attorney Hrlt-lly Out j Hues the J'hldcnua for tha ' [ htnto Testimony to Ho i , ' Tnkuli Iodiiy * ; J i A 1ury Sr-oiu-ptl. i HoiAOKit , Cole , Dee Jr fSpecml Tele A < • ' gram to Inn lien ] After ono week of bard i' ' workn jury oi twelve muii wns secured to- A t day nud plncod in tbo box to decide upon the j ' guilt or Innocence of the parties charged i , with the whipping of lJonnott and IColscy on | Dccoiubor 8. It was rumored curly tills I * morning that Dlstrjct Attorney Cnrrlgucs , in stating the enso for tbo state to tbo jury , | V would dotnll nil tbo oUdonco that | | i tbo stnto would expect to pro % , duce to convict the defendant * . A 5 J 2 o'clock the court room was crowded with T i an anxious , expectant crowd of curiosity a loving pcoplo to hoar the recital of the forth - | coming evidence , Includlui ; the Hernlg con J fcsslon ij - The district uttorney opened his recital to al ' tlio Jury by stating the cause ot action , say I j ( lug thnt ovldonco would bo produced that | would show to the Jury that ono of the most | dastardly of crimes bad boon perpetrated In j tills fair , poacc-lovlng oounty , not only < j humlllntitig nnd disgracing two of her law J abiding citizens but casting a blot "j upou tbo city of Holyoke and ,1 the county of Phillips Ilo at 4 f length portrayed what would bo the tcstl- Q mony of Honnett and Kelsey , which has j I horotofoio been published hi Tin : Hun , after 8 [ | which bo stated that it would bo shown by 1 § Hcrzig that tbo latter came to town about j ! [ J dark on the evening of December S , und was 1 j | taken to ono side by Lou Wlthurbca and A asked if ho could keep his mouth shut , to > \ \ which he assented , ilo was then told that * I these lawyers were to bo taken out f that night and whipped , nnd he was asked jj to join tbo party Wiihcrbca admonished , | blm that the llrst man that would give it v ? away would ba strung to the llrst telegraph # polo that could bo reached About 9 o'clock 'I ho was In Wlthorben's meat market und saw } bim i-uttlng the o.voimd mouth holes In the ' \ mask About 10 o'clock ho was taken J to the Btoro room by Wltherbeo and j ! ! the masks were handed to him nud others ' 4 1 . Ho was then told to go out to the banks of * j the Frenchman , Just west of town ; that A some of the boys were already ut thnt point * waiting for IColscy , who had just stinted for ' his homo in West ' * ' Holyolte Ho arrived nt • i the point a few mluulcs nfter his confedor- i ntcs had secured their victim On Hearing i , thorn ho was approached by Leo With 1 * erbee , with drawn revolver , asking , Who • * cornea there ! " Upon iccolvlng nn nnswer i Wltherbeo said , "That's all right " At that „ time a wagon was driven up to the party of men und llcr/lg uccomp uiled them nil to the J place where the whipping wus afterward | done After louving Kelsey at thnt point ho * returned with llvo ethers In the wngou who " came back after Hennott Whllo four men J were bringing Bennett down Btairs from bis * room to the wugon Horzlg , in going . to the opposite side of the street i found McPherson and Schoinomann j quietly standing on tha corner witnessing -Jl the performance , Schetneman being tha man ? Wk whom ho says handed out the caps and , - , musks to the party of Wnito Cappers After t\ thn wucon started with its lust load ot - • • human freight for the whipping rendezvous 4 Heiz g mounted bis horse and followed * them , being uu eye witness to tbo villainous % work of the whlppcrs On tholr return , ? when nearitig tuwn , ono of the masks was " raised and the wearer " was rocogniiod by 'f Horzlg ns bomg George Pnyno * • H&rzig being n man who came in at a into 'f hour totho makeup , does not know who all * tbo parties wcro counocted with the outiagc sHe Ho names as these whom ho recognized as ; ] being witnesses nnd patticipants the follow'f nig : O. Withorbac , L. L. Wltherbeo , I Charles E. Alcl'herson , Gus Scholueman i and George Payne 3 The defense in makliig a statement to tbo j Jury as to their line of defense , said that ovl- * donco would bo produced that would show I much doubtus to the truthfulness of nny statements - . monts mad'j by Honnett , Kelsey or Horzlg ; , 1 that evidence would appear in tbo course of h I the trial that would show that this prosccu- ' • I tlon of the defendants was purely a prose i | cution brought about by designing men for I tbo furthuranco of certain political ends : j I that it was only done to turnish the good , - - i name of co rtaln respected citizens ' L Aside from statements made in open court , 4 [ the prevailing desire of all.law abiding cltl- til I zens Is that tbe trial of the White Caps bo ' ' 4 pushed to n termination , No testimony wus ' ' * H tuken today The court adjourned until 0 -.IB o'clock tomorrow , nt which time the state -ilM will begin the Introduction of ovldonco % \m \ A VIC'IIM OK APOPLEXY . gH Dontli of Wllllnm It Suydor , n Prom ' ! H liiciit Dakota Jniirnullst IH | Deapwood , S. D „ Dee 20. | Spclal Tele- BIJ gram to Tin : Uce | Major Willinin Il.Suy- ( ! dor , ono of tbo best known newspaper men v M in the Ulnck Hills and probably In South ' Dakota , died In this city this morning very - - ill suddenly , 'i ho cause of bis death was ape | plcxy Major Snyder was managing editor ioH of the Lead City Daily Tnbuno at the tlmo TH ? of his death , Ilo wns born in Columbia mU coun ty , Ohio , in lbilj , went lo St Paul inHfl cu rly life and began his career as a journnl'MU 1st. When Governor Wllkcn was elected to IlM the United States senate la lbf > S Mr Snyd cr | l became ) bis private secretary Ho after > ' wards was appointed paymaster in the army , kH which position ho held for ono year nflor tbo war closed Ho came to the Black Hills MU in 1WM und established tbo llrst newspaper tyU over published in this part of the torrltorv Hal ut Crook City Ho has beon.connectcd with 'MU nearly all tbo papers published in this & county ut different times , Ho was a jour < H nuilst of tbo old school , a good writer , and iH one of tbo best informed mon in tbo state on | H state and local matters Ho loaves a wlfo 'sH and three children In Ohio , who ha\o beoa wU notified of bis death mU HOXOUS TO JUMGli ! HUHWUK Jll He Will Iln Trndoi'cd n Itcooptlon by H > : AIcIiIkoii Citizens , jfH Atchison , Kan , , Dee SO [ Special Tele- H * ' ! gram to Tub Beb | The Hon D. J , Urower , Ml who has recently been elected to tbo supreme - < promo boncb of the United States , lias no- 111 copied an invitation to bo the guest of tbo JH citizens of Atchison Tuesday night , when a 111 rccoption will bo given in his honor at tha iJH resldcnco of Mayor li P. Waggoner , Mrs iH Urower is alto expected Among ether dis- 1 tingiilshud guests on tlio occasion will bs ' ij M Chief JuBtico und airs Ilortou ot Kansas , "WU United Stutes District Judge and Mis O , J. JH Foster ot Kansas , UDltod States District lH Judge and Mrs Dundy of Nebraska , WM and tbo state olllccrs and their JLfl wives of both Kansas and H Nebraska Judge Urower will Icavo for 9H Wushington to ussuiuo ids now duties on the j | 31st of this month Ho will return to KanW sas la February to puck jus things foe bis vjfl final departure Ho announced that ho Jll would not rent a resldonco in Washington fll for the present but will board , as bis uroar.Ml ried children are in school , ? SH Tim President Gnm Duulc Iluntnir ' 19 | Washington , Dee 26. Tbo president left J | Wasblugtnp tbis afternoon on a duck bunt * | lag expedition to the lower Potomac , and oz- * | poets to bo away uijtll Saturday , Ho was i l accompanied by Mr Uutemun , Senator * iH Edmunds and Uawley , Justice Gray of tU H supreme court , and J. W. Thompson , vM |